Home » Personal collection » Acorn hard disk » files » BallBot » BioBot/BBotSim


This website contains an archive of files for the Acorn Electron, BBC Micro, Acorn Archimedes, Commodore 16 and Commodore 64 computers, which Dominic Ford has rescued from his private collection of floppy disks and cassettes.

Some of these files were originally commercial releases in the 1980s and 1990s, but they are now widely available online. I assume that copyright over them is no longer being asserted. If you own the copyright and would like files to be removed, please contact me.

Tape/disk: Home » Personal collection » Acorn hard disk » files » BallBot
Filename: BioBot/BBotSim
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File size: 259F bytes
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Exec address: 0000

There are 2 duplicate copies of this file in the archive:

File contents
   10 REM BallBot V4.0
   20 REM Real-Time Version with Continuous Testing Option
   30 REM New mechanical robot design changes (two motor drive)
   40 REM (C) Dominic Ford 1997
   50 :
   60 REM Welcome screen
   70 MODE6:@%=&905:PRINT" BallBot Artificial Intelligence Module"'"Simulation Tester V4.0 Real Time Version"''"Programmed and Designed by Dominic Ford"''SPC(16);"(C) 1997"
   80 PRINT'''"1. Real-Time Simulation"''"2. Logged Continuous Runs"''"3. Do specific run"
   90 REPEAT type$=GET$:UNTIL type$="1" OR type$="2" OR type$="3"
  100 :
  110 REM Setup variables
  130 VOICE 1,"StringLib-Soft":*STEREO 1 0
  140 VOICE 2,"StringLib-Soft":*STEREO 2 -127
  150 VOICE 3,"StringLib-Soft":*STEREO 3 127
  160 current=0:DIMball(4,1):bbx=640:bby=950:dir=270:PROCsetupbb
  170 MODE12:IF type$="1" THEN MOUSE ON:PROCdrawfull
  180 IF type$="2" THEN start=TIME:stage=0:idle=FALSE:INPUT"Filename";f$:OSCLI"SPOOL "+f$
  190 IF type$="3" THEN PRINT"Enter Data:"':FORb=0TO4:PRINT"Ball ";b+1;:INPUTball(b,0),ball(b,1):NEXT:type$="1":MOUSE ON:PROCdrawfull
  200 :
  210 REM Start main loop
  230 IF type$="1" THEN PROCuser ELSE PROCcompmon
  250 PROCsense
  260 mov=FNai(freqa,freqb,freqc,freqd)
  270 left=(mov AND 1)<>0
  280 right=(mov AND 2)<>0
  290 turbo=(mov AND 4)<>0
  300 on=(mov AND 8)<>0
  310 reverse=(mov AND 16)<>0
  320 PROCmoveit
  350 :
  360 REM Graphic interface
  370 DEFPROCdrawfull
  380 REM Set up constants
  390 LOCALsx,sy,width
  400 sx=1:sy=2:width=10
  410 REM Setup Colours
  420 COLOUR0,0,64,0:COLOUR1,255,0,0:COLOUR2,255,255,255:COLOUR3,255,0,0:COLOUR4,255,255,0:COLOUR5,0,0,0:COLOUR6,255,255,0
  430 :
  440 REM Draw green court area
  450 CLS:GCOL0,0:RECTANGLE FILL 0,0,1279,1023
  460 REM Mark out white lines onto court
  470 GCOL0,2:RECTANGLE FILL sx/(23.77+2*sx)*1280,sy/(10.97+2*sy)*1024,23.77/(23.77+2*sx)*1280,width:RECTANGLE FILL sx/(23.77+2*sx)*1280,(1.37+sy)/(10.97+2*sy)*1024,23.77/(23.77+2*sx)*1280,width
  480 RECTANGLE FILL sx/(23.77+2*sx)*1280,(9.6+sy)/(10.97+2*sy)*1024,23.77/(23.77+2*sx)*1280,width:RECTANGLE FILL sx/(23.77+2*sx)*1280,(10.97+sy)/(10.97+2*sy)*1024,23.77/(23.77+2*sx)*1280,width
  490 RECTANGLE FILL (sx+5.47)/(23.77+2*sx)*1280,(sy+5.49)/(10.97+2*sy)*1024,12.8/(23.77+2*sx)*1280,width
  500 RECTANGLE FILL sx/(23.77+2*sx)*1280,sy/(10.97+2*sy)*1024,width,10.97/(10.97+2*sy)*1024:RECTANGLE FILL (sx+23.77)/(23.77+2*sx)*1280,sy/(10.97+2*sy)*1024,width,10.97/(10.97+2*sy)*1024+width
  510 RECTANGLE FILL (sx+5.47)/(23.77+2*sx)*1280,(sy+1.37)/(10.97+2*sy)*1024,width,8.23/(10.97+2*sy)*1024:RECTANGLE FILL (sx+18.3)/(23.77+2*sx)*1280,(sy+1.37)/(10.97+2*sy)*1024,width,8.23/(10.97+2*sy)*1024
  520 :
  530 REM Draw net
  540 GCOL0,5:FORl=100TO924STEP10:MOVE 640,l:DRAW 680,l+50:NEXT:FORl=0TO40STEP10:MOVE 640+l,100+l:DRAW640+l,924+l:NEXT:FORl=0TO5:MOVE637+l,100:DRAW677+l,150:MOVE637+l,924:DRAW677+l,974:NEXT
  550 GCOL0,2:MOVE 682,142:DRAW682,966
  560 PROCdrawmini
  580 :
  590 REM Draw ballbot and balls
  600 DEFPROCdrawmini
  610 IF type$="2" THEN ENDPROC
  620 GCOL3,4:FORb=0TO4
  630 IF ball(b,0)<>0 OR ball(b,1)<>0 THEN RECTANGLE FILL ball(b,0),ball(b,1),5,5
  640 NEXT
  650 GCOL3,3:RECTANGLE FILL bbx,bby,5,5
  670 :
  680 REM User interface (putting balls down)
  690 DEFPROCuser
  700 MOUSE x,y,c
  720 IF (c AND 4)<>0 THEN PROCdrawmini:ball(current,0)=x:ball(current,1)=y:current=(current+1)MOD5:PROCdrawmini
  730 IF (c AND 2)<>0 THEN idle=FALSE:stage=0:start=TIME
  740 REPEAT
  750 MOUSE x,y,c
  760 UNTIL c=0
  780 :
  790 REM Calculate ballbot's new position
  800 DEFPROCmoveit
  810 LOCAL speed
  830 IF ((NOT reverse) AND left AND (NOT right)) OR (reverse AND right AND (NOT left)) THEN dir=dir-2.5*(1-3*turbo):speed=0.1+0.2*reverse
  840 IF ((NOT reverse) AND right AND (NOT left)) OR (reverse AND left AND (NOT right)) THEN dir=dir+2.5*(1-3*turbo):speed=0.1+0.2*reverse
  850 IF left AND right THEN speed=1+2*reverse
  860 :
  870 REM Get direction in range 0<theta<360
  880 REPEAT IF dir<0 THEN dir=dir+360
  890 IF dir>=360 THEN dir=dir-360
  900 UNTIL dir>=0 AND dir<360
  910 :
  920 PROCdrawmini:bbx=bbx+15*SIN(PI*dir/180)*speed*(.75*-turbo+.25)
  930 bby=bby+20*COS(PI*dir/180)*speed*(.75*-turbo+.25)
  940 FORball=0TO4:IF ABS(bbx-ball(ball,0))<10 AND ABS(bby-ball(ball,1))<10 THEN ball(ball,0)=0
  950 NEXT:PROCdrawmini
  970 :
  980 REM Calculate ballbot's background echo reading (-balls)
  990 DEFFNback(freq,min,max)
 1000 REM Get angular range in form 0<theta<360
 1010 REM Set up initial outside range settings
 1020 hit=0:dist=9999:dista=9999:hita=0:REM LOCAL hit,dist,hita,dista
 1030 REM If straight at net is in range, will be shortest.
 1040 IF((bbx<640ANDmin<=90ANDmax>=90)OR(bbx>640ANDmin<=270ANDmax>=270)) AND (bby>100 AND bby<923) THEN hit=bby:dist=ABS(bbx-640):min=0:max=0
 1050 REM Otherwise find shortest extreme of range
 1060 IF SIN(PI*min/180)<>0 THEN dist=(640-bbx)/SIN(PI*min/180):hit=bby+(640-bbx)/TAN(PI*min/180)
 1070 IF SIN(PI*max/180)<>0 THEN dista=(640-bbx)/SIN(PI*max/180):hita=bby+(640-bbx)/TAN(PI*max/180)
 1080 REM Just check if post in middle of range
 1090 IF bbx<640 AND hit>100 AND (hita<100 OR dista<0) AND dist>0 THEN hita=100:dista=SQR((bbx-640)^2+(bby-100)^2)
 1100 IF bbx<640 AND hita<923 AND (hit>923 OR dist<0) AND dista>0 THEN hit=923:dist=SQR((bbx-640)^2+(bby-923)^2)
 1110 IF bbx>640 AND hita>100 AND (hit<100 OR dist<0) AND dista>0 THEN hit=100:dist=SQR((bbx-640)^2+(bby-100)^2)
 1120 IF bbx>640 AND hit<923 AND (hita>923 OR dista<0) AND dist>0 THEN hita=923:dista=SQR((bbx-640)^2+(bby-923)^2)
 1130 REM Pick best to send off!
 1140 IF dist<0 OR (dista<dist AND hita>100 AND hita<923) THEN dist=dista:hit=hita
 1150 IF hit>923 OR hit<100 OR dist<0 THEN ftype$="U":=freq+RND(6)-3
 1160 IF hit>900 OR hit<123 THEN ftype$="P":=dist
 1170 ftype$="N"
 1180 =dist
 1190 :
 1200 REM Calculate Ballbot's readings (MAIN ROUTINE)
 1210 :
 1220 DEFPROCsense
 1230 REM Get background readings from FNback
 1240 freq=RND(250)+1500
 1250 freqa=FNback(freq,dir-15,dir+15):fa$=ftype$
 1260 freqb=FNback(freq,dir-45,dir-15):fb$=ftype$
 1270 freqc=FNback(freq,dir+15,dir+45):fc$=ftype$
 1280 freqd=FNback(freq,dir-75,dir-45):fd$=ftype$
 1290 :
 1300 REM Add any relevant balls to readings (using hairy trigonometry)
 1310 :
 1320 FORball=0TO4
 1330 d%=SQR((ball(ball,0)-bbx)^2+(ball(ball,1)-bby)^2)
 1340 IF ball(ball,0)=0 THEN d%=9999
 1350 a=FNangle(ball(ball,0),ball(ball,1),bbx,bby)-dir
 1360 IFa>180 THEN a=a-360
 1370 IFa<=-179 THEN a=a+360
 1380 IF ABS(a)<15 AND freqa>d% THEN freqa=d%:fa$="B"
 1390 IF a>-46 AND a<=-15 AND freqb>d% THEN freqb=d%:fb$="B"
 1400 IF a>=15 AND a<46 AND freqc>d% THEN freqc=d%:fc$="B"
 1410 IF a>-75 AND a<=-46 AND freqd>d% THEN freqd=d%:fd$="B"
 1420 NEXT
 1430 :
 1440 REM Update user displays
 1450 :
 1460 IF type$="2" THEN ENDPROC
 1470 PRINTTAB(0,0)INT((TIME-start)/6000);":";(INT((TIME-start)/100)MOD60);" "
 1480 PRINTTAB(0,31)fd$,fb$,fa$,fc$;
 1510 REM Calculate bearing of B from A
 1520 DEFFNangle(x1,y1,x2,y2)
 1530 IF y2=y1 THEN ang=90 ELSE ang=180*ATN((x2-x1)/(y2-y1))/PI
 1540 IF (y2>y1) THEN ang=ang+180
 1550 IF ang<0 THEN ang=ang+360
 1560 =ang MOD 360
 1570 :
 1580 REM Computer Monitor of BallBot's progress
 1590 DEFPROCcompmon
 1600 IF idle AND (ball(0,0)<>0 OR ball(1,0)<>0 OR ball(2,0)<>0 OR ball(3,0)<>0 OR ball(4,0)<>0) THEN st$="Fail" ELSE st$="Pass"
 1610 IF idle THEN PRINTst$,INT((TIME-start)/6000);":";(INT((TIME-start)/100)MOD60)
 1620 IF TIME>start+36000 THEN idle=TRUE:PRINT"Time","****"
 1630 IFbbx>635ANDbbx<645ANDbby>105ANDbby<920THENidle=TRUE:PRINT"Crash","****"
 1640 IF idle THEN bbx=640:bby=950:dir=270:stage=0:PROCsetupbb:start=TIME:FORb=0TO4:ball(b,0)=RND(1180):ball(b,1)=RND(1024):ball(b,0)=ball(b,0)-100*((ball(b,0) DIV 100)=6):NEXT
 1650 IF idle THEN PRINT"[";ball(0,0);",";ball(0,1);"] [";ball(1,0);",";ball(1,1);"] [";ball(2,0);",";ball(2,1);"] [";ball(3,0);",";ball(3,1);"] [";ball(4,0);",";ball(4,1);"]",;:idle=FALSE
 1670 :
 1690 :
 1700 DEFFNai(freqa,freqb,freqc,freqd)
 1710 REM Artificial intelligence routines (ie. What Next??)
 1720 LOCALleft,right,turbo,reverse
 1730 left=FALSE:right=FALSE:turbo=FALSE:reverse=FALSE
 1740 :
