Home » CEEFAX disks » telesoftware2.adl » 11_10_87/PERCENT
This website contains an archive of files for the Acorn Electron, BBC Micro, Acorn Archimedes, Commodore 16 and Commodore 64 computers, which Dominic Ford has rescued from his private collection of floppy disks and cassettes.
Some of these files were originally commercial releases in the 1980s and 1990s, but they are now widely available online. I assume that copyright over them is no longer being asserted. If you own the copyright and would like files to be removed, please contact me.
Tape/disk: | Home » CEEFAX disks » telesoftware2.adl |
Filename: | 11_10_87/PERCENT |
Read OK: | ✔ |
File size: | 23E1 bytes |
Load address: | 1900 |
Exec address: | 801F |
File contents
10 REM PERCENT 20 REM (c) D.J. Aldous, with assistance from Stuart Keeley, November 1986. 30 MODE4 40 PROC_LOGO 50 MODE7 60 VDU12,23;8202;0;0;0; 70 I=INKEY(50) 80 PRINTTAB(10,11);CHR$131;CHR$141;"P E R C E N T":PRINTTAB(10,12);CHR$131;CHR$141;"P E R C E N T" 90PRINTTAB(10,14);CHR$134;"by D.J. Aldous" 100 I=INKEY(400) 110 CLS 120 PRINT 130 PROC_CENTRE("%",131) 140 PRINT'; 150 PRINT"This program is designed for those who wish to learn about percentages and who wish to make percentage calculations." 160 PRINT'"Examples are given of each of the three different basic percentage calculations." 170 PRINT'CHR$(130);" Different types of calculation are" 180 PRINTCHR$(130);" colour-coded";CHR$(135);"WHITE,";CHR$(131);"YELLOW";CHR$(130);"or";CHR$(134);"BLUE" 190 PRINT' 200 PROC_CENTRE("Results appear in RED",129) 210 PROC_CONTINUE 220 CLS 230 PRINT' 240 PROC_CENTRE("The program covers the following :",130) 250 PRINT''" S Simple Percentages" 260PRINTCHR$(131);"C Percentage Change" 270PRINTCHR$(134);"P Profit and Markup (or 'Margin')" 280 PRINT''; 290 PROC_CENTRE("Which type of calculation do you want?",130) 300PRINT' 310 VDU23;29194;0;0;0; 320REPEAT 330 PRINTCHR$(130);" Enter"CHR$(135);"S";CHR$(130);"or";CHR$(131);"C";CHR$(130);"or";CHR$(134);"P" 340 ch$=GET$ 350UNTIL ch$="S" OR ch$="C" OR ch$="P" OR ch$="s" OR ch$="c" OR ch$="p" : CLS 360IF ch$="S" OR ch$="s" THEN PROC_S ELSE IF ch$="C" OR ch$="c" THEN PROC_C ELSE PROC_P 370 380 END 390 400DEFPROC_S 410 VDU12,23;8202;0;0;0; 420 PROC_S_HEAD 430 PROC_S_EX 440 PROC_CONTINUE 450 PROC_S_HEAD 460 VDU23;29194;0;0;0; 470 PRINT' 480 PROC_CENTRE("Which one do you want to calculate ?",130) 490PRINT' 500 REPEAT 510 PROC_CENTRE("Enter A, B or P",130) 520 CHOICE$=GET$ 530UNTIL CHOICE$="A" OR CHOICE$="B" OR CHOICE$="P" OR CHOICE$="a" OR CHOICE$="b" OR CHOICE$="p" : CLS : PROC_S_HEAD 540IF CHOICE$="A" OR CHOICE$="a" THEN PROC_S_ONE ELSE IF CHOICE$="B" OR CHOICE$="b" THEN PROC_S_TWO ELSE PROC_S_THREE 550PROC_AGAIN 560ENDPROC 570 580 590DEFPROC_S_HEAD 600 PRINT'; 610 PROC_CENTRE(" SIMPLE PERCENTAGE",135) 620 PROC_CENTRE(" ______ __________",135) 630PRINT' 640PRINT"A First Number (Base Number)" 650PRINT"B Second Number" 660PRINT"P Percentage that B is of A" 670ENDPROC 680 690DEFPROC_S_EX 700 PRINT' 710 PROC_CENTRE("Example 1 :",135) 720PRINT"The price of a tin of smoked oysters is 60p (A). VAT of 9p (B) is added. What is the percentage rate of VAT (P)?" 730 PRINT'" P = B/A * 100 %" 740PRINT" = 9/60 * 100 %" 750PRINT" = 15 %" 760PRINT' 770PRINT"This formula may also be used to find A or B." 780ENDPROC 790 800DEFPROC_C 810 VDU12,23;8202;0;0;0; 820PROC_C_HEAD 830PROC_C_EX 840PROC_CONTINUE 850PROC_C_HEAD 860 VDU23;29194;0;0;0; 870PRINT' 880 PROC_CENTRE("Which one do you want to calculate ?",130) 890 PRINT' 900 REPEAT 910 PROC_CENTRE("Enter O or N or C",130) 920 SELECT$=GET$ 930UNTIL SELECT$="O" OR SELECT$="N" OR SELECT$="C" OR SELECT$="o" OR SELECT$="n" OR SELECT$="c" : CLS : PROC_C_HEAD 940IF SELECT$="O" OR SELECT$="o" THEN PROC_C_ONE ELSE IF SELECT$="N" OR SELECT$="n" THEN PROC_C_TWO ELSE PROC_C_THREE 950PROC_AGAIN 960ENDPROC 970 980DEFPROC_C_HEAD 990 PRINT'; 1000 PROC_CENTRE("PERCENTAGE CHANGE",131) 1010 PROC_CENTRE("__________ ______",131) 1020PRINT'; 1030 PRINTCHR$(131);"O Original Value" 1040 PRINTCHR$(131);"N New Value" 1050PRINTCHR$(131);"C Percentage Change" 1060ENDPROC 1070 1080DEFPROC_C_EX 1090PRINT' 1100 PROC_CENTRE("Example 2 :",135) 1110PRINT"During 1980 the US dollar was worth 43p";CHR$(131);"(O).";CHR$(135);"In early 1985 it was worth 96p"CHR$(131);"(N)." 1120 PRINT"What is the";CHR$(131);"Percentage Change";CHR$(131);"(C)";CHR$(135);"?" 1130PRINT'" ";CHR$131;"C";CHR$135;"= 100*(N-O)/O" 1140PRINT" = 100*(96-43)/43" 1150PRINT" = 123.3%" 1160PRINT' 1170PRINT"This formula may also be used to find ";CHR$(131);"O";CHR$(135);"or";CHR$(131);"N." 1180ENDPROC 1190 1200 1210DEFPROC_P 1220 VDU12,23;8202;0;0;0; 1230PROC_P_HEAD 1240PROC_P_EX 1250 PROC_CONTINUE 1260 PROC_P_HEAD 1270 PROCpmnote 1280PROC_CONTINUE 1290PROC_P_HEAD 1300 VDU23;29194;0;0;0; 1310PRINT' 1320 PROC_CENTRE("Which one do you want to calculate ?",130) 1330PRINT' 1340REPEAT 1350 PROC_CENTRE("Enter P or M",130) 1360 select$=GET$ 1370 UNTIL select$="P" OR select$="M" OR select$="p" OR select$="m" : CLS : PROC_P_HEAD 1380IF select$="P" OR select$="p" THEN PROC_P_ONE ELSE PROC_P_TWO 1390PROC_AGAIN 1400ENDPROC 1410 1420DEFPROC_P_HEAD 1430 PRINT'; 1440 PROC_CENTRE("PROFIT AND MARKUP",134) 1450 PROC_CENTRE("______ ___ ______",134) 1470 PRINTTAB(3,4);CHR$(134);"The relationship between -" 1480PRINTCHR$(134);"P Gross Profit and" 1490PRINTCHR$(134);"M Markup, or 'Margin'" 1500ENDPROC 1510 1520DEFPROC_P_EX 1530 PRINT'; 1540 PROC_CENTRE("Example 3 :",135) 1550PRINT"A man buys a car and then sells it. If he makes a";CHR$(134);"profit (P)";CHR$(135);"of 20% (the sale price less the cost price, as a percentage of the";CHR$(134);"SALE";CHR$(135);"price), what was" 1560PRINT"his percentage Markup ? (";CHR$(134);"Markup (M)";CHR$(135);"is the sale price less the cost price as a percentage of the";CHR$(134);"COST";" price)." 