Home » CEEFAX disks » telesoftware7.adl » 06-05-88/DISCCPY
This website contains an archive of files for the Acorn Electron, BBC Micro, Acorn Archimedes, Commodore 16 and Commodore 64 computers, which Dominic Ford has rescued from his private collection of floppy disks and cassettes.
Some of these files were originally commercial releases in the 1980s and 1990s, but they are now widely available online. I assume that copyright over them is no longer being asserted. If you own the copyright and would like files to be removed, please contact me.
Tape/disk: | Home » CEEFAX disks » telesoftware7.adl |
Filename: | 06-05-88/DISCCPY |
Read OK: | ✔ |
File size: | 1FEA bytes |
Load address: | FFFF0E00 |
Exec address: | FFFF802B |
File contents
100REM DCOPY By Jagdish Sah 110REM (c) The Micro User 120REM call format: *DCOPY 0 1 FILE1 D.FILE2 B.FILE3 130: 140namelength=7:filestore=&1900:newname=&404 150himem=&6:namelength=namelength+3:fileinfo=newname+namelength 160osfile=&FFDD:osbyte=&FFF4:osrdch=&FFE0:osnewl=&FFE7:osasci=&FFE3 170cmd_ptr=&70:fileinfo_ptr=&72:filename_ptr=&74:filestore_ptr=&76 180temp=&78:oldrtn=&7A:no_of_files=&7C:last_file=&7D:param_blk=&7E 190code%=&900 200: 210FOR I% =0 TO 2 STEP 2 220P%=code% 230[ OPT I% 240.init 250LDA &209:CMP #start DIV256:BEQ exit 260STA oldrtn+1:LDA &208:STA oldrtn 270 \ set up new oscli routine 280SEI:LDA #start MOD256:STA &208 290LDA #start DIV256:STA &209:CLI 300.exit RTS 310: 320.out PLA:TAY:PLA:TAX:PLA 330.old_cli JMP (oldrtn) 340: 350.start 360PHA:TXA:PHA:TYA:PHA 370STX cmd_ptr:STY cmd_ptr+1 380LDX #(cmdend-command):LDY #0 390STY no_of_files:STY last_file 400\ check the command 410JSR skipsp \ ignore leading spaces 420.chkcmd 430LDA (cmd_ptr),Y \ get typed command 440CMP command,Y \ compare with the correct value 450BNE out \ exit if command mis_match 460INY:DEX:BNE chkcmd \ check for all characters 470: 480PLA:PLA:PLA \ command correct,so tidy stack 490JSR osnewl:JSR update_cmdptr \ update command pointer 500JSR init_pointers \ set pointers for file storage etc 510JSR get_drive:STA in_dr \ get input drive no. 520JSR get_drive:STA out_dr \ get output drive no. 530LDX #input_drive MOD 256:LDY #input_drive DIV 256 540JSR old_cli \ issue *DRIVE X command 550JSR osnewl 560: 570.load_loop 580: 590\ check if enough room for file information exits 600LDA fileinfo_ptr:CLC:ADC #10:STA temp 610LDA fileinfo_ptr+1:ADC #0 620CMP #8:BCC ok 630LDA temp:BNE noroom \ info block <= &800 640.ok 650JSR get_filename:BCS nxt_file 660JSR get_filesize:BCS nxt_file 670: 680 \ check if enough room in file store 690JSR end_addr 700SEC:LDA himem:SBC temp 710LDA himem+1:SBC temp+1 720BMI noroom 730: 740JSR load_file 750JSR update_pointers 760INC no_of_files 770.nxt_file JSR osnewl 780LDA last_file:BEQ load_loop:BNE set_for_save 790: 800.noroom 810JSR message 820OPT FNequs(" _ No room") 830OPT FNequb(&0D) 840OPT FNequb(255) 850.set_for_save 860LDA no_of_files:BEQ end 870STA last_file:JSR init_pointers:JSR osnewl 880JSR output_drive \ set output drive 890.save_loop 900JSR check_presence:JSR message 910OPT FNequs("Save ") 920OPT FNequb(255) 930JSR print_filename 940JSR message 950OPT FNequs(" (Y/N) ? ") 960OPT FNequb(255) 970JSR end_addr 980JSR get_yn 990CPY #ASC"Y":BNE no_save 1000JSR save_file 1010.no_save 1020JSR update_pointers 1030DEC last_file:BNE save_loop 1040JSR message 1050OPT FNequb(&0D) 1060OPT FNequb(&0D) 1070OPT