Home » Personal collection » Acorn DFS disks » dfs_box03_disk06b_games_4_backup.scp » 747D


This website contains an archive of files for the Acorn Electron, BBC Micro, Acorn Archimedes, Commodore 16 and Commodore 64 computers, which Dominic Ford has rescued from his private collection of floppy disks and cassettes.

Some of these files were originally commercial releases in the 1980s and 1990s, but they are now widely available online. I assume that copyright over them is no longer being asserted. If you own the copyright and would like files to be removed, please contact me.

Tape/disk: Home » Personal collection » Acorn DFS disks » dfs_box03_disk06b_games_4_backup.scp
Filename: 747D
Read OK:
File size: 1F37 bytes
Load address: FF1900
Exec address: FF801F

There is 1 duplicate copy of this file in the archive:

File contents
    1 IF PAGE<>&D00 GOTO32000
    2 CLEAR:?&D04=244
   10REM 747 Copyright DOCTOR SOFT 1983
   30DATA &7A8400A0,&1AD7B84,&AD788506,&79850602,&C8AA78B1,&788678B1,&78664A18,&78664A18,&78664A18,&78664A18,&607985,&EE2019A9,&2004A9FF,&30ADFFEE,&20708504,&31ADFFEE,&20718504,&50ADFFEE,&20728504,&51ADFFEE,&20738504,&19A9FFEE,&A9FFEE20
   40DATA &FFEE2005,&850434AD,&FFEE2074,&850435AD,&FFEE2075,&850454AD,&FFEE2076,&850455AD,&FFEE2077,&19A90060,&A9FFEE20,&FFEE2004,&EE2070A5,&2071A5FF,&72A5FFEE,&A5FFEE20,&FFEE2073,&EE2019A9,&2007A9FF,&74A5FFEE,&A5FFEE20,&FFEE2075,&EE2076A5
   50DATA &2077A5FF,&60FFEE,&EE2019A9,&2004A9FF,&80A5FFEE,&A5FFEE20,&FFEE2081,&EE2082A5,&2083A5FF,&19A9FFEE
   60DATA &EE2019A9,&2004A9FF,&80A5FFEE,&A5FFEE20,&FFEE2081,&EE2082A5,&2083A5FF,&19A9FFEE,&A9FFEE20,&FFEE2007,&EE2084A5,&2085A5FF,&86A5FFEE,&A5FFEE20,&FFEE2087,&EE2019A9,&2007A9FF,&88A5FFEE,&A5FFEE20,&FFEE2089,&EE208AA5,&208BA5FF,&19A9FFEE
   70DATA &A9FFEE20,&FFEE2007,&EE208CA5,&208DA5FF,&8EA5FFEE,&A5FFEE20,&FFEE208F,&EE2019A9,&2007A9FF,&80A5FFEE,&A5FFEE20,&FFEE2081,&EE2082A5,&2083A5FF,&19A9FFEE,&A9FFEE20,&FFEE2004,&850460AD,&FFEE2080,&850461AD,&FFEE2081,&850464AD,&FFEE2082
   80DATA &850465AD,&FFEE2083,&EE2019A9,&2005A9FF,&4ADFFEE,&20848504,&5ADFFEE,&20858504,&3CADFFEE,&20868504,&3DADFFEE,&20878504,&19A9FFEE,&A9FFEE20,&FFEE2005,&850418AD,&FFEE2088,&850419AD,&FFEE2089,&85041CAD,&FFEE208A,&85041DAD,&FFEE208B
   90DATA &EE2019A9,&2005A9FF,&24ADFFEE,&208C8504,&25ADFFEE,&208D8504,&28ADFFEE,&208E8504,&29ADFFEE,&208F8504,&19A9FFEE,&A9FFEE20,&FFEE2005,&EE2080A5,&2081A5FF,&82A5FFEE,&A5FFEE20,&FFEE2083,&A0860,&A4000,&8C0000,&8C4000,&12C0000,&36B04000
  100DATA &12C0000,&F6330400,&B714C40,&D4127094,&4044803,&4041400,&E6F0C400,&40438FF,&FFE2B500,&92FFEFFF,&92400000,&20000000,&50FF0404,&2059000E,&5
  110DATA &3030303,&F070303,&C3733F1F,&F070303,0,&C0800000,&C38F0E0,&C0800000
  170PRINTTAB(0,9)CHR$(133)"Do You require a Flight Briefing? Y/N":A$=GET$:IFA$="N"ORA$="n"GOTO210
  180PROCi:PROCt(9):PRINTTAB(0,9)CHR$(133)"Like to see the briefing again? Y/N":PROCt(99):A$=GET$:IFA$="Y"ORA$="y"GOTO180
  210VDU12:PROCt(99):PRINTTAB(3,9)CHR$(134)"Do You require WIND effect? Y/N"''"   (Not reommended until familiarized,"'" 'demo' approach will need Pilot inputs)"
  230PRINTTAB(0,16)"PRESS '<'&'>'to change value"''"PRESS '*'when value OK"
  240PRINT'TAB(5)"WIND SPEED(0-35):_"TAB(30)"Knots"
  260PRINT'"WIND DIRECTION(0-350):_"TAB(30)"Degrees"
  320VDU24,0;500;1279;1023;:MOVE0,1000:VDU5:PRINT"Wait 15secs after load"
  430PRINTTAB(9,2)CHR$(129)"747 FLIGHT BRIEFING"''" In this short briefing experienced fly-ers will forgive the vast oversimplific-ations I am forced to make!"
  440PRINT''" The simulator starts with an approach  that you can allow to land 'Hands off'. This demonstates the correct appearance of the runway 'On Finals'. After impact (YOU will 'Flare'for good points) reducePower to idle.('-'KEY)"
  450PRINT'" You are now in position for a takeoff. After a crash you will be'reincarnated' to this sequence as it quickly allows a Takeoff or a 'Go-around'into the Air....and shows the right approach again!"
  470PROCcon:PRINT'"FLAPS allow slow flight without stalling"'"Stall speed (sudden loss of lift) is:-  100knots with Flaps out, 200 Flaps in.  Recover with power & nose down.DONT over-do it or an OVERSPEED(chance of Breakupmay result!"
  480PRINT"Both Flap & Gear cause extra drag."
  500PRINTTAB(13,3)CHR$(129)"TAKEOFF"'''"Increase Power to over 150 (1.5 Exhaust Pressure Ratio)."''"At 120kts Rotate the nose up all the wayto contain the speed,GEAR UP."''"Control speed with UP/DOWN to 180kts."'
  510PRINT'"At 1500ft lower nose slightly & reduce  Power to under 150EPR."''"FLAPS IN over 200kts."''"Below 10000ft speed limit is 250kts,thenclimb,cruise & descend at 300kts."
  530PRINTTAB(3,2)CHR$(134)"SPEED,POWER,PITCH(nose up/down)"''" Tight control of speed is VITAL."'"In steady climb or descent power will beconstant,so speed is adjusted with pitchcontrols(UP if speed high & DOWN if low)"
  540PRINT"Vertical movement of the blue horizon   helps you judge."''"In level flight control speed with power"'"On Approach (GEAR down,FLAP out),the co-rrect angle to the runway is 3degrees"
  550PRINT"(300ft per mile descent),follow up with power";
  560PRINT" to control speed at 150kts"
  580PRINTTAB(13,2)CHR$(131)"NAVIGATION"''"7 NAV points in the London area can be  selected (Press 'N'in the Air). Range innautical miles(nm),& Bearing to selectedpoint is displayed."''"To RANDOMISE position when airborne"'"press both 'R'&'N'"
  590PRINT'"The pointer on the central compass also shows the direction of the NAV point.If HDG (HEADING-direction of travel if no  wind) agrees with Bearing You will pass over the point."
  600PRINT'"The 360degree compass(0 or 360>NORTH;   90>EAST; 180>SOUTH; 270>WEST)points are always displayed in relation to the 747 symbol."
  620PRINTTAB(13,2)CHR$(131)"NAVIGATION cont."
  630PRINT''"To intercept a specified Bearing into a NAVaid (say 90 towards a runway) if the Bearing is MORE (say 105) then steer    MORE (say 135) to 'lock-on' to the corr-ect Bearing."
  640PRINT''"Dont overbank as you turn, most pilots  use a standard 25degree bank for most   turns.With no climb or descent, at 25degHorizon line touches high side of coam- ing (Top of Panel)."
  660PRINTTAB(13,2)CHR$(129)"LANDING"''" Line up on the extended centreline of  GAT or LHR (Both 270/90deg) about 15 nm out at 3000ft."
  670PRINT"Slow down below 250kts & put FLAP out."'"Keep about 170kts till ready to leave   3000ft at 10nm (300ft per mile)"'"GEAR DOWN as you start down,speed back  to 150"''"Now concentrate on that 300ft per mile  slope down to the runway"
  680PRINT'"The Range is measured from the touchdownpoint landing in the 90 direction so if you are approaching on 270 allow for an extra mile (use Range-1nm)"
  700PRINTTAB(10,2)CHR$(129)"LANDING/GO-AROUND"''"Keep calm as the runway gets near,if youhave 'cocked it up' GO-AROUND!(Pull up  the nose & apply Power, raise Gear &Flapwhen speed over 200.)"
  710PRINT'"If all OK, gently reduce sink(watch thatspeed!) reducing power after contact."'"Nosewheel steering is avilable via nor- mal bank control."