1570PRINT" ";CHR$134;"M";CHR$135;"= (100*P)/(100-P)" 1580PRINT" = (100*20)/(100-20)" 1590PRINT" = 25%" 1600 PRINT'; 1610PRINT"This formula may also be used to find";CHR$134;"P." 1620 ENDPROC 1630 1640 DEFPROC_S_ONE 1650 PRINT' 1660 REPEAT 1670 PRINTCHR$(130)"Enter B ";CHR$(135);:INPUT B; 1680 UNTIL B>0 1690 PRINT'; 1700 REPEAT 1710 PRINTCHR$(130)"Enter P ";CHR$(135);:INPUT P; 1720 UNTIL P>0 1730 A=(B*100)/P 1740 PRINT' 1750 PRINT"First Number = ";CHR$(129);A 1760 PROC_AGAIN 1770 ENDPROC 1780 1790 DEFPROC_S_TWO 1800PRINT' 1810 REPEAT 1820 PRINTCHR$(130)"Enter A ";CHR$(135);:INPUT A; 1830 UNTIL A>0 1840 PRINT'; 1850 REPEAT 1860 PRINTCHR$(130)"Enter P ";CHR$(135);:INPUT P; 1870 UNTIL P>0 1880B=(A*P)/100 1890 PRINT' 1900PRINT"Second Number = ";CHR$(129);B 1910 PROC_AGAIN 1920 ENDPROC 1930 1940 DEFPROC_S_THREE 1950PRINT' 1960 REPEAT 1970 PRINTCHR$(130)"Enter A ";CHR$(135);:INPUT A; 1980 UNTIL A>0 1990 PRINT'; 2000 REPEAT 2010 PRINTCHR$(130)"Enter B ";CHR$(135);:INPUT B; 2020 UNTIL B>0 2030P=(B/A)*100 2040 PRINT' 2050PRINT"B is";CHR$(129);P;CHR$(135);"% of A" 2060PROC_AGAIN 2070 ENDPROC 2080 2090 DEFPROC_C_ONE 2100 LOCAL c% 2110PRINT' 2120 REPEAT 2130 PRINTCHR$(130)"Enter N ";CHR$(135);:INPUT N; 2140 UNTIL N>0 2150 PRINT'; 2160 REPEAT 2170 PRINTCHR$(130)"Enter C ";CHR$(135);:INPUT C$; 2180 c%=ASC(C$) 2190 UNTIL c%>47 AND c%<58 OR c%=45 OR c%=46 2200 C=VAL(C$) 2210O=N/((C/100)+1) 2220 PRINT' 2230PRINTCHR$(131);"Original Value was ";CHR$(129);O 2240PROC_AGAIN 2250 ENDPROC 2260 2270 DEFPROC_C_TWO 2280 LOCAL c% 2290PRINT' 2300 REPEAT 2310 PRINTCHR$(130)"Enter O ";CHR$(135);:INPUT O; 2320 UNTIL O>0 2330 PRINT'; 2340 REPEAT 2350 PRINTCHR$(130)"Enter C ";CHR$(135);:INPUT C$; 2360 c%=ASC(C$) 2370 UNTIL c%>47 AND c%<58 OR c%=45 OR c%=46 2380 C=VAL(C$) 2390N=((C/100)*O)+O 2400 PRINT' 2410PRINTCHR$(131);"New Value is ";CHR$(129);N 2420PROC_AGAIN 2430 ENDPROC 2440 2450 DEFPROC_C_THREE 2460 PRINT' 2470 REPEAT 2480 PRINTCHR$(130)"Enter O ";CHR$(135);:INPUT O; 2490 UNTIL O>0 2500 PRINT'; 2510 REPEAT 2520 PRINTCHR$(130)"Enter N ";CHR$(135);:INPUT N; 2530 UNTIL N>=0 2540C=(N-O)/O*100 2550 PRINT' 2560PRINTCHR$(131);"Percentage change is";CHR$(129);C;CHR$(131);"%" 2570PROC_AGAIN 2580 ENDPROC 2590 2600 DEFPROC_P_ONE 2610 LOCAL m% 2620PRINT' 2630 REPEAT 2640 PRINTCHR$(130)"Enter M ";CHR$(135);:INPUT M$; 2650 m%=ASC(M$) 2660 UNTIL m%>47 AND m%<58 OR m%=45 OR m%=46 2670 M=VAL(M$) 2680P=(M*100)/(M+100) 2690 PRINT' 2700PRINTCHR$(134);"Percentage Profit =";CHR$(129);P;CHR$(134);"%" 2710PROC_AGAIN 2720 ENDPROC 2730 2740 DEFPROC_P_TWO 2750 LOCAL p% 2760PRINT' 2770 REPEAT 2780 PRINTCHR$(130)"Enter P ";CHR$(135);:INPUT P$; 2790 p%=ASC(P$) 2800 UNTIL p%>47 AND p%<58 OR p%=45 OR p%=46 2810 P=VAL(P$) 2820M=(P*100)/(100-P) 2830 PRINT' 2840PRINTCHR$(134);"Percentage Markup =";CHR$(129);M;CHR$(134);"%" 2850PROC_AGAIN 2860 ENDPROC 2870 2880 2890DEFPROC_AGAIN 2900 REPEAT 2910 PRINTTAB(6,23);CHR$(130);"Another calculation ? (Y/N) " 2920 A$=GET$ 2930 UNTIL A$="Y" OR A$="y" OR A$="N" OR A$="n" 2940IF A$="Y" OR A$="y" THEN GOTO 220 2950 IF A$="N" OR A$="n" THEN PROC_FINITO 2960ENDPROC 2970 2980DEFPROC_CONTINUE 2990 REPEAT 3000 PRINTTAB(7,23);CHR$(130);"Press SPACE to continue" 3010 UNTIL GET$=" " 3020CLS 3030ENDPROC 3040 3050 DEFPROC_CENTRE(T$,Y%) 3060LOCAL Q% 3070Q% = 20-(LEN(T$)/2) 3080PRINTCHR$(Y%);TAB(Q%);T$ 3090ENDPROC 3100 3110 DEFPROC_FINITO 3120 CLS 3130TIT$="Bye Bye" : C%=131 3140PROC_TITLE(TIT$,C%) 3150 END : ENDPROC 3160 3170 DEFPROCpmnote 3180 PRINT'' 3190PRINT"Note that a profit of 100% means that the selling price was";CHR$(134);"totally";CHR$(135);"profit. i.e. the buying price was zero !" 3200 PRINT'"The program will therefore not accept ";CHR$(134);"profit";CHR$(135);"input figures equalling or exceeding 100%, since this calls for a";CHR$(134);"Markup";CHR$(135);"of Infinity % !" 3210ENDPROC 3220 3230 DEFPROC_TITLE(T$,Y%) 3240 VDU12,23;8202;0;0;0; 3250 CLS 3260 LOCAL Q% 3270 Q% = 18-(LEN(T$)/2) 3280 FOR I%=11 TO 12:PRINTTAB(Q%,I%);CHR$(Y%);CHR$(141);T$:NEXT:VDU30 3290 T=TIME:REPEAT UNTIL TIME-T>300 3300 CLS 3310 VDU23;29194;0;0;0; 3320 ENDPROC 3330 3340 DEFPROC_LOGO 3350 VDU12,23;8202;0;0;0; 3360 VDU19,128,135;0; 3370 VDU19,1,2;0; 3380 PLOT4,160,128 3390 PLOT5,160,896 3400 PLOT5,1120,896 3410 PLOT5,1120,128 3420 PLOT5,160,128 3430 PLOT4,162,132 3440 PLOT5,162,892 3450 PLOT5,1118,892 3460 PLOT5,1118,132 3470 PLOT5,162,132 3480 PLOT0,2,0 3490 PLOT5,164,892 3500 PLOT4,1116,892 3510 PLOT5,1116,132 3520 PLOT0,0,4 3530 PLOT5,164,136 3540 PLOT5,164,888 3550 PLOT5,1116,888 3560 PLOT5,1116,136 3570 PLOT0,-2,0 3580 PLOT5,1114,888 3590 PLOT4,168,888 3600 PLOT5,168,136 3610 VDU29,600;700; 3620 PLOT4,0,0 3630 RESTORE 3640 READ X%,Y% 3650 PLOT4,X%,Y% 3660 PROC_DELAY(5) 3670 READ X%,Y% 3680 PLOT85,X%,Y% 3690 PROC_DELAY(5) 3700 P%=0 3710 FOR P%=1 TO 24 3720 PLOT4,0,0 3730 READ X%,Y% 3740 PLOT85,X%,Y% 3750 PROC_DELAY(5) 3760 READ X%,Y% 3770 PLOT85,X%,Y% 3780 PROC_DELAY(5) 3790 NEXT 3800 PLOT4,0,0 3810 READ X%,Y% 3820 PLOT85,X%,Y% 3830 PROC_DELAY(5) 3840PLOT4,-60,-175 3850P%=0 3860 RESTORE 4080 3870FOR P%=1TO9 3880READ X%,Y% 3890PLOT5,X%,Y% 3900NEXT 3910PLOT4,150,-198 3920P%=0 3930RESTORE 4090 3940FORP%=1TO8 3950READ X%,Y% 3960PLOT 5,X%,Y% 3970NEXT 3980 PLOT4,4,-150 3990 PLOT5,24,-175 4000 PLOT5,50,-212 4010 PLOT5,72,-168 4020 PLOT4,-94,-400 4030 PLOT5,236,-400 4040 PLOT0,-4,0 4050 PLOT5,-94,-400 4060 DATA0,125,25,112,50,100,75,87,100,90,125,100,150,110,175,100,200,94,225,75,250,25,250,0,250,-25,237,-50,248,-75,272,-100,284,-125,276,-150,220,-175,200,-188,175,-192,150,-198,125,-200,100,-205,75,-175,50,-182,25,-164,0,-150 4070 DATA-25,-156,-50,-175,-75,-216,-100,-226,-125,-226,-150,-218,-175,-188,-180,-150,-184,-125,-186,-100,-180,-75,-170,-50,-160,-25,-140,0,-140,25,-150,50,-136,75,-125,80,-100,90,-75,112,-50,124,-25,128,0,125 4080 DATA-20,-200,0,-225,12,-250,24,-275,24,-300,24,-325,24,-350,24,-375,18,-400 4090 DATA120,-225,110,-250,104,-275,104,-300,104,-325,104,-350,116,-375,120,-400 4100 PRINTTAB(13,24);"B R O A D O A K" 4110 PROC_DELAY(500) 4120 VDU30 4130 VDU23;29194;0;0;0; 4140 ENDPROC 4150 DEFPROC_DELAY(T%) 4160 N%=TIME:REPEAT:UNTIL TIME-N%>T% 4170 ENDPROC