FNequs("Another copy (Y/N) ? ") 1080OPT FNequb(255) 1090JSR get_yn 1100CPY #ASC"Y":BEQ set_for_save 1110.end RTS 1120: 1130 \ *** SUBROUTINES *** 1140: 1150.skipsp 1160LDA (cmd_ptr),Y:INY 1170CMP #ASC" ":BEQ skipsp 1180DEY:BEQ ucp2 1190: 1200 \ update command pointer 1210.update_cmdptr 1220INC cmd_ptr:BNE ucp:INC cmd_ptr+1 1230.ucp DEY:BNE update_cmdptr 1240.ucp2 RTS 1250: 1260 \ set file storage area etc 1270.init_pointers 1280 \ filestore_ptr = filestore 1290LDA #filestore MOD 256:STA filestore_ptr 1300LDA #filestore DIV 256:STA filestore_ptr+1 1310 \ filename_ptr = fileinfo 1320 \ fileinfo_ptr = fileinfo + namelength 1330LDA #fileinfo MOD 256:STA filename_ptr 1340CLC:ADC #namelength:STA fileinfo_ptr 1350LDA #fileinfo DIV 256:STA filename_ptr+1 1360ADC #0:STA fileinfo_ptr+1 1370RTS 1380: 1390 \ find end addr+1 of the file 1400.end_addr 1410LDY #8:LDA (fileinfo_ptr),Y:INY \ get file size 1420CLC:ADC filestore_ptr:STA temp 1430LDA (fileinfo_ptr),Y 1440ADC filestore_ptr+1:STA temp+1 1450RTS 1460: 1470 \ update pointers for file storage etc 1480.update_pointers 1490 \ filename_ptr = fileinfo_ptr + 10 1500CLC:LDA fileinfo_ptr:ADC #10:STA filename_ptr 1510LDA fileinfo_ptr+1:ADC #0:STA filename_ptr+1 1520 \ fileinfo_ptr = filename_ptr + namelength 1530CLC:LDA filename_ptr:ADC #namelength:STA fileinfo_ptr 1540LDA filename_ptr+1:ADC #0:STA fileinfo_ptr+1 1550LDA temp:STA filestore_ptr 1560LDA temp+1:STA filestore_ptr+1 1570RTS 1580: 1590 \ get next file name from the command line 1600.get_filename 1610LDY #0:STY newname:JSR skipsp \ ignore leading spaces 1620.gfname 1630LDA (cmd_ptr),Y 1640CMP #&0D:BEQ lastfile2 \ last file terminated by &0D 1650CMP #ASC" ":BEQ got_file 1660JSR osasci:CMP #ASC"*":BEQ asterisk 1670STA (filename_ptr),Y 1680INY:BNE gfname 1690.lastfile2 INC last_file 1700.got_file 1710LDA #&0D:STA (filename_ptr),Y \ &0D as file name terminator 1720TYA:INY:JSR update_cmdptr 1730CMP #namelength:BCS len_err 1740RTS 1750.asterisk 1760LDA #&0D:STA (filename_ptr),Y 1770TYA:PHA:INY:JSR update_cmdptr 1780.asterisk2 1790LDA (cmd_ptr),Y 1800CMP #&0D:BEQ lastfile3 1810CMP #ASC" ":BEQ got_file2 1820STA newname,Y:JSR osasci 1830INY:BNE asterisk2 1840.lastfile3 INC last_file 1850.got_file2 1860LDA #&0D:STA newname,Y 1870TYA:INY:JSR update_cmdptr 1880TAX:PLA:CMP #namelength:BCS len_err 1890CPX #namelength:BCS len_err 1900RTS 1910.len_err 1920JSR message 1930OPT FNequs(" _ Bad filename") 1940OPT FNequb(255) 1950SEC:RTS 1960: 1970.get_drive 1980JSR get_filename:JSR osnewl:LDY #0 1990LDA (filename_ptr),Y 2000CMP #ASC"0":BCC dr_err 2010CMP #ASC"4":BCS dr_err 2020RTS 2030.dr_err 2040BRK 2050OPT FNequb(&CD) 2060OPT FNequb(&0D) 2070OPT FNequs("Bad drive") 2080OPT FNequb(&0D) 2090OPT FNequb(0) 2100: 2110 \ call osfile with A=5 2120 \ save load addr, exec. addr and file size 2130.get_filesize 2140JSR set_blk 2150LDA #5:JSR osfile 2160CMP #1:BNE file_not_found 2170LDY #0 2180.gfs2 LDA param_blk+2,Y:STA (fileinfo_ptr),Y 2190INY:CPY #10:BNE gfs2 2200CLC:RTS 2210.file_not_found 2220JSR message 2230OPT FNequs(" _ not found") 2240OPT FNequb(255) 2250SEC:RTS 2260: 2270.set_blk 2280LDA filename_ptr:STA param_blk 2290LDA filename_ptr+1:STA param_blk+1 2300LDA #0:LDY #2 2310.sb STA param_blk,Y:INY:CPY #18:BNE sb 2320LDX #param_blk MOD 256:LDY #param_blk DIV 256 2330RTS 2340: 2350.load_file 2360JSR set_blk:LDA filestore_ptr:STA param_blk+2 2370LDA