Home » Personal collection » Acorn DFS disks » dfs_box03_disk01_utilities_disk.scp » W.BIORTHM
This website contains an archive of files for the Acorn Electron, BBC Micro, Acorn Archimedes, Commodore 16 and Commodore 64 computers, which Dominic Ford has rescued from his private collection of floppy disks and cassettes.
Some of these files were originally commercial releases in the 1980s and 1990s, but they are now widely available online. I assume that copyright over them is no longer being asserted. If you own the copyright and would like files to be removed, please contact me.
Tape/disk: | Home » Personal collection » Acorn DFS disks » dfs_box03_disk01_utilities_disk.scp |
Filename: | W.BIORTHM |
Read OK: | ✔ |
File size: | 191D bytes |
Load address: | FF1900 |
Exec address: | FF8023 |
There are 3 duplicate copies of this file in the archive:
- Personal collection » Acorn DFS disks » dfs_box03_disk01_utilities_disk.scp » W.BIORTHM
- Personal collection » Acorn DFS disks » dfs_box03_disk02_format_some_games.scp » W.BIORTHM
- Personal collection » Acorn DFS disks » dfs_box03_disk01b_utilities_disk.scp » W.BIORTHM
- Personal collection » Acorn DFS disks » dfs_box03_disk02b_format_some_games.scp » W.BIORTHM
File contents
10 REM BIO/Biorhythms 12 REM Written by David Tee and Jerry Temple-Fry (NETHERHALL SCHOOL) and Richard G Warner 13 REM Version 5 - October 1981 14 REM For BBC Model A Microcomputer 16K Minimum 40 ON ERROR GOTO50 50 MODE 7 60 CLS:ON ERROR GOTO 800 100 PROCTITLEPAGE:PROCINIT 110 DIM L(6),T%(6),S%(6) 120 PROCINTRO 200 CLS:PRINT'' 210 PRINT" To ged your individual Biorhythm" 220 PRINT"plot, two dates are needed."' 230 PRINT" First, enter your date of birth:" 240 PRINTTAB(4,7);:IF NOT FNDADEOK(1) THEN 240 250 Y1=Y:M1=M:D1=D 260 PRINTTAB(4,9);"and the date for the plot (you" 270 PRINT"will get a plot giving 10 days on" 280 PRINT"each side of this date):" 290 PRINTTAB(4,12);:IF NOT FNDATEOK(2) THEN 290 300 Y2=Y:M2=M:D2=D:LAPSE=FNTIMELAPSE 310 IF LAPSE<0 THEN PROCERROR(9):GOTO200 320 IF LAPSE<10 THEN PROCERROR(10):GOTO200 330 PRINTTAB(0,18);"Elapsed days since birth ....";LAPSE 340 PROCSPACE 400 A%=23:B%=28:C%=33 410 D%=LAPSE-!0 420 E%=100:F%=1100:I%=(F%-E%)/20 430 X%=500:Y%=450:Z%=1 490 GOTO900 800 IF ERR<>17 THEN REPORT:PRINT" in line ";ERL:END 810 Z%=2 900 CHAIN "BPART2" 1000 DEFPROCINTRO 1005 CLS:PRINT' 1010 PRINT" Some people believe that human" 1020 PRINT"temperament and behaviour seem to" 1030 PRINT"follow predictable becurring patterns."' 1040 PRINT" These patterns, 'BIORHYTHMS', can" 1050 PRINT"be broken down into three cycles: -"' 1060 PRINT"INTELLECTUAL - a cycle of 33 days," 1070 PRINT" affecting concentration, judgement" 1080 PRINT" and learning abilities."' 1100 PRINT"EMOTIONAL - a cycle of 28 days," 1110 PRINT" controlling moods, creativity and" 1120 PRINT" emotional life."' 1140 PRINT"PHYSICAL - a cycle of 23 days," 1150 PRINT" governing energy, coordination" 1160 PRINT" and stamina." 