Home » Personal collection » Acorn ADFS disks » Electron_User_Group » EUG_33.ADF » G/M/C/BARWIK


This website contains an archive of files for the Acorn Electron, BBC Micro, Acorn Archimedes, Commodore 16 and Commodore 64 computers, which Dominic Ford has rescued from his private collection of floppy disks and cassettes.

Some of these files were originally commercial releases in the 1980s and 1990s, but they are now widely available online. I assume that copyright over them is no longer being asserted. If you own the copyright and would like files to be removed, please contact me.

Tape/disk: Home » Personal collection » Acorn ADFS disks » Electron_User_Group » EUG_33.ADF
Filename: G/M/C/BARWIK
Read OK:
File size: 1F0C bytes
Load address: FFFF0E00
Exec address: FFFF802B
File contents
   10REM SUNDAY Version 5.2 "BARWIK"
   30IFO%=0GOTO40 ELSE GOTO 660
   40PRINTFNw("Um, hi!"):PROCP:PRINTFNw("'Get outa ma way!'"):PROCP:PRINTFNw("'(Scuffle)'"):PROCP:PRINTFNw("'Is that YA, Wylie?'")
   60PROCR:PRINTTAB(0,25)"�Ah...Is Tracy there?"'"�Hello, Clair Barwick! Happy?"'"�What is GOING ON there?"'"�(Gruff voice) This IS Ste Wylie,"'"�what's it to you?!":PROCi:IFa%=1R=0:x=20
  110IFa%=1PRINTFNw("'Oh, begger!'"):PROCP:PRINTFNw("'Tracy, it's ya pratt of an ex!'"):PROCP:PRINTFNw("'Ya'd better come back here...'"):PROCP:PRINTFNw("'...and talk to him.'"):PROCP:GOTO380
  120IFa%=2PRINTFNw("'No, I'm NOT bloody happy!'"):PROCP:PRINTFNw("'Have ya SEEN Steven Wylie?!'"):PROCP:GOTO350
  130IFa%=3PRINTFNw("'It's that David character!'"):PROCP:PRINTFNw("'Ya can tell him what's going on...'"):PROCP:PRINTFNw("'...if ya want a PUNCH!'"):PROCP:PRINTFNw("'(Smash!)'"):PROCP:PRINTFNw("Clair, will you calm down?"):PROCP:GOTO340
  140IFa%=4PRINTFNw("'What's it to MA?!'"):PROCP:PRINTFNw("'I'll tell ya what it is to MA!'"):PROCP:PRINTFNw("'We were SUPPOSED to be going out...'"):PROCP:PRINTFNw("'...TONIGHT...'"):PROCP:PRINTFNw("'...to celebrate our sixty days...'")
  150PROCP:PRINTFNw("'...anniversary!'"):PROCP:PROCL:PRINTFNw("'Ya don't even REMEMBER, d'ya?'"):PROCP:PRINTFNw("'Why, if bullets could travel...'"):PROCP:PRINTFNw("'...down phonelines,..'"):PROCP:PRINTFNw("'...I'd fire a round of ma dad's...'")
  160PROCP:PRINTFNw("'...AK47 machine guns'...'"):PROCP:PRINTFNw("'...right into ya EAR!'"):PROCP:PRINTFNw("'And ANOTHER thing...'"):PROCP:PRINTFNw("'...I heard ya've been two-timing...'"):PROCP:PRINTFNw("'...ma with that SLIMY Rachel...'"):PROCP
  170PRINTFNw("'...and if I find out that's true...'"):PROCP:PRINTFNw("'...I may not be responsible for...'"):PROCP:PRINTFNw("'...ma actions!'"):PROCP:PROCL:PRINTFNw("'Ya see...'"):PROCP:PRINTFNw("'...I love ya.'"):PROCP
  180PRINTFNw("'I really love ya!'"):PROCP:PRINTFNw("'But ya haven't been out with ma...'"):PROCP:PRINTFNw("'...for ages now!'"):PROCP:PROCL:PRINTFNw("'Okay, what's ya excuse?'")
  200PROCR:PRINTTAB(0,25)"�I'm not Steven Wylie."'"�Could you repeat that. I fell asleep! ��Well, I'm sorry but (the) Rak has"'"�better tits than you!"'"�That was GREAT! I guarantee that will ��put down the REAL Wylie!":PROCi:IFa%=1R=0:x=10
  250IFa%=1PRINTFNw("'Well, that's original, but...'"):PROCP:PRINTFNw("'...but...'"):PROCP:PRINTFNw("'...ya're NOT Steven Wylie?!!'"):PROCP:PRINTFNd("No, but it WAS a good impression!"):PROCP:PRINTFNw("'Ooooooohhhh!!!!'"):PROCP:GOTO310
  260IFa%=2PRINTFNw("'This ain't Wylie!'"):PROCP:PRINTFNd("Right on, sister!"):PROCP:PRINTFNw("'Ya want my sister, don't ya...'"):PROCP:PRINTFNw("'...David EDWARDS?!'"):PROCP:PRINTFNd("Well, I hestitate to say it, but..."):GOTO320
  270IFa%=3PRINTFNw("'(Fume!)'"):PROCP:PRINTFNw("'I hate ya.'"):PROCP:PRINTFNw("'I REALLY hate ya!'"):PROCP:PROCL:PRINTFNw("'I could take up body-building!'"):PROCP:PRINTFNd("But you haven't got any to build-up!"):PROCP:GOTO290
  280IFa%=4PRINTFNw("'Ya not making any friends here...'"):PROCP:PRINTFNw("'...I hope ya know that, David!'"):GOTO320
  290PRINTFNw("'(Suspicious pause)'"):PROCP:PRINTFNw("'Ya mean that I'm as scrawny as...'"):PROCP:PRINTFNw("'...that David character that ma...'"):PROCP:PRINTFNw("'...sister used to go out with?'"):PROCP:PRINTFNd("I BEG YOUR PARDON!"):PROCP
  300PRINTFNw("'I THOUGHT so!'"):GOTO320
  310PRINTFNw("'NOW I'm REALLY mad!'"):PROCP:PRINTFNd("Judging by that rampant burbling..."):PROCP:PRINTFNd("...when you answered, I'D say..."):PROCP:PRINTFNd("...you've been mad a long, long time!"):PROCP
  320PROCP:PRINTFNw("'TRACY! Git down 'ere!'"):PROCP:PRINTFNw("'Ya EX is plugging up my call!'"):PROCP:PRINTFNd("Ooh!"):PROCP:PRINTFNw("'Shaddup!'"):PROCP:PRINTFNw("'Oi!'"):PROCP
  321IFC%=1PRINTFNw("'OI! Turd-virgin!'"):PROCP ELSE PRINTFNw("'OI! ""Deafy-Tracy""!'"):PROCP
  330PRINTFNw("'I've never seen ya, Dave...'"):PROCP:PRINTFNw("'...but I think I hate ya!'"):GOTO390
  340IFC%=1PRINTFNw("'Get the phone, turd-virgin!'"):GOTO390 ELSE PRINTFNw("'Get the phone, ""Deafy-Tracy""!'"):GOTO390
  350IFC%=1PRINTFNd("Once or twice, yes!"):PROCP:PROCP:PRINTFNw("'Oh, ya funny FUCKER!'"):PROCP
  360PRINTFNw("'We had a date tonight!'"):PROCP:PRINTFNw("'And that MUTHA stood ma up!'"):PROCP:PRINTFNd("Can't say I blame him!"):PROCP:PRINTFNw("'Shaddup!'"):PROCP:PRINTFNw("'NO-ONE does that to a Barwick!'"):PROCP
  361PRINTFNw("'I shall revenge our kind!'"):PROCP:PRINTFNd("Look, I don't want to talk to YOU!"):PROCP:PROCP:PRINTFNw("'Oh, all right then.'")
  370PROCP:PROCP:PRINTFNw("'Oi!'"):PROCP:PRINTFNw("'Come back here!'"):PROCP:PRINTFNw("'It is ACTUALLY for YA!'"):PROCP:GOTO381
  380PRINTFNd("I've never actually SEEN this..."):PROCP:PRINTFNd("...infamous sister of Tracy's!"):PROCP:PRINTFNd("But I think I hate her!"):PROCP
  381IFC%=1PRINTFNw("'Oi, turd-virgin!'") ELSE PRINTFNw("'Oi, ""Deafy-Tracy""!'")
  390PROCP:PROCL:PRINTFNw("Um, hi, Dave!")
  410PROCR:X=1:PRINTTAB(0,25)"�You allow yourself to be called ";:IFC%=1PRINT"""Turd-��virgin""?!"ELSEPRINT'"�""DEAFY-Tracy""?!"
  411PRINT"�Life not dandy for Clair, then?"'"�You feel like a date with the hunkiest��guy in town?"'"�Um, bye!":PROCi:IFa%=1R=0:S=0:x=40
  460IFa%=1PRINTFNw("You should know."):PROCP:PRINTFNw("You called me a lot worse!"):PROCP:PRINTFNd("Alright, alright."):PROCP:PRINTFNd("I want us to forget all that!"):PROCP:GOTO510
  470IFa%=2PRINTFNw("Tell me about it!"):PROCP:PRINTFNw("She's been smashing up the house..."):PROCP:PRINTFNw("...since he stood her up!"):PROCP:PRINTFNw("So..."):PROCP:PRINTFNw("...you're gonna ask me out, right?"):PROCP:GOTO500
  480IFa%=3PRINTFNw("William King?!"):PROCP:PRINTFNd(" No, me!"):PROCP:PRINTFNw("Oh..."):PROCP:PRINTFNw("...oh, all right."):PROCP:PRINTFNw("Just..."):PROCP:PRINTFNw("...once..."):PROCP:PRINTFNw("...more!"):PROCP:PRINTFNd("Great!"):GOTO510
  490IFa%=4PRINTFNw("Did you forget to phone the..."):PROCE
  500PRINTFNd("You? Seriously?"):PROCP:PRINTFNd("Ha, ha, ha -"):PROCP:PRINTFNd("I mean, yeah!"):PROCP:PRINTFNd("You can see right THROUGH me!")
  510PROCP:PRINTFNd("How about a trip to the cinema?"):PROCP:PRINTFNw("What films are on?")
  530IFP%=0PROCR:PRINTTAB(0,25)"�Erm...films?"'"�I don't know. I thought YOU'D know!"'"�I have no idea."'"�I'll find out then ring you back!":PROCi:IFa%=1R=0:x=20
  580IFa%=1PRINTFNw("Yes."):PROCP:PRINTFNw("What I'll have to WATCH!"):PROCP:PRINTFNd("Oh, I didn't find out what was..."):PROCP:PRINTFNd("...on in case you didn't want to go!"):PROCP:a%=3:GOTO600
  590IFa%=2PRINTFNw("Well, I don't!"):PROCP:PRINTFNw("Find out then ring me back!")
