Home » Personal collection » Commodore tapes » Commodore_64 » drawer_tr_tape01a_d60_c64_tape.wav (22 files; 60.18 kB)

drawer_tr_tape01a_d60_c64_tape.wav (22 files; 60.18 kB)

This website contains an archive of files for the Acorn Electron, BBC Micro, Acorn Archimedes, Commodore 16 and Commodore 64 computers, which Dominic Ford has rescued from his private collection of floppy disks and cassettes.

Some of these files were originally commercial releases in the 1980s and 1990s, but they are now widely available online. I assume that copyright over them is no longer being asserted. If you own the copyright and would like files to be removed, please contact me.

These files have been digitised from original cassettes by Dominic Ford in 2022-3. They are exact replicas of the original tape media from the author's private collection.
The files below are intended to run on: Commodore 64.

Disk images

Original media images
Media scan

Filename Status File
File hash Duplicates
music-start 04F4 00000801 001 950d32ca 0
pacman1 0CD7 00000801 001 08b1d7f7 0
colour sprite 0FF8 00000801 001 67a60ecf 2
supermon enter 030E 00000801 001 b003464e 0
supermon 11EC 00000000 003 23d10588 0
supermon_ 11EC 00000000 0FF 4e98dada 0
supermon 11EC 00000000 003 280db4a8 0
supermon_ 11EC 00000000 0FF 28bb7b94 0
music-start-v2 0CB8 00000801 001 27381a0c 2
venetien 13B7 00000801 001 6d6780f7 2
bouncing ball 0133 00000801 001 39e00b63 0
bouncing around 0219 00000801 001 c248a6c7 2
graphics module 0533 00000801 001 8c254948 0
spider 1580 00000801 001 b57a587a 0
loader 06F9 00000801 001 07241a7f 0
tune 03A2 0000033C 004 8138d391 0
commodore disp 0308 00000801 001 9a2a4668 2
bounce 061B 00000801 001 bab01e6d 0
graphics 1231 0000033C 004 4612df42 0
degrees 02B7 00000801 001 f901e30b 0
degrees+ 0181 00000801 001 4bcef216 0
pacattack 1BA6 00000801 001 a06a2daf 2

Directory listing
    3108 bytes - /mnt/ganymede4/dcf21/cassette_archive/drawer_tr/drawer_tr_tape01a_d60_c64_tape.wav (C64 mode)
> 113122 bytes - /mnt/ganymede4/dcf21/cassette_archive_2/drawer_tr/drawer_tr_tape01a2_d60_c64_tape.wav (C64 mode)
   66720 bytes - /mnt/ganymede4/dcf21/cassette_archive_2/drawer_tr/drawer_tr_tape01a_d60_c64_tape.wav (C64 mode)
       0 bytes - /mnt/ganymede4/dcf21/cassette_archive/drawer_tr/drawer_tr_tape01a_d60_c64_tape.wav (C16 mode)
       0 bytes - /mnt/ganymede4/dcf21/cassette_archive_2/drawer_tr/drawer_tr_tape01a2_d60_c64_tape.wav (C16 mode)
       0 bytes - /mnt/ganymede4/dcf21/cassette_archive_2/drawer_tr/drawer_tr_tape01a_d60_c64_tape.wav (C16 mode)

Working on <drawer_tr_tape01a_d60_c64_tape.wav> -- number of recordings: 3
Opened <C64>: /mnt/ganymede4/dcf21/cassette_archive/drawer_tr/drawer_tr_tape01a_d60_c64_tape.wav mode, 1 channels, 48000 frames/sec, length 32m57.6s
Tape digitisation date: Mon Aug  1 18:04:58 2022
[Start/sec  - End/sec   ] Copy  Length Type [Config] Hash        Information
[  23.11535 -   24.97948] 0 00c0 bytes HEAD [A-    ] 810553 hash; type <01> filename <music-start>
[  25.09935 -   26.97577] 1 00c0 bytes HEAD [A-    ] 810553 hash; type <01> filename <music-start>
[  29.55540 -   41.96904] 0 04f4 bytes DATA [A-    ] 859532 hash
[  42.09027 -   54.65827] 1 04f4 bytes DATA [A-    ] 859532 hash
[1244.54848 - 1246.50754] 1 00bc bytes DATA [A-    ] 6f956e hash

