Home » CEEFAX disks » telesoftware6.adl » 20-03-88/SCOPEL1


This website contains an archive of files for the Acorn Electron, BBC Micro, Acorn Archimedes, Commodore 16 and Commodore 64 computers, which Dominic Ford has rescued from his private collection of floppy disks and cassettes.

Some of these files were originally commercial releases in the 1980s and 1990s, but they are now widely available online. I assume that copyright over them is no longer being asserted. If you own the copyright and would like files to be removed, please contact me.

Tape/disk: Home » CEEFAX disks » telesoftware6.adl
Filename: 20-03-88/SCOPEL1
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File size: 596F bytes
Load address: FFFF1900
Exec address: FFFF8023

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File contents
    0*|"���7`````````````````````````5�         ���5�DATASCOPE loader�part1 �5�         ���5�(C) M.J.GOLDFINCH�1987 �5�         ���uppppppppppppppppppppppppp5�
 1070PROCh:VDU31,13,14,&81:TIME=0:REPEATUNTILTIME>300ORINKEY-97ORU%=808080:VDU31,1,17,32,31,1,18,32,31,1,19,32,28,3,18,36,18:PRINT"����initialising..�PLEASE WAIT��";:PROC_:PROCZ:PROC`:PROCa:ENDPROC
 1100PRINTTAB(0,6)"���j�Loading�Datascope main program. �5":IFQ%PRINT"���55�Second processor 65C02 on line�jj"ELSEIFR%PRINT"���55�Shadow mode available         �jj"ELSEPRINT"���55�No tube: downloading automatic�jj"
 1120DEFPROCNCLS:PRINTTAB(0,6)"���j�Insert�Datascope�master disc  �5"'"���j�in Drive 0."SPC19"�5"''"���j�����key�<SPACE>"SPC15"�5":REPEATUNTILINKEY-99:CLS:PROCI("DR.0"):ENDPROC
 1130DEFPROCiPRINTTAB(0,6)"���j�Loading�Scopel2�pages 8 _ C.  �5":U%=0:Z%=888888:CHAIN"ScopeL2":ENDPROC
 1140DEFPROCGPROCJ:VDU26:K%=0:IFZ%<>777777 P%=1
 1240PROCI("FX21"):REPEATPRINTTAB(26,23)"�����page�?��":VDU7:J%=GET:IFJ%<58 P%=J%-48ELSEP%=J%-55
 1270IFK%=-1P%=P%-1ELSEIFK%=1P%=P%+1ELSEIFK%=2 P%=1
 1420DEFPROCR M%=-1:PROCO:PRINT"����������������������������������"'"������������������������"'"������������������꽮"'"������ �����������������������  �index"'"����������������������������������"'"��p.1:index                 ���sub-pages";
 1430PRINT"� � 2:introduction                   3��� � 3:parameters option              2��� � 4:graphics mode, data drive      1��� � 5:colour and axes options        4��� � 6:monitor ADC port               5��";
 1440PRINT"� � 7:edit: erase/overlay/bargraph   5��� � 8:print data                     2��� � 9:data storage 1: screen images  3��� � A:data storage 2: data files     3��� � B:data recall: images and files  3��";
 1450PRINT"� � C:applications & technical data 16����� D:load�Datascope main program    1��"'"���k���>�next page  �<�previous page   ����e ��TAB�scroll sub-page���*�index � ����y���P�select page�( �H�print page   �";:PROCA("1")
 1460PRINTTAB(0,24)"��$���part 1 contains pages 2_7    ���$";:ENDPROC
 1470DEFPROCTPROCO:PROCB(&84,&96,&97,&82,3,"introduction 1",-1,&97):PRINT'"� Datascope is a comprehensive program  �for the display and storage of data"'"�derived from the analogue to digital"'"�port (ADC) of the BBC B and Master."
 1480PRINT'"� The program functions like a digital  �storage oscilloscope and allows the"'"�user to define such parameters as the  �X axis scan time (from 100 msecs to 24 �hours), a linear or logarithmic Y axis,";
 1490PRINT"�and axes labelling and scaling."''"  Data monitored from the ADC may be"'" then be edited; the facilities include  overlay or replotting with a selected   symbol, conversion to a bargraph type"
 1500PRINT" presentation and the addition of text"'" to the graphics area."'SPC31"���2.2�>�";:PROCA("2"):PROCE(2):IFI%ENDPROC
 1510PROCO:PROCB(&84,&96,&97,&82,3,"introduction 2",-1,&97):PRINT'"� After editing the data the user can"'"�select the�data storage�facility�which  offers two options: either the complete screen can be saved or a data file,"
 1520PRINT" which holds the ADC data points, the    axes details and any experimental"'" parameters previously entered by the   �user."'"� The storage of a screen image allows  �a series of ADC scans to be recorded"
 1530PRINT"�and the data edited and labelled before�storage."'" �The data file method saves the current�ADC scan and associated details on disc�or tape. This uses less disc space and �permits different data sets to be"
 1540PRINT"�reloaded, edited and combined on screen�as required."'SPC31"���2.3�>�";:PROCA("2.2"):PROCE(2):IFI%ENDPROC
 1550PROCO:PROCB(&84,&96,&97,&82,3,"introduction 3",-1,&97):PRINT'"� After reloading data, further ADC data�can be displayed as required and the   �completed screen resaved to disc."''"� A print screen option produces hard"
 1560PRINT"�copy on an EPSON FX series printer."''"� Other options include the selection of�screen colours,�single�or�continuous   �scans with�storage and erasure modes   �and three�alternative�'graph paper'"'"�formats."
 1570PRINT"� The software is compatible with BASICs�1 ] 4 and the 6502 2nd processor. With �a�TUBE�or�MASTER�other options are made�available such as�4 colour graphics�and�editing in MODE 1 or high resolution   �data plotting in MODE 0.":PROCA("2.3"):ENDPROC
 1580DEFPROCUPROCO:PROCB(&86,&94,&95,&84,3,"parameters   1",-1,&95):PRINT"  Option 1 of Datascope allows the user  to input a selection of experimental"'"details in�10�categories. These may be  displayed on the graphics screen before"
 1590PRINT"printing and are saved with the data"'"points and other variables when a data  file is stored on disc."'"  The layout of the parameters detailed  here is shown on the following page >"'"���```````````````````````````````````�k";
 1600PRINT"��S �data title ..(22) ��   �key:    ��j��S �data type ...(23) ��   �����    ��j��S �exp. data 1 .(19) ���S:any char.��j��S �exp. data 2 .(19) ���           ��j��S �exp. data 3 .(19) ���I:integer  ��j";
 1610PRINT"��I �int.amp gain .(3) ����          ��j��I �temp.(2) time.(5) ���(*):max no.��j��I �date .........(8) ��////////////��j";
 1620PRINT"��S �user initials.(3)       �謬����������,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,������3.2�>�";:PROCA("3.1"):PROCE(2):IFI%ENDPROC
 1630PROCO:PROCB(&86,&94,&95,&84,3,"parameters   2",-1,&95):PRINT'"���Parameter layout on graphics screen"''"�Mode4 pen����k.bytes 1080  Yf 0.238v"''"�Monitor daylight intensity       time  �LDR signal ORP12 cell            06 45 �light dependent"
 1640PRINT"�resistor output for"'"�a dull winter day."'SPC31"14 02 87�gain 10      temp 9 C             MJG   ����(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( gain refers to interface amp:see page C";
 1650PRINT" where applications using the ADC are    detailed,including a simple LDR circuit to monitor daylight levels.":PROCA("3.2"):ENDPROC
 1660DEFPROCVPROCO:PROCB(&82,&91,&94,&84,2,"drive & modes 1",-1,&94):VDU11:PRINT'" ��Option 6:��selection of the mode used for graphics and the disc drive number."'"�� Mode 4 gives high resolution in two  �colours, chosen from 9 contrasting"
 1670PRINT"�palettes.���see page 5"''" TUBE /�MASTER�users can use mode 1 or 0"'"�� Mode 1 allows data display or editing�in a choice of 4 colours, automatically";
 1680PRINT"�set to contrast with the initial screen�colours chosen."''"�� Mode 0 offers very high resolution"'"�displays in two colours, again selected�from a choice of 9 palettes."''"�� Disc drive may be set to no.0-3.":PROCA("4.1"):ENDPROC
 1690DEFPROCWPROCO:PROCB(&81,&97,&96,&86,0,"palettes & axes 1",0,&95):PRINTTAB(0,2)"������������,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,� �PALETTES�"'"������������"'"  On selection of option 2 the screen"'" cycles through a series of contrasting"'" colour palettes."
 1700PRINT"  The <+> key moves to the next palette  and <C> selects the colours on screen.   Key <D> selects a default palette of   white on a black background."'"�,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,�range�,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";
 1710PRINT'"������ ����� ������ ������ ������ ������������ ������������� �� �� ��� �� ����������� ���� ������ ������ ������ ������"'"� ����� ������ ������ ������ ����������듞�������������������������������������";
 1720PRINT"� ����� ������ ������ ������ �����������"'SPC31"���5.2�>�";:PROCA("5.1"):PROCE(2):IFI%ENDPROC
 1730PROCO:PROCB(&81,&97,&96,&86,0,"palettes & axes 2",-1,&95):PRINT"�� Axes: graph paper options"'SPC8"�```````````�"'"  After palette selection a choice of 3  'graph paper' options is available on   which ADC data will be plotted."
 1740PRINT'"�� X and Y axes only with tics."'"�� Wide grid graph paper."'"�� Fine grid graph paper."'"���     ��ppppppppppppp���pppppppppppppp���     �jppp�ppp�pppzp��p�p�p�p�p�p�p�p���     �jppp�ppp�pppzp��p�p�p�p�p�p�p�p";
 1750PRINT"���     �jppp�ppp�pppzp��p�p�p�p�p�p�p�p���     �jppp�ppp�pppzp��p�p�p�p�p�p�p�p���     �jppp�ppp�pppzp��p�p�p�p�p�p�p�p���     �jppp�ppp�pppzp��p�p�p�p�p�p�p�p���     �j�pp�ppp�pppzp��p�p�p�p�p�p�p�p";
 1760PRINT"���     ��ppp�ppp�pppzp��p�p�p�p�p�p�p�p�����������p�pxp�pxpzp��p�p�p�p�p�p�p�p"SPC31"���5.3�>�";:PROCA("5.2"):PROCE(2):IFI%ENDPROC
 1770PROCO:PROCB(&81,&97,&96,&86,0,"palettes & axes 3",-1,&95):PRINT"�� Axes: linear or logarithmic Y axis"
 1780PRINTSPC8"�````````````````````````````�"'"� The Y axis may have a lin or log scale�as required."'"  The default scale is 0 to 1.80 volts,"'" with tic=0.3v. The maximum ADC input is 1.8v and to prevent possible damage to"
 1790PRINT" the D7002C chip a zener diode may be"'" used.�Further details on page C."''"� The Y axis may be rescaled to suit the�data being monitored. Y min is 0, Ymax"'"�is 10,000.���Ymax-Ymin must be >=10. �"
 1800PRINT"� The program will automatically rescale�the axis using the Ymin / Ymax values"'"�input. A scale factor (x1 _ x1000) is"'"�displayed and the tic values positioned�correctly (including Ymax-Ymin=odd no.)";
 1820PROCO:PROCB(&81,&97,&96,&86,0,"palettes & axes 4",-1,&95):PRINT"�� Axes: labelling axes"'SPC8"�``````````````�"'"�� X axis default legend is sec, secs,"'"�mins or hrs as appropriate to scan time�selected.�(scan time: see page 6)"
 1830PRINT'"�� Y axis default label is 'volts'."''"  Either axis may be relabelled, with"'" automatic centring of the legend in all modes. Input is checked for illegal"'" control codes, as are all sections of"
 1840PRINT" the program requiring user input."'"  To enter a null string key <RETURN)"'" when prompted for input."'TAB(0,22)"�":PROCA("5.4"):ENDPROC
 1850DEFPROCXPROCO:PROCB(&84,&96,&93,&82,6,"ADC port  1",-1,&91):PRINT'" � ADC port no.1"'"  �`````````````"'"  The program scans port #1 and input    connections, together with application  ideas are on page C."
 1860PRINT"  The scan time (or total sampling time) is set, after range selection."'"�� Range 1: 100msecs _ 999msecs"'"�� Range 2: 1 sec _ 24 hours"''"  On range 2 set�(S)ecs,�(M)ins or�(H)rs then the scan time."
 1870PRINT"  On range 1 enter (.) then msecs time.  ���Overrange inputs are rejected. �"''"  With a�log�Y axis, only range 2 is"'" available due to processing time."''SPC31"���6.2�>�";:PROCA("6.1"):PROCE(2):IFI%ENDPROC
 1880PROCO:PROCB(&84,&96,&93,&82,6,"ADC port  2",-1,&91):PRINT"�� Single or Continuous Scan Mode"'"  �``````````````````````````````�"'"���In both modes the ADC port is read"'" �and plotted simultaneously."
 1890PRINT"  Single mode produces one trace at the  user selected scan speed."'"� Selection of continuous scan mode will�produce a repeatedly updated plot, at"'"�the set scan speed, of the ADC port."
 1900PRINT"� If the�storage mode�was chosen then"'"�each plot will be superimposed over the�previous ones."'"� In�erasure mode�after completion of"'"�each scan the trace is rapidly erased"'"�before plotting the next ADC scan."
 1910PRINT"� Key�S�continuously to abort scanning"'"� Continuous scan mode is available with�scan times from�100msec�to�5 seconds."
 1930PROCO:PROCB(&84,&96,&93,&82,6,"ADC port  3",-1,&91):PRINT" � Overload, Yf value"'"  �``````````````````�"'"  While monitoring port #1 any voltage"'" in excess of 1.8 volts switches the"'" trace colour to�red�indicating voltage"
 1940PRINT" overload. The trace colour is reset at"'" the end of a scan."'"� On completion of the scan the final"'"�voltage on the ADC input�Yf�is shown"'"�at the top right of the screen, on the"'"�status line."
 1950PRINT"  Once a scan is started only key�f7�or �S�in continuous mode, will abort the    scan."''"  Note that keying�f7�returns the"'" program to the�MAIN MENU�and all data   is lost. f7 may be used at any point    in the program."
 1970PROCO:PROCB(&84,&96,&93,&82,6,"ADC port  4",-1,&91):PRINT"�� Status line"'"  �```````````�"'"  The status line on the graphics screen displays the current mode, pen colour,"'" free memory and the Yf value."
 1980PRINT'"�� Current mode is�4�by default but with�a�second processor (65C02)�or�MASTER"'"�modes 1 or 0 are available."'"�� Pen colour may be altered, in mode 1 �only, for mulicoloured plots. see 7.1  �� Free memory (K) is updated regularly.";
 1990PRINT"�If the value is <0.4K�a warning message�suggests the current�data is saved as a�'no room'�error terminates�the program.�Memory is only limited on a 32K BBC B."''"�� Yf: Y axis final value ie:input volts�on ADC at scan completion."
 2010PROCO:PROCB(&84,&96,&93,&82,6,"ADC port  5",-1,&91):PRINT'"�� Status line examples"'"  �````````````````````��"''"���BBC B 32k"''"���mode4 pen��X���K 1.108   Yf 1.285v";'''"���BBC B + 65C02 second processor"
 2020PRINT'"���mode1 pen��X���6502 on line Yf 0.805v";''"  When using the tube free memory is not a problem thus '6502 on line' message."'"  Note that pen colour has been reset to�yellow�in this example status line.":PROCA("6.5"):ENDPROC
 2030DEFPROCYPROCO:PROCB(&83,&94,&91,&84,2,"Edit options  1",-1,&94):PRINT" � After each ADC scan the data may be"'" edited."'"�� Erase"'"  �`````�               �"'"�  The last scan can be erased from the"'"�graph paper if the ADC data is not"
 2040PRINT"�required. Scan times from 100msecs to 7�secs (5 secs/65C02) are suitable for"'"�erasure, slower scans may leave certain�pixels on screen. Tube users may use a �'wide erase' option in this case"
 2050PRINT" �With data reloaded�from disc�any scan �time can be fully erased if required."''"�� Replot options"'"  �``````````````"'"�  Included are symbol overlay, bargraph�generation and text overlay."''SPC31"���7.2�>�";:PROCA("7.1"):PROCE(2):IFI%ENDPROC
 2060PROCO:PROCB(&83,&94,&91,&84,2,"Edit options  2",-1,&94):PRINT'" � Symbol overlay"'"  �``````````````�"'"�  The trace maybe be overlaid with a"'"�selected symbol from a menu of 29."''"�  The underlying line may be erased"
 2070PRINT"�first if required (see erase section)."''"�  Typically a line would be overlaid"'"�with a cross or small square. With fast�scans�(< 7secs)�the program selects a"'"�suitable spacing for the chosen UDG,"
 2080PRINT"�else the user may opt to alter the line�definition (spacing/number of UDGs)."'"�A range�from (20) to (200) points is"'"�offered."'''SPC31"���7.3�>�";:PROCA("7.2"):PROCE(2):IFI%ENDPROC
 2090PROCO:PROCB(&83,&94,&91,&84,2,"Edit options  3",-1,&94):PRINT"�� Bargraph generation"'"  �```````````````````�"'"  This option creates a bargraph type"'" display using a user selected UDG as"'" the fill pattern."
 2100PRINT"� Both the bar and vertical symbol"'"�spacing are user defined from a choice"'"�of four options from�narrow�to�extra"'"�wide.�This flexibility allows a variety�of attractive fill patterns to be"'"�generated."
 2110PRINT" �The fill baseline can also be altered �if required and a superipmose option   �further enhances the available visual  �effects."
 2120PRINT" �In Mode 1 (Tube or Master) using 3"'"�different colour patterns will further �enhance the presentation of data."''SPC31"���7.4�>�";:PROCA("7.3"):PROCE(2):IFI%ENDPROC
 2130PROCO:PROCB(&83,&94,&91,&84,2,"Edit options  4",-1,&94):PRINT" � Text overlay"'"  �````````````�"'"� On selecting this option a special"'"�cursor appears on the graph paper. The �cursor keys are used to position this"
 2140PRINT"�cross at the required text origin then  �Key�<T>�and enter text string."''" �UDG's selected as fill patterns can   �be printed (for labelling) by using    �the ��function keys: �"'"�<shift> + f0_f9 : UDG 1_9"
 2150PRINT"�<ctrl>  + f0_f9 : UDG 10_19"'"�<shift> + <ctrl> + f0_f9 : UDG 20_29"''"�� On completion of each edit function  � the user may select another editing    �option before continuing to the data   �storage and print options."
 2170PROCO:PROCB(&83,&94,&91,&84,2,"Edit options  5",-1,&94):PRINT" � Data points editor"'"  �``````````````````�"'"� Option�3�of the�Datascope�menu allows �not only the comprehensive editing     �features just described but also the"
 2180PRINT"�option to load the�data points editor  �program�(DScedit)."'"� This program allows easy editing of   �individual data points in a data file  �reloaded from disc. The data is shown  �graphically and the sector for editing"
 2190PRINT"�selected with the cursor keys."'"�The sector's data values are displayed �and after editing a point the new curve�can be plotted and compared with the   �original. On completion of the editing �the new data file can be saved."
 2200PRINT"�$�Modes 0/1/4 may be used, however use  of the 4 colour Mode 1 is recommended.";:PROCA("7.5"):ENDPROC
 2210DEFPROCfPROCO:PROCB(&86,&94,&91,&81,0,"Load main program",-1,&97):PRINT"�ppppppppppppppppppppppp"'"����LOAD MAIN PROGRAM���"'"�```````````````````````"'"���The 'Datascope data analysis and"'"  storage program will be chained on"'"  keying�< TAB >."
 2220PRINTSPC8"���������"'"���Datascope main program was developed � using a 65C02 second processor and"'"� has been packed to allow use with a"'" �32K BBC B.�On chaining the program is � automatically downloaded to�&1300�on a";
 2230PRINT"� BBC B. Page cannot be set to &1100 as � the data storage opens a disc file."''"�  With the�Tube�or�MASTER�downloading"'"�is not necessary but page is reset to  �allow data & machine code storage as"
 2240PRINT"�appropriate to the system in use.":PROCA("D.1"):j%=2:REPEATIFINKEY-97 j%=-1
 2290CLS:PRINT"���Saving code:���Scopemc ��";:PROCI("SAVE "+"Scopemc"+" "+STR$~V%+"+"+STR$~g%+" "+STR$~V%+" "+STR$~V%):PROCd(100):VDU26:ENDPROC
 2320DEFPROCJ:A$="���쨼���褼�����":B$="������������������":D$=STRING$(39,","):G$="�c M.Goldfinch 1987":ENDPROC
 2330DEFPROCA(F$)PRINTTAB(0,23)"��page     �";G$;"���<> P*";TAB(7,23)F$;:ENDPROC
 2350DEFPROCM M$=STRING$(40," ")+"�DATASCOPE�instruction�manual�....(C)�M.Goldfinch�1987�...�BBC�B/6502/MASTER�v8.1�...�all�6�Datascope�programs�must�be�on�one�disc�...�TO�CONTINUE�PRESS��<�TAB�>��KEY��*��*��*��*��*��*��,��"
 2400DEFPROCQPRINT" �s�AURARIA�presents�sssssssssssssssssss��������������������������������������������5굿��������꽵굵������������������������������������������������������ �ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss";
 2410PRINT" ���(C). M.GOLDFINCH 1987. "'"� �  ��_��ppppppppppppppppppppppppppp��"'"� � ��8�  0000000000000000000000000 ����";"� ��_&  000�0000000000000000000000�_&���";"���8!                             8����5";
 2420PRINT"� �?`````````````````````````````���ꠚ5� ����```````````````�� ��� ��� �5� �  �5���������������ꔝ�����������5� �  ��������笠��崙�ꔝ����𠙜�ꔪ �5� �  ������������䦕�ꔝ��������� �5";
 2430PRINT"� � ������������������ꔝ��� ������ꪚ5� ꔯ����쪥��쪥��앙ꔝ���������ꔪ �5� �����������������ꔝ���������� ꚵ� ꑣ��ppppppppppppppp����� �������� ��� ����||�AURARIA�����         ���_���";
 2440PRINT"� ꑯ��� Datascope ����������������!���";"� ��ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp�������";"��晕*��������좤��� ������*w?������"'"��������������ଯ��������������᪤";
 2460DEFPROC_:I%=INKEY-256:RESTORE140:REPEATREADd%,V%,W%:UNTILd%=I%ORd%=888:IFI%=253ORI%=245 R%=128ELSER%=0
 2510DEFPROCZ:A%=0:Y%=0:f%=USR&FFDAAND&FF:RESTORE150:REPEATREADe%,V%,W%:UNTILe%=f%ORe%=888:IFd%<1ANDe%=8 V%=&B00:W%=&900
 2530DEFPROCgVDU2,1,27,1,64,1,27,1,33,1,36,21:PRINT" DATASCOPE":VDU6:PROCI("FX21"):VDU1,27,1,106,1,8:FORl%=0TO23:FORm%=0TO39:VDU31,m%,l%:A%=135:k%=(USR&FFF4AND&FFFF)DIV256:IFk%=&2C k%=&20
 2540IFk%<32ORk%>126 k%=&20
 2600DEFPROCH:$W%="���� 1�Enter experimental parameters ��":$(W%+&28)="���� 2�Monitor data from ADC port # 1��":$(W%+&50)="���� 3�Load�single data�file from disc��":$(W%+&79)="���� 4�Load�screen�image from disc    ��"
 2610$(W%+&A2)="���� 5�Information & Memory status   ��":$(W%+&CA)="���� 6�Set graphics mode & data drive��":$(W%+&F2)="���� f7 Select this MENU���data erased��":$(W%+&11B)="���Each ADC scan is stored on disc at �����the required resolution."