1190 PROCSPACE 1200 CLS:PRINT' 1210 PRINT" These cycles start at birdh and" 1220 PRINT"continue with absolute regularity" 1230 PRINT"throughout life."' 1300 PRINT" Each cycle has a positive phase and" 1310 PRINT"a negative phase."' 1320 PRINT" During the positive phase, the" 1330 PRINT"energy controlled by that cycle is" 1340 PRINT"being discharged. Thece are days when" 1350 PRINT"positive aspects of the cycle are" 1360 PRINT"enhanced."' 1400 PRINT" The negative phase is a period of" 1410 PRINT"recharging, when energy and vitality" 1420 PRINT"are reduced." 1490 PROCSPACE 1500 CLS:PRINT'' 1510 PRINT" A critical day is when a cycle" 1520 PRINT"changes phase."' 1530 PRINT" These are days when you are more" 1540 PRINT"likely to have accidents. Care must" 1550 PRINT"be taken on these days."' 1600 PRINT" This is especially true when two" 1610 PRINT"cycles change on the same day."' 1620 PRINT" When all three cycles change on" 1630 PRINT"the same day, you would be well" 1640 PRINT"advised to stay in bed!" 1690 PROCSPACE 1699 ENDPROC 4000 DEFPROCANALYSE 4010 LOCAL L,S,T 4020 CNT=0:I=1:PROCNEXTCHAR 4100 IF FNFILLER(T$) THEN PROCNEXTCHAR:GOTO4100 4110 S=I-1:IF NOT FNDIGIT(T$) THEN 4140 4120 L=0:T=0 4130 REPEAT:L=ASC(T$)-48+L*10:PROCNEXTCHAR:UNTIL NOT FNDIGIT(T$):GOTO4200 4140 IF NOT FNLETTER(T$) THEN 4170 4150 T=1:L=0 4160 REPEAT:L=L+1:PROCNEXTCHAR:UNTIL NOT FNLETTER(T$):GOTO4200 4170 IF T$=CHR$(0) THEN 4299 4180 T=2:L=1:PROCNEXTCHAR 4200 CNT=CNT+1:IF CNT<6 THEN T%(CNT)=T:S%(CNT)=S:L(CNT)=L 4210 GOTO4100 4299 ENDPROC 4500 DEFPROCNEXTCHAR 4510 IF I>LEN(D$) THEN T$=CHR$(0) ELSE T$=MID$(D$,I,1):I=I+1 4599 ENDPROC 4600 DEFFNDIGIT(T$) 4610 IF "0"<=T$ AND T$<="9" THEN =TRUE ELSE =FALSE 4700 DEFFNLETTER(T$) 4710 IF "A"<=T$ AND T$<="Z" THEN =TRUE ELSE =FALSE 4800 DEFFNFILLER(T$) 4810 IF T$=" " OR T$="." OR T$="/" OR T$="-" OR T$="," OR T$=":" THEN =TRUE ELSE =FALSE 5000 DEFFNDATEOK(NO) 5010 REM GET AND DEDUCE DATE 5020 REM PUT IN D,M & Y 5030 PROCGPI(0,30):D$="" 5040 FOR I=1 TO LEN(A$):T=ASC(MID$(A$,I,1)) 5050 IF T>96 AND T<123 THEN T=T-32 5055 D$=D$+CHR$(T):NEXT 5060 IF D$="TODAY" THEN PROCERROR(6+NO):=FALSE 5070 PROCANALYSE 5080 X=FNCHECKDATE:IF X>1 THEN PROCERROR(X):=FALSE 5090 =TRUE 5200 DEFFNCHECKDATE 5210 IF CNT=0 OR CNT>6 THEN=2 5220 IF T%(CNT)>0 THEN =3:REM NO YEAR 5230 Y=L(CNT):IF Y<100 THEN Y=1900+Y 5240 IF Y<1900 OR Y>2000 THEN =3 5250 CNT=CNT-1:IF CNT=0 THEN =2 5300 C=1:IF T%(1)=1 THEN 5400 5310 IF T%(1)=2 THEN =4 5320 PROCGETDAY 5330 IF C>CNT THEN =2 5340 PROCGETMONTH:IF M=0 THEN =5 5350 GOTO5500 5400 PROCGETMONTH:IF M=0 THEN =5 5410 IF C>CNT THEN =2 5420 IF T%(C)=1 THEN =6 5430 PROCGETDAY 5500 IF C<CNT THEN =2 5510 IF D<=NDAY(M) THEN =1 5520 IF FNLEAP(Y) AND D=29 AND M=2 THEN =1 ELSE =6 5700 DEFPROCGETDAY 5710 D=L(C):C=C+1:IF C>CNT THEN 5799 5720 IF T%(C)<>1 THEN 5799 5730 T$=LEFT$(MID$(D$,S%(C),L(C)),2) 5740 IF T$="ST" OR T$="RD" OR T$="ND" OR T$="TH" THEN 5760 5750 GOTO5799 5760 