Recovered   3108 bytes; tape speed 1.000.
Opened <C64>: /mnt/ganymede4/dcf21/cassette_archive_2/drawer_tr/drawer_tr_tape01a2_d60_c64_tape.wav mode, 2 channels, 48000 frames/sec, length 30m52.8s
Tape digitisation date: Wed Nov 16 22:02:11 2022
[Start/sec  - End/sec   ] Copy  Length Type [Config] Hash        Information
[  22.98290 -   24.85031] 0 00c0 bytes HEAD [A-C-  ] 810553 hash; type <01> filename <music-start>
[  24.96956 -   26.83683] 1 00c0 bytes HEAD [A-C-  ] 810553 hash; type <01> filename <music-start>
[  29.40627 -   41.68644] 0 04f4 bytes DATA [A-C-  ] 859532 hash
[  41.80579 -   54.08700] 1 04f4 bytes DATA [A---  ] 859532 hash
[  70.13921 -   72.00810] 0 00c0 bytes HEAD [A-C-  ] 3777e5 hash; type <01> filename <pacman1>
[  72.12758 -   73.99656] 1 00c0 bytes HEAD [A-C-  ] 3777e5 hash; type <01> filename <pacman1>
[  76.56927 -  108.40642] 0 0cd7 bytes DATA [A---  ] c76417 hash
[ 108.52573 -  140.36150] 1 0cd7 bytes DATA [A-C-  ] c76417 hash
[ 158.58777 -  160.45531] 0 00c0 bytes HEAD [A-C-  ] 22d0ca hash; type <01> filename <colour sprite>
[ 160.57460 -  162.44173] 1 00c0 bytes HEAD [A-C-  ] 22d0ca hash; type <01> filename <colour sprite>
[ 165.01252 -  204.58025] 0 0ff8 bytes DATA [A-C-  ] 814777 hash
[ 204.69954 -  244.25610] 1 0ff8 bytes DATA [A-C-  ] 814777 hash
[ 267.71002 -  269.57965] 0 00c0 bytes HEAD [A-C-  ] e95a46 hash; type <01> filename <supermon enter>
[ 269.69902 -  271.56860] 1 00c0 bytes HEAD [A-C-  ] e95a46 hash; type <01> filename <supermon enter>
[ 274.14137 -  281.72652] 0 030e bytes DATA [A-C-  ] 6adf4b hash
[ 281.84594 -  289.42981] 1 030e bytes DATA [A-C-  ] 6adf4b hash
[ 312.59490 -  314.46579] 0 00c0 bytes HEAD [A-C-  ] 5b6058 hash; type <03> filename <supermon>
[ 314.58550 -  316.45625] 1 00c0 bytes HEAD [A-C-  ] 5b6058 hash; type <03> filename <supermon>
[ 319.03104 -  363.52333] 0 11ec bytes DATA [A-C-  ] 1453f7 hash
[ 363.64294 -  408.12904] 1 11ec bytes DATA [A-C-  ] 8659bb hash
[ 435.98179 -  437.85294] 0 00c0 bytes HEAD [A-C-  ] 5b6058 hash; type <03> filename <supermon>
[ 437.97252 -  439.84344] 1 00c0 bytes HEAD [A-C-  ] 5b6058 hash; type <03> filename <supermon>
[ 442.41792 -  486.90231] 0 11ec bytes DATA [A-C-  ] 08b219 hash
[ 487.02167 -  531.50996] 1 11ec bytes DATA [A-C-  ] 8448c2 hash
[ 566.70877 -  568.57983] 0 00c0 bytes HEAD [A-C-  ] 8f999c hash; type <01> filename <music-start-v2>
[ 568.69944 -  570.57033] 1 00c0 bytes HEAD [A-C-  ] 8f999c hash; type <01> filename <music-start-v2>
[ 573.14575 -  604.72104] 0 0cb8 bytes DATA [A---  ] 92d43d hash
[ 604.84065 -  636.40706] 1 0cb8 bytes DATA [A-C-  ] 92d43d hash
[ 654.93700 -  656.80931] 0 00c0 bytes HEAD [A-C-  ] a0d347 hash; type <01> filename <venetien>
[ 656.92904 -  658.80146] 1 00c0 bytes HEAD [A-C-  ] a0d347 hash; type <01> filename <venetien>
[ 661.37740 -  710.34312] 0 13b7 bytes DATA [A-C-  ] 044840 hash
[ 710.46267 -  759.41467] 1 13b7 bytes DATA [A-C-  ] 044840 hash
[ 783.43285 -  785.30573] 0 00c0 bytes HEAD [A-C-  ] 41d563 hash; type <01> filename <bouncing ball>
[ 785.42546 -  787.29831] 1 00c0 bytes HEAD [A-C-  ] 41d563 hash; type <01> filename <bouncing ball>
[ 789.87498 -  792.86358] 0 0133 bytes DATA [A-C-  ] 3ce14c hash
[ 792.98325 -  795.97196] 1 0133 bytes DATA [A-C-  ] 3ce14c hash
[ 822.12827 -  824.00106] 0 00c0 bytes HEAD [A-C-  ] 066373 hash; type <01> filename <bouncing around>
[ 824.12079 -  825.99437] 1 00c0 bytes HEAD [A-C-  ] 066373 hash; type <01> filename <bouncing around>
[ 828.57246 -  833.79494] 0 0219 bytes DATA [A-C-  ] b34f16 hash
[ 833.91467 -  839.13621] 1 0219 bytes DATA [A-C-  ] b34f16 hash
[ 863.00167 -  864.87485] 0 00c0 bytes HEAD [A-C-  ] 77f657 hash; type <01> filename <graphics module>
[ 864.99450 -  866.86794] 1 00c0 bytes HEAD [A-C-  ] 77f657 hash; type <01> filename <graphics module>
[ 869.44598 -  882.37223] 0 0533 bytes DATA [A-C-  ] 345c02 hash
[ 882.49196 -  895.41806] 1 0533 bytes DATA [A-C-  ] 345c02 hash
[ 921.78794 -  923.65944] 0 00c0 bytes HEAD [A-C-  ] b11b76 hash; type <01> filename <spider>
[ 923.77915 -  925.65146] 1 00c0 bytes HEAD [A-C-  ] b11b76 hash; type <01> filename <spider>
