Home » Recent acquisitions » Acorn ADFS disks » adfs_ArchimedesWorld_199604.adf » !Archibrd_ArchiBrd » !BulBoard/!BBSsys/Kernel/MessData/LongMes


This website contains an archive of files for the Acorn Electron, BBC Micro, Acorn Archimedes, Commodore 16 and Commodore 64 computers, which Dominic Ford has rescued from his private collection of floppy disks and cassettes.

Some of these files were originally commercial releases in the 1980s and 1990s, but they are now widely available online. I assume that copyright over them is no longer being asserted. If you own the copyright and would like files to be removed, please contact me.

Tape/disk: Home » Recent acquisitions » Acorn ADFS disks » adfs_ArchimedesWorld_199604.adf » !Archibrd_ArchiBrd
Filename: !BulBoard/!BBSsys/Kernel/MessData/LongMes
Read OK:
File size: 454A9 bytes
Load address: 0000
Exec address: 0000
File contents
Path: news.demon.co.uk!demon!tank.news.pipex.net!pipex!dish.news.pipex.net!pipex!soap.news.pipex.net!pipex!usenet
From: gsz@dial.pipex.com (George Szaszvari)
Newsgroups: comp.sys.acorn.misc
Subject: Re: RiscPC reliability
Date: 5 Dec 1995 23:45:52 GMT
Organization: The Direct Path
Lines: 43
Message-ID: <4a2ljg$h3@soap.news.pipex.net>
References: <1995Dec1.170529.1@hepax6> <243_9512041807@dialis.xs4all.nl>
NNTP-Posting-Host: aj190.du.pipex.com
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6+
In article <243_9512041807@dialis.xs4all.nl>, carper@dialis.xs4all.nl (Rogier Carper) says:
>Friday 1st December 1995 18:05:29.00 pm, htp@hepax6 writes:
>> I hold out no great hopes of avoiding future expense: they honestly
>> don't seem to be as reliable as some previous machines.  My RPC was
>> quite an early one, so I hope Acorn has been able to improve the
>> quality control since.
>I've had my RiscPC (ACB15, but heavily upgraded) since 5th May 1994. Serial
>number is 72-ACB15-1010127 (model no. 127). This is a really early RPC. I was
>the second person in the Netherlands to own a RiscPC.
>My RiscPC has had no problems with PSU, processor or anything else
>whatsoever. I sometimes boot RiscBSD and leave the machine on for about a day
>or 5, with no problems at all.
>The case keeps getting stranger...

I'm slightly surprised by the tales of woe. I had a RiscPC from July 1994 
'til last week (sold to a deserving Cambridge student) and there were no 
problems at all apart from that silly dust cover/door thingy bezel (for the 
spring) coming off (which can easily be fixed.) Otherwise, the machine was 
solid as a rock. 

The RiscPC also had a Cumana SCSI-2 card added which also worked 
perfectly with a 1GB Conner SCSI HDD. That SCSI card was put in around 
April/May this year, so probably had improvements over the earlier ones 
from 1994 with teething problems (mind you I hadn't attached any other 
devices to it...). It's a shame that Cumana have liquidated.



sorry about posting here with Windoze :-) but I'm still saving up for that 
Linux box.

** George Szaszvari, DCPS Chess Club, 42 Alleyn Park, London SE21 7AA, UK **
 Spaceship Earth, Milky Way Galaxy ** Cybernautic address: gsz@bbcnc.org.uk
NB: The BBC has ceased to provide Internet access to the public but email to
the above address will be forwarded onto a new PIPEX address throughout 1996
   * C=64 stuff wanted * Interested in s/h chess books? Ask for my list *
Newsgroups: comp.sys.acorn.misc
Path: news.demon.co.uk!demon!tank.news.pipex.net!pipex!usenet.eel.ufl.edu!warwick!spuddy!spuddy.mew.co.uk!arcsalt
From: arcsalt@spuddy.mew.co.uk (Darren Salt)
Subject: Re: Iain's Headers (again) (was Re: Connor are useless)
Message-ID: <467B86F22B.DC90@spuddy.mew.co.uk>
Sender: arcsalt@spuddy.mew.co.uk (Darren Salt)
Reply-To: arcsalt@spuddy.mew.co.uk
Organization: Spud's Public Usenet Domain
X-Newsreader: Archimedes TTFN Version 0.36
References: <70C025AF.ITS.A.JOKE.OK?@kechb.demon.co.uk>
Date: Wed, 6 Dec 1995 01:18:41 GMT
Lines: 24
Iain (Iain@kechb.demon.co.uk) wrote (in article <70C025AF.ITS.A.JOKE.OK?@kechb.demon.co.uk>):

No it's not OK. ;-)

> -----
> Iain Price (IRC:Keydisc)
> iain@kechb.demon.co.uk
> I need a sig. Suggestions

Ahem. No proper (or commonly used) .sig separator. Now we all know a certain
Iain Price pointed out the error of Clive Jones's ways...

And I don't get to see all those nasty "X-*" header lines - they're
eliminated by my transport :-)

How apt a tagline. How *does* TTFN do it...

| Darren Salt -- arcsalt@spuddy.mew.co.uk -- Toon at the top! -- Acorn nut |
| Also known as darren.salt@unn.ac.uk on Tuesdays and Thursdays, term time |

'Scuse me a moment... have to recharge my flame-thrower...
Path: news.demon.co.uk!demon!pinesoft.demon.co.uk!alan
From: alan@pinesoft.demon.co.uk (Alan Glover)
Newsgroups: comp.sys.acorn.misc
Subject: Re: SmartKill FAQ
Date: Tue, 05 Dec 1995 21:51:36 GMT
Organization: Pineapple Software
Lines: 24
Distribution: world
Message-ID: <19951205.215136.57@pinesoft.demon.co.uk>
References: <951130050155@digibank.demon.co.uk> <ant011457868rPBD@pvigay.aladdin.co.uk>
Reply-To: alan@pinesoft.demon.co.uk
NNTP-Posting-Host: pinesoft.demon.co.uk
X-NNTP-Posting-Host: pinesoft.demon.co.uk
X-Newsreader: Archimedes TTFN Version 0.36
In message <ant011457868rPBD@pvigay.aladdin.co.uk> Paul Vigay wrote:

> It depends what you define a virus as. I define it as something which
> maliciously corrupts or wipes your data or information without your permission.
> I've seen people call !Wanda and !DeskDuck viruses before!! :-)

That's not a particularly widely held definition. A more common one includes
spreading without the users consent or knowledge, and unauthorised modification
of a user's data. 

That last phrase is a description of one class of offence under the Computer
Misuse Act, which has now been used a number of times to bring alleged virus
writers to trial (with, I'm pleased to note, a prison sentence being handed
out in one recent case).

To illustrate my point, using Paul's definition one wouldn't describe
Extend or Icon as viruses - which they surely are.

'Could you please continue the petty bickering. I find it most intriguing.'
Data, STTNG 1.4 'Haven'.

Path: news.demon.co.uk!demon!birksch.demon.co.uk
From: staff.asd@birksch.demon.co.uk (Alan Davies)
Newsgroups: comp.sys.acorn.misc
Subject: Re: Acorn causes Cumana to go bust.
Date: 05 Dec 1995 23:46:33 GMT
Organization: Birkenhead School
Lines: 20
Message-ID: <818237809.22434@birksch.demon.co.uk>
NNTP-Posting-Host: birksch.demon.co.uk
X-NNTP-Posting-Host: birksch.demon.co.uk
X-Newsreader: InterTalk
In your earlier message you wrote:
>In article <19951203.125531.74@ardman.demon.co.uk>,
>Oliver Clark <oliver@ardman.demon.co.uk> wrote:
>[ More in the same vein as the subject line ]
>I honestly know no more about the situation than's already been said
>in the group. However, it has to be pointed out that this posting is
>the sort of stuff libel cases are made of, unless it's *provably*
>               (Disclaimer: I wouldn't believe a word of this if I were you...)

Yes but speculation is so exciting - Acorn can deny it can't they?

Alan Davies, Head of Computing, Birkenhead School

Path: news.demon.co.uk!demon!chris
From: Christopher Hughes <chris@cumbrian.demon.co.uk>
Newsgroups: comp.sys.acorn.misc
Subject: Re: Acorn causes Cumana to go bust.
Date: Tue, 05 Dec 1995 23:45:00 +0000 (GMT)
Lines: 27
Message-ID: <ant0523001cbbxN5@cumbrian.demon.co.uk>
References: <19951203.125531.74@ardman.demon.co.uk> <19951203.225452.66@hasle.oslonett.no>  <19951204.231517.89@findon.demon.co.uk> 
NNTP-Posting-Host: cumbrian.demon.co.uk
X-NNTP-Posting-Host: cumbrian.demon.co.uk
MIME-Version: 1.0
X-Mailer: ANT RISCOS Marcel [ver 0.99]
In article <19951204.231517.89@findon.demon.co.uk>, Mark Smith
<mailto:mark@findon.demon.co.uk> wrote:
> In message <19951203.225452.66@hasle.oslonett.no> Sveinung W. Tengelsen wrote:
> > > Apparently Cumana have not been paid by Acorn for all the CD-Roms they
> > > have already supplied. Has anyone else heard this rumor? It seems
> > > completely stupid for Acorn to cause one of their largest developers to
> > > go bust.
> > 
> > Sounds like hogwash. Hint: Acorn Computer-group isn't under receivership.
> That doesn't mean a thing....
> [Not that I'm suggesting its true, I honestly don't know]

Cumana are not that small a company, and although it could be Acorn have
been late in paying there bills, that alone would not have been Cumana's
downfall, (if they have gone down). Don't forget they worked in the PC
market as well. They were service agents for a PC manufactor, as I
understand it. 

Chris Hughes, Wakefield Acorn Computer User Group

Path: news.demon.co.uk!demon!chris
From: Christopher Hughes <chris@cumbrian.demon.co.uk>
Newsgroups: comp.sys.acorn.misc
Subject: Re: Adding a hard disc to A3020 (ST506)
Date: Tue, 05 Dec 1995 23:54:56 +0000 (GMT)
Lines: 46
Message-ID: <ant052356b49bxN5@cumbrian.demon.co.uk>
References: <818106899.19087@birksch.demon.co.uk> 
NNTP-Posting-Host: cumbrian.demon.co.uk
X-NNTP-Posting-Host: cumbrian.demon.co.uk
MIME-Version: 1.0
X-Mailer: ANT RISCOS Marcel [ver 0.99]
In article <818106899.19087@birksch.demon.co.uk>, Alan Davies
<mailto:staff.asd@birksch.demon.co.uk> wrote:
> In your earlier message you wrote:
> >
> >I hope this was helpful, contact Acorn Computers for the definitive answer.
> You are joking of course.  Don't expect any reply for weeks - and probably
> not at all.  If you get a reply it will tell you to contact your dealer.

Only comment here, if you ring and ask for Customer Support they often answer there and then, sometime s with wrong answer I admit, but then no ones perfect are they!
> Your dealer will not know - as he only employs an ex school kid - and he
> will contact Acorn.

Possible, in fact likely.

> In the end they will end up by trying to sell you a RiscPC for 2000ukp as
> they will claim that it the only answer to the problem.

Not if they are a good dealer.

> Once you start to consider the cost of a new interface and a new IDE drive
> to go with it (of even miniscule size - the Dealer will tell you that 80MB
> an an Archimedes is worth 500MB on a PC - DONT BELIEVE HIM) - you will
> then realise that for a hundred or so more you can get a brand new PC
> with CD rom drive for the same.

Rubbish!!!! You can get your IDE drive from almost anywhere, ICS is
probably best bet for an A3020, prices are not much more then so called
PC dealer prices usually, 80Mb can be more then enough for a lot of
people. But because of the demand for larger drives for the PC market
effectively 420Mb has become the smallest size in ready availability.

Yes you can get a PC with CD ROM for around 650ukp + VAT (486DX2 66Mhz)
but it's already OLD before you buy it! 

Chris Hughes, Wakefield Acorn Computer User Group

Path: news.demon.co.uk!demon!chris
From: Christopher Hughes <chris@cumbrian.demon.co.uk>
Newsgroups: comp.sys.acorn.apps,comp.sys.acorn.misc
Subject: Re: Windows and the PC card (sorry - ugh!)
Date: Wed, 06 Dec 1995 00:18:59 +0000 (GMT)
Lines: 20
Message-ID: <ant060059868bxN5@cumbrian.demon.co.uk>
References: <ant012007d07m3ED@juniperf.demon.co.uk> <19951202.084421.31@yojoe.demon.co.uk> <ant031401345ki3i@juniperf.demon.co.uk>  <19951203.222304.59@yojoe.demon.co.uk> 
NNTP-Posting-Host: cumbrian.demon.co.uk
X-NNTP-Posting-Host: cumbrian.demon.co.uk
MIME-Version: 1.0
X-Mailer: ANT RISCOS Marcel [ver 0.99]
Xref: news.demon.co.uk comp.sys.acorn.apps:6681 comp.sys.acorn.misc:13731
In article <19951203.222304.59@yojoe.demon.co.uk>, Ian Cripps
<mailto:ian@yojoe.demon.co.uk> wrote:

[snipped lots]

> > Is that stripy icon bug fixed then?
> > 
> Yes, if you have the Arm Windows Driver which came with !PCx86 version 1.92a
> installed, than the stripy icon go away :)

I wish mine did and I have 1.92a and installed the new ARM Driver and
reset via safe mode, its last just one session then I have to start
again in safe mode! :-(  

Chris Hughes, Wakefield Acorn Computer User Group

Path: news.demon.co.uk!demon!melhuish.demon.co.uk!sjm
From: sjm@melhuish.demon.co.uk (Dr. Simon J. Melhuish)
Newsgroups: comp.sys.acorn.misc
Subject: Re: ARM talks at AW
Date: Wed, 06 Dec 1995 09:16:52 GMT
Lines: 43
Distribution: world
Message-ID: <19951206.091652.29@melhuish.demon.co.uk>
References: <49hnd5$ad5@sparcserver.lrz-muenchen.de> <DIx90M.Jo6@uns.bris.ac.uk> <49p8c0$q2h@news.ox.ac.uk> <4a162p$rrn@sunsystem5.informatik.tu-muenchen.de>
Reply-To: sjm@melhuish.demon.co.uk
NNTP-Posting-Host: melhuish.demon.co.uk
X-NNTP-Posting-Host: melhuish.demon.co.uk
X-Newsreader: Archimedes TTFN Version 0.36
Last time I looked <4a162p$rrn@sunsystem5.informatik.tu-muenchen.de> dehmel@Informatik.TU-Muenchen.DE (Andreas Dehmel) wrote:

> Perfectly valid point. However the original poster made reference to the
> ARM610 doing .5 MFLOPS (!) which refers to *pure* floating point and in
> this context is obviously rubbish.
> It's true, short of fractals (where you can expect speedups around 40)
> hardly anything uses FP that much; usually the speedup even with FP nasties
> such as raytracers doesn't exceed 14 or so. But 14 is one hell of a big
> speedup all the same!
> Which is why the constant complaints about the FPA being much too slow are
> rather ridiculous, really. A little calculation:
[calculation deleted]
> Once FP is 50 times faster it doesn't matter too much if it becomes another
> 10 times faster. Not in real life.
> Andreas

OK, I suppose I don't live in "real life", working in an academic environment :)

I have an A440/1 upgraded with 25MHz ARM3 + FPA10. Alongside it I now have a
RPC600 - no FPA :(

I've given numbers on this group in the past. This time I'll illustrate my
dilema with an example of what my Iranian student said to me when first he
tried one of the basic steps in our data processing procedure on the RPC...

"Simon, I think something is broken. It is _very_ slow."

Enough said.

Dr. Simon J. Melhuish --- Jodrell Bank CMB Anisotropy Research Group
Email: sjm@jb.man.ac.uk
Also:  sjm@melhuish.demon.co.uk
Path: news.demon.co.uk!demon!mail2news.demon.co.uk!kechb.demon.co.uk
From: Dave <Dave@kechb.demon.co.uk>
Newsgroups: comp.sys.acorn.misc
Subject: Re: Iain's Headers (again) (was Re: Connor are useless)
Date: Wed, 06 Dec 1995 09:42:02 GMT
Lines: 31
Message-ID: <321F8711.ITS.A.JOKE.OK?@kechb.demon.co.uk>
X-NNTP-Posting-Host: kechb.demon.co.uk
X-Length: 860
X-Newsreader: Archimedes GlobeMail version 1.33
X-Transporter: Doggysoft's Termite Internet
X-Newsreader-Writer: iain@kechb.demon.co.uk
X-Header-Problems: Please mail any header problems to iain@kechb.demon.co.uk
X-SMTP-Posting-Host: kechb.demon.co.uk [Wed, 6 Dec 95 9:44:06 GMT]
X-SMTP-Posting-Host: post.demon.co.uk [Wed, 6 Dec 95 9:45:39 GMT]
> > The lines I object to :
> > 
> > X-Length: 982
> I plan to leave that in.

It should be a Content-Length (along with Content-Type) or whatever
it is. IIRC, it's something to do with MIME, but I'm probably wrong.

> > In this article, <foo> said:
> Whats wrong with this?

It should say "In article <message id>, <real name> (<e-mail>) said:"
or something that includes the message ID at least.

> > Etiam masturbans, semper masturbans.
> Speak english/american like everyone else here.

Surely you can work it out? I don't know *any* Latin but I can
guess :-)  Just look at the repeated word, and you might get it

David Long         dave@kechb.demon.co.uk

... You are in a maze of twisty little passages, all alike.
Path: news.demon.co.uk!demon!mail2news.demon.co.uk!kechb.demon.co.uk
From: Dave <Dave@kechb.demon.co.uk>
Newsgroups: comp.sys.acorn.misc
Subject: Re: Netiquette (was Voyager Software Bugs)
Date: Wed, 06 Dec 1995 09:42:03 GMT
Lines: 17
Message-ID: <7BA41553.ITS.A.JOKE.OK?@kechb.demon.co.uk>
X-NNTP-Posting-Host: kechb.demon.co.uk
X-Length: 705
X-Newsreader: Archimedes GlobeMail version 1.33
X-Transporter: Doggysoft's Termite Internet
X-Newsreader-Writer: iain@kechb.demon.co.uk
X-Header-Problems: Please mail any header problems to iain@kechb.demon.co.uk
X-SMTP-Posting-Host: kechb.demon.co.uk [Wed, 6 Dec 95 9:44:10 GMT]
X-SMTP-Posting-Host: post.demon.co.uk [Wed, 6 Dec 95 9:45:41 GMT]
> This sort of thing is going to happen rather a lot if we ever get free local
> calls...  Demon will have to start charging for time...  They'll hate that.
> :-)

AFAIK BT will not be introducing free local calls for a long time.
They said so in some interview I read. Videotron have it, they don't
mind people staying connected to the Direct Connection or whatever
for ages, they have enough lines. Cable modems will probably be here
before free BT calls, so 10Mbps will do nicely, thanks :-)

David Long         dave@kechb.demon.co.uk

... BASIC is to computer programming as "qwerty" is to typing.
Path: news.demon.co.uk!demon!mail2news.demon.co.uk!kechb.demon.co.uk
From: Dave <Dave@kechb.demon.co.uk>
Newsgroups: comp.sys.acorn.misc
Subject: Re: video digitising?
Date: Wed, 06 Dec 1995 09:42:03 GMT
Lines: 29
Message-ID: <24DF66F2.ITS.A.JOKE.OK?@kechb.demon.co.uk>
X-NNTP-Posting-Host: kechb.demon.co.uk
X-Length: 1289
X-Newsreader: Archimedes GlobeMail version 1.33
X-Transporter: Doggysoft's Termite Internet
X-Newsreader-Writer: iain@kechb.demon.co.uk
X-Header-Problems: Please mail any header problems to iain@kechb.demon.co.uk
X-SMTP-Posting-Host: kechb.demon.co.uk [Wed, 6 Dec 95 9:44:26 GMT]
X-SMTP-Posting-Host: post.demon.co.uk [Wed, 6 Dec 95 9:45:54 GMT]
> Last time I looked <49utas$i96@whitbeck.ncl.ac.uk> A.T.Smith@ncl.ac.uk ("A.T. Smith") wrote:
> > Promise you won't laugh ? Ok then. I (My Dad actually) signed up for BSB when
> > it came out, I haven't seen a better picture on our TV at home since the BSB
> > system was shut down.
> > 
> > We didn't bother switching to Sky because the programmes quickly went from
> > good to bad when BSB was bought out.
> Did you know that you can still use them? I've often been tempted by the
> dealers selling the conversion EPROMs and complete receivers at ham radio
> rallies. They make the decoder D2-MAC (I think). Of course you need to know
> German / Italian / etc for the programs to make any sense. :)

This is well off-topic... anyway...

IIRC BSB decoders are already D2-MAC Eurocrypt - they use right-hand
circular polarisation, which only BSB ever used, but the mod changes
them to use vertical or horizontal. There's a new satellite up at
31 degrees East or wherever BSB's was, it's called Thor or something
and broadcasts various non-English channels (mainly French AFAIR).

David Long         dave@kechb.demon.co.uk

... Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!
Path: news.demon.co.uk!demon!mail2news.demon.co.uk!kechb.demon.co.uk
From: Dave <Dave@kechb.demon.co.uk>
Newsgroups: comp.sys.acorn.misc
Subject: Re: Lets Have a go at GlobeMail(!) (was Re: Acorn Computers Ltd)
Date: Wed, 06 Dec 1995 09:42:04 GMT
Lines: 19
Message-ID: <B2FB850.ITS.A.JOKE.OK?@kechb.demon.co.uk>
X-NNTP-Posting-Host: kechb.demon.co.uk
X-Length: 710
X-Newsreader: Archimedes GlobeMail version 1.33
X-Transporter: Doggysoft's Termite Internet
X-Newsreader-Writer: iain@kechb.demon.co.uk
X-Header-Problems: Please mail any header problems to iain@kechb.demon.co.uk
X-SMTP-Posting-Host: kechb.demon.co.uk [Wed, 6 Dec 95 9:44:26 GMT]
X-SMTP-Posting-Host: post.demon.co.uk [Wed, 6 Dec 95 9:45:53 GMT]
Newsgroups: comp.sys.acorn.misc
Subject: Re: Lets Have a go at GlobeMail(!) (was Re: Acorn Computers Ltd)

> In fact "a selection of useful headers" means "all headers except those that
> I know aren't terribly useful, like Path and References" - so that includes 
> all the pointless GlobeMail headers, since trn can't tell that they're not
> useful.

Surely it strips out the "X-..." headers as well? I thought they were
designed for less useful information (such as human-readable stuff) so
they shouldn't be included by trn?

David Long         dave@kechb.demon.co.uk

... AnY 3L33T3 d00dZ oUt ThErE?
Path: news.demon.co.uk!demon!mail2news.demon.co.uk!kechb.demon.co.uk
From: Dave <Dave@kechb.demon.co.uk>
Newsgroups: comp.sys.acorn.misc
Subject: Re: Running Blu on a RiscPC 700
Date: Wed, 06 Dec 1995 09:42:02 GMT
Lines: 30
Message-ID: <6FDBA8D2.ITS.A.JOKE.OK?@kechb.demon.co.uk>
X-NNTP-Posting-Host: kechb.demon.co.uk
X-Length: 1428
X-Newsreader: Archimedes GlobeMail version 1.33
X-Transporter: Doggysoft's Termite Internet
X-Newsreader-Writer: iain@kechb.demon.co.uk
X-Header-Problems: Please mail any header problems to iain@kechb.demon.co.uk
X-SMTP-Posting-Host: kechb.demon.co.uk [Wed, 6 Dec 95 9:44:07 GMT]
X-SMTP-Posting-Host: post.demon.co.uk [Wed, 6 Dec 95 9:45:39 GMT]
>   I *really* like the music.  I decided to try and rip it using
> DesktopHacker, but I got an error message telling me that there's an error in
> my memory map, and must contact my dealer immediately.  I see this error is
> in the code of !blu, and not an Acorn error, so what gives?

Out of interest I tried the same earlier. The weird thing is that you
don't even have to drag Blu to Desktop Hacker - just running Blu while
dH is on the icon bar gives the same error. dH must do something strange
to zero page, which Blu doesn't like. Any ideas, Andrew "Megadiskasaurus"

I thought about running it with old Hacker but Hacker doesn't run on
the Risc PC and Blu only runs on Risc PCs... bugger :-)

Note to anyone following my ramblings in the CAM Map Corrupt thread:
I said to Phillip Temple that you don't always get the error even if
your free and used memory don't add up - Blu can cause this, I managed
it earlier. After the boring intro screens it crashed out for some
reason (it probably gave Press SPACE or click mouse to continue, but
as the palette was all black, I couldn't see :-) ) and I noticed I
only had 1Mb free in the Task Manager, whereas I had over 3Mb before
running it. The numbers just didn't add up.

David Long         dave@kechb.demon.co.uk

... "Has eighteen letters" does.
Path: news.demon.co.uk!demon!sj-rsrch.demon.co.uk!not-for-mail
From: prt@sj.co.uk (Paul R Thornton)
Newsgroups: comp.sys.acorn.misc
Subject: Re: HELP!! - Partitions on an A540 using an Acorn SCSI card ??
Date: Tue, 05 Dec 1995 19:52:41 GMT
Organization: SJ Research Ltd, Cambridge, UK
Lines: 26
Distribution: world
Message-ID: <c57cb$133429.296@sj-rsrch.demon.co.uk>
References: <internews46753B5DFA@argonet.co.uk>
X-NNTP-Posting-Host: sj-rsrch.demon.co.uk
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.99.5
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: Text/Plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
In article <internews46753B5DFA@argonet.co.uk>, richard@argonet.co.uk says...
>Does anyone know if a program from Brian Brunswick called !Partitions will 
>me create two RISC OS partitions on my A540 with an Acorn SCSI card and a 
>hard disc ?

Yes, I have been using it in a RPC (And an A5K before that) with an IBM
disc for 18 months now, and never had a problem.  I don't see why it won't
work in an A540.

>If so, where can I get hold of a copy ?

I only have a modified copy, but I think it is widely available.


    Paul Thornton, Research & Development, SJ Research Ltd, Cambridge, UK
  Tel: (01223) 416715       Fax: (01223) 416440       E-Mail:  prt@sj.co.uk

Path: news.demon.co.uk!demon!tank.news.pipex.net!pipex!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!chi-news.cic.net!nntp.coast.net!swidir.switch.ch!in2p3.fr!univ-lyon1.fr!dsi.unimi.it!aix1.cdc.polimi.it!cdc8g5.cdc.polimi.it!pel0015
From: pel0015@cdc8g5.cdc.polimi.it (Sergio Monesi)
Newsgroups: comp.sys.acorn.misc
Subject: Re: Can't delete file
Date: 6 Dec 1995 08:42:56 GMT
Organization: Centro di Calcolo POLITECNICO di MILANO
Lines: 24
Message-ID: <4a3l2g$ksf@aix1.cdc.polimi.it>
References: <7FF885DB.ITS.A.JOKE.OK?@kechb.demon.co.uk>
NNTP-Posting-Host: cdc8g5.cdc.polimi.it
X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2]
Iain (Iain@kechb.demon.co.uk) wrote:
: > > I experienced a disc error while writing to a file, so the file is now
: > > useless. But now I find that I can't delete it . . . attempting to do so
: > > simply hangs my machine.

You should try to use the 'eliminate' utility supplied with the ShareWare
program fsck (available from Hensa). It will remove the file and then fsck
will give you back the lost space.

: I had this problem recently. *checkmap HUNG at the broken file, as
: did fsck... 

fsck should not hang when it encounters a broken file! If this error is
repeteable I'd like to have more informations about it so that I could try
to fix this bug.


Sergio Monesi...
char *email[]={"pel0015@cdc8g5.cdc.polimi.it","sergio@freebsd.first.gmd.de"};
char *www[]={"http://cdc8g5.cdc.polimi.it/~pel0015/"};
// Murphy's Law is recursive. Washing your car to make it rain doesn't work.
Path: news.demon.co.uk!demon!tank.news.pipex.net!pipex!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!howland.reston.ans.net!news.nic.surfnet.nl!tudelft.nl!elektron.et.tudelft.nl!news
From: 4922753@hsu1.hvu.nl
Newsgroups: comp.sys.acorn.misc
Subject: JPEG-decompression in RISC-OS3.6
Date: 6 Dec 1995 10:02:23 GMT
Organization: Delft University of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering
Lines: 4
Message-ID: <4a3pnf$3ml@elektron.et.tudelft.nl>
NNTP-Posting-Host: dk07_19.ibk.fnt.hvu.nl
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
X-Mailer: Mozilla 1.22 (Windows; I; 16bit)
In RISC-OS 3.6 there is a special routine to decompress JPEG-files very 
quickly. Is this specially for the RPC or could it also be run on an 

Path: news.demon.co.uk!demon!afrance
From: Alastair France <afrance@stet-os.demon.co.uk>
Newsgroups: comp.sys.acorn.misc
Subject: Re: ASCII characters
Date: Wed, 06 Dec 1995 10:25:52 +0000 (GMT)
Lines: 26
Message-ID: <ant061052bc8Amba@stet-os.demon.co.uk>
References: <49f7mi$t9c@doc.armltd.co.uk> <internews4677D76B25@argonet.co.uk> <19951128.234337.04@compton.demon.co.uk> <19951129.081725.66@waveg.demon.co.uk>  <4a07n7$340@news.ox.ac.uk> 
NNTP-Posting-Host: stet-os.demon.co.uk
X-NNTP-Posting-Host: stet-os.demon.co.uk
MIME-Version: 1.0
X-Organization: Stetchworth Office Services, Cambridgeshire UK
X-Mailer: ANT RISCOS Marcel [ver 0.99]
In article <4a07n7$340@news.ox.ac.uk>, Aidan Corey wrote:
> Richard Sterry <richard@waveg.demon.co.uk> wrote:
> >In message <19951128.234337.04@compton.demon.co.uk> Tom Hughes wrote:
> >> Usually # or GBP.
> >
> >or ukp! I see ukp more often than GBP.
> The difference is that GBP is the ISO 3-letter code for the UK
> currency, whereas ukp isn't.

You also (particularly on airline tickets and the like) see UKL as the
abbreviation. GBP is woefully inaccurate in any event - what do they spend
in Northern Ireland? Not that UKL is totally accurate as those in the
Channel Islands will remind us!

Alastair France                             Area Manager, Acorn Education
afrance@acorn.co.uk             <- work, and home
afrance@stet-os.demon.co.uk     <- home, and work
"I only speak for Acorn in Beds, Bucks, Cambs, Herts, Lincs, Norfolk,
Northants, Suffolk and the Channel Islands - but I've got a loud voice!"

Path: news.demon.co.uk!demon!cityscape.co.uk!dish.news.pipex.net!pipex!soap.news.pipex.net!pipex!argonet.co.uk!argbd52
From: collwood@argonet.co.uk
Newsgroups: comp.sys.acorn.misc
Subject: Help with A3000 please
Date: Wed, 06 Dec 1995 10:55:00
Organization: UnipalmPIPEX server (post doesn't reflect views of UnipalmPIPEX)
Lines: 8
Distribution: world
Message-ID: <internews467BBBFB17@argonet.co.uk>
Reply-To: collwood@argonet.co.uk
NNTP-Posting-Host: aj119.du.pipex.com
X-Newsreader: VTi Voyager InterNews 0.07 for Acorn RISC OS
Could some kind person please tell me the correct order to put things back on to
a A.3000's hard disc and any problems that might arrise. Much appreciated. Paul
 --. --. --. --. : : --- --- .---------------------------------------------.
 |_| |_| | _ | | | | |_   |  |Internet provider for all Acorn RISC machines|
 | | |\  | | | | |\| |    |  '---------------------------------------------'
 | | | \ |_| |_| | | |__  |  collwood@argonet.co.uk

Path: news.demon.co.uk!demon!tank.news.pipex.net!pipex!wave.news.pipex.net!pipex!dish.news.pipex.net!pipex!dircon!usenet
From: lee@ehiltd.dircon.co.uk (Lee McGinty)
Newsgroups: comp.sys.acorn.misc
Subject: Re: Acorn article in UK Newspaper
Date: Wed, 06 Dec 1995 10:48:29 GMT
Organization: Equitable House Investments Ltd.
Lines: 41
Message-ID: <4a3sgr$3ab@newsgate.dircon.co.uk>
References: <DJ4IM7.AJ@madge1.madge.co.uk> <9512051015.AA02202@snow-white.luton.ac.uk> <internews467B6BEE89@argonet.co.uk>
Reply-To: lee@ehiltd.dircon.co.uk
NNTP-Posting-Host: gw4-078.pool.dircon.co.uk
X-Newsreader: Forte Free Agent 1.0.82
In some article or other, buttimd@argonet.co.uk wrote:

>> Well, if the 43p increase in the share price today (!!) is anything to go
>> by, the Express carries far more weight than I thought it did.
>> Wish I'd bought some shares now...
>> Jason

>Did I read right - a 43p increase today?  By the way is there any way (via
>internet for instance) that I can see up to date share prices such as those of
>today without waiting for teletext or a newspaper?

You could, by getting in touch with a data vendor like Reuters or
Bloomberg and getting loads of hardware and ISDN lines connected and
then paying lots (and lots) of money each month.

As to whether someone will put such information on the net, that seems
unlikely. Exchanges charge lots of money for real up-to-date prices
and they often prevent you passing that data onto people who aren't
paying for such real time data. For instance, I cannot use the data I
can see on the machine to my right on this computer legally.

I could tell you that at last trade (10:39am 6/12/95), Acorn shares
traded at 211, having reached a new all-time high but by the time it
reaches the news server you could probably see it in the paper.

Lots of shares being traded too (124897 today), which is a lot
considering that most days zero Acorn shares trade.

-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
What happens if you tie a piece of     Lee McGinty (lee@ehiltd.dircon.co.uk)
buttered toast to a cat's back and                   CompuServe: 100532,2506
drop it?                                     Equitable House Investments Ltd
                 My company only takes credit for the profitable things I do

Path: news.demon.co.uk!demon!sunsite.doc.ic.ac.uk!hydraulix.bangor.ac.uk!bangor.ac.uk!pss006
From: pss006@bangor.ac.uk (Glyn Royds)
Newsgroups: comp.sys.acorn.misc
Subject: Re: Sprites to Windoze Bitmaps
Date: Wed, 06 Dec 1995 10:59:35 GMT
Organization: Xavier Educational Software
Lines: 34
Message-ID: <19951206.105935.80@bangor.ac.uk>
References: <818206193.3706@ccsware.demon.co.uk>
Reply-To: pss006@bangor.ac.uk
NNTP-Posting-Host: acorn.bangor.ac.uk
X-Newsreader: Archimedes TTFN Version 0.36 with TCPIPtransport
X-Posting-Agent: RISC OS Newsbase 0.55-pre-10
In article <818206193.3706@ccsware.demon.co.uk>, Neil Coffey wrote:

> >  There's an application called !ToBMP that converts Sprite and Clear files
> >to BMP's.  It's PD, is on most BBS' and was also on an Acorn Computing
> >CoverDisc.  Failing that, Creator will also do it for you.
> I have an ancient version of Creator that can only handle old (i.e.
> up to 8bpp) sprite formats; is there an update that can handle 16bpp and
> 32bpp sprites?

ChangeFSI can do this quite happily from the commandline. What you need to
do is detailed in the file FSIUse within the !ChangeFSI application. What
it boils down to is:

*changefsi <infile> <outfile> <p1-p6>

I can't remember off hand but I think p6 is true-colour binary and p3 will
give you true-colour ascii.

Hope this helps


   _           __          __
  / '/   __   /_/__    __//_    Xavier Educational Software Ltd.
 /_///_// /  / |/_//_//_/__/    g.royds@bangor.ac.uk
,_/ ,_/           ,_/           Tel: +44 (0)1248 382616
				Fax: +44 (0)1248 382599
<-- These opinions are mine, all mine, and nothing to do with my employer -->

Also, avoid awkward or affected alliteration.

Path: news.demon.co.uk!demon!sunsite.doc.ic.ac.uk!ukc!gos.ukc.ac.uk!arg4
From: arg4@ukc.ac.uk (A.R.Gundy)
Newsgroups: comp.sys.acorn.misc
Subject: Re: iFS 77 file limit remover
Date: Wed, 06 Dec 95 10:28:22 GMT
Organization: University of Kent at Canterbury, UK.
Lines: 27
Distribution: world
Message-ID: <14040@gos.ukc.ac.uk>
References: <7AF0AFA0.ITS.A.JOKE.OK?@kechb.demon.co.uk>
NNTP-Posting-Host: gos.ukc.ac.uk
Iain (Iain@kechb.demon.co.uk) wrote:
: This article converted by News2Mail 1.02 (c) Iain Price for the Archimedes
: In this article, <grimmink@fwi.uva.nl > scrawled:
: > 
: > adh1003@hermes.cam.ac.uk (Andrew Hodgkinson) writes:
: > 
: > >In article <49c97i$44b@zebra.fwi.uva.nl> 
: > >grimmink@fwi.uva.nl (M D. Grimminck) writes:
: > 
: > [discussion on reliability of file-systems deleted]
: > 
: > In particular I remember someone who put some 55 MB data in a spark-archive
: > which turned out to be corrupted.

: Or me who sparkhived a sparkhive and no one can figure out how to recover it.

Have you tried using 'nspark'? Either under UN*X, or on an Arc (make sure 
sparkplug or whatever hasn't been 'seen' otherwise it will complain that you're
trying to unspark a directory).

nspark is on hensa, and various other sites...

Real Programmers don't comment their code.  If it was hard to write,
it should be hard to understand and even harder to modify.
           These are all my own opinions....
Path: news.demon.co.uk!demon!tank.news.pipex.net!pipex!lade.news.pipex.net!pipex!mantis!mantis!not-for-mail
From: olly@mantis.co.uk (Olly Betts)
Newsgroups: comp.sys.acorn.misc
Subject: Re: Lets Have a go at GlobeMail(!) (was Re: Acorn Computers Ltd)
Date: 6 Dec 1995 11:04:30 -0000
Organization: techn-ol-ogy
Lines: 27
Message-ID: <19951206104140.olly@mantis.co.uk>
References: <7BA72DCF.ITS.A.JOKE.OK?@kechb.demon.co.uk> <4a1lt7$m7b@doc.armltd.co.uk>
NNTP-Posting-Host: sunforest.mantis.co.uk
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
In article <4a1lt7$m7b@doc.armltd.co.uk>,
Michael Williams <mike@nsict.org> wrote:
>rn/trn/strn - Show a selection of useful headers, show the rest if you press
>'t' (for toggle).

Odd, it's 'v' on this copy of strn ('t' shows a full tree for the current
thread), and I've not macroed it.  In fact the man page for trn agrees.
Maybe 't' is an rn-ism.

>In fact "a selection of useful headers" means "all headers except those that
>I know aren't terribly useful, like Path and References" - so that includes 
>all the pointless GlobeMail headers, since trn can't tell that they're not

You can by default hide/show headers with a given prefix so:

trn -h +hfrom +hsubject

Should hide all headers except "From:" and "Subject:".  Pressing 'v' will
give you them all.

Not very Acorn relevant I know, though it would be nice to have something
with the power of strn for RISC OS.

cool wet grass  cool wet grass  cool wet grass  cool wet grass  cool wet grass
Newsgroups: comp.sys.acorn.misc
Path: news.demon.co.uk!demon!tank.news.pipex.net!pipex!lade.news.pipex.net!pipex!madge.co.uk!jobroin
From: jobroin@madge1.madge.co.uk (Jason O'Broin)
Subject: Re: Acorn article in UK Newspaper
Organization: Madge Networks
Date: Wed, 6 Dec 1995 11:22:24 GMT
Message-ID: <DJ5wxD.Gsz@madge1.madge.co.uk>
X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2]
References: <DJ4IM7.AJ@madge1.madge.co.uk> <9512051015.AA02202@snow-white.luton.ac.uk> <internews467B6BEE89@argonet.co.uk>
Lines: 20
buttimd@argonet.co.uk wrote:

: Did I read right - a 43p increase today?  By the way is there any way (via
: internet for instance) that I can see up to date share prices such as those of
: today without waiting for teletext or a newspaper?

It was 44p by day close.

You can get this information from ESI - Herman Heuser's (sp) electronic 
stock exchange quote service. Go to http://www.esi.co.uk/free.home.html

They have a free service which updates some share prices (inc. Acorn) 8 times
a day. There are also some chargable services that might interest you.

       Jason O'Broin - Development Engineer, ATM Adapter Group
Madge Networks, Sefton Park, Bells Hill, Stoke Poges, Slough SL2 4JS. UK
 Phone +44 1494 541258 Email: jobroin@madge.com or jobroin@madge.co.uk
       - Can I have everything louder than everything else ? -
Path: news.demon.co.uk!demon!tank.news.pipex.net!pipex!howland.reston.ans.net!EU.net!peer-news.britain.eu.net!keele!potter.cc.keele.ac.uk!u4f18
From: u4f18@cc.keele.ac.uk (RJ Summers)
Newsgroups: comp.sys.acorn.misc
Subject: Re: Acorn article in UK Newspaper
Date: 6 Dec 1995 10:39:24 GMT
Lines: 15
Distribution: world
Message-ID: <4a3rss$288@gerry.cc.keele.ac.uk>
References: <9512051015.AA02202@snow-white.luton.ac.uk>
NNTP-Posting-Host: potter.cc.keele.ac.uk
X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2]
Hang on a second.... I hope Acorn succeeds with this venture....but 500
pounds!  Hidden costs like connection fees etc. (will it come with a built
in modem?)....you can buy a PC for around that now (admittedly not top spec)
and people are going to see that this NetSurfer is not really a computer.  I
know that people still pay 500 pounds for a word processor instead of
spending a little more and getting a *proper* computer, because all they
want to do is WP, but IMHO most peopl who want internet access would want a
*real* computer.

  _               _            
 |_  _  _  _ _   |_| _ |_    
 |  |  |_|| | |  |\ |_||_|   
Path: news.demon.co.uk!demon!arcade.demon.co.uk!RMurray
From: RMurray@arcade.demon.co.uk (Richard Murray)
Newsgroups: comp.sys.acorn.misc
Subject: Risc PC advert spotted!
Date: 05 Dec 1995 12:33:54 +0000
Organization: Arcade BBS - The London Acorn Archimedes BBS
Lines: 17
Sender: LinkMan@arcade.demon.co.uk
Distribution: world
Message-ID: <951206035126@arcade.demon.co.uk>
Reply-To: RMurray@arcade.demon.co.uk
NNTP-Posting-Host: arcade.demon.co.uk
X-NNTP-Posting-Host: arcade.demon.co.uk
X-Mailer: ArcadeLink - Email/News Gateway
X-System: ArcadeLink
Quoting John Simpson (in CSA.MISC)...

JS> ".... and because its a RISC PC its already ahead of the pack..."
JS> Of course, the advert was for a Power Macintosh.

Up to their old tricks eh?

 /  \ichard.
    ___  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___
|  /   \/   \/   \/   \/   \/   \  | The Archimedes Bulletin Board in London |
|    A    R    C    A    D    E    | +44(0)181 654 2212 (4 lines) Croydon, UK|
| Email & News @arcade.demon.co.uk | +44(0)181 655 4412  Fidonet#2:254/27.0  |
Path: news.demon.co.uk!demon!arcade.demon.co.uk!RMurray
From: RMurray@arcade.demon.co.uk (Richard Murray)
Newsgroups: comp.sys.acorn.misc
Subject: video digitising?
Date: 05 Dec 1995 12:22:48 +0000
Organization: Arcade BBS - The London Acorn Archimedes BBS
Lines: 19
Sender: LinkMan@arcade.demon.co.uk
Distribution: world
Message-ID: <951206035123@arcade.demon.co.uk>
Reply-To: RMurray@arcade.demon.co.uk
NNTP-Posting-Host: arcade.demon.co.uk
X-NNTP-Posting-Host: arcade.demon.co.uk
X-Mailer: ArcadeLink - Email/News Gateway
X-System: ArcadeLink
Quoting mabel@argonet.co.uk (in CSA.MISC)...

mk> If you're still keen on using the video camera, here's some practical
mk> advice I was given on taking pictures of photographs - get two light
You forgot to mention the most fun part... White balance. :-)

However, granted that using a video camera will allow optical effects pretty
much impossible with a scanner - and a digitiser will let you rip pictures
from the VCR or TV too. :-)

 /  \ichard.
    ___  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___
|  /   \/   \/   \/   \/   \/   \  | The Archimedes Bulletin Board in London |
|    A    R    C    A    D    E    | +44(0)181 654 2212 (4 lines) Croydon, UK|
| Email & News @arcade.demon.co.uk | +44(0)181 655 4412  Fidonet#2:254/27.0  |
Path: news.demon.co.uk!demon!arcade.demon.co.uk!RMurray
From: RMurray@arcade.demon.co.uk (Richard Murray)
Newsgroups: comp.sys.acorn.misc
Subject: video digitising?
Date: 05 Dec 1995 12:18:26 +0000
Organization: Arcade BBS - The London Acorn Archimedes BBS
Lines: 18
Sender: LinkMan@arcade.demon.co.uk
Distribution: world
Message-ID: <951206035121@arcade.demon.co.uk>
Reply-To: RMurray@arcade.demon.co.uk
NNTP-Posting-Host: arcade.demon.co.uk
X-NNTP-Posting-Host: arcade.demon.co.uk
X-Mailer: ArcadeLink - Email/News Gateway
X-System: ArcadeLink
Quoting paulmeth@argonet.co.uk (in CSA.MISC)...

pk> One of my aims is to digitise photos via a video camera.
Just my penny's worth... Using a video camera to digitise photos is a pain in
the rear end and the results don't look half as good as using a scanner.

Is it possible - if you are going the 'digitiser' route - to record the
original images onto video format?

 /  \ichard.
    ___  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___
|  /   \/   \/   \/   \/   \/   \  | The Archimedes Bulletin Board in London |
|    A    R    C    A    D    E    | +44(0)181 654 2212 (4 lines) Croydon, UK|
| Email & News @arcade.demon.co.uk | +44(0)181 655 4412  Fidonet#2:254/27.0  |
Path: news.demon.co.uk!demon!arcade.demon.co.uk!RMurray
From: RMurray@arcade.demon.co.uk (Richard Murray)
Newsgroups: comp.sys.acorn.misc
Subject: Improving AU (was Re: November Acorn User: A waste of space)
Date: 05 Dec 1995 12:15:02 +0000
Organization: Arcade BBS - The London Acorn Archimedes BBS
Lines: 18
Sender: LinkMan@arcade.demon.co.uk
Distribution: world
Message-ID: <951206035118@arcade.demon.co.uk>
Reply-To: RMurray@arcade.demon.co.uk
NNTP-Posting-Host: arcade.demon.co.uk
X-NNTP-Posting-Host: arcade.demon.co.uk
X-Mailer: ArcadeLink - Email/News Gateway
X-System: ArcadeLink
Quoting Phillip Temple (in CSA.MISC)...

PT> The user can subscribe and get the magazine and cover disc for the same
PT> price as before, or they can choose to pay less and take just
What about for us lazy gits that want to go to Smiths, buy it and read it and
shove the disc in the drive. Also giving us a chance to not buy it.

If you want a discless version, why not subscribe and ask for one?

 /  \ichard.
    ___  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___
|  /   \/   \/   \/   \/   \/   \  | The Archimedes Bulletin Board in London |
|    A    R    C    A    D    E    | +44(0)181 654 2212 (4 lines) Croydon, UK|
| Email & News @arcade.demon.co.uk | +44(0)181 655 4412  Fidonet#2:254/27.0  |
Path: news.demon.co.uk!demon!rigibore.demon.co.uk
From: tim@rigibore.demon.co.uk (Tim Moore)
Newsgroups: comp.sys.acorn.misc
Subject: Re: Acorn User CD-ROMs 2 and 3...
Date: Wed, 06 Dec 1995 11:58:44 GMT
Organization: Rigibore Tooling Systems, Rigibore Ltd.
Lines: 38
Message-ID: <818251127.5787@rigibore.demon.co.uk>
References: <19951121.113202.25@acornusr.demon.co.uk> <internews46741A945D@argonet.co.uk> <19951122.200002.73@acornusr.demon.co.uk> <19951126.202226.32@southfrm.demon.co.uk> <19951126.231534.60@compton.demon.co.uk>
NNTP-Posting-Host: rigibore.demon.co.uk
X-NNTP-Posting-Host: rigibore.demon.co.uk
X-Newsreader: Forte Free Agent 1.0.82
tom@compton.demon.co.uk (Tom Hughes) wrote:

>In article <19951126.202226.32@southfrm.demon.co.uk> Tim Powys-Lybbe (tim@southfrm.demon.co.uk) wrote:

>> IMHO (liar!) any serious computer processes a lot of data and needs a good
>> database system that will talk to the major database servers (Oracle,
>> Sybase, Informix, even ODBC from *****Soft, etc).  Regrettably no serious
>> Acorn application has begun to touch on this market.

>Well ODBC isn't a database server - it's a generic programmer
>interface to various database servers (such as Oracle or Sybase).

It would also never be allowed to be ported, because it belongs to big
Bill G. who wouldn't allow anything to touch the Acorn world with a

>I'm not at all sure that there is a market for that sort of data
>access on Acorn systems (at least not a worthwhile market). What
>I would like is a relational database where I can define the 
>relationships and have them applied automagically instead of 
>having to code it manually.

No wonder the Acorn market is educational then, if no one seriously
considers making a new market for it...

The only way Acorn could get out of Education is buy ditching their OS
and getting a port of Windows NT. (but Bill won't allow that either,
because he's too busy trying to merge Intel into Microsoft ... :-)

 Tim Moore, Teaching Company Associate,
 Rigibore Tooling Systems, Rigibore Ltd, Hayle, UK
 Email: tim@rigibore.demon.co.uk

   Any views expressed here do not represent the views of
                       Rigibore Ltd.

Path: news.demon.co.uk!demon!rigibore.demon.co.uk
From: tim@rigibore.demon.co.uk (Tim Moore)
Newsgroups: comp.sys.acorn.misc
Subject: Re: Acorn User CD-ROMs 2 and 3...
Date: Wed, 06 Dec 1995 11:58:45 GMT
Organization: Rigibore Tooling Systems, Rigibore Ltd.
Lines: 44
Message-ID: <818251128.5787@rigibore.demon.co.uk>
References: <19951121.113202.25@acornusr.demon.co.uk> <internews46741A945D@argonet.co.uk> <19951122.200002.73@acornusr.demon.co.uk>
NNTP-Posting-Host: rigibore.demon.co.uk
X-NNTP-Posting-Host: rigibore.demon.co.uk
X-Newsreader: Forte Free Agent 1.0.82
david@acornusr.demon.co.uk (David Matthewman) wrote:


>There - I'm being as honest as I can to avoid disappointment. Please
>don't flame me (or Acorn) for the content of the disc which will be
>(a) free and (b) invaluable to a number of people. The more CD-ROMs
>we get out there, the more the Acorn looks like a 'serious' computer.

I agree, look at the PC and Mac markets - EVERYTHING is CD-ROM!!!
It doesn't matter what's on the CDs at the moment, just so long as
they sell and become 'the norm', *then* we can fuss about quality.

The Acorn market has probably under 30 CDs in the Education sector and
about 10 for the rest of the Acorn market - not including CDs with
fonts or stuff on (data CDs).

On PCs, you get your operating system or latest application on CD!!
(and usually contains a huge amount more than the discs).

Take the Microsoft Developers Network which is a support network for
developers, where you get frequent updates on CD containing ALL the
latest windows operating systems, the SDKs, drivers and many other
libraries in packs of about 30 CDs. Each time a new update arrives,
the old CDs are waste! It works out a lot cheaper than buying upgrades
of Windows each time they come out - plus you get beta releases and
all sorts of stuff without having to download for hours off the
Internet (even with the fastest modems).

The Acorn world hasn't even shifted to distributing high density
floppy discs yet!!!!!!!

The stuff is cheap enough now to force people to change, else Acorn
just won't survive outside the Microsoft & PC world.

 Tim Moore, Teaching Company Associate,
 Rigibore Tooling Systems, Rigibore Ltd, Hayle, UK
 Email: tim@rigibore.demon.co.uk

   Any views expressed here do not represent the views of
                       Rigibore Ltd.

Path: news.demon.co.uk!demon!rigibore.demon.co.uk
From: tim@rigibore.demon.co.uk (Tim Moore)
Newsgroups: comp.sys.acorn.misc
Subject: Re: MS Works on PC486 Card
Date: Wed, 06 Dec 1995 11:58:46 GMT
Organization: Rigibore Tooling Systems, Rigibore Ltd.
Lines: 24
Message-ID: <818251129.5787@rigibore.demon.co.uk>
References: <internews466F96C284@argonet.co.uk> <19951119.133628.81@aircraft.demon.co.uk>
NNTP-Posting-Host: rigibore.demon.co.uk
X-NNTP-Posting-Host: rigibore.demon.co.uk
X-Newsreader: Forte Free Agent 1.0.82
kane@aircraft.demon.co.uk (Kane Clover) wrote:

>In message <internews466F96C284@argonet.co.uk> you wrote:

>> Has anybody installed MS Works (v3.0) from CD Rom ,and got it to work?
>> I can not get past the install prog,and early on in that!, with out the machine
>> hanging up.
>> Regards Trevor :-) 

>No, but it works if you move an installed version from a propper PC to an Acorn
>partition with floppies. I won't say how I knew that :-)

So much for standardised and compliant programming :-)

 Tim Moore, Teaching Company Associate,
 Rigibore Tooling Systems, Rigibore Ltd, Hayle, UK
 Email: tim@rigibore.demon.co.uk

   Any views expressed here do not represent the views of
                       Rigibore Ltd.

Path: news.demon.co.uk!demon!tank.news.pipex.net!pipex!howland.reston.ans.net!newsfeed.internetmci.com!bloom-beacon.mit.edu!yama.mcc.ac.uk!warwick!news.ncl.ac.uk!usenet
From: Martin Hesketh <Martin.Hesketh@ncl.ac.uk>
Newsgroups: uk.comp.misc,comp.sys.acorn.misc
Subject: Re: Software for teletext decoder
Date: 6 Dec 1995 11:51:38 GMT
Organization: University of Newcastle upon Tyne
Lines: 31
Distribution: uk
Message-ID: <4a404a$b2@whitbeck.ncl.ac.uk>
References: <818180863.17945@klaatu.demon.co.uk>
NNTP-Posting-Host: sunilaws.ncl.ac.uk
Xref: news.demon.co.uk uk.comp.misc:1187 comp.sys.acorn.misc:13757
In article <818180863.17945@klaatu.demon.co.uk>, steve@klaatu.demon.co.uk (Steve Loft) writes:
|> The decoder doesn't mention Ground Control, or Acorn, it simply says
|> "Universal Teletext Adaptor", and "Model UTA-1".  The output is via a
|> 5-pin DIN plug, and it uses a Philips SAA5240P/A chip, which I assume
|> is the teletext decoder.  Perhaps this box was also sold for use with
|> a PC, and someone knows where I can get the software?  Perhaps I could
|> write my own software?  I don't know the spec of the 5-pin output, I
|> can't find the docs at the moment, but I don't think it gave the spec
|> anyway.  I suppose I could reverse engineer the Archimedes software if
|> I had to, but I don't fancy the prospect.  Any bright ideas?
|> -- 
|> Steve Loft, Doncaster, UK.

I have the same teletext adaptor connected to the I/O port of BBC Master.
I remember seeing the same teletext adaptor advertised for use with a
PC, so there must be some software out there somewhere. Probably about five years
ago, I had a look at the software (ROM image for BBC), and managed to reverse
engineer it as far as getting the adaptor to tune to a particular channel.
I can dig up that program for you if you wish. If I remember correctly, it
inolved sending a few bytes setup information (one bit at a time), then a one 
byte control code followed by two bytes containing an encoding of the frequency 
to tune the receiver to.

If you manage to track down some software, I would also be interested.


Department of Computing Science,         Email: Martin.Hesketh@newcastle.ac.uk
University of Newcastle                  Phone: (0191) 222 6053
Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 7RU.              Fax: (0191) 222 8232
Path: news.demon.co.uk!demon!tank.news.pipex.net!pipex!soap.news.pipex.net!pipex!dish.news.pipex.net!pipex!armltd.co.uk!cjones
From: Clive.Jones@armltd.co.uk
Newsgroups: comp.sys.acorn.misc
Subject: Re: For sale 486 card �50
Date: 6 Dec 1995 11:48:48 GMT
Organization: Advanced RISC Machines Limited
Lines: 12
Distribution: world
Message-ID: <4a3vv0$fc6@doc.armltd.co.uk>
References: <ant302046f7fm3ED@juniperf.demon.co.uk> <internews4679E7457D@argonet.co.uk> <ant031404b49ki3i@juniperf.demon.co.uk> <4a1ckb$rop@macondo.dmu.ac.uk>
NNTP-Posting-Host: sun6.armltd.co.uk
X-Address: ARM Ltd., Fulbourn Road, Cherry Hinton, Cambridge CB1 4JN.
X-Telephone: +44 1223 400459 (direct dial+v-mail), +44 1223 400400 (switchbd)
X-Fax: +44 1223 400410
Originator: cjones@sun6
In article <4a1ckb$rop@macondo.dmu.ac.uk>, James Hunter  <se2jh1> wrote:
>Nope - the simtec card takes one PC card and the rest are arm processor cards
>or at least cards which act as if they are arms - the 486 ones dont!

I think the important distinction is that the cards occupying the four
extra slots on the Simtec board have to be primary processor cards.
There is also one slot for a secondary processor card, and one slot
for the *real* primary processor card - the one RISC OS actually boots
up on.

               (Disclaimer: I wouldn't believe a word of this if I were you...)
Path: news.demon.co.uk!demon!tank.news.pipex.net!pipex!soap.news.pipex.net!pipex!dish.news.pipex.net!pipex!armltd.co.uk!mwilliam
From: michael.williams@armltd.co.uk (Michael Williams)
Newsgroups: comp.sys.acorn.misc
Subject: Re: Lets Have a go at GlobeMail(!) (was Re: Acorn Computers Ltd)
Date: 6 Dec 1995 12:11:29 GMT
Organization: Advanced RISC Machines Ltd
Lines: 19
Message-ID: <4a419h$fpl@doc.armltd.co.uk>
References: <7BA72DCF.ITS.A.JOKE.OK?@kechb.demon.co.uk> <4a1lt7$m7b@doc.armltd.co.uk> <19951206104140.olly@mantis.co.uk>
Reply-To: mike@nsict.org
NNTP-Posting-Host: sun7.armltd.co.uk
X-Address: Fulbourn Road, Cherry Hinton, Cambridge, CB1 4JN, UK
Originator: mwilliam@sun7
In article <19951206104140.olly@mantis.co.uk>,
Olly Betts <olly@mantis.co.uk> wrote:
>In article <4a1lt7$m7b@doc.armltd.co.uk>,
>Michael Williams <mike@nsict.org> wrote:
>>rn/trn/strn - Show a selection of useful headers, show the rest if you press
>>'t' (for toggle).
>Odd, it's 'v' on this copy of strn ('t' shows a full tree for the current
>thread), and I've not macroed it.  In fact the man page for trn agrees.
>Maybe 't' is an rn-ism.

You're right - it is 'v' for 'verbose'. 't' for 'toggle' is the key to
do the same thing in Emacs RMAIL mode. 8-)

\  x  / Michael Williams                      Advanced RISC Machines Limited
|\/|\/\ michael.williams@armltd.co.uk  Fulbourn Road, Cambridge, CB1 4JN, UK
|  |.__)"I might well think that Matti, ARM Ltd. couldn't possibly comment."
Path: news.demon.co.uk!demon!tank.news.pipex.net!pipex!soap.news.pipex.net!pipex!dish.news.pipex.net!pipex!armltd.co.uk!mwilliam
From: michael.williams@armltd.co.uk (Michael Williams)
Newsgroups: comp.sys.acorn.misc
Subject: Re: Lets Have a go at GlobeMail(!) (was Re: Acorn Computers Ltd)
Date: 6 Dec 1995 12:09:56 GMT
Organization: Advanced RISC Machines Ltd
Lines: 22
Message-ID: <4a416k$fos@doc.armltd.co.uk>
References: <B2FB850.ITS.A.JOKE.OK?@kechb.demon.co.uk>
Reply-To: mike@nsict.org
NNTP-Posting-Host: sun7.armltd.co.uk
X-Address: Fulbourn Road, Cherry Hinton, Cambridge, CB1 4JN, UK
Originator: mwilliam@sun7
In article <B2FB850.ITS.A.JOKE.OK?@kechb.demon.co.uk>,
Dave  <Dave@kechb.demon.co.uk> wrote:
>Surely it strips out the "X-..." headers as well? I thought they were
>designed for less useful information (such as human-readable stuff) so
>they shouldn't be included by trn?

I'll say what I said again. It strips out those headers that it
*knows* to be not useful to the reader. Those are things like path,
references, etc., which are only there really there for the
information of the news transport (the path) and the newsreader (the
references) and not the user. If someone has added non-standard "X-"
headers to the message they obviously weren't intended for the
software to interpret, so they must form part of the message and so
are displayed.

That seems like a perfectly good strategy to me.