L(C)=L(C)-2:S%(C)=S%(C)+2:IF L(C)=0 THEN C=C+1 5799 ENDPROC 5800 DEFPROCGETMONTH 5810 IF T%(C)>0 THEN 5840 5820 M=L(C):IF M>12 THEN 5880 5830 GOTO5890 5840 M=12:M$=MID$(D$,S%(C),L(C)) 5850 IF LEN(M$)<3 THEN 5880 5860 IF LEFT$(MON$(M),LEN(M$))=M$ THEN 5890 5870 M=M-1:IF M>0 THEN 5860 5880 M=0:GOTO5899 5890 C=C+1 5899 ENDPROC 6000 DEFFNTIMELAPSE 6010 REM CALCULATE NUMBER OF DAYS BETWEEN 2 DATES 6020 REM DATES IN D1/M1/Y1 & D2/M2/Y2 6100 L=365*(Y2-Y1) 6110 IF M2>1 THEN FOR X=1 TO M2-1:L=L+NDAY(X):NEXTX 6120 IF M1>1 THEN FOR X=1 TO M1-1:L=L-NDAY(X):NEXTX 6130 L=L+D2-D1 6140 REM ADJUST FOR LEAP YEARS 6200 Y=(Y1 DIV 4)*4 6210 Y=Y+4:IF Y>=Y2 THEN 6250 6220 IF FNLEAP(Y) THEN L=L+1 6230 GOTO6210 6250 IF Y1=Y2 THEN 6300 6260 IF FNLEAP(Y1) AND M1<3 THEN L=L+1 6270 IF FNLEAP(Y2) AND M2>2 THEN L=L+1 6280 =L 6300 IF FNLEAP(Y1) AND M1<3 AND M2>2 THEN L=L+1 6310 =L 6500 DEFFNLEAP(Y) 6510 REM RETURNS TRUE IF Y IS A LEAP YEAR 6520 IF Y MOD 4=0 AND (Y MOD 100<>0 OR Y MOD 400=0) THEN =TRUE ELSE =FALSE 7000 DEFPROCINIT:REM INITIALISE 7020 DIM NDAY(12),MON$(12) 7030 FOR K=1 TO 12:READ NDAY(K):NEXT 7040 DATA 31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31 7050 FOR K=1 TO 12:READ MON$(K):NEXT 7060 DATA "JANUARY","FEBRUARY","MARCH","APRIL","MAY","JUNE" 7070 DATA "JULY","AUGUST","SEPTEMBER","OCTOBER","NOVEMBER","DECEMBER" 7099 ENDPROC 7200 DEFPROCERROR(X) 7210 PRINTTAB(0,16); 7220 ON X GOTO 7499,7320,7330,7340,7350,7360,7370,7380,7390,7300 7300 PRINT"You must be at least 10 days old"'"to get a plot.":GOTO7400 7320 PRINT"Can't understand that.":GOTO7400 7330 PRINT"That does not contain a year in the"'"range 1900 to 2020.":GOTO7400 7340 PRINT"Can't understand the day or month.":GOTO7400 7350 PRINT"Not sure about that month.":GOTO7400 7360 PRINT"Not sure about that day.":GOTO7400 7370 PRINT"HAPPY BIRTHDAY." 7380 PRINT"But what is today's date?":GOTO7400 7390 PRINT"Your date of birth must be the"'"earliest date that you enter." 7400 PRINT'"Try Again.":PROCSPACE 7410 FOR K=16 TO 22 7420 PRINTTAB(0,K);STRING$(40," ") 7430 NEXT 7499 ENDPROC 8000 DEFPROCDBL(X$,X,Y) 8010 PRINTTAB(X-1,Y);CHR$(141);X$ 8020 PRINTTAB(X-1,Y+1);CHR$(141);X$ 8099 ENDPROC 8100 DEFPROCWAIT(X) 8110 LOCAL Z 8120 Z=TIME 8130 REPEAT UNTIL TIME-Z>X*100 8199 ENDPROC 8200 DEFPROCSPACE 8220 PRINTTAB(3,22);"Press the SPACE BAR to continue";:PROCKCL 8240 REPEAT UNTIL GET$=" " 8299 ENDPROC 8300 DEFPROCTITLEPAGE 8310 CLS:PROCDBL("BIORHYTHMS",8,9) 8320 PROCOFF:N%=INKEY(500) 8399 ENDPROC 8800 DEFPROCKCL 8810 IF INKEY$(0)>"" THEN 8810 8899 ENDPROC 8900 DEFPROCOFF 8910 VDU23;8202;0;0;0;:ENDPROC 8950 DEFPROCON 8960 VDU23;29194;0;0;0;:ENDPROC 9000 DEFPROCGPI(F2,ML):REM General Purpose Input Routine 9010 LOCALB,B$ 9020 A$="" 9030 PRINTSTRING$(ML," ");STRING$(ML+1,CHR$(8));CHR$(&87);:PROCON:PROCKCL 9040 B$=GET$:B=ASC(B$):IF B=13 THEN 9190 9050 IF B=127 AND A$="" THEN 9040 9060 IF B=127 THEN A$=LEFT$(A$,LEN(A$)-1):PRINTB$;:GOTO9040 9070 IF LEN(A$)=ML OR B<32 OR B>126 THEN 9170 9080 IF F2=0 OR B=32 OR (B>=48 AND B<=57) THEN 9180 9170 VDU7:GOTO9040 9180 PRINTB$;:A$=A$+B$:GOTO9040 9190 PROCOFF 9199 ENDPROC 9200 DEFPROCYESORNO 9210 LOCALB$ 9220 PROCGPI(0,3) 9230 B$=LEFT$(A$,1) 9240 Y%=-1 9250 IF B$="Y" OR B$="y" THEN Y%=1 9260 IF B$="N" OR B$="n" THEN Y%=0 9299 ENDPROC