  600IFa%=3PRINTFNw("Well, find out..."):PROCP:PRINTFNw("...then ring me back!")
  620PROCP:PRINTFNd("""The Lawnmower Man""!"):PROCP:PRINTFNd("(Certificate 15)"):PROCP:PRINTFNw("You mean that new Stephen King..."):PROCP:PRINTFNw("...movie with state-of-the-art..."):PROCP:PRINTFNw("...computer-generated cyber-graphics?"):PROCP:GOTO630
  630PRINTFNw("You bet!"):PROCP:x=100:PROCj:PRINTFNw("Does the two o' clock showing..."):PROCP:PRINTFNw("...start at two o' clock?"):PROCP:PRINTFNd("Erm..."):PROCP:PRINTFNd("...y..e..s...!"):PROCP:PRINTFNd("We'll set off to Middlesbrough..."):PROCP
  640PRINTFNd("...about quarter past one from..."):PROCP:PRINTFNd("...Redcar East then..."):PROCP:PRINTFNd("...and I'll pay you in!"):PROCP:PRINTFNw("Oh, thanks!"):PROCP:PRINTFNd("That's okay."):PROCP:PRINTFNw("Well..."):PROCP
  650PRINTFNw("...I'm going back to bed now."):PROCP:PRINTFNw("Goodnight."):PROCP:PRINTFNd(" 'Night."):O%=2:PROCU
  660PRINTFNw("Um, hi, Dave!"):PROCP:PRINTFNw("What's on?")
  670IFP%=0PROCP:PRINTFNd("I haven't phoned yet!"):PROCP:PRINTFNd("My memory phone-buttons are in a..."):PROCP:PRINTFNd("...bit of a mess!"):PROCP:PRINTFNd("I pressed the wrong one."):PROCP:PRINTFNw("Well, bye!"):PROCP:PRINTFNd("Sorry!"):PROCU
  710PRINTTAB(0,D)"�                                      �";
  730IFD=31PRINTTAB(36,D)"���"TAB(2,11)"                                     ":ENDPROC
  760DEFPROCQ:FORT=1TOB%:NEXT:PRINTFNw("                        "):PROCC:ENDPROC
 1020DEFPROCR:X=1:W=1:VDU5:GCOL111,0:PRINTTAB(11,23)"Possible responses:":GCOL112,0:VDU4:ENDPROC
 1680DEFPROCj:IFX%<10 p=38:q=9:GOTO1740
 1690IFX%<100 p=37:q=99:GOTO1740
 1700IFX%<1000 p=36:q=999:GOTO1740
 1710IFX%<10000 p=35:q=9999:GOTO1740
 1720IFX%<100000 p=34:q=99999:GOTO1740
 1730IFX%=100000 ENDPROC
 1740r=q+1:FORX=1TOx:X%=X%+1:IFX%=10 OR X%=100 OR X%=1000 OR X%=10000 OR X%=100000 p=p-1

!� SUNDAY Version 5.2 "BARWIK"
�O%=0�Th@ � � �tTB
(d�w("Um, hi!"):�P:�w("'Get outa ma way!'"):�P:�w("'(Scuffle)'"):�P:�w("'Is that YA, Wylie?'")
<��R:�0,25)"�Ah...Is Tracy there?"'"�Hello, Clair Barwick! Happy?"'"�What is GOING ON there?"'"�(Gruff voice) This IS Ste Wylie,"'"�what's it to you?!":�i:�a%=1R=0:x=20
n��a%=1�w("'Oh, begger!'"):�P:�w("'Tracy, it's ya pratt of an ex!'"):�P:�w("'Ya'd better come back here...'"):�P:�w("'...and talk to him.'"):�P:�D|A
x\�a%=2�w("'No, I'm NOT bloody happy!'"):�P:�w("'Have ya SEEN Steven Wylie?!'"):�P:�D^A
���a%=3�w("'It's that David character!'"):�P:�w("'Ya can tell him what's going on...'"):�P:�w("'...if ya want a PUNCH!'"):�P:�w("'(Smash!)'"):�P:�w("Clair, will you calm down?"):�P:�DTA
���a%=4�w("'What's it to MA?!'"):�P:�w("'I'll tell ya what it is to MA!'"):�P:�w("'We were SUPPOSED to be going out...'"):�P:�w("'...TONIGHT...'"):�P:�w("'...to celebrate our sixty days...'")
���P:�w("'...anniversary!'"):�P:�L:�w("'Ya don't even REMEMBER, d'ya?'"):�P:�w("'Why, if bullets could travel...'"):�P:�w("'...down phonelines,..'"):�P:�w("'...I'd fire a round of ma dad's...'")
���P:�w("'...AK47 machine guns'...'"):�P:�w("'...right into ya EAR!'"):�P:�w("'And ANOTHER thing...'"):�P:�w("'...I heard ya've been two-timing...'"):�P:�w("'...ma with that SLIMY Rachel...'"):�P
���w("'...and if I find out that's true...'"):�P:�w("'...I may not be responsible for...'"):�P:�w("'...ma actions!'"):�P:�L:�w("'Ya see...'"):�P:�w("'...I love ya.'"):�P
���w("'I really love ya!'"):�P:�w("'But ya haven't been out with ma...'"):�P:�w("'...for ages now!'"):�P:�L:�w("'Okay, what's ya excuse?'")
���R:�0,25)"�I'm not Steven Wylie."'"�Could you repeat that. I fell asleep! ��Well, I'm sorry but (the) Rak has"'"�better tits than you!"'"�That was GREAT! I guarantee that will ��put down the REAL Wylie!":�i:�a%=1R=0:x=10
���a%=1�w("'Well, that's original, but...'"):�P:�w("'...but...'"):�P:�w("'...ya're NOT Steven Wylie?!!'"):�P:�d("No, but it WAS a good impression!"):�P:�w("'Ooooooohhhh!!!!'"):�P:�TvA
��a%=2�w("'This ain't Wylie!'"):�P:�d("Right on, sister!"):�P:�w("'Ya want my sister, don't ya...'"):�P:�w("'...David EDWARDS?!'"):�P:�d("Well, I hestitate to say it, but..."):�D@A
��a%=3�w("'(Fume!)'"):�P:�w("'I hate ya.'"):�P:�w("'I REALLY hate ya!'"):�P:�L:�w("'I could take up body-building!'"):�P:�d("But you haven't got any to build-up!"):�P:�TbA
d�a%=4�w("'Ya not making any friends here...'"):�P:�w("'...I hope ya know that, David!'"):�D@A
"��w("'(Suspicious pause)'"):�P:�w("'Ya mean that I'm as scrawny as...'"):�P:�w("'...that David character that ma...'"):�P:�w("'...sister used to go out with?'"):�P:�d("I BEG YOUR PARDON!"):�P
, �w("'I THOUGHT so!'"):�D@A
6��w("'NOW I'm REALLY mad!'"):�P:�d("Judging by that rampant burbling..."):�P:�d("...when you answered, I'D say..."):�P:�d("...you've been mad a long, long time!"):�P
@��P:�w("'TRACY! Git down 'ere!'"):�P:�w("'Ya EX is plugging up my call!'"):�P:�d("Ooh!"):�P:�w("'Shaddup!'"):�P:�w("'Oi!'"):�P
AH�C%=1�w("'OI! Turd-virgin!'"):�P � �w("'OI! ""Deafy-Tracy""!'"):�P
JT�w("'I've never seen ya, Dave...'"):�P:�w("'...but I think I hate ya!'"):�tFA
Td�C%=1�w("'Get the phone, turd-virgin!'"):�tFA � �w("'Get the phone, ""Deafy-Tracy""!'"):�tFA
^J�C%=1�d("Once or twice, yes!"):�P:�P:�w("'Oh, ya funny FUCKER!'"):�P
h��w("'We had a date tonight!'"):�P:�w("'And that MUTHA stood ma up!'"):�P:�d("Can't say I blame him!"):�P:�w("'Shaddup!'"):�P:�w("'NO-ONE does that to a Barwick!'"):�P
iv�w("'I shall revenge our kind!'"):�P:�d("Look, I don't want to talk to YOU!"):�P:�P:�w("'Oh, all right then.'")
r^�P:�P:�w("'Oi!'"):�P:�w("'Come back here!'"):�P:�w("'It is ACTUALLY for YA!'"):�P:�D}A
|y�d("I've never actually SEEN this..."):�P:�d("...infamous sister of Tracy's!"):�P:�d("But I think I hate her!"):�P
}B�C%=1�w("'Oi, turd-virgin!'") � �w("'Oi, ""Deafy-Tracy""!'")
��P:�L:�w("Um, hi, Dave!")
�i�R:X=1:�0,25)"�You allow yourself to be called ";:�C%=1�"""Turd-��virgin""?!"��'"�""DEAFY-Tracy""?!"
���"�Life not dandy for Clair, then?"'"�You feel like a date with the hunkiest��guy in town?"'"�Um, bye!":�i:�a%=1R=0:S=0:x=40
̒�a%=1�w("You should know."):�P:�w("You called me a lot worse!"):�P:�d("Alright, alright."):�P:�d("I want us to forget all that!"):�P:�d~A
ֹ�a%=2�w("Tell me about it!"):�P:�w("She's been smashing up the house..."):�P:�w("...since he stood her up!"):�P:�w("So..."):�P:�w("...you're gonna ask me out, right?"):�P:�dtA
��a%=3�w("William King?!"):�P:�d(" No, me!"):�P:�w("Oh..."):�P:�w("...oh, all right."):�P:�w("Just..."):�P:�w("...once..."):�P:�w("...more!"):�P:�d("Great!"):�d~A
�1�a%=4�w("Did you forget to phone the..."):�E
�q�d("You? Seriously?"):�P:�d("Ha, ha, ha -"):�P:�d("I mean, yeah!"):�P:�d("You can see right THROUGH me!")
�J�P:�d("How about a trip to the cinema?"):�P:�w("What films are on?")

��P%=0�R:�0,25)"�Erm...films?"'"�I don't know. I thought YOU'D know!"'"�I have no idea."'"�I'll find out then ring you back!":�i:�a%=1R=0:x=20
D��a%=1�w("Yes."):�P:�w("What I'll have to WATCH!"):�P:�d("Oh, I didn't find out what was..."):�P:�d("...on in case you didn't want to go!"):�P:a%=3:�DXB
ND�a%=2�w("Well, I don't!"):�P:�w("Find out then ring me back!")