 1750 REM What stage are we in? Hunt for balls or move to new area?
 1760 IF near<>0 AND stage<4 THEN PROCdonearstuff
 1770 IF near=0 AND (stage=0 OR stage=2) THEN PROChunt
 1780 IF near=0 AND (stage=1 OR stage=3) THEN PROCmoveout
 1790 IF stage=4 THEN PROCreleaseb
 1800 :
 1810 REM Prepare output into binary for transmission
 1820 feed=0:IF left THEN feed=feed+1
 1830 IF right THEN feed=feed+2
 1840 IF turbo THEN feed=feed+4
 1850 IF NOT idle THEN feed=feed+8
 1860 IF reverse THEN feed=feed+16
 1870 =feed
 1880 :
 1890 REM Perform a sweep to find any balls
 1900 DEFPROChunt
 1910 REM Watch out if too near to net
 1920 IF (fa$<>"B" AND freqa<30)OR(fb$<>"B" AND freqb<10)OR(fc$<>"B" AND freqc<10) THEN reving=5:turbo=TRUE:reverse=TRUE:right=TRUE:left=TRUE:ENDPROC
 1930 IF reving>0 AND (freqa<150 OR freqb<150 OR freqc<150) THEN reving=reving-1:turbo=TRUE:reverse=TRUE:right=FALSE:left=TRUE:ENDPROC
 1940 reving=0
 1950 :
 1960 REM Rotate to face ball
 1970 REM Where search after this ball?
 1980 IF (fb$="B" AND freqb>150) THEN tending=0
 1990 IF fc$="B" AND freqc>150 THEN tending=1
 2000 REM Pick best ball to aim at
 2010 dist=freqa*0.75:IF dist>freqb AND fb$="B" AND (freqb<freqc OR fc$<>"B") THEN steer=-1:left=TRUE:ENDPROC
 2020 IF dist>freqc AND fc$="B" THEN steer=1:right=TRUE:ENDPROC
 2030 IF fa$="B" THEN left=(steer<>1):right=(steer<>-1):steer=0:searching=searching/2:turbo=freqa>100:ENDPROC
 2040 IF fb$="B" THEN steer=-1:left=TRUE:ENDPROC
 2050 IF fc$="B" THEN steer=1:right=TRUE:ENDPROC
 2060 :
 2070 REM If no ball in sight, continue rotation...
 2080 searching=searching+1:turbo=(searching>5):steer=0
 2090 IF (tending AND 1)<>0 THEN right=TRUE ELSE left=TRUE
 2100 IF searching=5 THEN tending=(tending EOR 1)
 2110 IF searching>50 THEN stage=stage+1
 2130 :
 2140 REM Find edge of net and aim for it to move to other side
 2150 DEFPROCmoveout
 2160 REM Watch out if too near to net
 2170 IF (freqa<30 OR freqb<30 OR freqc<30) OR (reving AND (freqa<75 OR freqb<75 OR freqc<75)) THEN reving=TRUE:reverse=TRUE:right=TRUE:left=TRUE:ENDPROC
 2180 reving=FALSE
 2190 REM If ball in sight, go get it!
 2200 IF fa$="B" OR fb$="B" OR fc$="B" THEN stage=stage-1:searching=44:ENDPROC
 2210 REM Align ballbot to face the net post...
 2220 IF fa$="N" OR fa$="P" THEN right=TRUE:ENDPROC
 2230 IF fb$<>"N" AND fb$<>"P" THEN left=TRUE:ENDPROC
 2240 IF fb$="P" AND freqb<150 THEN right=TRUE:near=1:ENDPROC
 2250 turbo=TRUE:left=TRUE:right=TRUE
 2270 :
 2280 REM Nearly there... Just need a little nudge in the right direction.
 2290 DEFPROCdonearstuff
 2300 IF freqa<30 AND fa$<>"B" THEN right=TRUE:ENDPROC
 2310 IF near=1 AND fd$<>"U" THEN left=TRUE:right=TRUE:ENDPROC
 2320 near=near+1:left=TRUE:right=(near MOD 2)=1:turbo=TRUE
 2330 IF near>18 THEN near=0:stage=stage+1:searching=0:tending=1
 2350 :
 2360 REM Initialise BallBot variables at the beginning of a run
 2370 DEFPROCsetupbb
 2380 reving=FALSE:left=FALSE:right=FALSE:searching=0:idle=TRUE
 2390 near=FALSE:tending=1:steer=0
 2410 :
 2420 DEFPROCreleaseb
 2430 REM Got all the balls, now just dump them!
 2440 near=near+1
 2450 IF near>9 THEN idle=TRUE:near=FALSE

 � BallBot V4.0
7 � Real-Time Version with Continuous Testing Option
< � New mechanical robot design changes (two motor drive)
( � (C) Dominic Ford 1997
2 :
< � Welcome screen
F� �6:@%=&905:�" BallBot Artificial Intelligence Module"'"Simulation Tester V4.0 Real Time Version"''"Programmed and Designed by Dominic Ford"''�(16);"(C) 1997"
PU �'''"1. Real-Time Simulation"''"2. Logged Continuous Runs"''"3. Do specific run"
Z2 � type$=�:� type$="1" � type$="2" � type$="3"
d :
n � Setup variables
x$ � � �"CLOSE":�:�" at line ";�:�
�& ȡ 1,"StringLib-Soft":*STEREO 1 0
�) ȡ 2,"StringLib-Soft":*STEREO 2 -127
�( ȡ 3,"StringLib-Soft":*STEREO 3 127
�: current=0:�ball(4,1):bbx=640:bby=950:dir=270:�setupbb
�% �12:� type$="1" � ȗ �:�drawfull
�E � type$="2" � start=�:stage=0:idle=�:�"Filename";f$:�"SPOOL "+f$
�g � type$="3" � �"Enter Data:"':�b=0�4:�"Ball ";b+1;:�ball(b,0),ball(b,1):�:type$="1":ȗ �:�drawfull
� :
� � Start main loop
�# � type$="1" � �user � �compmon
� � idle � � �
� �sense
% mov=�ai(freqa,freqb,freqc,freqd)
 left=(mov � 1)<>0
 right=(mov � 2)<>0
" turbo=(mov � 4)<>0
, on=(mov � 8)<>0
6 reverse=(mov � 16)<>0
@ �moveit
J � � �>(T+15)
T � �
^ :
h � Graphic interface
r ��drawfull
| � Set up constants
� �sx,sy,width
� sx=1:sy=2:width=10
� � Setup Colours
�V �0,0,64,0:�1,255,0,0:�2,255,255,255:�3,255,0,0:�4,255,255,0:�5,0,0,0:�6,255,255,0
� :
� � Draw green court area
� �:�0,0:ȓ Ȑ 0,0,1279,1023
�& � Mark out white lines onto court
֬ �0,2:ȓ Ȑ sx/(23.77+2*sx)*1280,sy/(10.97+2*sy)*1024,23.77/(23.77+2*sx)*1280,width:ȓ Ȑ sx/(23.77+2*sx)*1280,(1.37+sy)/(10.97+2*sy)*1024,23.77/(23.77+2*sx)*1280,width
� ȓ Ȑ sx/(23.77+2*sx)*1280,(9.6+sy)/(10.97+2*sy)*1024,23.77/(23.77+2*sx)*1280,width:ȓ Ȑ sx/(23.77+2*sx)*1280,(10.97+sy)/(10.97+2*sy)*1024,23.77/(23.77+2*sx)*1280,width
�_ ȓ Ȑ (sx+5.47)/(23.77+2*sx)*1280,(sy+5.49)/(10.97+2*sy)*1024,12.8/(23.77+2*sx)*1280,width
� ȓ Ȑ sx/(23.77+2*sx)*1280,sy/(10.97+2*sy)*1024,width,10.97/(10.97+2*sy)*1024:ȓ Ȑ (sx+23.77)/(23.77+2*sx)*1280,sy/(10.97+2*sy)*1024,width,10.97/(10.97+2*sy)*1024+width
�� ȓ Ȑ (sx+5.47)/(23.77+2*sx)*1280,(sy+1.37)/(10.97+2*sy)*1024,width,8.23/(10.97+2*sy)*1024:ȓ Ȑ (sx+18.3)/(23.77+2*sx)*1280,(sy+1.37)/(10.97+2*sy)*1024,width,8.23/(10.97+2*sy)*1024
 � Draw net
� �0,5:�l=100�924�10:� 640,l:� 680,l+50:�:�l=0�40�10:� 640+l,100+l:�640+l,924+l:�:�l=0�5:�637+l,100:�677+l,150:�637+l,924:�677+l,974:�
& �0,2:� 682,142:�682,966
0 �drawmini
: �
D :
N � Draw ballbot and balls
X ��drawmini
b � type$="2" � �
l �3,4:�b=0�4
vB � ball(b,0)<>0 � ball(b,1)<>0 � ȓ Ȑ ball(b,0),ball(b,1),5,5
� �
� �3,3:ȓ Ȑ bbx,bby,5,5
� �
� :
�* � User interface (putting balls down)
� ��user
 ȗ x,y,c
� � c=0 � �
�a � (c � 4)<>0 � �drawmini:ball(current,0)=x:ball(current,1)=y:current=(current+1)�5:�drawmini
�* � (c � 2)<>0 � idle=�:stage=0:start=�
� �
 ȗ x,y,c
 � c=0
' � Calculate ballbot's new position
* � speed
4 � � on � �
>v � ((� reverse) � left � (� right)) � (reverse � right � (� left)) � dir=dir-2.5*(1-3*turbo):speed=0.1+0.2*reverse
Hv � ((� reverse) � right � (� left)) � (reverse � left � (� right)) � dir=dir+2.5*(1-3*turbo):speed=0.1+0.2*reverse
R' � left � right � speed=1+2*reverse
\ :
f) � Get direction in range 0<theta<360
p � � dir<0 � dir=dir+360
z � dir>=360 � dir=dir-360
� � dir>=0 � dir<360
� :
�= �drawmini:bbx=bbx+15*�(�*dir/180)*speed*(.75*-turbo+.25)
�3 bby=bby+20*�(�*dir/180)*speed*(.75*-turbo+.25)
�Q �ball=0�4:� �(bbx-ball(ball,0))<10 � �(bby-ball(ball,1))<10 � ball(ball,0)=0
� �:�drawmini
� �
� :
�; � Calculate ballbot's background echo reading (-balls)
� ݤback(freq,min,max)
�, � Get angular range in form 0<theta<360
�, � Set up initial outside range settings
�B hit=0:dist=9999:dista=9999:hita=0:� LOCAL hit,dist,hita,dista
8 � If straight at net is in range, will be shortest.
y �((bbx<640�min<=90�max>=90)�(bbx>640�min<=270�max>=270)) � (bby>100 � bby<923) � hit=bby:dist=�(bbx-640):min=0:max=0
/ � Otherwise find shortest extreme of range
$S � �(�*min/180)<>0 � dist=(640-bbx)/�(�*min/180):hit=bby+(640-bbx)/�(�*min/180)
.U � �(�*max/180)<>0 � dista=(640-bbx)/�(�*max/180):hita=bby+(640-bbx)/�(�*max/180)
8, � Just check if post in middle of range
Bd � bbx<640 � hit>100 � (hita<100 � dista<0) � dist>0 � hita=100:dista=�((bbx-640)^2+(bby-100)^2)
Lb � bbx<640 � hita<923 � (hit>923 � dist<0) � dista>0 � hit=923:dist=�((bbx-640)^2+(bby-923)^2)
Vb � bbx>640 � hita>100 � (hit<100 � dist<0) � dista>0 � hit=100:dist=�((bbx-640)^2+(bby-100)^2)
`d � bbx>640 � hit<923 � (hita>923 � dista<0) � dist>0 � hita=923:dista=�((bbx-640)^2+(bby-923)^2)
j � Pick best to send off!
tH � dist<0 � (dista<dist � hita>100 � hita<923) � dist=dista:hit=hita
~; � hit>923 � hit<100 � dist<0 � ftype$="U":=freq+�(6)-3
�+ � hit>900 � hit<123 � ftype$="P":=dist
� ftype$="N"
� :
�2 � Calculate Ballbot's readings (MAIN ROUTINE)
� :
� ��sense
�* � Get background readings from FNback
� freq=�(250)+1500
�/ freqa=�back(freq,dir-15,dir+15):fa$=ftype$
�/ freqb=�back(freq,dir-45,dir-15):fb$=ftype$
�/ freqc=�back(freq,dir+15,dir+45):fc$=ftype$
/ freqd=�back(freq,dir-75,dir-45):fd$=ftype$

D � Add any relevant balls to readings (using hairy trigonometry)
( �ball=0�4
24 d%=�((ball(ball,0)-bbx)^2+(ball(ball,1)-bby)^2)
< � ball(ball,0)=0 � d%=9999
F4 a=�angle(ball(ball,0),ball(ball,1),bbx,bby)-dir
P �a>180 � a=a-360
Z �a<=-179 � a=a+360
d, � �(a)<15 � freqa>d% � freqa=d%:fa$="B"
n3 � a>-46 � a<=-15 � freqb>d% � freqb=d%:fb$="B"
x1 � a>=15 � a<46 � freqc>d% � freqc=d%:fc$="B"
�3 � a>-75 � a<=-46 � freqd>d% � freqd=d%:fd$="B"
� �
� :
� � Update user displays
� :
� � type$="2" � �
�: �0,0)�((�-start)/6000);":";(�((�-start)/100)�60);" "
� �0,31)fd$,fb$,fa$,fc$;
� �
�$ � Calculate bearing of B from A
� ݤangle(x1,y1,x2,y2)
�4 � y2=y1 � ang=90 � ang=180*�((x2-x1)/(y2-y1))/�
 � (y2>y1) � ang=ang+180
 � ang<0 � ang=ang+360
 =ang � 360
" :
,- � Computer Monitor of BallBot's progress
6 ��compmon
@r � idle � (ball(0,0)<>0 � ball(1,0)<>0 � ball(2,0)<>0 � ball(3,0)<>0 � ball(4,0)<>0) � st$="Fail" � st$="Pass"
J> � idle � �st$,�((�-start)/6000);":";(�((�-start)/100)�60)
T, � �>start+36000 � idle=�:�"Time","****"
^< �bbx>635�bbx<645�bby>105�bby<920�idle=�:�"Crash","****"
h� � idle � bbx=640:bby=950:dir=270:stage=0:�setupbb:start=�:�b=0�4:ball(b,0)=�(1180):ball(b,1)=�(1024):ball(b,0)=ball(b,0)-100*((ball(b,0) � 100)=6):�
r� � idle � �"[";ball(0,0);",";ball(0,1);"] [";ball(1,0);",";ball(1,1);"] [";ball(2,0);",";ball(2,1);"] [";ball(3,0);",";ball(3,1);"] [";ball(4,0);",";ball(4,1);"]",;:idle=�
| �
� :
� :
�" ݤai(freqa,freqb,freqc,freqd)
�9 � Artificial intelligence routines (ie. What Next??)