\  x  / Michael Williams                      Advanced RISC Machines Limited
|\/|\/\ michael.williams@armltd.co.uk  Fulbourn Road, Cambridge, CB1 4JN, UK
|  |.__)"I might well think that Matti, ARM Ltd. couldn't possibly comment."
Path: news.demon.co.uk!demon!tank.news.pipex.net!pipex!soap.news.pipex.net!pipex!dish.news.pipex.net!pipex!armltd.co.uk!mwilliam
From: michael.williams@armltd.co.uk (Michael Williams)
Newsgroups: comp.sys.acorn.misc
Subject: Re: Risc PC advert spotted!
Date: 6 Dec 1995 11:15:50 GMT
Organization: Advanced RISC Machines Ltd
Lines: 27
Distribution: world
Message-ID: <4a3u16$eq0@doc.armltd.co.uk>
References: <19951204.182145.49@hasle.oslonett.no> <internews467B6C459D@argonet.co.uk>
Reply-To: mike@nsict.org
NNTP-Posting-Host: sun7.armltd.co.uk
X-Address: Fulbourn Road, Cherry Hinton, Cambridge, CB1 4JN, UK
Originator: mwilliam@sun7
In article <internews467B6C459D@argonet.co.uk>,  <kraisee@argonet.co.uk> wrote:
>Sveinung W. Tegelsen (Pixeleye@oslonet.no) wrote:
>      [Snip]
>  >No. Acorn should make Apple observe the fact that Risc PC is Acorn's TM.
>Whatever happens Acorn can not let this carry on. Anybody listening in
>Cambridge? (I doubt it).


The term RISC PC has been in common use inside the industry for quite
some time to describe *any* RISC-based personal computer. Try reading
any copy of Byte, etc., and the phrase is used extensively, describing
everything from PowerMacs to DEC Alphas. Thus Apple probably have as
much right to call the PowerMac a "RISC PC" as they have in calling a
normal Mac a "PC", which it most certainly is.

What Acorn sell is the "Risc PC" - I suspect that as far as trademark law goes
the capitalisation is all important.

Not speaking on behalf of my company,

\  x  / Michael Williams                      Advanced RISC Machines Limited
|\/|\/\ michael.williams@armltd.co.uk  Fulbourn Road, Cambridge, CB1 4JN, UK
|  |.__)"I might well think that Matti, ARM Ltd. couldn't possibly comment."
Path: news.demon.co.uk!demon!tank.news.pipex.net!pipex!soap.news.pipex.net!pipex!dish.news.pipex.net!pipex!armltd.co.uk!cjones
From: Clive.Jones@armltd.co.uk
Newsgroups: comp.sys.acorn.misc
Subject: Re: Lets Have a go at GlobeMail(!) (was Re: Acorn Computers Ltd)
Date: 6 Dec 1995 11:44:50 GMT
Organization: Advanced RISC Machines Limited
Lines: 21
Message-ID: <4a3vni$faa@doc.armltd.co.uk>
References: <B2FB850.ITS.A.JOKE.OK?@kechb.demon.co.uk>
NNTP-Posting-Host: sun6.armltd.co.uk
X-Address: ARM Ltd., Fulbourn Road, Cherry Hinton, Cambridge CB1 4JN.
X-Telephone: +44 1223 400459 (direct dial+v-mail), +44 1223 400400 (switchbd)
X-Fax: +44 1223 400410
Originator: cjones@sun6
In article <B2FB850.ITS.A.JOKE.OK?@kechb.demon.co.uk>,
Dave  <Dave@kechb.demon.co.uk> wrote:
>Surely it strips out the "X-..." headers as well? I thought they were
>designed for less useful information (such as human-readable stuff) so
>they shouldn't be included by trn?

Er... human-readable header fields are exactly the ones you should be
leaving in when presenting an article to a human to read! The ones
that should be hidden are all the message-IDs, references, etc. that
don't normally mean anything to a human.

If a field is human-readable, and isn't machine-readable (e.g. the
field name starts with "X-" so it's not a standard header), and nobody
wants to read it, then the obvious thing to do is to stop inserting it
in the header.

Posting something nobody wants to read, then blaming everyone else's
software for not filtering it out is a trifle stupid.

               (Disclaimer: I wouldn't believe a word of this if I were you...)
Path: news.demon.co.uk!demon!dabbler.demon.co.uk!Roy
From: Roy@dabbler.demon.co.uk (Roy Gillett)
Newsgroups: comp.sys.acorn.misc
Subject: Re: Acorn article in UK Newspaper
Date: Wed, 06 Dec 1995 12:19:56 +0100
Lines: 14
Distribution: world
Message-ID: <19951206.121956.67@dabbler.demon.co.uk>
References: <DJ4IM7.AJ@madge1.madge.co.uk> <9512051015.AA02202@snow-white.luton.ac.uk> <internews467B6BEE89@argonet.co.uk> <4a3sgr$3ab@newsgate.dircon.co.uk>
Reply-To: Roy@dabbler.demon.co.uk
NNTP-Posting-Host: dabbler.demon.co.uk
X-NNTP-Posting-Host: dabbler.demon.co.uk
X-Newsreader: Archimedes TTFN Version 0.36
In message <4a3sgr$3ab@newsgate.dircon.co.uk> Lee McGinty wrote:

> You could, by getting in touch with a data vendor like Reuters or
> Bloomberg and getting loads of hardware and ISDN lines connected and
> then paying lots (and lots) of money each month.

Well, you don't have to go quite that far. I can get share  prices  via
Compuserve. It' does cost, but not as much as all that.


Path: news.demon.co.uk!demon!tank.news.pipex.net!pipex!peer-news.britain.eu.net!lyra.csx.cam.ac.uk!sjb42
From: sjb42@cus.cam.ac.uk (S.J. Borrill)
Newsgroups: comp.sys.acorn.misc
Subject: Re: ftp filenames:1st 10 chars different please
Date: 6 Dec 1995 11:01:43 GMT
Organization: University of Cambridge, England
Lines: 11
Distribution: world
Message-ID: <4a3t6n$k2a@lyra.csx.cam.ac.uk>
References: <19951204.232650.13@slugger.iaehv.nl> <19951205.105701.86@gu228uq.demon.co.uk>
NNTP-Posting-Host: apus.cus.cam.ac.uk
X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2]
Phillip Temple (horza@gu228uq.demon.co.uk) wrote:
: Why not just use Longfiles?

Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't the FTP client with the FSP truncate
to 10 chars even if you use Longfiles?

Stephen Borrill

P.S. Actually, don't bother correcting me, I'll try it out myself. It's just
an ISTR.

Path: news.demon.co.uk!demon!tank.news.pipex.net!pipex!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!vixen.cso.uiuc.edu!howland.reston.ans.net!Germany.EU.net!Dortmund.Germany.EU.net!nntp.gmd.de!news.rwth-aachen.de!news
From: Cardinal Fang <ajrp@Pool.Informatik.RWTH-Aachen.de>
Newsgroups: comp.sys.acorn.misc
Subject: Re: Softloading RiscOS3.6 onto 3.5 machines
Date: Wed, 6 Dec 1995 12:13:07 +0100 (MEZ)
Organization: RWTH -Aachen / Rechnerbetrieb Informatik
Lines: 7
Message-ID: <Pine.HPP.3.90.951206121151.1371C-100000@skyresh.informatik.rwth-aachen.de>
References: <Iain@kechb.demon.co.uk> <951203035121@arcade.demon.co.uk>
NNTP-Posting-Host: skyresh.informatik.rwth-aachen.de
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
X-Sender: ajrp@skyresh.informatik.rwth-aachen.de
In-Reply-To: <951203035121@arcade.demon.co.uk> 
On 2 Dec 1995, Richard Murray wrote:
> BTW, how can you sign an unwritten contract? :-)

Ahhh, but you don't have to sign a contract for it to be binding 3:*)

Path: news.demon.co.uk!demon!tank.news.pipex.net!pipex!usenet.eel.ufl.edu!newsfeed.internetmci.com!EU.net!peer-news.britain.eu.net!keele!potter.cc.keele.ac.uk!u4f18
From: u4f18@cc.keele.ac.uk (RJ Summers)
Newsgroups: comp.sys.acorn.misc
Subject: Re: Christmas
Date: 6 Dec 1995 13:09:55 GMT
Lines: 11
Distribution: world
Message-ID: <4a44n3$2o1@gerry.cc.keele.ac.uk>
References: <DJ5xHC.EHD@cee.hw.ac.uk>
NNTP-Posting-Host: potter.cc.keele.ac.uk
X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2]
Gregor Spwart (ceegjs1@cee.hw.ac.uk) wrote:
: MERRY CHRISTMAS to the whole rabble of people who read this.

And a RISCy christmas too.!

  _               _            
 |_  _  _  _ _   |_| _ |_    
 |  |  |_|| | |  |\ |_||_|   
Path: news.demon.co.uk!demon!klaatu.demon.co.uk
From: steve@klaatu.demon.co.uk (Steve Loft)
Newsgroups: uk.comp.misc,comp.sys.acorn.misc
Subject: Re: Software for teletext decoder
Date: Wed, 06 Dec 1995 13:39:32 GMT
Organization: number thirty
Lines: 22
Message-ID: <818257216.28025@klaatu.demon.co.uk>
References: <818180863.17945@klaatu.demon.co.uk> <4a2acf$cg7@holly.csv.warwick.ac.uk>
NNTP-Posting-Host: klaatu.demon.co.uk
X-NNTP-Posting-Host: klaatu.demon.co.uk
X-Newsreader: I Made This (v0.479)   
Xref: news.demon.co.uk uk.comp.misc:1188 comp.sys.acorn.misc:13768
esuqg@csv.warwick.ac.uk (Hugo Fiennes) wrote:

>Most of the philips teletext chips have an IIC (I-squared-C) interface, which
>in the case of the ground control adpater, probably just connected to the IIC
>interface on the podule backplane. It's quite possible to get this connected
>via a PC parallel port, with no hardware (I think you need a clock
>line and a bidirectional data line, so you could turn around all 8 data
>lines when you needed to tx/rx, and use a control pin for clock). The
>data on the chip should be available from philips, as should techie info
>on I2C.

When I first bought it, it came with software and cable to connect it
to the Arc parallel port.  The cable has only four wires - but I'm not
sure how it is wired as the wires have broken off the parallel port
end.  When I upgraded to an Arm 3, there was a problem with not being
able to use the decoder while the cache was enabled.  I then had to
buy an upgrade consisting of new software and a cable to connect to
the podule backplane.
Steve Loft, Doncaster, UK.

Path: news.demon.co.uk!demon!klaatu.demon.co.uk
From: steve@klaatu.demon.co.uk (Steve Loft)
Newsgroups: uk.comp.misc,comp.sys.acorn.misc
Subject: Re: Software for teletext decoder
Date: Wed, 06 Dec 1995 13:43:18 GMT
Organization: number thirty
Lines: 22
Message-ID: <818257441.28080@klaatu.demon.co.uk>
References: <818180863.17945@klaatu.demon.co.uk> <4a404a$b2@whitbeck.ncl.ac.uk>
NNTP-Posting-Host: klaatu.demon.co.uk
X-NNTP-Posting-Host: klaatu.demon.co.uk
X-Newsreader: I Made This (v0.479)   
Xref: news.demon.co.uk uk.comp.misc:1189 comp.sys.acorn.misc:13769
Martin Hesketh <Martin.Hesketh@ncl.ac.uk> wrote:

>I remember seeing the same teletext adaptor advertised for use with a
>PC, so there must be some software out there somewhere. 

That's very encouraging :-)  I wonder if it was Ground Control who
supplied it.  There's nothing on the box (or inside) to suggest that
it was made by them, did they perhaps just write the software for the

>ago, I had a look at the software (ROM image for BBC), and managed to reverse
>engineer it as far as getting the adaptor to tune to a particular channel.
>I can dig up that program for you if you wish. If I remember correctly, it
>inolved sending a few bytes setup information (one bit at a time), then a one 
>byte control code followed by two bytes containing an encoding of the frequency 
>to tune the receiver to.

Yes, I'd be interested in seeing that program, thanks.
Steve Loft, Doncaster, UK.

Path: news.demon.co.uk!demon!tank.news.pipex.net!pipex!usenet.eel.ufl.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!EU.net!peer-news.britain.eu.net!lyra.csx.cam.ac.uk!mole.bio.cam.ac.uk!jrp22
From: jrp22@mole.bio.cam.ac.uk (John Pettigrew (Plant Sciences))
Newsgroups: comp.sys.acorn.misc
Subject: Re: Lets Have a go at GlobeMail(!) (was Re: Acorn Computers Ltd)
Date: 6 Dec 1995 12:16:02 GMT
Organization: U. of Cambridge, England
Lines: 19
Message-ID: <4a41i2$mfb@lyra.csx.cam.ac.uk>
References: <B2FB850.ITS.A.JOKE.OK?@kechb.demon.co.uk>
NNTP-Posting-Host: mole.bio.cam.ac.uk
In article <B2FB850.ITS.A.JOKE.OK?@kechb.demon.co.uk> Dave <Dave@kechb.demon.co.uk> writes:
>> In fact "a selection of useful headers" means "all headers except those that
>> I know aren't terribly useful, like Path and References" - so that includes 
>> all the pointless GlobeMail headers, since trn can't tell that they're not
>> useful.
>Surely it strips out the "X-..." headers as well? I thought they were
>designed for less useful information (such as human-readable stuff) so
>they shouldn't be included by trn?

Unfortunately not. They _do_ appear.

J Pettigrew <jrp22@mole.bio.cam.ac.uk>|"You want to go on a flying carpet
Department of Plant Sciences,         |to visit the King of the Potato People
Tennis Court Road,                    |and you want me to believe you're
Cambridge   CB2 3EA   ENGLAND         |completely sane?"
Path: news.demon.co.uk!demon!rigibore.demon.co.uk
From: tim@rigibore.demon.co.uk (Tim Moore)
Newsgroups: comp.sys.acorn.misc
Subject: Re: RISC OS Class Library Required + Rant
Date: Wed, 06 Dec 1995 13:58:58 GMT
Organization: Rigibore Tooling Systems, Rigibore Ltd.
Lines: 144
Message-ID: <818258344.729@rigibore.demon.co.uk>
References: <818179409.12683@rigibore.demon.co.uk> <DJ4Luz.5qM@madge1.madge.co.uk>
NNTP-Posting-Host: rigibore.demon.co.uk
X-NNTP-Posting-Host: rigibore.demon.co.uk
X-Newsreader: Forte Free Agent 1.0.82
jobroin@madge1.madge.co.uk (Jason O'Broin) wrote:

>Tim Moore (tim@rigibore.demon.co.uk) wrote:

>: Yes it takes stupidly powerful processors to run Windows 95 (Not much
>: difference between top 486s and Pentiums though), but come on... you
>: can get a bloody cool multi-media setup far in excess of Acorn stuff
>: for about 1,000 pounds!!!!! HALF THE PRICE AT LEAST.

>No you can't.

>We've done this one before. If you actually try to buy a machine of a similar
>spec to a RISC PC700 (eg. 17" monitor, 16 bit sound, 2MB graphics card, 
>suitable amounts of memory, DOS, Windows, keyboard, mouse , cache (!) etc).
>and add on VAT, you will spend a little short of 2,000 pounds ( I seem to
>remember we ended up with a price of about 1,850, and that was building it
>ourselves). An RISC PC700 *is* more expensive (it's about 2,500 after VAT). 
>It's not twice the price. If you buy a good brand PC (eg. Dell, Compaq), then
>I expect the price differential will be eroded significantly.

The brand, makes no difference these days. Big brands like Compaq are
a rip off as they over charge and don't even give you a monitor.

I don't need 17" monitors and only require 1MB of VRAM, so the price
comes down a lot.

Your pricing is based on something over and above the average offer
with PCs.

Take an Escom P75 PCI mini tower as an example ...

   Intel 75Mhz Pentium
   850Mb hard disc
   8Mb RAM
   1MB VRAM (PCI svga graphics)
   14" SVGA Monitor
   Windows 95 or OS/2, CorelDraw 4, MS Works etc.
   Plus it's Microsoft compatible ... :-)

   1056.33 (inc. VAT)

   + Multi-media kit ...
   Quad speed CD ROM
   16 bit soundcard

   extra 175.08 (inc. VAT)

   Total: 1231.41 (inc. VAT) and you can pick it up in the high street

                                       (maybe at a discount as well).

   Add another 100 to bring the hard disc over 1GB.
   Most Acorn dealers haven't caught on to the cheap costs of hard  
   discs either.
   Oh, and you could also add 150 +vat for complete internet kit with
   28,800 modem + software (obviously the internet subscription is
   extra). The Acorn mags are advertising the same packs that have
   been modified for Acorn for well over 200 +vat.

   Don't forget that all this includes on-site warranty and support
   before they try to sell you extra cover.

Sure, if you buy from Compaq, then add 1,000 to the cost.

>The other side of the coin is software costs.

>As an example, I looked into the cost of the new Visual C++ 4.0 package. I
>was quoted 359 + VAT (and 110 + VAT for Masm). That's another 470 + VAT just
>for your compiler environment. Fair dues, Acorn C++ may not be as good as
>the Microsoft environment, but you do get an assembler, and it only costs
>200 odd quid (I forget if that includes VAT or not). 

VC 4 is not necessary at the moment and will obviously come down in
price. Most people, except games developers, develop with high level
languages and you could pick up a free command line assembler
somewhere if you wanted which can be put into the very configurable
VC++ system.
PS. if you were quoted 359 + VAT then it was probably the subscription
pack (on CD btw) which means each new release you'll get in the post
at no extra cost ! Without subscription VC++ 4 is 175 +VAT !

Face it, the Microsoft development stuff is vastly superior, hence the
price. You don't just get software but support as well. Something like
the Developers Network, gives you all the operating systems and SDKs
on updates saving loads of money on upgrades. Including NT and 95 !
Visual C++ is also available on subscription - more savings.

>You can get a good WP package (Style, Easiwriter) for about 100 quid (I seem
>to remember picking up Style for 90 quid last year. Not bad value). What are
>the costs of a comparable WP package for the PC. MS Word is around 200 + VAT
>(from a recent PCW), MS Office is around 350 + VAT

Yeah, but no one can do something like Office on Acorn, despite what
people think of Microsoft. Most Acorn WPs feel like educational
software (probably are that's why).

>Of course, there may be various deals around (Acorn has the C++ & PRMs instead
>of the 150 quid cashback for example). There are similar deals with Microsoft
>Office I believe.

>It is *VERY* important to look at what you get with some of these cheap deals
>(eg. the ones close to the 1,000 mark). They typically do NOT include VAT,
>only have a 14/15" monitor, often don't have L2 cache (which will seriously 
>effect 486/Pentium performance), and often don't include DOS and Windows
>(which will put you back a 100 quid or so presuming you don't rip it off from
>work (which is of course, illegal)).

Almost everything doesn't include VAT, but it's easy to add.
Unless you're going to do DTP, you don't need a 17" monitor. Admitidly
Acorn is cheaper for DTP, due to costs of PC and Mac DTP packages.

>Please do your sums carefully. I suspect you will get a cheaper deal with PCs,
>but I doubt it will be at the level you suggest above (particular after you
>factor the cost of buying legal versions of software).

All legal software included, and I think people are over quoting you

>You also might like to compare some of the mid range PCs (the 1,000 bunch)
>with the A7000. This might be more within your price range and provide 
>comparable performance and features. 

Top of the range 486s (which are entry level PCs now) are well under

>I hope you enjoy your Christmas shopping :-)

A RiscPC is not on my list. I still like it, but I can't justify the
costs or see much benefit for the cost.


 Tim Moore, Teaching Company Associate,
 Rigibore Tooling Systems, Rigibore Ltd, Hayle, UK
 Email: tim@rigibore.demon.co.uk

   Any views expressed here do not represent the views of
                       Rigibore Ltd.

Newsgroups: comp.sys.acorn.misc
Path: news.demon.co.uk!demon!tank.news.pipex.net!pipex!usenet.eel.ufl.edu!brutus.bright.net!chi-news.cic.net!newsfeed.internetmci.com!EU.net!peer-news.britain.eu.net!newsfeed.ed.ac.uk!hwcee!ceemah
From: ceemah@cee.hw.ac.uk (Matthew Hambley)
Subject: Re: Christmas
Message-ID: <DJ63qH.GIp@cee.hw.ac.uk>
Lines: 11
Sender: news@cee.hw.ac.uk (News Administrator)
Reply-To: ceemah@cee.hw.ac.uk (Matthew Hambley)
Organization: Dept of Computing & Electrical Engineering, Heriot-Watt University, Scotland
References:  <DJ5xHC.EHD@cee.hw.ac.uk>
Date: Wed, 6 Dec 1995 13:49:28 GMT
In article <DJ5xHC.EHD@cee.hw.ac.uk>, ceegjs1@cee.hw.ac.uk (Gregor Spwart) writes:
|> MERRY CHRISTMAS to the whole rabble of people who read this.

	And a prosperous new year to you too.
(\/)atthew Hambly, nutter by Royal Appointment
Term time   ceemah@cee.hw.ac.uk             |"It doesn't matter if the cat is
Other times mhambley@arcade.demon.co.uk     | black or white as long as it's
WWW pages   http://www.cee.hw.ac.uk/~ceemah | been cooked in a Wok."-K.Thomas
Path: news.demon.co.uk!demon!cjc2.demon.co.uk!Neural
From: Neural@cjc2.demon.co.uk (James)
Newsgroups: comp.sys.acorn.misc
Subject: New Artworks Tool & iFS
Date: Wed, 06 Dec 1995 15:00:22 GMT
Organization: Neural Net Design
Lines: 23
Distribution: world
Message-ID: <19951206.150022.43@cjc2.demon.co.uk>
Reply-To: Neural@cjc2.demon.co.uk
NNTP-Posting-Host: cjc2.demon.co.uk
X-NNTP-Posting-Host: cjc2.demon.co.uk
X-Newsreader: TFN for InNet version 0.16
We're looking to see the interest in a new artworks tool; a sprite/draw tracer.
We've got basic code and would like to see the amount of interest before
Such a tool would allow the conversion of sprites into vector files within
Artworks. As this is a RFC please send any comments or notification of interest
to Neural@cjc2.demon.co.uk

For those of your who requested iFS & didn't recieve it, apologies- a mail
problem resulted in the apparent loss of a days mail. Most other requests
have been filled with iFS1.    Hopefully the full iFS2 image filing system
will be here around the 14th December and all those who requested iFS and
have recieved iFS1 will recieve a copy automatically.
If you want to add your name to the mailing list mail 'INS@cjc2.demon.co.uk'

O'Brien at NND

"Bother", said Pooh as he got "Filecore in Use"
From Neural Net Design. Reply to
Neural@cjc2.demon.co.uk OR Neural@arcade.demon.co.uk
Path: news.demon.co.uk!demon!gu228uq.demon.co.uk!horza
From: horza@gu228uq.demon.co.uk (Phillip Temple)
Newsgroups: comp.sys.acorn.misc
Subject: Re: Netiquette (was Voyager Software Bugs)
Date: Wed, 06 Dec 1995 00:15:48 GMT
Organization: PG Graphic Design
Lines: 43
Distribution: world
Message-ID: <19951206.001548.28@gu228uq.demon.co.uk>
References: <19951201.214121.43@gu228uq.demon.co.uk> <aXdkCAj030n@sktb.demon.co.uk> <19951204.001143.25@gu228uq.demon.co.uk> <axHmrUj030n@sktb.demon.co.uk>
Reply-To: horza@gu228uq.demon.co.uk
NNTP-Posting-Host: gu228uq.demon.co.uk
X-NNTP-Posting-Host: gu228uq.demon.co.uk
X-Newsreader: Archimedes TTFN Version 0.36
In message <axHmrUj030n@sktb.demon.co.uk> "Paul L. Allen" wrote:

> In article <19951204.001143.25@gu228uq.demon.co.uk>
>     horza@gu228uq.demon.co.uk (Phillip Temple) writes:
> > Yes. I read everything on demon.announce, even though none of it ever
> > applies to me.
> Strange that you don't have a clue then.

Not really. Most of the stuff is so mind-numbly boring it's hardly
surprising my brain switches off when reading it.

> > That's exactly what I said. To me, 5p for a phone call of unlimited
> > length is as good as free!
> Nope, there's a *big* difference.  With 5p gone each time you call, there's
> a very strong incentive to stay on all night instead of hanging up when
> you've finished what you were doing and calling later.

Rubbish. No-body cares that much about 5p here and there. They'd
probably spend that much in electricity to keep the computer on
and connected when not doing anything. And saving 5p at the expense
of tying up their phone line all evening so they can't receive any
incoming calls? I don't think so.

> > So I didn't keep up with the Hull saga. Funny that, living in Swansea.
> > I stand corrected.
> If you didn't keep up with it, why did you feel the need to pontificate
> and provide false information?

At 2 lines long (my entire post), it must have been one of my shortest
pontifications ever. And the information wasn't false. It was 100%
true, just outdated. Completely unnecessary set of flames IMHO.

|   Phillip Temple        | http://sunacm.swan.ac.uk/~horza/acorn.html
|horza@gu228uq.demon.co.uk| FreeNet Starter Pack for web browsing, ftp:
|_________________________| freenet_starter_pack0.05b.spk         from:
 on his RiscPC        cslib.ecs.soton.ac.uk/pub/Acorn/freenet/p.temple
Path: news.demon.co.uk!demon!peer-news.britain.eu.net!strath-cs!lorne.stir.ac.uk!rhh
From: rhh@cs.stir.ac.uk (Russell H Horn (UG3))
Newsgroups: comp.sys.acorn.misc
Subject: Who's Next picture.
Date: 6 Dec 1995 17:52:44 GMT
Organization: Computing Science and Mathematics, Stirling University
Lines: 10
Message-ID: <4a4l9c$eau@lorne.stir.ac.uk>
NNTP-Posting-Host: rhh@balboa.cs.stir.ac.uk
X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2]
Some time ago, there was a picture avaliable on the net, depicting an
Acorn, firing an arrow through an apple with the slogan "who's next".

Does anyone know where this picture can be found - I believe it was an
artworks file.

Thanks in advance,


Path: news.demon.co.uk!demon!xargle.demon.co.uk!thowat
From: thowat@xargle.demon.co.uk (Tony Howat)
Newsgroups: comp.sys.acorn.misc
Subject: Re: Acorn article in UK Newspaper
Date: Tue, 05 Dec 1995 18:56:02 GMT
Lines: 18
Message-ID: <19951205.185602.27@xargle.demon.co.uk>
References: <9512051015.AA02202@snow-white.luton.ac.uk>
Reply-To: thowat@xargle.demon.co.uk
NNTP-Posting-Host: xargle.demon.co.uk
X-NNTP-Posting-Host: xargle.demon.co.uk
X-Newsreader: Archimedes TTFN Version 0.36
X-Posting-Agent: Newsbase 0.55-pre-3
In article <9512051015.AA02202@snow-white.luton.ac.uk>, "Jason Banham (Sys" wrote:

[acorn and oracle]

I've read in several journals that *Apple* are doing the hardware for
Oracle. What's the deal?


-\ Tony Howat - thowat@xargle.demon.co.uk - Southport, Merseyside, U.K. /-
    It has been said [by Anatole France], "it is not by amusing oneself
  that one learns," and, in reply: "it is *only* by amusing oneself that
                              one can learn."
                     -- Edward Kasner and James R. Newman
Path: news.demon.co.uk!demon!xargle.demon.co.uk!thowat
From: thowat@xargle.demon.co.uk (Tony Howat)
Newsgroups: comp.sys.acorn.misc
Subject: Re: Iain's Headers (again) (was Re: Connor are useless)
Date: Tue, 05 Dec 1995 18:31:05 GMT
Lines: 88
Message-ID: <19951205.183105.53@xargle.demon.co.uk>
References: <73A5F2E8.ITS.A.JOKE.OK?@kechb.demon.co.uk>
Reply-To: thowat@xargle.demon.co.uk
NNTP-Posting-Host: xargle.demon.co.uk
X-NNTP-Posting-Host: xargle.demon.co.uk
X-Newsreader: Archimedes TTFN Version 0.36
X-Posting-Agent: Newsbase 0.55-pre-3
In article <73A5F2E8.ITS.A.JOKE.OK?@kechb.demon.co.uk>, Iain wrote:

> This article converted by News2Mail 1.02 (c) Iain Price for the Archimedes
> In this article, <thowat@xargle.demon.co.uk> exclaimed:
> Oh god, it's you.

Nice to see I'm welcomed...


> > The lines I object to :
> > 
> > X-Length: 982
> I plan to leave that in.

How about changing it to content length?

> > X-Newsreader: Archimedes GlobeMail version 1.33
> > X-Transporter: Doggysoft's Termite Internet
> Those two will merge

> > X-Newsreader-Writer: iain@kechb.demon.co.uk
> > X-Header-Problems: Please mail any header problems to iain@kechb.demon.co.uk
> Removed

> > Message-ID: <xxxxxx.GlobeMail.Is.The.Best.Mailer@kechb.demon.co.uk>
> Truncated to <GlobeMail.xxxxx.xx@...>

> > This article converted by News2Mail 1.02 (c) Iain Price for the Archimedes
> Removed

Not yet you haven't. I'll look forward to it.
> > In this article, <foo> said:
> Whats wrong with this?

Lack of message id.
> > You asked for header problems to be reported. You respond by telling people
> > they're sad for reading headers, and that they should get _their_
> > newsreader fixed.
> Twas your attitude that prompted that

What, my attitude that caused you to suggest pine, tin and many other mailers
were broken? Interesting...
> > Maybe I could deal with a few of those lines, if there
> > wasn't such a precocious git desperately defending them.
> See?

Not really.
> > Etiam masturbans, semper masturbans.
> Speak english/american like everyone else here.

Chuckle... :)

Thankfully, it would seem we have a result. It would've been nice if you'd
shown this sort of reasonable attitude to start with, avoiding the slanging
match that we ended up with.


-\ Tony Howat - thowat@xargle.demon.co.uk - Southport, Merseyside, U.K. /-
"Athens built the Acropolis.  Corinth was a commercial city, interested in
purely materialistic things.  Today we admire Athens, visit it, preserve the
           old temples, yet we hardly ever set foot in Corinth."
               - Dr. Harold Urey, Nobel Laureate in chemistry
Path: news.demon.co.uk!demon!news.easynet.co.uk!btnet!tank.news.pipex.net!pipex!tube.news.pipex.net!pipex!dish.news.pipex.net!pipex!soap.news.pipex.net!pipex!argonet.co.uk!argbc86
From: alan.gray@argonet.co.uk
Newsgroups: comp.sys.acorn.misc
Subject: Re: RiscPC reliability
Date: Wed, 06 Dec 1995 06:15:26
Organization: UnipalmPIPEX server (post doesn't reflect views of UnipalmPIPEX)
Lines: 21
Distribution: world
Message-ID: <internews467BA28F4C@argonet.co.uk>
References: <19951203.220105.44@hebbron.demon.co.uk> <19951205.120009.40@innage.demon.co.uk> <internews467AFD0875@argonet.co.uk>
Reply-To: alan.gray@argonet.co.uk
NNTP-Posting-Host: ai107.du.pipex.com
X-Newsreader: VTi Voyager InterNews 0.07 for Acorn RISC OS
Tom Hebbron writes:

> I don't know what the problem is with all these other 600's, as I've had mine
> 15 months, switched on 24 hours a day,

Similarly, I've had mine for 18 months, used for 6 hours a day. I was just going
to extol its virtues in this thread yesterday when - crash - and when I reset,
the CMOS appears to be erratic - it forgets the screen font, the monitor-type
and screen resolution etc. When running configure to get things back to normal I
keep getting "Bad Rename" errors.

Anyone seen this one before? And I thought the rechargable battery should last
for years... I _suppose_ this is what it is. Any comments anyone?


Alan.Gray@argonet.co.uk   : Dr A.G.Gray, Church Lane, Great Warley, Essex. UK

N 51 33' 58" E 00 17' 35" : G3XQU  (DXCC=323c)  Acorn RiscPC  Made in England

Path: news.demon.co.uk!demon!sunsite.doc.ic.ac.uk!yama.mcc.ac.uk!usenet
From: Robert Templeman <mbcaprt@mphhpd.ph.man.ac.uk>
Newsgroups: comp.sys.acorn.misc
Subject: Re: ARM810 Announcement
Date: 6 Dec 1995 15:21:16 GMT
Organization: home watching TV
Lines: 23
Message-ID: <4a4cdc$di3@yama.mcc.ac.uk>
References: <19951201.001006.29@sherwood.demon.co.uk>
NNTP-Posting-Host: hero.mcc.ac.uk
Mime-Version: 1.0
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X-Mailer: Mozilla 1.1N (X11; I; HP-UX A.09.03 9000/735)
X-URL: news:19951201.001006.29@sherwood.demon.co.uk
trims@sherwood.demon.co.uk (Ian Trimble) wrote:
>This was first posted four days ago to comp.sys.arm.  I'm amazed at the
>lack of comment to date.  Would the techies care to comment?

I think the poster apathy is indicitive of peoples belief in anything
high(er)-performance and Acorn.
  Also the ARM810 in time-honoured tradition is not really a performance
orientated product, i mean 80 MIPS, that would be downright offensive a year
ago, hehe.  With the StrongARM NOT being developed by ARM and a damn sight
faster people just dont care for announcements about slower processors.
Besides it'll probably take Acorn a year to get the ARM810 on a card for a RPC
anyway.  Look how long it took for the ARM710!
  I just hope that when DEC do ship SA's either ART or a third party will
quickly stuff one (cacheless, i dont care) on a card for the RPC, at least then
we'll be able to play games like PC owners (cos lets face it with no FP
prospects theres nothing else to do with the processing power!)

Path: news.demon.co.uk!demon!sunsite.doc.ic.ac.uk!cpca3.uea.ac.uk!news
From: Mark Ray <M.Ray@UEA.ac.uk>
Newsgroups: comp.sys.acorn.misc
Subject: Re: The golden beeb and other nostalgia
Date: 6 Dec 1995 16:12:08 GMT
Organization: MTH UEA Norwich England
Lines: 10
Message-ID: <4a4fco$nrl@cpca3.uea.ac.uk>
References: <4DE6D54A.ITS.A.JOKE.OK?@kechb.demon.co.uk>
NNTP-Posting-Host: cpc197.cpc.uea.ac.uk
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
X-Mailer: Mozilla 1.22 (Windows; I; 16bit)
Dave <Dave@kechb.demon.co.uk> wrote:

>I remember in Electron User a program from "Lirpa Loof, India"

I remeber running this one, when I was a 7 year old... I seem to remember 
that they put it in the May issue(!)


Path: news.demon.co.uk!demon!mail2news.demon.co.uk!sousun.phys.soton.ac.uk
From: Max Palmer <mjp@phastr.soton.ac.uk>
Newsgroups: comp.sys.acorn.misc
Subject: Wanted : 2nd hand copy of Artworks.
Date: Wed, 6 Dec 1995 17:29:19 +0000 (GMT)
Lines: 21
Message-ID: <Pine.SOL.3.91.951206172154.6950C-100000@sousun.phys.soton.ac.uk>
X-NNTP-Posting-Host: sousun.phys.soton.ac.uk
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
X-SMTP-Posting-Host: sousun.phys.soton.ac.uk [Wed, 6 Dec 95 17:34:40 GMT]
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X-SMTP-Posting-Host: post.demon.co.uk [Wed, 6 Dec 95 17:38:46 GMT]
X-SMTP-Posting-Host: relay-4.mail.demon.net [Wed, 6 Dec 95 17:44:02 GMT]
X-SMTP-Posting-Host: post.demon.co.uk [Wed, 6 Dec 95 17:44:52 GMT]
X-SMTP-Posting-Host: relay-4.mail.demon.net [Wed, 6 Dec 95 18:07:15 GMT]
X-SMTP-Posting-Host: post.demon.co.uk [Wed, 6 Dec 95 18:09:47 GMT]
Hi, apologies for posting here but everywhere else seems even less 
appropriate (save c.s.a.apps).

Anyway, the subject says it all really. If anyone has a copy of Artworks
that they're not really using / selling off as part of a larger bundle and
they fancy getting rid of it easily then can you let me know ? Email me
with a price and then we'll haggle ;-) 

(FYI I'm willing to pay up to about 50% of the cheapest retail price I've 



Max Palmer, PhD Student, University of Southampton, Southampton, U.K
email ---===> mjp@phastr.soton.ac.uk

Path: news.demon.co.uk!demon!btnet!tank.news.pipex.net!pipex!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!howland.reston.ans.net!EU.net!peer-news.britain.eu.net!warwick!bham!bhamcs!news.ox.ac.uk!sable.ox.ac.uk!jo95005
From: Aidan.Corey@sjc.ox.ac.uk (Aidan Corey)
Newsgroups: comp.sys.acorn.programmer
Subject: Re: Calling ChangeFSI from assembler
Date: 5 Dec 1995 03:28:05 GMT
Organization: Oxford University
Lines: 11
Sender: Aidan.Corey@sjc.ox.ac.uk
Message-ID: <4a0e85$4ki@news.ox.ac.uk>
References: <49qa97$t0f@cri.ens-lyon.fr> <49us6c$be@bright.ecs.soton.ac.uk> <49vfa7$c6@cri.ens-lyon.fr>
NNTP-Posting-Host: sable.ox.ac.uk
Originator: jo95005@sable.ox.ac.uk
Vincent Lefevre <vlefevre@ens.ens-lyon.fr> wrote:
>I'd also like to know why !ChangeFSI changes to mode 0 by default
>when there is VRAM.

On a machine with no VRAM the VIDC accesses screen memory via the main
bus, halting the processor.  Mode 0 requires less screen memory than
most modes, so the processor is halted less often and ChangeFSI runs

Path: news.demon.co.uk!demon!btnet!newsfeed.internetmci.com!in1.uu.net!EU.net!peer-news.britain.eu.net!warwick!niss!bath.ac.uk!aber!not-for-mail
From: auj@aber.ac.uk (Alun "Da Penguin" Jones)
Newsgroups: comp.sys.acorn.programmer
Subject: Re: Memory protection
Date: 5 Dec 1995 17:05:43 -0000
Organization: Prifysgol Cymru (University of Wales) Aberystwyth
Lines: 32
Message-ID: <4a1u57$atl@osfa.aber.ac.uk>
References: <19951203.093825.91@turnbull.compulink.co.uk>
NNTP-Posting-Host: osfa.aber.ac.uk
Further up the screen steve@turnbull.compulink.co.uk wrote:
>  main() { int *p ; p = malloc(sizeof(int)) ; *p = 3 ; free(p) ; *p = 4 ;  }
>This seemed crazy to me, after all C is designed to do low level things
>and memory protection would defeat it.

If you wish to defeat memory protection then don't use malloc. C is not
able to subvert the restrictions placed upon it by the OS. In fact, no
user program is. The example above is illegal under ANSI/ISO C, but that
doesn't guarantee it won't work on all systems. 

In fact, the bit quoted above is more a piece of luck with the way free
is implemented in whatever library you happen to be using than anything.
I can think of several ways it could fail even under Acorn C:
1) A clever malloc() library which messes with Wimpslots to grab and
   free memory. After free() there is no guarantee that the address of p
   is even mapped into the memory space of your process. This is the way
   that Unix systems tend to do it, though the blocks are often mapped
   in/out in page sized chunks, so it could still work on Unix.
   (In fact it does with DEC cc on OSF using the standard libraries -
   just checked)
2) The malloc() library using a linked list with a terminating object to
   manage its memory chunks. While *p=4 would probably work, the chances
   are that it would corrupt the arena for subsequent mallocs to die on.

s&%&st&g&&s&\$&ber&g&s&\#&\n&&s&"& of&g,s&([A-Z])& $1&g&&s&\\u&U&&&
s&!&es, &g&s&\\a&A&&s&1&i&g&&print" $_\n";sub liminal{"use perl!";}
Path: news.demon.co.uk!demon!ccsware.demon.co.uk
From: neil@ccsware.demon.co.uk (Neil Coffey)
Newsgroups: comp.sys.acorn.programmer
Subject: Why program for the Arc?....
Date: 06 Dec 1995 01:03:05 GMT
Organization: ccsware
Lines: 10
Message-ID: <818216399.11660@ccsware.demon.co.uk>
NNTP-Posting-Host: ccsware.demon.co.uk
X-NNTP-Posting-Host: ccsware.demon.co.uk
X-Newsreader: InterTalk
>But there are probably a thousand times as many programmers competing with
>you. Unless your programs are very good you won't sell to anything like the
>same fraction of owners. There are still areas on Acorn machines which are
>hardly touched at the moment, and where you could sell a program just
>because it's the only one. I doubt that applies to anything in the PC

Well, they don't have an Arc emulator yet :-)

Path: news.demon.co.uk!demon!ccsware.demon.co.uk
From: neil@ccsware.demon.co.uk (Neil Coffey)
Newsgroups: comp.sys.acorn.programmer
Subject: Memory protection
Date: 06 Dec 1995 00:52:02 GMT
Organization: ccsware
Lines: 21
Message-ID: <818216401.11660@ccsware.demon.co.uk>
NNTP-Posting-Host: ccsware.demon.co.uk
X-NNTP-Posting-Host: ccsware.demon.co.uk
X-Newsreader: InterTalk
[program that does something extremely stupid and unuseful snipped]

>This should not be a problem on the Arc - but almost guaranteed to screw 
>up on a UNIX system eventually...
>I thought C was meant to be portable - or is it just well written code 
>than can be ported.....!

It's portable if you use standard libraries that exist across platforms.
I should imagine most programs written on the Arc would require almost
a complete re-write. For instance, I'm currently porting one of my own
programs (uses the toolbox) from RISC OS to Windows (boo hissss I know,
but there's a market there). Whilst a large amount of the code compiles
with Borland C/C++ without much change, the front end is having to be
re-written virtually from scratch.

But portability stops being an issue when you start doing stupid things
like bashing bytes into memory that has nothing to do with your
program whatsoever.

Newsgroups: comp.sys.acorn.programmer
Path: news.demon.co.uk!demon!tank.news.pipex.net!pipex!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!usenet.eel.ufl.edu!warwick!spuddy!spuddy.mew.co.uk!arcsalt
From: arcsalt@spuddy.mew.co.uk (Darren Salt)
Subject: Re: Disallowing SWIs
Message-ID: <467B0A9E55.DC90@spuddy.mew.co.uk>
Sender: arcsalt@spuddy.mew.co.uk (Darren Salt)
Reply-To: arcsalt@spuddy.mew.co.uk
Organization: Spud's Public Usenet Domain
X-Newsreader: Archimedes TTFN Version 0.36
References: <DIpou2.6Fn@cfanews.harvard.edu> <19951127.212048.26@cheepnis.demon.co.uk> <49jvq2$kk8@dodger.csv.warwick.ac.uk>
Date: Tue, 5 Dec 1995 02:40:41 GMT
Lines: 33
Mark Wooding (csuov@csv.warwick.ac.uk) wrote (in article

> The behaviour which is /not/ to be relied upon is the strange PC being
> PC+12 in subsequent cycles of an instruction.  This is used in the PRM
> example for vector-postprocessing:


> The STMFD R13!,{PC} stores the PC and PSR 12 bytes ahead of the current
> instruction, which is the bit of code we want to do the postprocessing.
> This is the behaviour which is no longer guaranteed.

So what would be done instead? I think this:

	STMFD	R13!,{R0,R10-R12,R14}
	; ...
	ADR	R14,return
	STMFD	R13!,{R14}	; Spot the difference
	ADD	R12,R13,#8
	LDMIA	R12,{R10-R12,PC}^
return	; --- Called when vector finishes ---
	; ...
	ADD	R13,R13,#4
	LDMFD	R13!,{R10-R12,R14,PC}^

| Darren Salt -- arcsalt@spuddy.mew.co.uk -- Toon at the top! -- Acorn nut |
| Also known as darren.salt@unn.ac.uk on Tuesdays and Thursdays, term time |

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From: arcsalt@spuddy.mew.co.uk (Darren Salt)
Subject: Re: HELP! I'M IN _BIG_ TROUBLE!!
Message-ID: <467B88A886.DC90@spuddy.mew.co.uk>
Sender: arcsalt@spuddy.mew.co.uk (Darren Salt)
Reply-To: arcsalt@spuddy.mew.co.uk
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X-Newsreader: Archimedes TTFN Version 0.36
References: <6E8DF44A.ITS.A.JOKE.OK?@kechb.demon.co.uk>
Date: Wed, 6 Dec 1995 01:37:23 GMT
Lines: 24
Iain (Iain@kechb.demon.co.uk) wrote (in article <6E8DF44A.ITS.A.JOKE.OK?@kechb.demon.co.uk>):

[cam map corrupt error]

> The cam map (Constant Addressable Memory) I think performs the mapping
> from physical ram to logical ram in the MEMC. When corrupt, some pages
> are just 'lost', thus giving you the incorrect sums.

> You can make one by sodding around in the system workspace between &100
> and &1ff (not sure)

The start address appears to be &16C, with &200 bytes per 128 pages, giving a
total allocation of &800 bytes for a 16MB machine (4 MEMCs, each handling 128
pages of 32K each).

Of course it's completely different for the MMU as found in ARM6 and later.

| Darren Salt -- arcsalt@spuddy.mew.co.uk -- Toon at the top! -- Acorn nut |
| Also known as darren.salt@unn.ac.uk on Tuesdays and Thursdays, term time |

If I send this, does that mean that you'll read it?
Path: news.demon.co.uk!demon!mail2news.demon.co.uk!kechb.demon.co.uk
From: Dave <Dave@kechb.demon.co.uk>
Newsgroups: comp.sys.acorn.programmer
Subject: Re: OS_CallAfter to C module code
Date: Wed, 06 Dec 1995 09:42:04 GMT
Lines: 42
Message-ID: <564F0636.ITS.A.JOKE.OK?@kechb.demon.co.uk>
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> Internal error: abort on data transfer at &038117D8
> Is what I am trying possible ?  Here's some code.


> _kernel_oserror *process(int handle)
> {
>   printf("Processing...\n");
>   return 0;
> }

In process() you need another bit of code to OS_AddCallBack a
callback to *another* routine which does the printf. You can't
call most things from IRQ mode (which you'll be in during
process() ), as all sorts of re-entrancy problems occur.
OS_Write0 probably isn't allowed, and anything else C does
on the way might not be. Callbacks call the routine when the
processor's next idling, and it's entered in USR mode so you
can call anything.

If you want to check if a SWI can be called from a CallAfter
or whatever, see the Re-entrancy section under that particular
SWI in the PRM - that's what that section means. Non-re-entrant
means you can't call it from a CallAfter, as it might be in the
middle of being called already - say if you're doing a long
OS_Write0 of 1000 characters or something, and the CallAfter
times out: the next OS_Write0 is done perfectly, then back to
what we were doing before: oops, Risc OS forgets what we were
doing before and gets confused. That's why the address exception
occurs *after* the "Processing..." bit is printed.

Sorry if I've explained the obvious or gone on for far too long;
I'm just trying to be useful around here :-)

David Long         dave@kechb.demon.co.uk

... Do brains come with a guarantee?
Newsgroups: comp.sys.acorn.programmer
Path: news.demon.co.uk!demon!btnet!bt!bfsec!dallison
From: dallison@bfsec.bt.co.uk (Dave Allison)
Subject: Re: Disabling stack checking in EasyC/C++
Message-ID: <DJ5qw4.3vL@bfsec.bt.co.uk>
Sender: bb@bfsec.bt.co.uk (Bulletin_boards)
Organization: BT Belfast Engineering Centre
X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2]
References: <19951204.230134.78@softedge.ftech.co.uk>
Date: Wed, 6 Dec 1995 09:12:04 GMT
Lines: 28
Ajith Ponnampalavanar (ajith@softedge.ftech.co.uk) wrote:
: Hi,

: Is there a way of disabling stack checking for specific C functions in
: EasyC/C++ ? I know that the Acorn C/C++ & Gcc can do this via the
: following methods, but is there a way of doing this under EasyC/C++ ?

:              Disable Stack Checking           Enable Stack Checking
:              ----------------------           ---------------------

: Acorn C/C++     #pragma -s1                       #pragma -s0
: Gcc             #pragma no_check_stack            #pragma check_stack
: EasyC/C++       ?????                             ??????

Not in the current release.  I'll put it in the next version.  It'll
be a #pragma too.  

The next version will be available soon.  I have a number of reported
bugs to look at.

Dave Allison, Senior Software Engineer
BT Belfast Engineering Centre

This is a personal message in which I am NOT speaking for
BT in any way.

Path: news.demon.co.uk!demon!microlib.demon.co.uk
From: simon@microlib.demon.co.uk (Simon O'Connor)
Newsgroups: comp.sys.acorn.programmer
Subject: Re: Demo/Game Coding - RECONFIGURE?!
Date: Tue, 05 Dec 1995 13:44:49 GMT
Organization: Micro Librarian Systems
Lines: 22
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X-Newsreader: Offlite 0.09 / Termite Internet for Acorn RISC OS
Andy@wndrwrks.demon.co.uk (Andy Armstrong) wrote:

> Explorer is way, way better then the RISC OS filer. I know there's lots
> of nastiness under the surface, but after eight years of using
> Archimedes I have to say I enjoy the Windows 95 interface very much.

I think RISC OS needs updating to bring it into line, there are still a few
annoying things in there (such as the save-box idea, and the box goes away
when you click anywhere else - so you have to go round opening windows to
find the right dir - whereas a (less user friendly tho) file listing is much
more flexible for more advanced users)

also another thing I'd like to see would be allowing the icon bar to be
changed, and to be moved about (it wouldn't be that hard I reckon since the
iconbar is a window anyway) and resized...

         ->   M i c r o    L i b r a r i a n    S y s t e m s   <-
                Software and support services for Libraries

     e-mail: info@microlib.demon.co.uk    Tel/FAX: +44 (0)161 449 9357
Path: news.demon.co.uk!demon!microlib.demon.co.uk
From: simon@microlib.demon.co.uk (Simon O'Connor)
Newsgroups: comp.sys.acorn.programmer
Subject: Re: Demo/Game Coding - RECONFIGURE?!
Date: Tue, 05 Dec 1995 13:52:54 GMT
Organization: Micro Librarian Systems
Lines: 17
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X-Newsreader: Offlite 0.09 / Termite Internet for Acorn RISC OS
michael.williams@armltd.co.uk (Michael Williams) wrote:

> Er, not true. Xerox PARC developed the WIMP for Xerox. Apple were just
> one of the first vendors to copy it.

Ok not exclusively, but it still was one of the very first (before the Mac
(the II ?)) - the rest of the world were still using CLI based OS's at the
time though until everyone else caught on to the idea.

         ->   M i c r o    L i b r a r i a n    S y s t e m s   <-
                Software and support services for Libraries

     e-mail: info@microlib.demon.co.uk    Tel/FAX: +44 (0)161 449 9357
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From: James Hunter <se2jh1>
Newsgroups: comp.sys.acorn.programmer
Subject: Re: A5000s and an EIDE hard disc
Date: 14 Nov 1995 11:58:42 GMT
Organization: SJPD
Lines: 26
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X-URL: news:mcg017.42.0@news.salford.ac.uk
mcg017@news.salford.ac.uk (Nick Burrett) wrote:
>Is it was possible to use an E-IDE hard disc with the 
>standard IDE interface in the A5000 ?


EIDE drives are much faster when used with an EIDE interface but will
function as an IDE drive when connected to an IDE port. 

Most IDE hard drives now avaliable are actually EIDE anyway.


        _      Jelly - (James Hunter)
     _ / \ _    Year 2 Software Engineering - De Montfort University, Leicester
  _ / \   / \ _  --------------------------------------------------------------
 / \         / \  Electronic Mail: se2jh1@dmu.ac.uk
/_______________\  World Wide Web home page: http://www.cms.dmu.ac.uk/~se2jh1/


 Just to say welcome to the Archiboard !NetMail demo!

 If you have any comments, you can send us an email on info@supreme.demon.co.uk

 We also now run our own web site, point your web browser at http://www.paston.co.uk/supreme

  Enjoy the demo!

    Keith Marlow,
     Supreme Software Systems Ltd.

   Tele/Fax 01603 745077    BBS 01603 744231Path: news.demon.co.uk!demon!csolon.demon.co.uk!bryan
From: bryan@csolon.demon.co.uk (Bryan Hogan)
Newsgroups: comp.sys.acorn.misc
Subject: Re: Xara studio...
Date: Tue, 05 Dec 1995 01:49:52 GMT
Organization: My Acorn Risc PC
Lines: 13
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X-Newsreader: Archimedes TTFN Version 0.36
In message <19951203.214948.05@hallas.demon.co.uk> Richard G. Hallas wrote:
> The bitmap tracer, for instance, is quite staggeringly good. I simply
> wouldn't have believed that a 24-bit colour photo could be translated
> successfully into a vector file (which looked virtually identical) in
> a matter of a couple of seconds if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes.

Now that is something that CC could convert back to RISC OS, as it is
mostly processing code not UI based. None of the existing tracers seem that
good (AFAIK).

Path: news.demon.co.uk!demon!tank.news.pipex.net!pipex!wave.news.pipex.net!pipex!dish.news.pipex.net!pipex!soap.news.pipex.net!pipex!argonet.co.uk!argba19
From: kraisee@argonet.co.uk
Newsgroups: comp.sys.acorn.misc
Subject: Re: Newlook with a difference?
Date: Wed, 06 Dec 1995 00:24:59
Organization: UnipalmPIPEX server (post doesn't reflect views of UnipalmPIPEX)
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X-Newsreader: VTi Voyager InterNews 0.07 for Acorn RISC OS
Richard Gooding (mabel@argonet.co.uk) wrote:
  >Thta's funny - how did you know I was using opening alien eggs as my
  >directory icons? :)

Oh purleeeese! ;-)

  >If anyone has any ideas as to what should go where, don't be shy, let's
  >hear them!

How's about;

1  Slider bars being firing auto-guns?
2  Slider bar arrows being small figures of Marines and exploding aliens? At
   the correct ends for the firing auto-guns of course.
3  Save Boxes having little (SAV[E]iour) drop-ships in them? Possibe?
4  What would look good instead of the Task-Manager? Ideas? Bishop? Queen?
5  Boot file/directory as the Narcisus
6  System as the Sulaco!
7  Scrap as Nostromo?
8  Apps (resource icon) as an APC (Close enough speeling)!
9  Godda have a alien-saliva-filled-tunnel-background for the iconbar. Has to
   be done...
10 Hard / floppy-disc icons?
11 Fonts?
12 Printers as Signal locators? Hmmm any better suggestions?
13 OPT and RADIO icons as (differing?) Chestburster's in and out of course...

  >I've edited the templates for most of the desktop to make them black; would
  >everyone prefer it if I adjusted things in the release version to work on the
  >standard grey desktop?

I would prefer the black-moody desktop feel to be thorough! It'll be bad enough
having to put up with namby-pamby icons from suppliers with
'scripted-paper-'n'-quill-pens' as logos clogging up the desktop ;-)

PS anybody interested - I recomment ALL of the novels as reading material!
   especially Steve Perry's 'Aliens' series. Brilliant!


Ross : U.T.G Enterprises : kraisee@argonet.co.uk : +44 (0)1329 234076

I always keep this handy. For close encounters. -Hicks
I heard that...                                 -Hudson

Path: news.demon.co.uk!demon!btnet!tank.news.pipex.net!pipex!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!EU.net!peer-news.britain.eu.net!warwick!bham!bhamcs!news.ox.ac.uk!sable.ox.ac.uk!jo95005
From: Aidan.Corey@sjc.ox.ac.uk (Aidan Corey)
Newsgroups: comp.sys.acorn.misc
Subject: Re: ASCII characters
Date: 5 Dec 1995 01:39:40 GMT
Organization: Oxford University
Lines: 9
Sender: Aidan.Corey@sjc.ox.ac.uk
Message-ID: <4a07ss$345@news.ox.ac.uk>
References: <internews4677AD607B@argonet.co.uk> <ant291009d07IMbq@linda.ant.co.uk>
NNTP-Posting-Host: sable.ox.ac.uk
Originator: jo95005@sable.ox.ac.uk
Nick Smith  <nas@ant.co.uk> wrote:
>For instance, OmniClient=AE is =A9 ANT Limited, 1995 and costs =A3 ... well=
>, you
>get the idea!


Path: news.demon.co.uk!demon!btnet!tank.news.pipex.net!pipex!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!in2.uu.net!EU.net!peer-news.britain.eu.net!warwick!bham!bhamcs!news.ox.ac.uk!sable.ox.ac.uk!jo95005
From: Aidan.Corey@sjc.ox.ac.uk (Aidan Corey)
Newsgroups: comp.sys.acorn.misc
Subject: Re: ASCII characters
Date: 5 Dec 1995 01:36:39 GMT
Organization: Oxford University
Lines: 11
Sender: Aidan.Corey@sjc.ox.ac.uk
Message-ID: <4a07n7$340@news.ox.ac.uk>
References: <49f7mi$t9c@doc.armltd.co.uk> <internews4677D76B25@argonet.co.uk> <19951128.234337.04@compton.demon.co.uk> <19951129.081725.66@waveg.demon.co.uk>
NNTP-Posting-Host: sable.ox.ac.uk
Originator: jo95005@sable.ox.ac.uk
Richard Sterry <richard@waveg.demon.co.uk> wrote:
>In message <19951128.234337.04@compton.demon.co.uk> Tom Hughes wrote:
>> Usually # or GBP.
>or ukp! I see ukp more often than GBP.

The difference is that GBP is the ISO 3-letter code for the UK
currency, whereas ukp isn't.

Path: news.demon.co.uk!demon!tank.news.pipex.net!pipex!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!EU.net!peer-news.britain.eu.net!warwick!bham!bhamcs!news.ox.ac.uk!sable.ox.ac.uk!jo95005
From: Aidan.Corey@sjc.ox.ac.uk (Aidan Corey)
Newsgroups: comp.sys.acorn.misc
Subject: Re: TV/Radio listings
Date: 5 Dec 1995 02:43:13 GMT
Organization: Oxford University
Lines: 26
Sender: Aidan.Corey@sjc.ox.ac.uk
Message-ID: <4a0bk1$46d@news.ox.ac.uk>
References: <internews467834A609@argonet.co.uk>
NNTP-Posting-Host: sable.ox.ac.uk
Originator: jo95005@sable.ox.ac.uk
In article <internews467834A609@argonet.co.uk>, <sranthony@argonet.co.uk> wrote:
>Can anyone help? I have been trying to find a good TV listings page (or two) f
>the stuff Diamond Cable send out from satelites such as ASTRA. I don't want
>picture or adverts or multiply nested menus, just the listings (and perhaps a
>bit about what is on). I am after a non-paper version of Radio Times. 

I get my listings from http://www.yearling.com/ - but there are a few
snags!  You can turn off image loading, but more importantly the two
RISC OS browsers I've tried don't support the request form!  These are
ArcWeb and Fresco.  I understand the Voyager browser is basically
ArcWeb renamed, but it might be worth trying to see if there's a

My solutions are to use NetScape or Mosaic on a PC, or more usually to
telnet to one of my unix accounts and use lynx.

Sorry if that isn't very helpful.  I'm hoping that (with a little
encouragement) ANT will add the necessary support to Fresco, and you
could try asking Argo to do the same.  Until the RISC OS browsers
catch up, if enough people email the Yearling people they might be
persuaded to offer an alternative forms interface.  They've seemed
quite friendly in the past.

Newsgroups: comp.sys.acorn.misc
Path: news.demon.co.uk!demon!tank.news.pipex.net!pipex!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!in2.uu.net!EU.net!peer-news.britain.eu.net!newsfeed.ed.ac.uk!dcs.ed.ac.uk!cnews
From: Joshua Goodall <jjg@dcs.ed.ac.uk>
Subject: Re: HENSA/micros Downtime-AR
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References: <49jt9v$keo@acorn.acorn.co.uk> <49k7vh$oha@acorn.acorn.co.uk>
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Date: Tue, 5 Dec 1995 19:41:42 GMT
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Lines: 19
Philip Colmer <pcolmer@acorn.co.uk> wrote:
>In article <49jt9v$keo@acorn.acorn.co.uk> The Higher Education National Software Archive <hensa@micros.hensa.ac.uk> writes:
>>We will be replacing the existing operating system, SunOS 4.1.3 with
>>Solaris 2.4. This is mainly to allow for future hardware expansion.
> Shame that Sun have just released Solaris 2.5 ... nothing like forward
>planning, eh? :-)

Given the problems that I have witnessed here in upgrading a MAN from
SunOS to Solaris they would be wise to upgrade initially to a version
which, although not stable has at least a list of known problems and

Joshua Goodall            
Maths+CS Student/RISCOS Developer/Saxophonist  j.j.goodall@sms.ed.ac.uk
#include "std_disclaimer.h"           mailto:jjg@dcs.ed.ac.uk preferred

Path: news.demon.co.uk!demon!tank.news.pipex.net!pipex!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!in1.uu.net!EU.net!peer-news.britain.eu.net!strath-cs!lorne.stir.ac.uk!rhh
From: rhh@cs.stir.ac.uk (Russell H Horn (UG3))
Newsgroups: comp.sys.acorn.misc
Subject: Re: Windows and the PC card (sorry - ugh!)
Date: 5 Dec 1995 21:18:46 GMT
Organization: Computing Science and Mathematics, Stirling University
Lines: 26
Distribution: world
Message-ID: <4a2cvm$h7e@lorne.stir.ac.uk>
References: <19951125.162143.84@holsoft.demon.co.uk> <internews46765CDB59@argonet.co.uk>
NNTP-Posting-Host: rhh@balboa.cs.stir.ac.uk
X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2]
mdavies@argonet.co.uk wrote:
> Steve Holroyd <srh@holsoft.demon.co.uk> wrote :

> > In article <19951125.142419.87@fjukes.demon.co.uk>,
> >           frank@fjukes.demon.co.uk (Frank Jukes) wrote:
> > 
> > > I've RTFM but can't work out how to start the PC card in Windows rather than
> > > the IBM DOS Shell.
> > > 
> > > Anyone able to help?
> > 
> > Type WIN at the C: prompt.


As an alternative you could use Win95. As this replaces Dos, it loads

All you need is a 14MB RPC and it works fine ;-)

> Regards - Malcolm.

