Home » CEEFAX disks » telesoftware8.adl » 13-08-88/CATMAST


This website contains an archive of files for the Acorn Electron, BBC Micro, Acorn Archimedes, Commodore 16 and Commodore 64 computers, which Dominic Ford has rescued from his private collection of floppy disks and cassettes.

Some of these files were originally commercial releases in the 1980s and 1990s, but they are now widely available online. I assume that copyright over them is no longer being asserted. If you own the copyright and would like files to be removed, please contact me.

Tape/disk: Home » CEEFAX disks » telesoftware8.adl
Filename: 13-08-88/CATMAST
Read OK:
File size: 2C32 bytes
Load address: 2700
Exec address: 2700

There is 1 duplicate copy of this file in the archive:

File contents
�2�p�S�q���X�p���q�q�LZ'�� �@�� A�� �B�� �B�� cC�� BD�� �*�� E�� &)�r�p�'�q lK �I *L�r�Ъ`����Master Catalogue  Ver.1.22 �
����Master Catalogue  Ver.1.22 �

�(c)���G.D. Wardle  �


�1�Find a Disc Title
�2�List the Free Sectors per Volume
�3�List the Catalogue for a Volume
�4�Search for a filename
�5�Up Date a Volume Entry
�6�Create a New Volume Entry
�8�Catalogue the disc in the drive
�9�Second Menu

�Which?�� OE�� �A�� �E�� F�� �C�� �D�� �*�� E�� JH�>�p�)�q lK �I *L�r�Ъ`����Master Catalogue  Ver.1.22  �
����Master Catalogue  Ver.1.22  �

�(c)���G.D. Wardle  �
��Second Menu
��Second Menu

�1�Title the disc in the drive
�2�List Discs with Free space
�3�Sequential Volume Catalogue
�4�Exchange�D.MastCat�with a 2nd file
�5�Sequential Volume Up-Date
�6�Sequential New Volume Entry
�8�Catalogue the disc in the drive
�9�Create a new File���D.MastCat  �
�0�Main Menu

�p�+�q lK "J�A�p�-�q lK "JL4/����Instructions  �
����Instructions  �

The program loads in the catalogue from
Track 0 Sector 0 & 1, for the selected
disc and stores it under a volume
number. Also it calculates the number
of free sectors and files for that disc
and stores that separately. If each
disc has a volume number, it can then
quickly be found if they are stored in
numerical order.

The information is held in a file
'D.MastCat'. And one file can hold upto
127 sets of catalogue information. The
master file must be in drive 0, but the
source catalogue can be from drives 0-3.�cont.
The Program opens and closes the file
each time it wishes to use it. So that
it is then posible to use drive 0 for
the source as well as the master drive,
and then if any mistake occurs the
possible effects are reduced.
Each time the program wants to access
the master file it will display.
�Insert Master Disc into Drive �� 0
And each time it wants to access a
source disc it will display.
�Insert Source Disc into Drive � �0
�� �0�� 	3�� 	4�� O5�� V7�� �:�� <�� �=�� v>�I�p�/�q lK �I�r�Э`����Information Menu  �
����Information Menu  �

���Select Information on��-
�1�Title Search
�2�Free Sectors and Files
�3�Volume Catalogue
�4�Filename Search
�5�New/Updating volume entries
�6�Creating a new file 'D.MastCat'
�7�Sequential entry
�8�Catalogue a disc
�9�Exchanging D.MastCat file
�0��Exit �

���Which ����p�0�q lKL"J�Title Search Option 1 Menu 1
When the prompt comes up
'Enter the Title?'. You can enter the
title using either -
1/ 12 Characters
2/ spacing wild characters (#)
3/ end/start wild character (*)

If Upper case letters are used then
both upper and lower case letters can
be searched for,but if lower case
letters are used then only lower case
letters will be found.
For Example 'Master Cat00' could be
found with  'M##### C##00'
'M*Cat* or '*CAT*'

but '*cat*' will not find 'Master Cat00'
�Title a disc Option 1 Menu 2
It is posible to change the Disc Title
via the program. The program limits the
title to 12 characters.
��p�3�q lKL"J�Free Sector Display Option 2 Menu 1&2
The number of free sectors and the
number of files on each disc can be
displayed by the Menu 1 Option 2.
Also the same information can be
displayed for only discs with free
sectors by Menu 2 Option 2.
��p�4�q lKL"J�Volume Catalogue Options 3 Menu 1 or 2
The filename and catalogue information
can be displayed by these options.
The information is -
1/ Filename
2/ Locked (or Not)
3/ Load Address
4/ Execution Address
5/ Length
The Menu 2 Option does so sequentially.
(For more information see Info 7 on
Sequential Options.)
�]�p�5�q lKL"J�Filename Search Option 4 Menu 1
A filename can be searched for using
1/ characters
2/ a spacing wild characters (#)
3/ start/end wild character (*)
For Example
As there is no default directory used
by the program, either the directory
must be given or the character * used
at the start of the name.
In the same way as for Title Search an
upper case letter will find both uppper
and lower case letters, whereas lower
case letters will only find lower case
�d�p�7�q lKL"J�New Volume Entry Option 6 Menu 1&2
To make an entry under a volume number
this is the option which does it.
You will be prompted with which drive
you wish to use as the source drive.
You will then be prompted to put the
source disc into that drive. The
catalogue information is then loaded.
Lastly you are prompted to put the
Master Disc into Drive 0. The catalogue
information for the source disc is then
stored in the file D.MastCat.
�Up-dating of Volume Entries Option 5
�Menu 1 & 2
This is similar to New Volume Entry but
after loading the source information it
loads the present information from the
Master Disc and then compares the
titles before Up-Dating. If they are
not exactly the same it will display
the two titles and give you the option
of over-writing or not.
With both options Menu 2 is sequential.
(See Info 7)
���p�:�q lKL"J�Generating a blank file D.MastCat
�Option 9 Menu 2
In order to create a blank file of the
correct format and length, you need to
use this option.
As the file D.MastCat needs to be 256
sectors long it is only posible to have
one copy of such a file on a 40 track
disc, but an 80 track disc you can have
3 differant files on one disc.
(See also Exchange file)
�*�p�<�q lKL"J�Sequential Versions (Menu 2)
�Options 3,5 & 6
The Menu 2 versions of Volume Catalogue
New and Up-date Volume Entry are
sequential from any volume number. You
are asked from which Volume you wish to
start. Then all that is require at the
end of each action is to reply Y to
Again(Y/N). The next volume number will
be selected automaticaly.
���p�=�q lKL"J�Disc Catalogue Option 8 Menu 1&2
The disc in any drive can be catalogued
and displayed on the screen. When it
has displayed the catalogue you are
then given the chance to change the
disc in the drive and to do another
���p�>�q lKL"J�Swap the Master file with another
�Option 4 Menu 2
This option is posible with a 40 track
drive, but as only one file can be of
the correct length an 80 track drive is
needed for its full utilisation.
The option renames the file you name as
'D.TEMP', then it renames 'D.MastCat'
as your given name, and then finaly it
renames 'D.TEMP' as 'D.MastCat'. At
each stage it first checks to see if
the files exist. As a result of this it
will not do this option if there is
already a file 'D.TEMP'. You must exit
from the program and rename 'D.TEMP'.
�߅p�@�q lK TJ OQ��s �Q fM� �Q �P @N� oM .M�s� �I��`����Search for a Title  �
����Search for a Title  �
�D�p�A�q lK OQ �Q��s O� oM }K�s� %LL"J��List Free Sectors per Volume
��List Free Sectors per Volume
��and the Number of Files
��and the Number of Files
���p�A�q lK OQ �Q��s O��x��y)� oM }K�s� %LL"J��List of Discs with space
��List of Discs with space
��2W�xȹ2W)�y�2W)�JJJ�w���p�K�q lK kO�, �w �K�Åp�K�qLlK�Free ��Files
���p�B�q lK �J� �Q��R�� �KL�BL%L	��Catalogue a Volume
	��Catalogue a Volume
�!�p�C�q lK �J OQ �Q��s��� fM� �Q �P �P �M� TM �L��i���w���s� "JL%L����Search for a filename  �
����Search for a filename  �
�}�p�C�q lK �J�	 �I �CLnC`��Up-Date a Volume Entry
��Up-Date a Volume Entry
 �R �Q �P �P �N�	 M .O R`��p�C�q lK �J �I �C �I��s�`��Sequential Volume Entry Up Date
��Sequential Volume Entry Up Date

�\�p�D�q lK �I �J� rPLPD`	��Enter a New Volume
	��Enter a New Volume
���p�D�q lK �J� �I oM �I� rP�s�`��Enter New Volumes in Sequence
��Enter New Volumes in Sequence
�From Volume?�&�p�E�q lK �Ii0�$E �P �I�`CAT 0
��Catalogue Disc
��Catalogue Disc
�}�p�E�q lK �P dI� TJ�"��Jȩ
��J���J �� �I��`
��Title a Disc

��Title a Disc
�Ņp�E�q lK �J oM �Q �K�s0 �I��L%L��Sequential Vol.Cat. 
��Sequential Vol.Cat. 
���p�F�q lK dI��@��G �Q �Q(��Åp�G�q lKL�F`�n�p�G�q lK �J�	�� ��J�����J�.��ȹ�J� �ՠ��J��G�H�%H�	��@��G �Q �Q(����p�G�q lKL�F���p�G�q lK���G ���@ �Q �Q(����p�G�q lKL�F��p�H�q lK��H ���@��G �Q �Q(����p�G�q lKL�F�1�p�H�q lK�1�H ��L"J�Exchange�D.MastCat�with a 2nd File
�Exchange�D.MastCat�with a 2nd File

Use only with an 80 track drive
Exchange�D.MastCat�with -
No file found
No file D.MastCat found
Now No D.MastCat
D.TEMP file exists! Please Rename.
�΅p�H�q lK �I�` �P dI�-`�No File Problem During Init
�d�p�H�q lKL"J�� �Q���s L� ���2S�2T�� hR�S��R� �� �R�sؐ �RL�Q����Create a new File���D.MastCat  �
����Create a new File���D.MastCat  �
����Do you want to�EXIT�now  �
����Do you want to�EXIT�now  �
��r�p�I�q lKL�I���Are you�Sure�! ��� � � ��~ ��0�� ��:���/�rL�fK�/�r�`�Ņp�I�q lKL�I�Again���p�I�q lK �I�r���t`�Which Drive?�~ ��p�J�q lK ���Y��N��H �h�Y`(Y/N)�~ �9�p�J�q lK ��� ��L�
�<space>�to Continue�~ �k�p�J�q lK��}�J ��`Enter the Title ?�J �TITLE "#############
�~ �…p�J�q lK��נJ ��`Enter the Filename ?�J	 �#########
�~ �;�p�K�q lK��a�K ���� �I�r��ۅs �M �I�res�s �M �I�res�s0�`
�Which Volume?<001-127>(000 to END)�fK090000
��2W�xȹ2W)�y�2W)�JJJ�w�t�p�B�q lK kO�, �w �K�|�p�B�qLlK�Free ��Files
 �P .M �Q }K �P �L��i���w��`H �M �M �K�r �Kh �M�ri0L�HJJJJ Lh)�
�ii0L�"�� ��`�L�5�p�L�qLlK����Master Catalogue  �
����Master Catalogue  �
 �M �K�r �M �K�rL�K��i��2U �. ����2U �����  �2U�L �L�L�  �  ���8VJJH) 
M�3V L�2V L�  �hJJHJJ) 
M�5V L�4V L�  �h) 
M�7V L�6V LL�����LL�I�p�M�q lK���J ��
��L�I�p�M�q lK���J ��
��L���TITLE���sŏ��� oM �PL.M` oM �LO��p�M�q lK�sL�K�Volume��s