[ 928.22771 -  981.61640] 0 1580 bytes DATA [A---  ] 17aa71 hash
[ 981.73577 - 1035.11419] 1 1580 bytes DATA [A-C-  ] 17aa71 hash
[1065.62717 - 1067.50048] 0 00c0 bytes HEAD [A-C-  ] 9470c7 hash; type <01> filename <loader>
[1067.62037 - 1069.49363] 1 00c0 bytes HEAD [A-C-  ] 9470c7 hash; type <01> filename <loader>
[1072.07181 - 1089.40956] 0 06f9 bytes DATA [A-C-  ] 491076 hash
[1089.52929 - 1106.86677] 1 06f9 bytes DATA [A-C-  ] 491076 hash
[1149.03163 - 1150.90444] 0 00c0 bytes HEAD [A-C-  ] 3f350c hash; type <04> filename <tune>
[1151.02398 - 1152.89631] 1 00c0 bytes HEAD [A-C-  ] 3f350c hash; type <04> filename <tune>
[1155.53654 - 1157.40977] 0 00c0 bytes SEQ_ [A-C-  ] a2f3a0 hash; type <02> payload 186 bytes
[1157.52952 - 1159.40302] 1 00c0 bytes SEQ_ [A-C-  ] a2f3a0 hash; type <02> payload 186 bytes
[1162.03960 - 1163.91283] 0 00c0 bytes SEQ_ [A-C-  ] ce831e hash; type <02> payload 187 bytes
[1164.03242 - 1165.90477] 1 00c0 bytes SEQ_ [A-C-  ] ce831e hash; type <02> payload 187 bytes
[1168.54725 - 1170.41894] 0 00c0 bytes SEQ_ [A-C-  ] 819d67 hash; type <02> payload 186 bytes
[1170.53844 - 1172.40958] 1 00c0 bytes SEQ_ [A-C-  ] 819d67 hash; type <02> payload 186 bytes
[1175.04810 - 1176.91910] 0 00c0 bytes SEQ_ [A-C-  ] 5dc800 hash; type <02> payload 185 bytes
[1177.03883 - 1178.90935] 1 00c0 bytes SEQ_ [A-C-  ] 5dc800 hash; type <02> payload 185 bytes
[1181.53871 - 1183.41050] 0 00c0 bytes SEQ_ [A-C-  ] 78667a hash; type <02> payload 186 bytes
[1183.53015 - 1185.40050] 1 00c0 bytes SEQ_ [A-C-  ] 78667a hash; type <02> payload 186 bytes
[1186.29662 - 1188.16804] 1 00c0 bytes SEQ_ [A-C-  ] 78667a hash; type <02> payload 186 bytes
[1214.95383 - 1216.82583] 0 00c0 bytes HEAD [A-C-  ] a93b99 hash; type <01> filename <commodore disp>
[1216.94540 - 1218.81765] 1 00c0 bytes HEAD [A-C-  ] a93b99 hash; type <01> filename <commodore disp>
[1221.39354 - 1228.92727] 0 0308 bytes DATA [A-C-  ] a265a0 hash
[1229.04679 - 1236.57977] 1 0308 bytes DATA [A-C-  ] a265a0 hash
[1282.15542 - 1284.02748] 0 00c0 bytes HEAD [A-C-  ] d12c8d hash; type <01> filename <bounce>
[1284.14710 - 1286.01921] 1 00c0 bytes HEAD [A-C-  ] d12c8d hash; type <01> filename <bounce>
[1288.59569 - 1303.76648] 0 061b bytes DATA [A-C-  ] 2122c8 hash
[1303.88612 - 1319.05342] 1 061b bytes DATA [A-C-  ] 2122c8 hash
[1348.09769 - 1349.97090] 0 00c0 bytes HEAD [A-C-  ] b93818 hash; type <04> filename <graphics>
[1350.09065 - 1351.96390] 1 00c0 bytes HEAD [A-C-  ] b93818 hash; type <04> filename <graphics>
[1354.60267 - 1356.47575] 0 00c0 bytes SEQ_ [A-C-  ] be6410 hash; type <02> payload 187 bytes
[1356.59546 - 1358.46856] 1 00c0 bytes SEQ_ [A-C-  ] be6410 hash; type <02> payload 187 bytes
[1361.11419 - 1362.98702] 0 00c0 bytes SEQ_ [A-C-  ] a1d8bb hash; type <02> payload 186 bytes
[1363.10673 - 1364.97975] 1 00c0 bytes SEQ_ [A-C-  ] a1d8bb hash; type <02> payload 186 bytes
[1367.62810 - 1369.50077] 0 00c0 bytes SEQ_ [A-C-  ] ce45d9 hash; type <02> payload 187 bytes
[1369.62042 - 1371.49287] 1 00c0 bytes SEQ_ [A-C-  ] ce45d9 hash; type <02> payload 187 bytes
[1374.13742 - 1376.00994] 0 00c0 bytes SEQ_ [A-C-  ] 04e5ea hash; type <02> payload 187 bytes
[1376.12963 - 1378.00204] 1 00c0 bytes SEQ_ [A-C-  ] 04e5ea hash; type <02> payload 187 bytes
[1380.64529 - 1382.51754] 0 00c0 bytes SEQ_ [A-C-  ] 0ac416 hash; type <02> payload 187 bytes
[1382.63719 - 1384.50975] 1 00c0 bytes SEQ_ [A-C-  ] 0ac416 hash; type <02> payload 187 bytes
[1387.15456 - 1389.02710] 0 00c0 bytes SEQ_ [A-C-  ] 2ff1a8 hash; type <02> payload 186 bytes
[1389.14667 - 1391.01865] 1 00c0 bytes SEQ_ [A-C-  ] 2ff1a8 hash; type <02> payload 186 bytes
[1393.66160 - 1395.53390] 0 00c0 bytes SEQ_ [A-C-  ] 163ce0 hash; type <02> payload 186 bytes
[1395.65350 - 1397.52592] 1 00c0 bytes SEQ_ [A-C-  ] 163ce0 hash; type <02> payload 186 bytes
[1400.16956 - 1402.04200] 0 00c0 bytes SEQ_ [A-C-  ] b378e7 hash; type <02> payload 185 bytes
[1402.16158 - 1404.03415] 1 00c0 bytes SEQ_ [A-C-  ] b378e7 hash; type <02> payload 185 bytes
[1406.67510 - 1408.54738] 0 00c0 bytes SEQ_ [A-C-  ] 479123 hash; type <02> payload 187 bytes