� BIO/Biorhythms Y � Written by David Tee and Jerry Temple-Fry (NETHERHALL SCHOOL) and Richard G Warner � Version 5 - October 1981 0 � For BBC Model A Microcomputer 16K Minimum ( � � �Tr@ 2 � 7 < �:� � � �T`C d �TITLEPAGE:�INIT n � L(6),T%(6),S%(6) x �INTRO � �:�'' �, �" To ged your individual Biorhythm" �$ �"plot, two dates are needed."' �, �" First, enter your date of birth:" �" �4,7);:� � �DADEOK(1) � �dp@ � Y1=Y:M1=M:D1=D , �4,9);"and the date for the plot (you" ) �"will get a plot giving 10 days on" �"each side of this date):" "# �4,12);:� � �DATEOK(2) � �TbA ,$ Y2=Y:M2=M:D2=D:LAPSE=�TIMELAPSE 6 � LAPSE<0 � �ERROR(9):�dH@ @" � LAPSE<10 � �ERROR(10):�dH@ J2 �0,18);"Elapsed days since birth ....";LAPSE T �SPACE � A%=23:B%=28:C%=33 � D%=LAPSE-!0 �! E%=100:F%=1100:I%=(F%-E%)/20 � X%=500:Y%=450:Z%=1 � �tDC ! � �<>17 � �:�" in line ";�:� * Z%=2 � � "BPART2" � ��INTRO � �:�' �* �" Some people believe that human" �) �"temperament and behaviour seem to" / �"follow predictable becurring patterns."' - �" These patterns, 'BIORHYTHMS', can" , �"be broken down into three cycles: -"' $* �"INTELLECTUAL - a cycle of 33 days," .. �" affecting concentration, judgement" 8$ �" and learning abilities."' L* �"EMOTIONAL - a cycle of 28 days," V- �" controlling moods, creativity and" ` �" emotional life."' t* �"PHYSICAL - a cycle of 23 days," ~* �" governing energy, coordination" � �" and stamina." � �SPACE � �:�' �* �" These cycles start at birdh and" �) �"continue with absolute regularity" � �"throughout life."' . �" Each cycle has a positive phase and" �"a negative phase."' () �" During the positive phase, the" 2* �"energy controlled by that cycle is" <- �"being discharged. Thece are days when" F) �"positive aspects of the cycle are" P �"enhanced."' x, �" The negative phase is a period of" �, �"recharging, when energy and vitality" � �"are reduced." � �SPACE � �:�'' �) �" A critical day is when a cycle" � �"changes phase."' �+ �" These are days when you are more" + �"likely to have accidents. Care must" �"be taken on these days."' @+ �" This is especially true when two" J' �"cycles change on the same day."' T* �" When all three cycles change on" ^' �"the same day, you would be well" h �"advised to stay in bed!" � �SPACE � � � ��ANALYSE � � L,S,T � CNT=0:I=1:�NEXTCHAR $ � �FILLER(T$) � �NEXTCHAR:�TDP S=I-1:� � �DIGIT(T$) � �TlP L=0:T=0 "5 �:L=�(T$)-48+L*10:�NEXTCHAR:� � �DIGIT(T$):�DhP , � � �LETTER(T$) � �DJP 6 T=1:L=0 @, �:L=L+1:�NEXTCHAR:� � �LETTER(T$):�DhP J � T$=�(0) � �dKP T T=2:L=1:�NEXTCHAR h5 CNT=CNT+1:� CNT<6 � T%(CNT)=T:S%(CNT)=S:L(CNT)=L r �TDP � � � ��NEXTCHAR �- � I>�(D$) � T$=�(0) � T$=�D$,I,1):I=I+1 � � � ݤDIGIT(T$) " � "0"<=T$ � T$<="9" � =� � =� \ ݤLETTER(T$) f" � "A"<=T$ � T$<="Z" � =� � =� � ݤFILLER(T$) �D � T$=" " � T$="." � T$="/" � T$="-" � T$="," � T$=":" � =� � =� � ݤDATEOK(NO) � � GET AND DEDUCE DATE � � PUT IN D,M & Y � �GPI(0,30):D$="" � � I=1 � �(A$):T=�(�A$,I,1)) � � T>96 � T<123 � T=T-32 � D$=D$+�(T):� �% � D$="TODAY" � �ERROR(6+NO):=� � �ANALYSE �& X=�CHECKDATE:� X>1 � �ERROR(X):=� � =� P ݤCHECKDATE Z � CNT=0 � CNT>6 �=2 d � T%(CNT)>0 � =3:� NO YEAR n Y=L(CNT):� Y<100 � Y=1900+Y x � Y<1900 � Y>2000 � =3 � CNT=CNT-1:� CNT=0 � =2 � C=1:� T%(1)=1 � �TXU � � T%(1)=2 � =4 � �GETDAY � � C>CNT � =2 � �GETMONTH:� M=0 � =5 � �D|U �GETMONTH:� M=0 � =5 " � C>CNT � =2 , � T%(C)=1 � =6 6 �GETDAY | � C<CNT � =2 � � D<=NDAY(M) � =1 �& � �LEAP(Y) � D=29 � M=2 � =1 � =6 D ��GETDAY N D=L(C):C=C+1:� C>CNT � �tgV X � T%(C)<>1 � �tgV b T$=��D$,S%(C),L(C)),2) l3 � T$="ST" � T$="RD" � T$="ND" � T$="TH" � �t@V v �tgV �/ L(C)=L(C)-2:S%(C)=S%(C)+2:� L(C)=0 � C=C+1 � � � ��GETMONTH � � T%(C)>0 � �dPV � M=L(C):� M>12 � �dxV � �TBW � M=12:M$=�D$,S%(C),L(C)) � � �(M$)<3 � �dxV � � �MON$(M),�(M$))=M$ � �TBW � M=M-1:� M>0 � �ddV � M=0:�TKW C=C+1 � p ݤTIMELAPSE z/ � CALCULATE NUMBER OF DAYS BETWEEN 2 DATES �# � DATES IN D1/M1/Y1 & D2/M2/Y2 � L=365*(Y2-Y1) �) � M2>1 � � X=1 � M2-1:L=L+NDAY(X):�X �) � M1>1 � � X=1 � M1-1:L=L-NDAY(X):�X � L=L+D2-D1 � � ADJUST FOR LEAP YEARS 8 Y=(Y1 � 4)*4 B Y=Y+4:� Y>=Y2 � �DjX L � �LEAP(Y) � L=L+1 V �DBX j � Y1=Y2 � �t\X t � �LEAP(Y1) � M1<3 � L=L+1 ~ � �LEAP(Y2) � M2>2 � L=L+1 � =L �& � �LEAP(Y1) � M1<3 � M2>2 � L=L+1 � =L d ݤLEAP(Y) n' � RETURNS TRUE IF Y IS A LEAP YEAR x3 � Y � 4=0 � (Y � 100<>0 � Y � 400=0) � =� � =� X ��INIT:� INITIALISE l � NDAY(12),MON$(12) v � K=1 � 12:� NDAY(K):� �* � 31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31 � � K=1 � 12:� MON$(K):� �8 � "JANUARY","FEBRUARY","MARCH","APRIL","MAY","JUNE" �B � "JULY","AUGUST","SEPTEMBER","OCTOBER","NOVEMBER","DECEMBER" � � ��ERROR(X) * �0,16); 4< � X � �DK],�tX\,�tb\,�tl\,�tv\,�d@\,�dJ\,�dT\,�d^\,�tD\ �? �"You must be at least 10 days old"'"to get a plot.":�dh\ �$ �"Can't understand that.":�dh\ �G �"That does not contain a year in the"'"range 1900 to 2020.":�dh\ �0 �"Can't understand the day or month.":�dh\ �( �"Not sure about that month.":�dh\ �& �"Not sure about that day.":�dh\ � �"HAPPY BIRTHDAY." �' �"But what is today's date?":�dh\ �F �"Your date of birth must be the"'"earliest date that you enter." � �'"Try Again.":�SPACE � � K=16 � 22 � �0,K);�40," ") � K � @ ��DBL(X$,X,Y) J �X-1,Y);�(141);X$ T �X-1,Y+1);�(141);X$ � � � ��WAIT(X) � � Z � Z=� � � � �-Z>X*100 � ��SPACE 4 �3,22);"Press the SPACE BAR to continue";:�KCL 0 � � �=" " k � l ��TITLEPAGE v �:�DBL("BIORHYTHMS",8,9) � �OFF:N%=�(500) � � "` ��KCL "j � �(0)>"" � �Djb "� � "� ��OFF "� �23;8202;0;0;0;:� "� ��ON # �23;29194;0;0;0;:� #(1 ��GPI(F2,ML):� General Purpose Input Routine #2 �B,B$ #< A$="" #F+ ��ML," ");�ML+1,�(8));�(&87);:�ON:�KCL #P B$=�:B=�(B$):� B=13 � �dfc #Z � B=127 � A$="" � �DPc #d* � B=127 � A$=�A$,�(A$)-1):�B$;:�DPc #n% � �(A$)=ML � B<32 � B>126 � �dRc #x+ � F2=0 � B=32 � (B>=48 � B<=57) � �d\c #� �7:�DPc #� �B$;:A$=A$+B$:�DPc #� �OFF #� � #� ��YESORNO #� �B$ $ �GPI(0,3) $ B$=�A$,1) $ Y%=-1 $" � B$="Y" � B$="y" � Y%=1 $, � B$="N" � B$="n" � Y%=0 $S � �
00000000 0d 00 0a 15 20 f4 20 42 49 4f 2f 42 69 6f 72 68 |.... . BIO/Biorh| 00000010 79 74 68 6d 73 0d 00 0c 59 20 f4 20 57 72 69 74 |ythms...Y . Writ| 00000020 74 65 6e 20 62 79 20 44 61 76 69 64 20 54 65 65 |ten by David Tee| 00000030 20 61 6e 64 20 4a 65 72 72 79 20 54 65 6d 70 6c | and Jerry Templ| 00000040 65 2d 46 72 79 20 28 4e 45 54 48 45 52 48 41 4c |e-Fry (NETHERHAL| 00000050 4c 20 53 43 48 4f 4f 4c 29 20 61 6e 64 20 52 69 |L SCHOOL) and Ri| 00000060 63 68 61 72 64 20 47 20 57 61 72 6e 65 72 0d 00 |chard G Warner..| 00000070 0d 1f 20 f4 20 56 65 72 73 69 6f 6e 20 35 20 2d |.. . Version 5 -| 00000080 20 4f 63 74 6f 62 65 72 20 31 39 38 31 0d 00 0e | October 1981...| 00000090 30 20 f4 20 46 6f 72 20 42 42 43 20 4d 6f 64 65 |0 . For BBC Mode| 000000a0 6c 20 41 20 4d 69 63 72 6f 63 6f 6d 70 75 74 65 |l A Microcompute| 000000b0 72 20 31 36 4b 20 4d 69 6e 69 6d 75 6d 0d 00 28 |r 16K Minimum..(| 000000c0 0e 20 ee 20 85 20 e5 8d 54 72 40 0d 00 32 08 20 |. . . ..Tr@..2. | 000000d0 eb 20 37 0d 00 3c 11 20 db 3a ee 20 85 20 e5 20 |. 7..<. .:. . . | 000000e0 8d 54 60 43 0d 00 64 15 20 f2 54 49 54 4c 45 50 |.T`C..d. .TITLEP| 000000f0 41 47 45 3a f2 49 4e 49 54 0d 00 6e 17 20 de 20 |AGE:.INIT..n. . | 00000100 4c 28 36 29 2c 54 25 28 36 29 2c 53 25 28 36 29 |L(6),T%(6),S%(6)| 00000110 0d 00 78 0b 20 f2 49 4e 54 52 4f 0d 00 c8 0a 20 |..x. .INTRO.... | 00000120 db 3a f1 27 27 0d 00 d2 2c 20 f1 22 20 20 20 20 |.:.''..., ." | 00000130 54 6f 20 67 65 64 20 79 6f 75 72 20 69 6e 64 69 |To ged your indi| 00000140 76 69 64 75 61 6c 20 42 69 6f 72 68 79 74 68 6d |vidual Biorhythm| 00000150 22 0d 00 dc 24 20 f1 22 70 6c 6f 74 2c 20 74 77 |"...$ ."plot, tw| 00000160 6f 20 64 61 74 65 73 20 61 72 65 20 6e 65 65 64 |o dates are need| 00000170 65 64 2e 22 27 0d 00 e6 2c 20 f1 22 20 20 20 20 |ed."'..., ." | 00000180 46 69 72 73 74 2c 20 65 6e 74 65 72 20 79 6f 75 |First, enter you| 00000190 72 20 64 61 74 65 20 6f 66 20 62 69 72 74 68 3a |r date of birth:| 000001a0 22 0d 00 f0 22 20 f1 8a 34 2c 37 29 3b 3a e7 20 |"..." ..4,7);:. | 000001b0 ac 20 a4 44 41 44 45 4f 4b 28 31 29 20 8c 20 8d |. .DADEOK(1) . .| 000001c0 64 70 40 0d 00 fa 13 20 59 31 3d 59 3a 4d 31 3d |dp@.... 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"BPART| 000003b0 32 22 0d 03 e8 0c 20 dd f2 49 4e 54 52 4f 0d 03 |2".... ..INTRO..| 000003c0 ed 09 20 db 3a f1 27 0d 03 f2 2a 20 f1 22 20 20 |.. .:.'...* ." | 000003d0 20 20 53 6f 6d 65 20 70 65 6f 70 6c 65 20 62 65 | Some people be| 000003e0 6c 69 65 76 65 20 74 68 61 74 20 68 75 6d 61 6e |lieve that human| 000003f0 22 0d 03 fc 29 20 f1 22 74 65 6d 70 65 72 61 6d |"...) ."temperam| 00000400 65 6e 74 20 61 6e 64 20 62 65 68 61 76 69 6f 75 |ent and behaviou| 00000410 72 20 73 65 65 6d 20 74 6f 22 0d 04 06 2f 20 f1 |r seem to".../ .