XA�a%=3�w("Well, find out..."):�P:�w("...then ring me back!")
l��P:�d("""The Lawnmower Man""!"):�P:�d("(Certificate 15)"):�P:�w("You mean that new Stephen King..."):�P:�w("...movie with state-of-the-art..."):�P:�w("...computer-generated cyber-graphics?"):�P:�DvB
v��w("You bet!"):�P:x=100:�j:�w("Does the two o' clock showing..."):�P:�w("...start at two o' clock?"):�P:�d("Erm..."):�P:�d("...y..e..s...!"):�P:�d("We'll set off to Middlesbrough..."):�P
���d("...about quarter past one from..."):�P:�d("...Redcar East then..."):�P:�d("...and I'll pay you in!"):�P:�w("Oh, thanks!"):�P:�d("That's okay."):�P:�w("Well..."):�P
�X�w("...I'm going back to bed now."):�P:�w("Goodnight."):�P:�d(" 'Night."):O%=2:�U
�-�w("Um, hi, Dave!"):�P:�w("What's on?")
���P%=0�P:�d("I haven't phoned yet!"):�P:�d("My memory phone-buttons are in a..."):�P:�d("...bit of a mess!"):�P:�d("I pressed the wrong one."):�P:�w("Well, bye!"):�P:�d("Sorry!"):�U
���C:D=23
�5�0,D)"�                                      �";
�	D=D+1
�D�D=31�36,D)"���"�2,11)"                                     ":�
�	�dFB
�6��Q:�T=1�B%:�:�w("                        "):�C:�
*?��O:�d:�36,31)"���";:I=�:�36,31)"���";:�I=13�C:�j:�a � �b
�C��R:X=1:W=1:�5:�111,0:�11,23)"Possible responses:":�112,0:�4:�
���j:�X%<10 p=38:q=9:�dLF
��X%<100 p=37:q=99:�dLF
��X%<1000 p=36:q=999:�dLF
��X%<10000 p=35:q=9999:�dLF
�!�X%<100000 p=34:q=99999:�dLF
��X%=100000 �
�Or=q+1:�X=1�x:X%=X%+1:�X%=10 � X%=100 � X%=1000 � X%=10000 � X%=100000 p=p-1
00000000  0d 00 0a 21 f4 20 53 55  4e 44 41 59 20 56 65 72  |...!. SUNDAY Ver|
00000010  73 69 6f 6e 20 35 2e 32  20 22 42 41 52 57 49 4b  |sion 5.2 "BARWIK|
00000020  22 0d 00 14 2c 50 3d 31  3a 51 3d 31 3a 52 3d 31  |"...,P=1:Q=1:R=1|
00000030  3a 53 3d 31 3a 55 3d 31  3a 56 3d 31 3a 57 3d 31  |:S=1:U=1:V=1:W=1|
00000040  3a 58 3d 31 3a 2a 46 58  32 30 30 2c 31 0d 00 1e  |:X=1:*FX200,1...|
00000050  17 e7 4f 25 3d 30 e5 8d  54 68 40 20 8b 20 e5 20  |..O%=0..Th@ . . |
00000060  8d 74 54 42 0d 00 28 64  f1 a4 77 28 22 55 6d 2c  |.tTB..(d..w("Um,|
00000070  20 68 69 21 22 29 3a f2  50 3a f1 a4 77 28 22 27  | hi!"):.P:..w("'|
00000080  47 65 74 20 6f 75 74 61  20 6d 61 20 77 61 79 21  |Get outa ma way!|
00000090  27 22 29 3a f2 50 3a f1  a4 77 28 22 27 28 53 63  |'"):.P:..w("'(Sc|
000000a0  75 66 66 6c 65 29 27 22  29 3a f2 50 3a f1 a4 77  |uffle)'"):.P:..w|
000000b0  28 22 27 49 73 20 74 68  61 74 20 59 41 2c 20 57  |("'Is that YA, W|
000000c0  79 6c 69 65 3f 27 22 29  0d 00 32 06 f2 44 0d 00  |ylie?'")..2..D..|
000000d0  3c ab f2 52 3a f1 8a 30  2c 32 35 29 22 ae 41 68  |<..R:..0,25)".Ah|
000000e0  2e 2e 2e 49 73 20 54 72  61 63 79 20 74 68 65 72  |...Is Tracy ther|
000000f0  65 3f 22 27 22 af 48 65  6c 6c 6f 2c 20 43 6c 61  |e?"'".Hello, Cla|
00000100  69 72 20 42 61 72 77 69  63 6b 21 20 48 61 70 70  |ir Barwick! Happ|
00000110  79 3f 22 27 22 b0 57 68  61 74 20 69 73 20 47 4f  |y?"'".What is GO|
00000120  49 4e 47 20 4f 4e 20 74  68 65 72 65 3f 22 27 22  |ING ON there?"'"|
00000130  b1 28 47 72 75 66 66 20  76 6f 69 63 65 29 20 54  |.(Gruff voice) T|
00000140  68 69 73 20 49 53 20 53  74 65 20 57 79 6c 69 65  |his IS Ste Wylie|
00000150  2c 22 27 22 b2 77 68 61  74 27 73 20 69 74 20 74  |,"'".what's it t|
00000160  6f 20 79 6f 75 3f 21 22  3a f2 69 3a e7 61 25 3d  |o you?!":.i:.a%=|
00000170  31 52 3d 30 3a 78 3d 32  30 0d 00 46 11 e7 61 25  |1R=0:x=20..F..a%|
00000180  3d 32 53 3d 30 3a 78 3d  33 30 0d 00 50 11 e7 61  |=2S=0:x=30..P..a|
00000190  25 3d 33 55 3d 30 3a 78  3d 31 30 0d 00 5a 15 e7  |%=3U=0:x=10..Z..|
000001a0  61 25 3d 34 56 3d 30 3a  57 3d 30 3a 78 3d 34 30  |a%=4V=0:W=0:x=40|
000001b0  0d 00 64 11 61 3d 31 31  30 3a 62 3d 36 30 3a f2  |..d.a=110:b=60:.|
000001c0  4f 0d 00 6e 9b e7 61 25  3d 31 f1 a4 77 28 22 27  |O..n..a%=1..w("'|
000001d0  4f 68 2c 20 62 65 67 67  65 72 21 27 22 29 3a f2  |Oh, begger!'"):.|
000001e0  50 3a f1 a4 77 28 22 27  54 72 61 63 79 2c 20 69  |P:..w("'Tracy, i|
000001f0  74 27 73 20 79 61 20 70  72 61 74 74 20 6f 66 20  |t's ya pratt of |
00000200  61 6e 20 65 78 21 27 22  29 3a f2 50 3a f1 a4 77  |an ex!'"):.P:..w|
00000210  28 22 27 59 61 27 64 20  62 65 74 74 65 72 20 63  |("'Ya'd better c|
00000220  6f 6d 65 20 62 61 63 6b  20 68 65 72 65 2e 2e 2e  |ome back here...|
00000230  27 22 29 3a f2 50 3a f1  a4 77 28 22 27 2e 2e 2e  |'"):.P:..w("'...|
00000240  61 6e 64 20 74 61 6c 6b  20 74 6f 20 68 69 6d 2e  |and talk to him.|
00000250  27 22 29 3a f2 50 3a e5  8d 44 7c 41 0d 00 78 5c  |'"):.P:..D|A..x\|
00000260  e7 61 25 3d 32 f1 a4 77  28 22 27 4e 6f 2c 20 49  |.a%=2..w("'No, I|
00000270  27 6d 20 4e 4f 54 20 62  6c 6f 6f 64 79 20 68 61  |'m NOT bloody ha|
00000280  70 70 79 21 27 22 29 3a  f2 50 3a f1 a4 77 28 22  |ppy!'"):.P:..w("|
00000290  27 48 61 76 65 20 79 61  20 53 45 45 4e 20 53 74  |'Have ya SEEN St|
000002a0  65 76 65 6e 20 57 79 6c  69 65 3f 21 27 22 29 3a  |even Wylie?!'"):|
000002b0  f2 50 3a e5 8d 44 5e 41  0d 00 82 c1 e7 61 25 3d  |.P:..D^A.....a%=|
000002c0  33 f1 a4 77 28 22 27 49  74 27 73 20 74 68 61 74  |3..w("'It's that|
000002d0  20 44 61 76 69 64 20 63  68 61 72 61 63 74 65 72  | David character|
000002e0  21 27 22 29 3a f2 50 3a  f1 a4 77 28 22 27 59 61  |!'"):.P:..w("'Ya|
000002f0  20 63 61 6e 20 74 65 6c  6c 20 68 69 6d 20 77 68  | can tell him wh|
00000300  61 74 27 73 20 67 6f 69  6e 67 20 6f 6e 2e 2e 2e  |at's going on...|
00000310  27 22 29 3a f2 50 3a f1  a4 77 28 22 27 2e 2e 2e  |'"):.P:..w("'...|
00000320  69 66 20 79 61 20 77 61  6e 74 20 61 20 50 55 4e  |if ya want a PUN|
00000330  43 48 21 27 22 29 3a f2  50 3a f1 a4 77 28 22 27  |CH!'"):.P:..w("'|
00000340  28 53 6d 61 73 68 21 29  27 22 29 3a f2 50 3a f1  |(Smash!)'"):.P:.|
00000350  a4 77 28 22 43 6c 61 69  72 2c 20 77 69 6c 6c 20  |.w("Clair, will |
00000360  79 6f 75 20 63 61 6c 6d  20 64 6f 77 6e 3f 22 29  |you calm down?")|
00000370  3a f2 50 3a e5 8d 44 54  41 0d 00 8c c6 e7 61 25  |:.P:..DTA.....a%|
00000380  3d 34 f1 a4 77 28 22 27  57 68 61 74 27 73 20 69  |=4..w("'What's i|
00000390  74 20 74 6f 20 4d 41 3f  21 27 22 29 3a f2 50 3a  |t to MA?!'"):.P:|
000003a0  f1 a4 77 28 22 27 49 27  6c 6c 20 74 65 6c 6c 20  |..w("'I'll tell |
000003b0  79 61 20 77 68 61 74 20  69 74 20 69 73 20 74 6f  |ya what it is to|
000003c0  20 4d 41 21 27 22 29 3a  f2 50 3a f1 a4 77 28 22  | MA!'"):.P:..w("|
000003d0  27 57 65 20 77 65 72 65  20 53 55 50 50 4f 53 45  |'We were SUPPOSE|
000003e0  44 20 74 6f 20 62 65 20  67 6f 69 6e 67 20 6f 75  |D to be going ou|
000003f0  74 2e 2e 2e 27 22 29 3a  f2 50 3a f1 a4 77 28 22  |t...'"):.P:..w("|
00000400  27 2e 2e 2e 54 4f 4e 49  47 48 54 2e 2e 2e 27 22  |'...TONIGHT...'"|