> -- 


Path: news.demon.co.uk!demon!tank.news.pipex.net!pipex!news.mathworks.com!news.kei.com!news.ece.uc.edu!babbage.ece.uc.edu!norconnect.no!news.seinf.abb.se!nooft.abb.no!Norway.EU.net!telepost.no!oslonett.no!sn.no!hasle.oslonett.no!not-for-mail
From: arel@oslonett.no (Are Leistad)
Newsgroups: comp.sys.acorn.misc
Subject: Re: video digitising?
Date: Wed, 06 Dec 1995 05:23:39 +0100
Organization: SN Internett
Lines: 17
Message-ID: <19951206.052339.76@hasle.oslonett.no>
Reply-To: arel@oslonett.no
NNTP-Posting-Host: hasle.sn.no
X-Newsreader: Archimedes TTFN Version 0.36
In article <DJ2Gxq.FrF@uns.bris.ac.uk>,
          cpian@mail.bris.ac.uk (IA. Nichols) wrote:

> Stuart Halliday (Stuart@quantumsoft.co.uk) wrote:
> [lots of quite helpful information, actually]
> ....but .... Given that there isn't (AFAIK) a digitiser available for an
> Acorn that will capture all 768 lines from one frame, and given the cost
> of a camera capable of reproducing more than about 300, wouldn't it be
> cheaper & better in the long run to get a scanner?  There are some 2nd
> hand ones around now.

Hmmm, the Irlam 24i16 seems to grab 768 * 576 in one frame (two fields).
It has a 1MB buffer so at 16bpp there's room for it.

