Home » Personal collection » Acorn hard disk » risc_os_3_resources » Resources » Alarm/Messages


This website contains an archive of files for the Acorn Electron, BBC Micro, Acorn Archimedes, Commodore 16 and Commodore 64 computers, which Dominic Ford has rescued from his private collection of floppy disks and cassettes.

Some of these files were originally commercial releases in the 1980s and 1990s, but they are now widely available online. I assume that copyright over them is no longer being asserted. If you own the copyright and would like files to be removed, please contact me.

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Filename: Alarm/Messages
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File contents
AlarmID:2.37 (24-Apr-92)
TZSwtch:Switch between %0 and %1 automatically:
Unexp:Unexpected error :- %0 (%1)

BNF:Corrupt %0 block not freed
BNE:Corrupt %0 block not extended
ODD1:Block %0: %1

`C:currently selected 
`a:allows you to 
`c:that the computer will 
`d:defer by a number of 
`r:set the repeat interval to 
`s:the selected alarm
`2:beyond the year 2247

Time01:%Z12:%MI %AM
Time02:%W3, %ZDY%ST

AlarmH2:\TAlarm icon.|M\Sset an alarm.
AlarmH3:This \w `aset an alarm.
AlarmH5:This \w `achange an alarm.
AlarmH6:This \w `aset the clock.
AlarmH7:This \w `afind an alarm.
AlarmH8:\Wdisplaying an alarm which has gone off.
AlarmH9:This \w displays information about Alarm.
AlarmHA:\Wthe alarm browser. It `amanipulate the alarms.|MDouble-click \s on an alarm to change it.
AlarmHB:This \w `achange the setup for !Alarm.


TitlA1:Set alarm
TitlA3:Change alarm
TitlA4:Set clock
TitlA5:Find alarm

ActvA1:An alarm was set for %Z12:%MI %AM,
ActvA2:It will repeat at %Z12:%MI %AM,
ActvA5:Application alarm set by
ActvA6:%we, %zdy%st %mo %ce%yr.

PrntA1:This is an application alarm set by %0.
PrntA2:This is a task alarm. Command is:
PrntA3:This alarm is urgent.
PrntA4:Alarm is set to repeat every %0 %1 within a working week.
PrntA5:Alarm is set to repeat every %0 %1.
PrntA6:%Z12:%MI %AM
PrntA7:%WE, %ZDY%ST %MO %CE%YR
PrntB7:<No alarm text>
PrntB8:Alarm operates within a working week.
PrntB9:Alarm is set to repeat on the %0 %1 of every %2 month.

BrwsA1:Task alarm: %0
BrwsA5:Application alarm set by %0
# *************** These strings MUST end with %0.
# *************** If they don't, Alarm will crash
BrwsA3:%zdy%st %m3 %ce%yr%0
BrwsA4:%z12:%mi %am%0
# *************** End of requirement
BrwsM1:#Alarms,Set new alarm,%0,Select all,Clear selection,Save as text@,Save as alarms@
BrwsM2:#%0,Change %1,Delete %1,Copy %1,Save as text@,Save as alarms@
BrwsT3:delete `s?
BrwsT4:delete `ss?

BHlpA1:\Sset a new alarm.
BHlpA2:\Ract upon `s.
BHlpA3:\Ract upon `ss.
BHlpA4:\Sselect all the alarms.
BHlpA5:\Sdeselect all the alarms.
BHlpA6:\Robtain a file listing all the set alarms.
BHlpA7:\Ssave the alarms in the default file.|M\Rsave the alarms elsewhere.
BHlpB1:\Schange `s.
BHlpB2:\Schange the first selected alarm.
BHlpB3:\Sdelete `s.
BHlpB4:\Sdelete `ss.
BHlpB5:\Robtain a text file listing `s.
BHlpB6:\Robtain a text file listing `ss.
BHlpB7:\Robtain a !Alarm file containing `s.
BHlpB8:\Robtain a !Alarm file containing `ss.
BHlpB9:\Scopy `s.
BHlpBA:\Scopy `ss.

SHlp0A:\Smake non-urgent alarms quiet.
SHlp0B:\Smake non-urgent alarms beep.
SHlp1A:\Smake alarms fit into a working week.
SHlp1B:\Smake alarms fit into the whole week.
SHlp2A:\Shave the alarm database updated automatically.
SHlp2B:\Sstop updating the alarm database automatically.
SHlp3A:\Sconfirm deletion of alarms.
SHlp3B:\Snot confirm deletion of alarms.
SHlp4A:\Shave an analogue display with a second hand.
SHlp5A:\Shave an analogue display without a second hand.
SHlp6A:\Shave a digital display of HH:MM.
SHlp7A:\Shave a digital display of HH:MM:SS.
SHlp8A:\Shave a digital display of the format shown to the right of the pointer.
SHlp9A:\Shave !Alarm switch the time between GMT and BST automatically.
SHlp9B:\Sprevent !Alarm switching the time between GMT and BST automatically.
SHlpAA:\Talarm beep timeout.
SHlpBA:\Tuser defined display format.
SHlpBB:An example of how the display would look is:
SHlpCA:\Ttime `center BST on.
SHlpCB:\Ttime `cleave BST on.
SHlpDA:\Tdate `center BST on.
SHlpDB:\Tdate `cleave BST on.
SHlpEA:\Tmonth `center BST in.
SHlpEB:\Tmonth `cleave BST in.
SHlpFA:\Tyear `center BST in.
SHlpFB:\Tyear `cleave BST in.
SHlpGA:Click \s for alarms to beep continuously.
SHlpGB:Click \s for alarms to stop beeping after the number of seconds specified.
SHlpHA:\Sremove this day from the working week.
SHlpHB:\Sadd this day to the working week.
SHlpIA:\Ssave the chosen settings.|MClose the \w if you don't want to change !Alarm's setup.

HelpA3:\T`Ctime at which the alarm will go off.
HelpA6:\Smake the alarm urgent.
HelpA7:\Smake the alarm non-urgent.
HelpA9:\T`Cdate at which the alarm will go off.
HelpB4:\T`Cmonth at which the alarm will go off.
HelpB7:\T`Cyear at which the alarm will go off.
HelpB8:\Sposition the caret.|MUse the cursor keys to move the caret.
HelpB9:\Sposition the caret.|MUse the cursor keys to move the caret or press Return to set the alarm.
HelpC1:\Smake this a repeating alarm.
HelpC2:\Smake this a non-repeating alarm.
HelpC9:\Sdecrease the repeat time.
HelpD1:\T`Crepeat time.
HelpD2:\Sincrease the repeat time.
HelpE1:\Smake this a task alarm.
HelpE2:\Smake this a normal alarm.
HelpE3:\Smake alarms fit into a working week.
HelpE4:\Smake alarms fit into a full week.
HelpE5:Click MENU to find another alarm.
HelpE6:\Smake this a regular repeating alarm.
HelpF1:\Schange the offset into the month required.
HelpF2:\Schange the day required.
HelpF3:\Schange the number of months that should pass between alarms.
HelpF4:\T`Coffset into the month.
HelpF5:\T`Cday for the alarm to repeat on.
HelpF6:\T`Cnumber of months that should pass between alarms.
HelpF7:\Smake this a normal repeating alarm.

HelpD3:\Sset the alarm to the values you have selected.|MClose the \w if you don't want to set the alarm.

HelpD7:\Supdate the alarm settings.|MClose the \w if you don't want to update the alarm settings.

ClockA1:\T`Creplacement time for the computer's clock.
ClockA2:\Sset the computer's clock to the date and time selected.|MClose the \w if you don't want to change the computer's clock.
ClockA3:\T`Creplacement date for the computer's clock.
ClockA4:\T`Creplacement month for the computer's clock.
ClockA5:\T`Creplacement year for the computer's clock.
ClockA7:\Sincrease the hours.
ClockA8:\Sdecrease the hours.
ClockA9:\Sincrease the minutes.
ClockB1:\Sdecrease the minutes.
ClockB2:\Sdecrease the date.
ClockB3:\Sincrease the date.
ClockB4:\Sdecrease the month.
ClockB5:\Sincrease the month.
ClockB6:\Sdecrease the year.
ClockB7:\Sincrease the year.

FindA1:\T`Ctime for the alarm search.
FindA2:\Stry to find an alarm at or after this date & time.|MClose the \w if you don't want to find an alarm.
FindA3:\T`Cdate for the alarm search.
FindA4:\T`Cmonth for the alarm search.
FindA5:\T`Cyear for the alarm search.

MenuAL:#Alarm,Accept alarm,Cancel alarm,Defer alarm
MenuD1:#How many?,$
MenuD2:#Defer alarm,Minutes,Hours,Days,Weeks,Months,Years
MenuFI:#Alarm,Previous alarm,Next alarm,Find alarm
MenuMM:#Alarm,Info,Alarms...,Setup...,Set clock...,Quit

MnuAL1:\Saccept the current alarm.
MnuAL2:\Scancel the current alarm.
MnuAL3:\Rdefer the current alarm.
MnuAM6:\Gyou are currently setting an alarm.
MnuAM8:\Gyou are currently changing an alarm.
MnuAM9:\Gthere aren't any alarms set.
MnuAMA:\Gyou haven't selected any alarms.
MnuD11:Enter a defer value and press Return.
MnuFI1:\Sgo to the previous alarm.
MnuFI2:\Sgo to the next alarm.
MnuFI3:\Ssearch for an alarm.
MnuFI4:\Gyou aren't unsetting or changing an alarm.
MnuFI5:\Gyou are currently setting the clock.
MnuMM1:\Rsee information about Alarm.
MnuMM3:\Sdisplay the alarm browser.
MnuMM4:\Schange Alarm's setup.
MnuMM5:\Sset the computer's clock.
MnuMM6:\Squit Alarm.
MnuMM7:\Gyou are currently finding an alarm.

Drg01:This box `asave data in a file, or transfer it to another application.
Drg02:Click here to save the data with the current filename. If it is not a full pathname, you must drag the icon to a directory first.
Drg03:This shows the filename for this data. If it is not a full pathname, drag the icon into a directory display.
Drg04:Drag this icon to the directory in which you want to save the file. Or, drag it to the program into which you want to transfer the data.

OkayA1:Please install %0 as an application alarm is waiting for it
OkayA2:You are already changing an alarm
OkayA3:'%0' is not a recognised alarm data file. Have you converted it?
OkayA4:You cannot change an alarm while you are setting one
OkayA8:%0 - HH:MM format selected
OkayB6:You are already setting an alarm
OkayB8:You cannot set an alarm while you are changing one
OkayB9:You can't run two copies of Alarm at once
OkayC1:To save the file, drag the icon to a directory display
OkayC3:This alarm will not repeat as it would go `2
OkayC4:Deferring the alarm by that amount would take it `2, which is not allowed
OkayC5:An application alarm has just been deleted as it repeated `2
OkayC6:The task alarm which just went off has been deleted as it repeated `2
OkayC7:This alarm will not repeat as it
OkayC8:would go `2
OkayC9:You must have at least one day in a working week
OkayD1:Cannot find Alarm's Code file
OkayD2:Unable to open window - Alarm needs %0K more memory

Fatal2:Menu area full
Fatal3:No more workspace
Fatal4:Alarm !Run file is out of date. Either run !Alarm from Apps or re-copy it onto your disc

Warn:Warning from Alarm
File01:unable to close alarm file
File02:Unable to create alarm file: %0
File03:Unable to save alarm database: %0
File04:alarm file does not have read/write access
File05:The alarms cannot be automatically saved because you have not yet set the filename

ApplA1:Bad application alarm option
ApplA2:Application name too big
ApplA3:Application alarm identifier too big
ApplA4:Unable to locate specified application alarm

FrmtA1:%0 is an unknown % entry in user format
FrmtA2:Clock display produced from user format too large
FrmtA3:No clock display produced from user format
FrmtA4:User format contains an unknown % specifier

