Home » Personal collection » Acorn tapes » Commercial_Releases » micropower_tape18a_acorn_future_shock.wav (75 files; 28.43 kB)

micropower_tape18a_acorn_future_shock.wav (75 files; 28.43 kB)

This website contains an archive of files for the Acorn Electron, BBC Micro, Acorn Archimedes, Commodore 16 and Commodore 64 computers, which Dominic Ford has rescued from his private collection of floppy disks and cassettes.

Some of these files were originally commercial releases in the 1980s and 1990s, but they are now widely available online. I assume that copyright over them is no longer being asserted. If you own the copyright and would like files to be removed, please contact me.

These files have been digitised from original cassettes by Dominic Ford in 2022-3. They are exact replicas of the original tape media, with the original loaders. Most commercial tapes are the Acorn Electron version, unless otherwise stated.
The files below are intended to run on: Acorn Electron / BBC Micro.

Disk images

Original media images
Media scan

Filename Status File
File hash Duplicates
LOADER 01F4 00001900 00001900 457cb115 3
SHOCK 0100 00001500 00001500 884bda60 5
SCREEN 16AC 00003000 00003000 6520da64 5
SHOCK1 0360 00001000 0000110D 96c56108 7
SHOCK15 03FF 00000900 0000095D dc31e1c4 3
FUTURE 0100 00001348 00000000 5ecf6aff 1
SHOCK 0100 00001348 00000000 9572fc0c 1
is 0100 00001348 00000000 28534791 1
loading 0100 00001348 00000000 35597148 1
-------- 0100 00001348 00000000 071c76b0 1
Written 0100 00001348 00000000 ce4a1090 1
by 0100 00001348 00000000 d9642fd1 1
J.Sobell 0100 00001348 00000000 bd378791 1
& 0100 00001348 00000000 54f56c01 1
K.Blake 0100 00001348 00000000 2acca7f3 1
of 0100 00001348 00000000 f9c1560b 1
Art Crew 0100 00001348 00000000 d94e091a 1
Prods. 0100 00001348 00000000 e9a2be4a 1
(ACP) 0100 00001348 00000000 7cdf291f 1
for 0100 00001348 00000000 c090e386 1
TynesofT 0100 00001348 00000000 cea8b8af 1
-------- 0100 00001348 00000000 307ac5ff 1
Watch 0100 00001348 00000000 90264933 1
out 0100 00001348 00000000 4d1554e4 1
for 0100 00001348 00000000 3e28b899 1
other 0100 00001348 00000000 79b36374 1
titles 0100 00001348 00000000 9b2cf9ad 1
by 0100 00001348 00000000 0e3fb835 1
ACP 0100 00001348 00000000 5b98fa4e 1
(they'r 0100 00001348 00000000 c05c93d1 1
GRRReat) 0100 00001348 00000000 42721cfc 1
* ****** 0100 00001348 00000000 1558e73a 1
** ***** 0100 00001348 00000000 a4daf309 1
*** **** 0100 00001348 00000000 8dd41bf9 1
**** *** 0100 00001348 00000000 a9541d7a 1
HI 0100 00001348 00000000 17b2db73 1
TO 0100 00001348 00000000 48a9cf0a 1
BECKY, 0100 00001348 00000000 b682c921 1
TRACY, 0100 00001348 00000000 df4f0b29 1
ANGELA, 0100 00001348 00000000 803e3e53 1
ALA, 0100 00001348 00000000 54f2ec2a 1
ANGUS, 0100 00001348 00000000 c2cf3d39 1
OSCAR, 0100 00001348 00000000 fb7a4b58 1
JO-JO, 0100 00001348 00000000 1a8a7926 1
AND 0100 00001348 00000000 ac652bd4 1
Muriel 0100 00001348 00000000 556775aa 1
for 0100 00001348 00000000 1816e283 1
keeping 0100 00001348 00000000 1b03cb92 1
us 0100 00001348 00000000 5090348b 1
topped 0100 00001348 00000000 2c89a790 1
up 0100 00001348 00000000 18abb49d 1
with 0100 00001348 00000000 09f84e7b 1
go-go 0100 00001348 00000000 f3e57db4 1
juice. 0100 00001348 00000000 207477db 1
-------- 0100 00001348 00000000 780e2219 1
special 0100 00001348 00000000 4a8a83a2 1
thanks 0100 00001348 00000000 d9b167ef 1
to David 0100 00001348 00000000 5bd54230 1
(MAGNUM) 0100 00001348 00000000 b25e71fb 1
Croft 0100 00001348 00000000 d3bcb8a2 1
(he!he!) 0100 00001348 00000000 be798717 1
for 0100 00001348 00000000 0c79fc1c 1
nothing 0100 00001348 00000000 80c9f552 1
(again) 0100 00001348 00000000 c17f3296 1
p.s. 0100 00001348 00000000 9aced77f 1
theres a 0100 00001348 00000000 255b8661 1
cheat 0100 00001348 00000000 9c1f9833 1
mode !!! 0100 00001348 00000000 a7592a3c 1
and 0100 00001348 00000000 268104e2 1
now for 0100 00001348 00000000 a892b0f5 1
sumthing 0100 00001348 00000000 09bf22af 1
compltly 0100 00001348 00000000 4e0ab2e7 1
diffrint 0100 00001348 00000000 4fe3901f 1
<<<<>>>> 00B8 00001348 00000000 279c382f 1
SHOCK3 0C00 00000400 00002911 5929bc3b 7