  750DEFPROCh:PROCt(250):PRINTTAB(4,24)CHR$(130)"hit a key";
  790D$="DOCTOR   SOFT"
  800FORA=1TO13:COLOURA:PRINTTAB(A+3,10)MID$(D$,A,1);:SOUND&10,-10,A MOD3+4,10:PROCt(30):NEXT
  820PROCt(199):COLOUR7:PRINTTAB(8,18)"7 4 7"
  900DEFPROCcon:PRINTTAB(10,0)CHR$(131)"CONTROL KEYS"''TAB(5)"UP........SPACEBAR (pull back)"'TAB(5)"DOWN...........'H' (push fwd)"''TAB(5)"RIGHT..........'?' (R.H.down)"
  910PRINTTAB(5)"LEFT...........'Z' (L.H.down)"''TAB(5)"more POWER.....'+'"'TAB(5)"less POWER.....'-'"''TAB(5)"change NAV.....'N' (navigation)"'TAB(5)"operate GEAR...'G' (wheels)"'TAB(5)"operate FLAPS..'F'":ENDPROC
  960B=B MOD(A*36):PRINTTAB(25,T)B"  ":PROCt(9):GOTO930
32000 *TAPE
32010 I%!&D00=I%!PAGE:NEXT
32015 ?&13=?&13-(PAGE-&D00)DIV 256
32020 PAGE=&D00:RUN
 � �<>&D00 �P@}

$� 747 Copyright DOCTOR SOFT 1983
�� &7A8400A0,&1AD7B84,&AD788506,&79850602,&C8AA78B1,&788678B1,&78664A18,&78664A18,&78664A18,&78664A18,&607985,&EE2019A9,&2004A9FF,&30ADFFEE,&20708504,&31ADFFEE,&20718504,&50ADFFEE,&20728504,&51ADFFEE,&20738504,&19A9FFEE,&A9FFEE20
(�� &FFEE2005,&850434AD,&FFEE2074,&850435AD,&FFEE2075,&850454AD,&FFEE2076,&850455AD,&FFEE2077,&19A90060,&A9FFEE20,&FFEE2004,&EE2070A5,&2071A5FF,&72A5FFEE,&A5FFEE20,&FFEE2073,&EE2019A9,&2007A9FF,&74A5FFEE,&A5FFEE20,&FFEE2075,&EE2076A5
2g� &2077A5FF,&60FFEE,&EE2019A9,&2004A9FF,&80A5FFEE,&A5FFEE20,&FFEE2081,&EE2082A5,&2083A5FF,&19A9FFEE
<�� &EE2019A9,&2004A9FF,&80A5FFEE,&A5FFEE20,&FFEE2081,&EE2082A5,&2083A5FF,&19A9FFEE,&A9FFEE20,&FFEE2007,&EE2084A5,&2085A5FF,&86A5FFEE,&A5FFEE20,&FFEE2087,&EE2019A9,&2007A9FF,&88A5FFEE,&A5FFEE20,&FFEE2089,&EE208AA5,&208BA5FF,&19A9FFEE
F�� &A9FFEE20,&FFEE2007,&EE208CA5,&208DA5FF,&8EA5FFEE,&A5FFEE20,&FFEE208F,&EE2019A9,&2007A9FF,&80A5FFEE,&A5FFEE20,&FFEE2081,&EE2082A5,&2083A5FF,&19A9FFEE,&A9FFEE20,&FFEE2004,&850460AD,&FFEE2080,&850461AD,&FFEE2081,&850464AD,&FFEE2082
P�� &850465AD,&FFEE2083,&EE2019A9,&2005A9FF,&4ADFFEE,&20848504,&5ADFFEE,&20858504,&3CADFFEE,&20868504,&3DADFFEE,&20878504,&19A9FFEE,&A9FFEE20,&FFEE2005,&850418AD,&FFEE2088,&850419AD,&FFEE2089,&85041CAD,&FFEE208A,&85041DAD,&FFEE208B
Z�� &EE2019A9,&2005A9FF,&24ADFFEE,&208C8504,&25ADFFEE,&208D8504,&28ADFFEE,&208E8504,&29ADFFEE,&208F8504,&19A9FFEE,&A9FFEE20,&FFEE2005,&EE2080A5,&2081A5FF,&82A5FFEE,&A5FFEE20,&FFEE2083,&A0860,&A4000,&8C0000,&8C4000,&12C0000,&36B04000
d�� &12C0000,&F6330400,&B714C40,&D4127094,&4044803,&4041400,&E6F0C400,&40438FF,&FFE2B500,&92FFEFFF,&92400000,&20000000,&50FF0404,&2059000E,&5
nI� &3030303,&F070303,&C3733F1F,&F070303,0,&C0800000,&C38F0E0,&C0800000
x~�M=&A00�&ADF �4:� Q:!M=Q:�:��Dn@:�M=&C88 �&CA4 �4:� Q:!M=Q:�:�2:�doc:�X%(120):�A%=0�120:X%(A%)=100*��(A%*3):�:�7:�s:�t(0) 
�P�0,9)�(133)"Do You require a Flight Briefing? Y/N":A$=�:�A$="N"�A$="n"�dR@
�^�i:�t(9):�0,9)�(133)"Like to see the briefing again? Y/N":�t(99):A$=�:�A$="Y"�A$="y"�tt@
ґ�12:�t(99):�3,9)�(134)"Do You require WIND effect? Y/N"''"   (Not reommended until familiarized,"'" 'demo' approach will need Pilot inputs)"
�C�0,16)"PRESS '<'&'>'to change value"''"PRESS '*'when value OK"
�(�'�5)"WIND SPEED(0-35):_"�30)"Knots"
,�'"WIND DIRECTION(0-350):_"�30)"Degrees"
6%��T|@:�M=&B32 �&CDF �4:� Q:!M=Q:�
@=�24,0;500;1279;1023;:�0,1000:�5:�"Wait 15secs after load"
���9,2)�(129)"747 FLIGHT BRIEFING"''" In this short briefing experienced fly-ers will forgive the vast oversimplific-ations I am forced to make!"
���''" The simulator starts with an approach  that you can allow to land 'Hands off'. This demonstates the correct appearance of the runway 'On Finals'. After impact (YOU will 'Flare'for good points) reducePower to idle.('-'KEY)"
���'" You are now in position for a takeoff. After a crash you will be'reincarnated' to this sequence as it quickly allows a Takeoff or a 'Go-around'into the Air....and shows the right approach again!"
���con:�'"FLAPS allow slow flight without stalling"'"Stall speed (sudden loss of lift) is:-  100knots with Flaps out, 200 Flaps in.  Recover with power & nose down.DONT over-do it or an OVERSPEED(chance of Breakupmay result!"
�)�"Both Flap & Gear cause extra drag."
���13,3)�(129)"TAKEOFF"'''"Increase Power to over 150 (1.5 Exhaust Pressure Ratio)."''"At 120kts Rotate the nose up all the wayto contain the speed,GEAR UP."''"Control speed with UP/DOWN to 180kts."'
���'"At 1500ft lower nose slightly & reduce  Power to under 150EPR."''"FLAPS IN over 200kts."''"Below 10000ft speed limit is 250kts,thenclimb,cruise & descend at 300kts."
��3,2)�(134)"SPEED,POWER,PITCH(nose up/down)"''" Tight control of speed is VITAL."'"In steady climb or descent power will beconstant,so speed is adjusted with pitchcontrols(UP if speed high & DOWN if low)"
��"Vertical movement of the blue horizon   helps you judge."''"In level flight control speed with power"'"On Approach (GEAR down,FLAP out),the co-rrect angle to the runway is 3degrees"
&5�"(300ft per mile descent),follow up with power";
0"�" to control speed at 150kts"
D��13,2)�(131)"NAVIGATION"''"7 NAV points in the London area can be  selected (Press 'N'in the Air). Range innautical miles(nm),& Bearing to selectedpoint is displayed."''"To RANDOMISE position when airborne"'"press both 'R'&'N'"
N��'"The pointer on the central compass also shows the direction of the NAV point.If HDG (HEADING-direction of travel if no  wind) agrees with Bearing You will pass over the point."
X��'"The 360degree compass(0 or 360>NORTH;   90>EAST; 180>SOUTH; 270>WEST)points are always displayed in relation to the 747 symbol."
l#�13,2)�(131)"NAVIGATION cont."
v��''"To intercept a specified Bearing into a NAVaid (say 90 towards a runway) if the Bearing is MORE (say 105) then steer    MORE (say 135) to 'lock-on' to the corr-ect Bearing."
���''"Dont overbank as you turn, most pilots  use a standard 25degree bank for most   turns.With no climb or descent, at 25degHorizon line touches high side of coam- ing (Top of Panel)."
�|�13,2)�(129)"LANDING"''" Line up on the extended centreline of  GAT or LHR (Both 270/90deg) about 15 nm out at 3000ft."
���"Slow down below 250kts & put FLAP out."'"Keep about 170kts till ready to leave   3000ft at 10nm (300ft per mile)"'"GEAR DOWN as you start down,speed back  to 150"''"Now concentrate on that 300ft per mile  slope down to the runway"
���'"The Range is measured from the touchdownpoint landing in the 90 direction so if you are approaching on 270 allow for an extra mile (use Range-1nm)"
���10,2)�(129)"LANDING/GO-AROUND"''"Keep calm as the runway gets near,if youhave 'cocked it up' GO-AROUND!(Pull up  the nose & apply Power, raise Gear &Flapwhen speed over 200.)"
Ƒ�'"If all OK, gently reduce sink(watch thatspeed!) reducing power after contact."'"Nosewheel steering is avilable via nor- mal bank control."