� PERCENT J � (c) D.J. Aldous, with assistance from Stuart Keeley, November 1986. �4 ( �_LOGO 2 �7 < �12,23;8202;0;0;0; F I=�(50) PJ �10,11);�131;�141;"P E R C E N T":�10,12);�131;�141;"P E R C E N T" Z#�10,14);�134;"by D.J. Aldous" d I=�(400) n � x � � �_CENTRE("%",131) � �'; �} �"This program is designed for those who wish to learn about percentages and who wish to make percentage calculations." �Y �'"Examples are given of each of the three different basic percentage calculations." �4 �'�(130);" Different types of calculation are" �W �(130);" colour-coded";�(135);"WHITE,";�(131);"YELLOW";�(130);"or";�(134);"BLUE" � �' �* �_CENTRE("Results appear in RED",129) � �_CONTINUE � � � �' �7 �_CENTRE("The program covers the following :",130) � �''" S Simple Percentages" "�(131);"C Percentage Change" 0�(134);"P Profit and Markup (or 'Margin')" �''; "; �_CENTRE("Which type of calculation do you want?",130) ,�' 6 �23;29194;0;0;0; @� JT �(130);" Enter"�(135);"S";�(130);"or";�(131);"C";�(130);"or";�(134);"P" T ch$=� ^C� ch$="S" � ch$="C" � ch$="P" � ch$="s" � ch$="c" � ch$="p" : � h?� ch$="S" � ch$="s" � �_S � � ch$="C" � ch$="c" � �_C � �_P r | � � ���_S � �12,23;8202;0;0;0; � �_S_HEAD � �_S_EX � �_CONTINUE � �_S_HEAD � �23;29194;0;0;0; � �' �9 �_CENTRE("Which one do you want to calculate ?",130) ��' � � �$ �_CENTRE("Enter A, B or P",130) CHOICE$=� f� CHOICE$="A" � CHOICE$="B" � CHOICE$="P" � CHOICE$="a" � CHOICE$="b" � CHOICE$="p" : � : �_S_HEAD ]� CHOICE$="A" � CHOICE$="a" � �_S_ONE � � CHOICE$="B" � CHOICE$="b" � �_S_TWO � �_S_THREE &�_AGAIN 0� : D N ��_S_HEAD X �'; b' �_CENTRE(" SIMPLE PERCENTAGE",135) l' �_CENTRE(" ______ __________",135) v�' �&�"A First Number (Base Number)" ��"B Second Number" �%�"P Percentage that B is of A" �� � ���_S_EX � �' � �_CENTRE("Example 1 :",135) �y�"The price of a tin of smoked oysters is 60p (A). VAT of 9p (B) is added. What is the percentage rate of VAT (P)?" �% �'" P = B/A * 100 %" �$�" = 9/60 * 100 %" ��" = 15 %" ��' 6�"This formula may also be used to find A or B." � ��_C * �12,23;8202;0;0;0; 4�_C_HEAD > �_C_EX H�_CONTINUE R�_C_HEAD \ �23;29194;0;0;0; f�' p9 �_CENTRE("Which one do you want to calculate ?",130) z �' � � �& �_CENTRE("Enter O or N or C",130) � SELECT$=� �f� SELECT$="O" � SELECT$="N" � SELECT$="C" � SELECT$="o" � SELECT$="n" � SELECT$="c" : � : �_C_HEAD �]� SELECT$="O" � SELECT$="o" � �_C_ONE � � SELECT$="N" � SELECT$="n" � �_C_TWO � �_C_THREE ��_AGAIN �� � � ��_C_HEAD � �'; �& �_CENTRE("PERCENTAGE CHANGE",131) �& �_CENTRE("__________ ______",131) ��'; �(131);"O Original Value" �(131);"N New Value" "�(131);"C Percentage Change" $� . 8��_C_EX B�' L �_CENTRE("Example 2 :",135) Vy�"During 1980 the US dollar was worth 43p";�(131);"(O).";�(135);"In early 1985 it was worth 96p"�(131);"(N)." `F �"What is the";�(131);"Percentage Change";�(131);"(C)";�(135);"?" j0�'" ";�131;"C";�135;"= 100*(N-O)/O" t$�" = 100*(96-43)/43" ~�" = 123.3%" ��' �R�"This formula may also be used to find ";�(131);"O";�(135);"or";�(131);"N." �� � � ���_P � �12,23;8202;0;0;0; ��_P_HEAD � �_P_EX � �_CONTINUE � �_P_HEAD � �pmnote �_CONTINUE �_P_HEAD �23;29194;0;0;0; �' (9 �_CENTRE("Which one do you want to calculate ?",130) 2�' <� F! �_CENTRE("Enter P or M",130) P select$=� ZK � select$="P" � select$="M" � select$="p" � select$="m" : � : �_P_HEAD d3� select$="P" � select$="p" � �_P_ONE � �_P_TWO n�_AGAIN x� � � ��_P_HEAD � �'; �& �_CENTRE("PROFIT AND MARKUP",134) �& �_CENTRE("______ ___ ______",134) �/ �3,4);�(134);"The relationship between -" �)�(134);"P Gross Profit and" �$�(134);"M Markup, or 'Margin'" �� � ���_P_EX � �'; �_CENTRE("Example 3 :",135) ��"A man buys a car and then sells it. If he makes a";�(134);"profit (P)";�(135);"of 20% (the sale price less the cost price, as a percentage of the";�(134);"SALE";�(135);"price), what was" ��"his percentage Markup ? (";�(134);"Markup (M)";�(135);"is the sale price less the cost price as a percentage of the";�(134);"COST";" price)." "0�" ";�134;"M";�135;"= (100*P)/(100-P)" ,$�" = (100*20)/(100-20)" 6�" = 25%" @ �'; J6�"This formula may also be used to find";�134;"P." T � ^ h ��_S_ONE r �' | � �% �(130)"Enter B ";�(135);:� B; � � B>0 � �'; � � �& �(130)"Enter P ";�(135);:� P; � � P>0 � A=(B*100)/P � �' � �"First Number = ";�(129);A � �_AGAIN � � � � ��_S_TWO �' � % �(130)"Enter A ";�(135);:� A; & � A>0 0 �'; : � D& �(130)"Enter P ";�(135);:� P; N � P>0 XB=(A*P)/100 b �' l �"Second Number = ";�(129);B v �_AGAIN � � � � ��_S_THREE ��' � � �% �(130)"Enter A ";�(135);:� A; � � A>0 � �'; � � �% �(130)"Enter B ";�(135);:� B; � � B>0 �P=(B/A)*100 � �' $�"B is";�(129);P;�(135);"% of A" �_AGAIN � * ��_C_ONE 4 � c% >�' H � R% �(130)"Enter N ";�(135);:� N; \ � N>0 f �'; p � z& �(130)"Enter C ";�(135);:� C$; � c%=�(C$) �$ � c%>47 � c%<58 � c%=45 � c%=46 � C=�(C$) �O=N/((C/100)+1) � �' �*�(131);"Original Value was ";�(129);O ��_AGAIN � � � � ��_C_TWO � � c% ��' � � % �(130)"Enter O ";�(135);:� O; � O>0 �'; $ � .& �(130)"Enter C ";�(135);:� C$; 8 c%=�(C$) B$ � c%>47 � c%<58 � c%=45 � c%=46 L C=�(C$) VN=((C/100)*O)+O ` �' j$�(131);"New Value is ";�(129);N t�_AGAIN ~ � � � ��_C_THREE � �' � � �% �(130)"Enter O ";�(135);:� O; � � O>0 � �'; � � �% �(130)"Enter N ";�(135);:� N; � � N>=0 �C=(N-O)/O*100 � �' 6�(131);"Percentage change is";�(129);C;�(131);"%" �_AGAIN � ( ��_P_ONE 2 � m% <�' F � P& �(130)"Enter M ";�(135);:� M$; Z m%=�(M$) d$ � m%>47 � m%<58 � m%=45 � m%=46 n M=�(M$) xP=(M*100)/(M+100) � �' �5�(134);"Percentage Profit =";�(129);P;�(134);"%" ��_AGAIN � � � � ��_P_TWO � � p% ��' � � �& �(130)"Enter P ";�(135);:� P$; � p%=�(P$) �$ � p%>47 � p%<58 � p%=45 � p%=46 � P=�(P$) M=(P*100)/(100-P) �' 5�(134);"Percentage Markup =";�(129);M;�(134);"%" "�_AGAIN , � 6 @ J��_AGAIN T � ^2 �6,23);�(130);"Another calculation ? (Y/N) " h A$=� r( � A$="Y" � A$="y" � A$="N" � A$="n" |� A$="Y" � A$="y" � � �d\@ �! � A$="N" � A$="n" � �_FINITO �� � ���_CONTINUE � � �- �7,23);�(130);"Press SPACE to continue" � � �=" " �� �� � � ��_CENTRE(T$,Y%) �� Q% �Q% = 20-(�(T$)/2) �(Y%);�Q%);T$ � & ��_FINITO 0 � :TIT$="Bye Bye" : C%=131 D�_TITLE(TIT$,C%) N � : � X b ��pmnote l �'' v��"Note that a profit of 100% means that the selling price