Home » Personal collection » Acorn tapes » Electron_User » Electron_User_tape27b_acorn_eu_1991_september.wav » Veg2


This website contains an archive of files for the Acorn Electron, BBC Micro, Acorn Archimedes, Commodore 16 and Commodore 64 computers, which Dominic Ford has rescued from his private collection of floppy disks and cassettes.

Some of these files were originally commercial releases in the 1980s and 1990s, but they are now widely available online. I assume that copyright over them is no longer being asserted. If you own the copyright and would like files to be removed, please contact me.

Tape/disk: Home » Personal collection » Acorn tapes » Electron_User » Electron_User_tape27b_acorn_eu_1991_september.wav
Filename: Veg2
Read OK:
File size: 19A2 bytes
Load address: FFFF1A00
Exec address: FFFF8023

There are 2 duplicate copies of this file in the archive:

File contents
    1 IFPAGE<>&E00GOTO32000
    2 CLEAR:?&E04=244
   10 REM > <BasicSave$Dir>.Veg2
   20 REM by Mike Goldberg
   30 REM (c) The Micro User
   40 PROCobs
   50 REPEAT
   60 PROCmenu
   70 UNTIL0
   80 DEFPROCobs
   90 wi%=0:name$="":i$="in":r%=4800:DIMP$(3),sort$(3),o$(4):P$(1)="Pick":P$(2)="Lift":P$(3)="Cutt":sort$(1)="ROOT":sort$(2)="BRASSICA":sort$(3)="OTHER":K$=CHR$18+CHR$0:L$=CHR$8+CHR$10:o$(1)=K$+CHR$3+CHR$224+L$+CHR$225
  100 o$(2)=K$+CHR$3+CHR$32+L$+CHR$226:o$(3)=K$+CHR$3+CHR$227+L$+K$+CHR$2+CHR$228:o$(4)=K$+CHR$2+CHR$32+L$+CHR$229:K$=CHR$18+CHR$3+CHR$2:pr$=K$+CHR$235+CHR$236:sh$=K$+CHR$237+CHR$238
  110 ak$=K$+CHR$239+CHR$240+CHR$241:s$=CHR$230
  130 DEFPROCkey
  140 VDU4,28,1,30,38,22:COLOUR128:CLS:VDU28,3,30,38,22:COLOUR0:COLOUR130:CLS:VDU5:J%=1:FORI%=320TO128STEP-64:MOVE48,I%:PRINTo$(J%):J%=J%+1:NEXT:VDU4:PRINTTAB(32)"KEY":PRINT"Outdoors under a Cloche":PRINT'"Indoors under glass"
  150 PRINT'"Transplant seedling + CLOCHE":PRINT'"Transplant seedling":GOSUB860:VDU4,26:COLOUR128:G=GET:GOSUB860
  170 DEFPROCmenu
  180 GOSUB870:CLS:PRINTTAB(32)"MENU":PRINT"K = KEY to Symbols":PRINT'"S = SEARCH for VEG":PRINT'"L = LIST of VEG":IFname$<>""PRINT'"T = TEXT"
  200 IFINKEY-36ANDname$<>""RESTOREr%+100:PROCtext:ENDPROC
  220 IFINKEY-82PROClook
  240 DEFPROClook
  250 CLS:INPUT"Which veg? "v$:r%=4800:v$=LEFT$(v$,4):REPEAT:r%=r%+200:RESTOREr%:READname$ :UNTILLEFT$(name$,4)=v$ORname$="END"
  260 IFname$="END"PRINT"No record!":GOSUB860:G=GET:GOSUB860:name$="":ENDPROC
  270 IFwi%=1PROCwipe
  280 RESTOREr%:PROCveg
  300 DEFPROClist:CLS
  310 or%=r%:r%=4800:t%=0:REPEAT:t%=t%+1:r%=r%+200:RESTOREr%:READf$:IFf$<>"END"PRINTf$;":";
  320 IF(t%MOD3)=0PRINT'
  330 UNTILf$="END":GOSUB860:G=GET:GOSUB860:r%=or%
  350 DEFPROCveg
  360 wi%=1:VDU4,26:READname$,sort%,z%:COLOUR3:COLOUR129:PRINTTAB(0,0)name$;":";:COLOUR1:COLOUR131:PRINT;sort$(sort%):COLOUR3:COLOUR128:PRINTTAB(0,3)SPC12TAB(0,5)SPC12:IFz%=0PRINTTAB(6,3)"Sowing"TAB(4,5)"Planting"
  370 IFz%=1PRINTTAB(0,5)"Sowing (IN)"TAB(0,3)"Sowing (OUT)"
  380 READsow%,plant%,pick%:COLOUR3:COLOUR128:PRINTTAB(5,7)P$(pick%)
  390 IFsow%>0y%=868:GOSUB820
  400 IFplant%>0y%=804:GOSUB820
  410 IFpick%>0y%=740:GOSUB820
  420 VDU5:y%=928:READN%:IFN%>0GOSUB830
  430 y%=864:READN%:IFN%>0GOSUB830
  440 READc%:IFc%=1PROCsc(1,1,0)
  450 READa$,b$,c$:PROCd
  470 DEFPROCfill
  480 GCOL0,1:FORJ%=s%TOf%STEP4:MOVEJ%,y%:IF(J%MOD64)<>0PLOT1,0,56
  490 NEXT
  510 DEFPROCsc(k%,l%,m%)
  520 VDU4:COLOURl%:PRINTTAB(34,11)"Cover"TAB(35,12)"with"TAB(35,13)"Soil":GCOL0,k%:X%=880:FORJ%=672TO544STEP-4:MOVEX%,J%:PLOT1,128,0:X%=X%+1:NEXT:GCOL0,m%:MOVEX%,J%+4:PLOT1,128,0:GCOL0,k%:MOVEX%,J%:PLOT1,64,-64:PLOT81,64,64:GCOL3,2
  530 MOVE1112,632:PLOT1,-128,-128
  550 DEFPROCd
  560 VDU5:GCOL3,2:MOVE704,400:PRINTa$;i$:GCOL3,3:MOVE228,424:PRINTb$;i$:GCOL3,2:MOVE664,520:PRINTc$
  580 DEFPROCtext
  590 VDU5:MOVE576,32:PRINTpr$;" ";sh$:GOSUB870:CLS:VDU14
  600 REPEAT
  610 READW$:IFW$="X"GOTO680
  620 L%=LENW$
  630 FORI%=1TOL%
  640 Q$=MID$(W$,I%,1)
  650 IFQ$=" "Q%=INSTR(W$,Q$,I%+1):V%=Q%-I%:IFPOS+V%>=38PRINT':GOTO670
  660 IFQ$="'"Q$=CHR$34:PRINT;Q$;:ELSEPRINT;MID$(W$,I%,1);
  680 UNTILW$="X":VDU15,5:MOVE576,32:PRINTpr$;" ";sh$:*FX15
  690 GOSUB860:G=GET:GOSUB860
  710 DEFPROCwipe
  720 VDU4,28,1,30,38,22:COLOUR130:CLS:VDU26:COLOUR128
  730 IFc%=1PROCsc(2,0,2):GOSUB840
  750 FORI%=384TO1152STEP4
  760 MOVEI%,740
  770 IF(I%MOD64)=0GCOL0,2:ELSEGCOL0,0
  780 PLOT1,0,184
  790 NEXT
  800 FORJ%=800TO864STEP64:MOVE384,J%:PLOT1,768,0:NEXT
  830 FORI%=1TON%:READo%,x%:MOVEx%,y%:PRINTo$(o%):NEXT:RETURN
  840 VDU24,384;352;1152;672;:GCOL0,0:X%=544:a%=64:FORJ%=736TO544STEP-8:MOVE1536-X%,J%:PLOT1,-a%,-a%:PLOT1,-a%,a%:MOVE1536-X%,J%-4:PLOT1,-a%,-a%:X%=X%-2:NEXT:VDU26
  850 VDU5:GCOL0,3:I%=918:FORJ%=668TO476STEP-96:MOVEI%,J%:PRINTs$:I%=I%+24:NEXT:RETURN
  860 VDU5:MOVE576,32:PRINTpr$;" ";ak$:RETURN
  870 VDU4,28,1,30,38,22:COLOUR0:COLOUR130:RETURN
 5000 DATACABBAGE,2,0,1,1,3,1,800,864,1,928,992,1,576,704,0,0,1,6,0.5,thinly
 5100 DATAPlant seedlings 3' apart in rows 15' between rows. Plant firmly & water well. Apply liquid comfrey manure when heads begin to mature. Earth up stems of spring cabbage in autumn.,X
 5200 DATACARROT,1,0,1,0,2,1,576,768,1,768,1024,1,1,512,0,1,6,0.5,thinly
 5300 DATASoil must be deep & fertile but do not manure beforehand - if your soil is heavy grow stump rooted varieties. Thin carefully in the evenings to deter carrot fly - planting alternate rows of onions helps.,X
 5400 DATAPOTATO,1,0,0,1,2,1,560,640,1,768,960,0,0,1,24,5,12in
 5500 DATAWhen plant is 9' high earth up to 6' high to avoid greening of potatoes water in dry weather when tubers begin to form.,X
 5600 DATABROCCOLI,2,0,1,1,3,1,608,672,1,736,800,2,448,656,832,992,0,0,1,12,0.5,12in
 5700 DATAThin seedlings to prevent weak plants. 12' between plants & 12' between rows. Grow in heavily manured soil. Net against pigeons. Feed with liquid manure. Broccoli matures the year after planting.,X
 5800 DATASPROUT,2,0,1,1,1,1,544,608,1,672,736,2,384,496,960,1152,1,1,512,0,1,6,0.5,thinly
 5900 DATAThin seedlngs gradually to prevent weak growth until plants are 18' apart. Main cause of failure is lack of manure & planting in loose soil. Stake plants if necessary to protect from wind and earth up as required
 5901 DATAfor more stability.,X
 6000 DATACAULIFLOWER,2,0,1,1,3,1,576,672,1,736,832,1,512,1088,0,0,1,6,0.5,thinly
 6100 DATAThin seedlings to 3' apart & rows 24' apart. Water & feed well - bend leaves over curds to protect from sun. Caulis need well compacted soil - heavily manured - lime if necessary.,X
 6200 DATARUNNER BEAN,2,1,1,0,1,1,672,752,1,832,992,0,2,2,640,4,704,0,18,2,9in
 6300 DATAVery hungry crop needing lots of manure & liquid feed. Mulch to conserve moisture. Remove growing points when plants reach the top of the supports.,X
 6400 DATAONION,3,1,1,0,2,2,496,560,832,896,1,784,944,0,2,2,432,4,576,1,9,0.5,thinly
 6500 DATAThin seedlings 1st to 2' apart & 2nd to 4' apart. Remove thinnings carefully to deter onion fly. Transplant seedling raised under glass to 4' apart 9' between rows. Mulch well to cut down need for water & feed occasionally.