 2620$(W%+&15F)="�����Disc data may be overlaid or mixed �����with new ADC data.":$(W%+&19F)="���A data set can be saved as one file�����Experimental parameters and graph  �����axes can be d":ENDPROC
 2630DEFPROChPRINT'"���||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||�  �������������������������������������  �����꥿��������꽵굵������������  ��������������������������������������"''SPC15"�輬�����"'SPC15"���������"'SPC15"���������"'SPC15"���������"''
 2640PRINTSPC13"�USER  MANUAL"''SPC10"�by� MIKE GOLDFINCH"'''"���``````````````````````````````````�  ���"SPC34"�  ����ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp�"'''"   ��    ��� ��쨬�<l�(,4   ���hl��"'"   ����   �������7f�js5   ������":ENDPROC
�*|"���7`````````````````````````5�         ���5�DATASCOPE loader�part1 �5�         ���5�(C) M.J.GOLDFINCH�1987 �5�         ���uppppppppppppppppppppppppp5�
$3��S:A%=&EA:X%=0:Y%=&FF:�&FFF4�&FF00 Q%=-1�Q%=0
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L��0,6)"���j�Loading�Datascope main program. �5":�Q%�"���55�Second processor 65C02 on line�jj"��R%�"���55�Shadow mode available         �jj"��"���55�No tube: downloading automatic�jj"
`���N�:�0,6)"���j�Insert�Datascope�master disc  �5"'"���j�in Drive 0."�19"�5"''"���j�����key�<SPACE>"�15"�5":���-99:�:�I("DR.0"):�
jP��i�0,6)"���j�Loading�Scopel2�pages 8 _ C.  �5":U%=0:Z%=888888:�"ScopeL2":�
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� �I("FX4"):�I("FX12"):�22,7:�
����R M%=-1:�O:�"����������������������������������"'"����������������������"'"��������������꽮"'"������ �����������������������  �index"'"����������������������������������"'"��p.1:index                 ���sub-pages";
���"� � 2:introduction                   3��� � 3:parameters option              2��� � 4:graphics mode, data drive      1��� � 5:colour and axes options        4��� � 6:monitor ADC port               5��";
���"� � 7:edit: erase/overlay/bargraph   5��� � 8:print data                     2��� � 9:data storage 1: screen images  3��� � A:data storage 2: data files     3��� � B:data recall: images and files  3��";
���"� � C:applications & technical data 16����� D:load�Datascope main program    1��"'"���k���>�next page  �<�previous page   ����e ��TAB�scroll sub-page���*�index � ����y���P�select page�( �H�print page   �";:�A("1")
�7�0,24)"��$���part 1 contains pages 2_7    ���$";:�
����T�O:�B(&84,&96,&97,&82,3,"introduction 1",-1,&97):�'"� Datascope is a comprehensive program  �for the display and storage of data"'"�derived from the analogue to digital"'"�port (ADC) of the BBC B and Master."
���'"� The program functions like a digital  �storage oscilloscope and allows the"'"�user to define such parameters as the  �X axis scan time (from 100 msecs to 24 �hours), a linear or logarithmic Y axis,";
���"�and axes labelling and scaling."''"  Data monitored from the ADC may be"'" then be edited; the facilities include  overlay or replotting with a selected   symbol, conversion to a bargraph type"
�i�" presentation and the addition of text"'" to the graphics area."'�31"���2.2�>�";:�A("2"):�E(2):�I%�
���O:�B(&84,&96,&97,&82,3,"introduction 2",-1,&97):�'"� After editing the data the user can"'"�select the�data storage�facility�which  offers two options: either the complete screen can be saved or a data file,"
���" which holds the ADC data points, the    axes details and any experimental"'" parameters previously entered by the   �user."'"� The storage of a screen image allows  �a series of ADC scans to be recorded"
���"�and the data edited and labelled before�storage."'" �The data file method saves the current�ADC scan and associated details on disc�or tape. This uses less disc space and �permits different data sets to be"
a�"�reloaded, edited and combined on screen�as required."'�31"���2.3�>�";:�A("2.2"):�E(2):�I%�
��O:�B(&84,&96,&97,&82,3,"introduction 3",-1,&97):�'"� After reloading data, further ADC data�can be displayed as required and the   �completed screen resaved to disc."''"� A print screen option produces hard"
��"�copy on an EPSON FX series printer."''"� Other options include the selection of�screen colours,�single�or�continuous   �scans with�storage and erasure modes   �and three�alternative�'graph paper'"'"�formats."
"��"� The software is compatible with BASICs�1 ] 4 and the 6502 2nd processor. With �a�TUBE�or�MASTER�other options are made�available such as�4 colour graphics�and�editing in MODE 1 or high resolution   �data plotting in MODE 0.":�A("2.3"):�
,���U�O:�B(&86,&94,&95,&84,3,"parameters   1",-1,&95):�"  Option 1 of Datascope allows the user  to input a selection of experimental"'"details in�10�categories. These may be  displayed on the graphics screen before"
6��"printing and are saved with the data"'"points and other variables when a data  file is stored on disc."'"  The layout of the parameters detailed  here is shown on the following page >"'"���```````````````````````````````````�k";
@��"��S �data title ..(22) ��   �key:    ��j��S �data type ...(23) ��   �����    ��j��S �exp. data 1 .(19) ���S:any char.��j��S �exp. data 2 .(19) ���           ��j��S �exp. data 3 .(19) ���I:integer  ��j";
J��"��I �int.amp gain .(3) ����          ��j��I �temp.(2) time.(5) ���(*):max no.��j��I �date .........(8) ��////////////��j";
Tm�"��S �user initials.(3)       �謬����������,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,������3.2�>�";:�A("3.1"):�E(2):�I%�
^��O:�B(&86,&94,&95,&84,3,"parameters   2",-1,&95):�'"���Parameter layout on graphics screen"''"�Mode4 pen����k.bytes 1080  Yf 0.238v"''"�Monitor daylight intensity       time  �LDR signal ORP12 cell            06 45 �light dependent"
h��"�resistor output for"'"�a dull winter day."'�31"14 02 87�gain 10      temp 9 C             MJG   ����(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( gain refers to interface amp:see page C";
r�" where applications using the ADC are    detailed,including a simple LDR circuit to monitor daylight levels.":�A("3.2"):�
|���V�O:�B(&82,&91,&94,&84,2,"drive & modes 1",-1,&94):�11:�'" ��Option 6:��selection of the mode used for graphics and the disc drive number."'"�� Mode 4 gives high resolution in two  �colours, chosen from 9 contrasting"
���"�palettes.���see page 5"''" TUBE /�MASTER�users can use mode 1 or 0"'"�� Mode 1 allows data display or editing�in a choice of 4 colours, automatically";
���"�set to contrast with the initial screen�colours chosen."''"�� Mode 0 offers very high resolution"'"�displays in two colours, again selected�from a choice of 9 palettes."''"�� Disc drive may be set to no.0-3.":�A("4.1"):�
����W�O:�B(&81,&97,&96,&86,0,"palettes & axes 1",0,&95):�0,2)"������������,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,� �PALETTES�"'"������������"'"  On selection of option 2 the screen"'" cycles through a series of contrasting"'" colour palettes."
���"  The <+> key moves to the next palette  and <C> selects the colours on screen.   Key <D> selects a default palette of   white on a black background."'"�,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,�range�,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";
���'"������ ����� ������ ������ ������ ������������ ������������� �� �� ��� �� ����������� ���� ������ ������ ������ ������"'"� ����� ������ ������ ������ ����������듞�������������������������������������";
�T�"� ����� ������ ������ ������ ����������"'�31"���5.2�>�";:�A("5.1"):�E(2):�I%�
���O:�B(&81,&97,&96,&86,0,"palettes & axes 2",-1,&95):�"�� Axes: graph paper options"'�8"�```````````�"'"  After palette selection a choice of 3  'graph paper' options is available on   which ADC data will be plotted."
���'"�� X and Y axes only with tics."'"�� Wide grid graph paper."'"�� Fine grid graph paper."'"���     ��ppppppppppppp���pppppppppppppp���     �jppp�ppp�pppzp��p�p�p�p�p�p�p�p���     �jppp�ppp�pppzp��p�p�p�p�p�p�p�p";
���"���     �jppp�ppp�pppzp��p�p�p�p�p�p�p�p���     �jppp�ppp�pppzp��p�p�p�p�p�p�p�p���     �jppp�ppp�pppzp��p�p�p�p�p�p�p�p���     �jppp�ppp�pppzp��p�p�p�p�p�p�p�p���     �j�pp�ppp�pppzp��p�p�p�p�p�p�p�p";
�{�"���     ��ppp�ppp�pppzp��p�p�p�p�p�p�p�p��������p�pxp�pxpzp��p�p�p�p�p�p�p�p"�31"���5.3�>�";:�A("5.2"):�E(2):�I%�
�`�O:�B(&81,&97,&96,&86,0,"palettes & axes 3",-1,&95):�"�� Axes: linear or logarithmic Y axis"
���8"�````````````````````````````�"'"� The Y axis may have a lin or log scale�as required."'"  The default scale is 0 to 1.80 volts,"'" with tic=0.3v. The maximum ADC input is 1.8v and to prevent possible damage to"
���" the D7002C chip a zener diode may be"'" used.�Further details on page C."''"� The Y axis may be rescaled to suit the�data being monitored. Y min is 0, Ymax"'"�is 10,000.���Ymax-Ymin must be >=10. �"
��"� The program will automatically rescale�the axis using the Ymin / Ymax values"'"�input. A scale factor (x1 _ x1000) is"'"�displayed and the tic values positioned�correctly (including Ymax-Ymin=odd no.)";
��O:�B(&81,&97,&96,&86,0,"palettes & axes 4",-1,&95):�"�� Axes: labelling axes"'�8"�``````````````�"'"�� X axis default legend is sec, secs,"'"�mins or hrs as appropriate to scan time�selected.�(scan time: see page 6)"
&��'"�� Y axis default label is 'volts'."''"  Either axis may be relabelled, with"'" automatic centring of the legend in all modes. Input is checked for illegal"'" control codes, as are all sections of"
0��" the program requiring user input."'"  To enter a null string key <RETURN)"'" when prompted for input."'�0,22)"�":�A("5.4"):�
:���X�O:�B(&84,&96,&93,&82,6,"ADC port  1",-1,&91):�'" � ADC port no.1"'"  �`````````````"'"  The program scans port #1 and input    connections, together with application  ideas are on page C."
D��"  The scan time (or total sampling time) is set, after range selection."'"�� Range 1: 100msecs _ 999msecs"'"�� Range 2: 1 sec _ 24 hours"''"  On range 2 set�(S)ecs,�(M)ins or�(H)rs then the scan time."
N��"  On range 1 enter (.) then msecs time.  ���Overrange inputs are rejected. �"''"  With a�log�Y axis, only range 2 is"'" available due to processing time."''�31"���6.2�>�";:�A("6.1"):�E(2):�I%�
X��O:�B(&84,&96,&93,&82,6,"ADC port  2",-1,&91):�"�� Single or Continuous Scan Mode"'"  �``````````````````````````````�"'"���In both modes the ADC port is read"'" �and plotted simultaneously."
b��"  Single mode produces one trace at the  user selected scan speed."'"� Selection of continuous scan mode will�produce a repeatedly updated plot, at"'"�the set scan speed, of the ADC port."
l��"� If the�storage mode�was chosen then"'"�each plot will be superimposed over the�previous ones."'"� In�erasure mode�after completion of"'"�each scan the trace is rapidly erased"'"�before plotting the next ADC scan."
v~�"� Key�S�continuously to abort scanning"'"� Continuous scan mode is available with�scan times from�100msec�to�5 seconds."
���O:�B(&84,&96,&93,&82,6,"ADC port  3",-1,&91):�" � Overload, Yf value"'"  �``````````````````�"'"  While monitoring port #1 any voltage"'" in excess of 1.8 volts switches the"'" trace colour to�red�indicating voltage"
���" overload. The trace colour is reset at"'" the end of a scan."'"� On completion of the scan the final"'"�voltage on the ADC input�Yf�is shown"'"�at the top right of the screen, on the"'"�status line."
���"  Once a scan is started only key�f7�or �S�in continuous mode, will abort the    scan."''"  Note that keying�f7�returns the"'" program to the�MAIN MENU�and all data   is lost. f7 may be used at any point    in the program."
���O:�B(&84,&96,&93,&82,6,"ADC port  4",-1,&91):�"�� Status line"'"  �```````````�"'"  The status line on the graphics screen displays the current mode, pen colour,"'" free memory and the Yf value."
���'"�� Current mode is�4�by default but with�a�second processor (65C02)�or�MASTER"'"�modes 1 or 0 are available."'"�� Pen colour may be altered, in mode 1 �only, for mulicoloured plots. see 7.1  �� Free memory (K) is updated regularly.";
���"�If the value is <0.4K�a warning message�suggests the current�data is saved as a�'no room'�error terminates�the program.�Memory is only limited on a 32K BBC B."''"�� Yf: Y axis final value ie:input volts�on ADC at scan completion."
���O:�B(&84,&96,&93,&82,6,"ADC port  5",-1,&91):�'"�� Status line examples"'"  �````````````````````��"''"���BBC B 32k"''"���mode4 pen��X���K 1.108   Yf 1.285v";'''"���BBC B + 65C02 second processor"
���'"���mode1 pen��X���6502 on line Yf 0.805v";''"  When using the tube free memory is not a problem thus '6502 on line' message."'"  Note that pen colour has been reset to�yellow�in this example status line.":�A("6.5"):�
����Y�O:�B(&83,&94,&91,&84,2,"Edit options  1",-1,&94):�" � After each ADC scan the data may be"'" edited."'"�� Erase"'"  �`````�               �"'"�  The last scan can be erased from the"'"�graph paper if the ADC data is not"
���"�required. Scan times from 100msecs to 7�secs (5 secs/65C02) are suitable for"'"�erasure, slower scans may leave certain�pixels on screen. Tube users may use a �'wide erase' option in this case"
��" �With data reloaded�from disc�any scan �time can be fully erased if required."''"�� Replot options"'"  �``````````````"'"�  Included are symbol overlay, bargraph�generation and text overlay."''�31"���7.2�>�";:�A("7.1"):�E(2):�I%�
��O:�B(&83,&94,&91,&84,2,"Edit options  2",-1,&94):�'" � Symbol overlay"'"  �``````````````�"'"�  The trace maybe be overlaid with a"'"�selected symbol from a menu of 29."''"�  The underlying line may be erased"
��"�first if required (see erase section)."''"�  Typically a line would be overlaid"'"�with a cross or small square. With fast�scans�(< 7secs)�the program selects a"'"�suitable spacing for the chosen UDG,"
 ��"�else the user may opt to alter the line�definition (spacing/number of UDGs)."'"�A range�from (20) to (200) points is"'"�offered."'''�31"���7.3�>�";:�A("7.2"):�E(2):�I%�
*��O:�B(&83,&94,&91,&84,2,"Edit options  3",-1,&94):�"�� Bargraph generation"'"  �```````````````````�"'"  This option creates a bargraph type"'" display using a user selected UDG as"'" the fill pattern."
4��"� Both the bar and vertical symbol"'"�spacing are user defined from a choice"'"�of four options from�narrow�to�extra"'"�wide.�This flexibility allows a variety�of attractive fill patterns to be"'"�generated."
>��" �The fill baseline can also be altered �if required and a superipmose option   �further enhances the available visual  �effects."
H��" �In Mode 1 (Tube or Master) using 3"'"�different colour patterns will further �enhance the presentation of data."''�31"���7.4�>�";:�A("7.3"):�E(2):�I%�
R��O:�B(&83,&94,&91,&84,2,"Edit options  4",-1,&94):�" � Text overlay"'"  �````````````�"'"� On selecting this option a special"'"�cursor appears on the graph paper. The �cursor keys are used to position this"
\��"�cross at the required text origin then  �Key�<T>�and enter text string."''" �UDG's selected as fill patterns can   �be printed (for labelling) by using    �the ��function keys: �"'"�<shift> + f0_f9 : UDG 1_9"
f��"�<ctrl>  + f0_f9 : UDG 10_19"'"�<shift> + <ctrl> + f0_f9 : UDG 20_29"''"�� On completion of each edit function  � the user may select another editing    �option before continuing to the data   �storage and print options."
z��O:�B(&83,&94,&91,&84,2,"Edit options  5",-1,&94):�" � Data points editor"'"  �``````````````````�"'"� Option�3�of the�Datascope�menu allows �not only the comprehensive editing     �features just described but also the"
���"�option to load the�data points editor  �program�(DScedit)."'"� This program allows easy editing of   �individual data points in a data file  �reloaded from disc. The data is shown  �graphically and the sector for editing"
���"�selected with the cursor keys."'"�The sector's data values are displayed �and after editing a point the new curve�can be plotted and compared with the   �original. On completion of the editing �the new data file can be saved."
�c�"�$�Modes 0/1/4 may be used, however use  of the 4 colour Mode 1 is recommended.";:�A("7.5"):�
����f�O:�B(&86,&94,&91,&81,0,"Load main program",-1,&97):�"�ppppppppppppppppppppppp"'"����LOAD MAIN PROGRAM���"'"�```````````````````````"'"���The 'Datascope data analysis and"'"  storage program will be chained on"'"  keying�< TAB >."
���8"���������"'"���Datascope main program was developed � using a 65C02 second processor and"'"� has been packed to allow use with a"'" �32K BBC B.�On chaining the program is � automatically downloaded to�&1300�on a";
���"� BBC B. Page cannot be set to &1100 as � the data storage opens a disc file."''"�  With the�Tube�or�MASTER�downloading"'"�is not necessary but page is reset to  �allow data & machine code storage as"
�E�"�appropriate to the system in use.":�A("D.1"):j%=2:��-97 j%=-1
��-56��-73��-103��-104 j%=0
�d��b:g%=&100:�I("FX15"):�:�"���SAVE machine code file�Y/N  ��";:�A=��&DF:�7:��-69��-86:�A=78�26:�
�n�:�"���Saving code:���Scopemc ��";:�I("SAVE "+"Scopemc"+" "+�~V%+"+"+�~g%+" "+�~V%+" "+�~V%):�d(100):�26:�
	^��J:A$="���쨼���褼�����":B$="����������������":D$=�39,","):G$="�c M.Goldfinch 1987":�
	:��A(F$)�0,23)"��page     �";G$;"���<> P*";�7,23)F$;:�
	.���M M$=�40," ")+"�DATASCOPE�instruction�manual�....(C)�M.Goldfinch�1987�...�BBC�B/6502/MASTER�v8.1�...�all�6�Datascope�programs�must�be�on�one�disc�...�TO�CONTINUE�PRESS��<�TAB�>��KEY��*��*��*��*��*��*��,��"
	`���Q�" �s�AURARIA�presents�sssssssssssssssssss������������������������������������������5굿������꽵굵��������������������������������������������������� �ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss";
	j��" ���(C). M.GOLDFINCH 1987. "'"� �  ��_��ppppppppppppppppppppppppppp��"'"� � ��8�  0000000000000000000000000 ����";"� ��_&  000�0000000000000000000000�_&���";"���8!                             8����5";
	t��"� �?`````````````````````````````���ꠚ5� ���```````````````�� ��� ��� �5� �  �5���������������ꔝ���������5� �  ��������笠��崙�ꔝ����𠙜�ꔪ �5� �  �����������䦕�ꔝ������� �5";
	~��"� � ������������������ꔝ��� ������ꪚ5� ꔯ����쪥��쪥��앙ꔝ���������ꔪ �5� ��������������ꔝ���������� ꚵ� ꑣ��ppppppppppppppp����� �������� ��� ���||�AURARIA�����         ���_���";
	���"� ꑯ��� Datascope ����������������!���";"� ��ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp�������";"��晕*��������좤��� ������*w?������"'"�������������ଯ��������������᪤";
	�J��_:I%=�-256:��tL@:��d%,V%,W%:�d%=I%�d%=888:�I%=253�I%=245 R%=128�R%=0
	�Y��Z:A%=0:Y%=0:f%=�&FFDA�&FF:��tV@:��e%,V%,W%:�e%=f%�e%=888:�d%<1�e%=8 V%=&B00:W%=&900
	���g�2,1,27,1,64,1,27,1,33,1,36,21:�" DATASCOPE":�6:�I("FX21"):�1,27,1,106,1,8:�l%=0�23:�m%=0�39:�31,m%,l%:A%=135:k%=(�&FFF4�&FFFF)�256:�k%=&2C k%=&20
	��k%<32�k%>126 k%=&20

(���H:$W%="���� 1�Enter experimental parameters ��":$(W%+&28)="���� 2�Monitor data from ADC port # 1��":$(W%+&50)="���� 3�Load�single data�file from disc��":$(W%+&79)="���� 4�Load�screen�image from disc    ��"
2�$(W%+&A2)="���� 5�Information & Memory status   ��":$(W%+&CA)="���� 6�Set graphics mode & data drive��":$(W%+&F2)="���� f7 Select this MENU���data erased��":$(W%+&11B)="���Each ADC scan is stored on disc at �����the required resolution."