00000410  29 3a f2 50 3a f1 a4 77  28 22 27 2e 2e 2e 74 6f  |):.P:..w("'...to|
00000420  20 63 65 6c 65 62 72 61  74 65 20 6f 75 72 20 73  | celebrate our s|
00000430  69 78 74 79 20 64 61 79  73 2e 2e 2e 27 22 29 0d  |ixty days...'").|
00000440  00 96 c9 f2 50 3a f1 a4  77 28 22 27 2e 2e 2e 61  |....P:..w("'...a|
00000450  6e 6e 69 76 65 72 73 61  72 79 21 27 22 29 3a f2  |nniversary!'"):.|
00000460  50 3a f2 4c 3a f1 a4 77  28 22 27 59 61 20 64 6f  |P:.L:..w("'Ya do|
00000470  6e 27 74 20 65 76 65 6e  20 52 45 4d 45 4d 42 45  |n't even REMEMBE|
00000480  52 2c 20 64 27 79 61 3f  27 22 29 3a f2 50 3a f1  |R, d'ya?'"):.P:.|
00000490  a4 77 28 22 27 57 68 79  2c 20 69 66 20 62 75 6c  |.w("'Why, if bul|
000004a0  6c 65 74 73 20 63 6f 75  6c 64 20 74 72 61 76 65  |lets could trave|
000004b0  6c 2e 2e 2e 27 22 29 3a  f2 50 3a f1 a4 77 28 22  |l...'"):.P:..w("|
000004c0  27 2e 2e 2e 64 6f 77 6e  20 70 68 6f 6e 65 6c 69  |'...down phoneli|
000004d0  6e 65 73 2c 2e 2e 27 22  29 3a f2 50 3a f1 a4 77  |nes,..'"):.P:..w|
000004e0  28 22 27 2e 2e 2e 49 27  64 20 66 69 72 65 20 61  |("'...I'd fire a|
000004f0  20 72 6f 75 6e 64 20 6f  66 20 6d 61 20 64 61 64  | round of ma dad|
00000500  27 73 2e 2e 2e 27 22 29  0d 00 a0 ca f2 50 3a f1  |'s...'").....P:.|
00000510  a4 77 28 22 27 2e 2e 2e  41 4b 34 37 20 6d 61 63  |.w("'...AK47 mac|
00000520  68 69 6e 65 20 67 75 6e  73 27 2e 2e 2e 27 22 29  |hine guns'...'")|
00000530  3a f2 50 3a f1 a4 77 28  22 27 2e 2e 2e 72 69 67  |:.P:..w("'...rig|
00000540  68 74 20 69 6e 74 6f 20  79 61 20 45 41 52 21 27  |ht into ya EAR!'|
00000550  22 29 3a f2 50 3a f1 a4  77 28 22 27 41 6e 64 20  |"):.P:..w("'And |
00000560  41 4e 4f 54 48 45 52 20  74 68 69 6e 67 2e 2e 2e  |ANOTHER thing...|
00000570  27 22 29 3a f2 50 3a f1  a4 77 28 22 27 2e 2e 2e  |'"):.P:..w("'...|
00000580  49 20 68 65 61 72 64 20  79 61 27 76 65 20 62 65  |I heard ya've be|
00000590  65 6e 20 74 77 6f 2d 74  69 6d 69 6e 67 2e 2e 2e  |en two-timing...|
000005a0  27 22 29 3a f2 50 3a f1  a4 77 28 22 27 2e 2e 2e  |'"):.P:..w("'...|
000005b0  6d 61 20 77 69 74 68 20  74 68 61 74 20 53 4c 49  |ma with that SLI|
000005c0  4d 59 20 52 61 63 68 65  6c 2e 2e 2e 27 22 29 3a  |MY Rachel...'"):|
000005d0  f2 50 0d 00 aa b0 f1 a4  77 28 22 27 2e 2e 2e 61  |.P......w("'...a|
000005e0  6e 64 20 69 66 20 49 20  66 69 6e 64 20 6f 75 74  |nd if I find out|
000005f0  20 74 68 61 74 27 73 20  74 72 75 65 2e 2e 2e 27  | that's true...'|
00000600  22 29 3a f2 50 3a f1 a4  77 28 22 27 2e 2e 2e 49  |"):.P:..w("'...I|
00000610  20 6d 61 79 20 6e 6f 74  20 62 65 20 72 65 73 70  | may not be resp|
00000620  6f 6e 73 69 62 6c 65 20  66 6f 72 2e 2e 2e 27 22  |onsible for...'"|
00000630  29 3a f2 50 3a f1 a4 77  28 22 27 2e 2e 2e 6d 61  |):.P:..w("'...ma|
00000640  20 61 63 74 69 6f 6e 73  21 27 22 29 3a f2 50 3a  | actions!'"):.P:|
00000650  f2 4c 3a f1 a4 77 28 22  27 59 61 20 73 65 65 2e  |.L:..w("'Ya see.|
00000660  2e 2e 27 22 29 3a f2 50  3a f1 a4 77 28 22 27 2e  |..'"):.P:..w("'.|
00000670  2e 2e 49 20 6c 6f 76 65  20 79 61 2e 27 22 29 3a  |..I love ya.'"):|
00000680  f2 50 0d 00 b4 91 f1 a4  77 28 22 27 49 20 72 65  |.P......w("'I re|
00000690  61 6c 6c 79 20 6c 6f 76  65 20 79 61 21 27 22 29  |ally love ya!'")|
000006a0  3a f2 50 3a f1 a4 77 28  22 27 42 75 74 20 79 61  |:.P:..w("'But ya|
000006b0  20 68 61 76 65 6e 27 74  20 62 65 65 6e 20 6f 75  | haven't been ou|
000006c0  74 20 77 69 74 68 20 6d  61 2e 2e 2e 27 22 29 3a  |t with ma...'"):|
000006d0  f2 50 3a f1 a4 77 28 22  27 2e 2e 2e 66 6f 72 20  |.P:..w("'...for |
000006e0  61 67 65 73 20 6e 6f 77  21 27 22 29 3a f2 50 3a  |ages now!'"):.P:|
000006f0  f2 4c 3a f1 a4 77 28 22  27 4f 6b 61 79 2c 20 77  |.L:..w("'Okay, w|
00000700  68 61 74 27 73 20 79 61  20 65 78 63 75 73 65 3f  |hat's ya excuse?|
00000710  27 22 29 0d 00 be 06 f2  44 0d 00 c8 e1 f2 52 3a  |'").....D.....R:|
00000720  f1 8a 30 2c 32 35 29 22  ae 49 27 6d 20 6e 6f 74  |..0,25)".I'm not|
00000730  20 53 74 65 76 65 6e 20  57 79 6c 69 65 2e 22 27  | Steven Wylie."'|
00000740  22 af 43 6f 75 6c 64 20  79 6f 75 20 72 65 70 65  |".Could you repe|
00000750  61 74 20 74 68 61 74 2e  20 49 20 66 65 6c 6c 20  |at that. I fell |
00000760  61 73 6c 65 65 70 21 20  b3 b0 57 65 6c 6c 2c 20  |asleep! ..Well, |
00000770  49 27 6d 20 73 6f 72 72  79 20 62 75 74 20 28 74  |I'm sorry but (t|
00000780  68 65 29 20 52 61 6b 20  68 61 73 22 27 22 b2 62  |he) Rak has"'".b|
00000790  65 74 74 65 72 20 74 69  74 73 20 74 68 61 6e 20  |etter tits than |
000007a0  79 6f 75 21 22 27 22 b1  54 68 61 74 20 77 61 73  |you!"'".That was|
000007b0  20 47 52 45 41 54 21 20  49 20 67 75 61 72 61 6e  | GREAT! I guaran|
000007c0  74 65 65 20 74 68 61 74  20 77 69 6c 6c 20 b3 b2  |tee that will ..|
000007d0  70 75 74 20 64 6f 77 6e  20 74 68 65 20 52 45 41  |put down the REA|
000007e0  4c 20 57 79 6c 69 65 21  22 3a f2 69 3a e7 61 25  |L Wylie!":.i:.a%|
000007f0  3d 31 52 3d 30 3a 78 3d  31 30 0d 00 d2 11 e7 61  |=1R=0:x=10.....a|
00000800  25 3d 32 53 3d 30 3a 78  3d 32 30 0d 00 dc 15 e7  |%=2S=0:x=20.....|
00000810  61 25 3d 33 55 3d 30 3a  56 3d 30 3a 78 3d 34 30  |a%=3U=0:V=0:x=40|
00000820  0d 00 e6 15 e7 61 25 3d  34 57 3d 30 3a 58 3d 30  |.....a%=4W=0:X=0|
00000830  3a 78 3d 33 30 0d 00 f0  12 61 3d 32 35 30 3a 62  |:x=30....a=250:b|
00000840  3d 32 30 30 3a f2 4f 0d  00 fa bf e7 61 25 3d 31  |=200:.O.....a%=1|
00000850  f1 a4 77 28 22 27 57 65  6c 6c 2c 20 74 68 61 74  |..w("'Well, that|
00000860  27 73 20 6f 72 69 67 69  6e 61 6c 2c 20 62 75 74  |'s original, but|
00000870  2e 2e 2e 27 22 29 3a f2  50 3a f1 a4 77 28 22 27  |...'"):.P:..w("'|
00000880  2e 2e 2e 62 75 74 2e 2e  2e 27 22 29 3a f2 50 3a  |...but...'"):.P:|
00000890  f1 a4 77 28 22 27 2e 2e  2e 79 61 27 72 65 20 4e  |..w("'...ya're N|
000008a0  4f 54 20 53 74 65 76 65  6e 20 57 79 6c 69 65 3f  |OT Steven Wylie?|
000008b0  21 21 27 22 29 3a f2 50  3a f1 a4 64 28 22 4e 6f  |!!'"):.P:..d("No|
000008c0  2c 20 62 75 74 20 69 74  20 57 41 53 20 61 20 67  |, but it WAS a g|
000008d0  6f 6f 64 20 69 6d 70 72  65 73 73 69 6f 6e 21 22  |ood impression!"|
000008e0  29 3a f2 50 3a f1 a4 77  28 22 27 4f 6f 6f 6f 6f  |):.P:..w("'Ooooo|
000008f0  6f 6f 68 68 68 68 21 21  21 21 27 22 29 3a f2 50  |oohhhh!!!!'"):.P|
00000900  3a e5 8d 54 76 41 0d 01  04 bd e7 61 25 3d 32 f1  |:..TvA.....a%=2.|
00000910  a4 77 28 22 27 54 68 69  73 20 61 69 6e 27 74 20  |.w("'This ain't |
00000920  57 79 6c 69 65 21 27 22  29 3a f2 50 3a f1 a4 64  |Wylie!'"):.P:..d|
00000930  28 22 52 69 67 68 74 20  6f 6e 2c 20 73 69 73 74  |("Right on, sist|
00000940  65 72 21 22 29 3a f2 50  3a f1 a4 77 28 22 27 59  |er!"):.P:..w("'Y|
00000950  61 20 77 61 6e 74 20 6d  79 20 73 69 73 74 65 72  |a want my sister|