 6501 DATABreak off flower stems which appear - stop watering when onions are swollen.,X
 6600 DATALETTUCE,3,0,1,0,3,1,560,800,1,736,992,2,2,448,3,512,0,1,12,0.5,thinly
 6700 DATALettuce like well manured soil - non acid & plenty of water. Avoid overcrowding thin as soon as first leaves appear. Lettuces dislike being transplanted - sow seed where they are to grow.
 6701 DATAWater in the morning to lessen chances of disease.,X
 6800 DATACALABRESE,2,0,1,1,3,1,608,672,1,736,800,2,448,656,832,992,0,0,1,6,0.5,thinly
 6900 DATAThin seedlings to prevent weak plants. 12' between plants & 12' between rows. Grow in heavily manured soil. Net against pigeons. Feed with liquid manure. Unlike Broccoli- although the same family- Calabrese matures the same year
 6901 DATAas planting.,X
 7000 DATALEEK,3,0,1,1,2,1,544,608,1,704,784,2,384,608,1024,1152,3,2,432,2,448,4,624,0,1,6,0.5,thinly
 7100 DATADig in well rotted manure. Transplant seedlings when approx 8' high. Make 6' holes with dibber - place leek in & fill with WATER (not soil). Keep well watered feeding with comfrey liquid manure.Generally pest & disease free.,X
 7200 DATASWEETCORN,3,1,1,0,1,1,688,704,1,864,928,1,1,656,2,2,624,4,704,0,18,1,18in
 7300 DATAPlant 2 seeds in blocks l8' between transplants (not in rows) to aid pollination. Water well. Roots will appear at bottom of plant - draw earth up to cover. Plant in full sun to ensure ripe cobs.,X
32000 *TAPE
32010 I%!&E00=I%!PAGE:NEXT
32015 ?&13=?&13-(PAGE-&E00)DIV256
32020 PAGE=&E00:RUN

 � > <BasicSave$Dir>.Veg2
 � by Mike Goldberg
 � (c) The Micro User
(	 �obs
2 �
F �0
Z� wi%=0:name$="":i$="in":r%=4800:�P$(3),sort$(3),o$(4):P$(1)="Pick":P$(2)="Lift":P$(3)="Cutt":sort$(1)="ROOT":sort$(2)="BRASSICA":sort$(3)="OTHER":K$=�18+�0:L$=�8+�10:o$(1)=K$+�3+�224+L$+�225
d� o$(2)=K$+�3+�32+L$+�226:o$(3)=K$+�3+�227+L$+K$+�2+�228:o$(4)=K$+�2+�32+L$+�229:K$=�18+�3+�2:pr$=K$+�235+�236:sh$=K$+�237+�238
n" ak$=K$+�239+�240+�241:s$=�230
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�X �'"Transplant seedling + CLOCHE":�'"Transplant seedling":�D\C:�4,26:�128:G=�:�D\C
� �
� ��menu
�p �DfC:�:�32)"MENU":�"K = KEY to Symbols":�'"S = SEARCH for VEG":�'"L = LIST of VEG":�name$<>""�'"T = TEXT"
� G=�:�-87�list:�
�# �-36�name$<>""�r%+100:�text:�
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9 �name$="END"�"No record!":�D\C:G=�:�D\C:name$="":�

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r0 �z%=1�0,5)"Sowing (IN)"�0,3)"Sowing (OUT)"
|/ �sow%,plant%,pick%:�3:�128:�5,7)P$(pick%)
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 & �J%=800�864�64:�384,J%:�1,768,0:�
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R; �5:�0,3:I%=918:�J%=668�476�-96:�I%,J%:�s$:I%=I%+24:�:�
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�H �CABBAGE,2,0,1,1,3,1,800,864,1,928,992,1,576,704,0,0,1,6,0.5,thinly
� �Plant seedlings 3' apart in rows 15' between rows. Plant firmly & water well. Apply liquid comfrey manure when heads begin to mature. Earth up stems of spring cabbage in autumn.,X
PD �CARROT,1,0,1,0,2,1,576,768,1,768,1024,1,1,512,0,1,6,0.5,thinly
�� �Soil must be deep & fertile but do not manure beforehand - if your soil is heavy grow stump rooted varieties. Thin carefully in the evenings to deter carrot fly - planting alternate rows of onions helps.,X
: �POTATO,1,0,0,1,2,1,560,640,1,768,960,0,0,1,24,5,12in
| �When plant is 9' high earth up to 6' high to avoid greening of potatoes water in dry weather when tubers begin to form.,X
�P �BROCCOLI,2,0,1,1,3,1,608,672,1,736,800,2,448,656,832,992,0,0,1,12,0.5,12in
D� �Thin seedlings to prevent weak plants. 12' between plants & 12' between rows. Grow in heavily manured soil. Net against pigeons. Feed with liquid manure. Broccoli matures the year after planting.,X
�V �SPROUT,2,0,1,1,1,1,544,608,1,672,736,2,384,496,960,1152,1,1,512,0,1,6,0.5,thinly
� �Thin seedlngs gradually to prevent weak growth until plants are 18' apart. Main cause of failure is lack of manure & planting in loose soil. Stake plants if necessary to protect from wind and earth up as required

 �for more stability.,X
pM �CAULIFLOWER,2,0,1,1,3,1,576,672,1,736,832,1,512,1088,0,0,1,6,0.5,thinly
Ի �Thin seedlings to 3' apart & rows 24' apart. Water & feed well - bend leaves over curds to protect from sun. Caulis need well compacted soil - heavily manured - lime if necessary.,X
8J �RUNNER BEAN,2,1,1,0,1,1,672,752,1,832,992,0,2,2,640,4,704,0,18,2,9in
�� �Very hungry crop needing lots of manure & liquid feed. Mulch to conserve moisture. Remove growing points when plants reach the top of the supports.,X
P �ONION,3,1,1,0,2,2,496,560,832,896,1,784,944,0,2,2,432,4,576,1,9,0.5,thinly
d� �Thin seedlings 1st to 2' apart & 2nd to 4' apart. Remove thinnings carefully to deter onion fly. Transplant seedling raised under glass to 4' apart 9' between rows. Mulch well to cut down need for water & feed occasionally.
eT �Break off flower stems which appear - stop watering when onions are swollen.,X
�K �LETTUCE,3,0,1,0,3,1,560,800,1,736,992,2,2,448,3,512,0,1,12,0.5,thinly
,� �Lettuce like well manured soil - non acid & plenty of water. Avoid overcrowding thin as soon as first leaves appear. Lettuces dislike being transplanted - sow seed where they are to grow.
