Home » Personal collection » Commodore tapes » Commodore_16 » drawer_br_tape04b_c16_c60_computer_tape_1.wav (17 files; 21.20 kB)

drawer_br_tape04b_c16_c60_computer_tape_1.wav (17 files; 21.20 kB)

This website contains an archive of files for the Acorn Electron, BBC Micro, Acorn Archimedes, Commodore 16 and Commodore 64 computers, which Dominic Ford has rescued from his private collection of floppy disks and cassettes.

Some of these files were originally commercial releases in the 1980s and 1990s, but they are now widely available online. I assume that copyright over them is no longer being asserted. If you own the copyright and would like files to be removed, please contact me.

These files have been digitised from original cassettes by Dominic Ford in 2022-3. They are exact replicas of the original tape media from the author's private collection.
The files below are intended to run on: Commodore 16.

Disk images

Original media images
Media scan

Filename Status File
File hash Duplicates
...number... 04DA 00001001 001 6aad5b72 0
menu* 018C 00001001 001 b6b17041 0
music magic 020A 00001001 001 2a7e2727 0
maths picture 0799 00001001 003 d5c34404 0
logo 0799 00001001 003 12c9c04c 0
commands 0315 00001001 001 b4807e6d 0
commands2 0615 00001001 001 83f9eeec 0
commands3 0ADB 00001001 001 36995eae 0
tune 029E 00001001 001 261949be 0
logo-1 03C7 00001001 001 eb0719e4 0
logo-2 0719 00001001 001 dc959cfa 0
logo-3 0818 00001001 001 646b49af 0
funny-poems 02AC 00001001 001 05c62da8 0
limerics2 032A 00001001 001 f8d38401 0
bow-bow 0299 00001001 001 d2c81ea3 0
bow-bow(310)-2 03A5 00001001 001 44f22bb3 0
bow-bow(530)(400 0779 00001001 001 7a6e8088 0

Directory listing
       0 bytes - /mnt/ganymede4/dcf21/cassette_archive/drawer_br/drawer_br_tape04b_c16_c60_computer_tape_1.wav (C64 mode)
       0 bytes - /mnt/ganymede4/dcf21/cassette_archive_3/drawer_br/drawer_br_tape04b_c16_c60_computer_tape_1.wav (C64 mode)
>  49940 bytes - /mnt/ganymede4/dcf21/cassette_archive/drawer_br/drawer_br_tape04b_c16_c60_computer_tape_1.wav (C16 mode)
   49748 bytes - /mnt/ganymede4/dcf21/cassette_archive_3/drawer_br/drawer_br_tape04b_c16_c60_computer_tape_1.wav (C16 mode)

Working on <drawer_br_tape04b_c16_c60_computer_tape_1.wav> -- number of recordings: 2
Opened <C64>: /mnt/ganymede4/dcf21/cassette_archive/drawer_br/drawer_br_tape04b_c16_c60_computer_tape_1.wav mode, 1 channels, 48000 frames/sec, length 27m48.5s
Tape digitisation date: Tue Jul 26 21:43:13 2022
[Start/sec  - End/sec   ] Copy  Length Type [Config] Hash        Information

Recovered      0 bytes; tape speed 1.000.
Opened <C64>: /mnt/ganymede4/dcf21/cassette_archive_3/drawer_br/drawer_br_tape04b_c16_c60_computer_tape_1.wav mode, 2 channels, 48000 frames/sec, length 25m0.0s
Tape digitisation date: Sun Apr 30 18:02:25 2023
[Start/sec  - End/sec   ] Copy  Length Type [Config] Hash        Information