�)��h:�t(250):�4,24)�(130)"hit a key";
 =�A=1�13:�A:�A+3,10)�D$,A,1);:�&10,-10,A �3+4,10:�t(30):�
* �t(99):�1:�6,14)"presents:"
4�t(199):�7:�8,18)"7 4 7"
����con:�10,0)�(131)"CONTROL KEYS"''�5)"UP........SPACEBAR (pull back)"'�5)"DOWN...........'H' (push fwd)"''�5)"RIGHT..........'?' (R.H.down)"
���5)"LEFT...........'Z' (L.H.down)"''�5)"more POWER.....'+'"'�5)"less POWER.....'-'"''�5)"change NAV.....'N' (navigation)"'�5)"operate GEAR...'G' (wheels)"'�5)"operate FLAPS..'F'":�
���w(A,T)
��(-73)�
�(B=B �(A*36):�25,T)B"  ":�t(9):�tbC
} �I%=0 � �P-� �4
} ?&13=?&13-(�-&D00)� 256
00000000  0d 00 01 14 20 e7 20 90  3c 3e 26 44 30 30 20 e5  |.... . .<>&D00 .|
00000010  8d 50 40 7d 0d 00 02 10  20 d8 3a 3f 26 44 30 34  |.P@}.... .:?&D04|
00000020  3d 32 34 34 0d 00 0a 24  f4 20 37 34 37 20 43 6f  |=244...$. 747 Co|
00000030  70 79 72 69 67 68 74 20  44 4f 43 54 4f 52 20 53  |pyright DOCTOR S|
00000040  4f 46 54 20 31 39 38 33  0d 00 14 5c e2 31 2c 34  |OFT 1983...\.1,4|
00000050  2c 30 2c 30 2c 30 2c 31  2c 31 30 2c 32 30 2c 31  |,0,0,0,1,10,20,1|
00000060  32 37 2c 30 2c 2d 31 2c  2d 31 2c 31 32 36 2c 31  |27,0,-1,-1,126,1|
00000070  32 36 3a e2 32 2c 34 2c  31 2c 2d 31 2c 2d 31 2c  |26:.2,4,1,-1,-1,|
00000080  35 2c 31 30 30 2c 33 30  2c 31 30 2c 2d 31 2c 2d  |5,100,30,10,-1,-|
00000090  31 2c 2d 35 2c 35 30 2c  34 30 3a 42 25 3d 30 3a  |1,-5,50,40:B%=0:|
000000a0  52 25 3d 30 0d 00 1e e8  dc 20 26 37 41 38 34 30  |R%=0..... &7A840|
000000b0  30 41 30 2c 26 31 41 44  37 42 38 34 2c 26 41 44  |0A0,&1AD7B84,&AD|
000000c0  37 38 38 35 30 36 2c 26  37 39 38 35 30 36 30 32  |788506,&79850602|
000000d0  2c 26 43 38 41 41 37 38  42 31 2c 26 37 38 38 36  |,&C8AA78B1,&7886|
000000e0  37 38 42 31 2c 26 37 38  36 36 34 41 31 38 2c 26  |78B1,&78664A18,&|
000000f0  37 38 36 36 34 41 31 38  2c 26 37 38 36 36 34 41  |78664A18,&78664A|
00000100  31 38 2c 26 37 38 36 36  34 41 31 38 2c 26 36 30  |18,&78664A18,&60|
00000110  37 39 38 35 2c 26 45 45  32 30 31 39 41 39 2c 26  |7985,&EE2019A9,&|
00000120  32 30 30 34 41 39 46 46  2c 26 33 30 41 44 46 46  |2004A9FF,&30ADFF|
00000130  45 45 2c 26 32 30 37 30  38 35 30 34 2c 26 33 31  |EE,&20708504,&31|
00000140  41 44 46 46 45 45 2c 26  32 30 37 31 38 35 30 34  |ADFFEE,&20718504|
00000150  2c 26 35 30 41 44 46 46  45 45 2c 26 32 30 37 32  |,&50ADFFEE,&2072|
00000160  38 35 30 34 2c 26 35 31  41 44 46 46 45 45 2c 26  |8504,&51ADFFEE,&|
00000170  32 30 37 33 38 35 30 34  2c 26 31 39 41 39 46 46  |20738504,&19A9FF|
00000180  45 45 2c 26 41 39 46 46  45 45 32 30 0d 00 28 eb  |EE,&A9FFEE20..(.|
00000190  dc 20 26 46 46 45 45 32  30 30 35 2c 26 38 35 30  |. &FFEE2005,&850|
000001a0  34 33 34 41 44 2c 26 46  46 45 45 32 30 37 34 2c  |434AD,&FFEE2074,|
000001b0  26 38 35 30 34 33 35 41  44 2c 26 46 46 45 45 32  |&850435AD,&FFEE2|
000001c0  30 37 35 2c 26 38 35 30  34 35 34 41 44 2c 26 46  |075,&850454AD,&F|
000001d0  46 45 45 32 30 37 36 2c  26 38 35 30 34 35 35 41  |FEE2076,&850455A|
000001e0  44 2c 26 46 46 45 45 32  30 37 37 2c 26 31 39 41  |D,&FFEE2077,&19A|
000001f0  39 30 30 36 30 2c 26 41  39 46 46 45 45 32 30 2c  |90060,&A9FFEE20,|
00000200  26 46 46 45 45 32 30 30  34 2c 26 45 45 32 30 37  |&FFEE2004,&EE207|
00000210  30 41 35 2c 26 32 30 37  31 41 35 46 46 2c 26 37  |0A5,&2071A5FF,&7|
00000220  32 41 35 46 46 45 45 2c  26 41 35 46 46 45 45 32  |2A5FFEE,&A5FFEE2|
00000230  30 2c 26 46 46 45 45 32  30 37 33 2c 26 45 45 32  |0,&FFEE2073,&EE2|
00000240  30 31 39 41 39 2c 26 32  30 30 37 41 39 46 46 2c  |019A9,&2007A9FF,|
00000250  26 37 34 41 35 46 46 45  45 2c 26 41 35 46 46 45  |&74A5FFEE,&A5FFE|
00000260  45 32 30 2c 26 46 46 45  45 32 30 37 35 2c 26 45  |E20,&FFEE2075,&E|
00000270  45 32 30 37 36 41 35 0d  00 32 67 dc 20 26 32 30  |E2076A5..2g. &20|
00000280  37 37 41 35 46 46 2c 26  36 30 46 46 45 45 2c 26  |77A5FF,&60FFEE,&|
00000290  45 45 32 30 31 39 41 39  2c 26 32 30 30 34 41 39  |EE2019A9,&2004A9|
000002a0  46 46 2c 26 38 30 41 35  46 46 45 45 2c 26 41 35  |FF,&80A5FFEE,&A5|
000002b0  46 46 45 45 32 30 2c 26  46 46 45 45 32 30 38 31  |FFEE20,&FFEE2081|
000002c0  2c 26 45 45 32 30 38 32  41 35 2c 26 32 30 38 33  |,&EE2082A5,&2083|
000002d0  41 35 46 46 2c 26 31 39  41 39 46 46 45 45 0d 00  |A5FF,&19A9FFEE..|
000002e0  3c eb dc 20 26 45 45 32  30 31 39 41 39 2c 26 32  |<.. &EE2019A9,&2|
000002f0  30 30 34 41 39 46 46 2c  26 38 30 41 35 46 46 45  |004A9FF,&80A5FFE|
00000300  45 2c 26 41 35 46 46 45  45 32 30 2c 26 46 46 45  |E,&A5FFEE20,&FFE|
00000310  45 32 30 38 31 2c 26 45  45 32 30 38 32 41 35 2c  |E2081,&EE2082A5,|
00000320  26 32 30 38 33 41 35 46  46 2c 26 31 39 41 39 46  |&2083A5FF,&19A9F|
00000330  46 45 45 2c 26 41 39 46  46 45 45 32 30 2c 26 46  |FEE,&A9FFEE20,&F|
00000340  46 45 45 32 30 30 37 2c  26 45 45 32 30 38 34 41  |FEE2007,&EE2084A|
00000350  35 2c 26 32 30 38 35 41  35 46 46 2c 26 38 36 41  |5,&2085A5FF,&86A|
00000360  35 46 46 45 45 2c 26 41  35 46 46 45 45 32 30 2c  |5FFEE,&A5FFEE20,|
00000370  26 46 46 45 45 32 30 38  37 2c 26 45 45 32 30 31  |&FFEE2087,&EE201|
00000380  39 41 39 2c 26 32 30 30  37 41 39 46 46 2c 26 38  |9A9,&2007A9FF,&8|
00000390  38 41 35 46 46 45 45 2c  26 41 35 46 46 45 45 32  |8A5FFEE,&A5FFEE2|
000003a0  30 2c 26 46 46 45 45 32  30 38 39 2c 26 45 45 32  |0,&FFEE2089,&EE2|
000003b0  30 38 41 41 35 2c 26 32  30 38 42 41 35 46 46 2c  |08AA5,&208BA5FF,|
000003c0  26 31 39 41 39 46 46 45  45 0d 00 46 eb dc 20 26  |&19A9FFEE..F.. &|
000003d0  41 39 46 46 45 45 32 30  2c 26 46 46 45 45 32 30  |A9FFEE20,&FFEE20|
000003e0  30 37 2c 26 45 45 32 30  38 43 41 35 2c 26 32 30  |07,&EE208CA5,&20|
000003f0  38 44 41 35 46 46 2c 26  38 45 41 35 46 46 45 45  |8DA5FF,&8EA5FFEE|
00000400  2c 26 41 35 46 46 45 45  32 30 2c 26 46 46 45 45  |,&A5FFEE20,&FFEE|
00000410  32 30 38 46 2c 26 45 45  32 30 31 39 41 39 2c 26  |208F,&EE2019A9,&|
00000420  32 30 30 37 41 39 46 46  2c 26 38 30 41 35 46 46  |2007A9FF,&80A5FF|
00000430  45 45 2c 26 41 35 46 46  45 45 32 30 2c 26 46 46  |EE,&A5FFEE20,&FF|
00000440  45 45 32 30 38 31 2c 26  45 45 32 30 38 32 41 35  |EE2081,&EE2082A5|
00000450  2c 26 32 30 38 33 41 35  46 46 2c 26 31 39 41 39  |,&2083A5FF,&19A9|
00000460  46 46 45 45 2c 26 41 39  46 46 45 45 32 30 2c 26  |FFEE,&A9FFEE20,&|
00000470  46 46 45 45 32 30 30 34  2c 26 38 35 30 34 36 30  |FFEE2004,&850460|
00000480  41 44 2c 26 46 46 45 45  32 30 38 30 2c 26 38 35  |AD,&FFEE2080,&85|
00000490  30 34 36 31 41 44 2c 26  46 46 45 45 32 30 38 31  |0461AD,&FFEE2081|
000004a0  2c 26 38 35 30 34 36 34  41 44 2c 26 46 46 45 45  |,&850464AD,&FFEE|
000004b0  32 30 38 32 0d 00 50 e9  dc 20 26 38 35 30 34 36  |2082..P.. &85046|
000004c0  35 41 44 2c 26 46 46 45  45 32 30 38 33 2c 26 45  |5AD,&FFEE2083,&E|