00000960  2c 20 64 6f 6e 27 74 20  79 61 2e 2e 2e 27 22 29  |, don't ya...'")|
00000970  3a f2 50 3a f1 a4 77 28  22 27 2e 2e 2e 44 61 76  |:.P:..w("'...Dav|
00000980  69 64 20 45 44 57 41 52  44 53 3f 21 27 22 29 3a  |id EDWARDS?!'"):|
00000990  f2 50 3a f1 a4 64 28 22  57 65 6c 6c 2c 20 49 20  |.P:..d("Well, I |
000009a0  68 65 73 74 69 74 61 74  65 20 74 6f 20 73 61 79  |hestitate to say|
000009b0  20 69 74 2c 20 62 75 74  2e 2e 2e 22 29 3a e5 8d  | it, but..."):..|
000009c0  44 40 41 0d 01 0e b4 e7  61 25 3d 33 f1 a4 77 28  |D@A.....a%=3..w(|
000009d0  22 27 28 46 75 6d 65 21  29 27 22 29 3a f2 50 3a  |"'(Fume!)'"):.P:|
000009e0  f1 a4 77 28 22 27 49 20  68 61 74 65 20 79 61 2e  |..w("'I hate ya.|
000009f0  27 22 29 3a f2 50 3a f1  a4 77 28 22 27 49 20 52  |'"):.P:..w("'I R|
00000a00  45 41 4c 4c 59 20 68 61  74 65 20 79 61 21 27 22  |EALLY hate ya!'"|
00000a10  29 3a f2 50 3a f2 4c 3a  f1 a4 77 28 22 27 49 20  |):.P:.L:..w("'I |
00000a20  63 6f 75 6c 64 20 74 61  6b 65 20 75 70 20 62 6f  |could take up bo|
00000a30  64 79 2d 62 75 69 6c 64  69 6e 67 21 27 22 29 3a  |dy-building!'"):|
00000a40  f2 50 3a f1 a4 64 28 22  42 75 74 20 79 6f 75 20  |.P:..d("But you |
00000a50  68 61 76 65 6e 27 74 20  67 6f 74 20 61 6e 79 20  |haven't got any |
00000a60  74 6f 20 62 75 69 6c 64  2d 75 70 21 22 29 3a f2  |to build-up!"):.|
00000a70  50 3a e5 8d 54 62 41 0d  01 18 64 e7 61 25 3d 34  |P:..TbA...d.a%=4|
00000a80  f1 a4 77 28 22 27 59 61  20 6e 6f 74 20 6d 61 6b  |..w("'Ya not mak|
00000a90  69 6e 67 20 61 6e 79 20  66 72 69 65 6e 64 73 20  |ing any friends |
00000aa0  68 65 72 65 2e 2e 2e 27  22 29 3a f2 50 3a f1 a4  |here...'"):.P:..|
00000ab0  77 28 22 27 2e 2e 2e 49  20 68 6f 70 65 20 79 61  |w("'...I hope ya|
00000ac0  20 6b 6e 6f 77 20 74 68  61 74 2c 20 44 61 76 69  | know that, Davi|
00000ad0  64 21 27 22 29 3a e5 8d  44 40 41 0d 01 22 c7 f1  |d!'"):..D@A.."..|
00000ae0  a4 77 28 22 27 28 53 75  73 70 69 63 69 6f 75 73  |.w("'(Suspicious|
00000af0  20 70 61 75 73 65 29 27  22 29 3a f2 50 3a f1 a4  | pause)'"):.P:..|
00000b00  77 28 22 27 59 61 20 6d  65 61 6e 20 74 68 61 74  |w("'Ya mean that|
00000b10  20 49 27 6d 20 61 73 20  73 63 72 61 77 6e 79 20  | I'm as scrawny |
00000b20  61 73 2e 2e 2e 27 22 29  3a f2 50 3a f1 a4 77 28  |as...'"):.P:..w(|
00000b30  22 27 2e 2e 2e 74 68 61  74 20 44 61 76 69 64 20  |"'...that David |
00000b40  63 68 61 72 61 63 74 65  72 20 74 68 61 74 20 6d  |character that m|
00000b50  61 2e 2e 2e 27 22 29 3a  f2 50 3a f1 a4 77 28 22  |a...'"):.P:..w("|
00000b60  27 2e 2e 2e 73 69 73 74  65 72 20 75 73 65 64 20  |'...sister used |
00000b70  74 6f 20 67 6f 20 6f 75  74 20 77 69 74 68 3f 27  |to go out with?'|
00000b80  22 29 3a f2 50 3a f1 a4  64 28 22 49 20 42 45 47  |"):.P:..d("I BEG|
00000b90  20 59 4f 55 52 20 50 41  52 44 4f 4e 21 22 29 3a  | YOUR PARDON!"):|
00000ba0  f2 50 0d 01 2c 20 f1 a4  77 28 22 27 49 20 54 48  |.P.., ..w("'I TH|
00000bb0  4f 55 47 48 54 20 73 6f  21 27 22 29 3a e5 8d 44  |OUGHT so!'"):..D|
00000bc0  40 41 0d 01 36 ac f1 a4  77 28 22 27 4e 4f 57 20  |@A..6...w("'NOW |
00000bd0  49 27 6d 20 52 45 41 4c  4c 59 20 6d 61 64 21 27  |I'm REALLY mad!'|
00000be0  22 29 3a f2 50 3a f1 a4  64 28 22 4a 75 64 67 69  |"):.P:..d("Judgi|
00000bf0  6e 67 20 62 79 20 74 68  61 74 20 72 61 6d 70 61  |ng by that rampa|
00000c00  6e 74 20 62 75 72 62 6c  69 6e 67 2e 2e 2e 22 29  |nt burbling...")|
00000c10  3a f2 50 3a f1 a4 64 28  22 2e 2e 2e 77 68 65 6e  |:.P:..d("...when|
00000c20  20 79 6f 75 20 61 6e 73  77 65 72 65 64 2c 20 49  | you answered, I|
00000c30  27 44 20 73 61 79 2e 2e  2e 22 29 3a f2 50 3a f1  |'D say..."):.P:.|
00000c40  a4 64 28 22 2e 2e 2e 79  6f 75 27 76 65 20 62 65  |.d("...you've be|
00000c50  65 6e 20 6d 61 64 20 61  20 6c 6f 6e 67 2c 20 6c  |en mad a long, l|
00000c60  6f 6e 67 20 74 69 6d 65  21 22 29 3a f2 50 0d 01  |ong time!"):.P..|
00000c70  40 86 f2 50 3a f1 a4 77  28 22 27 54 52 41 43 59  |@..P:..w("'TRACY|
00000c80  21 20 47 69 74 20 64 6f  77 6e 20 27 65 72 65 21  |! Git down 'ere!|
00000c90  27 22 29 3a f2 50 3a f1  a4 77 28 22 27 59 61 20  |'"):.P:..w("'Ya |
00000ca0  45 58 20 69 73 20 70 6c  75 67 67 69 6e 67 20 75  |EX is plugging u|
00000cb0  70 20 6d 79 20 63 61 6c  6c 21 27 22 29 3a f2 50  |p my call!'"):.P|
00000cc0  3a f1 a4 64 28 22 4f 6f  68 21 22 29 3a f2 50 3a  |:..d("Ooh!"):.P:|
00000cd0  f1 a4 77 28 22 27 53 68  61 64 64 75 70 21 27 22  |..w("'Shaddup!'"|
00000ce0  29 3a f2 50 3a f1 a4 77  28 22 27 4f 69 21 27 22  |):.P:..w("'Oi!'"|
00000cf0  29 3a f2 50 0d 01 41 48  e7 43 25 3d 31 f1 a4 77  |):.P..AH.C%=1..w|
00000d00  28 22 27 4f 49 21 20 54  75 72 64 2d 76 69 72 67  |("'OI! Turd-virg|
00000d10  69 6e 21 27 22 29 3a f2  50 20 8b 20 f1 a4 77 28  |in!'"):.P . ..w(|
00000d20  22 27 4f 49 21 20 22 22  44 65 61 66 79 2d 54 72  |"'OI! ""Deafy-Tr|
00000d30  61 63 79 22 22 21 27 22  29 3a f2 50 0d 01 4a 54  |acy""!'"):.P..JT|
00000d40  f1 a4 77 28 22 27 49 27  76 65 20 6e 65 76 65 72  |..w("'I've never|
00000d50  20 73 65 65 6e 20 79 61  2c 20 44 61 76 65 2e 2e  | seen ya, Dave..|
00000d60  2e 27 22 29 3a f2 50 3a  f1 a4 77 28 22 27 2e 2e  |.'"):.P:..w("'..|
00000d70  2e 62 75 74 20 49 20 74  68 69 6e 6b 20 49 20 68  |.but I think I h|
00000d80  61 74 65 20 79 61 21 27  22 29 3a e5 8d 74 46 41  |ate ya!'"):..tFA|
00000d90  0d 01 54 64 e7 43 25 3d  31 f1 a4 77 28 22 27 47  |..Td.C%=1..w("'G|
00000da0  65 74 20 74 68 65 20 70  68 6f 6e 65 2c 20 74 75  |et the phone, tu|
00000db0  72 64 2d 76 69 72 67 69  6e 21 27 22 29 3a e5 8d  |rd-virgin!'"):..|
00000dc0  74 46 41 20 8b 20 f1 a4  77 28 22 27 47 65 74 20  |tFA . ..w("'Get |
00000dd0  74 68 65 20 70 68 6f 6e  65 2c 20 22 22 44 65 61  |the phone, ""Dea|
00000de0  66 79 2d 54 72 61 63 79  22 22 21 27 22 29 3a e5  |fy-Tracy""!'"):.|
00000df0  8d 74 46 41 0d 01 5e 4a  e7 43 25 3d 31 f1 a4 64  |.tFA..^J.C%=1..d|
00000e00  28 22 4f 6e 63 65 20 6f  72 20 74 77 69 63 65 2c  |("Once or twice,|
00000e10  20 79 65 73 21 22 29 3a  f2 50 3a f2 50 3a f1 a4  | yes!"):.P:.P:..|
00000e20  77 28 22 27 4f 68 2c 20  79 61 20 66 75 6e 6e 79  |w("'Oh, ya funny|
00000e30  20 46 55 43 4b 45 52 21  27 22 29 3a f2 50 0d 01  | FUCKER!'"):.P..|
00000e40  68 af f1 a4 77 28 22 27  57 65 20 68 61 64 20 61  |h...w("'We had a|
00000e50  20 64 61 74 65 20 74 6f  6e 69 67 68 74 21 27 22  | date tonight!'"|
00000e60  29 3a f2 50 3a f1 a4 77  28 22 27 41 6e 64 20 74  |):.P:..w("'And t|
00000e70  68 61 74 20 4d 55 54 48  41 20 73 74 6f 6f 64 20  |hat MUTHA stood |
00000e80  6d 61 20 75 70 21 27 22  29 3a f2 50 3a f1 a4 64  |ma up!'"):.P:..d|
00000e90  28 22 43 61 6e 27 74 20  73 61 79 20 49 20 62 6c  |("Can't say I bl|