SR5w1/SR5w2/SR5w3/SR5w4/SR5w5/SR5w6/SR5w7:third to last


00000000  54 61 73 6b 49 44 3a 41  6c 61 72 6d 0a 41 6c 61  |TaskID:Alarm.Ala|
00000010  72 6d 49 44 3a 32 2e 33  37 20 28 32 34 2d 41 70  |rmID:2.37 (24-Ap|
00000020  72 2d 39 32 29 0a 54 5a  53 77 74 63 68 3a 53 77  |r-92).TZSwtch:Sw|
00000030  69 74 63 68 20 62 65 74  77 65 65 6e 20 25 30 20  |itch between %0 |
00000040  61 6e 64 20 25 31 20 61  75 74 6f 6d 61 74 69 63  |and %1 automatic|
00000050  61 6c 6c 79 3a 0a 55 6e  65 78 70 3a 55 6e 65 78  |ally:.Unexp:Unex|
00000060  70 65 63 74 65 64 20 65  72 72 6f 72 20 3a 2d 20  |pected error :- |
00000070  25 30 20 28 25 31 29 0a  0a 42 4e 46 3a 43 6f 72  |%0 (%1)..BNF:Cor|
00000080  72 75 70 74 20 25 30 20  62 6c 6f 63 6b 20 6e 6f  |rupt %0 block no|
00000090  74 20 66 72 65 65 64 0a  42 4e 45 3a 43 6f 72 72  |t freed.BNE:Corr|
000000a0  75 70 74 20 25 30 20 62  6c 6f 63 6b 20 6e 6f 74  |upt %0 block not|
000000b0  20 65 78 74 65 6e 64 65  64 0a 4f 44 44 31 3a 42  | extended.ODD1:B|
000000c0  6c 6f 63 6b 20 25 30 3a  20 25 31 0a 0a 60 43 3a  |lock %0: %1..`C:|
000000d0  63 75 72 72 65 6e 74 6c  79 20 73 65 6c 65 63 74  |currently select|
000000e0  65 64 20 0a 60 61 3a 61  6c 6c 6f 77 73 20 79 6f  |ed .`a:allows yo|
000000f0  75 20 74 6f 20 0a 60 63  3a 74 68 61 74 20 74 68  |u to .`c:that th|
00000100  65 20 63 6f 6d 70 75 74  65 72 20 77 69 6c 6c 20  |e computer will |
00000110  0a 60 64 3a 64 65 66 65  72 20 62 79 20 61 20 6e  |.`d:defer by a n|
00000120  75 6d 62 65 72 20 6f 66  20 0a 60 72 3a 73 65 74  |umber of .`r:set|
00000130  20 74 68 65 20 72 65 70  65 61 74 20 69 6e 74 65  | the repeat inte|
00000140  72 76 61 6c 20 74 6f 20  0a 60 73 3a 74 68 65 20  |rval to .`s:the |
00000150  73 65 6c 65 63 74 65 64  20 61 6c 61 72 6d 0a 60  |selected alarm.`|
00000160  32 3a 62 65 79 6f 6e 64  20 74 68 65 20 79 65 61  |2:beyond the yea|
00000170  72 20 32 32 34 37 0a 0a  54 69 6d 65 30 31 3a 25  |r 2247..Time01:%|
00000180  5a 31 32 3a 25 4d 49 20  25 41 4d 0a 54 69 6d 65  |Z12:%MI %AM.Time|
00000190  30 32 3a 25 57 33 2c 20  25 5a 44 59 25 53 54 0a  |02:%W3, %ZDY%ST.|
000001a0  54 69 6d 65 30 33 3a 25  4d 4f 0a 54 69 6d 65 30  |Time03:%MO.Time0|
000001b0  34 3a 25 43 45 25 59 52  0a 0a 41 6c 61 72 6d 48  |4:%CE%YR..AlarmH|
000001c0  32 3a 5c 54 41 6c 61 72  6d 20 69 63 6f 6e 2e 7c  |2:\TAlarm icon.||
000001d0  4d 5c 53 73 65 74 20 61  6e 20 61 6c 61 72 6d 2e  |M\Sset an alarm.|
000001e0  0a 41 6c 61 72 6d 48 33  3a 54 68 69 73 20 5c 77  |.AlarmH3:This \w|
000001f0  20 60 61 73 65 74 20 61  6e 20 61 6c 61 72 6d 2e  | `aset an alarm.|
00000200  0a 41 6c 61 72 6d 48 35  3a 54 68 69 73 20 5c 77  |.AlarmH5:This \w|
00000210  20 60 61 63 68 61 6e 67  65 20 61 6e 20 61 6c 61  | `achange an ala|
00000220  72 6d 2e 0a 41 6c 61 72  6d 48 36 3a 54 68 69 73  |rm..AlarmH6:This|
00000230  20 5c 77 20 60 61 73 65  74 20 74 68 65 20 63 6c  | \w `aset the cl|
00000240  6f 63 6b 2e 0a 41 6c 61  72 6d 48 37 3a 54 68 69  |ock..AlarmH7:Thi|
00000250  73 20 5c 77 20 60 61 66  69 6e 64 20 61 6e 20 61  |s \w `afind an a|
00000260  6c 61 72 6d 2e 0a 41 6c  61 72 6d 48 38 3a 5c 57  |larm..AlarmH8:\W|
00000270  64 69 73 70 6c 61 79 69  6e 67 20 61 6e 20 61 6c  |displaying an al|
00000280  61 72 6d 20 77 68 69 63  68 20 68 61 73 20 67 6f  |arm which has go|
00000290  6e 65 20 6f 66 66 2e 0a  41 6c 61 72 6d 48 39 3a  |ne off..AlarmH9:|
000002a0  54 68 69 73 20 5c 77 20  64 69 73 70 6c 61 79 73  |This \w displays|
000002b0  20 69 6e 66 6f 72 6d 61  74 69 6f 6e 20 61 62 6f  | information abo|
000002c0  75 74 20 41 6c 61 72 6d  2e 0a 41 6c 61 72 6d 48  |ut Alarm..AlarmH|
000002d0  41 3a 5c 57 74 68 65 20  61 6c 61 72 6d 20 62 72  |A:\Wthe alarm br|
000002e0  6f 77 73 65 72 2e 20 49  74 20 60 61 6d 61 6e 69  |owser. It `amani|
000002f0  70 75 6c 61 74 65 20 74  68 65 20 61 6c 61 72 6d  |pulate the alarm|
00000300  73 2e 7c 4d 44 6f 75 62  6c 65 2d 63 6c 69 63 6b  |s.|MDouble-click|
00000310  20 5c 73 20 6f 6e 20 61  6e 20 61 6c 61 72 6d 20  | \s on an alarm |
00000320  74 6f 20 63 68 61 6e 67  65 20 69 74 2e 0a 41 6c  |to change it..Al|
00000330  61 72 6d 48 42 3a 54 68  69 73 20 5c 77 20 60 61  |armHB:This \w `a|
00000340  63 68 61 6e 67 65 20 74  68 65 20 73 65 74 75 70  |change the setup|
00000350  20 66 6f 72 20 21 41 6c  61 72 6d 2e 0a 0a 46 4e  | for !Alarm...FN|
00000360  31 3a 53 65 6c 65 63 74  69 6f 6e 0a 46 4e 32 3a  |1:Selection.FN2:|
00000370  41 6c 61 72 6d 73 0a 0a  54 69 74 6c 41 31 3a 53  |Alarms..TitlA1:S|
00000380  65 74 20 61 6c 61 72 6d  0a 54 69 74 6c 41 33 3a  |et alarm.TitlA3:|
00000390  43 68 61 6e 67 65 20 61  6c 61 72 6d 0a 54 69 74  |Change alarm.Tit|
000003a0  6c 41 34 3a 53 65 74 20  63 6c 6f 63 6b 0a 54 69  |lA4:Set clock.Ti|
000003b0  74 6c 41 35 3a 46 69 6e  64 20 61 6c 61 72 6d 0a  |tlA5:Find alarm.|
000003c0  49 63 6f 6e 41 34 3a 53  65 74 0a 49 63 6f 6e 41  |IconA4:Set.IconA|
000003d0  35 3a 46 69 6e 64 0a 0a  41 63 74 76 41 31 3a 41  |5:Find..ActvA1:A|
000003e0  6e 20 61 6c 61 72 6d 20  77 61 73 20 73 65 74 20  |n alarm was set |
000003f0  66 6f 72 20 25 5a 31 32  3a 25 4d 49 20 25 41 4d  |for %Z12:%MI %AM|
00000400  2c 0a 41 63 74 76 41 32  3a 49 74 20 77 69 6c 6c  |,.ActvA2:It will|
00000410  20 72 65 70 65 61 74 20  61 74 20 25 5a 31 32 3a  | repeat at %Z12:|
00000420  25 4d 49 20 25 41 4d 2c  0a 41 63 74 76 41 33 3a  |%MI %AM,.ActvA3:|
00000430  55 52 47 45 4e 54 21 0a  41 63 74 76 41 34 3a 41  |URGENT!.ActvA4:A|
00000440  74 74 65 6e 74 69 6f 6e  21 0a 41 63 74 76 41 35  |ttention!.ActvA5|
00000450  3a 41 70 70 6c 69 63 61  74 69 6f 6e 20 61 6c 61  |:Application ala|
00000460  72 6d 20 73 65 74 20 62  79 0a 41 63 74 76 41 36  |rm set by.ActvA6|
00000470  3a 25 77 65 2c 20 25 7a  64 79 25 73 74 20 25 6d  |:%we, %zdy%st %m|
00000480  6f 20 25 63 65 25 79 72  2e 0a 0a 50 72 6e 74 41  |o %ce%yr...PrntA|
00000490  31 3a 54 68 69 73 20 69  73 20 61 6e 20 61 70 70  |1:This is an app|
000004a0  6c 69 63 61 74 69 6f 6e  20 61 6c 61 72 6d 20 73  |lication alarm s|
000004b0  65 74 20 62 79 20 25 30  2e 0a 50 72 6e 74 41 32  |et by %0..PrntA2|
000004c0  3a 54 68 69 73 20 69 73  20 61 20 74 61 73 6b 20  |:This is a task |
000004d0  61 6c 61 72 6d 2e 20 43  6f 6d 6d 61 6e 64 20 69  |alarm. Command i|
000004e0  73 3a 0a 50 72 6e 74 41  33 3a 54 68 69 73 20 61  |s:.PrntA3:This a|
000004f0  6c 61 72 6d 20 69 73 20  75 72 67 65 6e 74 2e 0a  |larm is urgent..|
00000500  50 72 6e 74 41 34 3a 41  6c 61 72 6d 20 69 73 20  |PrntA4:Alarm is |
00000510  73 65 74 20 74 6f 20 72  65 70 65 61 74 20 65 76  |set to repeat ev|
00000520  65 72 79 20 25 30 20 25  31 20 77 69 74 68 69 6e  |ery %0 %1 within|
00000530  20 61 20 77 6f 72 6b 69  6e 67 20 77 65 65 6b 2e  | a working week.|
00000540  0a 50 72 6e 74 41 35 3a  41 6c 61 72 6d 20 69 73  |.PrntA5:Alarm is|
00000550  20 73 65 74 20 74 6f 20  72 65 70 65 61 74 20 65  | set to repeat e|
00000560  76 65 72 79 20 25 30 20  25 31 2e 0a 50 72 6e 74  |very %0 %1..Prnt|
00000570  41 36 3a 25 5a 31 32 3a  25 4d 49 20 25 41 4d 0a  |A6:%Z12:%MI %AM.|
00000580  50 72 6e 74 41 37 3a 25  57 45 2c 20 25 5a 44 59  |PrntA7:%WE, %ZDY|
00000590  25 53 54 20 25 4d 4f 20  25 43 45 25 59 52 0a 50  |%ST %MO %CE%YR.P|
000005a0  72 6e 74 42 31 3a 6d 69  6e 75 74 65 73 0a 50 72  |rntB1:minutes.Pr|
000005b0  6e 74 42 32 3a 68 6f 75  72 73 0a 50 72 6e 74 42  |ntB2:hours.PrntB|
000005c0  33 3a 64 61 79 73 0a 50  72 6e 74 42 34 3a 77 65  |3:days.PrntB4:we|
000005d0  65 6b 73 0a 50 72 6e 74  42 35 3a 6d 6f 6e 74 68  |eks.PrntB5:month|
000005e0  73 0a 50 72 6e 74 42 36  3a 79 65 61 72 73 0a 50  |s.PrntB6:years.P|