� �left,right,turbo,reverse
�% left=�:right=�:turbo=�:reverse=�
� :
�@ � What stage are we in? Hunt for balls or move to new area?
�' � near<>0 � stage<4 � �donearstuff
�+ � near=0 � (stage=0 � stage=2) � �hunt
�. � near=0 � (stage=1 � stage=3) � �moveout
� � stage=4 � �releaseb
2 � Prepare output into binary for transmission
  feed=0:� left � feed=feed+1
& � right � feed=feed+2
0 � turbo � feed=feed+4
: � � idle � feed=feed+8
D � reverse � feed=feed+16
X :
b( � Perform a sweep to find any balls
l ��hunt
v# � Watch out if too near to net
�v � (fa$<>"B" � freqa<30)�(fb$<>"B" � freqb<10)�(fc$<>"B" � freqc<10) � reving=5:turbo=�:reverse=�:right=�:left=�:�
�j � reving>0 � (freqa<150 � freqb<150 � freqc<150) � reving=reving-1:turbo=�:reverse=�:right=�:left=�:�
� :
� � Rotate to face ball
�$ � Where search after this ball?
�( � (fb$="B" � freqb>150) � tending=0
�& � fc$="B" � freqc>150 � tending=1
� � Pick best ball to aim at
�Z dist=freqa*0.75:� dist>freqb � fb$="B" � (freqb<freqc � fc$<>"B") � steer=-1:left=�:�
�/ � dist>freqc � fc$="B" � steer=1:right=�:�
�b � fa$="B" � left=(steer<>1):right=(steer<>-1):steer=0:searching=searching/2:turbo=freqa>100:�
�" � fb$="B" � steer=-1:left=�:�
" � fc$="B" � steer=1:right=�:�
0 � If no ball in sight, continue rotation...
 6 searching=searching+1:turbo=(searching>5):steer=0
** � (tending � 1)<>0 � right=� � left=�
4* � searching=5 � tending=(tending � 1)
># � searching>50 � stage=stage+1
H �
R :
\< � Find edge of net and aim for it to move to other side
f ��moveout
p# � Watch out if too near to net
z{ � (freqa<30 � freqb<30 � freqc<30) � (reving � (freqa<75 � freqb<75 � freqc<75)) � reving=�:reverse=�:right=�:left=�:�
�# � If ball in sight, go get it!
�A � fa$="B" � fb$="B" � fc$="B" � stage=stage-1:searching=44:�
�, � Align ballbot to face the net post...
�$ � fa$="N" � fa$="P" � right=�:�
�% � fb$<>"N" � fb$<>"P" � left=�:�
�- � fb$="P" � freqb<150 � right=�:near=1:�
� turbo=�:left=�:right=�
� �
� :
�G � Nearly there... Just need a little nudge in the right direction.
� ��donearstuff
�& � freqa<30 � fa$<>"B" � right=�:�
	+ � near=1 � fd$<>"U" � left=�:right=�:�
	2 near=near+1:left=�:right=(near � 2)=1:turbo=�
	; � near>18 � near=0:stage=stage+1:searching=0:tending=1
	$ �
	. :
	8= � Initialise BallBot variables at the beginning of a run
	B ��setupbb
	L/ reving=�:left=�:right=�:searching=0:idle=�
	V near=�:tending=1:steer=0
	` �
	j :
	t ��releaseb
	~- � Got all the balls, now just dump them!
	� near=near+1
	� � near>9 � idle=�:near=�
	� �
00000000  0d 00 0a 13 20 f4 20 42  61 6c 6c 42 6f 74 20 56  |.... . BallBot V|
00000010  34 2e 30 0d 00 14 37 20  f4 20 52 65 61 6c 2d 54  |4.0...7 . Real-T|
00000020  69 6d 65 20 56 65 72 73  69 6f 6e 20 77 69 74 68  |ime Version with|
00000030  20 43 6f 6e 74 69 6e 75  6f 75 73 20 54 65 73 74  | Continuous Test|
00000040  69 6e 67 20 4f 70 74 69  6f 6e 0d 00 1e 3c 20 f4  |ing Option...< .|
00000050  20 4e 65 77 20 6d 65 63  68 61 6e 69 63 61 6c 20  | New mechanical |
00000060  72 6f 62 6f 74 20 64 65  73 69 67 6e 20 63 68 61  |robot design cha|
00000070  6e 67 65 73 20 28 74 77  6f 20 6d 6f 74 6f 72 20  |nges (two motor |
00000080  64 72 69 76 65 29 0d 00  28 1c 20 f4 20 28 43 29  |drive)..(. . (C)|
00000090  20 44 6f 6d 69 6e 69 63  20 46 6f 72 64 20 31 39  | Dominic Ford 19|
000000a0  39 37 0d 00 32 06 20 3a  0d 00 3c 15 20 f4 20 57  |97..2. :..<. . W|
000000b0  65 6c 63 6f 6d 65 20 73  63 72 65 65 6e 0d 00 46  |elcome screen..F|
000000c0  a2 20 eb 36 3a 40 25 3d  26 39 30 35 3a f1 22 20  |. .6:@%=&905:." |
000000d0  42 61 6c 6c 42 6f 74 20  41 72 74 69 66 69 63 69  |BallBot Artifici|
000000e0  61 6c 20 49 6e 74 65 6c  6c 69 67 65 6e 63 65 20  |al Intelligence |
000000f0  4d 6f 64 75 6c 65 22 27  22 53 69 6d 75 6c 61 74  |Module"'"Simulat|
00000100  69 6f 6e 20 54 65 73 74  65 72 20 56 34 2e 30 20  |ion Tester V4.0 |
00000110  52 65 61 6c 20 54 69 6d  65 20 56 65 72 73 69 6f  |Real Time Versio|
00000120  6e 22 27 27 22 50 72 6f  67 72 61 6d 6d 65 64 20  |n"''"Programmed |
00000130  61 6e 64 20 44 65 73 69  67 6e 65 64 20 62 79 20  |and Designed by |
00000140  44 6f 6d 69 6e 69 63 20  46 6f 72 64 22 27 27 89  |Dominic Ford"''.|
00000150  28 31 36 29 3b 22 28 43  29 20 31 39 39 37 22 0d  |(16);"(C) 1997".|
00000160  00 50 55 20 f1 27 27 27  22 31 2e 20 52 65 61 6c  |.PU .'''"1. Real|
00000170  2d 54 69 6d 65 20 53 69  6d 75 6c 61 74 69 6f 6e  |-Time Simulation|
00000180  22 27 27 22 32 2e 20 4c  6f 67 67 65 64 20 43 6f  |"''"2. Logged Co|
00000190  6e 74 69 6e 75 6f 75 73  20 52 75 6e 73 22 27 27  |ntinuous Runs"''|
000001a0  22 33 2e 20 44 6f 20 73  70 65 63 69 66 69 63 20  |"3. Do specific |
000001b0  72 75 6e 22 0d 00 5a 32  20 f5 20 74 79 70 65 24  |run"..Z2 . type$|
000001c0  3d be 3a fd 20 74 79 70  65 24 3d 22 31 22 20 84  |=.:. type$="1" .|
000001d0  20 74 79 70 65 24 3d 22  32 22 20 84 20 74 79 70  | type$="2" . typ|
000001e0  65 24 3d 22 33 22 0d 00  64 06 20 3a 0d 00 6e 16  |e$="3"..d. :..n.|
000001f0  20 f4 20 53 65 74 75 70  20 76 61 72 69 61 62 6c  | . Setup variabl|
00000200  65 73 0d 00 78 24 20 ee  20 85 20 ff 22 43 4c 4f  |es..x$ . . ."CLO|
00000210  53 45 22 3a f6 3a f1 22  20 61 74 20 6c 69 6e 65  |SE":.:." at line|
00000220  20 22 3b 9e 3a e0 0d 00  82 26 20 c8 a1 20 31 2c  | ";.:....& .. 1,|
00000230  22 53 74 72 69 6e 67 4c  69 62 2d 53 6f 66 74 22  |"StringLib-Soft"|
00000240  3a 2a 53 54 45 52 45 4f  20 31 20 30 0d 00 8c 29  |:*STEREO 1 0...)|
00000250  20 c8 a1 20 32 2c 22 53  74 72 69 6e 67 4c 69 62  | .. 2,"StringLib|
00000260  2d 53 6f 66 74 22 3a 2a  53 54 45 52 45 4f 20 32  |-Soft":*STEREO 2|
00000270  20 2d 31 32 37 0d 00 96  28 20 c8 a1 20 33 2c 22  | -127...( .. 3,"|
00000280  53 74 72 69 6e 67 4c 69  62 2d 53 6f 66 74 22 3a  |StringLib-Soft":|
00000290  2a 53 54 45 52 45 4f 20  33 20 31 32 37 0d 00 a0  |*STEREO 3 127...|
000002a0  3a 20 63 75 72 72 65 6e  74 3d 30 3a de 62 61 6c  |: current=0:.bal|
000002b0  6c 28 34 2c 31 29 3a 62  62 78 3d 36 34 30 3a 62  |l(4,1):bbx=640:b|
000002c0  62 79 3d 39 35 30 3a 64  69 72 3d 32 37 30 3a f2  |by=950:dir=270:.|
000002d0  73 65 74 75 70 62 62 0d  00 aa 25 20 eb 31 32 3a  |setupbb...% .12:|
000002e0  e7 20 74 79 70 65 24 3d  22 31 22 20 8c 20 c8 97  |. type$="1" . ..|
000002f0  20 ee 3a f2 64 72 61 77  66 75 6c 6c 0d 00 b4 45  | .:.drawfull...E|
00000300  20 e7 20 74 79 70 65 24  3d 22 32 22 20 8c 20 73  | . type$="2" . s|
00000310  74 61 72 74 3d 91 3a 73  74 61 67 65 3d 30 3a 69  |tart=.:stage=0:i|
00000320  64 6c 65 3d a3 3a e8 22  46 69 6c 65 6e 61 6d 65  |dle=.:."Filename|
00000330  22 3b 66 24 3a ff 22 53  50 4f 4f 4c 20 22 2b 66  |";f$:."SPOOL "+f|
00000340  24 0d 00 be 67 20 e7 20  74 79 70 65 24 3d 22 33  |$...g . type$="3|
00000350  22 20 8c 20 f1 22 45 6e  74 65 72 20 44 61 74 61  |" . ."Enter Data|
00000360  3a 22 27 3a e3 62 3d 30  b8 34 3a f1 22 42 61 6c  |:"':.b=0.4:."Bal|
00000370  6c 20 22 3b 62 2b 31 3b  3a e8 62 61 6c 6c 28 62  |l ";b+1;:.ball(b|
00000380  2c 30 29 2c 62 61 6c 6c  28 62 2c 31 29 3a ed 3a  |,0),ball(b,1):.:|
00000390  74 79 70 65 24 3d 22 31  22 3a c8 97 20 ee 3a f2  |type$="1":.. .:.|
000003a0  64 72 61 77 66 75 6c 6c  0d 00 c8 06 20 3a 0d 00  |drawfull.... :..|
000003b0  d2 16 20 f4 20 53 74 61  72 74 20 6d 61 69 6e 20  |.. . Start main |
000003c0  6c 6f 6f 70 0d 00 dc 0a  20 f5 3a 54 3d 91 0d 00  |loop.... .:T=...|
000003d0  e6 23 20 e7 20 74 79 70  65 24 3d 22 31 22 20 8c  |.# . type$="1" .|
000003e0  20 f2 75 73 65 72 20 8b  20 f2 63 6f 6d 70 6d 6f  | .user . .compmo|
000003f0  6e 0d 00 f0 11 20 e7 20  69 64 6c 65 20 8c 20 fd  |n.... . idle . .|
00000400  20 a3 0d 00 fa 0b 20 f2  73 65 6e 73 65 0d 01 04  | ..... .sense...|
00000410  25 20 6d 6f 76 3d a4 61  69 28 66 72 65 71 61 2c  |% mov=.ai(freqa,|
00000420  66 72 65 71 62 2c 66 72  65 71 63 2c 66 72 65 71  |freqb,freqc,freq|
00000430  64 29 0d 01 0e 16 20 6c  65 66 74 3d 28 6d 6f 76  |d).... left=(mov|
00000440  20 80 20 31 29 3c 3e 30  0d 01 18 17 20 72 69 67  | . 1)<>0.... rig|
00000450  68 74 3d 28 6d 6f 76 20  80 20 32 29 3c 3e 30 0d  |ht=(mov . 2)<>0.|
00000460  01 22 17 20 74 75 72 62  6f 3d 28 6d 6f 76 20 80  |.". turbo=(mov .|
00000470  20 34 29 3c 3e 30 0d 01  2c 14 20 6f 6e 3d 28 6d  | 4)<>0..,. on=(m|
00000480  6f 76 20 80 20 38 29 3c  3e 30 0d 01 36 1a 20 72  |ov . 8)<>0..6. r|
00000490  65 76 65 72 73 65 3d 28  6d 6f 76 20 80 20 31 36  |everse=(mov . 16|