filestore_ptr+1:STA param_blk+3 2380LDA #&FF:JSR osfile \ load file 2390LDA newname:BEQ no_rename:LDY #0 2400.yes_rename 2410LDA newname,Y:STA (filename_ptr),Y 2420INY:CMP #&0D:BNE yes_rename 2430.no_rename 2440RTS 2450: 2460.check_presence 2470JSR set_blk:LDA #5:JSR osfile 2480CMP #1:BNE not_present 2490JSR message 2500OPT FNequb(&0D) 2510OPT FNequb(129) 2520OPT FNequs("It exists on the destination disk.") 2530OPT FNequb(&0D) 2540OPT FNequb(255) 2550.not_present 2560RTS 2570: 2580.save_file 2590JSR set_blk:LDY #0 2600.sf 2610LDA (fileinfo_ptr),Y:STA param_blk+2,Y 2620INY:CPY #8:BNE sf 2630LDA filestore_ptr:STA param_blk+10 2640LDA filestore_ptr+1:STA param_blk+11 2650LDA temp:STA param_blk+14 2660LDA temp+1:STA param_blk+15 2670LDY #param_blk DIV 256:LDA #0:JMP osfile 2680: 2690 \ get 'Y' or 'N' 2700.get_yn 2710LDA #15:LDX #1:JSR osbyte \ flush input buffer 2720.yn 2730JSR getkey 2740AND #&5F:CMP #ASC"Y":BEQ yn2 2750CMP #ASC"N":BNE yn 2760.yn2 2770TAY:JSR osasci:JMP osnewl 2780.getkey 2790JSR osrdch \ get a char in A 2800CMP #&1B:BEQ escape:RTS 2810.escape 2820BRK 2830OPT FNequb(17) 2840OPT FNequb(&0D) 2850OPT FNequs("Escape") 2860OPT FNequb(&0D) 2870OPT FNequb(0) 2880: 2890.print_filename 2900LDY #0 2910.pfn 2920LDA (filename_ptr),Y 2930CMP #&0D:BEQ pfn2 2940JSR osasci:INY:BNE pfn 2950.pfn2 2960RTS 2970: 2980.message 2990PLA:STA temp:PLA:STA temp+1 3000LDY #1 3010.mes 3020LDA (temp),Y 3030CMP #255:BEQ mes2 3040JSR osasci:INY:BNE mes 3050.mes2 3060INY:TYA:CLC:ADC temp:STA temp 3070LDA #0:ADC temp+1:STA temp+1 3080JMP (temp) 3090: 3100.command 3110OPT FNequs("*DCOPY") 3120.cmdend 3130: 3140.input_drive 3150OPT FNequs("DRIVE ") 3160.in_dr 3170OPT FNequs("0") 3180OPT FNequb(&0D) 3190: 3200.output_drive 3210LDA in_dr:CMP out_dr:BNE output_dr2 3220JSR message 3230OPT FNequb(131) 3240OPT FNequs("Insert destination disk & tap a key") 3250OPT FNequb(&0D) 3260OPT FNequb(255) 3270LDA #15:LDX #1:JSR osbyte:JMP getkey 3280.output_dr2 3290LDX #output_dr MOD 256:LDY #output_dr DIV 256 3300JMP old_cli \ issue *DRIVE X command & return 3310.output_dr 3320OPT FNequs("DRIVE ") 3330.out_dr 3340OPT FNequs("0") 3350OPT FNequb(&0D) 3360]:NEXT 3370: 3380C%=0 3390FOR I%=code% TO P%-1 3400C%=C%+?I% 3410NEXT:PRINT''"Checksum=";C% 3420DIM X% 30:Y%=X% DIV 256 3430$X%="S.DCOPYMC "+STR$~(code%)+" "+STR$~(P%) 3440PRINT'"Do you want to save the machine code"'"(Y/N) ?"; 3450A$=GET$:PRINTA$:IF A$="Y":CALL &FFF7 3460END 3470: 3480DEFFNequb(A%) 3490?P%=A%:P%=P%+1 3500=I% 3510: 3520DEFFNequs(A$) 3530$P%=A$:P%=P%+LEN(A$) 3540=I%
d� DCOPY By Jagdish Sah n� (c) The Micro User x3� call format: *DCOPY 0 1 FILE1 D.FILE2 B.FILE3 �: �-namelength=7:filestore=&1900:newname=&404 �@himem=&6:namelength=namelength+3:fileinfo=newname+namelength �Dosfile=&FFDD:osbyte=&FFF4:osrdch=&FFE0:osnewl=&FFE7:osasci=&FFE3 �Ccmd_ptr=&70:fileinfo_ptr=&72:filename_ptr=&74:filestore_ptr=&76 �Ctemp=&78:oldrtn=&7A:no_of_files=&7C:last_file=&7D:param_blk=&7E �code%=&900 �: �� I% =0 � 2 � 2 �P%=code% �[ OPT I% � .init �%LDA &209:CMP #start �256:BEQ exit $STA oldrtn+1:LDA &208:STA oldrtn \ set up new oscli routine SEI:LDA #start �256:STA &208 " LDA #start �256:STA &209:CLI , .exit RTS 6: @.out PLA:TAY:PLA:TAX:PLA J.old_cli JMP (oldrtn) T: ^ .start hPHA:TXA:PHA:TYA:PHA rSTX cmd_ptr:STY cmd_ptr+1 | LDX #(cmdend-command):LDY #0 �!STY no_of_files:STY last_file �\ check the command �&JSR skipsp \ ignore leading