-: �Water in the morning to lessen chances of disease.,X
�R �CALABRESE,2,0,1,1,3,1,608,672,1,736,800,2,448,656,832,992,0,0,1,6,0.5,thinly
�� �Thin seedlings to prevent weak plants. 12' between plants & 12' between rows. Grow in heavily manured soil. Net against pigeons. Feed with liquid manure. Unlike Broccoli- although the same family- Calabrese matures the same year
� �as planting.,X
Xa �LEEK,3,0,1,1,2,1,544,608,1,704,784,2,384,608,1024,1152,3,2,432,2,448,4,624,0,1,6,0.5,thinly
�� �Dig in well rotted manure. Transplant seedlings when approx 8' high. Make 6' holes with dibber - place leek in & fill with WATER (not soil). Keep well watered feeding with comfrey liquid manure.Generally pest & disease free.,X
 O �SWEETCORN,3,1,1,0,1,1,688,704,1,864,928,1,1,656,2,2,624,4,704,0,18,1,18in
�� �Plant 2 seeds in blocks l8' between transplants (not in rows) to aid pollination. Water well. Roots will appear at bottom of plant - draw earth up to cover. Plant in full sun to ensure ripe cobs.,X
�	 �END
} �I%=0� �P-� �4
} ?&13=?&13-(�-&E00)�256
00000000  0d 00 01 12 20 e7 90 3c  3e 26 45 30 30 e5 8d 50  |.... ..<>&E00..P|
00000010  40 7d 0d 00 02 10 20 d8  3a 3f 26 45 30 34 3d 32  |@}.... .:?&E04=2|
00000020  34 34 0d 00 0a 1d 20 f4  20 3e 20 3c 42 61 73 69  |44.... . > <Basi|
00000030  63 53 61 76 65 24 44 69  72 3e 2e 56 65 67 32 0d  |cSave$Dir>.Veg2.|
00000040  00 14 17 20 f4 20 62 79  20 4d 69 6b 65 20 47 6f  |... . by Mike Go|
00000050  6c 64 62 65 72 67 0d 00  1e 19 20 f4 20 28 63 29  |ldberg.... . (c)|
00000060  20 54 68 65 20 4d 69 63  72 6f 20 55 73 65 72 0d  | The Micro User.|
00000070  00 28 09 20 f2 6f 62 73  0d 00 32 06 20 f5 0d 00  |.(. .obs..2. ...|
00000080  3c 0a 20 f2 6d 65 6e 75  0d 00 46 07 20 fd 30 0d  |<. .menu..F. .0.|
00000090  00 50 0a 20 dd f2 6f 62  73 0d 00 5a c2 20 77 69  |.P. ..obs..Z. wi|
000000a0  25 3d 30 3a 6e 61 6d 65  24 3d 22 22 3a 69 24 3d  |%=0:name$="":i$=|
000000b0  22 69 6e 22 3a 72 25 3d  34 38 30 30 3a de 50 24  |"in":r%=4800:.P$|
000000c0  28 33 29 2c 73 6f 72 74  24 28 33 29 2c 6f 24 28  |(3),sort$(3),o$(|
000000d0  34 29 3a 50 24 28 31 29  3d 22 50 69 63 6b 22 3a  |4):P$(1)="Pick":|
000000e0  50 24 28 32 29 3d 22 4c  69 66 74 22 3a 50 24 28  |P$(2)="Lift":P$(|
000000f0  33 29 3d 22 43 75 74 74  22 3a 73 6f 72 74 24 28  |3)="Cutt":sort$(|
00000100  31 29 3d 22 52 4f 4f 54  22 3a 73 6f 72 74 24 28  |1)="ROOT":sort$(|
00000110  32 29 3d 22 42 52 41 53  53 49 43 41 22 3a 73 6f  |2)="BRASSICA":so|
00000120  72 74 24 28 33 29 3d 22  4f 54 48 45 52 22 3a 4b  |rt$(3)="OTHER":K|
00000130  24 3d bd 31 38 2b bd 30  3a 4c 24 3d bd 38 2b bd  |$=.18+.0:L$=.8+.|
00000140  31 30 3a 6f 24 28 31 29  3d 4b 24 2b bd 33 2b bd  |10:o$(1)=K$+.3+.|
00000150  32 32 34 2b 4c 24 2b bd  32 32 35 0d 00 64 82 20  |224+L$+.225..d. |
00000160  6f 24 28 32 29 3d 4b 24  2b bd 33 2b bd 33 32 2b  |o$(2)=K$+.3+.32+|
00000170  4c 24 2b bd 32 32 36 3a  6f 24 28 33 29 3d 4b 24  |L$+.226:o$(3)=K$|
00000180  2b bd 33 2b bd 32 32 37  2b 4c 24 2b 4b 24 2b bd  |+.3+.227+L$+K$+.|
00000190  32 2b bd 32 32 38 3a 6f  24 28 34 29 3d 4b 24 2b  |2+.228:o$(4)=K$+|
000001a0  bd 32 2b bd 33 32 2b 4c  24 2b bd 32 32 39 3a 4b  |.2+.32+L$+.229:K|
000001b0  24 3d bd 31 38 2b bd 33  2b bd 32 3a 70 72 24 3d  |$=.18+.3+.2:pr$=|
000001c0  4b 24 2b bd 32 33 35 2b  bd 32 33 36 3a 73 68 24  |K$+.235+.236:sh$|
000001d0  3d 4b 24 2b bd 32 33 37  2b bd 32 33 38 0d 00 6e  |=K$+.237+.238..n|
000001e0  22 20 61 6b 24 3d 4b 24  2b bd 32 33 39 2b bd 32  |" ak$=K$+.239+.2|
000001f0  34 30 2b bd 32 34 31 3a  73 24 3d bd 32 33 30 0d  |40+.241:s$=.230.|
00000200  00 78 06 20 e1 0d 00 82  0a 20 dd f2 6b 65 79 0d  |.x. ..... ..key.|
00000210  00 8c a7 20 ef 34 2c 32  38 2c 31 2c 33 30 2c 33  |... .4,28,1,30,3|
00000220  38 2c 32 32 3a fb 31 32  38 3a db 3a ef 32 38 2c  |8,22:.128:.:.28,|
00000230  33 2c 33 30 2c 33 38 2c  32 32 3a fb 30 3a fb 31  |3,30,38,22:.0:.1|
00000240  33 30 3a db 3a ef 35 3a  4a 25 3d 31 3a e3 49 25  |30:.:.5:J%=1:.I%|
00000250  3d 33 32 30 b8 31 32 38  88 2d 36 34 3a ec 34 38  |=320.128.-64:.48|
00000260  2c 49 25 3a f1 6f 24 28  4a 25 29 3a 4a 25 3d 4a  |,I%:.o$(J%):J%=J|
00000270  25 2b 31 3a ed 3a ef 34  3a f1 8a 33 32 29 22 4b  |%+1:.:.4:..32)"K|
00000280  45 59 22 3a f1 22 4f 75  74 64 6f 6f 72 73 20 75  |EY":."Outdoors u|
00000290  6e 64 65 72 20 61 20 43  6c 6f 63 68 65 22 3a f1  |nder a Cloche":.|
000002a0  27 22 49 6e 64 6f 6f 72  73 20 75 6e 64 65 72 20  |'"Indoors under |
000002b0  67 6c 61 73 73 22 0d 00  96 58 20 f1 27 22 54 72  |glass"...X .'"Tr|
000002c0  61 6e 73 70 6c 61 6e 74  20 73 65 65 64 6c 69 6e  |ansplant seedlin|
000002d0  67 20 2b 20 43 4c 4f 43  48 45 22 3a f1 27 22 54  |g + CLOCHE":.'"T|
000002e0  72 61 6e 73 70 6c 61 6e  74 20 73 65 65 64 6c 69  |ransplant seedli|
000002f0  6e 67 22 3a e4 8d 44 5c  43 3a ef 34 2c 32 36 3a  |ng":..D\C:.4,26:|
00000300  fb 31 32 38 3a 47 3d a5  3a e4 8d 44 5c 43 0d 00  |.128:G=.:..D\C..|
00000310  a0 06 20 e1 0d 00 aa 0b  20 dd f2 6d 65 6e 75 0d  |.. ..... ..menu.|
00000320  00 b4 70 20 e4 8d 44 66  43 3a db 3a f1 8a 33 32  |..p ..DfC:.:..32|
00000330  29 22 4d 45 4e 55 22 3a  f1 22 4b 20 3d 20 4b 45  |)"MENU":."K = KE|
00000340  59 20 74 6f 20 53 79 6d  62 6f 6c 73 22 3a f1 27  |Y to Symbols":.'|
00000350  22 53 20 3d 20 53 45 41  52 43 48 20 66 6f 72 20  |"S = SEARCH for |
00000360  56 45 47 22 3a f1 27 22  4c 20 3d 20 4c 49 53 54  |VEG":.'"L = LIST|
00000370  20 6f 66 20 56 45 47 22  3a e7 6e 61 6d 65 24 3c  | of VEG":.name$<|
00000380  3e 22 22 f1 27 22 54 20  3d 20 54 45 58 54 22 0d  |>"".'"T = TEXT".|