000004a0  29 3c 3e 30 0d 01 40 0c  20 f2 6d 6f 76 65 69 74  |)<>0..@. .moveit|
000004b0  0d 01 4a 11 20 f5 20 fd  20 91 3e 28 54 2b 31 35  |..J. . . .>(T+15|
000004c0  29 0d 01 54 08 20 fd 20  a3 0d 01 5e 06 20 3a 0d  |)..T. . ...^. :.|
000004d0  01 68 18 20 f4 20 47 72  61 70 68 69 63 20 69 6e  |.h. . Graphic in|
000004e0  74 65 72 66 61 63 65 0d  01 72 0f 20 dd f2 64 72  |terface..r. ..dr|
000004f0  61 77 66 75 6c 6c 0d 01  7c 17 20 f4 20 53 65 74  |awfull..|. . Set|
00000500  20 75 70 20 63 6f 6e 73  74 61 6e 74 73 0d 01 86  | up constants...|
00000510  11 20 ea 73 78 2c 73 79  2c 77 69 64 74 68 0d 01  |. .sx,sy,width..|
00000520  90 17 20 73 78 3d 31 3a  73 79 3d 32 3a 77 69 64  |.. sx=1:sy=2:wid|
00000530  74 68 3d 31 30 0d 01 9a  14 20 f4 20 53 65 74 75  |th=10.... . Setu|
00000540  70 20 43 6f 6c 6f 75 72  73 0d 01 a4 56 20 fb 30  |p Colours...V .0|
00000550  2c 30 2c 36 34 2c 30 3a  fb 31 2c 32 35 35 2c 30  |,0,64,0:.1,255,0|
00000560  2c 30 3a fb 32 2c 32 35  35 2c 32 35 35 2c 32 35  |,0:.2,255,255,25|
00000570  35 3a fb 33 2c 32 35 35  2c 30 2c 30 3a fb 34 2c  |5:.3,255,0,0:.4,|
00000580  32 35 35 2c 32 35 35 2c  30 3a fb 35 2c 30 2c 30  |255,255,0:.5,0,0|
00000590  2c 30 3a fb 36 2c 32 35  35 2c 32 35 35 2c 30 0d  |,0:.6,255,255,0.|
000005a0  01 ae 06 20 3a 0d 01 b8  1c 20 f4 20 44 72 61 77  |... :.... . Draw|
000005b0  20 67 72 65 65 6e 20 63  6f 75 72 74 20 61 72 65  | green court are|
000005c0  61 0d 01 c2 1f 20 db 3a  e6 30 2c 30 3a c8 93 20  |a.... .:.0,0:.. |
000005d0  c8 90 20 30 2c 30 2c 31  32 37 39 2c 31 30 32 33  |.. 0,0,1279,1023|
000005e0  0d 01 cc 26 20 f4 20 4d  61 72 6b 20 6f 75 74 20  |...& . Mark out |
000005f0  77 68 69 74 65 20 6c 69  6e 65 73 20 6f 6e 74 6f  |white lines onto|
00000600  20 63 6f 75 72 74 0d 01  d6 ac 20 e6 30 2c 32 3a  | court.... .0,2:|
00000610  c8 93 20 c8 90 20 73 78  2f 28 32 33 2e 37 37 2b  |.. .. sx/(23.77+|
00000620  32 2a 73 78 29 2a 31 32  38 30 2c 73 79 2f 28 31  |2*sx)*1280,sy/(1|
00000630  30 2e 39 37 2b 32 2a 73  79 29 2a 31 30 32 34 2c  |0.97+2*sy)*1024,|
00000640  32 33 2e 37 37 2f 28 32  33 2e 37 37 2b 32 2a 73  |23.77/(23.77+2*s|
00000650  78 29 2a 31 32 38 30 2c  77 69 64 74 68 3a c8 93  |x)*1280,width:..|
00000660  20 c8 90 20 73 78 2f 28  32 33 2e 37 37 2b 32 2a  | .. sx/(23.77+2*|
00000670  73 78 29 2a 31 32 38 30  2c 28 31 2e 33 37 2b 73  |sx)*1280,(1.37+s|
00000680  79 29 2f 28 31 30 2e 39  37 2b 32 2a 73 79 29 2a  |y)/(10.97+2*sy)*|
00000690  31 30 32 34 2c 32 33 2e  37 37 2f 28 32 33 2e 37  |1024,23.77/(23.7|
000006a0  37 2b 32 2a 73 78 29 2a  31 32 38 30 2c 77 69 64  |7+2*sx)*1280,wid|
000006b0  74 68 0d 01 e0 ae 20 c8  93 20 c8 90 20 73 78 2f  |th.... .. .. sx/|
000006c0  28 32 33 2e 37 37 2b 32  2a 73 78 29 2a 31 32 38  |(23.77+2*sx)*128|
000006d0  30 2c 28 39 2e 36 2b 73  79 29 2f 28 31 30 2e 39  |0,(9.6+sy)/(10.9|
000006e0  37 2b 32 2a 73 79 29 2a  31 30 32 34 2c 32 33 2e  |7+2*sy)*1024,23.|
000006f0  37 37 2f 28 32 33 2e 37  37 2b 32 2a 73 78 29 2a  |77/(23.77+2*sx)*|
00000700  31 32 38 30 2c 77 69 64  74 68 3a c8 93 20 c8 90  |1280,width:.. ..|
00000710  20 73 78 2f 28 32 33 2e  37 37 2b 32 2a 73 78 29  | sx/(23.77+2*sx)|
00000720  2a 31 32 38 30 2c 28 31  30 2e 39 37 2b 73 79 29  |*1280,(10.97+sy)|
00000730  2f 28 31 30 2e 39 37 2b  32 2a 73 79 29 2a 31 30  |/(10.97+2*sy)*10|
00000740  32 34 2c 32 33 2e 37 37  2f 28 32 33 2e 37 37 2b  |24,23.77/(23.77+|
00000750  32 2a 73 78 29 2a 31 32  38 30 2c 77 69 64 74 68  |2*sx)*1280,width|
00000760  0d 01 ea 5f 20 c8 93 20  c8 90 20 28 73 78 2b 35  |..._ .. .. (sx+5|
00000770  2e 34 37 29 2f 28 32 33  2e 37 37 2b 32 2a 73 78  |.47)/(23.77+2*sx|
00000780  29 2a 31 32 38 30 2c 28  73 79 2b 35 2e 34 39 29  |)*1280,(sy+5.49)|
00000790  2f 28 31 30 2e 39 37 2b  32 2a 73 79 29 2a 31 30  |/(10.97+2*sy)*10|
000007a0  32 34 2c 31 32 2e 38 2f  28 32 33 2e 37 37 2b 32  |24,12.8/(23.77+2|
000007b0  2a 73 78 29 2a 31 32 38  30 2c 77 69 64 74 68 0d  |*sx)*1280,width.|
000007c0  01 f4 ae 20 c8 93 20 c8  90 20 73 78 2f 28 32 33  |... .. .. sx/(23|
000007d0  2e 37 37 2b 32 2a 73 78  29 2a 31 32 38 30 2c 73  |.77+2*sx)*1280,s|
000007e0  79 2f 28 31 30 2e 39 37  2b 32 2a 73 79 29 2a 31  |y/(10.97+2*sy)*1|
000007f0  30 32 34 2c 77 69 64 74  68 2c 31 30 2e 39 37 2f  |024,width,10.97/|
00000800  28 31 30 2e 39 37 2b 32  2a 73 79 29 2a 31 30 32  |(10.97+2*sy)*102|
00000810  34 3a c8 93 20 c8 90 20  28 73 78 2b 32 33 2e 37  |4:.. .. (sx+23.7|
00000820  37 29 2f 28 32 33 2e 37  37 2b 32 2a 73 78 29 2a  |7)/(23.77+2*sx)*|
00000830  31 32 38 30 2c 73 79 2f  28 31 30 2e 39 37 2b 32  |1280,sy/(10.97+2|
00000840  2a 73 79 29 2a 31 30 32  34 2c 77 69 64 74 68 2c  |*sy)*1024,width,|
00000850  31 30 2e 39 37 2f 28 31  30 2e 39 37 2b 32 2a 73  |10.97/(10.97+2*s|
00000860  79 29 2a 31 30 32 34 2b  77 69 64 74 68 0d 01 fe  |y)*1024+width...|
00000870  ba 20 c8 93 20 c8 90 20  28 73 78 2b 35 2e 34 37  |. .. .. (sx+5.47|
00000880  29 2f 28 32 33 2e 37 37  2b 32 2a 73 78 29 2a 31  |)/(23.77+2*sx)*1|
00000890  32 38 30 2c 28 73 79 2b  31 2e 33 37 29 2f 28 31  |280,(sy+1.37)/(1|
000008a0  30 2e 39 37 2b 32 2a 73  79 29 2a 31 30 32 34 2c  |0.97+2*sy)*1024,|
000008b0  77 69 64 74 68 2c 38 2e  32 33 2f 28 31 30 2e 39  |width,8.23/(10.9|
000008c0  37 2b 32 2a 73 79 29 2a  31 30 32 34 3a c8 93 20  |7+2*sy)*1024:.. |
000008d0  c8 90 20 28 73 78 2b 31  38 2e 33 29 2f 28 32 33  |.. (sx+18.3)/(23|
000008e0  2e 37 37 2b 32 2a 73 78  29 2a 31 32 38 30 2c 28  |.77+2*sx)*1280,(|
000008f0  73 79 2b 31 2e 33 37 29  2f 28 31 30 2e 39 37 2b  |sy+1.37)/(10.97+|
00000900  32 2a 73 79 29 2a 31 30  32 34 2c 77 69 64 74 68  |2*sy)*1024,width|
00000910  2c 38 2e 32 33 2f 28 31  30 2e 39 37 2b 32 2a 73  |,8.23/(10.97+2*s|
00000920  79 29 2a 31 30 32 34 0d  02 08 06 20 3a 0d 02 12  |y)*1024.... :...|
00000930  0f 20 f4 20 44 72 61 77  20 6e 65 74 0d 02 1c 89  |. . Draw net....|
00000940  20 e6 30 2c 35 3a e3 6c  3d 31 30 30 b8 39 32 34  | .0,5:.l=100.924|
00000950  88 31 30 3a ec 20 36 34  30 2c 6c 3a df 20 36 38  |.10:. 640,l:. 68|
00000960  30 2c 6c 2b 35 30 3a ed  3a e3 6c 3d 30 b8 34 30  |0,l+50:.:.l=0.40|
00000970  88 31 30 3a ec 20 36 34  30 2b 6c 2c 31 30 30 2b  |.10:. 640+l,100+|
00000980  6c 3a df 36 34 30 2b 6c  2c 39 32 34 2b 6c 3a ed  |l:.640+l,924+l:.|
00000990  3a e3 6c 3d 30 b8 35 3a  ec 36 33 37 2b 6c 2c 31  |:.l=0.5:.637+l,1|
000009a0  30 30 3a df 36 37 37 2b  6c 2c 31 35 30 3a ec 36  |00:.677+l,150:.6|
000009b0  33 37 2b 6c 2c 39 32 34  3a df 36 37 37 2b 6c 2c  |37+l,924:.677+l,|
000009c0  39 37 34 3a ed 0d 02 26  1c 20 e6 30 2c 32 3a ec  |974:...&. .0,2:.|
000009d0  20 36 38 32 2c 31 34 32  3a df 36 38 32 2c 39 36  | 682,142:.682,96|
000009e0  36 0d 02 30 0e 20 f2 64  72 61 77 6d 69 6e 69 0d  |6..0. .drawmini.|
000009f0  02 3a 06 20 e1 0d 02 44  06 20 3a 0d 02 4e 1d 20  |.:. ...D. :..N. |
00000a00  f4 20 44 72 61 77 20 62  61 6c 6c 62 6f 74 20 61  |. Draw ballbot a|
00000a10  6e 64 20 62 61 6c 6c 73  0d 02 58 0f 20 dd f2 64  |nd balls..X. ..d|
00000a20  72 61 77 6d 69 6e 69 0d  02 62 14 20 e7 20 74 79  |rawmini..b. . ty|
00000a30  70 65 24 3d 22 32 22 20  8c 20 e1 0d 02 6c 10 20  |pe$="2" . ...l. |
00000a40  e6 33 2c 34 3a e3 62 3d  30 b8 34 0d 02 76 42 20  |.3,4:.b=0.4..vB |
00000a50  e7 20 62 61 6c 6c 28 62  2c 30 29 3c 3e 30 20 84  |. ball(b,0)<>0 .|
00000a60  20 62 61 6c 6c 28 62 2c  31 29 3c 3e 30 20 8c 20  | ball(b,1)<>0 . |
00000a70  c8 93 20 c8 90 20 62 61  6c 6c 28 62 2c 30 29 2c  |.. .. ball(b,0),|
00000a80  62 61 6c 6c 28 62 2c 31  29 2c 35 2c 35 0d 02 80  |ball(b,1),5,5...|
00000a90  06 20 ed 0d 02 8a 1b 20  e6 33 2c 33 3a c8 93 20  |. ..... .3,3:.. |
00000aa0  c8 90 20 62 62 78 2c 62  62 79 2c 35 2c 35 0d 02  |.. bbx,bby,5,5..|
00000ab0  94 06 20 e1 0d 02 9e 06  20 3a 0d 02 a8 2a 20 f4  |.. ..... :...* .|
00000ac0  20 55 73 65 72 20 69 6e  74 65 72 66 61 63 65 20  | User interface |
00000ad0  28 70 75 74 74 69 6e 67  20 62 61 6c 6c 73 20 64  |(putting balls d|
00000ae0  6f 77 6e 29 0d 02 b2 0b  20 dd f2 75 73 65 72 0d  |own).... ..user.|
00000af0  02 bc 0d 20 c8 97 20 78  2c 79 2c 63 0d 02 c6 0e  |... .. x,y,c....|
00000b00  20 e7 20 63 3d 30 20 8c  20 e1 0d 02 d0 61 20 e7  | . c=0 . ....a .|
00000b10  20 28 63 20 80 20 34 29  3c 3e 30 20 8c 20 f2 64  | (c . 4)<>0 . .d|
00000b20  72 61 77 6d 69 6e 69 3a  62 61 6c 6c 28 63 75 72  |rawmini:ball(cur|