�r�`�8�x�d�x���y��id�r�`�A��[�	``����J�*�.��J� �#� �M��J��
� ��	�O��J�`��	�Ω`膂��J�
�4��J�*�-��J��#� �M��J�
���	��`��	�ؽ�J�*��
�`�`����J�*�.٘J� �#� �M٘J��
� ���O٘J�`��
�4��J�*�-٘J��#� �M٘J�
�`�`���J٘J����` M .M�ޅp�N�q lKL�I���Differant Titles �
�Over-Write with the NEW Volume Title
��2W�x�ȹ2W�y`�_�p�P�q lK��2T�wJJJ �K��2T)�yȹ2T�x�E�p�P�q lK ~O�x�}�y�~ �M �K�r �M �K�rL�K�x8��x�y��y��w�P �O�z��{i�{�|i�|�x8�{�x�y�|�y�Negative Space �i�L�O�@T)0JJJJ�|�?T�{�>T�z`�������6�p�P�q lK�� L�  � L�  ��� L�  �hH $P�  ������(`�
H�0i �h���L�
Test A X Y P 
�Number of Free Sectors�
�Number of Files� �R �P M .OLR� �EL���7Vi�w���`� ���J��
���i���2U)��J���.��J�2U��J���	��`���2S Q��J�����2T Q��J����`���2U Q��J�����2V Q��J����`�� `�)�p�Q�q lK�t �KL"J
�Insert Source Disc into Drive  ��  �b�p�Q�q lK� �KL"J
�Insert Master Disc into Drive  ��  ���Q ���R�`���RL�D.MastCat
�@ �Q�I �R� �� �RL�Q�� �Q�2 �R� �� �RL�Q OQL�Q�@ �Q� hR�U��R� �� �RL�Q�Åp�R�qLlK OQ�� �Q�� hR�S��R� �� �R �Q �Q�s
��}�2Wȥ~w�2WL�Q��R L ���R Lȹ�R Lȹ�R Lȹ�R L ��
��` �R�2��R���R�s
��R�ޠR` �R�2��R�W��R���R�ޠR`����R��`���p�R�q lK 9RL"J�File�LENGTH�!
����No File ��D.MastCat �
2S Q�t�'S��S�' �1S�`H��p�S�q lKh LL"J����Disc error���2SS"
00000000  a9 32 85 70 a9 53 85 71  a9 00 a8 a2 58 91 70 c8  |.2.p.S.q....X.p.|
00000010  d0 fb e6 71 e4 71 d0 f5  4c 5a 27 c6 7f d0 03 20  |...q.q..LZ'.... |
00000020  a7 40 c6 7f d0 03 20 1a  41 c6 7f d0 03 20 84 42  |.@.... .A.... .B|
00000030  c6 7f d0 03 20 d7 42 c6  7f d0 03 20 63 43 c6 7f  |.... .B.... cC..|
00000040  d0 03 20 42 44 c6 7f d0  03 20 ee 2a c6 7f d0 03  |.. BD.... .*....|
00000050  20 04 45 c6 7f d0 03 20  26 29 a9 72 85 70 a9 27  | .E.... &).r.p.'|
00000060  85 71 20 6c 4b 20 91 49  20 2a 4c a5 72 85 7f d0  |.q lK .I *L.r...|
00000070  aa 60 16 07 1f 03 02 8d  81 9d 86 4d 61 73 74 65  |.`.........Maste|
00000080  72 20 43 61 74 61 6c 6f  67 75 65 20 20 56 65 72  |r Catalogue  Ver|
00000090  2e 31 2e 32 32 20 9c 0d  1f 03 03 8d 81 9d 86 4d  |.1.22 .........M|
000000a0  61 73 74 65 72 20 43 61  74 61 6c 6f 67 75 65 20  |aster Catalogue |
000000b0  20 56 65 72 2e 31 2e 32  32 20 9c 0d 0d 82 28 63  | Ver.1.22 ....(c|
000000c0  29 84 9d 86 47 2e 44 2e  20 57 61 72 64 6c 65 20  |)...G.D. Wardle |
000000d0  20 9c 0d 0d 1f 0f 07 8d  84 4d 65 6e 75 0d 1f 0f  | ........Menu...|
000000e0  08 8d 84 4d 65 6e 75 0d  0d 82 31 86 46 69 6e 64  |...Menu...1.Find|
000000f0  20 61 20 44 69 73 63 20  54 69 74 6c 65 0d 82 32  | a Disc Title..2|
00000100  86 4c 69 73 74 20 74 68  65 20 46 72 65 65 20 53  |.List the Free S|
00000110  65 63 74 6f 72 73 20 70  65 72 20 56 6f 6c 75 6d  |ectors per Volum|
00000120  65 0d 82 33 86 4c 69 73  74 20 74 68 65 20 43 61  |e..3.List the Ca|
00000130  74 61 6c 6f 67 75 65 20  66 6f 72 20 61 20 56 6f  |talogue for a Vo|
00000140  6c 75 6d 65 0d 82 34 86  53 65 61 72 63 68 20 66  |lume..4.Search f|
00000150  6f 72 20 61 20 66 69 6c  65 6e 61 6d 65 0d 82 35  |or a filename..5|
00000160  86 55 70 20 44 61 74 65  20 61 20 56 6f 6c 75 6d  |.Up Date a Volum|
00000170  65 20 45 6e 74 72 79 0d  82 36 86 43 72 65 61 74  |e Entry..6.Creat|
00000180  65 20 61 20 4e 65 77 20  56 6f 6c 75 6d 65 20 45  |e a New Volume E|
00000190  6e 74 72 79 0d 82 37 86  49 6e 73 74 72 75 63 74  |ntry..7.Instruct|
000001a0  69 6f 6e 73 0d 82 38 86  43 61 74 61 6c 6f 67 75  |ions..8.Catalogu|
000001b0  65 20 74 68 65 20 64 69  73 63 20 69 6e 20 74 68  |e the disc in th|
000001c0  65 20 64 72 69 76 65 0d  82 39 83 53 65 63 6f 6e  |e drive..9.Secon|
000001d0  64 20 4d 65 6e 75 0d 82  30 86 45 4e 44 0d 0d 81  |d Menu..0.END...|
000001e0  57 68 69 63 68 3f 00 c6  7f d0 03 20 4f 45 c6 7f  |Which?..... OE..|
000001f0  d0 03 20 c4 41 c6 7f d0  03 20 a2 45 c6 7f d0 03  |.. .A.... .E....|
00000200  20 02 46 c6 7f d0 03 20  d1 43 c6 7f d0 03 20 8d  | .F.... .C.... .|
00000210  44 c6 7f d0 03 20 ee 2a  c6 7f d0 03 20 04 45 c6  |D.... .*.... .E.|
00000220  7f d0 03 20 4a 48 a9 3e  85 70 a9 29 85 71 20 6c  |... JH.>.p.).q l|
00000230  4b 20 91 49 20 2a 4c a5  72 85 7f d0 aa 60 0c 1f  |K .I *L.r....`..|
00000240  03 02 8d 81 9d 86 4d 61  73 74 65 72 20 43 61 74  |......Master Cat|
00000250  61 6c 6f 67 75 65 20 20  56 65 72 2e 31 2e 32 32  |alogue  Ver.1.22|
00000260  20 20 9c 0d 1f 03 03 8d  81 9d 86 4d 61 73 74 65  |  .........Maste|
00000270  72 20 43 61 74 61 6c 6f  67 75 65 20 20 56 65 72  |r Catalogue  Ver|
00000280  2e 31 2e 32 32 20 20 9c  0d 0d 82 28 63 29 84 9d  |.1.22  ....(c)..|
00000290  86 47 2e 44 2e 20 57 61  72 64 6c 65 20 20 9c 0d  |.G.D. Wardle  ..|
000002a0  1f 0c 07 8d 83 53 65 63  6f 6e 64 20 4d 65 6e 75  |.....Second Menu|
000002b0  0d 1f 0c 08 8d 83 53 65  63 6f 6e 64 20 4d 65 6e  |......Second Men|
000002c0  75 0d 0d 86 31 82 54 69  74 6c 65 20 74 68 65 20  |u...1.Title the |
000002d0  64 69 73 63 20 69 6e 20  74 68 65 20 64 72 69 76  |disc in the driv|
000002e0  65 0d 86 32 82 4c 69 73  74 20 44 69 73 63 73 20  |e..2.List Discs |
000002f0  77 69 74 68 20 46 72 65  65 20 73 70 61 63 65 0d  |with Free space.|
00000300  86 33 82 53 65 71 75 65  6e 74 69 61 6c 20 56 6f  |.3.Sequential Vo|
00000310  6c 75 6d 65 20 43 61 74  61 6c 6f 67 75 65 0d 86  |lume Catalogue..|
00000320  34 82 45 78 63 68 61 6e  67 65 81 44 2e 4d 61 73  |4.Exchange.D.Mas|
00000330  74 43 61 74 82 77 69 74  68 20 61 20 32 6e 64 20  |tCat.with a 2nd |
00000340  66 69 6c 65 0d 86 35 82  53 65 71 75 65 6e 74 69  |file..5.Sequenti|
00000350  61 6c 20 56 6f 6c 75 6d  65 20 55 70 2d 44 61 74  |al Volume Up-Dat|
00000360  65 0d 86 36 82 53 65 71  75 65 6e 74 69 61 6c 20  |e..6.Sequential |
00000370  4e 65 77 20 56 6f 6c 75  6d 65 20 45 6e 74 72 79  |New Volume Entry|
00000380  0d 86 37 82 49 6e 73 74  72 75 63 74 69 6f 6e 73  |..7.Instructions|
00000390  0d 86 38 82 43 61 74 61  6c 6f 67 75 65 20 74 68  |..8.Catalogue th|
000003a0  65 20 64 69 73 63 20 69  6e 20 74 68 65 20 64 72  |e disc in the dr|
000003b0  69 76 65 0d 86 39 82 43  72 65 61 74 65 20 61 20  |ive..9.Create a |
000003c0  6e 65 77 20 46 69 6c 65  83 9d 81 44 2e 4d 61 73  |new File...D.Mas|
000003d0  74 43 61 74 20 20 9c 0d  86 30 84 4d 61 69 6e 20  |tCat  ...0.Main |
000003e0  4d 65 6e 75 0d 0d 81 57  68 69 63 68 3f 00 a9 0d  |Menu...Which?...|
000003f0  85 70 a9 2b 85 71 20 6c  4b 20 22 4a a9 41 85 70  |.p.+.q lK "J.A.p|
00000400  a9 2d 85 71 20 6c 4b 20  22 4a 4c 34 2f 0c 1f 08  |.-.q lK "JL4/...|
00000410  02 8d 81 9d 83 49 6e 73  74 72 75 63 74 69 6f 6e  |.....Instruction|
00000420  73 20 20 9c 0d 1f 08 03  8d 81 9d 83 49 6e 73 74  |s  .........Inst|
00000430  72 75 63 74 69 6f 6e 73  20 20 9c 0d 0d 54 68 65  |ructions  ...The|
00000440  20 70 72 6f 67 72 61 6d  20 6c 6f 61 64 73 20 69  | program loads i|
00000450  6e 20 74 68 65 20 63 61  74 61 6c 6f 67 75 65 20  |n the catalogue |
00000460  66 72 6f 6d 0d 54 72 61  63 6b 20 30 20 53 65 63  |from.Track 0 Sec|
00000470  74 6f 72 20 30 20 26 20  31 2c 20 66 6f 72 20 74  |tor 0 & 1, for t|
00000480  68 65 20 73 65 6c 65 63  74 65 64 0d 64 69 73 63  |he selected.disc|
00000490  20 61 6e 64 20 73 74 6f  72 65 73 20 69 74 20 75  | and stores it u|
000004a0  6e 64 65 72 20 61 20 76  6f 6c 75 6d 65 0d 6e 75  |nder a volume.nu|
000004b0  6d 62 65 72 2e 20 41 6c  73 6f 20 69 74 20 63 61  |mber. Also it ca|
000004c0  6c 63 75 6c 61 74 65 73  20 74 68 65 20 6e 75 6d  |lculates the num|
000004d0  62 65 72 0d 6f 66 20 66  72 65 65 20 73 65 63 74  |ber.of free sect|
000004e0  6f 72 73 20 61 6e 64 20  66 69 6c 65 73 20 66 6f  |ors and files fo|
000004f0  72 20 74 68 61 74 20 64  69 73 63 0d 61 6e 64 20  |r that disc.and |
00000500  73 74 6f 72 65 73 20 74  68 61 74 20 73 65 70 61  |stores that sepa|
00000510  72 61 74 65 6c 79 2e 20  49 66 20 65 61 63 68 0d  |rately. If each.|
00000520  64 69 73 63 20 68 61 73  20 61 20 76 6f 6c 75 6d  |disc has a volum|
00000530  65 20 6e 75 6d 62 65 72  2c 20 69 74 20 63 61 6e  |e number, it can|
00000540  20 74 68 65 6e 0d 71 75  69 63 6b 6c 79 20 62 65  | then.quickly be|
00000550  20 66 6f 75 6e 64 20 69  66 20 74 68 65 79 20 61  | found if they a|
00000560  72 65 20 73 74 6f 72 65  64 20 69 6e 0d 6e 75 6d  |re stored in.num|
00000570  65 72 69 63 61 6c 20 6f  72 64 65 72 2e 0d 0d 54  |erical order...T|