Directory listing
Working on <micropower_tape18a_acorn_future_shock.wav> -- number of recordings: 1
Opened </mnt/ganymede4/dcf21/cassette_archive_2/micropower/micropower_tape18a_acorn_future_shock.wav>: 1 channels, 48000 frames/sec, length 8m56.6s
Tape digitisation date: Fri Oct 28 12:52:35 2022
[Start/sec ] [End/sec   ] [Stat ] [Filename  ] Size LoadAddr ExecAddr NextAddr Phases     Information
[  14.20296] [  19.70169] [ PASS] [LOADER    ] 01F4 00001900 00001900 00000000 [-BC-    ]  Last block 0001 complete.
[  30.89535] [  33.24010] [ PASS] [SHOCK     ] 0100 00001500 00001500 00000000 [-BC-    ]  Last block 0000 complete.
[  45.41533] [ 118.49575] [ PASS] [SCREEN    ] 16AC 00003000 00003000 00000000 [-BC-    ]  Last block 0016 complete.
[ 130.40377] [ 141.17587] [ PASS] [SHOCK1    ] 0360 00001000 0000110D 00000000 [-BC-    ]  Last block 0003 complete.
[ 153.05919] [ 165.21515] [ PASS] [SHOCK15   ] 03FF 00000900 0000095D 00000000 [-BC-    ]  Last block 0003 complete.
[ 180.81990] [ 183.19133] [*FAIL] [FUTURE    ] 0100 00001348 00000000 00000000 [-BC-    ]  Blocks 0100 - 0100 only.
[ 184.08885] [ 186.46046] [*FAIL] [ SHOCK    ] 0100 00001348 00000000 00000000 [-BC-    ]  Blocks 0101 - 0101 only.
[ 187.35815] [ 189.73006] [*FAIL] [  is      ] 0100 00001348 00000000 00000000 [-BC-    ]  Blocks 0102 - 0102 only.
[ 190.62829] [ 193.00140] [*FAIL] [loading   ] 0100 00001348 00000000 00000000 [-BC-    ]  Blocks 0103 - 0103 only.
[ 193.89952] [ 196.27142] [*FAIL] [--------  ] 0100 00001348 00000000 00000000 [-BC-    ]  Blocks 0104 - 0104 only.
[ 197.16942] [ 199.54133] [*FAIL] [Written   ] 0100 00001348 00000000 00000000 [-BC-    ]  Blocks 0105 - 0105 only.
[ 200.43931] [ 202.81100] [*FAIL] [  by      ] 0100 00001348 00000000 00000000 [-BC-    ]  Blocks 0106 - 0106 only.
[ 203.70908] [ 206.08167] [*FAIL] [J.Sobell  ] 0100 00001348 00000000 00000000 [-BC-    ]  Blocks 0107 - 0107 only.
[ 206.98017] [ 209.35237] [*FAIL] [   &      ] 0100 00001348 00000000 00000000 [-BC-    ]  Blocks 0108 - 0108 only.
[ 210.25083] [ 212.62277] [*FAIL] [ K.Blake  ] 0100 00001348 00000000 00000000 [-BC-    ]  Blocks 0109 - 0109 only.
[ 213.52083] [ 215.89273] [*FAIL] [   of     ] 0100 00001348 00000000 00000000 [-BC-    ]  Blocks 010A - 010A only.