was";�(134);"totally";�(135);"profit. i.e. the buying price was zero !" �� �'"The program will therefore not accept ";�(134);"profit";�(135);"input figures equalling or exceeding 100%, since this calls for a";�(134);"Markup";�(135);"of Infinity % !" �� � � ��_TITLE(T$,Y%) � �12,23;8202;0;0;0; � � � � Q% � Q% = 18-(�(T$)/2) �0 � I%=11 � 12:�Q%,I%);�(Y%);�(141);T$:�:�30 � T=�:� � �-T>300 � � � �23;29194;0;0;0; � � ��_LOGO �12,23;8202;0;0;0; �19,128,135;0; * �19,1,2;0; 4 �4,160,128 > �5,160,896 H �5,1120,896 R �5,1120,128 \ �5,160,128 f �4,162,132 p �5,162,892 z �5,1118,892 � �5,1118,132 � �5,162,132 � �0,2,0 � �5,164,892 � �4,1116,892 � �5,1116,132 � �0,0,4 � �5,164,136 � �5,164,888 � �5,1116,888 � �5,1116,136 � �0,-2,0 � �5,1114,888 �4,168,888 �5,168,136 �29,600;700; $ �4,0,0 . � 8 � X%,Y% B �4,X%,Y% L �_DELAY(5) V � X%,Y% ` �85,X%,Y% j �_DELAY(5) t P%=0 ~ � P%=1 � 24 � �4,0,0 � � X%,Y% � �85,X%,Y% � �_DELAY(5) � � X%,Y% � �85,X%,Y% � �_DELAY(5) � � � �4,0,0 � � X%,Y% � �85,X%,Y% � �_DELAY(5) �4,-60,-175 P%=0 � �dpO � P%=1�9 (� X%,Y% 2�5,X%,Y% <� F�4,150,-198 PP%=0 Z � �dzO d�P%=1�8 n� X%,Y% x � 5,X%,Y% �� � �4,4,-150 � �5,24,-175 � �5,50,-212 � �5,72,-168 � �4,-94,-400 � �5,236,-400 � �0,-4,0 � �5,-94,-400 �� �0,125,25,112,50,100,75,87,100,90,125,100,150,110,175,100,200,94,225,75,250,25,250,0,250,-25,237,-50,248,-75,272,-100,284,-125,276,-150,220,-175,200,-188,175,-192,150,-198,125,-200,100,-205,75,-175,50,-182,25,-164,0,-150 �� �-25,-156,-50,-175,-75,-216,-100,-226,-125,-226,-150,-218,-175,-188,-180,-150,-184,-125,-186,-100,-180,-75,-170,-50,-160,-25,-140,0,-140,25,-150,50,-136,75,-125,80,-100,90,-75,112,-50,124,-25,128,0,125 �M �-20,-200,0,-225,12,-250,24,-275,24,-300,24,-325,24,-350,24,-375,18,-400 �M �120,-225,110,-250,104,-275,104,-300,104,-325,104,-350,116,-375,120,-400 �13,24);"B R O A D O A K" �_DELAY(500) �30 " �23;29194;0;0;0; , � 6 ��_DELAY(T%) @ N%=�:�:� �-N%>T% J � �
00000000 0d 00 0a 0e 20 f4 20 50 45 52 43 45 4e 54 0d 00 |.... . PERCENT..| 00000010 14 4a 20 f4 20 28 63 29 20 44 2e 4a 2e 20 41 6c |.J . (c) D.J. Al| 00000020 64 6f 75 73 2c 20 77 69 74 68 20 61 73 73 69 73 |dous, with assis| 00000030 74 61 6e 63 65 20 66 72 6f 6d 20 53 74 75 61 72 |tance from Stuar| 00000040 74 20 4b 65 65 6c 65 79 2c 20 4e 6f 76 65 6d 62 |t Keeley, Novemb| 00000050 65 72 20 31 39 38 36 2e 0d 00 1e 07 20 eb 34 0d |er 1986..... .4.| 00000060 00 28 0b 20 f2 5f 4c 4f 47 4f 0d 00 32 07 20 eb |.(. ._LOGO..2. .| 00000070 37 0d 00 3c 17 20 ef 31 32 2c 32 33 3b 38 32 30 |7..<. .12,23;820| 00000080 32 3b 30 3b 30 3b 30 3b 0d 00 46 0c 20 49 3d a6 |2;0;0;0;..F. I=.| 00000090 28 35 30 29 0d 00 50 4a 20 f1 8a 31 30 2c 31 31 |(50)..PJ ..10,11| 000000a0 29 3b bd 31 33 31 3b bd 31 34 31 3b 22 50 20 45 |);.131;.141;"P E| 000000b0 20 52 20 43 20 45 20 4e 20 54 22 3a f1 8a 31 30 | R C E N T":..10| 000000c0 2c 31 32 29 3b bd 31 33 31 3b bd 31 34 31 3b 22 |,12);.131;.141;"| 000000d0 50 20 45 20 52 20 43 20 45 20 4e 20 54 22 0d 00 |P E R C E N T"..| 000000e0 5a 23 f1 8a 31 30 2c 31 34 29 3b bd 31 33 34 3b |Z#..10,14);.134;| 000000f0 22 62 79 20 20 44 2e 4a 2e 20 41 6c 64 6f 75 73 |"by D.J. Aldous| 00000100 22 0d 00 64 0d 20 49 3d a6 28 34 30 30 29 0d 00 |"..d. I=.(400)..| 00000110 6e 06 20 db 0d 00 78 06 20 f1 0d 00 82 16 20 f2 |n. ...x. ..... .| 00000120 5f 43 45 4e 54 52 45 28 22 25 22 2c 31 33 31 29 |_CENTRE("%",131)| 00000130 0d 00 8c 08 20 f1 27 3b 0d 00 96 7d 20 f1 22 54 |.... .';...} ."T| 00000140 68 69 73 20 70 72 6f 67 72 61 6d 20 69 73 20 64 |his program is d| 00000150 65 73 69 67 6e 65 64 20 66 6f 72 20 74 68 6f 73 |esigned for thos| 00000160 65 20 77 68 6f 20 20 77 69 73 68 20 74 6f 20 6c |e who wish to l| 00000170 65 61 72 6e 20 61 62 6f 75 74 20 70 65 72 63 65 |earn about perce| 00000180 6e 74 61 67 65 73 20 61 6e 64 20 77 68 6f 20 77 |ntages and who w| 00000190 69 73 68 20 74 6f 20 6d 61 6b 65 20 70 65 72 63 |ish to make perc| 000001a0 65 6e 74 61 67 65 20 63 61 6c 63 75 6c 61 74 69 |entage calculati| 000001b0 6f 6e 73 2e 22 0d 00 a0 59 20 f1 27 22 45 78 61 |ons."...Y .'"Exa| 000001c0 6d 70 6c 65 73 20 61 72 65 20 67 69 76 65 6e 20 |mples are given | 000001d0 6f 66 20 65 61 63 68 20 6f 66 20 74 68 65 20 74 |of each of the t| 000001e0 68 72 65 65 20 64 69 66 66 65 72 65 6e 74 20 62 |hree different b| 000001f0 61 73 69 63 20 70 65 72 63 65 6e 74 61 67 65 20 |asic percentage | 00000200 63 61 6c 63 75 6c 61 74 69 6f 6e 73 2e 22 0d 00 |calculations."..| 00000210 aa 34 20 f1 27 bd 28 31 33 30 29 3b 22 20 20 44 |.4 .'.(130);" D| 00000220 69 66 66 65 72 65 6e 74 20 74 79 70 65 73 20 6f |ifferent types o| 00000230 66 20 63 61 6c 63 75 6c 61 74 69 6f 6e 20 61 72 |f calculation ar| 00000240 65 22 0d 00 b4 57 20 f1 bd 28 31 33 30 29 3b 22 |e"...W ..(130);"| 00000250 20 20 63 6f 6c 6f 75 72 2d 63 6f 64 65 64 22 3b | colour-coded";| 00000260 bd 28 31 33 35 29 3b 22 57 48 49 54 45 2c 22 3b |.(135);"WHITE,";| 00000270 bd 28 31 33 31 29 3b 22 59 45 4c 4c 4f 57 22 3b |.(131);"YELLOW";| 00000280 bd 28 31 33 30 29 3b 22 6f 72 22 3b bd 28 31 33 |.(130);"or";.(13| 00000290 34 29 3b 22 42 4c 55 45 22 0d 00 be 07 20 f1 27 |4);"BLUE".... .'| 000002a0 0d 00 c8 2a 20 f2 5f 43 45 4e 54 52 45 28 22 52 |...* ._CENTRE("R| 000002b0 65 73 75 6c 74 73 20 61 70 70 65 61 72 20 69 6e |esults appear in| 000002c0 20 52 45 44 22 2c 31 32 39 29 0d 00 d2 0f 20 f2 | RED",129).... .| 000002d0 5f 43 4f 4e 54 49 4e 55 45 0d 00 dc 06 20 db 0d |_CONTINUE.... ..| 000002e0 00 e6 07 20 f1 27 0d 00 f0 37 20 f2 5f 43 45 4e |... .'...7 ._CEN| 000002f0 54 52 45 28 22 54 68 65 20 70 72 6f 67 72 61 6d |TRE("The program| 00000300 20 63 6f 76 65 72 73 20 74 68 65 20 66 6f 6c 6c | covers the foll| 00000310 6f 77 69 6e 67 20 3a 22 2c 31 33 30 29 0d 00 fa |owing :",130)...| 00000320 20 20 f1 27 27 22 20 53 20 20 53 69 6d 70 6c 65 | .''" S Simple| 00000330 20 50 65 72 63 65 6e 74 61 67 65 73 22 0d 01 04 | Percentages"...| 00000340 22 f1 bd 28 31 33 31 29 3b 22 43 20 20 50 65 72 |"..(131);"C Per| 00000350 63 65 6e 74 61 67 65 20 43 68 61 6e 67 65 22 0d |centage Change".| 00000360 01 0e 30 f1 bd 28 31 33 34 29 3b 22 50 20 20 50 |..0..