00000580  68 65 20 69 6e 66 6f 72  6d 61 74 69 6f 6e 20 69  |he information i|
00000590  73 20 68 65 6c 64 20 69  6e 20 61 20 66 69 6c 65  |s held in a file|
000005a0  0d 27 44 2e 4d 61 73 74  43 61 74 27 2e 20 41 6e  |.'D.MastCat'. An|
000005b0  64 20 6f 6e 65 20 66 69  6c 65 20 63 61 6e 20 68  |d one file can h|
000005c0  6f 6c 64 20 75 70 74 6f  0d 31 32 37 20 73 65 74  |old upto.127 set|
000005d0  73 20 6f 66 20 63 61 74  61 6c 6f 67 75 65 20 69  |s of catalogue i|
000005e0  6e 66 6f 72 6d 61 74 69  6f 6e 2e 20 54 68 65 0d  |nformation. The.|
000005f0  6d 61 73 74 65 72 20 66  69 6c 65 20 6d 75 73 74  |master file must|
00000600  20 62 65 20 69 6e 20 64  72 69 76 65 20 30 2c 20  | be in drive 0, |
00000610  62 75 74 20 74 68 65 0d  73 6f 75 72 63 65 20 63  |but the.source c|
00000620  61 74 61 6c 6f 67 75 65  20 63 61 6e 20 62 65 20  |atalogue can be |
00000630  66 72 6f 6d 20 64 72 69  76 65 73 20 30 2d 33 2e  |from drives 0-3.|
00000640  00 0c 83 63 6f 6e 74 2e  0d 54 68 65 20 50 72 6f  |...cont..The Pro|
00000650  67 72 61 6d 20 6f 70 65  6e 73 20 61 6e 64 20 63  |gram opens and c|
00000660  6c 6f 73 65 73 20 74 68  65 20 66 69 6c 65 0d 65  |loses the file.e|
00000670  61 63 68 20 74 69 6d 65  20 69 74 20 77 69 73 68  |ach time it wish|
00000680  65 73 20 74 6f 20 75 73  65 20 69 74 2e 20 53 6f  |es to use it. So|
00000690  20 74 68 61 74 0d 69 74  20 69 73 20 74 68 65 6e  | that.it is then|
000006a0  20 70 6f 73 69 62 6c 65  20 74 6f 20 75 73 65 20  | posible to use |
000006b0  64 72 69 76 65 20 30 20  66 6f 72 0d 74 68 65 20  |drive 0 for.the |
000006c0  73 6f 75 72 63 65 20 61  73 20 77 65 6c 6c 20 61  |source as well a|
000006d0  73 20 74 68 65 20 6d 61  73 74 65 72 20 64 72 69  |s the master dri|
000006e0  76 65 2c 0d 61 6e 64 20  74 68 65 6e 20 69 66 20  |ve,.and then if |
000006f0  61 6e 79 20 6d 69 73 74  61 6b 65 20 6f 63 63 75  |any mistake occu|
00000700  72 73 20 74 68 65 0d 70  6f 73 73 69 62 6c 65 20  |rs the.possible |
00000710  65 66 66 65 63 74 73 20  61 72 65 20 72 65 64 75  |effects are redu|
00000720  63 65 64 2e 0d 45 61 63  68 20 74 69 6d 65 20 74  |ced..Each time t|
00000730  68 65 20 70 72 6f 67 72  61 6d 20 77 61 6e 74 73  |he program wants|
00000740  20 74 6f 20 61 63 63 65  73 73 0d 74 68 65 20 6d  | to access.the m|
00000750  61 73 74 65 72 20 66 69  6c 65 20 69 74 20 77 69  |aster file it wi|
00000760  6c 6c 20 64 69 73 70 6c  61 79 2e 0d 84 49 6e 73  |ll display...Ins|
00000770  65 72 74 20 4d 61 73 74  65 72 20 44 69 73 63 20  |ert Master Disc |
00000780  69 6e 74 6f 20 44 72 69  76 65 20 9d 83 20 30 0d  |into Drive .. 0.|
00000790  41 6e 64 20 65 61 63 68  20 74 69 6d 65 20 69 74  |And each time it|
000007a0  20 77 61 6e 74 73 20 74  6f 20 61 63 63 65 73 73  | wants to access|
000007b0  20 61 0d 73 6f 75 72 63  65 20 64 69 73 63 20 69  | a.source disc i|
000007c0  74 20 77 69 6c 6c 20 64  69 73 70 6c 61 79 2e 0d  |t will display..|
000007d0  83 49 6e 73 65 72 74 20  53 6f 75 72 63 65 20 44  |.Insert Source D|
000007e0  69 73 63 20 69 6e 74 6f  20 44 72 69 76 65 20 9d  |isc into Drive .|
000007f0  20 84 30 0d 00 c6 7f d0  03 20 8c 30 c6 7f d0 03  | .0...... .0....|
00000800  20 09 33 c6 7f d0 03 20  09 34 c6 7f d0 03 20 4f  | .3.... .4.... O|
00000810  35 c6 7f d0 03 20 56 37  c6 7f d0 03 20 a5 3a c6  |5.... V7.... .:.|
00000820  7f d0 03 20 1c 3c c6 7f  d0 03 20 80 3d c6 7f d0  |... .<.... .=...|
00000830  03 20 76 3e a9 49 85 70  a9 2f 85 71 20 6c 4b 20  |. v>.I.p./.q lK |
00000840  91 49 a5 72 85 7f d0 ad  60 0c 1f 05 02 8d 83 9d  |.I.r....`.......|
00000850  84 49 6e 66 6f 72 6d 61  74 69 6f 6e 20 4d 65 6e  |.Information Men|
00000860  75 20 20 9c 0d 1f 05 03  8d 83 9d 84 49 6e 66 6f  |u  .........Info|
00000870  72 6d 61 74 69 6f 6e 20  4d 65 6e 75 20 20 9c 0d  |rmation Menu  ..|
00000880  0d 86 9d 81 53 65 6c 65  63 74 20 49 6e 66 6f 72  |....Select Infor|
00000890  6d 61 74 69 6f 6e 20 6f  6e 88 9c 2d 0d 83 31 86  |mation on..-..1.|
000008a0  54 69 74 6c 65 20 53 65  61 72 63 68 0d 83 32 86  |Title Search..2.|
000008b0  46 72 65 65 20 53 65 63  74 6f 72 73 20 61 6e 64  |Free Sectors and|
000008c0  20 46 69 6c 65 73 0d 83  33 86 56 6f 6c 75 6d 65  | Files..3.Volume|
000008d0  20 43 61 74 61 6c 6f 67  75 65 0d 83 34 86 46 69  | Catalogue..4.Fi|
000008e0  6c 65 6e 61 6d 65 20 53  65 61 72 63 68 0d 83 35  |lename Search..5|
000008f0  86 4e 65 77 2f 55 70 64  61 74 69 6e 67 20 76 6f  |.New/Updating vo|
00000900  6c 75 6d 65 20 65 6e 74  72 69 65 73 0d 83 36 86  |lume entries..6.|
00000910  43 72 65 61 74 69 6e 67  20 61 20 6e 65 77 20 66  |Creating a new f|
00000920  69 6c 65 20 27 44 2e 4d  61 73 74 43 61 74 27 0d  |ile 'D.MastCat'.|
00000930  83 37 86 53 65 71 75 65  6e 74 69 61 6c 20 65 6e  |.7.Sequential en|
00000940  74 72 79 0d 83 38 86 43  61 74 61 6c 6f 67 75 65  |try..8.Catalogue|
00000950  20 61 20 64 69 73 63 0d  83 39 86 45 78 63 68 61  | a disc..9.Excha|
00000960  6e 67 69 6e 67 20 44 2e  4d 61 73 74 43 61 74 20  |nging D.MastCat |
00000970  66 69 6c 65 0d 83 30 9d  81 45 78 69 74 20 9c 0d  |file..0..Exit ..|
00000980  0d 81 9d 83 57 68 69 63  68 20 9c 00 a9 9a 85 70  |....Which .....p|
00000990  a9 30 85 71 20 6c 4b 4c  22 4a 0c 81 54 69 74 6c  |.0.q lKL"J..Titl|
000009a0  65 20 53 65 61 72 63 68  20 4f 70 74 69 6f 6e 20  |e Search Option |
000009b0  31 20 4d 65 6e 75 20 31  0d 57 68 65 6e 20 74 68  |1 Menu 1.When th|
000009c0  65 20 70 72 6f 6d 70 74  20 63 6f 6d 65 73 20 75  |e prompt comes u|
000009d0  70 0d 27 45 6e 74 65 72  20 74 68 65 20 54 69 74  |p.'Enter the Tit|
000009e0  6c 65 3f 27 2e 20 59 6f  75 20 63 61 6e 20 65 6e  |le?'. You can en|
000009f0  74 65 72 20 74 68 65 0d  74 69 74 6c 65 20 75 73  |ter the.title us|
00000a00  69 6e 67 20 65 69 74 68  65 72 20 2d 0d 31 2f 20  |ing either -.1/ |
00000a10  31 32 20 43 68 61 72 61  63 74 65 72 73 0d 32 2f  |12 Characters.2/|
00000a20  20 73 70 61 63 69 6e 67  20 77 69 6c 64 20 63 68  | spacing wild ch|
00000a30  61 72 61 63 74 65 72 73  20 28 23 29 0d 33 2f 20  |aracters (#).3/ |
00000a40  65 6e 64 2f 73 74 61 72  74 20 77 69 6c 64 20 63  |end/start wild c|
00000a50  68 61 72 61 63 74 65 72  20 28 2a 29 0d 0d 49 66  |haracter (*)..If|
00000a60  20 55 70 70 65 72 20 63  61 73 65 20 6c 65 74 74  | Upper case lett|
00000a70  65 72 73 20 61 72 65 20  75 73 65 64 20 74 68 65  |ers are used the|
00000a80  6e 0d 62 6f 74 68 20 75  70 70 65 72 20 61 6e 64  |n.both upper and|
00000a90  20 6c 6f 77 65 72 20 63  61 73 65 20 6c 65 74 74  | lower case lett|
00000aa0  65 72 73 20 63 61 6e 0d  62 65 20 73 65 61 72 63  |ers can.be searc|
00000ab0  68 65 64 20 66 6f 72 2c  62 75 74 20 69 66 20 6c  |hed for,but if l|
00000ac0  6f 77 65 72 20 63 61 73  65 0d 6c 65 74 74 65 72  |ower case.letter|
00000ad0  73 20 61 72 65 20 75 73  65 64 20 74 68 65 6e 20  |s are used then |
00000ae0  6f 6e 6c 79 20 6c 6f 77  65 72 20 63 61 73 65 0d  |only lower case.|
00000af0  6c 65 74 74 65 72 73 20  77 69 6c 6c 20 62 65 20  |letters will be |
00000b00  66 6f 75 6e 64 2e 0d 46  6f 72 20 45 78 61 6d 70  |found..For Examp|
00000b10  6c 65 20 27 4d 61 73 74  65 72 20 43 61 74 30 30  |le 'Master Cat00|
00000b20  27 20 63 6f 75 6c 64 20  62 65 0d 66 6f 75 6e 64  |' could be.found|
00000b30  20 77 69 74 68 20 20 27  4d 23 23 23 23 23 20 43  | with  'M##### C|
00000b40  23 23 30 30 27 0d 27 4d  2a 43 61 74 2a 20 6f 72  |##00'.'M*Cat* or|
00000b50  20 27 2a 43 41 54 2a 27  0d 0d 62 75 74 20 27 2a  | '*CAT*'..but '*|
00000b60  63 61 74 2a 27 20 77 69  6c 6c 20 6e 6f 74 20 66  |cat*' will not f|
00000b70  69 6e 64 20 27 4d 61 73  74 65 72 20 43 61 74 30  |ind 'Master Cat0|
00000b80  30 27 0d 86 54 69 74 6c  65 20 61 20 64 69 73 63  |0'..Title a disc|
00000b90  20 4f 70 74 69 6f 6e 20  31 20 4d 65 6e 75 20 32  | Option 1 Menu 2|
00000ba0  0d 49 74 20 69 73 20 70  6f 73 69 62 6c 65 20 74  |.It is posible t|
00000bb0  6f 20 63 68 61 6e 67 65  20 74 68 65 20 44 69 73  |o change the Dis|
00000bc0  63 20 54 69 74 6c 65 0d  76 69 61 20 74 68 65 20  |c Title.via the |
00000bd0  70 72 6f 67 72 61 6d 2e  20 54 68 65 20 70 72 6f  |program. The pro|
00000be0  67 72 61 6d 20 6c 69 6d  69 74 73 20 74 68 65 0d  |gram limits the.|
00000bf0  74 69 74 6c 65 20 74 6f  20 31 32 20 63 68 61 72  |title to 12 char|
