Home » Personal collection » Acorn DFS disks » dfs_box02_disk10b_other_games.scp » FRAK
This website contains an archive of files for the Acorn Electron, BBC Micro, Acorn Archimedes, Commodore 16 and Commodore 64 computers, which Dominic Ford has rescued from his private collection of floppy disks and cassettes.
Some of these files were originally commercial releases in the 1980s and 1990s, but they are now widely available online. I assume that copyright over them is no longer being asserted. If you own the copyright and would like files to be removed, please contact me.
Tape/disk: | Home » Personal collection » Acorn DFS disks » dfs_box02_disk10b_other_games.scp |
Filename: | FRAK |
Read OK: | ✔ |
File size: | 2CCD bytes |
Load address: | 1900 |
Exec address: | 1950 |
There is 1 duplicate copy of this file in the archive:
- Personal collection » Acorn DFS disks » dfs_box02_disk10_other_games.scp » FRAK
- Personal collection » Acorn DFS disks » dfs_box02_disk10b_other_games.scp » FRAK
File contents
10REM FRAK ..Aardvaak Software 20REM (Fraked by Tim Sorrell) 40REM 50CALLPAGE+&50
� FRAK ..Aardvaak Software � (Fraked by Tim Sorrell) (� 2 +&50 �2�m � ���� ����i,���\���-� ������Ɓƃ���L�F T D BPK&�M0F]L{ �@ ��0� ͩ� <��3 ��3`���� L��h�����^�\` '���/�� w���;� �<�=�8�9�:�<�= �8��= ���k�m�n�n�q���t � e� �2�{�U�T�S�����W���2�� � � � ��p�� ~ʆz�D�q �${0$z0" ,� �L� '�� <�;�; M�LZLL ��/� �?�� �����` ����?���<�<�� � �<e=)�=Lj�@��`�H�H$�U�8�����ƃ�Y��� ��p����9�@��8��� ���=J� ! �L�J�� ! �L� ! ��K�� � ��I��K�� � �� ���� � �:�� � �3ƒ$�0p ! *** Freeze *** ��p�� � �$�0p ��p�h�h���L� �D�D�`��Et$t8�JJi�)?�i���`h�)h�*�HL7 � �)��� ��)���*��h�l) H�P�h��F�i�$�0�D$�0p Ƅ��2��ƅh(`H� ,m��,h�$p�H� �p Kh�,m�P,d��/�0Ƒ kh(lN �!�H�H�!���� � h�h� ��!(`�&��$&�J���8�*�'�(ic�(Md�%'�&���`�{���]�������������`p���lL Ɠ ��`Ɠ ��`�&�H�H�&8��Hi�G�h�EȄF� rh�h�`� �($S0���&�d����j�&�&(jE&0 8�T� ���`�G�H�H�H�H� �h�E�F�F� rh�h�` �()*+,-./0123�X�U� ����W��mh$W8��h�ei�i��i��������y��f��g�x�=�W0� �<���H� �g��^�� #� #��f}�0��� ���f��~��^�W����h�Ȱ�g���� Y� t�h}�}��h����xey�x����_�j�e�t��$�0P�� �� ��h���`�� �����6� � �d��4 #�h�eW���h �4�� #� # t�d ��% � ��p�Н�U���_�`h�XЖL�L;L�L�F]�^��$U0�$S0�$T0� ������W�^�X ��� /�K����� $]P �L�]8f]��� 0�2���� �2���� �2���2��� YЁ� �����S`�d�w����`���y�WI���0��`�&�H�H�&�h}��E�F�F���G}��H��� r��3������d8���H8� h�h�`����S����6 ��: ��m�,��� �3�ސ � �����������(����0 /�� ���d�����S������{����`� �] �^���IH�d� � J� � 8�h�h ����������(� _�"�d�����T�Xh`������ _�� _��h�`�T�S� ���X``�D8�q����D�q� �R�� ��hm����Đ�h�i�h�j�h�#�ɠ��)����R �L�(�ɟ��@�R �� ?�<�jJJ���� �� $U0 (�R��p� �h�i�j 2�j � S � ���d�^� �� ���� ���{${�� ��h���[ 2$Rp$L�L�4567;:98�P ��z�� ��d #���^`� � � ��p`$�0p����i�`��`情��L��������H���)���*hl) �#��'h%y����� � �ʩ� � ��`� v�d��ɜ���`����� � � L�� � ����$t�i�`� v�d��ɜ�����$t8���`�����L� �H�H� ��&h�h��&)`�&�H�H�& ��&h�h��&`���L� � �&� �?�� �@� �?ȑ?ȑ?ȑ?ȑ?ȑ?ȑ?ȑ?���iy��@i�8�P�`���� ��`�� ��P�` ��� �`�O� �� �`�z�^�� ����`H�e�he �O� �iP� `��?� Jf?Jf?Jf?�x� ����?� ���X`�8�e�$� ���e �%ȹ �$����%��$��`�Z�3 ��H�H�H�H� ����2�Z��9�"� �3� <� ���d�����褕���������h�h�h�h�`� �� ��0� � ��P�� �t�J��t ! � � t�JJ��h(�� H ! �h � ! �`� ! �` ! �`� �� ��� �Q` ! �` ! �`�q �E� JeE�F�q�Hq �G`�0�`��`� �e8�8�9�&�e9�9E&) H� e:�:�h��;` e� �8�� /�: �8�� $� �8�;�8 /� ��: /�9 $��, �8�8 $�0L�HJJJJ( /h)�� 0 �8`� ,�$� ���`��~��B����8݅�9���:��� �B�����0ׄ&�#�z����&��8���9���:��� �������?��P� �Q � ! � <-+-> to select letter 'Jump' to enter letter� ��B ���B�A�A�A � � ,�V�����A ��A���� �� ��~��A � �� �0�?�A�� ��?�B�� �L�� �L� t�P �` 4�JKLM�>?@ABC�� #�� 4�DEFGHI� TUV� � #�� 4�� #�$WXYZ�NOPQRS��G\C�Jw�� �m�&��0/�&�������k���l�m��n� � �m0�� �m������ �`�m���n�܄\��@� � �m��n�k0��\�ȱk����?� 8�mH)e?��k�5hJJJ�&� ���@���^���ȱm�hȱm���5�^�&��8�em�m���n���/�07$�3�H�H���Ȋ)|��� ��� ��/)8i e������� �h�h�`�$K0��L���� �����a�e��d�� ���/`�� � '�p�<�= � ���p����<�4���� 8�)�PH����� � H��� �����h�h��4�R��� <(� � �h}��h��ȹ`��`�0�^��� �4��(`�4567��ԉ<�����~�� �� � ���|�}�}�P � � �� � ��| 2 ��}�� �� � t���D� ��K <�[�h�R 2�� �` ! �!� � �� � Grandmaster Frak......and the Furious Five(C) Aardvark Software 1984� �`�` ���� ���� ����� � $���0 �` �� � �� ! 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