00000b30  72 65 6e 74 2c 30 29 3d  78 3a 62 61 6c 6c 28 63  |rent,0)=x:ball(c|
00000b40  75 72 72 65 6e 74 2c 31  29 3d 79 3a 63 75 72 72  |urrent,1)=y:curr|
00000b50  65 6e 74 3d 28 63 75 72  72 65 6e 74 2b 31 29 83  |ent=(current+1).|
00000b60  35 3a f2 64 72 61 77 6d  69 6e 69 0d 02 da 2a 20  |5:.drawmini...* |
00000b70  e7 20 28 63 20 80 20 32  29 3c 3e 30 20 8c 20 69  |. (c . 2)<>0 . i|
00000b80  64 6c 65 3d a3 3a 73 74  61 67 65 3d 30 3a 73 74  |dle=.:stage=0:st|
00000b90  61 72 74 3d 91 0d 02 e4  06 20 f5 0d 02 ee 0d 20  |art=..... ..... |
00000ba0  c8 97 20 78 2c 79 2c 63  0d 02 f8 0a 20 fd 20 63  |.. x,y,c.... . c|
00000bb0  3d 30 0d 03 02 06 20 e1  0d 03 0c 06 20 3a 0d 03  |=0.... ..... :..|
00000bc0  16 27 20 f4 20 43 61 6c  63 75 6c 61 74 65 20 62  |.' . Calculate b|
00000bd0  61 6c 6c 62 6f 74 27 73  20 6e 65 77 20 70 6f 73  |allbot's new pos|
00000be0  69 74 69 6f 6e 0d 03 20  0d 20 dd f2 6d 6f 76 65  |ition.. . ..move|
00000bf0  69 74 0d 03 2a 0c 20 ea  20 73 70 65 65 64 0d 03  |it..*. . speed..|
00000c00  34 0f 20 e7 20 ac 20 6f  6e 20 8c 20 e1 0d 03 3e  |4. . . on . ...>|
00000c10  76 20 e7 20 28 28 ac 20  72 65 76 65 72 73 65 29  |v . ((. reverse)|
00000c20  20 80 20 6c 65 66 74 20  80 20 28 ac 20 72 69 67  | . left . (. rig|
00000c30  68 74 29 29 20 84 20 28  72 65 76 65 72 73 65 20  |ht)) . (reverse |
00000c40  80 20 72 69 67 68 74 20  80 20 28 ac 20 6c 65 66  |. right . (. lef|
00000c50  74 29 29 20 8c 20 64 69  72 3d 64 69 72 2d 32 2e  |t)) . dir=dir-2.|
00000c60  35 2a 28 31 2d 33 2a 74  75 72 62 6f 29 3a 73 70  |5*(1-3*turbo):sp|
00000c70  65 65 64 3d 30 2e 31 2b  30 2e 32 2a 72 65 76 65  |eed=0.1+0.2*reve|
00000c80  72 73 65 0d 03 48 76 20  e7 20 28 28 ac 20 72 65  |rse..Hv . ((. re|
00000c90  76 65 72 73 65 29 20 80  20 72 69 67 68 74 20 80  |verse) . right .|
00000ca0  20 28 ac 20 6c 65 66 74  29 29 20 84 20 28 72 65  | (. left)) . (re|
00000cb0  76 65 72 73 65 20 80 20  6c 65 66 74 20 80 20 28  |verse . left . (|
00000cc0  ac 20 72 69 67 68 74 29  29 20 8c 20 64 69 72 3d  |. right)) . dir=|
00000cd0  64 69 72 2b 32 2e 35 2a  28 31 2d 33 2a 74 75 72  |dir+2.5*(1-3*tur|
00000ce0  62 6f 29 3a 73 70 65 65  64 3d 30 2e 31 2b 30 2e  |bo):speed=0.1+0.|
00000cf0  32 2a 72 65 76 65 72 73  65 0d 03 52 27 20 e7 20  |2*reverse..R' . |
00000d00  6c 65 66 74 20 80 20 72  69 67 68 74 20 8c 20 73  |left . right . s|
00000d10  70 65 65 64 3d 31 2b 32  2a 72 65 76 65 72 73 65  |peed=1+2*reverse|
00000d20  0d 03 5c 06 20 3a 0d 03  66 29 20 f4 20 47 65 74  |..\. :..f) . Get|
00000d30  20 64 69 72 65 63 74 69  6f 6e 20 69 6e 20 72 61  | direction in ra|
00000d40  6e 67 65 20 30 3c 74 68  65 74 61 3c 33 36 30 0d  |nge 0<theta<360.|
00000d50  03 70 1c 20 f5 20 e7 20  64 69 72 3c 30 20 8c 20  |.p. . . dir<0 . |
00000d60  64 69 72 3d 64 69 72 2b  33 36 30 0d 03 7a 1d 20  |dir=dir+360..z. |
00000d70  e7 20 64 69 72 3e 3d 33  36 30 20 8c 20 64 69 72  |. dir>=360 . dir|
00000d80  3d 64 69 72 2d 33 36 30  0d 03 84 17 20 fd 20 64  |=dir-360.... . d|
00000d90  69 72 3e 3d 30 20 80 20  64 69 72 3c 33 36 30 0d  |ir>=0 . dir<360.|
00000da0  03 8e 06 20 3a 0d 03 98  3d 20 f2 64 72 61 77 6d  |... :...= .drawm|
00000db0  69 6e 69 3a 62 62 78 3d  62 62 78 2b 31 35 2a b5  |ini:bbx=bbx+15*.|
00000dc0  28 af 2a 64 69 72 2f 31  38 30 29 2a 73 70 65 65  |(.*dir/180)*spee|
00000dd0  64 2a 28 2e 37 35 2a 2d  74 75 72 62 6f 2b 2e 32  |d*(.75*-turbo+.2|
00000de0  35 29 0d 03 a2 33 20 62  62 79 3d 62 62 79 2b 32  |5)...3 bby=bby+2|
00000df0  30 2a 9b 28 af 2a 64 69  72 2f 31 38 30 29 2a 73  |0*.(.*dir/180)*s|
00000e00  70 65 65 64 2a 28 2e 37  35 2a 2d 74 75 72 62 6f  |peed*(.75*-turbo|
00000e10  2b 2e 32 35 29 0d 03 ac  51 20 e3 62 61 6c 6c 3d  |+.25)...Q .ball=|
00000e20  30 b8 34 3a e7 20 94 28  62 62 78 2d 62 61 6c 6c  |0.4:. .(bbx-ball|
00000e30  28 62 61 6c 6c 2c 30 29  29 3c 31 30 20 80 20 94  |(ball,0))<10 . .|
00000e40  28 62 62 79 2d 62 61 6c  6c 28 62 61 6c 6c 2c 31  |(bby-ball(ball,1|
00000e50  29 29 3c 31 30 20 8c 20  62 61 6c 6c 28 62 61 6c  |))<10 . ball(bal|
00000e60  6c 2c 30 29 3d 30 0d 03  b6 10 20 ed 3a f2 64 72  |l,0)=0.... .:.dr|
00000e70  61 77 6d 69 6e 69 0d 03  c0 06 20 e1 0d 03 ca 06  |awmini.... .....|
00000e80  20 3a 0d 03 d4 3b 20 f4  20 43 61 6c 63 75 6c 61  | :...; . Calcula|
00000e90  74 65 20 62 61 6c 6c 62  6f 74 27 73 20 62 61 63  |te ballbot's bac|
00000ea0  6b 67 72 6f 75 6e 64 20  65 63 68 6f 20 72 65 61  |kground echo rea|
00000eb0  64 69 6e 67 20 28 2d 62  61 6c 6c 73 29 0d 03 de  |ding (-balls)...|
00000ec0  19 20 dd a4 62 61 63 6b  28 66 72 65 71 2c 6d 69  |. ..back(freq,mi|
00000ed0  6e 2c 6d 61 78 29 0d 03  e8 2c 20 f4 20 47 65 74  |n,max)..., . Get|
00000ee0  20 61 6e 67 75 6c 61 72  20 72 61 6e 67 65 20 69  | angular range i|
00000ef0  6e 20 66 6f 72 6d 20 30  3c 74 68 65 74 61 3c 33  |n form 0<theta<3|
00000f00  36 30 0d 03 f2 2c 20 f4  20 53 65 74 20 75 70 20  |60..., . Set up |
00000f10  69 6e 69 74 69 61 6c 20  6f 75 74 73 69 64 65 20  |initial outside |
00000f20  72 61 6e 67 65 20 73 65  74 74 69 6e 67 73 0d 03  |range settings..|
00000f30  fc 42 20 68 69 74 3d 30  3a 64 69 73 74 3d 39 39  |.B hit=0:dist=99|
00000f40  39 39 3a 64 69 73 74 61  3d 39 39 39 39 3a 68 69  |99:dista=9999:hi|
00000f50  74 61 3d 30 3a f4 20 4c  4f 43 41 4c 20 68 69 74  |ta=0:. LOCAL hit|
00000f60  2c 64 69 73 74 2c 68 69  74 61 2c 64 69 73 74 61  |,dist,hita,dista|
00000f70  0d 04 06 38 20 f4 20 49  66 20 73 74 72 61 69 67  |...8 . If straig|
00000f80  68 74 20 61 74 20 6e 65  74 20 69 73 20 69 6e 20  |ht at net is in |
00000f90  72 61 6e 67 65 2c 20 77  69 6c 6c 20 62 65 20 73  |range, will be s|
00000fa0  68 6f 72 74 65 73 74 2e  0d 04 10 79 20 e7 28 28  |hortest....y .((|
00000fb0  62 62 78 3c 36 34 30 80  6d 69 6e 3c 3d 39 30 80  |bbx<640.min<=90.|
00000fc0  6d 61 78 3e 3d 39 30 29  84 28 62 62 78 3e 36 34  |max>=90).(bbx>64|
00000fd0  30 80 6d 69 6e 3c 3d 32  37 30 80 6d 61 78 3e 3d  |0.min<=270.max>=|
00000fe0  32 37 30 29 29 20 80 20  28 62 62 79 3e 31 30 30  |270)) . (bby>100|
00000ff0  20 80 20 62 62 79 3c 39  32 33 29 20 8c 20 68 69  | . bby<923) . hi|
00001000  74 3d 62 62 79 3a 64 69  73 74 3d 94 28 62 62 78  |t=bby:dist=.(bbx|
00001010  2d 36 34 30 29 3a 6d 69  6e 3d 30 3a 6d 61 78 3d  |-640):min=0:max=|
00001020  30 0d 04 1a 2f 20 f4 20  4f 74 68 65 72 77 69 73  |0.../ . Otherwis|
00001030  65 20 66 69 6e 64 20 73  68 6f 72 74 65 73 74 20  |e find shortest |
00001040  65 78 74 72 65 6d 65 20  6f 66 20 72 61 6e 67 65  |extreme of range|
00001050  0d 04 24 53 20 e7 20 b5  28 af 2a 6d 69 6e 2f 31  |..$S . .(.*min/1|
00001060  38 30 29 3c 3e 30 20 8c  20 64 69 73 74 3d 28 36  |80)<>0 . dist=(6|
00001070  34 30 2d 62 62 78 29 2f  b5 28 af 2a 6d 69 6e 2f  |40-bbx)/.(.*min/|
00001080  31 38 30 29 3a 68 69 74  3d 62 62 79 2b 28 36 34  |180):hit=bby+(64|
00001090  30 2d 62 62 78 29 2f b7  28 af 2a 6d 69 6e 2f 31  |0-bbx)/.(.*min/1|
000010a0  38 30 29 0d 04 2e 55 20  e7 20 b5 28 af 2a 6d 61  |80)...U . .(.*ma|
000010b0  78 2f 31 38 30 29 3c 3e  30 20 8c 20 64 69 73 74  |x/180)<>0 . dist|
000010c0  61 3d 28 36 34 30 2d 62  62 78 29 2f b5 28 af 2a  |a=(640-bbx)/.(.*|
000010d0  6d 61 78 2f 31 38 30 29  3a 68 69 74 61 3d 62 62  |max/180):hita=bb|
000010e0  79 2b 28 36 34 30 2d 62  62 78 29 2f b7 28 af 2a  |y+(640-bbx)/.(.*|
000010f0  6d 61 78 2f 31 38 30 29  0d 04 38 2c 20 f4 20 4a  |max/180)..8, . J|
00001100  75 73 74 20 63 68 65 63  6b 20 69 66 20 70 6f 73  |ust check if pos|
00001110  74 20 69 6e 20 6d 69 64  64 6c 65 20 6f 66 20 72  |t in middle of r|
00001120  61 6e 67 65 0d 04 42 64  20 e7 20 62 62 78 3c 36  |ange..Bd . bbx<6|
00001130  34 30 20 80 20 68 69 74  3e 31 30 30 20 80 20 28  |40 . hit>100 . (|
00001140  68 69 74 61 3c 31 30 30  20 84 20 64 69 73 74 61  |hita<100 . dista|
00001150  3c 30 29 20 80 20 64 69  73 74 3e 30 20 8c 20 68  |<0) . dist>0 . h|
00001160  69 74 61 3d 31 30 30 3a  64 69 73 74 61 3d b6 28  |ita=100:dista=.(|
00001170  28 62 62 78 2d 36 34 30  29 5e 32 2b 28 62 62 79  |(bbx-640)^2+(bby|
00001180  2d 31 30 30 29 5e 32 29  0d 04 4c 62 20 e7 20 62  |-100)^2)..Lb . b|
00001190  62 78 3c 36 34 30 20 80  20 68 69 74 61 3c 39 32  |bx<640 . hita<92|
000011a0  33 20 80 20 28 68 69 74  3e 39 32 33 20 84 20 64  |3 . (hit>923 . d|
000011b0  69 73 74 3c 30 29 20 80  20 64 69 73 74 61 3e 30  |ist<0) . dista>0|
000011c0  20 8c 20 68 69 74 3d 39  32 33 3a 64 69 73 74 3d  | . hit=923:dist=|