00000000  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  |................|
000006d0  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 50  |...............P|
000006e0  61 74 68 3a 20 6e 65 77  73 2e 64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e  |ath: news.demon.|
000006f0  63 6f 2e 75 6b 21 64 65  6d 6f 6e 21 74 61 6e 6b  |co.uk!demon!tank|
00000700  2e 6e 65 77 73 2e 70 69  70 65 78 2e 6e 65 74 21  |.news.pipex.net!|
00000710  70 69 70 65 78 21 64 69  73 68 2e 6e 65 77 73 2e  |pipex!dish.news.|
00000720  70 69 70 65 78 2e 6e 65  74 21 70 69 70 65 78 21  |pipex.net!pipex!|
00000730  73 6f 61 70 2e 6e 65 77  73 2e 70 69 70 65 78 2e  |soap.news.pipex.|
00000740  6e 65 74 21 70 69 70 65  78 21 75 73 65 6e 65 74  |net!pipex!usenet|
00000750  0a 46 72 6f 6d 3a 20 67  73 7a 40 64 69 61 6c 2e  |.From: gsz@dial.|
00000760  70 69 70 65 78 2e 63 6f  6d 20 28 47 65 6f 72 67  |pipex.com (Georg|
00000770  65 20 53 7a 61 73 7a 76  61 72 69 29 0a 4e 65 77  |e Szaszvari).New|
00000780  73 67 72 6f 75 70 73 3a  20 63 6f 6d 70 2e 73 79  |sgroups: comp.sy|
00000790  73 2e 61 63 6f 72 6e 2e  6d 69 73 63 0a 53 75 62  |s.acorn.misc.Sub|
000007a0  6a 65 63 74 3a 20 52 65  3a 20 52 69 73 63 50 43  |ject: Re: RiscPC|
000007b0  20 72 65 6c 69 61 62 69  6c 69 74 79 0a 44 61 74  | reliability.Dat|
000007c0  65 3a 20 35 20 44 65 63  20 31 39 39 35 20 32 33  |e: 5 Dec 1995 23|
000007d0  3a 34 35 3a 35 32 20 47  4d 54 0a 4f 72 67 61 6e  |:45:52 GMT.Organ|
000007e0  69 7a 61 74 69 6f 6e 3a  20 54 68 65 20 44 69 72  |ization: The Dir|
000007f0  65 63 74 20 50 61 74 68  0a 4c 69 6e 65 73 3a 20  |ect Path.Lines: |
00000800  34 33 0a 4d 65 73 73 61  67 65 2d 49 44 3a 20 3c  |43.Message-ID: <|
00000810  34 61 32 6c 6a 67 24 68  33 40 73 6f 61 70 2e 6e  |4a2ljg$h3@soap.n|
00000820  65 77 73 2e 70 69 70 65  78 2e 6e 65 74 3e 0a 52  |ews.pipex.net>.R|
00000830  65 66 65 72 65 6e 63 65  73 3a 20 3c 31 39 39 35  |eferences: <1995|
00000840  44 65 63 31 2e 31 37 30  35 32 39 2e 31 40 68 65  |Dec1.170529.1@he|
00000850  70 61 78 36 3e 20 3c 32  34 33 5f 39 35 31 32 30  |pax6> <243_95120|
00000860  34 31 38 30 37 40 64 69  61 6c 69 73 2e 78 73 34  |41807@dialis.xs4|
00000870  61 6c 6c 2e 6e 6c 3e 0a  4e 4e 54 50 2d 50 6f 73  |all.nl>.NNTP-Pos|
00000880  74 69 6e 67 2d 48 6f 73  74 3a 20 61 6a 31 39 30  |ting-Host: aj190|
00000890  2e 64 75 2e 70 69 70 65  78 2e 63 6f 6d 0a 58 2d  |.du.pipex.com.X-|
000008a0  4e 65 77 73 72 65 61 64  65 72 3a 20 57 69 6e 56  |Newsreader: WinV|
000008b0  4e 20 30 2e 39 32 2e 36  2b 0a 49 6e 20 61 72 74  |N 0.92.6+.In art|
000008c0  69 63 6c 65 20 3c 32 34  33 5f 39 35 31 32 30 34  |icle <243_951204|
000008d0  31 38 30 37 40 64 69 61  6c 69 73 2e 78 73 34 61  |1807@dialis.xs4a|
000008e0  6c 6c 2e 6e 6c 3e 2c 20  63 61 72 70 65 72 40 64  |ll.nl>, carper@d|
000008f0  69 61 6c 69 73 2e 78 73  34 61 6c 6c 2e 6e 6c 20  |ialis.xs4all.nl |
00000900  28 52 6f 67 69 65 72 20  43 61 72 70 65 72 29 20  |(Rogier Carper) |
00000910  73 61 79 73 3a 0d 3e 0d  3e 46 72 69 64 61 79 20  |says:.>.>Friday |
00000920  31 73 74 20 44 65 63 65  6d 62 65 72 20 31 39 39  |1st December 199|
00000930  35 20 31 38 3a 30 35 3a  32 39 2e 30 30 20 70 6d  |5 18:05:29.00 pm|
00000940  2c 20 68 74 70 40 68 65  70 61 78 36 20 77 72 69  |, htp@hepax6 wri|
00000950  74 65 73 3a 0d 3e 0d 3e  3e 20 49 20 68 6f 6c 64  |tes:.>.>> I hold|
00000960  20 6f 75 74 20 6e 6f 20  67 72 65 61 74 20 68 6f  | out no great ho|
00000970  70 65 73 20 6f 66 20 61  76 6f 69 64 69 6e 67 20  |pes of avoiding |
00000980  66 75 74 75 72 65 20 65  78 70 65 6e 73 65 3a 20  |future expense: |
00000990  74 68 65 79 20 68 6f 6e  65 73 74 6c 79 0d 3e 3e  |they honestly.>>|
000009a0  20 64 6f 6e 27 74 20 73  65 65 6d 20 74 6f 20 62  | don't seem to b|
000009b0  65 20 61 73 20 72 65 6c  69 61 62 6c 65 20 61 73  |e as reliable as|
000009c0  20 73 6f 6d 65 20 70 72  65 76 69 6f 75 73 20 6d  | some previous m|
000009d0  61 63 68 69 6e 65 73 2e  20 20 4d 79 20 52 50 43  |achines.  My RPC|
000009e0  20 77 61 73 0d 3e 3e 20  71 75 69 74 65 20 61 6e  | was.>> quite an|
000009f0  20 65 61 72 6c 79 20 6f  6e 65 2c 20 73 6f 20 49  | early one, so I|
00000a00  20 68 6f 70 65 20 41 63  6f 72 6e 20 68 61 73 20  | hope Acorn has |
00000a10  62 65 65 6e 20 61 62 6c  65 20 74 6f 20 69 6d 70  |been able to imp|
00000a20  72 6f 76 65 20 74 68 65  0d 3e 3e 20 71 75 61 6c  |rove the.>> qual|
00000a30  69 74 79 20 63 6f 6e 74  72 6f 6c 20 73 69 6e 63  |ity control sinc|
00000a40  65 2e 0d 3e 0d 3e 49 27  76 65 20 68 61 64 20 6d  |e..>.>I've had m|
00000a50  79 20 52 69 73 63 50 43  20 28 41 43 42 31 35 2c  |y RiscPC (ACB15,|
00000a60  20 62 75 74 20 68 65 61  76 69 6c 79 20 75 70 67  | but heavily upg|
00000a70  72 61 64 65 64 29 20 73  69 6e 63 65 20 35 74 68  |raded) since 5th|
00000a80  20 4d 61 79 20 31 39 39  34 2e 20 53 65 72 69 61  | May 1994. Seria|
00000a90  6c 0d 3e 6e 75 6d 62 65  72 20 69 73 20 37 32 2d  |l.>number is 72-|
00000aa0  41 43 42 31 35 2d 31 30  31 30 31 32 37 20 28 6d  |ACB15-1010127 (m|
00000ab0  6f 64 65 6c 20 6e 6f 2e  20 31 32 37 29 2e 20 54  |odel no. 127). T|
00000ac0  68 69 73 20 69 73 20 61  20 72 65 61 6c 6c 79 20  |his is a really |
00000ad0  65 61 72 6c 79 20 52 50  43 2e 20 49 20 77 61 73  |early RPC. I was|
00000ae0  0d 3e 74 68 65 20 73 65  63 6f 6e 64 20 70 65 72  |.>the second per|
00000af0  73 6f 6e 20 69 6e 20 74  68 65 20 4e 65 74 68 65  |son in the Nethe|
00000b00  72 6c 61 6e 64 73 20 74  6f 20 6f 77 6e 20 61 20  |rlands to own a |
00000b10  52 69 73 63 50 43 2e 0d  3e 0d 3e 4d 79 20 52 69  |RiscPC..>.>My Ri|
00000b20  73 63 50 43 20 68 61 73  20 68 61 64 20 6e 6f 20  |scPC has had no |
00000b30  70 72 6f 62 6c 65 6d 73  20 77 69 74 68 20 50 53  |problems with PS|
00000b40  55 2c 20 70 72 6f 63 65  73 73 6f 72 20 6f 72 20  |U, processor or |
00000b50  61 6e 79 74 68 69 6e 67  20 65 6c 73 65 0d 3e 77  |anything else.>w|
00000b60  68 61 74 73 6f 65 76 65  72 2e 20 49 20 73 6f 6d  |hatsoever. I som|
00000b70  65 74 69 6d 65 73 20 62  6f 6f 74 20 52 69 73 63  |etimes boot Risc|
00000b80  42 53 44 20 61 6e 64 20  6c 65 61 76 65 20 74 68  |BSD and leave th|
00000b90  65 20 6d 61 63 68 69 6e  65 20 6f 6e 20 66 6f 72  |e machine on for|
00000ba0  20 61 62 6f 75 74 20 61  20 64 61 79 0d 3e 6f 72  | about a day.>or|
00000bb0  20 35 2c 20 77 69 74 68  20 6e 6f 20 70 72 6f 62  | 5, with no prob|
00000bc0  6c 65 6d 73 20 61 74 20  61 6c 6c 2e 0d 3e 0d 3e  |lems at all..>.>|
00000bd0  54 68 65 20 63 61 73 65  20 6b 65 65 70 73 20 67  |The case keeps g|
00000be0  65 74 74 69 6e 67 20 73  74 72 61 6e 67 65 72 2e  |etting stranger.|
00000bf0  2e 2e 0d 0d 49 27 6d 20  73 6c 69 67 68 74 6c 79  |....I'm slightly|
00000c00  20 73 75 72 70 72 69 73  65 64 20 62 79 20 74 68  | surprised by th|
00000c10  65 20 74 61 6c 65 73 20  6f 66 20 77 6f 65 2e 20  |e tales of woe. |
00000c20  49 20 68 61 64 20 61 20  52 69 73 63 50 43 20 66  |I had a RiscPC f|
00000c30  72 6f 6d 20 4a 75 6c 79  20 31 39 39 34 20 0d 27  |rom July 1994 .'|
00000c40  74 69 6c 20 6c 61 73 74  20 77 65 65 6b 20 28 73  |til last week (s|
00000c50  6f 6c 64 20 74 6f 20 61  20 64 65 73 65 72 76 69  |old to a deservi|
00000c60  6e 67 20 43 61 6d 62 72  69 64 67 65 20 73 74 75  |ng Cambridge stu|
00000c70  64 65 6e 74 29 20 61 6e  64 20 74 68 65 72 65 20  |dent) and there |
00000c80  77 65 72 65 20 6e 6f 20  0d 70 72 6f 62 6c 65 6d  |were no .problem|
00000c90  73 20 61 74 20 61 6c 6c  20 61 70 61 72 74 20 66  |s at all apart f|
00000ca0  72 6f 6d 20 74 68 61 74  20 73 69 6c 6c 79 20 64  |rom that silly d|
00000cb0  75 73 74 20 63 6f 76 65  72 2f 64 6f 6f 72 20 74  |ust cover/door t|
00000cc0  68 69 6e 67 79 20 62 65  7a 65 6c 20 28 66 6f 72  |hingy bezel (for|
00000cd0  20 74 68 65 20 0d 73 70  72 69 6e 67 29 20 63 6f  | the .spring) co|
00000ce0  6d 69 6e 67 20 6f 66 66  20 28 77 68 69 63 68 20  |ming off (which |
00000cf0  63 61 6e 20 65 61 73 69  6c 79 20 62 65 20 66 69  |can easily be fi|
00000d00  78 65 64 2e 29 20 4f 74  68 65 72 77 69 73 65 2c  |xed.) Otherwise,|
00000d10  20 74 68 65 20 6d 61 63  68 69 6e 65 20 77 61 73  | the machine was|
00000d20  20 0d 73 6f 6c 69 64 20  61 73 20 61 20 72 6f 63  | .solid as a roc|
00000d30  6b 2e 20 0d 0d 54 68 65  20 52 69 73 63 50 43 20  |k. ..The RiscPC |
00000d40  61 6c 73 6f 20 68 61 64  20 61 20 43 75 6d 61 6e  |also had a Cuman|
00000d50  61 20 53 43 53 49 2d 32  20 63 61 72 64 20 61 64  |a SCSI-2 card ad|
00000d60  64 65 64 20 77 68 69 63  68 20 61 6c 73 6f 20 77  |ded which also w|
00000d70  6f 72 6b 65 64 20 0d 70  65 72 66 65 63 74 6c 79  |orked .perfectly|
00000d80  20 77 69 74 68 20 61 20  31 47 42 20 43 6f 6e 6e  | with a 1GB Conn|
00000d90  65 72 20 53 43 53 49 20  48 44 44 2e 20 54 68 61  |er SCSI HDD. Tha|
00000da0  74 20 53 43 53 49 20 63  61 72 64 20 77 61 73 20  |t SCSI card was |
00000db0  70 75 74 20 69 6e 20 61  72 6f 75 6e 64 20 0d 41  |put in around .A|
00000dc0  70 72 69 6c 2f 4d 61 79  20 74 68 69 73 20 79 65  |pril/May this ye|
00000dd0  61 72 2c 20 73 6f 20 70  72 6f 62 61 62 6c 79 20  |ar, so probably |
00000de0  68 61 64 20 69 6d 70 72  6f 76 65 6d 65 6e 74 73  |had improvements|
00000df0  20 6f 76 65 72 20 74 68  65 20 65 61 72 6c 69 65  | over the earlie|
00000e00  72 20 6f 6e 65 73 20 0d  66 72 6f 6d 20 31 39 39  |r ones .from 199|
00000e10  34 20 77 69 74 68 20 74  65 65 74 68 69 6e 67 20  |4 with teething |
00000e20  70 72 6f 62 6c 65 6d 73  20 28 6d 69 6e 64 20 79  |problems (mind y|
00000e30  6f 75 20 49 20 68 61 64  6e 27 74 20 61 74 74 61  |ou I hadn't atta|
00000e40  63 68 65 64 20 61 6e 79  20 6f 74 68 65 72 20 0d  |ched any other .|
00000e50  64 65 76 69 63 65 73 20  74 6f 20 69 74 2e 2e 2e  |devices to it...|
00000e60  29 2e 20 49 74 27 73 20  61 20 73 68 61 6d 65 20  |). It's a shame |
00000e70  74 68 61 74 20 43 75 6d  61 6e 61 20 68 61 76 65  |that Cumana have|
00000e80  20 6c 69 71 75 69 64 61  74 65 64 2e 0d 0d 52 65  | liquidated...Re|
00000e90  67 61 72 64 73 2c 0d 0d  47 65 6f 72 67 65 20 0d  |gards,..George .|
00000ea0  0d 73 6f 72 72 79 20 61  62 6f 75 74 20 70 6f 73  |.sorry about pos|
00000eb0  74 69 6e 67 20 68 65 72  65 20 77 69 74 68 20 57  |ting here with W|
00000ec0  69 6e 64 6f 7a 65 20 3a  2d 29 20 62 75 74 20 49  |indoze :-) but I|
00000ed0  27 6d 20 73 74 69 6c 6c  20 73 61 76 69 6e 67 20  |'m still saving |
00000ee0  75 70 20 66 6f 72 20 74  68 61 74 20 0d 4c 69 6e  |up for that .Lin|
00000ef0  75 78 20 62 6f 78 2e 0d  0d 2a 2a 20 47 65 6f 72  |ux box...** Geor|
00000f00  67 65 20 53 7a 61 73 7a  76 61 72 69 2c 20 44 43  |ge Szaszvari, DC|
00000f10  50 53 20 43 68 65 73 73  20 43 6c 75 62 2c 20 34  |PS Chess Club, 4|
00000f20  32 20 41 6c 6c 65 79 6e  20 50 61 72 6b 2c 20 4c  |2 Alleyn Park, L|
00000f30  6f 6e 64 6f 6e 20 53 45  32 31 20 37 41 41 2c 20  |ondon SE21 7AA, |
00000f40  55 4b 20 2a 2a 0d 20 53  70 61 63 65 73 68 69 70  |UK **. Spaceship|
00000f50  20 45 61 72 74 68 2c 20  4d 69 6c 6b 79 20 57 61  | Earth, Milky Wa|
00000f60  79 20 47 61 6c 61 78 79  20 2a 2a 20 43 79 62 65  |y Galaxy ** Cybe|
00000f70  72 6e 61 75 74 69 63 20  61 64 64 72 65 73 73 3a  |rnautic address:|
00000f80  20 67 73 7a 40 62 62 63  6e 63 2e 6f 72 67 2e 75  | gsz@bbcnc.org.u|
00000f90  6b 0d 4e 42 3a 20 54 68  65 20 42 42 43 20 68 61  |k.NB: The BBC ha|
00000fa0  73 20 63 65 61 73 65 64  20 74 6f 20 70 72 6f 76  |s ceased to prov|
00000fb0  69 64 65 20 49 6e 74 65  72 6e 65 74 20 61 63 63  |ide Internet acc|
00000fc0  65 73 73 20 74 6f 20 74  68 65 20 70 75 62 6c 69  |ess to the publi|
00000fd0  63 20 62 75 74 20 65 6d  61 69 6c 20 74 6f 0d 74  |c but email to.t|
00000fe0  68 65 20 61 62 6f 76 65  20 61 64 64 72 65 73 73  |he above address|
00000ff0  20 77 69 6c 6c 20 62 65  20 66 6f 72 77 61 72 64  | will be forward|
00001000  65 64 20 6f 6e 74 6f 20  61 20 6e 65 77 20 50 49  |ed onto a new PI|
00001010  50 45 58 20 61 64 64 72  65 73 73 20 74 68 72 6f  |PEX address thro|
00001020  75 67 68 6f 75 74 20 31  39 39 36 0d 20 20 20 2a  |ughout 1996.   *|
00001030  20 43 3d 36 34 20 73 74  75 66 66 20 77 61 6e 74  | C=64 stuff want|
00001040  65 64 20 2a 20 49 6e 74  65 72 65 73 74 65 64 20  |ed * Interested |
00001050  69 6e 20 73 2f 68 20 63  68 65 73 73 20 62 6f 6f  |in s/h chess boo|
00001060  6b 73 3f 20 41 73 6b 20  66 6f 72 20 6d 79 20 6c  |ks? Ask for my l|
00001070  69 73 74 20 2a 0d 4e 65  77 73 67 72 6f 75 70 73  |ist *.Newsgroups|
00001080  3a 20 63 6f 6d 70 2e 73  79 73 2e 61 63 6f 72 6e  |: comp.sys.acorn|
00001090  2e 6d 69 73 63 0a 50 61  74 68 3a 20 6e 65 77 73  |.misc.Path: news|
000010a0  2e 64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63  6f 2e 75 6b 21 64 65 6d  |.demon.co.uk!dem|
000010b0  6f 6e 21 74 61 6e 6b 2e  6e 65 77 73 2e 70 69 70  |on!tank.news.pip|
000010c0  65 78 2e 6e 65 74 21 70  69 70 65 78 21 75 73 65  |ex.net!pipex!use|
000010d0  6e 65 74 2e 65 65 6c 2e  75 66 6c 2e 65 64 75 21  |net.eel.ufl.edu!|
000010e0  77 61 72 77 69 63 6b 21  73 70 75 64 64 79 21 73  |warwick!spuddy!s|
000010f0  70 75 64 64 79 2e 6d 65  77 2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b 21  |puddy.mew.co.uk!|
00001100  61 72 63 73 61 6c 74 0a  46 72 6f 6d 3a 20 61 72  |arcsalt.From: ar|
00001110  63 73 61 6c 74 40 73 70  75 64 64 79 2e 6d 65 77  |csalt@spuddy.mew|
00001120  2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b 20 28  44 61 72 72 65 6e 20 53  |.co.uk (Darren S|
00001130  61 6c 74 29 0a 53 75 62  6a 65 63 74 3a 20 52 65  |alt).Subject: Re|
00001140  3a 20 49 61 69 6e 27 73  20 48 65 61 64 65 72 73  |: Iain's Headers|
00001150  20 28 61 67 61 69 6e 29  20 28 77 61 73 20 52 65  | (again) (was Re|
00001160  3a 20 43 6f 6e 6e 6f 72  20 61 72 65 20 75 73 65  |: Connor are use|
00001170  6c 65 73 73 29 0a 4d 65  73 73 61 67 65 2d 49 44  |less).Message-ID|
00001180  3a 20 3c 34 36 37 42 38  36 46 32 32 42 2e 44 43  |: <467B86F22B.DC|
00001190  39 30 40 73 70 75 64 64  79 2e 6d 65 77 2e 63 6f  |90@spuddy.mew.co|
000011a0  2e 75 6b 3e 0a 53 65 6e  64 65 72 3a 20 61 72 63  |.uk>.Sender: arc|
000011b0  73 61 6c 74 40 73 70 75  64 64 79 2e 6d 65 77 2e  |salt@spuddy.mew.|
000011c0  63 6f 2e 75 6b 20 28 44  61 72 72 65 6e 20 53 61  |co.uk (Darren Sa|
000011d0  6c 74 29 0a 52 65 70 6c  79 2d 54 6f 3a 20 61 72  |lt).Reply-To: ar|
000011e0  63 73 61 6c 74 40 73 70  75 64 64 79 2e 6d 65 77  |csalt@spuddy.mew|
000011f0  2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b 0a 4f  72 67 61 6e 69 7a 61 74  |.co.uk.Organizat|
00001200  69 6f 6e 3a 20 53 70 75  64 27 73 20 50 75 62 6c  |ion: Spud's Publ|
00001210  69 63 20 55 73 65 6e 65  74 20 44 6f 6d 61 69 6e  |ic Usenet Domain|
00001220  0a 58 2d 4e 65 77 73 72  65 61 64 65 72 3a 20 41  |.X-Newsreader: A|
00001230  72 63 68 69 6d 65 64 65  73 20 54 54 46 4e 20 56  |rchimedes TTFN V|
00001240  65 72 73 69 6f 6e 20 30  2e 33 36 0a 52 65 66 65  |ersion 0.36.Refe|
00001250  72 65 6e 63 65 73 3a 20  3c 37 30 43 30 32 35 41  |rences: <70C025A|
00001260  46 2e 49 54 53 2e 41 2e  4a 4f 4b 45 2e 4f 4b 3f  |F.ITS.A.JOKE.OK?|
00001270  40 6b 65 63 68 62 2e 64  65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e  |@kechb.demon.co.|
00001280  75 6b 3e 0a 44 61 74 65  3a 20 57 65 64 2c 20 36  |uk>.Date: Wed, 6|
00001290  20 44 65 63 20 31 39 39  35 20 30 31 3a 31 38 3a  | Dec 1995 01:18:|
000012a0  34 31 20 47 4d 54 0a 4c  69 6e 65 73 3a 20 32 34  |41 GMT.Lines: 24|
000012b0  0a 49 61 69 6e 20 28 49  61 69 6e 40 6b 65 63 68  |.Iain (Iain@kech|
000012c0  62 2e 64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e  63 6f 2e 75 6b 29 20 77  |b.demon.co.uk) w|
000012d0  72 6f 74 65 20 28 69 6e  20 61 72 74 69 63 6c 65  |rote (in article|
000012e0  20 3c 37 30 43 30 32 35  41 46 2e 49 54 53 2e 41  | <70C025AF.ITS.A|
000012f0  2e 4a 4f 4b 45 2e 4f 4b  3f 40 6b 65 63 68 62 2e  |.JOKE.OK?@kechb.|
00001300  64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f  2e 75 6b 3e 29 3a 0d 0d  |demon.co.uk>):..|
00001310  4e 6f 20 69 74 27 73 20  6e 6f 74 20 4f 4b 2e 20  |No it's not OK. |
00001320  3b 2d 29 0d 0d 3e 20 2d  2d 2d 2d 2d 0d 3e 20 49  |;-)..> -----.> I|
00001330  61 69 6e 20 50 72 69 63  65 20 28 49 52 43 3a 4b  |ain Price (IRC:K|
00001340  65 79 64 69 73 63 29 0d  3e 20 69 61 69 6e 40 6b  |eydisc).> iain@k|
00001350  65 63 68 62 2e 64 65 6d  6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b  |echb.demon.co.uk|
00001360  0d 3e 20 49 20 6e 65 65  64 20 61 20 73 69 67 2e  |.> I need a sig.|
00001370  20 53 75 67 67 65 73 74  69 6f 6e 73 0d 0d 41 68  | Suggestions..Ah|
00001380  65 6d 2e 20 4e 6f 20 70  72 6f 70 65 72 20 28 6f  |em. No proper (o|
00001390  72 20 63 6f 6d 6d 6f 6e  6c 79 20 75 73 65 64 29  |r commonly used)|
000013a0  20 2e 73 69 67 20 73 65  70 61 72 61 74 6f 72 2e  | .sig separator.|
000013b0  20 4e 6f 77 20 77 65 20  61 6c 6c 20 6b 6e 6f 77  | Now we all know|
000013c0  20 61 20 63 65 72 74 61  69 6e 0d 49 61 69 6e 20  | a certain.Iain |
000013d0  50 72 69 63 65 20 70 6f  69 6e 74 65 64 20 6f 75  |Price pointed ou|
000013e0  74 20 74 68 65 20 65 72  72 6f 72 20 6f 66 20 43  |t the error of C|
000013f0  6c 69 76 65 20 4a 6f 6e  65 73 27 73 20 77 61 79  |live Jones's way|
00001400  73 2e 2e 2e 0d 0d 41 6e  64 20 49 20 64 6f 6e 27  |s.....And I don'|
00001410  74 20 67 65 74 20 74 6f  20 73 65 65 20 61 6c 6c  |t get to see all|
00001420  20 74 68 6f 73 65 20 6e  61 73 74 79 20 22 58 2d  | those nasty "X-|
00001430  2a 22 20 68 65 61 64 65  72 20 6c 69 6e 65 73 20  |*" header lines |
00001440  2d 20 74 68 65 79 27 72  65 0d 65 6c 69 6d 69 6e  |- they're.elimin|
00001450  61 74 65 64 20 62 79 20  6d 79 20 74 72 61 6e 73  |ated by my trans|
00001460  70 6f 72 74 20 3a 2d 29  0d 0d 48 6f 77 20 61 70  |port :-)..How ap|
00001470  74 20 61 20 74 61 67 6c  69 6e 65 2e 20 48 6f 77  |t a tagline. How|
00001480  20 2a 64 6f 65 73 2a 20  54 54 46 4e 20 64 6f 20  | *does* TTFN do |
00001490  69 74 2e 2e 2e 0d 0d 2d  2d 0d 2b 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d  |it.....--.+-----|
000014a0  2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d  2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d  |----------------|
000014e0  2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2b 0d 7c  20 44 61 72 72 65 6e 20  |-----+.| Darren |
000014f0  53 61 6c 74 20 2d 2d 20  61 72 63 73 61 6c 74 40  |Salt -- arcsalt@|
00001500  73 70 75 64 64 79 2e 6d  65 77 2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b  |spuddy.mew.co.uk|
00001510  20 2d 2d 20 54 6f 6f 6e  20 61 74 20 74 68 65 20  | -- Toon at the |
00001520  74 6f 70 21 20 2d 2d 20  41 63 6f 72 6e 20 6e 75  |top! -- Acorn nu|
00001530  74 20 7c 0d 7c 20 41 6c  73 6f 20 6b 6e 6f 77 6e  |t |.| Also known|
00001540  20 61 73 20 64 61 72 72  65 6e 2e 73 61 6c 74 40  | as darren.salt@|
00001550  75 6e 6e 2e 61 63 2e 75  6b 20 6f 6e 20 54 75 65  |unn.ac.uk on Tue|
00001560  73 64 61 79 73 20 61 6e  64 20 54 68 75 72 73 64  |sdays and Thursd|
00001570  61 79 73 2c 20 74 65 72  6d 20 74 69 6d 65 20 7c  |ays, term time ||
00001580  0d 2b 2d 2d 2d 30 31 32  36 38 2d 35 31 35 34 34  |.+---01268-51544|
00001590  31 2d 66 6f 72 2d 66 72  65 65 2d 65 6d 61 69 6c  |1-for-free-email|
000015a0  2d 26 2d 55 73 65 6e 65  74 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 6e 6f  |-&-Usenet-----no|
000015b0  77 2d 61 77 61 69 74 69  6e 67 2d 6e 6f 72 6d 61  |w-awaiting-norma|
000015c0  6c 2d 73 65 72 76 69 63  65 2d 2d 2d 2b 0d 0d 27  |l-service---+..'|
000015d0  53 63 75 73 65 20 6d 65  20 61 20 6d 6f 6d 65 6e  |Scuse me a momen|
000015e0  74 2e 2e 2e 20 68 61 76  65 20 74 6f 20 72 65 63  |t... have to rec|
000015f0  68 61 72 67 65 20 6d 79  20 66 6c 61 6d 65 2d 74  |harge my flame-t|
00001600  68 72 6f 77 65 72 2e 2e  2e 0d 50 61 74 68 3a 20  |hrower....Path: |
00001610  6e 65 77 73 2e 64 65 6d  6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b  |news.demon.co.uk|
00001620  21 64 65 6d 6f 6e 21 70  69 6e 65 73 6f 66 74 2e  |!demon!pinesoft.|
00001630  64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f  2e 75 6b 21 61 6c 61 6e  |demon.co.uk!alan|
00001640  0a 46 72 6f 6d 3a 20 61  6c 61 6e 40 70 69 6e 65  |.From: alan@pine|
00001650  73 6f 66 74 2e 64 65 6d  6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b  |soft.demon.co.uk|
00001660  20 28 41 6c 61 6e 20 47  6c 6f 76 65 72 29 0a 4e  | (Alan Glover).N|
00001670  65 77 73 67 72 6f 75 70  73 3a 20 63 6f 6d 70 2e  |ewsgroups: comp.|
00001680  73 79 73 2e 61 63 6f 72  6e 2e 6d 69 73 63 0a 53  |sys.acorn.misc.S|
00001690  75 62 6a 65 63 74 3a 20  52 65 3a 20 53 6d 61 72  |ubject: Re: Smar|
000016a0  74 4b 69 6c 6c 20 46 41  51 0a 44 61 74 65 3a 20  |tKill FAQ.Date: |
000016b0  54 75 65 2c 20 30 35 20  44 65 63 20 31 39 39 35  |Tue, 05 Dec 1995|
000016c0  20 32 31 3a 35 31 3a 33  36 20 47 4d 54 0a 4f 72  | 21:51:36 GMT.Or|
000016d0  67 61 6e 69 7a 61 74 69  6f 6e 3a 20 50 69 6e 65  |ganization: Pine|
000016e0  61 70 70 6c 65 20 53 6f  66 74 77 61 72 65 0a 4c  |apple Software.L|
000016f0  69 6e 65 73 3a 20 32 34  0a 44 69 73 74 72 69 62  |ines: 24.Distrib|
00001700  75 74 69 6f 6e 3a 20 77  6f 72 6c 64 0a 4d 65 73  |ution: world.Mes|
00001710  73 61 67 65 2d 49 44 3a  20 3c 31 39 39 35 31 32  |sage-ID: <199512|
00001720  30 35 2e 32 31 35 31 33  36 2e 35 37 40 70 69 6e  |05.215136.57@pin|
00001730  65 73 6f 66 74 2e 64 65  6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75  |esoft.demon.co.u|
00001740  6b 3e 0a 52 65 66 65 72  65 6e 63 65 73 3a 20 3c  |k>.References: <|
00001750  39 35 31 31 33 30 30 35  30 31 35 35 40 64 69 67  |951130050155@dig|
00001760  69 62 61 6e 6b 2e 64 65  6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75  |ibank.demon.co.u|
00001770  6b 3e 20 3c 61 6e 74 30  31 31 34 35 37 38 36 38  |k> <ant011457868|
00001780  72 50 42 44 40 70 76 69  67 61 79 2e 61 6c 61 64  |rPBD@pvigay.alad|
00001790  64 69 6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75  6b 3e 0a 52 65 70 6c 79  |din.co.uk>.Reply|
000017a0  2d 54 6f 3a 20 61 6c 61  6e 40 70 69 6e 65 73 6f  |-To: alan@pineso|
000017b0  66 74 2e 64 65 6d 6f 6e  2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b 0a 4e  |ft.demon.co.uk.N|
000017c0  4e 54 50 2d 50 6f 73 74  69 6e 67 2d 48 6f 73 74  |NTP-Posting-Host|
000017d0  3a 20 70 69 6e 65 73 6f  66 74 2e 64 65 6d 6f 6e  |: pinesoft.demon|
000017e0  2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b 0a 58  2d 4e 4e 54 50 2d 50 6f  |.co.uk.X-NNTP-Po|
000017f0  73 74 69 6e 67 2d 48 6f  73 74 3a 20 70 69 6e 65  |sting-Host: pine|
00001800  73 6f 66 74 2e 64 65 6d  6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b  |soft.demon.co.uk|
00001810  0a 58 2d 4e 65 77 73 72  65 61 64 65 72 3a 20 41  |.X-Newsreader: A|
00001820  72 63 68 69 6d 65 64 65  73 20 54 54 46 4e 20 56  |rchimedes TTFN V|
00001830  65 72 73 69 6f 6e 20 30  2e 33 36 0a 49 6e 20 6d  |ersion 0.36.In m|
00001840  65 73 73 61 67 65 20 3c  61 6e 74 30 31 31 34 35  |essage <ant01145|
00001850  37 38 36 38 72 50 42 44  40 70 76 69 67 61 79 2e  |7868rPBD@pvigay.|
00001860  61 6c 61 64 64 69 6e 2e  63 6f 2e 75 6b 3e 20 50  |aladdin.co.uk> P|
00001870  61 75 6c 20 56 69 67 61  79 20 77 72 6f 74 65 3a  |aul Vigay wrote:|
00001880  0d 0d 3e 20 49 74 20 64  65 70 65 6e 64 73 20 77  |..> It depends w|
00001890  68 61 74 20 79 6f 75 20  64 65 66 69 6e 65 20 61  |hat you define a|
000018a0  20 76 69 72 75 73 20 61  73 2e 20 49 20 64 65 66  | virus as. I def|
000018b0  69 6e 65 20 69 74 20 61  73 20 73 6f 6d 65 74 68  |ine it as someth|
000018c0  69 6e 67 20 77 68 69 63  68 0d 3e 20 6d 61 6c 69  |ing which.> mali|
000018d0  63 69 6f 75 73 6c 79 20  63 6f 72 72 75 70 74 73  |ciously corrupts|
000018e0  20 6f 72 20 77 69 70 65  73 20 79 6f 75 72 20 64  | or wipes your d|
000018f0  61 74 61 20 6f 72 20 69  6e 66 6f 72 6d 61 74 69  |ata or informati|
00001900  6f 6e 20 77 69 74 68 6f  75 74 20 79 6f 75 72 20  |on without your |
00001910  70 65 72 6d 69 73 73 69  6f 6e 2e 0d 3e 20 49 27  |permission..> I'|
00001920  76 65 20 73 65 65 6e 20  70 65 6f 70 6c 65 20 63  |ve seen people c|
00001930  61 6c 6c 20 21 57 61 6e  64 61 20 61 6e 64 20 21  |all !Wanda and !|
00001940  44 65 73 6b 44 75 63 6b  20 76 69 72 75 73 65 73  |DeskDuck viruses|
00001950  20 62 65 66 6f 72 65 21  21 20 3a 2d 29 0d 0d 54  | before!! :-)..T|
00001960  68 61 74 27 73 20 6e 6f  74 20 61 20 70 61 72 74  |hat's not a part|
00001970  69 63 75 6c 61 72 6c 79  20 77 69 64 65 6c 79 20  |icularly widely |
00001980  68 65 6c 64 20 64 65 66  69 6e 69 74 69 6f 6e 2e  |held definition.|
00001990  20 41 20 6d 6f 72 65 20  63 6f 6d 6d 6f 6e 20 6f  | A more common o|
000019a0  6e 65 20 69 6e 63 6c 75  64 65 73 0d 73 70 72 65  |ne includes.spre|
000019b0  61 64 69 6e 67 20 77 69  74 68 6f 75 74 20 74 68  |ading without th|
000019c0  65 20 75 73 65 72 73 20  63 6f 6e 73 65 6e 74 20  |e users consent |
000019d0  6f 72 20 6b 6e 6f 77 6c  65 64 67 65 2c 20 61 6e  |or knowledge, an|
000019e0  64 20 75 6e 61 75 74 68  6f 72 69 73 65 64 20 6d  |d unauthorised m|
000019f0  6f 64 69 66 69 63 61 74  69 6f 6e 0d 6f 66 20 61  |odification.of a|
00001a00  20 75 73 65 72 27 73 20  64 61 74 61 2e 20 0d 0d  | user's data. ..|
00001a10  54 68 61 74 20 6c 61 73  74 20 70 68 72 61 73 65  |That last phrase|
00001a20  20 69 73 20 61 20 64 65  73 63 72 69 70 74 69 6f  | is a descriptio|
00001a30  6e 20 6f 66 20 6f 6e 65  20 63 6c 61 73 73 20 6f  |n of one class o|
00001a40  66 20 6f 66 66 65 6e 63  65 20 75 6e 64 65 72 20  |f offence under |
00001a50  74 68 65 20 43 6f 6d 70  75 74 65 72 0d 4d 69 73  |the Computer.Mis|
00001a60  75 73 65 20 41 63 74 2c  20 77 68 69 63 68 20 68  |use Act, which h|
00001a70  61 73 20 6e 6f 77 20 62  65 65 6e 20 75 73 65 64  |as now been used|
00001a80  20 61 20 6e 75 6d 62 65  72 20 6f 66 20 74 69 6d  | a number of tim|
00001a90  65 73 20 74 6f 20 62 72  69 6e 67 20 61 6c 6c 65  |es to bring alle|
00001aa0  67 65 64 20 76 69 72 75  73 0d 77 72 69 74 65 72  |ged virus.writer|
00001ab0  73 20 74 6f 20 74 72 69  61 6c 20 28 77 69 74 68  |s to trial (with|
00001ac0  2c 20 49 27 6d 20 70 6c  65 61 73 65 64 20 74 6f  |, I'm pleased to|
00001ad0  20 6e 6f 74 65 2c 20 61  20 70 72 69 73 6f 6e 20  | note, a prison |
00001ae0  73 65 6e 74 65 6e 63 65  20 62 65 69 6e 67 20 68  |sentence being h|
00001af0  61 6e 64 65 64 0d 6f 75  74 20 69 6e 20 6f 6e 65  |anded.out in one|
00001b00  20 72 65 63 65 6e 74 20  63 61 73 65 29 2e 0d 0d  | recent case)...|
00001b10  54 6f 20 69 6c 6c 75 73  74 72 61 74 65 20 6d 79  |To illustrate my|
00001b20  20 70 6f 69 6e 74 2c 20  75 73 69 6e 67 20 50 61  | point, using Pa|
00001b30  75 6c 27 73 20 64 65 66  69 6e 69 74 69 6f 6e 20  |ul's definition |
00001b40  6f 6e 65 20 77 6f 75 6c  64 6e 27 74 20 64 65 73  |one wouldn't des|
00001b50  63 72 69 62 65 0d 45 78  74 65 6e 64 20 6f 72 20  |cribe.Extend or |
00001b60  49 63 6f 6e 20 61 73 20  76 69 72 75 73 65 73 20  |Icon as viruses |
00001b70  2d 20 77 68 69 63 68 20  74 68 65 79 20 73 75 72  |- which they sur|
00001b80  65 6c 79 20 61 72 65 2e  0d 0d 41 6c 61 6e 0d 2d  |ely are...Alan.-|
00001b90  2d 20 0d 27 43 6f 75 6c  64 20 79 6f 75 20 70 6c  |- .'Could you pl|
00001ba0  65 61 73 65 20 63 6f 6e  74 69 6e 75 65 20 74 68  |ease continue th|
00001bb0  65 20 70 65 74 74 79 20  62 69 63 6b 65 72 69 6e  |e petty bickerin|
00001bc0  67 2e 20 49 20 66 69 6e  64 20 69 74 20 6d 6f 73  |g. I find it mos|
00001bd0  74 20 69 6e 74 72 69 67  75 69 6e 67 2e 27 0d 44  |t intriguing.'.D|
00001be0  61 74 61 2c 20 53 54 54  4e 47 20 31 2e 34 20 27  |ata, STTNG 1.4 '|
00001bf0  48 61 76 65 6e 27 2e 0d  0d 50 61 74 68 3a 20 6e  |Haven'...Path: n|
00001c00  65 77 73 2e 64 65 6d 6f  6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b 21  |ews.demon.co.uk!|
00001c10  64 65 6d 6f 6e 21 62 69  72 6b 73 63 68 2e 64 65  |demon!birksch.de|
00001c20  6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75  6b 0a 46 72 6f 6d 3a 20  |mon.co.uk.From: |
00001c30  73 74 61 66 66 2e 61 73  64 40 62 69 72 6b 73 63  |staff.asd@birksc|
00001c40  68 2e 64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e  63 6f 2e 75 6b 20 28 41  |h.demon.co.uk (A|
00001c50  6c 61 6e 20 44 61 76 69  65 73 29 0a 4e 65 77 73  |lan Davies).News|
00001c60  67 72 6f 75 70 73 3a 20  63 6f 6d 70 2e 73 79 73  |groups: comp.sys|
00001c70  2e 61 63 6f 72 6e 2e 6d  69 73 63 0a 53 75 62 6a  |.acorn.misc.Subj|
00001c80  65 63 74 3a 20 52 65 3a  20 41 63 6f 72 6e 20 63  |ect: Re: Acorn c|
00001c90  61 75 73 65 73 20 43 75  6d 61 6e 61 20 74 6f 20  |auses Cumana to |
00001ca0  67 6f 20 62 75 73 74 2e  0a 44 61 74 65 3a 20 30  |go bust..Date: 0|
00001cb0  35 20 44 65 63 20 31 39  39 35 20 32 33 3a 34 36  |5 Dec 1995 23:46|
00001cc0  3a 33 33 20 47 4d 54 0a  4f 72 67 61 6e 69 7a 61  |:33 GMT.Organiza|
00001cd0  74 69 6f 6e 3a 20 42 69  72 6b 65 6e 68 65 61 64  |tion: Birkenhead|
00001ce0  20 53 63 68 6f 6f 6c 0a  4c 69 6e 65 73 3a 20 32  | School.Lines: 2|
00001cf0  30 0a 4d 65 73 73 61 67  65 2d 49 44 3a 20 3c 38  |0.Message-ID: <8|
00001d00  31 38 32 33 37 38 30 39  2e 32 32 34 33 34 40 62  |18237809.22434@b|
00001d10  69 72 6b 73 63 68 2e 64  65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e  |irksch.demon.co.|
00001d20  75 6b 3e 0a 4e 4e 54 50  2d 50 6f 73 74 69 6e 67  |uk>.NNTP-Posting|
00001d30  2d 48 6f 73 74 3a 20 62  69 72 6b 73 63 68 2e 64  |-Host: birksch.d|
00001d40  65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e  75 6b 0a 58 2d 4e 4e 54  |emon.co.uk.X-NNT|
00001d50  50 2d 50 6f 73 74 69 6e  67 2d 48 6f 73 74 3a 20  |P-Posting-Host: |
00001d60  62 69 72 6b 73 63 68 2e  64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f  |birksch.demon.co|
00001d70  2e 75 6b 0a 58 2d 4e 65  77 73 72 65 61 64 65 72  |.uk.X-Newsreader|
00001d80  3a 20 49 6e 74 65 72 54  61 6c 6b 0a 49 6e 20 79  |: InterTalk.In y|
00001d90  6f 75 72 20 65 61 72 6c  69 65 72 20 6d 65 73 73  |our earlier mess|
00001da0  61 67 65 20 79 6f 75 20  77 72 6f 74 65 3a 0d 3e  |age you wrote:.>|
00001db0  49 6e 20 61 72 74 69 63  6c 65 20 3c 31 39 39 35  |In article <1995|
00001dc0  31 32 30 33 2e 31 32 35  35 33 31 2e 37 34 40 61  |1203.125531.74@a|
00001dd0  72 64 6d 61 6e 2e 64 65  6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75  |rdman.demon.co.u|
00001de0  6b 3e 2c 0d 3e 4f 6c 69  76 65 72 20 43 6c 61 72  |k>,.>Oliver Clar|
00001df0  6b 20 3c 6f 6c 69 76 65  72 40 61 72 64 6d 61 6e  |k <oliver@ardman|
00001e00  2e 64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63  6f 2e 75 6b 3e 20 77 72  |.demon.co.uk> wr|
00001e10  6f 74 65 3a 0d 3e 5b 20  4d 6f 72 65 20 69 6e 20  |ote:.>[ More in |
00001e20  74 68 65 20 73 61 6d 65  20 76 65 69 6e 20 61 73  |the same vein as|
00001e30  20 74 68 65 20 73 75 62  6a 65 63 74 20 6c 69 6e  | the subject lin|
00001e40  65 20 5d 0d 3e 0d 3e 49  20 68 6f 6e 65 73 74 6c  |e ].>.>I honestl|
00001e50  79 20 6b 6e 6f 77 20 6e  6f 20 6d 6f 72 65 20 61  |y know no more a|
00001e60  62 6f 75 74 20 74 68 65  20 73 69 74 75 61 74 69  |bout the situati|
00001e70  6f 6e 20 74 68 61 6e 27  73 20 61 6c 72 65 61 64  |on than's alread|
00001e80  79 20 62 65 65 6e 20 73  61 69 64 0d 3e 69 6e 20  |y been said.>in |
00001e90  74 68 65 20 67 72 6f 75  70 2e 20 48 6f 77 65 76  |the group. Howev|
00001ea0  65 72 2c 20 69 74 20 68  61 73 20 74 6f 20 62 65  |er, it has to be|
00001eb0  20 70 6f 69 6e 74 65 64  20 6f 75 74 20 74 68 61  | pointed out tha|
00001ec0  74 20 74 68 69 73 20 70  6f 73 74 69 6e 67 20 69  |t this posting i|
00001ed0  73 0d 3e 74 68 65 20 73  6f 72 74 20 6f 66 20 73  |s.>the sort of s|
00001ee0  74 75 66 66 20 6c 69 62  65 6c 20 63 61 73 65 73  |tuff libel cases|
00001ef0  20 61 72 65 20 6d 61 64  65 20 6f 66 2c 20 75 6e  | are made of, un|
00001f00  6c 65 73 73 20 69 74 27  73 20 2a 70 72 6f 76 61  |less it's *prova|
00001f10  62 6c 79 2a 0d 3e 74 72  75 65 2e 0d 3e 0d 3e 2d  |bly*.>true..>.>-|
00001f20  2d 43 6c 69 76 65 2e 0d  3e 20 20 20 20 20 20 20  |-Clive..>       |
00001f30  20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20  28 44 69 73 63 6c 61 69  |        (Disclai|
00001f40  6d 65 72 3a 20 49 20 77  6f 75 6c 64 6e 27 74 20  |mer: I wouldn't |
00001f50  62 65 6c 69 65 76 65 20  61 20 77 6f 72 64 20 6f  |believe a word o|
00001f60  66 20 74 68 69 73 20 69  66 20 49 20 77 65 72 65  |f this if I were|
00001f70  20 79 6f 75 2e 2e 2e 29  0d 0d 59 65 73 20 62 75  | you...)..Yes bu|
00001f80  74 20 73 70 65 63 75 6c  61 74 69 6f 6e 20 69 73  |t speculation is|
00001f90  20 73 6f 20 65 78 63 69  74 69 6e 67 20 2d 20 41  | so exciting - A|
00001fa0  63 6f 72 6e 20 63 61 6e  20 64 65 6e 79 20 69 74  |corn can deny it|
00001fb0  20 63 61 6e 27 74 20 74  68 65 79 3f 0d 0d 0d 41  | can't they?...A|
00001fc0  6c 61 6e 20 44 61 76 69  65 73 2c 20 48 65 61 64  |lan Davies, Head|
00001fd0  20 6f 66 20 43 6f 6d 70  75 74 69 6e 67 2c 20 42  | of Computing, B|
00001fe0  69 72 6b 65 6e 68 65 61  64 20 53 63 68 6f 6f 6c  |irkenhead School|
00001ff0  0d 0d 0d 50 61 74 68 3a  20 6e 65 77 73 2e 64 65  |...Path: news.de|
00002000  6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75  6b 21 64 65 6d 6f 6e 21  |mon.co.uk!demon!|
00002010  63 68 72 69 73 0a 46 72  6f 6d 3a 20 43 68 72 69  |chris.From: Chri|
00002020  73 74 6f 70 68 65 72 20  48 75 67 68 65 73 20 3c  |stopher Hughes <|
00002030  63 68 72 69 73 40 63 75  6d 62 72 69 61 6e 2e 64  |chris@cumbrian.d|
00002040  65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e  75 6b 3e 0a 4e 65 77 73  |emon.co.uk>.News|
00002050  67 72 6f 75 70 73 3a 20  63 6f 6d 70 2e 73 79 73  |groups: comp.sys|
00002060  2e 61 63 6f 72 6e 2e 6d  69 73 63 0a 53 75 62 6a  |.acorn.misc.Subj|
00002070  65 63 74 3a 20 52 65 3a  20 41 63 6f 72 6e 20 63  |ect: Re: Acorn c|
00002080  61 75 73 65 73 20 43 75  6d 61 6e 61 20 74 6f 20  |auses Cumana to |
00002090  67 6f 20 62 75 73 74 2e  0a 44 61 74 65 3a 20 54  |go bust..Date: T|
000020a0  75 65 2c 20 30 35 20 44  65 63 20 31 39 39 35 20  |ue, 05 Dec 1995 |
000020b0  32 33 3a 34 35 3a 30 30  20 2b 30 30 30 30 20 28  |23:45:00 +0000 (|
000020c0  47 4d 54 29 0a 4c 69 6e  65 73 3a 20 32 37 0a 4d  |GMT).Lines: 27.M|
000020d0  65 73 73 61 67 65 2d 49  44 3a 20 3c 61 6e 74 30  |essage-ID: <ant0|
000020e0  35 32 33 30 30 31 63 62  62 78 4e 35 40 63 75 6d  |523001cbbxN5@cum|
000020f0  62 72 69 61 6e 2e 64 65  6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75  |brian.demon.co.u|
00002100  6b 3e 0a 52 65 66 65 72  65 6e 63 65 73 3a 20 3c  |k>.References: <|
00002110  31 39 39 35 31 32 30 33  2e 31 32 35 35 33 31 2e  |19951203.125531.|
00002120  37 34 40 61 72 64 6d 61  6e 2e 64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e  |74@ardman.demon.|
00002130  63 6f 2e 75 6b 3e 20 3c  31 39 39 35 31 32 30 33  |co.uk> <19951203|
00002140  2e 32 32 35 34 35 32 2e  36 36 40 68 61 73 6c 65  |.225452.66@hasle|
00002150  2e 6f 73 6c 6f 6e 65 74  74 2e 6e 6f 3e 20 20 3c  |.oslonett.no>  <|
00002160  31 39 39 35 31 32 30 34  2e 32 33 31 35 31 37 2e  |19951204.231517.|
00002170  38 39 40 66 69 6e 64 6f  6e 2e 64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e  |89@findon.demon.|
00002180  63 6f 2e 75 6b 3e 20 0a  4e 4e 54 50 2d 50 6f 73  |co.uk> .NNTP-Pos|
00002190  74 69 6e 67 2d 48 6f 73  74 3a 20 63 75 6d 62 72  |ting-Host: cumbr|
000021a0  69 61 6e 2e 64 65 6d 6f  6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b 0a  |ian.demon.co.uk.|
000021b0  58 2d 4e 4e 54 50 2d 50  6f 73 74 69 6e 67 2d 48  |X-NNTP-Posting-H|
000021c0  6f 73 74 3a 20 63 75 6d  62 72 69 61 6e 2e 64 65  |ost: cumbrian.de|
000021d0  6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75  6b 0a 4d 49 4d 45 2d 56  |mon.co.uk.MIME-V|
000021e0  65 72 73 69 6f 6e 3a 20  31 2e 30 0a 43 6f 6e 74  |ersion: 1.0.Cont|
000021f0  65 6e 74 2d 54 79 70 65  3a 20 54 45 58 54 2f 50  |ent-Type: TEXT/P|
00002200  4c 41 49 4e 3b 20 43 48  41 52 53 45 54 3d 55 53  |LAIN; CHARSET=US|
00002210  2d 41 53 43 49 49 0a 58  2d 4d 61 69 6c 65 72 3a  |-ASCII.X-Mailer:|
00002220  20 41 4e 54 20 52 49 53  43 4f 53 20 4d 61 72 63  | ANT RISCOS Marc|
00002230  65 6c 20 5b 76 65 72 20  30 2e 39 39 5d 0a 49 6e  |el [ver 0.99].In|
00002240  20 61 72 74 69 63 6c 65  20 3c 31 39 39 35 31 32  | article <199512|
00002250  30 34 2e 32 33 31 35 31  37 2e 38 39 40 66 69 6e  |04.231517.89@fin|
00002260  64 6f 6e 2e 64 65 6d 6f  6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b 3e  |don.demon.co.uk>|
00002270  2c 20 4d 61 72 6b 20 53  6d 69 74 68 0a 3c 6d 61  |, Mark Smith.<ma|
00002280  69 6c 74 6f 3a 6d 61 72  6b 40 66 69 6e 64 6f 6e  |ilto:mark@findon|
00002290  2e 64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63  6f 2e 75 6b 3e 20 77 72  |.demon.co.uk> wr|
000022a0  6f 74 65 3a 0a 3e 20 0a  3e 20 49 6e 20 6d 65 73  |ote:.> .> In mes|
000022b0  73 61 67 65 20 3c 31 39  39 35 31 32 30 33 2e 32  |sage <19951203.2|
000022c0  32 35 34 35 32 2e 36 36  40 68 61 73 6c 65 2e 6f  |25452.66@hasle.o|
000022d0  73 6c 6f 6e 65 74 74 2e  6e 6f 3e 20 53 76 65 69  |slonett.no> Svei|
000022e0  6e 75 6e 67 20 57 2e 20  54 65 6e 67 65 6c 73 65  |nung W. Tengelse|
000022f0  6e 20 77 72 6f 74 65 3a  0a 3e 20 0a 3e 20 3e 20  |n wrote:.> .> > |
00002300  3e 20 41 70 70 61 72 65  6e 74 6c 79 20 43 75 6d  |> Apparently Cum|
00002310  61 6e 61 20 68 61 76 65  20 6e 6f 74 20 62 65 65  |ana have not bee|
00002320  6e 20 70 61 69 64 20 62  79 20 41 63 6f 72 6e 20  |n paid by Acorn |
00002330  66 6f 72 20 61 6c 6c 20  74 68 65 20 43 44 2d 52  |for all the CD-R|
00002340  6f 6d 73 20 74 68 65 79  0a 3e 20 3e 20 3e 20 68  |oms they.> > > h|
00002350  61 76 65 20 61 6c 72 65  61 64 79 20 73 75 70 70  |ave already supp|
00002360  6c 69 65 64 2e 20 48 61  73 20 61 6e 79 6f 6e 65  |lied. Has anyone|
00002370  20 65 6c 73 65 20 68 65  61 72 64 20 74 68 69 73  | else heard this|
00002380  20 72 75 6d 6f 72 3f 20  49 74 20 73 65 65 6d 73  | rumor? It seems|
00002390  0a 3e 20 3e 20 3e 20 63  6f 6d 70 6c 65 74 65 6c  |.> > > completel|
000023a0  79 20 73 74 75 70 69 64  20 66 6f 72 20 41 63 6f  |y stupid for Aco|
000023b0  72 6e 20 74 6f 20 63 61  75 73 65 20 6f 6e 65 20  |rn to cause one |
000023c0  6f 66 20 74 68 65 69 72  20 6c 61 72 67 65 73 74  |of their largest|
000023d0  20 64 65 76 65 6c 6f 70  65 72 73 20 74 6f 0a 3e  | developers to.>|
000023e0  20 3e 20 3e 20 67 6f 20  62 75 73 74 2e 0a 3e 20  | > > go bust..> |
000023f0  3e 20 0a 3e 20 3e 20 53  6f 75 6e 64 73 20 6c 69  |> .> > Sounds li|
00002400  6b 65 20 68 6f 67 77 61  73 68 2e 20 48 69 6e 74  |ke hogwash. Hint|
00002410  3a 20 41 63 6f 72 6e 20  43 6f 6d 70 75 74 65 72  |: Acorn Computer|
00002420  2d 67 72 6f 75 70 20 69  73 6e 27 74 20 75 6e 64  |-group isn't und|
00002430  65 72 20 72 65 63 65 69  76 65 72 73 68 69 70 2e  |er receivership.|
00002440  0a 3e 20 0a 3e 20 54 68  61 74 20 64 6f 65 73 6e  |.> .> That doesn|
00002450  27 74 20 6d 65 61 6e 20  61 20 74 68 69 6e 67 2e  |'t mean a thing.|
00002460  2e 2e 2e 0a 3e 20 0a 3e  20 5b 4e 6f 74 20 74 68  |....> .> [Not th|
00002470  61 74 20 49 27 6d 20 73  75 67 67 65 73 74 69 6e  |at I'm suggestin|
00002480  67 20 69 74 73 20 74 72  75 65 2c 20 49 20 68 6f  |g its true, I ho|
00002490  6e 65 73 74 6c 79 20 64  6f 6e 27 74 20 6b 6e 6f  |nestly don't kno|
000024a0  77 5d 0a 3e 20 0a 0a 43  75 6d 61 6e 61 20 61 72  |w].> ..Cumana ar|
000024b0  65 20 6e 6f 74 20 74 68  61 74 20 73 6d 61 6c 6c  |e not that small|
000024c0  20 61 20 63 6f 6d 70 61  6e 79 2c 20 61 6e 64 20  | a company, and |
000024d0  61 6c 74 68 6f 75 67 68  20 69 74 20 63 6f 75 6c  |although it coul|
000024e0  64 20 62 65 20 41 63 6f  72 6e 20 68 61 76 65 0a  |d be Acorn have.|
000024f0  62 65 65 6e 20 6c 61 74  65 20 69 6e 20 70 61 79  |been late in pay|
00002500  69 6e 67 20 74 68 65 72  65 20 62 69 6c 6c 73 2c  |ing there bills,|
00002510  20 74 68 61 74 20 61 6c  6f 6e 65 20 77 6f 75 6c  | that alone woul|
00002520  64 20 6e 6f 74 20 68 61  76 65 20 62 65 65 6e 20  |d not have been |
00002530  43 75 6d 61 6e 61 27 73  0a 64 6f 77 6e 66 61 6c  |Cumana's.downfal|
00002540  6c 2c 20 28 69 66 20 74  68 65 79 20 68 61 76 65  |l, (if they have|
00002550  20 67 6f 6e 65 20 64 6f  77 6e 29 2e 20 44 6f 6e  | gone down). Don|
00002560  27 74 20 66 6f 72 67 65  74 20 74 68 65 79 20 77  |'t forget they w|
00002570  6f 72 6b 65 64 20 69 6e  20 74 68 65 20 50 43 0a  |orked in the PC.|
00002580  6d 61 72 6b 65 74 20 61  73 20 77 65 6c 6c 2e 20  |market as well. |
00002590  54 68 65 79 20 77 65 72  65 20 73 65 72 76 69 63  |They were servic|
000025a0  65 20 61 67 65 6e 74 73  20 66 6f 72 20 61 20 50  |e agents for a P|
000025b0  43 20 6d 61 6e 75 66 61  63 74 6f 72 2c 20 61 73  |C manufactor, as|
000025c0  20 49 0a 75 6e 64 65 72  73 74 61 6e 64 20 69 74  | I.understand it|
000025d0  2e 20 0a 0a 2d 2d 20 0a  43 68 72 69 73 20 48 75  |. ..-- .Chris Hu|
000025e0  67 68 65 73 2c 20 57 61  6b 65 66 69 65 6c 64 20  |ghes, Wakefield |
000025f0  41 63 6f 72 6e 20 43 6f  6d 70 75 74 65 72 20 55  |Acorn Computer U|
00002600  73 65 72 20 47 72 6f 75  70 0a 0a 50 61 74 68 3a  |ser Group..Path:|
00002610  20 6e 65 77 73 2e 64 65  6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75  | news.demon.co.u|
00002620  6b 21 64 65 6d 6f 6e 21  63 68 72 69 73 0a 46 72  |k!demon!chris.Fr|
00002630  6f 6d 3a 20 43 68 72 69  73 74 6f 70 68 65 72 20  |om: Christopher |
00002640  48 75 67 68 65 73 20 3c  63 68 72 69 73 40 63 75  |Hughes <chris@cu|
00002650  6d 62 72 69 61 6e 2e 64  65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e  |mbrian.demon.co.|
00002660  75 6b 3e 0a 4e 65 77 73  67 72 6f 75 70 73 3a 20  |uk>.Newsgroups: |
00002670  63 6f 6d 70 2e 73 79 73  2e 61 63 6f 72 6e 2e 6d  |comp.sys.acorn.m|
00002680  69 73 63 0a 53 75 62 6a  65 63 74 3a 20 52 65 3a  |isc.Subject: Re:|
00002690  20 41 64 64 69 6e 67 20  61 20 68 61 72 64 20 64  | Adding a hard d|
000026a0  69 73 63 20 74 6f 20 41  33 30 32 30 20 28 53 54  |isc to A3020 (ST|
000026b0  35 30 36 29 0a 44 61 74  65 3a 20 54 75 65 2c 20  |506).Date: Tue, |
000026c0  30 35 20 44 65 63 20 31  39 39 35 20 32 33 3a 35  |05 Dec 1995 23:5|
000026d0  34 3a 35 36 20 2b 30 30  30 30 20 28 47 4d 54 29  |4:56 +0000 (GMT)|
000026e0  0a 4c 69 6e 65 73 3a 20  34 36 0a 4d 65 73 73 61  |.Lines: 46.Messa|
000026f0  67 65 2d 49 44 3a 20 3c  61 6e 74 30 35 32 33 35  |ge-ID: <ant05235|
00002700  36 62 34 39 62 78 4e 35  40 63 75 6d 62 72 69 61  |6b49bxN5@cumbria|
00002710  6e 2e 64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e  63 6f 2e 75 6b 3e 0a 52  |n.demon.co.uk>.R|
00002720  65 66 65 72 65 6e 63 65  73 3a 20 3c 38 31 38 31  |eferences: <8181|
00002730  30 36 38 39 39 2e 31 39  30 38 37 40 62 69 72 6b  |06899.19087@birk|
00002740  73 63 68 2e 64 65 6d 6f  6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b 3e  |sch.demon.co.uk>|
00002750  20 0a 4e 4e 54 50 2d 50  6f 73 74 69 6e 67 2d 48  | .NNTP-Posting-H|
00002760  6f 73 74 3a 20 63 75 6d  62 72 69 61 6e 2e 64 65  |ost: cumbrian.de|
00002770  6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75  6b 0a 58 2d 4e 4e 54 50  |mon.co.uk.X-NNTP|
00002780  2d 50 6f 73 74 69 6e 67  2d 48 6f 73 74 3a 20 63  |-Posting-Host: c|
00002790  75 6d 62 72 69 61 6e 2e  64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f  |umbrian.demon.co|
000027a0  2e 75 6b 0a 4d 49 4d 45  2d 56 65 72 73 69 6f 6e  |.uk.MIME-Version|
000027b0  3a 20 31 2e 30 0a 43 6f  6e 74 65 6e 74 2d 54 79  |: 1.0.Content-Ty|
000027c0  70 65 3a 20 54 45 58 54  2f 50 4c 41 49 4e 3b 20  |pe: TEXT/PLAIN; |
000027d0  43 48 41 52 53 45 54 3d  55 53 2d 41 53 43 49 49  |CHARSET=US-ASCII|
000027e0  0a 58 2d 4d 61 69 6c 65  72 3a 20 41 4e 54 20 52  |.X-Mailer: ANT R|
000027f0  49 53 43 4f 53 20 4d 61  72 63 65 6c 20 5b 76 65  |ISCOS Marcel [ve|
00002800  72 20 30 2e 39 39 5d 0a  49 6e 20 61 72 74 69 63  |r 0.99].In artic|
00002810  6c 65 20 3c 38 31 38 31  30 36 38 39 39 2e 31 39  |le <818106899.19|
00002820  30 38 37 40 62 69 72 6b  73 63 68 2e 64 65 6d 6f  |087@birksch.demo|
00002830  6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b 3e  2c 20 41 6c 61 6e 20 44  |n.co.uk>, Alan D|
00002840  61 76 69 65 73 0a 3c 6d  61 69 6c 74 6f 3a 73 74  |avies.<mailto:st|
00002850  61 66 66 2e 61 73 64 40  62 69 72 6b 73 63 68 2e  |aff.asd@birksch.|
00002860  64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f  2e 75 6b 3e 20 77 72 6f  |demon.co.uk> wro|
00002870  74 65 3a 0a 3e 20 0a 3e  20 49 6e 20 79 6f 75 72  |te:.> .> In your|
00002880  20 65 61 72 6c 69 65 72  20 6d 65 73 73 61 67 65  | earlier message|
00002890  20 79 6f 75 20 77 72 6f  74 65 3a 0a 3e 20 0a 3e  | you wrote:.> .>|
000028a0  20 3e 0a 3e 20 3e 49 20  68 6f 70 65 20 74 68 69  | >.> >I hope thi|
000028b0  73 20 77 61 73 20 68 65  6c 70 66 75 6c 2c 20 63  |s was helpful, c|
000028c0  6f 6e 74 61 63 74 20 41  63 6f 72 6e 20 43 6f 6d  |ontact Acorn Com|
000028d0  70 75 74 65 72 73 20 66  6f 72 20 74 68 65 20 64  |puters for the d|
000028e0  65 66 69 6e 69 74 69 76  65 20 61 6e 73 77 65 72  |efinitive answer|
000028f0  2e 0a 3e 20 0a 3e 20 59  6f 75 20 61 72 65 20 6a  |..> .> You are j|
00002900  6f 6b 69 6e 67 20 6f 66  20 63 6f 75 72 73 65 2e  |oking of course.|
00002910  20 20 44 6f 6e 27 74 20  65 78 70 65 63 74 20 61  |  Don't expect a|
00002920  6e 79 20 72 65 70 6c 79  20 66 6f 72 20 77 65 65  |ny reply for wee|
00002930  6b 73 20 2d 20 61 6e 64  20 70 72 6f 62 61 62 6c  |ks - and probabl|
00002940  79 0a 3e 20 6e 6f 74 20  61 74 20 61 6c 6c 2e 20  |y.> not at all. |
00002950  20 49 66 20 79 6f 75 20  67 65 74 20 61 20 72 65  | If you get a re|
00002960  70 6c 79 20 69 74 20 77  69 6c 6c 20 74 65 6c 6c  |ply it will tell|
00002970  20 79 6f 75 20 74 6f 20  63 6f 6e 74 61 63 74 20  | you to contact |
00002980  79 6f 75 72 20 64 65 61  6c 65 72 2e 0a 0a 4f 6e  |your dealer...On|
00002990  6c 79 20 63 6f 6d 6d 65  6e 74 20 68 65 72 65 2c  |ly comment here,|
000029a0  20 69 66 20 79 6f 75 20  72 69 6e 67 20 61 6e 64  | if you ring and|
000029b0  20 61 73 6b 20 66 6f 72  20 43 75 73 74 6f 6d 65  | ask for Custome|
000029c0  72 20 53 75 70 70 6f 72  74 20 74 68 65 79 20 6f  |r Support they o|
000029d0  66 74 65 6e 20 61 6e 73  77 65 72 20 74 68 65 72  |ften answer ther|
000029e0  65 20 61 6e 64 20 74 68  65 6e 2c 20 73 6f 6d 65  |e and then, some|
000029f0  74 69 6d 65 20 73 20 77  69 74 68 20 77 72 6f 6e  |time s with wron|
00002a00  67 20 61 6e 73 77 65 72  20 49 20 61 64 6d 69 74  |g answer I admit|
00002a10  2c 20 62 75 74 20 74 68  65 6e 20 6e 6f 20 6f 6e  |, but then no on|
00002a20  65 73 20 70 65 72 66 65  63 74 20 61 72 65 20 74  |es perfect are t|
00002a30  68 65 79 21 0a 20 0a 3e  20 59 6f 75 72 20 64 65  |hey!. .> Your de|
00002a40  61 6c 65 72 20 77 69 6c  6c 20 6e 6f 74 20 6b 6e  |aler will not kn|
00002a50  6f 77 20 2d 20 61 73 20  68 65 20 6f 6e 6c 79 20  |ow - as he only |
00002a60  65 6d 70 6c 6f 79 73 20  61 6e 20 65 78 20 73 63  |employs an ex sc|
00002a70  68 6f 6f 6c 20 6b 69 64  20 2d 20 61 6e 64 20 68  |hool kid - and h|
00002a80  65 0a 3e 20 77 69 6c 6c  20 63 6f 6e 74 61 63 74  |e.> will contact|
00002a90  20 41 63 6f 72 6e 2e 0a  0a 50 6f 73 73 69 62 6c  | Acorn...Possibl|
00002aa0  65 2c 20 69 6e 20 66 61  63 74 20 6c 69 6b 65 6c  |e, in fact likel|
00002ab0  79 2e 0a 0a 3e 20 0a 3e  20 49 6e 20 74 68 65 20  |y...> .> In the |
00002ac0  65 6e 64 20 74 68 65 79  20 77 69 6c 6c 20 65 6e  |end they will en|
00002ad0  64 20 75 70 20 62 79 20  74 72 79 69 6e 67 20 74  |d up by trying t|
00002ae0  6f 20 73 65 6c 6c 20 79  6f 75 20 61 20 52 69 73  |o sell you a Ris|
00002af0  63 50 43 20 66 6f 72 20  32 30 30 30 75 6b 70 20  |cPC for 2000ukp |
00002b00  61 73 0a 3e 20 74 68 65  79 20 77 69 6c 6c 20 63  |as.> they will c|
00002b10  6c 61 69 6d 20 74 68 61  74 20 69 74 20 74 68 65  |laim that it the|
00002b20  20 6f 6e 6c 79 20 61 6e  73 77 65 72 20 74 6f 20  | only answer to |
00002b30  74 68 65 20 70 72 6f 62  6c 65 6d 2e 0a 0a 4e 6f  |the problem...No|
00002b40  74 20 69 66 20 74 68 65  79 20 61 72 65 20 61 20  |t if they are a |
00002b50  67 6f 6f 64 20 64 65 61  6c 65 72 2e 0a 0a 3e 20  |good dealer...> |
00002b60  0a 3e 20 4f 6e 63 65 20  79 6f 75 20 73 74 61 72  |.> Once you star|
00002b70  74 20 74 6f 20 63 6f 6e  73 69 64 65 72 20 74 68  |t to consider th|
00002b80  65 20 63 6f 73 74 20 6f  66 20 61 20 6e 65 77 20  |e cost of a new |
00002b90  69 6e 74 65 72 66 61 63  65 20 61 6e 64 20 61 20  |interface and a |
00002ba0  6e 65 77 20 49 44 45 20  64 72 69 76 65 0a 3e 20  |new IDE drive.> |
00002bb0  74 6f 20 67 6f 20 77 69  74 68 20 69 74 20 28 6f  |to go with it (o|
00002bc0  66 20 65 76 65 6e 20 6d  69 6e 69 73 63 75 6c 65  |f even miniscule|
00002bd0  20 73 69 7a 65 20 2d 20  74 68 65 20 44 65 61 6c  | size - the Deal|
00002be0  65 72 20 77 69 6c 6c 20  74 65 6c 6c 20 79 6f 75  |er will tell you|
00002bf0  20 74 68 61 74 20 38 30  4d 42 0a 3e 20 61 6e 20  | that 80MB.> an |
00002c00  61 6e 20 41 72 63 68 69  6d 65 64 65 73 20 69 73  |an Archimedes is|
00002c10  20 77 6f 72 74 68 20 35  30 30 4d 42 20 6f 6e 20  | worth 500MB on |
00002c20  61 20 50 43 20 2d 20 44  4f 4e 54 20 42 45 4c 49  |a PC - DONT BELI|
00002c30  45 56 45 20 48 49 4d 29  20 2d 20 79 6f 75 20 77  |EVE HIM) - you w|
00002c40  69 6c 6c 0a 3e 20 74 68  65 6e 20 72 65 61 6c 69  |ill.> then reali|
00002c50  73 65 20 74 68 61 74 20  66 6f 72 20 61 20 68 75  |se that for a hu|