(134);"P P| 00000370 72 6f 66 69 74 20 61 6e 64 20 4d 61 72 6b 75 70 |rofit and Markup| 00000380 20 28 6f 72 20 27 4d 61 72 67 69 6e 27 29 22 0d | (or 'Margin')".| 00000390 01 18 09 20 f1 27 27 3b 0d 01 22 3b 20 f2 5f 43 |... .'';.."; ._C| 000003a0 45 4e 54 52 45 28 22 57 68 69 63 68 20 74 79 70 |ENTRE("Which typ| 000003b0 65 20 6f 66 20 63 61 6c 63 75 6c 61 74 69 6f 6e |e of calculation| 000003c0 20 64 6f 20 79 6f 75 20 77 61 6e 74 3f 22 2c 31 | do you want?",1| 000003d0 33 30 29 0d 01 2c 06 f1 27 0d 01 36 15 20 ef 32 |30)..,..'..6. .2| 000003e0 33 3b 32 39 31 39 34 3b 30 3b 30 3b 30 3b 0d 01 |3;29194;0;0;0;..| 000003f0 40 05 f5 0d 01 4a 54 20 f1 bd 28 31 33 30 29 3b |@....JT ..(130);| 00000400 22 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 45 6e 74 65 72 22 bd |" Enter".| 00000410 28 31 33 35 29 3b 22 53 22 3b bd 28 31 33 30 29 |(135);"S";.(130)| 00000420 3b 22 6f 72 22 3b bd 28 31 33 31 29 3b 22 43 22 |;"or";.(131);"C"| 00000430 3b bd 28 31 33 30 29 3b 22 6f 72 22 3b bd 28 31 |;.(130);"or";.(1| 00000440 33 34 29 3b 22 50 22 0d 01 54 0a 20 63 68 24 3d |34);"P"..T. ch$=| 00000450 be 0d 01 5e 43 fd 20 63 68 24 3d 22 53 22 20 84 |...^C. ch$="S" .| 00000460 20 63 68 24 3d 22 43 22 20 84 20 63 68 24 3d 22 | ch$="C" . ch$="| 00000470 50 22 20 84 20 63 68 24 3d 22 73 22 20 84 20 63 |P" . ch$="s" . c| 00000480 68 24 3d 22 63 22 20 84 20 63 68 24 3d 22 70 22 |h$="c" . ch$="p"| 00000490 20 3a 20 db 0d 01 68 3f e7 20 63 68 24 3d 22 53 | : ...h?. ch$="S| 000004a0 22 20 84 20 63 68 24 3d 22 73 22 20 8c 20 f2 5f |" . ch$="s" . ._| 000004b0 53 20 8b 20 e7 20 63 68 24 3d 22 43 22 20 84 20 |S . . ch$="C" . | 000004c0 63 68 24 3d 22 63 22 20 8c 20 f2 5f 43 20 8b 20 |ch$="c" . ._C . | 000004d0 f2 5f 50 0d 01 72 05 20 0d 01 7c 06 20 e0 0d 01 |._P..r. ..|. ...| 000004e0 86 05 20 0d 01 90 08 dd f2 5f 53 0d 01 9a 17 20 |.. ......_S.... | 000004f0 ef 31 32 2c 32 33 3b 38 32 30 32 3b 30 3b 30 3b |.12,23;8202;0;0;| 00000500 30 3b 0d 01 a4 0d 20 f2 5f 53 5f 48 45 41 44 0d |0;.... ._S_HEAD.| 00000510 01 ae 0b 20 f2 5f 53 5f 45 58 0d 01 b8 0f 20 f2 |... ._S_EX.... .| 00000520 5f 43 4f 4e 54 49 4e 55 45 0d 01 c2 0d 20 f2 5f |_CONTINUE.... ._| 00000530 53 5f 48 45 41 44 0d 01 cc 15 20 ef 32 33 3b 32 |S_HEAD.... .23;2| 00000540 39 31 39 34 3b 30 3b 30 3b 30 3b 0d 01 d6 07 20 |9194;0;0;0;.... | 00000550 f1 27 0d 01 e0 39 20 f2 5f 43 45 4e 54 52 45 28 |.'...9 ._CENTRE(| 00000560 22 57 68 69 63 68 20 6f 6e 65 20 64 6f 20 79 6f |"Which one do yo| 00000570 75 20 77 61 6e 74 20 74 6f 20 63 61 6c 63 75 6c |u want to calcul| 00000580 61 74 65 20 3f 22 2c 31 33 30 29 0d 01 ea 06 f1 |ate ?",130).....| 00000590 27 0d 01 f4 06 20 f5 0d 01 fe 24 20 f2 5f 43 45 |'.... ....$ ._CE| 000005a0 4e 54 52 45 28 22 45 6e 74 65 72 20 41 2c 20 42 |NTRE("Enter A, B| 000005b0 20 6f 72 20 50 22 2c 31 33 30 29 0d 02 08 0e 20 | or P",130).... | 000005c0 43 48 4f 49 43 45 24 3d be 0d 02 12 66 fd 20 43 |CHOICE$=....f. C| 000005d0 48 4f 49 43 45 24 3d 22 41 22 20 84 20 43 48 4f |HOICE$="A" . CHO| 000005e0 49 43 45 24 3d 22 42 22 20 84 20 43 48 4f 49 43 |ICE$="B" . CHOIC| 000005f0 45 24 3d 22 50 22 20 84 20 43 48 4f 49 43 45 24 |E$="P" . CHOICE$| 00000600 3d 22 61 22 20 84 20 43 48 4f 49 43 45 24 3d 22 |="a" . CHOICE$="| 00000610 62 22 20 84 20 43 48 4f 49 43 45 24 3d 22 70 22 |b" . CHOICE$="p"| 00000620 20 3a 20 db 20 3a 20 f2 5f 53 5f 48 45 41 44 0d | : . : ._S_HEAD.| 00000630 02 1c 5d e7 20 43 48 4f 49 43 45 24 3d 22 41 22 |..]. CHOICE$="A"| 00000640 20 84 20 43 48 4f 49 43 45 24 3d 22 61 22 20 8c | . CHOICE$="a" .| 00000650 20 f2 5f 53 5f 4f 4e 45 20 8b 20 e7 20 43 48 4f | ._S_ONE . . CHO| 00000660 49 43 45 24 3d 22 42 22 20 84 20 43 48 4f 49 43 |ICE$="B" . CHOIC| 00000670 45 24 3d 22 62 22 20 8c 20 f2 5f 53 5f 54 57 4f |E$="b" . ._S_TWO| 00000680 20 8b 20 f2 5f 53 5f 54 48 52 45 45 0d 02 26 0b | . ._S_THREE..&.| 00000690 f2 5f 41 47 41 49 4e 0d 02 30 05 e1 0d 02 3a 05 |._AGAIN..0....:.| 000006a0 20 0d 02 44 05 20 0d 02 4e 0d dd f2 5f 53 5f 48 | ..D. ..N..._S_H| 000006b0 45 41 44 0d 02 58 08 20 f1 27 3b 0d 02 62 27 20 |EAD..X. .';..b' | 000006c0 f2 5f 43 45 4e 54 52 45 28 22 20 53 49 4d 50 4c |._CENTRE(" SIMPL| 000006d0 45 20 50 45 52 43 45 4e 54 41 47 45 22 2c 31 33 |E PERCENTAGE",13| 000006e0 35 29 0d 02 6c 27 20 f2 5f 43 45 4e 54 52 45 28 |5)..l' ._CENTRE(| 000006f0 22 20 5f 5f 5f 5f 5f 5f 20 5f 5f 5f 5f 5f 5f 5f |" ______ _______| 00000700 5f 5f 5f 22 2c 31 33 35 29 0d 02 76 06 f1 27 0d |___",135)..v..'.| 00000710 02 80 26 f1 22 41 20 20 20 20 46 69 72 73 74 20 |..&."A First | 00000720 4e 75 6d 62 65 72 20 28 42 61 73 65 20 4e 75 6d |Number (Base Num| 00000730 62 65 72 29 22 0d 02 8a 19 f1 22 42 20 20 20 20 |ber)"....."B | 00000740 53 65 63 6f 6e 64 20 4e 75 6d 62 65 72 22 0d 02 |Second Number"..| 00000750 94 25 f1 22 50 20 20 20 20 50 65 72 63 65 6e 74 |.%."P Percent| 00000760 61 67 65 20 74 68 61 74 20 42 20 69 73 20 6f 66 |age that B is of| 00000770 20 41 22 0d 02 9e 05 e1 0d 02 a8 05 20 0d 02 b2 | A"......... ...| 00000780 0b dd f2 5f 53 5f 45 58 0d 02 bc 07 20 f1 27 0d |..._S_EX.... .'.| 00000790 02 c6 20 20 f2 5f 43 45 4e 54 52 45 28 22 45 78 |.. ._CENTRE("Ex| 000007a0 61 6d 70 6c 65 20 31 20 3a 22 2c 31 33 35 29 0d |ample 1 :",135).| 000007b0 02 d0 79 f1 22 54 68 65 20 70 72 69 63 65 20 6f |..y."The price o| 000007c0 66 20 61 20 74 69 6e 20 6f 66 20 73 6d 6f 6b 65 |f a tin of smoke| 000007d0 64 20 6f 79 73 74 65 72 73 20 69 73 20 36 30 70 |d oysters is 60p| 000007e0 20 28 41 29 2e 20 56 41 54 20 6f 66 20 39 70 20 | (A). VAT of 9p | 000007f0 28 42 29 20 69 73 20 61 64 64 65 64 2e 20 57 68 |(B) is added. Wh| 00000800 61 74 20 20 20 69 73 20 74 68 65 20 70 65 72 63 |at is the perc| 00000810 65 6e 74 61 67 65 20 72 61 74 65 20 6f 66 20 56 |entage rate of V| 00000820 41 54 20 28 50 29 3f 22 0d 02 da 25 20 f1 27 22 |AT (P)?"...% .'"| 00000830 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 50 20 3d 20 | P = | 00000840 20 42 2f 41 20 2a 20 31 30 30 20 25 22 0d 02 e4 | B/A * 100 %"...