spaces �.chkcmd �'LDA (cmd_ptr),Y \ get typed command �2CMP command,Y \ compare with the correct value �'BNE out \ exit if command mis_match �1INY:DEX:BNE chkcmd \ check for all characters �: �/PLA:PLA:PLA \ command correct,so tidy stack �9JSR osnewl:JSR update_cmdptr \ update command pointer �9JSR init_pointers \ set pointers for file storage etc �1JSR get_drive:STA in_dr \ get input drive no. 3JSR get_drive:STA out_dr \ get output drive no. 1LDX #input_drive � 256:LDY #input_drive � 256 (JSR old_cli \ issue *DRIVE X command &JSR osnewl 0: :.load_loop D: N5\ check if enough room for file information exits X)LDA fileinfo_ptr:CLC:ADC #10:STA temp bLDA fileinfo_ptr+1:ADC #0 lCMP #8:BCC ok v,LDA temp:BNE noroom \ info block <= &800 �.ok �!JSR get_filename:BCS nxt_file �!JSR get_filesize:BCS nxt_file �: �) \ check if enough room in file store �JSR end_addr �SEC:LDA himem:SBC temp �LDA himem+1:SBC temp+1 �BMI noroom �: �JSR load_file �JSR update_pointers �INC no_of_files .nxt_file JSR osnewl 0LDA last_file:BEQ load_loop:BNE set_for_save : .noroom *JSR message 4OPT �equs(" _ No room") >OPT �equb(&0D) HOPT �equb(255) R.set_for_save \LDA no_of_files:BEQ end f.STA last_file:JSR init_pointers:JSR osnewl p'JSR output_drive \ set output drive z.save_loop �"JSR check_presence:JSR message �OPT �equs("Save ") �OPT �equb(255) �JSR print_filename �JSR message �OPT �equs(" (Y/N) ? ") �OPT �equb(255) �JSR end_addr �JSR get_yn �CPY #�"Y":BNE no_save �JSR save_file �.no_save �JSR update_pointers DEC last_file:BNE save_loop JSR message OPT �equb(&0D) $OPT �equb(&0D) .&OPT �equs("Another copy (Y/N) ? ") 8OPT �equb(255) BJSR get_yn LCPY #�"Y":BEQ set_for_save V.end RTS `: j \ *** SUBROUTINES *** t: ~.skipsp �LDA (cmd_ptr),Y:INY �CMP #�" ":BEQ skipsp �DEY:BEQ ucp2 �: � \ update command pointer �.update_cmdptr �%INC cmd_ptr:BNE ucp:INC cmd_ptr+1 �.ucp DEY:BNE update_cmdptr � .ucp2 RTS �: � \ set file storage area etc �.init_pointers \ filestore_ptr = filestore *LDA #filestore � 256:STA filestore_ptr ,LDA #filestore � 256:STA filestore_ptr+1 \ filename_ptr = fileinfo (+ \ fileinfo_ptr = fileinfo + namelength 2(LDA #fileinfo � 256:STA filename_ptr <(CLC:ADC #namelength:STA fileinfo_ptr F*LDA #fileinfo � 256:STA filename_ptr+1 PADC #0:STA fileinfo_ptr+1 ZRTS d: n" \ find end addr+1 of the file x .end_addr �3LDY #8:LDA (fileinfo_ptr),Y:INY \ get file size �"CLC:ADC filestore_ptr:STA temp �LDA (fileinfo_ptr),Y �"ADC filestore_ptr+1:STA temp+1 �RTS �: �+ \ update pointers for file storage etc �.update_pointers �' \ filename_ptr = fileinfo_ptr + 10 �1CLC:LDA fileinfo_ptr:ADC #10:STA filename_ptr �0LDA fileinfo_ptr+1:ADC #0:STA filename_ptr+1 �/ \ fileinfo_ptr = filename_ptr + namelength �9CLC:LDA filename_ptr:ADC #namelength:STA fileinfo_ptr 0LDA filename_ptr+1:ADC #0:STA fileinfo_ptr+1 LDA temp:STA filestore_ptr "LDA temp+1:STA filestore_ptr+1 "RTS ,: 6/ \ get next file name from the command line @.get_filename J9LDY #0:STY newname:JSR skipsp \ ignore leading spaces T.gfname ^LDA (cmd_ptr),Y h8CMP #&0D:BEQ lastfile2 \ last file terminated by &0D rCMP #�" ":BEQ got_file |%JSR osasci:CMP #�"*":BEQ asterisk �STA (filename_ptr),Y �INY:BNE gfname �.lastfile2 INC last_file � .got_file �?LDA #&0D:STA (filename_ptr),Y \ &0D as file name terminator �TYA:INY:JSR update_cmdptr �CMP #namelength:BCS len_err �RTS � .asterisk �!LDA #&0D:STA (filename_ptr),Y �!TYA:PHA:INY:JSR