000011d0  b6 28 28 62 62 78 2d 36  34 30 29 5e 32 2b 28 62  |.((bbx-640)^2+(b|
000011e0  62 79 2d 39 32 33 29 5e  32 29 0d 04 56 62 20 e7  |by-923)^2)..Vb .|
000011f0  20 62 62 78 3e 36 34 30  20 80 20 68 69 74 61 3e  | bbx>640 . hita>|
00001200  31 30 30 20 80 20 28 68  69 74 3c 31 30 30 20 84  |100 . (hit<100 .|
00001210  20 64 69 73 74 3c 30 29  20 80 20 64 69 73 74 61  | dist<0) . dista|
00001220  3e 30 20 8c 20 68 69 74  3d 31 30 30 3a 64 69 73  |>0 . hit=100:dis|
00001230  74 3d b6 28 28 62 62 78  2d 36 34 30 29 5e 32 2b  |t=.((bbx-640)^2+|
00001240  28 62 62 79 2d 31 30 30  29 5e 32 29 0d 04 60 64  |(bby-100)^2)..`d|
00001250  20 e7 20 62 62 78 3e 36  34 30 20 80 20 68 69 74  | . bbx>640 . hit|
00001260  3c 39 32 33 20 80 20 28  68 69 74 61 3e 39 32 33  |<923 . (hita>923|
00001270  20 84 20 64 69 73 74 61  3c 30 29 20 80 20 64 69  | . dista<0) . di|
00001280  73 74 3e 30 20 8c 20 68  69 74 61 3d 39 32 33 3a  |st>0 . hita=923:|
00001290  64 69 73 74 61 3d b6 28  28 62 62 78 2d 36 34 30  |dista=.((bbx-640|
000012a0  29 5e 32 2b 28 62 62 79  2d 39 32 33 29 5e 32 29  |)^2+(bby-923)^2)|
000012b0  0d 04 6a 1d 20 f4 20 50  69 63 6b 20 62 65 73 74  |..j. . Pick best|
000012c0  20 74 6f 20 73 65 6e 64  20 6f 66 66 21 0d 04 74  | to send off!..t|
000012d0  48 20 e7 20 64 69 73 74  3c 30 20 84 20 28 64 69  |H . dist<0 . (di|
000012e0  73 74 61 3c 64 69 73 74  20 80 20 68 69 74 61 3e  |sta<dist . hita>|
000012f0  31 30 30 20 80 20 68 69  74 61 3c 39 32 33 29 20  |100 . hita<923) |
00001300  8c 20 64 69 73 74 3d 64  69 73 74 61 3a 68 69 74  |. dist=dista:hit|
00001310  3d 68 69 74 61 0d 04 7e  3b 20 e7 20 68 69 74 3e  |=hita..~; . hit>|
00001320  39 32 33 20 84 20 68 69  74 3c 31 30 30 20 84 20  |923 . hit<100 . |
00001330  64 69 73 74 3c 30 20 8c  20 66 74 79 70 65 24 3d  |dist<0 . ftype$=|
00001340  22 55 22 3a 3d 66 72 65  71 2b b3 28 36 29 2d 33  |"U":=freq+.(6)-3|
00001350  0d 04 88 2b 20 e7 20 68  69 74 3e 39 30 30 20 84  |...+ . hit>900 .|
00001360  20 68 69 74 3c 31 32 33  20 8c 20 66 74 79 70 65  | hit<123 . ftype|
00001370  24 3d 22 50 22 3a 3d 64  69 73 74 0d 04 92 0f 20  |$="P":=dist.... |
00001380  66 74 79 70 65 24 3d 22  4e 22 0d 04 9c 0a 20 3d  |ftype$="N".... =|
00001390  64 69 73 74 0d 04 a6 06  20 3a 0d 04 b0 32 20 f4  |dist.... :...2 .|
000013a0  20 43 61 6c 63 75 6c 61  74 65 20 42 61 6c 6c 62  | Calculate Ballb|
000013b0  6f 74 27 73 20 72 65 61  64 69 6e 67 73 20 28 4d  |ot's readings (M|
000013c0  41 49 4e 20 52 4f 55 54  49 4e 45 29 0d 04 ba 06  |AIN ROUTINE)....|
000013d0  20 3a 0d 04 c4 0c 20 dd  f2 73 65 6e 73 65 0d 04  | :.... ..sense..|
000013e0  ce 2a 20 f4 20 47 65 74  20 62 61 63 6b 67 72 6f  |.* . Get backgro|
000013f0  75 6e 64 20 72 65 61 64  69 6e 67 73 20 66 72 6f  |und readings fro|
00001400  6d 20 46 4e 62 61 63 6b  0d 04 d8 15 20 66 72 65  |m FNback.... fre|
00001410  71 3d b3 28 32 35 30 29  2b 31 35 30 30 0d 04 e2  |q=.(250)+1500...|
00001420  2f 20 66 72 65 71 61 3d  a4 62 61 63 6b 28 66 72  |/ freqa=.back(fr|
00001430  65 71 2c 64 69 72 2d 31  35 2c 64 69 72 2b 31 35  |eq,dir-15,dir+15|
00001440  29 3a 66 61 24 3d 66 74  79 70 65 24 0d 04 ec 2f  |):fa$=ftype$.../|
00001450  20 66 72 65 71 62 3d a4  62 61 63 6b 28 66 72 65  | freqb=.back(fre|
00001460  71 2c 64 69 72 2d 34 35  2c 64 69 72 2d 31 35 29  |q,dir-45,dir-15)|
00001470  3a 66 62 24 3d 66 74 79  70 65 24 0d 04 f6 2f 20  |:fb$=ftype$.../ |
00001480  66 72 65 71 63 3d a4 62  61 63 6b 28 66 72 65 71  |freqc=.back(freq|
00001490  2c 64 69 72 2b 31 35 2c  64 69 72 2b 34 35 29 3a  |,dir+15,dir+45):|
000014a0  66 63 24 3d 66 74 79 70  65 24 0d 05 00 2f 20 66  |fc$=ftype$.../ f|
000014b0  72 65 71 64 3d a4 62 61  63 6b 28 66 72 65 71 2c  |reqd=.back(freq,|
000014c0  64 69 72 2d 37 35 2c 64  69 72 2d 34 35 29 3a 66  |dir-75,dir-45):f|
000014d0  64 24 3d 66 74 79 70 65  24 0d 05 0a 06 20 3a 0d  |d$=ftype$.... :.|
000014e0  05 14 44 20 f4 20 41 64  64 20 61 6e 79 20 72 65  |..D . Add any re|
000014f0  6c 65 76 61 6e 74 20 62  61 6c 6c 73 20 74 6f 20  |levant balls to |
00001500  72 65 61 64 69 6e 67 73  20 28 75 73 69 6e 67 20  |readings (using |
00001510  68 61 69 72 79 20 74 72  69 67 6f 6e 6f 6d 65 74  |hairy trigonomet|
00001520  72 79 29 0d 05 1e 06 20  3a 0d 05 28 0e 20 e3 62  |ry).... :..(. .b|
00001530  61 6c 6c 3d 30 b8 34 0d  05 32 34 20 64 25 3d b6  |all=0.4..24 d%=.|
00001540  28 28 62 61 6c 6c 28 62  61 6c 6c 2c 30 29 2d 62  |((ball(ball,0)-b|
00001550  62 78 29 5e 32 2b 28 62  61 6c 6c 28 62 61 6c 6c  |bx)^2+(ball(ball|
00001560  2c 31 29 2d 62 62 79 29  5e 32 29 0d 05 3c 1f 20  |,1)-bby)^2)..<. |
00001570  e7 20 62 61 6c 6c 28 62  61 6c 6c 2c 30 29 3d 30  |. ball(ball,0)=0|
00001580  20 8c 20 64 25 3d 39 39  39 39 0d 05 46 34 20 61  | . d%=9999..F4 a|
00001590  3d a4 61 6e 67 6c 65 28  62 61 6c 6c 28 62 61 6c  |=.angle(ball(bal|
000015a0  6c 2c 30 29 2c 62 61 6c  6c 28 62 61 6c 6c 2c 31  |l,0),ball(ball,1|
000015b0  29 2c 62 62 78 2c 62 62  79 29 2d 64 69 72 0d 05  |),bbx,bby)-dir..|
000015c0  50 15 20 e7 61 3e 31 38  30 20 8c 20 61 3d 61 2d  |P. .a>180 . a=a-|
000015d0  33 36 30 0d 05 5a 17 20  e7 61 3c 3d 2d 31 37 39  |360..Z. .a<=-179|
000015e0  20 8c 20 61 3d 61 2b 33  36 30 0d 05 64 2c 20 e7  | . a=a+360..d, .|
000015f0  20 94 28 61 29 3c 31 35  20 80 20 66 72 65 71 61  | .(a)<15 . freqa|
00001600  3e 64 25 20 8c 20 66 72  65 71 61 3d 64 25 3a 66  |>d% . freqa=d%:f|
00001610  61 24 3d 22 42 22 0d 05  6e 33 20 e7 20 61 3e 2d  |a$="B"..n3 . a>-|
00001620  34 36 20 80 20 61 3c 3d  2d 31 35 20 80 20 66 72  |46 . a<=-15 . fr|
00001630  65 71 62 3e 64 25 20 8c  20 66 72 65 71 62 3d 64  |eqb>d% . freqb=d|
00001640  25 3a 66 62 24 3d 22 42  22 0d 05 78 31 20 e7 20  |%:fb$="B"..x1 . |
00001650  61 3e 3d 31 35 20 80 20  61 3c 34 36 20 80 20 66  |a>=15 . a<46 . f|
00001660  72 65 71 63 3e 64 25 20  8c 20 66 72 65 71 63 3d  |reqc>d% . freqc=|
00001670  64 25 3a 66 63 24 3d 22  42 22 0d 05 82 33 20 e7  |d%:fc$="B"...3 .|
00001680  20 61 3e 2d 37 35 20 80  20 61 3c 3d 2d 34 36 20  | a>-75 . a<=-46 |
00001690  80 20 66 72 65 71 64 3e  64 25 20 8c 20 66 72 65  |. freqd>d% . fre|
000016a0  71 64 3d 64 25 3a 66 64  24 3d 22 42 22 0d 05 8c  |qd=d%:fd$="B"...|
000016b0  06 20 ed 0d 05 96 06 20  3a 0d 05 a0 1b 20 f4 20  |. ..... :.... . |
000016c0  55 70 64 61 74 65 20 75  73 65 72 20 64 69 73 70  |Update user disp|
000016d0  6c 61 79 73 0d 05 aa 06  20 3a 0d 05 b4 14 20 e7  |lays.... :.... .|
000016e0  20 74 79 70 65 24 3d 22  32 22 20 8c 20 e1 0d 05  | type$="2" . ...|
000016f0  be 3a 20 f1 8a 30 2c 30  29 a8 28 28 91 2d 73 74  |.: ..0,0).((.-st|
00001700  61 72 74 29 2f 36 30 30  30 29 3b 22 3a 22 3b 28  |art)/6000);":";(|
00001710  a8 28 28 91 2d 73 74 61  72 74 29 2f 31 30 30 29  |.((.-start)/100)|
00001720  83 36 30 29 3b 22 20 22  0d 05 c8 1c 20 f1 8a 30  |.60);" ".... ..0|
00001730  2c 33 31 29 66 64 24 2c  66 62 24 2c 66 61 24 2c  |,31)fd$,fb$,fa$,|
00001740  66 63 24 3b 0d 05 d2 06  20 e1 0d 05 dc 05 3a 0d  |fc$;.... .....:.|
00001750  05 e6 24 20 f4 20 43 61  6c 63 75 6c 61 74 65 20  |..$ . Calculate |
00001760  62 65 61 72 69 6e 67 20  6f 66 20 42 20 66 72 6f  |bearing of B fro|
00001770  6d 20 41 0d 05 f0 19 20  dd a4 61 6e 67 6c 65 28  |m A.... ..angle(|
00001780  78 31 2c 79 31 2c 78 32  2c 79 32 29 0d 05 fa 34  |x1,y1,x2,y2)...4|
00001790  20 e7 20 79 32 3d 79 31  20 8c 20 61 6e 67 3d 39  | . y2=y1 . ang=9|
000017a0  30 20 8b 20 61 6e 67 3d  31 38 30 2a 99 28 28 78  |0 . ang=180*.((x|
000017b0  32 2d 78 31 29 2f 28 79  32 2d 79 31 29 29 2f af  |2-x1)/(y2-y1))/.|
000017c0  0d 06 04 1c 20 e7 20 28  79 32 3e 79 31 29 20 8c  |.... . (y2>y1) .|
000017d0  20 61 6e 67 3d 61 6e 67  2b 31 38 30 0d 06 0e 1a  | ang=ang+180....|
000017e0  20 e7 20 61 6e 67 3c 30  20 8c 20 61 6e 67 3d 61  | . ang<0 . ang=a|
000017f0  6e 67 2b 33 36 30 0d 06  18 0f 20 3d 61 6e 67 20  |ng+360.... =ang |
00001800  83 20 33 36 30 0d 06 22  06 20 3a 0d 06 2c 2d 20  |. 360..". :..,- |
00001810  f4 20 43 6f 6d 70 75 74  65 72 20 4d 6f 6e 69 74  |. Computer Monit|
00001820  6f 72 20 6f 66 20 42 61  6c 6c 42 6f 74 27 73 20  |or of BallBot's |
00001830  70 72 6f 67 72 65 73 73  0d 06 36 0e 20 dd f2 63  |progress..6. ..c|
00001840  6f 6d 70 6d 6f 6e 0d 06  40 72 20 e7 20 69 64 6c  |ompmon..@r . idl|
00001850  65 20 80 20 28 62 61 6c  6c 28 30 2c 30 29 3c 3e  |e . (ball(0,0)<>|
00001860  30 20 84 20 62 61 6c 6c  28 31 2c 30 29 3c 3e 30  |0 . ball(1,0)<>0|