00000c00  61 63 74 65 72 73 2e 0d  00 a9 17 85 70 a9 33 85  |acters......p.3.|
00000c10  71 20 6c 4b 4c 22 4a 0c  82 46 72 65 65 20 53 65  |q lKL"J..Free Se|
00000c20  63 74 6f 72 20 44 69 73  70 6c 61 79 20 4f 70 74  |ctor Display Opt|
00000c30  69 6f 6e 20 32 20 4d 65  6e 75 20 31 26 32 0d 54  |ion 2 Menu 1&2.T|
00000c40  68 65 20 6e 75 6d 62 65  72 20 6f 66 20 66 72 65  |he number of fre|
00000c50  65 20 73 65 63 74 6f 72  73 20 61 6e 64 20 74 68  |e sectors and th|
00000c60  65 0d 6e 75 6d 62 65 72  20 6f 66 20 66 69 6c 65  |e.number of file|
00000c70  73 20 6f 6e 20 65 61 63  68 20 64 69 73 63 20 63  |s on each disc c|
00000c80  61 6e 20 62 65 0d 64 69  73 70 6c 61 79 65 64 20  |an be.displayed |
00000c90  62 79 20 74 68 65 20 4d  65 6e 75 20 31 20 4f 70  |by the Menu 1 Op|
00000ca0  74 69 6f 6e 20 32 2e 0d  41 6c 73 6f 20 74 68 65  |tion 2..Also the|
00000cb0  20 73 61 6d 65 20 69 6e  66 6f 72 6d 61 74 69 6f  | same informatio|
00000cc0  6e 20 63 61 6e 20 62 65  0d 64 69 73 70 6c 61 79  |n can be.display|
00000cd0  65 64 20 66 6f 72 20 6f  6e 6c 79 20 64 69 73 63  |ed for only disc|
00000ce0  73 20 77 69 74 68 20 66  72 65 65 0d 73 65 63 74  |s with free.sect|
00000cf0  6f 72 73 20 62 79 20 4d  65 6e 75 20 32 20 4f 70  |ors by Menu 2 Op|
00000d00  74 69 6f 6e 20 32 2e 0d  00 a9 17 85 70 a9 34 85  |tion 2......p.4.|
00000d10  71 20 6c 4b 4c 22 4a 0c  83 56 6f 6c 75 6d 65 20  |q lKL"J..Volume |
00000d20  43 61 74 61 6c 6f 67 75  65 20 4f 70 74 69 6f 6e  |Catalogue Option|
00000d30  73 20 33 20 4d 65 6e 75  20 31 20 6f 72 20 32 0d  |s 3 Menu 1 or 2.|
00000d40  54 68 65 20 66 69 6c 65  6e 61 6d 65 20 61 6e 64  |The filename and|
00000d50  20 63 61 74 61 6c 6f 67  75 65 20 69 6e 66 6f 72  | catalogue infor|
00000d60  6d 61 74 69 6f 6e 0d 63  61 6e 20 62 65 20 64 69  |mation.can be di|
00000d70  73 70 6c 61 79 65 64 20  62 79 20 74 68 65 73 65  |splayed by these|
00000d80  20 6f 70 74 69 6f 6e 73  2e 0d 54 68 65 20 69 6e  | options..The in|
00000d90  66 6f 72 6d 61 74 69 6f  6e 20 69 73 20 2d 0d 31  |formation is -.1|
00000da0  2f 20 46 69 6c 65 6e 61  6d 65 0d 32 2f 20 4c 6f  |/ Filename.2/ Lo|
00000db0  63 6b 65 64 20 28 6f 72  20 4e 6f 74 29 0d 33 2f  |cked (or Not).3/|
00000dc0  20 4c 6f 61 64 20 41 64  64 72 65 73 73 0d 34 2f  | Load Address.4/|
00000dd0  20 45 78 65 63 75 74 69  6f 6e 20 41 64 64 72 65  | Execution Addre|
00000de0  73 73 0d 35 2f 20 4c 65  6e 67 74 68 0d 54 68 65  |ss.5/ Length.The|
00000df0  20 4d 65 6e 75 20 32 20  4f 70 74 69 6f 6e 20 64  | Menu 2 Option d|
00000e00  6f 65 73 20 73 6f 20 73  65 71 75 65 6e 74 69 61  |oes so sequentia|
00000e10  6c 6c 79 2e 0d 28 46 6f  72 20 6d 6f 72 65 20 69  |lly..(For more i|
00000e20  6e 66 6f 72 6d 61 74 69  6f 6e 20 73 65 65 20 49  |nformation see I|
00000e30  6e 66 6f 20 37 20 6f 6e  0d 53 65 71 75 65 6e 74  |nfo 7 on.Sequent|
00000e40  69 61 6c 20 4f 70 74 69  6f 6e 73 2e 29 0d 00 a9  |ial Options.)...|
00000e50  5d 85 70 a9 35 85 71 20  6c 4b 4c 22 4a 0c 86 46  |].p.5.q lKL"J..F|
00000e60  69 6c 65 6e 61 6d 65 20  53 65 61 72 63 68 20 4f  |ilename Search O|
00000e70  70 74 69 6f 6e 20 34 20  4d 65 6e 75 20 31 0d 41  |ption 4 Menu 1.A|
00000e80  20 66 69 6c 65 6e 61 6d  65 20 63 61 6e 20 62 65  | filename can be|
00000e90  20 73 65 61 72 63 68 65  64 20 66 6f 72 20 75 73  | searched for us|
00000ea0  69 6e 67 0d 31 2f 20 63  68 61 72 61 63 74 65 72  |ing.1/ character|
00000eb0  73 0d 32 2f 20 61 20 73  70 61 63 69 6e 67 20 77  |s.2/ a spacing w|
00000ec0  69 6c 64 20 63 68 61 72  61 63 74 65 72 73 20 28  |ild characters (|
00000ed0  23 29 0d 33 2f 20 73 74  61 72 74 2f 65 6e 64 20  |#).3/ start/end |
00000ee0  77 69 6c 64 20 63 68 61  72 61 63 74 65 72 20 28  |wild character (|
00000ef0  2a 29 0d 46 6f 72 20 45  78 61 6d 70 6c 65 0d 27  |*).For Example.'|
00000f00  23 2e 4d 61 73 74 43 23  23 27 0d 27 44 2e 4d 61  |#.MastC##'.'D.Ma|
00000f10  73 2a 27 0d 27 44 2e 2a  43 61 2a 27 0d 27 2a 4d  |s*'.'D.*Ca*'.'*M|
00000f20  61 73 2a 27 0d 41 73 20  74 68 65 72 65 20 69 73  |as*'.As there is|
00000f30  20 6e 6f 20 64 65 66 61  75 6c 74 20 64 69 72 65  | no default dire|
00000f40  63 74 6f 72 79 20 75 73  65 64 0d 62 79 20 74 68  |ctory used.by th|
00000f50  65 20 70 72 6f 67 72 61  6d 2c 20 65 69 74 68 65  |e program, eithe|
00000f60  72 20 74 68 65 20 64 69  72 65 63 74 6f 72 79 0d  |r the directory.|
00000f70  6d 75 73 74 20 62 65 20  67 69 76 65 6e 20 6f 72  |must be given or|
00000f80  20 74 68 65 20 63 68 61  72 61 63 74 65 72 20 2a  | the character *|
00000f90  20 75 73 65 64 0d 61 74  20 74 68 65 20 73 74 61  | used.at the sta|
00000fa0  72 74 20 6f 66 20 74 68  65 20 6e 61 6d 65 2e 0d  |rt of the name..|
00000fb0  49 6e 20 74 68 65 20 73  61 6d 65 20 77 61 79 20  |In the same way |
00000fc0  61 73 20 66 6f 72 20 54  69 74 6c 65 20 53 65 61  |as for Title Sea|
00000fd0  72 63 68 20 61 6e 0d 75  70 70 65 72 20 63 61 73  |rch an.upper cas|
00000fe0  65 20 6c 65 74 74 65 72  20 77 69 6c 6c 20 66 69  |e letter will fi|
00000ff0  6e 64 20 62 6f 74 68 20  75 70 70 70 65 72 0d 61  |nd both uppper.a|
00001000  6e 64 20 6c 6f 77 65 72  20 63 61 73 65 20 6c 65  |nd lower case le|
00001010  74 74 65 72 73 2c 20 77  68 65 72 65 61 73 20 6c  |tters, whereas l|
00001020  6f 77 65 72 0d 63 61 73  65 20 6c 65 74 74 65 72  |ower.case letter|
00001030  73 20 77 69 6c 6c 20 6f  6e 6c 79 20 66 69 6e 64  |s will only find|
00001040  20 6c 6f 77 65 72 20 63  61 73 65 0d 6c 65 74 74  | lower case.lett|
00001050  65 72 73 2e 0d 00 a9 64  85 70 a9 37 85 71 20 6c  |ers....d.p.7.q l|
00001060  4b 4c 22 4a 0c 0e 81 4e  65 77 20 56 6f 6c 75 6d  |KL"J...New Volum|
00001070  65 20 45 6e 74 72 79 20  4f 70 74 69 6f 6e 20 36  |e Entry Option 6|
00001080  20 4d 65 6e 75 20 31 26  32 0d 54 6f 20 6d 61 6b  | Menu 1&2.To mak|
00001090  65 20 61 6e 20 65 6e 74  72 79 20 75 6e 64 65 72  |e an entry under|
000010a0  20 61 20 76 6f 6c 75 6d  65 20 6e 75 6d 62 65 72  | a volume number|
000010b0  0d 74 68 69 73 20 69 73  20 74 68 65 20 6f 70 74  |.this is the opt|
000010c0  69 6f 6e 20 77 68 69 63  68 20 64 6f 65 73 20 69  |ion which does i|
000010d0  74 2e 0d 59 6f 75 20 77  69 6c 6c 20 62 65 20 70  |t..You will be p|
000010e0  72 6f 6d 70 74 65 64 20  77 69 74 68 20 77 68 69  |rompted with whi|
000010f0  63 68 20 64 72 69 76 65  0d 79 6f 75 20 77 69 73  |ch drive.you wis|
00001100  68 20 74 6f 20 75 73 65  20 61 73 20 74 68 65 20  |h to use as the |
00001110  73 6f 75 72 63 65 20 64  72 69 76 65 2e 0d 59 6f  |source drive..Yo|
00001120  75 20 77 69 6c 6c 20 74  68 65 6e 20 62 65 20 70  |u will then be p|
00001130  72 6f 6d 70 74 65 64 20  74 6f 20 70 75 74 20 74  |rompted to put t|
00001140  68 65 0d 73 6f 75 72 63  65 20 64 69 73 63 20 69  |he.source disc i|
00001150  6e 74 6f 20 74 68 61 74  20 64 72 69 76 65 2e 20  |nto that drive. |
00001160  54 68 65 0d 63 61 74 61  6c 6f 67 75 65 20 69 6e  |The.catalogue in|
00001170  66 6f 72 6d 61 74 69 6f  6e 20 69 73 20 74 68 65  |formation is the|
00001180  6e 20 6c 6f 61 64 65 64  2e 0d 4c 61 73 74 6c 79  |n loaded..Lastly|
00001190  20 79 6f 75 20 61 72 65  20 70 72 6f 6d 70 74 65  | you are prompte|
000011a0  64 20 74 6f 20 70 75 74  20 74 68 65 0d 4d 61 73  |d to put the.Mas|
000011b0  74 65 72 20 44 69 73 63  20 69 6e 74 6f 20 44 72  |ter Disc into Dr|
000011c0  69 76 65 20 30 2e 20 54  68 65 20 63 61 74 61 6c  |ive 0. The catal|
000011d0  6f 67 75 65 0d 69 6e 66  6f 72 6d 61 74 69 6f 6e  |ogue.information|
000011e0  20 66 6f 72 20 74 68 65  20 73 6f 75 72 63 65 20  | for the source |
000011f0  64 69 73 63 20 69 73 20  74 68 65 6e 0d 73 74 6f  |disc is then.sto|
00001200  72 65 64 20 69 6e 20 74  68 65 20 66 69 6c 65 20  |red in the file |
00001210  44 2e 4d 61 73 74 43 61  74 2e 0d 82 55 70 2d 64  |D.MastCat...Up-d|
00001220  61 74 69 6e 67 20 6f 66  20 56 6f 6c 75 6d 65 20  |ating of Volume |
00001230  45 6e 74 72 69 65 73 20  4f 70 74 69 6f 6e 20 35  |Entries Option 5|
00001240  0d 82 4d 65 6e 75 20 31  20 26 20 32 0d 54 68 69  |..Menu 1 & 2.Thi|
00001250  73 20 69 73 20 73 69 6d  69 6c 61 72 20 74 6f 20  |s is similar to |
00001260  4e 65 77 20 56 6f 6c 75  6d 65 20 45 6e 74 72 79  |New Volume Entry|
