Home » CEEFAX disks » telesoftware6.adl » 22-04-88/TEXT
This website contains an archive of files for the Acorn Electron, BBC Micro, Acorn Archimedes, Commodore 16 and Commodore 64 computers, which Dominic Ford has rescued from his private collection of floppy disks and cassettes.
Some of these files were originally commercial releases in the 1980s and 1990s, but they are now widely available online. I assume that copyright over them is no longer being asserted. If you own the copyright and would like files to be removed, please contact me.
Tape/disk: | Home » CEEFAX disks » telesoftware6.adl |
Filename: | 22-04-88/TEXT |
Read OK: | ✔ |
File size: | 2300 bytes |
Load address: | FFFFFFFF |
Exec address: | FFFFFFFF |
There is 1 duplicate copy of this file in the archive:
- CEEFAX disks » telesoftware4.adl » 25-12-87/TEXT
- CEEFAX disks » telesoftware6.adl » 22-04-88/TEXT
File contents
�^e�you�was�but�to�and�^is�your�like�north�south�#st�west�by�did�how�don't�have�off�do�him�his�wi^�w_e�wh_e�h_e�into�no�cannot�is�yes�[�not�Wh>�name�food�make�treasure�Gods�pieces�of�had�s~�d%k�YES or NO�How�out�....�drink�r`m�location�empty�has�take�d#d�telephone�monst_�brains�comput_�help�in�box�isn't�tomb�fl`r�%e�if�been�}�The�Th>�only�^ing�g*�There�You�can�made�all�just�But�an�so�be�a�^_e�^>�any�dynam}e�goes�Wiz%d�use�^en�kill&�when�on�now�want�from�H_e�^ey�old�Your�lamp�fire�My�my�me�I�wall�code�decode�open�can't�for��p���q�\�r� �� ��� ���qɍ� ȱq�p�� �qi�q�ri �rL)[Ȣ �q� ɍ�Iɀ���LK[��\�s� �t�Y�u� � � �t�s��ti�t�ui �uLr[ȱt� �ȱtɀ����\�LK[� � � ��\� �g\�����\� ��ɍ��L�[� ��z\� �{\��\L�[� � ��\� ���#�C� �c� �ɍ�묢\� ɍ� �ȹ ɍ�`��\��\� ɍ�� ��̠\��\ � L�[��\ ��\� ɍ��ɍ�� ��� �� ��\L�[��\��\� ɍ� ��� ��\L�[#$%&^~\|_`[]{}<>/*qeasharedtheeaycherooorslewitotatcketqu � Gr#t!ǂ� best�� ev_ tast&!�Yuk!DZ si/� ov_���� cruel p_son�� sqa$&� dandylion�� big f`t.�By� time�· decision���!�ѡ fast enough��� stay� fight!�Hello! This�� rec[d& message. Pl#se ent_��:��¡� same p_son who st%t&��dventure. ��� impost_ӆ game MUST� t_min>&!�Ƨ� o^_ ^ings�� besides nutt_s��!�� way�� �� ������ � blo/& by� l%ge iron d`r.�˞� strong vulg% smell�.�� ground� rising�Ռ_ly direction.�� ground� damp.��� r> droppings on��.�˞� sense� Evil�.���� know my favour}e colour� r&?�T` l>e!�̑�؍��ړ BANG! And destroys ev_y^ing else������ tri/&��� bl{�self up.� should� taken�� magic chain.�Und_� instruction��ہ c[rectly܀ۄ fr~��.�۶s� |ain from�� ^anks�. He� dissap#rs.�� should� every^ing� say�� pin|� salt.� m&icine kill&�.�By taking� salt�� m&icine����.�˞� small bag� salt�. Do� want�?� ˞� hole���,Ş box size. A sign above� r#ds 'Bring CHAR box�.'�� box jumps�� hole�� sign |anges.�� word� bl`d r&?�� grows long_� cut > bo^ ends?� � riv_�� mention&?�! ˞ղ,�� way��� climb ^rough� ceiling.˞ some c`l brown w>_��� ladd_.��� woman escape?�" �́����?�# � animal lives� Africa?�$ In l992� many mon^s will� 28 days?�% � many t~^��� man�?�&Would����� souvenir?�'��� skeleton bone.�(� n~d m[e equipment.�)˞�^ing special about� body�� �*̑� one!�+� fail!�,̒ succ~d&.̒� �.�-˞� 齖�.�.˞� c% numb_ plate�.�/�ջ. Ent_:�0������1� analysis���:�2� attention� >tract&�� screw driv_ whi|��tice��� c%rying.