00000ea0  61 6d 65 20 68 69 6d 21  22 29 3a f2 50 3a f1 a4  |ame him!"):.P:..|
00000eb0  77 28 22 27 53 68 61 64  64 75 70 21 27 22 29 3a  |w("'Shaddup!'"):|
00000ec0  f2 50 3a f1 a4 77 28 22  27 4e 4f 2d 4f 4e 45 20  |.P:..w("'NO-ONE |
00000ed0  64 6f 65 73 20 74 68 61  74 20 74 6f 20 61 20 42  |does that to a B|
00000ee0  61 72 77 69 63 6b 21 27  22 29 3a f2 50 0d 01 69  |arwick!'"):.P..i|
00000ef0  76 f1 a4 77 28 22 27 49  20 73 68 61 6c 6c 20 72  |v..w("'I shall r|
00000f00  65 76 65 6e 67 65 20 6f  75 72 20 6b 69 6e 64 21  |evenge our kind!|
00000f10  27 22 29 3a f2 50 3a f1  a4 64 28 22 4c 6f 6f 6b  |'"):.P:..d("Look|
00000f20  2c 20 49 20 64 6f 6e 27  74 20 77 61 6e 74 20 74  |, I don't want t|
00000f30  6f 20 74 61 6c 6b 20 74  6f 20 59 4f 55 21 22 29  |o talk to YOU!")|
00000f40  3a f2 50 3a f2 50 3a f1  a4 77 28 22 27 4f 68 2c  |:.P:.P:..w("'Oh,|
00000f50  20 61 6c 6c 20 72 69 67  68 74 20 74 68 65 6e 2e  | all right then.|
00000f60  27 22 29 0d 01 72 5e f2  50 3a f2 50 3a f1 a4 77  |'")..r^.P:.P:..w|
00000f70  28 22 27 4f 69 21 27 22  29 3a f2 50 3a f1 a4 77  |("'Oi!'"):.P:..w|
00000f80  28 22 27 43 6f 6d 65 20  62 61 63 6b 20 68 65 72  |("'Come back her|
00000f90  65 21 27 22 29 3a f2 50  3a f1 a4 77 28 22 27 49  |e!'"):.P:..w("'I|
00000fa0  74 20 69 73 20 41 43 54  55 41 4c 4c 59 20 66 6f  |t is ACTUALLY fo|
00000fb0  72 20 59 41 21 27 22 29  3a f2 50 3a e5 8d 44 7d  |r YA!'"):.P:..D}|
00000fc0  41 0d 01 7c 79 f1 a4 64  28 22 49 27 76 65 20 6e  |A..|y..d("I've n|
00000fd0  65 76 65 72 20 61 63 74  75 61 6c 6c 79 20 53 45  |ever actually SE|
00000fe0  45 4e 20 74 68 69 73 2e  2e 2e 22 29 3a f2 50 3a  |EN this..."):.P:|
00000ff0  f1 a4 64 28 22 2e 2e 2e  69 6e 66 61 6d 6f 75 73  |..d("...infamous|
00001000  20 73 69 73 74 65 72 20  6f 66 20 54 72 61 63 79  | sister of Tracy|
00001010  27 73 21 22 29 3a f2 50  3a f1 a4 64 28 22 42 75  |'s!"):.P:..d("Bu|
00001020  74 20 49 20 74 68 69 6e  6b 20 49 20 68 61 74 65  |t I think I hate|
00001030  20 68 65 72 21 22 29 3a  f2 50 0d 01 7d 42 e7 43  | her!"):.P..}B.C|
00001040  25 3d 31 f1 a4 77 28 22  27 4f 69 2c 20 74 75 72  |%=1..w("'Oi, tur|
00001050  64 2d 76 69 72 67 69 6e  21 27 22 29 20 8b 20 f1  |d-virgin!'") . .|
00001060  a4 77 28 22 27 4f 69 2c  20 22 22 44 65 61 66 79  |.w("'Oi, ""Deafy|
00001070  2d 54 72 61 63 79 22 22  21 27 22 29 0d 01 86 1e  |-Tracy""!'")....|
00001080  f2 50 3a f2 4c 3a f1 a4  77 28 22 55 6d 2c 20 68  |.P:.L:..w("Um, h|
00001090  69 2c 20 44 61 76 65 21  22 29 0d 01 90 06 f2 44  |i, Dave!").....D|
000010a0  0d 01 9a 69 f2 52 3a 58  3d 31 3a f1 8a 30 2c 32  |...i.R:X=1:..0,2|
000010b0  35 29 22 ae 59 6f 75 20  61 6c 6c 6f 77 20 79 6f  |5)".You allow yo|
000010c0  75 72 73 65 6c 66 20 74  6f 20 62 65 20 63 61 6c  |urself to be cal|
000010d0  6c 65 64 20 22 3b 3a e7  43 25 3d 31 f1 22 22 22  |led ";:.C%=1."""|
000010e0  54 75 72 64 2d b3 b2 76  69 72 67 69 6e 22 22 3f  |Turd-..virgin""?|
000010f0  21 22 8b f1 27 22 b2 22  22 44 45 41 46 59 2d 54  |!"..'".""DEAFY-T|
00001100  72 61 63 79 22 22 3f 21  22 0d 01 9b 80 f1 22 af  |racy""?!".....".|
00001110  4c 69 66 65 20 6e 6f 74  20 64 61 6e 64 79 20 66  |Life not dandy f|
00001120  6f 72 20 43 6c 61 69 72  2c 20 74 68 65 6e 3f 22  |or Clair, then?"|
00001130  27 22 b0 59 6f 75 20 66  65 65 6c 20 6c 69 6b 65  |'".You feel like|
00001140  20 61 20 64 61 74 65 20  77 69 74 68 20 74 68 65  | a date with the|
00001150  20 68 75 6e 6b 69 65 73  74 b3 b2 67 75 79 20 69  | hunkiest..guy i|
00001160  6e 20 74 6f 77 6e 3f 22  27 22 b1 55 6d 2c 20 62  |n town?"'".Um, b|
00001170  79 65 21 22 3a f2 69 3a  e7 61 25 3d 31 52 3d 30  |ye!":.i:.a%=1R=0|
00001180  3a 53 3d 30 3a 78 3d 34  30 0d 01 a4 11 e7 61 25  |:S=0:x=40.....a%|
00001190  3d 32 55 3d 30 3a 78 3d  31 30 0d 01 ae 15 e7 61  |=2U=0:x=10.....a|
000011a0  25 3d 33 56 3d 30 3a 57  3d 30 3a 78 3d 32 30 0d  |%=3V=0:W=0:x=20.|
000011b0  01 b8 11 e7 61 25 3d 34  58 3d 30 3a 78 3d 33 30  |....a%=4X=0:x=30|
000011c0  0d 01 c2 17 61 3d 34 36  30 3a 62 3d 34 31 30 3a  |....a=460:b=410:|
000011d0  4f 25 3d 31 3a f2 4f 0d  01 cc 92 e7 61 25 3d 31  |O%=1:.O.....a%=1|
000011e0  f1 a4 77 28 22 59 6f 75  20 73 68 6f 75 6c 64 20  |..w("You should |
000011f0  6b 6e 6f 77 2e 22 29 3a  f2 50 3a f1 a4 77 28 22  |know."):.P:..w("|
00001200  59 6f 75 20 63 61 6c 6c  65 64 20 6d 65 20 61 20  |You called me a |
00001210  6c 6f 74 20 77 6f 72 73  65 21 22 29 3a f2 50 3a  |lot worse!"):.P:|
00001220  f1 a4 64 28 22 41 6c 72  69 67 68 74 2c 20 61 6c  |..d("Alright, al|
00001230  72 69 67 68 74 2e 22 29  3a f2 50 3a f1 a4 64 28  |right."):.P:..d(|
00001240  22 49 20 77 61 6e 74 20  75 73 20 74 6f 20 66 6f  |"I want us to fo|
00001250  72 67 65 74 20 61 6c 6c  20 74 68 61 74 21 22 29  |rget all that!")|
00001260  3a f2 50 3a e5 8d 64 7e  41 0d 01 d6 b9 e7 61 25  |:.P:..d~A.....a%|
00001270  3d 32 f1 a4 77 28 22 54  65 6c 6c 20 6d 65 20 61  |=2..w("Tell me a|
00001280  62 6f 75 74 20 69 74 21  22 29 3a f2 50 3a f1 a4  |bout it!"):.P:..|
00001290  77 28 22 53 68 65 27 73  20 62 65 65 6e 20 73 6d  |w("She's been sm|
000012a0  61 73 68 69 6e 67 20 75  70 20 74 68 65 20 68 6f  |ashing up the ho|
000012b0  75 73 65 2e 2e 2e 22 29  3a f2 50 3a f1 a4 77 28  |use..."):.P:..w(|
000012c0  22 2e 2e 2e 73 69 6e 63  65 20 68 65 20 73 74 6f  |"...since he sto|
000012d0  6f 64 20 68 65 72 20 75  70 21 22 29 3a f2 50 3a  |od her up!"):.P:|
000012e0  f1 a4 77 28 22 53 6f 2e  2e 2e 22 29 3a f2 50 3a  |..w("So..."):.P:|
000012f0  f1 a4 77 28 22 2e 2e 2e  79 6f 75 27 72 65 20 67  |..w("...you're g|
00001300  6f 6e 6e 61 20 61 73 6b  20 6d 65 20 6f 75 74 2c  |onna ask me out,|
00001310  20 72 69 67 68 74 3f 22  29 3a f2 50 3a e5 8d 64  | right?"):.P:..d|
00001320  74 41 0d 01 e0 ae e7 61  25 3d 33 f1 a4 77 28 22  |tA.....a%=3..w("|
00001330  57 69 6c 6c 69 61 6d 20  4b 69 6e 67 3f 21 22 29  |William King?!")|
00001340  3a f2 50 3a f1 a4 64 28  22 20 4e 6f 2c 20 6d 65  |:.P:..d(" No, me|
00001350  21 22 29 3a f2 50 3a f1  a4 77 28 22 4f 68 2e 2e  |!"):.P:..w("Oh..|
00001360  2e 22 29 3a f2 50 3a f1  a4 77 28 22 2e 2e 2e 6f  |."):.P:..w("...o|
00001370  68 2c 20 61 6c 6c 20 72  69 67 68 74 2e 22 29 3a  |h, all right."):|
00001380  f2 50 3a f1 a4 77 28 22  4a 75 73 74 2e 2e 2e 22  |.P:..w("Just..."|
00001390  29 3a f2 50 3a f1 a4 77  28 22 2e 2e 2e 6f 6e 63  |):.P:..w("...onc|
000013a0  65 2e 2e 2e 22 29 3a f2  50 3a f1 a4 77 28 22 2e  |e..."):.P:..w(".|
000013b0  2e 2e 6d 6f 72 65 21 22  29 3a f2 50 3a f1 a4 64  |..more!"):.P:..d|
000013c0  28 22 47 72 65 61 74 21  22 29 3a e5 8d 64 7e 41  |("Great!"):..d~A|
000013d0  0d 01 ea 31 e7 61 25 3d  34 f1 a4 77 28 22 44 69  |...1.a%=4..w("Di|