update_cmdptr �.asterisk2 �LDA (cmd_ptr),Y CMP #&0D:BEQ lastfile3 CMP #�" ":BEQ got_file2 STA newname,Y:JSR osasci &INY:BNE asterisk2 0.lastfile3 INC last_file :.got_file2 DLDA #&0D:STA newname,Y NTYA:INY:JSR update_cmdptr X'TAX:PLA:CMP #namelength:BCS len_err bCPX #namelength:BCS len_err lRTS v.len_err �JSR message � OPT �equs(" _ Bad filename") �OPT �equb(255) �SEC:RTS �: �.get_drive �&JSR get_filename:JSR osnewl:LDY #0 �LDA (filename_ptr),Y �CMP #�"0":BCC dr_err �CMP #�"4":BCS dr_err �RTS �.dr_err �BRK OPT �equb(&CD) OPT �equb(&0D) OPT �equs("Bad drive") OPT �equb(&0D) *OPT �equb(0) 4: > \ call osfile with A=5 H/ \ save load addr, exec. addr and file size R.get_filesize \JSR set_blk fLDA #5:JSR osfile pCMP #1:BNE file_not_found z LDY #0 �0.gfs2 LDA param_blk+2,Y:STA (fileinfo_ptr),Y �INY:CPY #10:BNE gfs2 �CLC:RTS �.file_not_found �JSR message �OPT �equs(" _ not found") �OPT �equb(255) �SEC:RTS �: �.set_blk �"LDA filename_ptr:STA param_blk �&LDA filename_ptr+1:STA param_blk+1 �LDA #0:LDY #2 *.sb STA param_blk,Y:INY:CPY #18:BNE sb -LDX #param_blk � 256:LDY #param_blk � 256 RTS $: ..load_file 81JSR set_blk:LDA filestore_ptr:STA param_blk+2 B'LDA filestore_ptr+1:STA param_blk+3 L#LDA #&FF:JSR osfile \ load file V$LDA newname:BEQ no_rename:LDY #0 `.yes_rename j&LDA newname,Y:STA (filename_ptr),Y tINY:CMP #&0D:BNE yes_rename ~.no_rename �RTS �: �.check_presence �!JSR set_blk:LDA #5:JSR osfile �CMP #1:BNE not_present �JSR message �OPT �equb(&0D) �OPT �equb(129) �3OPT �equs("It exists on the destination disk.") �OPT �equb(&0D) �OPT �equb(255) �.not_present RTS : .save_file JSR set_blk:LDY #0 (.sf 2*LDA (fileinfo_ptr),Y:STA param_blk+2,Y <INY:CPY #8:BNE sf F&LDA filestore_ptr:STA param_blk+10 P(LDA filestore_ptr+1:STA param_blk+11 ZLDA temp:STA param_blk+14 dLDA temp+1:STA param_blk+15 n*LDY #param_blk � 256:LDA #0:JMP osfile x: � \ get 'Y' or 'N' �.get_yn �2LDA #15:LDX #1:JSR osbyte \ flush input buffer �.yn �JSR getkey �� #&5F:CMP #�"Y":BEQ yn2 �CMP #�"N":BNE yn �.yn2 �TAY:JSR osasci:JMP osnewl �.getkey � JSR osrdch \ get a char in A �CMP #&1B:BEQ escape:RTS �.escape BRK OPT �equb(17) OPT �equb(&0D) "OPT �equs("Escape") ,OPT �equb(&0D) 6OPT �equb(0) @: J.print_filename T LDY #0 ^.pfn hLDA (filename_ptr),Y rCMP #&0D:BEQ pfn2 |JSR osasci:INY:BNE pfn � .pfn2 �RTS �: �.message �PLA:STA temp:PLA:STA temp+1 � LDY #1 �.mes �LDA (temp),Y �CMP #255:BEQ mes2 �JSR osasci:INY:BNE mes � .mes2 �!INY:TYA:CLC:ADC temp:STA temp � LDA #0:ADC temp+1:STA temp+1 JMP (temp) : .command &OPT �equs("*DCOPY") 0.cmdend :: D.input_drive NOPT �equs("DRIVE ") X .in_dr bOPT �equs("0") lOPT �equb(&0D) v: �.output_drive �'LDA in_dr:CMP out_dr:BNE output_dr2 �JSR message �OPT �equb(131) �4OPT �equs("Insert destination disk & tap a key") �OPT �equb(&0D) �OPT �equb(255) �(LDA #15:LDX #1:JSR osbyte:JMP getkey �.output_dr2 �-LDX #output_dr � 256:LDY #output_dr � 256 �1JMP old_cli \ issue *DRIVE X command & return �.output_dr �OPT �equs("DRIVE ") .out_dr OPT �equs("0") OPT �equb(&0D) ]:� *: 4C%=0 >� I%=code% � P%-1 H C%=C%+?I% R�:�''"Checksum=";C% \� X% 30:Y%=X% � 256 f)$X%="S.DCOPYMC "+�~(code%)+" "+�~(P%) p7�'"Do you want to save the machine code"'"(Y/N) ?"; 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00000000 0d 00 64 1a f4 20 44 43 4f 50 59 20 42 79 20 4a |..d.. 