[ 216.79131] [ 219.16327] [*FAIL] [Art Crew  ] 0100 00001348 00000000 00000000 [-BC-    ]  Blocks 010B - 010B only.
[ 220.06160] [ 222.43417] [*FAIL] [ Prods.   ] 0100 00001348 00000000 00000000 [-BC-    ]  Blocks 010C - 010C only.
[ 223.33281] [ 225.70506] [*FAIL] [ (ACP)    ] 0100 00001348 00000000 00000000 [-BC-    ]  Blocks 010D - 010D only.
[ 226.60413] [ 228.97610] [*FAIL] [  for     ] 0100 00001348 00000000 00000000 [-BC-    ]  Blocks 010E - 010E only.
[ 229.87425] [ 232.24527] [*FAIL] [TynesofT  ] 0100 00001348 00000000 00000000 [-BC-    ]  Blocks 010F - 010F only.
[ 233.14421] [ 235.51652] [*FAIL] [--------  ] 0100 00001348 00000000 00000000 [-BC-    ]  Blocks 0110 - 0110 only.
[ 236.41483] [ 238.78608] [*FAIL] [ Watch    ] 0100 00001348 00000000 00000000 [-BC-    ]  Blocks 0111 - 0111 only.
[ 239.68463] [ 242.05573] [*FAIL] [  out     ] 0100 00001348 00000000 00000000 [-BC-    ]  Blocks 0112 - 0112 only.
[ 242.95408] [ 245.32683] [*FAIL] [  for     ] 0100 00001348 00000000 00000000 [-BC-    ]  Blocks 0113 - 0113 only.
[ 246.22525] [ 248.59819] [*FAIL] [ other    ] 0100 00001348 00000000 00000000 [-BC-    ]  Blocks 0114 - 0114 only.
[ 249.49671] [ 251.86944] [*FAIL] [ titles   ] 0100 00001348 00000000 00000000 [-BC-    ]  Blocks 0115 - 0115 only.
[ 252.76867] [ 255.14142] [*FAIL] [   by     ] 0100 00001348 00000000 00000000 [-BC-    ]  Blocks 0116 - 0116 only.
[ 256.04006] [ 258.41248] [*FAIL] [  ACP     ] 0100 00001348 00000000 00000000 [-BC-    ]  Blocks 0117 - 0117 only.
[ 259.31127] [ 261.68358] [*FAIL] [(they'r   ] 0100 00001348 00000000 00000000 [-BC-    ]  Blocks 0118 - 0118 only.
[ 262.58156] [ 264.95402] [*FAIL] [GRRReat)  ] 0100 00001348 00000000 00000000 [-BC-    ]  Blocks 0119 - 0119 only.
[ 265.85240] [ 268.22613] [*FAIL] [* ******  ] 0100 00001348 00000000 00000000 [-BC-    ]  Blocks 011A - 011A only.
[ 269.12490] [ 271.49769] [*FAIL] [** *****  ] 0100 00001348 00000000 00000000 [-BC-    ]  Blocks 011B - 011B only.
[ 272.39571] [ 274.76842] [*FAIL] [*** ****  ] 0100 00001348 00000000 00000000 [-BC-    ]  Blocks 011C - 011C only.
[ 275.66700] [ 278.04008] [*FAIL] [**** ***  ] 0100 00001348 00000000 00000000 [-BC-    ]  Blocks 011D - 011D only.
[ 278.93815] [ 281.31173] [*FAIL] [   HI     ] 0100 00001348 00000000 00000000 [-BC-    ]  Blocks 011E - 011E only.