00001270  20 62 75 74 0d 61 66 74  65 72 20 6c 6f 61 64 69  | but.after loadi|
00001280  6e 67 20 74 68 65 20 73  6f 75 72 63 65 20 69 6e  |ng the source in|
00001290  66 6f 72 6d 61 74 69 6f  6e 20 69 74 0d 6c 6f 61  |formation it.loa|
000012a0  64 73 20 74 68 65 20 70  72 65 73 65 6e 74 20 69  |ds the present i|
000012b0  6e 66 6f 72 6d 61 74 69  6f 6e 20 66 72 6f 6d 20  |nformation from |
000012c0  74 68 65 0d 4d 61 73 74  65 72 20 44 69 73 63 20  |the.Master Disc |
000012d0  61 6e 64 20 74 68 65 6e  20 63 6f 6d 70 61 72 65  |and then compare|
000012e0  73 20 74 68 65 0d 74 69  74 6c 65 73 20 62 65 66  |s the.titles bef|
000012f0  6f 72 65 20 55 70 2d 44  61 74 69 6e 67 2e 20 49  |ore Up-Dating. I|
00001300  66 20 74 68 65 79 20 61  72 65 0d 6e 6f 74 20 65  |f they are.not e|
00001310  78 61 63 74 6c 79 20 74  68 65 20 73 61 6d 65 20  |xactly the same |
00001320  69 74 20 77 69 6c 6c 20  64 69 73 70 6c 61 79 0d  |it will display.|
00001330  74 68 65 20 74 77 6f 20  74 69 74 6c 65 73 20 61  |the two titles a|
00001340  6e 64 20 67 69 76 65 20  79 6f 75 20 74 68 65 20  |nd give you the |
00001350  6f 70 74 69 6f 6e 0d 6f  66 20 6f 76 65 72 2d 77  |option.of over-w|
00001360  72 69 74 69 6e 67 20 6f  72 20 6e 6f 74 2e 0d 57  |riting or not..W|
00001370  69 74 68 20 62 6f 74 68  20 6f 70 74 69 6f 6e 73  |ith both options|
00001380  20 4d 65 6e 75 20 32 20  69 73 20 73 65 71 75 65  | Menu 2 is seque|
00001390  6e 74 69 61 6c 2e 0d 28  53 65 65 20 49 6e 66 6f  |ntial..(See Info|
000013a0  20 37 29 0d 00 a9 b3 85  70 a9 3a 85 71 20 6c 4b  | 7).....p.:.q lK|
000013b0  4c 22 4a 0c 84 47 65 6e  65 72 61 74 69 6e 67 20  |L"J..Generating |
000013c0  61 20 62 6c 61 6e 6b 20  66 69 6c 65 20 44 2e 4d  |a blank file D.M|
000013d0  61 73 74 43 61 74 0d 84  4f 70 74 69 6f 6e 20 39  |astCat..Option 9|
000013e0  20 4d 65 6e 75 20 32 0d  49 6e 20 6f 72 64 65 72  | Menu 2.In order|
000013f0  20 74 6f 20 63 72 65 61  74 65 20 61 20 62 6c 61  | to create a bla|
00001400  6e 6b 20 66 69 6c 65 20  6f 66 20 74 68 65 0d 63  |nk file of the.c|
00001410  6f 72 72 65 63 74 20 66  6f 72 6d 61 74 20 61 6e  |orrect format an|
00001420  64 20 6c 65 6e 67 74 68  2c 20 79 6f 75 20 6e 65  |d length, you ne|
00001430  65 64 20 74 6f 0d 75 73  65 20 74 68 69 73 20 6f  |ed to.use this o|
00001440  70 74 69 6f 6e 2e 0d 41  73 20 74 68 65 20 66 69  |ption..As the fi|
00001450  6c 65 20 44 2e 4d 61 73  74 43 61 74 20 6e 65 65  |le D.MastCat nee|
00001460  64 73 20 74 6f 20 62 65  20 32 35 36 0d 73 65 63  |ds to be 256.sec|
00001470  74 6f 72 73 20 6c 6f 6e  67 20 69 74 20 69 73 20  |tors long it is |
00001480  6f 6e 6c 79 20 70 6f 73  69 62 6c 65 20 74 6f 20  |only posible to |
00001490  68 61 76 65 0d 6f 6e 65  20 63 6f 70 79 20 6f 66  |have.one copy of|
000014a0  20 73 75 63 68 20 61 20  66 69 6c 65 20 6f 6e 20  | such a file on |
000014b0  61 20 34 30 20 74 72 61  63 6b 0d 64 69 73 63 2c  |a 40 track.disc,|
000014c0  20 62 75 74 20 61 6e 20  38 30 20 74 72 61 63 6b  | but an 80 track|
000014d0  20 64 69 73 63 20 79 6f  75 20 63 61 6e 20 68 61  | disc you can ha|
000014e0  76 65 0d 33 20 64 69 66  66 65 72 61 6e 74 20 66  |ve.3 differant f|
000014f0  69 6c 65 73 20 6f 6e 20  6f 6e 65 20 64 69 73 63  |iles on one disc|
00001500  2e 0d 28 53 65 65 20 61  6c 73 6f 20 45 78 63 68  |..(See also Exch|
00001510  61 6e 67 65 20 66 69 6c  65 29 0d 00 a9 2a 85 70  |ange file)...*.p|
00001520  a9 3c 85 71 20 6c 4b 4c  22 4a 0c 81 53 65 71 75  |.<.q lKL"J..Sequ|
00001530  65 6e 74 69 61 6c 20 56  65 72 73 69 6f 6e 73 20  |ential Versions |
00001540  28 4d 65 6e 75 20 32 29  0d 81 4f 70 74 69 6f 6e  |(Menu 2)..Option|
00001550  73 20 33 2c 35 20 26 20  36 0d 54 68 65 20 4d 65  |s 3,5 & 6.The Me|
00001560  6e 75 20 32 20 76 65 72  73 69 6f 6e 73 20 6f 66  |nu 2 versions of|
00001570  20 56 6f 6c 75 6d 65 20  43 61 74 61 6c 6f 67 75  | Volume Catalogu|
00001580  65 0d 4e 65 77 20 61 6e  64 20 55 70 2d 64 61 74  |e.New and Up-dat|
00001590  65 20 56 6f 6c 75 6d 65  20 45 6e 74 72 79 20 61  |e Volume Entry a|
000015a0  72 65 0d 73 65 71 75 65  6e 74 69 61 6c 20 66 72  |re.sequential fr|
000015b0  6f 6d 20 61 6e 79 20 76  6f 6c 75 6d 65 20 6e 75  |om any volume nu|
000015c0  6d 62 65 72 2e 20 59 6f  75 0d 61 72 65 20 61 73  |mber. You.are as|
000015d0  6b 65 64 20 66 72 6f 6d  20 77 68 69 63 68 20 56  |ked from which V|
000015e0  6f 6c 75 6d 65 20 79 6f  75 20 77 69 73 68 20 74  |olume you wish t|
000015f0  6f 0d 73 74 61 72 74 2e  20 54 68 65 6e 20 61 6c  |o.start. Then al|
00001600  6c 20 74 68 61 74 20 69  73 20 72 65 71 75 69 72  |l that is requir|
00001610  65 20 61 74 20 74 68 65  0d 65 6e 64 20 6f 66 20  |e at the.end of |
00001620  65 61 63 68 20 61 63 74  69 6f 6e 20 69 73 20 74  |each action is t|
00001630  6f 20 72 65 70 6c 79 20  59 20 74 6f 0d 41 67 61  |o reply Y to.Aga|
00001640  69 6e 28 59 2f 4e 29 2e  20 54 68 65 20 6e 65 78  |in(Y/N). The nex|
00001650  74 20 76 6f 6c 75 6d 65  20 6e 75 6d 62 65 72 20  |t volume number |
00001660  77 69 6c 6c 0d 62 65 20  73 65 6c 65 63 74 65 64  |will.be selected|
00001670  20 61 75 74 6f 6d 61 74  69 63 61 6c 79 2e 0d 00  | automaticaly...|
00001680  a9 8e 85 70 a9 3d 85 71  20 6c 4b 4c 22 4a 0c 82  |...p.=.q lKL"J..|
00001690  44 69 73 63 20 43 61 74  61 6c 6f 67 75 65 20 4f  |Disc Catalogue O|
000016a0  70 74 69 6f 6e 20 38 20  4d 65 6e 75 20 31 26 32  |ption 8 Menu 1&2|
000016b0  0d 54 68 65 20 64 69 73  63 20 69 6e 20 61 6e 79  |.The disc in any|
000016c0  20 64 72 69 76 65 20 63  61 6e 20 62 65 20 63 61  | drive can be ca|
000016d0  74 61 6c 6f 67 75 65 64  0d 61 6e 64 20 64 69 73  |talogued.and dis|
000016e0  70 6c 61 79 65 64 20 6f  6e 20 74 68 65 20 73 63  |played on the sc|
000016f0  72 65 65 6e 2e 20 57 68  65 6e 20 69 74 0d 68 61  |reen. When it.ha|
00001700  73 20 64 69 73 70 6c 61  79 65 64 20 74 68 65 20  |s displayed the |
00001710  63 61 74 61 6c 6f 67 75  65 20 79 6f 75 20 61 72  |catalogue you ar|
00001720  65 0d 74 68 65 6e 20 67  69 76 65 6e 20 74 68 65  |e.then given the|
00001730  20 63 68 61 6e 63 65 20  74 6f 20 63 68 61 6e 67  | chance to chang|
00001740  65 20 74 68 65 0d 64 69  73 63 20 69 6e 20 74 68  |e the.disc in th|
00001750  65 20 64 72 69 76 65 20  61 6e 64 20 74 6f 20 64  |e drive and to d|
00001760  6f 20 61 6e 6f 74 68 65  72 0d 63 61 74 61 6c 6f  |o another.catalo|
00001770  67 75 65 2e 0d 00 a9 84  85 70 a9 3e 85 71 20 6c  |gue......p.>.q l|
00001780  4b 4c 22 4a 0c 86 53 77  61 70 20 74 68 65 20 4d  |KL"J..Swap the M|
00001790  61 73 74 65 72 20 66 69  6c 65 20 77 69 74 68 20  |aster file with |
000017a0  61 6e 6f 74 68 65 72 0d  86 4f 70 74 69 6f 6e 20  |another..Option |
000017b0  34 20 4d 65 6e 75 20 32  0d 54 68 69 73 20 6f 70  |4 Menu 2.This op|
000017c0  74 69 6f 6e 20 69 73 20  70 6f 73 69 62 6c 65 20  |tion is posible |
000017d0  77 69 74 68 20 61 20 34  30 20 74 72 61 63 6b 0d  |with a 40 track.|
000017e0  64 72 69 76 65 2c 20 62  75 74 20 61 73 20 6f 6e  |drive, but as on|
000017f0  6c 79 20 6f 6e 65 20 66  69 6c 65 20 63 61 6e 20  |ly one file can |
00001800  62 65 20 6f 66 0d 74 68  65 20 63 6f 72 72 65 63  |be of.the correc|
00001810  74 20 6c 65 6e 67 74 68  20 61 6e 20 38 30 20 74  |t length an 80 t|
00001820  72 61 63 6b 20 64 72 69  76 65 20 69 73 0d 6e 65  |rack drive is.ne|
00001830  65 64 65 64 20 66 6f 72  20 69 74 73 20 66 75 6c  |eded for its ful|
00001840  6c 20 75 74 69 6c 69 73  61 74 69 6f 6e 2e 0d 54  |l utilisation..T|
00001850  68 65 20 6f 70 74 69 6f  6e 20 72 65 6e 61 6d 65  |he option rename|
00001860  73 20 74 68 65 20 66 69  6c 65 20 79 6f 75 20 6e  |s the file you n|
00001870  61 6d 65 20 61 73 0d 27  44 2e 54 45 4d 50 27 2c  |ame as.'D.TEMP',|
00001880  20 74 68 65 6e 20 69 74  20 72 65 6e 61 6d 65 73  | then it renames|
00001890  20 27 44 2e 4d 61 73 74  43 61 74 27 0d 61 73 20  | 'D.MastCat'.as |
000018a0  79 6f 75 72 20 67 69 76  65 6e 20 6e 61 6d 65 2c  |your given name,|
000018b0  20 61 6e 64 20 74 68 65  6e 20 66 69 6e 61 6c 79  | and then finaly|
000018c0  20 69 74 0d 72 65 6e 61  6d 65 73 20 27 44 2e 54  | it.renames 'D.T|
000018d0  45 4d 50 27 20 61 73 20  27 44 2e 4d 61 73 74 43  |EMP' as 'D.MastC|
000018e0  61 74 27 2e 20 41 74 0d  65 61 63 68 20 73 74 61  |at'. At.each sta|