| 00000850 24 f1 22 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 |$." | 00000860 20 3d 20 20 39 2f 36 30 20 2a 20 31 30 30 20 25 | = 9/60 * 100 %| 00000870 22 0d 02 ee 1c f1 22 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 |"....." | 00000880 20 20 20 20 20 3d 20 20 31 35 20 25 22 0d 02 f8 | = 15 %"...| 00000890 06 f1 27 0d 03 02 36 f1 22 54 68 69 73 20 66 6f |..'...6."This fo| 000008a0 72 6d 75 6c 61 20 6d 61 79 20 61 6c 73 6f 20 62 |rmula may also b| 000008b0 65 20 75 73 65 64 20 74 6f 20 66 69 6e 64 20 20 |e used to find | 000008c0 20 41 20 6f 72 20 42 2e 22 0d 03 0c 05 e1 0d 03 | A or B.".......| 000008d0 16 05 20 0d 03 20 08 dd f2 5f 43 0d 03 2a 17 20 |.. .. ..._C..*. | 000008e0 ef 31 32 2c 32 33 3b 38 32 30 32 3b 30 3b 30 3b |.12,23;8202;0;0;| 000008f0 30 3b 0d 03 34 0c f2 5f 43 5f 48 45 41 44 0d 03 |0;..4.._C_HEAD..| 00000900 3e 0a f2 5f 43 5f 45 58 0d 03 48 0e f2 5f 43 4f |>.._C_EX..H.._CO| 00000910 4e 54 49 4e 55 45 0d 03 52 0c f2 5f 43 5f 48 45 |NTINUE..R.._C_HE| 00000920 41 44 0d 03 5c 15 20 ef 32 33 3b 32 39 31 39 34 |AD..\. .23;29194| 00000930 3b 30 3b 30 3b 30 3b 0d 03 66 06 f1 27 0d 03 70 |;0;0;0;..f..'..p| 00000940 39 20 f2 5f 43 45 4e 54 52 45 28 22 57 68 69 63 |9 ._CENTRE("Whic| 00000950 68 20 6f 6e 65 20 64 6f 20 79 6f 75 20 77 61 6e |h one do you wan| 00000960 74 20 74 6f 20 63 61 6c 63 75 6c 61 74 65 20 3f |t to calculate ?| 00000970 22 2c 31 33 30 29 0d 03 7a 07 20 f1 27 0d 03 84 |",130)..z. .'...| 00000980 06 20 f5 0d 03 8e 26 20 f2 5f 43 45 4e 54 52 45 |. ....& ._CENTRE| 00000990 28 22 45 6e 74 65 72 20 4f 20 6f 72 20 4e 20 6f |("Enter O or N o| 000009a0 72 20 43 22 2c 31 33 30 29 0d 03 98 0e 20 53 45 |r C",130).... SE| 000009b0 4c 45 43 54 24 3d be 0d 03 a2 66 fd 20 53 45 4c |LECT$=....f. SEL| 000009c0 45 43 54 24 3d 22 4f 22 20 84 20 53 45 4c 45 43 |ECT$="O" . SELEC| 000009d0 54 24 3d 22 4e 22 20 84 20 53 45 4c 45 43 54 24 |T$="N" . SELECT$| 000009e0 3d 22 43 22 20 84 20 53 45 4c 45 43 54 24 3d 22 |="C" . SELECT$="| 000009f0 6f 22 20 84 20 53 45 4c 45 43 54 24 3d 22 6e 22 |o" . SELECT$="n"| 00000a00 20 84 20 53 45 4c 45 43 54 24 3d 22 63 22 20 3a | . SELECT$="c" :| 00000a10 20 db 20 3a 20 f2 5f 43 5f 48 45 41 44 0d 03 ac | . : ._C_HEAD...| 00000a20 5d e7 20 53 45 4c 45 43 54 24 3d 22 4f 22 20 84 |]. SELECT$="O" .| 00000a30 20 53 45 4c 45 43 54 24 3d 22 6f 22 20 8c 20 f2 | SELECT$="o" . .| 00000a40 5f 43 5f 4f 4e 45 20 8b 20 e7 20 53 45 4c 45 43 |_C_ONE . . SELEC| 00000a50 54 24 3d 22 4e 22 20 84 20 53 45 4c 45 43 54 24 |T$="N" . SELECT$| 00000a60 3d 22 6e 22 20 8c 20 f2 5f 43 5f 54 57 4f 20 8b |="n" . ._C_TWO .| 00000a70 20 f2 5f 43 5f 54 48 52 45 45 0d 03 b6 0b f2 5f | ._C_THREE....._| 00000a80 41 47 41 49 4e 0d 03 c0 05 e1 0d 03 ca 05 20 0d |AGAIN......... .| 00000a90 03 d4 0d dd f2 5f 43 5f 48 45 41 44 0d 03 de 08 |....._C_HEAD....| 00000aa0 20 f1 27 3b 0d 03 e8 26 20 f2 5f 43 45 4e 54 52 | .';...& ._CENTR| 00000ab0 45 28 22 50 45 52 43 45 4e 54 41 47 45 20 43 48 |E("PERCENTAGE CH| 00000ac0 41 4e 47 45 22 2c 31 33 31 29 0d 03 f2 26 20 f2 |ANGE",131)...& .| 00000ad0 5f 43 45 4e 54 52 45 28 22 5f 5f 5f 5f 5f 5f 5f |_CENTRE("_______| 00000ae0 5f 5f 5f 20 5f 5f 5f 5f 5f 5f 22 2c 31 33 31 29 |___ ______",131)| 00000af0 0d 03 fc 07 f1 27 3b 0d 04 06 20 20 f1 bd 28 31 |.....';... ..(1| 00000b00 33 31 29 3b 22 4f 20 20 4f 72 69 67 69 6e 61 6c |31);"O Original| 00000b10 20 56 61 6c 75 65 22 0d 04 10 1b 20 f1 bd 28 31 | Value".... ..(1| 00000b20 33 31 29 3b 22 4e 20 20 4e 65 77 20 56 61 6c 75 |31);"N New Valu| 00000b30 65 22 0d 04 1a 22 f1 bd 28 31 33 31 29 3b 22 43 |e"..."..(131);"C| 00000b40 20 20 50 65 72 63 65 6e 74 61 67 65 20 43 68 61 | Percentage Cha| 00000b50 6e 67 65 22 0d 04 24 05 e1 0d 04 2e 05 20 0d 04 |nge"..$...... ..| 00000b60 38 0b dd f2 5f 43 5f 45 58 0d 04 42 06 f1 27 0d |8..._C_EX..B..'.| 00000b70 04 4c 20 20 f2 5f 43 45 4e 54 52 45 28 22 45 78 |.L ._CENTRE("Ex| 00000b80 61 6d 70 6c 65 20 32 20 3a 22 2c 31 33 35 29 0d |ample 2 :",135).| 00000b90 04 56 79 f1 22 44 75 72 69 6e 67 20 31 39 38 30 |.Vy."During 1980| 00000ba0 20 74 68 65 20 55 53 20 64 6f 6c 6c 61 72 20 77 | the US dollar w| 00000bb0 61 73 20 77 6f 72 74 68 20 20 20 20 20 34 33 70 |as worth 43p| 00000bc0 22 3b bd 28 31 33 31 29 3b 22 28 4f 29 2e 22 3b |";.(131);"(O).";| 00000bd0 bd 28 31 33 35 29 3b 22 49 6e 20 65 61 72 6c 79 |.(135);"In early| 00000be0 20 31 39 38 35 20 69 74 20 77 61 73 20 77 6f 72 | 1985 it was wor| 00000bf0 74 68 20 20 20 20 20 39 36 70 22 bd 28 31 33 31 |th 96p".(131| 00000c00 29 3b 22 28 4e 29 2e 22 0d 04 60 46 20 f1 22 57 |);"(N)."..`F ."W| 00000c10 68 61 74 20 69 73 20 74 68 65 22 3b bd 28 31 33 |hat is the";.(13| 00000c20 31 29 3b 22 50 65 72 63 65 6e 74 61 67 65 20 43 |1);"Percentage C| 00000c30 68 61 6e 67 65 22 3b bd 28 31 33 31 29 3b 22 28 |hange";.(131);"(| 00000c40 43 29 22 3b bd 28 31 33 35 29 3b 22 3f 22 0d 04 |C)";.(135);"?"..| 00000c50 6a 30 f1 27 22 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 22 |j0.'" "| 00000c60 3b bd 31 33 31 3b 22 43 22 3b bd 31 33 35 3b 22 |;.131;"C";.135;"| 00000c70 3d 20 31 30 30 2a 28 4e 2d 4f 29 2f 4f 22 0d 04 |= 100*(N-O)/O"..| 00000c80 74 24 f1 22 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 |t$." | 00000c90 20 3d 20 31 30 30 2a 28 39 36 2d 34 33 29 2f 34 | = 100*(96-43)/4| 00000ca0 33 22 0d 04 7e 1c f1 22 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 |3"..~.." | 00000cb0 20 20 20 20 20 3d 20 31 32 33 2e 33 25 22 0d 04 | = 123.3%"..| 00000cc0 88 06 f1 27 0d 04 92 52 f1 22 54 68 69 73 20 66 |...'...R."This f| 00000cd0 6f 72 6d 75 6c 61 20 6d 61 79 20 61 6c 73 6f 20 |ormula may also | 00000ce0 62 65 20 75 73 65 64 20 74 6f 20 66 69 6e 64 20 |be used to find | 00000cf0 20 20 22 3b bd 28 31 33 31 29 3b 22 4f 22 3b bd | ";.(131);"O";.| 00000d00 28 31 33 35 29 3b 22 6f 72 22 3b bd 28 31 33 31 |(135);"or";.(131| 00000d10 29 3b 22 4e 2e 22 0d 04 9c 05 e1 0d 04 a6 05 20 |);"N."......... | 00000d20 0d 04 b0 05 20 0d 04 ba 08 dd f2 5f 50 0d 04 c4 |.... ......_P...| 00000d30 17 20 ef 31 32 2c 32 33 3b 38 32 30 32 3b 30 3b |. .12,23;8202;0;| 00000d40 30 3b 30 3b 0d 04 ce 0c f2 5f 50 5f 48 45 41 44 |0;0;....._P_HEAD| 00000d50 0d 04 d8 0a f2 5f 50 5f 45 58 0d 04 e2 0f 20 f2 |....._P_EX.... .