Home » Personal collection » Acorn DFS disks » dfs_box03_disk01b_utilities_disk.scp (25 files; 73.23 kB / 100.00 kB)

dfs_box03_disk01b_utilities_disk.scp (25 files; 73.23 kB / 100.00 kB)

This website contains an archive of files for the Acorn Electron, BBC Micro, Acorn Archimedes, Commodore 16 and Commodore 64 computers, which Dominic Ford has rescued from his private collection of floppy disks and cassettes.

Some of these files were originally commercial releases in the 1980s and 1990s, but they are now widely available online. I assume that copyright over them is no longer being asserted. If you own the copyright and would like files to be removed, please contact me.

These files have been digitised from original 5.25-inch disks by Dominic Ford in 2022-4. They are exact replicas of the original disk media from the author's private collection.
The files below are intended to run on: BBC Micro.

Disk images

Original media images
Media scan

Filename Status File
File hash Duplicates
!B 02BA 00001900 0000801F a88a5c22 3
!BOOT 000B 00003000 00003000 eb0fa97b 3
DCONV 01C9 00001900 0000801F a4cdfce8 3
FORM40 0300 00002800 00002800 e4355785 7
FORM80 0300 00002800 00002804 e4355785 7
VERIFY 0200 00002800 00002800 e2639642 3
W.ALPHA 1133 00FF1900 00FF801F 308aee8b 3
W.BATBALL 080F 00001900 0000801F 70038fae 3
W.BIORTHM 191D 00FF1900 00FF8023 91d7aa9f 3
W.BPART2 02BF 00FF1B00 00FF8023 79c17ac6 3
W.CALC 143D 00FF1900 00FF801F c3ffc7d7 3
W.CLOCK 0808 00001900 0000801F 722cbb95 3
W.HELP 012B 00001900 0000801F 7d10c2ff 3
W.INDEX 0A99 00001900 0000801F 50cd7f2d 3
W.KEYBD 24B1 00FF1900 00FF801F fd473c3e 3
W.KINGDOM 2266 00001900 0000801F a4382869 3
W.MESSAGE 03FE 00FF1B00 00FF8023 49c3e3bf 3
W.MUSIC 04F3 00001900 0000801F 2a4f338b 3
W.PATTERN 0715 00001900 0000801F a5903396 3
W.PHONE 1BE1 00001900 0000801F 8821b507 3
W.PHOTO 1000 00001900 00001900 7877e1fb 3
W.POEM 2564 00FF1900 00FF801F a5fbee51 3
W.SKETCH 0750 00FF1900 00FF801F f3cf9978 3
W.WELCOME 07D4 00001900 0000801F ee9d56fb 3
content 03B0 00000000 00000000 ca52cc4e 3

Directory listing
Working on <dfs_box03_disk01b_utilities_disk.scp> -- number of recordings: 1
Disk digitisation date: Wed Sep 27 18:57:07 2023
Recordings: ['dfs_box03_disk01b_utilities_disk.ssd']
Disk DFS image: dfs_box03_disk01b_utilities_disk.ssd
Side count: 1
Track count: 40

Drive 0             Option 3 (EXEC)
Dir. :0.$           Lib. :0.$

    !B                  !BOOT      
    content             DCONV    L 
    FORM40   L          FORM80   L 
    VERIFY   L 

  W.ALPHA             W.BATBALL    
  W.BIORTHM           W.BPART2     
  W.CALC              W.CLOCK      
  W.HELP              W.INDEX      
  W.KEYBD             W.KINGDOM    
  W.MESSAGE           W.MUSIC      
  W.PATTERN           W.PHONE      
  W.PHOTO             W.POEM       
  W.SKETCH            W.WELCOME