000004d0  45 32 30 31 39 41 39 2c  26 32 30 30 35 41 39 46  |E2019A9,&2005A9F|
000004e0  46 2c 26 34 41 44 46 46  45 45 2c 26 32 30 38 34  |F,&4ADFFEE,&2084|
000004f0  38 35 30 34 2c 26 35 41  44 46 46 45 45 2c 26 32  |8504,&5ADFFEE,&2|
00000500  30 38 35 38 35 30 34 2c  26 33 43 41 44 46 46 45  |0858504,&3CADFFE|
00000510  45 2c 26 32 30 38 36 38  35 30 34 2c 26 33 44 41  |E,&20868504,&3DA|
00000520  44 46 46 45 45 2c 26 32  30 38 37 38 35 30 34 2c  |DFFEE,&20878504,|
00000530  26 31 39 41 39 46 46 45  45 2c 26 41 39 46 46 45  |&19A9FFEE,&A9FFE|
00000540  45 32 30 2c 26 46 46 45  45 32 30 30 35 2c 26 38  |E20,&FFEE2005,&8|
00000550  35 30 34 31 38 41 44 2c  26 46 46 45 45 32 30 38  |50418AD,&FFEE208|
00000560  38 2c 26 38 35 30 34 31  39 41 44 2c 26 46 46 45  |8,&850419AD,&FFE|
00000570  45 32 30 38 39 2c 26 38  35 30 34 31 43 41 44 2c  |E2089,&85041CAD,|
00000580  26 46 46 45 45 32 30 38  41 2c 26 38 35 30 34 31  |&FFEE208A,&85041|
00000590  44 41 44 2c 26 46 46 45  45 32 30 38 42 0d 00 5a  |DAD,&FFEE208B..Z|
000005a0  ea dc 20 26 45 45 32 30  31 39 41 39 2c 26 32 30  |.. &EE2019A9,&20|
000005b0  30 35 41 39 46 46 2c 26  32 34 41 44 46 46 45 45  |05A9FF,&24ADFFEE|
000005c0  2c 26 32 30 38 43 38 35  30 34 2c 26 32 35 41 44  |,&208C8504,&25AD|
000005d0  46 46 45 45 2c 26 32 30  38 44 38 35 30 34 2c 26  |FFEE,&208D8504,&|
000005e0  32 38 41 44 46 46 45 45  2c 26 32 30 38 45 38 35  |28ADFFEE,&208E85|
000005f0  30 34 2c 26 32 39 41 44  46 46 45 45 2c 26 32 30  |04,&29ADFFEE,&20|
00000600  38 46 38 35 30 34 2c 26  31 39 41 39 46 46 45 45  |8F8504,&19A9FFEE|
00000610  2c 26 41 39 46 46 45 45  32 30 2c 26 46 46 45 45  |,&A9FFEE20,&FFEE|
00000620  32 30 30 35 2c 26 45 45  32 30 38 30 41 35 2c 26  |2005,&EE2080A5,&|
00000630  32 30 38 31 41 35 46 46  2c 26 38 32 41 35 46 46  |2081A5FF,&82A5FF|
00000640  45 45 2c 26 41 35 46 46  45 45 32 30 2c 26 46 46  |EE,&A5FFEE20,&FF|
00000650  45 45 32 30 38 33 2c 26  41 30 38 36 30 2c 26 41  |EE2083,&A0860,&A|
00000660  34 30 30 30 2c 26 38 43  30 30 30 30 2c 26 38 43  |4000,&8C0000,&8C|
00000670  34 30 30 30 2c 26 31 32  43 30 30 30 30 2c 26 33  |4000,&12C0000,&3|
00000680  36 42 30 34 30 30 30 0d  00 64 8f dc 20 26 31 32  |6B04000..d.. &12|
00000690  43 30 30 30 30 2c 26 46  36 33 33 30 34 30 30 2c  |C0000,&F6330400,|
000006a0  26 42 37 31 34 43 34 30  2c 26 44 34 31 32 37 30  |&B714C40,&D41270|
000006b0  39 34 2c 26 34 30 34 34  38 30 33 2c 26 34 30 34  |94,&4044803,&404|
000006c0  31 34 30 30 2c 26 45 36  46 30 43 34 30 30 2c 26  |1400,&E6F0C400,&|
000006d0  34 30 34 33 38 46 46 2c  26 46 46 45 32 42 35 30  |40438FF,&FFE2B50|
000006e0  30 2c 26 39 32 46 46 45  46 46 46 2c 26 39 32 34  |0,&92FFEFFF,&924|
000006f0  30 30 30 30 30 2c 26 32  30 30 30 30 30 30 30 2c  |00000,&20000000,|
00000700  26 35 30 46 46 30 34 30  34 2c 26 32 30 35 39 30  |&50FF0404,&20590|
00000710  30 30 45 2c 26 35 0d 00  6e 49 dc 20 26 33 30 33  |00E,&5..nI. &303|
00000720  30 33 30 33 2c 26 46 30  37 30 33 30 33 2c 26 43  |0303,&F070303,&C|
00000730  33 37 33 33 46 31 46 2c  26 46 30 37 30 33 30 33  |3733F1F,&F070303|
00000740  2c 30 2c 26 43 30 38 30  30 30 30 30 2c 26 43 33  |,0,&C0800000,&C3|
00000750  38 46 30 45 30 2c 26 43  30 38 30 30 30 30 30 0d  |8F0E0,&C0800000.|
00000760  00 78 7e e3 4d 3d 26 41  30 30 b8 26 41 44 46 20  |.x~.M=&A00.&ADF |
00000770  88 34 3a f3 20 51 3a 21  4d 3d 51 3a ed 3a f7 8d  |.4:. Q:!M=Q:.:..|
00000780  44 6e 40 3a e3 4d 3d 26  43 38 38 20 b8 26 43 41  |Dn@:.M=&C88 .&CA|
00000790  34 20 88 34 3a f3 20 51  3a 21 4d 3d 51 3a ed 3a  |4 .4:. Q:!M=Q:.:|
000007a0  eb 32 3a f2 64 6f 63 3a  de 58 25 28 31 32 30 29  |.2:.doc:.X%(120)|
000007b0  3a e3 41 25 3d 30 b8 31  32 30 3a 58 25 28 41 25  |:.A%=0.120:X%(A%|
000007c0  29 3d 31 30 30 2a b5 b2  28 41 25 2a 33 29 3a ed  |)=100*..(A%*3):.|
000007d0  3a eb 37 3a f2 73 3a f2  74 28 30 29 20 0d 00 aa  |:.7:.s:.t(0) ...|
000007e0  50 f1 8a 30 2c 39 29 bd  28 31 33 33 29 22 44 6f  |P..0,9).(133)"Do|
000007f0  20 59 6f 75 20 72 65 71  75 69 72 65 20 61 20 46  | You require a F|
00000800  6c 69 67 68 74 20 42 72  69 65 66 69 6e 67 3f 20  |light Briefing? |
00000810  59 2f 4e 22 3a 41 24 3d  be 3a e7 41 24 3d 22 4e  |Y/N":A$=.:.A$="N|
00000820  22 84 41 24 3d 22 6e 22  e5 8d 64 52 40 0d 00 b4  |".A$="n"..dR@...|
00000830  5e f2 69 3a f2 74 28 39  29 3a f1 8a 30 2c 39 29  |^.i:.t(9):..0,9)|
00000840  bd 28 31 33 33 29 22 4c  69 6b 65 20 74 6f 20 73  |.(133)"Like to s|
00000850  65 65 20 74 68 65 20 62  72 69 65 66 69 6e 67 20  |ee the briefing |
00000860  61 67 61 69 6e 3f 20 59  2f 4e 22 3a f2 74 28 39  |again? Y/N":.t(9|
00000870  39 29 3a 41 24 3d be 3a  e7 41 24 3d 22 59 22 84  |9):A$=.:.A$="Y".|
00000880  41 24 3d 22 79 22 e5 8d  74 74 40 0d 00 d2 91 ef  |A$="y"..tt@.....|
00000890  31 32 3a f2 74 28 39 39  29 3a f1 8a 33 2c 39 29  |12:.t(99):..3,9)|
000008a0  bd 28 31 33 34 29 22 44  6f 20 59 6f 75 20 72 65  |.(134)"Do You re|
000008b0  71 75 69 72 65 20 57 49  4e 44 20 65 66 66 65 63  |quire WIND effec|
000008c0  74 3f 20 59 2f 4e 22 27  27 22 20 20 20 28 4e 6f  |t? Y/N"''"   (No|
000008d0  74 20 72 65 6f 6d 6d 65  6e 64 65 64 20 75 6e 74  |t reommended unt|
000008e0  69 6c 20 66 61 6d 69 6c  69 61 72 69 7a 65 64 2c  |il familiarized,|
000008f0  22 27 22 20 27 64 65 6d  6f 27 20 61 70 70 72 6f  |"'" 'demo' appro|
00000900  61 63 68 20 77 69 6c 6c  20 6e 65 65 64 20 50 69  |ach will need Pi|
00000910  6c 6f 74 20 69 6e 70 75  74 73 29 22 0d 00 dc 22  |lot inputs)"..."|
00000920  41 24 3d be 3a e7 41 24  3d 22 59 22 84 41 24 3d  |A$=.:.A$="Y".A$=|
00000930  22 79 22 e5 8d 64 66 40  8b e5 8d 54 58 41 0d 00  |"y"..df@...TXA..|
00000940  e6 43 f1 8a 30 2c 31 36  29 22 50 52 45 53 53 20  |.C..0,16)"PRESS |
00000950  27 3c 27 26 27 3e 27 74  6f 20 63 68 61 6e 67 65  |'<'&'>'to change|
00000960  20 76 61 6c 75 65 22 27  27 22 50 52 45 53 53 20  | value"''"PRESS |
00000970  27 2a 27 77 68 65 6e 20  76 61 6c 75 65 20 4f 4b  |'*'when value OK|
00000980  22 0d 00 f0 28 f1 27 8a  35 29 22 57 49 4e 44 20  |"...(.'.5)"WIND |
00000990  53 50 45 45 44 28 30 2d  33 35 29 3a 5f 22 8a 33  |SPEED(0-35):_".3|
000009a0  30 29 22 4b 6e 6f 74 73  22 0d 00 fa 15 42 3d 30  |0)"Knots"....B=0|
000009b0  3a f2 77 28 31 2c 32 30  29 3a 52 25 3d 42 0d 01  |:.w(1,20):R%=B..|
000009c0  04 2c f1 27 22 57 49 4e  44 20 44 49 52 45 43 54  |.,.'"WIND DIRECT|
000009d0  49 4f 4e 28 30 2d 33 35  30 29 3a 5f 22 8a 33 30  |ION(0-350):_".30|
000009e0  29 22 44 65 67 72 65 65  73 22 0d 01 0e 19 f2 74  |)"Degrees".....t|
000009f0  28 39 39 29 3a f2 77 28  31 30 2c 32 32 29 3a 42  |(99):.w(10,22):B|
00000a00  25 3d 42 0d 01 13 27 4d  3d 52 25 2a 38 2a 9b b2  |%=B...'M=R%*8*..|
00000a10  42 25 3a 51 3d 52 25 2a  38 2a b5 b2 42 25 3a 42  |B%:Q=R%*8*..B%:B|
