Home » Personal collection » Commodore tapes » Commodore_16 » drawer_br_tape10b_d46_c16_ghost_maze.wav (19 files; 13.68 kB)

drawer_br_tape10b_d46_c16_ghost_maze.wav (19 files; 13.68 kB)

This website contains an archive of files for the Acorn Electron, BBC Micro, Acorn Archimedes, Commodore 16 and Commodore 64 computers, which Dominic Ford has rescued from his private collection of floppy disks and cassettes.

Some of these files were originally commercial releases in the 1980s and 1990s, but they are now widely available online. I assume that copyright over them is no longer being asserted. If you own the copyright and would like files to be removed, please contact me.

These files have been digitised from original cassettes by Dominic Ford in 2022-3. They are exact replicas of the original tape media from the author's private collection.
The files below are intended to run on: Commodore 16.

Disk images

Filename Status File
File hash Duplicates
name 004B 00001001 001 efea5b8b 0
buses & trains 0785 00001001 001 18d33613 1
database prog 08AB 00001001 001 88076871 1
database-1 00BC 00001001 004 c7056bae 0
designer1 0385 00001001 001 c759cbf7 0
ski 02BD 00001001 001 193ec948 0
cards 017F 00001001 001 d10cf112 0
momory 018C 00001001 001 0f5d1fdd 0
bowl 00F4 00001001 001 ac99239c 0
b.2 0317 00001001 001 2cb9c225 0
g(error) 04D8 00001001 001 d15b8965 0
rnd sound 0111 00001001 001 9343c272 0
music tape 0201 00001001 001 dcaeb806 0
football 01E9 00001001 001 cd84917f 0
improved tape 0195 00001001 001 42e2594c 0
study-3-l1 014E 00001001 001 ae783366 0
study-3 0533 00001001 001 96931597 3
study-3-l3 02B7 00001001 001 0ea6c60c 0
study-3-l4 038D 00001001 001 6a29c04a 0

Directory listing
       0 bytes - /mnt/ganymede4/dcf21/cassette_archive/drawer_br/drawer_br_tape10b_d46_c16_ghost_maze.wav (C64 mode)
>  35328 bytes - /mnt/ganymede4/dcf21/cassette_archive/drawer_br/drawer_br_tape10b_d46_c16_ghost_maze.wav (C16 mode)

Working on <drawer_br_tape10b_d46_c16_ghost_maze.wav> -- number of recordings: 1
Opened <C64>: /mnt/ganymede4/dcf21/cassette_archive/drawer_br/drawer_br_tape10b_d46_c16_ghost_maze.wav mode, 1 channels, 48000 frames/sec, length 25m1.4s
Tape digitisation date: Wed Aug 10 11:32:46 2022
[Start/sec  - End/sec   ] Copy  Length Type [Config] Hash        Information