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61 67 65 20 65 74 63 0d 01 fe 31 | storage etc...1| 00000500 4a 53 52 20 67 65 74 5f 64 72 69 76 65 3a 53 54 |JSR get_drive:ST| 00000510 41 20 69 6e 5f 64 72 20 5c 20 67 65 74 20 69 6e |A in_dr \ get in| 00000520 70 75 74 20 64 72 69 76 65 20 6e 6f 2e 0d 02 08 |put drive no....| 00000530 33 4a 53 52 20 67 65 74 5f 64 72 69 76 65 3a 53 |3JSR get_drive:S| 00000540 54 41 20 6f 75 74 5f 64 72 20 5c 20 67 65 74 20 |TA out_dr \ get | 00000550 6f 75 74 70 75 74 20 64 72 69 76 65 20 6e 6f 2e |output drive no.| 00000560 0d 02 12 31 4c 44 58 20 23 69 6e 70 75 74 5f 64 |...1LDX #input_d| 00000570 72 69 76 65 20 83 20 32 35 36 3a 4c 44 59 20 23 |rive . 256:LDY #| 00000580 69 6e 70 75 74 5f 64 72 69 76 65 20 81 20 32 35 |input_drive . 25| 00000590 36 0d 02 1c 28 4a 53 52 20 6f 6c 64 5f 63 6c 69 |6...(JSR old_cli| 000005a0 20 5c 20 69 73 73 75 65 20 2a 44 52 49 56 45 20 | \ issue *DRIVE | 000005b0 58 20 63 6f 6d 6d 61 6e 64 0d 02 26 0e 4a 53 52 |X command..&.JSR| 000005c0 20 6f 73 6e 65 77 6c 0d 02 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45 59 3a 42 45 51 20 75 63 70 32 0d 04 a6 05 |DEY:BEQ ucp2....| 00000b10 3a 0d 04 b0 1d 20 5c 20 75 70 64 61 74 65 20 63 |:.... \ update c| 00000b20 6f 6d 6d 61 6e 64 20 70 6f 69 6e 74 65 72 0d 04 |ommand pointer..| 00000b30 ba 12 2e 75 70 64 61 74 65 5f 63 6d 64 70 74 72 |...update_cmdptr| 00000b40 0d 04 c4 25 49 4e 43 20 63 6d 64 5f 70 74 72 3a |...%INC cmd_ptr:| 00000b50 42 4e 45 20 75 63 70 3a 49 4e 43 20 63 6d 64 5f |BNE ucp:INC cmd_| 00000b60 70 74 72 2b 31 0d 04 ce 1e 2e 75 63 70 20 44 45 |ptr+1.....ucp DE| 00000b70 59 3a 42 4e 45 20 75 70 64 61 74 65 5f 63 6d 64 |Y:BNE update_cmd| 00000b80 70 74 72 0d 04 d8 0d 2e 75 63 70 32 20 52 54 53 |ptr.....ucp2 RTS| 00000b90 0d 04 e2 05 3a 0d 04 ec 20 20 5c 20 73 65 74 20 |....:... \ set | 00000ba0 66 69 6c 65 20 73 74 6f 72 61 67 65 20 61 72 65 |file storage are| 00000bb0 61 20 65 74 63 0d 04 f6 12 2e 69 6e 69 74 5f 70 |a etc.....init_p| 00000bc0 6f 69 6e 74 65 72 73 0d 05 00 20 20 5c 20 66 69 |ointers... \ fi| 00000bd0 6c 65 73 74 6f 72 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":BEQ g| 00001080 6f 74 5f 66 69 6c 65 0d 06 7c 25 4a 53 52 20 6f |ot_file..|%JSR o| 00001090 73 61 73 63 69 3a 43 4d 50 20 23 97 22 2a 22 3a |sasci:CMP #."*":| 000010a0 42 45 51 20 61 73 74 65 72 69 73 6b 0d 06 86 18 |BEQ asterisk....| 000010b0 53 54 41 20 28 66 69 6c 65 6e 61 6d 65 5f 70 74 |STA (filename_pt| 000010c0 72 29 2c 59 0d 06 90 12 49 4e 59 3a 42 4e 45 20 |r),Y....INY:BNE | 000010d0 67 66 6e 61 6d 65 0d 06 9a 1c 2e 6c 61 73 74 66 |gfname.....lastf| 000010e0 69 6c 65 32 20 49 4e 43 20 6c 61 73 74 5f 66 69 |ile2 INC last_fi| 000010f0 6c 65 0d 06 a4 0d 2e 67 6f 74 5f 66 69 6c 65 0d |le.....got_file.| 00001100 06 ae 3f 4c 44 41 20 23 26 30 44 3a 53 54 41 20 |..?LDA #&0D:STA | 00001110 28 66 69 6c 65 6e 61 6d 65 5f 70 74 72 29 2c 59 |(filename_ptr),Y| 00001120 20 5c 20 26 30 44 20 61 73 20 66 69 6c 65 20 6e | \ &0D as file n| 00001130 61 6d 65 20 74 65 72 6d 69 6e 61 74 6f 72 0d 06 |ame terminator..| 00001140 b8 1d 54 59 41 3a 49 4e 59 3a 4a 53 52 20 75 70 |..TYA:INY:JSR up| 00001150 64 61 74 65 5f 63 6d 64 70 74 72 0d 06 c2 1f 43 |date_cmdptr....C| 00001160 4d 50 20 23 6e 61 6d 65 6c 65 6e 67 74 68 3a 42 |MP #namelength:B| 00001170 43 53 20 6c 65 6e 5f 65 72 72 0d 06 cc 07 52 54 |CS len_err....RT| 00001180 53 0d 06 d6 0d 2e 61 73 74 65 72 69 73 6b 0d 06 |S.....asterisk..