�3˞� radio inb&&��� ( Ӂ��ŗ�!),Ş pl\ing� B#tles song.�4An insect�� found? -� voice b`ms from above�.�5˞՜tice above�� r#ds 'LAMP RECHARGER'. A glass plate� held� place� strong scr{s, behindŞ� plug.�6Did I ever tell�׆ maze��� id#�� ancient Egyptian pyramid builder who liv&�� Nile? Ahha%r�wellŔesn't matter�!�7� hear scr#ms� terror coming《.�8� attention� attracted�� spanner which�� rememb_ pi/ing up!�9 � c% registr>ion lying�. It r#ds:TEG473S�:� �� sc%e (fish)�s away.�;�� chamb_� place���,�� re|%g&�� remove�.Ɯtice above�گ.�<� n~d� scr{ driv_��.�=� n~d� spann_.�>Your spann_ enables��� lid rev#ling� gas mask. As�r next actions�� damn pr&ictable� implemented��.̒� gas mask.�?Scrat|&� blood� wall����� word FEELING.�@Ƨ� gr>eful� thought� consid_>ion.�A̝���!�BWhile inspecting�� burn�self.�C�� b>t_y pow_&��� re-charg&. It��DIt r#ds TEG473S�E� bracelet� m%k& TR�F� ring� m%k& SPL�G� bomb� m%k& SL�H�� some l*t_s��, 12��,�� unr#dable.�I˞�^ing odd about��J�� dissapp#rs�� cloud� smoke� app#r&.��Х�� l*t_s:stEENNWWWWSSSSEEfi � cloud� evap[>es.�K˞� electronic com-lo/�.� must ent_� c[rect��π iron d`rs.�L˞� shaking�π big iron d`rs � electrically.�M����. It� too heavy� pick up.�N� scrib&��.�O�� panel secur&���� bolts.�P䞀 Wiz%d's magic chain.�Q����.�R̒� chain.�S̒��.�T�� stick��.�U䞀ۗ Iron wool hair. He� locked�� cell�� key hole. ' Come hith_ child! Get믩��� will reward� -� bring� chain [ else��V䞀����&�ۍW ˞� h#vy bomb�! UnderŞ� trap d`r.�� 2 wires connect&��. One will blow� sky high!� o^_ will drop� ^rough� trap d`r. Ch`se�R& (R), Blue (B),� Wait (W)��� 30 seconds!�X̘ blown sky high!�Y�� telephone. It� ringing. Do���sw_�?�ZAs� lift� reciev_� phone explodes!�[As� enter��π exits� blo/&��o^_ set� iron d`rs.� turn���o^_�. A WORD YOU KNOW WELL?�\VERY GOOD!�]All� d`rs�.�^ � word 'GREEK'� scrib&��.�_We bo^ ^ink�� numb_. If�� diff_ent� win��χ gold. If� win we continue�� next stage.�`Think�� numb_ betw~n 1� 10.�a��� number?�bVery good! Now we go�� next stage.�c�� aff[d� play� game!�dFirst� gold� halv&. Then� move ^rough� maze, each move costs� 2 gold�. If� l*� gold drop below 0�·.�eI win!�fN�, S�, E�, W�, 'space' fini$. Press� key� st%t.�gGO��hC[ds:�iGold:�j��d� rapid move well�� somewh_e.�k̏�܀ rapid move well� died.�l� rub aw\� dirt� rev#l� number 4.�m�� aid�?�n��'s magic chain returns�Օ�� still��!�o� must first��Á� rub�!�p�� c%ry �q�� c%rying �r�� c%rying too much.� advise�� drop some^ing(s).�s˞� slot���,� resembles� sl< fruit machine.�t� n~d� coin���!�u� n~d GOD like�.�v䞀 plaqeׂ pr<ect&�� dog.�wA dog� pr<ecting� plaqe��xƔg� hungry� he ate��y̑�� bone.�zƔg wags�'s tail,�s� bone� trots�.���ʄ� plaqe safely.�{� plaqe r#ds: � must br#k� curse. To�� must say� right w[ds� right place.�|���gs�?�}��ō~̒ sc[& � points.���͡� anything.��˞�^ing�ʚ.����Ʉʚ� a skeleton.������?��Hi!��� hope�¡� bad los_!��� h#l^���Burp! Ǥ�s� f~l b*t_��Yuk! Upon #tingפ�� sick� ov_��פ must�� poison&.��ǿ�!��с���!��̪��Gold������ sc[&���� telephone! It� ringing.Do�� answer }?��� ^ink� n~d any���. Use�� words m#n m[e� than actions.��Help!�⼀ young� tod\!�� shouts�֞� puff� smoke.��Try��'s directions for� start.��Are� sure�� qit?��� thought we� getting� well toge^_.��S~ �� c%e���Good choice!