000005f0  72 6e 74 42 37 3a 3c 4e  6f 20 61 6c 61 72 6d 20  |rntB7:<No alarm |
00000600  74 65 78 74 3e 0a 50 72  6e 74 42 38 3a 41 6c 61  |text>.PrntB8:Ala|
00000610  72 6d 20 6f 70 65 72 61  74 65 73 20 77 69 74 68  |rm operates with|
00000620  69 6e 20 61 20 77 6f 72  6b 69 6e 67 20 77 65 65  |in a working wee|
00000630  6b 2e 0a 50 72 6e 74 42  39 3a 41 6c 61 72 6d 20  |k..PrntB9:Alarm |
00000640  69 73 20 73 65 74 20 74  6f 20 72 65 70 65 61 74  |is set to repeat|
00000650  20 6f 6e 20 74 68 65 20  25 30 20 25 31 20 6f 66  | on the %0 %1 of|
00000660  20 65 76 65 72 79 20 25  32 20 6d 6f 6e 74 68 2e  | every %2 month.|
00000670  0a 0a 42 72 77 73 41 31  3a 54 61 73 6b 20 61 6c  |..BrwsA1:Task al|
00000680  61 72 6d 3a 20 25 30 0a  42 72 77 73 41 35 3a 41  |arm: %0.BrwsA5:A|
00000690  70 70 6c 69 63 61 74 69  6f 6e 20 61 6c 61 72 6d  |pplication alarm|
000006a0  20 73 65 74 20 62 79 20  25 30 0a 23 20 2a 2a 2a  | set by %0.# ***|
000006b0  2a 2a 2a 2a 2a 2a 2a 2a  2a 2a 2a 2a 20 54 68 65  |************ The|
000006c0  73 65 20 73 74 72 69 6e  67 73 20 4d 55 53 54 20  |se strings MUST |
000006d0  65 6e 64 20 77 69 74 68  20 25 30 2e 0a 23 20 2a  |end with %0..# *|
000006e0  2a 2a 2a 2a 2a 2a 2a 2a  2a 2a 2a 2a 2a 2a 20 49  |************** I|
000006f0  66 20 74 68 65 79 20 64  6f 6e 27 74 2c 20 41 6c  |f they don't, Al|
00000700  61 72 6d 20 77 69 6c 6c  20 63 72 61 73 68 0a 42  |arm will crash.B|
00000710  72 77 73 41 32 3a 25 77  33 2c 25 30 0a 42 72 77  |rwsA2:%w3,%0.Brw|
00000720  73 41 33 3a 25 7a 64 79  25 73 74 20 25 6d 33 20  |sA3:%zdy%st %m3 |
00000730  25 63 65 25 79 72 25 30  0a 42 72 77 73 41 34 3a  |%ce%yr%0.BrwsA4:|
00000740  25 7a 31 32 3a 25 6d 69  20 25 61 6d 25 30 0a 23  |%z12:%mi %am%0.#|
00000750  20 2a 2a 2a 2a 2a 2a 2a  2a 2a 2a 2a 2a 2a 2a 2a  | ***************|
00000760  20 45 6e 64 20 6f 66 20  72 65 71 75 69 72 65 6d  | End of requirem|
00000770  65 6e 74 0a 42 72 77 73  4d 31 3a 23 41 6c 61 72  |ent.BrwsM1:#Alar|
00000780  6d 73 2c 53 65 74 20 6e  65 77 20 61 6c 61 72 6d  |ms,Set new alarm|
00000790  2c 25 30 2c 53 65 6c 65  63 74 20 61 6c 6c 2c 43  |,%0,Select all,C|
000007a0  6c 65 61 72 20 73 65 6c  65 63 74 69 6f 6e 2c 53  |lear selection,S|
000007b0  61 76 65 20 61 73 20 74  65 78 74 40 2c 53 61 76  |ave as text@,Sav|
000007c0  65 20 61 73 20 61 6c 61  72 6d 73 40 0a 42 72 77  |e as alarms@.Brw|
000007d0  73 4d 32 3a 23 25 30 2c  43 68 61 6e 67 65 20 25  |sM2:#%0,Change %|
000007e0  31 2c 44 65 6c 65 74 65  20 25 31 2c 43 6f 70 79  |1,Delete %1,Copy|
000007f0  20 25 31 2c 53 61 76 65  20 61 73 20 74 65 78 74  | %1,Save as text|
00000800  40 2c 53 61 76 65 20 61  73 20 61 6c 61 72 6d 73  |@,Save as alarms|
00000810  40 0a 42 72 77 73 4d 33  3a 53 65 6c 65 63 74 69  |@.BrwsM3:Selecti|
00000820  6f 6e 0a 42 72 77 73 4d  34 3a 73 65 6c 65 63 74  |on.BrwsM4:select|
00000830  69 6f 6e 0a 42 72 77 73  4d 35 3a 41 6c 61 72 6d  |ion.BrwsM5:Alarm|
00000840  0a 42 72 77 73 4d 36 3a  61 6c 61 72 6d 0a 42 72  |.BrwsM6:alarm.Br|
00000850  77 73 54 33 3a 64 65 6c  65 74 65 20 60 73 3f 0a  |wsT3:delete `s?.|
00000860  42 72 77 73 54 34 3a 64  65 6c 65 74 65 20 60 73  |BrwsT4:delete `s|
00000870  73 3f 0a 0a 42 48 6c 70  41 31 3a 5c 53 73 65 74  |s?..BHlpA1:\Sset|
00000880  20 61 20 6e 65 77 20 61  6c 61 72 6d 2e 0a 42 48  | a new alarm..BH|
00000890  6c 70 41 32 3a 5c 52 61  63 74 20 75 70 6f 6e 20  |lpA2:\Ract upon |
000008a0  60 73 2e 0a 42 48 6c 70  41 33 3a 5c 52 61 63 74  |`s..BHlpA3:\Ract|
000008b0  20 75 70 6f 6e 20 60 73  73 2e 0a 42 48 6c 70 41  | upon `ss..BHlpA|
000008c0  34 3a 5c 53 73 65 6c 65  63 74 20 61 6c 6c 20 74  |4:\Sselect all t|
000008d0  68 65 20 61 6c 61 72 6d  73 2e 0a 42 48 6c 70 41  |he alarms..BHlpA|
000008e0  35 3a 5c 53 64 65 73 65  6c 65 63 74 20 61 6c 6c  |5:\Sdeselect all|
000008f0  20 74 68 65 20 61 6c 61  72 6d 73 2e 0a 42 48 6c  | the alarms..BHl|
00000900  70 41 36 3a 5c 52 6f 62  74 61 69 6e 20 61 20 66  |pA6:\Robtain a f|
00000910  69 6c 65 20 6c 69 73 74  69 6e 67 20 61 6c 6c 20  |ile listing all |
00000920  74 68 65 20 73 65 74 20  61 6c 61 72 6d 73 2e 0a  |the set alarms..|
00000930  42 48 6c 70 41 37 3a 5c  53 73 61 76 65 20 74 68  |BHlpA7:\Ssave th|
00000940  65 20 61 6c 61 72 6d 73  20 69 6e 20 74 68 65 20  |e alarms in the |
00000950  64 65 66 61 75 6c 74 20  66 69 6c 65 2e 7c 4d 5c  |default file.|M\|
00000960  52 73 61 76 65 20 74 68  65 20 61 6c 61 72 6d 73  |Rsave the alarms|
00000970  20 65 6c 73 65 77 68 65  72 65 2e 0a 42 48 6c 70  | elsewhere..BHlp|
00000980  42 31 3a 5c 53 63 68 61  6e 67 65 20 60 73 2e 0a  |B1:\Schange `s..|
00000990  42 48 6c 70 42 32 3a 5c  53 63 68 61 6e 67 65 20  |BHlpB2:\Schange |
000009a0  74 68 65 20 66 69 72 73  74 20 73 65 6c 65 63 74  |the first select|
000009b0  65 64 20 61 6c 61 72 6d  2e 0a 42 48 6c 70 42 33  |ed alarm..BHlpB3|
000009c0  3a 5c 53 64 65 6c 65 74  65 20 60 73 2e 0a 42 48  |:\Sdelete `s..BH|
000009d0  6c 70 42 34 3a 5c 53 64  65 6c 65 74 65 20 60 73  |lpB4:\Sdelete `s|
000009e0  73 2e 0a 42 48 6c 70 42  35 3a 5c 52 6f 62 74 61  |s..BHlpB5:\Robta|
000009f0  69 6e 20 61 20 74 65 78  74 20 66 69 6c 65 20 6c  |in a text file l|
00000a00  69 73 74 69 6e 67 20 60  73 2e 0a 42 48 6c 70 42  |isting `s..BHlpB|
00000a10  36 3a 5c 52 6f 62 74 61  69 6e 20 61 20 74 65 78  |6:\Robtain a tex|
00000a20  74 20 66 69 6c 65 20 6c  69 73 74 69 6e 67 20 60  |t file listing `|
00000a30  73 73 2e 0a 42 48 6c 70  42 37 3a 5c 52 6f 62 74  |ss..BHlpB7:\Robt|
00000a40  61 69 6e 20 61 20 21 41  6c 61 72 6d 20 66 69 6c  |ain a !Alarm fil|
00000a50  65 20 63 6f 6e 74 61 69  6e 69 6e 67 20 60 73 2e  |e containing `s.|
00000a60  0a 42 48 6c 70 42 38 3a  5c 52 6f 62 74 61 69 6e  |.BHlpB8:\Robtain|
00000a70  20 61 20 21 41 6c 61 72  6d 20 66 69 6c 65 20 63  | a !Alarm file c|
00000a80  6f 6e 74 61 69 6e 69 6e  67 20 60 73 73 2e 0a 42  |ontaining `ss..B|
00000a90  48 6c 70 42 39 3a 5c 53  63 6f 70 79 20 60 73 2e  |HlpB9:\Scopy `s.|
00000aa0  0a 42 48 6c 70 42 41 3a  5c 53 63 6f 70 79 20 60  |.BHlpBA:\Scopy `|
00000ab0  73 73 2e 0a 0a 53 48 6c  70 30 41 3a 5c 53 6d 61  |ss...SHlp0A:\Sma|
00000ac0  6b 65 20 6e 6f 6e 2d 75  72 67 65 6e 74 20 61 6c  |ke non-urgent al|
00000ad0  61 72 6d 73 20 71 75 69  65 74 2e 0a 53 48 6c 70  |arms quiet..SHlp|
00000ae0  30 42 3a 5c 53 6d 61 6b  65 20 6e 6f 6e 2d 75 72  |0B:\Smake non-ur|
00000af0  67 65 6e 74 20 61 6c 61  72 6d 73 20 62 65 65 70  |gent alarms beep|
00000b00  2e 0a 53 48 6c 70 31 41  3a 5c 53 6d 61 6b 65 20  |..SHlp1A:\Smake |
00000b10  61 6c 61 72 6d 73 20 66  69 74 20 69 6e 74 6f 20  |alarms fit into |
00000b20  61 20 77 6f 72 6b 69 6e  67 20 77 65 65 6b 2e 0a  |a working week..|
00000b30  53 48 6c 70 31 42 3a 5c  53 6d 61 6b 65 20 61 6c  |SHlp1B:\Smake al|
00000b40  61 72 6d 73 20 66 69 74  20 69 6e 74 6f 20 74 68  |arms fit into th|
00000b50  65 20 77 68 6f 6c 65 20  77 65 65 6b 2e 0a 53 48  |e whole week..SH|
00000b60  6c 70 32 41 3a 5c 53 68  61 76 65 20 74 68 65 20  |lp2A:\Shave the |
00000b70  61 6c 61 72 6d 20 64 61  74 61 62 61 73 65 20 75  |alarm database u|
00000b80  70 64 61 74 65 64 20 61  75 74 6f 6d 61 74 69 63  |pdated automatic|
00000b90  61 6c 6c 79 2e 0a 53 48  6c 70 32 42 3a 5c 53 73  |ally..SHlp2B:\Ss|
00000ba0  74 6f 70 20 75 70 64 61  74 69 6e 67 20 74 68 65  |top updating the|
00000bb0  20 61 6c 61 72 6d 20 64  61 74 61 62 61 73 65 20  | alarm database |
00000bc0  61 75 74 6f 6d 61 74 69  63 61 6c 6c 79 2e 0a 53  |automatically..S|
00000bd0  48 6c 70 33 41 3a 5c 53  63 6f 6e 66 69 72 6d 20  |Hlp3A:\Sconfirm |