| 00001190 e0 21 4c 44 41 20 23 26 30 44 3a 53 54 41 20 28 |.!LDA #&0D:STA (| 000011a0 66 69 6c 65 6e 61 6d 65 5f 70 74 72 29 2c 59 0d |filename_ptr),Y.| 000011b0 06 ea 21 54 59 41 3a 50 48 41 3a 49 4e 59 3a 4a |..!TYA:PHA:INY:J| 000011c0 53 52 20 75 70 64 61 74 65 5f 63 6d 64 70 74 72 |SR update_cmdptr| 000011d0 0d 06 f4 0e 2e 61 73 74 65 72 69 73 6b 32 0d 06 |.....asterisk2..| 000011e0 fe 13 4c 44 41 20 28 63 6d 64 5f 70 74 72 29 2c |..LDA (cmd_ptr),| 000011f0 59 0d 07 08 1a 43 4d 50 20 23 26 30 44 3a 42 45 |Y....CMP #&0D:BE| 00001200 51 20 6c 61 73 74 66 69 6c 65 33 0d 07 12 1b 43 |Q lastfile3....C| 00001210 4d 50 20 23 97 22 20 22 3a 42 45 51 20 67 6f 74 |MP #." 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.| 00001400 65 71 75 62 28 26 43 44 29 0d 08 0c 12 4f 50 54 |equb(&CD)....OPT| 00001410 20 a4 65 71 75 62 28 26 30 44 29 0d 08 16 1a 4f | .equb(&0D)....O| 00001420 50 54 20 a4 65 71 75 73 28 22 42 61 64 20 64 72 |PT .equs("Bad dr| 00001430 69 76 65 22 29 0d 08 20 12 4f 50 54 20 a4 65 71 |ive").. .OPT .eq| 00001440 75 62 28 26 30 44 29 0d 08 2a 10 4f 50 54 20 a4 |ub(&0D)..*.OPT .| 00001450 65 71 75 62 28 30 29 0d 08 34 05 3a 0d 08 3e 1b |equb(0)..4.:..>.| 00001460 20 5c 20 63 61 6c 6c 20 6f 73 66 69 6c 65 20 77 | \ call osfile w| 00001470 69 74 68 20 41 3d 35 0d 08 48 2f 20 5c 20 73 61 |ith A=5..H/ \ sa| 00001480 76 65 20 6c 6f 61 64 20 61 64 64 72 2c 20 65 78 |ve load addr, ex| 00001490 65 63 2e 20 61 64 64 72 20 61 6e 64 20 66 69 6c |ec. addr and fil| 000014a0 65 20 73 69 7a 65 0d 08 52 11 2e 67 65 74 5f 66 |e size..R..get_f| 000014b0 69 6c 65 73 69 7a 65 0d 08 5c 0f 4a 53 52 20 73 |ilesize..\.JSR s| 000014c0 65 74 5f 62 6c 6b 0d 08 66 15 4c 44 41 20 23 35 |et_blk..f.LDA #5| 000014d0 3a 4a 53 52 20 6f 73 66 69 6c 65 0d 08 70 1d 43 |:JSR osfile..p.C| 000014e0 4d 50 20 23 31 3a 42 4e 45 20 66 69 6c 65 5f 6e |MP #1:BNE file_n| 000014f0 6f 74 5f 66 6f 75 6e 64 0d 08 7a 0a 4c 44 59 20 |ot_found..z.LDY | 00001500 23 30 0d 08 84 30 2e 67 66 73 32 20 4c 44 41 20 |#0...0.gfs2 LDA | 00001510 70 61 72 61 6d 5f 62 6c 6b 2b 32 2c 59 3a 53 54 |param_blk+2,Y:ST| 00001520 41 20 28 66 69 6c 65 69 6e 66 6f 5f 70 74 72 29 |A (fileinfo_ptr)| 00001530 2c 59 0d 08 8e 18 49 4e 59 3a 43 50 59 20 23 31 |,Y....INY:CPY #1| 00001540 30 3a 42 4e 45 20 67 66 73 32 0d 08 98 0b 43 4c |0:BNE gfs2....CL| 00001550 43 3a 52 54 53 0d 08 a2 13 2e 66 69 6c 65 5f 6e |C:RTS.....file_n| 00001560 6f 74 5f 66 6f 75 6e 64 0d 08 ac 0f 4a 53 52 20 |ot_found....JSR | 00001570 6d 65 73 73 61 67 65 0d 08 b6 1d 4f 50 54 20 a4 |message....OPT .| 00001580 65 71 75 73 28 22 20 5f 20 6e 6f 74 20 66 6f 75 |equs(" _ not fou| 00001590 6e 64 22 29 0d 08 c0 12 4f 50 54 20 a4 65 71 75 |nd")....OPT .equ| 000015a0 62 28 32 35 35 29 0d 08 ca 0b 53 45 43 3a 52 54 |b(255)....SEC:RT| 000015b0 53 0d 08 d4 05 3a 0d 08 de 0c 2e 73 65 74 5f 62 |S....:.....set_b| 000015c0 6c 6b 0d 08 e8 22 4c 44 41 20 66 69 6c 65 6e 61 |lk..."LDA filena| 000015d0 6d 65 5f 70 74 72 3a 53 54 41 20 70 61 72 61 6d |me_ptr:STA param| 000015e0 5f 62 6c 6b 0d 08 f2 26 4c 44 41 20 66 69 6c 65 |_blk...&LDA file| 000015f0 6e 61 6d 65 5f 70 74 72 2b 31 3a 53 54 41 20 70 |name_ptr+1:STA p| 00001600 61 72 61 6d 5f 62 6c 6b 2b 31 0d 08 fc 11 4c 44 |aram_blk+1....LD| 00001610 41 20 23 30 3a 4c 44 59 20 23 32 0d 09 06 2a 2e |A #0:LDY #2...*.| 00001620 73 62 20 53 54 41 20 70 61 72 61 6d 5f 62 6c 6b |sb STA param_blk| 00001630 2c 59 3a 49 4e 59 3a 43 50 59 20 23 31 38 3a 42 |,Y:INY:CPY #18:B| 00001640 4e 45 20 73 62 0d 09 10 2d 4c 44 58 20 23 70 61 |NE sb...