<�$(W%+&15F)="�����Disc data may be overlaid or mixed �����with new ADC data.":$(W%+&19F)="���A data set can be saved as one file�����Experimental parameters and graph  �����axes can be d":�
F���h�'"���||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||�  ������������������������������������  �����꥿������꽵굵���������  ������������������������������������"''�15"�輬�����"'�15"����"'�15"�����"'�15"�������"''
P��13"�USER  MANUAL"''�10"�by� MIKE GOLDFINCH"'''"���``````````````````````````````````�  ���"�34"�  ����ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp�"'''"   ��    ��� ��쨬�<l�(,4   ���hl��"'"   ����   �������7f�js5   ����":�
00000000  0d 00 00 9e 2a 7c 22 82  9d 94 37 60 60 60 60 60  |....*|"...7`````|
00000010  60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60  60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60  |````````````````|
00000020  60 60 60 60 35 9d 20 20  20 20 20 20 20 20 20 82  |````5.         .|
00000030  9d 94 35 84 44 41 54 41  53 43 4f 50 45 20 6c 6f  |..5.DATASCOPE lo|
00000040  61 64 65 72 81 70 61 72  74 31 20 94 35 9d 20 20  |ader.part1 .5.  |
00000050  20 20 20 20 20 20 20 82  9d 94 35 81 28 43 29 20  |       ...5.(C) |
00000060  4d 2e 4a 2e 47 4f 4c 44  46 49 4e 43 48 84 31 39  |M.J.GOLDFINCH.19|
00000070  38 37 20 94 35 9d 20 20  20 20 20 20 20 20 20 82  |87 .5.         .|
00000080  9d 94 75 70 70 70 70 70  70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70  |..uppppppppppppp|
00000090  70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70  70 70 70 70 35 9d 0d 00  |pppppppppppp5...|
000000a0  64 0e de 4f 25 34 30 3a  ee 85 f2 65 0d 00 6e 3f  |d..O%40:...e..n?|
000000b0  eb 37 3a ef 32 33 2c 31  2c 30 3b 30 3b 30 3b 30  |.7:.23,1,0;0;0;0|
000000c0  3b 32 33 2c 30 2c 32 2c  35 32 3b 30 3b 30 3b 30  |;23,0,2,52;0;0;0|
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00000100  30 2c 31 30 30 2c 31 31  2c 30 2c 31 36 2c 31 2c  |0,100,11,0,16,1,|
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00000120  32 31 33 2c 32 30 30 2c  32 31 34 2c 34 2c 32 32  |213,200,214,4,22|
00000130  36 2c 32 32 34 2c 32 32  37 2c 32 33 34 2c 32 32  |6,224,227,234,22|
00000140  38 2c 32 34 34 2c 32 32  30 2c 31 33 35 0d 00 8c  |8,244,220,135...|
00000150  55 dc 2d 31 2c 26 42 30  30 2c 26 39 30 30 2c 30  |U.-1,&B00,&900,0|
00000160  2c 26 42 30 30 2c 26 39  30 30 2c 31 2c 26 42 30  |,&B00,&900,1,&B0|
00000170  30 2c 26 39 30 30 2c 32  34 35 2c 26 45 30 30 2c  |0,&900,245,&E00,|
00000180  26 31 30 30 30 2c 32 35  33 2c 26 45 30 30 2c 26  |&1000,253,&E00,&|
00000190  31 30 30 30 2c 38 38 38  2c 26 42 30 30 2c 26 39  |1000,888,&B00,&9|
000001a0  30 30 0d 00 96 4f dc 30  2c 26 42 30 30 2c 26 39  |00...O.0,&B00,&9|
000001b0  30 30 2c 31 2c 26 42 30  30 2c 26 45 30 30 2c 32  |00,1,&B00,&E00,2|
000001c0  2c 26 42 30 30 2c 26 45  30 30 2c 34 2c 26 42 30  |,&B00,&E00,4,&B0|
000001d0  30 2c 26 39 30 30 2c 38  2c 26 45 30 30 2c 26 31  |0,&900,8,&E00,&1|
000001e0  30 30 30 2c 38 38 38 2c  26 42 30 30 2c 26 39 30  |000,888,&B00,&90|
000001f0  30 0d 03 e8 db dd f2 50  f2 51 3a f2 4d 3a ef 32  |0......P.Q:.M:.2|
00000200  33 2c 32 32 34 2c 26 45  30 34 30 3b 26 34 30 3b  |3,224,&E040;&40;|
00000210  30 3b 30 3b 32 33 2c 32  32 35 2c 26 32 30 32 30  |0;0;23,225,&2020|
00000220  3b 26 32 30 46 38 3b 26  32 30 3b 30 3b 32 33 2c  |;&20F8;&20;0;23,|
00000230  32 32 36 2c 26 41 30 45  30 3b 26 45 30 3b 30 3b  |226,&A0E0;&E0;0;|
00000240  30 3b 32 33 2c 32 32 37  2c 26 39 30 46 30 3b 26  |0;23,227,&90F0;&|
00000250  46 30 39 30 3b 30 3b 30  3b 32 33 2c 32 32 38 2c  |F090;0;0;23,228,|
00000260  26 34 30 41 30 3b 26 41  30 3b 30 3b 30 3b 32 33  |&40A0;&A0;0;0;23|
00000270  2c 32 32 39 2c 26 35 30  38 38 3b 26 35 30 32 30  |,229,&5088;&5020|
00000280  3b 26 38 38 3b 30 3b 32  33 2c 32 33 30 2c 26 41  |;&88;0;23,230,&A|
00000290  30 34 30 3b 26 34 30 3b  30 3b 30 3b 32 33 2c 32  |040;&40;0;0;23,2|
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00000300  32 33 35 2c 26 37 30 32  30 3b 26 46 38 3b 30 3b  |235,&7020;&F8;0;|
00000310  30 3b 32 33 2c 32 33 36  2c 26 37 30 32 30 3b 26  |0;23,236,&7020;&|
00000320  37 30 46 38 3b 30 3b 30  3b 32 33 2c 32 33 37 2c  |70F8;0;0;23,237,|
00000330  26 38 34 46 43 3b 26 38  34 38 34 3b 26 46 43 38  |&84FC;&8484;&FC8|
00000340  34 3b 30 3b 32 33 2c 32  33 38 2c 26 46 43 46 43  |4;0;23,238,&FCFC|
00000350  3b 26 46 43 46 43 3b 26  46 43 46 43 3b 30 3b 32  |;&FCFC;&FCFC;0;2|
00000360  33 2c 32 33 39 2c 26 41  30 43 30 3b 26 38 38 39  |3,239,&A0C0;&889|
00000370  30 3b 26 41 30 39 30 3b  26 43 30 3b 32 33 2c 32  |0;&A090;&C0;23,2|
00000380  34 30 2c 26 41 38 35 34  3b 26 41 38 35 34 3b 26  |40,&A854;&A854;&|
00000390  41 38 35 34 3b 30 3b 32  33 2c 32 34 31 2c 26 41  |A854;0;23,241,&A|
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000003c0  43 3b 26 46 43 3b 26 46  43 3b 30 3b 32 33 2c 32  |C;&FC;&FC;0;23,2|
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000003f0  34 2c 26 33 38 31 30 3b  26 46 45 37 43 3b 26 33  |4,&3810;&FE7C;&3|
00000400  38 37 43 3b 26 31 30 3b  32 33 2c 32 34 35 2c 26  |87C;&10;23,245,&|
00000410  43 30 3b 30 3b 30 3b 30  3b 32 33 2c 32 34 36 2c  |C0;0;0;0;23,246,|
00000420  26 43 30 43 30 3b 30 3b  30 3b 30 3b 32 33 2c 2d  |&C0C0;0;0;0;23,-|
00000430  39 2c 26 42 44 37 45 3b  26 45 37 44 42 3b 26 44  |9,&BD7E;&E7DB;&D|
00000440  42 45 37 3b 26 37 45 42  44 3b 32 33 2c 2d 38 2c  |BE7;&7EBD;23,-8,|
00000450  26 41 38 46 38 3b 26 41  38 44 38 3b 26 46 38 3b  |&A8F8;&A8D8;&F8;|
00000460  30 3b 32 33 2c 2d 37 2c  26 42 34 46 43 3b 26 43  |0;23,-7,&B4FC;&C|
00000470  43 43 43 3b 26 46 43 42  34 3b 30 3b 32 33 2c 2d  |CCC;&FCB4;0;23,-|
00000480  36 2c 26 42 41 46 45 3b  26 45 45 44 36 3b 26 42  |6,&BAFE;&EED6;&B|
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00000510  3b 32 33 2c 2d 31 2c 26  38 46 38 3b 26 38 45 38  |;23,-1,&8F8;&8E8|
00000520  3b 26 45 38 45 38 3b 26  46 38 30 38 3b 3a e1 0d  |;&E8E8;&F808;:..|
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00000560  3a e1 0d 04 1a 25 dd f2  49 28 24 4f 25 29 3a 58  |:....%..I($O%):X|
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00000640  5f 3a f2 5a 3a f2 60 3a  f2 61 3a e1 0d 04 38 19  |_:.Z:.`:.a:...8.|
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00000a30  38 2c 26 38 34 2c 4a 25  2c 26 38 31 2c 33 31 2c  |8,&84,J%,&81,31,|
00000a40  33 36 2c 4a 25 2d 34 34  2c 26 38 32 2c 26 38 38  |36,J%-44,&82,&88|
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00000d50  20 6f 70 74 69 6f 6e 73  20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20  | options        |
00000d60  34 96 a4 83 20 ff 20 36  3a 6d 6f 6e 69 74 6f 72  |4... . 6:monitor|
00000d70  20 41 44 43 20 70 6f 72  74 20 20 20 20 20 20 20  | ADC port       |
00000d80  20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20  35 93 a4 22 3b 0d 05 a0  |        5..";...|
00000d90  d0 f1 22 86 20 ff 20 37  3a 65 64 69 74 3a 20 65  |..". . 7:edit: e|
00000da0  72 61 73 65 2f 6f 76 65  72 6c 61 79 2f 62 61 72  |rase/overlay/bar|
00000db0  67 72 61 70 68 20 20 20  35 96 a4 86 20 ff 20 38  |graph   5... . 8|
00000dc0  3a 70 72 69 6e 74 20 64  61 74 61 20 20 20 20 20  |:print data     |
00000dd0  20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20  20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20  |                |
00000de0  32 96 a4 85 20 ff 20 39  3a 64 61 74 61 20 73 74  |2... . 9:data st|
00000df0  6f 72 61 67 65 20 31 3a  20 73 63 72 65 65 6e 20  |orage 1: screen |
00000e00  69 6d 61 67 65 73 20 20  33 95 a4 85 20 ff 20 41  |images  3... . A|
00000e10  3a 64 61 74 61 20 73 74  6f 72 61 67 65 20 32 3a  |:data storage 2:|
00000e20  20 64 61 74 61 20 66 69  6c 65 73 20 20 20 20 20  | data files     |
00000e30  33 95 a4 85 20 ff 20 42  3a 64 61 74 61 20 72 65  |3... . B:data re|
00000e40  63 61 6c 6c 3a 20 69 6d  61 67 65 73 20 61 6e 64  |call: images and|
00000e50  20 66 69 6c 65 73 20 20  33 95 a4 22 3b 0d 05 aa  | files  3..";...|
00000e60  db f1 22 86 20 ff 20 43  3a 61 70 70 6c 69 63 61  |..". . C:applica|
00000e70  74 69 6f 6e 73 20 26 20  74 65 63 68 6e 69 63 61  |tions & technica|
00000e80  6c 20 64 61 74 61 20 31  36 96 a4 81 81 ff 20 44  |l data 16..... D|
00000e90  3a 6c 6f 61 64 81 44 61  74 61 73 63 6f 70 65 20  |:load.Datascope |
00000ea0  6d 61 69 6e 20 70 72 6f  67 72 61 6d 20 20 20 20  |main program    |
00000eb0  31 91 a4 22 27 22 94 ff  86 6b 84 9d 83 3e 86 6e  |1.."'"...k...>.n|
00000ec0  65 78 74 20 70 61 67 65  20 20 83 3c 86 70 72 65  |ext page  .<.pre|
00000ed0  76 69 6f 75 73 20 70 61  67 65 20 20 20 9c 94 ff  |vious page   ...|
00000ee0  86 65 20 9d 84 54 41 42  81 73 63 72 6f 6c 6c 20  |.e ..TAB.scroll |
00000ef0  73 75 62 2d 70 61 67 65  83 9d 84 2a 81 69 6e 64  |sub-page...*.ind|
00000f00  65 78 20 94 20 9c 94 ff  86 79 84 9d 83 50 86 73  |ex . ....y...P.s|
00000f10  65 6c 65 63 74 20 70 61  67 65 92 28 20 83 48 86  |elect page.( .H.|
00000f20  70 72 69 6e 74 20 70 61  67 65 20 20 20 9c 22 3b  |print page   .";|
00000f30  3a f2 41 28 22 31 22 29  0d 05 b4 37 f1 8a 30 2c  |:.A("1")...7..0,|
00000f40  32 34 29 22 9d 91 24 82  9d 84 70 61 72 74 20 31  |24)"..$...part 1|
00000f50  20 63 6f 6e 74 61 69 6e  73 20 70 61 67 65 73 20  | contains pages |
00000f60  32 5f 37 20 20 20 20 87  9d 91 24 22 3b 3a e1 0d  |2_7    ...$";:..|
00000f70  05 be d7 dd f2 54 f2 4f  3a f2 42 28 26 38 34 2c  |.....T.O:.B(&84,|
00000f80  26 39 36 2c 26 39 37 2c  26 38 32 2c 33 2c 22 69  |&96,&97,&82,3,"i|
00000f90  6e 74 72 6f 64 75 63 74  69 6f 6e 20 31 22 2c 2d  |ntroduction 1",-|
00000fa0  31 2c 26 39 37 29 3a f1  27 22 86 20 44 61 74 61  |1,&97):.'". Data|
00000fb0  73 63 6f 70 65 20 69 73  20 61 20 63 6f 6d 70 72  |scope is a compr|
00000fc0  65 68 65 6e 73 69 76 65  20 70 72 6f 67 72 61 6d  |ehensive program|
00000fd0  20 20 86 66 6f 72 20 74  68 65 20 64 69 73 70 6c  |  .for the displ|
00000fe0  61 79 20 61 6e 64 20 73  74 6f 72 61 67 65 20 6f  |ay and storage o|
00000ff0  66 20 64 61 74 61 22 27  22 86 64 65 72 69 76 65  |f data"'".derive|
00001000  64 20 66 72 6f 6d 20 74  68 65 20 61 6e 61 6c 6f  |d from the analo|
00001010  67 75 65 20 74 6f 20 64  69 67 69 74 61 6c 22 27  |gue to digital"'|
00001020  22 86 70 6f 72 74 20 28  41 44 43 29 20 6f 66 20  |".port (ADC) of |
00001030  74 68 65 20 42 42 43 20  42 20 61 6e 64 20 4d 61  |the BBC B and Ma|
00001040  73 74 65 72 2e 22 0d 05  c8 d0 f1 27 22 83 20 54  |ster.".....'". T|
00001050  68 65 20 70 72 6f 67 72  61 6d 20 66 75 6e 63 74  |he program funct|
00001060  69 6f 6e 73 20 6c 69 6b  65 20 61 20 64 69 67 69  |ions like a digi|
00001070  74 61 6c 20 20 83 73 74  6f 72 61 67 65 20 6f 73  |tal  .storage os|
00001080  63 69 6c 6c 6f 73 63 6f  70 65 20 61 6e 64 20 61  |cilloscope and a|
00001090  6c 6c 6f 77 73 20 74 68  65 22 27 22 83 75 73 65  |llows the"'".use|
000010a0  72 20 74 6f 20 64 65 66  69 6e 65 20 73 75 63 68  |r to define such|
000010b0  20 70 61 72 61 6d 65 74  65 72 73 20 61 73 20 74  | parameters as t|
000010c0  68 65 20 20 83 58 20 61  78 69 73 20 73 63 61 6e  |he  .X axis scan|
000010d0  20 74 69 6d 65 20 28 66  72 6f 6d 20 31 30 30 20  | time (from 100 |
000010e0  6d 73 65 63 73 20 74 6f  20 32 34 20 83 68 6f 75  |msecs to 24 .hou|
000010f0  72 73 29 2c 20 61 20 6c  69 6e 65 61 72 20 6f 72  |rs), a linear or|
00001100  20 6c 6f 67 61 72 69 74  68 6d 69 63 20 59 20 61  | logarithmic Y a|
00001110  78 69 73 2c 22 3b 0d 05  d2 c8 f1 22 83 61 6e 64  |xis,";.....".and|
00001120  20 61 78 65 73 20 6c 61  62 65 6c 6c 69 6e 67 20  | axes labelling |
00001130  61 6e 64 20 73 63 61 6c  69 6e 67 2e 22 27 27 22  |and scaling."''"|
00001140  20 20 44 61 74 61 20 6d  6f 6e 69 74 6f 72 65 64  |  Data monitored|
00001150  20 66 72 6f 6d 20 74 68  65 20 41 44 43 20 6d 61  | from the ADC ma|
00001160  79 20 62 65 22 27 22 20  74 68 65 6e 20 62 65 20  |y be"'" then be |
00001170  65 64 69 74 65 64 3b 20  74 68 65 20 66 61 63 69  |edited; the faci|
00001180  6c 69 74 69 65 73 20 69  6e 63 6c 75 64 65 20 20  |lities include  |
00001190  6f 76 65 72 6c 61 79 20  6f 72 20 72 65 70 6c 6f  |overlay or replo|
000011a0  74 74 69 6e 67 20 77 69  74 68 20 61 20 73 65 6c  |tting with a sel|
000011b0  65 63 74 65 64 20 20 20  73 79 6d 62 6f 6c 2c 20  |ected   symbol, |
000011c0  63 6f 6e 76 65 72 73 69  6f 6e 20 74 6f 20 61 20  |conversion to a |
000011d0  62 61 72 67 72 61 70 68  20 74 79 70 65 22 0d 05  |bargraph type"..|
000011e0  dc 69 f1 22 20 70 72 65  73 65 6e 74 61 74 69 6f  |.i." presentatio|
000011f0  6e 20 61 6e 64 20 74 68  65 20 61 64 64 69 74 69  |n and the additi|
00001200  6f 6e 20 6f 66 20 74 65  78 74 22 27 22 20 74 6f  |on of text"'" to|
00001210  20 74 68 65 20 67 72 61  70 68 69 63 73 20 61 72  | the graphics ar|
00001220  65 61 2e 22 27 89 33 31  22 83 9d 84 32 2e 32 88  |ea."'.31"...2.2.|
00001230  3e 89 22 3b 3a f2 41 28  22 32 22 29 3a f2 45 28  |>.";:.A("2"):.E(|
00001240  32 29 3a e7 49 25 e1 0d  05 e6 d5 f2 4f 3a f2 42  |2):.I%......O:.B|
00001250  28 26 38 34 2c 26 39 36  2c 26 39 37 2c 26 38 32  |(&84,&96,&97,&82|
00001260  2c 33 2c 22 69 6e 74 72  6f 64 75 63 74 69 6f 6e  |,3,"introduction|
00001270  20 32 22 2c 2d 31 2c 26  39 37 29 3a f1 27 22 87  | 2",-1,&97):.'".|
00001280  20 41 66 74 65 72 20 65  64 69 74 69 6e 67 20 74  | After editing t|
00001290  68 65 20 64 61 74 61 20  74 68 65 20 75 73 65 72  |he data the user|
000012a0  20 63 61 6e 22 27 22 87  73 65 6c 65 63 74 20 74  | can"'".select t|
000012b0  68 65 86 64 61 74 61 20  73 74 6f 72 61 67 65 87  |he.data storage.|
000012c0  66 61 63 69 6c 69 74 79  87 77 68 69 63 68 20 20  |facility.which  |
000012d0  6f 66 66 65 72 73 20 74  77 6f 20 6f 70 74 69 6f  |offers two optio|
000012e0  6e 73 3a 20 65 69 74 68  65 72 20 74 68 65 20 63  |ns: either the c|
000012f0  6f 6d 70 6c 65 74 65 20  73 63 72 65 65 6e 20 63  |omplete screen c|
00001300  61 6e 20 62 65 20 73 61  76 65 64 20 6f 72 20 61  |an be saved or a|
00001310  20 64 61 74 61 20 66 69  6c 65 2c 22 0d 05 f0 d2  | data file,"....|
00001320  f1 22 20 77 68 69 63 68  20 68 6f 6c 64 73 20 74  |." which holds t|
00001330  68 65 20 41 44 43 20 64  61 74 61 20 70 6f 69 6e  |he ADC data poin|
00001340  74 73 2c 20 74 68 65 20  20 20 20 61 78 65 73 20  |ts, the    axes |
00001350  64 65 74 61 69 6c 73 20  61 6e 64 20 61 6e 79 20  |details and any |
00001360  65 78 70 65 72 69 6d 65  6e 74 61 6c 22 27 22 20  |experimental"'" |
00001370  70 61 72 61 6d 65 74 65  72 73 20 70 72 65 76 69  |parameters previ|
00001380  6f 75 73 6c 79 20 65 6e  74 65 72 65 64 20 62 79  |ously entered by|
00001390  20 74 68 65 20 20 20 87  75 73 65 72 2e 22 27 22  | the   .user."'"|
000013a0  83 20 54 68 65 20 73 74  6f 72 61 67 65 20 6f 66  |. The storage of|
000013b0  20 61 20 73 63 72 65 65  6e 20 69 6d 61 67 65 20  | a screen image |
000013c0  61 6c 6c 6f 77 73 20 20  83 61 20 73 65 72 69 65  |allows  .a serie|
000013d0  73 20 6f 66 20 41 44 43  20 73 63 61 6e 73 20 74  |s of ADC scans t|
000013e0  6f 20 62 65 20 72 65 63  6f 72 64 65 64 22 0d 05  |o be recorded"..|
000013f0  fa d5 f1 22 83 61 6e 64  20 74 68 65 20 64 61 74  |...".and the dat|
00001400  61 20 65 64 69 74 65 64  20 61 6e 64 20 6c 61 62  |a edited and lab|
00001410  65 6c 6c 65 64 20 62 65  66 6f 72 65 83 73 74 6f  |elled before.sto|
00001420  72 61 67 65 2e 22 27 22  20 86 54 68 65 20 64 61  |rage."'" .The da|
00001430  74 61 20 66 69 6c 65 20  6d 65 74 68 6f 64 20 73  |ta file method s|
00001440  61 76 65 73 20 74 68 65  20 63 75 72 72 65 6e 74  |aves the current|
00001450  86 41 44 43 20 73 63 61  6e 20 61 6e 64 20 61 73  |.ADC scan and as|
00001460  73 6f 63 69 61 74 65 64  20 64 65 74 61 69 6c 73  |sociated details|
00001470  20 6f 6e 20 64 69 73 63  86 6f 72 20 74 61 70 65  | on disc.or tape|
00001480  2e 20 54 68 69 73 20 75  73 65 73 20 6c 65 73 73  |. This uses less|
00001490  20 64 69 73 63 20 73 70  61 63 65 20 61 6e 64 20  | disc space and |
000014a0  86 70 65 72 6d 69 74 73  20 64 69 66 66 65 72 65  |.permits differe|
000014b0  6e 74 20 64 61 74 61 20  73 65 74 73 20 74 6f 20  |nt data sets to |
000014c0  62 65 22 0d 06 04 61 f1  22 86 72 65 6c 6f 61 64  |be"...a.".reload|
000014d0  65 64 2c 20 65 64 69 74  65 64 20 61 6e 64 20 63  |ed, edited and c|
000014e0  6f 6d 62 69 6e 65 64 20  6f 6e 20 73 63 72 65 65  |ombined on scree|
000014f0  6e 86 61 73 20 72 65 71  75 69 72 65 64 2e 22 27  |n.as required."'|
00001500  89 33 31 22 83 9d 84 32  2e 33 88 3e 89 22 3b 3a  |.31"...2.3.>.";:|