000018f0  67 65 20 69 74 20 66 69  72 73 74 20 63 68 65 63  |ge it first chec|
00001900  6b 73 20 74 6f 20 73 65  65 20 69 66 0d 74 68 65  |ks to see if.the|
00001910  20 66 69 6c 65 73 20 65  78 69 73 74 2e 20 41 73  | files exist. As|
00001920  20 61 20 72 65 73 75 6c  74 20 6f 66 20 74 68 69  | a result of thi|
00001930  73 20 69 74 0d 77 69 6c  6c 20 6e 6f 74 20 64 6f  |s it.will not do|
00001940  20 74 68 69 73 20 6f 70  74 69 6f 6e 20 69 66 20  | this option if |
00001950  74 68 65 72 65 20 69 73  0d 61 6c 72 65 61 64 79  |there is.already|
00001960  20 61 20 66 69 6c 65 20  27 44 2e 54 45 4d 50 27  | a file 'D.TEMP'|
00001970  2e 20 59 6f 75 20 6d 75  73 74 20 65 78 69 74 0d  |. You must exit.|
00001980  66 72 6f 6d 20 74 68 65  20 70 72 6f 67 72 61 6d  |from the program|
00001990  20 61 6e 64 20 72 65 6e  61 6d 65 20 27 44 2e 54  | and rename 'D.T|
000019a0  45 4d 50 27 2e 0d 00 a9  df 85 70 a9 40 85 71 20  |EMP'......p.@.q |
000019b0  6c 4b 20 54 4a 20 4f 51  a9 01 85 73 20 a8 51 20  |lK TJ OQ...s .Q |
000019c0  66 4d f0 11 20 dc 51 20  ec 50 20 40 4e d0 06 20  |fM.. .Q .P @N.. |
000019d0  6f 4d 20 2e 4d e6 73 10  e6 20 b7 49 f0 d4 60 1f  |oM .M.s.. .I..`.|
000019e0  07 04 8d 85 9d 83 53 65  61 72 63 68 20 66 6f 72  |......Search for|
000019f0  20 61 20 54 69 74 6c 65  20 20 9c 0d 1f 07 05 8d  | a Title  ......|
00001a00  85 9d 83 53 65 61 72 63  68 20 66 6f 72 20 61 20  |...Search for a |
00001a10  54 69 74 6c 65 20 20 9c  0d 00 a9 44 85 70 a9 41  |Title  ....D.p.A|
00001a20  85 71 20 6c 4b 20 4f 51  20 a8 51 a9 01 85 73 20  |.q lK OQ .Q...s |
00001a30  1c 4f f0 06 20 6f 4d 20  7d 4b e6 73 10 f1 20 25  |.O.. oM }K.s.. %|
00001a40  4c 4c 22 4a 1f 04 03 8d  81 4c 69 73 74 20 46 72  |LL"J.....List Fr|
00001a50  65 65 20 53 65 63 74 6f  72 73 20 70 65 72 20 56  |ee Sectors per V|
00001a60  6f 6c 75 6d 65 0d 1f 04  04 8d 81 4c 69 73 74 20  |olume......List |
00001a70  46 72 65 65 20 53 65 63  74 6f 72 73 20 70 65 72  |Free Sectors per|
00001a80  20 56 6f 6c 75 6d 65 0d  1f 06 05 8d 81 61 6e 64  | Volume......and|
00001a90  20 74 68 65 20 4e 75 6d  62 65 72 20 6f 66 20 46  | the Number of F|
00001aa0  69 6c 65 73 0d 1f 06 06  8d 81 61 6e 64 20 74 68  |iles......and th|
00001ab0  65 20 4e 75 6d 62 65 72  20 6f 66 20 46 69 6c 65  |e Number of File|
00001ac0  73 0d 0e 00 a9 f8 85 70  a9 41 85 71 20 6c 4b 20  |s......p.A.q lK |
00001ad0  4f 51 20 a8 51 a9 01 85  73 20 1c 4f f0 10 a5 78  |OQ .Q...s .O...x|
00001ae0  d0 06 a5 79 29 03 f0 06  20 6f 4d 20 7d 4b e6 73  |...y)... oM }K.s|
00001af0  10 e7 20 25 4c 4c 22 4a  1f 06 03 8d 86 4c 69 73  |.. %LL"J.....Lis|
00001b00  74 20 6f 66 20 44 69 73  63 73 20 77 69 74 68 20  |t of Discs with |
00001b10  73 70 61 63 65 0d 1f 06  04 8d 86 4c 69 73 74 20  |space......List |
00001b20  6f 66 20 44 69 73 63 73  20 77 69 74 68 20 73 70  |of Discs with sp|
00001b30  61 63 65 0d 0e 00 a5 73  0a a8 b9 32 57 85 78 c8  |ace....s...2W.x.|
00001b40  b9 32 57 29 03 85 79 b9  32 57 29 f8 4a 4a 4a 85  |.2W)..y.2W).JJJ.|
00001b50  77 a9 bb 85 70 a9 4b 85  71 20 6c 4b 20 6b 4f a9  |w...p.K.q lK kO.|
00001b60  2c 20 e3 ff a5 77 20 e9  4b a9 c3 85 70 a9 4b 85  |, ...w .K...p.K.|
00001b70  71 4c 6c 4b 81 46 72 65  65 20 82 00 83 46 69 6c  |qLlK.Free ...Fil|
00001b80  65 73 0d 00 a9 a5 85 70  a9 42 85 71 20 6c 4b 20  |es.....p.B.q lK |
00001b90  f7 4a f0 0e 20 d6 51 ad  de 52 f0 f3 20 cb 4b 4c  |.J.. .Q..R.. .KL|
00001ba0  8f 42 4c 25 4c 1f 09 03  8d 86 43 61 74 61 6c 6f  |.BL%L.....Catalo|
00001bb0  67 75 65 20 61 20 56 6f  6c 75 6d 65 0d 1f 09 04  |gue a Volume....|
00001bc0  8d 86 43 61 74 61 6c 6f  67 75 65 20 61 20 56 6f  |..Catalogue a Vo|
00001bd0  6c 75 6d 65 0d 0e 00 a9  21 85 70 a9 43 85 71 20  |lume....!.p.C.q |
00001be0  6c 4b 20 ab 4a 20 4f 51  20 a8 51 a9 01 85 73 a9  |lK .J OQ .Q...s.|
00001bf0  00 85 8f 20 66 4d f0 1f  20 dc 51 20 88 50 20 95  |... fM.. .Q .P .|
00001c00  50 20 c6 4d d0 06 20 54  4d 20 80 4c a5 84 18 69  |P .M.. TM .L...i|
00001c10  08 85 84 c5 77 d0 e7 e6  73 10 d8 20 22 4a 4c 25  |....w...s.. "JL%|
00001c20  4c 1f 05 04 8d 83 9d 85  53 65 61 72 63 68 20 66  |L.......Search f|
00001c30  6f 72 20 61 20 66 69 6c  65 6e 61 6d 65 20 20 9c  |or a filename  .|
00001c40  0d 1f 05 05 8d 83 9d 85  53 65 61 72 63 68 20 66  |........Search f|
00001c50  6f 72 20 61 20 66 69 6c  65 6e 61 6d 65 20 20 9c  |or a filename  .|
00001c60  0d 0e 00 a9 7d 85 70 a9  43 85 71 20 6c 4b 20 f7  |....}.p.C.q lK .|
00001c70  4a f0 09 20 cd 49 20 b6  43 4c 6e 43 60 1f 07 03  |J.. .I .CLnC`...|
00001c80  8d 82 55 70 2d 44 61 74  65 20 61 20 56 6f 6c 75  |..Up-Date a Volu|
00001c90  6d 65 20 45 6e 74 72 79  0d 1f 07 04 8d 82 55 70  |me Entry......Up|
00001ca0  2d 44 61 74 65 20 61 20  56 6f 6c 75 6d 65 20 45  |-Date a Volume E|
00001cb0  6e 74 72 79 0d 00 20 eb  52 20 d6 51 20 c7 50 20  |ntry.. .R .Q .P |
00001cc0  ec 50 20 ba 4e d0 09 20  13 4d 20 2e 4f 20 03 52  |.P .N.. .M .O .R|
00001cd0  60 a9 ef 85 70 a9 43 85  71 20 6c 4b 20 f7 4a 20  |`...p.C.q lK .J |
00001ce0  cd 49 20 b6 43 20 b7 49  d0 04 e6 73 10 f4 60 1f  |.I .C .I...s..`.|
00001cf0  02 04 8d 83 53 65 71 75  65 6e 74 69 61 6c 20 56  |....Sequential V|
00001d00  6f 6c 75 6d 65 20 45 6e  74 72 79 20 55 70 20 44  |olume Entry Up D|
00001d10  61 74 65 0d 1f 02 05 8d  83 53 65 71 75 65 6e 74  |ate......Sequent|
00001d20  69 61 6c 20 56 6f 6c 75  6d 65 20 45 6e 74 72 79  |ial Volume Entry|
00001d30  20 55 70 20 44 61 74 65  0d 0d 84 46 72 6f 6d 2d  | Up Date...From-|
00001d40  0d 00 a9 5c 85 70 a9 44  85 71 20 6c 4b 20 cd 49  |...\.p.D.q lK .I|
00001d50  20 f7 4a f0 06 20 72 50  4c 50 44 60 1f 09 03 8d  | .J.. rPLPD`....|
00001d60  85 45 6e 74 65 72 20 61  20 4e 65 77 20 56 6f 6c  |.Enter a New Vol|
00001d70  75 6d 65 0d 1f 09 04 8d  85 45 6e 74 65 72 20 61  |ume......Enter a|
00001d80  20 4e 65 77 20 56 6f 6c  75 6d 65 0d 00 a9 b0 85  | New Volume.....|
00001d90  70 a9 44 85 71 20 6c 4b  20 f7 4a f0 12 20 cd 49  |p.D.q lK .J.. .I|
00001da0  20 6f 4d 20 f7 49 d0 07  20 72 50 e6 73 10 f1 60  | oM .I.. rP.s..`|
00001db0  1f 02 03 8d 81 45 6e 74  65 72 20 4e 65 77 20 56  |.....Enter New V|
00001dc0  6f 6c 75 6d 65 73 20 69  6e 20 53 65 71 75 65 6e  |olumes in Sequen|
00001dd0  63 65 0d 1f 02 04 8d 81  45 6e 74 65 72 20 4e 65  |ce......Enter Ne|
00001de0  77 20 56 6f 6c 75 6d 65  73 20 69 6e 20 53 65 71  |w Volumes in Seq|
00001df0  75 65 6e 63 65 0d 81 46  72 6f 6d 20 56 6f 6c 75  |uence..From Volu|
00001e00  6d 65 3f 00 a9 26 85 70  a9 45 85 71 20 6c 4b 20  |me?..&.p.E.q lK |
00001e10  cd 49 69 30 8d 24 45 20  81 50 20 b7 49 f0 f8 60  |.Ii0.$E .P .I..`|
00001e20  43 41 54 20 30 0d 1f 0b  03 8d 84 43 61 74 61 6c  |CAT 0......Catal|
00001e30  6f 67 75 65 20 44 69 73  63 0d 1f 0b 04 8d 84 43  |ogue Disc......C|
00001e40  61 74 61 6c 6f 67 75 65  20 44 69 73 63 0d 00 a9  |atalogue Disc...|
00001e50  7d 85 70 a9 45 85 71 20  6c 4b 20 81 50 20 64 49  |}.p.E.q lK .P dI|
00001e60  d0 15 20 54 4a a9 22 99  89 4a c8 a9 0d 99 89 4a  |.. TJ."..J.....J|
00001e70  a2 82 a0 4a 20 f7 ff 20  b7 49 f0 de 60 1f 0a 04  |...J .. .I..`...|
00001e80  8d 84 54 69 74 6c 65 20  61 20 44 69 73 63 0d 1f  |..Title a Disc..|
00001e90  0a 05 8d 84 54 69 74 6c  65 20 61 20 44 69 73 63  |....Title a Disc|
00001ea0  0d 00 a9 c5 85 70 a9 45  85 71 20 6c 4b 20 f7 4a  |.....p.E.q lK .J|
00001eb0  20 6f 4d 20 d6 51 20 cb  4b e6 73 30 05 20 b7 49  | oM .Q .K.s0. .I|
00001ec0  f0 ee 4c 25 4c 1f 01 04  8d 82 53 65 71 75 65 6e  |..L%L.....Sequen|
00001ed0  74 69 61 6c 20 56 6f 6c  2e 43 61 74 2e 20 0d 1f  |tial Vol.Cat. ..|
00001ee0  01 05 8d 82 53 65 71 75  65 6e 74 69 61 6c 20 56  |....Sequential V|
00001ef0  6f 6c 2e 43 61 74 2e 20  0d 0e 81 46 72 6f 6d 2d  |ol.Cat. ...From-|
00001f00  0d 00 a9 fe 85 70 a9 46  85 71 20 6c 4b 20 64 49  |.....p.F.q lK dI|
00001f10  d0 1e a9 40 a2 f1 a0 47  20 8c 51 08 20 95 51 28  |...@...G .Q. .Q(|
00001f20  f0 0f a9 c3 85 70 a9 47  85 71 20 6c 4b 4c fb 46  |.....p.G.q lKL.F|
00001f30  60 a9 6e 85 70 a9 47 85  71 20 6c 4b 20 ab 4a c0  |`.n.p.G.q lK .J.|
00001f40  09 b0 08 a9 20 99 dc 4a  c8 d0 f4 a0 01 b9 dc 4a  |.... ..J.......J|
00001f50  c9 2e d0 dd c8 b9 dc 4a  c9 20 f0 d5 a0 00 b9 dc  |.......J. ......|