[1408.66690 - 1410.53919] 1 00c0 bytes SEQ_ [A-C-  ] 479123 hash; type <02> payload 187 bytes
[1413.18223 - 1415.05448] 0 00c0 bytes SEQ_ [A-C-  ] e7b120 hash; type <02> payload 187 bytes
[1415.17410 - 1417.04625] 1 00c0 bytes SEQ_ [A-C-  ] e7b120 hash; type <02> payload 187 bytes
[1419.69119 - 1421.56327] 0 00c0 bytes SEQ_ [A-C-  ] d5cce5 hash; type <02> payload 186 bytes
[1421.68287 - 1423.55521] 1 00c0 bytes SEQ_ [A-C-  ] d5cce5 hash; type <02> payload 186 bytes
[1426.20046 - 1428.07321] 0 00c0 bytes SEQ_ [A-C-  ] 901c1b hash; type <02> payload 186 bytes
[1428.19277 - 1430.06544] 1 00c0 bytes SEQ_ [A-C-  ] 901c1b hash; type <02> payload 186 bytes
[1432.71021 - 1434.58258] 0 00c0 bytes SEQ_ [A-C-  ] c2abbf hash; type <02> payload 185 bytes
[1434.70244 - 1436.57490] 1 00c0 bytes SEQ_ [A-C-  ] c2abbf hash; type <02> payload 185 bytes
[1439.21688 - 1441.08950] 0 00c0 bytes SEQ_ [A-C-  ] 2f5e1f hash; type <02> payload 186 bytes
[1441.20925 - 1443.08148] 1 00c0 bytes SEQ_ [A-C-  ] 2f5e1f hash; type <02> payload 186 bytes
[1445.72144 - 1447.59394] 0 00c0 bytes SEQ_ [A-C-  ] b3ae84 hash; type <02> payload 186 bytes
[1447.71348 - 1449.58579] 1 00c0 bytes SEQ_ [A-C-  ] b3ae84 hash; type <02> payload 186 bytes
[1452.22806 - 1454.10040] 0 00c0 bytes SEQ_ [A-C-  ] 0b6a70 hash; type <02> payload 186 bytes
[1454.22017 - 1456.09256] 1 00c0 bytes SEQ_ [A-C-  ] 0b6a70 hash; type <02> payload 186 bytes
[1458.73469 - 1460.60658] 0 00c0 bytes SEQ_ [A-C-  ] 76c084 hash; type <02> payload 186 bytes
[1460.72627 - 1462.59823] 1 00c0 bytes SEQ_ [A-C-  ] 76c084 hash; type <02> payload 186 bytes
[1465.23785 - 1467.10994] 0 00c0 bytes SEQ_ [A-C-  ] d0c055 hash; type <02> payload 187 bytes
[1467.22946 - 1469.10160] 1 00c0 bytes SEQ_ [A-C-  ] d0c055 hash; type <02> payload 187 bytes
[1471.72527 - 1473.59715] 0 00c0 bytes SEQ_ [A-C-  ] 8da29a hash; type <02> payload 187 bytes
[1473.71685 - 1475.58900] 1 00c0 bytes SEQ_ [A-C-  ] 8da29a hash; type <02> payload 187 bytes
[1478.23327 - 1480.10494] 0 00c0 bytes SEQ_ [A-C-  ] 296c06 hash; type <02> payload 186 bytes
[1480.22458 - 1482.09669] 1 00c0 bytes SEQ_ [A-C-  ] 296c06 hash; type <02> payload 186 bytes
[1484.74115 - 1486.61346] 0 00c0 bytes SEQ_ [A-C-  ] dbcb7a hash; type <02> payload 187 bytes
[1486.73300 - 1488.60546] 1 00c0 bytes SEQ_ [A-C-  ] dbcb7a hash; type <02> payload 187 bytes
[1491.24798 - 1493.11981] 0 00c0 bytes SEQ_ [A-C-  ] aa2bb1 hash; type <02> payload 186 bytes
[1493.23948 - 1495.11152] 1 00c0 bytes SEQ_ [A-C-  ] aa2bb1 hash; type <02> payload 186 bytes
[1497.75544 - 1499.62808] 0 00c0 bytes SEQ_ [A-C-  ] 254ac3 hash; type <02> payload 185 bytes
[1499.74767 - 1501.62017] 1 00c0 bytes SEQ_ [A-C-  ] 254ac3 hash; type <02> payload 185 bytes
[1504.25913 - 1506.13137] 0 00c0 bytes SEQ_ [A-C-  ] ec6bd6 hash; type <02> payload 187 bytes
[1506.25079 - 1508.12308] 1 00c0 bytes SEQ_ [A-C-  ] ec6bd6 hash; type <02> payload 187 bytes
[1510.77873 - 1512.64971] 0 00c0 bytes SEQ_ [A-C-  ] 3d6a9e hash; type <02> payload 186 bytes
[1512.76929 - 1514.64083] 1 00c0 bytes SEQ_ [A-C-  ] 3d6a9e hash; type <02> payload 186 bytes
[1535.15654 - 1537.02990] 0 00c0 bytes HEAD [A-C-  ] eeaf2d hash; type <01> filename <degrees>
[1537.14963 - 1539.02317] 1 00c0 bytes HEAD [A-C-  ] eeaf2d hash; type <01> filename <degrees>
[1541.60119 - 1548.35708] 0 02b7 bytes DATA [A-C-  ] feb0e8 hash
[1548.47694 - 1555.23208] 1 02b7 bytes DATA [A-C-  ] feb0e8 hash
[1585.73048 - 1587.60442] 0 00c0 bytes HEAD [A-C-  ] d2460a hash; type <01> filename <degrees+>
[1587.72398 - 1589.59792] 1 00c0 bytes HEAD [A-C-  ] d2460a hash; type <01> filename <degrees+>
[1592.17638 - 1595.92287] 0 0181 bytes DATA [A-C-  ] da12e2 hash
[1596.04254 - 1599.78942] 1 0181 bytes DATA [A-C-  ] da12e2 hash
[1631.90642 - 1633.77665] 0 00c0 bytes HEAD [A-C-  ] 3e4d02 hash; type <01> filename <pacattack>
[1633.89644 - 1635.76813] 1 00c0 bytes HEAD [A-C-  ] 3e4d02 hash; type <01> filename <pacattack>
[1638.34344 - 1707.01290] 0 1ba6 bytes DATA [A-C-  ] 055f95 hash
[1707.13269 - 1775.81073] 1 1ba6 bytes DATA [A---  ] 055f95 hash