00001510  f2 41 28 22 32 2e 32 22  29 3a f2 45 28 32 29 3a  |.A("2.2"):.E(2):|
00001520  e7 49 25 e1 0d 06 0e d4  f2 4f 3a f2 42 28 26 38  |.I%......O:.B(&8|
00001530  34 2c 26 39 36 2c 26 39  37 2c 26 38 32 2c 33 2c  |4,&96,&97,&82,3,|
00001540  22 69 6e 74 72 6f 64 75  63 74 69 6f 6e 20 33 22  |"introduction 3"|
00001550  2c 2d 31 2c 26 39 37 29  3a f1 27 22 86 20 41 66  |,-1,&97):.'". Af|
00001560  74 65 72 20 72 65 6c 6f  61 64 69 6e 67 20 64 61  |ter reloading da|
00001570  74 61 2c 20 66 75 72 74  68 65 72 20 41 44 43 20  |ta, further ADC |
00001580  64 61 74 61 86 63 61 6e  20 62 65 20 64 69 73 70  |data.can be disp|
00001590  6c 61 79 65 64 20 61 73  20 72 65 71 75 69 72 65  |layed as require|
000015a0  64 20 61 6e 64 20 74 68  65 20 20 20 86 63 6f 6d  |d and the   .com|
000015b0  70 6c 65 74 65 64 20 73  63 72 65 65 6e 20 72 65  |pleted screen re|
000015c0  73 61 76 65 64 20 74 6f  20 64 69 73 63 2e 22 27  |saved to disc."'|
000015d0  27 22 87 20 41 20 70 72  69 6e 74 20 73 63 72 65  |'". A print scre|
000015e0  65 6e 20 6f 70 74 69 6f  6e 20 70 72 6f 64 75 63  |en option produc|
000015f0  65 73 20 68 61 72 64 22  0d 06 18 d7 f1 22 87 63  |es hard".....".c|
00001600  6f 70 79 20 6f 6e 20 61  6e 20 45 50 53 4f 4e 20  |opy on an EPSON |
00001610  46 58 20 73 65 72 69 65  73 20 70 72 69 6e 74 65  |FX series printe|
00001620  72 2e 22 27 27 22 83 20  4f 74 68 65 72 20 6f 70  |r."''". Other op|
00001630  74 69 6f 6e 73 20 69 6e  63 6c 75 64 65 20 74 68  |tions include th|
00001640  65 20 73 65 6c 65 63 74  69 6f 6e 20 6f 66 83 73  |e selection of.s|
00001650  63 72 65 65 6e 20 63 6f  6c 6f 75 72 73 2c 82 73  |creen colours,.s|
00001660  69 6e 67 6c 65 83 6f 72  86 63 6f 6e 74 69 6e 75  |ingle.or.continu|
00001670  6f 75 73 20 20 20 83 73  63 61 6e 73 20 77 69 74  |ous   .scans wit|
00001680  68 83 73 74 6f 72 61 67  65 20 61 6e 64 20 65 72  |h.storage and er|
00001690  61 73 75 72 65 20 6d 6f  64 65 73 20 20 20 83 61  |asure modes   .a|
000016a0  6e 64 20 74 68 72 65 65  83 61 6c 74 65 72 6e 61  |nd three.alterna|
000016b0  74 69 76 65 83 27 67 72  61 70 68 20 70 61 70 65  |tive.'graph pape|
000016c0  72 27 22 27 22 83 66 6f  72 6d 61 74 73 2e 22 0d  |r'"'".formats.".|
000016d0  06 22 f4 f1 22 86 20 54  68 65 20 73 6f 66 74 77  |."..". The softw|
000016e0  61 72 65 20 69 73 20 63  6f 6d 70 61 74 69 62 6c  |are is compatibl|
000016f0  65 20 77 69 74 68 20 42  41 53 49 43 73 86 31 20  |e with BASICs.1 |
00001700  5d 20 34 20 61 6e 64 20  74 68 65 20 36 35 30 32  |] 4 and the 6502|
00001710  20 32 6e 64 20 70 72 6f  63 65 73 73 6f 72 2e 20  | 2nd processor. |
00001720  57 69 74 68 20 86 61 83  54 55 42 45 86 6f 72 87  |With .a.TUBE.or.|
00001730  4d 41 53 54 45 52 86 6f  74 68 65 72 20 6f 70 74  |MASTER.other opt|
00001740  69 6f 6e 73 20 61 72 65  20 6d 61 64 65 86 61 76  |ions are made.av|
00001750  61 69 6c 61 62 6c 65 20  73 75 63 68 20 61 73 83  |ailable such as.|
00001760  34 20 63 6f 6c 6f 75 72  20 67 72 61 70 68 69 63  |4 colour graphic|
00001770  73 86 61 6e 64 86 65 64  69 74 69 6e 67 20 69 6e  |s.and.editing in|
00001780  20 4d 4f 44 45 20 31 20  6f 72 20 68 69 67 68 20  | MODE 1 or high |
00001790  72 65 73 6f 6c 75 74 69  6f 6e 20 20 20 86 64 61  |resolution   .da|
000017a0  74 61 20 70 6c 6f 74 74  69 6e 67 20 69 6e 20 4d  |ta plotting in M|
000017b0  4f 44 45 20 30 2e 22 3a  f2 41 28 22 32 2e 33 22  |ODE 0.":.A("2.3"|
000017c0  29 3a e1 0d 06 2c da dd  f2 55 f2 4f 3a f2 42 28  |):...,...U.O:.B(|
000017d0  26 38 36 2c 26 39 34 2c  26 39 35 2c 26 38 34 2c  |&86,&94,&95,&84,|
000017e0  33 2c 22 70 61 72 61 6d  65 74 65 72 73 20 20 20  |3,"parameters   |
000017f0  31 22 2c 2d 31 2c 26 39  35 29 3a f1 22 20 20 4f  |1",-1,&95):."  O|
00001800  70 74 69 6f 6e 20 31 20  6f 66 20 44 61 74 61 73  |ption 1 of Datas|
00001810  63 6f 70 65 20 61 6c 6c  6f 77 73 20 74 68 65 20  |cope allows the |
00001820  75 73 65 72 20 20 74 6f  20 69 6e 70 75 74 20 61  |user  to input a|
00001830  20 73 65 6c 65 63 74 69  6f 6e 20 6f 66 20 65 78  | selection of ex|
00001840  70 65 72 69 6d 65 6e 74  61 6c 22 27 22 64 65 74  |perimental"'"det|
00001850  61 69 6c 73 20 69 6e 86  31 30 87 63 61 74 65 67  |ails in.10.categ|
00001860  6f 72 69 65 73 2e 20 54  68 65 73 65 20 6d 61 79  |ories. These may|
00001870  20 62 65 20 20 64 69 73  70 6c 61 79 65 64 20 6f  | be  displayed o|
00001880  6e 20 74 68 65 20 67 72  61 70 68 69 63 73 20 73  |n the graphics s|
00001890  63 72 65 65 6e 20 62 65  66 6f 72 65 22 0d 06 36  |creen before"..6|
000018a0  ea f1 22 70 72 69 6e 74  69 6e 67 20 61 6e 64 20  |.."printing and |
000018b0  61 72 65 20 73 61 76 65  64 20 77 69 74 68 20 74  |are saved with t|
000018c0  68 65 20 64 61 74 61 22  27 22 70 6f 69 6e 74 73  |he data"'"points|
000018d0  20 61 6e 64 20 6f 74 68  65 72 20 76 61 72 69 61  | and other varia|
000018e0  62 6c 65 73 20 77 68 65  6e 20 61 20 64 61 74 61  |bles when a data|
000018f0  20 20 66 69 6c 65 20 69  73 20 73 74 6f 72 65 64  |  file is stored|
00001900  20 6f 6e 20 64 69 73 63  2e 22 27 22 20 20 54 68  | on disc."'"  Th|
00001910  65 20 6c 61 79 6f 75 74  20 6f 66 20 74 68 65 20  |e layout of the |
00001920  70 61 72 61 6d 65 74 65  72 73 20 64 65 74 61 69  |parameters detai|
00001930  6c 65 64 20 20 68 65 72  65 20 69 73 20 73 68 6f  |led  here is sho|
00001940  77 6e 20 6f 6e 20 74 68  65 20 66 6f 6c 6c 6f 77  |wn on the follow|
00001950  69 6e 67 20 70 61 67 65  20 3e 22 27 22 96 b7 a3  |ing page >"'"...|
00001960  60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60  60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60  |````````````````|
00001980  60 60 60 a3 6b 22 3b 0d  06 40 d0 f1 22 96 b5 53  |```.k";..@.."..S|
00001990  20 83 64 61 74 61 20 74  69 74 6c 65 20 2e 2e 28  | .data title ..(|
000019a0  32 32 29 20 84 9d 20 20  20 83 6b 65 79 3a 20 20  |22) ..   .key:  |
000019b0  20 20 9c 96 6a 96 b5 53  20 83 64 61 74 61 20 74  |  ..j..S .data t|
000019c0  79 70 65 20 2e 2e 2e 28  32 33 29 20 84 9d 20 20  |ype ...(23) ..  |
000019d0  20 97 a3 a3 a3 a3 20 20  20 20 9c 96 6a 96 b5 53  | .....    ..j..S|
000019e0  20 86 65 78 70 2e 20 64  61 74 61 20 31 20 2e 28  | .exp. data 1 .(|
000019f0  31 39 29 20 84 9d 86 53  3a 61 6e 79 20 63 68 61  |19) ...S:any cha|
00001a00  72 2e 9c 96 6a 96 b5 53  20 86 65 78 70 2e 20 64  |r...j..S .exp. d|
00001a10  61 74 61 20 32 20 2e 28  31 39 29 20 84 9d 86 20  |ata 2 .(19) ... |
00001a20  20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20  20 20 9c 96 6a 96 b5 53  |          ..j..S|
00001a30  20 86 65 78 70 2e 20 64  61 74 61 20 33 20 2e 28  | .exp. data 3 .(|
00001a40  31 39 29 20 84 9d 86 49  3a 69 6e 74 65 67 65 72  |19) ...I:integer|
00001a50  20 20 9c 96 6a 22 3b 0d  06 4a 80 f1 22 96 b5 49  |  ..j";..J.."..I|
00001a60  20 82 69 6e 74 2e 61 6d  70 20 67 61 69 6e 20 2e  | .int.amp gain .|
00001a70  28 33 29 20 84 9d 86 86  20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20  |(3) ....        |
00001a80  20 20 9c 96 6a 96 b5 49  20 83 74 65 6d 70 2e 28  |  ..j..I .temp.(|
00001a90  32 29 20 74 69 6d 65 2e  28 35 29 20 84 9d 86 28  |2) time.(5) ...(|
00001aa0  2a 29 3a 6d 61 78 20 6e  6f 2e 9c 96 6a 96 b5 49  |*):max no...j..I|
00001ab0  20 85 64 61 74 65 20 2e  2e 2e 2e 2e 2e 2e 2e 2e  | .date .........|
00001ac0  28 38 29 20 94 af 2f 2f  2f 2f 2f 2f 2f 2f 2f 2f  |(8) ..//////////|
00001ad0  2f 2f 9c 96 6a 22 3b 0d  06 54 6d f1 22 96 b5 53  |//..j";..Tm."..S|
00001ae0  20 85 75 73 65 72 20 69  6e 69 74 69 61 6c 73 2e  | .user initials.|
00001af0  28 33 29 20 20 20 20 20  20 20 96 e8 ac ac ac ac  |(3)       ......|
00001b00  ac ac ac ac ae 96 ad ac  2c 2c 2c 2c 2c 2c 2c 2c  |........,,,,,,,,|
00001b10  2c 2c 2c 2c 2c 2c 2c 2c  2c 2c 2c 2c 2c 2c 2c 2c  |,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,|
00001b20  2c ac ac ae 81 9d 87 33  2e 32 88 3e 89 22 3b 3a  |,......3.2.>.";:|
00001b30  f2 41 28 22 33 2e 31 22  29 3a f2 45 28 32 29 3a  |.A("3.1"):.E(2):|
00001b40  e7 49 25 e1 0d 06 5e ec  f2 4f 3a f2 42 28 26 38  |.I%...^..O:.B(&8|
00001b50  36 2c 26 39 34 2c 26 39  35 2c 26 38 34 2c 33 2c  |6,&94,&95,&84,3,|
00001b60  22 70 61 72 61 6d 65 74  65 72 73 20 20 20 32 22  |"parameters   2"|
00001b70  2c 2d 31 2c 26 39 35 29  3a f1 27 22 82 9d 84 50  |,-1,&95):.'"...P|
00001b80  61 72 61 6d 65 74 65 72  20 6c 61 79 6f 75 74 20  |arameter layout |
00001b90  6f 6e 20 67 72 61 70 68  69 63 73 20 73 63 72 65  |on graphics scre|
00001ba0  65 6e 22 27 27 22 82 4d  6f 64 65 34 20 70 65 6e  |en"''".Mode4 pen|
00001bb0  92 f7 b5 82 6b 2e 62 79  74 65 73 20 31 30 38 30  |....k.bytes 1080|
00001bc0  20 20 59 66 20 30 2e 32  33 38 76 22 27 27 22 82  |  Yf 0.238v"''".|
00001bd0  4d 6f 6e 69 74 6f 72 20  64 61 79 6c 69 67 68 74  |Monitor daylight|
00001be0  20 69 6e 74 65 6e 73 69  74 79 20 20 20 20 20 20  | intensity      |
00001bf0  20 74 69 6d 65 20 20 82  4c 44 52 20 73 69 67 6e  | time  .LDR sign|
00001c00  61 6c 20 4f 52 50 31 32  20 63 65 6c 6c 20 20 20  |al ORP12 cell   |
00001c10  20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20  20 30 36 20 34 35 20 82  |         06 45 .|
00001c20  6c 69 67 68 74 20 64 65  70 65 6e 64 65 6e 74 22  |light dependent"|
00001c30  0d 06 68 b9 f1 22 82 72  65 73 69 73 74 6f 72 20  |..h..".resistor |
00001c40  6f 75 74 70 75 74 20 66  6f 72 22 27 22 82 61 20  |output for"'".a |
00001c50  64 75 6c 6c 20 77 69 6e  74 65 72 20 64 61 79 2e  |dull winter day.|
00001c60  22 27 89 33 31 22 31 34  20 30 32 20 38 37 82 67  |"'.31"14 02 87.g|
00001c70  61 69 6e 20 31 30 20 20  20 20 20 20 74 65 6d 70  |ain 10      temp|
00001c80  20 39 20 43 20 20 20 20  20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20  | 9 C            |
00001c90  20 4d 4a 47 20 20 20 92  9a a8 a8 28 28 28 28 28  | MJG   ....(((((|
00001ca0  28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28  28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28  |((((((((((((((((|
00001cb0  28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28  28 28 28 28 28 28 28 20  |((((((((((((((( |
00001cc0  67 61 69 6e 20 72 65 66  65 72 73 20 74 6f 20 69  |gain refers to i|
00001cd0  6e 74 65 72 66 61 63 65  20 61 6d 70 3a 73 65 65  |nterface amp:see|
00001ce0  20 70 61 67 65 20 43 22  3b 0d 06 72 7f f1 22 20  | page C";..r.." |
00001cf0  77 68 65 72 65 20 61 70  70 6c 69 63 61 74 69 6f  |where applicatio|
00001d00  6e 73 20 75 73 69 6e 67  20 74 68 65 20 41 44 43  |ns using the ADC|
00001d10  20 61 72 65 20 20 20 20  64 65 74 61 69 6c 65 64  | are    detailed|
00001d20  2c 69 6e 63 6c 75 64 69  6e 67 20 61 20 73 69 6d  |,including a sim|
00001d30  70 6c 65 20 4c 44 52 20  63 69 72 63 75 69 74 20  |ple LDR circuit |
00001d40  74 6f 20 6d 6f 6e 69 74  6f 72 20 64 61 79 6c 69  |to monitor dayli|
00001d50  67 68 74 20 6c 65 76 65  6c 73 2e 22 3a f2 41 28  |ght levels.":.A(|
00001d60  22 33 2e 32 22 29 3a e1  0d 06 7c df dd f2 56 f2  |"3.2"):...|...V.|
00001d70  4f 3a f2 42 28 26 38 32  2c 26 39 31 2c 26 39 34  |O:.B(&82,&91,&94|
00001d80  2c 26 38 34 2c 32 2c 22  64 72 69 76 65 20 26 20  |,&84,2,"drive & |
00001d90  6d 6f 64 65 73 20 31 22  2c 2d 31 2c 26 39 34 29  |modes 1",-1,&94)|
00001da0  3a ef 31 31 3a f1 27 22  20 9d 84 4f 70 74 69 6f  |:.11:.'" ..Optio|
00001db0  6e 20 36 3a 87 9c 73 65  6c 65 63 74 69 6f 6e 20  |n 6:..selection |
00001dc0  6f 66 20 74 68 65 20 6d  6f 64 65 20 75 73 65 64  |of the mode used|
00001dd0  20 66 6f 72 20 67 72 61  70 68 69 63 73 20 61 6e  | for graphics an|
00001de0  64 20 74 68 65 20 64 69  73 63 20 64 72 69 76 65  |d the disc drive|
00001df0  20 6e 75 6d 62 65 72 2e  22 27 22 83 ff 20 4d 6f  | number."'".. Mo|
00001e00  64 65 20 34 20 67 69 76  65 73 20 68 69 67 68 20  |de 4 gives high |
00001e10  72 65 73 6f 6c 75 74 69  6f 6e 20 69 6e 20 74 77  |resolution in tw|
00001e20  6f 20 20 83 63 6f 6c 6f  75 72 73 2c 20 63 68 6f  |o  .colours, cho|
00001e30  73 65 6e 20 66 72 6f 6d  20 39 20 63 6f 6e 74 72  |sen from 9 contr|
00001e40  61 73 74 69 6e 67 22 0d  06 86 9e f1 22 83 70 61  |asting".....".pa|
00001e50  6c 65 74 74 65 73 2e 94  a4 86 73 65 65 20 70 61  |lettes....see pa|
00001e60  67 65 20 35 22 27 27 22  20 54 55 42 45 20 2f 86  |ge 5"''" TUBE /.|
00001e70  4d 41 53 54 45 52 82 75  73 65 72 73 20 63 61 6e  |MASTER.users can|
00001e80  20 75 73 65 20 6d 6f 64  65 20 31 20 6f 72 20 30  | use mode 1 or 0|
00001e90  22 27 22 86 ff 20 4d 6f  64 65 20 31 20 61 6c 6c  |"'".. Mode 1 all|
00001ea0  6f 77 73 20 64 61 74 61  20 64 69 73 70 6c 61 79  |ows data display|
00001eb0  20 6f 72 20 65 64 69 74  69 6e 67 86 69 6e 20 61  | or editing.in a|
00001ec0  20 63 68 6f 69 63 65 20  6f 66 20 34 20 63 6f 6c  | choice of 4 col|
00001ed0  6f 75 72 73 2c 20 61 75  74 6f 6d 61 74 69 63 61  |ours, automatica|
00001ee0  6c 6c 79 22 3b 0d 06 90  e3 f1 22 86 73 65 74 20  |lly";.....".set |
00001ef0  74 6f 20 63 6f 6e 74 72  61 73 74 20 77 69 74 68  |to contrast with|
00001f00  20 74 68 65 20 69 6e 69  74 69 61 6c 20 73 63 72  | the initial scr|
00001f10  65 65 6e 86 63 6f 6c 6f  75 72 73 20 63 68 6f 73  |een.colours chos|
00001f20  65 6e 2e 22 27 27 22 82  ff 20 4d 6f 64 65 20 30  |en."''".. Mode 0|
00001f30  20 6f 66 66 65 72 73 20  76 65 72 79 20 68 69 67  | offers very hig|
00001f40  68 20 72 65 73 6f 6c 75  74 69 6f 6e 22 27 22 82  |h resolution"'".|
00001f50  64 69 73 70 6c 61 79 73  20 69 6e 20 74 77 6f 20  |displays in two |
00001f60  63 6f 6c 6f 75 72 73 2c  20 61 67 61 69 6e 20 73  |colours, again s|
00001f70  65 6c 65 63 74 65 64 82  66 72 6f 6d 20 61 20 63  |elected.from a c|
00001f80  68 6f 69 63 65 20 6f 66  20 39 20 70 61 6c 65 74  |hoice of 9 palet|
00001f90  74 65 73 2e 22 27 27 22  83 ff 20 44 69 73 63 20  |tes."''".. Disc |
00001fa0  64 72 69 76 65 20 6d 61  79 20 62 65 20 73 65 74  |drive may be set|
00001fb0  20 74 6f 20 6e 6f 2e 30  2d 33 2e 22 3a f2 41 28  | to no.0-3.":.A(|
00001fc0  22 34 2e 31 22 29 3a e1  0d 06 9a eb dd f2 57 f2  |"4.1"):.......W.|
00001fd0  4f 3a f2 42 28 26 38 31  2c 26 39 37 2c 26 39 36  |O:.B(&81,&97,&96|
00001fe0  2c 26 38 36 2c 30 2c 22  70 61 6c 65 74 74 65 73  |,&86,0,"palettes|
00001ff0  20 26 20 61 78 65 73 20  31 22 2c 30 2c 26 39 35  | & axes 1",0,&95|
00002000  29 3a f1 8a 30 2c 32 29  22 95 9e fc 97 96 92 93  |):..0,2)".......|
00002010  91 94 96 95 fc 2c 2c 2c  2c 2c 2c 2c 2c 2c 2c 2c  |.....,,,,,,,,,,,|
00002020  2c 2c 2c 2c 2c 2c 2c 2c  2c 2c 2c 2c 2c 2c 2c 2c  |,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,|
00002030  2c 96 20 ff 50 41 4c 45  54 54 45 53 ff 22 27 22  |,. .PALETTES."'"|
00002040  9e 91 af 93 92 94 96 95  97 93 94 9f 22 27 22 20  |............"'" |
00002050  20 4f 6e 20 73 65 6c 65  63 74 69 6f 6e 20 6f 66  | On selection of|
00002060  20 6f 70 74 69 6f 6e 20  32 20 74 68 65 20 73 63  | option 2 the sc|
00002070  72 65 65 6e 22 27 22 20  63 79 63 6c 65 73 20 74  |reen"'" cycles t|
00002080  68 72 6f 75 67 68 20 61  20 73 65 72 69 65 73 20  |hrough a series |
00002090  6f 66 20 63 6f 6e 74 72  61 73 74 69 6e 67 22 27  |of contrasting"'|
000020a0  22 20 63 6f 6c 6f 75 72  20 70 61 6c 65 74 74 65  |" colour palette|
000020b0  73 2e 22 0d 06 a4 c8 f1  22 20 20 54 68 65 20 3c  |s."....."  The <|
000020c0  2b 3e 20 6b 65 79 20 6d  6f 76 65 73 20 74 6f 20  |+> key moves to |
000020d0  74 68 65 20 6e 65 78 74  20 70 61 6c 65 74 74 65  |the next palette|
000020e0  20 20 61 6e 64 20 3c 43  3e 20 73 65 6c 65 63 74  |  and <C> select|
000020f0  73 20 74 68 65 20 63 6f  6c 6f 75 72 73 20 6f 6e  |s the colours on|
00002100  20 73 63 72 65 65 6e 2e  20 20 20 4b 65 79 20 3c  | screen.   Key <|
00002110  44 3e 20 73 65 6c 65 63  74 73 20 61 20 64 65 66  |D> selects a def|
00002120  61 75 6c 74 20 70 61 6c  65 74 74 65 20 6f 66 20  |ault palette of |
00002130  20 20 77 68 69 74 65 20  6f 6e 20 61 20 62 6c 61  |  white on a bla|
00002140  63 6b 20 62 61 63 6b 67  72 6f 75 6e 64 2e 22 27  |ck background."'|
00002150  22 94 2c 2c 2c 2c 2c 2c  2c 2c 2c 2c 2c 2c 2c 2c  |".,,,,,,,,,,,,,,|
00002160  2c 2c 84 72 61 6e 67 65  94 2c 2c 2c 2c 2c 2c 2c  |,,.range.,,,,,,,|
00002170  2c 2c 2c 2c 2c 2c 2c 2c  2c 22 3b 0d 06 ae d4 f1  |,,,,,,,,,";.....|
00002180  27 22 97 b7 a3 a3 a3 b5  20 b7 a3 a3 a3 b5 20 96  |'"...... ..... .|
00002190  ff ff ff ff ff 20 97 ff  ff ff ff ff 20 92 ff ff  |..... ...... ...|
000021a0  ff ff ff 20 94 ff ff ff  ff ff 97 b5 92 ff 97 b5  |... ............|
000021b0  20 b5 96 ff 97 b5 96 9e  ff 95 96 96 9f 97 20 ff  | ............. .|
000021c0  ff 20 ff ff 20 92 ff 9e  20 ff 9c 20 94 ff 93 94  |. .. ... .. ....|