000013e0  64 20 79 6f 75 20 66 6f  72 67 65 74 20 74 6f 20  |d you forget to |
000013f0  70 68 6f 6e 65 20 74 68  65 2e 2e 2e 22 29 3a f2  |phone the..."):.|
00001400  45 0d 01 f4 71 f1 a4 64  28 22 59 6f 75 3f 20 53  |E...q..d("You? S|
00001410  65 72 69 6f 75 73 6c 79  3f 22 29 3a f2 50 3a f1  |eriously?"):.P:.|
00001420  a4 64 28 22 48 61 2c 20  68 61 2c 20 68 61 20 2d  |.d("Ha, ha, ha -|
00001430  22 29 3a f2 50 3a f1 a4  64 28 22 49 20 6d 65 61  |"):.P:..d("I mea|
00001440  6e 2c 20 79 65 61 68 21  22 29 3a f2 50 3a f1 a4  |n, yeah!"):.P:..|
00001450  64 28 22 59 6f 75 20 63  61 6e 20 73 65 65 20 72  |d("You can see r|
00001460  69 67 68 74 20 54 48 52  4f 55 47 48 20 6d 65 21  |ight THROUGH me!|
00001470  22 29 0d 01 fe 4a f2 50  3a f1 a4 64 28 22 48 6f  |")...J.P:..d("Ho|
00001480  77 20 61 62 6f 75 74 20  61 20 74 72 69 70 20 74  |w about a trip t|
00001490  6f 20 74 68 65 20 63 69  6e 65 6d 61 3f 22 29 3a  |o the cinema?"):|
000014a0  f2 50 3a f1 a4 77 28 22  57 68 61 74 20 66 69 6c  |.P:..w("What fil|
000014b0  6d 73 20 61 72 65 20 6f  6e 3f 22 29 0d 02 08 0e  |ms are on?")....|
000014c0  e7 50 25 3d 31 e5 8d 44  6c 42 0d 02 0d 06 f2 44  |.P%=1..DlB.....D|
000014d0  0d 02 12 92 e7 50 25 3d  30 f2 52 3a f1 8a 30 2c  |.....P%=0.R:..0,|
000014e0  32 35 29 22 ae 45 72 6d  2e 2e 2e 66 69 6c 6d 73  |25)".Erm...films|
000014f0  3f 22 27 22 af 49 20 64  6f 6e 27 74 20 6b 6e 6f  |?"'".I don't kno|
00001500  77 2e 20 49 20 74 68 6f  75 67 68 74 20 59 4f 55  |w. I thought YOU|
00001510  27 44 20 6b 6e 6f 77 21  22 27 22 b0 49 20 68 61  |'D know!"'".I ha|
00001520  76 65 20 6e 6f 20 69 64  65 61 2e 22 27 22 b1 49  |ve no idea."'".I|
00001530  27 6c 6c 20 66 69 6e 64  20 6f 75 74 20 74 68 65  |'ll find out the|
00001540  6e 20 72 69 6e 67 20 79  6f 75 20 62 61 63 6b 21  |n ring you back!|
00001550  22 3a f2 69 3a e7 61 25  3d 31 52 3d 30 3a 78 3d  |":.i:.a%=1R=0:x=|
00001560  32 30 0d 02 1c 11 e7 61  25 3d 32 53 3d 30 3a 78  |20.....a%=2S=0:x|
00001570  3d 31 30 0d 02 26 11 e7  61 25 3d 33 55 3d 30 3a  |=10..&..a%=3U=0:|
00001580  78 3d 33 30 0d 02 30 11  e7 61 25 3d 34 56 3d 30  |x=30..0..a%=4V=0|
00001590  3a 78 3d 34 30 0d 02 3a  17 4f 25 3d 31 3a 61 3d  |:x=40..:.O%=1:a=|
000015a0  35 38 30 3a 62 3d 35 33  30 3a f2 4f 0d 02 44 a0  |580:b=530:.O..D.|
000015b0  e7 61 25 3d 31 f1 a4 77  28 22 59 65 73 2e 22 29  |.a%=1..w("Yes.")|
000015c0  3a f2 50 3a f1 a4 77 28  22 57 68 61 74 20 49 27  |:.P:..w("What I'|
000015d0  6c 6c 20 68 61 76 65 20  74 6f 20 57 41 54 43 48  |ll have to WATCH|
000015e0  21 22 29 3a f2 50 3a f1  a4 64 28 22 4f 68 2c 20  |!"):.P:..d("Oh, |
000015f0  49 20 64 69 64 6e 27 74  20 66 69 6e 64 20 6f 75  |I didn't find ou|
00001600  74 20 77 68 61 74 20 77  61 73 2e 2e 2e 22 29 3a  |t what was..."):|
00001610  f2 50 3a f1 a4 64 28 22  2e 2e 2e 6f 6e 20 69 6e  |.P:..d("...on in|
00001620  20 63 61 73 65 20 79 6f  75 20 64 69 64 6e 27 74  | case you didn't|
00001630  20 77 61 6e 74 20 74 6f  20 67 6f 21 22 29 3a f2  | want to go!"):.|
00001640  50 3a 61 25 3d 33 3a e5  8d 44 58 42 0d 02 4e 44  |P:a%=3:..DXB..ND|
00001650  e7 61 25 3d 32 f1 a4 77  28 22 57 65 6c 6c 2c 20  |.a%=2..w("Well, |
00001660  49 20 64 6f 6e 27 74 21  22 29 3a f2 50 3a f1 a4  |I don't!"):.P:..|
00001670  77 28 22 46 69 6e 64 20  6f 75 74 20 74 68 65 6e  |w("Find out then|
00001680  20 72 69 6e 67 20 6d 65  20 62 61 63 6b 21 22 29  | ring me back!")|
00001690  0d 02 58 41 e7 61 25 3d  33 f1 a4 77 28 22 57 65  |..XA.a%=3..w("We|
000016a0  6c 6c 2c 20 66 69 6e 64  20 6f 75 74 2e 2e 2e 22  |ll, find out..."|
000016b0  29 3a f2 50 3a f1 a4 77  28 22 2e 2e 2e 74 68 65  |):.P:..w("...the|
000016c0  6e 20 72 69 6e 67 20 6d  65 20 62 61 63 6b 21 22  |n ring me back!"|
000016d0  29 0d 02 62 15 e7 61 25  3d 34 f1 a4 77 28 22 4f  |)..b..a%=4..w("O|
000016e0  6b 61 79 21 22 29 0d 02  67 06 f2 45 0d 02 6c d0  |kay!")..g..E..l.|
000016f0  f2 50 3a f1 a4 64 28 22  22 22 54 68 65 20 4c 61  |.P:..d("""The La|
00001700  77 6e 6d 6f 77 65 72 20  4d 61 6e 22 22 21 22 29  |wnmower Man""!")|
00001710  3a f2 50 3a f1 a4 64 28  22 28 43 65 72 74 69 66  |:.P:..d("(Certif|
00001720  69 63 61 74 65 20 31 35  29 22 29 3a f2 50 3a f1  |icate 15)"):.P:.|
00001730  a4 77 28 22 59 6f 75 20  6d 65 61 6e 20 74 68 61  |.w("You mean tha|
00001740  74 20 6e 65 77 20 53 74  65 70 68 65 6e 20 4b 69  |t new Stephen Ki|
00001750  6e 67 2e 2e 2e 22 29 3a  f2 50 3a f1 a4 77 28 22  |ng..."):.P:..w("|
00001760  2e 2e 2e 6d 6f 76 69 65  20 77 69 74 68 20 73 74  |...movie with st|
00001770  61 74 65 2d 6f 66 2d 74  68 65 2d 61 72 74 2e 2e  |ate-of-the-art..|
00001780  2e 22 29 3a f2 50 3a f1  a4 77 28 22 2e 2e 2e 63  |."):.P:..w("...c|
00001790  6f 6d 70 75 74 65 72 2d  67 65 6e 65 72 61 74 65  |omputer-generate|
000017a0  64 20 63 79 62 65 72 2d  67 72 61 70 68 69 63 73  |d cyber-graphics|
000017b0  3f 22 29 3a f2 50 3a e5  8d 44 76 42 0d 02 76 c4  |?"):.P:..DvB..v.|
000017c0  f1 a4 77 28 22 59 6f 75  20 62 65 74 21 22 29 3a  |..w("You bet!"):|
000017d0  f2 50 3a 78 3d 31 30 30  3a f2 6a 3a f1 a4 77 28  |.P:x=100:.j:..w(|
000017e0  22 44 6f 65 73 20 74 68  65 20 74 77 6f 20 6f 27  |"Does the two o'|
000017f0  20 63 6c 6f 63 6b 20 73  68 6f 77 69 6e 67 2e 2e  | clock showing..|
00001800  2e 22 29 3a f2 50 3a f1  a4 77 28 22 2e 2e 2e 73  |."):.P:..w("...s|
00001810  74 61 72 74 20 61 74 20  74 77 6f 20 6f 27 20 63  |tart at two o' c|
00001820  6c 6f 63 6b 3f 22 29 3a  f2 50 3a f1 a4 64 28 22  |lock?"):.P:..d("|
00001830  45 72 6d 2e 2e 2e 22 29  3a f2 50 3a f1 a4 64 28  |Erm..."):.P:..d(|
00001840  22 2e 2e 2e 79 2e 2e 65  2e 2e 73 2e 2e 2e 21 22  |"...y..e..s...!"|
00001850  29 3a f2 50 3a f1 a4 64  28 22 57 65 27 6c 6c 20  |):.P:..d("We'll |
00001860  73 65 74 20 6f 66 66 20  74 6f 20 4d 69 64 64 6c  |set off to Middl|
00001870  65 73 62 72 6f 75 67 68  2e 2e 2e 22 29 3a f2 50  |esbrough..."):.P|
00001880  0d 02 80 b1 f1 a4 64 28  22 2e 2e 2e 61 62 6f 75  |......d("...abou|
00001890  74 20 71 75 61 72 74 65  72 20 70 61 73 74 20 6f  |t quarter past o|
000018a0  6e 65 20 66 72 6f 6d 2e  2e 2e 22 29 3a f2 50 3a  |ne from..."):.P:|
000018b0  f1 a4 64 28 22 2e 2e 2e  52 65 64 63 61 72 20 45  |..d("...Redcar E|
000018c0  61 73 74 20 74 68 65 6e  2e 2e 2e 22 29 3a f2 50  |ast then..."):.P|
000018d0  3a f1 a4 64 28 22 2e 2e  2e 61 6e 64 20 49 27 6c  |:..d("...and I'l|
000018e0  6c 20 70 61 79 20 79 6f  75 20 69 6e 21 22 29 3a  |l pay you in!"):|
000018f0  f2 50 3a f1 a4 77 28 22  4f 68 2c 20 74 68 61 6e  |.P:..w("Oh, than|
00001900  6b 73 21 22 29 3a f2 50  3a f1 a4 64 28 22 54 68  |ks!"):.P:..d("Th|
00001910  61 74 27 73 20 6f 6b 61  79 2e 22 29 3a f2 50 3a  |at's okay."):.P:|