00000a20  25 3d 2d 51 3a 52 25 3d  2d 4d 0d 01 18 06 eb 31  |%=-Q:R%=-M.....1|
00000a30  0d 01 22 3c ef 31 39 2c  31 2c 34 2c 30 2c 30 2c  |.."<.19,1,4,0,0,|
00000a40  30 2c 31 39 2c 32 2c 32  2c 30 2c 30 2c 30 2c 31  |0,19,2,2,0,0,0,1|
00000a50  39 2c 33 2c 33 2c 30 2c  30 2c 30 2c 32 38 2c 30  |9,3,3,0,0,0,28,0|
00000a60  2c 33 31 2c 33 39 2c 31  38 2c 33 30 0d 01 2c 0c  |,31,39,18,30..,.|
00000a70  f2 50 49 43 54 55 52 45  0d 01 36 25 f7 8d 54 7c  |.PICTURE..6%..T||
00000a80  40 3a e3 4d 3d 26 42 33  32 20 b8 26 43 44 46 20  |@:.M=&B32 .&CDF |
00000a90  88 34 3a f3 20 51 3a 21  4d 3d 51 3a ed 0d 01 40  |.4:. Q:!M=Q:...@|
00000aa0  3d ef 32 34 2c 30 3b 35  30 30 3b 31 32 37 39 3b  |=.24,0;500;1279;|
00000ab0  31 30 32 33 3b 3a ec 30  2c 31 30 30 30 3a ef 35  |1023;:.0,1000:.5|
00000ac0  3a f1 22 57 61 69 74 20  31 35 73 65 63 73 20 61  |:."Wait 15secs a|
00000ad0  66 74 65 72 20 6c 6f 61  64 22 0d 01 44 09 2a 44  |fter load"..D.*D|
00000ae0  49 53 43 0d 01 46 12 d0  3d 26 31 39 30 30 3a d7  |ISC..F..=&1900:.|
00000af0  22 37 44 22 20 0d 01 4a  66 dd f2 50 4f 4c 59 28  |"7D" ..Jf..POLY(|
00000b00  58 25 2c 59 25 2c 52 25  2c 53 25 29 3a ec 58 25  |X%,Y%,R%,S%):.X%|
00000b10  2c 59 25 2b 52 25 3a e3  41 25 3d 30 b8 33 36 30  |,Y%+R%:.A%=0.360|
00000b20  88 33 36 30 2f 53 25 3a  df 58 25 2b 52 25 2a 58  |.360/S%:.X%+R%*X|
00000b30  25 28 41 25 2f 33 29 81  31 30 30 2c 59 25 2b 52  |%(A%/3).100,Y%+R|
00000b40  25 2a 58 25 28 28 41 25  2b 39 30 29 83 33 36 30  |%*X%((A%+90).360|
00000b50  2f 33 29 81 31 30 30 3a  ed 3a e1 0d 01 54 66 dd  |/3).100:.:...Tf.|
00000b60  f2 47 52 41 44 28 58 25  2c 59 25 2c 52 25 2c 53  |.GRAD(X%,Y%,R%,S|
00000b70  25 29 3a ec 58 25 2c 59  25 3a e3 41 25 3d 30 b8  |%):.X%,Y%:.A%=0.|
00000b80  33 36 30 88 33 36 30 2f  53 25 3a f0 36 39 2c 58  |360.360/S%:.69,X|
00000b90  25 2b 52 25 2a 58 25 28  41 25 2f 33 29 81 31 30  |%+R%*X%(A%/3).10|
00000ba0  30 2c 59 25 2b 52 25 2a  58 25 28 28 41 25 2b 39  |0,Y%+R%*X%((A%+9|
00000bb0  30 29 83 33 36 30 2f 33  29 81 31 30 30 3a ed 3a  |0).360/3).100:.:|
00000bc0  e1 0d 01 5e a2 dd f2 50  49 43 54 55 52 45 3a fb  |...^...PICTURE:.|
00000bd0  31 3a f1 22 41 53 49 22  8a 31 32 29 22 48 44 47  |1:."ASI".12)"HDG|
00000be0  22 8a 32 34 29 22 42 45  41 52 4e 47 22 8a 33 37  |".24)"BEARNG".37|
00000bf0  29 22 41 4c 54 22 8a 31  39 2c 33 29 bd 32 34 31  |)"ALT".19,3).241|
00000c00  bd 32 34 33 8a 31 39 29  bd 32 34 32 bd 32 34 34  |.243.19).242.244|
00000c10  8a 30 2c 37 29 22 6b 74  73 22 8a 31 31 2c 37 29  |.0,7)"kts".11,7)|
00000c20  22 50 4f 57 45 52 22 8a  31 32 2c 39 29 22 45 50  |"POWER".12,9)"EP|
00000c30  52 22 8a 32 34 2c 37 29  22 52 41 4e 47 45 22 8a  |R".24,7)"RANGE".|
00000c40  33 38 2c 37 29 22 66 74  22 8a 34 2c 31 30 29 22  |38,7)"ft".4,10)"|
00000c50  46 4c 41 50 53 22 8a 31  38 2c 31 30 29 22 47 45  |FLAPS".18,10)"GE|
00000c60  41 52 22 0d 01 68 4c f1  8a 32 35 2c 39 29 22 6e  |AR"..hL..25,9)"n|
00000c70  6d 22 8a 33 32 2c 31 30  29 22 4e 41 56 22 8a 30  |m".32,10)"NAV".0|
00000c80  2c 31 32 29 22 43 4f 4d  4d 22 8a 33 36 2c 31 32  |,12)"COMM".36,12|
00000c90  29 22 43 4f 4d 4d 22 8a  31 2c 31 33 29 22 3e 3e  |)"COMM".1,13)">>|
00000ca0  3e 22 8a 33 36 2c 31 33  29 22 3c 3c 3c 22 3b 0d  |>".36,13)"<<<";.|
00000cb0  01 72 bc fb 33 3a e6 30  2c 32 3a ec 30 2c 34 37  |.r..3:.0,2:.0,47|
00000cc0  30 3a df 32 30 30 2c 34  39 36 3a df 31 30 37 39  |0:.200,496:.1079|
00000cd0  2c 34 39 36 3a df 31 32  37 39 2c 34 37 30 3a e6  |,496:.1279,470:.|
00000ce0  30 2c 33 3a ec 30 2c 34  35 38 3a df 32 30 30 2c  |0,3:.0,458:.200,|
00000cf0  34 38 34 3a df 31 30 37  39 2c 34 38 34 3a df 31  |484:.1079,484:.1|
00000d00  32 37 39 2c 34 35 38 3a  e6 30 2c 32 3a 58 3d 32  |279,458:.0,2:X=2|
00000d10  31 33 3a e3 42 3d 31 b8  33 3a f2 50 4f 4c 59 28  |13:.B=1.3:.POLY(|
00000d20  58 2c 33 30 30 2c 31 36  30 2c 38 29 3a 58 3d 58  |X,300,160,8):X=X|
00000d30  2b 34 32 36 3a ed 42 3a  e6 30 2c 33 3a f2 47 52  |+426:.B:.0,3:.GR|
00000d40  41 44 28 32 31 33 2c 33  30 30 2c 31 34 30 2c 33  |AD(213,300,140,3|
00000d50  36 29 3a f2 47 52 41 44  28 31 30 36 35 2c 33 30  |6):.GRAD(1065,30|
00000d60  30 2c 31 34 30 2c 31 30  29 3a e1 0d 01 7c 16 dd  |0,140,10):...|..|
00000d70  f2 73 3a 40 25 3d 30 3a  48 25 3d 30 3a 4b 25 3d  |.s:@%=0:H%=0:K%=|
00000d80  30 0d 01 86 0b 2a 46 58  31 31 2c 31 0d 01 90 0b  |0....*FX11,1....|
00000d90  2a 46 58 31 32 2c 31 0d  01 9a 05 e1 0d 01 a4 07  |*FX12,1.........|
00000da0  dd f2 69 0d 01 ae 94 f1  8a 39 2c 32 29 bd 28 31  |..i......9,2).(1|
00000db0  32 39 29 22 37 34 37 20  46 4c 49 47 48 54 20 42  |29)"747 FLIGHT B|
00000dc0  52 49 45 46 49 4e 47 22  27 27 22 20 49 6e 20 74  |RIEFING"''" In t|
00000dd0  68 69 73 20 73 68 6f 72  74 20 62 72 69 65 66 69  |his short briefi|
00000de0  6e 67 20 65 78 70 65 72  69 65 6e 63 65 64 20 66  |ng experienced f|
00000df0  6c 79 2d 65 72 73 20 77  69 6c 6c 20 66 6f 72 67  |ly-ers will forg|
00000e00  69 76 65 20 74 68 65 20  76 61 73 74 20 6f 76 65  |ive the vast ove|
00000e10  72 73 69 6d 70 6c 69 66  69 63 2d 61 74 69 6f 6e  |rsimplific-ation|
00000e20  73 20 49 20 61 6d 20 66  6f 72 63 65 64 20 74 6f  |s I am forced to|
00000e30  20 6d 61 6b 65 21 22 0d  01 b8 e7 f1 27 27 22 20  | make!".....''" |
00000e40  54 68 65 20 73 69 6d 75  6c 61 74 6f 72 20 73 74  |The simulator st|
00000e50  61 72 74 73 20 77 69 74  68 20 61 6e 20 61 70 70  |arts with an app|
00000e60  72 6f 61 63 68 20 20 74  68 61 74 20 79 6f 75 20  |roach  that you |
00000e70  63 61 6e 20 61 6c 6c 6f  77 20 74 6f 20 6c 61 6e  |can allow to lan|
00000e80  64 20 27 48 61 6e 64 73  20 6f 66 66 27 2e 20 54  |d 'Hands off'. T|
00000e90  68 69 73 20 64 65 6d 6f  6e 73 74 61 74 65 73 20  |his demonstates |
00000ea0  74 68 65 20 63 6f 72 72  65 63 74 20 61 70 70 65  |the correct appe|
00000eb0  61 72 61 6e 63 65 20 6f  66 20 74 68 65 20 72 75  |arance of the ru|
00000ec0  6e 77 61 79 20 27 4f 6e  20 46 69 6e 61 6c 73 27  |nway 'On Finals'|
00000ed0  2e 20 41 66 74 65 72 20  69 6d 70 61 63 74 20 28  |. After impact (|
00000ee0  59 4f 55 20 77 69 6c 6c  20 27 46 6c 61 72 65 27  |YOU will 'Flare'|
00000ef0  66 6f 72 20 67 6f 6f 64  20 70 6f 69 6e 74 73 29  |for good points)|
00000f00  20 72 65 64 75 63 65 50  6f 77 65 72 20 74 6f 20  | reducePower to |
00000f10  69 64 6c 65 2e 28 27 2d  27 4b 45 59 29 22 0d 01  |idle.('-'KEY)"..|
00000f20  c2 cb f1 27 22 20 59 6f  75 20 61 72 65 20 6e 6f  |...'" You are no|
00000f30  77 20 69 6e 20 70 6f 73  69 74 69 6f 6e 20 66 6f  |w in position fo|
00000f40  72 20 61 20 74 61 6b 65  6f 66 66 2e 20 41 66 74  |r a takeoff. Aft|
00000f50  65 72 20 61 20 63 72 61  73 68 20 79 6f 75 20 77  |er a crash you w|