00000390  00 be 15 20 47 3d a5 3a  e7 a6 2d 38 37 f2 6c 69  |... G=.:..-87.li|
000003a0  73 74 3a e1 0d 00 c8 23  20 e7 a6 2d 33 36 80 6e  |st:....# ..-36.n|
000003b0  61 6d 65 24 3c 3e 22 22  f7 72 25 2b 31 30 30 3a  |ame$<>"".r%+100:|
000003c0  f2 74 65 78 74 3a e1 0d  00 d2 10 20 e7 a6 2d 37  |.text:..... ..-7|
000003d0  31 f2 6b 65 79 3a e1 0d  00 dc 0f 20 e7 a6 2d 38  |1.key:..... ..-8|
000003e0  32 f2 6c 6f 6f 6b 0d 00  e6 06 20 e1 0d 00 f0 0b  |2.look.... .....|
000003f0  20 dd f2 6c 6f 6f 6b 0d  00 fa 5b 20 db 3a e8 22  | ..look...[ .:."|
00000400  57 68 69 63 68 20 76 65  67 3f 20 22 76 24 3a 72  |Which veg? "v$:r|
00000410  25 3d 34 38 30 30 3a 76  24 3d c0 76 24 2c 34 29  |%=4800:v$=.v$,4)|
00000420  3a f5 3a 72 25 3d 72 25  2b 32 30 30 3a f7 72 25  |:.:r%=r%+200:.r%|
00000430  3a f3 6e 61 6d 65 24 20  3a fd c0 6e 61 6d 65 24  |:.name$ :..name$|
00000440  2c 34 29 3d 76 24 84 6e  61 6d 65 24 3d 22 45 4e  |,4)=v$.name$="EN|
00000450  44 22 0d 01 04 39 20 e7  6e 61 6d 65 24 3d 22 45  |D"...9 .name$="E|
00000460  4e 44 22 f1 22 4e 6f 20  72 65 63 6f 72 64 21 22  |ND"."No record!"|
00000470  3a e4 8d 44 5c 43 3a 47  3d a5 3a e4 8d 44 5c 43  |:..D\C:G=.:..D\C|
00000480  3a 6e 61 6d 65 24 3d 22  22 3a e1 0d 01 0e 10 20  |:name$="":..... |
00000490  e7 77 69 25 3d 31 f2 77  69 70 65 0d 01 18 0d 20  |.wi%=1.wipe.... |
000004a0  f7 72 25 3a f2 76 65 67  0d 01 22 06 20 e1 0d 01  |.r%:.veg..". ...|
000004b0  2c 0d 20 dd f2 6c 69 73  74 3a db 0d 01 36 47 20  |,. ..list:...6G |
000004c0  6f 72 25 3d 72 25 3a 72  25 3d 34 38 30 30 3a 74  |or%=r%:r%=4800:t|
000004d0  25 3d 30 3a f5 3a 74 25  3d 74 25 2b 31 3a 72 25  |%=0:.:t%=t%+1:r%|
000004e0  3d 72 25 2b 32 30 30 3a  f7 72 25 3a f3 66 24 3a  |=r%+200:.r%:.f$:|
000004f0  e7 66 24 3c 3e 22 45 4e  44 22 f1 66 24 3b 22 3a  |.f$<>"END".f$;":|
00000500  22 3b 0d 01 40 10 20 e7  28 74 25 83 33 29 3d 30  |";..@. .(t%.3)=0|
00000510  f1 27 0d 01 4a 25 20 fd  66 24 3d 22 45 4e 44 22  |.'..J% .f$="END"|
00000520  3a e4 8d 44 5c 43 3a 47  3d a5 3a e4 8d 44 5c 43  |:..D\C:G=.:..D\C|
00000530  3a 72 25 3d 6f 72 25 0d  01 54 06 20 e1 0d 01 5e  |:r%=or%..T. ...^|
00000540  0a 20 dd f2 76 65 67 0d  01 68 8d 20 77 69 25 3d  |. ..veg..h. wi%=|
00000550  31 3a ef 34 2c 32 36 3a  f3 6e 61 6d 65 24 2c 73  |1:.4,26:.name$,s|
00000560  6f 72 74 25 2c 7a 25 3a  fb 33 3a fb 31 32 39 3a  |ort%,z%:.3:.129:|
00000570  f1 8a 30 2c 30 29 6e 61  6d 65 24 3b 22 3a 22 3b  |..0,0)name$;":";|
00000580  3a fb 31 3a fb 31 33 31  3a f1 3b 73 6f 72 74 24  |:.1:.131:.;sort$|
00000590  28 73 6f 72 74 25 29 3a  fb 33 3a fb 31 32 38 3a  |(sort%):.3:.128:|
000005a0  f1 8a 30 2c 33 29 89 31  32 8a 30 2c 35 29 89 31  |..0,3).12.0,5).1|
000005b0  32 3a e7 7a 25 3d 30 f1  8a 36 2c 33 29 22 53 6f  |2:.z%=0..6,3)"So|
000005c0  77 69 6e 67 22 8a 34 2c  35 29 22 50 6c 61 6e 74  |wing".4,5)"Plant|
000005d0  69 6e 67 22 0d 01 72 30  20 e7 7a 25 3d 31 f1 8a  |ing"..r0 .z%=1..|
000005e0  30 2c 35 29 22 53 6f 77  69 6e 67 20 28 49 4e 29  |0,5)"Sowing (IN)|
000005f0  22 8a 30 2c 33 29 22 53  6f 77 69 6e 67 20 28 4f  |".0,3)"Sowing (O|
00000600  55 54 29 22 0d 01 7c 2f  20 f3 73 6f 77 25 2c 70  |UT)"..|/ .sow%,p|
00000610  6c 61 6e 74 25 2c 70 69  63 6b 25 3a fb 33 3a fb  |lant%,pick%:.3:.|
00000620  31 32 38 3a f1 8a 35 2c  37 29 50 24 28 70 69 63  |128:..5,7)P$(pic|
00000630  6b 25 29 0d 01 86 18 20  e7 73 6f 77 25 3e 30 79  |k%).... .sow%>0y|
00000640  25 3d 38 36 38 3a e4 8d  54 74 43 0d 01 90 1a 20  |%=868:..TtC.... |
00000650  e7 70 6c 61 6e 74 25 3e  30 79 25 3d 38 30 34 3a  |.plant%>0y%=804:|
00000660  e4 8d 54 74 43 0d 01 9a  19 20 e7 70 69 63 6b 25  |..TtC.... .pick%|
00000670  3e 30 79 25 3d 37 34 30  3a e4 8d 54 74 43 0d 01  |>0y%=740:..TtC..|
00000680  a4 1d 20 ef 35 3a 79 25  3d 39 32 38 3a f3 4e 25  |.. .5:y%=928:.N%|
00000690  3a e7 4e 25 3e 30 e4 8d  54 7e 43 0d 01 ae 1a 20  |:.N%>0..T~C.... |
000006a0  79 25 3d 38 36 34 3a f3  4e 25 3a e7 4e 25 3e 30  |y%=864:.N%:.N%>0|
000006b0  e4 8d 54 7e 43 0d 01 b8  18 20 f3 63 25 3a e7 63  |..T~C.... .c%:.c|
000006c0  25 3d 31 f2 73 63 28 31  2c 31 2c 30 29 0d 01 c2  |%=1.sc(1,1,0)...|
000006d0  11 20 f3 61 24 2c 62 24  2c 63 24 3a f2 64 0d 01  |. .a$,b$,c$:.d..|
000006e0  cc 06 20 e1 0d 01 d6 0b  20 dd f2 66 69 6c 6c 0d  |.. ..... ..fill.|
000006f0  01 e0 2f 20 e6 30 2c 31  3a e3 4a 25 3d 73 25 b8  |../ .0,1:.J%=s%.|
00000700  66 25 88 34 3a ec 4a 25  2c 79 25 3a e7 28 4a 25  |f%.4:.J%,y%:.(J%|
00000710  83 36 34 29 3c 3e 30 f0  31 2c 30 2c 35 36 0d 01  |.64)<>0.1,0,56..|
00000720  ea 06 20 ed 0d 01 f4 06  20 e1 0d 01 fe 13 20 dd  |.. ..... ..... .|
00000730  f2 73 63 28 6b 25 2c 6c  25 2c 6d 25 29 0d 02 08  |.sc(k%,l%,m%)...|
00000740  a9 20 ef 34 3a fb 6c 25  3a f1 8a 33 34 2c 31 31  |. .4:.l%:..34,11|
00000750  29 22 43 6f 76 65 72 22  8a 33 35 2c 31 32 29 22  |)"Cover".35,12)"|
00000760  77 69 74 68 22 8a 33 35  2c 31 33 29 22 53 6f 69  |with".35,13)"Soi|
00000770  6c 22 3a e6 30 2c 6b 25  3a 58 25 3d 38 38 30 3a  |l":.0,k%:X%=880:|
00000780  e3 4a 25 3d 36 37 32 b8  35 34 34 88 2d 34 3a ec  |.J%=672.544.-4:.|
00000790  58 25 2c 4a 25 3a f0 31  2c 31 32 38 2c 30 3a 58  |X%,J%:.1,128,0:X|
000007a0  25 3d 58 25 2b 31 3a ed  3a e6 30 2c 6d 25 3a ec  |%=X%+1:.:.0,m%:.|
000007b0  58 25 2c 4a 25 2b 34 3a  f0 31 2c 31 32 38 2c 30  |X%,J%+4:.1,128,0|
000007c0  3a e6 30 2c 6b 25 3a ec  58 25 2c 4a 25 3a f0 31  |:.0,k%:.X%,J%:.1|
000007d0  2c 36 34 2c 2d 36 34 3a  f0 38 31 2c 36 34 2c 36  |,64,-64:.81,64,6|
000007e0  34 3a e6 33 2c 32 0d 02  12 1b 20 ec 31 31 31 32  |4:.3,2.... .1112|
000007f0  2c 36 33 32 3a f0 31 2c  2d 31 32 38 2c 2d 31 32  |,632:.1,-128,-12|