| 00000d60 5f 43 4f 4e 54 49 4e 55 45 0d 04 ec 0d 20 f2 5f |_CONTINUE.... ._| 00000d70 50 5f 48 45 41 44 0d 04 f6 0c 20 f2 70 6d 6e 6f |P_HEAD.... .pmno| 00000d80 74 65 0d 05 00 0e f2 5f 43 4f 4e 54 49 4e 55 45 |te....._CONTINUE| 00000d90 0d 05 0a 0c f2 5f 50 5f 48 45 41 44 0d 05 14 15 |....._P_HEAD....| 00000da0 20 ef 32 33 3b 32 39 31 39 34 3b 30 3b 30 3b 30 | .23;29194;0;0;0| 00000db0 3b 0d 05 1e 06 f1 27 0d 05 28 39 20 f2 5f 43 45 |;.....'..(9 ._CE| 00000dc0 4e 54 52 45 28 22 57 68 69 63 68 20 6f 6e 65 20 |NTRE("Which one | 00000dd0 64 6f 20 79 6f 75 20 77 61 6e 74 20 74 6f 20 63 |do you want to c| 00000de0 61 6c 63 75 6c 61 74 65 20 3f 22 2c 31 33 30 29 |alculate ?",130)| 00000df0 0d 05 32 06 f1 27 0d 05 3c 05 f5 0d 05 46 21 20 |..2..'..<....F! | 00000e00 f2 5f 43 45 4e 54 52 45 28 22 45 6e 74 65 72 20 |._CENTRE("Enter | 00000e10 50 20 6f 72 20 4d 22 2c 31 33 30 29 0d 05 50 0e |P or M",130)..P.| 00000e20 20 73 65 6c 65 63 74 24 3d be 0d 05 5a 4b 20 fd | select$=...ZK .| 00000e30 20 73 65 6c 65 63 74 24 3d 22 50 22 20 84 20 73 | select$="P" . s| 00000e40 65 6c 65 63 74 24 3d 22 4d 22 20 84 20 73 65 6c |elect$="M" . sel| 00000e50 65 63 74 24 3d 22 70 22 20 84 20 73 65 6c 65 63 |ect$="p" . selec| 00000e60 74 24 3d 22 6d 22 20 3a 20 db 20 3a 20 f2 5f 50 |t$="m" : . : ._P| 00000e70 5f 48 45 41 44 0d 05 64 33 e7 20 73 65 6c 65 63 |_HEAD..d3. selec| 00000e80 74 24 3d 22 50 22 20 84 20 73 65 6c 65 63 74 24 |t$="P" . select$| 00000e90 3d 22 70 22 20 8c 20 f2 5f 50 5f 4f 4e 45 20 8b |="p" . ._P_ONE .| 00000ea0 20 f2 5f 50 5f 54 57 4f 0d 05 6e 0b f2 5f 41 47 | ._P_TWO..n.._AG| 00000eb0 41 49 4e 0d 05 78 05 e1 0d 05 82 05 20 0d 05 8c |AIN..x...... ...| 00000ec0 0d dd f2 5f 50 5f 48 45 41 44 0d 05 96 08 20 f1 |..._P_HEAD.... .| 00000ed0 27 3b 0d 05 a0 26 20 f2 5f 43 45 4e 54 52 45 28 |';...& ._CENTRE(| 00000ee0 22 50 52 4f 46 49 54 20 41 4e 44 20 4d 41 52 4b |"PROFIT AND MARK| 00000ef0 55 50 22 2c 31 33 34 29 0d 05 aa 26 20 f2 5f 43 |UP",134)...& ._C| 00000f00 45 4e 54 52 45 28 22 5f 5f 5f 5f 5f 5f 20 5f 5f |ENTRE("______ __| 00000f10 5f 20 5f 5f 5f 5f 5f 5f 22 2c 31 33 34 29 0d 05 |_ ______",134)..| 00000f20 be 2f 20 f1 8a 33 2c 34 29 3b bd 28 31 33 34 29 |./ ..3,4);.(134)| 00000f30 3b 22 54 68 65 20 72 65 6c 61 74 69 6f 6e 73 68 |;"The relationsh| 00000f40 69 70 20 62 65 74 77 65 65 6e 20 2d 22 0d 05 c8 |ip between -"...| 00000f50 29 f1 bd 28 31 33 34 29 3b 22 50 20 20 47 72 6f |)..(134);"P Gro| 00000f60 73 73 20 50 72 6f 66 69 74 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 |ss Profit | 00000f70 20 20 61 6e 64 22 0d 05 d2 24 f1 bd 28 31 33 34 | and"...$..(134| 00000f80 29 3b 22 4d 20 20 4d 61 72 6b 75 70 2c 20 6f 72 |);"M Markup, or| 00000f90 20 27 4d 61 72 67 69 6e 27 22 0d 05 dc 05 e1 0d | 'Margin'"......| 00000fa0 05 e6 05 20 0d 05 f0 0b dd f2 5f 50 5f 45 58 0d |... ......_P_EX.| 00000fb0 05 fa 08 20 f1 27 3b 0d 06 04 20 20 f2 5f 43 45 |... .';... ._CE| 00000fc0 4e 54 52 45 28 22 45 78 61 6d 70 6c 65 20 33 20 |NTRE("Example 3 | 00000fd0 3a 22 2c 31 33 35 29 0d 06 0e ca f1 22 41 20 6d |:",135)....."A m| 00000fe0 61 6e 20 62 75 79 73 20 61 20 63 61 72 20 61 6e |an buys a car an| 00000ff0 64 20 74 68 65 6e 20 73 65 6c 6c 73 20 69 74 2e |d then sells it.| 00001000 20 20 49 66 20 68 65 20 6d 61 6b 65 73 20 61 22 | If he makes a"| 00001010 3b bd 28 31 33 34 29 3b 22 70 72 6f 66 69 74 20 |;.(134);"profit | 00001020 28 50 29 22 3b bd 28 31 33 35 29 3b 22 6f 66 20 |(P)";.(135);"of | 00001030 32 30 25 20 28 74 68 65 20 73 61 6c 65 20 20 70 |20% (the sale p| 00001040 72 69 63 65 20 6c 65 73 73 20 74 68 65 20 63 6f |rice less the co| 00001050 73 74 20 70 72 69 63 65 2c 20 61 73 20 61 20 20 |st price, as a | 00001060 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 70 65 72 63 65 6e 74 61 67 | percentag| 00001070 65 20 6f 66 20 74 68 65 22 3b bd 28 31 33 34 29 |e of the";.(134)| 00001080 3b 22 53 41 4c 45 22 3b bd 28 31 33 35 29 3b 22 |;"SALE";.(135);"| 00001090 70 72 69 63 65 29 2c 20 77 68 61 74 20 77 61 73 |price), what was| 000010a0 22 0d 06 18 a4 f1 22 68 69 73 20 70 65 72 63 65 |"....."his perce| 000010b0 6e 74 61 67 65 20 4d 61 72 6b 75 70 20 3f 20 20 |ntage Markup ? | 000010c0 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 28 | (| 000010d0 22 3b bd 28 31 33 34 29 3b 22 4d 61 72 6b 75 70 |";.(134);"Markup| 000010e0 20 28 4d 29 22 3b bd 28 31 33 35 29 3b 22 69 73 | (M)";.(135);"is| 000010f0 20 74 68 65 20 73 61 6c 65 20 70 72 69 63 65 20 | the sale price | 00001100 6c 65 73 73 20 74 68 65 20 63 6f 73 74 20 70 72 |less the cost pr| 00001110 69 63 65 20 61 73 20 61 20 70 65 72 63 65 6e 74 |ice as a percent| 00001120 61 67 65 20 6f 66 20 74 68 65 22 3b bd 28 31 33 |age of the";.(13| 00001130 34 29 3b 22 43 4f 53 54 22 3b 22 20 20 70 72 69 |4);"COST";" pri| 00001140 63 65 29 2e 22 0d 06 22 30 f1 22 20 20 20 20 20 |ce).".."0." | 00001150 20 20 22 3b bd 31 33 34 3b 22 4d 22 3b bd 31 33 | ";.134;"M";.13| 00001160 35 3b 22 3d 20 28 31 30 30 2a 50 29 2f 28 31 30 |5;"= (100*P)/(10| 00001170 30 2d 50 29 22 0d 06 2c 24 f1 22 20 20 20 20 20 |0-P)"..,$." | 00001180 20 20 20 20 20 3d 20 28 31 30 30 2a 32 30 29 2f | = (100*20)/| 00001190 28 31 30 30 2d 32 30 29 22 0d 06 36 16 f1 22 20 |(100-20)"..6.." | 000011a0 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 3d 20 32 35 25 22 0d | = 25%".| 000011b0 06 40 08 20 f1 27 3b 0d 06 4a 36 f1 22 54 68 69 |.@. .';..J6."Thi| 000011c0 73 20 66 6f 72 6d 75 6c 61 20 6d 61 79 20 61 6c |s formula may al| 000011d0 73 6f 20 62 65 20 75 73 65 64 20 74 6f 20 66 69 |so be used to fi| 000011e0 6e 64 22 3b bd 31 33 34 3b 22 50 2e 22 0d 06 54 |nd";.134;"P."..T| 000011f0 06 20 e1 0d 06 5e 05 20 0d 06 68 0d 20 dd f2 5f |. ...^. ..h. .._| 00001200 53 5f 4f 4e 45 0d 06 72 07 20 f1 27 0d 06 7c 06 |S_ONE..r. .'..|.| 00001210 20 f5 0d 06 86 25 20 f1 bd 28 31 33 30 29 22 45 | ....% ..(130)"E| 00001220 6e 74 65 72 20 42 20 20 20 22 3b bd 28 31 33 35 |nter B ";.