00001870  20 84 20 62 61 6c 6c 28  32 2c 30 29 3c 3e 30 20  | . ball(2,0)<>0 |
00001880  84 20 62 61 6c 6c 28 33  2c 30 29 3c 3e 30 20 84  |. ball(3,0)<>0 .|
00001890  20 62 61 6c 6c 28 34 2c  30 29 3c 3e 30 29 20 8c  | ball(4,0)<>0) .|
000018a0  20 73 74 24 3d 22 46 61  69 6c 22 20 8b 20 73 74  | st$="Fail" . st|
000018b0  24 3d 22 50 61 73 73 22  0d 06 4a 3e 20 e7 20 69  |$="Pass"..J> . i|
000018c0  64 6c 65 20 8c 20 f1 73  74 24 2c a8 28 28 91 2d  |dle . .st$,.((.-|
000018d0  73 74 61 72 74 29 2f 36  30 30 30 29 3b 22 3a 22  |start)/6000);":"|
000018e0  3b 28 a8 28 28 91 2d 73  74 61 72 74 29 2f 31 30  |;(.((.-start)/10|
000018f0  30 29 83 36 30 29 0d 06  54 2c 20 e7 20 91 3e 73  |0).60)..T, . .>s|
00001900  74 61 72 74 2b 33 36 30  30 30 20 8c 20 69 64 6c  |tart+36000 . idl|
00001910  65 3d b9 3a f1 22 54 69  6d 65 22 2c 22 2a 2a 2a  |e=.:."Time","***|
00001920  2a 22 0d 06 5e 3c 20 e7  62 62 78 3e 36 33 35 80  |*"..^< .bbx>635.|
00001930  62 62 78 3c 36 34 35 80  62 62 79 3e 31 30 35 80  |bbx<645.bby>105.|
00001940  62 62 79 3c 39 32 30 8c  69 64 6c 65 3d b9 3a f1  |bby<920.idle=.:.|
00001950  22 43 72 61 73 68 22 2c  22 2a 2a 2a 2a 22 0d 06  |"Crash","****"..|
00001960  68 99 20 e7 20 69 64 6c  65 20 8c 20 62 62 78 3d  |h. . idle . bbx=|
00001970  36 34 30 3a 62 62 79 3d  39 35 30 3a 64 69 72 3d  |640:bby=950:dir=|
00001980  32 37 30 3a 73 74 61 67  65 3d 30 3a f2 73 65 74  |270:stage=0:.set|
00001990  75 70 62 62 3a 73 74 61  72 74 3d 91 3a e3 62 3d  |upbb:start=.:.b=|
000019a0  30 b8 34 3a 62 61 6c 6c  28 62 2c 30 29 3d b3 28  |0.4:ball(b,0)=.(|
000019b0  31 31 38 30 29 3a 62 61  6c 6c 28 62 2c 31 29 3d  |1180):ball(b,1)=|
000019c0  b3 28 31 30 32 34 29 3a  62 61 6c 6c 28 62 2c 30  |.(1024):ball(b,0|
000019d0  29 3d 62 61 6c 6c 28 62  2c 30 29 2d 31 30 30 2a  |)=ball(b,0)-100*|
000019e0  28 28 62 61 6c 6c 28 62  2c 30 29 20 81 20 31 30  |((ball(b,0) . 10|
000019f0  30 29 3d 36 29 3a ed 0d  06 72 af 20 e7 20 69 64  |0)=6):...r. . id|
00001a00  6c 65 20 8c 20 f1 22 5b  22 3b 62 61 6c 6c 28 30  |le . ."[";ball(0|
00001a10  2c 30 29 3b 22 2c 22 3b  62 61 6c 6c 28 30 2c 31  |,0);",";ball(0,1|
00001a20  29 3b 22 5d 20 5b 22 3b  62 61 6c 6c 28 31 2c 30  |);"] [";ball(1,0|
00001a30  29 3b 22 2c 22 3b 62 61  6c 6c 28 31 2c 31 29 3b  |);",";ball(1,1);|
00001a40  22 5d 20 5b 22 3b 62 61  6c 6c 28 32 2c 30 29 3b  |"] [";ball(2,0);|
00001a50  22 2c 22 3b 62 61 6c 6c  28 32 2c 31 29 3b 22 5d  |",";ball(2,1);"]|
00001a60  20 5b 22 3b 62 61 6c 6c  28 33 2c 30 29 3b 22 2c  | [";ball(3,0);",|
00001a70  22 3b 62 61 6c 6c 28 33  2c 31 29 3b 22 5d 20 5b  |";ball(3,1);"] [|
00001a80  22 3b 62 61 6c 6c 28 34  2c 30 29 3b 22 2c 22 3b  |";ball(4,0);",";|
00001a90  62 61 6c 6c 28 34 2c 31  29 3b 22 5d 22 2c 3b 3a  |ball(4,1);"]",;:|
00001aa0  69 64 6c 65 3d a3 0d 06  7c 06 20 e1 0d 06 86 06  |idle=...|. .....|
00001ab0  20 3a 0d 06 90 2a 20 f4  20 42 41 4c 4c 42 4f 54  | :...* . BALLBOT|
00001ac0  20 52 4f 42 4f 54 49 43  20 49 4e 54 45 4c 4c 49  | ROBOTIC INTELLI|
00001ad0  47 45 4e 43 45 20 4d 4f  44 55 4c 45 0d 06 9a 06  |GENCE MODULE....|
00001ae0  20 3a 0d 06 a4 22 20 dd  a4 61 69 28 66 72 65 71  | :..." ..ai(freq|
00001af0  61 2c 66 72 65 71 62 2c  66 72 65 71 63 2c 66 72  |a,freqb,freqc,fr|
00001b00  65 71 64 29 0d 06 ae 39  20 f4 20 41 72 74 69 66  |eqd)...9 . Artif|
00001b10  69 63 69 61 6c 20 69 6e  74 65 6c 6c 69 67 65 6e  |icial intelligen|
00001b20  63 65 20 72 6f 75 74 69  6e 65 73 20 28 69 65 2e  |ce routines (ie.|
00001b30  20 57 68 61 74 20 4e 65  78 74 3f 3f 29 0d 06 b8  | What Next??)...|
00001b40  1e 20 ea 6c 65 66 74 2c  72 69 67 68 74 2c 74 75  |. .left,right,tu|
00001b50  72 62 6f 2c 72 65 76 65  72 73 65 0d 06 c2 25 20  |rbo,reverse...% |
00001b60  6c 65 66 74 3d a3 3a 72  69 67 68 74 3d a3 3a 74  |left=.:right=.:t|
00001b70  75 72 62 6f 3d a3 3a 72  65 76 65 72 73 65 3d a3  |urbo=.:reverse=.|
00001b80  0d 06 cc 06 20 3a 0d 06  d6 40 20 f4 20 57 68 61  |.... :...@ . Wha|
00001b90  74 20 73 74 61 67 65 20  61 72 65 20 77 65 20 69  |t stage are we i|
00001ba0  6e 3f 20 48 75 6e 74 20  66 6f 72 20 62 61 6c 6c  |n? Hunt for ball|
00001bb0  73 20 6f 72 20 6d 6f 76  65 20 74 6f 20 6e 65 77  |s or move to new|
00001bc0  20 61 72 65 61 3f 0d 06  e0 27 20 e7 20 6e 65 61  | area?...' . nea|
00001bd0  72 3c 3e 30 20 80 20 73  74 61 67 65 3c 34 20 8c  |r<>0 . stage<4 .|
00001be0  20 f2 64 6f 6e 65 61 72  73 74 75 66 66 0d 06 ea  | .donearstuff...|
00001bf0  2b 20 e7 20 6e 65 61 72  3d 30 20 80 20 28 73 74  |+ . near=0 . (st|
00001c00  61 67 65 3d 30 20 84 20  73 74 61 67 65 3d 32 29  |age=0 . stage=2)|
00001c10  20 8c 20 f2 68 75 6e 74  0d 06 f4 2e 20 e7 20 6e  | . .hunt.... . n|
00001c20  65 61 72 3d 30 20 80 20  28 73 74 61 67 65 3d 31  |ear=0 . (stage=1|
00001c30  20 84 20 73 74 61 67 65  3d 33 29 20 8c 20 f2 6d  | . stage=3) . .m|
00001c40  6f 76 65 6f 75 74 0d 06  fe 1a 20 e7 20 73 74 61  |oveout.... . sta|
00001c50  67 65 3d 34 20 8c 20 f2  72 65 6c 65 61 73 65 62  |ge=4 . .releaseb|
00001c60  0d 07 08 06 20 3a 0d 07  12 32 20 f4 20 50 72 65  |.... :...2 . Pre|
00001c70  70 61 72 65 20 6f 75 74  70 75 74 20 69 6e 74 6f  |pare output into|
00001c80  20 62 69 6e 61 72 79 20  66 6f 72 20 74 72 61 6e  | binary for tran|
00001c90  73 6d 69 73 73 69 6f 6e  0d 07 1c 20 20 66 65 65  |smission...  fee|
00001ca0  64 3d 30 3a e7 20 6c 65  66 74 20 8c 20 66 65 65  |d=0:. left . fee|
00001cb0  64 3d 66 65 65 64 2b 31  0d 07 26 1a 20 e7 20 72  |d=feed+1..&. . r|
00001cc0  69 67 68 74 20 8c 20 66  65 65 64 3d 66 65 65 64  |ight . feed=feed|
00001cd0  2b 32 0d 07 30 1a 20 e7  20 74 75 72 62 6f 20 8c  |+2..0. . turbo .|
00001ce0  20 66 65 65 64 3d 66 65  65 64 2b 34 0d 07 3a 1b  | feed=feed+4..:.|
00001cf0  20 e7 20 ac 20 69 64 6c  65 20 8c 20 66 65 65 64  | . . idle . feed|
00001d00  3d 66 65 65 64 2b 38 0d  07 44 1d 20 e7 20 72 65  |=feed+8..D. . re|
00001d10  76 65 72 73 65 20 8c 20  66 65 65 64 3d 66 65 65  |verse . feed=fee|
00001d20  64 2b 31 36 0d 07 4e 0a  20 3d 66 65 65 64 0d 07  |d+16..N. =feed..|
00001d30  58 06 20 3a 0d 07 62 28  20 f4 20 50 65 72 66 6f  |X. :..b( . Perfo|
00001d40  72 6d 20 61 20 73 77 65  65 70 20 74 6f 20 66 69  |rm a sweep to fi|
00001d50  6e 64 20 61 6e 79 20 62  61 6c 6c 73 0d 07 6c 0b  |nd any balls..l.|
00001d60  20 dd f2 68 75 6e 74 0d  07 76 23 20 f4 20 57 61  | ..hunt..v# . Wa|
00001d70  74 63 68 20 6f 75 74 20  69 66 20 74 6f 6f 20 6e  |tch out if too n|
00001d80  65 61 72 20 74 6f 20 6e  65 74 0d 07 80 76 20 e7  |ear to net...v .|
00001d90  20 28 66 61 24 3c 3e 22  42 22 20 80 20 66 72 65  | (fa$<>"B" . fre|
00001da0  71 61 3c 33 30 29 84 28  66 62 24 3c 3e 22 42 22  |qa<30).(fb$<>"B"|
00001db0  20 80 20 66 72 65 71 62  3c 31 30 29 84 28 66 63  | . freqb<10).(fc|
00001dc0  24 3c 3e 22 42 22 20 80  20 66 72 65 71 63 3c 31  |$<>"B" . freqc<1|
00001dd0  30 29 20 8c 20 72 65 76  69 6e 67 3d 35 3a 74 75  |0) . reving=5:tu|
00001de0  72 62 6f 3d b9 3a 72 65  76 65 72 73 65 3d b9 3a  |rbo=.:reverse=.:|
00001df0  72 69 67 68 74 3d b9 3a  6c 65 66 74 3d b9 3a e1  |right=.:left=.:.|
00001e00  0d 07 8a 6a 20 e7 20 72  65 76 69 6e 67 3e 30 20  |...j . reving>0 |
00001e10  80 20 28 66 72 65 71 61  3c 31 35 30 20 84 20 66  |. (freqa<150 . f|
00001e20  72 65 71 62 3c 31 35 30  20 84 20 66 72 65 71 63  |reqb<150 . freqc|
00001e30  3c 31 35 30 29 20 8c 20  72 65 76 69 6e 67 3d 72  |<150) . reving=r|
00001e40  65 76 69 6e 67 2d 31 3a  74 75 72 62 6f 3d b9 3a  |eving-1:turbo=.:|
00001e50  72 65 76 65 72 73 65 3d  b9 3a 72 69 67 68 74 3d  |reverse=.:right=|
00001e60  a3 3a 6c 65 66 74 3d b9  3a e1 0d 07 94 0d 20 72  |.:left=.:..... r|
00001e70  65 76 69 6e 67 3d 30 0d  07 9e 06 20 3a 0d 07 a8  |eving=0.... :...|
00001e80  1a 20 f4 20 52 6f 74 61  74 65 20 74 6f 20 66 61  |. . Rotate to fa|
00001e90  63 65 20 62 61 6c 6c 0d  07 b2 24 20 f4 20 57 68  |ce ball...$ . Wh|
00001ea0  65 72 65 20 73 65 61 72  63 68 20 61 66 74 65 72  |ere search after|
00001eb0  20 74 68 69 73 20 62 61  6c 6c 3f 0d 07 bc 28 20  | this ball?...( |
00001ec0  e7 20 28 66 62 24 3d 22  42 22 20 80 20 66 72 65  |. (fb$="B" . fre|
00001ed0  71 62 3e 31 35 30 29 20  8c 20 74 65 6e 64 69 6e  |qb>150) . tendin|
00001ee0  67 3d 30 0d 07 c6 26 20  e7 20 66 63 24 3d 22 42  |g=0...& . fc$="B|
00001ef0  22 20 80 20 66 72 65 71  63 3e 31 35 30 20 8c 20  |" . freqc>150 . |