Recovered 113122 bytes; tape speed 1.000.
Opened <C64>: /mnt/ganymede4/dcf21/cassette_archive_2/drawer_tr/drawer_tr_tape01a_d60_c64_tape.wav mode, 2 channels, 48000 frames/sec, length 30m43.8s
Tape digitisation date: Wed Nov  2 19:48:26 2022
[Start/sec  - End/sec   ] Copy  Length Type [Config] Hash        Information
[ 655.36362 -  657.23550] 0 00c0 bytes HEAD [A-C-  ] a0d347 hash; type <01> filename <venetien>
[ 657.35519 -  659.22729] 1 00c0 bytes HEAD [A-C-  ] a0d347 hash; type <01> filename <venetien>
[ 661.80267 -  710.75979] 0 13b7 bytes DATA [A-C-  ] 044840 hash
[ 710.87933 -  759.82548] 1 13b7 bytes DATA [A-C-  ] 044840 hash
[ 783.84412 -  785.71677] 0 00c0 bytes HEAD [A-C-  ] 41d563 hash; type <01> filename <bouncing ball>
[ 785.83642 -  787.70921] 1 00c0 bytes HEAD [A-C-  ] 41d563 hash; type <01> filename <bouncing ball>
[ 790.28615 -  793.27427] 0 0133 bytes DATA [A-C-  ] 3ce14c hash
[ 793.39398 -  796.38238] 1 0133 bytes DATA [A-C-  ] 3ce14c hash
[ 822.53479 -  824.40733] 0 00c0 bytes HEAD [A-C-  ] 066373 hash; type <01> filename <bouncing around>
[ 824.52700 -  826.40046] 1 00c0 bytes HEAD [A-C-  ] 066373 hash; type <01> filename <bouncing around>
[ 828.97802 -  834.19900] 0 0219 bytes DATA [A-C-  ] b34f16 hash
[ 834.31871 -  839.53815] 1 0219 bytes DATA [A-C-  ] b34f16 hash
[ 863.39508 -  865.26742] 0 00c0 bytes HEAD [A-C-  ] 77f657 hash; type <01> filename <graphics module>
[ 865.38706 -  867.25960] 1 00c0 bytes HEAD [A-C-  ] 77f657 hash; type <01> filename <graphics module>
[ 869.83627 -  882.75694] 0 0533 bytes DATA [A-C-  ] 345c02 hash
[ 882.87662 -  895.79746] 1 0533 bytes DATA [A-C-  ] 345c02 hash
[ 922.15573 -  924.02640] 0 00c0 bytes HEAD [A-C-  ] b11b76 hash; type <01> filename <spider>
[ 924.14592 -  926.01760] 1 00c0 bytes HEAD [A-C-  ] b11b76 hash; type <01> filename <spider>
[ 928.59279 -  981.95821] 0 1580 bytes DATA [A---  ] 17aa71 hash
[ 982.07758 - 1035.43556] 1 1580 bytes DATA [A-C-  ] 17aa71 hash
[1065.94079 - 1067.81306] 0 00c0 bytes HEAD [A-C-  ] 9470c7 hash; type <01> filename <loader>
[1067.93281 - 1069.80513] 1 00c0 bytes HEAD [A-C-  ] 9470c7 hash; type <01> filename <loader>
[1072.38248 - 1089.71656] 0 06f9 bytes DATA [A-C-  ] 491076 hash
[1089.83619 - 1107.16848] 1 06f9 bytes DATA [A-C-  ] 491076 hash
[1149.32237 - 1151.19465] 0 00c0 bytes HEAD [A-C-  ] 3f350c hash; type <04> filename <tune>
[1151.31423 - 1153.18629] 1 00c0 bytes HEAD [A-C-  ] 3f350c hash; type <04> filename <tune>
[1155.82552 - 1157.69806] 0 00c0 bytes SEQ_ [A-C-  ] a2f3a0 hash; type <02> payload 186 bytes
[1157.81783 - 1159.69060] 1 00c0 bytes SEQ_ [A-C-  ] a2f3a0 hash; type <02> payload 186 bytes
[1162.32623 - 1164.19885] 0 00c0 bytes SEQ_ [A-C-  ] ce831e hash; type <02> payload 187 bytes
[1164.31842 - 1166.19013] 1 00c0 bytes SEQ_ [A-C-  ] ce831e hash; type <02> payload 187 bytes
[1168.83150 - 1170.70238] 0 00c0 bytes SEQ_ [A-C-  ] 819d67 hash; type <02> payload 186 bytes
[1170.82188 - 1172.69217] 1 00c0 bytes SEQ_ [A-C-  ] 819d67 hash; type <02> payload 186 bytes
[1175.32960 - 1177.19977] 0 00c0 bytes SEQ_ [A-C-  ] 5dc800 hash; type <02> payload 185 bytes
[1177.31935 - 1179.18904] 1 00c0 bytes SEQ_ [A-C-  ] 5dc800 hash; type <02> payload 185 bytes
[1181.81708 - 1183.68767] 0 00c0 bytes SEQ_ [A-C-  ] 78667a hash; type <02> payload 186 bytes