000021d0  94 9f 97 f5 f0 f0 f0 b5  20 f5 f0 f0 f0 b5 20 96  |........ ..... .|
000021e0  ff ff ff ff ff 20 97 ff  ff ff ff ff 20 92 ff ff  |..... ...... ...|
000021f0  ff ff ff 20 94 ff ff ff  ff ff 22 27 22 93 20 ff  |... ......"'". .|
00002200  ff ff ff ff 20 97 ff ff  ff ff ff 20 94 ff ff ff  |.... ...... ....|
00002210  ff ff 20 92 ff ff ff ff  ff 20 96 ff ff ff ff ff  |.. ...... ......|
00002220  97 b7 a3 a3 eb 93 9e ff  94 93 93 9f 97 9e ff 94  |................|
00002230  97 97 9f 94 9e ff 92 94  94 9f 92 9e ff 94 92 92  |................|
00002240  9f 96 9e ff 94 96 ff 9f  97 b5 ea b5 ea 22 3b 0d  |.............";.|
00002250  06 b8 54 f1 22 93 20 ff  ff ff ff ff 20 97 ff ff  |..T.". ..... ...|
00002260  ff ff ff 20 94 ff ff ff  ff ff 20 92 ff ff ff ff  |... ...... .....|
00002270  ff 20 96 ff ff ff ff ff  97 f5 f0 f0 fa 22 27 89  |. ..........."'.|
00002280  33 31 22 81 9d 86 35 2e  32 88 3e 89 22 3b 3a f2  |31"...5.2.>.";:.|
00002290  41 28 22 35 2e 31 22 29  3a f2 45 28 32 29 3a e7  |A("5.1"):.E(2):.|
000022a0  49 25 e1 0d 06 c2 dc f2  4f 3a f2 42 28 26 38 31  |I%......O:.B(&81|
000022b0  2c 26 39 37 2c 26 39 36  2c 26 38 36 2c 30 2c 22  |,&97,&96,&86,0,"|
000022c0  70 61 6c 65 74 74 65 73  20 26 20 61 78 65 73 20  |palettes & axes |
000022d0  32 22 2c 2d 31 2c 26 39  35 29 3a f1 22 83 ff 20  |2",-1,&95):.".. |
000022e0  41 78 65 73 3a 20 67 72  61 70 68 20 70 61 70 65  |Axes: graph pape|
000022f0  72 20 6f 70 74 69 6f 6e  73 22 27 89 38 22 97 60  |r options"'.8".`|
00002300  60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60  60 60 a1 22 27 22 20 20  |``````````."'"  |
00002310  41 66 74 65 72 20 70 61  6c 65 74 74 65 20 73 65  |After palette se|
00002320  6c 65 63 74 69 6f 6e 20  61 20 63 68 6f 69 63 65  |lection a choice|
00002330  20 6f 66 20 33 20 20 27  67 72 61 70 68 20 70 61  | of 3  'graph pa|
00002340  70 65 72 27 20 6f 70 74  69 6f 6e 73 20 69 73 20  |per' options is |
00002350  61 76 61 69 6c 61 62 6c  65 20 6f 6e 20 20 20 77  |available on   w|
00002360  68 69 63 68 20 41 44 43  20 64 61 74 61 20 77 69  |hich ADC data wi|
00002370  6c 6c 20 62 65 20 70 6c  6f 74 74 65 64 2e 22 0d  |ll be plotted.".|
00002380  06 cc db f1 27 22 82 ff  20 58 20 61 6e 64 20 59  |....'".. X and Y|
00002390  20 61 78 65 73 20 6f 6e  6c 79 20 77 69 74 68 20  | axes only with |
000023a0  74 69 63 73 2e 22 27 22  86 ff 20 57 69 64 65 20  |tics."'".. Wide |
000023b0  67 72 69 64 20 67 72 61  70 68 20 70 61 70 65 72  |grid graph paper|
000023c0  2e 22 27 22 83 ff 20 46  69 6e 65 20 67 72 69 64  |."'".. Fine grid|
000023d0  20 67 72 61 70 68 20 70  61 70 65 72 2e 22 27 22  | graph paper."'"|
000023e0  92 9a b0 20 20 20 20 20  96 e0 70 70 70 70 70 70  |...     ..pppppp|
000023f0  70 70 70 70 70 70 70 93  e0 f0 70 70 70 70 70 70  |ppppppp...pppppp|
00002400  70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70  92 9a f5 20 20 20 20 20  |pppppppp...     |
00002410  96 6a 70 70 70 fa 70 70  70 fa 70 70 70 7a 70 93  |.jppp.ppp.pppzp.|
00002420  ea 70 fa 70 fa 70 fa 70  fa 70 fa 70 fa 70 fa 70  |.p.p.p.p.p.p.p.p|
00002430  92 9a f5 20 20 20 20 20  96 6a 70 70 70 fa 70 70  |...     .jppp.pp|
00002440  70 fa 70 70 70 7a 70 93  ea 70 fa 70 fa 70 fa 70  |p.pppzp..p.p.p.p|
00002450  fa 70 fa 70 fa 70 fa 70  22 3b 0d 06 d6 d0 f1 22  |.p.p.p.p";....."|
00002460  92 9a f5 20 20 20 20 20  96 6a 70 70 70 fa 70 70  |...     .jppp.pp|
00002470  70 fa 70 70 70 7a 70 93  ea 70 fa 70 fa 70 fa 70  |p.pppzp..p.p.p.p|
00002480  fa 70 fa 70 fa 70 fa 70  92 9a f5 20 20 20 20 20  |.p.p.p.p...     |
00002490  96 6a 70 70 70 fa 70 70  70 fa 70 70 70 7a 70 93  |.jppp.ppp.pppzp.|
000024a0  ea 70 fa 70 fa 70 fa 70  fa 70 fa 70 fa 70 fa 70  |.p.p.p.p.p.p.p.p|
000024b0  92 9a f5 20 20 20 20 20  96 6a 70 70 70 fa 70 70  |...     .jppp.pp|
000024c0  70 fa 70 70 70 7a 70 93  ea 70 fa 70 fa 70 fa 70  |p.pppzp..p.p.p.p|
000024d0  fa 70 fa 70 fa 70 fa 70  92 9a f5 20 20 20 20 20  |.p.p.p.p...     |
000024e0  96 6a 70 70 70 fa 70 70  70 fa 70 70 70 7a 70 93  |.jppp.ppp.pppzp.|
000024f0  ea 70 fa 70 fa 70 fa 70  fa 70 fa 70 fa 70 fa 70  |.p.p.p.p.p.p.p.p|
00002500  92 9a f5 20 20 20 20 20  96 6a f0 70 70 fa 70 70  |...     .j.pp.pp|
00002510  70 fa 70 70 70 7a 70 93  ea 70 fa 70 fa 70 fa 70  |p.pppzp..p.p.p.p|
00002520  fa 70 fa 70 fa 70 fa 70  22 3b 0d 06 e0 7b f1 22  |.p.p.p.p";...{."|
00002530  92 9a f5 20 20 20 20 20  96 ea 70 70 70 fa 70 70  |...     ..ppp.pp|
00002540  70 fa 70 70 70 7a 70 93  ea 70 fa 70 fa 70 fa 70  |p.pppzp..p.p.p.p|
00002550  fa 70 fa 70 fa 70 fa 70  92 9a f5 f0 f8 f0 f8 f0  |.p.p.p.p........|
00002560  96 ea f0 f8 70 fa 70 78  70 fa 70 78 70 7a 70 93  |....p.pxp.pxpzp.|
00002570  ea 70 fa 70 fa 70 fa 70  fa 70 fa 70 fa 70 fa 70  |.p.p.p.p.p.p.p.p|
00002580  22 89 33 31 22 81 9d 86  35 2e 33 88 3e 89 22 3b  |".31"...5.3.>.";|
00002590  3a f2 41 28 22 35 2e 32  22 29 3a f2 45 28 32 29  |:.A("5.2"):.E(2)|
000025a0  3a e7 49 25 e1 0d 06 ea  60 f2 4f 3a f2 42 28 26  |:.I%....`.O:.B(&|
000025b0  38 31 2c 26 39 37 2c 26  39 36 2c 26 38 36 2c 30  |81,&97,&96,&86,0|
000025c0  2c 22 70 61 6c 65 74 74  65 73 20 26 20 61 78 65  |,"palettes & axe|
000025d0  73 20 33 22 2c 2d 31 2c  26 39 35 29 3a f1 22 85  |s 3",-1,&95):.".|
000025e0  ff 20 41 78 65 73 3a 20  6c 69 6e 65 61 72 20 6f  |. Axes: linear o|
000025f0  72 20 6c 6f 67 61 72 69  74 68 6d 69 63 20 59 20  |r logarithmic Y |
00002600  61 78 69 73 22 0d 06 f4  db f1 89 38 22 94 60 60  |axis"......8".``|
00002610  60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60  60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60  |````````````````|
00002620  60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60  60 60 a1 22 27 22 83 20  |``````````."'". |
00002630  54 68 65 20 59 20 61 78  69 73 20 6d 61 79 20 68  |The Y axis may h|
00002640  61 76 65 20 61 20 6c 69  6e 20 6f 72 20 6c 6f 67  |ave a lin or log|
00002650  20 73 63 61 6c 65 83 61  73 20 72 65 71 75 69 72  | scale.as requir|
00002660  65 64 2e 22 27 22 20 20  54 68 65 20 64 65 66 61  |ed."'"  The defa|
00002670  75 6c 74 20 73 63 61 6c  65 20 69 73 20 30 20 74  |ult scale is 0 t|
00002680  6f 20 31 2e 38 30 20 76  6f 6c 74 73 2c 22 27 22  |o 1.80 volts,"'"|
00002690  20 77 69 74 68 20 74 69  63 3d 30 2e 33 76 2e 20  | with tic=0.3v. |
000026a0  54 68 65 20 6d 61 78 69  6d 75 6d 20 41 44 43 20  |The maximum ADC |
000026b0  69 6e 70 75 74 20 69 73  20 31 2e 38 76 20 61 6e  |input is 1.8v an|
000026c0  64 20 74 6f 20 70 72 65  76 65 6e 74 20 70 6f 73  |d to prevent pos|
000026d0  73 69 62 6c 65 20 64 61  6d 61 67 65 20 74 6f 22  |sible damage to"|
000026e0  0d 06 fe cd f1 22 20 74  68 65 20 44 37 30 30 32  |....." the D7002|
000026f0  43 20 63 68 69 70 20 61  20 7a 65 6e 65 72 20 64  |C chip a zener d|
00002700  69 6f 64 65 20 6d 61 79  20 62 65 22 27 22 20 75  |iode may be"'" u|
00002710  73 65 64 2e 82 46 75 72  74 68 65 72 20 64 65 74  |sed..Further det|
00002720  61 69 6c 73 20 6f 6e 20  70 61 67 65 20 43 2e 22  |ails on page C."|
00002730  27 27 22 86 20 54 68 65  20 59 20 61 78 69 73 20  |''". The Y axis |
00002740  6d 61 79 20 62 65 20 72  65 73 63 61 6c 65 64 20  |may be rescaled |
00002750  74 6f 20 73 75 69 74 20  74 68 65 86 64 61 74 61  |to suit the.data|
00002760  20 62 65 69 6e 67 20 6d  6f 6e 69 74 6f 72 65 64  | being monitored|
00002770  2e 20 59 20 6d 69 6e 20  69 73 20 30 2c 20 59 6d  |. Y min is 0, Ym|
00002780  61 78 22 27 22 86 69 73  20 31 30 2c 30 30 30 2e  |ax"'".is 10,000.|
00002790  84 9d 83 59 6d 61 78 2d  59 6d 69 6e 20 6d 75 73  |...Ymax-Ymin mus|
000027a0  74 20 62 65 20 3e 3d 31  30 2e 20 9c 22 0d 07 08  |t be >=10. ."...|
000027b0  d2 f1 22 86 20 54 68 65  20 70 72 6f 67 72 61 6d  |..". The program|
000027c0  20 77 69 6c 6c 20 61 75  74 6f 6d 61 74 69 63 61  | will automatica|
000027d0  6c 6c 79 20 72 65 73 63  61 6c 65 86 74 68 65 20  |lly rescale.the |
000027e0  61 78 69 73 20 75 73 69  6e 67 20 74 68 65 20 59  |axis using the Y|
000027f0  6d 69 6e 20 2f 20 59 6d  61 78 20 76 61 6c 75 65  |min / Ymax value|
00002800  73 22 27 22 86 69 6e 70  75 74 2e 20 41 20 73 63  |s"'".input. A sc|
00002810  61 6c 65 20 66 61 63 74  6f 72 20 28 78 31 20 5f  |ale factor (x1 _|
00002820  20 78 31 30 30 30 29 20  69 73 22 27 22 86 64 69  | x1000) is"'".di|
00002830  73 70 6c 61 79 65 64 20  61 6e 64 20 74 68 65 20  |splayed and the |
00002840  74 69 63 20 76 61 6c 75  65 73 20 70 6f 73 69 74  |tic values posit|
00002850  69 6f 6e 65 64 86 63 6f  72 72 65 63 74 6c 79 20  |ioned.correctly |
00002860  28 69 6e 63 6c 75 64 69  6e 67 20 59 6d 61 78 2d  |(including Ymax-|
00002870  59 6d 69 6e 3d 6f 64 64  20 6e 6f 2e 29 22 3b 0d  |Ymin=odd no.)";.|
00002880  07 12 2a f1 27 89 33 31  22 86 9d 81 35 2e 34 88  |..*.'.31"...5.4.|
00002890  3e 89 22 3b 3a f2 41 28  22 35 2e 33 22 29 3a f2  |>.";:.A("5.3"):.|
000028a0  45 28 32 29 3a e7 49 25  e1 0d 07 1c dd f2 4f 3a  |E(2):.I%......O:|
000028b0  f2 42 28 26 38 31 2c 26  39 37 2c 26 39 36 2c 26  |.B(&81,&97,&96,&|
000028c0  38 36 2c 30 2c 22 70 61  6c 65 74 74 65 73 20 26  |86,0,"palettes &|
000028d0  20 61 78 65 73 20 34 22  2c 2d 31 2c 26 39 35 29  | axes 4",-1,&95)|
000028e0  3a f1 22 87 ff 20 41 78  65 73 3a 20 6c 61 62 65  |:.".. Axes: labe|
000028f0  6c 6c 69 6e 67 20 61 78  65 73 22 27 89 38 22 93  |lling axes"'.8".|
00002900  60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60  60 60 60 60 60 60 a1 22  |``````````````."|
00002910  27 22 86 ff 20 58 20 61  78 69 73 20 64 65 66 61  |'".. X axis defa|
00002920  75 6c 74 20 6c 65 67 65  6e 64 20 69 73 20 73 65  |ult legend is se|
00002930  63 2c 20 73 65 63 73 2c  22 27 22 86 6d 69 6e 73  |c, secs,"'".mins|
00002940  20 6f 72 20 68 72 73 20  61 73 20 61 70 70 72 6f  | or hrs as appro|
00002950  70 72 69 61 74 65 20 74  6f 20 73 63 61 6e 20 74  |priate to scan t|
00002960  69 6d 65 86 73 65 6c 65  63 74 65 64 2e 85 28 73  |ime.selected..(s|
00002970  63 61 6e 20 74 69 6d 65  3a 20 73 65 65 20 70 61  |can time: see pa|
00002980  67 65 20 36 29 22 0d 07  26 cc f1 27 22 82 ff 20  |ge 6)"..&..'".. |
00002990  59 20 61 78 69 73 20 64  65 66 61 75 6c 74 20 6c  |Y axis default l|
000029a0  61 62 65 6c 20 69 73 20  27 76 6f 6c 74 73 27 2e  |abel is 'volts'.|
000029b0  22 27 27 22 20 20 45 69  74 68 65 72 20 61 78 69  |"''"  Either axi|
000029c0  73 20 6d 61 79 20 62 65  20 72 65 6c 61 62 65 6c  |s may be relabel|
000029d0  6c 65 64 2c 20 77 69 74  68 22 27 22 20 61 75 74  |led, with"'" aut|
000029e0  6f 6d 61 74 69 63 20 63  65 6e 74 72 69 6e 67 20  |omatic centring |
000029f0  6f 66 20 74 68 65 20 6c  65 67 65 6e 64 20 69 6e  |of the legend in|
00002a00  20 61 6c 6c 20 6d 6f 64  65 73 2e 20 49 6e 70 75  | all modes. Inpu|
00002a10  74 20 69 73 20 63 68 65  63 6b 65 64 20 66 6f 72  |t is checked for|
00002a20  20 69 6c 6c 65 67 61 6c  22 27 22 20 63 6f 6e 74  | illegal"'" cont|
00002a30  72 6f 6c 20 63 6f 64 65  73 2c 20 61 73 20 61 72  |rol codes, as ar|
00002a40  65 20 61 6c 6c 20 73 65  63 74 69 6f 6e 73 20 6f  |e all sections o|
00002a50  66 22 0d 07 30 83 f1 22  20 74 68 65 20 70 72 6f  |f"..0.." the pro|
00002a60  67 72 61 6d 20 72 65 71  75 69 72 69 6e 67 20 75  |gram requiring u|
00002a70  73 65 72 20 69 6e 70 75  74 2e 22 27 22 20 20 54  |ser input."'"  T|
00002a80  6f 20 65 6e 74 65 72 20  61 20 6e 75 6c 6c 20 73  |o enter a null s|
00002a90  74 72 69 6e 67 20 6b 65  79 20 3c 52 45 54 55 52  |tring key <RETUR|
00002aa0  4e 29 22 27 22 20 77 68  65 6e 20 70 72 6f 6d 70  |N)"'" when promp|
00002ab0  74 65 64 20 66 6f 72 20  69 6e 70 75 74 2e 22 27  |ted for input."'|
00002ac0  8a 30 2c 32 32 29 22 97  22 3a f2 41 28 22 35 2e  |.0,22)".":.A("5.|
00002ad0  34 22 29 3a e1 0d 07 3a  c4 dd f2 58 f2 4f 3a f2  |4"):...:...X.O:.|
00002ae0  42 28 26 38 34 2c 26 39  36 2c 26 39 33 2c 26 38  |B(&84,&96,&93,&8|
00002af0  32 2c 36 2c 22 41 44 43  20 70 6f 72 74 20 20 31  |2,6,"ADC port  1|
00002b00  22 2c 2d 31 2c 26 39 31  29 3a f1 27 22 20 ff 20  |",-1,&91):.'" . |
00002b10  41 44 43 20 70 6f 72 74  20 6e 6f 2e 31 22 27 22  |ADC port no.1"'"|
00002b20  20 20 96 60 60 60 60 60  60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60  |  .`````````````|
00002b30  22 27 22 20 20 54 68 65  20 70 72 6f 67 72 61 6d  |"'"  The program|
00002b40  20 73 63 61 6e 73 20 70  6f 72 74 20 23 31 20 61  | scans port #1 a|
00002b50  6e 64 20 69 6e 70 75 74  20 20 20 20 63 6f 6e 6e  |nd input    conn|
00002b60  65 63 74 69 6f 6e 73 2c  20 74 6f 67 65 74 68 65  |ections, togethe|
00002b70  72 20 77 69 74 68 20 61  70 70 6c 69 63 61 74 69  |r with applicati|
00002b80  6f 6e 20 20 69 64 65 61  73 20 61 72 65 20 6f 6e  |on  ideas are on|
00002b90  20 70 61 67 65 20 43 2e  22 0d 07 44 cf f1 22 20  | page C."..D.." |
00002ba0  20 54 68 65 20 73 63 61  6e 20 74 69 6d 65 20 28  | The scan time (|
00002bb0  6f 72 20 74 6f 74 61 6c  20 73 61 6d 70 6c 69 6e  |or total samplin|
00002bc0  67 20 74 69 6d 65 29 20  69 73 20 73 65 74 2c 20  |g time) is set, |
00002bd0  61 66 74 65 72 20 72 61  6e 67 65 20 73 65 6c 65  |after range sele|
00002be0  63 74 69 6f 6e 2e 22 27  22 83 ff 20 52 61 6e 67  |ction."'".. Rang|
00002bf0  65 20 31 3a 20 31 30 30  6d 73 65 63 73 20 5f 20  |e 1: 100msecs _ |
00002c00  39 39 39 6d 73 65 63 73  22 27 22 86 ff 20 52 61  |999msecs"'".. Ra|
00002c10  6e 67 65 20 32 3a 20 31  20 73 65 63 20 5f 20 32  |nge 2: 1 sec _ 2|
00002c20  34 20 68 6f 75 72 73 22  27 27 22 20 20 4f 6e 20  |4 hours"''"  On |
00002c30  72 61 6e 67 65 20 32 20  73 65 74 82 28 53 29 65  |range 2 set.(S)e|
00002c40  63 73 2c 83 28 4d 29 69  6e 73 20 6f 72 86 28 48  |cs,.(M)ins or.(H|
00002c50  29 72 73 20 74 68 65 6e  20 74 68 65 20 73 63 61  |)rs then the sca|
00002c60  6e 20 74 69 6d 65 2e 22  0d 07 4e c6 f1 22 20 20  |n time."..N.."  |
00002c70  4f 6e 20 72 61 6e 67 65  20 31 20 65 6e 74 65 72  |On range 1 enter|
00002c80  20 28 2e 29 20 74 68 65  6e 20 6d 73 65 63 73 20  | (.) then msecs |
00002c90  74 69 6d 65 2e 20 20 81  9d 84 4f 76 65 72 72 61  |time.  ...Overra|
00002ca0  6e 67 65 20 69 6e 70 75  74 73 20 61 72 65 20 72  |nge inputs are r|
00002cb0  65 6a 65 63 74 65 64 2e  20 9c 22 27 27 22 20 20  |ejected. ."''"  |
00002cc0  57 69 74 68 20 61 83 6c  6f 67 87 59 20 61 78 69  |With a.log.Y axi|
00002cd0  73 2c 20 6f 6e 6c 79 20  72 61 6e 67 65 20 32 20  |s, only range 2 |
00002ce0  69 73 22 27 22 20 61 76  61 69 6c 61 62 6c 65 20  |is"'" available |
00002cf0  64 75 65 20 74 6f 20 70  72 6f 63 65 73 73 69 6e  |due to processin|
00002d00  67 20 74 69 6d 65 2e 22  27 27 89 33 31 22 95 9d  |g time."''.31"..|
00002d10  87 36 2e 32 88 3e 89 22  3b 3a f2 41 28 22 36 2e  |.6.2.>.";:.A("6.|
00002d20  31 22 29 3a f2 45 28 32  29 3a e7 49 25 e1 0d 07  |1"):.E(2):.I%...|
00002d30  58 c3 f2 4f 3a f2 42 28  26 38 34 2c 26 39 36 2c  |X..O:.B(&84,&96,|
00002d40  26 39 33 2c 26 38 32 2c  36 2c 22 41 44 43 20 70  |&93,&82,6,"ADC p|
00002d50  6f 72 74 20 20 32 22 2c  2d 31 2c 26 39 31 29 3a  |ort  2",-1,&91):|
00002d60  f1 22 82 ff 20 53 69 6e  67 6c 65 20 6f 72 20 43  |.".. Single or C|
00002d70  6f 6e 74 69 6e 75 6f 75  73 20 53 63 61 6e 20 4d  |ontinuous Scan M|
00002d80  6f 64 65 22 27 22 20 20  94 60 60 60 60 60 60 60  |ode"'"  .```````|
00002d90  60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60  60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60  |````````````````|
00002da0  60 60 60 60 60 60 60 a1  22 27 22 81 ff 83 49 6e  |```````."'"...In|
00002db0  20 62 6f 74 68 20 6d 6f  64 65 73 20 74 68 65 20  | both modes the |
00002dc0  41 44 43 20 70 6f 72 74  20 69 73 20 72 65 61 64  |ADC port is read|
00002dd0  22 27 22 20 83 61 6e 64  20 70 6c 6f 74 74 65 64  |"'" .and plotted|
00002de0  20 73 69 6d 75 6c 74 61  6e 65 6f 75 73 6c 79 2e  | simultaneously.|
00002df0  22 0d 07 62 c2 f1 22 20  20 53 69 6e 67 6c 65 20  |"..b.."  Single |
00002e00  6d 6f 64 65 20 70 72 6f  64 75 63 65 73 20 6f 6e  |mode produces on|
00002e10  65 20 74 72 61 63 65 20  61 74 20 74 68 65 20 20  |e trace at the  |
00002e20  75 73 65 72 20 73 65 6c  65 63 74 65 64 20 73 63  |user selected sc|
00002e30  61 6e 20 73 70 65 65 64  2e 22 27 22 86 20 53 65  |an speed."'". Se|
00002e40  6c 65 63 74 69 6f 6e 20  6f 66 20 63 6f 6e 74 69  |lection of conti|
00002e50  6e 75 6f 75 73 20 73 63  61 6e 20 6d 6f 64 65 20  |nuous scan mode |
00002e60  77 69 6c 6c 86 70 72 6f  64 75 63 65 20 61 20 72  |will.produce a r|
00002e70  65 70 65 61 74 65 64 6c  79 20 75 70 64 61 74 65  |epeatedly update|