00000be0  64 65 6c 65 74 69 6f 6e  20 6f 66 20 61 6c 61 72  |deletion of alar|
00000bf0  6d 73 2e 0a 53 48 6c 70  33 42 3a 5c 53 6e 6f 74  |ms..SHlp3B:\Snot|
00000c00  20 63 6f 6e 66 69 72 6d  20 64 65 6c 65 74 69 6f  | confirm deletio|
00000c10  6e 20 6f 66 20 61 6c 61  72 6d 73 2e 0a 53 48 6c  |n of alarms..SHl|
00000c20  70 34 41 3a 5c 53 68 61  76 65 20 61 6e 20 61 6e  |p4A:\Shave an an|
00000c30  61 6c 6f 67 75 65 20 64  69 73 70 6c 61 79 20 77  |alogue display w|
00000c40  69 74 68 20 61 20 73 65  63 6f 6e 64 20 68 61 6e  |ith a second han|
00000c50  64 2e 0a 53 48 6c 70 35  41 3a 5c 53 68 61 76 65  |d..SHlp5A:\Shave|
00000c60  20 61 6e 20 61 6e 61 6c  6f 67 75 65 20 64 69 73  | an analogue dis|
00000c70  70 6c 61 79 20 77 69 74  68 6f 75 74 20 61 20 73  |play without a s|
00000c80  65 63 6f 6e 64 20 68 61  6e 64 2e 0a 53 48 6c 70  |econd hand..SHlp|
00000c90  36 41 3a 5c 53 68 61 76  65 20 61 20 64 69 67 69  |6A:\Shave a digi|
00000ca0  74 61 6c 20 64 69 73 70  6c 61 79 20 6f 66 20 48  |tal display of H|
00000cb0  48 3a 4d 4d 2e 0a 53 48  6c 70 37 41 3a 5c 53 68  |H:MM..SHlp7A:\Sh|
00000cc0  61 76 65 20 61 20 64 69  67 69 74 61 6c 20 64 69  |ave a digital di|
00000cd0  73 70 6c 61 79 20 6f 66  20 48 48 3a 4d 4d 3a 53  |splay of HH:MM:S|
00000ce0  53 2e 0a 53 48 6c 70 38  41 3a 5c 53 68 61 76 65  |S..SHlp8A:\Shave|
00000cf0  20 61 20 64 69 67 69 74  61 6c 20 64 69 73 70 6c  | a digital displ|
00000d00  61 79 20 6f 66 20 74 68  65 20 66 6f 72 6d 61 74  |ay of the format|
00000d10  20 73 68 6f 77 6e 20 74  6f 20 74 68 65 20 72 69  | shown to the ri|
00000d20  67 68 74 20 6f 66 20 74  68 65 20 70 6f 69 6e 74  |ght of the point|
00000d30  65 72 2e 0a 53 48 6c 70  39 41 3a 5c 53 68 61 76  |er..SHlp9A:\Shav|
00000d40  65 20 21 41 6c 61 72 6d  20 73 77 69 74 63 68 20  |e !Alarm switch |
00000d50  74 68 65 20 74 69 6d 65  20 62 65 74 77 65 65 6e  |the time between|
00000d60  20 47 4d 54 20 61 6e 64  20 42 53 54 20 61 75 74  | GMT and BST aut|
00000d70  6f 6d 61 74 69 63 61 6c  6c 79 2e 0a 53 48 6c 70  |omatically..SHlp|
00000d80  39 42 3a 5c 53 70 72 65  76 65 6e 74 20 21 41 6c  |9B:\Sprevent !Al|
00000d90  61 72 6d 20 73 77 69 74  63 68 69 6e 67 20 74 68  |arm switching th|
00000da0  65 20 74 69 6d 65 20 62  65 74 77 65 65 6e 20 47  |e time between G|
00000db0  4d 54 20 61 6e 64 20 42  53 54 20 61 75 74 6f 6d  |MT and BST autom|
00000dc0  61 74 69 63 61 6c 6c 79  2e 0a 53 48 6c 70 41 41  |atically..SHlpAA|
00000dd0  3a 5c 54 61 6c 61 72 6d  20 62 65 65 70 20 74 69  |:\Talarm beep ti|
00000de0  6d 65 6f 75 74 2e 0a 53  48 6c 70 42 41 3a 5c 54  |meout..SHlpBA:\T|
00000df0  75 73 65 72 20 64 65 66  69 6e 65 64 20 64 69 73  |user defined dis|
00000e00  70 6c 61 79 20 66 6f 72  6d 61 74 2e 0a 53 48 6c  |play format..SHl|
00000e10  70 42 42 3a 41 6e 20 65  78 61 6d 70 6c 65 20 6f  |pBB:An example o|
00000e20  66 20 68 6f 77 20 74 68  65 20 64 69 73 70 6c 61  |f how the displa|
00000e30  79 20 77 6f 75 6c 64 20  6c 6f 6f 6b 20 69 73 3a  |y would look is:|
00000e40  0a 53 48 6c 70 43 41 3a  5c 54 74 69 6d 65 20 60  |.SHlpCA:\Ttime `|
00000e50  63 65 6e 74 65 72 20 42  53 54 20 6f 6e 2e 0a 53  |center BST on..S|
00000e60  48 6c 70 43 42 3a 5c 54  74 69 6d 65 20 60 63 6c  |HlpCB:\Ttime `cl|
00000e70  65 61 76 65 20 42 53 54  20 6f 6e 2e 0a 53 48 6c  |eave BST on..SHl|
00000e80  70 44 41 3a 5c 54 64 61  74 65 20 60 63 65 6e 74  |pDA:\Tdate `cent|
00000e90  65 72 20 42 53 54 20 6f  6e 2e 0a 53 48 6c 70 44  |er BST on..SHlpD|
00000ea0  42 3a 5c 54 64 61 74 65  20 60 63 6c 65 61 76 65  |B:\Tdate `cleave|
00000eb0  20 42 53 54 20 6f 6e 2e  0a 53 48 6c 70 45 41 3a  | BST on..SHlpEA:|
00000ec0  5c 54 6d 6f 6e 74 68 20  60 63 65 6e 74 65 72 20  |\Tmonth `center |
00000ed0  42 53 54 20 69 6e 2e 0a  53 48 6c 70 45 42 3a 5c  |BST in..SHlpEB:\|
00000ee0  54 6d 6f 6e 74 68 20 60  63 6c 65 61 76 65 20 42  |Tmonth `cleave B|
00000ef0  53 54 20 69 6e 2e 0a 53  48 6c 70 46 41 3a 5c 54  |ST in..SHlpFA:\T|
00000f00  79 65 61 72 20 60 63 65  6e 74 65 72 20 42 53 54  |year `center BST|
00000f10  20 69 6e 2e 0a 53 48 6c  70 46 42 3a 5c 54 79 65  | in..SHlpFB:\Tye|
00000f20  61 72 20 60 63 6c 65 61  76 65 20 42 53 54 20 69  |ar `cleave BST i|
00000f30  6e 2e 0a 53 48 6c 70 47  41 3a 43 6c 69 63 6b 20  |n..SHlpGA:Click |
00000f40  5c 73 20 66 6f 72 20 61  6c 61 72 6d 73 20 74 6f  |\s for alarms to|
00000f50  20 62 65 65 70 20 63 6f  6e 74 69 6e 75 6f 75 73  | beep continuous|
00000f60  6c 79 2e 0a 53 48 6c 70  47 42 3a 43 6c 69 63 6b  |ly..SHlpGB:Click|
00000f70  20 5c 73 20 66 6f 72 20  61 6c 61 72 6d 73 20 74  | \s for alarms t|
00000f80  6f 20 73 74 6f 70 20 62  65 65 70 69 6e 67 20 61  |o stop beeping a|
00000f90  66 74 65 72 20 74 68 65  20 6e 75 6d 62 65 72 20  |fter the number |
00000fa0  6f 66 20 73 65 63 6f 6e  64 73 20 73 70 65 63 69  |of seconds speci|
00000fb0  66 69 65 64 2e 0a 53 48  6c 70 48 41 3a 5c 53 72  |fied..SHlpHA:\Sr|
00000fc0  65 6d 6f 76 65 20 74 68  69 73 20 64 61 79 20 66  |emove this day f|
00000fd0  72 6f 6d 20 74 68 65 20  77 6f 72 6b 69 6e 67 20  |rom the working |
00000fe0  77 65 65 6b 2e 0a 53 48  6c 70 48 42 3a 5c 53 61  |week..SHlpHB:\Sa|
00000ff0  64 64 20 74 68 69 73 20  64 61 79 20 74 6f 20 74  |dd this day to t|
00001000  68 65 20 77 6f 72 6b 69  6e 67 20 77 65 65 6b 2e  |he working week.|
00001010  0a 53 48 6c 70 49 41 3a  5c 53 73 61 76 65 20 74  |.SHlpIA:\Ssave t|
00001020  68 65 20 63 68 6f 73 65  6e 20 73 65 74 74 69 6e  |he chosen settin|
00001030  67 73 2e 7c 4d 43 6c 6f  73 65 20 74 68 65 20 5c  |gs.|MClose the \|
00001040  77 20 69 66 20 79 6f 75  20 64 6f 6e 27 74 20 77  |w if you don't w|
00001050  61 6e 74 20 74 6f 20 63  68 61 6e 67 65 20 21 41  |ant to change !A|
00001060  6c 61 72 6d 27 73 20 73  65 74 75 70 2e 0a 0a 48  |larm's setup...H|
00001070  65 6c 70 41 33 3a 5c 54  60 43 74 69 6d 65 20 61  |elpA3:\T`Ctime a|
00001080  74 20 77 68 69 63 68 20  74 68 65 20 61 6c 61 72  |t which the alar|
00001090  6d 20 77 69 6c 6c 20 67  6f 20 6f 66 66 2e 0a 48  |m will go off..H|
000010a0  65 6c 70 41 36 3a 5c 53  6d 61 6b 65 20 74 68 65  |elpA6:\Smake the|
000010b0  20 61 6c 61 72 6d 20 75  72 67 65 6e 74 2e 0a 48  | alarm urgent..H|
000010c0  65 6c 70 41 37 3a 5c 53  6d 61 6b 65 20 74 68 65  |elpA7:\Smake the|
000010d0  20 61 6c 61 72 6d 20 6e  6f 6e 2d 75 72 67 65 6e  | alarm non-urgen|
000010e0  74 2e 0a 48 65 6c 70 41  39 3a 5c 54 60 43 64 61  |t..HelpA9:\T`Cda|
000010f0  74 65 20 61 74 20 77 68  69 63 68 20 74 68 65 20  |te at which the |
00001100  61 6c 61 72 6d 20 77 69  6c 6c 20 67 6f 20 6f 66  |alarm will go of|
00001110  66 2e 0a 48 65 6c 70 42  34 3a 5c 54 60 43 6d 6f  |f..HelpB4:\T`Cmo|
00001120  6e 74 68 20 61 74 20 77  68 69 63 68 20 74 68 65  |nth at which the|
00001130  20 61 6c 61 72 6d 20 77  69 6c 6c 20 67 6f 20 6f  | alarm will go o|
00001140  66 66 2e 0a 48 65 6c 70  42 37 3a 5c 54 60 43 79  |ff..HelpB7:\T`Cy|
00001150  65 61 72 20 61 74 20 77  68 69 63 68 20 74 68 65  |ear at which the|
00001160  20 61 6c 61 72 6d 20 77  69 6c 6c 20 67 6f 20 6f  | alarm will go o|
00001170  66 66 2e 0a 48 65 6c 70  42 38 3a 5c 53 70 6f 73  |ff..HelpB8:\Spos|
00001180  69 74 69 6f 6e 20 74 68  65 20 63 61 72 65 74 2e  |ition the caret.|
00001190  7c 4d 55 73 65 20 74 68  65 20 63 75 72 73 6f 72  ||MUse the cursor|
000011a0  20 6b 65 79 73 20 74 6f  20 6d 6f 76 65 20 74 68  | keys to move th|
000011b0  65 20 63 61 72 65 74 2e  0a 48 65 6c 70 42 39 3a  |e caret..HelpB9:|
000011c0  5c 53 70 6f 73 69 74 69  6f 6e 20 74 68 65 20 63  |\Sposition the c|
000011d0  61 72 65 74 2e 7c 4d 55  73 65 20 74 68 65 20 63  |aret.|MUse the c|