00000f60  69 6c 6c 20 62 65 27 72  65 69 6e 63 61 72 6e 61  |ill be'reincarna|
00000f70  74 65 64 27 20 74 6f 20  74 68 69 73 20 73 65 71  |ted' to this seq|
00000f80  75 65 6e 63 65 20 61 73  20 69 74 20 71 75 69 63  |uence as it quic|
00000f90  6b 6c 79 20 61 6c 6c 6f  77 73 20 61 20 54 61 6b  |kly allows a Tak|
00000fa0  65 6f 66 66 20 6f 72 20  61 20 27 47 6f 2d 61 72  |eoff or a 'Go-ar|
00000fb0  6f 75 6e 64 27 69 6e 74  6f 20 74 68 65 20 41 69  |ound'into the Ai|
00000fc0  72 2e 2e 2e 2e 61 6e 64  20 73 68 6f 77 73 20 74  |r....and shows t|
00000fd0  68 65 20 72 69 67 68 74  20 61 70 70 72 6f 61 63  |he right approac|
00000fe0  68 20 61 67 61 69 6e 21  22 0d 01 cc 06 f2 68 0d  |h again!".....h.|
00000ff0  01 d6 e3 f2 63 6f 6e 3a  f1 27 22 46 4c 41 50 53  |....con:.'"FLAPS|
00001000  20 61 6c 6c 6f 77 20 73  6c 6f 77 20 66 6c 69 67  | allow slow flig|
00001010  68 74 20 77 69 74 68 6f  75 74 20 73 74 61 6c 6c  |ht without stall|
00001020  69 6e 67 22 27 22 53 74  61 6c 6c 20 73 70 65 65  |ing"'"Stall spee|
00001030  64 20 28 73 75 64 64 65  6e 20 6c 6f 73 73 20 6f  |d (sudden loss o|
00001040  66 20 6c 69 66 74 29 20  69 73 3a 2d 20 20 31 30  |f lift) is:-  10|
00001050  30 6b 6e 6f 74 73 20 77  69 74 68 20 46 6c 61 70  |0knots with Flap|
00001060  73 20 6f 75 74 2c 20 32  30 30 20 46 6c 61 70 73  |s out, 200 Flaps|
00001070  20 69 6e 2e 20 20 52 65  63 6f 76 65 72 20 77 69  | in.  Recover wi|
00001080  74 68 20 70 6f 77 65 72  20 26 20 6e 6f 73 65 20  |th power & nose |
00001090  64 6f 77 6e 2e 44 4f 4e  54 20 6f 76 65 72 2d 64  |down.DONT over-d|
000010a0  6f 20 69 74 20 6f 72 20  61 6e 20 4f 56 45 52 53  |o it or an OVERS|
000010b0  50 45 45 44 28 63 68 61  6e 63 65 20 6f 66 20 42  |PEED(chance of B|
000010c0  72 65 61 6b 75 70 6d 61  79 20 72 65 73 75 6c 74  |reakupmay result|
000010d0  21 22 0d 01 e0 29 f1 22  42 6f 74 68 20 46 6c 61  |!"...)."Both Fla|
000010e0  70 20 26 20 47 65 61 72  20 63 61 75 73 65 20 65  |p & Gear cause e|
000010f0  78 74 72 61 20 64 72 61  67 2e 22 0d 01 ea 06 f2  |xtra drag.".....|
00001100  68 0d 01 f4 ca f1 8a 31  33 2c 33 29 bd 28 31 32  |h......13,3).(12|
00001110  39 29 22 54 41 4b 45 4f  46 46 22 27 27 27 22 49  |9)"TAKEOFF"'''"I|
00001120  6e 63 72 65 61 73 65 20  50 6f 77 65 72 20 74 6f  |ncrease Power to|
00001130  20 6f 76 65 72 20 31 35  30 20 28 31 2e 35 20 45  | over 150 (1.5 E|
00001140  78 68 61 75 73 74 20 50  72 65 73 73 75 72 65 20  |xhaust Pressure |
00001150  52 61 74 69 6f 29 2e 22  27 27 22 41 74 20 31 32  |Ratio)."''"At 12|
00001160  30 6b 74 73 20 52 6f 74  61 74 65 20 74 68 65 20  |0kts Rotate the |
00001170  6e 6f 73 65 20 75 70 20  61 6c 6c 20 74 68 65 20  |nose up all the |
00001180  77 61 79 74 6f 20 63 6f  6e 74 61 69 6e 20 74 68  |wayto contain th|
00001190  65 20 73 70 65 65 64 2c  47 45 41 52 20 55 50 2e  |e speed,GEAR UP.|
000011a0  22 27 27 22 43 6f 6e 74  72 6f 6c 20 73 70 65 65  |"''"Control spee|
000011b0  64 20 77 69 74 68 20 55  50 2f 44 4f 57 4e 20 74  |d with UP/DOWN t|
000011c0  6f 20 31 38 30 6b 74 73  2e 22 27 0d 01 fe ac f1  |o 180kts."'.....|
000011d0  27 22 41 74 20 31 35 30  30 66 74 20 6c 6f 77 65  |'"At 1500ft lowe|
000011e0  72 20 6e 6f 73 65 20 73  6c 69 67 68 74 6c 79 20  |r nose slightly |
000011f0  26 20 72 65 64 75 63 65  20 20 50 6f 77 65 72 20  |& reduce  Power |
00001200  74 6f 20 75 6e 64 65 72  20 31 35 30 45 50 52 2e  |to under 150EPR.|
00001210  22 27 27 22 46 4c 41 50  53 20 49 4e 20 6f 76 65  |"''"FLAPS IN ove|
00001220  72 20 32 30 30 6b 74 73  2e 22 27 27 22 42 65 6c  |r 200kts."''"Bel|
00001230  6f 77 20 31 30 30 30 30  66 74 20 73 70 65 65 64  |ow 10000ft speed|
00001240  20 6c 69 6d 69 74 20 69  73 20 32 35 30 6b 74 73  | limit is 250kts|
00001250  2c 74 68 65 6e 63 6c 69  6d 62 2c 63 72 75 69 73  |,thenclimb,cruis|
00001260  65 20 26 20 64 65 73 63  65 6e 64 20 61 74 20 33  |e & descend at 3|
00001270  30 30 6b 74 73 2e 22 0d  02 08 06 f2 68 0d 02 12  |00kts.".....h...|
00001280  d1 f1 8a 33 2c 32 29 bd  28 31 33 34 29 22 53 50  |...3,2).(134)"SP|
00001290  45 45 44 2c 50 4f 57 45  52 2c 50 49 54 43 48 28  |EED,POWER,PITCH(|
000012a0  6e 6f 73 65 20 75 70 2f  64 6f 77 6e 29 22 27 27  |nose up/down)"''|
000012b0  22 20 54 69 67 68 74 20  63 6f 6e 74 72 6f 6c 20  |" Tight control |
000012c0  6f 66 20 73 70 65 65 64  20 69 73 20 56 49 54 41  |of speed is VITA|
000012d0  4c 2e 22 27 22 49 6e 20  73 74 65 61 64 79 20 63  |L."'"In steady c|
000012e0  6c 69 6d 62 20 6f 72 20  64 65 73 63 65 6e 74 20  |limb or descent |
000012f0  70 6f 77 65 72 20 77 69  6c 6c 20 62 65 63 6f 6e  |power will becon|
00001300  73 74 61 6e 74 2c 73 6f  20 73 70 65 65 64 20 69  |stant,so speed i|
00001310  73 20 61 64 6a 75 73 74  65 64 20 77 69 74 68 20  |s adjusted with |
00001320  70 69 74 63 68 63 6f 6e  74 72 6f 6c 73 28 55 50  |pitchcontrols(UP|
00001330  20 69 66 20 73 70 65 65  64 20 68 69 67 68 20 26  | if speed high &|
00001340  20 44 4f 57 4e 20 69 66  20 6c 6f 77 29 22 0d 02  | DOWN if low)"..|
00001350  1c bb f1 22 56 65 72 74  69 63 61 6c 20 6d 6f 76  |..."Vertical mov|
00001360  65 6d 65 6e 74 20 6f 66  20 74 68 65 20 62 6c 75  |ement of the blu|
00001370  65 20 68 6f 72 69 7a 6f  6e 20 20 20 68 65 6c 70  |e horizon   help|
00001380  73 20 79 6f 75 20 6a 75  64 67 65 2e 22 27 27 22  |s you judge."''"|
00001390  49 6e 20 6c 65 76 65 6c  20 66 6c 69 67 68 74 20  |In level flight |
000013a0  63 6f 6e 74 72 6f 6c 20  73 70 65 65 64 20 77 69  |control speed wi|
000013b0  74 68 20 70 6f 77 65 72  22 27 22 4f 6e 20 41 70  |th power"'"On Ap|
000013c0  70 72 6f 61 63 68 20 28  47 45 41 52 20 64 6f 77  |proach (GEAR dow|
000013d0  6e 2c 46 4c 41 50 20 6f  75 74 29 2c 74 68 65 20  |n,FLAP out),the |
000013e0  63 6f 2d 72 72 65 63 74  20 61 6e 67 6c 65 20 74  |co-rrect angle t|
000013f0  6f 20 74 68 65 20 72 75  6e 77 61 79 20 69 73 20  |o the runway is |
00001400  33 64 65 67 72 65 65 73  22 0d 02 26 35 f1 22 28  |3degrees"..&5."(|
00001410  33 30 30 66 74 20 70 65  72 20 6d 69 6c 65 20 64  |300ft per mile d|
00001420  65 73 63 65 6e 74 29 2c  66 6f 6c 6c 6f 77 20 75  |escent),follow u|
00001430  70 20 77 69 74 68 20 70  6f 77 65 72 22 3b 0d 02  |p with power";..|
00001440  30 22 f1 22 20 74 6f 20  63 6f 6e 74 72 6f 6c 20  |0"." to control |
00001450  73 70 65 65 64 20 61 74  20 31 35 30 6b 74 73 22  |speed at 150kts"|
00001460  0d 02 3a 06 f2 68 0d 02  44 e8 f1 8a 31 33 2c 32  |..:..h..D...13,2|
00001470  29 bd 28 31 33 31 29 22  4e 41 56 49 47 41 54 49  |).(131)"NAVIGATI|
00001480  4f 4e 22 27 27 22 37 20  4e 41 56 20 70 6f 69 6e  |ON"''"7 NAV poin|
00001490  74 73 20 69 6e 20 74 68  65 20 4c 6f 6e 64 6f 6e  |ts in the London|
000014a0  20 61 72 65 61 20 63 61  6e 20 62 65 20 20 73 65  | area can be  se|