Recovered      0 bytes; tape speed 1.000.
Opened <C16>: /mnt/ganymede4/dcf21/cassette_archive/drawer_br/drawer_br_tape04b_c16_c60_computer_tape_1.wav mode, 1 channels, 48000 frames/sec, length 27m48.5s
Tape digitisation date: Tue Jul 26 21:43:13 2022
[Start/sec  - End/sec   ] Copy  Length Type [Config] Hash        Information
[  13.26079 -   16.43758] 0 00c0 bytes HEAD [A-    ] 611067 hash; type <01> filename <...number...>
[  16.80419 -   19.98894] 1 00c0 bytes HEAD [A-    ] 611067 hash; type <01> filename <...number...>
[  29.33790 -   51.18973] 0 04da bytes DATA [A-    ] 5507a9 hash
[  51.58946 -   73.68894] 1 04da bytes DATA [A-    ] 5507a9 hash
[ 121.27600 -  124.74658] 0 00c0 bytes HEAD [A-    ] 4c0a06 hash; type <01> filename <menu*>
[ 125.15046 -  128.62554] 1 00c0 bytes HEAD [A-    ] 4c0a06 hash; type <01> filename <menu*>
[ 138.47908 -  145.60542] 0 018c bytes DATA [A-    ] 8618d8 hash
[ 146.00806 -  153.14096] 1 018c bytes DATA [A-    ] 8618d8 hash
[ 214.67940 -  218.15392] 0 00c0 bytes HEAD [AB    ] 886b7a hash; type <01> filename <music magic>
[ 218.55800 -  222.03548] 1 00c0 bytes HEAD [AB    ] 886b7a hash; type <01> filename <music magic>
[ 231.90752 -  241.25208] 0 020a bytes DATA [AB    ] 80de72 hash
[ 241.64952 -  250.96529] 1 020a bytes DATA [AB    ] 80de72 hash
[ 283.11921 -  286.53648] 0 00c0 bytes HEAD [A-    ] 904344 hash; type <03> filename <maths picture>
[ 286.93175 -  290.35154] 1 00c0 bytes HEAD [A-    ] 904344 hash; type <03> filename <maths picture>
[ 300.13162 -  334.59863] 0 0799 bytes DATA [A-    ] daff5f hash
[ 334.99290 -  369.43429] 1 0799 bytes DATA [A-    ] daff5f hash
[ 411.91725 -  415.32721] 0 00c0 bytes HEAD [A-    ] 50f2b6 hash; type <03> filename <logo>
[ 415.72177 -  419.13956] 1 00c0 bytes HEAD [A-    ] 50f2b6 hash; type <03> filename <logo>
[ 428.85785 -  463.05490] 0 0799 bytes DATA [A-    ] 52334b hash
[ 463.44700 -  497.70094] 1 0799 bytes DATA [A-    ] 52334b hash
[ 538.04815 -  541.43962] 0 00c0 bytes HEAD [A-    ] a85473 hash; type <01> filename <commands>
[ 541.83331 -  545.24696] 1 00c0 bytes HEAD [A-    ] a85473 hash; type <01> filename <commands>
[ 554.97252 -  568.91252] 0 0315 bytes DATA [A-    ] e669d2 hash
[ 569.30704 -  583.23792] 1 0315 bytes DATA [A-    ] e669d2 hash
[ 616.77815 -  620.18090] 0 00c0 bytes HEAD [AB    ] 940e4c hash; type <01> filename <commands2>
[ 620.57640 -  623.98842] 1 00c0 bytes HEAD [AB    ] 940e4c hash; type <01> filename <commands2>
[ 633.68194 -  661.20946] 0 0615 bytes DATA [AB    ] 25c0e1 hash
[ 661.60740 -  689.03490] 1 0615 bytes DATA [A-    ] 25c0e1 hash
[ 716.00887 -  719.41260] 0 00c0 bytes HEAD [AB    ] 8e0d20 hash; type <01> filename <commands3>
[ 719.80800 -  723.21421] 1 00c0 bytes HEAD [AB    ] 8e0d20 hash; type <01> filename <commands3>
[ 732.90025 -  781.74152] 0 0adb bytes DATA [A-    ] 1fc003 hash
[ 782.12960 -  831.03258] 1 0adb bytes DATA [A-    ] 1fc003 hash