00000800  38 0d 02 1c 06 20 e1 0d  02 26 08 20 dd f2 64 0d  |8.... ...&. ..d.|
00000810  02 30 43 20 ef 35 3a e6  33 2c 32 3a ec 37 30 34  |.0C .5:.3,2:.704|
00000820  2c 34 30 30 3a f1 61 24  3b 69 24 3a e6 33 2c 33  |,400:.a$;i$:.3,3|
00000830  3a ec 32 32 38 2c 34 32  34 3a f1 62 24 3b 69 24  |:.228,424:.b$;i$|
00000840  3a e6 33 2c 32 3a ec 36  36 34 2c 35 32 30 3a f1  |:.3,2:.664,520:.|
00000850  63 24 0d 02 3a 06 20 e1  0d 02 44 0b 20 dd f2 74  |c$..:. ...D. ..t|
00000860  65 78 74 0d 02 4e 28 20  ef 35 3a ec 35 37 36 2c  |ext..N( .5:.576,|
00000870  33 32 3a f1 70 72 24 3b  22 20 22 3b 73 68 24 3a  |32:.pr$;" ";sh$:|
00000880  e4 8d 44 66 43 3a db 3a  ef 31 34 0d 02 58 06 20  |..DfC:.:.14..X. |
00000890  f5 0d 02 62 15 20 f3 57  24 3a e7 57 24 3d 22 58  |...b. .W$:.W$="X|
000008a0  22 e5 8d 74 68 42 0d 02  6c 0b 20 4c 25 3d a9 57  |"..thB..l. L%=.W|
000008b0  24 0d 02 76 0d 20 e3 49  25 3d 31 b8 4c 25 0d 02  |$..v. .I%=1.L%..|
000008c0  80 11 20 51 24 3d c1 57  24 2c 49 25 2c 31 29 0d  |.. Q$=.W$,I%,1).|
000008d0  02 8a 36 20 e7 51 24 3d  22 20 22 51 25 3d a7 57  |..6 .Q$=" "Q%=.W|
000008e0  24 2c 51 24 2c 49 25 2b  31 29 3a 56 25 3d 51 25  |$,Q$,I%+1):V%=Q%|
000008f0  2d 49 25 3a e7 b1 2b 56  25 3e 3d 33 38 f1 27 3a  |-I%:..+V%>=38.':|
00000900  e5 8d 74 5e 42 0d 02 94  26 20 e7 51 24 3d 22 27  |..t^B...& .Q$="'|
00000910  22 51 24 3d bd 33 34 3a  f1 3b 51 24 3b 3a 8b f1  |"Q$=.34:.;Q$;:..|
00000920  3b c1 57 24 2c 49 25 2c  31 29 3b 0d 02 9e 09 20  |;.W$,I%,1);.... |
00000930  ed 3a f1 27 0d 02 a8 2d  20 fd 57 24 3d 22 58 22  |.:.'...- .W$="X"|
00000940  3a ef 31 35 2c 35 3a ec  35 37 36 2c 33 32 3a f1  |:.15,5:.576,32:.|
00000950  70 72 24 3b 22 20 22 3b  73 68 24 3a 2a 46 58 31  |pr$;" ";sh$:*FX1|
00000960  35 0d 02 b2 14 20 e4 8d  44 5c 43 3a 47 3d a5 3a  |5.... ..D\C:G=.:|
00000970  e4 8d 44 5c 43 0d 02 bc  06 20 e1 0d 02 c6 0b 20  |..D\C.... ..... |
00000980  dd f2 77 69 70 65 0d 02  d0 25 20 ef 34 2c 32 38  |..wipe...% .4,28|
00000990  2c 31 2c 33 30 2c 33 38  2c 32 32 3a fb 31 33 30  |,1,30,38,22:.130|
000009a0  3a db 3a ef 32 36 3a fb  31 32 38 0d 02 da 1a 20  |:.:.26:.128.... |
000009b0  e7 63 25 3d 31 f2 73 63  28 32 2c 30 2c 32 29 3a  |.c%=1.sc(2,0,2):|
000009c0  e4 8d 44 48 43 0d 02 e4  19 20 f2 64 3a ef 34 3a  |..DHC.... .d:.4:|
000009d0  f1 8a 30 2c 30 29 89 32  36 3a e6 30 2c 30 0d 02  |..0,0).26:.0,0..|
000009e0  ee 13 20 e3 49 25 3d 33  38 34 b8 31 31 35 32 88  |.. .I%=384.1152.|
000009f0  34 0d 02 f8 0c 20 ec 49  25 2c 37 34 30 0d 03 02  |4.... .I%,740...|
00000a00  19 20 e7 28 49 25 83 36  34 29 3d 30 e6 30 2c 32  |. .(I%.64)=0.0,2|
00000a10  3a 8b e6 30 2c 30 0d 03  0c 0d 20 f0 31 2c 30 2c  |:..0,0.... .1,0,|
00000a20  31 38 34 0d 03 16 06 20  ed 0d 03 20 26 20 e3 4a  |184.... ... & .J|
00000a30  25 3d 38 30 30 b8 38 36  34 88 36 34 3a ec 33 38  |%=800.864.64:.38|
00000a40  34 2c 4a 25 3a f0 31 2c  37 36 38 2c 30 3a ed 0d  |4,J%:.1,768,0:..|
00000a50  03 2a 06 20 e1 0d 03 34  22 20 f3 4e 25 3a e3 49  |.*. ...4" .N%:.I|
00000a60  25 3d 31 b8 4e 25 3a f3  73 25 2c 66 25 3a f2 66  |%=1.N%:.s%,f%:.f|
00000a70  69 6c 6c 3a ed 3a f8 0d  03 3e 27 20 e3 49 25 3d  |ill:.:...>' .I%=|
00000a80  31 b8 4e 25 3a f3 6f 25  2c 78 25 3a ec 78 25 2c  |1.N%:.o%,x%:.x%,|
00000a90  79 25 3a f1 6f 24 28 6f  25 29 3a ed 3a f8 0d 03  |y%:.o$(o%):.:...|
00000aa0  48 83 20 ef 32 34 2c 33  38 34 3b 33 35 32 3b 31  |H. .24,384;352;1|
00000ab0  31 35 32 3b 36 37 32 3b  3a e6 30 2c 30 3a 58 25  |152;672;:.0,0:X%|
00000ac0  3d 35 34 34 3a 61 25 3d  36 34 3a e3 4a 25 3d 37  |=544:a%=64:.J%=7|
00000ad0  33 36 b8 35 34 34 88 2d  38 3a ec 31 35 33 36 2d  |36.544.-8:.1536-|
00000ae0  58 25 2c 4a 25 3a f0 31  2c 2d 61 25 2c 2d 61 25  |X%,J%:.1,-a%,-a%|
00000af0  3a f0 31 2c 2d 61 25 2c  61 25 3a ec 31 35 33 36  |:.1,-a%,a%:.1536|
00000b00  2d 58 25 2c 4a 25 2d 34  3a f0 31 2c 2d 61 25 2c  |-X%,J%-4:.1,-a%,|
00000b10  2d 61 25 3a 58 25 3d 58  25 2d 32 3a ed 3a ef 32  |-a%:X%=X%-2:.:.2|
00000b20  36 0d 03 52 3b 20 ef 35  3a e6 30 2c 33 3a 49 25  |6..R; .5:.0,3:I%|
00000b30  3d 39 31 38 3a e3 4a 25  3d 36 36 38 b8 34 37 36  |=918:.J%=668.476|
00000b40  88 2d 39 36 3a ec 49 25  2c 4a 25 3a f1 73 24 3a  |.-96:.I%,J%:.s$:|
00000b50  49 25 3d 49 25 2b 32 34  3a ed 3a f8 0d 03 5c 1e  |I%=I%+24:.:...\.|
00000b60  20 ef 35 3a ec 35 37 36  2c 33 32 3a f1 70 72 24  | .5:.576,32:.pr$|
00000b70  3b 22 20 22 3b 61 6b 24  3a f8 0d 03 66 1f 20 ef  |;" ";ak$:...f. .|
00000b80  34 2c 32 38 2c 31 2c 33  30 2c 33 38 2c 32 32 3a  |4,28,1,30,38,22:|
00000b90  fb 30 3a fb 31 33 30 3a  f8 0d 13 88 48 20 dc 43  |.0:.130:....H .C|
00000ba0  41 42 42 41 47 45 2c 32  2c 30 2c 31 2c 31 2c 33  |ABBAGE,2,0,1,1,3|
00000bb0  2c 31 2c 38 30 30 2c 38  36 34 2c 31 2c 39 32 38  |,1,800,864,1,928|
00000bc0  2c 39 39 32 2c 31 2c 35  37 36 2c 37 30 34 2c 30  |,992,1,576,704,0|
00000bd0  2c 30 2c 31 2c 36 2c 30  2e 35 2c 74 68 69 6e 6c  |,0,1,6,0.5,thinl|
00000be0  79 0d 13 ec b9 20 dc 50  6c 61 6e 74 20 73 65 65  |y.... .Plant see|
00000bf0  64 6c 69 6e 67 73 20 33  27 20 61 70 61 72 74 20  |dlings 3' apart |
00000c00  69 6e 20 72 6f 77 73 20  31 35 27 20 62 65 74 77  |in rows 15' betw|
00000c10  65 65 6e 20 72 6f 77 73  2e 20 50 6c 61 6e 74 20  |een rows. Plant |
00000c20  66 69 72 6d 6c 79 20 26  20 77 61 74 65 72 20 77  |firmly & water w|
00000c30  65 6c 6c 2e 20 41 70 70  6c 79 20 6c 69 71 75 69  |ell. Apply liqui|
00000c40  64 20 63 6f 6d 66 72 65  79 20 6d 61 6e 75 72 65  |d comfrey manure|
00000c50  20 77 68 65 6e 20 68 65  61 64 73 20 62 65 67 69  | when heads begi|
00000c60  6e 20 74 6f 20 6d 61 74  75 72 65 2e 20 45 61 72  |n to mature. Ear|