00002c60  6e 64 72 65 64 20 6f 72  20 73 6f 20 6d 6f 72 65  |ndred or so more|
00002c70  20 79 6f 75 20 63 61 6e  20 67 65 74 20 61 20 62  | you can get a b|
00002c80  72 61 6e 64 20 6e 65 77  20 50 43 0a 3e 20 77 69  |rand new PC.> wi|
00002c90  74 68 20 43 44 20 72 6f  6d 20 64 72 69 76 65 20  |th CD rom drive |
00002ca0  66 6f 72 20 74 68 65 20  73 61 6d 65 2e 0a 3e 20  |for the same..> |
00002cb0  0a 3e 20 0a 0a 52 75 62  62 69 73 68 21 21 21 21  |.> ..Rubbish!!!!|
00002cc0  20 59 6f 75 20 63 61 6e  20 67 65 74 20 79 6f 75  | You can get you|
00002cd0  72 20 49 44 45 20 64 72  69 76 65 20 66 72 6f 6d  |r IDE drive from|
00002ce0  20 61 6c 6d 6f 73 74 20  61 6e 79 77 68 65 72 65  | almost anywhere|
00002cf0  2c 20 49 43 53 20 69 73  0a 70 72 6f 62 61 62 6c  |, ICS is.probabl|
00002d00  79 20 62 65 73 74 20 62  65 74 20 66 6f 72 20 61  |y best bet for a|
00002d10  6e 20 41 33 30 32 30 2c  20 70 72 69 63 65 73 20  |n A3020, prices |
00002d20  61 72 65 20 6e 6f 74 20  6d 75 63 68 20 6d 6f 72  |are not much mor|
00002d30  65 20 74 68 65 6e 20 73  6f 20 63 61 6c 6c 65 64  |e then so called|
00002d40  0a 50 43 20 64 65 61 6c  65 72 20 70 72 69 63 65  |.PC dealer price|
00002d50  73 20 75 73 75 61 6c 6c  79 2c 20 38 30 4d 62 20  |s usually, 80Mb |
00002d60  63 61 6e 20 62 65 20 6d  6f 72 65 20 74 68 65 6e  |can be more then|
00002d70  20 65 6e 6f 75 67 68 20  66 6f 72 20 61 20 6c 6f  | enough for a lo|
00002d80  74 20 6f 66 0a 70 65 6f  70 6c 65 2e 20 42 75 74  |t of.people. But|
00002d90  20 62 65 63 61 75 73 65  20 6f 66 20 74 68 65 20  | because of the |
00002da0  64 65 6d 61 6e 64 20 66  6f 72 20 6c 61 72 67 65  |demand for large|
00002db0  72 20 64 72 69 76 65 73  20 66 6f 72 20 74 68 65  |r drives for the|
00002dc0  20 50 43 20 6d 61 72 6b  65 74 0a 65 66 66 65 63  | PC market.effec|
00002dd0  74 69 76 65 6c 79 20 34  32 30 4d 62 20 68 61 73  |tively 420Mb has|
00002de0  20 62 65 63 6f 6d 65 20  74 68 65 20 73 6d 61 6c  | become the smal|
00002df0  6c 65 73 74 20 73 69 7a  65 20 69 6e 20 72 65 61  |lest size in rea|
00002e00  64 79 20 61 76 61 69 6c  61 62 69 6c 69 74 79 2e  |dy availability.|
00002e10  0a 0a 59 65 73 20 79 6f  75 20 63 61 6e 20 67 65  |..Yes you can ge|
00002e20  74 20 61 20 50 43 20 77  69 74 68 20 43 44 20 52  |t a PC with CD R|
00002e30  4f 4d 20 66 6f 72 20 61  72 6f 75 6e 64 20 36 35  |OM for around 65|
00002e40  30 75 6b 70 20 2b 20 56  41 54 20 28 34 38 36 44  |0ukp + VAT (486D|
00002e50  58 32 20 36 36 4d 68 7a  29 0a 62 75 74 20 69 74  |X2 66Mhz).but it|
00002e60  27 73 20 61 6c 72 65 61  64 79 20 4f 4c 44 20 62  |'s already OLD b|
00002e70  65 66 6f 72 65 20 79 6f  75 20 62 75 79 20 69 74  |efore you buy it|
00002e80  21 20 0a 0a 2d 2d 20 0a  43 68 72 69 73 20 48 75  |! ..-- .Chris Hu|
00002e90  67 68 65 73 2c 20 57 61  6b 65 66 69 65 6c 64 20  |ghes, Wakefield |
00002ea0  41 63 6f 72 6e 20 43 6f  6d 70 75 74 65 72 20 55  |Acorn Computer U|
00002eb0  73 65 72 20 47 72 6f 75  70 0a 0a 50 61 74 68 3a  |ser Group..Path:|
00002ec0  20 6e 65 77 73 2e 64 65  6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75  | news.demon.co.u|
00002ed0  6b 21 64 65 6d 6f 6e 21  63 68 72 69 73 0a 46 72  |k!demon!chris.Fr|
00002ee0  6f 6d 3a 20 43 68 72 69  73 74 6f 70 68 65 72 20  |om: Christopher |
00002ef0  48 75 67 68 65 73 20 3c  63 68 72 69 73 40 63 75  |Hughes <chris@cu|
00002f00  6d 62 72 69 61 6e 2e 64  65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e  |mbrian.demon.co.|
00002f10  75 6b 3e 0a 4e 65 77 73  67 72 6f 75 70 73 3a 20  |uk>.Newsgroups: |
00002f20  63 6f 6d 70 2e 73 79 73  2e 61 63 6f 72 6e 2e 61  |comp.sys.acorn.a|
00002f30  70 70 73 2c 63 6f 6d 70  2e 73 79 73 2e 61 63 6f  |pps,comp.sys.aco|
00002f40  72 6e 2e 6d 69 73 63 0a  53 75 62 6a 65 63 74 3a  |rn.misc.Subject:|
00002f50  20 52 65 3a 20 57 69 6e  64 6f 77 73 20 61 6e 64  | Re: Windows and|
00002f60  20 74 68 65 20 50 43 20  63 61 72 64 20 28 73 6f  | the PC card (so|
00002f70  72 72 79 20 2d 20 75 67  68 21 29 0a 44 61 74 65  |rry - ugh!).Date|
00002f80  3a 20 57 65 64 2c 20 30  36 20 44 65 63 20 31 39  |: Wed, 06 Dec 19|
00002f90  39 35 20 30 30 3a 31 38  3a 35 39 20 2b 30 30 30  |95 00:18:59 +000|
00002fa0  30 20 28 47 4d 54 29 0a  4c 69 6e 65 73 3a 20 32  |0 (GMT).Lines: 2|
00002fb0  30 0a 4d 65 73 73 61 67  65 2d 49 44 3a 20 3c 61  |0.Message-ID: <a|
00002fc0  6e 74 30 36 30 30 35 39  38 36 38 62 78 4e 35 40  |nt060059868bxN5@|
00002fd0  63 75 6d 62 72 69 61 6e  2e 64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63  |cumbrian.demon.c|
00002fe0  6f 2e 75 6b 3e 0a 52 65  66 65 72 65 6e 63 65 73  |o.uk>.References|
00002ff0  3a 20 3c 61 6e 74 30 31  32 30 30 37 64 30 37 6d  |: <ant012007d07m|
00003000  33 45 44 40 6a 75 6e 69  70 65 72 66 2e 64 65 6d  |3ED@juniperf.dem|
00003010  6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b  3e 20 3c 31 39 39 35 31  |on.co.uk> <19951|
00003020  32 30 32 2e 30 38 34 34  32 31 2e 33 31 40 79 6f  |202.084421.31@yo|
00003030  6a 6f 65 2e 64 65 6d 6f  6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b 3e  |joe.demon.co.uk>|
00003040  20 3c 61 6e 74 30 33 31  34 30 31 33 34 35 6b 69  | <ant031401345ki|
00003050  33 69 40 6a 75 6e 69 70  65 72 66 2e 64 65 6d 6f  |3i@juniperf.demo|
00003060  6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b 3e  20 20 3c 31 39 39 35 31  |n.co.uk>  <19951|
00003070  32 30 33 2e 32 32 32 33  30 34 2e 35 39 40 79 6f  |203.222304.59@yo|
00003080  6a 6f 65 2e 64 65 6d 6f  6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b 3e  |joe.demon.co.uk>|
00003090  20 0a 4e 4e 54 50 2d 50  6f 73 74 69 6e 67 2d 48  | .NNTP-Posting-H|
000030a0  6f 73 74 3a 20 63 75 6d  62 72 69 61 6e 2e 64 65  |ost: cumbrian.de|
000030b0  6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75  6b 0a 58 2d 4e 4e 54 50  |mon.co.uk.X-NNTP|
000030c0  2d 50 6f 73 74 69 6e 67  2d 48 6f 73 74 3a 20 63  |-Posting-Host: c|
000030d0  75 6d 62 72 69 61 6e 2e  64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f  |umbrian.demon.co|
000030e0  2e 75 6b 0a 4d 49 4d 45  2d 56 65 72 73 69 6f 6e  |.uk.MIME-Version|
000030f0  3a 20 31 2e 30 0a 43 6f  6e 74 65 6e 74 2d 54 79  |: 1.0.Content-Ty|
00003100  70 65 3a 20 54 45 58 54  2f 50 4c 41 49 4e 3b 20  |pe: TEXT/PLAIN; |
00003110  43 48 41 52 53 45 54 3d  55 53 2d 41 53 43 49 49  |CHARSET=US-ASCII|
00003120  0a 58 2d 4d 61 69 6c 65  72 3a 20 41 4e 54 20 52  |.X-Mailer: ANT R|
00003130  49 53 43 4f 53 20 4d 61  72 63 65 6c 20 5b 76 65  |ISCOS Marcel [ve|
00003140  72 20 30 2e 39 39 5d 0a  58 72 65 66 3a 20 6e 65  |r 0.99].Xref: ne|
00003150  77 73 2e 64 65 6d 6f 6e  2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b 20 63  |ws.demon.co.uk c|
00003160  6f 6d 70 2e 73 79 73 2e  61 63 6f 72 6e 2e 61 70  |omp.sys.acorn.ap|
00003170  70 73 3a 36 36 38 31 20  63 6f 6d 70 2e 73 79 73  |ps:6681 comp.sys|
00003180  2e 61 63 6f 72 6e 2e 6d  69 73 63 3a 31 33 37 33  |.acorn.misc:1373|
00003190  31 0a 49 6e 20 61 72 74  69 63 6c 65 20 3c 31 39  |1.In article <19|
000031a0  39 35 31 32 30 33 2e 32  32 32 33 30 34 2e 35 39  |951203.222304.59|
000031b0  40 79 6f 6a 6f 65 2e 64  65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e  |@yojoe.demon.co.|
000031c0  75 6b 3e 2c 20 49 61 6e  20 43 72 69 70 70 73 0a  |uk>, Ian Cripps.|
000031d0  3c 6d 61 69 6c 74 6f 3a  69 61 6e 40 79 6f 6a 6f  |<mailto:ian@yojo|
000031e0  65 2e 64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e  63 6f 2e 75 6b 3e 20 77  |e.demon.co.uk> w|
000031f0  72 6f 74 65 3a 0a 0a 5b  73 6e 69 70 70 65 64 20  |rote:..[snipped |
00003200  6c 6f 74 73 5d 0a 0a 3e  20 3e 20 49 73 20 74 68  |lots]..> > Is th|
00003210  61 74 20 73 74 72 69 70  79 20 69 63 6f 6e 20 62  |at stripy icon b|
00003220  75 67 20 66 69 78 65 64  20 74 68 65 6e 3f 0a 3e  |ug fixed then?.>|
00003230  20 3e 20 0a 3e 20 0a 3e  20 59 65 73 2c 20 69 66  | > .> .> Yes, if|
00003240  20 79 6f 75 20 68 61 76  65 20 74 68 65 20 41 72  | you have the Ar|
00003250  6d 20 57 69 6e 64 6f 77  73 20 44 72 69 76 65 72  |m Windows Driver|
00003260  20 77 68 69 63 68 20 63  61 6d 65 20 77 69 74 68  | which came with|
00003270  20 21 50 43 78 38 36 20  76 65 72 73 69 6f 6e 20  | !PCx86 version |
00003280  31 2e 39 32 61 0a 3e 20  69 6e 73 74 61 6c 6c 65  |1.92a.> installe|
00003290  64 2c 20 74 68 61 6e 20  74 68 65 20 73 74 72 69  |d, than the stri|
000032a0  70 79 20 69 63 6f 6e 20  67 6f 20 61 77 61 79 20  |py icon go away |
000032b0  3a 29 0a 3e 20 0a 0a 49  20 77 69 73 68 20 6d 69  |:).> ..I wish mi|
000032c0  6e 65 20 64 69 64 20 61  6e 64 20 49 20 68 61 76  |ne did and I hav|
000032d0  65 20 31 2e 39 32 61 20  61 6e 64 20 69 6e 73 74  |e 1.92a and inst|
000032e0  61 6c 6c 65 64 20 74 68  65 20 6e 65 77 20 41 52  |alled the new AR|
000032f0  4d 20 44 72 69 76 65 72  20 61 6e 64 0a 72 65 73  |M Driver and.res|
00003300  65 74 20 76 69 61 20 73  61 66 65 20 6d 6f 64 65  |et via safe mode|
00003310  2c 20 69 74 73 20 6c 61  73 74 20 6a 75 73 74 20  |, its last just |
00003320  6f 6e 65 20 73 65 73 73  69 6f 6e 20 74 68 65 6e  |one session then|
00003330  20 49 20 68 61 76 65 20  74 6f 20 73 74 61 72 74  | I have to start|
00003340  0a 61 67 61 69 6e 20 69  6e 20 73 61 66 65 20 6d  |.again in safe m|
00003350  6f 64 65 21 20 3a 2d 28  20 20 0a 0a 2d 2d 20 0a  |ode! :-(  ..-- .|
00003360  43 68 72 69 73 20 48 75  67 68 65 73 2c 20 57 61  |Chris Hughes, Wa|
00003370  6b 65 66 69 65 6c 64 20  41 63 6f 72 6e 20 43 6f  |kefield Acorn Co|
00003380  6d 70 75 74 65 72 20 55  73 65 72 20 47 72 6f 75  |mputer User Grou|
00003390  70 0a 0a 50 61 74 68 3a  20 6e 65 77 73 2e 64 65  |p..Path: news.de|
000033a0  6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75  6b 21 64 65 6d 6f 6e 21  |mon.co.uk!demon!|
000033b0  6d 65 6c 68 75 69 73 68  2e 64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63  |melhuish.demon.c|
000033c0  6f 2e 75 6b 21 73 6a 6d  0a 46 72 6f 6d 3a 20 73  |o.uk!sjm.From: s|
000033d0  6a 6d 40 6d 65 6c 68 75  69 73 68 2e 64 65 6d 6f  |jm@melhuish.demo|
000033e0  6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b 20  28 44 72 2e 20 53 69 6d  |n.co.uk (Dr. Sim|
000033f0  6f 6e 20 4a 2e 20 4d 65  6c 68 75 69 73 68 29 0a  |on J. Melhuish).|
00003400  4e 65 77 73 67 72 6f 75  70 73 3a 20 63 6f 6d 70  |Newsgroups: comp|
00003410  2e 73 79 73 2e 61 63 6f  72 6e 2e 6d 69 73 63 0a  |.sys.acorn.misc.|
00003420  53 75 62 6a 65 63 74 3a  20 52 65 3a 20 41 52 4d  |Subject: Re: ARM|
00003430  20 74 61 6c 6b 73 20 61  74 20 41 57 0a 44 61 74  | talks at AW.Dat|
00003440  65 3a 20 57 65 64 2c 20  30 36 20 44 65 63 20 31  |e: Wed, 06 Dec 1|
00003450  39 39 35 20 30 39 3a 31  36 3a 35 32 20 47 4d 54  |995 09:16:52 GMT|
00003460  0a 4c 69 6e 65 73 3a 20  34 33 0a 44 69 73 74 72  |.Lines: 43.Distr|
00003470  69 62 75 74 69 6f 6e 3a  20 77 6f 72 6c 64 0a 4d  |ibution: world.M|
00003480  65 73 73 61 67 65 2d 49  44 3a 20 3c 31 39 39 35  |essage-ID: <1995|
00003490  31 32 30 36 2e 30 39 31  36 35 32 2e 32 39 40 6d  |1206.091652.29@m|
000034a0  65 6c 68 75 69 73 68 2e  64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f  |elhuish.demon.co|
000034b0  2e 75 6b 3e 0a 52 65 66  65 72 65 6e 63 65 73 3a  |.uk>.References:|
000034c0  20 3c 34 39 68 6e 64 35  24 61 64 35 40 73 70 61  | <49hnd5$ad5@spa|
000034d0  72 63 73 65 72 76 65 72  2e 6c 72 7a 2d 6d 75 65  |rcserver.lrz-mue|
000034e0  6e 63 68 65 6e 2e 64 65  3e 20 3c 44 49 78 39 30  |nchen.de> <DIx90|
000034f0  4d 2e 4a 6f 36 40 75 6e  73 2e 62 72 69 73 2e 61  |M.Jo6@uns.bris.a|
00003500  63 2e 75 6b 3e 20 3c 34  39 70 38 63 30 24 71 32  |c.uk> <49p8c0$q2|
00003510  68 40 6e 65 77 73 2e 6f  78 2e 61 63 2e 75 6b 3e  |h@news.ox.ac.uk>|
00003520  20 3c 34 61 31 36 32 70  24 72 72 6e 40 73 75 6e  | <4a162p$rrn@sun|
00003530  73 79 73 74 65 6d 35 2e  69 6e 66 6f 72 6d 61 74  |system5.informat|
00003540  69 6b 2e 74 75 2d 6d 75  65 6e 63 68 65 6e 2e 64  |ik.tu-muenchen.d|
00003550  65 3e 0a 52 65 70 6c 79  2d 54 6f 3a 20 73 6a 6d  |e>.Reply-To: sjm|
00003560  40 6d 65 6c 68 75 69 73  68 2e 64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e  |@melhuish.demon.|
00003570  63 6f 2e 75 6b 0a 4e 4e  54 50 2d 50 6f 73 74 69  |co.uk.NNTP-Posti|
00003580  6e 67 2d 48 6f 73 74 3a  20 6d 65 6c 68 75 69 73  |ng-Host: melhuis|
00003590  68 2e 64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e  63 6f 2e 75 6b 0a 58 2d  |h.demon.co.uk.X-|
000035a0  4e 4e 54 50 2d 50 6f 73  74 69 6e 67 2d 48 6f 73  |NNTP-Posting-Hos|
000035b0  74 3a 20 6d 65 6c 68 75  69 73 68 2e 64 65 6d 6f  |t: melhuish.demo|
000035c0  6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b 0a  58 2d 4e 65 77 73 72 65  |n.co.uk.X-Newsre|
000035d0  61 64 65 72 3a 20 41 72  63 68 69 6d 65 64 65 73  |ader: Archimedes|
000035e0  20 54 54 46 4e 20 56 65  72 73 69 6f 6e 20 30 2e  | TTFN Version 0.|
000035f0  33 36 0a 4c 61 73 74 20  74 69 6d 65 20 49 20 6c  |36.Last time I l|
00003600  6f 6f 6b 65 64 20 3c 34  61 31 36 32 70 24 72 72  |ooked <4a162p$rr|
00003610  6e 40 73 75 6e 73 79 73  74 65 6d 35 2e 69 6e 66  |n@sunsystem5.inf|
00003620  6f 72 6d 61 74 69 6b 2e  74 75 2d 6d 75 65 6e 63  |ormatik.tu-muenc|
00003630  68 65 6e 2e 64 65 3e 20  64 65 68 6d 65 6c 40 49  |hen.de> dehmel@I|
00003640  6e 66 6f 72 6d 61 74 69  6b 2e 54 55 2d 4d 75 65  |nformatik.TU-Mue|
00003650  6e 63 68 65 6e 2e 44 45  20 28 41 6e 64 72 65 61  |nchen.DE (Andrea|
00003660  73 20 44 65 68 6d 65 6c  29 20 77 72 6f 74 65 3a  |s Dehmel) wrote:|
00003670  0d 0d 5b 63 68 6f 70 5d  0d 3e 20 50 65 72 66 65  |..[chop].> Perfe|
00003680  63 74 6c 79 20 76 61 6c  69 64 20 70 6f 69 6e 74  |ctly valid point|
00003690  2e 20 48 6f 77 65 76 65  72 20 74 68 65 20 6f 72  |. However the or|
000036a0  69 67 69 6e 61 6c 20 70  6f 73 74 65 72 20 6d 61  |iginal poster ma|
000036b0  64 65 20 72 65 66 65 72  65 6e 63 65 20 74 6f 20  |de reference to |
000036c0  74 68 65 0d 3e 20 41 52  4d 36 31 30 20 64 6f 69  |the.> ARM610 doi|
000036d0  6e 67 20 2e 35 20 4d 46  4c 4f 50 53 20 28 21 29  |ng .5 MFLOPS (!)|
000036e0  20 77 68 69 63 68 20 72  65 66 65 72 73 20 74 6f  | which refers to|
000036f0  20 2a 70 75 72 65 2a 20  66 6c 6f 61 74 69 6e 67  | *pure* floating|
00003700  20 70 6f 69 6e 74 20 61  6e 64 20 69 6e 0d 3e 20  | point and in.> |
00003710  74 68 69 73 20 63 6f 6e  74 65 78 74 20 69 73 20  |this context is |
00003720  6f 62 76 69 6f 75 73 6c  79 20 72 75 62 62 69 73  |obviously rubbis|
00003730  68 2e 0d 3e 20 0d 3e 20  49 74 27 73 20 74 72 75  |h..> .> It's tru|
00003740  65 2c 20 73 68 6f 72 74  20 6f 66 20 66 72 61 63  |e, short of frac|
00003750  74 61 6c 73 20 28 77 68  65 72 65 20 79 6f 75 20  |tals (where you |
00003760  63 61 6e 20 65 78 70 65  63 74 20 73 70 65 65 64  |can expect speed|
00003770  75 70 73 20 61 72 6f 75  6e 64 20 34 30 29 0d 3e  |ups around 40).>|
00003780  20 68 61 72 64 6c 79 20  61 6e 79 74 68 69 6e 67  | hardly anything|
00003790  20 75 73 65 73 20 46 50  20 74 68 61 74 20 6d 75  | uses FP that mu|
000037a0  63 68 3b 20 75 73 75 61  6c 6c 79 20 74 68 65 20  |ch; usually the |
000037b0  73 70 65 65 64 75 70 20  65 76 65 6e 20 77 69 74  |speedup even wit|
000037c0  68 20 46 50 20 6e 61 73  74 69 65 73 0d 3e 20 73  |h FP nasties.> s|
000037d0  75 63 68 20 61 73 20 72  61 79 74 72 61 63 65 72  |uch as raytracer|
000037e0  73 20 64 6f 65 73 6e 27  74 20 65 78 63 65 65 64  |s doesn't exceed|
000037f0  20 31 34 20 6f 72 20 73  6f 2e 20 42 75 74 20 31  | 14 or so. But 1|
00003800  34 20 69 73 20 6f 6e 65  20 68 65 6c 6c 20 6f 66  |4 is one hell of|
00003810  20 61 20 62 69 67 0d 3e  20 73 70 65 65 64 75 70  | a big.> speedup|
00003820  20 61 6c 6c 20 74 68 65  20 73 61 6d 65 21 0d 3e  | all the same!.>|
00003830  20 0d 3e 20 57 68 69 63  68 20 69 73 20 77 68 79  | .> Which is why|
00003840  20 74 68 65 20 63 6f 6e  73 74 61 6e 74 20 63 6f  | the constant co|
00003850  6d 70 6c 61 69 6e 74 73  20 61 62 6f 75 74 20 74  |mplaints about t|
00003860  68 65 20 46 50 41 20 62  65 69 6e 67 20 6d 75 63  |he FPA being muc|
00003870  68 20 74 6f 6f 20 73 6c  6f 77 20 61 72 65 0d 3e  |h too slow are.>|
00003880  20 72 61 74 68 65 72 20  72 69 64 69 63 75 6c 6f  | rather ridiculo|
00003890  75 73 2c 20 72 65 61 6c  6c 79 2e 20 41 20 6c 69  |us, really. A li|
000038a0  74 74 6c 65 20 63 61 6c  63 75 6c 61 74 69 6f 6e  |ttle calculation|
000038b0  3a 0d 3e 20 0d 5b 63 61  6c 63 75 6c 61 74 69 6f  |:.> .[calculatio|
000038c0  6e 20 64 65 6c 65 74 65  64 5d 0d 3e 20 0d 3e 20  |n deleted].> .> |
000038d0  4f 6e 63 65 20 46 50 20  69 73 20 35 30 20 74 69  |Once FP is 50 ti|
000038e0  6d 65 73 20 66 61 73 74  65 72 20 69 74 20 64 6f  |mes faster it do|
000038f0  65 73 6e 27 74 20 6d 61  74 74 65 72 20 74 6f 6f  |esn't matter too|
00003900  20 6d 75 63 68 20 69 66  20 69 74 20 62 65 63 6f  | much if it beco|
00003910  6d 65 73 20 61 6e 6f 74  68 65 72 0d 3e 20 31 30  |mes another.> 10|
00003920  20 74 69 6d 65 73 20 66  61 73 74 65 72 2e 20 4e  | times faster. N|
00003930  6f 74 20 69 6e 20 72 65  61 6c 20 6c 69 66 65 2e  |ot in real life.|
00003940  0d 3e 20 0d 3e 20 0d 3e  20 41 6e 64 72 65 61 73  |.> .> .> Andreas|
00003950  0d 0d 4f 4b 2c 20 49 20  73 75 70 70 6f 73 65 20  |..OK, I suppose |
00003960  49 20 64 6f 6e 27 74 20  6c 69 76 65 20 69 6e 20  |I don't live in |
00003970  22 72 65 61 6c 20 6c 69  66 65 22 2c 20 77 6f 72  |"real life", wor|
00003980  6b 69 6e 67 20 69 6e 20  61 6e 20 61 63 61 64 65  |king in an acade|
00003990  6d 69 63 20 65 6e 76 69  72 6f 6e 6d 65 6e 74 20  |mic environment |
000039a0  3a 29 0d 0d 49 20 68 61  76 65 20 61 6e 20 41 34  |:)..I have an A4|
000039b0  34 30 2f 31 20 75 70 67  72 61 64 65 64 20 77 69  |40/1 upgraded wi|
000039c0  74 68 20 32 35 4d 48 7a  20 41 52 4d 33 20 2b 20  |th 25MHz ARM3 + |
000039d0  46 50 41 31 30 2e 20 41  6c 6f 6e 67 73 69 64 65  |FPA10. Alongside|
000039e0  20 69 74 20 49 20 6e 6f  77 20 68 61 76 65 20 61  | it I now have a|
000039f0  0d 52 50 43 36 30 30 20  2d 20 6e 6f 20 46 50 41  |.RPC600 - no FPA|
00003a00  20 3a 28 0d 0d 49 27 76  65 20 67 69 76 65 6e 20  | :(..I've given |
00003a10  6e 75 6d 62 65 72 73 20  6f 6e 20 74 68 69 73 20  |numbers on this |
00003a20  67 72 6f 75 70 20 69 6e  20 74 68 65 20 70 61 73  |group in the pas|
00003a30  74 2e 20 54 68 69 73 20  74 69 6d 65 20 49 27 6c  |t. This time I'l|
00003a40  6c 20 69 6c 6c 75 73 74  72 61 74 65 20 6d 79 0d  |l illustrate my.|
00003a50  64 69 6c 65 6d 61 20 77  69 74 68 20 61 6e 20 65  |dilema with an e|
00003a60  78 61 6d 70 6c 65 20 6f  66 20 77 68 61 74 20 6d  |xample of what m|
00003a70  79 20 49 72 61 6e 69 61  6e 20 73 74 75 64 65 6e  |y Iranian studen|
00003a80  74 20 73 61 69 64 20 74  6f 20 6d 65 20 77 68 65  |t said to me whe|
00003a90  6e 20 66 69 72 73 74 20  68 65 0d 74 72 69 65 64  |n first he.tried|
00003aa0  20 6f 6e 65 20 6f 66 20  74 68 65 20 62 61 73 69  | one of the basi|
00003ab0  63 20 73 74 65 70 73 20  69 6e 20 6f 75 72 20 64  |c steps in our d|
00003ac0  61 74 61 20 70 72 6f 63  65 73 73 69 6e 67 20 70  |ata processing p|
00003ad0  72 6f 63 65 64 75 72 65  20 6f 6e 20 74 68 65 20  |rocedure on the |
00003ae0  52 50 43 2e 2e 2e 0d 0d  22 53 69 6d 6f 6e 2c 20  |RPC....."Simon, |
00003af0  49 20 74 68 69 6e 6b 20  73 6f 6d 65 74 68 69 6e  |I think somethin|
00003b00  67 20 69 73 20 62 72 6f  6b 65 6e 2e 20 49 74 20  |g is broken. It |
00003b10  69 73 20 5f 76 65 72 79  5f 20 73 6c 6f 77 2e 22  |is _very_ slow."|
00003b20  0d 0d 45 6e 6f 75 67 68  20 73 61 69 64 2e 0d 0d  |..Enough said...|
00003b30  0d 2d 2d 20 0d 44 72 2e  20 53 69 6d 6f 6e 20 4a  |.-- .Dr. Simon J|
00003b40  2e 20 4d 65 6c 68 75 69  73 68 20 2d 2d 2d 20 4a  |. Melhuish --- J|
00003b50  6f 64 72 65 6c 6c 20 42  61 6e 6b 20 43 4d 42 20  |odrell Bank CMB |
00003b60  41 6e 69 73 6f 74 72 6f  70 79 20 52 65 73 65 61  |Anisotropy Resea|
00003b70  72 63 68 20 47 72 6f 75  70 0d 45 6d 61 69 6c 3a  |rch Group.Email:|
00003b80  20 73 6a 6d 40 6a 62 2e  6d 61 6e 2e 61 63 2e 75  | sjm@jb.man.ac.u|
00003b90  6b 0d 68 74 74 70 3a 2f  2f 77 77 77 2e 6a 62 2e  |k.http://www.jb.|
00003ba0  6d 61 6e 2e 61 63 2e 75  6b 2f 7e 73 6a 6d 2f 20  |man.ac.uk/~sjm/ |
00003bb0  20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20  20 0d 41 6c 73 6f 3a 20  |         .Also: |
00003bc0  20 73 6a 6d 40 6d 65 6c  68 75 69 73 68 2e 64 65  | sjm@melhuish.de|
00003bd0  6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75  6b 0d 50 61 74 68 3a 20  |mon.co.uk.Path: |
00003be0  6e 65 77 73 2e 64 65 6d  6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b  |news.demon.co.uk|
00003bf0  21 64 65 6d 6f 6e 21 6d  61 69 6c 32 6e 65 77 73  |!demon!mail2news|
00003c00  2e 64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63  6f 2e 75 6b 21 6b 65 63  |.demon.co.uk!kec|
00003c10  68 62 2e 64 65 6d 6f 6e  2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b 0a 46  |hb.demon.co.uk.F|
00003c20  72 6f 6d 3a 20 44 61 76  65 20 3c 44 61 76 65 40  |rom: Dave <Dave@|
00003c30  6b 65 63 68 62 2e 64 65  6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75  |kechb.demon.co.u|
00003c40  6b 3e 0a 4e 65 77 73 67  72 6f 75 70 73 3a 20 63  |k>.Newsgroups: c|
00003c50  6f 6d 70 2e 73 79 73 2e  61 63 6f 72 6e 2e 6d 69  |omp.sys.acorn.mi|
00003c60  73 63 0a 53 75 62 6a 65  63 74 3a 20 52 65 3a 20  |sc.Subject: Re: |
00003c70  49 61 69 6e 27 73 20 48  65 61 64 65 72 73 20 28  |Iain's Headers (|
00003c80  61 67 61 69 6e 29 20 28  77 61 73 20 52 65 3a 20  |again) (was Re: |
00003c90  43 6f 6e 6e 6f 72 20 61  72 65 20 75 73 65 6c 65  |Connor are usele|
00003ca0  73 73 29 0a 44 61 74 65  3a 20 57 65 64 2c 20 30  |ss).Date: Wed, 0|
00003cb0  36 20 44 65 63 20 31 39  39 35 20 30 39 3a 34 32  |6 Dec 1995 09:42|
00003cc0  3a 30 32 20 47 4d 54 0a  4c 69 6e 65 73 3a 20 33  |:02 GMT.Lines: 3|
00003cd0  31 0a 4d 65 73 73 61 67  65 2d 49 44 3a 20 3c 33  |1.Message-ID: <3|
00003ce0  32 31 46 38 37 31 31 2e  49 54 53 2e 41 2e 4a 4f  |21F8711.ITS.A.JO|
00003cf0  4b 45 2e 4f 4b 3f 40 6b  65 63 68 62 2e 64 65 6d  |KE.OK?@kechb.dem|
00003d00  6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b  3e 0a 58 2d 4e 4e 54 50  |on.co.uk>.X-NNTP|
00003d10  2d 50 6f 73 74 69 6e 67  2d 48 6f 73 74 3a 20 6b  |-Posting-Host: k|
00003d20  65 63 68 62 2e 64 65 6d  6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b  |echb.demon.co.uk|
00003d30  0a 58 2d 4c 65 6e 67 74  68 3a 20 38 36 30 0a 58  |.X-Length: 860.X|
00003d40  2d 4e 65 77 73 72 65 61  64 65 72 3a 20 41 72 63  |-Newsreader: Arc|
00003d50  68 69 6d 65 64 65 73 20  47 6c 6f 62 65 4d 61 69  |himedes GlobeMai|
00003d60  6c 20 76 65 72 73 69 6f  6e 20 31 2e 33 33 0a 58  |l version 1.33.X|
00003d70  2d 54 72 61 6e 73 70 6f  72 74 65 72 3a 20 44 6f  |-Transporter: Do|
00003d80  67 67 79 73 6f 66 74 27  73 20 54 65 72 6d 69 74  |ggysoft's Termit|
00003d90  65 20 49 6e 74 65 72 6e  65 74 0a 58 2d 4e 65 77  |e Internet.X-New|
00003da0  73 72 65 61 64 65 72 2d  57 72 69 74 65 72 3a 20  |sreader-Writer: |
00003db0  69 61 69 6e 40 6b 65 63  68 62 2e 64 65 6d 6f 6e  |iain@kechb.demon|
00003dc0  2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b 0a 58  2d 48 65 61 64 65 72 2d  |.co.uk.X-Header-|
00003dd0  50 72 6f 62 6c 65 6d 73  3a 20 50 6c 65 61 73 65  |Problems: Please|
00003de0  20 6d 61 69 6c 20 61 6e  79 20 68 65 61 64 65 72  | mail any header|
00003df0  20 70 72 6f 62 6c 65 6d  73 20 74 6f 20 69 61 69  | problems to iai|
00003e00  6e 40 6b 65 63 68 62 2e  64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f  |n@kechb.demon.co|
00003e10  2e 75 6b 0a 58 2d 53 4d  54 50 2d 50 6f 73 74 69  |.uk.X-SMTP-Posti|
00003e20  6e 67 2d 48 6f 73 74 3a  20 6b 65 63 68 62 2e 64  |ng-Host: kechb.d|
00003e30  65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e  75 6b 20 5b 57 65 64 2c  |emon.co.uk [Wed,|
00003e40  20 36 20 44 65 63 20 39  35 20 39 3a 34 34 3a 30  | 6 Dec 95 9:44:0|
00003e50  36 20 47 4d 54 5d 0a 58  2d 53 4d 54 50 2d 50 6f  |6 GMT].X-SMTP-Po|
00003e60  73 74 69 6e 67 2d 48 6f  73 74 3a 20 70 6f 73 74  |sting-Host: post|
00003e70  2e 64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63  6f 2e 75 6b 20 5b 57 65  |.demon.co.uk [We|
00003e80  64 2c 20 36 20 44 65 63  20 39 35 20 39 3a 34 35  |d, 6 Dec 95 9:45|
00003e90  3a 33 39 20 47 4d 54 5d  0a 3e 20 3e 20 54 68 65  |:39 GMT].> > The|
00003ea0  20 6c 69 6e 65 73 20 49  20 6f 62 6a 65 63 74 20  | lines I object |
00003eb0  74 6f 20 3a 0d 3e 20 3e  20 0d 3e 20 3e 20 58 2d  |to :.> > .> > X-|
00003ec0  4c 65 6e 67 74 68 3a 20  39 38 32 0d 3e 20 0d 3e  |Length: 982.> .>|
00003ed0  20 49 20 70 6c 61 6e 20  74 6f 20 6c 65 61 76 65  | I plan to leave|
00003ee0  20 74 68 61 74 20 69 6e  2e 0d 0d 49 74 20 73 68  | that in...It sh|
00003ef0  6f 75 6c 64 20 62 65 20  61 20 43 6f 6e 74 65 6e  |ould be a Conten|
00003f00  74 2d 4c 65 6e 67 74 68  20 28 61 6c 6f 6e 67 20  |t-Length (along |
00003f10  77 69 74 68 20 43 6f 6e  74 65 6e 74 2d 54 79 70  |with Content-Typ|
00003f20  65 29 20 6f 72 20 77 68  61 74 65 76 65 72 0d 69  |e) or whatever.i|
00003f30  74 20 69 73 2e 20 49 49  52 43 2c 20 69 74 27 73  |t is. IIRC, it's|
00003f40  20 73 6f 6d 65 74 68 69  6e 67 20 74 6f 20 64 6f  | something to do|
00003f50  20 77 69 74 68 20 4d 49  4d 45 2c 20 62 75 74 20  | with MIME, but |
00003f60  49 27 6d 20 70 72 6f 62  61 62 6c 79 20 77 72 6f  |I'm probably wro|
00003f70  6e 67 2e 0d 0d 3e 20 3e  20 49 6e 20 74 68 69 73  |ng...> > In this|
00003f80  20 61 72 74 69 63 6c 65  2c 20 3c 66 6f 6f 3e 20  | article, <foo> |
00003f90  73 61 69 64 3a 0d 3e 20  0d 3e 20 57 68 61 74 73  |said:.> .> Whats|
00003fa0  20 77 72 6f 6e 67 20 77  69 74 68 20 74 68 69 73  | wrong with this|
00003fb0  3f 0d 0d 49 74 20 73 68  6f 75 6c 64 20 73 61 79  |?..It should say|
00003fc0  20 22 49 6e 20 61 72 74  69 63 6c 65 20 3c 6d 65  | "In article <me|
00003fd0  73 73 61 67 65 20 69 64  3e 2c 20 3c 72 65 61 6c  |ssage id>, <real|
00003fe0  20 6e 61 6d 65 3e 20 28  3c 65 2d 6d 61 69 6c 3e  | name> (<e-mail>|
00003ff0  29 20 73 61 69 64 3a 22  0d 6f 72 20 73 6f 6d 65  |) said:".or some|
00004000  74 68 69 6e 67 20 74 68  61 74 20 69 6e 63 6c 75  |thing that inclu|
00004010  64 65 73 20 74 68 65 20  6d 65 73 73 61 67 65 20  |des the message |
00004020  49 44 20 61 74 20 6c 65  61 73 74 2e 0d 0d 3e 20  |ID at least...> |
00004030  3e 20 45 74 69 61 6d 20  6d 61 73 74 75 72 62 61  |> Etiam masturba|
00004040  6e 73 2c 20 73 65 6d 70  65 72 20 6d 61 73 74 75  |ns, semper mastu|
00004050  72 62 61 6e 73 2e 0d 3e  20 0d 3e 20 53 70 65 61  |rbans..> .> Spea|
00004060  6b 20 65 6e 67 6c 69 73  68 2f 61 6d 65 72 69 63  |k english/americ|
00004070  61 6e 20 6c 69 6b 65 20  65 76 65 72 79 6f 6e 65  |an like everyone|
00004080  20 65 6c 73 65 20 68 65  72 65 2e 0d 0d 53 75 72  | else here...Sur|
00004090  65 6c 79 20 79 6f 75 20  63 61 6e 20 77 6f 72 6b  |ely you can work|
000040a0  20 69 74 20 6f 75 74 3f  20 49 20 64 6f 6e 27 74  | it out? I don't|
000040b0  20 6b 6e 6f 77 20 2a 61  6e 79 2a 20 4c 61 74 69  | know *any* Lati|
000040c0  6e 20 62 75 74 20 49 20  63 61 6e 0d 67 75 65 73  |n but I can.gues|
000040d0  73 20 3a 2d 29 20 20 4a  75 73 74 20 6c 6f 6f 6b  |s :-)  Just look|
000040e0  20 61 74 20 74 68 65 20  72 65 70 65 61 74 65 64  | at the repeated|
000040f0  20 77 6f 72 64 2c 20 61  6e 64 20 79 6f 75 20 6d  | word, and you m|
00004100  69 67 68 74 20 67 65 74  20 69 74 0d 65 76 65 6e  |ight get it.even|
00004110  74 75 61 6c 6c 79 2e 0d  0d 0d 2d 2d 0d 44 61 76  |tually....--.Dav|
00004120  69 64 20 4c 6f 6e 67 20  20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20  |id Long         |
00004130  64 61 76 65 40 6b 65 63  68 62 2e 64 65 6d 6f 6e  |dave@kechb.demon|
00004140  2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b 0d 68  74 74 70 3a 2f 2f 77 77  |.co.uk.http://ww|
00004150  77 2e 69 63 61 66 65 2e  63 6f 2e 7a 61 2f 6d 69  |w.icafe.co.za/mi|
00004160  72 61 67 65 2f 6b 65 63  68 62 2f 64 61 76 65 2f  |rage/kechb/dave/|
00004170  0d 0d 2e 2e 2e 20 59 6f  75 20 61 72 65 20 69 6e  |..... You are in|
00004180  20 61 20 6d 61 7a 65 20  6f 66 20 74 77 69 73 74  | a maze of twist|
00004190  79 20 6c 69 74 74 6c 65  20 70 61 73 73 61 67 65  |y little passage|
000041a0  73 2c 20 61 6c 6c 20 61  6c 69 6b 65 2e 0d 50 61  |s, all alike..Pa|
000041b0  74 68 3a 20 6e 65 77 73  2e 64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63  |th: news.demon.c|
000041c0  6f 2e 75 6b 21 64 65 6d  6f 6e 21 6d 61 69 6c 32  |o.uk!demon!mail2|
000041d0  6e 65 77 73 2e 64 65 6d  6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b  |news.demon.co.uk|
000041e0  21 6b 65 63 68 62 2e 64  65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e  |!kechb.demon.co.|
000041f0  75 6b 0a 46 72 6f 6d 3a  20 44 61 76 65 20 3c 44  |uk.From: Dave <D|
00004200  61 76 65 40 6b 65 63 68  62 2e 64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e  |ave@kechb.demon.|
00004210  63 6f 2e 75 6b 3e 0a 4e  65 77 73 67 72 6f 75 70  |co.uk>.Newsgroup|
00004220  73 3a 20 63 6f 6d 70 2e  73 79 73 2e 61 63 6f 72  |s: comp.sys.acor|
00004230  6e 2e 6d 69 73 63 0a 53  75 62 6a 65 63 74 3a 20  |n.misc.Subject: |
00004240  52 65 3a 20 4e 65 74 69  71 75 65 74 74 65 20 28  |Re: Netiquette (|
00004250  77 61 73 20 56 6f 79 61  67 65 72 20 53 6f 66 74  |was Voyager Soft|
00004260  77 61 72 65 20 42 75 67  73 29 0a 44 61 74 65 3a  |ware Bugs).Date:|
00004270  20 57 65 64 2c 20 30 36  20 44 65 63 20 31 39 39  | Wed, 06 Dec 199|
00004280  35 20 30 39 3a 34 32 3a  30 33 20 47 4d 54 0a 4c  |5 09:42:03 GMT.L|
00004290  69 6e 65 73 3a 20 31 37  0a 4d 65 73 73 61 67 65  |ines: 17.Message|
000042a0  2d 49 44 3a 20 3c 37 42  41 34 31 35 35 33 2e 49  |-ID: <7BA41553.I|
000042b0  54 53 2e 41 2e 4a 4f 4b  45 2e 4f 4b 3f 40 6b 65  |TS.A.JOKE.OK?@ke|
000042c0  63 68 62 2e 64 65 6d 6f  6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b 3e  |chb.demon.co.uk>|
000042d0  0a 58 2d 4e 4e 54 50 2d  50 6f 73 74 69 6e 67 2d  |.X-NNTP-Posting-|
000042e0  48 6f 73 74 3a 20 6b 65  63 68 62 2e 64 65 6d 6f  |Host: kechb.demo|
000042f0  6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b 0a  58 2d 4c 65 6e 67 74 68  |n.co.uk.X-Length|
00004300  3a 20 37 30 35 0a 58 2d  4e 65 77 73 72 65 61 64  |: 705.X-Newsread|
00004310  65 72 3a 20 41 72 63 68  69 6d 65 64 65 73 20 47  |er: Archimedes G|
00004320  6c 6f 62 65 4d 61 69 6c  20 76 65 72 73 69 6f 6e  |lobeMail version|
00004330  20 31 2e 33 33 0a 58 2d  54 72 61 6e 73 70 6f 72  | 1.33.X-Transpor|
00004340  74 65 72 3a 20 44 6f 67  67 79 73 6f 66 74 27 73  |ter: Doggysoft's|
00004350  20 54 65 72 6d 69 74 65  20 49 6e 74 65 72 6e 65  | Termite Interne|
00004360  74 0a 58 2d 4e 65 77 73  72 65 61 64 65 72 2d 57  |t.X-Newsreader-W|
00004370  72 69 74 65 72 3a 20 69  61 69 6e 40 6b 65 63 68  |riter: iain@kech|
00004380  62 2e 64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e  63 6f 2e 75 6b 0a 58 2d  |b.demon.co.uk.X-|
00004390  48 65 61 64 65 72 2d 50  72 6f 62 6c 65 6d 73 3a  |Header-Problems:|
000043a0  20 50 6c 65 61 73 65 20  6d 61 69 6c 20 61 6e 79  | Please mail any|
000043b0  20 68 65 61 64 65 72 20  70 72 6f 62 6c 65 6d 73  | header problems|
000043c0  20 74 6f 20 69 61 69 6e  40 6b 65 63 68 62 2e 64  | to iain@kechb.d|
000043d0  65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e  75 6b 0a 58 2d 53 4d 54  |emon.co.uk.X-SMT|
000043e0  50 2d 50 6f 73 74 69 6e  67 2d 48 6f 73 74 3a 20  |P-Posting-Host: |
000043f0  6b 65 63 68 62 2e 64 65  6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75  |kechb.demon.co.u|
00004400  6b 20 5b 57 65 64 2c 20  36 20 44 65 63 20 39 35  |k [Wed, 6 Dec 95|
00004410  20 39 3a 34 34 3a 31 30  20 47 4d 54 5d 0a 58 2d  | 9:44:10 GMT].X-|
00004420  53 4d 54 50 2d 50 6f 73  74 69 6e 67 2d 48 6f 73  |SMTP-Posting-Hos|
00004430  74 3a 20 70 6f 73 74 2e  64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f  |t: post.demon.co|
00004440  2e 75 6b 20 5b 57 65 64  2c 20 36 20 44 65 63 20  |.uk [Wed, 6 Dec |
00004450  39 35 20 39 3a 34 35 3a  34 31 20 47 4d 54 5d 0a  |95 9:45:41 GMT].|
00004460  3e 20 54 68 69 73 20 73  6f 72 74 20 6f 66 20 74  |> This sort of t|
00004470  68 69 6e 67 20 69 73 20  67 6f 69 6e 67 20 74 6f  |hing is going to|
00004480  20 68 61 70 70 65 6e 20  72 61 74 68 65 72 20 61  | happen rather a|
00004490  20 6c 6f 74 20 69 66 20  77 65 20 65 76 65 72 20  | lot if we ever |
000044a0  67 65 74 20 66 72 65 65  20 6c 6f 63 61 6c 0d 3e  |get free local.>|
000044b0  20 63 61 6c 6c 73 2e 2e  2e 20 20 44 65 6d 6f 6e  | calls...  Demon|
000044c0  20 77 69 6c 6c 20 68 61  76 65 20 74 6f 20 73 74  | will have to st|
000044d0  61 72 74 20 63 68 61 72  67 69 6e 67 20 66 6f 72  |art charging for|
000044e0  20 74 69 6d 65 2e 2e 2e  20 20 54 68 65 79 27 6c  | time...  They'l|
000044f0  6c 20 68 61 74 65 20 74  68 61 74 2e 0d 3e 20 3a  |l hate that..> :|
00004500  2d 29 0d 0d 41 46 41 49  4b 20 42 54 20 77 69 6c  |-)..AFAIK BT wil|
00004510  6c 20 6e 6f 74 20 62 65  20 69 6e 74 72 6f 64 75  |l not be introdu|
00004520  63 69 6e 67 20 66 72 65  65 20 6c 6f 63 61 6c 20  |cing free local |
00004530  63 61 6c 6c 73 20 66 6f  72 20 61 20 6c 6f 6e 67  |calls for a long|
00004540  20 74 69 6d 65 2e 0d 54  68 65 79 20 73 61 69 64  | time..They said|
00004550  20 73 6f 20 69 6e 20 73  6f 6d 65 20 69 6e 74 65  | so in some inte|
00004560  72 76 69 65 77 20 49 20  72 65 61 64 2e 20 56 69  |rview I read. Vi|
00004570  64 65 6f 74 72 6f 6e 20  68 61 76 65 20 69 74 2c  |deotron have it,|
00004580  20 74 68 65 79 20 64 6f  6e 27 74 0d 6d 69 6e 64  | they don't.mind|
00004590  20 70 65 6f 70 6c 65 20  73 74 61 79 69 6e 67 20  | people staying |
000045a0  63 6f 6e 6e 65 63 74 65  64 20 74 6f 20 74 68 65  |connected to the|
000045b0  20 44 69 72 65 63 74 20  43 6f 6e 6e 65 63 74 69  | Direct Connecti|
000045c0  6f 6e 20 6f 72 20 77 68  61 74 65 76 65 72 0d 66  |on or whatever.f|
000045d0  6f 72 20 61 67 65 73 2c  20 74 68 65 79 20 68 61  |or ages, they ha|
000045e0  76 65 20 65 6e 6f 75 67  68 20 6c 69 6e 65 73 2e  |ve enough lines.|
000045f0  20 43 61 62 6c 65 20 6d  6f 64 65 6d 73 20 77 69  | Cable modems wi|
00004600  6c 6c 20 70 72 6f 62 61  62 6c 79 20 62 65 20 68  |ll probably be h|
00004610  65 72 65 0d 62 65 66 6f  72 65 20 66 72 65 65 20  |ere.before free |
00004620  42 54 20 63 61 6c 6c 73  2c 20 73 6f 20 31 30 4d  |BT calls, so 10M|
00004630  62 70 73 20 77 69 6c 6c  20 64 6f 20 6e 69 63 65  |bps will do nice|
00004640  6c 79 2c 20 74 68 61 6e  6b 73 20 3a 2d 29 0d 0d  |ly, thanks :-)..|
00004650  0d 2d 2d 0d 44 61 76 69  64 20 4c 6f 6e 67 20 20  |.--.David Long  |
00004660  20 20 20 20 20 20 20 64  61 76 65 40 6b 65 63 68  |       dave@kech|
00004670  62 2e 64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e  63 6f 2e 75 6b 0d 68 74  |b.demon.co.uk.ht|
00004680  74 70 3a 2f 2f 77 77 77  2e 69 63 61 66 65 2e 63  |tp://www.icafe.c|
00004690  6f 2e 7a 61 2f 6d 69 72  61 67 65 2f 6b 65 63 68  |o.za/mirage/kech|
000046a0  62 2f 64 61 76 65 2f 0d  0d 2e 2e 2e 20 42 41 53  |b/dave/..... BAS|
000046b0  49 43 20 69 73 20 74 6f  20 63 6f 6d 70 75 74 65  |IC is to compute|
000046c0  72 20 70 72 6f 67 72 61  6d 6d 69 6e 67 20 61 73  |r programming as|
000046d0  20 22 71 77 65 72 74 79  22 20 69 73 20 74 6f 20  | "qwerty" is to |
000046e0  74 79 70 69 6e 67 2e 0d  50 61 74 68 3a 20 6e 65  |typing..Path: ne|
000046f0  77 73 2e 64 65 6d 6f 6e  2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b 21 64  |ws.demon.co.uk!d|
00004700  65 6d 6f 6e 21 6d 61 69  6c 32 6e 65 77 73 2e 64  |emon!mail2news.d|
00004710  65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e  75 6b 21 6b 65 63 68 62  |emon.co.uk!kechb|
00004720  2e 64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63  6f 2e 75 6b 0a 46 72 6f  |.demon.co.uk.Fro|
00004730  6d 3a 20 44 61 76 65 20  3c 44 61 76 65 40 6b 65  |m: Dave <Dave@ke|
00004740  63 68 62 2e 64 65 6d 6f  6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b 3e  |chb.demon.co.uk>|
00004750  0a 4e 65 77 73 67 72 6f  75 70 73 3a 20 63 6f 6d  |.Newsgroups: com|
00004760  70 2e 73 79 73 2e 61 63  6f 72 6e 2e 6d 69 73 63  |p.sys.acorn.misc|
00004770  0a 53 75 62 6a 65 63 74  3a 20 52 65 3a 20 76 69  |.Subject: Re: vi|
00004780  64 65 6f 20 64 69 67 69  74 69 73 69 6e 67 3f 0a  |deo digitising?.|
00004790  44 61 74 65 3a 20 57 65  64 2c 20 30 36 20 44 65  |Date: Wed, 06 De|
000047a0  63 20 31 39 39 35 20 30  39 3a 34 32 3a 30 33 20  |c 1995 09:42:03 |
000047b0  47 4d 54 0a 4c 69 6e 65  73 3a 20 32 39 0a 4d 65  |GMT.Lines: 29.Me|
000047c0  73 73 61 67 65 2d 49 44  3a 20 3c 32 34 44 46 36  |ssage-ID: <24DF6|
000047d0  36 46 32 2e 49 54 53 2e  41 2e 4a 4f 4b 45 2e 4f  |6F2.ITS.A.JOKE.O|
000047e0  4b 3f 40 6b 65 63 68 62  2e 64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63  |K?@kechb.demon.c|
000047f0  6f 2e 75 6b 3e 0a 58 2d  4e 4e 54 50 2d 50 6f 73  |o.uk>.X-NNTP-Pos|
00004800  74 69 6e 67 2d 48 6f 73  74 3a 20 6b 65 63 68 62  |ting-Host: kechb|
00004810  2e 64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63  6f 2e 75 6b 0a 58 2d 4c  |.demon.co.uk.X-L|
00004820  65 6e 67 74 68 3a 20 31  32 38 39 0a 58 2d 4e 65  |ength: 1289.X-Ne|
00004830  77 73 72 65 61 64 65 72  3a 20 41 72 63 68 69 6d  |wsreader: Archim|
00004840  65 64 65 73 20 47 6c 6f  62 65 4d 61 69 6c 20 76  |edes GlobeMail v|
00004850  65 72 73 69 6f 6e 20 31  2e 33 33 0a 58 2d 54 72  |ersion 1.33.X-Tr|
00004860  61 6e 73 70 6f 72 74 65  72 3a 20 44 6f 67 67 79  |ansporter: Doggy|
00004870  73 6f 66 74 27 73 20 54  65 72 6d 69 74 65 20 49  |soft's Termite I|
00004880  6e 74 65 72 6e 65 74 0a  58 2d 4e 65 77 73 72 65  |nternet.X-Newsre|
00004890  61 64 65 72 2d 57 72 69  74 65 72 3a 20 69 61 69  |ader-Writer: iai|
000048a0  6e 40 6b 65 63 68 62 2e  64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f  |n@kechb.demon.co|
000048b0  2e 75 6b 0a 58 2d 48 65  61 64 65 72 2d 50 72 6f  |.uk.X-Header-Pro|
000048c0  62 6c 65 6d 73 3a 20 50  6c 65 61 73 65 20 6d 61  |blems: Please ma|
000048d0  69 6c 20 61 6e 79 20 68  65 61 64 65 72 20 70 72  |il any header pr|
000048e0  6f 62 6c 65 6d 73 20 74  6f 20 69 61 69 6e 40 6b  |oblems to iain@k|
000048f0  65 63 68 62 2e 64 65 6d  6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b  |echb.demon.co.uk|
00004900  0a 58 2d 53 4d 54 50 2d  50 6f 73 74 69 6e 67 2d  |.X-SMTP-Posting-|
00004910  48 6f 73 74 3a 20 6b 65  63 68 62 2e 64 65 6d 6f  |Host: kechb.demo|
00004920  6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b 20  5b 57 65 64 2c 20 36 20  |n.co.uk [Wed, 6 |
00004930  44 65 63 20 39 35 20 39  3a 34 34 3a 32 36 20 47  |Dec 95 9:44:26 G|
00004940  4d 54 5d 0a 58 2d 53 4d  54 50 2d 50 6f 73 74 69  |MT].X-SMTP-Posti|
00004950  6e 67 2d 48 6f 73 74 3a  20 70 6f 73 74 2e 64 65  |ng-Host: post.de|
00004960  6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75  6b 20 5b 57 65 64 2c 20  |mon.co.uk [Wed, |
00004970  36 20 44 65 63 20 39 35  20 39 3a 34 35 3a 35 34  |6 Dec 95 9:45:54|
00004980  20 47 4d 54 5d 0a 3e 20  4c 61 73 74 20 74 69 6d  | GMT].> Last tim|
00004990  65 20 49 20 6c 6f 6f 6b  65 64 20 3c 34 39 75 74  |e I looked <49ut|
000049a0  61 73 24 69 39 36 40 77  68 69 74 62 65 63 6b 2e  |as$i96@whitbeck.|
000049b0  6e 63 6c 2e 61 63 2e 75  6b 3e 20 41 2e 54 2e 53  |ncl.ac.uk> A.T.S|
000049c0  6d 69 74 68 40 6e 63 6c  2e 61 63 2e 75 6b 20 28  |mith@ncl.ac.uk (|
000049d0  22 41 2e 54 2e 20 53 6d  69 74 68 22 29 20 77 72  |"A.T. Smith") wr|
000049e0  6f 74 65 3a 0d 3e 20 0d  3e 20 3e 20 50 72 6f 6d  |ote:.> .> > Prom|
000049f0  69 73 65 20 79 6f 75 20  77 6f 6e 27 74 20 6c 61  |ise you won't la|
00004a00  75 67 68 20 3f 20 4f 6b  20 74 68 65 6e 2e 20 49  |ugh ? Ok then. I|
00004a10  20 28 4d 79 20 44 61 64  20 61 63 74 75 61 6c 6c  | (My Dad actuall|
00004a20  79 29 20 73 69 67 6e 65  64 20 75 70 20 66 6f 72  |y) signed up for|
00004a30  20 42 53 42 20 77 68 65  6e 0d 3e 20 3e 20 69 74  | BSB when.> > it|
00004a40  20 63 61 6d 65 20 6f 75  74 2c 20 49 20 68 61 76  | came out, I hav|
00004a50  65 6e 27 74 20 73 65 65  6e 20 61 20 62 65 74 74  |en't seen a bett|
00004a60  65 72 20 70 69 63 74 75  72 65 20 6f 6e 20 6f 75  |er picture on ou|
00004a70  72 20 54 56 20 61 74 20  68 6f 6d 65 20 73 69 6e  |r TV at home sin|
00004a80  63 65 20 74 68 65 20 42  53 42 0d 3e 20 3e 20 73  |ce the BSB.> > s|
00004a90  79 73 74 65 6d 20 77 61  73 20 73 68 75 74 20 64  |ystem was shut d|
00004aa0  6f 77 6e 2e 0d 3e 20 3e  20 0d 3e 20 3e 20 57 65  |own..> > .> > We|
00004ab0  20 64 69 64 6e 27 74 20  62 6f 74 68 65 72 20 73  | didn't bother s|
00004ac0  77 69 74 63 68 69 6e 67  20 74 6f 20 53 6b 79 20  |witching to Sky |
00004ad0  62 65 63 61 75 73 65 20  74 68 65 20 70 72 6f 67  |because the prog|
00004ae0  72 61 6d 6d 65 73 20 71  75 69 63 6b 6c 79 20 77  |rammes quickly w|
00004af0  65 6e 74 20 66 72 6f 6d  0d 3e 20 3e 20 67 6f 6f  |ent from.> > goo|
00004b00  64 20 74 6f 20 62 61 64  20 77 68 65 6e 20 42 53  |d to bad when BS|
00004b10  42 20 77 61 73 20 62 6f  75 67 68 74 20 6f 75 74  |B was bought out|
00004b20  2e 0d 3e 20 0d 3e 20 44  69 64 20 79 6f 75 20 6b  |..> .> Did you k|
00004b30  6e 6f 77 20 74 68 61 74  20 79 6f 75 20 63 61 6e  |now that you can|
00004b40  20 73 74 69 6c 6c 20 75  73 65 20 74 68 65 6d 3f  | still use them?|
00004b50  20 49 27 76 65 20 6f 66  74 65 6e 20 62 65 65 6e  | I've often been|
00004b60  20 74 65 6d 70 74 65 64  20 62 79 20 74 68 65 0d  | tempted by the.|
00004b70  3e 20 64 65 61 6c 65 72  73 20 73 65 6c 6c 69 6e  |> dealers sellin|
00004b80  67 20 74 68 65 20 63 6f  6e 76 65 72 73 69 6f 6e  |g the conversion|
00004b90  20 45 50 52 4f 4d 73 20  61 6e 64 20 63 6f 6d 70  | EPROMs and comp|
00004ba0  6c 65 74 65 20 72 65 63  65 69 76 65 72 73 20 61  |lete receivers a|
00004bb0  74 20 68 61 6d 20 72 61  64 69 6f 0d 3e 20 72 61  |t ham radio.> ra|
00004bc0  6c 6c 69 65 73 2e 20 54  68 65 79 20 6d 61 6b 65  |llies. They make|
00004bd0  20 74 68 65 20 64 65 63  6f 64 65 72 20 44 32 2d  | the decoder D2-|
00004be0  4d 41 43 20 28 49 20 74  68 69 6e 6b 29 2e 20 4f  |MAC (I think). O|
00004bf0  66 20 63 6f 75 72 73 65  20 79 6f 75 20 6e 65 65  |f course you nee|
00004c00  64 20 74 6f 20 6b 6e 6f  77 0d 3e 20 47 65 72 6d  |d to know.> Germ|
00004c10  61 6e 20 2f 20 49 74 61  6c 69 61 6e 20 2f 20 65  |an / Italian / e|
00004c20  74 63 20 66 6f 72 20 74  68 65 20 70 72 6f 67 72  |tc for the progr|
00004c30  61 6d 73 20 74 6f 20 6d  61 6b 65 20 61 6e 79 20  |ams to make any |
00004c40  73 65 6e 73 65 2e 20 3a  29 0d 0d 54 68 69 73 20  |sense. :)..This |
00004c50  69 73 20 77 65 6c 6c 20  6f 66 66 2d 74 6f 70 69  |is well off-topi|
00004c60  63 2e 2e 2e 20 61 6e 79  77 61 79 2e 2e 2e 0d 0d  |c... anyway.....|
00004c70  49 49 52 43 20 42 53 42  20 64 65 63 6f 64 65 72  |IIRC BSB decoder|
00004c80  73 20 61 72 65 20 61 6c  72 65 61 64 79 20 44 32  |s are already D2|
00004c90  2d 4d 41 43 20 45 75 72  6f 63 72 79 70 74 20 2d  |-MAC Eurocrypt -|
00004ca0  20 74 68 65 79 20 75 73  65 20 72 69 67 68 74 2d  | they use right-|
00004cb0  68 61 6e 64 0d 63 69 72  63 75 6c 61 72 20 70 6f  |hand.circular po|
00004cc0  6c 61 72 69 73 61 74 69  6f 6e 2c 20 77 68 69 63  |larisation, whic|
00004cd0  68 20 6f 6e 6c 79 20 42  53 42 20 65 76 65 72 20  |h only BSB ever |
00004ce0  75 73 65 64 2c 20 62 75  74 20 74 68 65 20 6d 6f  |used, but the mo|
00004cf0  64 20 63 68 61 6e 67 65  73 0d 74 68 65 6d 20 74  |d changes.them t|
00004d00  6f 20 75 73 65 20 76 65  72 74 69 63 61 6c 20 6f  |o use vertical o|
00004d10  72 20 68 6f 72 69 7a 6f  6e 74 61 6c 2e 20 54 68  |r horizontal. Th|
00004d20  65 72 65 27 73 20 61 20  6e 65 77 20 73 61 74 65  |ere's a new sate|
00004d30  6c 6c 69 74 65 20 75 70  20 61 74 0d 33 31 20 64  |llite up at.31 d|
00004d40  65 67 72 65 65 73 20 45  61 73 74 20 6f 72 20 77  |egrees East or w|
00004d50  68 65 72 65 76 65 72 20  42 53 42 27 73 20 77 61  |herever BSB's wa|
00004d60  73 2c 20 69 74 27 73 20  63 61 6c 6c 65 64 20 54  |s, it's called T|
00004d70  68 6f 72 20 6f 72 20 73  6f 6d 65 74 68 69 6e 67  |hor or something|
00004d80  0d 61 6e 64 20 62 72 6f  61 64 63 61 73 74 73 20  |.and broadcasts |
00004d90  76 61 72 69 6f 75 73 20  6e 6f 6e 2d 45 6e 67 6c  |various non-Engl|
00004da0  69 73 68 20 63 68 61 6e  6e 65 6c 73 20 28 6d 61  |ish channels (ma|
00004db0  69 6e 6c 79 20 46 72 65  6e 63 68 20 41 46 41 49  |inly French AFAI|
00004dc0  52 29 2e 0d 0d 0d 2d 2d  0d 44 61 76 69 64 20 4c  |R)....--.David L|
00004dd0  6f 6e 67 20 20 20 20 20  20 20 20 20 64 61 76 65  |ong         dave|
00004de0  40 6b 65 63 68 62 2e 64  65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e  |@kechb.demon.co.|
00004df0  75 6b 0d 68 74 74 70 3a  2f 2f 77 77 77 2e 69 63  |uk.http://www.ic|
00004e00  61 66 65 2e 63 6f 2e 7a  61 2f 6d 69 72 61 67 65  |afe.co.za/mirage|
00004e10  2f 6b 65 63 68 62 2f 64  61 76 65 2f 0d 0d 2e 2e  |/kechb/dave/....|
00004e20  2e 20 4e 6f 62 6f 64 79  20 65 78 70 65 63 74 73  |. Nobody expects|
00004e30  20 74 68 65 20 53 70 61  6e 69 73 68 20 49 6e 71  | the Spanish Inq|
00004e40  75 69 73 69 74 69 6f 6e  21 0d 50 61 74 68 3a 20  |uisition!.Path: |
00004e50  6e 65 77 73 2e 64 65 6d  6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b  |news.demon.co.uk|
00004e60  21 64 65 6d 6f 6e 21 6d  61 69 6c 32 6e 65 77 73  |!demon!mail2news|
00004e70  2e 64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63  6f 2e 75 6b 21 6b 65 63  |.demon.co.uk!kec|
00004e80  68 62 2e 64 65 6d 6f 6e  2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b 0a 46  |hb.demon.co.uk.F|
00004e90  72 6f 6d 3a 20 44 61 76  65 20 3c 44 61 76 65 40  |rom: Dave <Dave@|
00004ea0  6b 65 63 68 62 2e 64 65  6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75  |kechb.demon.co.u|
00004eb0  6b 3e 0a 4e 65 77 73 67  72 6f 75 70 73 3a 20 63  |k>.Newsgroups: c|
00004ec0  6f 6d 70 2e 73 79 73 2e  61 63 6f 72 6e 2e 6d 69  |omp.sys.acorn.mi|
00004ed0  73 63 0a 53 75 62 6a 65  63 74 3a 20 52 65 3a 20  |sc.Subject: Re: |
00004ee0  4c 65 74 73 20 48 61 76  65 20 61 20 67 6f 20 61  |Lets Have a go a|
00004ef0  74 20 47 6c 6f 62 65 4d  61 69 6c 28 21 29 20 28  |t GlobeMail(!) (|
00004f00  77 61 73 20 52 65 3a 20  41 63 6f 72 6e 20 43 6f  |was Re: Acorn Co|
00004f10  6d 70 75 74 65 72 73 20  4c 74 64 29 0a 44 61 74  |mputers Ltd).Dat|
00004f20  65 3a 20 57 65 64 2c 20  30 36 20 44 65 63 20 31  |e: Wed, 06 Dec 1|
00004f30  39 39 35 20 30 39 3a 34  32 3a 30 34 20 47 4d 54  |995 09:42:04 GMT|
00004f40  0a 4c 69 6e 65 73 3a 20  31 39 0a 4d 65 73 73 61  |.Lines: 19.Messa|
00004f50  67 65 2d 49 44 3a 20 3c  42 32 46 42 38 35 30 2e  |ge-ID: <B2FB850.|
00004f60  49 54 53 2e 41 2e 4a 4f  4b 45 2e 4f 4b 3f 40 6b  |ITS.A.JOKE.OK?@k|
00004f70  65 63 68 62 2e 64 65 6d  6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b  |echb.demon.co.uk|
00004f80  3e 0a 58 2d 4e 4e 54 50  2d 50 6f 73 74 69 6e 67  |>.X-NNTP-Posting|
00004f90  2d 48 6f 73 74 3a 20 6b  65 63 68 62 2e 64 65 6d  |-Host: kechb.dem|
00004fa0  6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b  0a 58 2d 4c 65 6e 67 74  |on.co.uk.X-Lengt|
00004fb0  68 3a 20 37 31 30 0a 58  2d 4e 65 77 73 72 65 61  |h: 710.X-Newsrea|
00004fc0  64 65 72 3a 20 41 72 63  68 69 6d 65 64 65 73 20  |der: Archimedes |
00004fd0  47 6c 6f 62 65 4d 61 69  6c 20 76 65 72 73 69 6f  |GlobeMail versio|
00004fe0  6e 20 31 2e 33 33 0a 58  2d 54 72 61 6e 73 70 6f  |n 1.33.X-Transpo|
00004ff0  72 74 65 72 3a 20 44 6f  67 67 79 73 6f 66 74 27  |rter: Doggysoft'|
00005000  73 20 54 65 72 6d 69 74  65 20 49 6e 74 65 72 6e  |s Termite Intern|
00005010  65 74 0a 58 2d 4e 65 77  73 72 65 61 64 65 72 2d  |et.X-Newsreader-|
00005020  57 72 69 74 65 72 3a 20  69 61 69 6e 40 6b 65 63  |Writer: iain@kec|
00005030  68 62 2e 64 65 6d 6f 6e  2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b 0a 58  |hb.demon.co.uk.X|
00005040  2d 48 65 61 64 65 72 2d  50 72 6f 62 6c 65 6d 73  |-Header-Problems|
00005050  3a 20 50 6c 65 61 73 65  20 6d 61 69 6c 20 61 6e  |: Please mail an|
00005060  79 20 68 65 61 64 65 72  20 70 72 6f 62 6c 65 6d  |y header problem|
00005070  73 20 74 6f 20 69 61 69  6e 40 6b 65 63 68 62 2e  |s to iain@kechb.|
00005080  64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f  2e 75 6b 0a 58 2d 53 4d  |demon.co.uk.X-SM|
00005090  54 50 2d 50 6f 73 74 69  6e 67 2d 48 6f 73 74 3a  |TP-Posting-Host:|
000050a0  20 6b 65 63 68 62 2e 64  65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e  | kechb.demon.co.|
000050b0  75 6b 20 5b 57 65 64 2c  20 36 20 44 65 63 20 39  |uk [Wed, 6 Dec 9|
000050c0  35 20 39 3a 34 34 3a 32  36 20 47 4d 54 5d 0a 58  |5 9:44:26 GMT].X|
000050d0  2d 53 4d 54 50 2d 50 6f  73 74 69 6e 67 2d 48 6f  |-SMTP-Posting-Ho|
000050e0  73 74 3a 20 70 6f 73 74  2e 64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63  |st: post.demon.c|
000050f0  6f 2e 75 6b 20 5b 57 65  64 2c 20 36 20 44 65 63  |o.uk [Wed, 6 Dec|
00005100  20 39 35 20 39 3a 34 35  3a 35 33 20 47 4d 54 5d  | 95 9:45:53 GMT]|
00005110  0a 4e 65 77 73 67 72 6f  75 70 73 3a 20 63 6f 6d  |.Newsgroups: com|
00005120  70 2e 73 79 73 2e 61 63  6f 72 6e 2e 6d 69 73 63  |p.sys.acorn.misc|
00005130  0d 53 75 62 6a 65 63 74  3a 20 52 65 3a 20 4c 65  |.Subject: Re: Le|
00005140  74 73 20 48 61 76 65 20  61 20 67 6f 20 61 74 20  |ts Have a go at |
00005150  47 6c 6f 62 65 4d 61 69  6c 28 21 29 20 28 77 61  |GlobeMail(!) (wa|
00005160  73 20 52 65 3a 20 41 63  6f 72 6e 20 43 6f 6d 70  |s Re: Acorn Comp|