(135| 00001230 29 3b 3a e8 20 42 3b 0d 06 90 0a 20 fd 20 42 3e |);:. B;.... . B>| 00001240 30 0d 06 9a 08 20 f1 27 3b 0d 06 a4 06 20 f5 0d |0.... .';.... ..| 00001250 06 ae 26 20 f1 bd 28 31 33 30 29 22 45 6e 74 65 |..& ..(130)"Ente| 00001260 72 20 50 20 20 20 20 22 3b bd 28 31 33 35 29 3b |r P ";.(135);| 00001270 3a e8 20 50 3b 0d 06 b8 0a 20 fd 20 50 3e 30 0d |:. P;.... . P>0.| 00001280 06 c2 10 20 41 3d 28 42 2a 31 30 30 29 2f 50 0d |... A=(B*100)/P.| 00001290 06 cc 07 20 f1 27 0d 06 d6 20 20 f1 22 46 69 72 |... .'... ."Fir| 000012a0 73 74 20 4e 75 6d 62 65 72 20 3d 20 22 3b bd 28 |st Number = ";.(| 000012b0 31 32 39 29 3b 41 0d 06 e0 0c 20 f2 5f 41 47 41 |129);A.... ._AGA| 000012c0 49 4e 0d 06 ea 06 20 e1 0d 06 f4 05 20 0d 06 fe |IN.... ..... ...| 000012d0 0d 20 dd f2 5f 53 5f 54 57 4f 0d 07 08 06 f1 27 |. .._S_TWO.....'| 000012e0 0d 07 12 06 20 f5 0d 07 1c 25 20 f1 bd 28 31 33 |.... ....% ..(13| 000012f0 30 29 22 45 6e 74 65 72 20 41 20 20 20 22 3b bd |0)"Enter A ";.| 00001300 28 31 33 35 29 3b 3a e8 20 41 3b 0d 07 26 0a 20 |(135);:. A;..&. | 00001310 fd 20 41 3e 30 0d 07 30 08 20 f1 27 3b 0d 07 3a |. A>0..0. .';..:| 00001320 06 20 f5 0d 07 44 26 20 f1 bd 28 31 33 30 29 22 |. ...D& ..(130)"| 00001330 45 6e 74 65 72 20 50 20 20 20 20 22 3b bd 28 31 |Enter P ";.(1| 00001340 33 35 29 3b 3a e8 20 50 3b 0d 07 4e 0a 20 fd 20 |35);:. P;..N. . | 00001350 50 3e 30 0d 07 58 0f 42 3d 28 41 2a 50 29 2f 31 |P>0..X.B=(A*P)/1| 00001360 30 30 0d 07 62 07 20 f1 27 0d 07 6c 20 f1 22 53 |00..b. .'..l ."S| 00001370 65 63 6f 6e 64 20 4e 75 6d 62 65 72 20 3d 20 22 |econd Number = "| 00001380 3b bd 28 31 32 39 29 3b 42 0d 07 76 0c 20 f2 5f |;.(129);B..v. ._| 00001390 41 47 41 49 4e 0d 07 80 06 20 e1 0d 07 8a 05 20 |AGAIN.... ..... | 000013a0 0d 07 94 0f 20 dd f2 5f 53 5f 54 48 52 45 45 0d |.... .._S_THREE.| 000013b0 07 9e 06 f1 27 0d 07 a8 06 20 f5 0d 07 b2 25 20 |....'.... ....% | 000013c0 f1 bd 28 31 33 30 29 22 45 6e 74 65 72 20 41 20 |..(130)"Enter A | 000013d0 20 20 22 3b bd 28 31 33 35 29 3b 3a e8 20 41 3b | ";.(135);:. A;| 000013e0 0d 07 bc 0a 20 fd 20 41 3e 30 0d 07 c6 08 20 f1 |.... . A>0.... .| 000013f0 27 3b 0d 07 d0 06 20 f5 0d 07 da 25 20 f1 bd 28 |';.... ....% ..(| 00001400 31 33 30 29 22 45 6e 74 65 72 20 42 20 20 20 22 |130)"Enter B "| 00001410 3b bd 28 31 33 35 29 3b 3a e8 20 42 3b 0d 07 e4 |;.(135);:. B;...| 00001420 0a 20 fd 20 42 3e 30 0d 07 ee 0f 50 3d 28 42 2f |. . B>0....P=(B/| 00001430 41 29 2a 31 30 30 0d 07 f8 07 20 f1 27 0d 08 02 |A)*100.... .'...| 00001440 24 f1 22 42 20 69 73 22 3b bd 28 31 32 39 29 3b |$."B is";.(129);| 00001450 50 3b bd 28 31 33 35 29 3b 22 25 20 6f 66 20 41 |P;.(135);"% of A| 00001460 22 0d 08 0c 0b f2 5f 41 47 41 49 4e 0d 08 16 06 |"....._AGAIN....| 00001470 20 e1 0d 08 20 05 20 0d 08 2a 0d 20 dd f2 5f 43 | ... . ..*. .._C| 00001480 5f 4f 4e 45 0d 08 34 09 20 ea 20 63 25 0d 08 3e |_ONE..4. . c%..>| 00001490 06 f1 27 0d 08 48 06 20 f5 0d 08 52 25 20 f1 bd |..'..H. ...R% ..| 000014a0 28 31 33 30 29 22 45 6e 74 65 72 20 4e 20 20 20 |(130)"Enter N | 000014b0 22 3b bd 28 31 33 35 29 3b 3a e8 20 4e 3b 0d 08 |";.(135);:. N;..| 000014c0 5c 0a 20 fd 20 4e 3e 30 0d 08 66 08 20 f1 27 3b |\. . N>0..f. .';| 000014d0 0d 08 70 06 20 f5 0d 08 7a 26 20 f1 bd 28 31 33 |..p. ...z& ..(13| 000014e0 30 29 22 45 6e 74 65 72 20 43 20 20 20 22 3b bd |0)"Enter C ";.| 000014f0 28 31 33 35 29 3b 3a e8 20 43 24 3b 0d 08 84 0d |(135);:. C$;....| 00001500 20 63 25 3d 97 28 43 24 29 0d 08 8e 24 20 fd 20 | c%=.(C$)...$ . | 00001510 63 25 3e 34 37 20 80 20 63 25 3c 35 38 20 84 20 |c%>47 . c%<58 . | 00001520 63 25 3d 34 35 20 84 20 63 25 3d 34 36 0d 08 98 |c%=45 . c%=46...| 00001530 0c 20 43 3d bb 28 43 24 29 0d 08 a2 13 4f 3d 4e |. C=.(C$)....O=N| 00001540 2f 28 28 43 2f 31 30 30 29 2b 31 29 0d 08 ac 07 |/((C/100)+1)....| 00001550 20 f1 27 0d 08 b6 2a f1 bd 28 31 33 31 29 3b 22 | .'...*..(131);"| 00001560 4f 72 69 67 69 6e 61 6c 20 56 61 6c 75 65 20 77 |Original Value w| 00001570 61 73 20 22 3b bd 28 31 32 39 29 3b 4f 0d 08 c0 |as ";.(129);O...| 00001580 0b f2 5f 41 47 41 49 4e 0d 08 ca 06 20 e1 0d 08 |.._AGAIN.... ...| 00001590 d4 05 20 0d 08 de 0d 20 dd f2 5f 43 5f 54 57 4f |.. .... .._C_TWO| 000015a0 0d 08 e8 09 20 ea 20 63 25 0d 08 f2 06 f1 27 0d |.... . c%.....'.| 000015b0 08 fc 06 20 f5 0d 09 06 25 20 f1 bd 28 31 33 30 |... ....% ..(130| 000015c0 29 22 45 6e 74 65 72 20 4f 20 20 20 22 3b bd 28 |)"Enter O ";.(| 000015d0 31 33 35 29 3b 3a e8 20 4f 3b 0d 09 10 0a 20 fd |135);:. O;.... .| 000015e0 20 4f 3e 30 0d 09 1a 08 20 f1 27 3b 0d 09 24 06 | O>0.... .';..$.| 000015f0 20 f5 0d 09 2e 26 20 f1 bd 28 31 33 30 29 22 45 | ....& ..(130)"E| 00001600 6e 74 65 72 20 43 20 20 20 22 3b bd 28 31 33 35 |nter C ";.(135| 00001610 29 3b 3a e8 20 43 24 3b 0d 09 38 0d 20 63 25 3d |);:. C$;..8. c%=| 00001620 97 28 43 24 29 0d 09 42 24 20 fd 20 63 25 3e 34 |.(C$)..B$ . c%>4| 00001630 37 20 80 20 63 25 3c 35 38 20 84 20 63 25 3d 34 |7 . c%<58 . c%=4| 00001640 35 20 84 20 63 25 3d 34 36 0d 09 4c 0c 20 43 3d |5 . c%=46..L. 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X%,Y%..B. .4,X| 00001f20 25 2c 59 25 0d 0e 4c 0f 20 f2 5f 44 45 4c 41 59 |%,Y%..L. ._DELAY| 00001f30 28 35 29 0d 0e 56 0c 20 f3 20 58 25 2c 59 25 0d |(5)..V. . X%,Y%.| 00001f40 0e 60 0e 20 f0 38 35 2c 58 25 2c 59 25 0d 0e 6a |.`. .85,X%,Y%..j| 00001f50 0f 20 f2 5f 44 45 4c 41 59 28 35 29 0d 0e 74 09 |. ._DELAY(5)..t.| 00001f60 20 50 25 3d 30 0d 0e 7e 10 20 e3 20 50 25 3d 31 | P%=0..~. . P%=1| 00001f70 20 b8 20 32 34 0d 0e 88 0b 20 f0 34 2c 30 2c 30 | . 24.... .4,0,0| 00001f80 0d 0e 92 0c 20 f3 20 58 25 2c 59 25 0d 0e 9c 0e |.... . X%,Y%....| 00001f90 20 f0 38 35 2c 58 25 2c 59 25 0d 0e a6 0f 20 f2 | .85,X%,Y%.... .| 00001fa0 5f 44 45 4c 41 59 28 35 29 0d 0e b0 0c 20 f3 20 |_DELAY(5).... . | 00001fb0 58 25 2c 59 25 0d 0e ba 0e 20 f0 38 35 2c 58 25 |X%,Y%.... .85,X%| 00001fc0 2c 59 25 0d 0e c4 0f 20 f2 5f 44 45 4c 41 59 28 |,Y%.... ._DELAY(| 00001fd0 35 29 0d 0e ce 06 20 ed 0d 0e d8 0b 20 f0 34 2c |5).... ..... .4,| 00001fe0 30 2c 30 0d 0e e2 0c 20 f3 20 58 25 2c 59 25 0d |0,0.... . 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