[ 866.72713 -  870.12775] 0 00c0 bytes HEAD [A-    ] 30aa5c hash; type <01> filename <tune>
[ 870.52235 -  873.92075] 1 00c0 bytes HEAD [A-    ] 30aa5c hash; type <01> filename <tune>
[ 883.56156 -  895.36515] 0 029e bytes DATA [A-    ] a353ba hash
[ 895.75856 -  907.57633] 1 029e bytes DATA [A-    ] a353ba hash
[ 957.07377 -  960.43392] 0 00c0 bytes HEAD [A-    ] 1841f5 hash; type <01> filename <logo-1>
[ 960.82271 -  964.18173] 1 00c0 bytes HEAD [A-    ] 1841f5 hash; type <01> filename <logo-1>
[ 973.77079 -  990.61077] 0 03c7 bytes DATA [A-    ] 940d1c hash
[ 991.00127 - 1007.89808] 1 03c7 bytes DATA [A-    ] 940d1c hash
[1041.69323 - 1044.95927] 0 00c0 bytes HEAD [A-    ] f3f668 hash; type <01> filename <logo-2>
[1045.33919 - 1048.57483] 1 00c0 bytes HEAD [AB    ] f3f668 hash; type <01> filename <logo-2>
[1057.77152 - 1088.81573] 0 0719 bytes DATA [A-    ] a578b7 hash
[1089.20160 - 1120.63775] 1 0719 bytes DATA [A-    ] a578b7 hash
[1153.46463 - 1156.78040] 0 00c0 bytes HEAD [AB    ] 54c4e3 hash; type <01> filename <logo-3>
[1157.16456 - 1160.48058] 1 00c0 bytes HEAD [AB    ] 54c4e3 hash; type <01> filename <logo-3>
[1169.89500 - 1206.02585] 0 0818 bytes DATA [A-    ] c47e59 hash
[1206.41950 - 1242.82154] 1 0818 bytes DATA [A-    ] c47e59 hash
[1264.74140 - 1268.14573] 0 00c0 bytes HEAD [AB    ] 9986f6 hash; type <01> filename <funny-poems>
[1268.53990 - 1271.94077] 1 00c0 bytes HEAD [AB    ] 9986f6 hash; type <01> filename <funny-poems>
[1281.61092 - 1293.69804] 0 02ac bytes DATA [AB    ] f982eb hash
[1294.09317 - 1305.62092] 1 02ac bytes DATA [A-    ] f982eb hash
[1323.07773 - 1326.39623] 0 00c0 bytes HEAD [A-    ] a67a2b hash; type <01> filename <limerics2>
[1326.77504 - 1330.08890] 1 00c0 bytes HEAD [A-    ] a67a2b hash; type <01> filename <limerics2>
[1339.38869 - 1352.98023] 0 032a bytes DATA [A-    ] ace184 hash
[1353.36642 - 1367.43923] 1 032a bytes DATA [A-    ] ace184 hash
[1389.76477 - 1393.16096] 0 00c0 bytes HEAD [A-    ] 990493 hash; type <01> filename <bow-bow>
[1393.55302 - 1396.94335] 1 00c0 bytes HEAD [A-    ] 990493 hash; type <01> filename <bow-bow>
[1406.59244 - 1418.29604] 0 0299 bytes DATA [A-    ] 7a3460 hash
[1418.69040 - 1430.41431] 1 0299 bytes DATA [A-    ] 7a3460 hash
[1453.21354 - 1456.46315] 0 00c0 bytes HEAD [A-    ] 9d8358 hash; type <01> filename <bow-bow(310)-2>
[1456.83863 - 1460.05798] 1 00c0 bytes HEAD [A-    ] 9d8358 hash; type <01> filename <bow-bow(310)-2>
[1469.22456 - 1485.20100] 0 03a5 bytes DATA [A-    ] 33d259 hash
[1485.59402 - 1502.02477] 1 03a5 bytes DATA [A-    ] 33d259 hash
[1535.58573 - 1538.98156] 0 00c0 bytes HEAD [A-    ] 5740f1 hash; type <01> filename <bow-bow(530)(400>
[1539.37723 - 1542.78256] 1 00c0 bytes HEAD [A-    ] 5740f1 hash; type <01> filename <bow-bow(530)(400>
[1552.49946 - 1586.30429] 0 0779 bytes DATA [A-    ] eb5e9b hash
[1586.69983 - 1620.33473] 1 0779 bytes DATA [A-    ] eb5e9b hash