[ 282.21094] [ 284.58348] [*FAIL] [   TO     ] 0100 00001348 00000000 00000000 [-BC-    ]  Blocks 011F - 011F only.
[ 285.48225] [ 287.85448] [*FAIL] [ BECKY,   ] 0100 00001348 00000000 00000000 [-BC-    ]  Blocks 0120 - 0120 only.
[ 288.75223] [ 291.12446] [*FAIL] [ TRACY,   ] 0100 00001348 00000000 00000000 [-BC-    ]  Blocks 0121 - 0121 only.
[ 292.02306] [ 294.39677] [*FAIL] [ ANGELA,  ] 0100 00001348 00000000 00000000 [-BC-    ]  Blocks 0122 - 0122 only.
[ 295.29500] [ 297.66910] [*FAIL] [  ALA,    ] 0100 00001348 00000000 00000000 [-BC-    ]  Blocks 0123 - 0123 only.
[ 298.56706] [ 300.94019] [*FAIL] [ ANGUS,   ] 0100 00001348 00000000 00000000 [-BC-    ]  Blocks 0124 - 0124 only.
[ 301.83867] [ 304.21327] [*FAIL] [ OSCAR,   ] 0100 00001348 00000000 00000000 [-BC-    ]  Blocks 0125 - 0125 only.
[ 305.11156] [ 307.48617] [*FAIL] [ JO-JO,   ] 0100 00001348 00000000 00000000 [-BC-    ]  Blocks 0126 - 0126 only.
[ 308.38452] [ 310.75862] [*FAIL] [  AND     ] 0100 00001348 00000000 00000000 [-BC-    ]  Blocks 0127 - 0127 only.
[ 311.65704] [ 314.03033] [*FAIL] [ Muriel   ] 0100 00001348 00000000 00000000 [-BC-    ]  Blocks 0128 - 0128 only.
[ 314.92815] [ 317.30217] [*FAIL] [  for     ] 0100 00001348 00000000 00000000 [-BC-    ]  Blocks 0129 - 0129 only.
[ 318.20040] [ 320.57421] [*FAIL] [ keeping  ] 0100 00001348 00000000 00000000 [-BC-    ]  Blocks 012A - 012A only.
[ 321.47165] [ 323.84460] [*FAIL] [   us     ] 0100 00001348 00000000 00000000 [-BC-    ]  Blocks 012B - 012B only.
[ 324.74246] [ 327.11635] [*FAIL] [ topped   ] 0100 00001348 00000000 00000000 [-BC-    ]  Blocks 012C - 012C only.
[ 328.01429] [ 330.38944] [*FAIL] [   up     ] 0100 00001348 00000000 00000000 [-BC-    ]  Blocks 012D - 012D only.
[ 331.28725] [ 333.66175] [*FAIL] [  with    ] 0100 00001348 00000000 00000000 [-BC-    ]  Blocks 012E - 012E only.
[ 334.56006] [ 336.93398] [*FAIL] [ go-go    ] 0100 00001348 00000000 00000000 [-BC-    ]  Blocks 012F - 012F only.
[ 337.83213] [ 340.20592] [*FAIL] [ juice.   ] 0100 00001348 00000000 00000000 [-BC-    ]  Blocks 0130 - 0130 only.
[ 341.10317] [ 343.47654] [*FAIL] [--------  ] 0100 00001348 00000000 00000000 [-BC-    ]  Blocks 0131 - 0131 only.
[ 344.37398] [ 346.74777] [*FAIL] [special   ] 0100 00001348 00000000 00000000 [-BC-    ]  Blocks 0132 - 0132 only.