000014b0  6c 65 63 74 65 64 20 28  50 72 65 73 73 20 27 4e  |lected (Press 'N|
000014c0  27 69 6e 20 74 68 65 20  41 69 72 29 2e 20 52 61  |'in the Air). Ra|
000014d0  6e 67 65 20 69 6e 6e 61  75 74 69 63 61 6c 20 6d  |nge innautical m|
000014e0  69 6c 65 73 28 6e 6d 29  2c 26 20 42 65 61 72 69  |iles(nm),& Beari|
000014f0  6e 67 20 74 6f 20 73 65  6c 65 63 74 65 64 70 6f  |ng to selectedpo|
00001500  69 6e 74 20 69 73 20 64  69 73 70 6c 61 79 65 64  |int is displayed|
00001510  2e 22 27 27 22 54 6f 20  52 41 4e 44 4f 4d 49 53  |."''"To RANDOMIS|
00001520  45 20 70 6f 73 69 74 69  6f 6e 20 77 68 65 6e 20  |E position when |
00001530  61 69 72 62 6f 72 6e 65  22 27 22 70 72 65 73 73  |airborne"'"press|
00001540  20 62 6f 74 68 20 27 52  27 26 27 4e 27 22 0d 02  | both 'R'&'N'"..|
00001550  4e b7 f1 27 22 54 68 65  20 70 6f 69 6e 74 65 72  |N..'"The pointer|
00001560  20 6f 6e 20 74 68 65 20  63 65 6e 74 72 61 6c 20  | on the central |
00001570  63 6f 6d 70 61 73 73 20  61 6c 73 6f 20 73 68 6f  |compass also sho|
00001580  77 73 20 74 68 65 20 64  69 72 65 63 74 69 6f 6e  |ws the direction|
00001590  20 6f 66 20 74 68 65 20  4e 41 56 20 70 6f 69 6e  | of the NAV poin|
000015a0  74 2e 49 66 20 48 44 47  20 28 48 45 41 44 49 4e  |t.If HDG (HEADIN|
000015b0  47 2d 64 69 72 65 63 74  69 6f 6e 20 6f 66 20 74  |G-direction of t|
000015c0  72 61 76 65 6c 20 69 66  20 6e 6f 20 20 77 69 6e  |ravel if no  win|
000015d0  64 29 20 61 67 72 65 65  73 20 77 69 74 68 20 42  |d) agrees with B|
000015e0  65 61 72 69 6e 67 20 59  6f 75 20 77 69 6c 6c 20  |earing You will |
000015f0  70 61 73 73 20 6f 76 65  72 20 74 68 65 20 70 6f  |pass over the po|
00001600  69 6e 74 2e 22 0d 02 58  87 f1 27 22 54 68 65 20  |int."..X..'"The |
00001610  33 36 30 64 65 67 72 65  65 20 63 6f 6d 70 61 73  |360degree compas|
00001620  73 28 30 20 6f 72 20 33  36 30 3e 4e 4f 52 54 48  |s(0 or 360>NORTH|
00001630  3b 20 20 20 39 30 3e 45  41 53 54 3b 20 31 38 30  |;   90>EAST; 180|
00001640  3e 53 4f 55 54 48 3b 20  32 37 30 3e 57 45 53 54  |>SOUTH; 270>WEST|
00001650  29 70 6f 69 6e 74 73 20  61 72 65 20 61 6c 77 61  |)points are alwa|
00001660  79 73 20 64 69 73 70 6c  61 79 65 64 20 69 6e 20  |ys displayed in |
00001670  72 65 6c 61 74 69 6f 6e  20 74 6f 20 74 68 65 20  |relation to the |
00001680  37 34 37 20 73 79 6d 62  6f 6c 2e 22 0d 02 62 06  |747 symbol."..b.|
00001690  f2 68 0d 02 6c 23 f1 8a  31 33 2c 32 29 bd 28 31  |.h..l#..13,2).(1|
000016a0  33 31 29 22 4e 41 56 49  47 41 54 49 4f 4e 20 63  |31)"NAVIGATION c|
000016b0  6f 6e 74 2e 22 0d 02 76  b5 f1 27 27 22 54 6f 20  |ont."..v..''"To |
000016c0  69 6e 74 65 72 63 65 70  74 20 61 20 73 70 65 63  |intercept a spec|
000016d0  69 66 69 65 64 20 42 65  61 72 69 6e 67 20 69 6e  |ified Bearing in|
000016e0  74 6f 20 61 20 4e 41 56  61 69 64 20 28 73 61 79  |to a NAVaid (say|
000016f0  20 39 30 20 74 6f 77 61  72 64 73 20 61 20 72 75  | 90 towards a ru|
00001700  6e 77 61 79 29 20 69 66  20 74 68 65 20 42 65 61  |nway) if the Bea|
00001710  72 69 6e 67 20 69 73 20  4d 4f 52 45 20 28 73 61  |ring is MORE (sa|
00001720  79 20 31 30 35 29 20 74  68 65 6e 20 73 74 65 65  |y 105) then stee|
00001730  72 20 20 20 20 4d 4f 52  45 20 28 73 61 79 20 31  |r    MORE (say 1|
00001740  33 35 29 20 74 6f 20 27  6c 6f 63 6b 2d 6f 6e 27  |35) to 'lock-on'|
00001750  20 74 6f 20 74 68 65 20  63 6f 72 72 2d 65 63 74  | to the corr-ect|
00001760  20 42 65 61 72 69 6e 67  2e 22 0d 02 80 bc f1 27  | Bearing.".....'|
00001770  27 22 44 6f 6e 74 20 6f  76 65 72 62 61 6e 6b 20  |'"Dont overbank |
00001780  61 73 20 79 6f 75 20 74  75 72 6e 2c 20 6d 6f 73  |as you turn, mos|
00001790  74 20 70 69 6c 6f 74 73  20 20 75 73 65 20 61 20  |t pilots  use a |
000017a0  73 74 61 6e 64 61 72 64  20 32 35 64 65 67 72 65  |standard 25degre|
000017b0  65 20 62 61 6e 6b 20 66  6f 72 20 6d 6f 73 74 20  |e bank for most |
000017c0  20 20 74 75 72 6e 73 2e  57 69 74 68 20 6e 6f 20  |  turns.With no |
000017d0  63 6c 69 6d 62 20 6f 72  20 64 65 73 63 65 6e 74  |climb or descent|
000017e0  2c 20 61 74 20 32 35 64  65 67 48 6f 72 69 7a 6f  |, at 25degHorizo|
000017f0  6e 20 6c 69 6e 65 20 74  6f 75 63 68 65 73 20 68  |n line touches h|
00001800  69 67 68 20 73 69 64 65  20 6f 66 20 63 6f 61 6d  |igh side of coam|
00001810  2d 20 69 6e 67 20 28 54  6f 70 20 6f 66 20 50 61  |- ing (Top of Pa|
00001820  6e 65 6c 29 2e 22 0d 02  8a 06 f2 68 0d 02 94 7c  |nel).".....h...||
00001830  f1 8a 31 33 2c 32 29 bd  28 31 32 39 29 22 4c 41  |..13,2).(129)"LA|
00001840  4e 44 49 4e 47 22 27 27  22 20 4c 69 6e 65 20 75  |NDING"''" Line u|
00001850  70 20 6f 6e 20 74 68 65  20 65 78 74 65 6e 64 65  |p on the extende|
00001860  64 20 63 65 6e 74 72 65  6c 69 6e 65 20 6f 66 20  |d centreline of |
00001870  20 47 41 54 20 6f 72 20  4c 48 52 20 28 42 6f 74  | GAT or LHR (Bot|
00001880  68 20 32 37 30 2f 39 30  64 65 67 29 20 61 62 6f  |h 270/90deg) abo|
00001890  75 74 20 31 35 20 6e 6d  20 6f 75 74 20 61 74 20  |ut 15 nm out at |
000018a0  33 30 30 30 66 74 2e 22  0d 02 9e ec f1 22 53 6c  |3000ft."....."Sl|
000018b0  6f 77 20 64 6f 77 6e 20  62 65 6c 6f 77 20 32 35  |ow down below 25|
000018c0  30 6b 74 73 20 26 20 70  75 74 20 46 4c 41 50 20  |0kts & put FLAP |
000018d0  6f 75 74 2e 22 27 22 4b  65 65 70 20 61 62 6f 75  |out."'"Keep abou|
000018e0  74 20 31 37 30 6b 74 73  20 74 69 6c 6c 20 72 65  |t 170kts till re|
000018f0  61 64 79 20 74 6f 20 6c  65 61 76 65 20 20 20 33  |ady to leave   3|
00001900  30 30 30 66 74 20 61 74  20 31 30 6e 6d 20 28 33  |000ft at 10nm (3|
00001910  30 30 66 74 20 70 65 72  20 6d 69 6c 65 29 22 27  |00ft per mile)"'|
00001920  22 47 45 41 52 20 44 4f  57 4e 20 61 73 20 79 6f  |"GEAR DOWN as yo|
00001930  75 20 73 74 61 72 74 20  64 6f 77 6e 2c 73 70 65  |u start down,spe|
00001940  65 64 20 62 61 63 6b 20  20 74 6f 20 31 35 30 22  |ed back  to 150"|
00001950  27 27 22 4e 6f 77 20 63  6f 6e 63 65 6e 74 72 61  |''"Now concentra|
00001960  74 65 20 6f 6e 20 74 68  61 74 20 33 30 30 66 74  |te on that 300ft|
00001970  20 70 65 72 20 6d 69 6c  65 20 20 73 6c 6f 70 65  | per mile  slope|
00001980  20 64 6f 77 6e 20 74 6f  20 74 68 65 20 72 75 6e  | down to the run|
00001990  77 61 79 22 0d 02 a8 9a  f1 27 22 54 68 65 20 52  |way".....'"The R|
000019a0  61 6e 67 65 20 69 73 20  6d 65 61 73 75 72 65 64  |ange is measured|
000019b0  20 66 72 6f 6d 20 74 68  65 20 74 6f 75 63 68 64  | from the touchd|
000019c0  6f 77 6e 70 6f 69 6e 74  20 6c 61 6e 64 69 6e 67  |ownpoint landing|
000019d0  20 69 6e 20 74 68 65 20  39 30 20 64 69 72 65 63  | in the 90 direc|
000019e0  74 69 6f 6e 20 73 6f 20  69 66 20 79 6f 75 20 61  |tion so if you a|