00001f00  74 65 6e 64 69 6e 67 3d  31 0d 07 d0 1f 20 f4 20  |tending=1.... . |
00001f10  50 69 63 6b 20 62 65 73  74 20 62 61 6c 6c 20 74  |Pick best ball t|
00001f20  6f 20 61 69 6d 20 61 74  0d 07 da 5a 20 64 69 73  |o aim at...Z dis|
00001f30  74 3d 66 72 65 71 61 2a  30 2e 37 35 3a e7 20 64  |t=freqa*0.75:. d|
00001f40  69 73 74 3e 66 72 65 71  62 20 80 20 66 62 24 3d  |ist>freqb . fb$=|
00001f50  22 42 22 20 80 20 28 66  72 65 71 62 3c 66 72 65  |"B" . (freqb<fre|
00001f60  71 63 20 84 20 66 63 24  3c 3e 22 42 22 29 20 8c  |qc . fc$<>"B") .|
00001f70  20 73 74 65 65 72 3d 2d  31 3a 6c 65 66 74 3d b9  | steer=-1:left=.|
00001f80  3a e1 0d 07 e4 2f 20 e7  20 64 69 73 74 3e 66 72  |:..../ . dist>fr|
00001f90  65 71 63 20 80 20 66 63  24 3d 22 42 22 20 8c 20  |eqc . fc$="B" . |
00001fa0  73 74 65 65 72 3d 31 3a  72 69 67 68 74 3d b9 3a  |steer=1:right=.:|
00001fb0  e1 0d 07 ee 62 20 e7 20  66 61 24 3d 22 42 22 20  |....b . fa$="B" |
00001fc0  8c 20 6c 65 66 74 3d 28  73 74 65 65 72 3c 3e 31  |. left=(steer<>1|
00001fd0  29 3a 72 69 67 68 74 3d  28 73 74 65 65 72 3c 3e  |):right=(steer<>|
00001fe0  2d 31 29 3a 73 74 65 65  72 3d 30 3a 73 65 61 72  |-1):steer=0:sear|
00001ff0  63 68 69 6e 67 3d 73 65  61 72 63 68 69 6e 67 2f  |ching=searching/|
00002000  32 3a 74 75 72 62 6f 3d  66 72 65 71 61 3e 31 30  |2:turbo=freqa>10|
00002010  30 3a e1 0d 07 f8 22 20  e7 20 66 62 24 3d 22 42  |0:...." . fb$="B|
00002020  22 20 8c 20 73 74 65 65  72 3d 2d 31 3a 6c 65 66  |" . steer=-1:lef|
00002030  74 3d b9 3a e1 0d 08 02  22 20 e7 20 66 63 24 3d  |t=.:...." . fc$=|
00002040  22 42 22 20 8c 20 73 74  65 65 72 3d 31 3a 72 69  |"B" . steer=1:ri|
00002050  67 68 74 3d b9 3a e1 0d  08 0c 06 20 3a 0d 08 16  |ght=.:..... :...|
00002060  30 20 f4 20 49 66 20 6e  6f 20 62 61 6c 6c 20 69  |0 . If no ball i|
00002070  6e 20 73 69 67 68 74 2c  20 63 6f 6e 74 69 6e 75  |n sight, continu|
00002080  65 20 72 6f 74 61 74 69  6f 6e 2e 2e 2e 0d 08 20  |e rotation..... |
00002090  36 20 73 65 61 72 63 68  69 6e 67 3d 73 65 61 72  |6 searching=sear|
000020a0  63 68 69 6e 67 2b 31 3a  74 75 72 62 6f 3d 28 73  |ching+1:turbo=(s|
000020b0  65 61 72 63 68 69 6e 67  3e 35 29 3a 73 74 65 65  |earching>5):stee|
000020c0  72 3d 30 0d 08 2a 2a 20  e7 20 28 74 65 6e 64 69  |r=0..** . (tendi|
000020d0  6e 67 20 80 20 31 29 3c  3e 30 20 8c 20 72 69 67  |ng . 1)<>0 . rig|
000020e0  68 74 3d b9 20 8b 20 6c  65 66 74 3d b9 0d 08 34  |ht=. . left=...4|
000020f0  2a 20 e7 20 73 65 61 72  63 68 69 6e 67 3d 35 20  |* . searching=5 |
00002100  8c 20 74 65 6e 64 69 6e  67 3d 28 74 65 6e 64 69  |. tending=(tendi|
00002110  6e 67 20 82 20 31 29 0d  08 3e 23 20 e7 20 73 65  |ng . 1)..># . se|
00002120  61 72 63 68 69 6e 67 3e  35 30 20 8c 20 73 74 61  |arching>50 . sta|
00002130  67 65 3d 73 74 61 67 65  2b 31 0d 08 48 06 20 e1  |ge=stage+1..H. .|
00002140  0d 08 52 06 20 3a 0d 08  5c 3c 20 f4 20 46 69 6e  |..R. :..\< . Fin|
00002150  64 20 65 64 67 65 20 6f  66 20 6e 65 74 20 61 6e  |d edge of net an|
00002160  64 20 61 69 6d 20 66 6f  72 20 69 74 20 74 6f 20  |d aim for it to |
00002170  6d 6f 76 65 20 74 6f 20  6f 74 68 65 72 20 73 69  |move to other si|
00002180  64 65 0d 08 66 0e 20 dd  f2 6d 6f 76 65 6f 75 74  |de..f. ..moveout|
00002190  0d 08 70 23 20 f4 20 57  61 74 63 68 20 6f 75 74  |..p# . Watch out|
000021a0  20 69 66 20 74 6f 6f 20  6e 65 61 72 20 74 6f 20  | if too near to |
000021b0  6e 65 74 0d 08 7a 7b 20  e7 20 28 66 72 65 71 61  |net..z{ . (freqa|
000021c0  3c 33 30 20 84 20 66 72  65 71 62 3c 33 30 20 84  |<30 . freqb<30 .|
000021d0  20 66 72 65 71 63 3c 33  30 29 20 84 20 28 72 65  | freqc<30) . (re|
000021e0  76 69 6e 67 20 80 20 28  66 72 65 71 61 3c 37 35  |ving . (freqa<75|
000021f0  20 84 20 66 72 65 71 62  3c 37 35 20 84 20 66 72  | . freqb<75 . fr|
00002200  65 71 63 3c 37 35 29 29  20 8c 20 72 65 76 69 6e  |eqc<75)) . revin|
00002210  67 3d b9 3a 72 65 76 65  72 73 65 3d b9 3a 72 69  |g=.:reverse=.:ri|
00002220  67 68 74 3d b9 3a 6c 65  66 74 3d b9 3a e1 0d 08  |ght=.:left=.:...|
00002230  84 0d 20 72 65 76 69 6e  67 3d a3 0d 08 8e 23 20  |.. reving=....# |
00002240  f4 20 49 66 20 62 61 6c  6c 20 69 6e 20 73 69 67  |. If ball in sig|
00002250  68 74 2c 20 67 6f 20 67  65 74 20 69 74 21 0d 08  |ht, go get it!..|
00002260  98 41 20 e7 20 66 61 24  3d 22 42 22 20 84 20 66  |.A . fa$="B" . f|
00002270  62 24 3d 22 42 22 20 84  20 66 63 24 3d 22 42 22  |b$="B" . fc$="B"|
00002280  20 8c 20 73 74 61 67 65  3d 73 74 61 67 65 2d 31  | . stage=stage-1|
00002290  3a 73 65 61 72 63 68 69  6e 67 3d 34 34 3a e1 0d  |:searching=44:..|
000022a0  08 a2 2c 20 f4 20 41 6c  69 67 6e 20 62 61 6c 6c  |.., . Align ball|
000022b0  62 6f 74 20 74 6f 20 66  61 63 65 20 74 68 65 20  |bot to face the |
000022c0  6e 65 74 20 70 6f 73 74  2e 2e 2e 0d 08 ac 24 20  |net post......$ |
000022d0  e7 20 66 61 24 3d 22 4e  22 20 84 20 66 61 24 3d  |. fa$="N" . fa$=|
000022e0  22 50 22 20 8c 20 72 69  67 68 74 3d b9 3a e1 0d  |"P" . right=.:..|
000022f0  08 b6 25 20 e7 20 66 62  24 3c 3e 22 4e 22 20 80  |..% . fb$<>"N" .|
00002300  20 66 62 24 3c 3e 22 50  22 20 8c 20 6c 65 66 74  | fb$<>"P" . left|
00002310  3d b9 3a e1 0d 08 c0 2d  20 e7 20 66 62 24 3d 22  |=.:....- . fb$="|
00002320  50 22 20 80 20 66 72 65  71 62 3c 31 35 30 20 8c  |P" . freqb<150 .|
00002330  20 72 69 67 68 74 3d b9  3a 6e 65 61 72 3d 31 3a  | right=.:near=1:|
00002340  e1 0d 08 ca 1b 20 74 75  72 62 6f 3d b9 3a 6c 65  |..... turbo=.:le|
00002350  66 74 3d b9 3a 72 69 67  68 74 3d b9 0d 08 d4 06  |ft=.:right=.....|
00002360  20 e1 0d 08 de 06 20 3a  0d 08 e8 47 20 f4 20 4e  | ..... :...G . N|
00002370  65 61 72 6c 79 20 74 68  65 72 65 2e 2e 2e 20 4a  |early there... J|
00002380  75 73 74 20 6e 65 65 64  20 61 20 6c 69 74 74 6c  |ust need a littl|
00002390  65 20 6e 75 64 67 65 20  69 6e 20 74 68 65 20 72  |e nudge in the r|
000023a0  69 67 68 74 20 64 69 72  65 63 74 69 6f 6e 2e 0d  |ight direction..|
000023b0  08 f2 12 20 dd f2 64 6f  6e 65 61 72 73 74 75 66  |... ..donearstuf|
000023c0  66 0d 08 fc 26 20 e7 20  66 72 65 71 61 3c 33 30  |f...& . freqa<30|
000023d0  20 80 20 66 61 24 3c 3e  22 42 22 20 8c 20 72 69  | . fa$<>"B" . ri|
000023e0  67 68 74 3d b9 3a e1 0d  09 06 2b 20 e7 20 6e 65  |ght=.:....+ . ne|
000023f0  61 72 3d 31 20 80 20 66  64 24 3c 3e 22 55 22 20  |ar=1 . fd$<>"U" |
00002400  8c 20 6c 65 66 74 3d b9  3a 72 69 67 68 74 3d b9  |. left=.:right=.|
00002410  3a e1 0d 09 10 32 20 6e  65 61 72 3d 6e 65 61 72  |:....2 near=near|
00002420  2b 31 3a 6c 65 66 74 3d  b9 3a 72 69 67 68 74 3d  |+1:left=.:right=|
00002430  28 6e 65 61 72 20 83 20  32 29 3d 31 3a 74 75 72  |(near . 2)=1:tur|
00002440  62 6f 3d b9 0d 09 1a 3b  20 e7 20 6e 65 61 72 3e  |bo=....; . near>|
00002450  31 38 20 8c 20 6e 65 61  72 3d 30 3a 73 74 61 67  |18 . near=0:stag|
00002460  65 3d 73 74 61 67 65 2b  31 3a 73 65 61 72 63 68  |e=stage+1:search|
00002470  69 6e 67 3d 30 3a 74 65  6e 64 69 6e 67 3d 31 0d  |ing=0:tending=1.|
00002480  09 24 06 20 e1 0d 09 2e  06 20 3a 0d 09 38 3d 20  |.$. ..... :..8= |
00002490  f4 20 49 6e 69 74 69 61  6c 69 73 65 20 42 61 6c  |. Initialise Bal|
000024a0  6c 42 6f 74 20 76 61 72  69 61 62 6c 65 73 20 61  |lBot variables a|
000024b0  74 20 74 68 65 20 62 65  67 69 6e 6e 69 6e 67 20  |t the beginning |
000024c0  6f 66 20 61 20 72 75 6e  0d 09 42 0e 20 dd f2 73  |of a run..B. ..s|
000024d0  65 74 75 70 62 62 0d 09  4c 2f 20 72 65 76 69 6e  |etupbb..L/ revin|
000024e0  67 3d a3 3a 6c 65 66 74  3d a3 3a 72 69 67 68 74  |g=.:left=.:right|
000024f0  3d a3 3a 73 65 61 72 63  68 69 6e 67 3d 30 3a 69  |=.:searching=0:i|
00002500  64 6c 65 3d b9 0d 09 56  1d 20 6e 65 61 72 3d a3  |dle=...V. near=.|
00002510  3a 74 65 6e 64 69 6e 67  3d 31 3a 73 74 65 65 72  |:tending=1:steer|
00002520  3d 30 0d 09 60 06 20 e1  0d 09 6a 06 20 3a 0d 09  |=0..`. ...j. :..|
00002530  74 0f 20 dd f2 72 65 6c  65 61 73 65 62 0d 09 7e  |t. ..releaseb..~|
00002540  2d 20 f4 20 47 6f 74 20  61 6c 6c 20 74 68 65 20  |- . Got all the |
00002550  62 61 6c 6c 73 2c 20 6e  6f 77 20 6a 75 73 74 20  |balls, now just |
00002560  64 75 6d 70 20 74 68 65  6d 21 0d 09 88 10 20 6e  |dump them!.... n|
00002570  65 61 72 3d 6e 65 61 72  2b 31 0d 09 92 1d 20 e7  |ear=near+1.... .|
00002580  20 6e 65 61 72 3e 39 20  8c 20 69 64 6c 65 3d b9  | near>9 . idle=.|
00002590  3a 6e 65 61 72 3d a3 0d  09 9c 06 20 e1 0d ff     |:near=..... ...|