00005170  75 74 65 72 73 20 4c 74  64 29 0d 0d 3e 20 49 6e  |uters Ltd)..> In|
00005180  20 66 61 63 74 20 22 61  20 73 65 6c 65 63 74 69  | fact "a selecti|
00005190  6f 6e 20 6f 66 20 75 73  65 66 75 6c 20 68 65 61  |on of useful hea|
000051a0  64 65 72 73 22 20 6d 65  61 6e 73 20 22 61 6c 6c  |ders" means "all|
000051b0  20 68 65 61 64 65 72 73  20 65 78 63 65 70 74 20  | headers except |
000051c0  74 68 6f 73 65 20 74 68  61 74 0d 3e 20 49 20 6b  |those that.> I k|
000051d0  6e 6f 77 20 61 72 65 6e  27 74 20 74 65 72 72 69  |now aren't terri|
000051e0  62 6c 79 20 75 73 65 66  75 6c 2c 20 6c 69 6b 65  |bly useful, like|
000051f0  20 50 61 74 68 20 61 6e  64 20 52 65 66 65 72 65  | Path and Refere|
00005200  6e 63 65 73 22 20 2d 20  73 6f 20 74 68 61 74 20  |nces" - so that |
00005210  69 6e 63 6c 75 64 65 73  20 0d 3e 20 61 6c 6c 20  |includes .> all |
00005220  74 68 65 20 70 6f 69 6e  74 6c 65 73 73 20 47 6c  |the pointless Gl|
00005230  6f 62 65 4d 61 69 6c 20  68 65 61 64 65 72 73 2c  |obeMail headers,|
00005240  20 73 69 6e 63 65 20 74  72 6e 20 63 61 6e 27 74  | since trn can't|
00005250  20 74 65 6c 6c 20 74 68  61 74 20 74 68 65 79 27  | tell that they'|
00005260  72 65 20 6e 6f 74 0d 3e  20 75 73 65 66 75 6c 2e  |re not.> useful.|
00005270  0d 0d 53 75 72 65 6c 79  20 69 74 20 73 74 72 69  |..Surely it stri|
00005280  70 73 20 6f 75 74 20 74  68 65 20 22 58 2d 2e 2e  |ps out the "X-..|
00005290  2e 22 20 68 65 61 64 65  72 73 20 61 73 20 77 65  |." headers as we|
000052a0  6c 6c 3f 20 49 20 74 68  6f 75 67 68 74 20 74 68  |ll? I thought th|
000052b0  65 79 20 77 65 72 65 0d  64 65 73 69 67 6e 65 64  |ey were.designed|
000052c0  20 66 6f 72 20 6c 65 73  73 20 75 73 65 66 75 6c  | for less useful|
000052d0  20 69 6e 66 6f 72 6d 61  74 69 6f 6e 20 28 73 75  | information (su|
000052e0  63 68 20 61 73 20 68 75  6d 61 6e 2d 72 65 61 64  |ch as human-read|
000052f0  61 62 6c 65 20 73 74 75  66 66 29 20 73 6f 0d 74  |able stuff) so.t|
00005300  68 65 79 20 73 68 6f 75  6c 64 6e 27 74 20 62 65  |hey shouldn't be|
00005310  20 69 6e 63 6c 75 64 65  64 20 62 79 20 74 72 6e  | included by trn|
00005320  3f 0d 0d 0d 2d 2d 0d 44  61 76 69 64 20 4c 6f 6e  |?...--.David Lon|
00005330  67 20 20 20 20 20 20 20  20 20 64 61 76 65 40 6b  |g         dave@k|
00005340  65 63 68 62 2e 64 65 6d  6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b  |echb.demon.co.uk|
00005350  0d 68 74 74 70 3a 2f 2f  77 77 77 2e 69 63 61 66  |.http://www.icaf|
00005360  65 2e 63 6f 2e 7a 61 2f  6d 69 72 61 67 65 2f 6b  |e.co.za/mirage/k|
00005370  65 63 68 62 2f 64 61 76  65 2f 0d 0d 2e 2e 2e 20  |echb/dave/..... |
00005380  41 6e 59 20 33 4c 33 33  54 33 20 64 30 30 64 5a  |AnY 3L33T3 d00dZ|
00005390  20 6f 55 74 20 54 68 45  72 45 3f 0d 50 61 74 68  | oUt ThErE?.Path|
000053a0  3a 20 6e 65 77 73 2e 64  65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e  |: news.demon.co.|
000053b0  75 6b 21 64 65 6d 6f 6e  21 6d 61 69 6c 32 6e 65  |uk!demon!mail2ne|
000053c0  77 73 2e 64 65 6d 6f 6e  2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b 21 6b  |ws.demon.co.uk!k|
000053d0  65 63 68 62 2e 64 65 6d  6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b  |echb.demon.co.uk|
000053e0  0a 46 72 6f 6d 3a 20 44  61 76 65 20 3c 44 61 76  |.From: Dave <Dav|
000053f0  65 40 6b 65 63 68 62 2e  64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f  |e@kechb.demon.co|
00005400  2e 75 6b 3e 0a 4e 65 77  73 67 72 6f 75 70 73 3a  |.uk>.Newsgroups:|
00005410  20 63 6f 6d 70 2e 73 79  73 2e 61 63 6f 72 6e 2e  | comp.sys.acorn.|
00005420  6d 69 73 63 0a 53 75 62  6a 65 63 74 3a 20 52 65  |misc.Subject: Re|
00005430  3a 20 52 75 6e 6e 69 6e  67 20 42 6c 75 20 6f 6e  |: Running Blu on|
00005440  20 61 20 52 69 73 63 50  43 20 37 30 30 0a 44 61  | a RiscPC 700.Da|
00005450  74 65 3a 20 57 65 64 2c  20 30 36 20 44 65 63 20  |te: Wed, 06 Dec |
00005460  31 39 39 35 20 30 39 3a  34 32 3a 30 32 20 47 4d  |1995 09:42:02 GM|
00005470  54 0a 4c 69 6e 65 73 3a  20 33 30 0a 4d 65 73 73  |T.Lines: 30.Mess|
00005480  61 67 65 2d 49 44 3a 20  3c 36 46 44 42 41 38 44  |age-ID: <6FDBA8D|
00005490  32 2e 49 54 53 2e 41 2e  4a 4f 4b 45 2e 4f 4b 3f  |2.ITS.A.JOKE.OK?|
000054a0  40 6b 65 63 68 62 2e 64  65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e  |@kechb.demon.co.|
000054b0  75 6b 3e 0a 58 2d 4e 4e  54 50 2d 50 6f 73 74 69  |uk>.X-NNTP-Posti|
000054c0  6e 67 2d 48 6f 73 74 3a  20 6b 65 63 68 62 2e 64  |ng-Host: kechb.d|
000054d0  65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e  75 6b 0a 58 2d 4c 65 6e  |emon.co.uk.X-Len|
000054e0  67 74 68 3a 20 31 34 32  38 0a 58 2d 4e 65 77 73  |gth: 1428.X-News|
000054f0  72 65 61 64 65 72 3a 20  41 72 63 68 69 6d 65 64  |reader: Archimed|
00005500  65 73 20 47 6c 6f 62 65  4d 61 69 6c 20 76 65 72  |es GlobeMail ver|
00005510  73 69 6f 6e 20 31 2e 33  33 0a 58 2d 54 72 61 6e  |sion 1.33.X-Tran|
00005520  73 70 6f 72 74 65 72 3a  20 44 6f 67 67 79 73 6f  |sporter: Doggyso|
00005530  66 74 27 73 20 54 65 72  6d 69 74 65 20 49 6e 74  |ft's Termite Int|
00005540  65 72 6e 65 74 0a 58 2d  4e 65 77 73 72 65 61 64  |ernet.X-Newsread|
00005550  65 72 2d 57 72 69 74 65  72 3a 20 69 61 69 6e 40  |er-Writer: iain@|
00005560  6b 65 63 68 62 2e 64 65  6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75  |kechb.demon.co.u|
00005570  6b 0a 58 2d 48 65 61 64  65 72 2d 50 72 6f 62 6c  |k.X-Header-Probl|
00005580  65 6d 73 3a 20 50 6c 65  61 73 65 20 6d 61 69 6c  |ems: Please mail|
00005590  20 61 6e 79 20 68 65 61  64 65 72 20 70 72 6f 62  | any header prob|
000055a0  6c 65 6d 73 20 74 6f 20  69 61 69 6e 40 6b 65 63  |lems to iain@kec|
000055b0  68 62 2e 64 65 6d 6f 6e  2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b 0a 58  |hb.demon.co.uk.X|
000055c0  2d 53 4d 54 50 2d 50 6f  73 74 69 6e 67 2d 48 6f  |-SMTP-Posting-Ho|
000055d0  73 74 3a 20 6b 65 63 68  62 2e 64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e  |st: kechb.demon.|
000055e0  63 6f 2e 75 6b 20 5b 57  65 64 2c 20 36 20 44 65  |co.uk [Wed, 6 De|
000055f0  63 20 39 35 20 39 3a 34  34 3a 30 37 20 47 4d 54  |c 95 9:44:07 GMT|
00005600  5d 0a 58 2d 53 4d 54 50  2d 50 6f 73 74 69 6e 67  |].X-SMTP-Posting|
00005610  2d 48 6f 73 74 3a 20 70  6f 73 74 2e 64 65 6d 6f  |-Host: post.demo|
00005620  6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b 20  5b 57 65 64 2c 20 36 20  |n.co.uk [Wed, 6 |
00005630  44 65 63 20 39 35 20 39  3a 34 35 3a 33 39 20 47  |Dec 95 9:45:39 G|
00005640  4d 54 5d 0a 3e 20 20 20  49 20 2a 72 65 61 6c 6c  |MT].>   I *reall|
00005650  79 2a 20 6c 69 6b 65 20  74 68 65 20 6d 75 73 69  |y* like the musi|
00005660  63 2e 20 20 49 20 64 65  63 69 64 65 64 20 74 6f  |c.  I decided to|
00005670  20 74 72 79 20 61 6e 64  20 72 69 70 20 69 74 20  | try and rip it |
00005680  75 73 69 6e 67 0d 3e 20  44 65 73 6b 74 6f 70 48  |using.> DesktopH|
00005690  61 63 6b 65 72 2c 20 62  75 74 20 49 20 67 6f 74  |acker, but I got|
000056a0  20 61 6e 20 65 72 72 6f  72 20 6d 65 73 73 61 67  | an error messag|
000056b0  65 20 74 65 6c 6c 69 6e  67 20 6d 65 20 74 68 61  |e telling me tha|
000056c0  74 20 74 68 65 72 65 27  73 20 61 6e 20 65 72 72  |t there's an err|
000056d0  6f 72 20 69 6e 0d 3e 20  6d 79 20 6d 65 6d 6f 72  |or in.> my memor|
000056e0  79 20 6d 61 70 2c 20 61  6e 64 20 6d 75 73 74 20  |y map, and must |
000056f0  63 6f 6e 74 61 63 74 20  6d 79 20 64 65 61 6c 65  |contact my deale|
00005700  72 20 69 6d 6d 65 64 69  61 74 65 6c 79 2e 20 20  |r immediately.  |
00005710  49 20 73 65 65 20 74 68  69 73 20 65 72 72 6f 72  |I see this error|
00005720  20 69 73 0d 3e 20 69 6e  20 74 68 65 20 63 6f 64  | is.> in the cod|
00005730  65 20 6f 66 20 21 62 6c  75 2c 20 61 6e 64 20 6e  |e of !blu, and n|
00005740  6f 74 20 61 6e 20 41 63  6f 72 6e 20 65 72 72 6f  |ot an Acorn erro|
00005750  72 2c 20 73 6f 20 77 68  61 74 20 67 69 76 65 73  |r, so what gives|
00005760  3f 0d 0d 4f 75 74 20 6f  66 20 69 6e 74 65 72 65  |?..Out of intere|
00005770  73 74 20 49 20 74 72 69  65 64 20 74 68 65 20 73  |st I tried the s|
00005780  61 6d 65 20 65 61 72 6c  69 65 72 2e 20 54 68 65  |ame earlier. The|
00005790  20 77 65 69 72 64 20 74  68 69 6e 67 20 69 73 20  | weird thing is |
000057a0  74 68 61 74 20 79 6f 75  0d 64 6f 6e 27 74 20 65  |that you.don't e|
000057b0  76 65 6e 20 68 61 76 65  20 74 6f 20 64 72 61 67  |ven have to drag|
000057c0  20 42 6c 75 20 74 6f 20  44 65 73 6b 74 6f 70 20  | Blu to Desktop |
000057d0  48 61 63 6b 65 72 20 2d  20 6a 75 73 74 20 72 75  |Hacker - just ru|
000057e0  6e 6e 69 6e 67 20 42 6c  75 20 77 68 69 6c 65 0d  |nning Blu while.|
000057f0  64 48 20 69 73 20 6f 6e  20 74 68 65 20 69 63 6f  |dH is on the ico|
00005800  6e 20 62 61 72 20 67 69  76 65 73 20 74 68 65 20  |n bar gives the |
00005810  73 61 6d 65 20 65 72 72  6f 72 2e 20 64 48 20 6d  |same error. dH m|
00005820  75 73 74 20 64 6f 20 73  6f 6d 65 74 68 69 6e 67  |ust do something|
00005830  20 73 74 72 61 6e 67 65  0d 74 6f 20 7a 65 72 6f  | strange.to zero|
00005840  20 70 61 67 65 2c 20 77  68 69 63 68 20 42 6c 75  | page, which Blu|
00005850  20 64 6f 65 73 6e 27 74  20 6c 69 6b 65 2e 20 41  | doesn't like. A|
00005860  6e 79 20 69 64 65 61 73  2c 20 41 6e 64 72 65 77  |ny ideas, Andrew|
00005870  20 22 4d 65 67 61 64 69  73 6b 61 73 61 75 72 75  | "Megadiskasauru|
00005880  73 22 0d 43 6c 6f 76 65  72 3f 0d 0d 49 20 74 68  |s".Clover?..I th|
00005890  6f 75 67 68 74 20 61 62  6f 75 74 20 72 75 6e 6e  |ought about runn|
000058a0  69 6e 67 20 69 74 20 77  69 74 68 20 6f 6c 64 20  |ing it with old |
000058b0  48 61 63 6b 65 72 20 62  75 74 20 48 61 63 6b 65  |Hacker but Hacke|
000058c0  72 20 64 6f 65 73 6e 27  74 20 72 75 6e 20 6f 6e  |r doesn't run on|
000058d0  0d 74 68 65 20 52 69 73  63 20 50 43 20 61 6e 64  |.the Risc PC and|
000058e0  20 42 6c 75 20 6f 6e 6c  79 20 72 75 6e 73 20 6f  | Blu only runs o|
000058f0  6e 20 52 69 73 63 20 50  43 73 2e 2e 2e 20 62 75  |n Risc PCs... bu|
00005900  67 67 65 72 20 3a 2d 29  0d 0d 4e 6f 74 65 20 74  |gger :-)..Note t|
00005910  6f 20 61 6e 79 6f 6e 65  20 66 6f 6c 6c 6f 77 69  |o anyone followi|
00005920  6e 67 20 6d 79 20 72 61  6d 62 6c 69 6e 67 73 20  |ng my ramblings |
00005930  69 6e 20 74 68 65 20 43  41 4d 20 4d 61 70 20 43  |in the CAM Map C|
00005940  6f 72 72 75 70 74 20 74  68 72 65 61 64 3a 0d 49  |orrupt thread:.I|
00005950  20 73 61 69 64 20 74 6f  20 50 68 69 6c 6c 69 70  | said to Phillip|
00005960  20 54 65 6d 70 6c 65 20  74 68 61 74 20 79 6f 75  | Temple that you|
00005970  20 64 6f 6e 27 74 20 61  6c 77 61 79 73 20 67 65  | don't always ge|
00005980  74 20 74 68 65 20 65 72  72 6f 72 20 65 76 65 6e  |t the error even|
00005990  20 69 66 0d 79 6f 75 72  20 66 72 65 65 20 61 6e  | if.your free an|
000059a0  64 20 75 73 65 64 20 6d  65 6d 6f 72 79 20 64 6f  |d used memory do|
000059b0  6e 27 74 20 61 64 64 20  75 70 20 2d 20 42 6c 75  |n't add up - Blu|
000059c0  20 63 61 6e 20 63 61 75  73 65 20 74 68 69 73 2c  | can cause this,|
000059d0  20 49 20 6d 61 6e 61 67  65 64 0d 69 74 20 65 61  | I managed.it ea|
000059e0  72 6c 69 65 72 2e 20 41  66 74 65 72 20 74 68 65  |rlier. After the|
000059f0  20 62 6f 72 69 6e 67 20  69 6e 74 72 6f 20 73 63  | boring intro sc|
00005a00  72 65 65 6e 73 20 69 74  20 63 72 61 73 68 65 64  |reens it crashed|
00005a10  20 6f 75 74 20 66 6f 72  20 73 6f 6d 65 0d 72 65  | out for some.re|
00005a20  61 73 6f 6e 20 28 69 74  20 70 72 6f 62 61 62 6c  |ason (it probabl|
00005a30  79 20 67 61 76 65 20 50  72 65 73 73 20 53 50 41  |y gave Press SPA|
00005a40  43 45 20 6f 72 20 63 6c  69 63 6b 20 6d 6f 75 73  |CE or click mous|
00005a50  65 20 74 6f 20 63 6f 6e  74 69 6e 75 65 2c 20 62  |e to continue, b|
00005a60  75 74 0d 61 73 20 74 68  65 20 70 61 6c 65 74 74  |ut.as the palett|
00005a70  65 20 77 61 73 20 61 6c  6c 20 62 6c 61 63 6b 2c  |e was all black,|
00005a80  20 49 20 63 6f 75 6c 64  6e 27 74 20 73 65 65 20  | I couldn't see |
00005a90  3a 2d 29 20 29 20 61 6e  64 20 49 20 6e 6f 74 69  |:-) ) and I noti|
00005aa0  63 65 64 20 49 0d 6f 6e  6c 79 20 68 61 64 20 31  |ced I.only had 1|
00005ab0  4d 62 20 66 72 65 65 20  69 6e 20 74 68 65 20 54  |Mb free in the T|
00005ac0  61 73 6b 20 4d 61 6e 61  67 65 72 2c 20 77 68 65  |ask Manager, whe|
00005ad0  72 65 61 73 20 49 20 68  61 64 20 6f 76 65 72 20  |reas I had over |
00005ae0  33 4d 62 20 62 65 66 6f  72 65 0d 72 75 6e 6e 69  |3Mb before.runni|
00005af0  6e 67 20 69 74 2e 20 54  68 65 20 6e 75 6d 62 65  |ng it. The numbe|
00005b00  72 73 20 6a 75 73 74 20  64 69 64 6e 27 74 20 61  |rs just didn't a|
00005b10  64 64 20 75 70 2e 0d 0d  0d 2d 2d 0d 44 61 76 69  |dd up....--.Davi|
00005b20  64 20 4c 6f 6e 67 20 20  20 20 20 20 20 20 20 64  |d Long         d|
00005b30  61 76 65 40 6b 65 63 68  62 2e 64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e  |ave@kechb.demon.|
00005b40  63 6f 2e 75 6b 0d 68 74  74 70 3a 2f 2f 77 77 77  |co.uk.http://www|
00005b50  2e 69 63 61 66 65 2e 63  6f 2e 7a 61 2f 6d 69 72  |.icafe.co.za/mir|
00005b60  61 67 65 2f 6b 65 63 68  62 2f 64 61 76 65 2f 0d  |age/kechb/dave/.|
00005b70  0d 2e 2e 2e 20 22 48 61  73 20 65 69 67 68 74 65  |.... "Has eighte|
00005b80  65 6e 20 6c 65 74 74 65  72 73 22 20 64 6f 65 73  |en letters" does|
00005b90  2e 0d 50 61 74 68 3a 20  6e 65 77 73 2e 64 65 6d  |..Path: news.dem|
00005ba0  6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b  21 64 65 6d 6f 6e 21 73  |on.co.uk!demon!s|
00005bb0  6a 2d 72 73 72 63 68 2e  64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f  |j-rsrch.demon.co|
00005bc0  2e 75 6b 21 6e 6f 74 2d  66 6f 72 2d 6d 61 69 6c  |.uk!not-for-mail|
00005bd0  0a 46 72 6f 6d 3a 20 70  72 74 40 73 6a 2e 63 6f  |.From: prt@sj.co|
00005be0  2e 75 6b 20 28 50 61 75  6c 20 52 20 54 68 6f 72  |.uk (Paul R Thor|
00005bf0  6e 74 6f 6e 29 0a 4e 65  77 73 67 72 6f 75 70 73  |nton).Newsgroups|
00005c00  3a 20 63 6f 6d 70 2e 73  79 73 2e 61 63 6f 72 6e  |: comp.sys.acorn|
00005c10  2e 6d 69 73 63 0a 53 75  62 6a 65 63 74 3a 20 52  |.misc.Subject: R|
00005c20  65 3a 20 48 45 4c 50 21  21 20 2d 20 50 61 72 74  |e: HELP!! - Part|
00005c30  69 74 69 6f 6e 73 20 6f  6e 20 61 6e 20 41 35 34  |itions on an A54|
00005c40  30 20 75 73 69 6e 67 20  61 6e 20 41 63 6f 72 6e  |0 using an Acorn|
00005c50  20 53 43 53 49 20 63 61  72 64 20 3f 3f 0a 44 61  | SCSI card ??.Da|
00005c60  74 65 3a 20 54 75 65 2c  20 30 35 20 44 65 63 20  |te: Tue, 05 Dec |
00005c70  31 39 39 35 20 31 39 3a  35 32 3a 34 31 20 47 4d  |1995 19:52:41 GM|
00005c80  54 0a 4f 72 67 61 6e 69  7a 61 74 69 6f 6e 3a 20  |T.Organization: |
00005c90  53 4a 20 52 65 73 65 61  72 63 68 20 4c 74 64 2c  |SJ Research Ltd,|
00005ca0  20 43 61 6d 62 72 69 64  67 65 2c 20 55 4b 0a 4c  | Cambridge, UK.L|
00005cb0  69 6e 65 73 3a 20 32 36  0a 44 69 73 74 72 69 62  |ines: 26.Distrib|
00005cc0  75 74 69 6f 6e 3a 20 77  6f 72 6c 64 0a 4d 65 73  |ution: world.Mes|
00005cd0  73 61 67 65 2d 49 44 3a  20 3c 63 35 37 63 62 24  |sage-ID: <c57cb$|
00005ce0  31 33 33 34 32 39 2e 32  39 36 40 73 6a 2d 72 73  |133429.296@sj-rs|
00005cf0  72 63 68 2e 64 65 6d 6f  6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b 3e  |rch.demon.co.uk>|
00005d00  0a 52 65 66 65 72 65 6e  63 65 73 3a 20 3c 69 6e  |.References: <in|
00005d10  74 65 72 6e 65 77 73 34  36 37 35 33 42 35 44 46  |ternews46753B5DF|
00005d20  41 40 61 72 67 6f 6e 65  74 2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b 3e  |A@argonet.co.uk>|
00005d30  0a 58 2d 4e 4e 54 50 2d  50 6f 73 74 69 6e 67 2d  |.X-NNTP-Posting-|
00005d40  48 6f 73 74 3a 20 73 6a  2d 72 73 72 63 68 2e 64  |Host: sj-rsrch.d|
00005d50  65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e  75 6b 0a 58 2d 4e 65 77  |emon.co.uk.X-New|
00005d60  73 72 65 61 64 65 72 3a  20 57 69 6e 56 4e 20 30  |sreader: WinVN 0|
00005d70  2e 39 39 2e 35 0a 4d 49  4d 45 2d 56 65 72 73 69  |.99.5.MIME-Versi|
00005d80  6f 6e 3a 20 31 2e 30 0a  43 6f 6e 74 65 6e 74 2d  |on: 1.0.Content-|
00005d90  54 79 70 65 3a 20 54 65  78 74 2f 50 6c 61 69 6e  |Type: Text/Plain|
00005da0  3b 20 63 68 61 72 73 65  74 3d 49 53 4f 2d 38 38  |; charset=ISO-88|
00005db0  35 39 2d 31 0a 49 6e 20  61 72 74 69 63 6c 65 20  |59-1.In article |
00005dc0  3c 69 6e 74 65 72 6e 65  77 73 34 36 37 35 33 42  |<internews46753B|
00005dd0  35 44 46 41 40 61 72 67  6f 6e 65 74 2e 63 6f 2e  |5DFA@argonet.co.|
00005de0  75 6b 3e 2c 20 72 69 63  68 61 72 64 40 61 72 67  |uk>, richard@arg|
00005df0  6f 6e 65 74 2e 63 6f 2e  75 6b 20 73 61 79 73 2e  |onet.co.uk says.|
00005e00  2e 2e 0a 3e 0a 3e 44 6f  65 73 20 61 6e 79 6f 6e  |...>.>Does anyon|
00005e10  65 20 6b 6e 6f 77 20 69  66 20 61 20 70 72 6f 67  |e know if a prog|
00005e20  72 61 6d 20 66 72 6f 6d  20 42 72 69 61 6e 20 42  |ram from Brian B|
00005e30  72 75 6e 73 77 69 63 6b  20 63 61 6c 6c 65 64 20  |runswick called |
00005e40  21 50 61 72 74 69 74 69  6f 6e 73 20 77 69 6c 6c  |!Partitions will|
00005e50  20 0a 6c 65 74 0a 3e 6d  65 20 63 72 65 61 74 65  | .let.>me create|
00005e60  20 74 77 6f 20 52 49 53  43 20 4f 53 20 70 61 72  | two RISC OS par|
00005e70  74 69 74 69 6f 6e 73 20  6f 6e 20 6d 79 20 41 35  |titions on my A5|
00005e80  34 30 20 77 69 74 68 20  61 6e 20 41 63 6f 72 6e  |40 with an Acorn|
00005e90  20 53 43 53 49 20 63 61  72 64 20 61 6e 64 20 61  | SCSI card and a|
00005ea0  20 0a 31 47 42 0a 3e 68  61 72 64 20 64 69 73 63  | .1GB.>hard disc|
00005eb0  20 3f 0a 0a 59 65 73 2c  20 49 20 68 61 76 65 20  | ?..Yes, I have |
00005ec0  62 65 65 6e 20 75 73 69  6e 67 20 69 74 20 69 6e  |been using it in|
00005ed0  20 61 20 52 50 43 20 28  41 6e 64 20 61 6e 20 41  | a RPC (And an A|
00005ee0  35 4b 20 62 65 66 6f 72  65 20 74 68 61 74 29 20  |5K before that) |
00005ef0  77 69 74 68 20 61 6e 20  49 42 4d 0a 64 69 73 63  |with an IBM.disc|
00005f00  20 66 6f 72 20 31 38 20  6d 6f 6e 74 68 73 20 6e  | for 18 months n|
00005f10  6f 77 2c 20 61 6e 64 20  6e 65 76 65 72 20 68 61  |ow, and never ha|
00005f20  64 20 61 20 70 72 6f 62  6c 65 6d 2e 20 20 49 20  |d a problem.  I |
00005f30  64 6f 6e 27 74 20 73 65  65 20 77 68 79 20 69 74  |don't see why it|
00005f40  20 77 6f 6e 27 74 0a 77  6f 72 6b 20 69 6e 20 61  | won't.work in a|
00005f50  6e 20 41 35 34 30 2e 0a  0a 3e 49 66 20 73 6f 2c  |n A540...>If so,|
00005f60  20 77 68 65 72 65 20 63  61 6e 20 49 20 67 65 74  | where can I get|
00005f70  20 68 6f 6c 64 20 6f 66  20 61 20 63 6f 70 79 20  | hold of a copy |
00005f80  3f 0a 0a 49 20 6f 6e 6c  79 20 68 61 76 65 20 61  |?..I only have a|
00005f90  20 6d 6f 64 69 66 69 65  64 20 63 6f 70 79 2c 20  | modified copy, |
00005fa0  62 75 74 20 49 20 74 68  69 6e 6b 20 69 74 20 69  |but I think it i|
00005fb0  73 20 77 69 64 65 6c 79  20 61 76 61 69 6c 61 62  |s widely availab|
00005fc0  6c 65 2e 0a 0a 0a 2d 2d  0a 50 61 75 6c 0a 0a 3c  |le....--.Paul..<|
00005fd0  3d 3d 3d 3d 3d 3d 3d 3d  3d 3d 3d 3d 3d 3d 3d 3d  |================|
00006010  3d 3d 3d 3d 3d 3d 3d 3d  3d 3d 3d 3e 0a 20 20 20  |===========>.   |
00006020  20 50 61 75 6c 20 54 68  6f 72 6e 74 6f 6e 2c 20  | Paul Thornton, |
00006030  52 65 73 65 61 72 63 68  20 26 20 44 65 76 65 6c  |Research & Devel|
00006040  6f 70 6d 65 6e 74 2c 20  53 4a 20 52 65 73 65 61  |opment, SJ Resea|
00006050  72 63 68 20 4c 74 64 2c  20 43 61 6d 62 72 69 64  |rch Ltd, Cambrid|
00006060  67 65 2c 20 55 4b 0a 20  20 54 65 6c 3a 20 28 30  |ge, UK.  Tel: (0|
00006070  31 32 32 33 29 20 34 31  36 37 31 35 20 20 20 20  |1223) 416715    |
00006080  20 20 20 46 61 78 3a 20  28 30 31 32 32 33 29 20  |   Fax: (01223) |
00006090  34 31 36 34 34 30 20 20  20 20 20 20 20 45 2d 4d  |416440       E-M|
000060a0  61 69 6c 3a 20 20 70 72  74 40 73 6a 2e 63 6f 2e  |ail:  prt@sj.co.|
000060b0  75 6b 0a 0a 0a 50 61 74  68 3a 20 6e 65 77 73 2e  |uk...Path: news.|
000060c0  64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f  2e 75 6b 21 64 65 6d 6f  |demon.co.uk!demo|
000060d0  6e 21 74 61 6e 6b 2e 6e  65 77 73 2e 70 69 70 65  |n!tank.news.pipe|
000060e0  78 2e 6e 65 74 21 70 69  70 65 78 21 6e 65 77 73  |x.net!pipex!news|
000060f0  2e 6d 61 74 68 77 6f 72  6b 73 2e 63 6f 6d 21 6e  |.mathworks.com!n|
00006100  65 77 73 66 65 65 64 2e  69 6e 74 65 72 6e 65 74  |ewsfeed.internet|
00006110  6d 63 69 2e 63 6f 6d 21  63 68 69 2d 6e 65 77 73  |mci.com!chi-news|
00006120  2e 63 69 63 2e 6e 65 74  21 6e 6e 74 70 2e 63 6f  |.cic.net!nntp.co|
00006130  61 73 74 2e 6e 65 74 21  73 77 69 64 69 72 2e 73  |ast.net!swidir.s|
00006140  77 69 74 63 68 2e 63 68  21 69 6e 32 70 33 2e 66  |witch.ch!in2p3.f|
00006150  72 21 75 6e 69 76 2d 6c  79 6f 6e 31 2e 66 72 21  |r!univ-lyon1.fr!|
00006160  64 73 69 2e 75 6e 69 6d  69 2e 69 74 21 61 69 78  |dsi.unimi.it!aix|
00006170  31 2e 63 64 63 2e 70 6f  6c 69 6d 69 2e 69 74 21  |1.cdc.polimi.it!|
00006180  63 64 63 38 67 35 2e 63  64 63 2e 70 6f 6c 69 6d  |cdc8g5.cdc.polim|
00006190  69 2e 69 74 21 70 65 6c  30 30 31 35 0a 46 72 6f  |i.it!pel0015.Fro|
000061a0  6d 3a 20 70 65 6c 30 30  31 35 40 63 64 63 38 67  |m: pel0015@cdc8g|
000061b0  35 2e 63 64 63 2e 70 6f  6c 69 6d 69 2e 69 74 20  |5.cdc.polimi.it |
000061c0  28 53 65 72 67 69 6f 20  4d 6f 6e 65 73 69 29 0a  |(Sergio Monesi).|
000061d0  4e 65 77 73 67 72 6f 75  70 73 3a 20 63 6f 6d 70  |Newsgroups: comp|
000061e0  2e 73 79 73 2e 61 63 6f  72 6e 2e 6d 69 73 63 0a  |.sys.acorn.misc.|
000061f0  53 75 62 6a 65 63 74 3a  20 52 65 3a 20 43 61 6e  |Subject: Re: Can|
00006200  27 74 20 64 65 6c 65 74  65 20 66 69 6c 65 0a 44  |'t delete file.D|
00006210  61 74 65 3a 20 36 20 44  65 63 20 31 39 39 35 20  |ate: 6 Dec 1995 |
00006220  30 38 3a 34 32 3a 35 36  20 47 4d 54 0a 4f 72 67  |08:42:56 GMT.Org|
00006230  61 6e 69 7a 61 74 69 6f  6e 3a 20 43 65 6e 74 72  |anization: Centr|
00006240  6f 20 64 69 20 43 61 6c  63 6f 6c 6f 20 50 4f 4c  |o di Calcolo POL|
00006250  49 54 45 43 4e 49 43 4f  20 64 69 20 4d 49 4c 41  |ITECNICO di MILA|
00006260  4e 4f 0a 4c 69 6e 65 73  3a 20 32 34 0a 4d 65 73  |NO.Lines: 24.Mes|
00006270  73 61 67 65 2d 49 44 3a  20 3c 34 61 33 6c 32 67  |sage-ID: <4a3l2g|
00006280  24 6b 73 66 40 61 69 78  31 2e 63 64 63 2e 70 6f  |$ksf@aix1.cdc.po|
00006290  6c 69 6d 69 2e 69 74 3e  0a 52 65 66 65 72 65 6e  |limi.it>.Referen|
000062a0  63 65 73 3a 20 3c 37 46  46 38 38 35 44 42 2e 49  |ces: <7FF885DB.I|
000062b0  54 53 2e 41 2e 4a 4f 4b  45 2e 4f 4b 3f 40 6b 65  |TS.A.JOKE.OK?@ke|
000062c0  63 68 62 2e 64 65 6d 6f  6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b 3e  |chb.demon.co.uk>|
000062d0  0a 4e 4e 54 50 2d 50 6f  73 74 69 6e 67 2d 48 6f  |.NNTP-Posting-Ho|
000062e0  73 74 3a 20 63 64 63 38  67 35 2e 63 64 63 2e 70  |st: cdc8g5.cdc.p|
000062f0  6f 6c 69 6d 69 2e 69 74  0a 58 2d 4e 65 77 73 72  |olimi.it.X-Newsr|
00006300  65 61 64 65 72 3a 20 54  49 4e 20 5b 76 65 72 73  |eader: TIN [vers|
00006310  69 6f 6e 20 31 2e 32 20  50 4c 32 5d 0a 49 61 69  |ion 1.2 PL2].Iai|
00006320  6e 20 28 49 61 69 6e 40  6b 65 63 68 62 2e 64 65  |n (Iain@kechb.de|
00006330  6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75  6b 29 20 77 72 6f 74 65  |mon.co.uk) wrote|
00006340  3a 0d 3a 20 3e 20 3e 20  49 20 65 78 70 65 72 69  |:.: > > I experi|
00006350  65 6e 63 65 64 20 61 20  64 69 73 63 20 65 72 72  |enced a disc err|
00006360  6f 72 20 77 68 69 6c 65  20 77 72 69 74 69 6e 67  |or while writing|
00006370  20 74 6f 20 61 20 66 69  6c 65 2c 20 73 6f 20 74  | to a file, so t|
00006380  68 65 20 66 69 6c 65 20  69 73 20 6e 6f 77 0d 3a  |he file is now.:|
00006390  20 3e 20 3e 20 75 73 65  6c 65 73 73 2e 20 42 75  | > > useless. Bu|
000063a0  74 20 6e 6f 77 20 49 20  66 69 6e 64 20 74 68 61  |t now I find tha|
000063b0  74 20 49 20 63 61 6e 27  74 20 64 65 6c 65 74 65  |t I can't delete|
000063c0  20 69 74 20 2e 20 2e 20  2e 20 61 74 74 65 6d 70  | it . . . attemp|
000063d0  74 69 6e 67 20 74 6f 20  64 6f 20 73 6f 0d 3a 20  |ting to do so.: |
000063e0  3e 20 3e 20 73 69 6d 70  6c 79 20 68 61 6e 67 73  |> > simply hangs|
000063f0  20 6d 79 20 6d 61 63 68  69 6e 65 2e 0d 0d 59 6f  | my machine...Yo|
00006400  75 20 73 68 6f 75 6c 64  20 74 72 79 20 74 6f 20  |u should try to |
00006410  75 73 65 20 74 68 65 20  27 65 6c 69 6d 69 6e 61  |use the 'elimina|
00006420  74 65 27 20 75 74 69 6c  69 74 79 20 73 75 70 70  |te' utility supp|
00006430  6c 69 65 64 20 77 69 74  68 20 74 68 65 20 53 68  |lied with the Sh|
00006440  61 72 65 57 61 72 65 0d  70 72 6f 67 72 61 6d 20  |areWare.program |
00006450  66 73 63 6b 20 28 61 76  61 69 6c 61 62 6c 65 20  |fsck (available |
00006460  66 72 6f 6d 20 48 65 6e  73 61 29 2e 20 49 74 20  |from Hensa). It |
00006470  77 69 6c 6c 20 72 65 6d  6f 76 65 20 74 68 65 20  |will remove the |
00006480  66 69 6c 65 20 61 6e 64  20 74 68 65 6e 20 66 73  |file and then fs|
00006490  63 6b 0d 77 69 6c 6c 20  67 69 76 65 20 79 6f 75  |ck.will give you|
000064a0  20 62 61 63 6b 20 74 68  65 20 6c 6f 73 74 20 73  | back the lost s|
000064b0  70 61 63 65 2e 0d 0d 3a  20 49 20 68 61 64 20 74  |pace...: I had t|
000064c0  68 69 73 20 70 72 6f 62  6c 65 6d 20 72 65 63 65  |his problem rece|
000064d0  6e 74 6c 79 2e 20 2a 63  68 65 63 6b 6d 61 70 20  |ntly. *checkmap |
000064e0  48 55 4e 47 20 61 74 20  74 68 65 20 62 72 6f 6b  |HUNG at the brok|
000064f0  65 6e 20 66 69 6c 65 2c  20 61 73 0d 3a 20 64 69  |en file, as.: di|
00006500  64 20 66 73 63 6b 2e 2e  2e 20 0d 0d 66 73 63 6b  |d fsck... ..fsck|
00006510  20 73 68 6f 75 6c 64 20  6e 6f 74 20 68 61 6e 67  | should not hang|
00006520  20 77 68 65 6e 20 69 74  20 65 6e 63 6f 75 6e 74  | when it encount|
00006530  65 72 73 20 61 20 62 72  6f 6b 65 6e 20 66 69 6c  |ers a broken fil|
00006540  65 21 20 49 66 20 74 68  69 73 20 65 72 72 6f 72  |e! If this error|
00006550  20 69 73 0d 72 65 70 65  74 65 61 62 6c 65 20 49  | is.repeteable I|
00006560  27 64 20 6c 69 6b 65 20  74 6f 20 68 61 76 65 20  |'d like to have |
00006570  6d 6f 72 65 20 69 6e 66  6f 72 6d 61 74 69 6f 6e  |more information|
00006580  73 20 61 62 6f 75 74 20  69 74 20 73 6f 20 74 68  |s about it so th|
00006590  61 74 20 49 20 63 6f 75  6c 64 20 74 72 79 0d 74  |at I could try.t|
000065a0  6f 20 66 69 78 20 74 68  69 73 20 62 75 67 2e 0d  |o fix this bug..|
000065b0  0d 52 65 67 61 72 64 73  2c 0d 53 65 72 67 69 6f  |.Regards,.Sergio|
000065c0  0d 0d 2d 2d 20 0d 53 65  72 67 69 6f 20 4d 6f 6e  |..-- .Sergio Mon|
000065d0  65 73 69 2e 2e 2e 0d 63  68 61 72 20 2a 65 6d 61  |esi....char *ema|
000065e0  69 6c 5b 5d 3d 7b 22 70  65 6c 30 30 31 35 40 63  |il[]={"pel0015@c|
000065f0  64 63 38 67 35 2e 63 64  63 2e 70 6f 6c 69 6d 69  |dc8g5.cdc.polimi|
00006600  2e 69 74 22 2c 22 73 65  72 67 69 6f 40 66 72 65  |.it","sergio@fre|
00006610  65 62 73 64 2e 66 69 72  73 74 2e 67 6d 64 2e 64  |ebsd.first.gmd.d|
00006620  65 22 7d 3b 0d 63 68 61  72 20 2a 77 77 77 5b 5d  |e"};.char *www[]|
00006630  3d 7b 22 68 74 74 70 3a  2f 2f 63 64 63 38 67 35  |={"http://cdc8g5|
00006640  2e 63 64 63 2e 70 6f 6c  69 6d 69 2e 69 74 2f 7e  |.cdc.polimi.it/~|
00006650  70 65 6c 30 30 31 35 2f  22 7d 3b 0d 2f 2f 20 4d  |pel0015/"};.// M|
00006660  75 72 70 68 79 27 73 20  4c 61 77 20 69 73 20 72  |urphy's Law is r|
00006670  65 63 75 72 73 69 76 65  2e 20 57 61 73 68 69 6e  |ecursive. Washin|
00006680  67 20 79 6f 75 72 20 63  61 72 20 74 6f 20 6d 61  |g your car to ma|
00006690  6b 65 20 69 74 20 72 61  69 6e 20 64 6f 65 73 6e  |ke it rain doesn|
000066a0  27 74 20 77 6f 72 6b 2e  0d 50 61 74 68 3a 20 6e  |'t work..Path: n|
000066b0  65 77 73 2e 64 65 6d 6f  6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b 21  |ews.demon.co.uk!|
000066c0  64 65 6d 6f 6e 21 74 61  6e 6b 2e 6e 65 77 73 2e  |demon!tank.news.|
000066d0  70 69 70 65 78 2e 6e 65  74 21 70 69 70 65 78 21  |pipex.net!pipex!|
000066e0  6e 65 77 73 2e 6d 61 74  68 77 6f 72 6b 73 2e 63  |news.mathworks.c|
000066f0  6f 6d 21 6e 65 77 73 66  65 65 64 2e 69 6e 74 65  |om!newsfeed.inte|
00006700  72 6e 65 74 6d 63 69 2e  63 6f 6d 21 68 6f 77 6c  |rnetmci.com!howl|
00006710  61 6e 64 2e 72 65 73 74  6f 6e 2e 61 6e 73 2e 6e  |and.reston.ans.n|
00006720  65 74 21 6e 65 77 73 2e  6e 69 63 2e 73 75 72 66  |et!news.nic.surf|
00006730  6e 65 74 2e 6e 6c 21 74  75 64 65 6c 66 74 2e 6e  |net.nl!tudelft.n|
00006740  6c 21 65 6c 65 6b 74 72  6f 6e 2e 65 74 2e 74 75  |l!elektron.et.tu|
00006750  64 65 6c 66 74 2e 6e 6c  21 6e 65 77 73 0a 46 72  |delft.nl!news.Fr|
00006760  6f 6d 3a 20 34 39 32 32  37 35 33 40 68 73 75 31  |om: 4922753@hsu1|
00006770  2e 68 76 75 2e 6e 6c 0a  4e 65 77 73 67 72 6f 75  |.hvu.nl.Newsgrou|
00006780  70 73 3a 20 63 6f 6d 70  2e 73 79 73 2e 61 63 6f  |ps: comp.sys.aco|
00006790  72 6e 2e 6d 69 73 63 0a  53 75 62 6a 65 63 74 3a  |rn.misc.Subject:|
000067a0  20 4a 50 45 47 2d 64 65  63 6f 6d 70 72 65 73 73  | JPEG-decompress|
000067b0  69 6f 6e 20 69 6e 20 52  49 53 43 2d 4f 53 33 2e  |ion in RISC-OS3.|
000067c0  36 0a 44 61 74 65 3a 20  36 20 44 65 63 20 31 39  |6.Date: 6 Dec 19|
000067d0  39 35 20 31 30 3a 30 32  3a 32 33 20 47 4d 54 0a  |95 10:02:23 GMT.|
000067e0  4f 72 67 61 6e 69 7a 61  74 69 6f 6e 3a 20 44 65  |Organization: De|
000067f0  6c 66 74 20 55 6e 69 76  65 72 73 69 74 79 20 6f  |lft University o|
00006800  66 20 54 65 63 68 6e 6f  6c 6f 67 79 2c 20 44 65  |f Technology, De|
00006810  70 74 2e 20 6f 66 20 45  6c 65 63 74 72 69 63 61  |pt. of Electrica|
00006820  6c 20 45 6e 67 69 6e 65  65 72 69 6e 67 0a 4c 69  |l Engineering.Li|
00006830  6e 65 73 3a 20 34 0a 4d  65 73 73 61 67 65 2d 49  |nes: 4.Message-I|
00006840  44 3a 20 3c 34 61 33 70  6e 66 24 33 6d 6c 40 65  |D: <4a3pnf$3ml@e|
00006850  6c 65 6b 74 72 6f 6e 2e  65 74 2e 74 75 64 65 6c  |lektron.et.tudel|
00006860  66 74 2e 6e 6c 3e 0a 4e  4e 54 50 2d 50 6f 73 74  |ft.nl>.NNTP-Post|
00006870  69 6e 67 2d 48 6f 73 74  3a 20 64 6b 30 37 5f 31  |ing-Host: dk07_1|
00006880  39 2e 69 62 6b 2e 66 6e  74 2e 68 76 75 2e 6e 6c  |9.ibk.fnt.hvu.nl|
00006890  0a 4d 69 6d 65 2d 56 65  72 73 69 6f 6e 3a 20 31  |.Mime-Version: 1|
000068a0  2e 30 0a 43 6f 6e 74 65  6e 74 2d 54 79 70 65 3a  |.0.Content-Type:|
000068b0  20 74 65 78 74 2f 70 6c  61 69 6e 3b 20 63 68 61  | text/plain; cha|
000068c0  72 73 65 74 3d 75 73 2d  61 73 63 69 69 0a 43 6f  |rset=us-ascii.Co|
000068d0  6e 74 65 6e 74 2d 54 72  61 6e 73 66 65 72 2d 45  |ntent-Transfer-E|
000068e0  6e 63 6f 64 69 6e 67 3a  20 37 62 69 74 0a 58 2d  |ncoding: 7bit.X-|
000068f0  4d 61 69 6c 65 72 3a 20  4d 6f 7a 69 6c 6c 61 20  |Mailer: Mozilla |
00006900  31 2e 32 32 20 28 57 69  6e 64 6f 77 73 3b 20 49  |1.22 (Windows; I|
00006910  3b 20 31 36 62 69 74 29  0a 49 6e 20 52 49 53 43  |; 16bit).In RISC|
00006920  2d 4f 53 20 33 2e 36 20  74 68 65 72 65 20 69 73  |-OS 3.6 there is|
00006930  20 61 20 73 70 65 63 69  61 6c 20 72 6f 75 74 69  | a special routi|
00006940  6e 65 20 74 6f 20 64 65  63 6f 6d 70 72 65 73 73  |ne to decompress|
00006950  20 4a 50 45 47 2d 66 69  6c 65 73 20 76 65 72 79  | JPEG-files very|
00006960  20 0a 71 75 69 63 6b 6c  79 2e 20 49 73 20 74 68  | .quickly. Is th|
00006970  69 73 20 73 70 65 63 69  61 6c 6c 79 20 66 6f 72  |is specially for|
00006980  20 74 68 65 20 52 50 43  20 6f 72 20 63 6f 75 6c  | the RPC or coul|
00006990  64 20 69 74 20 61 6c 73  6f 20 62 65 20 72 75 6e  |d it also be run|
000069a0  20 6f 6e 20 61 6e 20 0a  41 72 63 68 69 6d 65 64  | on an .Archimed|
000069b0  65 73 3f 0a 0a 50 61 74  68 3a 20 6e 65 77 73 2e  |es?..Path: news.|
000069c0  64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f  2e 75 6b 21 64 65 6d 6f  |demon.co.uk!demo|
000069d0  6e 21 61 66 72 61 6e 63  65 0a 46 72 6f 6d 3a 20  |n!afrance.From: |
000069e0  41 6c 61 73 74 61 69 72  20 46 72 61 6e 63 65 20  |Alastair France |
000069f0  3c 61 66 72 61 6e 63 65  40 73 74 65 74 2d 6f 73  |<afrance@stet-os|
00006a00  2e 64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63  6f 2e 75 6b 3e 0a 4e 65  |.demon.co.uk>.Ne|
00006a10  77 73 67 72 6f 75 70 73  3a 20 63 6f 6d 70 2e 73  |wsgroups: comp.s|
00006a20  79 73 2e 61 63 6f 72 6e  2e 6d 69 73 63 0a 53 75  |ys.acorn.misc.Su|
00006a30  62 6a 65 63 74 3a 20 52  65 3a 20 41 53 43 49 49  |bject: Re: ASCII|
00006a40  20 63 68 61 72 61 63 74  65 72 73 0a 44 61 74 65  | characters.Date|
00006a50  3a 20 57 65 64 2c 20 30  36 20 44 65 63 20 31 39  |: Wed, 06 Dec 19|
00006a60  39 35 20 31 30 3a 32 35  3a 35 32 20 2b 30 30 30  |95 10:25:52 +000|
00006a70  30 20 28 47 4d 54 29 0a  4c 69 6e 65 73 3a 20 32  |0 (GMT).Lines: 2|
00006a80  36 0a 4d 65 73 73 61 67  65 2d 49 44 3a 20 3c 61  |6.Message-ID: <a|
00006a90  6e 74 30 36 31 30 35 32  62 63 38 41 6d 62 61 40  |nt061052bc8Amba@|
00006aa0  73 74 65 74 2d 6f 73 2e  64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f  |stet-os.demon.co|
00006ab0  2e 75 6b 3e 0a 52 65 66  65 72 65 6e 63 65 73 3a  |.uk>.References:|
00006ac0  20 3c 34 39 66 37 6d 69  24 74 39 63 40 64 6f 63  | <49f7mi$t9c@doc|
00006ad0  2e 61 72 6d 6c 74 64 2e  63 6f 2e 75 6b 3e 20 3c  |.armltd.co.uk> <|
00006ae0  69 6e 74 65 72 6e 65 77  73 34 36 37 37 44 37 36  |internews4677D76|
00006af0  42 32 35 40 61 72 67 6f  6e 65 74 2e 63 6f 2e 75  |B25@argonet.co.u|
00006b00  6b 3e 20 3c 31 39 39 35  31 31 32 38 2e 32 33 34  |k> <19951128.234|
00006b10  33 33 37 2e 30 34 40 63  6f 6d 70 74 6f 6e 2e 64  |337.04@compton.d|
00006b20  65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e  75 6b 3e 20 3c 31 39 39  |emon.co.uk> <199|
00006b30  35 31 31 32 39 2e 30 38  31 37 32 35 2e 36 36 40  |51129.081725.66@|
00006b40  77 61 76 65 67 2e 64 65  6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75  |waveg.demon.co.u|
00006b50  6b 3e 20 20 3c 34 61 30  37 6e 37 24 33 34 30 40  |k>  <4a07n7$340@|
00006b60  6e 65 77 73 2e 6f 78 2e  61 63 2e 75 6b 3e 20 0a  |news.ox.ac.uk> .|
00006b70  4e 4e 54 50 2d 50 6f 73  74 69 6e 67 2d 48 6f 73  |NNTP-Posting-Hos|
00006b80  74 3a 20 73 74 65 74 2d  6f 73 2e 64 65 6d 6f 6e  |t: stet-os.demon|
00006b90  2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b 0a 58  2d 4e 4e 54 50 2d 50 6f  |.co.uk.X-NNTP-Po|
00006ba0  73 74 69 6e 67 2d 48 6f  73 74 3a 20 73 74 65 74  |sting-Host: stet|
00006bb0  2d 6f 73 2e 64 65 6d 6f  6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b 0a  |-os.demon.co.uk.|
00006bc0  4d 49 4d 45 2d 56 65 72  73 69 6f 6e 3a 20 31 2e  |MIME-Version: 1.|
00006bd0  30 0a 43 6f 6e 74 65 6e  74 2d 54 79 70 65 3a 20  |0.Content-Type: |
00006be0  54 45 58 54 2f 50 4c 41  49 4e 3b 20 43 48 41 52  |TEXT/PLAIN; CHAR|
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00006c00  72 67 61 6e 69 7a 61 74  69 6f 6e 3a 20 53 74 65  |rganization: Ste|
00006c10  74 63 68 77 6f 72 74 68  20 4f 66 66 69 63 65 20  |tchworth Office |
00006c20  53 65 72 76 69 63 65 73  2c 20 43 61 6d 62 72 69  |Services, Cambri|
00006c30  64 67 65 73 68 69 72 65  20 55 4b 0a 58 2d 4d 61  |dgeshire UK.X-Ma|
00006c40  69 6c 65 72 3a 20 41 4e  54 20 52 49 53 43 4f 53  |iler: ANT RISCOS|
00006c50  20 4d 61 72 63 65 6c 20  5b 76 65 72 20 30 2e 39  | Marcel [ver 0.9|
00006c60  39 5d 0a 49 6e 20 61 72  74 69 63 6c 65 20 3c 34  |9].In article <4|
00006c70  61 30 37 6e 37 24 33 34  30 40 6e 65 77 73 2e 6f  |a07n7$340@news.o|
00006c80  78 2e 61 63 2e 75 6b 3e  2c 20 41 69 64 61 6e 20  |x.ac.uk>, Aidan |
00006c90  43 6f 72 65 79 20 77 72  6f 74 65 3a 0a 3e 20 0a  |Corey wrote:.> .|
00006ca0  3e 20 52 69 63 68 61 72  64 20 53 74 65 72 72 79  |> Richard Sterry|
00006cb0  20 3c 72 69 63 68 61 72  64 40 77 61 76 65 67 2e  | <richard@waveg.|
00006cc0  64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f  2e 75 6b 3e 20 77 72 6f  |demon.co.uk> wro|
00006cd0  74 65 3a 0a 3e 20 3e 49  6e 20 6d 65 73 73 61 67  |te:.> >In messag|
00006ce0  65 20 3c 31 39 39 35 31  31 32 38 2e 32 33 34 33  |e <19951128.2343|
00006cf0  33 37 2e 30 34 40 63 6f  6d 70 74 6f 6e 2e 64 65  |37.04@compton.de|
00006d00  6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75  6b 3e 20 54 6f 6d 20 48  |mon.co.uk> Tom H|
00006d10  75 67 68 65 73 20 77 72  6f 74 65 3a 0a 3e 20 3e  |ughes wrote:.> >|
00006d20  3e 20 55 73 75 61 6c 6c  79 20 23 20 6f 72 20 47  |> Usually # or G|
00006d30  42 50 2e 0a 3e 20 3e 0a  3e 20 3e 6f 72 20 75 6b  |BP..> >.> >or uk|
00006d40  70 21 20 49 20 73 65 65  20 75 6b 70 20 6d 6f 72  |p! I see ukp mor|
00006d50  65 20 6f 66 74 65 6e 20  74 68 61 6e 20 47 42 50  |e often than GBP|
00006d60  2e 0a 3e 20 0a 3e 20 54  68 65 20 64 69 66 66 65  |..> .> The diffe|
00006d70  72 65 6e 63 65 20 69 73  20 74 68 61 74 20 47 42  |rence is that GB|
00006d80  50 20 69 73 20 74 68 65  20 49 53 4f 20 33 2d 6c  |P is the ISO 3-l|
00006d90  65 74 74 65 72 20 63 6f  64 65 20 66 6f 72 20 74  |etter code for t|
00006da0  68 65 20 55 4b 0a 3e 20  63 75 72 72 65 6e 63 79  |he UK.> currency|
00006db0  2c 20 77 68 65 72 65 61  73 20 75 6b 70 20 69 73  |, whereas ukp is|
00006dc0  6e 27 74 2e 0a 3e 20 0a  0a 59 6f 75 20 61 6c 73  |n't..> ..You als|
00006dd0  6f 20 28 70 61 72 74 69  63 75 6c 61 72 6c 79 20  |o (particularly |
00006de0  6f 6e 20 61 69 72 6c 69  6e 65 20 74 69 63 6b 65  |on airline ticke|
00006df0  74 73 20 61 6e 64 20 74  68 65 20 6c 69 6b 65 29  |ts and the like)|
00006e00  20 73 65 65 20 55 4b 4c  20 61 73 20 74 68 65 0a  | see UKL as the.|
00006e10  61 62 62 72 65 76 69 61  74 69 6f 6e 2e 20 47 42  |abbreviation. GB|
00006e20  50 20 69 73 20 77 6f 65  66 75 6c 6c 79 20 69 6e  |P is woefully in|
00006e30  61 63 63 75 72 61 74 65  20 69 6e 20 61 6e 79 20  |accurate in any |
00006e40  65 76 65 6e 74 20 2d 20  77 68 61 74 20 64 6f 20  |event - what do |
00006e50  74 68 65 79 20 73 70 65  6e 64 0a 69 6e 20 4e 6f  |they spend.in No|
00006e60  72 74 68 65 72 6e 20 49  72 65 6c 61 6e 64 3f 20  |rthern Ireland? |
00006e70  4e 6f 74 20 74 68 61 74  20 55 4b 4c 20 69 73 20  |Not that UKL is |
00006e80  74 6f 74 61 6c 6c 79 20  61 63 63 75 72 61 74 65  |totally accurate|
00006e90  20 61 73 20 74 68 6f 73  65 20 69 6e 20 74 68 65  | as those in the|
00006ea0  0a 43 68 61 6e 6e 65 6c  20 49 73 6c 61 6e 64 73  |.Channel Islands|
00006eb0  20 77 69 6c 6c 20 72 65  6d 69 6e 64 20 75 73 21  | will remind us!|
00006ec0  0a 0a 0a 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d  2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d  |...-------------|
00006ed0  2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d  2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d  |----------------|
00006f00  2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d  2d 2d 2d 2d 0a 41 6c 61  |------------.Ala|
00006f10  73 74 61 69 72 20 46 72  61 6e 63 65 20 20 20 20  |stair France    |
00006f20  20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20  20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20  |                |
00006f30  20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20  20 41 72 65 61 20 4d 61  |         Area Ma|
00006f40  6e 61 67 65 72 2c 20 41  63 6f 72 6e 20 45 64 75  |nager, Acorn Edu|
00006f50  63 61 74 69 6f 6e 0a 61  66 72 61 6e 63 65 40 61  |cation.afrance@a|
00006f60  63 6f 72 6e 2e 63 6f 2e  75 6b 20 20 20 20 20 20  |corn.co.uk      |
00006f70  20 20 20 20 20 20 20 3c  2d 20 77 6f 72 6b 2c 20  |       <- work, |
00006f80  61 6e 64 20 68 6f 6d 65  0a 61 66 72 61 6e 63 65  |and home.afrance|
00006f90  40 73 74 65 74 2d 6f 73  2e 64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63  |@stet-os.demon.c|
00006fa0  6f 2e 75 6b 20 20 20 20  20 3c 2d 20 68 6f 6d 65  |o.uk     <- home|
00006fb0  2c 20 61 6e 64 20 77 6f  72 6b 0a 22 49 20 6f 6e  |, and work."I on|
00006fc0  6c 79 20 73 70 65 61 6b  20 66 6f 72 20 41 63 6f  |ly speak for Aco|
00006fd0  72 6e 20 69 6e 20 42 65  64 73 2c 20 42 75 63 6b  |rn in Beds, Buck|
00006fe0  73 2c 20 43 61 6d 62 73  2c 20 48 65 72 74 73 2c  |s, Cambs, Herts,|
00006ff0  20 4c 69 6e 63 73 2c 20  4e 6f 72 66 6f 6c 6b 2c  | Lincs, Norfolk,|
00007000  0a 4e 6f 72 74 68 61 6e  74 73 2c 20 53 75 66 66  |.Northants, Suff|
00007010  6f 6c 6b 20 61 6e 64 20  74 68 65 20 43 68 61 6e  |olk and the Chan|
00007020  6e 65 6c 20 49 73 6c 61  6e 64 73 20 2d 20 62 75  |nel Islands - bu|
00007030  74 20 49 27 76 65 20 67  6f 74 20 61 20 6c 6f 75  |t I've got a lou|
00007040  64 20 76 6f 69 63 65 21  22 0a 0a 50 61 74 68 3a  |d voice!"..Path:|
00007050  20 6e 65 77 73 2e 64 65  6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75  | news.demon.co.u|
00007060  6b 21 64 65 6d 6f 6e 21  63 69 74 79 73 63 61 70  |k!demon!cityscap|
00007070  65 2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b 21  64 69 73 68 2e 6e 65 77  |e.co.uk!dish.new|
00007080  73 2e 70 69 70 65 78 2e  6e 65 74 21 70 69 70 65  |s.pipex.net!pipe|
00007090  78 21 73 6f 61 70 2e 6e  65 77 73 2e 70 69 70 65  |x!soap.news.pipe|
000070a0  78 2e 6e 65 74 21 70 69  70 65 78 21 61 72 67 6f  |x.net!pipex!argo|
000070b0  6e 65 74 2e 63 6f 2e 75  6b 21 61 72 67 62 64 35  |net.co.uk!argbd5|
000070c0  32 0a 46 72 6f 6d 3a 20  63 6f 6c 6c 77 6f 6f 64  |2.From: collwood|
000070d0  40 61 72 67 6f 6e 65 74  2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b 0a 4e  |@argonet.co.uk.N|
000070e0  65 77 73 67 72 6f 75 70  73 3a 20 63 6f 6d 70 2e  |ewsgroups: comp.|
000070f0  73 79 73 2e 61 63 6f 72  6e 2e 6d 69 73 63 0a 53  |sys.acorn.misc.S|
00007100  75 62 6a 65 63 74 3a 20  48 65 6c 70 20 77 69 74  |ubject: Help wit|
00007110  68 20 41 33 30 30 30 20  70 6c 65 61 73 65 0a 44  |h A3000 please.D|
00007120  61 74 65 3a 20 57 65 64  2c 20 30 36 20 44 65 63  |ate: Wed, 06 Dec|
00007130  20 31 39 39 35 20 31 30  3a 35 35 3a 30 30 0a 4f  | 1995 10:55:00.O|
00007140  72 67 61 6e 69 7a 61 74  69 6f 6e 3a 20 55 6e 69  |rganization: Uni|
00007150  70 61 6c 6d 50 49 50 45  58 20 73 65 72 76 65 72  |palmPIPEX server|
00007160  20 28 70 6f 73 74 20 64  6f 65 73 6e 27 74 20 72  | (post doesn't r|
00007170  65 66 6c 65 63 74 20 76  69 65 77 73 20 6f 66 20  |eflect views of |
00007180  55 6e 69 70 61 6c 6d 50  49 50 45 58 29 0a 4c 69  |UnipalmPIPEX).Li|
00007190  6e 65 73 3a 20 38 0a 44  69 73 74 72 69 62 75 74  |nes: 8.Distribut|
000071a0  69 6f 6e 3a 20 77 6f 72  6c 64 0a 4d 65 73 73 61  |ion: world.Messa|
000071b0  67 65 2d 49 44 3a 20 3c  69 6e 74 65 72 6e 65 77  |ge-ID: <internew|
000071c0  73 34 36 37 42 42 42 46  42 31 37 40 61 72 67 6f  |s467BBBFB17@argo|
000071d0  6e 65 74 2e 63 6f 2e 75  6b 3e 0a 52 65 70 6c 79  |net.co.uk>.Reply|
000071e0  2d 54 6f 3a 20 63 6f 6c  6c 77 6f 6f 64 40 61 72  |-To: collwood@ar|
000071f0  67 6f 6e 65 74 2e 63 6f  2e 75 6b 0a 4e 4e 54 50  |gonet.co.uk.NNTP|
00007200  2d 50 6f 73 74 69 6e 67  2d 48 6f 73 74 3a 20 61  |-Posting-Host: a|
00007210  6a 31 31 39 2e 64 75 2e  70 69 70 65 78 2e 63 6f  |j119.du.pipex.co|
00007220  6d 0a 58 2d 4e 65 77 73  72 65 61 64 65 72 3a 20  |m.X-Newsreader: |
00007230  56 54 69 20 56 6f 79 61  67 65 72 20 49 6e 74 65  |VTi Voyager Inte|
00007240  72 4e 65 77 73 20 30 2e  30 37 20 66 6f 72 20 41  |rNews 0.07 for A|
00007250  63 6f 72 6e 20 52 49 53  43 20 4f 53 0a 43 6f 75  |corn RISC OS.Cou|
00007260  6c 64 20 73 6f 6d 65 20  6b 69 6e 64 20 70 65 72  |ld some kind per|
00007270  73 6f 6e 20 70 6c 65 61  73 65 20 74 65 6c 6c 20  |son please tell |
00007280  6d 65 20 74 68 65 20 63  6f 72 72 65 63 74 20 6f  |me the correct o|
00007290  72 64 65 72 20 74 6f 20  70 75 74 20 74 68 69 6e  |rder to put thin|
000072a0  67 73 20 62 61 63 6b 20  6f 6e 20 74 6f 0d 61 20  |gs back on to.a |
000072b0  41 2e 33 30 30 30 27 73  20 68 61 72 64 20 64 69  |A.3000's hard di|
000072c0  73 63 20 61 6e 64 20 61  6e 79 20 70 72 6f 62 6c  |sc and any probl|
000072d0  65 6d 73 20 74 68 61 74  20 6d 69 67 68 74 20 61  |ems that might a|
000072e0  72 72 69 73 65 2e 20 4d  75 63 68 20 61 70 70 72  |rrise. Much appr|
000072f0  65 63 69 61 74 65 64 2e  20 50 61 75 6c 0d 2d 2d  |eciated. Paul.--|
00007300  20 0d 20 2d 2d 2e 20 2d  2d 2e 20 2d 2d 2e 20 2d  | . --. --. --. -|
00007310  2d 2e 20 3a 20 3a 20 2d  2d 2d 20 2d 2d 2d 20 2e  |-. : : --- --- .|
00007320  2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d  2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d  |----------------|
00007340  2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d  2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2e 0d 20  |-------------.. |
00007350  7c 5f 7c 20 7c 5f 7c 20  7c 20 5f 20 7c 20 7c 20  ||_| |_| | _ | | |
00007360  7c 20 7c 20 7c 5f 20 20  20 7c 20 20 7c 49 6e 74  || | |_   |  |Int|
00007370  65 72 6e 65 74 20 70 72  6f 76 69 64 65 72 20 66  |ernet provider f|
00007380  6f 72 20 61 6c 6c 20 41  63 6f 72 6e 20 52 49 53  |or all Acorn RIS|
00007390  43 20 6d 61 63 68 69 6e  65 73 7c 0d 20 7c 20 7c  |C machines|. | ||
000073a0  20 7c 5c 20 20 7c 20 7c  20 7c 20 7c 20 7c 5c 7c  | |\  | | | | |\||
000073b0  20 7c 20 20 20 20 7c 20  20 27 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d  | |    |  '------|
000073c0  2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d  2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d  |----------------|
000073e0  2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 27  0d 20 7c 20 7c 20 7c 20  |-------'. | | | |
000073f0  5c 20 7c 5f 7c 20 7c 5f  7c 20 7c 20 7c 20 7c 5f  |\ |_| |_| | | |_|
00007400  5f 20 20 7c 20 20 63 6f  6c 6c 77 6f 6f 64 40 61  |_  |  collwood@a|
00007410  72 67 6f 6e 65 74 2e 63  6f 2e 75 6b 0d 0d 50 61  |rgonet.co.uk..Pa|
00007420  74 68 3a 20 6e 65 77 73  2e 64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63  |th: news.demon.c|
00007430  6f 2e 75 6b 21 64 65 6d  6f 6e 21 74 61 6e 6b 2e  |o.uk!demon!tank.|
00007440  6e 65 77 73 2e 70 69 70  65 78 2e 6e 65 74 21 70  |news.pipex.net!p|
00007450  69 70 65 78 21 77 61 76  65 2e 6e 65 77 73 2e 70  |ipex!wave.news.p|
00007460  69 70 65 78 2e 6e 65 74  21 70 69 70 65 78 21 64  |ipex.net!pipex!d|
00007470  69 73 68 2e 6e 65 77 73  2e 70 69 70 65 78 2e 6e  |ish.news.pipex.n|
00007480  65 74 21 70 69 70 65 78  21 64 69 72 63 6f 6e 21  |et!pipex!dircon!|
00007490  75 73 65 6e 65 74 0a 46  72 6f 6d 3a 20 6c 65 65  |usenet.From: lee|
000074a0  40 65 68 69 6c 74 64 2e  64 69 72 63 6f 6e 2e 63  |@ehiltd.dircon.c|
000074b0  6f 2e 75 6b 20 28 4c 65  65 20 4d 63 47 69 6e 74  |o.uk (Lee McGint|
000074c0  79 29 0a 4e 65 77 73 67  72 6f 75 70 73 3a 20 63  |y).Newsgroups: c|
000074d0  6f 6d 70 2e 73 79 73 2e  61 63 6f 72 6e 2e 6d 69  |omp.sys.acorn.mi|
000074e0  73 63 0a 53 75 62 6a 65  63 74 3a 20 52 65 3a 20  |sc.Subject: Re: |
000074f0  41 63 6f 72 6e 20 61 72  74 69 63 6c 65 20 69 6e  |Acorn article in|
00007500  20 55 4b 20 4e 65 77 73  70 61 70 65 72 0a 44 61  | UK Newspaper.Da|
00007510  74 65 3a 20 57 65 64 2c  20 30 36 20 44 65 63 20  |te: Wed, 06 Dec |
00007520  31 39 39 35 20 31 30 3a  34 38 3a 32 39 20 47 4d  |1995 10:48:29 GM|
00007530  54 0a 4f 72 67 61 6e 69  7a 61 74 69 6f 6e 3a 20  |T.Organization: |
00007540  45 71 75 69 74 61 62 6c  65 20 48 6f 75 73 65 20  |Equitable House |
00007550  49 6e 76 65 73 74 6d 65  6e 74 73 20 4c 74 64 2e  |Investments Ltd.|
00007560  0a 4c 69 6e 65 73 3a 20  34 31 0a 4d 65 73 73 61  |.Lines: 41.Messa|
00007570  67 65 2d 49 44 3a 20 3c  34 61 33 73 67 72 24 33  |ge-ID: <4a3sgr$3|
00007580  61 62 40 6e 65 77 73 67  61 74 65 2e 64 69 72 63  |ab@newsgate.dirc|
00007590  6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b  3e 0a 52 65 66 65 72 65  |on.co.uk>.Refere|
000075a0  6e 63 65 73 3a 20 3c 44  4a 34 49 4d 37 2e 41 4a  |nces: <DJ4IM7.AJ|
000075b0  40 6d 61 64 67 65 31 2e  6d 61 64 67 65 2e 63 6f  |@madge1.madge.co|
000075c0  2e 75 6b 3e 20 3c 39 35  31 32 30 35 31 30 31 35  |.uk> <9512051015|
000075d0  2e 41 41 30 32 32 30 32  40 73 6e 6f 77 2d 77 68  |.AA02202@snow-wh|
000075e0  69 74 65 2e 6c 75 74 6f  6e 2e 61 63 2e 75 6b 3e  |ite.luton.ac.uk>|
000075f0  20 3c 69 6e 74 65 72 6e  65 77 73 34 36 37 42 36  | <internews467B6|
00007600  42 45 45 38 39 40 61 72  67 6f 6e 65 74 2e 63 6f  |BEE89@argonet.co|
00007610  2e 75 6b 3e 0a 52 65 70  6c 79 2d 54 6f 3a 20 6c  |.uk>.Reply-To: l|
00007620  65 65 40 65 68 69 6c 74  64 2e 64 69 72 63 6f 6e  |ee@ehiltd.dircon|
00007630  2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b 0a 4e  4e 54 50 2d 50 6f 73 74  |.co.uk.NNTP-Post|
00007640  69 6e 67 2d 48 6f 73 74  3a 20 67 77 34 2d 30 37  |ing-Host: gw4-07|
00007650  38 2e 70 6f 6f 6c 2e 64  69 72 63 6f 6e 2e 63 6f  |8.pool.dircon.co|
00007660  2e 75 6b 0a 58 2d 4e 65  77 73 72 65 61 64 65 72  |.uk.X-Newsreader|
00007670  3a 20 46 6f 72 74 65 20  46 72 65 65 20 41 67 65  |: Forte Free Age|
00007680  6e 74 20 31 2e 30 2e 38  32 0a 49 6e 20 73 6f 6d  |nt 1.0.82.In som|
00007690  65 20 61 72 74 69 63 6c  65 20 6f 72 20 6f 74 68  |e article or oth|
000076a0  65 72 2c 20 62 75 74 74  69 6d 64 40 61 72 67 6f  |er, buttimd@argo|
000076b0  6e 65 74 2e 63 6f 2e 75  6b 20 77 72 6f 74 65 3a  |net.co.uk wrote:|
000076c0  0d 0d 0d 3e 3e 20 0d 3e  3e 20 57 65 6c 6c 2c 20  |...>> .>> Well, |
000076d0  69 66 20 74 68 65 20 34  33 70 20 69 6e 63 72 65  |if the 43p incre|
000076e0  61 73 65 20 69 6e 20 74  68 65 20 73 68 61 72 65  |ase in the share|
000076f0  20 70 72 69 63 65 20 74  6f 64 61 79 20 28 21 21  | price today (!!|
00007700  29 20 69 73 20 61 6e 79  74 68 69 6e 67 20 74 6f  |) is anything to|
00007710  20 67 6f 0d 3e 3e 20 62  79 2c 20 74 68 65 20 45  | go.>> by, the E|
00007720  78 70 72 65 73 73 20 63  61 72 72 69 65 73 20 66  |xpress carries f|
00007730  61 72 20 6d 6f 72 65 20  77 65 69 67 68 74 20 74  |ar more weight t|
00007740  68 61 6e 20 49 20 74 68  6f 75 67 68 74 20 69 74  |han I thought it|