Recovered  49940 bytes; tape speed 1.000.
Opened <C16>: /mnt/ganymede4/dcf21/cassette_archive_3/drawer_br/drawer_br_tape04b_c16_c60_computer_tape_1.wav mode, 2 channels, 48000 frames/sec, length 25m0.0s
Tape digitisation date: Sun Apr 30 18:02:25 2023
[Start/sec  - End/sec   ] Copy  Length Type [Config] Hash        Information
[  14.03183 -   17.12977] 0 00c0 bytes HEAD [A-C-  ] 611067 hash; type <01> filename <...number...>
[  17.48819 -   20.58488] 1 00c0 bytes HEAD [A-C-  ] 611067 hash; type <01> filename <...number...>
[  29.39923 -   49.30987] 0 04da bytes DATA [A-C-  ] 5507a9 hash
[  49.66777 -   69.55185] 1 04da bytes DATA [A-C-  ] 5507a9 hash
[ 112.16696 -  115.26279] 0 00c0 bytes HEAD [A-C-  ] 4c0a06 hash; type <01> filename <menu*>
[ 115.62194 -  118.71796] 1 00c0 bytes HEAD [A-C-  ] 4c0a06 hash; type <01> filename <menu*>
[ 127.53708 -  133.90490] 0 018c bytes DATA [A-C-  ] 8618d8 hash
[ 134.26392 -  140.63350] 1 018c bytes DATA [A-C-  ] 8618d8 hash
[ 195.69612 -  198.79592] 0 00c0 bytes HEAD [A-C-  ] 886b7a hash; type <01> filename <music magic>
[ 199.15562 -  202.25302] 1 00c0 bytes HEAD [A-C-  ] 886b7a hash; type <01> filename <music magic>
[ 211.07196 -  219.45254] 0 020a bytes DATA [A-C-  ] 80de72 hash
[ 219.81081 -  228.18490] 1 020a bytes DATA [A-C-  ] 80de72 hash
[ 257.13515 -  260.22825] 0 00c0 bytes HEAD [A-C-  ] 904344 hash; type <03> filename <maths picture>
[ 260.58590 -  263.67777] 1 00c0 bytes HEAD [A-C-  ] 904344 hash; type <03> filename <maths picture>
[ 272.48631 -  303.64433] 0 0799 bytes DATA [A-C-  ] daff5f hash
[ 304.00156 -  335.14046] 1 0799 bytes DATA [--C-  ] daff5f hash
[ 373.43012 -  376.52300] 0 00c0 bytes HEAD [A-C-  ] 50f2b6 hash; type <03> filename <logo>
[ 376.88096 -  379.97442] 1 00c0 bytes HEAD [A-C-  ] 50f2b6 hash; type <03> filename <logo>
[ 388.77529 -  419.83052] 0 0799 bytes DATA [A-C-  ] 52334b hash
[ 420.18492 -  451.26571] 1 0799 bytes DATA [A-C-  ] 52334b hash
[ 487.99771 -  491.09479] 0 00c0 bytes HEAD [A-C-  ] a85473 hash; type <01> filename <commands>
[ 491.45387 -  494.54885] 1 00c0 bytes HEAD [A-C-  ] a85473 hash; type <01> filename <commands>
[ 503.36948 -  516.04902] 0 0315 bytes DATA [A-C-  ] e669d2 hash
[ 516.40831 -  529.08225] 1 0315 bytes DATA [A-C-  ] e669d2 hash
[ 559.58938 -  562.68708] 0 00c0 bytes HEAD [A-C-  ] 940e4c hash; type <01> filename <commands2>
[ 563.04646 -  566.14452] 1 00c0 bytes HEAD [A-C-  ] 940e4c hash; type <01> filename <commands2>
[ 574.96946 -  599.97242] 0 0615 bytes DATA [A-C-  ] 25c0e1 hash
[ 600.33187 -  625.32902] 1 0615 bytes DATA [A-C-  ] 25c0e1 hash
[ 649.97187 -  653.07204] 0 00c0 bytes HEAD [A-C-  ] 8e0d20 hash; type <01> filename <commands3>
[ 653.43173 -  656.53167] 1 00c0 bytes HEAD [A-C-  ] 8e0d20 hash; type <01> filename <commands3>
[ 665.35381 -  709.87733] 0 0adb bytes DATA [A-C-  ] 1fc003 hash
[ 710.23550 -  754.74279] 1 0adb bytes DATA [A-C-  ] 1fc003 hash
[ 787.33417 -  790.43483] 0 00c0 bytes HEAD [A-C-  ] 30aa5c hash; type <01> filename <tune>