Recovered      0 bytes; tape speed 1.000.
Opened <C16>: /mnt/ganymede4/dcf21/cassette_archive/drawer_br/drawer_br_tape10b_d46_c16_ghost_maze.wav mode, 1 channels, 48000 frames/sec, length 25m1.4s
Tape digitisation date: Wed Aug 10 11:32:46 2022
[Start/sec  - End/sec   ] Copy  Length Type [Config] Hash        Information
[  10.89190 -   13.91083] 0 00c0 bytes HEAD [A-    ] 97b926 hash; type <01> filename <name>
[  14.26008 -   17.28044] 1 00c0 bytes HEAD [A-    ] 97b926 hash; type <01> filename <name>
[  25.85312 -   27.03450] 0 004b bytes DATA [A-    ] 4f694f hash
[  27.38227 -   28.56598] 1 004b bytes DATA [A-    ] 4f694f hash
[  60.92440 -   63.93006] 0 00c0 bytes HEAD [A-    ] e6cc72 hash; type <01> filename <buses & trains>
[  64.27925 -   67.27985] 1 00c0 bytes HEAD [A-    ] e6cc72 hash; type <01> filename <buses & trains>
[  75.90835 -  106.28058] 0 0785 bytes DATA [A-    ] 9821ae hash
[ 106.63646 -  137.76450] 1 0785 bytes DATA [A-    ] 9821ae hash
[ 158.81198 -  162.03879] 0 00c0 bytes HEAD [AB    ] afa74b hash; type <01> filename <database prog>
[ 162.41323 -  165.64442] 1 00c0 bytes HEAD [AB    ] afa74b hash; type <01> filename <database prog>
[ 174.81662 -  211.49596] 0 08ab bytes DATA [A-    ] e24c27 hash
[ 211.85821 -  247.53000] 1 08ab bytes DATA [A-    ] e24c27 hash
[ 270.69196 -  273.88396] 0 00c0 bytes HEAD [A-    ] 97e1ad hash; type <04> filename <database-1>
[ 274.25127 -  277.42273] 1 00c0 bytes HEAD [A-    ] 97e1ad hash; type <04> filename <database-1>
[ 286.57229 -  289.73071] 0 00c0 bytes SEQ_ [A-    ] e456e0 hash; type <02> payload 187 bytes
[ 290.09312 -  293.24937] 1 00c0 bytes SEQ_ [A-    ] e456e0 hash; type <02> payload 187 bytes
[ 325.19571 -  328.34442] 0 00c0 bytes HEAD [A-    ] 04674b hash; type <01> filename <designer1>
[ 328.71006 -  331.83265] 1 00c0 bytes HEAD [A-    ] 04674b hash; type <01> filename <designer1>
[ 340.81683 -  355.54427] 0 0385 bytes DATA [A-    ] 47f8f5 hash
[ 355.91012 -  370.43142] 1 0385 bytes DATA [A-    ] 47f8f5 hash
[ 395.43133 -  398.65698] 0 00c0 bytes HEAD [AB    ] cc2ccc hash; type <01> filename <ski>
[ 399.02967 -  402.24360] 1 00c0 bytes HEAD [AB    ] cc2ccc hash; type <01> filename <ski>
[ 411.31335 -  422.90844] 0 02bd bytes DATA [A-    ] 92b898 hash
[ 423.28167 -  434.94096] 1 02bd bytes DATA [A-    ] 92b898 hash
[ 455.64992 -  458.89594] 0 00c0 bytes HEAD [A-    ] fcc075 hash; type <01> filename <cards>
[ 459.27375 -  462.50979] 1 00c0 bytes HEAD [A-    ] fcc075 hash; type <01> filename <cards>
[ 471.51848 -  477.80215] 0 017f bytes DATA [A-    ] 567de5 hash
[ 478.17158 -  484.49258] 1 017f bytes DATA [A-    ] 567de5 hash
[ 543.94752 -  547.11160] 0 00c0 bytes HEAD [AB    ] 80d165 hash; type <01> filename <momory>
[ 547.47625 -  550.63833] 1 00c0 bytes HEAD [AB    ] 80d165 hash; type <01> filename <momory>
[ 559.67623 -  566.21777] 0 018c bytes DATA [A-    ] d2fd96 hash
[ 566.58927 -  573.09788] 1 018c bytes DATA [A-    ] d2fd96 hash
[ 607.34054 -  610.51900] 0 00c0 bytes HEAD [A-    ] f14fc5 hash; type <01> filename <bowl>
[ 610.88698 -  614.08690] 1 00c0 bytes HEAD [A-    ] f14fc5 hash; type <01> filename <bowl>
[ 623.12075 -  627.17342] 0 00f4 bytes DATA [A-    ] 17e6cb hash
[ 627.54656 -  631.62198] 1 00f4 bytes DATA [A-    ] 17e6cb hash
[ 654.90067 -  658.09017] 0 00c0 bytes HEAD [AB    ] 0f61d6 hash; type <01> filename <b.2>