00002e80  64 20 70 6c 6f 74 2c 20  61 74 22 27 22 86 74 68  |d plot, at"'".th|
00002e90  65 20 73 65 74 20 73 63  61 6e 20 73 70 65 65 64  |e set scan speed|
00002ea0  2c 20 6f 66 20 74 68 65  20 41 44 43 20 70 6f 72  |, of the ADC por|
00002eb0  74 2e 22 0d 07 6c dd f1  22 86 20 49 66 20 74 68  |t."..l..". If th|
00002ec0  65 83 73 74 6f 72 61 67  65 20 6d 6f 64 65 86 77  |e.storage mode.w|
00002ed0  61 73 20 63 68 6f 73 65  6e 20 74 68 65 6e 22 27  |as chosen then"'|
00002ee0  22 86 65 61 63 68 20 70  6c 6f 74 20 77 69 6c 6c  |".each plot will|
00002ef0  20 62 65 20 73 75 70 65  72 69 6d 70 6f 73 65 64  | be superimposed|
00002f00  20 6f 76 65 72 20 74 68  65 86 70 72 65 76 69 6f  | over the.previo|
00002f10  75 73 20 6f 6e 65 73 2e  22 27 22 86 20 49 6e 83  |us ones."'". In.|
00002f20  65 72 61 73 75 72 65 20  6d 6f 64 65 86 61 66 74  |erasure mode.aft|
00002f30  65 72 20 63 6f 6d 70 6c  65 74 69 6f 6e 20 6f 66  |er completion of|
00002f40  22 27 22 86 65 61 63 68  20 73 63 61 6e 20 74 68  |"'".each scan th|
00002f50  65 20 74 72 61 63 65 20  69 73 20 72 61 70 69 64  |e trace is rapid|
00002f60  6c 79 20 65 72 61 73 65  64 22 27 22 86 62 65 66  |ly erased"'".bef|
00002f70  6f 72 65 20 70 6c 6f 74  74 69 6e 67 20 74 68 65  |ore plotting the|
00002f80  20 6e 65 78 74 20 41 44  43 20 73 63 61 6e 2e 22  | next ADC scan."|
00002f90  0d 07 76 7e f1 22 83 20  4b 65 79 86 53 83 63 6f  |..v~.". Key.S.co|
00002fa0  6e 74 69 6e 75 6f 75 73  6c 79 20 74 6f 20 61 62  |ntinuously to ab|
00002fb0  6f 72 74 20 73 63 61 6e  6e 69 6e 67 22 27 22 85  |ort scanning"'".|
00002fc0  20 43 6f 6e 74 69 6e 75  6f 75 73 20 73 63 61 6e  | Continuous scan|
00002fd0  20 6d 6f 64 65 20 69 73  20 61 76 61 69 6c 61 62  | mode is availab|
00002fe0  6c 65 20 77 69 74 68 85  73 63 61 6e 20 74 69 6d  |le with.scan tim|
00002ff0  65 73 20 66 72 6f 6d 87  31 30 30 6d 73 65 63 85  |es from.100msec.|
00003000  74 6f 87 35 20 73 65 63  6f 6e 64 73 2e 22 0d 07  |to.5 seconds."..|
00003010  80 2a f1 27 89 33 31 22  82 9d 84 36 2e 33 88 3e  |.*.'.31"...6.3.>|
00003020  89 22 3b 3a f2 41 28 22  36 2e 32 22 29 3a f2 45  |.";:.A("6.2"):.E|
00003030  28 32 29 3a e7 49 25 e1  0d 07 8a dd f2 4f 3a f2  |(2):.I%......O:.|
00003040  42 28 26 38 34 2c 26 39  36 2c 26 39 33 2c 26 38  |B(&84,&96,&93,&8|
00003050  32 2c 36 2c 22 41 44 43  20 70 6f 72 74 20 20 33  |2,6,"ADC port  3|
00003060  22 2c 2d 31 2c 26 39 31  29 3a f1 22 20 ff 20 4f  |",-1,&91):." . O|
00003070  76 65 72 6c 6f 61 64 2c  20 59 66 20 76 61 6c 75  |verload, Yf valu|
00003080  65 22 27 22 20 20 94 60  60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60  |e"'"  .`````````|
00003090  60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60  60 a1 22 27 22 20 20 57  |`````````."'"  W|
000030a0  68 69 6c 65 20 6d 6f 6e  69 74 6f 72 69 6e 67 20  |hile monitoring |
000030b0  70 6f 72 74 20 23 31 20  61 6e 79 20 76 6f 6c 74  |port #1 any volt|
000030c0  61 67 65 22 27 22 20 69  6e 20 65 78 63 65 73 73  |age"'" in excess|
000030d0  20 6f 66 20 31 2e 38 20  76 6f 6c 74 73 20 73 77  | of 1.8 volts sw|
000030e0  69 74 63 68 65 73 20 74  68 65 22 27 22 20 74 72  |itches the"'" tr|
000030f0  61 63 65 20 63 6f 6c 6f  75 72 20 74 6f 81 72 65  |ace colour to.re|
00003100  64 87 69 6e 64 69 63 61  74 69 6e 67 20 76 6f 6c  |d.indicating vol|
00003110  74 61 67 65 22 0d 07 94  ce f1 22 20 6f 76 65 72  |tage"....." over|
00003120  6c 6f 61 64 2e 20 54 68  65 20 74 72 61 63 65 20  |load. The trace |
00003130  63 6f 6c 6f 75 72 20 69  73 20 72 65 73 65 74 20  |colour is reset |
00003140  61 74 22 27 22 20 74 68  65 20 65 6e 64 20 6f 66  |at"'" the end of|
00003150  20 61 20 73 63 61 6e 2e  22 27 22 86 20 4f 6e 20  | a scan."'". On |
00003160  63 6f 6d 70 6c 65 74 69  6f 6e 20 6f 66 20 74 68  |completion of th|
00003170  65 20 73 63 61 6e 20 74  68 65 20 66 69 6e 61 6c  |e scan the final|
00003180  22 27 22 86 76 6f 6c 74  61 67 65 20 6f 6e 20 74  |"'".voltage on t|
00003190  68 65 20 41 44 43 20 69  6e 70 75 74 83 59 66 86  |he ADC input.Yf.|
000031a0  69 73 20 73 68 6f 77 6e  22 27 22 86 61 74 20 74  |is shown"'".at t|
000031b0  68 65 20 74 6f 70 20 72  69 67 68 74 20 6f 66 20  |he top right of |
000031c0  74 68 65 20 73 63 72 65  65 6e 2c 20 6f 6e 20 74  |the screen, on t|
000031d0  68 65 22 27 22 86 73 74  61 74 75 73 20 6c 69 6e  |he"'".status lin|
000031e0  65 2e 22 0d 07 9e e5 f1  22 20 20 4f 6e 63 65 20  |e."....."  Once |
000031f0  61 20 73 63 61 6e 20 69  73 20 73 74 61 72 74 65  |a scan is starte|
00003200  64 20 6f 6e 6c 79 20 6b  65 79 82 66 37 87 6f 72  |d only key.f7.or|
00003210  20 86 53 87 69 6e 20 63  6f 6e 74 69 6e 75 6f 75  | .S.in continuou|
00003220  73 20 6d 6f 64 65 2c 20  77 69 6c 6c 20 61 62 6f  |s mode, will abo|
00003230  72 74 20 74 68 65 20 20  20 20 73 63 61 6e 2e 22  |rt the    scan."|
00003240  27 27 22 20 20 4e 6f 74  65 20 74 68 61 74 20 6b  |''"  Note that k|
00003250  65 79 69 6e 67 82 66 37  87 72 65 74 75 72 6e 73  |eying.f7.returns|
00003260  20 74 68 65 22 27 22 20  70 72 6f 67 72 61 6d 20  | the"'" program |
00003270  74 6f 20 74 68 65 86 4d  41 49 4e 20 4d 45 4e 55  |to the.MAIN MENU|
00003280  87 61 6e 64 20 61 6c 6c  20 64 61 74 61 20 20 20  |.and all data   |
00003290  69 73 20 6c 6f 73 74 2e  20 66 37 20 6d 61 79 20  |is lost. f7 may |
000032a0  62 65 20 75 73 65 64 20  61 74 20 61 6e 79 20 70  |be used at any p|
000032b0  6f 69 6e 74 20 20 20 20  69 6e 20 74 68 65 20 70  |oint    in the p|
000032c0  72 6f 67 72 61 6d 2e 22  0d 07 a8 29 f1 89 33 31  |rogram."...)..31|
000032d0  22 82 9d 84 36 2e 34 88  3e 89 22 3b 3a f2 41 28  |"...6.4.>.";:.A(|
000032e0  22 36 2e 33 22 29 3a f2  45 28 32 29 3a e7 49 25  |"6.3"):.E(2):.I%|
000032f0  e1 0d 07 b2 c8 f2 4f 3a  f2 42 28 26 38 34 2c 26  |......O:.B(&84,&|
00003300  39 36 2c 26 39 33 2c 26  38 32 2c 36 2c 22 41 44  |96,&93,&82,6,"AD|
00003310  43 20 70 6f 72 74 20 20  34 22 2c 2d 31 2c 26 39  |C port  4",-1,&9|
00003320  31 29 3a f1 22 83 ff 20  53 74 61 74 75 73 20 6c  |1):.".. Status l|
00003330  69 6e 65 22 27 22 20 20  96 60 60 60 60 60 60 60  |ine"'"  .```````|
00003340  60 60 60 60 a1 22 27 22  20 20 54 68 65 20 73 74  |````."'"  The st|
00003350  61 74 75 73 20 6c 69 6e  65 20 6f 6e 20 74 68 65  |atus line on the|
00003360  20 67 72 61 70 68 69 63  73 20 73 63 72 65 65 6e  | graphics screen|
00003370  20 64 69 73 70 6c 61 79  73 20 74 68 65 20 63 75  | displays the cu|
00003380  72 72 65 6e 74 20 6d 6f  64 65 2c 20 70 65 6e 20  |rrent mode, pen |
00003390  63 6f 6c 6f 75 72 2c 22  27 22 20 66 72 65 65 20  |colour,"'" free |
000033a0  6d 65 6d 6f 72 79 20 61  6e 64 20 74 68 65 20 59  |memory and the Y|
000033b0  66 20 76 61 6c 75 65 2e  22 0d 07 bc f0 f1 27 22  |f value.".....'"|
000033c0  85 ff 20 43 75 72 72 65  6e 74 20 6d 6f 64 65 20  |.. Current mode |
000033d0  69 73 86 34 85 62 79 20  64 65 66 61 75 6c 74 20  |is.4.by default |
000033e0  62 75 74 20 77 69 74 68  85 61 87 73 65 63 6f 6e  |but with.a.secon|
000033f0  64 20 70 72 6f 63 65 73  73 6f 72 20 28 36 35 43  |d processor (65C|
00003400  30 32 29 85 6f 72 86 4d  41 53 54 45 52 22 27 22  |02).or.MASTER"'"|
00003410  85 6d 6f 64 65 73 20 31  20 6f 72 20 30 20 61 72  |.modes 1 or 0 ar|
00003420  65 20 61 76 61 69 6c 61  62 6c 65 2e 22 27 22 83  |e available."'".|
00003430  ff 20 50 65 6e 20 63 6f  6c 6f 75 72 20 6d 61 79  |. Pen colour may|
00003440  20 62 65 20 61 6c 74 65  72 65 64 2c 20 69 6e 20  | be altered, in |
00003450  6d 6f 64 65 20 31 20 83  6f 6e 6c 79 2c 20 66 6f  |mode 1 .only, fo|
00003460  72 20 6d 75 6c 69 63 6f  6c 6f 75 72 65 64 20 70  |r mulicoloured p|
00003470  6c 6f 74 73 2e 20 73 65  65 20 37 2e 31 20 20 82  |lots. see 7.1  .|
00003480  ff 20 46 72 65 65 20 6d  65 6d 6f 72 79 20 28 4b  |. Free memory (K|
00003490  29 20 69 73 20 75 70 64  61 74 65 64 20 72 65 67  |) is updated reg|
000034a0  75 6c 61 72 6c 79 2e 22  3b 0d 07 c6 ed f1 22 82  |ularly.";.....".|
000034b0  49 66 20 74 68 65 20 76  61 6c 75 65 20 69 73 20  |If the value is |
000034c0  3c 30 2e 34 4b 82 61 20  77 61 72 6e 69 6e 67 20  |<0.4K.a warning |
000034d0  6d 65 73 73 61 67 65 82  73 75 67 67 65 73 74 73  |message.suggests|
000034e0  20 74 68 65 20 63 75 72  72 65 6e 74 82 64 61 74  | the current.dat|
000034f0  61 20 69 73 20 73 61 76  65 64 20 61 73 20 61 87  |a is saved as a.|
00003500  27 6e 6f 20 72 6f 6f 6d  27 82 65 72 72 6f 72 20  |'no room'.error |
00003510  74 65 72 6d 69 6e 61 74  65 73 82 74 68 65 20 70  |terminates.the p|
00003520  72 6f 67 72 61 6d 2e 82  4d 65 6d 6f 72 79 20 69  |rogram..Memory i|
00003530  73 20 6f 6e 6c 79 20 6c  69 6d 69 74 65 64 20 6f  |s only limited o|
00003540  6e 20 61 20 33 32 4b 20  42 42 43 20 42 2e 22 27  |n a 32K BBC B."'|
00003550  27 22 86 ff 20 59 66 3a  20 59 20 61 78 69 73 20  |'".. Yf: Y axis |
00003560  66 69 6e 61 6c 20 76 61  6c 75 65 20 69 65 3a 69  |final value ie:i|
00003570  6e 70 75 74 20 76 6f 6c  74 73 86 6f 6e 20 41 44  |nput volts.on AD|
00003580  43 20 61 74 20 73 63 61  6e 20 63 6f 6d 70 6c 65  |C at scan comple|
00003590  74 69 6f 6e 2e 22 0d 07  d0 29 f1 89 33 31 22 82  |tion."...)..31".|
000035a0  9d 84 36 2e 35 88 3e 89  22 3b 3a f2 41 28 22 36  |..6.5.>.";:.A("6|
000035b0  2e 34 22 29 3a f2 45 28  32 29 3a e7 49 25 e1 0d  |.4"):.E(2):.I%..|
000035c0  07 da c9 f2 4f 3a f2 42  28 26 38 34 2c 26 39 36  |....O:.B(&84,&96|
000035d0  2c 26 39 33 2c 26 38 32  2c 36 2c 22 41 44 43 20  |,&93,&82,6,"ADC |
000035e0  70 6f 72 74 20 20 35 22  2c 2d 31 2c 26 39 31 29  |port  5",-1,&91)|
000035f0  3a f1 27 22 86 ff 20 53  74 61 74 75 73 20 6c 69  |:.'".. Status li|
00003600  6e 65 20 65 78 61 6d 70  6c 65 73 22 27 22 20 20  |ne examples"'"  |
00003610  97 60 60 60 60 60 60 60  60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60  |.```````````````|
00003620  60 60 60 60 60 a1 a0 22  27 27 22 96 ff 86 42 42  |`````.."''"...BB|
00003630  43 20 42 20 33 32 6b 22  27 27 22 82 9d 84 6d 6f  |C B 32k"''"...mo|
00003640  64 65 34 20 70 65 6e 82  9c 58 82 9d 84 4b 20 31  |de4 pen..X...K 1|
00003650  2e 31 30 38 20 20 20 59  66 20 31 2e 32 38 35 76  |.108   Yf 1.285v|
00003660  22 3b 27 27 27 22 91 ff  81 42 42 43 20 42 20 2b  |";'''"...BBC B +|
00003670  20 36 35 43 30 32 20 73  65 63 6f 6e 64 20 70 72  | 65C02 second pr|
00003680  6f 63 65 73 73 6f 72 22  0d 07 e4 df f1 27 22 84  |ocessor".....'".|
00003690  9d 86 6d 6f 64 65 31 20  70 65 6e 83 9c 58 84 9d  |..mode1 pen..X..|
000036a0  86 36 35 30 32 20 6f 6e  20 6c 69 6e 65 20 59 66  |.6502 on line Yf|
000036b0  20 30 2e 38 30 35 76 22  3b 27 27 22 20 20 57 68  | 0.805v";''"  Wh|
000036c0  65 6e 20 75 73 69 6e 67  20 74 68 65 20 74 75 62  |en using the tub|
000036d0  65 20 66 72 65 65 20 6d  65 6d 6f 72 79 20 69 73  |e free memory is|
000036e0  20 6e 6f 74 20 61 20 70  72 6f 62 6c 65 6d 20 74  | not a problem t|
000036f0  68 75 73 20 27 36 35 30  32 20 6f 6e 20 6c 69 6e  |hus '6502 on lin|
00003700  65 27 20 6d 65 73 73 61  67 65 2e 22 27 22 20 20  |e' message."'"  |
00003710  4e 6f 74 65 20 74 68 61  74 20 70 65 6e 20 63 6f  |Note that pen co|
00003720  6c 6f 75 72 20 68 61 73  20 62 65 65 6e 20 72 65  |lour has been re|
00003730  73 65 74 20 74 6f 83 79  65 6c 6c 6f 77 87 69 6e  |set to.yellow.in|
00003740  20 74 68 69 73 20 65 78  61 6d 70 6c 65 20 73 74  | this example st|
00003750  61 74 75 73 20 6c 69 6e  65 2e 22 3a f2 41 28 22  |atus line.":.A("|
00003760  36 2e 35 22 29 3a e1 0d  07 ee e4 dd f2 59 f2 4f  |6.5"):.......Y.O|
00003770  3a f2 42 28 26 38 33 2c  26 39 34 2c 26 39 31 2c  |:.B(&83,&94,&91,|
00003780  26 38 34 2c 32 2c 22 45  64 69 74 20 6f 70 74 69  |&84,2,"Edit opti|
00003790  6f 6e 73 20 20 31 22 2c  2d 31 2c 26 39 34 29 3a  |ons  1",-1,&94):|
000037a0  f1 22 20 ff 20 41 66 74  65 72 20 65 61 63 68 20  |." . After each |
000037b0  41 44 43 20 73 63 61 6e  20 74 68 65 20 64 61 74  |ADC scan the dat|
000037c0  61 20 6d 61 79 20 62 65  22 27 22 20 65 64 69 74  |a may be"'" edit|
000037d0  65 64 2e 22 27 22 82 ff  20 45 72 61 73 65 22 27  |ed."'".. Erase"'|
000037e0  22 20 20 97 60 60 60 60  60 a1 20 20 20 20 20 20  |"  .`````.      |
000037f0  20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20  20 a0 22 27 22 82 20 20  |         ."'".  |
00003800  54 68 65 20 6c 61 73 74  20 73 63 61 6e 20 63 61  |The last scan ca|
00003810  6e 20 62 65 20 65 72 61  73 65 64 20 66 72 6f 6d  |n be erased from|
00003820  20 74 68 65 22 27 22 82  67 72 61 70 68 20 70 61  | the"'".graph pa|
00003830  70 65 72 20 69 66 20 74  68 65 20 41 44 43 20 64  |per if the ADC d|
00003840  61 74 61 20 69 73 20 6e  6f 74 22 0d 07 f8 c8 f1  |ata is not".....|
00003850  22 82 72 65 71 75 69 72  65 64 2e 20 53 63 61 6e  |".required. Scan|
00003860  20 74 69 6d 65 73 20 66  72 6f 6d 20 31 30 30 6d  | times from 100m|
00003870  73 65 63 73 20 74 6f 20  37 82 73 65 63 73 20 28  |secs to 7.secs (|
00003880  35 20 73 65 63 73 2f 36  35 43 30 32 29 20 61 72  |5 secs/65C02) ar|
00003890  65 20 73 75 69 74 61 62  6c 65 20 66 6f 72 22 27  |e suitable for"'|
000038a0  22 82 65 72 61 73 75 72  65 2c 20 73 6c 6f 77 65  |".erasure, slowe|
000038b0  72 20 73 63 61 6e 73 20  6d 61 79 20 6c 65 61 76  |r scans may leav|
000038c0  65 20 63 65 72 74 61 69  6e 82 70 69 78 65 6c 73  |e certain.pixels|
000038d0  20 6f 6e 20 73 63 72 65  65 6e 2e 20 54 75 62 65  | on screen. Tube|
000038e0  20 75 73 65 72 73 20 6d  61 79 20 75 73 65 20 61  | users may use a|
000038f0  20 82 27 77 69 64 65 20  65 72 61 73 65 27 20 6f  | .'wide erase' o|
00003900  70 74 69 6f 6e 20 69 6e  20 74 68 69 73 20 63 61  |ption in this ca|
00003910  73 65 22 0d 08 02 ec f1  22 20 82 57 69 74 68 20  |se"....." .With |
00003920  64 61 74 61 20 72 65 6c  6f 61 64 65 64 82 66 72  |data reloaded.fr|
00003930  6f 6d 20 64 69 73 63 82  61 6e 79 20 73 63 61 6e  |om disc.any scan|
00003940  20 82 74 69 6d 65 20 63  61 6e 20 62 65 20 66 75  | .time can be fu|
00003950  6c 6c 79 20 65 72 61 73  65 64 20 69 66 20 72 65  |lly erased if re|
00003960  71 75 69 72 65 64 2e 22  27 27 22 83 ff 20 52 65  |quired."''".. Re|
00003970  70 6c 6f 74 20 6f 70 74  69 6f 6e 73 22 27 22 20  |plot options"'" |
00003980  20 95 60 60 60 60 60 60  60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60  | .``````````````|
00003990  22 27 22 83 20 20 49 6e  63 6c 75 64 65 64 20 61  |"'".  Included a|
000039a0  72 65 20 73 79 6d 62 6f  6c 20 6f 76 65 72 6c 61  |re symbol overla|
000039b0  79 2c 20 62 61 72 67 72  61 70 68 83 67 65 6e 65  |y, bargraph.gene|
000039c0  72 61 74 69 6f 6e 20 61  6e 64 20 74 65 78 74 20  |ration and text |
000039d0  6f 76 65 72 6c 61 79 2e  22 27 27 89 33 31 22 83  |overlay."''.31".|
000039e0  9d 84 37 2e 32 88 3e 89  22 3b 3a f2 41 28 22 37  |..7.2.>.";:.A("7|
000039f0  2e 31 22 29 3a f2 45 28  32 29 3a e7 49 25 e1 0d  |.1"):.E(2):.I%..|
00003a00  08 0c d6 f2 4f 3a f2 42  28 26 38 33 2c 26 39 34  |....O:.B(&83,&94|
00003a10  2c 26 39 31 2c 26 38 34  2c 32 2c 22 45 64 69 74  |,&91,&84,2,"Edit|
00003a20  20 6f 70 74 69 6f 6e 73  20 20 32 22 2c 2d 31 2c  | options  2",-1,|
00003a30  26 39 34 29 3a f1 27 22  20 ff 20 53 79 6d 62 6f  |&94):.'" . Symbo|
00003a40  6c 20 6f 76 65 72 6c 61  79 22 27 22 20 20 96 60  |l overlay"'"  .`|
00003a50  60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60  60 60 60 60 60 a1 22 27  |`````````````."'|
00003a60  22 82 20 20 54 68 65 20  74 72 61 63 65 20 6d 61  |".  The trace ma|
00003a70  79 62 65 20 62 65 20 6f  76 65 72 6c 61 69 64 20  |ybe be overlaid |
00003a80  77 69 74 68 20 61 22 27  22 82 73 65 6c 65 63 74  |with a"'".select|
00003a90  65 64 20 73 79 6d 62 6f  6c 20 66 72 6f 6d 20 61  |ed symbol from a|
00003aa0  20 6d 65 6e 75 20 6f 66  20 32 39 2e 22 27 27 22  | menu of 29."''"|
00003ab0  82 20 20 54 68 65 20 75  6e 64 65 72 6c 79 69 6e  |.  The underlyin|
00003ac0  67 20 6c 69 6e 65 20 6d  61 79 20 62 65 20 65 72  |g line may be er|
00003ad0  61 73 65 64 22 0d 08 16  d0 f1 22 82 66 69 72 73  |ased".....".firs|
00003ae0  74 20 69 66 20 72 65 71  75 69 72 65 64 20 28 73  |t if required (s|
00003af0  65 65 20 65 72 61 73 65  20 73 65 63 74 69 6f 6e  |ee erase section|
00003b00  29 2e 22 27 27 22 82 20  20 54 79 70 69 63 61 6c  |)."''".  Typical|
00003b10  6c 79 20 61 20 6c 69 6e  65 20 77 6f 75 6c 64 20  |ly a line would |
00003b20  62 65 20 6f 76 65 72 6c  61 69 64 22 27 22 82 77  |be overlaid"'".w|
00003b30  69 74 68 20 61 20 63 72  6f 73 73 20 6f 72 20 73  |ith a cross or s|
00003b40  6d 61 6c 6c 20 73 71 75  61 72 65 2e 20 57 69 74  |mall square. Wit|