00007750  20 64 69 64 2e 0d 3e 3e  20 0d 3e 3e 20 57 69 73  | did..>> .>> Wis|
00007760  68 20 49 27 64 20 62 6f  75 67 68 74 20 73 6f 6d  |h I'd bought som|
00007770  65 20 73 68 61 72 65 73  20 6e 6f 77 2e 2e 2e 0d  |e shares now....|
00007780  3e 3e 20 0d 3e 3e 20 4a  61 73 6f 6e 0d 0d 3e 44  |>> .>> Jason..>D|
00007790  69 64 20 49 20 72 65 61  64 20 72 69 67 68 74 20  |id I read right |
000077a0  2d 20 61 20 34 33 70 20  69 6e 63 72 65 61 73 65  |- a 43p increase|
000077b0  20 74 6f 64 61 79 3f 20  20 42 79 20 74 68 65 20  | today?  By the |
000077c0  77 61 79 20 69 73 20 74  68 65 72 65 20 61 6e 79  |way is there any|
000077d0  20 77 61 79 20 28 76 69  61 0d 3e 69 6e 74 65 72  | way (via.>inter|
000077e0  6e 65 74 20 66 6f 72 20  69 6e 73 74 61 6e 63 65  |net for instance|
000077f0  29 20 74 68 61 74 20 49  20 63 61 6e 20 73 65 65  |) that I can see|
00007800  20 75 70 20 74 6f 20 64  61 74 65 20 73 68 61 72  | up to date shar|
00007810  65 20 70 72 69 63 65 73  20 73 75 63 68 20 61 73  |e prices such as|
00007820  20 74 68 6f 73 65 20 6f  66 0d 3e 74 6f 64 61 79  | those of.>today|
00007830  20 77 69 74 68 6f 75 74  20 77 61 69 74 69 6e 67  | without waiting|
00007840  20 66 6f 72 20 74 65 6c  65 74 65 78 74 20 6f 72  | for teletext or|
00007850  20 61 20 6e 65 77 73 70  61 70 65 72 3f 0d 0d 59  | a newspaper?..Y|
00007860  6f 75 20 63 6f 75 6c 64  2c 20 62 79 20 67 65 74  |ou could, by get|
00007870  74 69 6e 67 20 69 6e 20  74 6f 75 63 68 20 77 69  |ting in touch wi|
00007880  74 68 20 61 20 64 61 74  61 20 76 65 6e 64 6f 72  |th a data vendor|
00007890  20 6c 69 6b 65 20 52 65  75 74 65 72 73 20 6f 72  | like Reuters or|
000078a0  0d 42 6c 6f 6f 6d 62 65  72 67 20 61 6e 64 20 67  |.Bloomberg and g|
000078b0  65 74 74 69 6e 67 20 6c  6f 61 64 73 20 6f 66 20  |etting loads of |
000078c0  68 61 72 64 77 61 72 65  20 61 6e 64 20 49 53 44  |hardware and ISD|
000078d0  4e 20 6c 69 6e 65 73 20  63 6f 6e 6e 65 63 74 65  |N lines connecte|
000078e0  64 20 61 6e 64 0d 74 68  65 6e 20 70 61 79 69 6e  |d and.then payin|
000078f0  67 20 6c 6f 74 73 20 28  61 6e 64 20 6c 6f 74 73  |g lots (and lots|
00007900  29 20 6f 66 20 6d 6f 6e  65 79 20 65 61 63 68 20  |) of money each |
00007910  6d 6f 6e 74 68 2e 0d 0d  41 73 20 74 6f 20 77 68  |month...As to wh|
00007920  65 74 68 65 72 20 73 6f  6d 65 6f 6e 65 20 77 69  |ether someone wi|
00007930  6c 6c 20 70 75 74 20 73  75 63 68 20 69 6e 66 6f  |ll put such info|
00007940  72 6d 61 74 69 6f 6e 20  6f 6e 20 74 68 65 20 6e  |rmation on the n|
00007950  65 74 2c 20 74 68 61 74  20 73 65 65 6d 73 0d 75  |et, that seems.u|
00007960  6e 6c 69 6b 65 6c 79 2e  20 45 78 63 68 61 6e 67  |nlikely. Exchang|
00007970  65 73 20 63 68 61 72 67  65 20 6c 6f 74 73 20 6f  |es charge lots o|
00007980  66 20 6d 6f 6e 65 79 20  66 6f 72 20 72 65 61 6c  |f money for real|
00007990  20 75 70 2d 74 6f 2d 64  61 74 65 20 70 72 69 63  | up-to-date pric|
000079a0  65 73 0d 61 6e 64 20 74  68 65 79 20 6f 66 74 65  |es.and they ofte|
000079b0  6e 20 70 72 65 76 65 6e  74 20 79 6f 75 20 70 61  |n prevent you pa|
000079c0  73 73 69 6e 67 20 74 68  61 74 20 64 61 74 61 20  |ssing that data |
000079d0  6f 6e 74 6f 20 70 65 6f  70 6c 65 20 77 68 6f 20  |onto people who |
000079e0  61 72 65 6e 27 74 0d 70  61 79 69 6e 67 20 66 6f  |aren't.paying fo|
000079f0  72 20 73 75 63 68 20 72  65 61 6c 20 74 69 6d 65  |r such real time|
00007a00  20 64 61 74 61 2e 20 46  6f 72 20 69 6e 73 74 61  | data. For insta|
00007a10  6e 63 65 2c 20 49 20 63  61 6e 6e 6f 74 20 75 73  |nce, I cannot us|
00007a20  65 20 74 68 65 20 64 61  74 61 20 49 0d 63 61 6e  |e the data I.can|
00007a30  20 73 65 65 20 6f 6e 20  74 68 65 20 6d 61 63 68  | see on the mach|
00007a40  69 6e 65 20 74 6f 20 6d  79 20 72 69 67 68 74 20  |ine to my right |
00007a50  6f 6e 20 74 68 69 73 20  63 6f 6d 70 75 74 65 72  |on this computer|
00007a60  20 6c 65 67 61 6c 6c 79  2e 0d 0d 49 20 63 6f 75  | legally...I cou|
00007a70  6c 64 20 74 65 6c 6c 20  79 6f 75 20 74 68 61 74  |ld tell you that|
00007a80  20 61 74 20 6c 61 73 74  20 74 72 61 64 65 20 28  | at last trade (|
00007a90  31 30 3a 33 39 61 6d 20  36 2f 31 32 2f 39 35 29  |10:39am 6/12/95)|
00007aa0  2c 20 41 63 6f 72 6e 20  73 68 61 72 65 73 0d 74  |, Acorn shares.t|
00007ab0  72 61 64 65 64 20 61 74  20 32 31 31 2c 20 68 61  |raded at 211, ha|
00007ac0  76 69 6e 67 20 72 65 61  63 68 65 64 20 61 20 6e  |ving reached a n|
00007ad0  65 77 20 61 6c 6c 2d 74  69 6d 65 20 68 69 67 68  |ew all-time high|
00007ae0  20 62 75 74 20 62 79 20  74 68 65 20 74 69 6d 65  | but by the time|
00007af0  20 69 74 0d 72 65 61 63  68 65 73 20 74 68 65 20  | it.reaches the |
00007b00  6e 65 77 73 20 73 65 72  76 65 72 20 79 6f 75 20  |news server you |
00007b10  63 6f 75 6c 64 20 70 72  6f 62 61 62 6c 79 20 73  |could probably s|
00007b20  65 65 20 69 74 20 69 6e  20 74 68 65 20 70 61 70  |ee it in the pap|
00007b30  65 72 2e 0d 0d 4c 6f 74  73 20 6f 66 20 73 68 61  |er...Lots of sha|
00007b40  72 65 73 20 62 65 69 6e  67 20 74 72 61 64 65 64  |res being traded|
00007b50  20 74 6f 6f 20 28 31 32  34 38 39 37 20 74 6f 64  | too (124897 tod|
00007b60  61 79 29 2c 20 77 68 69  63 68 20 69 73 20 61 20  |ay), which is a |
00007b70  6c 6f 74 0d 63 6f 6e 73  69 64 65 72 69 6e 67 20  |lot.considering |
00007b80  74 68 61 74 20 6d 6f 73  74 20 64 61 79 73 20 7a  |that most days z|
00007b90  65 72 6f 20 41 63 6f 72  6e 20 73 68 61 72 65 73  |ero Acorn shares|
00007ba0  20 74 72 61 64 65 2e 0d  0d 0d 0d 4c 65 65 0d 2d  | trade.....Lee.-|
00007bb0  2d 20 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d  2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d  |- --------------|
00007bc0  2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d  2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d  |----------------|
00007bf0  2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d  2d 2d 2d 0d 57 68 61 74  |-----------.What|
00007c00  20 68 61 70 70 65 6e 73  20 69 66 20 79 6f 75 20  | happens if you |
00007c10  74 69 65 20 61 20 70 69  65 63 65 20 6f 66 20 20  |tie a piece of  |
00007c20  20 20 20 4c 65 65 20 4d  63 47 69 6e 74 79 20 28  |   Lee McGinty (|
00007c30  6c 65 65 40 65 68 69 6c  74 64 2e 64 69 72 63 6f  |lee@ehiltd.dirco|
00007c40  6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b 29  0d 62 75 74 74 65 72 65  |n.co.uk).buttere|
00007c50  64 20 74 6f 61 73 74 20  74 6f 20 61 20 63 61 74  |d toast to a cat|
00007c60  27 73 20 62 61 63 6b 20  61 6e 64 20 20 20 20 20  |'s back and     |
00007c70  20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20  20 20 20 20 20 20 43 6f  |              Co|
00007c80  6d 70 75 53 65 72 76 65  3a 20 31 30 30 35 33 32  |mpuServe: 100532|
00007c90  2c 32 35 30 36 0d 64 72  6f 70 20 69 74 3f 20 20  |,2506.drop it?  |
00007ca0  20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20  20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20  |                |
00007cc0  20 20 20 45 71 75 69 74  61 62 6c 65 20 48 6f 75  |   Equitable Hou|
00007cd0  73 65 20 49 6e 76 65 73  74 6d 65 6e 74 73 20 4c  |se Investments L|
00007ce0  74 64 0d 20 20 20 20 20  20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20  |td.             |
00007cf0  20 20 20 20 4d 79 20 63  6f 6d 70 61 6e 79 20 6f  |    My company o|
00007d00  6e 6c 79 20 74 61 6b 65  73 20 63 72 65 64 69 74  |nly takes credit|
00007d10  20 66 6f 72 20 74 68 65  20 70 72 6f 66 69 74 61  | for the profita|
00007d20  62 6c 65 20 74 68 69 6e  67 73 20 49 20 64 6f 0d  |ble things I do.|
00007d30  0d 50 61 74 68 3a 20 6e  65 77 73 2e 64 65 6d 6f  |.Path: news.demo|
00007d40  6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b 21  64 65 6d 6f 6e 21 73 75  |n.co.uk!demon!su|
00007d50  6e 73 69 74 65 2e 64 6f  63 2e 69 63 2e 61 63 2e  |nsite.doc.ic.ac.|
00007d60  75 6b 21 68 79 64 72 61  75 6c 69 78 2e 62 61 6e  |uk!hydraulix.ban|
00007d70  67 6f 72 2e 61 63 2e 75  6b 21 62 61 6e 67 6f 72  |gor.ac.uk!bangor|
00007d80  2e 61 63 2e 75 6b 21 70  73 73 30 30 36 0a 46 72  |.ac.uk!pss006.Fr|
00007d90  6f 6d 3a 20 70 73 73 30  30 36 40 62 61 6e 67 6f  |om: pss006@bango|
00007da0  72 2e 61 63 2e 75 6b 20  28 47 6c 79 6e 20 52 6f  |r.ac.uk (Glyn Ro|
00007db0  79 64 73 29 0a 4e 65 77  73 67 72 6f 75 70 73 3a  |yds).Newsgroups:|
00007dc0  20 63 6f 6d 70 2e 73 79  73 2e 61 63 6f 72 6e 2e  | comp.sys.acorn.|
00007dd0  6d 69 73 63 0a 53 75 62  6a 65 63 74 3a 20 52 65  |misc.Subject: Re|
00007de0  3a 20 53 70 72 69 74 65  73 20 74 6f 20 57 69 6e  |: Sprites to Win|
00007df0  64 6f 7a 65 20 42 69 74  6d 61 70 73 0a 44 61 74  |doze Bitmaps.Dat|
00007e00  65 3a 20 57 65 64 2c 20  30 36 20 44 65 63 20 31  |e: Wed, 06 Dec 1|
00007e10  39 39 35 20 31 30 3a 35  39 3a 33 35 20 47 4d 54  |995 10:59:35 GMT|
00007e20  0a 4f 72 67 61 6e 69 7a  61 74 69 6f 6e 3a 20 58  |.Organization: X|
00007e30  61 76 69 65 72 20 45 64  75 63 61 74 69 6f 6e 61  |avier Educationa|
00007e40  6c 20 53 6f 66 74 77 61  72 65 0a 4c 69 6e 65 73  |l Software.Lines|
00007e50  3a 20 33 34 0a 4d 65 73  73 61 67 65 2d 49 44 3a  |: 34.Message-ID:|
00007e60  20 3c 31 39 39 35 31 32  30 36 2e 31 30 35 39 33  | <19951206.10593|
00007e70  35 2e 38 30 40 62 61 6e  67 6f 72 2e 61 63 2e 75  |5.80@bangor.ac.u|
00007e80  6b 3e 0a 52 65 66 65 72  65 6e 63 65 73 3a 20 3c  |k>.References: <|
00007e90  38 31 38 32 30 36 31 39  33 2e 33 37 30 36 40 63  |818206193.3706@c|
00007ea0  63 73 77 61 72 65 2e 64  65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e  |csware.demon.co.|
00007eb0  75 6b 3e 0a 52 65 70 6c  79 2d 54 6f 3a 20 70 73  |uk>.Reply-To: ps|
00007ec0  73 30 30 36 40 62 61 6e  67 6f 72 2e 61 63 2e 75  |s006@bangor.ac.u|
00007ed0  6b 0a 4e 4e 54 50 2d 50  6f 73 74 69 6e 67 2d 48  |k.NNTP-Posting-H|
00007ee0  6f 73 74 3a 20 61 63 6f  72 6e 2e 62 61 6e 67 6f  |ost: acorn.bango|
00007ef0  72 2e 61 63 2e 75 6b 0a  58 2d 4e 65 77 73 72 65  |r.ac.uk.X-Newsre|
00007f00  61 64 65 72 3a 20 41 72  63 68 69 6d 65 64 65 73  |ader: Archimedes|
00007f10  20 54 54 46 4e 20 56 65  72 73 69 6f 6e 20 30 2e  | TTFN Version 0.|
00007f20  33 36 20 77 69 74 68 20  54 43 50 49 50 74 72 61  |36 with TCPIPtra|
00007f30  6e 73 70 6f 72 74 0a 58  2d 50 6f 73 74 69 6e 67  |nsport.X-Posting|
00007f40  2d 41 67 65 6e 74 3a 20  52 49 53 43 20 4f 53 20  |-Agent: RISC OS |
00007f50  4e 65 77 73 62 61 73 65  20 30 2e 35 35 2d 70 72  |Newsbase 0.55-pr|
00007f60  65 2d 31 30 0a 49 6e 20  61 72 74 69 63 6c 65 20  |e-10.In article |
00007f70  3c 38 31 38 32 30 36 31  39 33 2e 33 37 30 36 40  |<818206193.3706@|
00007f80  63 63 73 77 61 72 65 2e  64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f  |ccsware.demon.co|
00007f90  2e 75 6b 3e 2c 20 4e 65  69 6c 20 43 6f 66 66 65  |.uk>, Neil Coffe|
00007fa0  79 20 77 72 6f 74 65 3a  0d 0d 3e 20 3e 20 20 54  |y wrote:..> >  T|
00007fb0  68 65 72 65 27 73 20 61  6e 20 61 70 70 6c 69 63  |here's an applic|
00007fc0  61 74 69 6f 6e 20 63 61  6c 6c 65 64 20 21 54 6f  |ation called !To|
00007fd0  42 4d 50 20 74 68 61 74  20 63 6f 6e 76 65 72 74  |BMP that convert|
00007fe0  73 20 53 70 72 69 74 65  20 61 6e 64 20 43 6c 65  |s Sprite and Cle|
00007ff0  61 72 20 66 69 6c 65 73  0d 3e 20 3e 74 6f 20 42  |ar files.> >to B|
00008000  4d 50 27 73 2e 20 20 49  74 27 73 20 50 44 2c 20  |MP's.  It's PD, |
00008010  69 73 20 6f 6e 20 6d 6f  73 74 20 42 42 53 27 20  |is on most BBS' |
00008020  61 6e 64 20 77 61 73 20  61 6c 73 6f 20 6f 6e 20  |and was also on |
00008030  61 6e 20 41 63 6f 72 6e  20 43 6f 6d 70 75 74 69  |an Acorn Computi|
00008040  6e 67 0d 3e 20 3e 43 6f  76 65 72 44 69 73 63 2e  |ng.> >CoverDisc.|
00008050  20 20 46 61 69 6c 69 6e  67 20 74 68 61 74 2c 20  |  Failing that, |
00008060  43 72 65 61 74 6f 72 20  77 69 6c 6c 20 61 6c 73  |Creator will als|
00008070  6f 20 64 6f 20 69 74 20  66 6f 72 20 79 6f 75 2e  |o do it for you.|
00008080  0d 3e 20 0d 3e 20 49 20  68 61 76 65 20 61 6e 20  |.> .> I have an |
00008090  61 6e 63 69 65 6e 74 20  76 65 72 73 69 6f 6e 20  |ancient version |
000080a0  6f 66 20 43 72 65 61 74  6f 72 20 74 68 61 74 20  |of Creator that |
000080b0  63 61 6e 20 6f 6e 6c 79  20 68 61 6e 64 6c 65 20  |can only handle |
000080c0  6f 6c 64 20 28 69 2e 65  2e 0d 3e 20 75 70 20 74  |old (i.e..> up t|
000080d0  6f 20 38 62 70 70 29 20  73 70 72 69 74 65 20 66  |o 8bpp) sprite f|
000080e0  6f 72 6d 61 74 73 3b 20  69 73 20 74 68 65 72 65  |ormats; is there|
000080f0  20 61 6e 20 75 70 64 61  74 65 20 74 68 61 74 20  | an update that |
00008100  63 61 6e 20 68 61 6e 64  6c 65 20 31 36 62 70 70  |can handle 16bpp|
00008110  20 61 6e 64 0d 3e 20 33  32 62 70 70 20 73 70 72  | and.> 32bpp spr|
00008120  69 74 65 73 3f 0d 3e 20  0d 0d 43 68 61 6e 67 65  |ites?.> ..Change|
00008130  46 53 49 20 63 61 6e 20  64 6f 20 74 68 69 73 20  |FSI can do this |
00008140  71 75 69 74 65 20 68 61  70 70 69 6c 79 20 66 72  |quite happily fr|
00008150  6f 6d 20 74 68 65 20 63  6f 6d 6d 61 6e 64 6c 69  |om the commandli|
00008160  6e 65 2e 20 57 68 61 74  20 79 6f 75 20 6e 65 65  |ne. What you nee|
00008170  64 20 74 6f 0d 64 6f 20  69 73 20 64 65 74 61 69  |d to.do is detai|
00008180  6c 65 64 20 69 6e 20 74  68 65 20 66 69 6c 65 20  |led in the file |
00008190  46 53 49 55 73 65 20 77  69 74 68 69 6e 20 74 68  |FSIUse within th|
000081a0  65 20 21 43 68 61 6e 67  65 46 53 49 20 61 70 70  |e !ChangeFSI app|
000081b0  6c 69 63 61 74 69 6f 6e  2e 20 57 68 61 74 0d 69  |lication. What.i|
000081c0  74 20 62 6f 69 6c 73 20  64 6f 77 6e 20 74 6f 20  |t boils down to |
000081d0  69 73 3a 0d 0d 2a 63 68  61 6e 67 65 66 73 69 20  |is:..*changefsi |
000081e0  3c 69 6e 66 69 6c 65 3e  20 3c 6f 75 74 66 69 6c  |<infile> <outfil|
000081f0  65 3e 20 3c 70 31 2d 70  36 3e 0d 0d 49 20 63 61  |e> <p1-p6>..I ca|
00008200  6e 27 74 20 72 65 6d 65  6d 62 65 72 20 6f 66 66  |n't remember off|
00008210  20 68 61 6e 64 20 62 75  74 20 49 20 74 68 69 6e  | hand but I thin|
00008220  6b 20 70 36 20 69 73 20  74 72 75 65 2d 63 6f 6c  |k p6 is true-col|
00008230  6f 75 72 20 62 69 6e 61  72 79 20 61 6e 64 20 70  |our binary and p|
00008240  33 20 77 69 6c 6c 0d 67  69 76 65 20 79 6f 75 20  |3 will.give you |
00008250  74 72 75 65 2d 63 6f 6c  6f 75 72 20 61 73 63 69  |true-colour asci|
00008260  69 2e 0d 0d 48 6f 70 65  20 74 68 69 73 20 68 65  |i...Hope this he|
00008270  6c 70 73 0d 0d 47 6c 79  6e 0d 0d 2d 2d 20 0d 20  |lps..Glyn..-- . |
00008280  20 20 5f 20 20 20 20 20  20 20 20 20 20 20 5f 5f  |  _           __|
00008290  20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20  20 20 5f 5f 0d 20 20 2f  |          __.  /|
000082a0  20 27 2f 20 20 20 5f 5f  20 20 20 2f 5f 2f 5f 5f  | '/   __   /_/__|
000082b0  20 20 20 20 5f 5f 2f 2f  5f 20 20 20 20 58 61 76  |    __//_    Xav|
000082c0  69 65 72 20 45 64 75 63  61 74 69 6f 6e 61 6c 20  |ier Educational |
000082d0  53 6f 66 74 77 61 72 65  20 4c 74 64 2e 0d 20 2f  |Software Ltd.. /|
000082e0  5f 2f 2f 2f 5f 2f 2f 20  2f 20 20 2f 20 7c 2f 5f  |_///_// /  / |/_|
000082f0  2f 2f 5f 2f 2f 5f 2f 5f  5f 2f 20 20 20 20 67 2e  |//_//_/__/    g.|
00008300  72 6f 79 64 73 40 62 61  6e 67 6f 72 2e 61 63 2e  |royds@bangor.ac.|
00008310  75 6b 0d 2c 5f 2f 20 2c  5f 2f 20 20 20 20 20 20  |uk.,_/ ,_/      |
00008320  20 20 20 20 20 2c 5f 2f  20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20  |     ,_/        |
00008330  20 20 20 54 65 6c 3a 20  2b 34 34 20 28 30 29 31  |   Tel: +44 (0)1|
00008340  32 34 38 20 33 38 32 36  31 36 0d 09 09 09 09 46  |248 382616.....F|
00008350  61 78 3a 20 2b 34 34 20  28 30 29 31 32 34 38 20  |ax: +44 (0)1248 |
00008360  33 38 32 35 39 39 0d 3c  2d 2d 20 54 68 65 73 65  |382599.<-- These|
00008370  20 6f 70 69 6e 69 6f 6e  73 20 61 72 65 20 6d 69  | opinions are mi|
00008380  6e 65 2c 20 61 6c 6c 20  6d 69 6e 65 2c 20 61 6e  |ne, all mine, an|
00008390  64 20 6e 6f 74 68 69 6e  67 20 74 6f 20 64 6f 20  |d nothing to do |
000083a0  77 69 74 68 20 6d 79 20  65 6d 70 6c 6f 79 65 72  |with my employer|
000083b0  20 2d 2d 3e 0d 0d 41 6c  73 6f 2c 20 61 76 6f 69  | -->..Also, avoi|
000083c0  64 20 61 77 6b 77 61 72  64 20 6f 72 20 61 66 66  |d awkward or aff|
000083d0  65 63 74 65 64 20 61 6c  6c 69 74 65 72 61 74 69  |ected alliterati|
000083e0  6f 6e 2e 0d 0d 50 61 74  68 3a 20 6e 65 77 73 2e  |on...Path: news.|
000083f0  64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f  2e 75 6b 21 64 65 6d 6f  |demon.co.uk!demo|
00008400  6e 21 73 75 6e 73 69 74  65 2e 64 6f 63 2e 69 63  |n!sunsite.doc.ic|
00008410  2e 61 63 2e 75 6b 21 75  6b 63 21 67 6f 73 2e 75  |.ac.uk!ukc!gos.u|
00008420  6b 63 2e 61 63 2e 75 6b  21 61 72 67 34 0a 46 72  |kc.ac.uk!arg4.Fr|
00008430  6f 6d 3a 20 61 72 67 34  40 75 6b 63 2e 61 63 2e  |om: arg4@ukc.ac.|
00008440  75 6b 20 28 41 2e 52 2e  47 75 6e 64 79 29 0a 4e  |uk (A.R.Gundy).N|
00008450  65 77 73 67 72 6f 75 70  73 3a 20 63 6f 6d 70 2e  |ewsgroups: comp.|
00008460  73 79 73 2e 61 63 6f 72  6e 2e 6d 69 73 63 0a 53  |sys.acorn.misc.S|
00008470  75 62 6a 65 63 74 3a 20  52 65 3a 20 69 46 53 20  |ubject: Re: iFS |
00008480  37 37 20 66 69 6c 65 20  6c 69 6d 69 74 20 72 65  |77 file limit re|
00008490  6d 6f 76 65 72 0a 44 61  74 65 3a 20 57 65 64 2c  |mover.Date: Wed,|
000084a0  20 30 36 20 44 65 63 20  39 35 20 31 30 3a 32 38  | 06 Dec 95 10:28|
000084b0  3a 32 32 20 47 4d 54 0a  4f 72 67 61 6e 69 7a 61  |:22 GMT.Organiza|
000084c0  74 69 6f 6e 3a 20 55 6e  69 76 65 72 73 69 74 79  |tion: University|
000084d0  20 6f 66 20 4b 65 6e 74  20 61 74 20 43 61 6e 74  | of Kent at Cant|
000084e0  65 72 62 75 72 79 2c 20  55 4b 2e 0a 4c 69 6e 65  |erbury, UK..Line|
000084f0  73 3a 20 32 37 0a 44 69  73 74 72 69 62 75 74 69  |s: 27.Distributi|
00008500  6f 6e 3a 20 77 6f 72 6c  64 0a 4d 65 73 73 61 67  |on: world.Messag|
00008510  65 2d 49 44 3a 20 3c 31  34 30 34 30 40 67 6f 73  |e-ID: <14040@gos|
00008520  2e 75 6b 63 2e 61 63 2e  75 6b 3e 0a 52 65 66 65  |.ukc.ac.uk>.Refe|
00008530  72 65 6e 63 65 73 3a 20  3c 37 41 46 30 41 46 41  |rences: <7AF0AFA|
00008540  30 2e 49 54 53 2e 41 2e  4a 4f 4b 45 2e 4f 4b 3f  |0.ITS.A.JOKE.OK?|
00008550  40 6b 65 63 68 62 2e 64  65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e  |@kechb.demon.co.|
00008560  75 6b 3e 0a 4e 4e 54 50  2d 50 6f 73 74 69 6e 67  |uk>.NNTP-Posting|
00008570  2d 48 6f 73 74 3a 20 67  6f 73 2e 75 6b 63 2e 61  |-Host: gos.ukc.a|
00008580  63 2e 75 6b 0a 49 61 69  6e 20 28 49 61 69 6e 40  |c.uk.Iain (Iain@|
00008590  6b 65 63 68 62 2e 64 65  6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75  |kechb.demon.co.u|
000085a0  6b 29 20 77 72 6f 74 65  3a 0d 3a 20 54 68 69 73  |k) wrote:.: This|
000085b0  20 61 72 74 69 63 6c 65  20 63 6f 6e 76 65 72 74  | article convert|
000085c0  65 64 20 62 79 20 4e 65  77 73 32 4d 61 69 6c 20  |ed by News2Mail |
000085d0  31 2e 30 32 20 28 63 29  20 49 61 69 6e 20 50 72  |1.02 (c) Iain Pr|
000085e0  69 63 65 20 66 6f 72 20  74 68 65 20 41 72 63 68  |ice for the Arch|
000085f0  69 6d 65 64 65 73 0d 3a  20 49 6e 20 74 68 69 73  |imedes.: In this|
00008600  20 61 72 74 69 63 6c 65  2c 20 3c 67 72 69 6d 6d  | article, <grimm|
00008610  69 6e 6b 40 66 77 69 2e  75 76 61 2e 6e 6c 20 3e  |ink@fwi.uva.nl >|
00008620  20 73 63 72 61 77 6c 65  64 3a 0d 3a 20 3e 20 0d  | scrawled:.: > .|
00008630  3a 20 3e 20 61 64 68 31  30 30 33 40 68 65 72 6d  |: > adh1003@herm|
00008640  65 73 2e 63 61 6d 2e 61  63 2e 75 6b 20 28 41 6e  |es.cam.ac.uk (An|
00008650  64 72 65 77 20 48 6f 64  67 6b 69 6e 73 6f 6e 29  |drew Hodgkinson)|
00008660  20 77 72 69 74 65 73 3a  0d 3a 20 3e 20 0d 3a 20  | writes:.: > .: |
00008670  3e 20 3e 49 6e 20 61 72  74 69 63 6c 65 20 3c 34  |> >In article <4|
00008680  39 63 39 37 69 24 34 34  62 40 7a 65 62 72 61 2e  |9c97i$44b@zebra.|
00008690  66 77 69 2e 75 76 61 2e  6e 6c 3e 20 0d 3a 20 3e  |fwi.uva.nl> .: >|
000086a0  20 3e 67 72 69 6d 6d 69  6e 6b 40 66 77 69 2e 75  | >grimmink@fwi.u|
000086b0  76 61 2e 6e 6c 20 28 4d  20 44 2e 20 47 72 69 6d  |va.nl (M D. Grim|
000086c0  6d 69 6e 63 6b 29 20 77  72 69 74 65 73 3a 0d 3a  |minck) writes:.:|
000086d0  20 3e 20 0d 3a 20 3e 20  5b 64 69 73 63 75 73 73  | > .: > [discuss|
000086e0  69 6f 6e 20 6f 6e 20 72  65 6c 69 61 62 69 6c 69  |ion on reliabili|
000086f0  74 79 20 6f 66 20 66 69  6c 65 2d 73 79 73 74 65  |ty of file-syste|
00008700  6d 73 20 64 65 6c 65 74  65 64 5d 0d 3a 20 3e 20  |ms deleted].: > |
00008710  0d 3a 20 3e 20 49 6e 20  70 61 72 74 69 63 75 6c  |.: > In particul|
00008720  61 72 20 49 20 72 65 6d  65 6d 62 65 72 20 73 6f  |ar I remember so|
00008730  6d 65 6f 6e 65 20 77 68  6f 20 70 75 74 20 73 6f  |meone who put so|
00008740  6d 65 20 35 35 20 4d 42  20 64 61 74 61 20 69 6e  |me 55 MB data in|
00008750  20 61 20 73 70 61 72 6b  2d 61 72 63 68 69 76 65  | a spark-archive|
00008760  0d 3a 20 3e 20 77 68 69  63 68 20 74 75 72 6e 65  |.: > which turne|
00008770  64 20 6f 75 74 20 74 6f  20 62 65 20 63 6f 72 72  |d out to be corr|
00008780  75 70 74 65 64 2e 0d 0d  3a 20 4f 72 20 6d 65 20  |upted...: Or me |
00008790  77 68 6f 20 73 70 61 72  6b 68 69 76 65 64 20 61  |who sparkhived a|
000087a0  20 73 70 61 72 6b 68 69  76 65 20 61 6e 64 20 6e  | sparkhive and n|
000087b0  6f 20 6f 6e 65 20 63 61  6e 20 66 69 67 75 72 65  |o one can figure|
000087c0  20 6f 75 74 20 68 6f 77  20 74 6f 20 72 65 63 6f  | out how to reco|
000087d0  76 65 72 20 69 74 2e 0d  0d 48 61 76 65 20 79 6f  |ver it...Have yo|
000087e0  75 20 74 72 69 65 64 20  75 73 69 6e 67 20 27 6e  |u tried using 'n|
000087f0  73 70 61 72 6b 27 3f 20  45 69 74 68 65 72 20 75  |spark'? Either u|
00008800  6e 64 65 72 20 55 4e 2a  58 2c 20 6f 72 20 6f 6e  |nder UN*X, or on|
00008810  20 61 6e 20 41 72 63 20  28 6d 61 6b 65 20 73 75  | an Arc (make su|
00008820  72 65 20 0d 73 70 61 72  6b 70 6c 75 67 20 6f 72  |re .sparkplug or|
00008830  20 77 68 61 74 65 76 65  72 20 68 61 73 6e 27 74  | whatever hasn't|
00008840  20 62 65 65 6e 20 27 73  65 65 6e 27 20 6f 74 68  | been 'seen' oth|
00008850  65 72 77 69 73 65 20 69  74 20 77 69 6c 6c 20 63  |erwise it will c|
00008860  6f 6d 70 6c 61 69 6e 20  74 68 61 74 20 79 6f 75  |omplain that you|
00008870  27 72 65 0d 74 72 79 69  6e 67 20 74 6f 20 75 6e  |'re.trying to un|
00008880  73 70 61 72 6b 20 61 20  64 69 72 65 63 74 6f 72  |spark a director|
00008890  79 29 2e 0d 0d 6e 73 70  61 72 6b 20 69 73 20 6f  |y)...nspark is o|
000088a0  6e 20 68 65 6e 73 61 2c  20 61 6e 64 20 76 61 72  |n hensa, and var|
000088b0  69 6f 75 73 20 6f 74 68  65 72 20 73 69 74 65 73  |ious other sites|
000088c0  2e 2e 2e 0d 0d 2d 2d 0d  2d 2d 2d 41 64 61 6d 2d  |.....--.---Adam-|
000088d0  2d 2d 0d 52 65 61 6c 20  50 72 6f 67 72 61 6d 6d  |--.Real Programm|
000088e0  65 72 73 20 64 6f 6e 27  74 20 63 6f 6d 6d 65 6e  |ers don't commen|
000088f0  74 20 74 68 65 69 72 20  63 6f 64 65 2e 20 20 49  |t their code.  I|
00008900  66 20 69 74 20 77 61 73  20 68 61 72 64 20 74 6f  |f it was hard to|
00008910  20 77 72 69 74 65 2c 0d  69 74 20 73 68 6f 75 6c  | write,.it shoul|
00008920  64 20 62 65 20 68 61 72  64 20 74 6f 20 75 6e 64  |d be hard to und|
00008930  65 72 73 74 61 6e 64 20  61 6e 64 20 65 76 65 6e  |erstand and even|
00008940  20 68 61 72 64 65 72 20  74 6f 20 6d 6f 64 69 66  | harder to modif|
00008950  79 2e 0d 20 20 20 20 20  20 20 20 20 20 20 54 68  |y..           Th|
00008960  65 73 65 20 61 72 65 20  61 6c 6c 20 6d 79 20 6f  |ese are all my o|
00008970  77 6e 20 6f 70 69 6e 69  6f 6e 73 2e 2e 2e 2e 0d  |wn opinions.....|
00008980  50 61 74 68 3a 20 6e 65  77 73 2e 64 65 6d 6f 6e  |Path: news.demon|
00008990  2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b 21 64  65 6d 6f 6e 21 74 61 6e  |.co.uk!demon!tan|
000089a0  6b 2e 6e 65 77 73 2e 70  69 70 65 78 2e 6e 65 74  |k.news.pipex.net|
000089b0  21 70 69 70 65 78 21 6c  61 64 65 2e 6e 65 77 73  |!pipex!lade.news|
000089c0  2e 70 69 70 65 78 2e 6e  65 74 21 70 69 70 65 78  |.pipex.net!pipex|
000089d0  21 6d 61 6e 74 69 73 21  6d 61 6e 74 69 73 21 6e  |!mantis!mantis!n|
000089e0  6f 74 2d 66 6f 72 2d 6d  61 69 6c 0a 46 72 6f 6d  |ot-for-mail.From|
000089f0  3a 20 6f 6c 6c 79 40 6d  61 6e 74 69 73 2e 63 6f  |: olly@mantis.co|
00008a00  2e 75 6b 20 28 4f 6c 6c  79 20 42 65 74 74 73 29  |.uk (Olly Betts)|
00008a10  0a 4e 65 77 73 67 72 6f  75 70 73 3a 20 63 6f 6d  |.Newsgroups: com|
00008a20  70 2e 73 79 73 2e 61 63  6f 72 6e 2e 6d 69 73 63  |p.sys.acorn.misc|
00008a30  0a 53 75 62 6a 65 63 74  3a 20 52 65 3a 20 4c 65  |.Subject: Re: Le|
00008a40  74 73 20 48 61 76 65 20  61 20 67 6f 20 61 74 20  |ts Have a go at |
00008a50  47 6c 6f 62 65 4d 61 69  6c 28 21 29 20 28 77 61  |GlobeMail(!) (wa|
00008a60  73 20 52 65 3a 20 41 63  6f 72 6e 20 43 6f 6d 70  |s Re: Acorn Comp|
00008a70  75 74 65 72 73 20 4c 74  64 29 0a 44 61 74 65 3a  |uters Ltd).Date:|
00008a80  20 36 20 44 65 63 20 31  39 39 35 20 31 31 3a 30  | 6 Dec 1995 11:0|
00008a90  34 3a 33 30 20 2d 30 30  30 30 0a 4f 72 67 61 6e  |4:30 -0000.Organ|
00008aa0  69 7a 61 74 69 6f 6e 3a  20 74 65 63 68 6e 2d 6f  |ization: techn-o|
00008ab0  6c 2d 6f 67 79 0a 4c 69  6e 65 73 3a 20 32 37 0a  |l-ogy.Lines: 27.|
00008ac0  4d 65 73 73 61 67 65 2d  49 44 3a 20 3c 31 39 39  |Message-ID: <199|
00008ad0  35 31 32 30 36 31 30 34  31 34 30 2e 6f 6c 6c 79  |51206104140.olly|
00008ae0  40 6d 61 6e 74 69 73 2e  63 6f 2e 75 6b 3e 0a 52  |@mantis.co.uk>.R|
00008af0  65 66 65 72 65 6e 63 65  73 3a 20 3c 37 42 41 37  |eferences: <7BA7|
00008b00  32 44 43 46 2e 49 54 53  2e 41 2e 4a 4f 4b 45 2e  |2DCF.ITS.A.JOKE.|
00008b10  4f 4b 3f 40 6b 65 63 68  62 2e 64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e  |OK?@kechb.demon.|
00008b20  63 6f 2e 75 6b 3e 20 3c  34 61 31 6c 74 37 24 6d  |co.uk> <4a1lt7$m|
00008b30  37 62 40 64 6f 63 2e 61  72 6d 6c 74 64 2e 63 6f  |7b@doc.armltd.co|
00008b40  2e 75 6b 3e 0a 4e 4e 54  50 2d 50 6f 73 74 69 6e  |.uk>.NNTP-Postin|
00008b50  67 2d 48 6f 73 74 3a 20  73 75 6e 66 6f 72 65 73  |g-Host: sunfores|
00008b60  74 2e 6d 61 6e 74 69 73  2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b 0a 4d  |t.mantis.co.uk.M|
00008b70  69 6d 65 2d 56 65 72 73  69 6f 6e 3a 20 31 2e 30  |ime-Version: 1.0|
00008b80  0a 43 6f 6e 74 65 6e 74  2d 54 79 70 65 3a 20 74  |.Content-Type: t|
00008b90  65 78 74 2f 70 6c 61 69  6e 3b 20 63 68 61 72 73  |ext/plain; chars|
00008ba0  65 74 3d 69 73 6f 2d 38  38 35 39 2d 31 0a 43 6f  |et=iso-8859-1.Co|
00008bb0  6e 74 65 6e 74 2d 54 72  61 6e 73 66 65 72 2d 45  |ntent-Transfer-E|
00008bc0  6e 63 6f 64 69 6e 67 3a  20 38 62 69 74 0a 49 6e  |ncoding: 8bit.In|
00008bd0  20 61 72 74 69 63 6c 65  20 3c 34 61 31 6c 74 37  | article <4a1lt7|
00008be0  24 6d 37 62 40 64 6f 63  2e 61 72 6d 6c 74 64 2e  |$m7b@doc.armltd.|
00008bf0  63 6f 2e 75 6b 3e 2c 0a  4d 69 63 68 61 65 6c 20  |co.uk>,.Michael |
00008c00  57 69 6c 6c 69 61 6d 73  20 3c 6d 69 6b 65 40 6e  |Williams <mike@n|
00008c10  73 69 63 74 2e 6f 72 67  3e 20 77 72 6f 74 65 3a  |sict.org> wrote:|
00008c20  0a 3e 72 6e 2f 74 72 6e  2f 73 74 72 6e 20 2d 20  |.>rn/trn/strn - |
00008c30  53 68 6f 77 20 61 20 73  65 6c 65 63 74 69 6f 6e  |Show a selection|
00008c40  20 6f 66 20 75 73 65 66  75 6c 20 68 65 61 64 65  | of useful heade|
00008c50  72 73 2c 20 73 68 6f 77  20 74 68 65 20 72 65 73  |rs, show the res|
00008c60  74 20 69 66 20 79 6f 75  20 70 72 65 73 73 0a 3e  |t if you press.>|
00008c70  27 74 27 20 28 66 6f 72  20 74 6f 67 67 6c 65 29  |'t' (for toggle)|
00008c80  2e 0a 0a 4f 64 64 2c 20  69 74 27 73 20 27 76 27  |...Odd, it's 'v'|
00008c90  20 6f 6e 20 74 68 69 73  20 63 6f 70 79 20 6f 66  | on this copy of|
00008ca0  20 73 74 72 6e 20 28 27  74 27 20 73 68 6f 77 73  | strn ('t' shows|
00008cb0  20 61 20 66 75 6c 6c 20  74 72 65 65 20 66 6f 72  | a full tree for|
00008cc0  20 74 68 65 20 63 75 72  72 65 6e 74 0a 74 68 72  | the current.thr|
00008cd0  65 61 64 29 2c 20 61 6e  64 20 49 27 76 65 20 6e  |ead), and I've n|
00008ce0  6f 74 20 6d 61 63 72 6f  65 64 20 69 74 2e 20 20  |ot macroed it.  |
00008cf0  49 6e 20 66 61 63 74 20  74 68 65 20 6d 61 6e 20  |In fact the man |
00008d00  70 61 67 65 20 66 6f 72  20 74 72 6e 20 61 67 72  |page for trn agr|
00008d10  65 65 73 2e 0a 4d 61 79  62 65 20 27 74 27 20 69  |ees..Maybe 't' i|
00008d20  73 20 61 6e 20 72 6e 2d  69 73 6d 2e 0a 0a 3e 49  |s an rn-ism...>I|
00008d30  6e 20 66 61 63 74 20 22  61 20 73 65 6c 65 63 74  |n fact "a select|
00008d40  69 6f 6e 20 6f 66 20 75  73 65 66 75 6c 20 68 65  |ion of useful he|
00008d50  61 64 65 72 73 22 20 6d  65 61 6e 73 20 22 61 6c  |aders" means "al|
00008d60  6c 20 68 65 61 64 65 72  73 20 65 78 63 65 70 74  |l headers except|
00008d70  20 74 68 6f 73 65 20 74  68 61 74 0a 3e 49 20 6b  | those that.>I k|
00008d80  6e 6f 77 20 61 72 65 6e  27 74 20 74 65 72 72 69  |now aren't terri|
00008d90  62 6c 79 20 75 73 65 66  75 6c 2c 20 6c 69 6b 65  |bly useful, like|
00008da0  20 50 61 74 68 20 61 6e  64 20 52 65 66 65 72 65  | Path and Refere|
00008db0  6e 63 65 73 22 20 2d 20  73 6f 20 74 68 61 74 20  |nces" - so that |
00008dc0  69 6e 63 6c 75 64 65 73  20 0a 3e 61 6c 6c 20 74  |includes .>all t|
00008dd0  68 65 20 70 6f 69 6e 74  6c 65 73 73 20 47 6c 6f  |he pointless Glo|
00008de0  62 65 4d 61 69 6c 20 68  65 61 64 65 72 73 2c 20  |beMail headers, |
00008df0  73 69 6e 63 65 20 74 72  6e 20 63 61 6e 27 74 20  |since trn can't |
00008e00  74 65 6c 6c 20 74 68 61  74 20 74 68 65 79 27 72  |tell that they'r|
00008e10  65 20 6e 6f 74 0a 3e 75  73 65 66 75 6c 2e 0a 0a  |e not.>useful...|
00008e20  59 6f 75 20 63 61 6e 20  62 79 20 64 65 66 61 75  |You can by defau|
00008e30  6c 74 20 68 69 64 65 2f  73 68 6f 77 20 68 65 61  |lt hide/show hea|
00008e40  64 65 72 73 20 77 69 74  68 20 61 20 67 69 76 65  |ders with a give|
00008e50  6e 20 70 72 65 66 69 78  20 73 6f 3a 0a 0a 74 72  |n prefix so:..tr|
00008e60  6e 20 2d 68 20 2b 68 66  72 6f 6d 20 2b 68 73 75  |n -h +hfrom +hsu|
00008e70  62 6a 65 63 74 0a 0a 53  68 6f 75 6c 64 20 68 69  |bject..Should hi|
00008e80  64 65 20 61 6c 6c 20 68  65 61 64 65 72 73 20 65  |de all headers e|
00008e90  78 63 65 70 74 20 22 46  72 6f 6d 3a 22 20 61 6e  |xcept "From:" an|
00008ea0  64 20 22 53 75 62 6a 65  63 74 3a 22 2e 20 20 50  |d "Subject:".  P|
00008eb0  72 65 73 73 69 6e 67 20  27 76 27 20 77 69 6c 6c  |ressing 'v' will|
00008ec0  0a 67 69 76 65 20 79 6f  75 20 74 68 65 6d 20 61  |.give you them a|
00008ed0  6c 6c 2e 0a 0a 4e 6f 74  20 76 65 72 79 20 41 63  |ll...Not very Ac|
00008ee0  6f 72 6e 20 72 65 6c 65  76 61 6e 74 20 49 20 6b  |orn relevant I k|
00008ef0  6e 6f 77 2c 20 74 68 6f  75 67 68 20 69 74 20 77  |now, though it w|
00008f00  6f 75 6c 64 20 62 65 20  6e 69 63 65 20 74 6f 20  |ould be nice to |
00008f10  68 61 76 65 20 73 6f 6d  65 74 68 69 6e 67 0a 77  |have something.w|
00008f20  69 74 68 20 74 68 65 20  70 6f 77 65 72 20 6f 66  |ith the power of|
00008f30  20 73 74 72 6e 20 66 6f  72 20 52 49 53 43 20 4f  | strn for RISC O|
00008f40  53 2e 0a 0a 4f 6c 6c 79  0a 2d 2d 20 0a 63 6f 6f  |S...Olly.-- .coo|
00008f50  6c 20 77 65 74 20 67 72  61 73 73 20 20 63 6f 6f  |l wet grass  coo|
00008f90  6c 20 77 65 74 20 67 72  61 73 73 0a 4e 65 77 73  |l wet grass.News|
00008fa0  67 72 6f 75 70 73 3a 20  63 6f 6d 70 2e 73 79 73  |groups: comp.sys|
00008fb0  2e 61 63 6f 72 6e 2e 6d  69 73 63 0a 50 61 74 68  |.acorn.misc.Path|
00008fc0  3a 20 6e 65 77 73 2e 64  65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e  |: news.demon.co.|
00008fd0  75 6b 21 64 65 6d 6f 6e  21 74 61 6e 6b 2e 6e 65  |uk!demon!tank.ne|
00008fe0  77 73 2e 70 69 70 65 78  2e 6e 65 74 21 70 69 70  |ws.pipex.net!pip|
00008ff0  65 78 21 6c 61 64 65 2e  6e 65 77 73 2e 70 69 70  |ex!lade.news.pip|
00009000  65 78 2e 6e 65 74 21 70  69 70 65 78 21 6d 61 64  |ex.net!pipex!mad|
00009010  67 65 2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b  21 6a 6f 62 72 6f 69 6e  |ge.co.uk!jobroin|
00009020  0a 46 72 6f 6d 3a 20 6a  6f 62 72 6f 69 6e 40 6d  |.From: jobroin@m|
00009030  61 64 67 65 31 2e 6d 61  64 67 65 2e 63 6f 2e 75  |adge1.madge.co.u|
00009040  6b 20 28 4a 61 73 6f 6e  20 4f 27 42 72 6f 69 6e  |k (Jason O'Broin|
00009050  29 0a 53 75 62 6a 65 63  74 3a 20 52 65 3a 20 41  |).Subject: Re: A|
00009060  63 6f 72 6e 20 61 72 74  69 63 6c 65 20 69 6e 20  |corn article in |
00009070  55 4b 20 4e 65 77 73 70  61 70 65 72 0a 4f 72 67  |UK Newspaper.Org|
00009080  61 6e 69 7a 61 74 69 6f  6e 3a 20 4d 61 64 67 65  |anization: Madge|
00009090  20 4e 65 74 77 6f 72 6b  73 0a 44 61 74 65 3a 20  | Networks.Date: |
000090a0  57 65 64 2c 20 36 20 44  65 63 20 31 39 39 35 20  |Wed, 6 Dec 1995 |
000090b0  31 31 3a 32 32 3a 32 34  20 47 4d 54 0a 4d 65 73  |11:22:24 GMT.Mes|
000090c0  73 61 67 65 2d 49 44 3a  20 3c 44 4a 35 77 78 44  |sage-ID: <DJ5wxD|
000090d0  2e 47 73 7a 40 6d 61 64  67 65 31 2e 6d 61 64 67  |.Gsz@madge1.madg|
000090e0  65 2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b 3e  0a 58 2d 4e 65 77 73 72  |e.co.uk>.X-Newsr|
000090f0  65 61 64 65 72 3a 20 54  49 4e 20 5b 76 65 72 73  |eader: TIN [vers|
00009100  69 6f 6e 20 31 2e 32 20  50 4c 32 5d 0a 52 65 66  |ion 1.2 PL2].Ref|
00009110  65 72 65 6e 63 65 73 3a  20 3c 44 4a 34 49 4d 37  |erences: <DJ4IM7|
00009120  2e 41 4a 40 6d 61 64 67  65 31 2e 6d 61 64 67 65  |.AJ@madge1.madge|
00009130  2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b 3e 20  3c 39 35 31 32 30 35 31  |.co.uk> <9512051|
00009140  30 31 35 2e 41 41 30 32  32 30 32 40 73 6e 6f 77  |015.AA02202@snow|
00009150  2d 77 68 69 74 65 2e 6c  75 74 6f 6e 2e 61 63 2e  |-white.luton.ac.|
00009160  75 6b 3e 20 3c 69 6e 74  65 72 6e 65 77 73 34 36  |uk> <internews46|
00009170  37 42 36 42 45 45 38 39  40 61 72 67 6f 6e 65 74  |7B6BEE89@argonet|
00009180  2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b 3e 0a  4c 69 6e 65 73 3a 20 32  |.co.uk>.Lines: 2|
00009190  30 0a 62 75 74 74 69 6d  64 40 61 72 67 6f 6e 65  |0.buttimd@argone|
000091a0  74 2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b 20  77 72 6f 74 65 3a 0d 0d  |t.co.uk wrote:..|
000091b0  3a 20 44 69 64 20 49 20  72 65 61 64 20 72 69 67  |: Did I read rig|
000091c0  68 74 20 2d 20 61 20 34  33 70 20 69 6e 63 72 65  |ht - a 43p incre|
000091d0  61 73 65 20 74 6f 64 61  79 3f 20 20 42 79 20 74  |ase today?  By t|
000091e0  68 65 20 77 61 79 20 69  73 20 74 68 65 72 65 20  |he way is there |
000091f0  61 6e 79 20 77 61 79 20  28 76 69 61 0d 3a 20 69  |any way (via.: i|
00009200  6e 74 65 72 6e 65 74 20  66 6f 72 20 69 6e 73 74  |nternet for inst|
00009210  61 6e 63 65 29 20 74 68  61 74 20 49 20 63 61 6e  |ance) that I can|
00009220  20 73 65 65 20 75 70 20  74 6f 20 64 61 74 65 20  | see up to date |
00009230  73 68 61 72 65 20 70 72  69 63 65 73 20 73 75 63  |share prices suc|
00009240  68 20 61 73 20 74 68 6f  73 65 20 6f 66 0d 3a 20  |h as those of.: |
00009250  74 6f 64 61 79 20 77 69  74 68 6f 75 74 20 77 61  |today without wa|
00009260  69 74 69 6e 67 20 66 6f  72 20 74 65 6c 65 74 65  |iting for telete|
00009270  78 74 20 6f 72 20 61 20  6e 65 77 73 70 61 70 65  |xt or a newspape|
00009280  72 3f 0d 0d 49 74 20 77  61 73 20 34 34 70 20 62  |r?..It was 44p b|
00009290  79 20 64 61 79 20 63 6c  6f 73 65 2e 0d 0d 59 6f  |y day close...Yo|
000092a0  75 20 63 61 6e 20 67 65  74 20 74 68 69 73 20 69  |u can get this i|
000092b0  6e 66 6f 72 6d 61 74 69  6f 6e 20 66 72 6f 6d 20  |nformation from |
000092c0  45 53 49 20 2d 20 48 65  72 6d 61 6e 20 48 65 75  |ESI - Herman Heu|
000092d0  73 65 72 27 73 20 28 73  70 29 20 65 6c 65 63 74  |ser's (sp) elect|
000092e0  72 6f 6e 69 63 20 0d 73  74 6f 63 6b 20 65 78 63  |ronic .stock exc|
000092f0  68 61 6e 67 65 20 71 75  6f 74 65 20 73 65 72 76  |hange quote serv|
00009300  69 63 65 2e 20 47 6f 20  74 6f 20 68 74 74 70 3a  |ice. Go to http:|
00009310  2f 2f 77 77 77 2e 65 73  69 2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b 2f  |//www.esi.co.uk/|
00009320  66 72 65 65 2e 68 6f 6d  65 2e 68 74 6d 6c 0d 0d  |free.home.html..|
00009330  54 68 65 79 20 68 61 76  65 20 61 20 66 72 65 65  |They have a free|
00009340  20 73 65 72 76 69 63 65  20 77 68 69 63 68 20 75  | service which u|
00009350  70 64 61 74 65 73 20 73  6f 6d 65 20 73 68 61 72  |pdates some shar|
00009360  65 20 70 72 69 63 65 73  20 28 69 6e 63 2e 20 41  |e prices (inc. A|
00009370  63 6f 72 6e 29 20 38 20  74 69 6d 65 73 0d 61 20  |corn) 8 times.a |
00009380  64 61 79 2e 20 54 68 65  72 65 20 61 72 65 20 61  |day. There are a|
00009390  6c 73 6f 20 73 6f 6d 65  20 63 68 61 72 67 61 62  |lso some chargab|
000093a0  6c 65 20 73 65 72 76 69  63 65 73 20 74 68 61 74  |le services that|
000093b0  20 6d 69 67 68 74 20 69  6e 74 65 72 65 73 74 20  | might interest |
000093c0  79 6f 75 2e 0d 0d 4a 61  73 6f 6e 0d 2d 2d 20 0d  |you...Jason.-- .|
000093d0  20 20 20 20 20 20 20 4a  61 73 6f 6e 20 4f 27 42  |       Jason O'B|
000093e0  72 6f 69 6e 20 2d 20 44  65 76 65 6c 6f 70 6d 65  |roin - Developme|
000093f0  6e 74 20 45 6e 67 69 6e  65 65 72 2c 20 41 54 4d  |nt Engineer, ATM|
00009400  20 41 64 61 70 74 65 72  20 47 72 6f 75 70 0d 4d  | Adapter Group.M|
00009410  61 64 67 65 20 4e 65 74  77 6f 72 6b 73 2c 20 53  |adge Networks, S|
00009420  65 66 74 6f 6e 20 50 61  72 6b 2c 20 42 65 6c 6c  |efton Park, Bell|
00009430  73 20 48 69 6c 6c 2c 20  53 74 6f 6b 65 20 50 6f  |s Hill, Stoke Po|
00009440  67 65 73 2c 20 53 6c 6f  75 67 68 20 53 4c 32 20  |ges, Slough SL2 |
00009450  34 4a 53 2e 20 55 4b 0d  20 50 68 6f 6e 65 20 2b  |4JS. UK. Phone +|
00009460  34 34 20 31 34 39 34 20  35 34 31 32 35 38 20 45  |44 1494 541258 E|
00009470  6d 61 69 6c 3a 20 6a 6f  62 72 6f 69 6e 40 6d 61  |mail: jobroin@ma|
00009480  64 67 65 2e 63 6f 6d 20  6f 72 20 6a 6f 62 72 6f  |dge.com or jobro|
00009490  69 6e 40 6d 61 64 67 65  2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b 0d 20  |in@madge.co.uk. |
000094a0  20 20 20 20 20 20 2d 20  43 61 6e 20 49 20 68 61  |      - Can I ha|
000094b0  76 65 20 65 76 65 72 79  74 68 69 6e 67 20 6c 6f  |ve everything lo|
000094c0  75 64 65 72 20 74 68 61  6e 20 65 76 65 72 79 74  |uder than everyt|
000094d0  68 69 6e 67 20 65 6c 73  65 20 3f 20 2d 0d 50 61  |hing else ? -.Pa|
000094e0  74 68 3a 20 6e 65 77 73  2e 64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63  |th: news.demon.c|
000094f0  6f 2e 75 6b 21 64 65 6d  6f 6e 21 74 61 6e 6b 2e  |o.uk!demon!tank.|
00009500  6e 65 77 73 2e 70 69 70  65 78 2e 6e 65 74 21 70  |news.pipex.net!p|
00009510  69 70 65 78 21 68 6f 77  6c 61 6e 64 2e 72 65 73  |ipex!howland.res|
00009520  74 6f 6e 2e 61 6e 73 2e  6e 65 74 21 45 55 2e 6e  |ton.ans.net!EU.n|
00009530  65 74 21 70 65 65 72 2d  6e 65 77 73 2e 62 72 69  |et!peer-news.bri|
00009540  74 61 69 6e 2e 65 75 2e  6e 65 74 21 6b 65 65 6c  |tain.eu.net!keel|
00009550  65 21 70 6f 74 74 65 72  2e 63 63 2e 6b 65 65 6c  |e!potter.cc.keel|
00009560  65 2e 61 63 2e 75 6b 21  75 34 66 31 38 0a 46 72  |e.ac.uk!u4f18.Fr|
00009570  6f 6d 3a 20 75 34 66 31  38 40 63 63 2e 6b 65 65  |om: u4f18@cc.kee|
00009580  6c 65 2e 61 63 2e 75 6b  20 28 52 4a 20 53 75 6d  |le.ac.uk (RJ Sum|
00009590  6d 65 72 73 29 0a 4e 65  77 73 67 72 6f 75 70 73  |mers).Newsgroups|
000095a0  3a 20 63 6f 6d 70 2e 73  79 73 2e 61 63 6f 72 6e  |: comp.sys.acorn|
000095b0  2e 6d 69 73 63 0a 53 75  62 6a 65 63 74 3a 20 52  |.misc.Subject: R|
000095c0  65 3a 20 41 63 6f 72 6e  20 61 72 74 69 63 6c 65  |e: Acorn article|
000095d0  20 69 6e 20 55 4b 20 4e  65 77 73 70 61 70 65 72  | in UK Newspaper|
000095e0  0a 44 61 74 65 3a 20 36  20 44 65 63 20 31 39 39  |.Date: 6 Dec 199|
000095f0  35 20 31 30 3a 33 39 3a  32 34 20 47 4d 54 0a 4c  |5 10:39:24 GMT.L|
00009600  69 6e 65 73 3a 20 31 35  0a 44 69 73 74 72 69 62  |ines: 15.Distrib|
00009610  75 74 69 6f 6e 3a 20 77  6f 72 6c 64 0a 4d 65 73  |ution: world.Mes|
00009620  73 61 67 65 2d 49 44 3a  20 3c 34 61 33 72 73 73  |sage-ID: <4a3rss|
00009630  24 32 38 38 40 67 65 72  72 79 2e 63 63 2e 6b 65  |$288@gerry.cc.ke|
00009640  65 6c 65 2e 61 63 2e 75  6b 3e 0a 52 65 66 65 72  |ele.ac.uk>.Refer|
00009650  65 6e 63 65 73 3a 20 3c  39 35 31 32 30 35 31 30  |ences: <95120510|
00009660  31 35 2e 41 41 30 32 32  30 32 40 73 6e 6f 77 2d  |15.AA02202@snow-|
00009670  77 68 69 74 65 2e 6c 75  74 6f 6e 2e 61 63 2e 75  |white.luton.ac.u|
00009680  6b 3e 0a 4e 4e 54 50 2d  50 6f 73 74 69 6e 67 2d  |k>.NNTP-Posting-|
00009690  48 6f 73 74 3a 20 70 6f  74 74 65 72 2e 63 63 2e  |Host: potter.cc.|
000096a0  6b 65 65 6c 65 2e 61 63  2e 75 6b 0a 58 2d 4e 65  |keele.ac.uk.X-Ne|
000096b0  77 73 72 65 61 64 65 72  3a 20 54 49 4e 20 5b 76  |wsreader: TIN [v|
000096c0  65 72 73 69 6f 6e 20 31  2e 32 20 50 4c 32 5d 0a  |ersion 1.2 PL2].|
000096d0  48 61 6e 67 20 6f 6e 20  61 20 73 65 63 6f 6e 64  |Hang on a second|
000096e0  2e 2e 2e 2e 20 49 20 68  6f 70 65 20 41 63 6f 72  |.... I hope Acor|
000096f0  6e 20 73 75 63 63 65 65  64 73 20 77 69 74 68 20  |n succeeds with |
00009700  74 68 69 73 20 76 65 6e  74 75 72 65 2e 2e 2e 2e  |this venture....|
00009710  62 75 74 20 35 30 30 0d  70 6f 75 6e 64 73 21 20  |but 500.pounds! |
00009720  20 48 69 64 64 65 6e 20  63 6f 73 74 73 20 6c 69  | Hidden costs li|
00009730  6b 65 20 63 6f 6e 6e 65  63 74 69 6f 6e 20 66 65  |ke connection fe|
00009740  65 73 20 65 74 63 2e 20  28 77 69 6c 6c 20 69 74  |es etc. (will it|
00009750  20 63 6f 6d 65 20 77 69  74 68 20 61 20 62 75 69  | come with a bui|
00009760  6c 74 0d 69 6e 20 6d 6f  64 65 6d 3f 29 2e 2e 2e  |lt.in modem?)...|
00009770  2e 79 6f 75 20 63 61 6e  20 62 75 79 20 61 20 50  |.you can buy a P|
00009780  43 20 66 6f 72 20 61 72  6f 75 6e 64 20 74 68 61  |C for around tha|
00009790  74 20 6e 6f 77 20 28 61  64 6d 69 74 74 65 64 6c  |t now (admittedl|
000097a0  79 20 6e 6f 74 20 74 6f  70 20 73 70 65 63 29 0d  |y not top spec).|
000097b0  61 6e 64 20 70 65 6f 70  6c 65 20 61 72 65 20 67  |and people are g|
000097c0  6f 69 6e 67 20 74 6f 20  73 65 65 20 74 68 61 74  |oing to see that|
000097d0  20 74 68 69 73 20 4e 65  74 53 75 72 66 65 72 20  | this NetSurfer |
000097e0  69 73 20 6e 6f 74 20 72  65 61 6c 6c 79 20 61 20  |is not really a |
000097f0  63 6f 6d 70 75 74 65 72  2e 20 20 49 0d 6b 6e 6f  |computer.  I.kno|
00009800  77 20 74 68 61 74 20 70  65 6f 70 6c 65 20 73 74  |w that people st|
00009810  69 6c 6c 20 70 61 79 20  35 30 30 20 70 6f 75 6e  |ill pay 500 poun|
00009820  64 73 20 66 6f 72 20 61  20 77 6f 72 64 20 70 72  |ds for a word pr|
00009830  6f 63 65 73 73 6f 72 20  69 6e 73 74 65 61 64 20  |ocessor instead |
00009840  6f 66 0d 73 70 65 6e 64  69 6e 67 20 61 20 6c 69  |of.spending a li|
00009850  74 74 6c 65 20 6d 6f 72  65 20 61 6e 64 20 67 65  |ttle more and ge|
00009860  74 74 69 6e 67 20 61 20  2a 70 72 6f 70 65 72 2a  |tting a *proper*|
00009870  20 63 6f 6d 70 75 74 65  72 2c 20 62 65 63 61 75  | computer, becau|
00009880  73 65 20 61 6c 6c 20 74  68 65 79 0d 77 61 6e 74  |se all they.want|
00009890  20 74 6f 20 64 6f 20 69  73 20 57 50 2c 20 62 75  | to do is WP, bu|
000098a0  74 20 49 4d 48 4f 20 6d  6f 73 74 20 70 65 6f 70  |t IMHO most peop|
000098b0  6c 20 77 68 6f 20 77 61  6e 74 20 69 6e 74 65 72  |l who want inter|
000098c0  6e 65 74 20 61 63 63 65  73 73 20 77 6f 75 6c 64  |net access would|
000098d0  20 77 61 6e 74 20 61 0d  2a 72 65 61 6c 2a 20 63  | want a.*real* c|
000098e0  6f 6d 70 75 74 65 72 2e  0d 0d 0d 20 20 5f 20 20  |omputer....  _  |
000098f0  20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20  20 20 20 20 20 5f 20 20  |             _  |
00009900  20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20  20 20 0d 20 7c 5f 20 20  |          . |_  |
00009910  5f 20 20 5f 20 20 5f 20  5f 20 20 20 7c 5f 7c 20  |_  _  _ _   |_| |
00009920  5f 20 7c 5f 20 20 20 20  0d 20 7c 20 20 7c 20 20  |_ |_    . |  |  |
00009930  7c 5f 7c 7c 20 7c 20 7c  20 20 7c 5c 20 7c 5f 7c  ||_|| | |  |\ |_||
00009940  7c 5f 7c 20 20 20 0d 20  75 34 66 31 38 40 70 6f  ||_|   . u4f18@po|
00009950  74 74 65 72 2e 63 63 2e  6b 65 65 6c 65 2e 61 63  |tter.cc.keele.ac|
00009960  2e 75 6b 20 0d 20 20 20  20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20  |.uk .           |
00009970  20 20 20 20 20 20 0d 50  61 74 68 3a 20 6e 65 77  |      .Path: new|
00009980  73 2e 64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e  63 6f 2e 75 6b 21 64 65  |s.demon.co.uk!de|
00009990  6d 6f 6e 21 61 72 63 61  64 65 2e 64 65 6d 6f 6e  |mon!arcade.demon|
000099a0  2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b 21 52  4d 75 72 72 61 79 0a 46  |.co.uk!RMurray.F|
000099b0  72 6f 6d 3a 20 52 4d 75  72 72 61 79 40 61 72 63  |rom: RMurray@arc|
000099c0  61 64 65 2e 64 65 6d 6f  6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b 20  |ade.demon.co.uk |
000099d0  28 52 69 63 68 61 72 64  20 4d 75 72 72 61 79 29  |(Richard Murray)|
000099e0  0a 4e 65 77 73 67 72 6f  75 70 73 3a 20 63 6f 6d  |.Newsgroups: com|
000099f0  70 2e 73 79 73 2e 61 63  6f 72 6e 2e 6d 69 73 63  |p.sys.acorn.misc|
00009a00  0a 53 75 62 6a 65 63 74  3a 20 52 69 73 63 20 50  |.Subject: Risc P|
00009a10  43 20 61 64 76 65 72 74  20 73 70 6f 74 74 65 64  |C advert spotted|
00009a20  21 0a 44 61 74 65 3a 20  30 35 20 44 65 63 20 31  |!.Date: 05 Dec 1|
00009a30  39 39 35 20 31 32 3a 33  33 3a 35 34 20 2b 30 30  |995 12:33:54 +00|
00009a40  30 30 0a 4f 72 67 61 6e  69 7a 61 74 69 6f 6e 3a  |00.Organization:|
00009a50  20 41 72 63 61 64 65 20  42 42 53 20 2d 20 54 68  | Arcade BBS - Th|
00009a60  65 20 4c 6f 6e 64 6f 6e  20 41 63 6f 72 6e 20 41  |e London Acorn A|
00009a70  72 63 68 69 6d 65 64 65  73 20 42 42 53 0a 4c 69  |rchimedes BBS.Li|
00009a80  6e 65 73 3a 20 31 37 0a  53 65 6e 64 65 72 3a 20  |nes: 17.Sender: |
00009a90  4c 69 6e 6b 4d 61 6e 40  61 72 63 61 64 65 2e 64  |LinkMan@arcade.d|
00009aa0  65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e  75 6b 0a 44 69 73 74 72  |emon.co.uk.Distr|
00009ab0  69 62 75 74 69 6f 6e 3a  20 77 6f 72 6c 64 0a 4d  |ibution: world.M|
00009ac0  65 73 73 61 67 65 2d 49  44 3a 20 3c 39 35 31 32  |essage-ID: <9512|
00009ad0  30 36 30 33 35 31 32 36  40 61 72 63 61 64 65 2e  |06035126@arcade.|
00009ae0  64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f  2e 75 6b 3e 0a 52 65 70  |demon.co.uk>.Rep|
00009af0  6c 79 2d 54 6f 3a 20 52  4d 75 72 72 61 79 40 61  |ly-To: RMurray@a|
00009b00  72 63 61 64 65 2e 64 65  6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75  |rcade.demon.co.u|
00009b10  6b 0a 4e 4e 54 50 2d 50  6f 73 74 69 6e 67 2d 48  |k.NNTP-Posting-H|
00009b20  6f 73 74 3a 20 61 72 63  61 64 65 2e 64 65 6d 6f  |ost: arcade.demo|
00009b30  6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b 0a  58 2d 4e 4e 54 50 2d 50  |n.co.uk.X-NNTP-P|
00009b40  6f 73 74 69 6e 67 2d 48  6f 73 74 3a 20 61 72 63  |osting-Host: arc|
00009b50  61 64 65 2e 64 65 6d 6f  6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b 0a  |ade.demon.co.uk.|
00009b60  58 2d 4d 61 69 6c 65 72  3a 20 41 72 63 61 64 65  |X-Mailer: Arcade|
00009b70  4c 69 6e 6b 20 2d 20 45  6d 61 69 6c 2f 4e 65 77  |Link - Email/New|
00009b80  73 20 47 61 74 65 77 61  79 0a 58 2d 53 79 73 74  |s Gateway.X-Syst|
00009b90  65 6d 3a 20 41 72 63 61  64 65 4c 69 6e 6b 0a 51  |em: ArcadeLink.Q|
00009ba0  75 6f 74 69 6e 67 20 4a  6f 68 6e 20 53 69 6d 70  |uoting John Simp|
00009bb0  73 6f 6e 20 28 69 6e 20  43 53 41 2e 4d 49 53 43  |son (in CSA.MISC|
00009bc0  29 2e 2e 2e 0d 0d 4a 53  3e 20 22 2e 2e 2e 2e 20  |).....JS> ".... |
00009bd0  61 6e 64 20 62 65 63 61  75 73 65 20 69 74 73 20  |and because its |
00009be0  61 20 52 49 53 43 20 50  43 20 69 74 73 20 61 6c  |a RISC PC its al|
00009bf0  72 65 61 64 79 20 61 68  65 61 64 20 6f 66 20 74  |ready ahead of t|
00009c00  68 65 20 70 61 63 6b 2e  2e 2e 22 0d 20 20 20 20  |he pack...".    |
00009c10  20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20  20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20  |                |
00009c20  20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20  7e 7e 7e 7e 7e 7e 7e 0d  |        ~~~~~~~.|
00009c30  4a 53 3e 20 4f 66 20 63  6f 75 72 73 65 2c 20 74  |JS> Of course, t|
00009c40  68 65 20 61 64 76 65 72  74 20 77 61 73 20 66 6f  |he advert was fo|
00009c50  72 20 61 20 50 6f 77 65  72 20 4d 61 63 69 6e 74  |r a Power Macint|
00009c60  6f 73 68 2e 0d 0d 55 70  20 74 6f 20 74 68 65 69  |osh...Up to thei|
00009c70  72 20 6f 6c 64 20 74 72  69 63 6b 73 20 65 68 3f  |r old tricks eh?|
00009c80  0d 0d 20 20 20 5f 5f 5f  0d 20 20 2f 5f 5f 2f 0d  |..   ___.  /__/.|
00009c90  20 2f 20 20 5c 69 63 68  61 72 64 2e 0d 2d 2d 20  | /  \ichard..-- |
00009ca0  0d 20 20 20 20 5f 5f 5f  20 20 5f 5f 5f 20 20 5f  |.    ___  ___  _|
00009cb0  5f 5f 20 20 5f 5f 5f 20  20 5f 5f 5f 20 20 5f 5f  |__  ___  ___  __|
00009cc0  5f 0d 7c 20 20 2f 20 20  20 5c 2f 20 20 20 5c 2f  |_.|  /   \/   \/|
00009cd0  20 20 20 5c 2f 20 20 20  5c 2f 20 20 20 5c 2f 20  |   \/   \/   \/ |
00009ce0  20 20 5c 20 20 7c 20 54  68 65 20 41 72 63 68 69  |  \  | The Archi|
00009cf0  6d 65 64 65 73 20 42 75  6c 6c 65 74 69 6e 20 42  |medes Bulletin B|
00009d00  6f 61 72 64 20 69 6e 20  4c 6f 6e 64 6f 6e 20 7c  |oard in London ||
00009d10  0d 7c 20 20 20 20 41 20  20 20 20 52 20 20 20 20  |.|    A    R    |
00009d20  43 20 20 20 20 41 20 20  20 20 44 20 20 20 20 45  |C    A    D    E|
00009d30  20 20 20 20 7c 20 2b 34  34 28 30 29 31 38 31 20  |    | +44(0)181 |
00009d40  36 35 34 20 32 32 31 32  20 28 34 20 6c 69 6e 65  |654 2212 (4 line|