| 00000420 22 66 6f 6c 6c 6f 77 20 70 72 65 64 69 63 74 61 |"follow predicta| 00000430 62 6c 65 20 62 65 63 75 72 72 69 6e 67 20 70 61 |ble becurring pa| 00000440 74 74 65 72 6e 73 2e 22 27 0d 04 10 2d 20 f1 22 |tterns."'...- ."| 00000450 20 20 20 20 54 68 65 73 65 20 70 61 74 74 65 72 | These patter| 00000460 6e 73 2c 20 27 42 49 4f 52 48 59 54 48 4d 53 27 |ns, 'BIORHYTHMS'| 00000470 2c 20 63 61 6e 22 0d 04 1a 2c 20 f1 22 62 65 20 |, can"..., ."be | 00000480 62 72 6f 6b 65 6e 20 64 6f 77 6e 20 69 6e 74 6f |broken down into| 00000490 20 74 68 72 65 65 20 63 79 63 6c 65 73 3a 20 2d | three cycles: -| 000004a0 22 27 0d 04 24 2a 20 f1 22 49 4e 54 45 4c 4c 45 |"'..$* ."INTELLE| 000004b0 43 54 55 41 4c 20 2d 20 61 20 63 79 63 6c 65 20 |CTUAL - a cycle | 000004c0 6f 66 20 33 33 20 64 61 79 73 2c 22 0d 04 2e 2e |of 33 days,"....| 000004d0 20 f1 22 20 20 20 20 61 66 66 65 63 74 69 6e 67 | ." affecting| 000004e0 20 63 6f 6e 63 65 6e 74 72 61 74 69 6f 6e 2c 20 | concentration, | 000004f0 6a 75 64 67 65 6d 65 6e 74 22 0d 04 38 24 20 f1 |judgement"..8$ .| 00000500 22 20 20 20 20 61 6e 64 20 6c 65 61 72 6e 69 6e |" and learnin| 00000510 67 20 61 62 69 6c 69 74 69 65 73 2e 22 27 0d 04 |g abilities."'..| 00000520 4c 2a 20 f1 22 45 4d 4f 54 49 4f 4e 41 4c 20 20 |L* ."EMOTIONAL | 00000530 20 20 2d 20 61 20 63 79 63 6c 65 20 6f 66 20 32 | - a cycle of 2| 00000540 38 20 64 61 79 73 2c 22 0d 04 56 2d 20 f1 22 20 |8 days,"..V- ." | 00000550 20 20 20 63 6f 6e 74 72 6f 6c 6c 69 6e 67 20 6d | controlling m| 00000560 6f 6f 64 73 2c 20 63 72 65 61 74 69 76 69 74 79 |oods, creativity| 00000570 20 61 6e 64 22 0d 04 60 1c 20 f1 22 20 20 20 20 | and"..`. ." | 00000580 65 6d 6f 74 69 6f 6e 61 6c 20 6c 69 66 65 2e 22 |emotional life."| 00000590 27 0d 04 74 2a 20 f1 22 50 48 59 53 49 43 41 4c |'..t* ."PHYSICAL| 000005a0 20 20 20 20 20 2d 20 61 20 63 79 63 6c 65 20 6f | - a cycle o| 000005b0 66 20 32 33 20 64 61 79 73 2c 22 0d 04 7e 2a 20 |f 23 days,"..~* | 000005c0 f1 22 20 20 20 20 67 6f 76 65 72 6e 69 6e 67 20 |." governing | 000005d0 65 6e 65 72 67 79 2c 20 63 6f 6f 72 64 69 6e 61 |energy, coordina| 000005e0 74 69 6f 6e 22 0d 04 88 18 20 f1 22 20 20 20 20 |tion".... ." | 000005f0 61 6e 64 20 73 74 61 6d 69 6e 61 2e 22 0d 04 a6 |and stamina."...| 00000600 0b 20 f2 53 50 41 43 45 0d 04 b0 09 20 db 3a f1 |. .SPACE.... .:.| 00000610 27 0d 04 ba 2a 20 f1 22 20 20 20 54 68 65 73 65 |'...* ." These| 00000620 20 63 79 63 6c 65 73 20 73 74 61 72 74 20 61 74 | cycles start at| 00000630 20 62 69 72 64 68 20 61 6e 64 22 0d 04 c4 29 20 | birdh and"...) | 00000640 f1 22 63 6f 6e 74 69 6e 75 65 20 77 69 74 68 20 |."continue with | 00000650 61 62 73 6f 6c 75 74 65 20 72 65 67 75 6c 61 72 |absolute regular| 00000660 69 74 79 22 0d 04 ce 19 20 f1 22 74 68 72 6f 75 |ity".... ."throu| 00000670 67 68 6f 75 74 20 6c 69 66 65 2e 22 27 0d 05 14 |ghout life."'