000011e0  75 72 73 6f 72 20 6b 65  79 73 20 74 6f 20 6d 6f  |ursor keys to mo|
000011f0  76 65 20 74 68 65 20 63  61 72 65 74 20 6f 72 20  |ve the caret or |
00001200  70 72 65 73 73 20 52 65  74 75 72 6e 20 74 6f 20  |press Return to |
00001210  73 65 74 20 74 68 65 20  61 6c 61 72 6d 2e 0a 48  |set the alarm..H|
00001220  65 6c 70 43 31 3a 5c 53  6d 61 6b 65 20 74 68 69  |elpC1:\Smake thi|
00001230  73 20 61 20 72 65 70 65  61 74 69 6e 67 20 61 6c  |s a repeating al|
00001240  61 72 6d 2e 0a 48 65 6c  70 43 32 3a 5c 53 6d 61  |arm..HelpC2:\Sma|
00001250  6b 65 20 74 68 69 73 20  61 20 6e 6f 6e 2d 72 65  |ke this a non-re|
00001260  70 65 61 74 69 6e 67 20  61 6c 61 72 6d 2e 0a 48  |peating alarm..H|
00001270  65 6c 70 43 33 3a 5c 53  60 72 6d 69 6e 75 74 65  |elpC3:\S`rminute|
00001280  73 2e 0a 48 65 6c 70 43  34 3a 5c 53 60 72 68 6f  |s..HelpC4:\S`rho|
00001290  75 72 73 2e 0a 48 65 6c  70 43 35 3a 5c 53 60 72  |urs..HelpC5:\S`r|
000012a0  64 61 79 73 2e 0a 48 65  6c 70 43 36 3a 5c 53 60  |days..HelpC6:\S`|
000012b0  72 77 65 65 6b 73 2e 0a  48 65 6c 70 43 37 3a 5c  |rweeks..HelpC7:\|
000012c0  53 60 72 6d 6f 6e 74 68  73 2e 0a 48 65 6c 70 43  |S`rmonths..HelpC|
000012d0  38 3a 5c 53 60 72 79 65  61 72 73 2e 0a 48 65 6c  |8:\S`ryears..Hel|
000012e0  70 43 39 3a 5c 53 64 65  63 72 65 61 73 65 20 74  |pC9:\Sdecrease t|
000012f0  68 65 20 72 65 70 65 61  74 20 74 69 6d 65 2e 0a  |he repeat time..|
00001300  48 65 6c 70 44 31 3a 5c  54 60 43 72 65 70 65 61  |HelpD1:\T`Crepea|
00001310  74 20 74 69 6d 65 2e 0a  48 65 6c 70 44 32 3a 5c  |t time..HelpD2:\|
00001320  53 69 6e 63 72 65 61 73  65 20 74 68 65 20 72 65  |Sincrease the re|
00001330  70 65 61 74 20 74 69 6d  65 2e 0a 48 65 6c 70 45  |peat time..HelpE|
00001340  31 3a 5c 53 6d 61 6b 65  20 74 68 69 73 20 61 20  |1:\Smake this a |
00001350  74 61 73 6b 20 61 6c 61  72 6d 2e 0a 48 65 6c 70  |task alarm..Help|
00001360  45 32 3a 5c 53 6d 61 6b  65 20 74 68 69 73 20 61  |E2:\Smake this a|
00001370  20 6e 6f 72 6d 61 6c 20  61 6c 61 72 6d 2e 0a 48  | normal alarm..H|
00001380  65 6c 70 45 33 3a 5c 53  6d 61 6b 65 20 61 6c 61  |elpE3:\Smake ala|
00001390  72 6d 73 20 66 69 74 20  69 6e 74 6f 20 61 20 77  |rms fit into a w|
000013a0  6f 72 6b 69 6e 67 20 77  65 65 6b 2e 0a 48 65 6c  |orking week..Hel|
000013b0  70 45 34 3a 5c 53 6d 61  6b 65 20 61 6c 61 72 6d  |pE4:\Smake alarm|
000013c0  73 20 66 69 74 20 69 6e  74 6f 20 61 20 66 75 6c  |s fit into a ful|
000013d0  6c 20 77 65 65 6b 2e 0a  48 65 6c 70 45 35 3a 43  |l week..HelpE5:C|
000013e0  6c 69 63 6b 20 4d 45 4e  55 20 74 6f 20 66 69 6e  |lick MENU to fin|
000013f0  64 20 61 6e 6f 74 68 65  72 20 61 6c 61 72 6d 2e  |d another alarm.|
00001400  0a 48 65 6c 70 45 36 3a  5c 53 6d 61 6b 65 20 74  |.HelpE6:\Smake t|
00001410  68 69 73 20 61 20 72 65  67 75 6c 61 72 20 72 65  |his a regular re|
00001420  70 65 61 74 69 6e 67 20  61 6c 61 72 6d 2e 0a 48  |peating alarm..H|
00001430  65 6c 70 46 31 3a 5c 53  63 68 61 6e 67 65 20 74  |elpF1:\Schange t|
00001440  68 65 20 6f 66 66 73 65  74 20 69 6e 74 6f 20 74  |he offset into t|
00001450  68 65 20 6d 6f 6e 74 68  20 72 65 71 75 69 72 65  |he month require|
00001460  64 2e 0a 48 65 6c 70 46  32 3a 5c 53 63 68 61 6e  |d..HelpF2:\Schan|
00001470  67 65 20 74 68 65 20 64  61 79 20 72 65 71 75 69  |ge the day requi|
00001480  72 65 64 2e 0a 48 65 6c  70 46 33 3a 5c 53 63 68  |red..HelpF3:\Sch|
00001490  61 6e 67 65 20 74 68 65  20 6e 75 6d 62 65 72 20  |ange the number |
000014a0  6f 66 20 6d 6f 6e 74 68  73 20 74 68 61 74 20 73  |of months that s|
000014b0  68 6f 75 6c 64 20 70 61  73 73 20 62 65 74 77 65  |hould pass betwe|
000014c0  65 6e 20 61 6c 61 72 6d  73 2e 0a 48 65 6c 70 46  |en alarms..HelpF|
000014d0  34 3a 5c 54 60 43 6f 66  66 73 65 74 20 69 6e 74  |4:\T`Coffset int|
000014e0  6f 20 74 68 65 20 6d 6f  6e 74 68 2e 0a 48 65 6c  |o the month..Hel|
000014f0  70 46 35 3a 5c 54 60 43  64 61 79 20 66 6f 72 20  |pF5:\T`Cday for |
00001500  74 68 65 20 61 6c 61 72  6d 20 74 6f 20 72 65 70  |the alarm to rep|
00001510  65 61 74 20 6f 6e 2e 0a  48 65 6c 70 46 36 3a 5c  |eat on..HelpF6:\|
00001520  54 60 43 6e 75 6d 62 65  72 20 6f 66 20 6d 6f 6e  |T`Cnumber of mon|
00001530  74 68 73 20 74 68 61 74  20 73 68 6f 75 6c 64 20  |ths that should |
00001540  70 61 73 73 20 62 65 74  77 65 65 6e 20 61 6c 61  |pass between ala|
00001550  72 6d 73 2e 0a 48 65 6c  70 46 37 3a 5c 53 6d 61  |rms..HelpF7:\Sma|
00001560  6b 65 20 74 68 69 73 20  61 20 6e 6f 72 6d 61 6c  |ke this a normal|
00001570  20 72 65 70 65 61 74 69  6e 67 20 61 6c 61 72 6d  | repeating alarm|
00001580  2e 0a 0a 48 65 6c 70 44  33 3a 5c 53 73 65 74 20  |...HelpD3:\Sset |
00001590  74 68 65 20 61 6c 61 72  6d 20 74 6f 20 74 68 65  |the alarm to the|
000015a0  20 76 61 6c 75 65 73 20  79 6f 75 20 68 61 76 65  | values you have|
000015b0  20 73 65 6c 65 63 74 65  64 2e 7c 4d 43 6c 6f 73  | selected.|MClos|
000015c0  65 20 74 68 65 20 5c 77  20 69 66 20 79 6f 75 20  |e the \w if you |
000015d0  64 6f 6e 27 74 20 77 61  6e 74 20 74 6f 20 73 65  |don't want to se|
000015e0  74 20 74 68 65 20 61 6c  61 72 6d 2e 0a 0a 48 65  |t the alarm...He|
000015f0  6c 70 44 37 3a 5c 53 75  70 64 61 74 65 20 74 68  |lpD7:\Supdate th|
00001600  65 20 61 6c 61 72 6d 20  73 65 74 74 69 6e 67 73  |e alarm settings|
00001610  2e 7c 4d 43 6c 6f 73 65  20 74 68 65 20 5c 77 20  |.|MClose the \w |
00001620  69 66 20 79 6f 75 20 64  6f 6e 27 74 20 77 61 6e  |if you don't wan|
00001630  74 20 74 6f 20 75 70 64  61 74 65 20 74 68 65 20  |t to update the |
00001640  61 6c 61 72 6d 20 73 65  74 74 69 6e 67 73 2e 0a  |alarm settings..|
00001650  0a 43 6c 6f 63 6b 41 31  3a 5c 54 60 43 72 65 70  |.ClockA1:\T`Crep|
00001660  6c 61 63 65 6d 65 6e 74  20 74 69 6d 65 20 66 6f  |lacement time fo|
00001670  72 20 74 68 65 20 63 6f  6d 70 75 74 65 72 27 73  |r the computer's|
00001680  20 63 6c 6f 63 6b 2e 0a  43 6c 6f 63 6b 41 32 3a  | clock..ClockA2:|
00001690  5c 53 73 65 74 20 74 68  65 20 63 6f 6d 70 75 74  |\Sset the comput|
000016a0  65 72 27 73 20 63 6c 6f  63 6b 20 74 6f 20 74 68  |er's clock to th|
000016b0  65 20 64 61 74 65 20 61  6e 64 20 74 69 6d 65 20  |e date and time |
000016c0  73 65 6c 65 63 74 65 64  2e 7c 4d 43 6c 6f 73 65  |selected.|MClose|
000016d0  20 74 68 65 20 5c 77 20  69 66 20 79 6f 75 20 64  | the \w if you d|
000016e0  6f 6e 27 74 20 77 61 6e  74 20 74 6f 20 63 68 61  |on't want to cha|
000016f0  6e 67 65 20 74 68 65 20  63 6f 6d 70 75 74 65 72  |nge the computer|
00001700  27 73 20 63 6c 6f 63 6b  2e 0a 43 6c 6f 63 6b 41  |'s clock..ClockA|
00001710  33 3a 5c 54 60 43 72 65  70 6c 61 63 65 6d 65 6e  |3:\T`Creplacemen|
00001720  74 20 64 61 74 65 20 66  6f 72 20 74 68 65 20 63  |t date for the c|
00001730  6f 6d 70 75 74 65 72 27  73 20 63 6c 6f 63 6b 2e  |omputer's clock.|
00001740  0a 43 6c 6f 63 6b 41 34  3a 5c 54 60 43 72 65 70  |.ClockA4:\T`Crep|
00001750  6c 61 63 65 6d 65 6e 74  20 6d 6f 6e 74 68 20 66  |lacement month f|
00001760  6f 72 20 74 68 65 20 63  6f 6d 70 75 74 65 72 27  |or the computer'|
00001770  73 20 63 6c 6f 63 6b 2e  0a 43 6c 6f 63 6b 41 35  |s clock..ClockA5|
00001780  3a 5c 54 60 43 72 65 70  6c 61 63 65 6d 65 6e 74  |:\T`Creplacement|
00001790  20 79 65 61 72 20 66 6f  72 20 74 68 65 20 63 6f  | year for the co|
000017a0  6d 70 75 74 65 72 27 73  20 63 6c 6f 63 6b 2e 0a  |mputer's clock..|
000017b0  43 6c 6f 63 6b 41 37 3a  5c 53 69 6e 63 72 65 61  |ClockA7:\Sincrea|
000017c0  73 65 20 74 68 65 20 68  6f 75 72 73 2e 0a 43 6c  |se the hours..Cl|