00001920  f1 a4 77 28 22 57 65 6c  6c 2e 2e 2e 22 29 3a f2  |..w("Well..."):.|
00001930  50 0d 02 8a 58 f1 a4 77  28 22 2e 2e 2e 49 27 6d  |P...X..w("...I'm|
00001940  20 67 6f 69 6e 67 20 62  61 63 6b 20 74 6f 20 62  | going back to b|
00001950  65 64 20 6e 6f 77 2e 22  29 3a f2 50 3a f1 a4 77  |ed now."):.P:..w|
00001960  28 22 47 6f 6f 64 6e 69  67 68 74 2e 22 29 3a f2  |("Goodnight."):.|
00001970  50 3a f1 a4 64 28 22 20  27 4e 69 67 68 74 2e 22  |P:..d(" 'Night."|
00001980  29 3a 4f 25 3d 32 3a f2  55 0d 02 94 2d f1 a4 77  |):O%=2:.U...-..w|
00001990  28 22 55 6d 2c 20 68 69  2c 20 44 61 76 65 21 22  |("Um, hi, Dave!"|
000019a0  29 3a f2 50 3a f1 a4 77  28 22 57 68 61 74 27 73  |):.P:..w("What's|
000019b0  20 6f 6e 3f 22 29 0d 02  9e be e7 50 25 3d 30 f2  | on?").....P%=0.|
000019c0  50 3a f1 a4 64 28 22 49  20 68 61 76 65 6e 27 74  |P:..d("I haven't|
000019d0  20 70 68 6f 6e 65 64 20  79 65 74 21 22 29 3a f2  | phoned yet!"):.|
000019e0  50 3a f1 a4 64 28 22 4d  79 20 6d 65 6d 6f 72 79  |P:..d("My memory|
000019f0  20 70 68 6f 6e 65 2d 62  75 74 74 6f 6e 73 20 61  | phone-buttons a|
00001a00  72 65 20 69 6e 20 61 2e  2e 2e 22 29 3a f2 50 3a  |re in a..."):.P:|
00001a10  f1 a4 64 28 22 2e 2e 2e  62 69 74 20 6f 66 20 61  |..d("...bit of a|
00001a20  20 6d 65 73 73 21 22 29  3a f2 50 3a f1 a4 64 28  | mess!"):.P:..d(|
00001a30  22 49 20 70 72 65 73 73  65 64 20 74 68 65 20 77  |"I pressed the w|
00001a40  72 6f 6e 67 20 6f 6e 65  2e 22 29 3a f2 50 3a f1  |rong one."):.P:.|
00001a50  a4 77 28 22 57 65 6c 6c  2c 20 62 79 65 21 22 29  |.w("Well, bye!")|
00001a60  3a f2 50 3a f1 a4 64 28  22 53 6f 72 72 79 21 22  |:.P:..d("Sorry!"|
00001a70  29 3a f2 55 0d 02 a8 0e  e7 50 25 3d 31 e5 8d 44  |):.U.....P%=1..D|
00001a80  6c 42 0d 02 b2 1d dd f2  69 3a f5 3a 61 25 3d a7  |lB......i:.:a%=.|
00001a90  22 31 32 33 34 22 2c be  29 3a fd 61 25 3a e1 0d  |"1234",.):.a%:..|
00001aa0  02 bc 0c dd f2 43 3a 44  3d 32 33 0d 02 c6 35 f1  |.....C:D=23...5.|
00001ab0  8a 30 2c 44 29 22 b2 20  20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20  |.0,D)".         |
00001ac0  20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20  20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20  |                |
00001ad0  20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20  20 20 20 20 20 b3 22 3b  |             .";|
00001ae0  0d 02 d0 09 44 3d 44 2b  31 0d 02 da 44 e7 44 3d  |....D=D+1...D.D=|
00001af0  33 31 f1 8a 33 36 2c 44  29 22 b5 b5 b5 22 8a 32  |31..36,D)"...".2|
00001b00  2c 31 31 29 22 20 20 20  20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20  |,11)"           |
00001b10  20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20  20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20  |                |
00001b20  20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20  20 20 22 3a e1 0d 02 e4  |          ":....|
00001b30  09 e5 8d 64 46 42 0d 02  ee 21 dd f2 50 3a e3 54  |...dFB...!..P:.T|
00001b40  3d 31 b8 42 25 3a ed 3a  f2 43 3a e3 54 3d 31 b8  |=1.B%:.:.C:.T=1.|
00001b50  33 30 30 3a ed 3a e1 0d  02 f8 36 dd f2 51 3a e3  |300:.:....6..Q:.|
00001b60  54 3d 31 b8 42 25 3a ed  3a f1 a4 77 28 22 20 20  |T=1.B%:.:..w("  |
00001b70  20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20  20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20  |                |
00001b80  20 20 20 20 20 20 22 29  3a f2 43 3a e1 0d 03 02  |      "):.C:....|
00001b90  14 dd f2 44 3a e3 54 3d  31 b8 36 30 30 3a ed 3a  |...D:.T=1.600:.:|
00001ba0  e1 0d 03 25 2d dd f2 55  3a e3 54 3d 31 b8 31 36  |...%-..U:.T=1.16|
00001bb0  30 30 3a ed 3a d4 30 2c  2d 31 35 2c 31 2c 31 3a  |00:.:.0,-15,1,1:|
00001bc0  5a 25 3d 31 3a d7 22 50  48 4f 4e 45 32 22 0d 03  |Z%=1:."PHONE2"..|
00001bd0  2a 3f dd f2 4f 3a f2 64  3a f1 8a 33 36 2c 33 31  |*?..O:.d:..36,31|
00001be0  29 22 b6 b7 b8 22 3b 3a  49 3d a5 3a f1 8a 33 36  |)"...";:I=.:..36|
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00001c00  f2 43 3a f2 6a 3a e5 61  20 8b 20 e5 62 0d 03 34  |.C:.j:.a . .b..4|
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00001c50  22 89 28 33 38 29 0d 03  52 17 e7 53 3d 31 f1 8a  |".(38)..R..S=1..|
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00001c80  28 33 38 29 0d 03 66 17  e7 56 3d 31 f1 8a 30 2c  |(38)..f..V=1..0,|
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00001d00  31 3a e1 0d 03 8e 1d dd  f2 69 3a f5 3a 61 25 3d  |1:.......i:.:a%=|
00001d10  a7 22 31 32 33 34 22 2c  be 29 3a fd 61 25 3a e1  |."1234",.):.a%:.|
00001d20  0d 03 de 1e dd a4 74 28  41 24 29 3a f1 8a 32 31  |......t(A$):..21|
00001d30  2d a9 41 24 2f 32 2c 35  29 3b 3a 3d 41 24 0d 03  |-.A$/2,5);:=A$..|
00001d40  e8 1f dd a4 77 28 41 24  29 3a f1 8a 32 31 2d a9  |....w(A$):..21-.|
00001d50  41 24 2f 32 2c 31 31 29  3b 3a 3d 41 24 0d 03 f2  |A$/2,11);:=A$...|
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00001da0  6f 73 73 69 62 6c 65 20  72 65 73 70 6f 6e 73 65  |ossible response|
00001db0  73 3a 22 3a e6 31 31 32  2c 30 3a ef 34 3a e1 0d  |s:":.112,0:.4:..|
00001dc0  04 06 15 dd f2 4c 3a e3  54 3d 31 b8 33 35 30 30  |.....L:.T=1.3500|
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00001de0  31 30 20 70 3d 33 38 3a  71 3d 39 3a e5 8d 64 4c  |10 p=38:q=9:..dL|
00001df0  46 0d 06 9a 1b e7 58 25  3c 31 30 30 20 70 3d 33  |F.....X%<100 p=3|
00001e00  37 3a 71 3d 39 39 3a e5  8d 64 4c 46 0d 06 a4 1d  |7:q=99:..dLF....|
00001e10  e7 58 25 3c 31 30 30 30  20 70 3d 33 36 3a 71 3d  |.X%<1000 p=36:q=|
00001e20  39 39 39 3a e5 8d 64 4c  46 0d 06 ae 1f e7 58 25  |999:..dLF.....X%|
00001e30  3c 31 30 30 30 30 20 70  3d 33 35 3a 71 3d 39 39  |<10000 p=35:q=99|
00001e40  39 39 3a e5 8d 64 4c 46  0d 06 b8 21 e7 58 25 3c  |99:..dLF...!.X%<|
00001e50  31 30 30 30 30 30 20 70  3d 33 34 3a 71 3d 39 39  |100000 p=34:q=99|
00001e60  39 39 39 3a e5 8d 64 4c  46 0d 06 c2 10 e7 58 25  |999:..dLF.....X%|
00001e70  3d 31 30 30 30 30 30 20  e1 0d 06 cc 4f 72 3d 71  |=100000 ....Or=q|
00001e80  2b 31 3a e3 58 3d 31 b8  78 3a 58 25 3d 58 25 2b  |+1:.X=1.x:X%=X%+|
00001e90  31 3a e7 58 25 3d 31 30  20 84 20 58 25 3d 31 30  |1:.X%=10 . X%=10|
00001ea0  30 20 84 20 58 25 3d 31  30 30 30 20 84 20 58 25  |0 . X%=1000 . X%|
00001eb0  3d 31 30 30 30 30 20 84  20 58 25 3d 31 30 30 30  |=10000 . X%=1000|
00001ec0  30 30 20 70 3d 70 2d 31  0d 06 d6 1b f1 8a 70 2c  |00 p=p-1......p,|
00001ed0  31 29 3b 58 25 3a e3 54  3d 31 b8 31 30 3a ed 3a  |1);X%:.T=1.10:.:|
00001ee0  ed 3a e1 0d 06 e0 05 e1  0d 07 d0 22 dd f2 45 3a  |.:........."..E:|
00001ef0  5a 25 3d 31 3a e3 54 3d  31 b8 31 30 30 30 3a ed  |Z%=1:.T=1.1000:.|
00001f00  3a d7 22 50 48 4f 4e 45  32 22 0d ff              |:."PHONE2"..|