000019f0  72 65 20 61 70 70 72 6f  61 63 68 69 6e 67 20 6f  |re approaching o|
00001a00  6e 20 32 37 30 20 61 6c  6c 6f 77 20 66 6f 72 20  |n 270 allow for |
00001a10  61 6e 20 65 78 74 72 61  20 6d 69 6c 65 20 28 75  |an extra mile (u|
00001a20  73 65 20 52 61 6e 67 65  2d 31 6e 6d 29 22 0d 02  |se Range-1nm)"..|
00001a30  b2 06 f2 68 0d 02 bc b5  f1 8a 31 30 2c 32 29 bd  |...h......10,2).|
00001a40  28 31 32 39 29 22 4c 41  4e 44 49 4e 47 2f 47 4f  |(129)"LANDING/GO|
00001a50  2d 41 52 4f 55 4e 44 22  27 27 22 4b 65 65 70 20  |-AROUND"''"Keep |
00001a60  63 61 6c 6d 20 61 73 20  74 68 65 20 72 75 6e 77  |calm as the runw|
00001a70  61 79 20 67 65 74 73 20  6e 65 61 72 2c 69 66 20  |ay gets near,if |
00001a80  79 6f 75 68 61 76 65 20  27 63 6f 63 6b 65 64 20  |youhave 'cocked |
00001a90  69 74 20 75 70 27 20 47  4f 2d 41 52 4f 55 4e 44  |it up' GO-AROUND|
00001aa0  21 28 50 75 6c 6c 20 75  70 20 20 74 68 65 20 6e  |!(Pull up  the n|
00001ab0  6f 73 65 20 26 20 61 70  70 6c 79 20 50 6f 77 65  |ose & apply Powe|
00001ac0  72 2c 20 72 61 69 73 65  20 47 65 61 72 20 26 46  |r, raise Gear &F|
00001ad0  6c 61 70 77 68 65 6e 20  73 70 65 65 64 20 6f 76  |lapwhen speed ov|
00001ae0  65 72 20 32 30 30 2e 29  22 0d 02 c6 91 f1 27 22  |er 200.)".....'"|
00001af0  49 66 20 61 6c 6c 20 4f  4b 2c 20 67 65 6e 74 6c  |If all OK, gentl|
00001b00  79 20 72 65 64 75 63 65  20 73 69 6e 6b 28 77 61  |y reduce sink(wa|
00001b10  74 63 68 20 74 68 61 74  73 70 65 65 64 21 29 20  |tch thatspeed!) |
00001b20  72 65 64 75 63 69 6e 67  20 70 6f 77 65 72 20 61  |reducing power a|
00001b30  66 74 65 72 20 63 6f 6e  74 61 63 74 2e 22 27 22  |fter contact."'"|
00001b40  4e 6f 73 65 77 68 65 65  6c 20 73 74 65 65 72 69  |Nosewheel steeri|
00001b50  6e 67 20 69 73 20 61 76  69 6c 61 62 6c 65 20 76  |ng is avilable v|
00001b60  69 61 20 6e 6f 72 2d 20  6d 61 6c 20 62 61 6e 6b  |ia nor- mal bank|
00001b70  20 63 6f 6e 74 72 6f 6c  2e 22 0d 02 d0 05 20 0d  | control.".... .|
00001b80  02 da 06 f2 68 0d 02 e4  05 e1 0d 02 ee 29 dd f2  |....h........)..|
00001b90  68 3a f2 74 28 32 35 30  29 3a f1 8a 34 2c 32 34  |h:.t(250):..4,24|
00001ba0  29 bd 28 31 33 30 29 22  68 69 74 20 61 20 6b 65  |).(130)"hit a ke|
00001bb0  79 22 3b 0d 02 f8 0b 2a  46 58 31 35 2c 31 0d 03  |y";....*FX15,1..|
00001bc0  02 0e 48 24 3d be 3a ef  31 32 3a e1 0d 03 0c 09  |..H$=.:.12:.....|
00001bd0  dd f2 64 6f 63 0d 03 16  16 44 24 3d 22 44 4f 43  |..doc....D$="DOC|
00001be0  54 4f 52 20 20 20 53 4f  46 54 22 0d 03 20 3d e3  |TOR   SOFT".. =.|
00001bf0  41 3d 31 b8 31 33 3a fb  41 3a f1 8a 41 2b 33 2c  |A=1.13:.A:..A+3,|
00001c00  31 30 29 c1 44 24 2c 41  2c 31 29 3b 3a d4 26 31  |10).D$,A,1);:.&1|
00001c10  30 2c 2d 31 30 2c 41 20  83 33 2b 34 2c 31 30 3a  |0,-10,A .3+4,10:|
00001c20  f2 74 28 33 30 29 3a ed  0d 03 2a 20 f2 74 28 39  |.t(30):...* .t(9|
00001c30  39 29 3a fb 31 3a f1 8a  36 2c 31 34 29 22 70 72  |9):.1:..6,14)"pr|
00001c40  65 73 65 6e 74 73 3a 22  0d 03 34 1d f2 74 28 31  |esents:"..4..t(1|
00001c50  39 39 29 3a fb 37 3a f1  8a 38 2c 31 38 29 22 37  |99):.7:..8,18)"7|
00001c60  20 34 20 37 22 0d 03 3e  3e f2 74 28 35 30 29 3a  | 4 7"..>>.t(50):|
00001c70  fb 35 3a ef 35 3a ec 36  31 35 2c 33 30 30 3a f1  |.5:.5:.615,300:.|
00001c80  bd 28 32 34 31 29 bd 28  32 34 33 29 3a ec 36 31  |.(241).(243):.61|
00001c90  35 2c 32 37 30 3a f1 bd  28 32 34 32 29 bd 28 32  |5,270:..(242).(2|
00001ca0  34 34 29 0d 03 48 2c d4  26 31 31 2c 32 2c 32 33  |44)..H,.&11,2,23|
00001cb0  30 2c 35 30 3a d4 26 31  32 2c 32 2c 32 32 30 2c  |0,50:.&12,2,220,|
00001cc0  35 30 3a d4 26 31 33 2c  32 2c 37 30 2c 35 30 0d  |50:.&13,2,70,50.|
00001cd0  03 52 16 f2 74 28 39 39  29 3a d4 26 31 30 2c 31  |.R..t(99):.&10,1|
00001ce0  2c 37 2c 35 30 0d 03 5c  0d f2 74 28 31 35 30 29  |,7,50..\..t(150)|
00001cf0  3a e1 0d 03 66 25 dd f2  74 28 54 29 3a d1 3d 30  |:...f%..t(T):.=0|
00001d00  3a f5 3a fd 91 3e 54 3a  ef 32 33 3b 38 32 30 32  |:.:..>T:.23;8202|
00001d10  3b 30 3b 30 3b 30 3b 0d  03 70 0b 2a 46 58 31 35  |;0;0;0;..p.*FX15|
00001d20  2c 31 0d 03 7a 05 e1 0d  03 84 91 dd f2 63 6f 6e  |,1..z........con|
00001d30  3a f1 8a 31 30 2c 30 29  bd 28 31 33 31 29 22 43  |:..10,0).(131)"C|
00001d40  4f 4e 54 52 4f 4c 20 4b  45 59 53 22 27 27 8a 35  |ONTROL KEYS"''.5|
00001d50  29 22 55 50 2e 2e 2e 2e  2e 2e 2e 2e 53 50 41 43  |)"UP........SPAC|
00001d60  45 42 41 52 20 28 70 75  6c 6c 20 62 61 63 6b 29  |EBAR (pull back)|
00001d70  22 27 8a 35 29 22 44 4f  57 4e 2e 2e 2e 2e 2e 2e  |"'.5)"DOWN......|
00001d80  2e 2e 2e 2e 2e 27 48 27  20 28 70 75 73 68 20 66  |.....'H' (push f|
00001d90  77 64 29 22 27 27 8a 35  29 22 52 49 47 48 54 2e  |wd)"''.5)"RIGHT.|
00001da0  2e 2e 2e 2e 2e 2e 2e 2e  2e 27 3f 27 20 28 52 2e  |.........'?' (R.|
00001db0  48 2e 64 6f 77 6e 29 22  0d 03 8e b9 f1 8a 35 29  |H.down)"......5)|
00001dc0  22 4c 45 46 54 2e 2e 2e  2e 2e 2e 2e 2e 2e 2e 2e  |"LEFT...........|
00001dd0  27 5a 27 20 28 4c 2e 48  2e 64 6f 77 6e 29 22 27  |'Z' (L.H.down)"'|
00001de0  27 8a 35 29 22 6d 6f 72  65 20 50 4f 57 45 52 2e  |'.5)"more POWER.|
00001df0  2e 2e 2e 2e 27 2b 27 22  27 8a 35 29 22 6c 65 73  |....'+'"'.5)"les|
00001e00  73 20 50 4f 57 45 52 2e  2e 2e 2e 2e 27 2d 27 22  |s POWER.....'-'"|
00001e10  27 27 8a 35 29 22 63 68  61 6e 67 65 20 4e 41 56  |''.5)"change NAV|
00001e20  2e 2e 2e 2e 2e 27 4e 27  20 28 6e 61 76 69 67 61  |.....'N' (naviga|
00001e30  74 69 6f 6e 29 22 27 8a  35 29 22 6f 70 65 72 61  |tion)"'.5)"opera|
00001e40  74 65 20 47 45 41 52 2e  2e 2e 27 47 27 20 28 77  |te GEAR...'G' (w|
00001e50  68 65 65 6c 73 29 22 27  8a 35 29 22 6f 70 65 72  |heels)"'.5)"oper|
00001e60  61 74 65 20 46 4c 41 50  53 2e 2e 27 46 27 22 3a  |ate FLAPS..'F'":|
00001e70  e1 0d 03 98 0c dd f2 77  28 41 2c 54 29 0d 03 a2  |.......w(A,T)...|
00001e80  11 e7 a6 28 2d 31 30 34  29 42 3d 42 2b 41 0d 03  |...(-104)B=B+A..|
00001e90  ac 19 e7 a6 28 2d 31 30  33 29 42 3d 42 2d 41 3a  |....(-103)B=B-A:|
00001ea0  e7 42 3c 30 42 3d 30 0d  03 b6 0c e7 a6 28 2d 37  |.B<0B=0......(-7|
00001eb0  33 29 e1 0d 03 c0 28 42  3d 42 20 83 28 41 2a 33  |3)....(B=B .(A*3|
00001ec0  36 29 3a f1 8a 32 35 2c  54 29 42 22 20 20 22 3a  |6):..25,T)B"  ":|
00001ed0  f2 74 28 39 29 3a e5 8d  74 62 43 0d 7d 00 0a 20  |.t(9):..tbC.}.. |
00001ee0  2a 54 41 50 45 0d 7d 05  14 20 e3 49 25 3d 30 20  |*TAPE.}.. .I%=0 |
00001ef0  b8 20 b8 50 2d 90 20 88  34 0d 7d 0a 13 20 49 25  |. .P-. .4.}.. I%|
00001f00  21 26 44 30 30 3d 49 25  21 90 3a ed 0d 7d 0f 1c  |!&D00=I%!.:..}..|
00001f10  20 3f 26 31 33 3d 3f 26  31 33 2d 28 90 2d 26 44  | ?&13=?&13-(.-&D|
00001f20  30 30 29 81 20 32 35 36  0d 7d 14 0d 20 d0 3d 26  |00). 256.}.. .=&|
00001f30  44 30 30 3a f9 0d ff                              |D00:...|