000017d0  6f 63 6b 41 38 3a 5c 53  64 65 63 72 65 61 73 65  |ockA8:\Sdecrease|
000017e0  20 74 68 65 20 68 6f 75  72 73 2e 0a 43 6c 6f 63  | the hours..Cloc|
000017f0  6b 41 39 3a 5c 53 69 6e  63 72 65 61 73 65 20 74  |kA9:\Sincrease t|
00001800  68 65 20 6d 69 6e 75 74  65 73 2e 0a 43 6c 6f 63  |he minutes..Cloc|
00001810  6b 42 31 3a 5c 53 64 65  63 72 65 61 73 65 20 74  |kB1:\Sdecrease t|
00001820  68 65 20 6d 69 6e 75 74  65 73 2e 0a 43 6c 6f 63  |he minutes..Cloc|
00001830  6b 42 32 3a 5c 53 64 65  63 72 65 61 73 65 20 74  |kB2:\Sdecrease t|
00001840  68 65 20 64 61 74 65 2e  0a 43 6c 6f 63 6b 42 33  |he date..ClockB3|
00001850  3a 5c 53 69 6e 63 72 65  61 73 65 20 74 68 65 20  |:\Sincrease the |
00001860  64 61 74 65 2e 0a 43 6c  6f 63 6b 42 34 3a 5c 53  |date..ClockB4:\S|
00001870  64 65 63 72 65 61 73 65  20 74 68 65 20 6d 6f 6e  |decrease the mon|
00001880  74 68 2e 0a 43 6c 6f 63  6b 42 35 3a 5c 53 69 6e  |th..ClockB5:\Sin|
00001890  63 72 65 61 73 65 20 74  68 65 20 6d 6f 6e 74 68  |crease the month|
000018a0  2e 0a 43 6c 6f 63 6b 42  36 3a 5c 53 64 65 63 72  |..ClockB6:\Sdecr|
000018b0  65 61 73 65 20 74 68 65  20 79 65 61 72 2e 0a 43  |ease the year..C|
000018c0  6c 6f 63 6b 42 37 3a 5c  53 69 6e 63 72 65 61 73  |lockB7:\Sincreas|
000018d0  65 20 74 68 65 20 79 65  61 72 2e 0a 0a 46 69 6e  |e the year...Fin|
000018e0  64 41 31 3a 5c 54 60 43  74 69 6d 65 20 66 6f 72  |dA1:\T`Ctime for|
000018f0  20 74 68 65 20 61 6c 61  72 6d 20 73 65 61 72 63  | the alarm searc|
00001900  68 2e 0a 46 69 6e 64 41  32 3a 5c 53 74 72 79 20  |h..FindA2:\Stry |
00001910  74 6f 20 66 69 6e 64 20  61 6e 20 61 6c 61 72 6d  |to find an alarm|
00001920  20 61 74 20 6f 72 20 61  66 74 65 72 20 74 68 69  | at or after thi|
00001930  73 20 64 61 74 65 20 26  20 74 69 6d 65 2e 7c 4d  |s date & time.|M|
00001940  43 6c 6f 73 65 20 74 68  65 20 5c 77 20 69 66 20  |Close the \w if |
00001950  79 6f 75 20 64 6f 6e 27  74 20 77 61 6e 74 20 74  |you don't want t|
00001960  6f 20 66 69 6e 64 20 61  6e 20 61 6c 61 72 6d 2e  |o find an alarm.|
00001970  0a 46 69 6e 64 41 33 3a  5c 54 60 43 64 61 74 65  |.FindA3:\T`Cdate|
00001980  20 66 6f 72 20 74 68 65  20 61 6c 61 72 6d 20 73  | for the alarm s|
00001990  65 61 72 63 68 2e 0a 46  69 6e 64 41 34 3a 5c 54  |earch..FindA4:\T|
000019a0  60 43 6d 6f 6e 74 68 20  66 6f 72 20 74 68 65 20  |`Cmonth for the |
000019b0  61 6c 61 72 6d 20 73 65  61 72 63 68 2e 0a 46 69  |alarm search..Fi|
000019c0  6e 64 41 35 3a 5c 54 60  43 79 65 61 72 20 66 6f  |ndA5:\T`Cyear fo|
000019d0  72 20 74 68 65 20 61 6c  61 72 6d 20 73 65 61 72  |r the alarm sear|
000019e0  63 68 2e 0a 0a 4d 65 6e  75 41 4c 3a 23 41 6c 61  |ch...MenuAL:#Ala|
000019f0  72 6d 2c 41 63 63 65 70  74 20 61 6c 61 72 6d 2c  |rm,Accept alarm,|
00001a00  43 61 6e 63 65 6c 20 61  6c 61 72 6d 2c 44 65 66  |Cancel alarm,Def|
00001a10  65 72 20 61 6c 61 72 6d  0a 4d 65 6e 75 44 31 3a  |er alarm.MenuD1:|
00001a20  23 48 6f 77 20 6d 61 6e  79 3f 2c 24 0a 4d 65 6e  |#How many?,$.Men|
00001a30  75 44 32 3a 23 44 65 66  65 72 20 61 6c 61 72 6d  |uD2:#Defer alarm|
00001a40  2c 4d 69 6e 75 74 65 73  2c 48 6f 75 72 73 2c 44  |,Minutes,Hours,D|
00001a50  61 79 73 2c 57 65 65 6b  73 2c 4d 6f 6e 74 68 73  |ays,Weeks,Months|
00001a60  2c 59 65 61 72 73 0a 4d  65 6e 75 46 49 3a 23 41  |,Years.MenuFI:#A|
00001a70  6c 61 72 6d 2c 50 72 65  76 69 6f 75 73 20 61 6c  |larm,Previous al|
00001a80  61 72 6d 2c 4e 65 78 74  20 61 6c 61 72 6d 2c 46  |arm,Next alarm,F|
00001a90  69 6e 64 20 61 6c 61 72  6d 0a 4d 65 6e 75 4d 4d  |ind alarm.MenuMM|
00001aa0  3a 23 41 6c 61 72 6d 2c  49 6e 66 6f 2c 41 6c 61  |:#Alarm,Info,Ala|
00001ab0  72 6d 73 2e 2e 2e 2c 53  65 74 75 70 2e 2e 2e 2c  |rms...,Setup...,|
00001ac0  53 65 74 20 63 6c 6f 63  6b 2e 2e 2e 2c 51 75 69  |Set clock...,Qui|
00001ad0  74 0a 0a 4d 6e 75 41 4c  31 3a 5c 53 61 63 63 65  |t..MnuAL1:\Sacce|
00001ae0  70 74 20 74 68 65 20 63  75 72 72 65 6e 74 20 61  |pt the current a|
00001af0  6c 61 72 6d 2e 0a 4d 6e  75 41 4c 32 3a 5c 53 63  |larm..MnuAL2:\Sc|
00001b00  61 6e 63 65 6c 20 74 68  65 20 63 75 72 72 65 6e  |ancel the curren|
00001b10  74 20 61 6c 61 72 6d 2e  0a 4d 6e 75 41 4c 33 3a  |t alarm..MnuAL3:|
00001b20  5c 52 64 65 66 65 72 20  74 68 65 20 63 75 72 72  |\Rdefer the curr|
00001b30  65 6e 74 20 61 6c 61 72  6d 2e 0a 4d 6e 75 41 4d  |ent alarm..MnuAM|
00001b40  36 3a 5c 47 79 6f 75 20  61 72 65 20 63 75 72 72  |6:\Gyou are curr|
00001b50  65 6e 74 6c 79 20 73 65  74 74 69 6e 67 20 61 6e  |ently setting an|
00001b60  20 61 6c 61 72 6d 2e 0a  4d 6e 75 41 4d 38 3a 5c  | alarm..MnuAM8:\|
00001b70  47 79 6f 75 20 61 72 65  20 63 75 72 72 65 6e 74  |Gyou are current|
00001b80  6c 79 20 63 68 61 6e 67  69 6e 67 20 61 6e 20 61  |ly changing an a|
00001b90  6c 61 72 6d 2e 0a 4d 6e  75 41 4d 39 3a 5c 47 74  |larm..MnuAM9:\Gt|
00001ba0  68 65 72 65 20 61 72 65  6e 27 74 20 61 6e 79 20  |here aren't any |
00001bb0  61 6c 61 72 6d 73 20 73  65 74 2e 0a 4d 6e 75 41  |alarms set..MnuA|
00001bc0  4d 41 3a 5c 47 79 6f 75  20 68 61 76 65 6e 27 74  |MA:\Gyou haven't|
00001bd0  20 73 65 6c 65 63 74 65  64 20 61 6e 79 20 61 6c  | selected any al|
00001be0  61 72 6d 73 2e 0a 4d 6e  75 44 31 31 3a 45 6e 74  |arms..MnuD11:Ent|
00001bf0  65 72 20 61 20 64 65 66  65 72 20 76 61 6c 75 65  |er a defer value|
00001c00  20 61 6e 64 20 70 72 65  73 73 20 52 65 74 75 72  | and press Retur|
00001c10  6e 2e 0a 4d 6e 75 44 32  31 3a 5c 52 60 64 6d 69  |n..MnuD21:\R`dmi|
00001c20  6e 75 74 65 73 2e 0a 4d  6e 75 44 32 32 3a 5c 52  |nutes..MnuD22:\R|
00001c30  60 64 68 6f 75 72 73 2e  0a 4d 6e 75 44 32 33 3a  |`dhours..MnuD23:|
00001c40  5c 52 60 64 64 61 79 73  2e 0a 4d 6e 75 44 32 34  |\R`ddays..MnuD24|
00001c50  3a 5c 52 60 64 77 65 65  6b 73 2e 0a 4d 6e 75 44  |:\R`dweeks..MnuD|
00001c60  32 35 3a 5c 52 60 64 6d  6f 6e 74 68 73 2e 0a 4d  |25:\R`dmonths..M|
00001c70  6e 75 44 32 36 3a 5c 52  60 64 79 65 61 72 73 2e  |nuD26:\R`dyears.|
00001c80  0a 4d 6e 75 46 49 31 3a  5c 53 67 6f 20 74 6f 20  |.MnuFI1:\Sgo to |
00001c90  74 68 65 20 70 72 65 76  69 6f 75 73 20 61 6c 61  |the previous ala|
00001ca0  72 6d 2e 0a 4d 6e 75 46  49 32 3a 5c 53 67 6f 20  |rm..MnuFI2:\Sgo |
00001cb0  74 6f 20 74 68 65 20 6e  65 78 74 20 61 6c 61 72  |to the next alar|
00001cc0  6d 2e 0a 4d 6e 75 46 49  33 3a 5c 53 73 65 61 72  |m..MnuFI3:\Ssear|
00001cd0  63 68 20 66 6f 72 20 61  6e 20 61 6c 61 72 6d 2e  |ch for an alarm.|
00001ce0  0a 4d 6e 75 46 49 34 3a  5c 47 79 6f 75 20 61 72  |.MnuFI4:\Gyou ar|
00001cf0  65 6e 27 74 20 75 6e 73  65 74 74 69 6e 67 20 6f  |en't unsetting o|
00001d00  72 20 63 68 61 6e 67 69  6e 67 20 61 6e 20 61 6c  |r changing an al|
00001d10  61 72 6d 2e 0a 4d 6e 75  46 49 35 3a 5c 47 79 6f  |arm..MnuFI5:\Gyo|
00001d20  75 20 61 72 65 20 63 75  72 72 65 6e 74 6c 79 20  |u are currently |
00001d30  73 65 74 74 69 6e 67 20  74 68 65 20 63 6c 6f 63  |setting the cloc|
00001d40  6b 2e 0a 4d 6e 75 4d 4d  31 3a 5c 52 73 65 65 20  |k..MnuMM1:\Rsee |
00001d50  69 6e 66 6f 72 6d 61 74  69 6f 6e 20 61 62 6f 75  |information abou|
00001d60  74 20 41 6c 61 72 6d 2e  0a 4d 6e 75 4d 4d 33 3a  |t Alarm..MnuMM3:|
00001d70  5c 53 64 69 73 70 6c 61  79 20 74 68 65 20 61 6c  |\Sdisplay the al|
00001d80  61 72 6d 20 62 72 6f 77  73 65 72 2e 0a 4d 6e 75  |arm browser..Mnu|
00001d90  4d 4d 34 3a 5c 53 63 68  61 6e 67 65 20 41 6c 61  |MM4:\Schange Ala|
00001da0  72 6d 27 73 20 73 65 74  75 70 2e 0a 4d 6e 75 4d  |rm's setup..MnuM|
00001db0  4d 35 3a 5c 53 73 65 74  20 74 68 65 20 63 6f 6d  |M5:\Sset the com|
00001dc0  70 75 74 65 72 27 73 20  63 6c 6f 63 6b 2e 0a 4d  |puter's clock..M|