[ 347.64488] [ 350.01844] [*FAIL] [ thanks   ] 0100 00001348 00000000 00000000 [-BC-    ]  Blocks 0133 - 0133 only.
[ 350.91602] [ 353.29042] [*FAIL] [to David  ] 0100 00001348 00000000 00000000 [-BC-    ]  Blocks 0134 - 0134 only.
[ 354.18854] [ 356.56310] [*FAIL] [(MAGNUM)  ] 0100 00001348 00000000 00000000 [-BC-    ]  Blocks 0135 - 0135 only.
[ 357.46062] [ 359.83513] [*FAIL] [ Croft    ] 0100 00001348 00000000 00000000 [-BC-    ]  Blocks 0136 - 0136 only.
[ 360.73271] [ 363.10648] [*FAIL] [(he!he!)  ] 0100 00001348 00000000 00000000 [-BC-    ]  Blocks 0137 - 0137 only.
[ 364.00437] [ 366.37929] [*FAIL] [  for     ] 0100 00001348 00000000 00000000 [-BC-    ]  Blocks 0138 - 0138 only.
[ 367.27731] [ 369.65229] [*FAIL] [nothing   ] 0100 00001348 00000000 00000000 [-BC-    ]  Blocks 0139 - 0139 only.
[ 370.55037] [ 372.92490] [*FAIL] [ (again)  ] 0100 00001348 00000000 00000000 [-BC-    ]  Blocks 013A - 013A only.
[ 373.82213] [ 376.19690] [*FAIL] [p.s.      ] 0100 00001348 00000000 00000000 [-BC-    ]  Blocks 013B - 013B only.
[ 377.09492] [ 379.46938] [*FAIL] [theres a  ] 0100 00001348 00000000 00000000 [-BC-    ]  Blocks 013C - 013C only.
[ 380.36677] [ 382.74221] [*FAIL] [ cheat    ] 0100 00001348 00000000 00000000 [-BC-    ]  Blocks 013D - 013D only.
[ 383.64048] [ 386.01504] [*FAIL] [mode !!!  ] 0100 00001348 00000000 00000000 [-BC-    ]  Blocks 013E - 013E only.
[ 386.91285] [ 389.28723] [*FAIL] [  and     ] 0100 00001348 00000000 00000000 [-BC-    ]  Blocks 013F - 013F only.
[ 390.18496] [ 392.55950] [*FAIL] [now for   ] 0100 00001348 00000000 00000000 [-BC-    ]  Blocks 0140 - 0140 only.
[ 393.45721] [ 395.83165] [*FAIL] [sumthing  ] 0100 00001348 00000000 00000000 [-BC-    ]  Blocks 0141 - 0141 only.
[ 396.72983] [ 399.10467] [*FAIL] [compltly  ] 0100 00001348 00000000 00000000 [-BC-    ]  Blocks 0142 - 0142 only.
[ 400.00246] [ 402.37704] [*FAIL] [diffrint  ] 0100 00001348 00000000 00000000 [-BC-    ]  Blocks 0143 - 0143 only.
[ 403.27523] [ 405.05208] [*FAIL] [<<<<>>>>  ] 00B8 00001348 00000000 00000000 [-BC-    ]  From block 0144 only.
[ 417.03085] [ 455.18090] [ PASS] [SHOCK3    ] 0C00 00000400 00002911 00000000 [-BC-    ]  Last block 000B complete.

Recovered  29111 bytes.
Best version: </mnt/ganymede4/dcf21/cassette_archive_2/micropower/micropower_tape18a_acorn_future_shock.wav>