00000c70  74 68 20 75 70 20 73 74  65 6d 73 20 6f 66 20 73  |th up stems of s|
00000c80  70 72 69 6e 67 20 63 61  62 62 61 67 65 20 69 6e  |pring cabbage in|
00000c90  20 61 75 74 75 6d 6e 2e  2c 58 0d 14 50 44 20 dc  | autumn.,X..PD .|
00000ca0  43 41 52 52 4f 54 2c 31  2c 30 2c 31 2c 30 2c 32  |CARROT,1,0,1,0,2|
00000cb0  2c 31 2c 35 37 36 2c 37  36 38 2c 31 2c 37 36 38  |,1,576,768,1,768|
00000cc0  2c 31 30 32 34 2c 31 2c  31 2c 35 31 32 2c 30 2c  |,1024,1,1,512,0,|
00000cd0  31 2c 36 2c 30 2e 35 2c  74 68 69 6e 6c 79 0d 14  |1,6,0.5,thinly..|
00000ce0  b4 d3 20 dc 53 6f 69 6c  20 6d 75 73 74 20 62 65  |.. .Soil must be|
00000cf0  20 64 65 65 70 20 26 20  66 65 72 74 69 6c 65 20  | deep & fertile |
00000d00  62 75 74 20 64 6f 20 6e  6f 74 20 6d 61 6e 75 72  |but do not manur|
00000d10  65 20 62 65 66 6f 72 65  68 61 6e 64 20 2d 20 69  |e beforehand - i|
00000d20  66 20 79 6f 75 72 20 73  6f 69 6c 20 69 73 20 68  |f your soil is h|
00000d30  65 61 76 79 20 67 72 6f  77 20 73 74 75 6d 70 20  |eavy grow stump |
00000d40  72 6f 6f 74 65 64 20 76  61 72 69 65 74 69 65 73  |rooted varieties|
00000d50  2e 20 54 68 69 6e 20 63  61 72 65 66 75 6c 6c 79  |. Thin carefully|
00000d60  20 69 6e 20 74 68 65 20  65 76 65 6e 69 6e 67 73  | in the evenings|
00000d70  20 74 6f 20 64 65 74 65  72 20 63 61 72 72 6f 74  | to deter carrot|
00000d80  20 66 6c 79 20 2d 20 70  6c 61 6e 74 69 6e 67 20  | fly - planting |
00000d90  61 6c 74 65 72 6e 61 74  65 20 72 6f 77 73 20 6f  |alternate rows o|
00000da0  66 20 6f 6e 69 6f 6e 73  20 68 65 6c 70 73 2e 2c  |f onions helps.,|
00000db0  58 0d 15 18 3a 20 dc 50  4f 54 41 54 4f 2c 31 2c  |X...: .POTATO,1,|
00000dc0  30 2c 30 2c 31 2c 32 2c  31 2c 35 36 30 2c 36 34  |0,0,1,2,1,560,64|
00000dd0  30 2c 31 2c 37 36 38 2c  39 36 30 2c 30 2c 30 2c  |0,1,768,960,0,0,|
00000de0  31 2c 32 34 2c 35 2c 31  32 69 6e 0d 15 7c 7f 20  |1,24,5,12in..|. |
00000df0  dc 57 68 65 6e 20 70 6c  61 6e 74 20 69 73 20 39  |.When plant is 9|
00000e00  27 20 68 69 67 68 20 65  61 72 74 68 20 75 70 20  |' high earth up |
00000e10  74 6f 20 36 27 20 68 69  67 68 20 74 6f 20 61 76  |to 6' high to av|
00000e20  6f 69 64 20 67 72 65 65  6e 69 6e 67 20 6f 66 20  |oid greening of |
00000e30  70 6f 74 61 74 6f 65 73  20 77 61 74 65 72 20 69  |potatoes water i|
00000e40  6e 20 64 72 79 20 77 65  61 74 68 65 72 20 77 68  |n dry weather wh|
00000e50  65 6e 20 74 75 62 65 72  73 20 62 65 67 69 6e 20  |en tubers begin |
00000e60  74 6f 20 66 6f 72 6d 2e  2c 58 0d 15 e0 50 20 dc  |to form.,X...P .|
00000e70  42 52 4f 43 43 4f 4c 49  2c 32 2c 30 2c 31 2c 31  |BROCCOLI,2,0,1,1|
00000e80  2c 33 2c 31 2c 36 30 38  2c 36 37 32 2c 31 2c 37  |,3,1,608,672,1,7|
00000e90  33 36 2c 38 30 30 2c 32  2c 34 34 38 2c 36 35 36  |36,800,2,448,656|
00000ea0  2c 38 33 32 2c 39 39 32  2c 30 2c 30 2c 31 2c 31  |,832,992,0,0,1,1|
00000eb0  32 2c 30 2e 35 2c 31 32  69 6e 0d 16 44 cb 20 dc  |2,0.5,12in..D. .|
00000ec0  54 68 69 6e 20 73 65 65  64 6c 69 6e 67 73 20 74  |Thin seedlings t|
00000ed0  6f 20 70 72 65 76 65 6e  74 20 77 65 61 6b 20 70  |o prevent weak p|
00000ee0  6c 61 6e 74 73 2e 20 31  32 27 20 62 65 74 77 65  |lants. 12' betwe|
00000ef0  65 6e 20 70 6c 61 6e 74  73 20 26 20 31 32 27 20  |en plants & 12' |
00000f00  62 65 74 77 65 65 6e 20  72 6f 77 73 2e 20 47 72  |between rows. Gr|
00000f10  6f 77 20 69 6e 20 68 65  61 76 69 6c 79 20 6d 61  |ow in heavily ma|
00000f20  6e 75 72 65 64 20 73 6f  69 6c 2e 20 4e 65 74 20  |nured soil. Net |
00000f30  61 67 61 69 6e 73 74 20  70 69 67 65 6f 6e 73 2e  |against pigeons.|
00000f40  20 46 65 65 64 20 77 69  74 68 20 6c 69 71 75 69  | Feed with liqui|
00000f50  64 20 6d 61 6e 75 72 65  2e 20 42 72 6f 63 63 6f  |d manure. Brocco|
00000f60  6c 69 20 6d 61 74 75 72  65 73 20 74 68 65 20 79  |li matures the y|
00000f70  65 61 72 20 61 66 74 65  72 20 70 6c 61 6e 74 69  |ear after planti|
00000f80  6e 67 2e 2c 58 0d 16 a8  56 20 dc 53 50 52 4f 55  |ng.,X...V .SPROU|
00000f90  54 2c 32 2c 30 2c 31 2c  31 2c 31 2c 31 2c 35 34  |T,2,0,1,1,1,1,54|
00000fa0  34 2c 36 30 38 2c 31 2c  36 37 32 2c 37 33 36 2c  |4,608,1,672,736,|
00000fb0  32 2c 33 38 34 2c 34 39  36 2c 39 36 30 2c 31 31  |2,384,496,960,11|
00000fc0  35 32 2c 31 2c 31 2c 35  31 32 2c 30 2c 31 2c 36  |52,1,1,512,0,1,6|
00000fd0  2c 30 2e 35 2c 74 68 69  6e 6c 79 0d 17 0c da 20  |,0.5,thinly.... |
00000fe0  dc 54 68 69 6e 20 73 65  65 64 6c 6e 67 73 20 67  |.Thin seedlngs g|
00000ff0  72 61 64 75 61 6c 6c 79  20 74 6f 20 70 72 65 76  |radually to prev|
00001000  65 6e 74 20 77 65 61 6b  20 67 72 6f 77 74 68 20  |ent weak growth |
00001010  75 6e 74 69 6c 20 70 6c  61 6e 74 73 20 61 72 65  |until plants are|
00001020  20 31 38 27 20 61 70 61  72 74 2e 20 4d 61 69 6e  | 18' apart. Main|
00001030  20 63 61 75 73 65 20 6f  66 20 66 61 69 6c 75 72  | cause of failur|
00001040  65 20 69 73 20 6c 61 63  6b 20 6f 66 20 6d 61 6e  |e is lack of man|
00001050  75 72 65 20 26 20 70 6c  61 6e 74 69 6e 67 20 69  |ure & planting i|
00001060  6e 20 6c 6f 6f 73 65 20  73 6f 69 6c 2e 20 53 74  |n loose soil. St|
00001070  61 6b 65 20 70 6c 61 6e  74 73 20 69 66 20 6e 65  |ake plants if ne|
00001080  63 65 73 73 61 72 79 20  74 6f 20 70 72 6f 74 65  |cessary to prote|
00001090  63 74 20 66 72 6f 6d 20  77 69 6e 64 20 61 6e 64  |ct from wind and|
000010a0  20 65 61 72 74 68 20 75  70 20 61 73 20 72 65 71  | earth up as req|
000010b0  75 69 72 65 64 0d 17 0d  1b 20 dc 66 6f 72 20 6d  |uired.... .for m|
000010c0  6f 72 65 20 73 74 61 62  69 6c 69 74 79 2e 2c 58  |ore stability.,X|