00001f60  4a 99 e7 47 99 00 48 99  25 48 c8 c0 09 90 ef a9  |J..G..H.%H......|
00001f70  40 a2 e7 a0 47 20 8c 51  08 20 95 51 28 d0 0e a9  |@...G .Q. .Q(...|
00001f80  89 85 70 a9 47 85 71 20  6c 4b 4c 9f 46 a9 f8 85  |..p.G.q lKL.F...|
00001f90  70 a9 47 85 71 20 6c 4b  a2 f8 a0 47 20 f7 ff a9  |p.G.q lK...G ...|
00001fa0  40 20 88 51 08 20 95 51  28 d0 0e a9 98 85 70 a9  |@ .Q. .Q(.....p.|
00001fb0  47 85 71 20 6c 4b 4c cb  46 a9 13 85 70 a9 48 85  |G.q lKL.F...p.H.|
00001fc0  71 20 6c 4b a2 13 a0 48  20 f7 ff a9 40 a2 f1 a0  |q lK...H ...@...|
00001fd0  47 20 8c 51 08 20 95 51  28 d0 0e a9 b1 85 70 a9  |G .Q. .Q(.....p.|
00001fe0  47 85 71 20 6c 4b 4c fb  46 a9 31 85 70 a9 48 85  |G.q lKL.F.1.p.H.|
00001ff0  71 20 6c 4b a2 31 a0 48  20 f7 ff 4c 22 4a 1f 01  |q lK.1.H ..L"J..|
00002000  05 8d 45 78 63 68 61 6e  67 65 81 44 2e 4d 61 73  |..Exchange.D.Mas|
00002010  74 43 61 74 87 77 69 74  68 20 61 20 32 6e 64 20  |tCat.with a 2nd |
00002020  46 69 6c 65 0d 1f 01 06  8d 45 78 63 68 61 6e 67  |File.....Exchang|
00002030  65 81 44 2e 4d 61 73 74  43 61 74 87 77 69 74 68  |e.D.MastCat.with|
00002040  20 61 20 32 6e 64 20 46  69 6c 65 0d 0d 55 73 65  | a 2nd File..Use|
00002050  20 6f 6e 6c 79 20 77 69  74 68 20 61 6e 20 38 30  | only with an 80|
00002060  20 74 72 61 63 6b 20 64  72 69 76 65 0d 00 45 78  | track drive..Ex|
00002070  63 68 61 6e 67 65 81 44  2e 4d 61 73 74 43 61 74  |change.D.MastCat|
00002080  87 77 69 74 68 20 2d 0d  00 4e 6f 20 66 69 6c 65  |.with -..No file|
00002090  20 66 6f 75 6e 64 0d 00  4e 6f 20 66 69 6c 65 20  | found..No file |
000020a0  44 2e 4d 61 73 74 43 61  74 20 66 6f 75 6e 64 0d  |D.MastCat found.|
000020b0  00 4e 6f 77 20 4e 6f 20  44 2e 4d 61 73 74 43 61  |.Now No D.MastCa|
000020c0  74 0d 00 44 2e 54 45 4d  50 20 66 69 6c 65 20 65  |t..D.TEMP file e|
000020d0  78 69 73 74 73 21 20 50  6c 65 61 73 65 20 52 65  |xists! Please Re|
000020e0  6e 61 6d 65 2e 0d 00 44  2e 44 44 44 44 44 44 44  |name...D.DDDDDDD|
000020f0  0d 44 2e 54 45 4d 50 0d  52 45 4e 41 4d 45 20 22  |.D.TEMP.RENAME "|
00002100  44 2e 44 44 44 44 44 44  44 22 20 44 2e 54 45 4d  |D.DDDDDDD" D.TEM|
00002110  50 0d 00 52 45 4e 41 4d  45 20 44 2e 4d 61 73 74  |P..RENAME D.Mast|
00002120  43 61 74 20 22 44 2e 44  44 44 44 44 44 44 22 0d  |Cat "D.DDDDDDD".|
00002130  00 52 45 4e 41 4d 45 20  44 2e 54 45 4d 50 20 44  |.RENAME D.TEMP D|
00002140  2e 4d 61 73 74 43 61 74  0d 00 a9 ce 85 70 a9 48  |.MastCat.....p.H|
00002150  85 71 20 6c 4b 20 f7 49  d0 01 60 20 81 50 20 64  |.q lK .I..` .P d|
00002160  49 f0 2d 60 84 4e 6f 20  46 69 6c 65 20 50 72 6f  |I.-`.No File Pro|
00002170  62 6c 65 6d 20 44 75 72  69 6e 67 20 49 6e 69 74  |blem During Init|
00002180  0d 00 a9 64 85 70 a9 48  85 71 20 6c 4b 4c 22 4a  |...d.p.H.q lKL"J|
00002190  a9 80 20 88 51 f0 eb a9  00 85 73 20 1a 4c a9 7f  |.. .Q.....s .L..|
000021a0  20 e3 ff a0 00 a9 00 99  32 53 99 32 54 c8 d0 f7  | .......2S.2T...|
000021b0  20 68 52 a9 53 8d e0 52  a9 01 20 d1 ff 90 03 20  | hR.S..R.. .... |
000021c0  a2 52 e6 73 10 d8 90 03  20 a2 52 4c 95 51 1f 01  |.R.s.... .RL.Q..|
000021d0  04 8d 81 9d 86 43 72 65  61 74 65 20 61 20 6e 65  |.....Create a ne|
000021e0  77 20 46 69 6c 65 83 9d  81 44 2e 4d 61 73 74 43  |w File...D.MastC|
000021f0  61 74 20 20 9c 0d 1f 01  05 8d 81 9d 86 43 72 65  |at  .........Cre|
00002200  61 74 65 20 61 20 6e 65  77 20 46 69 6c 65 83 9d  |ate a new File..|
00002210  81 44 2e 4d 61 73 74 43  61 74 20 20 9c 0d 1f 06  |.D.MastCat  ....|
00002220  07 8d 84 9d 81 44 6f 20  79 6f 75 20 77 61 6e 74  |.....Do you want|
00002230  20 74 6f 88 45 58 49 54  89 6e 6f 77 20 20 9c 0d  | to.EXIT.now  ..|
00002240  1f 06 08 8d 84 9d 81 44  6f 20 79 6f 75 20 77 61  |.......Do you wa|
00002250  6e 74 20 74 6f 88 45 58  49 54 89 6e 6f 77 20 20  |nt to.EXIT.now  |
00002260  9c 0d 85 00 a9 72 85 70  a9 49 85 71 20 6c 4b 4c  |.....r.p.I.q lKL|
00002270  f7 49 84 9d 86 41 72 65  20 79 6f 75 81 53 75 72  |.I...Are you.Sur|
00002280  65 83 21 20 9c 84 00 a9  08 20 e3 ff a9 07 20 e3  |e.! ..... .... .|
00002290  ff 20 e0 ff 90 05 a9 7e  20 f4 ff c9 30 90 ed 20  |. .....~ ...0.. |
000022a0  e3 ff c9 3a b0 e1 e9 2f  85 72 4c e7 ff bd 66 4b  |...:.../.rL...fK|
000022b0  18 e9 2f 85 72 e8 60 a9  c5 85 70 a9 49 85 71 20  |../.r.`...p.I.q |
000022c0  6c 4b 4c f7 49 83 41 67  61 69 6e 81 00 a9 e4 85  |lKL.I.Again.....|
000022d0  70 a9 49 85 71 20 6c 4b  20 91 49 a5 72 c9 04 b0  |p.I.q lK .I.r...|
000022e0  ec 85 74 60 86 57 68 69  63 68 20 44 72 69 76 65  |..t`.Which Drive|
000022f0  3f 00 a9 7e 20 f4 ff a9  17 85 70 a9 4a 85 71 20  |?..~ .....p.J.q |
00002300  6c 4b 20 e0 ff b0 eb c9  59 f0 04 c9 4e d0 e8 48  |lK .....Y...N..H|
00002310  20 e7 ff 68 c9 59 60 28  59 2f 4e 29 00 a9 7e 20  | ..h.Y`(Y/N)..~ |
00002320  f4 ff a9 39 85 70 a9 4a  85 71 20 6c 4b 20 e0 ff  |...9.p.J.q lK ..|
00002330  b0 eb c9 20 d0 ec 4c e7  ff 0d 81 3c 73 70 61 63  |... ..L....<spac|
00002340  65 3e 89 74 6f 20 43 6f  6e 74 69 6e 75 65 00 a9  |e>.to Continue..|
00002350  7e 20 f4 ff a9 6b 85 70  a9 4a 85 71 20 6c 4b a9  |~ ...k.p.J.q lK.|
00002360  00 a2 7d a0 4a 20 f1 ff  b0 e5 60 45 6e 74 65 72  |..}.J ....`Enter|
00002370  20 74 68 65 20 54 69 74  6c 65 20 3f 00 89 4a 0c  | the Title ?..J.|
00002380  20 ff 54 49 54 4c 45 20  22 23 23 23 23 23 23 23  | .TITLE "#######|
00002390  23 23 23 23 23 23 0d 00  23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23  |######..########|
000023a0  23 23 23 23 0d 00 a9 7e  20 f4 ff a9 c2 85 70 a9  |####...~ .....p.|
000023b0  4a 85 71 20 6c 4b a9 00  a2 d7 a0 4a 20 f1 ff b0  |J.q lK.....J ...|
000023c0  e5 60 45 6e 74 65 72 20  74 68 65 20 46 69 6c 65  |.`Enter the File|
000023d0  6e 61 6d 65 20 3f 00 dc  4a 09 20 ff 23 23 23 23  |name ?..J. .####|
000023e0  23 23 23 23 23 0d 00 23  23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23  |#####..#########|
000023f0  0d 00 a9 7e 20 f4 ff a9  3b 85 70 a9 4b 85 71 20  |...~ ...;.p.K.q |
00002400  6c 4b a9 00 a2 61 a0 4b  20 f1 ff b0 e5 c0 03 d0  |lK...a.K .......|
00002410  e6 a2 00 20 ad 49 a5 72  c9 02 b0 db 85 73 20 88  |... .I.r.....s .|
00002420  4d 20 ad 49 a5 72 18 65  73 85 73 20 88 4d 20 ad  |M .I.r.es.s .M .|
00002430  49 a5 72 18 65 73 85 73  30 bd 60 0d 83 57 68 69  |I.r.es.s0.`..Whi|
00002440  63 68 20 56 6f 6c 75 6d  65 3f 3c 30 30 31 2d 31  |ch Volume?<001-1|
00002450  32 37 3e 28 30 30 30 20  74 6f 20 45 4e 44 29 82  |27>(000 to END).|
00002460  00 66 4b 03 30 39 30 30  30 30 0d 00 a0 00 b1 70  |.fK.090000.....p|
00002470  f0 0a 20 e3 ff c8 d0 f6  e6 71 d0 f0 60 a5 73 0a  |.. ......q..`.s.|
00002480  a8 b9 32 57 85 78 c8 b9  32 57 29 03 85 79 b9 32  |..2W.x..2W)..y.2|
00002490  57 29 f8 4a 4a 4a 85 77  a9 74 85 70 a9 42 85 71  |W).JJJ.w.t.p.B.q|
000024a0  20 6c 4b 20 6b 4f a9 2c  20 e3 ff a5 77 20 e9 4b  | lK kO., ...w .K|
000024b0  a9 7c 85 70 a9 42 85 71  4c 6c 4b 81 46 72 65 65  |.|.p.B.qLlK.Free|
000024c0  20 82 00 83 46 69 6c 65  73 0d 00 20 ec 50 20 2e  | ...Files.. .P .|
000024d0  4d 20 a8 51 20 7d 4b 20  88 50 20 80 4c a5 84 18  |M .Q }K .P .L...|
000024e0  69 08 85 84 c5 77 90 f2  60 48 20 95 4d 20 95 4d  |i....w..`H .M .M|
000024f0  20 fe 4b a5 72 20 fe 4b  68 20 95 4d a5 72 18 69  | .K.r .Kh .M.r.i|
00002500  30 4c e3 ff 48 4a 4a 4a  4a 20 0f 4c 68 29 0f c9  |0L..HJJJJ .Lh)..|
00002510  0a 90 02 69 06 69 30 4c  e3 ff a9 22 a0 80 20 e3  |...i.i0L...".. .|
00002520  ff 88 d0 fa 60 a9 0f 4c  e3 ff a9 35 85 70 a9 4c  |....`..L...5.p.L|
00002530  85 71 4c 6c 4b 0c 1f 08  01 8d 86 9d 81 4d 61 73  |.qLlK........Mas|
00002540  74 65 72 20 43 61 74 61  6c 6f 67 75 65 20 20 9c  |ter Catalogue  .|
00002550  0d 1f 08 02 8d 86 9d 81  4d 61 73 74 65 72 20 43  |........Master C|
00002560  61 74 61 6c 6f 67 75 65  20 20 9c 0d 00 20 a4 4d  |atalogue  ... .M|
00002570  20 fe 4b a5 72 20 95 4d  20 fe 4b a5 72 4c fe 4b  | .K.r .M .K.rL.K|
00002580  a5 84 18 69 07 a8 b9 32  55 20 e3 ff a9 2e 20 e3  |...i...2U .... .|
00002590  ff a4 84 a2 07 b9 32 55  20 e3 ff c8 ca d0 f6 a9  |......2U .......|
000025a0  20 20 e3 ff b9 32 55 10  08 a9 4c 20 e3 ff 4c b6  |  ...2U...L ..L.|
000025b0  4c a9 20 20 e3 ff a9 20  20 e3 ff a4 84 b9 38 56  |L.  ...  .....8V|