[ 658.45967 -  661.65140] 1 00c0 bytes HEAD [AB    ] 0f61d6 hash; type <01> filename <b.2>
[ 670.69908 -  683.79435] 0 0317 bytes DATA [A-    ] a5b0dc hash
[ 684.16402 -  697.20008] 1 0317 bytes DATA [A-    ] a5b0dc hash
[ 759.68010 -  762.86177] 0 00c0 bytes HEAD [AB    ] 66e072 hash; type <01> filename <g(error)>
[ 763.23065 -  766.40192] 1 00c0 bytes HEAD [AB    ] 66e072 hash; type <01> filename <g(error)>
[ 775.46410 -  795.81787] 0 04d8 bytes DATA [A-    ] 1d4973 hash
[ 796.18869 -  816.78285] 1 04d8 bytes DATA [A-    ] 1d4973 hash
[ 886.21954 -  889.36515] 0 00c0 bytes HEAD [A-    ] bebb1d hash; type <01> filename <rnd sound>
[ 889.72810 -  892.89446] 1 00c0 bytes HEAD [A-    ] bebb1d hash; type <01> filename <rnd sound>
[ 901.86448 -  906.26794] 0 0111 bytes DATA [A-    ] 2ff9ae hash
[ 906.63365 -  911.15506] 1 0111 bytes DATA [A-    ] 2ff9ae hash
[ 967.39544 -  970.60133] 0 00c0 bytes HEAD [A-    ] 10f3b5 hash; type <01> filename <music tape>
[ 970.97094 -  974.13854] 1 00c0 bytes HEAD [A-    ] 10f3b5 hash; type <01> filename <music tape>
[ 983.17344 -  991.56996] 0 0201 bytes DATA [A-    ] c054fa hash
[ 991.93377 - 1000.32071] 1 0201 bytes DATA [A-    ] c054fa hash
[1064.66238 - 1067.87458] 0 00c0 bytes HEAD [A-    ] 9a68c5 hash; type <01> filename <football>
[1068.25008 - 1071.46673] 1 00c0 bytes HEAD [A-    ] 9a68c5 hash; type <01> filename <football>
[1080.60719 - 1088.63837] 0 01e9 bytes DATA [A-    ] e83737 hash
[1089.00631 - 1097.07562] 1 01e9 bytes DATA [A-    ] e83737 hash
[1145.88019 - 1149.08450] 0 00c0 bytes HEAD [A-    ] 2b5a00 hash; type <01> filename <improved tape>
[1149.45121 - 1152.61585] 1 00c0 bytes HEAD [A-    ] 2b5a00 hash; type <01> filename <improved tape>
[1161.65642 - 1168.35677] 0 0195 bytes DATA [A-    ] 0ccbc8 hash
[1168.72492 - 1175.30933] 1 0195 bytes DATA [A-    ] 0ccbc8 hash
[1195.36367 - 1198.51052] 0 00c0 bytes HEAD [AB    ] b9437c hash; type <01> filename <study-3-l1>
[1198.87667 - 1202.03619] 1 00c0 bytes HEAD [AB    ] b9437c hash; type <01> filename <study-3-l1>
[1211.09900 - 1216.64750] 0 014e bytes DATA [A-    ] 0e8c7b hash
[1217.01848 - 1222.49862] 1 014e bytes DATA [AB    ] 0e8c7b hash
[1241.70979 - 1244.85879] 0 00c0 bytes HEAD [AB    ] b13d70 hash; type <01> filename <study-3>
[1245.22471 - 1248.34421] 1 00c0 bytes HEAD [AB    ] b13d70 hash; type <01> filename <study-3>
[1257.23246 - 1278.96090] 0 0533 bytes DATA [A-    ] 453fda hash
[1279.32846 - 1301.29292] 1 0533 bytes DATA [A-    ] 453fda hash
[1335.65108 - 1338.81471] 0 00c0 bytes HEAD [AB    ] 7088be hash; type <01> filename <study-3-l3>
[1339.17850 - 1342.30656] 1 00c0 bytes HEAD [AB    ] 7088be hash; type <01> filename <study-3-l3>
[1351.19910 - 1362.54256] 0 02b7 bytes DATA [A-    ] aa10ac hash
[1362.90935 - 1374.35606] 1 02b7 bytes DATA [A-    ] aa10ac hash
[1401.25752 - 1404.46140] 0 00c0 bytes HEAD [AB    ] 10ead1 hash; type <01> filename <study-3-l4>
[1404.83237 - 1408.02283] 1 00c0 bytes HEAD [AB    ] 10ead1 hash; type <01> filename <study-3-l4>
[1416.93498 - 1431.92558] 0 038d bytes DATA [A-    ] ef2e2e hash
[1432.29473 - 1447.33106] 1 038d bytes DATA [A-    ] ef2e2e hash

Recovered  35328 bytes; tape speed 1.000.
Best version: </mnt/ganymede4/dcf21/cassette_archive/drawer_br/drawer_br_tape10b_d46_c16_ghost_maze.wav>