00003b50  68 20 66 61 73 74 82 73  63 61 6e 73 87 28 3c 20  |h fast.scans.(< |
00003b60  37 73 65 63 73 29 82 74  68 65 20 70 72 6f 67 72  |7secs).the progr|
00003b70  61 6d 20 73 65 6c 65 63  74 73 20 61 22 27 22 82  |am selects a"'".|
00003b80  73 75 69 74 61 62 6c 65  20 73 70 61 63 69 6e 67  |suitable spacing|
00003b90  20 66 6f 72 20 74 68 65  20 63 68 6f 73 65 6e 20  | for the chosen |
00003ba0  55 44 47 2c 22 0d 08 20  af f1 22 82 65 6c 73 65  |UDG,".. ..".else|
00003bb0  20 74 68 65 20 75 73 65  72 20 6d 61 79 20 6f 70  | the user may op|
00003bc0  74 20 74 6f 20 61 6c 74  65 72 20 74 68 65 20 6c  |t to alter the l|
00003bd0  69 6e 65 82 64 65 66 69  6e 69 74 69 6f 6e 20 28  |ine.definition (|
00003be0  73 70 61 63 69 6e 67 2f  6e 75 6d 62 65 72 20 6f  |spacing/number o|
00003bf0  66 20 55 44 47 73 29 2e  22 27 22 82 41 20 72 61  |f UDGs)."'".A ra|
00003c00  6e 67 65 82 66 72 6f 6d  20 28 32 30 29 20 74 6f  |nge.from (20) to|
00003c10  20 28 32 30 30 29 20 70  6f 69 6e 74 73 20 69 73  | (200) points is|
00003c20  22 27 22 82 6f 66 66 65  72 65 64 2e 22 27 27 27  |"'".offered."'''|
00003c30  89 33 31 22 82 9d 84 37  2e 33 88 3e 89 22 3b 3a  |.31"...7.3.>.";:|
00003c40  f2 41 28 22 37 2e 32 22  29 3a f2 45 28 32 29 3a  |.A("7.2"):.E(2):|
00003c50  e7 49 25 e1 0d 08 2a ce  f2 4f 3a f2 42 28 26 38  |.I%...*..O:.B(&8|
00003c60  33 2c 26 39 34 2c 26 39  31 2c 26 38 34 2c 32 2c  |3,&94,&91,&84,2,|
00003c70  22 45 64 69 74 20 6f 70  74 69 6f 6e 73 20 20 33  |"Edit options  3|
00003c80  22 2c 2d 31 2c 26 39 34  29 3a f1 22 83 ff 20 42  |",-1,&94):.".. B|
00003c90  61 72 67 72 61 70 68 20  67 65 6e 65 72 61 74 69  |argraph generati|
00003ca0  6f 6e 22 27 22 20 20 94  60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60  |on"'"  .````````|
00003cb0  60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60  60 60 60 a1 22 27 22 20  |```````````."'" |
00003cc0  20 54 68 69 73 20 6f 70  74 69 6f 6e 20 63 72 65  | This option cre|
00003cd0  61 74 65 73 20 61 20 62  61 72 67 72 61 70 68 20  |ates a bargraph |
00003ce0  74 79 70 65 22 27 22 20  64 69 73 70 6c 61 79 20  |type"'" display |
00003cf0  75 73 69 6e 67 20 61 20  75 73 65 72 20 73 65 6c  |using a user sel|
00003d00  65 63 74 65 64 20 55 44  47 20 61 73 22 27 22 20  |ected UDG as"'" |
00003d10  74 68 65 20 66 69 6c 6c  20 70 61 74 74 65 72 6e  |the fill pattern|
00003d20  2e 22 0d 08 34 d6 f1 22  86 20 42 6f 74 68 20 74  |."..4..". Both t|
00003d30  68 65 20 62 61 72 20 61  6e 64 20 76 65 72 74 69  |he bar and verti|
00003d40  63 61 6c 20 73 79 6d 62  6f 6c 22 27 22 86 73 70  |cal symbol"'".sp|
00003d50  61 63 69 6e 67 20 61 72  65 20 75 73 65 72 20 64  |acing are user d|
00003d60  65 66 69 6e 65 64 20 66  72 6f 6d 20 61 20 63 68  |efined from a ch|
00003d70  6f 69 63 65 22 27 22 86  6f 66 20 66 6f 75 72 20  |oice"'".of four |
00003d80  6f 70 74 69 6f 6e 73 20  66 72 6f 6d 85 6e 61 72  |options from.nar|
00003d90  72 6f 77 86 74 6f 85 65  78 74 72 61 22 27 22 85  |row.to.extra"'".|
00003da0  77 69 64 65 2e 86 54 68  69 73 20 66 6c 65 78 69  |wide..This flexi|
00003db0  62 69 6c 69 74 79 20 61  6c 6c 6f 77 73 20 61 20  |bility allows a |
00003dc0  76 61 72 69 65 74 79 86  6f 66 20 61 74 74 72 61  |variety.of attra|
00003dd0  63 74 69 76 65 20 66 69  6c 6c 20 70 61 74 74 65  |ctive fill patte|
00003de0  72 6e 73 20 74 6f 20 62  65 22 27 22 86 67 65 6e  |rns to be"'".gen|
00003df0  65 72 61 74 65 64 2e 22  0d 08 3e 88 f1 22 20 83  |erated."..>.." .|
00003e00  54 68 65 20 66 69 6c 6c  20 62 61 73 65 6c 69 6e  |The fill baselin|
00003e10  65 20 63 61 6e 20 61 6c  73 6f 20 62 65 20 61 6c  |e can also be al|
00003e20  74 65 72 65 64 20 83 69  66 20 72 65 71 75 69 72  |tered .if requir|
00003e30  65 64 20 61 6e 64 20 61  20 73 75 70 65 72 69 70  |ed and a superip|
00003e40  6d 6f 73 65 20 6f 70 74  69 6f 6e 20 20 20 83 66  |mose option   .f|
00003e50  75 72 74 68 65 72 20 65  6e 68 61 6e 63 65 73 20  |urther enhances |
00003e60  74 68 65 20 61 76 61 69  6c 61 62 6c 65 20 76 69  |the available vi|
00003e70  73 75 61 6c 20 20 83 65  66 66 65 63 74 73 2e 22  |sual  .effects."|
00003e80  0d 08 48 9e f1 22 20 86  49 6e 20 4d 6f 64 65 20  |..H.." .In Mode |
00003e90  31 20 28 54 75 62 65 20  6f 72 20 4d 61 73 74 65  |1 (Tube or Maste|
00003ea0  72 29 20 75 73 69 6e 67  20 33 22 27 22 86 64 69  |r) using 3"'".di|
00003eb0  66 66 65 72 65 6e 74 20  63 6f 6c 6f 75 72 20 70  |fferent colour p|
00003ec0  61 74 74 65 72 6e 73 20  77 69 6c 6c 20 66 75 72  |atterns will fur|
00003ed0  74 68 65 72 20 86 65 6e  68 61 6e 63 65 20 74 68  |ther .enhance th|
00003ee0  65 20 70 72 65 73 65 6e  74 61 74 69 6f 6e 20 6f  |e presentation o|
00003ef0  66 20 64 61 74 61 2e 22  27 27 89 33 31 22 82 9d  |f data."''.31"..|
00003f00  84 37 2e 34 88 3e 89 22  3b 3a f2 41 28 22 37 2e  |.7.4.>.";:.A("7.|
00003f10  33 22 29 3a f2 45 28 32  29 3a e7 49 25 e1 0d 08  |3"):.E(2):.I%...|
00003f20  52 d3 f2 4f 3a f2 42 28  26 38 33 2c 26 39 34 2c  |R..O:.B(&83,&94,|
00003f30  26 39 31 2c 26 38 34 2c  32 2c 22 45 64 69 74 20  |&91,&84,2,"Edit |
00003f40  6f 70 74 69 6f 6e 73 20  20 34 22 2c 2d 31 2c 26  |options  4",-1,&|
00003f50  39 34 29 3a f1 22 20 ff  20 54 65 78 74 20 6f 76  |94):." . Text ov|
00003f60  65 72 6c 61 79 22 27 22  20 20 92 60 60 60 60 60  |erlay"'"  .`````|
00003f70  60 60 60 60 60 60 60 a1  22 27 22 86 20 4f 6e 20  |```````."'". On |
00003f80  73 65 6c 65 63 74 69 6e  67 20 74 68 69 73 20 6f  |selecting this o|
00003f90  70 74 69 6f 6e 20 61 20  73 70 65 63 69 61 6c 22  |ption a special"|
00003fa0  27 22 86 63 75 72 73 6f  72 20 61 70 70 65 61 72  |'".cursor appear|
00003fb0  73 20 6f 6e 20 74 68 65  20 67 72 61 70 68 20 70  |s on the graph p|
00003fc0  61 70 65 72 2e 20 54 68  65 20 86 63 75 72 73 6f  |aper. The .curso|
00003fd0  72 20 6b 65 79 73 20 61  72 65 20 75 73 65 64 20  |r keys are used |
00003fe0  74 6f 20 70 6f 73 69 74  69 6f 6e 20 74 68 69 73  |to position this|
00003ff0  22 0d 08 5c d7 f1 22 86  63 72 6f 73 73 20 61 74  |"..\..".cross at|
00004000  20 74 68 65 20 72 65 71  75 69 72 65 64 20 74 65  | the required te|
00004010  78 74 20 6f 72 69 67 69  6e 20 74 68 65 6e 20 20  |xt origin then  |
00004020  86 4b 65 79 83 3c 54 3e  86 61 6e 64 20 65 6e 74  |.Key.<T>.and ent|
00004030  65 72 20 74 65 78 74 20  73 74 72 69 6e 67 2e 22  |er text string."|
00004040  27 27 22 20 82 55 44 47  27 73 20 73 65 6c 65 63  |''" .UDG's selec|
00004050  74 65 64 20 61 73 20 66  69 6c 6c 20 70 61 74 74  |ted as fill patt|
00004060  65 72 6e 73 20 63 61 6e  20 20 20 82 62 65 20 70  |erns can   .be p|
00004070  72 69 6e 74 65 64 20 28  66 6f 72 20 6c 61 62 65  |rinted (for labe|
00004080  6c 6c 69 6e 67 29 20 62  79 20 75 73 69 6e 67 20  |lling) by using |
00004090  20 20 20 82 74 68 65 20  9d 81 66 75 6e 63 74 69  |   .the ..functi|
000040a0  6f 6e 20 6b 65 79 73 3a  20 9c 22 27 22 86 3c 73  |on keys: ."'".<s|
000040b0  68 69 66 74 3e 20 2b 20  66 30 5f 66 39 20 3a 20  |hift> + f0_f9 : |
000040c0  55 44 47 20 31 5f 39 22  0d 08 66 e3 f1 22 86 3c  |UDG 1_9"..f..".<|
000040d0  63 74 72 6c 3e 20 20 2b  20 66 30 5f 66 39 20 3a  |ctrl>  + f0_f9 :|
000040e0  20 55 44 47 20 31 30 5f  31 39 22 27 22 86 3c 73  | UDG 10_19"'".<s|
000040f0  68 69 66 74 3e 20 2b 20  3c 63 74 72 6c 3e 20 2b  |hift> + <ctrl> +|
00004100  20 66 30 5f 66 39 20 3a  20 55 44 47 20 32 30 5f  | f0_f9 : UDG 20_|
00004110  32 39 22 27 27 22 82 ff  20 4f 6e 20 63 6f 6d 70  |29"''".. On comp|
00004120  6c 65 74 69 6f 6e 20 6f  66 20 65 61 63 68 20 65  |letion of each e|
00004130  64 69 74 20 66 75 6e 63  74 69 6f 6e 20 20 82 20  |dit function  . |
00004140  74 68 65 20 75 73 65 72  20 6d 61 79 20 73 65 6c  |the user may sel|
00004150  65 63 74 20 61 6e 6f 74  68 65 72 20 65 64 69 74  |ect another edit|
00004160  69 6e 67 20 20 20 20 82  6f 70 74 69 6f 6e 20 62  |ing    .option b|
00004170  65 66 6f 72 65 20 63 6f  6e 74 69 6e 75 69 6e 67  |efore continuing|
00004180  20 74 6f 20 74 68 65 20  64 61 74 61 20 20 20 82  | to the data   .|
00004190  73 74 6f 72 61 67 65 20  61 6e 64 20 70 72 69 6e  |storage and prin|
000041a0  74 20 6f 70 74 69 6f 6e  73 2e 22 0d 08 70 29 f1  |t options."..p).|
000041b0  89 33 31 22 82 9d 84 37  2e 35 88 3e 89 22 3b 3a  |.31"...7.5.>.";:|
000041c0  f2 41 28 22 37 2e 34 22  29 3a f2 45 28 32 29 3a  |.A("7.4"):.E(2):|
000041d0  e7 49 25 e1 0d 08 7a df  f2 4f 3a f2 42 28 26 38  |.I%...z..O:.B(&8|
000041e0  33 2c 26 39 34 2c 26 39  31 2c 26 38 34 2c 32 2c  |3,&94,&91,&84,2,|
000041f0  22 45 64 69 74 20 6f 70  74 69 6f 6e 73 20 20 35  |"Edit options  5|
00004200  22 2c 2d 31 2c 26 39 34  29 3a f1 22 20 ff 20 44  |",-1,&94):." . D|
00004210  61 74 61 20 70 6f 69 6e  74 73 20 65 64 69 74 6f  |ata points edito|
00004220  72 22 27 22 20 20 95 60  60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60  |r"'"  .`````````|
00004230  60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60  60 a1 22 27 22 86 20 4f  |`````````."'". O|
00004240  70 74 69 6f 6e 83 33 86  6f 66 20 74 68 65 82 44  |ption.3.of the.D|
00004250  61 74 61 73 63 6f 70 65  86 6d 65 6e 75 20 61 6c  |atascope.menu al|
00004260  6c 6f 77 73 20 86 6e 6f  74 20 6f 6e 6c 79 20 74  |lows .not only t|
00004270  68 65 20 63 6f 6d 70 72  65 68 65 6e 73 69 76 65  |he comprehensive|
00004280  20 65 64 69 74 69 6e 67  20 20 20 20 20 86 66 65  | editing     .fe|
00004290  61 74 75 72 65 73 20 6a  75 73 74 20 64 65 73 63  |atures just desc|
000042a0  72 69 62 65 64 20 62 75  74 20 61 6c 73 6f 20 74  |ribed but also t|
000042b0  68 65 22 0d 08 84 e4 f1  22 86 6f 70 74 69 6f 6e  |he".....".option|
000042c0  20 74 6f 20 6c 6f 61 64  20 74 68 65 87 64 61 74  | to load the.dat|
000042d0  61 20 70 6f 69 6e 74 73  20 65 64 69 74 6f 72 20  |a points editor |
000042e0  20 87 70 72 6f 67 72 61  6d 82 28 44 53 63 65 64  | .program.(DSced|
000042f0  69 74 29 2e 22 27 22 83  20 54 68 69 73 20 70 72  |it)."'". This pr|
00004300  6f 67 72 61 6d 20 61 6c  6c 6f 77 73 20 65 61 73  |ogram allows eas|
00004310  79 20 65 64 69 74 69 6e  67 20 6f 66 20 20 20 83  |y editing of   .|
00004320  69 6e 64 69 76 69 64 75  61 6c 20 64 61 74 61 20  |individual data |
00004330  70 6f 69 6e 74 73 20 69  6e 20 61 20 64 61 74 61  |points in a data|
00004340  20 66 69 6c 65 20 20 83  72 65 6c 6f 61 64 65 64  | file  .reloaded|
00004350  20 66 72 6f 6d 20 64 69  73 63 2e 20 54 68 65 20  | from disc. The |
00004360  64 61 74 61 20 69 73 20  73 68 6f 77 6e 20 20 83  |data is shown  .|
00004370  67 72 61 70 68 69 63 61  6c 6c 79 20 61 6e 64 20  |graphically and |
00004380  74 68 65 20 73 65 63 74  6f 72 20 66 6f 72 20 65  |the sector for e|
00004390  64 69 74 69 6e 67 22 0d  08 8e e9 f1 22 83 73 65  |diting".....".se|
000043a0  6c 65 63 74 65 64 20 77  69 74 68 20 74 68 65 20  |lected with the |
000043b0  63 75 72 73 6f 72 20 6b  65 79 73 2e 22 27 22 86  |cursor keys."'".|
000043c0  54 68 65 20 73 65 63 74  6f 72 27 73 20 64 61 74  |The sector's dat|
000043d0  61 20 76 61 6c 75 65 73  20 61 72 65 20 64 69 73  |a values are dis|
000043e0  70 6c 61 79 65 64 20 86  61 6e 64 20 61 66 74 65  |played .and afte|
000043f0  72 20 65 64 69 74 69 6e  67 20 61 20 70 6f 69 6e  |r editing a poin|
00004400  74 20 74 68 65 20 6e 65  77 20 63 75 72 76 65 86  |t the new curve.|
00004410  63 61 6e 20 62 65 20 70  6c 6f 74 74 65 64 20 61  |can be plotted a|
00004420  6e 64 20 63 6f 6d 70 61  72 65 64 20 77 69 74 68  |nd compared with|
00004430  20 74 68 65 20 20 20 86  6f 72 69 67 69 6e 61 6c  | the   .original|
00004440  2e 20 4f 6e 20 63 6f 6d  70 6c 65 74 69 6f 6e 20  |. On completion |
00004450  6f 66 20 74 68 65 20 65  64 69 74 69 6e 67 20 86  |of the editing .|
00004460  74 68 65 20 6e 65 77 20  64 61 74 61 20 66 69 6c  |the new data fil|
00004470  65 20 63 61 6e 20 62 65  20 73 61 76 65 64 2e 22  |e can be saved."|
00004480  0d 08 98 63 f1 22 93 24  87 4d 6f 64 65 73 20 30  |...c.".$.Modes 0|
00004490  2f 31 2f 34 20 6d 61 79  20 62 65 20 75 73 65 64  |/1/4 may be used|
000044a0  2c 20 68 6f 77 65 76 65  72 20 75 73 65 20 20 6f  |, however use  o|
000044b0  66 20 74 68 65 20 34 20  63 6f 6c 6f 75 72 20 4d  |f the 4 colour M|
000044c0  6f 64 65 20 31 20 69 73  20 72 65 63 6f 6d 6d 65  |ode 1 is recomme|
000044d0  6e 64 65 64 2e 22 3b 3a  f2 41 28 22 37 2e 35 22  |nded.";:.A("7.5"|
000044e0  29 3a e1 0d 08 a2 ed dd  f2 66 f2 4f 3a f2 42 28  |):.......f.O:.B(|
000044f0  26 38 36 2c 26 39 34 2c  26 39 31 2c 26 38 31 2c  |&86,&94,&91,&81,|
00004500  30 2c 22 4c 6f 61 64 20  6d 61 69 6e 20 70 72 6f  |0,"Load main pro|
00004510  67 72 61 6d 22 2c 2d 31  2c 26 39 37 29 3a f1 22  |gram",-1,&97):."|
00004520  97 70 70 70 70 70 70 70  70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70  |.ppppppppppppppp|
00004530  70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70  22 27 22 96 ff ff 82 4c  |pppppppp"'"....L|
00004540  4f 41 44 20 4d 41 49 4e  20 50 52 4f 47 52 41 4d  |OAD MAIN PROGRAM|
00004550  96 ff ff 22 27 22 97 60  60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60  |..."'".`````````|
00004560  60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60  60 60 60 60 60 60 22 27  |``````````````"'|
00004570  22 97 ff 87 54 68 65 20  27 44 61 74 61 73 63 6f  |"...The 'Datasco|
00004580  70 65 20 64 61 74 61 20  61 6e 61 6c 79 73 69 73  |pe data analysis|
00004590  20 61 6e 64 22 27 22 20  20 73 74 6f 72 61 67 65  | and"'"  storage|
000045a0  20 70 72 6f 67 72 61 6d  20 77 69 6c 6c 20 62 65  | program will be|
000045b0  20 63 68 61 69 6e 65 64  20 6f 6e 22 27 22 20 20  | chained on"'"  |
000045c0  6b 65 79 69 6e 67 86 3c  20 54 41 42 20 3e 2e 22  |keying.< TAB >."|
000045d0  0d 08 ac dd f1 89 38 22  91 a3 a3 a3 a3 a3 a3 a3  |......8"........|
000045e0  a1 22 27 22 93 ff 83 44  61 74 61 73 63 6f 70 65  |."'"...Datascope|
000045f0  20 6d 61 69 6e 20 70 72  6f 67 72 61 6d 20 77 61  | main program wa|
00004600  73 20 64 65 76 65 6c 6f  70 65 64 20 83 20 75 73  |s developed . us|
00004610  69 6e 67 20 61 20 36 35  43 30 32 20 73 65 63 6f  |ing a 65C02 seco|
00004620  6e 64 20 70 72 6f 63 65  73 73 6f 72 20 61 6e 64  |nd processor and|
00004630  22 27 22 83 20 68 61 73  20 62 65 65 6e 20 70 61  |"'". has been pa|
00004640  63 6b 65 64 20 74 6f 20  61 6c 6c 6f 77 20 75 73  |cked to allow us|
00004650  65 20 77 69 74 68 20 61  22 27 22 20 82 33 32 4b  |e with a"'" .32K|
00004660  20 42 42 43 20 42 2e 83  4f 6e 20 63 68 61 69 6e  | BBC B..On chain|
00004670  69 6e 67 20 74 68 65 20  70 72 6f 67 72 61 6d 20  |ing the program |
00004680  69 73 20 83 20 61 75 74  6f 6d 61 74 69 63 61 6c  |is . automatical|
00004690  6c 79 20 64 6f 77 6e 6c  6f 61 64 65 64 20 74 6f  |ly downloaded to|
000046a0  86 26 31 33 30 30 83 6f  6e 20 61 22 3b 0d 08 b6  |.&1300.on a";...|
000046b0  ce f1 22 83 20 42 42 43  20 42 2e 20 50 61 67 65  |..". BBC B. Page|
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000046d0  6f 20 26 31 31 30 30 20  61 73 20 83 20 74 68 65  |o &1100 as . the|
000046e0  20 64 61 74 61 20 73 74  6f 72 61 67 65 20 6f 70  | data storage op|
000046f0  65 6e 73 20 61 20 64 69  73 63 20 66 69 6c 65 2e  |ens a disc file.|
00004700  22 27 27 22 83 20 20 57  69 74 68 20 74 68 65 82  |"''".  With the.|
00004710  54 75 62 65 83 6f 72 86  4d 41 53 54 45 52 83 64  |Tube.or.MASTER.d|
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00004730  20 6e 6f 74 20 6e 65 63  65 73 73 61 72 79 20 62  | not necessary b|
00004740  75 74 20 70 61 67 65 20  69 73 20 72 65 73 65 74  |ut page is reset|
00004750  20 74 6f 20 20 83 61 6c  6c 6f 77 20 64 61 74 61  | to  .allow data|
00004760  20 26 20 6d 61 63 68 69  6e 65 20 63 6f 64 65 20  | & machine code |
00004770  73 74 6f 72 61 67 65 20  61 73 22 0d 08 c0 45 f1  |storage as"...E.|
00004780  22 83 61 70 70 72 6f 70  72 69 61 74 65 20 74 6f  |".appropriate to|
00004790  20 74 68 65 20 73 79 73  74 65 6d 20 69 6e 20 75  | the system in u|
000047a0  73 65 2e 22 3a f2 41 28  22 44 2e 31 22 29 3a 6a  |se.":.A("D.1"):j|
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000047f0  08 de 05 e1 0d 08 e8 64  dd f2 62 3a 67 25 3d 26  |.......d..b:g%=&|
00004800  31 30 30 3a f2 49 28 22  46 58 31 35 22 29 3a db  |100:.I("FX15"):.|
00004810  3a f1 22 83 9d 84 53 41  56 45 20 6d 61 63 68 69  |:."...SAVE machi|
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00004860  86 9d 81 53 61 76 69 6e  67 20 63 6f 64 65 3a 81  |...Saving code:.|
00004870  9d 83 53 63 6f 70 65 6d  63 20 9c 95 22 3b 3a f2  |..Scopemc ..";:.|