[1183.80731 - 1185.67667] 1 00c0 bytes SEQ_ [A-C-  ] 78667a hash; type <02> payload 186 bytes
[1186.57263 - 1188.44342] 1 00c0 bytes SEQ_ [A-C-  ] 78667a hash; type <02> payload 186 bytes
[1215.21852 - 1217.08969] 0 00c0 bytes HEAD [A-C-  ] a93b99 hash; type <01> filename <commodore disp>
[1217.20923 - 1219.08052] 1 00c0 bytes HEAD [A-C-  ] a93b99 hash; type <01> filename <commodore disp>
[1221.65565 - 1229.18752] 0 0308 bytes DATA [A-C-  ] a265a0 hash
[1229.30694 - 1236.83694] 1 0308 bytes DATA [A-C-  ] a265a0 hash
[1282.40365 - 1284.27523] 0 00c0 bytes HEAD [A-C-  ] d12c8d hash; type <01> filename <bounce>
[1284.39477 - 1286.26640] 1 00c0 bytes HEAD [A-C-  ] d12c8d hash; type <01> filename <bounce>
[1288.84231 - 1304.00769] 0 061b bytes DATA [A-C-  ] 2122c8 hash
[1304.12725 - 1319.28858] 1 061b bytes DATA [A-C-  ] 2122c8 hash
[1348.32200 - 1350.19410] 0 00c0 bytes HEAD [A-C-  ] b93818 hash; type <04> filename <graphics>
[1350.31379 - 1352.18610] 1 00c0 bytes HEAD [A-C-  ] b93818 hash; type <04> filename <graphics>
[1354.82377 - 1356.69615] 0 00c0 bytes SEQ_ [A-C-  ] be6410 hash; type <02> payload 187 bytes
[1356.81588 - 1358.68812] 1 00c0 bytes SEQ_ [A-C-  ] be6410 hash; type <02> payload 187 bytes
[1361.33283 - 1363.20492] 0 00c0 bytes SEQ_ [A-C-  ] a1d8bb hash; type <02> payload 186 bytes
[1363.32452 - 1365.19677] 1 00c0 bytes SEQ_ [A-C-  ] a1d8bb hash; type <02> payload 186 bytes
[1367.84400 - 1369.71581] 0 00c0 bytes SEQ_ [A-C-  ] ce45d9 hash; type <02> payload 187 bytes
[1369.83544 - 1371.70721] 1 00c0 bytes SEQ_ [A-C-  ] ce45d9 hash; type <02> payload 187 bytes
[1374.35050 - 1376.22223] 0 00c0 bytes SEQ_ [A-C-  ] 04e5ea hash; type <02> payload 187 bytes
[1376.34175 - 1378.21358] 1 00c0 bytes SEQ_ [A-C-  ] 04e5ea hash; type <02> payload 187 bytes
[1380.85577 - 1382.72744] 0 00c0 bytes SEQ_ [A-C-  ] 0ac416 hash; type <02> payload 187 bytes
[1382.84708 - 1384.71877] 1 00c0 bytes SEQ_ [A-C-  ] 0ac416 hash; type <02> payload 187 bytes
[1387.36271 - 1389.23458] 0 00c0 bytes SEQ_ [A-C-  ] 2ff1a8 hash; type <02> payload 186 bytes
[1389.35417 - 1391.22542] 1 00c0 bytes SEQ_ [A-C-  ] 2ff1a8 hash; type <02> payload 186 bytes
[1393.86685 - 1395.73821] 0 00c0 bytes SEQ_ [A-C-  ] 163ce0 hash; type <02> payload 186 bytes
[1395.85769 - 1397.72906] 1 00c0 bytes SEQ_ [A-C-  ] 163ce0 hash; type <02> payload 186 bytes
[1400.37127 - 1402.24263] 0 00c0 bytes SEQ_ [A-C-  ] b378e7 hash; type <02> payload 185 bytes
[1402.36215 - 1404.23356] 1 00c0 bytes SEQ_ [A-C-  ] b378e7 hash; type <02> payload 185 bytes
[1406.87323 - 1408.74446] 0 00c0 bytes SEQ_ [A-C-  ] 479123 hash; type <02> payload 187 bytes
[1408.86400 - 1410.73510] 1 00c0 bytes SEQ_ [A-C-  ] 479123 hash; type <02> payload 187 bytes
[1413.37677 - 1415.24804] 0 00c0 bytes SEQ_ [A-C-  ] e7b120 hash; type <02> payload 187 bytes
[1415.36758 - 1417.23900] 1 00c0 bytes SEQ_ [A-C-  ] e7b120 hash; type <02> payload 187 bytes
[1419.88265 - 1421.75379] 0 00c0 bytes SEQ_ [A-C-  ] d5cce5 hash; type <02> payload 186 bytes
[1421.87331 - 1423.74494] 1 00c0 bytes SEQ_ [A-C-  ] d5cce5 hash; type <02> payload 186 bytes
[1426.38879 - 1428.26052] 0 00c0 bytes SEQ_ [A-C-  ] 901c1b hash; type <02> payload 186 bytes
[1428.38004 - 1430.25171] 1 00c0 bytes SEQ_ [A-C-  ] 901c1b hash; type <02> payload 186 bytes
[1432.89481 - 1434.76648] 0 00c0 bytes SEQ_ [A-C-  ] c2abbf hash; type <02> payload 185 bytes