...| 00000680 2e 20 f1 22 20 20 20 45 61 63 68 20 63 79 63 6c |. ." Each cycl| 00000690 65 20 68 61 73 20 61 20 70 6f 73 69 74 69 76 65 |e has a positive| 000006a0 20 70 68 61 73 65 20 61 6e 64 22 0d 05 1e 1a 20 | phase and".... | 000006b0 f1 22 61 20 6e 65 67 61 74 69 76 65 20 70 68 61 |."a negative pha| 000006c0 73 65 2e 22 27 0d 05 28 29 20 f1 22 20 20 20 44 |se."'..() ." D| 000006d0 75 72 69 6e 67 20 74 68 65 20 70 6f 73 69 74 69 |uring the positi| 000006e0 76 65 20 70 68 61 73 65 2c 20 74 68 65 22 0d 05 |ve phase, the"..| 000006f0 32 2a 20 f1 22 65 6e 65 72 67 79 20 63 6f 6e 74 |2* ."energy cont| 00000700 72 6f 6c 6c 65 64 20 62 79 20 74 68 61 74 20 63 |rolled by that c| 00000710 79 63 6c 65 20 69 73 22 0d 05 3c 2d 20 f1 22 62 |ycle is"..<- ."b| 00000720 65 69 6e 67 20 64 69 73 63 68 61 72 67 65 64 2e |eing discharged.| 00000730 20 54 68 65 63 65 20 61 72 65 20 64 61 79 73 20 | Thece are days | 00000740 77 68 65 6e 22 0d 05 46 29 20 f1 22 70 6f 73 69 |when"..F) ."posi| 00000750 74 69 76 65 20 61 73 70 65 63 74 73 20 6f 66 20 |tive aspects of | 00000760 74 68 65 20 63 79 63 6c 65 20 61 72 65 22 0d 05 |the cycle are"..| 00000770 50 12 20 f1 22 65 6e 68 61 6e 63 65 64 2e 22 27 |P. ."enhanced."'| 00000780 0d 05 78 2c 20 f1 22 20 20 20 54 68 65 20 6e 65 |..x, ." 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M=2 . =1 . =| 00000ea0 36 0d 16 44 0d 20 dd f2 47 45 54 44 41 59 0d 16 |6..D. ..GETDAY..| 00000eb0 4e 20 20 44 3d 4c 28 43 29 3a 43 3d 43 2b 31 3a |N D=L(C):C=C+1:| 00000ec0 e7 20 43 3e 43 4e 54 20 8c 20 8d 74 67 56 0d 16 |. C>CNT . .tgV..| 00000ed0 58 16 20 e7 20 54 25 28 43 29 3c 3e 31 20 8c 20 |X. . T%(C)<>1 . | 00000ee0 8d 74 67 56 0d 16 62 1b 20 54 24 3d c0 c1 44 24 |.tgV..b. T$=..D$| 00000ef0 2c 53 25 28 43 29 2c 4c 28 43 29 29 2c 32 29 0d |,S%(C),L(C)),2).| 00000f00 16 6c 33 20 e7 20 54 24 3d 22 53 54 22 20 84 20 |.l3 . T$="ST" . | 00000f10 54 24 3d 22 52 44 22 20 84 20 54 24 3d 22 4e 44 |T$="RD" . T$="ND| 00000f20 22 20 84 20 54 24 3d 22 54 48 22 20 8c 20 8d 74 |" . T$="TH" . .t| 00000f30 40 56 0d 16 76 0a 20 e5 8d 74 67 56 0d 16 80 2f |@V..v. ..tgV.../| 00000f40 20 4c 28 43 29 3d 4c 28 43 29 2d 32 3a 53 25 28 | L(C)=L(C)-2:S%(| 00000f50 43 29 3d 53 25 28 43 29 2b 32 3a e7 20 4c 28 43 |C)=S%(C)+2:. L(C| 00000f60 29 3d 30 20 8c 20 43 3d 43 2b 31 0d 16 a7 06 20 |)=0 . 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"JULY","AU| 00001340 47 55 53 54 22 2c 22 53 45 50 54 45 4d 42 45 52 |GUST","SEPTEMBER| 00001350 22 2c 22 4f 43 54 4f 42 45 52 22 2c 22 4e 4f 56 |","OCTOBER","NOV| 00001360 45 4d 42 45 52 22 2c 22 44 45 43 45 4d 42 45 52 |EMBER","DECEMBER| 00001370 22 0d 1b bb 06 20 e1 0d 1c 20 0f 20 dd f2 45 52 |".... ... . ..ER| 00001380 52 4f 52 28 58 29 0d 1c 2a 0d 20 f1 8a 30 2c 31 |ROR(X)..*. ..0,1| 00001390 36 29 3b 0d 1c 34 3c 20 ee 20 58 20 e5 20 8d 44 |6);..4< . 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