Home » Recent acquisitions » Acorn ADFS disks » adfs_ArchimedesWorld_199207.adf » !Agressor » !AGGRESSOR/STORIES/story2


This website contains an archive of files for the Acorn Electron, BBC Micro, Acorn Archimedes, Commodore 16 and Commodore 64 computers, which Dominic Ford has rescued from his private collection of floppy disks and cassettes.

Some of these files were originally commercial releases in the 1980s and 1990s, but they are now widely available online. I assume that copyright over them is no longer being asserted. If you own the copyright and would like files to be removed, please contact me.

Tape/disk: Home » Recent acquisitions » Acorn ADFS disks » adfs_ArchimedesWorld_199207.adf » !Agressor
Filename: !AGGRESSOR/STORIES/story2
Read OK:
File size: 0293 bytes
Load address: 0000
Exec address: 0000
File contents
:ETADPU NOISSIM86PHCENILWEN!ecaps fo lortnoc ni ynapmoc ovarB"enrobecapS dn2 ehT .xnihpS resiurc'ts12 ehT .xonorK etagirf ecaps eht dloh$tuo gnipiw era noisivid repoortmrotS$resiurc eht no ecnatsiser fo stekcop#sah tinu rosserggA ts101 eht & reyM.xoV rethgierf eht dezies$eht ni gnivres nem 052 eht yldas tuB#gnikcatta elihw dehsirep noceR dn22"s'lessev eht nehw nyiR resiurc ehteht gnisuac derutpur sknat leuf.edolpxe ot pihs3PHCENILWEN:NOISSIM86PHCENILWEN$.yawegairraC stniaS no nwod gnihcuoT$htiw suovzedner ot sdrawtsae ecnavdA.noisivid enrobecapS dn2 eht3PHCENILWENDNEENILWENENILWENENILWENENILWENENILWEN
00000000  00 0f 3a 45 54 41 44 50  55 20 4e 4f 49 53 53 49  |..:ETADPU NOISSI|
00000010  4d 00 05 38 36 50 48 43  00 07 45 4e 49 4c 57 45  |M..86PHC..ENILWE|
00000020  4e 00 21 65 63 61 70 73  20 66 6f 20 6c 6f 72 74  |N.!ecaps fo lort|
00000030  6e 6f 63 20 6e 69 20 79  6e 61 70 6d 6f 63 20 6f  |noc ni ynapmoc o|
00000040  76 61 72 42 00 22 65 6e  72 6f 62 65 63 61 70 53  |varB."enrobecapS|
00000050  20 64 6e 32 20 65 68 54  20 2e 78 6e 69 68 70 53  | dn2 ehT .xnihpS|
00000060  20 72 65 73 69 75 72 63  00 27 74 73 31 32 20 65  | resiurc.'ts12 e|
00000070  68 54 20 2e 78 6f 6e 6f  72 4b 20 65 74 61 67 69  |hT .xonorK etagi|
00000080  72 66 20 65 63 61 70 73  20 65 68 74 20 64 6c 6f  |rf ecaps eht dlo|
00000090  68 00 24 74 75 6f 20 67  6e 69 70 69 77 20 65 72  |h.$tuo gnipiw er|
000000a0  61 20 6e 6f 69 73 69 76  69 64 20 72 65 70 6f 6f  |a noisivid repoo|
000000b0  72 74 6d 72 6f 74 53 00  24 72 65 73 69 75 72 63  |rtmrotS.$resiurc|
000000c0  20 65 68 74 20 6e 6f 20  65 63 6e 61 74 73 69 73  | eht no ecnatsis|
000000d0  65 72 20 66 6f 20 73 74  65 6b 63 6f 70 00 23 73  |er fo stekcop.#s|
000000e0  61 68 20 74 69 6e 75 20  72 6f 73 73 65 72 67 67  |ah tinu rossergg|
000000f0  41 20 74 73 31 30 31 20  65 68 74 20 26 20 72 65  |A ts101 eht & re|
00000100  79 4d 00 19 2e 78 6f 56  20 72 65 74 68 67 69 65  |yM...xoV rethgie|
00000110  72 66 20 65 68 74 20 64  65 7a 69 65 73 00 24 65  |rf eht dezies.$e|
00000120  68 74 20 6e 69 20 67 6e  69 76 72 65 73 20 6e 65  |ht ni gnivres ne|
00000130  6d 20 30 35 32 20 65 68  74 20 79 6c 64 61 73 20  |m 052 eht yldas |
00000140  74 75 42 00 23 67 6e 69  6b 63 61 74 74 61 20 65  |tuB.#gnikcatta e|
00000150  6c 69 68 77 20 64 65 68  73 69 72 65 70 20 6e 6f  |lihw dehsirep no|
00000160  63 65 52 20 64 6e 32 32  00 22 73 27 6c 65 73 73  |ceR dn22."s'less|
00000170  65 76 20 65 68 74 20 6e  65 68 77 20 6e 79 69 52  |ev eht nehw nyiR|
00000180  20 72 65 73 69 75 72 63  20 65 68 74 00 1f 65 68  | resiurc eht..eh|
00000190  74 20 67 6e 69 73 75 61  63 20 64 65 72 75 74 70  |t gnisuac derutp|
000001a0  75 72 20 73 6b 6e 61 74  20 6c 65 75 66 00 10 2e  |ur sknat leuf...|
000001b0  65 64 6f 6c 70 78 65 20  6f 74 20 70 69 68 73 00  |edolpxe ot pihs.|
000001c0  04 33 50 48 43 00 07 45  4e 49 4c 57 45 4e 00 08  |.3PHC..ENILWEN..|
000001d0  3a 4e 4f 49 53 53 49 4d  00 05 38 36 50 48 43 00  |:NOISSIM..86PHC.|
000001e0  07 45 4e 49 4c 57 45 4e  00 24 2e 79 61 77 65 67  |.ENILWEN.$.yaweg|
000001f0  61 69 72 72 61 43 20 73  74 6e 69 61 53 20 6e 6f  |airraC stniaS no|
00000200  20 6e 77 6f 64 20 67 6e  69 68 63 75 6f 54 00 24  | nwod gnihcuoT.$|
00000210  68 74 69 77 20 73 75 6f  76 7a 65 64 6e 65 72 20  |htiw suovzedner |
00000220  6f 74 20 73 64 72 61 77  74 73 61 65 20 65 63 6e  |ot sdrawtsae ecn|
00000230  61 76 64 41 00 1c 2e 6e  6f 69 73 69 76 69 64 20  |avdA...noisivid |
00000240  65 6e 72 6f 62 65 63 61  70 53 20 64 6e 32 20 65  |enrobecapS dn2 e|
00000250  68 74 00 04 33 50 48 43  00 07 45 4e 49 4c 57 45  |ht..3PHC..ENILWE|
00000260  4e 00 03 44 4e 45 00 07  45 4e 49 4c 57 45 4e 00  |N..DNE..ENILWEN.|
00000270  07 45 4e 49 4c 57 45 4e  00 07 45 4e 49 4c 57 45  |.ENILWEN..ENILWE|
00000280  4e 00 07 45 4e 49 4c 57  45 4e 00 07 45 4e 49 4c  |N..ENILWEN..ENIL|
00000290  57 45 4e                                          |WEN|