��� could�� decency� answer���̒ލ�It�� turn:��̒ ent_&:�� commands��̒� playing f[�� minutes��̒:���� skel*on���融�W>ch �. ̫� friend!��Some^ing nasty happen&������� Stupid!���� go� way��� fell downլ ,d~p,damp p}�� horrible d#^.���½� trap! On ��� three buttons One will set� free, press A, B, � C��� escape��̘ very lucky� } will� happen again!��In front���Ս��,�� glass. It l`ks very nice. Do�ℱ } ?��̝������This�����̫� fellow adventurer! He� lying�� corner�� skeleton form.���½լ�. ̫��Gold.��̒� TR bracelet��It � done,�� transport&�� n{���̒���Correct!��̫Ս�running >�!��̒� advantage.��It�� advantage.��It� h#l^��� h}��� doing�� damage.���'re hit,����Good ^inking!��� nasty�� spl>�� ^ousand���ǹ� having� sl~p. So� can hit� until he����� bright� kept� safe.���� ran down��� got #ten���!��̪� g`d sl~p.��̒ killed���Ƨ reward�!��As � ent_��֞� puff� smoke which�s� fall asl~p��In front���� glowing pad. Do� wi$� step� it ?��Here�ո.It � ringing. Do� wi$ answ_ }���,� } still rings.�����ų 12 37 ^ese CORds ��� 25� 25� ex}�� 50� 50��Oh! d#r! � regretfully�� inf[m�ׁ�� robb&!��Ƨ $ow p}y� help�!���� > about��� ex}� > (50,50) � r`m.� > (25,25)� must fill sev_al conditions� escape.��This����� price range!�О insult&!��ƹ accepts� off_� runs away!��As� Troll� dying he hands� a��This r`m� burnt���˞� explosion�߁ wake up��� h#da|e��Tell� wh>� secr* w[ds��� flung across� r`m.��� allow����.��es� weigh any^ing,�֞� point� dropping }.��˞� man�,�� gun� he�s� pl\ Russian Roulette���! Do�� pl\?�� he dissap#rs��Do �� go first?��� turn��His turn���� blew your brains out of your own free will!��� friend� blew� brains out! This m#ns� sole heir��� scroll � know�� nosy (Handball� sorry Jon)�� will tell� wh> } s\:��Who rules��8 � one who's name holds f#r! His name holds gr#t pow_s, � � only against� Evil one. If A=B݁�� key! � key�� message! � scroll� dissap#rs!��Would� like some�?�� mu| will� p\�?��̑�� mu|.��Who�� ^ink� am? � ch#p� know!��This�����:-��a) Find� p%ts of� poem b)� poem c) Use� riddle� destory� Demon �� Collect� keys� exit��Right!�Do�� pl\� game? (Y/N)��What�� command?��� f~l } my duty� inf[m�׀ r`m� filling� gas!��� br#^�� gas� die.��� gas mask protects���� gas mask protects�. The gas�� cl#r&��с�� sw[d!��Still� pl\?��� don't� enough points.��� must destroy����̒� rescu&�ۍ�� must destroy��� g* m[e points.��� n~d m[e keys.��� f~l� br~ze� see some key holes. Do�� insert� key?���� rises� all� eqipment falls���� rise up� up��� escap&!��� notice an old man ( Jack )�� c[ner. As��� he s\s 'Arrh, some company at last! I've been sitting� for many years!Look��!� lost all my hair, all my t~^� sawdust!' Before� can stop� he l#ves� r`m.��� enter� r`m��� sign. It s\s: DANGER! Volcanic ativity. Only enter߽ protective suit. Just as� finish r#ding }֞� rumble�� r`m� red hot.��There�� black box�. It� emitting dangerous r\s.��� body chemistry� lacking� some anti-r\ chemical�� die.��� medicine� drank protects� from� r\s�� pick� box up � notice� box� mark& 'ARCH'��� much does� old man p\ for� haircut?��A Shig��� thirty f`t p}. He can climb 3 f~t� d\, but due�� p} sides he slides down 2 f~t. How many d\s does }�� escape?��� h#l^���H_e� some medicine. Medicine� g`d for���How much will� pay��?�~vf<