000010d0  0d 17 70 4d 20 dc 43 41  55 4c 49 46 4c 4f 57 45  |..pM .CAULIFLOWE|
000010e0  52 2c 32 2c 30 2c 31 2c  31 2c 33 2c 31 2c 35 37  |R,2,0,1,1,3,1,57|
000010f0  36 2c 36 37 32 2c 31 2c  37 33 36 2c 38 33 32 2c  |6,672,1,736,832,|
00001100  31 2c 35 31 32 2c 31 30  38 38 2c 30 2c 30 2c 31  |1,512,1088,0,0,1|
00001110  2c 36 2c 30 2e 35 2c 74  68 69 6e 6c 79 0d 17 d4  |,6,0.5,thinly...|
00001120  bb 20 dc 54 68 69 6e 20  73 65 65 64 6c 69 6e 67  |. .Thin seedling|
00001130  73 20 74 6f 20 33 27 20  61 70 61 72 74 20 26 20  |s to 3' apart & |
00001140  72 6f 77 73 20 32 34 27  20 61 70 61 72 74 2e 20  |rows 24' apart. |
00001150  57 61 74 65 72 20 26 20  66 65 65 64 20 77 65 6c  |Water & feed wel|
00001160  6c 20 2d 20 62 65 6e 64  20 6c 65 61 76 65 73 20  |l - bend leaves |
00001170  6f 76 65 72 20 63 75 72  64 73 20 74 6f 20 70 72  |over curds to pr|
00001180  6f 74 65 63 74 20 66 72  6f 6d 20 73 75 6e 2e 20  |otect from sun. |
00001190  43 61 75 6c 69 73 20 6e  65 65 64 20 77 65 6c 6c  |Caulis need well|
000011a0  20 63 6f 6d 70 61 63 74  65 64 20 73 6f 69 6c 20  | compacted soil |
000011b0  2d 20 68 65 61 76 69 6c  79 20 6d 61 6e 75 72 65  |- heavily manure|
000011c0  64 20 2d 20 6c 69 6d 65  20 69 66 20 6e 65 63 65  |d - lime if nece|
000011d0  73 73 61 72 79 2e 2c 58  0d 18 38 4a 20 dc 52 55  |ssary.,X..8J .RU|
000011e0  4e 4e 45 52 20 42 45 41  4e 2c 32 2c 31 2c 31 2c  |NNER BEAN,2,1,1,|
000011f0  30 2c 31 2c 31 2c 36 37  32 2c 37 35 32 2c 31 2c  |0,1,1,672,752,1,|
00001200  38 33 32 2c 39 39 32 2c  30 2c 32 2c 32 2c 36 34  |832,992,0,2,2,64|
00001210  30 2c 34 2c 37 30 34 2c  30 2c 31 38 2c 32 2c 39  |0,4,704,0,18,2,9|
00001220  69 6e 0d 18 9c 9b 20 dc  56 65 72 79 20 68 75 6e  |in.... .Very hun|
00001230  67 72 79 20 63 72 6f 70  20 6e 65 65 64 69 6e 67  |gry crop needing|
00001240  20 6c 6f 74 73 20 6f 66  20 6d 61 6e 75 72 65 20  | lots of manure |
00001250  26 20 6c 69 71 75 69 64  20 66 65 65 64 2e 20 4d  |& liquid feed. M|
00001260  75 6c 63 68 20 74 6f 20  63 6f 6e 73 65 72 76 65  |ulch to conserve|
00001270  20 6d 6f 69 73 74 75 72  65 2e 20 52 65 6d 6f 76  | moisture. Remov|
00001280  65 20 67 72 6f 77 69 6e  67 20 70 6f 69 6e 74 73  |e growing points|
00001290  20 77 68 65 6e 20 70 6c  61 6e 74 73 20 72 65 61  | when plants rea|
000012a0  63 68 20 74 68 65 20 74  6f 70 20 6f 66 20 74 68  |ch the top of th|
000012b0  65 20 73 75 70 70 6f 72  74 73 2e 2c 58 0d 19 00  |e supports.,X...|
000012c0  50 20 dc 4f 4e 49 4f 4e  2c 33 2c 31 2c 31 2c 30  |P .ONION,3,1,1,0|
000012d0  2c 32 2c 32 2c 34 39 36  2c 35 36 30 2c 38 33 32  |,2,2,496,560,832|
000012e0  2c 38 39 36 2c 31 2c 37  38 34 2c 39 34 34 2c 30  |,896,1,784,944,0|
000012f0  2c 32 2c 32 2c 34 33 32  2c 34 2c 35 37 36 2c 31  |,2,2,432,4,576,1|
00001300  2c 39 2c 30 2e 35 2c 74  68 69 6e 6c 79 0d 19 64  |,9,0.5,thinly..d|
00001310  e5 20 dc 54 68 69 6e 20  73 65 65 64 6c 69 6e 67  |. .Thin seedling|
00001320  73 20 31 73 74 20 74 6f  20 32 27 20 61 70 61 72  |s 1st to 2' apar|
00001330  74 20 26 20 32 6e 64 20  74 6f 20 34 27 20 61 70  |t & 2nd to 4' ap|
00001340  61 72 74 2e 20 52 65 6d  6f 76 65 20 74 68 69 6e  |art. Remove thin|
00001350  6e 69 6e 67 73 20 63 61  72 65 66 75 6c 6c 79 20  |nings carefully |
00001360  74 6f 20 64 65 74 65 72  20 6f 6e 69 6f 6e 20 66  |to deter onion f|
00001370  6c 79 2e 20 54 72 61 6e  73 70 6c 61 6e 74 20 73  |ly. Transplant s|
00001380  65 65 64 6c 69 6e 67 20  72 61 69 73 65 64 20 75  |eedling raised u|
00001390  6e 64 65 72 20 67 6c 61  73 73 20 74 6f 20 34 27  |nder glass to 4'|
000013a0  20 61 70 61 72 74 20 39  27 20 62 65 74 77 65 65  | apart 9' betwee|
000013b0  6e 20 72 6f 77 73 2e 20  4d 75 6c 63 68 20 77 65  |n rows. Mulch we|
000013c0  6c 6c 20 74 6f 20 63 75  74 20 64 6f 77 6e 20 6e  |ll to cut down n|
000013d0  65 65 64 20 66 6f 72 20  77 61 74 65 72 20 26 20  |eed for water & |
000013e0  66 65 65 64 20 6f 63 63  61 73 69 6f 6e 61 6c 6c  |feed occasionall|
000013f0  79 2e 0d 19 65 54 20 dc  42 72 65 61 6b 20 6f 66  |y...eT .Break of|
00001400  66 20 66 6c 6f 77 65 72  20 73 74 65 6d 73 20 77  |f flower stems w|
00001410  68 69 63 68 20 61 70 70  65 61 72 20 2d 20 73 74  |hich appear - st|
00001420  6f 70 20 77 61 74 65 72  69 6e 67 20 77 68 65 6e  |op watering when|
00001430  20 6f 6e 69 6f 6e 73 20  61 72 65 20 73 77 6f 6c  | onions are swol|
00001440  6c 65 6e 2e 2c 58 0d 19  c8 4b 20 dc 4c 45 54 54  |len.,X...K .LETT|
00001450  55 43 45 2c 33 2c 30 2c  31 2c 30 2c 33 2c 31 2c  |UCE,3,0,1,0,3,1,|
00001460  35 36 30 2c 38 30 30 2c  31 2c 37 33 36 2c 39 39  |560,800,1,736,99|
00001470  32 2c 32 2c 32 2c 34 34  38 2c 33 2c 35 31 32 2c  |2,2,2,448,3,512,|
00001480  30 2c 31 2c 31 32 2c 30  2e 35 2c 74 68 69 6e 6c  |0,1,12,0.5,thinl|
00001490  79 0d 1a 2c c1 20 dc 4c  65 74 74 75 63 65 20 6c  |y..,. .Lettuce l|
000014a0  69 6b 65 20 77 65 6c 6c  20 6d 61 6e 75 72 65 64  |ike well manured|
000014b0  20 73 6f 69 6c 20 2d 20  6e 6f 6e 20 61 63 69 64  | soil - non acid|
000014c0  20 26 20 70 6c 65 6e 74  79 20 6f 66 20 77 61 74  | & plenty of wat|
000014d0  65 72 2e 20 41 76 6f 69  64 20 6f 76 65 72 63 72  |er. Avoid overcr|
000014e0  6f 77 64 69 6e 67 20 74  68 69 6e 20 61 73 20 73  |owding thin as s|
000014f0  6f 6f 6e 20 61 73 20 66  69 72 73 74 20 6c 65 61  |oon as first lea|
00001500  76 65 73 20 61 70 70 65  61 72 2e 20 4c 65 74 74  |ves appear. Lett|
00001510  75 63 65 73 20 64 69 73  6c 69 6b 65 20 62 65 69  |uces dislike bei|
00001520  6e 67 20 74 72 61 6e 73  70 6c 61 6e 74 65 64 20  |ng transplanted |
00001530  2d 20 73 6f 77 20 73 65  65 64 20 77 68 65 72 65  |- sow seed where|