[1434.88621 - 1436.75771] 1 00c0 bytes SEQ_ [A-C-  ] c2abbf hash; type <02> payload 185 bytes
[1439.39833 - 1441.26977] 0 00c0 bytes SEQ_ [A-C-  ] 2f5e1f hash; type <02> payload 186 bytes
[1441.38948 - 1443.26077] 1 00c0 bytes SEQ_ [A-C-  ] 2f5e1f hash; type <02> payload 186 bytes
[1445.89888 - 1447.77010] 0 00c0 bytes SEQ_ [A-C-  ] b3ae84 hash; type <02> payload 186 bytes
[1447.88967 - 1449.76104] 1 00c0 bytes SEQ_ [A-C-  ] b3ae84 hash; type <02> payload 186 bytes
[1452.40196 - 1454.27325] 0 00c0 bytes SEQ_ [A-C-  ] 0b6a70 hash; type <02> payload 186 bytes
[1454.39288 - 1456.26433] 1 00c0 bytes SEQ_ [A-C-  ] 0b6a70 hash; type <02> payload 186 bytes
[1458.90498 - 1460.77588] 0 00c0 bytes SEQ_ [A-C-  ] 76c084 hash; type <02> payload 186 bytes
[1460.89544 - 1462.76635] 1 00c0 bytes SEQ_ [A-C-  ] 76c084 hash; type <02> payload 186 bytes
[1465.40454 - 1467.27544] 0 00c0 bytes SEQ_ [A-C-  ] d0c055 hash; type <02> payload 187 bytes
[1467.39500 - 1469.26590] 1 00c0 bytes SEQ_ [A-C-  ] d0c055 hash; type <02> payload 187 bytes
[1471.88840 - 1473.75921] 0 00c0 bytes SEQ_ [A-C-  ] 8da29a hash; type <02> payload 187 bytes
[1473.87888 - 1475.75006] 1 00c0 bytes SEQ_ [A-C-  ] 8da29a hash; type <02> payload 187 bytes
[1478.39292 - 1480.26369] 0 00c0 bytes SEQ_ [A-C-  ] 296c06 hash; type <02> payload 186 bytes
[1480.38321 - 1482.25452] 1 00c0 bytes SEQ_ [A-C-  ] 296c06 hash; type <02> payload 186 bytes
[1484.89767 - 1486.76900] 0 00c0 bytes SEQ_ [A-C-  ] dbcb7a hash; type <02> payload 187 bytes
[1486.88848 - 1488.75975] 1 00c0 bytes SEQ_ [A-C-  ] dbcb7a hash; type <02> payload 187 bytes
[1491.40069 - 1493.27158] 0 00c0 bytes SEQ_ [A-C-  ] aa2bb1 hash; type <02> payload 186 bytes
[1493.39113 - 1495.26183] 1 00c0 bytes SEQ_ [A-C-  ] aa2bb1 hash; type <02> payload 186 bytes
[1497.90385 - 1499.77525] 0 00c0 bytes SEQ_ [A-C-  ] 254ac3 hash; type <02> payload 185 bytes
[1499.89473 - 1501.76583] 1 00c0 bytes SEQ_ [A-C-  ] 254ac3 hash; type <02> payload 185 bytes
[1504.40269 - 1506.27333] 0 00c0 bytes SEQ_ [A-C-  ] ec6bd6 hash; type <02> payload 187 bytes
[1506.39275 - 1508.26377] 1 00c0 bytes SEQ_ [A-C-  ] ec6bd6 hash; type <02> payload 187 bytes
[1510.91785 - 1512.78752] 0 00c0 bytes SEQ_ [A-C-  ] 3d6a9e hash; type <02> payload 186 bytes
[1512.90698 - 1514.77771] 1 00c0 bytes SEQ_ [A-C-  ] 3d6a9e hash; type <02> payload 186 bytes
[1535.28296 - 1537.15531] 0 00c0 bytes HEAD [A-C-  ] eeaf2d hash; type <01> filename <degrees>
[1537.27510 - 1539.14769] 1 00c0 bytes HEAD [A-C-  ] eeaf2d hash; type <01> filename <degrees>
[1541.72460 - 1548.47673] 0 02b7 bytes DATA [A-C-  ] feb0e8 hash
[1548.59650 - 1555.34821] 1 02b7 bytes DATA [A-C-  ] feb0e8 hash
[1585.83294 - 1587.70552] 0 00c0 bytes HEAD [A-C-  ] d2460a hash; type <01> filename <degrees+>
[1587.82515 - 1589.69773] 1 00c0 bytes HEAD [A-C-  ] d2460a hash; type <01> filename <degrees+>
[1592.27454 - 1596.01867] 0 0181 bytes DATA [A-C-  ] da12e2 hash
[1596.13821 - 1599.88296] 1 0181 bytes DATA [A-C-  ] da12e2 hash
[1631.98615 - 1633.85590] 0 00c0 bytes HEAD [A-C-  ] 3e4d02 hash; type <01> filename <pacattack>
[1633.97554 - 1635.84644] 1 00c0 bytes HEAD [A-C-  ] 3e4d02 hash; type <01> filename <pacattack>
[1638.42060 - 1707.04175] 0 1ba6 bytes DATA [A-C-  ] 055f95 hash
[1707.16137 - 1775.78187] 1 1ba6 bytes DATA [A---  ] 055f95 hash