000025c0  4a 4a 48 29 03 20 0a 4d  b9 33 56 20 04 4c b9 32  |JJH). .M.3V .L.2|
000025d0  56 20 04 4c a9 20 20 e3  ff 68 4a 4a 48 4a 4a 29  |V .L.  ..hJJHJJ)|
000025e0  03 20 0a 4d b9 35 56 20  04 4c b9 34 56 20 04 4c  |. .M.5V .L.4V .L|
000025f0  a9 20 20 e3 ff 68 29 03  20 0a 4d b9 37 56 20 04  |.  ..h). .M.7V .|
00002600  4c b9 36 56 20 04 4c 4c  e7 ff c9 03 d0 02 a9 ff  |L.6V .LL........|
00002610  4c 04 4c a9 49 85 70 a9  4d 85 71 20 6c 4b a0 00  |L.L.I.p.M.q lK..|
00002620  b9 89 4a 20 e3 ff c8 c0  0d 90 f5 4c e7 ff a9 49  |..J .......L...I|
00002630  85 70 a9 4d 85 71 20 6c  4b a0 00 b9 98 4a 20 e3  |.p.M.q lK....J .|
00002640  ff c8 c0 0d 90 f5 4c e7  ff 86 9d 84 54 49 54 4c  |......L.....TITL|
00002650  45 87 9c 00 a5 73 c5 8f  f0 0b 85 8f 20 6f 4d 20  |E....s...... oM |
00002660  ec 50 4c 2e 4d 60 20 6f  4d 20 ec ff 4c 1c 4f a9  |.PL.M` oM ..L.O.|
00002670  7f 85 70 a9 4d 85 71 20  6c 4b a5 73 4c e9 4b 82  |..p.M.q lK.sL.K.|
00002680  56 6f 6c 75 6d 65 84 00  a5 73 0a 85 73 0a 0a 18  |Volume...s..s...|
00002690  65 73 85 73 60 a2 00 38  e8 e9 0a b0 fb ca 69 0a  |es.s`..8......i.|
000026a0  85 72 8a 60 a2 00 38 e8  a5 78 e9 64 85 78 b0 f6  |.r.`..8..x.d.x..|
000026b0  c6 79 10 f2 ca 69 64 85  72 8a 60 c9 41 90 06 c9  |.y...id.r.`.A...|
000026c0  5b b0 02 09 60 60 a0 00  a2 00 bd dc 4a c9 2a f0  |[...``......J.*.|
000026d0  2e d9 e7 4a f0 20 c9 23  f0 1c 20 bb 4d d9 e7 4a  |...J. .#.. .M..J|
000026e0  f0 14 c9 0d d0 0d a9 20  88 c8 c0 09 f0 4f d9 e7  |....... .....O..|
000026f0  4a f0 f6 a9 ff 60 e8 c8  c0 09 90 ce a9 00 60 e8  |J....`........`.|
00002700  86 82 bd dc 4a c9 0d f0  34 bd dc 4a c9 2a f0 2d  |....J...4..J.*.-|
00002710  d9 e7 4a f0 16 c9 23 f0  12 20 bb 4d d9 e7 4a f0  |..J...#.. .M..J.|
00002720  0a a6 82 c8 c0 09 90 e1  a9 01 60 e8 c8 c0 09 90  |..........`.....|
00002730  d8 bd dc 4a c9 2a f0 05  c9 0d f0 01 60 a9 00 60  |...J.*......`..`|
00002740  a0 00 a2 00 bd 89 4a c9  2a f0 2e d9 98 4a f0 20  |......J.*....J. |
00002750  c9 23 f0 1c 20 bb 4d d9  98 4a f0 14 c9 0d d0 0d  |.#.. .M..J......|
00002760  a9 20 88 c8 c0 0c f0 4f  d9 98 4a f0 f6 a9 ff 60  |. .....O..J....`|
00002770  e8 c8 c0 0d 90 ce a9 00  60 e8 86 82 bd 89 4a c9  |........`.....J.|
00002780  0d f0 34 bd 89 4a c9 2a  f0 2d d9 98 4a f0 16 c9  |..4..J.*.-..J...|
00002790  23 f0 12 20 bb 4d d9 98  4a f0 0a a6 82 c8 c0 0d  |#.. .M..J.......|
000027a0  90 e1 a9 01 60 e8 c8 c0  0d 90 d8 bd 89 4a c9 2a  |....`........J.*|
000027b0  f0 05 c9 0d f0 01 60 a9  00 60 a0 0b b9 89 4a d9  |......`..`....J.|
000027c0  98 4a d0 06 88 10 f5 a9  00 60 20 13 4d 20 2e 4d  |.J.......` .M .M|
000027d0  a9 de 85 70 a9 4e 85 71  20 6c 4b 4c f7 49 86 9d  |...p.N.q lKL.I..|
000027e0  81 44 69 66 66 65 72 61  6e 74 20 54 69 74 6c 65  |.Differant Title|
000027f0  73 20 9c 0d 86 4f 76 65  72 2d 57 72 69 74 65 20  |s ...Over-Write |
00002800  77 69 74 68 20 74 68 65  20 4e 45 57 20 56 6f 6c  |with the NEW Vol|
00002810  75 6d 65 20 54 69 74 6c  65 0d 85 00 a5 73 0a a8  |ume Title....s..|
00002820  b9 32 57 85 78 d0 06 c8  b9 32 57 85 79 60 a9 5f  |.2W.x....2W.y`._|
00002830  85 70 a9 50 85 71 20 6c  4b a0 05 b9 32 54 85 77  |.p.P.q lK...2T.w|
00002840  4a 4a 4a 20 e9 4b a0 06  b9 32 54 29 03 85 79 c8  |JJJ .K...2T)..y.|
00002850  b9 32 54 85 78 a9 45 85  70 a9 50 85 71 20 6c 4b  |.2T.x.E.p.P.q lK|
00002860  20 7e 4f a5 78 85 7d a5  79 85 7e 20 a4 4d 20 fe  | ~O.x.}.y.~ .M .|
00002870  4b a5 72 20 95 4d 20 fe  4b a5 72 4c fe 4b a5 78  |K.r .M .K.rL.K.x|
00002880  38 e9 02 85 78 a5 79 e9  00 85 79 a0 00 c4 77 b0  |8...x.y...y...w.|
00002890  50 20 cc 4f a5 7a c9 01  a5 7b 69 00 85 7b a5 7c  |P .O.z...{i..{.||
000028a0  69 00 85 7c a5 78 38 e5  7b 85 78 a5 79 e5 7c 85  |i..|.x8.{.x.y.|.|
000028b0  79 b0 12 00 0b 4e 65 67  61 74 69 76 65 20 53 70  |y....Negative Sp|
000028c0  61 63 65 20 00 98 69 07  a8 4c 8d 4f b9 40 54 29  |ace ..i..L.O.@T)|
000028d0  30 4a 4a 4a 4a 85 7c b9  3f 54 85 7b b9 3e 54 85  |0JJJJ.|.?T.{.>T.|
000028e0  7a 60 08 85 80 84 81 86  82 a9 36 85 70 a9 50 85  |z`........6.p.P.|
000028f0  71 20 6c 4b a5 80 20 04  4c a9 20 20 e3 ff 8a 20  |q lK.. .L.  ... |
00002900  04 4c a9 20 20 e3 ff a4  81 98 20 04 4c a9 20 20  |.L.  ..... .L.  |
00002910  e3 ff 68 48 20 24 50 a9  20 20 e3 ff a5 80 a4 81  |..hH $P.  ......|
00002920  a6 82 28 60 a2 07 0a 48  a9 30 69 00 20 e3 ff 68  |..(`...H.0i. ..h|
00002930  ca d0 f3 4c e7 ff 0d 54  65 73 74 20 41 20 58 20  |...L...Test A X |
00002940  59 20 50 20 00 0d 86 4e  75 6d 62 65 72 20 6f 66  |Y P ...Number of|
00002950  20 46 72 65 65 20 53 65  63 74 6f 72 73 81 00 0d  | Free Sectors...|
00002960  86 4e 75 6d 62 65 72 20  6f 66 20 46 69 6c 65 73  |.Number of Files|
00002970  81 00 20 eb 52 20 c7 50  20 13 4d 20 2e 4f 4c 03  |.. .R .P .M .OL.|
00002980  52 a2 20 a0 45 4c f7 ff  ad 37 56 18 69 08 85 77  |R. .EL...7V.i..w|
00002990  a9 08 85 84 60 a9 20 a2  00 9d e7 4a e8 e0 0a d0  |....`. ....J....|
000029a0  f8 a5 84 18 69 07 a8 a2  00 b9 32 55 29 7f 9d e7  |....i.....2U)...|
000029b0  4a a4 84 e8 a9 2e 9d e7  4a e8 b9 32 55 9d e7 4a  |J.......J..2U..J|
000029c0  c8 e8 e0 09 d0 f4 60 a0  00 a2 00 b9 32 53 20 11  |......`.....2S .|
000029d0  51 9d 89 4a c8 e8 c0 08  90 f1 a0 00 b9 32 54 20  |Q..J.........2T |
000029e0  11 51 9d 89 4a c8 e8 c0  04 90 f1 60 a0 00 a2 00  |.Q..J......`....|
000029f0  b9 32 55 20 11 51 9d 98  4a c8 e8 c0 08 90 f1 a0  |.2U .Q..J.......|
00002a00  00 b9 32 56 20 11 51 9d  98 4a c8 e8 c0 04 90 f1  |..2V .Q..J......|
00002a10  60 d0 02 a9 20 60 a9 29  85 70 a9 51 85 71 20 6c  |`... `.).p.Q.q l|
00002a20  4b a5 74 20 fe 4b 4c 22  4a 0d 83 49 6e 73 65 72  |K.t .KL"J..Inser|
00002a30  74 20 53 6f 75 72 63 65  20 44 69 73 63 20 69 6e  |t Source Disc in|
00002a40  74 6f 20 44 72 69 76 65  20 20 9d 84 20 20 00 a9  |to Drive  ..  ..|
00002a50  62 85 70 a9 51 85 71 20  6c 4b a9 00 20 fe 4b 4c  |b.p.Q.q lK.. .KL|
00002a60  22 4a 0d 84 49 6e 73 65  72 74 20 4d 61 73 74 65  |"J..Insert Maste|
00002a70  72 20 44 69 73 63 20 69  6e 74 6f 20 44 72 69 76  |r Disc into Driv|
00002a80  65 20 20 9d 83 20 20 00  a2 9d a0 51 20 ce ff 8d  |e  ..  ....Q ...|
00002a90  de 52 c9 00 60 a9 00 ac  de 52 4c ce ff 44 2e 4d  |.R..`....RL..D.M|
00002aa0  61 73 74 43 61 74 0d 00  a9 40 20 88 51 f0 49 20  |astCat...@ .Q.I |
00002ab0  80 52 a9 03 20 d1 ff 90  03 20 a2 52 4c 95 51 a9  |.R.. .... .RL.Q.|
00002ac0  c0 20 88 51 f0 32 20 80  52 a9 01 20 d1 ff 90 03  |. .Q.2 .R.. ....|
00002ad0  20 a2 52 4c 95 51 20 4f  51 4c dc 51 a9 40 20 88  | .RL.Q OQL.Q.@ .|
00002ae0  51 f0 15 20 68 52 a9 55  8d e0 52 a9 03 20 d1 ff  |Q.. hR.U..R.. ..|
00002af0  90 03 20 a2 52 4c 95 51  a9 c3 85 70 a9 52 85 71  |.. .RL.Q...p.R.q|
00002b00  4c 6c 4b 20 4f 51 a9 c0  20 88 51 f0 eb 20 68 52  |LlK OQ.. .Q.. hR|
00002b10  a9 53 8d e0 52 a9 01 20  d1 ff 90 03 20 a2 52 20  |.S..R.. .... .R |
00002b20  95 51 20 a8 51 a5 73 0a  a8 a5 7d 99 32 57 c8 a5  |.Q .Q.s...}.2W..|
00002b30  7e 05 77 99 32 57 4c bf  51 ad de 52 20 04 4c 20  |~.w.2WL.Q..R .L |
00002b40  e7 ff a0 01 b9 de 52 20  04 4c c8 b9 de 52 20 04  |......R .L...R .|
00002b50  4c c8 b9 de 52 20 04 4c  c8 b9 de 52 20 04 4c 20  |L...R .L...R .L |
00002b60  e7 ff c8 c0 0d 90 dd 60  20 97 52 a9 32 8d df 52  |.......` .R.2..R|
00002b70  a9 02 8d e4 52 a5 73 0a  8d e8 52 a2 de a0 52 60  |....R.s...R...R`|
00002b80  20 97 52 a9 32 8d df 52  a9 57 8d e0 52 a9 01 8d  | .R.2..R.W..R...|
00002b90  e4 52 a2 de a0 52 60 a0  0c a9 00 99 de 52 88 d0  |.R...R`......R..|
00002ba0  fa 60 a9 b3 85 70 a9 52  85 71 20 6c 4b 20 39 52  |.`...p.R.q lK 9R|
00002bb0  4c 22 4a 82 46 69 6c 65  86 4c 45 4e 47 54 48 81  |L"J.File.LENGTH.|
00002bc0  21 0d 00 88 81 9d 83 4e  6f 20 46 69 6c 65 20 9d  |!......No File .|
00002bd0  84 44 2e 4d 61 73 74 43  61 74 20 9c 0d 00 00 32  |.D.MastCat ....2|
00002be0  53 00 00 00 02 00 00 00  00 00 00 20 16 51 a5 74  |S.......... .Q.t|
00002bf0  8d 27 53 a9 7f a0 53 a2  27 20 f1 ff ad 31 53 d0  |.'S...S.' ...1S.|
00002c00  01 60 48 a9 15 85 70 a9  53 85 71 20 6c 4b 68 20  |.`H...p.S.q lKh |
00002c10  04 4c 4c 22 4a 88 81 9d  83 44 69 73 63 20 65 72  |.LL"J....Disc er|
00002c20  72 6f 72 89 84 9c 00 00  32 53 00 00 03 53 00 00  |ror.....2S...S..|
00002c30  22 00                                             |".|