00001540  20 74 68 65 79 20 61 72  65 20 74 6f 20 67 72 6f  | they are to gro|
00001550  77 2e 0d 1a 2d 3a 20 dc  57 61 74 65 72 20 69 6e  |w...-: .Water in|
00001560  20 74 68 65 20 6d 6f 72  6e 69 6e 67 20 74 6f 20  | the morning to |
00001570  6c 65 73 73 65 6e 20 63  68 61 6e 63 65 73 20 6f  |lessen chances o|
00001580  66 20 64 69 73 65 61 73  65 2e 2c 58 0d 1a 90 52  |f disease.,X...R|
00001590  20 dc 43 41 4c 41 42 52  45 53 45 2c 32 2c 30 2c  | .CALABRESE,2,0,|
000015a0  31 2c 31 2c 33 2c 31 2c  36 30 38 2c 36 37 32 2c  |1,1,3,1,608,672,|
000015b0  31 2c 37 33 36 2c 38 30  30 2c 32 2c 34 34 38 2c  |1,736,800,2,448,|
000015c0  36 35 36 2c 38 33 32 2c  39 39 32 2c 30 2c 30 2c  |656,832,992,0,0,|
000015d0  31 2c 36 2c 30 2e 35 2c  74 68 69 6e 6c 79 0d 1a  |1,6,0.5,thinly..|
000015e0  f4 ea 20 dc 54 68 69 6e  20 73 65 65 64 6c 69 6e  |.. .Thin seedlin|
000015f0  67 73 20 74 6f 20 70 72  65 76 65 6e 74 20 77 65  |gs to prevent we|
00001600  61 6b 20 70 6c 61 6e 74  73 2e 20 31 32 27 20 62  |ak plants. 12' b|
00001610  65 74 77 65 65 6e 20 70  6c 61 6e 74 73 20 26 20  |etween plants & |
00001620  31 32 27 20 62 65 74 77  65 65 6e 20 72 6f 77 73  |12' between rows|
00001630  2e 20 47 72 6f 77 20 69  6e 20 68 65 61 76 69 6c  |. Grow in heavil|
00001640  79 20 6d 61 6e 75 72 65  64 20 73 6f 69 6c 2e 20  |y manured soil. |
00001650  4e 65 74 20 61 67 61 69  6e 73 74 20 70 69 67 65  |Net against pige|
00001660  6f 6e 73 2e 20 46 65 65  64 20 77 69 74 68 20 6c  |ons. Feed with l|
00001670  69 71 75 69 64 20 6d 61  6e 75 72 65 2e 20 55 6e  |iquid manure. Un|
00001680  6c 69 6b 65 20 42 72 6f  63 63 6f 6c 69 2d 20 61  |like Broccoli- a|
00001690  6c 74 68 6f 75 67 68 20  74 68 65 20 73 61 6d 65  |lthough the same|
000016a0  20 66 61 6d 69 6c 79 2d  20 43 61 6c 61 62 72 65  | family- Calabre|
000016b0  73 65 20 6d 61 74 75 72  65 73 20 74 68 65 20 73  |se matures the s|
000016c0  61 6d 65 20 79 65 61 72  0d 1a f5 14 20 dc 61 73  |ame year.... .as|
000016d0  20 70 6c 61 6e 74 69 6e  67 2e 2c 58 0d 1b 58 61  | planting.,X..Xa|
000016e0  20 dc 4c 45 45 4b 2c 33  2c 30 2c 31 2c 31 2c 32  | .LEEK,3,0,1,1,2|
000016f0  2c 31 2c 35 34 34 2c 36  30 38 2c 31 2c 37 30 34  |,1,544,608,1,704|
00001700  2c 37 38 34 2c 32 2c 33  38 34 2c 36 30 38 2c 31  |,784,2,384,608,1|
00001710  30 32 34 2c 31 31 35 32  2c 33 2c 32 2c 34 33 32  |024,1152,3,2,432|
00001720  2c 32 2c 34 34 38 2c 34  2c 36 32 34 2c 30 2c 31  |,2,448,4,624,0,1|
00001730  2c 36 2c 30 2e 35 2c 74  68 69 6e 6c 79 0d 1b bc  |,6,0.5,thinly...|
00001740  e8 20 dc 44 69 67 20 69  6e 20 77 65 6c 6c 20 72  |. .Dig in well r|
00001750  6f 74 74 65 64 20 6d 61  6e 75 72 65 2e 20 54 72  |otted manure. Tr|
00001760  61 6e 73 70 6c 61 6e 74  20 73 65 65 64 6c 69 6e  |ansplant seedlin|
00001770  67 73 20 77 68 65 6e 20  61 70 70 72 6f 78 20 38  |gs when approx 8|
00001780  27 20 68 69 67 68 2e 20  4d 61 6b 65 20 36 27 20  |' high. Make 6' |
00001790  68 6f 6c 65 73 20 77 69  74 68 20 64 69 62 62 65  |holes with dibbe|
000017a0  72 20 2d 20 70 6c 61 63  65 20 6c 65 65 6b 20 69  |r - place leek i|
000017b0  6e 20 26 20 66 69 6c 6c  20 77 69 74 68 20 57 41  |n & fill with WA|
000017c0  54 45 52 20 28 6e 6f 74  20 73 6f 69 6c 29 2e 20  |TER (not soil). |
000017d0  4b 65 65 70 20 77 65 6c  6c 20 77 61 74 65 72 65  |Keep well watere|
000017e0  64 20 66 65 65 64 69 6e  67 20 77 69 74 68 20 63  |d feeding with c|
000017f0  6f 6d 66 72 65 79 20 6c  69 71 75 69 64 20 6d 61  |omfrey liquid ma|
00001800  6e 75 72 65 2e 47 65 6e  65 72 61 6c 6c 79 20 70  |nure.Generally p|
00001810  65 73 74 20 26 20 64 69  73 65 61 73 65 20 66 72  |est & disease fr|
00001820  65 65 2e 2c 58 0d 1c 20  4f 20 dc 53 57 45 45 54  |ee.,X.. O .SWEET|
00001830  43 4f 52 4e 2c 33 2c 31  2c 31 2c 30 2c 31 2c 31  |CORN,3,1,1,0,1,1|
00001840  2c 36 38 38 2c 37 30 34  2c 31 2c 38 36 34 2c 39  |,688,704,1,864,9|
00001850  32 38 2c 31 2c 31 2c 36  35 36 2c 32 2c 32 2c 36  |28,1,1,656,2,2,6|
00001860  32 34 2c 34 2c 37 30 34  2c 30 2c 31 38 2c 31 2c  |24,4,704,0,18,1,|
00001870  31 38 69 6e 0d 1c 84 cb  20 dc 50 6c 61 6e 74 20  |18in.... .Plant |
00001880  32 20 73 65 65 64 73 20  69 6e 20 62 6c 6f 63 6b  |2 seeds in block|
00001890  73 20 6c 38 27 20 62 65  74 77 65 65 6e 20 74 72  |s l8' between tr|
000018a0  61 6e 73 70 6c 61 6e 74  73 20 28 6e 6f 74 20 69  |ansplants (not i|
000018b0  6e 20 72 6f 77 73 29 20  74 6f 20 61 69 64 20 70  |n rows) to aid p|
000018c0  6f 6c 6c 69 6e 61 74 69  6f 6e 2e 20 57 61 74 65  |ollination. Wate|
000018d0  72 20 77 65 6c 6c 2e 20  52 6f 6f 74 73 20 77 69  |r well. Roots wi|
000018e0  6c 6c 20 61 70 70 65 61  72 20 61 74 20 62 6f 74  |ll appear at bot|
000018f0  74 6f 6d 20 6f 66 20 70  6c 61 6e 74 20 2d 20 64  |tom of plant - d|
00001900  72 61 77 20 65 61 72 74  68 20 75 70 20 74 6f 20  |raw earth up to |
00001910  63 6f 76 65 72 2e 20 50  6c 61 6e 74 20 69 6e 20  |cover. Plant in |
00001920  66 75 6c 6c 20 73 75 6e  20 74 6f 20 65 6e 73 75  |full sun to ensu|
00001930  72 65 20 72 69 70 65 20  63 6f 62 73 2e 2c 58 0d  |re ripe cobs.,X.|
00001940  1c e8 09 20 dc 45 4e 44  0d 7d 00 0a 20 2a 54 41  |... .END.}.. *TA|
00001950  50 45 0d 7d 05 13 20 e3  49 25 3d 30 b8 20 b8 50  |PE.}.. .I%=0. .P|
00001960  2d 90 20 88 34 0d 7d 0a  13 20 49 25 21 26 45 30  |-. .4.}.. I%!&E0|
00001970  30 3d 49 25 21 90 3a ed  0d 7d 0f 1b 20 3f 26 31  |0=I%!.:..}.. ?&1|
00001980  33 3d 3f 26 31 33 2d 28  90 2d 26 45 30 30 29 81  |3=?&13-(.-&E00).|
00001990  32 35 36 0d 7d 14 0d 20  d0 3d 26 45 30 30 3a f9  |256.}.. .=&E00:.|
000019a0  0d ff                                             |..|