-LDX #pa| 00001650 72 61 6d 5f 62 6c 6b 20 83 20 32 35 36 3a 4c 44 |ram_blk . 256:LD| 00001660 59 20 23 70 61 72 61 6d 5f 62 6c 6b 20 81 20 32 |Y #param_blk . 2| 00001670 35 36 0d 09 1a 07 52 54 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53 54 41 20 |A newname,Y:STA | 00001750 28 66 69 6c 65 6e 61 6d 65 5f 70 74 72 29 2c 59 |(filename_ptr),Y| 00001760 0d 09 74 1f 49 4e 59 3a 43 4d 50 20 23 26 30 44 |..t.INY:CMP #&0D| 00001770 3a 42 4e 45 20 79 65 73 5f 72 65 6e 61 6d 65 0d |:BNE yes_rename.| 00001780 09 7e 0e 2e 6e 6f 5f 72 65 6e 61 6d 65 0d 09 88 |.~..no_rename...| 00001790 07 52 54 53 0d 09 92 05 3a 0d 09 9c 13 2e 63 68 |.RTS....:.....ch| 000017a0 65 63 6b 5f 70 72 65 73 65 6e 63 65 0d 09 a6 21 |eck_presence...!| 000017b0 4a 53 52 20 73 65 74 5f 62 6c 6b 3a 4c 44 41 20 |JSR set_blk:LDA | 000017c0 23 35 3a 4a 53 52 20 6f 73 66 69 6c 65 0d 09 b0 |#5:JSR osfile...| 000017d0 1a 43 4d 50 20 23 31 3a 42 4e 45 20 6e 6f 74 5f |.CMP #1:BNE not_| 000017e0 70 72 65 73 65 6e 74 0d 09 ba 0f 4a 53 52 20 6d |present....JSR m| 000017f0 65 73 73 61 67 65 0d 09 c4 12 4f 50 54 20 a4 65 |essage....OPT .e| 00001800 71 75 62 28 26 30 44 29 0d 09 ce 12 4f 50 54 20 |qub(&0D)....OPT | 00001810 a4 65 71 75 62 28 31 32 39 29 0d 09 d8 33 4f 50 |.equb(129)...3OP| 00001820 54 20 a4 65 71 75 73 28 22 49 74 20 65 78 69 73 |T .equs("It exis| 00001830 74 73 20 6f 6e 20 74 68 65 20 64 65 73 74 69 6e |ts on the destin| 00001840 61 74 69 6f 6e 20 64 69 73 6b 2e 22 29 0d 09 e2 |ation disk.")...| 00001850 12 4f 50 54 20 a4 65 71 75 62 28 26 30 44 29 0d |.OPT .equb(&0D).| 00001860 09 ec 12 4f 50 54 20 a4 65 71 75 62 28 32 35 35 |...OPT .equb(255| 00001870 29 0d 09 f6 10 2e 6e 6f 74 5f 70 72 65 73 65 6e |).....not_presen| 00001880 74 0d 0a 00 07 52 54 53 0d 0a 0a 05 3a 0d 0a 14 |t....RTS....:...| 00001890 0e 2e 73 61 76 65 5f 66 69 6c 65 0d 0a 1e 16 4a |..save_file....J| 000018a0 53 52 20 73 65 74 5f 62 6c 6b 3a 4c 44 59 20 23 |SR set_blk:LDY #| 000018b0 30 0d 0a 28 07 2e 73 66 0d 0a 32 2a 4c 44 41 20 |0..(..sf..2*LDA | 000018c0 28 66 69 6c 65 69 6e 66 6f 5f 70 74 72 29 2c 59 |(fileinfo_ptr),Y| 000018d0 3a 53 54 41 20 70 61 72 61 6d 5f 62 6c 6b 2b 32 |:STA param_blk+2| 000018e0 2c 59 0d 0a 3c 15 49 4e 59 3a 43 50 59 20 23 38 |,Y..<.INY:CPY #8| 000018f0 3a 42 4e 45 20 73 66 0d 0a 46 26 4c 44 41 20 66 |:BNE sf..F&LDA f| 00001900 69 6c 65 73 74 6f 72 65 5f 70 74 72 3a 53 54 41 |ilestore_ptr:STA| 00001910 20 70 61 72 61 6d 5f 62 6c 6b 2b 31 30 0d 0a 50 | param_blk+10..P| 00001920 28 4c 44 41 20 66 69 6c 65 73 74 6f 72 65 5f 70 |(LDA filestore_p| 00001930 74 72 2b 31 3a 53 54 41 20 70 61 72 61 6d 5f 62 |tr+1:STA param_b| 00001940 6c 6b 2b 31 31 0d 0a 5a 1d 4c 44 41 20 74 65 6d |lk+11..Z.LDA tem| 00001950 70 3a 53 54 41 20 70 61 72 61 6d 5f 62 6c 6b 2b |p:STA param_blk+| 00001960 31 34 0d 0a 64 1f 4c 44 41 20 74 65 6d 70 2b 31 |14..d.LDA temp+1| 00001970 3a 53 54 41 20 70 61 72 61 6d 5f 62 6c 6b 2b 31 |:STA param_blk+1| 00001980 35 0d 0a 6e 2a 4c 44 59 20 23 70 61 72 61 6d 5f |5..n*LDY #param_| 00001990 62 6c 6b 20 81 20 32 35 36 3a 4c 44 41 20 23 30 |blk . 256:LDA #0| 000019a0 3a 4a 4d 50 20 6f 73 66 69 6c 65 0d 0a 78 05 3a |:JMP osfile..x.:| 000019b0 0d 0a 82 15 20 5c 20 67 65 74 20 27 59 27 20 6f |.... \ get 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