Recovered  66720 bytes; tape speed 1.000.
Opened <C16>: /mnt/ganymede4/dcf21/cassette_archive/drawer_tr/drawer_tr_tape01a_d60_c64_tape.wav mode, 1 channels, 48000 frames/sec, length 32m57.6s
Tape digitisation date: Mon Aug  1 18:04:58 2022
[Start/sec  - End/sec   ] Copy  Length Type [Config] Hash        Information

Recovered      0 bytes; tape speed 1.000.
Opened <C16>: /mnt/ganymede4/dcf21/cassette_archive_2/drawer_tr/drawer_tr_tape01a2_d60_c64_tape.wav mode, 2 channels, 48000 frames/sec, length 30m52.8s
Tape digitisation date: Wed Nov 16 22:02:11 2022
[Start/sec  - End/sec   ] Copy  Length Type [Config] Hash        Information

Recovered      0 bytes; tape speed 1.000.
Opened <C16>: /mnt/ganymede4/dcf21/cassette_archive_2/drawer_tr/drawer_tr_tape01a_d60_c64_tape.wav mode, 2 channels, 48000 frames/sec, length 30m43.8s
Tape digitisation date: Wed Nov  2 19:48:26 2022
[Start/sec  - End/sec   ] Copy  Length Type [Config] Hash        Information

Recovered      0 bytes; tape speed 1.000.
Best version: </mnt/ganymede4/dcf21/cassette_archive_2/drawer_tr/drawer_tr_tape01a2_d60_c64_tape.wav>