00001dd0  6e 75 4d 4d 36 3a 5c 53  71 75 69 74 20 41 6c 61  |nuMM6:\Squit Ala|
00001de0  72 6d 2e 0a 4d 6e 75 4d  4d 37 3a 5c 47 79 6f 75  |rm..MnuMM7:\Gyou|
00001df0  20 61 72 65 20 63 75 72  72 65 6e 74 6c 79 20 66  | are currently f|
00001e00  69 6e 64 69 6e 67 20 61  6e 20 61 6c 61 72 6d 2e  |inding an alarm.|
00001e10  0a 0a 44 72 67 30 31 3a  54 68 69 73 20 62 6f 78  |..Drg01:This box|
00001e20  20 60 61 73 61 76 65 20  64 61 74 61 20 69 6e 20  | `asave data in |
00001e30  61 20 66 69 6c 65 2c 20  6f 72 20 74 72 61 6e 73  |a file, or trans|
00001e40  66 65 72 20 69 74 20 74  6f 20 61 6e 6f 74 68 65  |fer it to anothe|
00001e50  72 20 61 70 70 6c 69 63  61 74 69 6f 6e 2e 0a 44  |r application..D|
00001e60  72 67 30 32 3a 43 6c 69  63 6b 20 68 65 72 65 20  |rg02:Click here |
00001e70  74 6f 20 73 61 76 65 20  74 68 65 20 64 61 74 61  |to save the data|
00001e80  20 77 69 74 68 20 74 68  65 20 63 75 72 72 65 6e  | with the curren|
00001e90  74 20 66 69 6c 65 6e 61  6d 65 2e 20 49 66 20 69  |t filename. If i|
00001ea0  74 20 69 73 20 6e 6f 74  20 61 20 66 75 6c 6c 20  |t is not a full |
00001eb0  70 61 74 68 6e 61 6d 65  2c 20 79 6f 75 20 6d 75  |pathname, you mu|
00001ec0  73 74 20 64 72 61 67 20  74 68 65 20 69 63 6f 6e  |st drag the icon|
00001ed0  20 74 6f 20 61 20 64 69  72 65 63 74 6f 72 79 20  | to a directory |
00001ee0  66 69 72 73 74 2e 0a 44  72 67 30 33 3a 54 68 69  |first..Drg03:Thi|
00001ef0  73 20 73 68 6f 77 73 20  74 68 65 20 66 69 6c 65  |s shows the file|
00001f00  6e 61 6d 65 20 66 6f 72  20 74 68 69 73 20 64 61  |name for this da|
00001f10  74 61 2e 20 49 66 20 69  74 20 69 73 20 6e 6f 74  |ta. If it is not|
00001f20  20 61 20 66 75 6c 6c 20  70 61 74 68 6e 61 6d 65  | a full pathname|
00001f30  2c 20 64 72 61 67 20 74  68 65 20 69 63 6f 6e 20  |, drag the icon |
00001f40  69 6e 74 6f 20 61 20 64  69 72 65 63 74 6f 72 79  |into a directory|
00001f50  20 64 69 73 70 6c 61 79  2e 0a 44 72 67 30 34 3a  | display..Drg04:|
00001f60  44 72 61 67 20 74 68 69  73 20 69 63 6f 6e 20 74  |Drag this icon t|
00001f70  6f 20 74 68 65 20 64 69  72 65 63 74 6f 72 79 20  |o the directory |
00001f80  69 6e 20 77 68 69 63 68  20 79 6f 75 20 77 61 6e  |in which you wan|
00001f90  74 20 74 6f 20 73 61 76  65 20 74 68 65 20 66 69  |t to save the fi|
00001fa0  6c 65 2e 20 4f 72 2c 20  64 72 61 67 20 69 74 20  |le. Or, drag it |
00001fb0  74 6f 20 74 68 65 20 70  72 6f 67 72 61 6d 20 69  |to the program i|
00001fc0  6e 74 6f 20 77 68 69 63  68 20 79 6f 75 20 77 61  |nto which you wa|
00001fd0  6e 74 20 74 6f 20 74 72  61 6e 73 66 65 72 20 74  |nt to transfer t|
00001fe0  68 65 20 64 61 74 61 2e  0a 0a 4f 6b 61 79 41 31  |he data...OkayA1|
00001ff0  3a 50 6c 65 61 73 65 20  69 6e 73 74 61 6c 6c 20  |:Please install |
00002000  25 30 20 61 73 20 61 6e  20 61 70 70 6c 69 63 61  |%0 as an applica|
00002010  74 69 6f 6e 20 61 6c 61  72 6d 20 69 73 20 77 61  |tion alarm is wa|
00002020  69 74 69 6e 67 20 66 6f  72 20 69 74 0a 4f 6b 61  |iting for it.Oka|
00002030  79 41 32 3a 59 6f 75 20  61 72 65 20 61 6c 72 65  |yA2:You are alre|
00002040  61 64 79 20 63 68 61 6e  67 69 6e 67 20 61 6e 20  |ady changing an |
00002050  61 6c 61 72 6d 0a 4f 6b  61 79 41 33 3a 27 25 30  |alarm.OkayA3:'%0|
00002060  27 20 69 73 20 6e 6f 74  20 61 20 72 65 63 6f 67  |' is not a recog|
00002070  6e 69 73 65 64 20 61 6c  61 72 6d 20 64 61 74 61  |nised alarm data|
00002080  20 66 69 6c 65 2e 20 48  61 76 65 20 79 6f 75 20  | file. Have you |
00002090  63 6f 6e 76 65 72 74 65  64 20 69 74 3f 0a 4f 6b  |converted it?.Ok|
000020a0  61 79 41 34 3a 59 6f 75  20 63 61 6e 6e 6f 74 20  |ayA4:You cannot |
000020b0  63 68 61 6e 67 65 20 61  6e 20 61 6c 61 72 6d 20  |change an alarm |
000020c0  77 68 69 6c 65 20 79 6f  75 20 61 72 65 20 73 65  |while you are se|
000020d0  74 74 69 6e 67 20 6f 6e  65 0a 4f 6b 61 79 41 38  |tting one.OkayA8|
000020e0  3a 25 30 20 2d 20 48 48  3a 4d 4d 20 66 6f 72 6d  |:%0 - HH:MM form|
000020f0  61 74 20 73 65 6c 65 63  74 65 64 0a 4f 6b 61 79  |at selected.Okay|
00002100  42 36 3a 59 6f 75 20 61  72 65 20 61 6c 72 65 61  |B6:You are alrea|
00002110  64 79 20 73 65 74 74 69  6e 67 20 61 6e 20 61 6c  |dy setting an al|
00002120  61 72 6d 0a 4f 6b 61 79  42 38 3a 59 6f 75 20 63  |arm.OkayB8:You c|
00002130  61 6e 6e 6f 74 20 73 65  74 20 61 6e 20 61 6c 61  |annot set an ala|
00002140  72 6d 20 77 68 69 6c 65  20 79 6f 75 20 61 72 65  |rm while you are|
00002150  20 63 68 61 6e 67 69 6e  67 20 6f 6e 65 0a 4f 6b  | changing one.Ok|
00002160  61 79 42 39 3a 59 6f 75  20 63 61 6e 27 74 20 72  |ayB9:You can't r|
00002170  75 6e 20 74 77 6f 20 63  6f 70 69 65 73 20 6f 66  |un two copies of|
00002180  20 41 6c 61 72 6d 20 61  74 20 6f 6e 63 65 0a 4f  | Alarm at once.O|
00002190  6b 61 79 43 31 3a 54 6f  20 73 61 76 65 20 74 68  |kayC1:To save th|
000021a0  65 20 66 69 6c 65 2c 20  64 72 61 67 20 74 68 65  |e file, drag the|
000021b0  20 69 63 6f 6e 20 74 6f  20 61 20 64 69 72 65 63  | icon to a direc|
000021c0  74 6f 72 79 20 64 69 73  70 6c 61 79 0a 4f 6b 61  |tory display.Oka|
000021d0  79 43 33 3a 54 68 69 73  20 61 6c 61 72 6d 20 77  |yC3:This alarm w|
000021e0  69 6c 6c 20 6e 6f 74 20  72 65 70 65 61 74 20 61  |ill not repeat a|
000021f0  73 20 69 74 20 77 6f 75  6c 64 20 67 6f 20 60 32  |s it would go `2|
00002200  0a 4f 6b 61 79 43 34 3a  44 65 66 65 72 72 69 6e  |.OkayC4:Deferrin|
00002210  67 20 74 68 65 20 61 6c  61 72 6d 20 62 79 20 74  |g the alarm by t|
00002220  68 61 74 20 61 6d 6f 75  6e 74 20 77 6f 75 6c 64  |hat amount would|
00002230  20 74 61 6b 65 20 69 74  20 60 32 2c 20 77 68 69  | take it `2, whi|
00002240  63 68 20 69 73 20 6e 6f  74 20 61 6c 6c 6f 77 65  |ch is not allowe|
00002250  64 0a 4f 6b 61 79 43 35  3a 41 6e 20 61 70 70 6c  |d.OkayC5:An appl|
00002260  69 63 61 74 69 6f 6e 20  61 6c 61 72 6d 20 68 61  |ication alarm ha|
00002270  73 20 6a 75 73 74 20 62  65 65 6e 20 64 65 6c 65  |s just been dele|
00002280  74 65 64 20 61 73 20 69  74 20 72 65 70 65 61 74  |ted as it repeat|
00002290  65 64 20 60 32 0a 4f 6b  61 79 43 36 3a 54 68 65  |ed `2.OkayC6:The|
000022a0  20 74 61 73 6b 20 61 6c  61 72 6d 20 77 68 69 63  | task alarm whic|
000022b0  68 20 6a 75 73 74 20 77  65 6e 74 20 6f 66 66 20  |h just went off |
000022c0  68 61 73 20 62 65 65 6e  20 64 65 6c 65 74 65 64  |has been deleted|
000022d0  20 61 73 20 69 74 20 72  65 70 65 61 74 65 64 20  | as it repeated |
000022e0  60 32 0a 4f 6b 61 79 43  37 3a 54 68 69 73 20 61  |`2.OkayC7:This a|
000022f0  6c 61 72 6d 20 77 69 6c  6c 20 6e 6f 74 20 72 65  |larm will not re|
00002300  70 65 61 74 20 61 73 20  69 74 0a 4f 6b 61 79 43  |peat as it.OkayC|
00002310  38 3a 77 6f 75 6c 64 20  67 6f 20 60 32 0a 4f 6b  |8:would go `2.Ok|
00002320  61 79 43 39 3a 59 6f 75  20 6d 75 73 74 20 68 61  |ayC9:You must ha|
00002330  76 65 20 61 74 20 6c 65  61 73 74 20 6f 6e 65 20  |ve at least one |
00002340  64 61 79 20 69 6e 20 61  20 77 6f 72 6b 69 6e 67  |day in a working|
00002350  20 77 65 65 6b 0a 4f 6b  61 79 44 31 3a 43 61 6e  | week.OkayD1:Can|
00002360  6e 6f 74 20 66 69 6e 64  20 41 6c 61 72 6d 27 73  |not find Alarm's|
00002370  20 43 6f 64 65 20 66 69  6c 65 0a 4f 6b 61 79 44  | Code file.OkayD|
00002380  32 3a 55 6e 61 62 6c 65  20 74 6f 20 6f 70 65 6e  |2:Unable to open|
00002390  20 77 69 6e 64 6f 77 20  2d 20 41 6c 61 72 6d 20  | window - Alarm |
000023a0  6e 65 65 64 73 20 25 30  4b 20 6d 6f 72 65 20 6d  |needs %0K more m|
000023b0  65 6d 6f 72 79 0a 0a 46  61 74 61 6c 32 3a 4d 65  |emory..Fatal2:Me|