[ 790.79446 -  793.89583] 1 00c0 bytes HEAD [A-C-  ] 30aa5c hash; type <01> filename <tune>
[ 802.72883 -  813.50913] 0 029e bytes DATA [A-C-  ] a353ba hash
[ 813.86869 -  824.64946] 1 029e bytes DATA [A-C-  ] a353ba hash
[ 870.02665 -  873.12748] 0 00c0 bytes HEAD [A-C-  ] 1841f5 hash; type <01> filename <logo-1>
[ 873.48735 -  876.58969] 1 00c0 bytes HEAD [A-C-  ] 1841f5 hash; type <01> filename <logo-1>
[ 885.42677 -  900.98704] 0 03c7 bytes DATA [A-C-  ] 940d1c hash
[ 901.34692 -  916.90156] 1 03c7 bytes DATA [--C-  ] 940d1c hash
[ 948.78854 -  951.88731] 0 00c0 bytes HEAD [A-C-  ] f3f668 hash; type <01> filename <logo-2>
[ 952.24658 -  955.34537] 1 00c0 bytes HEAD [A-C-  ] f3f668 hash; type <01> filename <logo-2>
[ 964.17881 -  993.39629] 0 0719 bytes DATA [A-C-  ] a578b7 hash
[ 993.75592 - 1022.88837] 1 0719 bytes DATA [A-C-  ] a578b7 hash
[1053.16771 - 1056.25821] 0 00c0 bytes HEAD [A-C-  ] 54c4e3 hash; type <01> filename <logo-3>
[1056.61690 - 1059.71156] 1 00c0 bytes HEAD [A-C-  ] 54c4e3 hash; type <01> filename <logo-3>
[1068.52598 - 1101.74317] 0 0818 bytes DATA [A-C-  ] c47e59 hash
[1102.10108 - 1135.23815] 1 0818 bytes DATA [A-C-  ] c47e59 hash
[1155.21473 - 1158.31346] 0 00c0 bytes HEAD [A-C-  ] 9986f6 hash; type <01> filename <funny-poems>
[1158.67294 - 1161.77383] 1 00c0 bytes HEAD [A-C-  ] 9986f6 hash; type <01> filename <funny-poems>
[1170.60696 - 1181.61431] 0 02ac bytes DATA [A-C-  ] f982eb hash
[1181.97381 - 1192.96156] 1 02ac bytes DATA [A-C-  ] f982eb hash
[1209.51050 - 1212.58506] 0 00c0 bytes HEAD [A-C-  ] a67a2b hash; type <01> filename <limerics2>
[1212.94219 - 1216.02275] 1 00c0 bytes HEAD [A-C-  ] a67a2b hash; type <01> filename <limerics2>
[1224.80462 - 1237.77506] 0 032a bytes DATA [A-C-  ] ace184 hash
[1238.13208 - 1251.09942] 1 032a bytes DATA [A-C-  ] ace184 hash
[1271.56877 - 1274.66850] 0 00c0 bytes HEAD [A-C-  ] 990493 hash; type <01> filename <bow-bow>
[1275.02800 - 1278.12854] 1 00c0 bytes HEAD [A-C-  ] 990493 hash; type <01> filename <bow-bow>
[1286.96202 - 1297.66410] 0 0299 bytes DATA [A-C-  ] 7a3460 hash
[1298.02329 - 1308.71927] 1 0299 bytes DATA [A-C-  ] 7a3460 hash
[1329.69498 - 1332.79613] 0 00c0 bytes HEAD [A-C-  ] 9d8358 hash; type <01> filename <bow-bow(310)-2>
[1333.15596 - 1336.25681] 1 00c0 bytes HEAD [A-C-  ] 9d8358 hash; type <01> filename <bow-bow(310)-2>
[1345.07931 - 1360.05569] 0 03a5 bytes DATA [A-C-  ] 33d259 hash
[1360.41533 - 1375.40812] 1 03a5 bytes DATA [A-C-  ] 33d259 hash
[1405.97458 - 1406.53708] 0 0022 bytes ---- [A-C-  ] 9294ce hash
[1409.43292 - 1412.53129] 1 00c0 bytes HEAD [A-C-  ] 5740f1 hash; type <01> filename <bow-bow(530)(400>
[1421.36327 - 1452.11723] 0 0779 bytes DATA [A-C-  ] eb5e9b hash
[1452.47694 - 1483.21352] 1 0779 bytes DATA [A-C-  ] eb5e9b hash

Recovered  49748 bytes; tape speed 1.000.
Best version: </mnt/ganymede4/dcf21/cassette_archive/drawer_br/drawer_br_tape04b_c16_c60_computer_tape_1.wav>