00004880  49 28 22 53 41 56 45 20  22 2b 22 53 63 6f 70 65  |I("SAVE "+"Scope|
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00004900  bd 53 25 3b 22 9d 22 3b  bd 68 25 3b 42 24 3b 8a  |.S%;".";.h%;B$;.|
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00004920  e7 6e 25 f1 8a 30 2c 32  29 bd 4e 25 3b 44 24 0d  |.n%..0,2).N%;D$.|
00004930  09 06 0d ef 33 31 2c 30  2c 33 3a e1 0d 09 10 5e  |....31,0,3:....^|
00004940  dd f2 4a 3a 41 24 3d 22  bc e4 e8 ec a8 bc e8 ec  |..J:A$="........|
00004950  e8 ac e8 a4 bc b4 bc b4  bc a4 22 3a 42 24 3d 22  |..........":B$="|
00004960  f5 ba aa ab a0 a5 aa ab  e2 fb aa a4 ad a5 bd a5  |................|
00004970  af a4 22 3a 44 24 3d c4  33 39 2c 22 2c 22 29 3a  |..":D$=.39,","):|
00004980  47 24 3d 22 87 63 20 4d  2e 47 6f 6c 64 66 69 6e  |G$=".c M.Goldfin|
00004990  63 68 20 31 39 38 37 22  3a e1 0d 09 1a 3a dd f2  |ch 1987":....:..|
000049a0  41 28 46 24 29 f1 8a 30  2c 32 33 29 22 9d 84 70  |A(F$)..0,23)"..p|
000049b0  61 67 65 20 20 20 20 20  9d 22 3b 47 24 3b 22 88  |age     .";G$;".|
000049c0  9d 84 3c 3e 20 50 2a 22  3b 8a 37 2c 32 33 29 46  |..<> P*";.7,23)F|
000049d0  24 3b 3a e1 0d 09 24 1b  dd f2 63 f1 8a 32 33 2c  |$;:...$...c..23,|
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000049f0  09 2e d3 dd f2 4d 20 4d  24 3d c4 34 30 2c 22 20  |.....M M$=.40," |
00004a00  22 29 2b 22 86 44 41 54  41 53 43 4f 50 45 86 69  |")+".DATASCOPE.i|
00004a10  6e 73 74 72 75 63 74 69  6f 6e 86 6d 61 6e 75 61  |nstruction.manua|
00004a20  6c 82 2e 2e 2e 2e 28 43  29 82 4d 2e 47 6f 6c 64  |l.....(C).M.Gold|
00004a30  66 69 6e 63 68 86 31 39  38 37 83 2e 2e 2e 83 42  |finch.1987.....B|
00004a40  42 43 83 42 2f 36 35 30  32 2f 4d 41 53 54 45 52  |BC.B/6502/MASTER|
00004a50  83 76 38 2e 31 87 2e 2e  2e 87 61 6c 6c 87 36 87  |.v8.1.....all.6.|
00004a60  44 61 74 61 73 63 6f 70  65 87 70 72 6f 67 72 61  |Datascope.progra|
00004a70  6d 73 87 6d 75 73 74 87  62 65 87 6f 6e 87 6f 6e  |ms.must.be.on.on|
00004a80  65 87 64 69 73 63 85 2e  2e 2e 85 54 4f 85 43 4f  |e.disc.....TO.CO|
00004a90  4e 54 49 4e 55 45 85 50  52 45 53 53 88 86 3c 89  |NTINUE.PRESS..<.|
00004aa0  54 41 42 88 3e 89 85 4b  45 59 88 81 2a 89 82 2a  |TAB.>..KEY..*..*|
00004ab0  88 83 2a 89 86 2a 88 87  2a 85 88 2a 89 93 2c 9d  |..*..*..*..*..,.|
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00004ae0  31 3a f1 8a 33 2c 32 34  29 c1 4d 24 2c 54 25 2c  |1:..3,24).M$,T%,|
00004af0  33 35 29 3b 3a 4c 25 3d  a6 31 30 3a fd 54 25 3e  |35);:L%=.10:.T%>|
00004b00  3d 26 45 35 84 ac 4c 25  3a fd a6 2d 39 37 3a e1  |=&E5..L%:..-97:.|
00004b10  0d 09 42 18 dd f2 64 28  44 25 29 3a 69 25 3d a6  |..B...d(D%):i%=.|
00004b20  28 44 25 2d 31 29 3a e1  0d 09 4c c7 dd f2 4c 3a  |(D%-1):...L...L:|
00004b30  d1 3d 30 3a f5 f2 64 28  31 29 3a f2 43 28 37 2c  |.=0:..d(1):.C(7,|
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00004b90  2c 31 32 2c 30 2c 35 2c  26 39 34 2c 26 39 41 29  |,12,0,5,&94,&9A)|
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00004bb0  3a f5 f2 43 28 37 2c 31  32 2c 30 2c 35 2c 26 39  |:..C(7,12,0,5,&9|
00004bc0  34 2c 26 39 39 29 3a f2  64 28 31 29 3a f2 43 28  |4,&99):.d(1):.C(|
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00004bf0  09 56 3e dd f2 43 28 78  25 2c 79 25 2c 62 25 2c  |.V>..C(x%,y%,b%,|
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00004c20  25 3a 79 25 3d 79 25 2b  31 3a ed 3a e1 0d 09 60  |%:y%=y%+1:.:...`|
00004c30  d3 dd f2 51 f1 22 20 94  73 83 41 55 52 41 52 49  |...Q." .s.AURARI|
00004c40  41 85 70 72 65 73 65 6e  74 73 94 73 73 73 73 73  |A.presents.sssss|
00004c50  73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73  73 73 73 73 73 73 97 9a  |ssssssssssssss..|
00004c60  ff ff ff af a5 ff af af  bf ab ef ff af af ff af  |................|
00004c70  af ff af af ff af af bf  af af ff af af ff ff ff  |................|
00004c80  ff ff ff ff ff ff 92 9a  ff ff 35 ea b5 bf e3 b1  |..........5.....|
00004c90  ff a0 ff bf e3 b1 fd f2  b3 b5 ea bd b5 ea b5 b5  |................|
00004ca0  aa a5 b5 e2 f1 ff ff ff  ff ff ff ff ff ff 97 9a  |................|
00004cb0  ff ff ff fc fc ff fc fc  ff fd fc ff fc fc fd fc  |................|
00004cc0  fc ff fc fc ff fc fc f5  fa ff ff fc fc ff ff ff  |................|
00004cd0  ff ff ff ff ff ff 20 94  73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73  |...... .ssssssss|
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00004d00  0d 09 6a ce f1 22 20 86  9d 84 28 43 29 2e 20 4d  |..j.." ...(C). M|
00004d10  2e 47 4f 4c 44 46 49 4e  43 48 20 31 39 38 37 2e  |.GOLDFINCH 1987.|
00004d20  20 22 27 22 94 20 96 20  20 9a 94 5f f0 f0 70 70  | "'". .  .._..pp|
00004d30  70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70  70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70  |pppppppppppppppp|
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00004d50  96 20 9a 94 38 a1 20 20  30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30  |. ..8.  00000000|
00004d60  30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30  30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30  |0000000000000000|
00004d70  30 20 94 b8 a1 b5 22 3b  22 94 20 9a 94 5f 26 20  |0 ....";". .._& |
00004d80  20 30 30 30 b0 30 30 30  30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30  | 000.00000000000|
00004d90  30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30  30 30 30 94 5f 26 94 9a  |00000000000._&..|
00004da0  b5 22 3b 22 94 9a 96 38  21 20 20 20 20 20 20 20  |.";"...8!       |
00004db0  20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20  20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20  |                |
00004dc0  20 20 20 20 20 20 38 a1  94 a0 9a 35 22 3b 0d 09  |      8....5";..|
00004dd0  74 d0 f1 22 96 20 e0 3f  60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60  |t..". .?````````|
00004de0  60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60  60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60  |````````````````|
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00004e30  ff ff ff bf af ff ff ff  95 99 ea 94 9d 93 f3 9a  |................|
00004e40  e8 fc b4 99 9c 96 ea 94  ea ea 9a 35 96 20 ea 20  |...........5. . |
00004e50  20 95 b5 92 9a a7 b8 a9  b2 ef a7 b8 a9 b2 ef a7  | ...............|
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00004e70  aa 20 9a 35 96 20 ea 20  20 95 b5 92 9a a6 f8 fd  |. .5. .  .......|
00004e80  b2 e4 a6 f8 fd b2 e4 a6  95 99 ea 94 9d 92 f3 9a  |................|
00004e90  ee ff bd 99 9c 96 ea 94  20 e8 9a 35 22 3b 0d 09  |........ ..5";..|
00004ea0  7e d0 f1 22 96 20 ea 20  a0 95 b5 92 9a ff ff ff  |~..". . ........|
00004eb0  ff fc fe ff ff ff fc fe  95 99 ea 94 9d 92 ac 9a  |................|
00004ec0  20 a3 a0 99 9c 96 ea 94  ea aa 9a 35 96 20 ea 94  | ..........5. ..|
00004ed0  af 95 b5 92 9a ec aa a5  bc ac ec aa a5 bc ac ec  |................|
00004ee0  95 99 ea 94 9d 96 fc 95  9a ff b5 99 9c 96 ea 94  |................|
00004ef0  aa 20 9a 35 96 20 ea 94  fc 95 b5 92 9a f2 f3 f3  |. .5. ..........|
00004f00  f1 ff f2 f3 f3 f1 ff f2  95 99 ea 94 9d 97 fc 9a  |................|
00004f10  b4 b4 b4 99 9c 96 ea 94  20 ea 9a b5 96 20 ea 91  |........ .... ..|
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00004f50  52 41 52 49 41 94 fc fc  ac ec 97 20 20 20 20 20  |RARIA......     |
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00004f80  61 73 63 6f 70 65 20 91  f7 b5 97 f7 b5 92 ff 96  |ascope .........|
00004f90  ff 93 f7 b5 9c 96 ea b8  21 94 a4 e0 22 3b 22 96  |........!...";".|
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00005000  f9 e0 e0 ac af a7 aa bc  a2 ad b0 af e4 a9 ee ae  |................|
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00005020  92 08 f2 4c 3a e1 0d 09  9c 4a dd f2 5f 3a 49 25  |...L:....J.._:I%|
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00005070  0d 09 a6 05 e1 0d 09 b0  19 dd f2 60 e7 51 25 56  |...........`.Q%V|
00005080  25 3d 26 41 30 30 3a 57  25 3d 26 38 30 30 0d 09  |%=&A00:W%=&800..|
00005090  ba 1e 43 25 3d 30 3a e7  51 25 80 28 52 25 3d 31  |..C%=0:.Q%.(R%=1|
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00005130  36 2c 32 31 3a f1 22 20  44 41 54 41 53 43 4f 50  |6,21:." DATASCOP|
00005140  45 22 3a ef 36 3a f2 49  28 22 46 58 32 31 22 29  |E":.6:.I("FX21")|
00005150  3a ef 31 2c 32 37 2c 31  2c 31 30 36 2c 31 2c 38  |:.1,27,1,106,1,8|
00005160  3a e3 6c 25 3d 30 b8 32  33 3a e3 6d 25 3d 30 b8  |:.l%=0.23:.m%=0.|
00005170  33 39 3a ef 33 31 2c 6d  25 2c 6c 25 3a 41 25 3d  |39:.31,m%,l%:A%=|
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00005220  58 3d 26 38 34 3a 5f 3d  26 38 37 3a e3 41 25 3d  |X=&84:_=&87:.A%=|
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00005260  59 3a 4a 53 52 4f 3a 4c  44 41 58 3a 43 4d 50 23  |Y:JSRO:LDAX:CMP#|
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00005330  3a 52 54 53 3a 2e 47 3a  53 45 43 3a 4c 44 41 4e  |:RTS:.G:SEC:LDAN|
00005340  3a 53 42 43 23 31 36 3a  53 54 41 4e 3a 42 43 43  |:SBC#16:STAN:BCC|
00005350  57 3a 52 54 53 3a 2e 57  3a 44 45 43 55 3a 52 54  |W:RTS:.W:DECU:RT|
00005360  53 3a 2e 60 3a 43 4c 43  3a 4c 44 41 4e 3a 41 44  |S:.`:CLC:LDAN:AD|
00005370  43 23 32 3a 53 54 41 4e  3a 42 43 53 51 3a 52 54  |C#2:STAN:BCSQ:RT|
00005380  53 3a 2e 51 3a 49 4e 43  55 3a 52 54 53 3a 2e 52  |S:.Q:INCU:RTS:.R|
00005390  3a 4a 53 52 42 3a 4a 53  52 45 3a 4a 53 52 47 3a  |:JSRB:JSRE:JSRG:|
000053a0  4c 44 41 55 3a 43 4d 50  23 26 46 46 3a 42 4e 45  |LDAU:CMP#&FF:BNE|
000053b0  46 3a 4a 4d 50 4d 3a 52  54 53 3a 2e 45 3a 4c 44  |F:JMPM:RTS:.E:LD|
000053c0  41 23 30 3a 53 54 41 54  3a 53 54 41 5a 3a 52 54  |A#0:STAT:STAZ:RT|
000053d0  53 3a 2e 4c 0d 0a 14 e7  4c 44 41 23 32 3a 4a 53  |S:.L....LDA#2:JS|
000053e0  52 26 46 46 45 45 3a 4c  44 41 23 32 37 3a 4a 53  |R&FFEE:LDA#27:JS|
000053f0  52 41 3a 4c 44 41 23 36  34 3a 4a 53 52 41 3a 52  |RA:LDA#64:JSRA:R|
00005400  54 53 3a 2e 48 3a 4c 44  41 23 32 37 3a 4a 53 52  |TS:.H:LDA#27:JSR|
00005410  41 3a 4c 44 41 23 35 31  3a 4a 53 52 41 3a 4c 44  |A:LDA#51:JSRA:LD|
00005420  41 23 32 34 3a 4a 53 52  41 3a 52 54 53 3a 2e 49  |A#24:JSRA:RTS:.I|
00005430  3a 4a 53 52 45 3a 4c 44  41 23 32 34 30 3a 53 54  |:JSRE:LDA#240:ST|
00005440  41 4e 3a 4c 44 41 23 33  3a 53 54 41 55 3a 52 54  |AN:LDA#3:STAU:RT|
00005450  53 3a 2e 42 3a 4c 44 41  23 26 41 3a 4a 53 52 41  |S:.B:LDA#&A:JSRA|
00005460  3a 4c 44 41 23 32 37 3a  4a 53 52 41 3a 4c 44 41  |:LDA#27:JSRA:LDA|
00005470  23 34 32 3a 4a 53 52 41  3a 4c 44 41 23 34 3a 4a  |#42:JSRA:LDA#4:J|
00005480  53 52 41 3a 4c 44 41 23  31 32 38 3a 4a 53 52 41  |SRA:LDA#128:JSRA|
00005490  3a 4c 44 41 23 32 3a 4a  53 52 41 3a 52 54 53 3a  |:LDA#2:JSRA:RTS:|
000054a0  2e 41 3a 53 54 41 4b 3a  4c 44 41 23 31 3a 4a 53  |.A:STAK:LDA#1:JS|
000054b0  52 26 46 46 45 45 3a 4c  44 41 4b 0d 0a 1e 65 4a  |R&FFEE:LDAK...eJ|
000054c0  53 52 26 46 46 45 45 3a  52 54 53 3a 2e 4d 3a 4c  |SR&FFEE:RTS:.M:L|
000054d0  44 41 23 31 35 3a 4c 44  58 23 30 3a 4a 53 52 26  |DA#15:LDX#0:JSR&|
000054e0  46 46 46 34 3a 4c 44 59  23 26 43 3a 2e 53 3a 4c  |FFF4:LDY#&C:.S:L|
000054f0  44 41 23 31 30 3a 4a 53  52 41 3a 44 45 59 3a 43  |DA#10:JSRA:DEY:C|
00005500  50 59 23 37 3a 42 43 53  53 3a 4c 44 41 23 33 3a  |PY#7:BCSS:LDA#3:|
00005510  4a 53 52 26 46 46 45 45  3a 52 54 53 3a 5d 3a ed  |JSR&FFEE:RTS:]:.|
00005520  0d 0a 28 d3 dd f2 48 3a  24 57 25 3d 22 86 9d 81  |..(...H:$W%="...|
00005530  ff 20 31 89 45 6e 74 65  72 20 65 78 70 65 72 69  |. 1.Enter experi|
00005540  6d 65 6e 74 61 6c 20 70  61 72 61 6d 65 74 65 72  |mental parameter|
00005550  73 20 94 9d 22 3a 24 28  57 25 2b 26 32 38 29 3d  |s ..":$(W%+&28)=|
00005560  22 86 9d 84 ff 20 32 89  4d 6f 6e 69 74 6f 72 20  |".... 2.Monitor |
00005570  64 61 74 61 20 66 72 6f  6d 20 41 44 43 20 70 6f  |data from ADC po|
00005580  72 74 20 23 20 31 94 9d  22 3a 24 28 57 25 2b 26  |rt # 1..":$(W%+&|
00005590  35 30 29 3d 22 93 9d 84  ff 20 33 89 4c 6f 61 64  |50)=".... 3.Load|
000055a0  81 73 69 6e 67 6c 65 20  64 61 74 61 84 66 69 6c  |.single data.fil|
000055b0  65 20 66 72 6f 6d 20 64  69 73 63 94 9d 22 3a 24  |e from disc..":$|
000055c0  28 57 25 2b 26 37 39 29  3d 22 93 9d 84 ff 20 34  |(W%+&79)=".... 4|
000055d0  89 4c 6f 61 64 81 73 63  72 65 65 6e 84 69 6d 61  |.Load.screen.ima|
000055e0  67 65 20 66 72 6f 6d 20  64 69 73 63 20 20 20 20  |ge from disc    |
000055f0  84 9d 22 0d 0a 32 f1 24  28 57 25 2b 26 41 32 29  |.."..2.$(W%+&A2)|
00005600  3d 22 96 9d 81 ff 20 35  89 49 6e 66 6f 72 6d 61  |=".... 5.Informa|
00005610  74 69 6f 6e 20 26 20 4d  65 6d 6f 72 79 20 73 74  |tion & Memory st|
00005620  61 74 75 73 20 20 20 94  9d 22 3a 24 28 57 25 2b  |atus   ..":$(W%+|
00005630  26 43 41 29 3d 22 96 9d  84 ff 20 36 89 53 65 74  |&CA)=".... 6.Set|
00005640  20 67 72 61 70 68 69 63  73 20 6d 6f 64 65 20 26  | graphics mode &|
00005650  20 64 61 74 61 20 64 72  69 76 65 94 9d 22 3a 24  | data drive..":$|
00005660  28 57 25 2b 26 46 32 29  3d 22 93 9d 84 ff 20 66  |(W%+&F2)=".... f|
00005670  37 20 53 65 6c 65 63 74  20 74 68 69 73 20 4d 45  |7 Select this ME|
00005680  4e 55 88 ff 89 64 61 74  61 20 65 72 61 73 65 64  |NU...data erased|
00005690  84 9d 22 3a 24 28 57 25  2b 26 31 31 42 29 3d 22  |..":$(W%+&11B)="|
000056a0  84 9d 86 45 61 63 68 20  41 44 43 20 73 63 61 6e  |...Each ADC scan|
000056b0  20 69 73 20 73 74 6f 72  65 64 20 6f 6e 20 64 69  | is stored on di|
000056c0  73 63 20 61 74 20 85 9d  84 9d 86 74 68 65 20 72  |sc at .....the r|
000056d0  65 71 75 69 72 65 64 20  72 65 73 6f 6c 75 74 69  |equired resoluti|
000056e0  6f 6e 2e 22 0d 0a 3c c0  24 28 57 25 2b 26 31 35  |on."..<.$(W%+&15|
000056f0  46 29 3d 22 85 9d 84 9d  83 44 69 73 63 20 64 61  |F)=".....Disc da|
00005700  74 61 20 6d 61 79 20 62  65 20 6f 76 65 72 6c 61  |ta may be overla|
00005710  69 64 20 6f 72 20 6d 69  78 65 64 20 85 9d 84 9d  |id or mixed ....|
00005720  83 77 69 74 68 20 6e 65  77 20 41 44 43 20 64 61  |.with new ADC da|
00005730  74 61 2e 22 3a 24 28 57  25 2b 26 31 39 46 29 3d  |ta.":$(W%+&19F)=|
00005740  22 84 9d 86 41 20 64 61  74 61 20 73 65 74 20 63  |"...A data set c|
00005750  61 6e 20 62 65 20 73 61  76 65 64 20 61 73 20 6f  |an be saved as o|
00005760  6e 65 20 66 69 6c 65 85  9d 84 9d 82 45 78 70 65  |ne file.....Expe|
00005770  72 69 6d 65 6e 74 61 6c  20 70 61 72 61 6d 65 74  |rimental paramet|
00005780  65 72 73 20 61 6e 64 20  67 72 61 70 68 20 20 85  |ers and graph  .|
00005790  9d 84 9d 82 61 78 65 73  20 63 61 6e 20 62 65 20  |....axes can be |
000057a0  64 22 3a e1 0d 0a 46 e8  dd f2 68 f1 27 22 94 9a  |d":...F...h.'"..|
000057b0  f8 7c 7c 7c 7c 7c 7c 7c  7c 7c 7c 7c 7c 7c 7c 7c  |.||||||||||||||||
000057c0  7c 7c 7c 7c 7c 7c 7c 7c  7c 7c 7c 7c 7c 7c 7c 7c  ||||||||||||||||||
000057d0  7c 7c 7c f4 20 20 94 9a  ff ff b5 e8 b2 ff af af  ||||.  ..........|
000057e0  bf a0 af ff af af ff af  af ff af af ff af af bf  |................|
000057f0  af af ff af af ff ff ff  ff ff ff ff 20 20 94 9a  |............  ..|
00005800  ff ff b5 ea a5 bf e3 b1  ff a0 ff bf e3 b1 fd f2  |................|
00005810  b3 b5 ea bd b5 ea b5 b5  aa a5 b5 e2 f1 fa ff 9e  |................|
00005820  ff ff ff ff 20 20 91 9a  ef ff fd fc fe ff fc fc  |....  ..........|
00005830  ff fd fc ff fc fc fd fc  fc ff fc fc ff fc fc f5  |................|
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00005850  31 35 22 94 e8 bc ac bc  bc bc bc fc 22 27 89 31  |15"........."'.1|
00005860  35 22 94 ea f7 f7 f7 f3  f7 ff ff 22 27 89 31 35  |5"........."'.15|
00005870  22 94 ea f3 fb fb fb fb  f3 fb 22 27 89 31 35 22  |"........."'.15"|
00005880  94 ea fe fe fe ff fe fe  fe 22 27 27 0d 0a 50 e1  |........."''..P.|
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000058a0  41 4c 22 27 27 89 31 30  22 81 62 79 98 20 4d 49  |AL"''.10".by. MI|
000058b0  4b 45 20 47 4f 4c 44 46  49 4e 43 48 22 27 27 27  |KE GOLDFINCH"'''|
000058c0  22 95 98 b6 60 60 60 60  60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60  |"...````````````|
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00005920  20 20 94 f0 b0 20 20 20  20 ac ec e8 20 b4 bc ec  |  ...    ... ...|
00005930  a8 ac b4 3c 6c e8 28 2c  34 20 20 20 e8 e8 ec 68  |...<l.(,4   ...h|
00005940  6c a8 ec 22 27 22 20 20  20 94 f5 b0 b0 20 20 20  |l.."'"   ....   |
00005950  f7 fb ea f0 b5 b7 e6 ea  f3 b5 37 66 ea 6a 73 35  |..........7f.js5|
00005960  20 20 20 ea a2 eb ea fb  a0 b7 22 3a e1 0d ff     |   .......":...|