000023c0  6e 75 20 61 72 65 61 20  66 75 6c 6c 0a 46 61 74  |nu area full.Fat|
000023d0  61 6c 33 3a 4e 6f 20 6d  6f 72 65 20 77 6f 72 6b  |al3:No more work|
000023e0  73 70 61 63 65 0a 46 61  74 61 6c 34 3a 41 6c 61  |space.Fatal4:Ala|
000023f0  72 6d 20 21 52 75 6e 20  66 69 6c 65 20 69 73 20  |rm !Run file is |
00002400  6f 75 74 20 6f 66 20 64  61 74 65 2e 20 45 69 74  |out of date. Eit|
00002410  68 65 72 20 72 75 6e 20  21 41 6c 61 72 6d 20 66  |her run !Alarm f|
00002420  72 6f 6d 20 41 70 70 73  20 6f 72 20 72 65 2d 63  |rom Apps or re-c|
00002430  6f 70 79 20 69 74 20 6f  6e 74 6f 20 79 6f 75 72  |opy it onto your|
00002440  20 64 69 73 63 0a 0a 57  61 72 6e 3a 57 61 72 6e  | disc..Warn:Warn|
00002450  69 6e 67 20 66 72 6f 6d  20 41 6c 61 72 6d 0a 46  |ing from Alarm.F|
00002460  69 6c 65 30 31 3a 75 6e  61 62 6c 65 20 74 6f 20  |ile01:unable to |
00002470  63 6c 6f 73 65 20 61 6c  61 72 6d 20 66 69 6c 65  |close alarm file|
00002480  0a 46 69 6c 65 30 32 3a  55 6e 61 62 6c 65 20 74  |.File02:Unable t|
00002490  6f 20 63 72 65 61 74 65  20 61 6c 61 72 6d 20 66  |o create alarm f|
000024a0  69 6c 65 3a 20 25 30 0a  46 69 6c 65 30 33 3a 55  |ile: %0.File03:U|
000024b0  6e 61 62 6c 65 20 74 6f  20 73 61 76 65 20 61 6c  |nable to save al|
000024c0  61 72 6d 20 64 61 74 61  62 61 73 65 3a 20 25 30  |arm database: %0|
000024d0  0a 46 69 6c 65 30 34 3a  61 6c 61 72 6d 20 66 69  |.File04:alarm fi|
000024e0  6c 65 20 64 6f 65 73 20  6e 6f 74 20 68 61 76 65  |le does not have|
000024f0  20 72 65 61 64 2f 77 72  69 74 65 20 61 63 63 65  | read/write acce|
00002500  73 73 0a 46 69 6c 65 30  35 3a 54 68 65 20 61 6c  |ss.File05:The al|
00002510  61 72 6d 73 20 63 61 6e  6e 6f 74 20 62 65 20 61  |arms cannot be a|
00002520  75 74 6f 6d 61 74 69 63  61 6c 6c 79 20 73 61 76  |utomatically sav|
00002530  65 64 20 62 65 63 61 75  73 65 20 79 6f 75 20 68  |ed because you h|
00002540  61 76 65 20 6e 6f 74 20  79 65 74 20 73 65 74 20  |ave not yet set |
00002550  74 68 65 20 66 69 6c 65  6e 61 6d 65 0a 0a 41 70  |the filename..Ap|
00002560  70 6c 41 31 3a 42 61 64  20 61 70 70 6c 69 63 61  |plA1:Bad applica|
00002570  74 69 6f 6e 20 61 6c 61  72 6d 20 6f 70 74 69 6f  |tion alarm optio|
00002580  6e 0a 41 70 70 6c 41 32  3a 41 70 70 6c 69 63 61  |n.ApplA2:Applica|
00002590  74 69 6f 6e 20 6e 61 6d  65 20 74 6f 6f 20 62 69  |tion name too bi|
000025a0  67 0a 41 70 70 6c 41 33  3a 41 70 70 6c 69 63 61  |g.ApplA3:Applica|
000025b0  74 69 6f 6e 20 61 6c 61  72 6d 20 69 64 65 6e 74  |tion alarm ident|
000025c0  69 66 69 65 72 20 74 6f  6f 20 62 69 67 0a 41 70  |ifier too big.Ap|
000025d0  70 6c 41 34 3a 55 6e 61  62 6c 65 20 74 6f 20 6c  |plA4:Unable to l|
000025e0  6f 63 61 74 65 20 73 70  65 63 69 66 69 65 64 20  |ocate specified |
000025f0  61 70 70 6c 69 63 61 74  69 6f 6e 20 61 6c 61 72  |application alar|
00002600  6d 0a 0a 46 72 6d 74 41  31 3a 25 30 20 69 73 20  |m..FrmtA1:%0 is |
00002610  61 6e 20 75 6e 6b 6e 6f  77 6e 20 25 20 65 6e 74  |an unknown % ent|
00002620  72 79 20 69 6e 20 75 73  65 72 20 66 6f 72 6d 61  |ry in user forma|
00002630  74 0a 46 72 6d 74 41 32  3a 43 6c 6f 63 6b 20 64  |t.FrmtA2:Clock d|
00002640  69 73 70 6c 61 79 20 70  72 6f 64 75 63 65 64 20  |isplay produced |
00002650  66 72 6f 6d 20 75 73 65  72 20 66 6f 72 6d 61 74  |from user format|
00002660  20 74 6f 6f 20 6c 61 72  67 65 0a 46 72 6d 74 41  | too large.FrmtA|
00002670  33 3a 4e 6f 20 63 6c 6f  63 6b 20 64 69 73 70 6c  |3:No clock displ|
00002680  61 79 20 70 72 6f 64 75  63 65 64 20 66 72 6f 6d  |ay produced from|
00002690  20 75 73 65 72 20 66 6f  72 6d 61 74 0a 46 72 6d  | user format.Frm|
000026a0  74 41 34 3a 55 73 65 72  20 66 6f 72 6d 61 74 20  |tA4:User format |
000026b0  63 6f 6e 74 61 69 6e 73  20 61 6e 20 75 6e 6b 6e  |contains an unkn|
000026c0  6f 77 6e 20 25 20 73 70  65 63 69 66 69 65 72 0a  |own % specifier.|
000026d0  0a 53 52 30 77 31 2f 53  52 30 77 32 2f 53 52 30  |.SR0w1/SR0w2/SR0|
000026e0  77 33 2f 53 52 30 77 34  2f 53 52 30 77 35 2f 53  |w3/SR0w4/SR0w5/S|
000026f0  52 30 77 36 2f 53 52 30  77 37 3a 66 69 72 73 74  |R0w6/SR0w7:first|
00002700  0a 53 52 31 77 31 2f 53  52 31 77 32 2f 53 52 31  |.SR1w1/SR1w2/SR1|
00002710  77 33 2f 53 52 31 77 34  2f 53 52 31 77 35 2f 53  |w3/SR1w4/SR1w5/S|
00002720  52 31 77 36 2f 53 52 31  77 37 3a 73 65 63 6f 6e  |R1w6/SR1w7:secon|
00002730  64 0a 53 52 32 77 31 2f  53 52 32 77 32 2f 53 52  |d.SR2w1/SR2w2/SR|
00002740  32 77 33 2f 53 52 32 77  34 2f 53 52 32 77 35 2f  |2w3/SR2w4/SR2w5/|
00002750  53 52 32 77 36 2f 53 52  32 77 37 3a 74 68 69 72  |SR2w6/SR2w7:thir|
00002760  64 0a 53 52 33 77 31 2f  53 52 33 77 32 2f 53 52  |d.SR3w1/SR3w2/SR|
00002770  33 77 33 2f 53 52 33 77  34 2f 53 52 33 77 35 2f  |3w3/SR3w4/SR3w5/|
00002780  53 52 33 77 36 2f 53 52  33 77 37 3a 6c 61 73 74  |SR3w6/SR3w7:last|
00002790  0a 53 52 34 77 31 2f 53  52 34 77 32 2f 53 52 34  |.SR4w1/SR4w2/SR4|
000027a0  77 33 2f 53 52 34 77 34  2f 53 52 34 77 35 2f 53  |w3/SR4w4/SR4w5/S|
000027b0  52 34 77 36 2f 53 52 34  77 37 3a 70 65 6e 75 6c  |R4w6/SR4w7:penul|
000027c0  74 69 6d 61 74 65 0a 53  52 35 77 31 2f 53 52 35  |timate.SR5w1/SR5|
000027d0  77 32 2f 53 52 35 77 33  2f 53 52 35 77 34 2f 53  |w2/SR5w3/SR5w4/S|
000027e0  52 35 77 35 2f 53 52 35  77 36 2f 53 52 35 77 37  |R5w5/SR5w6/SR5w7|
000027f0  3a 74 68 69 72 64 20 74  6f 20 6c 61 73 74 0a 0a  |:third to last..|
00002800  57 45 31 61 30 2f 57 45  31 61 31 2f 57 45 31 61  |WE1a0/WE1a1/WE1a|
00002810  32 2f 57 45 31 61 33 2f  57 45 31 61 34 2f 57 45  |2/WE1a3/WE1a4/WE|
00002820  31 61 35 3a 53 75 6e 64  61 79 0a 57 45 32 61 30  |1a5:Sunday.WE2a0|
00002830  2f 57 45 32 61 31 2f 57  45 32 61 32 2f 57 45 32  |/WE2a1/WE2a2/WE2|
00002840  61 33 2f 57 45 32 61 34  2f 57 45 32 61 35 3a 4d  |a3/WE2a4/WE2a5:M|
00002850  6f 6e 64 61 79 0a 57 45  33 61 30 2f 57 45 33 61  |onday.WE3a0/WE3a|
00002860  31 2f 57 45 33 61 32 2f  57 45 33 61 33 2f 57 45  |1/WE3a2/WE3a3/WE|
00002870  33 61 34 2f 57 45 33 61  35 3a 54 75 65 73 64 61  |3a4/WE3a5:Tuesda|
00002880  79 0a 57 45 34 61 30 2f  57 45 34 61 31 2f 57 45  |y.WE4a0/WE4a1/WE|
00002890  34 61 32 2f 57 45 34 61  33 2f 57 45 34 61 34 2f  |4a2/WE4a3/WE4a4/|
000028a0  57 45 34 61 35 3a 57 65  64 6e 65 73 64 61 79 0a  |WE4a5:Wednesday.|
000028b0  57 45 35 61 30 2f 57 45  35 61 31 2f 57 45 35 61  |WE5a0/WE5a1/WE5a|
000028c0  32 2f 57 45 35 61 33 2f  57 45 35 61 34 2f 57 45  |2/WE5a3/WE5a4/WE|
000028d0  35 61 35 3a 54 68 75 72  73 64 61 79 0a 57 45 36  |5a5:Thursday.WE6|
000028e0  61 30 2f 57 45 36 61 31  2f 57 45 36 61 32 2f 57  |a0/WE6a1/WE6a2/W|
000028f0  45 36 61 33 2f 57 45 36  61 34 2f 57 45 36 61 35  |E6a3/WE6a4/WE6a5|
00002900  3a 46 72 69 64 61 79 0a  57 45 37 61 30 2f 57 45  |:Friday.WE7a0/WE|
00002910  37 61 31 2f 57 45 37 61  32 2f 57 45 37 61 33 2f  |7a1/WE7a2/WE7a3/|
00002920  57 45 37 61 34 2f 57 45  37 61 35 3a 53 61 74 75  |WE7a4/WE7a5:Satu|
00002930  72 64 61 79 0a 0a 4d 52  31 3a 66 69 72 73 74 0a  |rday..MR1:first.|
00002940  4d 52 32 3a 73 65 63 6f  6e 64 0a 4d 52 33 3a 74  |MR2:second.MR3:t|
00002950  68 69 72 64 0a 4d 52 34  3a 66 6f 75 72 74 68 0a  |hird.MR4:fourth.|
00002960  4d 52 35 3a 66 69 66 74  68 0a 4d 52 36 3a 73 69  |MR5:fifth.MR6:si|
00002970  78 74 68 0a 4d 52 37 3a  73 65 76 65 6e 74 68 0a  |xth.MR7:seventh.|
00002980  4d 52 38 3a 65 69 67 68  74 68 0a 4d 52 39 3a 6e  |MR8:eighth.MR9:n|
00002990  69 6e 74 68 0a 4d 52 31  30 3a 74 65 6e 74 68 0a  |inth.MR10:tenth.|
000029a0  4d 52 31 31 3a 65 6c 65  76 65 6e 74 68 0a 4d 52  |MR11:eleventh.MR|
000029b0  31 32 3a 74 77 65 6c 66  74 68 0a                 |12:twelfth.|