00009d50  73 29 20 43 72 6f 79 64  6f 6e 2c 20 55 4b 7c 0d  |s) Croydon, UK|.|
00009d60  7c 20 45 6d 61 69 6c 20  26 20 4e 65 77 73 20 40  || Email & News @|
00009d70  61 72 63 61 64 65 2e 64  65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e  |arcade.demon.co.|
00009d80  75 6b 20 7c 20 2b 34 34  28 30 29 31 38 31 20 36  |uk | +44(0)181 6|
00009d90  35 35 20 34 34 31 32 20  20 46 69 64 6f 6e 65 74  |55 4412  Fidonet|
00009da0  23 32 3a 32 35 34 2f 32  37 2e 30 20 20 7c 0d 50  |#2:254/27.0  |.P|
00009db0  61 74 68 3a 20 6e 65 77  73 2e 64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e  |ath: news.demon.|
00009dc0  63 6f 2e 75 6b 21 64 65  6d 6f 6e 21 61 72 63 61  |co.uk!demon!arca|
00009dd0  64 65 2e 64 65 6d 6f 6e  2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b 21 52  |de.demon.co.uk!R|
00009de0  4d 75 72 72 61 79 0a 46  72 6f 6d 3a 20 52 4d 75  |Murray.From: RMu|
00009df0  72 72 61 79 40 61 72 63  61 64 65 2e 64 65 6d 6f  |rray@arcade.demo|
00009e00  6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b 20  28 52 69 63 68 61 72 64  |n.co.uk (Richard|
00009e10  20 4d 75 72 72 61 79 29  0a 4e 65 77 73 67 72 6f  | Murray).Newsgro|
00009e20  75 70 73 3a 20 63 6f 6d  70 2e 73 79 73 2e 61 63  |ups: comp.sys.ac|
00009e30  6f 72 6e 2e 6d 69 73 63  0a 53 75 62 6a 65 63 74  |orn.misc.Subject|
00009e40  3a 20 76 69 64 65 6f 20  64 69 67 69 74 69 73 69  |: video digitisi|
00009e50  6e 67 3f 0a 44 61 74 65  3a 20 30 35 20 44 65 63  |ng?.Date: 05 Dec|
00009e60  20 31 39 39 35 20 31 32  3a 32 32 3a 34 38 20 2b  | 1995 12:22:48 +|
00009e70  30 30 30 30 0a 4f 72 67  61 6e 69 7a 61 74 69 6f  |0000.Organizatio|
00009e80  6e 3a 20 41 72 63 61 64  65 20 42 42 53 20 2d 20  |n: Arcade BBS - |
00009e90  54 68 65 20 4c 6f 6e 64  6f 6e 20 41 63 6f 72 6e  |The London Acorn|
00009ea0  20 41 72 63 68 69 6d 65  64 65 73 20 42 42 53 0a  | Archimedes BBS.|
00009eb0  4c 69 6e 65 73 3a 20 31  39 0a 53 65 6e 64 65 72  |Lines: 19.Sender|
00009ec0  3a 20 4c 69 6e 6b 4d 61  6e 40 61 72 63 61 64 65  |: LinkMan@arcade|
00009ed0  2e 64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63  6f 2e 75 6b 0a 44 69 73  |.demon.co.uk.Dis|
00009ee0  74 72 69 62 75 74 69 6f  6e 3a 20 77 6f 72 6c 64  |tribution: world|
00009ef0  0a 4d 65 73 73 61 67 65  2d 49 44 3a 20 3c 39 35  |.Message-ID: <95|
00009f00  31 32 30 36 30 33 35 31  32 33 40 61 72 63 61 64  |1206035123@arcad|
00009f10  65 2e 64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e  63 6f 2e 75 6b 3e 0a 52  |e.demon.co.uk>.R|
00009f20  65 70 6c 79 2d 54 6f 3a  20 52 4d 75 72 72 61 79  |eply-To: RMurray|
00009f30  40 61 72 63 61 64 65 2e  64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f  |@arcade.demon.co|
00009f40  2e 75 6b 0a 4e 4e 54 50  2d 50 6f 73 74 69 6e 67  |.uk.NNTP-Posting|
00009f50  2d 48 6f 73 74 3a 20 61  72 63 61 64 65 2e 64 65  |-Host: arcade.de|
00009f60  6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75  6b 0a 58 2d 4e 4e 54 50  |mon.co.uk.X-NNTP|
00009f70  2d 50 6f 73 74 69 6e 67  2d 48 6f 73 74 3a 20 61  |-Posting-Host: a|
00009f80  72 63 61 64 65 2e 64 65  6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75  |rcade.demon.co.u|
00009f90  6b 0a 58 2d 4d 61 69 6c  65 72 3a 20 41 72 63 61  |k.X-Mailer: Arca|
00009fa0  64 65 4c 69 6e 6b 20 2d  20 45 6d 61 69 6c 2f 4e  |deLink - Email/N|
00009fb0  65 77 73 20 47 61 74 65  77 61 79 0a 58 2d 53 79  |ews Gateway.X-Sy|
00009fc0  73 74 65 6d 3a 20 41 72  63 61 64 65 4c 69 6e 6b  |stem: ArcadeLink|
00009fd0  0a 51 75 6f 74 69 6e 67  20 6d 61 62 65 6c 40 61  |.Quoting mabel@a|
00009fe0  72 67 6f 6e 65 74 2e 63  6f 2e 75 6b 20 28 69 6e  |rgonet.co.uk (in|
00009ff0  20 43 53 41 2e 4d 49 53  43 29 2e 2e 2e 0d 0d 6d  | CSA.MISC).....m|
0000a000  6b 3e 20 49 66 20 79 6f  75 27 72 65 20 73 74 69  |k> If you're sti|
0000a010  6c 6c 20 6b 65 65 6e 20  6f 6e 20 75 73 69 6e 67  |ll keen on using|
0000a020  20 74 68 65 20 76 69 64  65 6f 20 63 61 6d 65 72  | the video camer|
0000a030  61 2c 20 68 65 72 65 27  73 20 73 6f 6d 65 20 70  |a, here's some p|
0000a040  72 61 63 74 69 63 61 6c  0d 6d 6b 3e 20 61 64 76  |ractical.mk> adv|
0000a050  69 63 65 20 49 20 77 61  73 20 67 69 76 65 6e 20  |ice I was given |
0000a060  6f 6e 20 74 61 6b 69 6e  67 20 70 69 63 74 75 72  |on taking pictur|
0000a070  65 73 20 6f 66 20 70 68  6f 74 6f 67 72 61 70 68  |es of photograph|
0000a080  73 20 2d 20 67 65 74 20  74 77 6f 20 6c 69 67 68  |s - get two ligh|
0000a090  74 0d 59 6f 75 20 66 6f  72 67 6f 74 20 74 6f 20  |t.You forgot to |
0000a0a0  6d 65 6e 74 69 6f 6e 20  74 68 65 20 6d 6f 73 74  |mention the most|
0000a0b0  20 66 75 6e 20 70 61 72  74 2e 2e 2e 20 57 68 69  | fun part... Whi|
0000a0c0  74 65 20 62 61 6c 61 6e  63 65 2e 20 3a 2d 29 0d  |te balance. :-).|
0000a0d0  0d 48 6f 77 65 76 65 72  2c 20 67 72 61 6e 74 65  |.However, grante|
0000a0e0  64 20 74 68 61 74 20 75  73 69 6e 67 20 61 20 76  |d that using a v|
0000a0f0  69 64 65 6f 20 63 61 6d  65 72 61 20 77 69 6c 6c  |ideo camera will|
0000a100  20 61 6c 6c 6f 77 20 6f  70 74 69 63 61 6c 20 65  | allow optical e|
0000a110  66 66 65 63 74 73 20 70  72 65 74 74 79 0d 6d 75  |ffects pretty.mu|
0000a120  63 68 20 69 6d 70 6f 73  73 69 62 6c 65 20 77 69  |ch impossible wi|
0000a130  74 68 20 61 20 73 63 61  6e 6e 65 72 20 2d 20 61  |th a scanner - a|
0000a140  6e 64 20 61 20 64 69 67  69 74 69 73 65 72 20 77  |nd a digitiser w|
0000a150  69 6c 6c 20 6c 65 74 20  79 6f 75 20 72 69 70 20  |ill let you rip |
0000a160  70 69 63 74 75 72 65 73  0d 66 72 6f 6d 20 74 68  |pictures.from th|
0000a170  65 20 56 43 52 20 6f 72  20 54 56 20 74 6f 6f 2e  |e VCR or TV too.|
0000a180  20 3a 2d 29 0d 0d 20 20  20 5f 5f 5f 0d 20 20 2f  | :-)..   ___.  /|
0000a190  5f 5f 2f 0d 20 2f 20 20  5c 69 63 68 61 72 64 2e  |__/. /  \ichard.|
0000a1a0  0d 2d 2d 20 0d 20 20 20  20 5f 5f 5f 20 20 5f 5f  |.-- .    ___  __|
0000a1b0  5f 20 20 5f 5f 5f 20 20  5f 5f 5f 20 20 5f 5f 5f  |_  ___  ___  ___|
0000a1c0  20 20 5f 5f 5f 0d 7c 20  20 2f 20 20 20 5c 2f 20  |  ___.|  /   \/ |
0000a1d0  20 20 5c 2f 20 20 20 5c  2f 20 20 20 5c 2f 20 20  |  \/   \/   \/  |
0000a1e0  20 5c 2f 20 20 20 5c 20  20 7c 20 54 68 65 20 41  | \/   \  | The A|
0000a1f0  72 63 68 69 6d 65 64 65  73 20 42 75 6c 6c 65 74  |rchimedes Bullet|
0000a200  69 6e 20 42 6f 61 72 64  20 69 6e 20 4c 6f 6e 64  |in Board in Lond|
0000a210  6f 6e 20 7c 0d 7c 20 20  20 20 41 20 20 20 20 52  |on |.|    A    R|
0000a220  20 20 20 20 43 20 20 20  20 41 20 20 20 20 44 20  |    C    A    D |
0000a230  20 20 20 45 20 20 20 20  7c 20 2b 34 34 28 30 29  |   E    | +44(0)|
0000a240  31 38 31 20 36 35 34 20  32 32 31 32 20 28 34 20  |181 654 2212 (4 |
0000a250  6c 69 6e 65 73 29 20 43  72 6f 79 64 6f 6e 2c 20  |lines) Croydon, |
0000a260  55 4b 7c 0d 7c 20 45 6d  61 69 6c 20 26 20 4e 65  |UK|.| Email & Ne|
0000a270  77 73 20 40 61 72 63 61  64 65 2e 64 65 6d 6f 6e  |ws @arcade.demon|
0000a280  2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b 20 7c  20 2b 34 34 28 30 29 31  |.co.uk | +44(0)1|
0000a290  38 31 20 36 35 35 20 34  34 31 32 20 20 46 69 64  |81 655 4412  Fid|
0000a2a0  6f 6e 65 74 23 32 3a 32  35 34 2f 32 37 2e 30 20  |onet#2:254/27.0 |
0000a2b0  20 7c 0d 50 61 74 68 3a  20 6e 65 77 73 2e 64 65  | |.Path: news.de|
0000a2c0  6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75  6b 21 64 65 6d 6f 6e 21  |mon.co.uk!demon!|
0000a2d0  61 72 63 61 64 65 2e 64  65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e  |arcade.demon.co.|
0000a2e0  75 6b 21 52 4d 75 72 72  61 79 0a 46 72 6f 6d 3a  |uk!RMurray.From:|
0000a2f0  20 52 4d 75 72 72 61 79  40 61 72 63 61 64 65 2e  | RMurray@arcade.|
0000a300  64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f  2e 75 6b 20 28 52 69 63  |demon.co.uk (Ric|
0000a310  68 61 72 64 20 4d 75 72  72 61 79 29 0a 4e 65 77  |hard Murray).New|
0000a320  73 67 72 6f 75 70 73 3a  20 63 6f 6d 70 2e 73 79  |sgroups: comp.sy|
0000a330  73 2e 61 63 6f 72 6e 2e  6d 69 73 63 0a 53 75 62  |s.acorn.misc.Sub|
0000a340  6a 65 63 74 3a 20 76 69  64 65 6f 20 64 69 67 69  |ject: video digi|
0000a350  74 69 73 69 6e 67 3f 0a  44 61 74 65 3a 20 30 35  |tising?.Date: 05|
0000a360  20 44 65 63 20 31 39 39  35 20 31 32 3a 31 38 3a  | Dec 1995 12:18:|
0000a370  32 36 20 2b 30 30 30 30  0a 4f 72 67 61 6e 69 7a  |26 +0000.Organiz|
0000a380  61 74 69 6f 6e 3a 20 41  72 63 61 64 65 20 42 42  |ation: Arcade BB|
0000a390  53 20 2d 20 54 68 65 20  4c 6f 6e 64 6f 6e 20 41  |S - The London A|
0000a3a0  63 6f 72 6e 20 41 72 63  68 69 6d 65 64 65 73 20  |corn Archimedes |
0000a3b0  42 42 53 0a 4c 69 6e 65  73 3a 20 31 38 0a 53 65  |BBS.Lines: 18.Se|
0000a3c0  6e 64 65 72 3a 20 4c 69  6e 6b 4d 61 6e 40 61 72  |nder: LinkMan@ar|
0000a3d0  63 61 64 65 2e 64 65 6d  6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b  |cade.demon.co.uk|
0000a3e0  0a 44 69 73 74 72 69 62  75 74 69 6f 6e 3a 20 77  |.Distribution: w|
0000a3f0  6f 72 6c 64 0a 4d 65 73  73 61 67 65 2d 49 44 3a  |orld.Message-ID:|
0000a400  20 3c 39 35 31 32 30 36  30 33 35 31 32 31 40 61  | <951206035121@a|
0000a410  72 63 61 64 65 2e 64 65  6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75  |rcade.demon.co.u|
0000a420  6b 3e 0a 52 65 70 6c 79  2d 54 6f 3a 20 52 4d 75  |k>.Reply-To: RMu|
0000a430  72 72 61 79 40 61 72 63  61 64 65 2e 64 65 6d 6f  |rray@arcade.demo|
0000a440  6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b 0a  4e 4e 54 50 2d 50 6f 73  |n.co.uk.NNTP-Pos|
0000a450  74 69 6e 67 2d 48 6f 73  74 3a 20 61 72 63 61 64  |ting-Host: arcad|
0000a460  65 2e 64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e  63 6f 2e 75 6b 0a 58 2d  |e.demon.co.uk.X-|
0000a470  4e 4e 54 50 2d 50 6f 73  74 69 6e 67 2d 48 6f 73  |NNTP-Posting-Hos|
0000a480  74 3a 20 61 72 63 61 64  65 2e 64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e  |t: arcade.demon.|
0000a490  63 6f 2e 75 6b 0a 58 2d  4d 61 69 6c 65 72 3a 20  |co.uk.X-Mailer: |
0000a4a0  41 72 63 61 64 65 4c 69  6e 6b 20 2d 20 45 6d 61  |ArcadeLink - Ema|
0000a4b0  69 6c 2f 4e 65 77 73 20  47 61 74 65 77 61 79 0a  |il/News Gateway.|
0000a4c0  58 2d 53 79 73 74 65 6d  3a 20 41 72 63 61 64 65  |X-System: Arcade|
0000a4d0  4c 69 6e 6b 0a 51 75 6f  74 69 6e 67 20 70 61 75  |Link.Quoting pau|
0000a4e0  6c 6d 65 74 68 40 61 72  67 6f 6e 65 74 2e 63 6f  |lmeth@argonet.co|
0000a4f0  2e 75 6b 20 28 69 6e 20  43 53 41 2e 4d 49 53 43  |.uk (in CSA.MISC|
0000a500  29 2e 2e 2e 0d 0d 70 6b  3e 20 4f 6e 65 20 6f 66  |).....pk> One of|
0000a510  20 6d 79 20 61 69 6d 73  20 69 73 20 74 6f 20 64  | my aims is to d|
0000a520  69 67 69 74 69 73 65 20  70 68 6f 74 6f 73 20 76  |igitise photos v|
0000a530  69 61 20 61 20 76 69 64  65 6f 20 63 61 6d 65 72  |ia a video camer|
0000a540  61 2e 0d 4a 75 73 74 20  6d 79 20 70 65 6e 6e 79  |a..Just my penny|
0000a550  27 73 20 77 6f 72 74 68  2e 2e 2e 20 55 73 69 6e  |'s worth... Usin|
0000a560  67 20 61 20 76 69 64 65  6f 20 63 61 6d 65 72 61  |g a video camera|
0000a570  20 74 6f 20 64 69 67 69  74 69 73 65 20 70 68 6f  | to digitise pho|
0000a580  74 6f 73 20 69 73 20 61  20 70 61 69 6e 20 69 6e  |tos is a pain in|
0000a590  0d 74 68 65 20 72 65 61  72 20 65 6e 64 20 61 6e  |.the rear end an|
0000a5a0  64 20 74 68 65 20 72 65  73 75 6c 74 73 20 64 6f  |d the results do|
0000a5b0  6e 27 74 20 6c 6f 6f 6b  20 68 61 6c 66 20 61 73  |n't look half as|
0000a5c0  20 67 6f 6f 64 20 61 73  20 75 73 69 6e 67 20 61  | good as using a|
0000a5d0  20 73 63 61 6e 6e 65 72  2e 0d 0d 49 73 20 69 74  | scanner...Is it|
0000a5e0  20 70 6f 73 73 69 62 6c  65 20 2d 20 69 66 20 79  | possible - if y|
0000a5f0  6f 75 20 61 72 65 20 67  6f 69 6e 67 20 74 68 65  |ou are going the|
0000a600  20 27 64 69 67 69 74 69  73 65 72 27 20 72 6f 75  | 'digitiser' rou|
0000a610  74 65 20 2d 20 74 6f 20  72 65 63 6f 72 64 20 74  |te - to record t|
0000a620  68 65 0d 6f 72 69 67 69  6e 61 6c 20 69 6d 61 67  |he.original imag|
0000a630  65 73 20 6f 6e 74 6f 20  76 69 64 65 6f 20 66 6f  |es onto video fo|
0000a640  72 6d 61 74 3f 0d 0d 20  20 20 5f 5f 5f 0d 20 20  |rmat?..   ___.  |
0000a650  2f 5f 5f 2f 0d 20 2f 20  20 5c 69 63 68 61 72 64  |/__/. /  \ichard|
0000a660  2e 0d 2d 2d 20 0d 20 20  20 20 5f 5f 5f 20 20 5f  |..-- .    ___  _|
0000a670  5f 5f 20 20 5f 5f 5f 20  20 5f 5f 5f 20 20 5f 5f  |__  ___  ___  __|
0000a680  5f 20 20 5f 5f 5f 0d 7c  20 20 2f 20 20 20 5c 2f  |_  ___.|  /   \/|
0000a690  20 20 20 5c 2f 20 20 20  5c 2f 20 20 20 5c 2f 20  |   \/   \/   \/ |
0000a6a0  20 20 5c 2f 20 20 20 5c  20 20 7c 20 54 68 65 20  |  \/   \  | The |
0000a6b0  41 72 63 68 69 6d 65 64  65 73 20 42 75 6c 6c 65  |Archimedes Bulle|
0000a6c0  74 69 6e 20 42 6f 61 72  64 20 69 6e 20 4c 6f 6e  |tin Board in Lon|
0000a6d0  64 6f 6e 20 7c 0d 7c 20  20 20 20 41 20 20 20 20  |don |.|    A    |
0000a6e0  52 20 20 20 20 43 20 20  20 20 41 20 20 20 20 44  |R    C    A    D|
0000a6f0  20 20 20 20 45 20 20 20  20 7c 20 2b 34 34 28 30  |    E    | +44(0|
0000a700  29 31 38 31 20 36 35 34  20 32 32 31 32 20 28 34  |)181 654 2212 (4|
0000a710  20 6c 69 6e 65 73 29 20  43 72 6f 79 64 6f 6e 2c  | lines) Croydon,|
0000a720  20 55 4b 7c 0d 7c 20 45  6d 61 69 6c 20 26 20 4e  | UK|.| Email & N|
0000a730  65 77 73 20 40 61 72 63  61 64 65 2e 64 65 6d 6f  |ews @arcade.demo|
0000a740  6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b 20  7c 20 2b 34 34 28 30 29  |n.co.uk | +44(0)|
0000a750  31 38 31 20 36 35 35 20  34 34 31 32 20 20 46 69  |181 655 4412  Fi|
0000a760  64 6f 6e 65 74 23 32 3a  32 35 34 2f 32 37 2e 30  |donet#2:254/27.0|
0000a770  20 20 7c 0d 50 61 74 68  3a 20 6e 65 77 73 2e 64  |  |.Path: news.d|
0000a780  65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e  75 6b 21 64 65 6d 6f 6e  |emon.co.uk!demon|
0000a790  21 61 72 63 61 64 65 2e  64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f  |!arcade.demon.co|
0000a7a0  2e 75 6b 21 52 4d 75 72  72 61 79 0a 46 72 6f 6d  |.uk!RMurray.From|
0000a7b0  3a 20 52 4d 75 72 72 61  79 40 61 72 63 61 64 65  |: RMurray@arcade|
0000a7c0  2e 64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63  6f 2e 75 6b 20 28 52 69  |.demon.co.uk (Ri|
0000a7d0  63 68 61 72 64 20 4d 75  72 72 61 79 29 0a 4e 65  |chard Murray).Ne|
0000a7e0  77 73 67 72 6f 75 70 73  3a 20 63 6f 6d 70 2e 73  |wsgroups: comp.s|
0000a7f0  79 73 2e 61 63 6f 72 6e  2e 6d 69 73 63 0a 53 75  |ys.acorn.misc.Su|
0000a800  62 6a 65 63 74 3a 20 49  6d 70 72 6f 76 69 6e 67  |bject: Improving|
0000a810  20 41 55 20 28 77 61 73  20 52 65 3a 20 4e 6f 76  | AU (was Re: Nov|
0000a820  65 6d 62 65 72 20 41 63  6f 72 6e 20 55 73 65 72  |ember Acorn User|
0000a830  3a 20 41 20 77 61 73 74  65 20 6f 66 20 73 70 61  |: A waste of spa|
0000a840  63 65 29 0a 44 61 74 65  3a 20 30 35 20 44 65 63  |ce).Date: 05 Dec|
0000a850  20 31 39 39 35 20 31 32  3a 31 35 3a 30 32 20 2b  | 1995 12:15:02 +|
0000a860  30 30 30 30 0a 4f 72 67  61 6e 69 7a 61 74 69 6f  |0000.Organizatio|
0000a870  6e 3a 20 41 72 63 61 64  65 20 42 42 53 20 2d 20  |n: Arcade BBS - |
0000a880  54 68 65 20 4c 6f 6e 64  6f 6e 20 41 63 6f 72 6e  |The London Acorn|
0000a890  20 41 72 63 68 69 6d 65  64 65 73 20 42 42 53 0a  | Archimedes BBS.|
0000a8a0  4c 69 6e 65 73 3a 20 31  38 0a 53 65 6e 64 65 72  |Lines: 18.Sender|
0000a8b0  3a 20 4c 69 6e 6b 4d 61  6e 40 61 72 63 61 64 65  |: LinkMan@arcade|
0000a8c0  2e 64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63  6f 2e 75 6b 0a 44 69 73  |.demon.co.uk.Dis|
0000a8d0  74 72 69 62 75 74 69 6f  6e 3a 20 77 6f 72 6c 64  |tribution: world|
0000a8e0  0a 4d 65 73 73 61 67 65  2d 49 44 3a 20 3c 39 35  |.Message-ID: <95|
0000a8f0  31 32 30 36 30 33 35 31  31 38 40 61 72 63 61 64  |1206035118@arcad|
0000a900  65 2e 64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e  63 6f 2e 75 6b 3e 0a 52  |e.demon.co.uk>.R|
0000a910  65 70 6c 79 2d 54 6f 3a  20 52 4d 75 72 72 61 79  |eply-To: RMurray|
0000a920  40 61 72 63 61 64 65 2e  64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f  |@arcade.demon.co|
0000a930  2e 75 6b 0a 4e 4e 54 50  2d 50 6f 73 74 69 6e 67  |.uk.NNTP-Posting|
0000a940  2d 48 6f 73 74 3a 20 61  72 63 61 64 65 2e 64 65  |-Host: arcade.de|
0000a950  6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75  6b 0a 58 2d 4e 4e 54 50  |mon.co.uk.X-NNTP|
0000a960  2d 50 6f 73 74 69 6e 67  2d 48 6f 73 74 3a 20 61  |-Posting-Host: a|
0000a970  72 63 61 64 65 2e 64 65  6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75  |rcade.demon.co.u|
0000a980  6b 0a 58 2d 4d 61 69 6c  65 72 3a 20 41 72 63 61  |k.X-Mailer: Arca|
0000a990  64 65 4c 69 6e 6b 20 2d  20 45 6d 61 69 6c 2f 4e  |deLink - Email/N|
0000a9a0  65 77 73 20 47 61 74 65  77 61 79 0a 58 2d 53 79  |ews Gateway.X-Sy|
0000a9b0  73 74 65 6d 3a 20 41 72  63 61 64 65 4c 69 6e 6b  |stem: ArcadeLink|
0000a9c0  0a 51 75 6f 74 69 6e 67  20 50 68 69 6c 6c 69 70  |.Quoting Phillip|
0000a9d0  20 54 65 6d 70 6c 65 20  28 69 6e 20 43 53 41 2e  | Temple (in CSA.|
0000a9e0  4d 49 53 43 29 2e 2e 2e  0d 0d 50 54 3e 20 54 68  |MISC).....PT> Th|
0000a9f0  65 20 75 73 65 72 20 63  61 6e 20 73 75 62 73 63  |e user can subsc|
0000aa00  72 69 62 65 20 61 6e 64  20 67 65 74 20 74 68 65  |ribe and get the|
0000aa10  20 6d 61 67 61 7a 69 6e  65 20 61 6e 64 20 63 6f  | magazine and co|
0000aa20  76 65 72 20 64 69 73 63  20 66 6f 72 20 74 68 65  |ver disc for the|
0000aa30  20 73 61 6d 65 0d 50 54  3e 20 70 72 69 63 65 20  | same.PT> price |
0000aa40  61 73 20 62 65 66 6f 72  65 2c 20 6f 72 20 74 68  |as before, or th|
0000aa50  65 79 20 63 61 6e 20 63  68 6f 6f 73 65 20 74 6f  |ey can choose to|
0000aa60  20 70 61 79 20 6c 65 73  73 20 61 6e 64 20 74 61  | pay less and ta|
0000aa70  6b 65 20 6a 75 73 74 0d  57 68 61 74 20 61 62 6f  |ke just.What abo|
0000aa80  75 74 20 66 6f 72 20 75  73 20 6c 61 7a 79 20 67  |ut for us lazy g|
0000aa90  69 74 73 20 74 68 61 74  20 77 61 6e 74 20 74 6f  |its that want to|
0000aaa0  20 67 6f 20 74 6f 20 53  6d 69 74 68 73 2c 20 62  | go to Smiths, b|
0000aab0  75 79 20 69 74 20 61 6e  64 20 72 65 61 64 20 69  |uy it and read i|
0000aac0  74 20 61 6e 64 0d 73 68  6f 76 65 20 74 68 65 20  |t and.shove the |
0000aad0  64 69 73 63 20 69 6e 20  74 68 65 20 64 72 69 76  |disc in the driv|
0000aae0  65 2e 20 41 6c 73 6f 20  67 69 76 69 6e 67 20 75  |e. Also giving u|
0000aaf0  73 20 61 20 63 68 61 6e  63 65 20 74 6f 20 6e 6f  |s a chance to no|
0000ab00  74 20 62 75 79 20 69 74  2e 0d 0d 49 66 20 79 6f  |t buy it...If yo|
0000ab10  75 20 77 61 6e 74 20 61  20 64 69 73 63 6c 65 73  |u want a discles|
0000ab20  73 20 76 65 72 73 69 6f  6e 2c 20 77 68 79 20 6e  |s version, why n|
0000ab30  6f 74 20 73 75 62 73 63  72 69 62 65 20 61 6e 64  |ot subscribe and|
0000ab40  20 61 73 6b 20 66 6f 72  20 6f 6e 65 3f 0d 0d 20  | ask for one?.. |
0000ab50  20 20 5f 5f 5f 0d 20 20  2f 5f 5f 2f 0d 20 2f 20  |  ___.  /__/. / |
0000ab60  20 5c 69 63 68 61 72 64  2e 0d 2d 2d 20 0d 20 20  | \ichard..-- .  |
0000ab70  20 20 5f 5f 5f 20 20 5f  5f 5f 20 20 5f 5f 5f 20  |  ___  ___  ___ |
0000ab80  20 5f 5f 5f 20 20 5f 5f  5f 20 20 5f 5f 5f 0d 7c  | ___  ___  ___.||
0000ab90  20 20 2f 20 20 20 5c 2f  20 20 20 5c 2f 20 20 20  |  /   \/   \/   |
0000aba0  5c 2f 20 20 20 5c 2f 20  20 20 5c 2f 20 20 20 5c  |\/   \/   \/   \|
0000abb0  20 20 7c 20 54 68 65 20  41 72 63 68 69 6d 65 64  |  | The Archimed|
0000abc0  65 73 20 42 75 6c 6c 65  74 69 6e 20 42 6f 61 72  |es Bulletin Boar|
0000abd0  64 20 69 6e 20 4c 6f 6e  64 6f 6e 20 7c 0d 7c 20  |d in London |.| |
0000abe0  20 20 20 41 20 20 20 20  52 20 20 20 20 43 20 20  |   A    R    C  |
0000abf0  20 20 41 20 20 20 20 44  20 20 20 20 45 20 20 20  |  A    D    E   |
0000ac00  20 7c 20 2b 34 34 28 30  29 31 38 31 20 36 35 34  | | +44(0)181 654|
0000ac10  20 32 32 31 32 20 28 34  20 6c 69 6e 65 73 29 20  | 2212 (4 lines) |
0000ac20  43 72 6f 79 64 6f 6e 2c  20 55 4b 7c 0d 7c 20 45  |Croydon, UK|.| E|
0000ac30  6d 61 69 6c 20 26 20 4e  65 77 73 20 40 61 72 63  |mail & News @arc|
0000ac40  61 64 65 2e 64 65 6d 6f  6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b 20  |ade.demon.co.uk |
0000ac50  7c 20 2b 34 34 28 30 29  31 38 31 20 36 35 35 20  || +44(0)181 655 |
0000ac60  34 34 31 32 20 20 46 69  64 6f 6e 65 74 23 32 3a  |4412  Fidonet#2:|
0000ac70  32 35 34 2f 32 37 2e 30  20 20 7c 0d 50 61 74 68  |254/27.0  |.Path|
0000ac80  3a 20 6e 65 77 73 2e 64  65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e  |: news.demon.co.|
0000ac90  75 6b 21 64 65 6d 6f 6e  21 72 69 67 69 62 6f 72  |uk!demon!rigibor|
0000aca0  65 2e 64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e  63 6f 2e 75 6b 0a 46 72  |e.demon.co.uk.Fr|
0000acb0  6f 6d 3a 20 74 69 6d 40  72 69 67 69 62 6f 72 65  |om: tim@rigibore|
0000acc0  2e 64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63  6f 2e 75 6b 20 28 54 69  |.demon.co.uk (Ti|
0000acd0  6d 20 4d 6f 6f 72 65 29  0a 4e 65 77 73 67 72 6f  |m Moore).Newsgro|
0000ace0  75 70 73 3a 20 63 6f 6d  70 2e 73 79 73 2e 61 63  |ups: comp.sys.ac|
0000acf0  6f 72 6e 2e 6d 69 73 63  0a 53 75 62 6a 65 63 74  |orn.misc.Subject|
0000ad00  3a 20 52 65 3a 20 41 63  6f 72 6e 20 55 73 65 72  |: Re: Acorn User|
0000ad10  20 43 44 2d 52 4f 4d 73  20 32 20 61 6e 64 20 33  | CD-ROMs 2 and 3|
0000ad20  2e 2e 2e 0a 44 61 74 65  3a 20 57 65 64 2c 20 30  |....Date: Wed, 0|
0000ad30  36 20 44 65 63 20 31 39  39 35 20 31 31 3a 35 38  |6 Dec 1995 11:58|
0000ad40  3a 34 34 20 47 4d 54 0a  4f 72 67 61 6e 69 7a 61  |:44 GMT.Organiza|
0000ad50  74 69 6f 6e 3a 20 52 69  67 69 62 6f 72 65 20 54  |tion: Rigibore T|
0000ad60  6f 6f 6c 69 6e 67 20 53  79 73 74 65 6d 73 2c 20  |ooling Systems, |
0000ad70  52 69 67 69 62 6f 72 65  20 4c 74 64 2e 0a 4c 69  |Rigibore Ltd..Li|
0000ad80  6e 65 73 3a 20 33 38 0a  4d 65 73 73 61 67 65 2d  |nes: 38.Message-|
0000ad90  49 44 3a 20 3c 38 31 38  32 35 31 31 32 37 2e 35  |ID: <818251127.5|
0000ada0  37 38 37 40 72 69 67 69  62 6f 72 65 2e 64 65 6d  |787@rigibore.dem|
0000adb0  6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b  3e 0a 52 65 66 65 72 65  |on.co.uk>.Refere|
0000adc0  6e 63 65 73 3a 20 3c 31  39 39 35 31 31 32 31 2e  |nces: <19951121.|
0000add0  31 31 33 32 30 32 2e 32  35 40 61 63 6f 72 6e 75  |113202.25@acornu|
0000ade0  73 72 2e 64 65 6d 6f 6e  2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b 3e 20  |sr.demon.co.uk> |
0000adf0  3c 69 6e 74 65 72 6e 65  77 73 34 36 37 34 31 41  |<internews46741A|
0000ae00  39 34 35 44 40 61 72 67  6f 6e 65 74 2e 63 6f 2e  |945D@argonet.co.|
0000ae10  75 6b 3e 20 3c 31 39 39  35 31 31 32 32 2e 32 30  |uk> <19951122.20|
0000ae20  30 30 30 32 2e 37 33 40  61 63 6f 72 6e 75 73 72  |0002.73@acornusr|
0000ae30  2e 64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63  6f 2e 75 6b 3e 20 3c 31  |.demon.co.uk> <1|
0000ae40  39 39 35 31 31 32 36 2e  32 30 32 32 32 36 2e 33  |9951126.202226.3|
0000ae50  32 40 73 6f 75 74 68 66  72 6d 2e 64 65 6d 6f 6e  |2@southfrm.demon|
0000ae60  2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b 3e 20  3c 31 39 39 35 31 31 32  |.co.uk> <1995112|
0000ae70  36 2e 32 33 31 35 33 34  2e 36 30 40 63 6f 6d 70  |6.231534.60@comp|
0000ae80  74 6f 6e 2e 64 65 6d 6f  6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b 3e  |ton.demon.co.uk>|
0000ae90  0a 4e 4e 54 50 2d 50 6f  73 74 69 6e 67 2d 48 6f  |.NNTP-Posting-Ho|
0000aea0  73 74 3a 20 72 69 67 69  62 6f 72 65 2e 64 65 6d  |st: rigibore.dem|
0000aeb0  6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b  0a 58 2d 4e 4e 54 50 2d  |on.co.uk.X-NNTP-|
0000aec0  50 6f 73 74 69 6e 67 2d  48 6f 73 74 3a 20 72 69  |Posting-Host: ri|
0000aed0  67 69 62 6f 72 65 2e 64  65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e  |gibore.demon.co.|
0000aee0  75 6b 0a 58 2d 4e 65 77  73 72 65 61 64 65 72 3a  |uk.X-Newsreader:|
0000aef0  20 46 6f 72 74 65 20 46  72 65 65 20 41 67 65 6e  | Forte Free Agen|
0000af00  74 20 31 2e 30 2e 38 32  0a 74 6f 6d 40 63 6f 6d  |t 1.0.82.tom@com|
0000af10  70 74 6f 6e 2e 64 65 6d  6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b  |pton.demon.co.uk|
0000af20  20 28 54 6f 6d 20 48 75  67 68 65 73 29 20 77 72  | (Tom Hughes) wr|
0000af30  6f 74 65 3a 0d 0d 3e 49  6e 20 61 72 74 69 63 6c  |ote:..>In articl|
0000af40  65 20 3c 31 39 39 35 31  31 32 36 2e 32 30 32 32  |e <19951126.2022|
0000af50  32 36 2e 33 32 40 73 6f  75 74 68 66 72 6d 2e 64  |26.32@southfrm.d|
0000af60  65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e  75 6b 3e 20 54 69 6d 20  |emon.co.uk> Tim |
0000af70  50 6f 77 79 73 2d 4c 79  62 62 65 20 28 74 69 6d  |Powys-Lybbe (tim|
0000af80  40 73 6f 75 74 68 66 72  6d 2e 64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e  |@southfrm.demon.|
0000af90  63 6f 2e 75 6b 29 20 77  72 6f 74 65 3a 0d 0d 3e  |co.uk) wrote:..>|
0000afa0  3e 20 49 4d 48 4f 20 28  6c 69 61 72 21 29 20 61  |> IMHO (liar!) a|
0000afb0  6e 79 20 73 65 72 69 6f  75 73 20 63 6f 6d 70 75  |ny serious compu|
0000afc0  74 65 72 20 70 72 6f 63  65 73 73 65 73 20 61 20  |ter processes a |
0000afd0  6c 6f 74 20 6f 66 20 64  61 74 61 20 61 6e 64 20  |lot of data and |
0000afe0  6e 65 65 64 73 20 61 20  67 6f 6f 64 0d 3e 3e 20  |needs a good.>> |
0000aff0  64 61 74 61 62 61 73 65  20 73 79 73 74 65 6d 20  |database system |
0000b000  74 68 61 74 20 77 69 6c  6c 20 74 61 6c 6b 20 74  |that will talk t|
0000b010  6f 20 74 68 65 20 6d 61  6a 6f 72 20 64 61 74 61  |o the major data|
0000b020  62 61 73 65 20 73 65 72  76 65 72 73 20 28 4f 72  |base servers (Or|
0000b030  61 63 6c 65 2c 0d 3e 3e  20 53 79 62 61 73 65 2c  |acle,.>> Sybase,|
0000b040  20 49 6e 66 6f 72 6d 69  78 2c 20 65 76 65 6e 20  | Informix, even |
0000b050  4f 44 42 43 20 66 72 6f  6d 20 2a 2a 2a 2a 2a 53  |ODBC from *****S|
0000b060  6f 66 74 2c 20 65 74 63  29 2e 20 20 52 65 67 72  |oft, etc).  Regr|
0000b070  65 74 74 61 62 6c 79 20  6e 6f 20 73 65 72 69 6f  |ettably no serio|
0000b080  75 73 0d 3e 3e 20 41 63  6f 72 6e 20 61 70 70 6c  |us.>> Acorn appl|
0000b090  69 63 61 74 69 6f 6e 20  68 61 73 20 62 65 67 75  |ication has begu|
0000b0a0  6e 20 74 6f 20 74 6f 75  63 68 20 6f 6e 20 74 68  |n to touch on th|
0000b0b0  69 73 20 6d 61 72 6b 65  74 2e 0d 0d 3e 57 65 6c  |is market...>Wel|
0000b0c0  6c 20 4f 44 42 43 20 69  73 6e 27 74 20 61 20 64  |l ODBC isn't a d|
0000b0d0  61 74 61 62 61 73 65 20  73 65 72 76 65 72 20 2d  |atabase server -|
0000b0e0  20 69 74 27 73 20 61 20  67 65 6e 65 72 69 63 20  | it's a generic |
0000b0f0  70 72 6f 67 72 61 6d 6d  65 72 0d 3e 69 6e 74 65  |programmer.>inte|
0000b100  72 66 61 63 65 20 74 6f  20 76 61 72 69 6f 75 73  |rface to various|
0000b110  20 64 61 74 61 62 61 73  65 20 73 65 72 76 65 72  | database server|
0000b120  73 20 28 73 75 63 68 20  61 73 20 4f 72 61 63 6c  |s (such as Oracl|
0000b130  65 20 6f 72 20 53 79 62  61 73 65 29 2e 0d 0d 49  |e or Sybase)...I|
0000b140  74 20 77 6f 75 6c 64 20  61 6c 73 6f 20 6e 65 76  |t would also nev|
0000b150  65 72 20 62 65 20 61 6c  6c 6f 77 65 64 20 74 6f  |er be allowed to|
0000b160  20 62 65 20 70 6f 72 74  65 64 2c 20 62 65 63 61  | be ported, beca|
0000b170  75 73 65 20 69 74 20 62  65 6c 6f 6e 67 73 20 74  |use it belongs t|
0000b180  6f 20 62 69 67 0d 42 69  6c 6c 20 47 2e 20 77 68  |o big.Bill G. wh|
0000b190  6f 20 77 6f 75 6c 64 6e  27 74 20 61 6c 6c 6f 77  |o wouldn't allow|
0000b1a0  20 61 6e 79 74 68 69 6e  67 20 74 6f 20 74 6f 75  | anything to tou|
0000b1b0  63 68 20 74 68 65 20 41  63 6f 72 6e 20 77 6f 72  |ch the Acorn wor|
0000b1c0  6c 64 20 77 69 74 68 20  61 0d 62 61 72 67 65 2d  |ld with a.barge-|
0000b1d0  70 6f 6c 65 2e 0d 0d 3e  49 27 6d 20 6e 6f 74 20  |pole...>I'm not |
0000b1e0  61 74 20 61 6c 6c 20 73  75 72 65 20 74 68 61 74  |at all sure that|
0000b1f0  20 74 68 65 72 65 20 69  73 20 61 20 6d 61 72 6b  | there is a mark|
0000b200  65 74 20 66 6f 72 20 74  68 61 74 20 73 6f 72 74  |et for that sort|
0000b210  20 6f 66 20 64 61 74 61  0d 3e 61 63 63 65 73 73  | of data.>access|
0000b220  20 6f 6e 20 41 63 6f 72  6e 20 73 79 73 74 65 6d  | on Acorn system|
0000b230  73 20 28 61 74 20 6c 65  61 73 74 20 6e 6f 74 20  |s (at least not |
0000b240  61 20 77 6f 72 74 68 77  68 69 6c 65 20 6d 61 72  |a worthwhile mar|
0000b250  6b 65 74 29 2e 20 57 68  61 74 0d 3e 49 20 77 6f  |ket). What.>I wo|
0000b260  75 6c 64 20 6c 69 6b 65  20 69 73 20 61 20 72 65  |uld like is a re|
0000b270  6c 61 74 69 6f 6e 61 6c  20 64 61 74 61 62 61 73  |lational databas|
0000b280  65 20 77 68 65 72 65 20  49 20 63 61 6e 20 64 65  |e where I can de|
0000b290  66 69 6e 65 20 74 68 65  20 0d 3e 72 65 6c 61 74  |fine the .>relat|
0000b2a0  69 6f 6e 73 68 69 70 73  20 61 6e 64 20 68 61 76  |ionships and hav|
0000b2b0  65 20 74 68 65 6d 20 61  70 70 6c 69 65 64 20 61  |e them applied a|
0000b2c0  75 74 6f 6d 61 67 69 63  61 6c 6c 79 20 69 6e 73  |utomagically ins|
0000b2d0  74 65 61 64 20 6f 66 20  0d 3e 68 61 76 69 6e 67  |tead of .>having|
0000b2e0  20 74 6f 20 63 6f 64 65  20 69 74 20 6d 61 6e 75  | to code it manu|
0000b2f0  61 6c 6c 79 2e 0d 0d 4e  6f 20 77 6f 6e 64 65 72  |ally...No wonder|
0000b300  20 74 68 65 20 41 63 6f  72 6e 20 6d 61 72 6b 65  | the Acorn marke|
0000b310  74 20 69 73 20 65 64 75  63 61 74 69 6f 6e 61 6c  |t is educational|
0000b320  20 74 68 65 6e 2c 20 69  66 20 6e 6f 20 6f 6e 65  | then, if no one|
0000b330  20 73 65 72 69 6f 75 73  6c 79 0d 63 6f 6e 73 69  | seriously.consi|
0000b340  64 65 72 73 20 6d 61 6b  69 6e 67 20 61 20 6e 65  |ders making a ne|
0000b350  77 20 6d 61 72 6b 65 74  20 66 6f 72 20 69 74 2e  |w market for it.|
0000b360  2e 2e 0d 0d 54 68 65 20  6f 6e 6c 79 20 77 61 79  |....The only way|
0000b370  20 41 63 6f 72 6e 20 63  6f 75 6c 64 20 67 65 74  | Acorn could get|
0000b380  20 6f 75 74 20 6f 66 20  45 64 75 63 61 74 69 6f  | out of Educatio|
0000b390  6e 20 69 73 20 62 75 79  20 64 69 74 63 68 69 6e  |n is buy ditchin|
0000b3a0  67 20 74 68 65 69 72 20  4f 53 0d 61 6e 64 20 67  |g their OS.and g|
0000b3b0  65 74 74 69 6e 67 20 61  20 70 6f 72 74 20 6f 66  |etting a port of|
0000b3c0  20 57 69 6e 64 6f 77 73  20 4e 54 2e 20 28 62 75  | Windows NT. (bu|
0000b3d0  74 20 42 69 6c 6c 20 77  6f 6e 27 74 20 61 6c 6c  |t Bill won't all|
0000b3e0  6f 77 20 74 68 61 74 20  65 69 74 68 65 72 2c 0d  |ow that either,.|
0000b3f0  62 65 63 61 75 73 65 20  68 65 27 73 20 74 6f 6f  |because he's too|
0000b400  20 62 75 73 79 20 74 72  79 69 6e 67 20 74 6f 20  | busy trying to |
0000b410  6d 65 72 67 65 20 49 6e  74 65 6c 20 69 6e 74 6f  |merge Intel into|
0000b420  20 4d 69 63 72 6f 73 6f  66 74 20 2e 2e 2e 20 3a  | Microsoft ... :|
0000b430  2d 29 0d 0d 2d 2d 0d 20  54 69 6d 20 4d 6f 6f 72  |-)..--. Tim Moor|
0000b440  65 2c 20 54 65 61 63 68  69 6e 67 20 43 6f 6d 70  |e, Teaching Comp|
0000b450  61 6e 79 20 41 73 73 6f  63 69 61 74 65 2c 0d 20  |any Associate,. |
0000b460  52 69 67 69 62 6f 72 65  20 54 6f 6f 6c 69 6e 67  |Rigibore Tooling|
0000b470  20 53 79 73 74 65 6d 73  2c 20 52 69 67 69 62 6f  | Systems, Rigibo|
0000b480  72 65 20 4c 74 64 2c 20  48 61 79 6c 65 2c 20 55  |re Ltd, Hayle, U|
0000b490  4b 0d 20 45 6d 61 69 6c  3a 20 74 69 6d 40 72 69  |K. Email: tim@ri|
0000b4a0  67 69 62 6f 72 65 2e 64  65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e  |gibore.demon.co.|
0000b4b0  75 6b 0d 0d 20 20 20 41  6e 79 20 76 69 65 77 73  |uk..   Any views|
0000b4c0  20 65 78 70 72 65 73 73  65 64 20 68 65 72 65 20  | expressed here |
0000b4d0  64 6f 20 6e 6f 74 20 72  65 70 72 65 73 65 6e 74  |do not represent|
0000b4e0  20 74 68 65 20 76 69 65  77 73 20 6f 66 0d 20 20  | the views of.  |
0000b4f0  20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20  20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20  |                |
0000b500  20 20 20 20 20 52 69 67  69 62 6f 72 65 20 4c 74  |     Rigibore Lt|
0000b510  64 2e 0d 0d 50 61 74 68  3a 20 6e 65 77 73 2e 64  |d...Path: news.d|
0000b520  65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e  75 6b 21 64 65 6d 6f 6e  |emon.co.uk!demon|
0000b530  21 72 69 67 69 62 6f 72  65 2e 64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e  |!rigibore.demon.|
0000b540  63 6f 2e 75 6b 0a 46 72  6f 6d 3a 20 74 69 6d 40  |co.uk.From: tim@|
0000b550  72 69 67 69 62 6f 72 65  2e 64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63  |rigibore.demon.c|
0000b560  6f 2e 75 6b 20 28 54 69  6d 20 4d 6f 6f 72 65 29  |o.uk (Tim Moore)|
0000b570  0a 4e 65 77 73 67 72 6f  75 70 73 3a 20 63 6f 6d  |.Newsgroups: com|
0000b580  70 2e 73 79 73 2e 61 63  6f 72 6e 2e 6d 69 73 63  |p.sys.acorn.misc|
0000b590  0a 53 75 62 6a 65 63 74  3a 20 52 65 3a 20 41 63  |.Subject: Re: Ac|
0000b5a0  6f 72 6e 20 55 73 65 72  20 43 44 2d 52 4f 4d 73  |orn User CD-ROMs|
0000b5b0  20 32 20 61 6e 64 20 33  2e 2e 2e 0a 44 61 74 65  | 2 and 3....Date|
0000b5c0  3a 20 57 65 64 2c 20 30  36 20 44 65 63 20 31 39  |: Wed, 06 Dec 19|
0000b5d0  39 35 20 31 31 3a 35 38  3a 34 35 20 47 4d 54 0a  |95 11:58:45 GMT.|
0000b5e0  4f 72 67 61 6e 69 7a 61  74 69 6f 6e 3a 20 52 69  |Organization: Ri|
0000b5f0  67 69 62 6f 72 65 20 54  6f 6f 6c 69 6e 67 20 53  |gibore Tooling S|
0000b600  79 73 74 65 6d 73 2c 20  52 69 67 69 62 6f 72 65  |ystems, Rigibore|
0000b610  20 4c 74 64 2e 0a 4c 69  6e 65 73 3a 20 34 34 0a  | Ltd..Lines: 44.|
0000b620  4d 65 73 73 61 67 65 2d  49 44 3a 20 3c 38 31 38  |Message-ID: <818|
0000b630  32 35 31 31 32 38 2e 35  37 38 37 40 72 69 67 69  |251128.5787@rigi|
0000b640  62 6f 72 65 2e 64 65 6d  6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b  |bore.demon.co.uk|
0000b650  3e 0a 52 65 66 65 72 65  6e 63 65 73 3a 20 3c 31  |>.References: <1|
0000b660  39 39 35 31 31 32 31 2e  31 31 33 32 30 32 2e 32  |9951121.113202.2|
0000b670  35 40 61 63 6f 72 6e 75  73 72 2e 64 65 6d 6f 6e  |5@acornusr.demon|
0000b680  2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b 3e 20  3c 69 6e 74 65 72 6e 65  |.co.uk> <interne|
0000b690  77 73 34 36 37 34 31 41  39 34 35 44 40 61 72 67  |ws46741A945D@arg|
0000b6a0  6f 6e 65 74 2e 63 6f 2e  75 6b 3e 20 3c 31 39 39  |onet.co.uk> <199|
0000b6b0  35 31 31 32 32 2e 32 30  30 30 30 32 2e 37 33 40  |51122.200002.73@|
0000b6c0  61 63 6f 72 6e 75 73 72  2e 64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63  |acornusr.demon.c|
0000b6d0  6f 2e 75 6b 3e 0a 4e 4e  54 50 2d 50 6f 73 74 69  |o.uk>.NNTP-Posti|
0000b6e0  6e 67 2d 48 6f 73 74 3a  20 72 69 67 69 62 6f 72  |ng-Host: rigibor|
0000b6f0  65 2e 64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e  63 6f 2e 75 6b 0a 58 2d  |e.demon.co.uk.X-|
0000b700  4e 4e 54 50 2d 50 6f 73  74 69 6e 67 2d 48 6f 73  |NNTP-Posting-Hos|
0000b710  74 3a 20 72 69 67 69 62  6f 72 65 2e 64 65 6d 6f  |t: rigibore.demo|
0000b720  6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b 0a  58 2d 4e 65 77 73 72 65  |n.co.uk.X-Newsre|
0000b730  61 64 65 72 3a 20 46 6f  72 74 65 20 46 72 65 65  |ader: Forte Free|
0000b740  20 41 67 65 6e 74 20 31  2e 30 2e 38 32 0a 64 61  | Agent 1.0.82.da|
0000b750  76 69 64 40 61 63 6f 72  6e 75 73 72 2e 64 65 6d  |vid@acornusr.dem|
0000b760  6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b  20 28 44 61 76 69 64 20  |on.co.uk (David |
0000b770  4d 61 74 74 68 65 77 6d  61 6e 29 20 77 72 6f 74  |Matthewman) wrot|
0000b780  65 3a 0d 0d 5b 63 75 74  5d 0d 0d 3e 54 68 65 72  |e:..[cut]..>Ther|
0000b790  65 20 2d 20 49 27 6d 20  62 65 69 6e 67 20 61 73  |e - I'm being as|
0000b7a0  20 68 6f 6e 65 73 74 20  61 73 20 49 20 63 61 6e  | honest as I can|
0000b7b0  20 74 6f 20 61 76 6f 69  64 20 64 69 73 61 70 70  | to avoid disapp|
0000b7c0  6f 69 6e 74 6d 65 6e 74  2e 20 50 6c 65 61 73 65  |ointment. Please|
0000b7d0  0d 3e 64 6f 6e 27 74 20  66 6c 61 6d 65 20 6d 65  |.>don't flame me|
0000b7e0  20 28 6f 72 20 41 63 6f  72 6e 29 20 66 6f 72 20  | (or Acorn) for |
0000b7f0  74 68 65 20 63 6f 6e 74  65 6e 74 20 6f 66 20 74  |the content of t|
0000b800  68 65 20 64 69 73 63 20  77 68 69 63 68 20 77 69  |he disc which wi|
0000b810  6c 6c 20 62 65 0d 3e 28  61 29 20 66 72 65 65 20  |ll be.>(a) free |
0000b820  61 6e 64 20 28 62 29 20  69 6e 76 61 6c 75 61 62  |and (b) invaluab|
0000b830  6c 65 20 74 6f 20 61 20  6e 75 6d 62 65 72 20 6f  |le to a number o|
0000b840  66 20 70 65 6f 70 6c 65  2e 20 54 68 65 20 6d 6f  |f people. The mo|
0000b850  72 65 20 43 44 2d 52 4f  4d 73 0d 3e 77 65 20 67  |re CD-ROMs.>we g|
0000b860  65 74 20 6f 75 74 20 74  68 65 72 65 2c 20 74 68  |et out there, th|
0000b870  65 20 6d 6f 72 65 20 74  68 65 20 41 63 6f 72 6e  |e more the Acorn|
0000b880  20 6c 6f 6f 6b 73 20 6c  69 6b 65 20 61 20 27 73  | looks like a 's|
0000b890  65 72 69 6f 75 73 27 20  63 6f 6d 70 75 74 65 72  |erious' computer|
0000b8a0  2e 0d 0d 49 20 61 67 72  65 65 2c 20 6c 6f 6f 6b  |...I agree, look|
0000b8b0  20 61 74 20 74 68 65 20  50 43 20 61 6e 64 20 4d  | at the PC and M|
0000b8c0  61 63 20 6d 61 72 6b 65  74 73 20 2d 20 45 56 45  |ac markets - EVE|
0000b8d0  52 59 54 48 49 4e 47 20  69 73 20 43 44 2d 52 4f  |RYTHING is CD-RO|
0000b8e0  4d 21 21 21 0d 49 74 20  64 6f 65 73 6e 27 74 20  |M!!!.It doesn't |
0000b8f0  6d 61 74 74 65 72 20 77  68 61 74 27 73 20 6f 6e  |matter what's on|
0000b900  20 74 68 65 20 43 44 73  20 61 74 20 74 68 65 20  | the CDs at the |
0000b910  6d 6f 6d 65 6e 74 2c 20  6a 75 73 74 20 73 6f 20  |moment, just so |
0000b920  6c 6f 6e 67 20 61 73 0d  74 68 65 79 20 73 65 6c  |long as.they sel|
0000b930  6c 20 61 6e 64 20 62 65  63 6f 6d 65 20 27 74 68  |l and become 'th|
0000b940  65 20 6e 6f 72 6d 27 2c  20 2a 74 68 65 6e 2a 20  |e norm', *then* |
0000b950  77 65 20 63 61 6e 20 66  75 73 73 20 61 62 6f 75  |we can fuss abou|
0000b960  74 20 71 75 61 6c 69 74  79 2e 0d 0d 54 68 65 20  |t quality...The |
0000b970  41 63 6f 72 6e 20 6d 61  72 6b 65 74 20 68 61 73  |Acorn market has|
0000b980  20 70 72 6f 62 61 62 6c  79 20 75 6e 64 65 72 20  | probably under |
0000b990  33 30 20 43 44 73 20 69  6e 20 74 68 65 20 45 64  |30 CDs in the Ed|
0000b9a0  75 63 61 74 69 6f 6e 20  73 65 63 74 6f 72 20 61  |ucation sector a|
0000b9b0  6e 64 0d 61 62 6f 75 74  20 31 30 20 66 6f 72 20  |nd.about 10 for |
0000b9c0  74 68 65 20 72 65 73 74  20 6f 66 20 74 68 65 20  |the rest of the |
0000b9d0  41 63 6f 72 6e 20 6d 61  72 6b 65 74 20 2d 20 6e  |Acorn market - n|
0000b9e0  6f 74 20 69 6e 63 6c 75  64 69 6e 67 20 43 44 73  |ot including CDs|
0000b9f0  20 77 69 74 68 0d 66 6f  6e 74 73 20 6f 72 20 73  | with.fonts or s|
0000ba00  74 75 66 66 20 6f 6e 20  28 64 61 74 61 20 43 44  |tuff on (data CD|
0000ba10  73 29 2e 0d 0d 4f 6e 20  50 43 73 2c 20 79 6f 75  |s)...On PCs, you|
0000ba20  20 67 65 74 20 79 6f 75  72 20 6f 70 65 72 61 74  | get your operat|
0000ba30  69 6e 67 20 73 79 73 74  65 6d 20 6f 72 20 6c 61  |ing system or la|
0000ba40  74 65 73 74 20 61 70 70  6c 69 63 61 74 69 6f 6e  |test application|
0000ba50  20 6f 6e 20 43 44 21 21  0d 28 61 6e 64 20 75 73  | on CD!!.(and us|
0000ba60  75 61 6c 6c 79 20 63 6f  6e 74 61 69 6e 73 20 61  |ually contains a|
0000ba70  20 68 75 67 65 20 61 6d  6f 75 6e 74 20 6d 6f 72  | huge amount mor|
0000ba80  65 20 74 68 61 6e 20 74  68 65 20 64 69 73 63 73  |e than the discs|
0000ba90  29 2e 0d 0d 54 61 6b 65  20 74 68 65 20 4d 69 63  |)...Take the Mic|
0000baa0  72 6f 73 6f 66 74 20 44  65 76 65 6c 6f 70 65 72  |rosoft Developer|
0000bab0  73 20 4e 65 74 77 6f 72  6b 20 77 68 69 63 68 20  |s Network which |
0000bac0  69 73 20 61 20 73 75 70  70 6f 72 74 20 6e 65 74  |is a support net|
0000bad0  77 6f 72 6b 20 66 6f 72  0d 64 65 76 65 6c 6f 70  |work for.develop|
0000bae0  65 72 73 2c 20 77 68 65  72 65 20 79 6f 75 20 67  |ers, where you g|
0000baf0  65 74 20 66 72 65 71 75  65 6e 74 20 75 70 64 61  |et frequent upda|
0000bb00  74 65 73 20 6f 6e 20 43  44 20 63 6f 6e 74 61 69  |tes on CD contai|
0000bb10  6e 69 6e 67 20 41 4c 4c  20 74 68 65 0d 6c 61 74  |ning ALL the.lat|
0000bb20  65 73 74 20 77 69 6e 64  6f 77 73 20 6f 70 65 72  |est windows oper|
0000bb30  61 74 69 6e 67 20 73 79  73 74 65 6d 73 2c 20 74  |ating systems, t|
0000bb40  68 65 20 53 44 4b 73 2c  20 64 72 69 76 65 72 73  |he SDKs, drivers|
0000bb50  20 61 6e 64 20 6d 61 6e  79 20 6f 74 68 65 72 0d  | and many other.|
0000bb60  6c 69 62 72 61 72 69 65  73 20 69 6e 20 70 61 63  |libraries in pac|
0000bb70  6b 73 20 6f 66 20 61 62  6f 75 74 20 33 30 20 43  |ks of about 30 C|
0000bb80  44 73 2e 20 45 61 63 68  20 74 69 6d 65 20 61 20  |Ds. Each time a |
0000bb90  6e 65 77 20 75 70 64 61  74 65 20 61 72 72 69 76  |new update arriv|
0000bba0  65 73 2c 0d 74 68 65 20  6f 6c 64 20 43 44 73 20  |es,.the old CDs |
0000bbb0  61 72 65 20 77 61 73 74  65 21 20 49 74 20 77 6f  |are waste! It wo|
0000bbc0  72 6b 73 20 6f 75 74 20  61 20 6c 6f 74 20 63 68  |rks out a lot ch|
0000bbd0  65 61 70 65 72 20 74 68  61 6e 20 62 75 79 69 6e  |eaper than buyin|
0000bbe0  67 20 75 70 67 72 61 64  65 73 0d 6f 66 20 57 69  |g upgrades.of Wi|
0000bbf0  6e 64 6f 77 73 20 65 61  63 68 20 74 69 6d 65 20  |ndows each time |
0000bc00  74 68 65 79 20 63 6f 6d  65 20 6f 75 74 20 2d 20  |they come out - |
0000bc10  70 6c 75 73 20 79 6f 75  20 67 65 74 20 62 65 74  |plus you get bet|
0000bc20  61 20 72 65 6c 65 61 73  65 73 20 61 6e 64 0d 61  |a releases and.a|
0000bc30  6c 6c 20 73 6f 72 74 73  20 6f 66 20 73 74 75 66  |ll sorts of stuf|
0000bc40  66 20 77 69 74 68 6f 75  74 20 68 61 76 69 6e 67  |f without having|
0000bc50  20 74 6f 20 64 6f 77 6e  6c 6f 61 64 20 66 6f 72  | to download for|
0000bc60  20 68 6f 75 72 73 20 6f  66 66 20 74 68 65 0d 49  | hours off the.I|
0000bc70  6e 74 65 72 6e 65 74 20  28 65 76 65 6e 20 77 69  |nternet (even wi|
0000bc80  74 68 20 74 68 65 20 66  61 73 74 65 73 74 20 6d  |th the fastest m|
0000bc90  6f 64 65 6d 73 29 2e 0d  0d 54 68 65 20 41 63 6f  |odems)...The Aco|
0000bca0  72 6e 20 77 6f 72 6c 64  20 68 61 73 6e 27 74 20  |rn world hasn't |
0000bcb0  65 76 65 6e 20 73 68 69  66 74 65 64 20 74 6f 20  |even shifted to |
0000bcc0  64 69 73 74 72 69 62 75  74 69 6e 67 20 68 69 67  |distributing hig|
0000bcd0  68 20 64 65 6e 73 69 74  79 0d 66 6c 6f 70 70 79  |h density.floppy|
0000bce0  20 64 69 73 63 73 20 79  65 74 21 21 21 21 21 21  | discs yet!!!!!!|
0000bcf0  21 0d 0d 54 68 65 20 73  74 75 66 66 20 69 73 20  |!..The stuff is |
0000bd00  63 68 65 61 70 20 65 6e  6f 75 67 68 20 6e 6f 77  |cheap enough now|
0000bd10  20 74 6f 20 66 6f 72 63  65 20 70 65 6f 70 6c 65  | to force people|
0000bd20  20 74 6f 20 63 68 61 6e  67 65 2c 20 65 6c 73 65  | to change, else|
0000bd30  20 41 63 6f 72 6e 0d 6a  75 73 74 20 77 6f 6e 27  | Acorn.just won'|
0000bd40  74 20 73 75 72 76 69 76  65 20 6f 75 74 73 69 64  |t survive outsid|
0000bd50  65 20 74 68 65 20 4d 69  63 72 6f 73 6f 66 74 20  |e the Microsoft |
0000bd60  26 20 50 43 20 77 6f 72  6c 64 2e 0d 0d 2d 2d 0d  |& PC world...--.|
0000bd70  20 54 69 6d 20 4d 6f 6f  72 65 2c 20 54 65 61 63  | Tim Moore, Teac|
0000bd80  68 69 6e 67 20 43 6f 6d  70 61 6e 79 20 41 73 73  |hing Company Ass|
0000bd90  6f 63 69 61 74 65 2c 0d  20 52 69 67 69 62 6f 72  |ociate,. Rigibor|
0000bda0  65 20 54 6f 6f 6c 69 6e  67 20 53 79 73 74 65 6d  |e Tooling System|
0000bdb0  73 2c 20 52 69 67 69 62  6f 72 65 20 4c 74 64 2c  |s, Rigibore Ltd,|
0000bdc0  20 48 61 79 6c 65 2c 20  55 4b 0d 20 45 6d 61 69  | Hayle, UK. Emai|
0000bdd0  6c 3a 20 74 69 6d 40 72  69 67 69 62 6f 72 65 2e  |l: tim@rigibore.|
0000bde0  64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f  2e 75 6b 0d 0d 20 20 20  |demon.co.uk..   |
0000bdf0  41 6e 79 20 76 69 65 77  73 20 65 78 70 72 65 73  |Any views expres|
0000be00  73 65 64 20 68 65 72 65  20 64 6f 20 6e 6f 74 20  |sed here do not |
0000be10  72 65 70 72 65 73 65 6e  74 20 74 68 65 20 76 69  |represent the vi|
0000be20  65 77 73 20 6f 66 0d 20  20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20  |ews of.         |
0000be30  20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20  20 20 20 20 20 20 52 69  |              Ri|
0000be40  67 69 62 6f 72 65 20 4c  74 64 2e 0d 0d 50 61 74  |gibore Ltd...Pat|
0000be50  68 3a 20 6e 65 77 73 2e  64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f  |h: news.demon.co|
0000be60  2e 75 6b 21 64 65 6d 6f  6e 21 72 69 67 69 62 6f  |.uk!demon!rigibo|
0000be70  72 65 2e 64 65 6d 6f 6e  2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b 0a 46  |re.demon.co.uk.F|
0000be80  72 6f 6d 3a 20 74 69 6d  40 72 69 67 69 62 6f 72  |rom: tim@rigibor|
0000be90  65 2e 64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e  63 6f 2e 75 6b 20 28 54  |e.demon.co.uk (T|
0000bea0  69 6d 20 4d 6f 6f 72 65  29 0a 4e 65 77 73 67 72  |im Moore).Newsgr|
0000beb0  6f 75 70 73 3a 20 63 6f  6d 70 2e 73 79 73 2e 61  |oups: comp.sys.a|
0000bec0  63 6f 72 6e 2e 6d 69 73  63 0a 53 75 62 6a 65 63  |corn.misc.Subjec|
0000bed0  74 3a 20 52 65 3a 20 4d  53 20 57 6f 72 6b 73 20  |t: Re: MS Works |
0000bee0  6f 6e 20 50 43 34 38 36  20 43 61 72 64 0a 44 61  |on PC486 Card.Da|
0000bef0  74 65 3a 20 57 65 64 2c  20 30 36 20 44 65 63 20  |te: Wed, 06 Dec |
0000bf00  31 39 39 35 20 31 31 3a  35 38 3a 34 36 20 47 4d  |1995 11:58:46 GM|
0000bf10  54 0a 4f 72 67 61 6e 69  7a 61 74 69 6f 6e 3a 20  |T.Organization: |
0000bf20  52 69 67 69 62 6f 72 65  20 54 6f 6f 6c 69 6e 67  |Rigibore Tooling|
0000bf30  20 53 79 73 74 65 6d 73  2c 20 52 69 67 69 62 6f  | Systems, Rigibo|
0000bf40  72 65 20 4c 74 64 2e 0a  4c 69 6e 65 73 3a 20 32  |re Ltd..Lines: 2|
0000bf50  34 0a 4d 65 73 73 61 67  65 2d 49 44 3a 20 3c 38  |4.Message-ID: <8|
0000bf60  31 38 32 35 31 31 32 39  2e 35 37 38 37 40 72 69  |18251129.5787@ri|
0000bf70  67 69 62 6f 72 65 2e 64  65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e  |gibore.demon.co.|
0000bf80  75 6b 3e 0a 52 65 66 65  72 65 6e 63 65 73 3a 20  |uk>.References: |
0000bf90  3c 69 6e 74 65 72 6e 65  77 73 34 36 36 46 39 36  |<internews466F96|
0000bfa0  43 32 38 34 40 61 72 67  6f 6e 65 74 2e 63 6f 2e  |C284@argonet.co.|
0000bfb0  75 6b 3e 20 3c 31 39 39  35 31 31 31 39 2e 31 33  |uk> <19951119.13|
0000bfc0  33 36 32 38 2e 38 31 40  61 69 72 63 72 61 66 74  |3628.81@aircraft|
0000bfd0  2e 64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63  6f 2e 75 6b 3e 0a 4e 4e  |.demon.co.uk>.NN|
0000bfe0  54 50 2d 50 6f 73 74 69  6e 67 2d 48 6f 73 74 3a  |TP-Posting-Host:|
0000bff0  20 72 69 67 69 62 6f 72  65 2e 64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e  | rigibore.demon.|
0000c000  63 6f 2e 75 6b 0a 58 2d  4e 4e 54 50 2d 50 6f 73  |co.uk.X-NNTP-Pos|
0000c010  74 69 6e 67 2d 48 6f 73  74 3a 20 72 69 67 69 62  |ting-Host: rigib|
0000c020  6f 72 65 2e 64 65 6d 6f  6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b 0a  |ore.demon.co.uk.|
0000c030  58 2d 4e 65 77 73 72 65  61 64 65 72 3a 20 46 6f  |X-Newsreader: Fo|
0000c040  72 74 65 20 46 72 65 65  20 41 67 65 6e 74 20 31  |rte Free Agent 1|
0000c050  2e 30 2e 38 32 0a 6b 61  6e 65 40 61 69 72 63 72  |.0.82.kane@aircr|
0000c060  61 66 74 2e 64 65 6d 6f  6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b 20  |aft.demon.co.uk |
0000c070  28 4b 61 6e 65 20 43 6c  6f 76 65 72 29 20 77 72  |(Kane Clover) wr|
0000c080  6f 74 65 3a 0d 0d 3e 49  6e 20 6d 65 73 73 61 67  |ote:..>In messag|
0000c090  65 20 3c 69 6e 74 65 72  6e 65 77 73 34 36 36 46  |e <internews466F|
0000c0a0  39 36 43 32 38 34 40 61  72 67 6f 6e 65 74 2e 63  |96C284@argonet.c|
0000c0b0  6f 2e 75 6b 3e 20 79 6f  75 20 77 72 6f 74 65 3a  |o.uk> you wrote:|
0000c0c0  0d 0d 3e 3e 20 48 61 73  20 61 6e 79 62 6f 64 79  |..>> Has anybody|
0000c0d0  20 69 6e 73 74 61 6c 6c  65 64 20 4d 53 20 57 6f  | installed MS Wo|
0000c0e0  72 6b 73 20 28 76 33 2e  30 29 20 66 72 6f 6d 20  |rks (v3.0) from |
0000c0f0  43 44 20 52 6f 6d 20 2c  61 6e 64 20 67 6f 74 20  |CD Rom ,and got |
0000c100  69 74 20 74 6f 20 77 6f  72 6b 3f 0d 3e 3e 20 49  |it to work?.>> I|
0000c110  20 63 61 6e 20 6e 6f 74  20 67 65 74 20 70 61 73  | can not get pas|
0000c120  74 20 74 68 65 20 69 6e  73 74 61 6c 6c 20 70 72  |t the install pr|
0000c130  6f 67 2c 61 6e 64 20 65  61 72 6c 79 20 6f 6e 20  |og,and early on |
0000c140  69 6e 20 74 68 61 74 21  2c 20 77 69 74 68 20 6f  |in that!, with o|
0000c150  75 74 20 74 68 65 20 6d  61 63 68 69 6e 65 0d 3e  |ut the machine.>|
0000c160  3e 20 68 61 6e 67 69 6e  67 20 75 70 2e 0d 3e 3e  |> hanging up..>>|
0000c170  20 0d 3e 3e 20 52 65 67  61 72 64 73 20 54 72 65  | .>> Regards Tre|
0000c180  76 6f 72 20 3a 2d 29 20  0d 0d 3e 4e 6f 2c 20 62  |vor :-) ..>No, b|
0000c190  75 74 20 69 74 20 77 6f  72 6b 73 20 69 66 20 79  |ut it works if y|
0000c1a0  6f 75 20 6d 6f 76 65 20  61 6e 20 69 6e 73 74 61  |ou move an insta|
0000c1b0  6c 6c 65 64 20 76 65 72  73 69 6f 6e 20 66 72 6f  |lled version fro|
0000c1c0  6d 20 61 20 70 72 6f 70  70 65 72 20 50 43 20 74  |m a propper PC t|
0000c1d0  6f 20 61 6e 20 41 63 6f  72 6e 0d 3e 70 61 72 74  |o an Acorn.>part|
0000c1e0  69 74 69 6f 6e 20 77 69  74 68 20 66 6c 6f 70 70  |ition with flopp|
0000c1f0  69 65 73 2e 20 49 20 77  6f 6e 27 74 20 73 61 79  |ies. I won't say|
0000c200  20 68 6f 77 20 49 20 6b  6e 65 77 20 74 68 61 74  | how I knew that|
0000c210  20 3a 2d 29 0d 0d 53 6f  20 6d 75 63 68 20 66 6f  | :-)..So much fo|
0000c220  72 20 73 74 61 6e 64 61  72 64 69 73 65 64 20 61  |r standardised a|
0000c230  6e 64 20 63 6f 6d 70 6c  69 61 6e 74 20 70 72 6f  |nd compliant pro|
0000c240  67 72 61 6d 6d 69 6e 67  20 3a 2d 29 0d 0d 2d 2d  |gramming :-)..--|
0000c250  0d 20 54 69 6d 20 4d 6f  6f 72 65 2c 20 54 65 61  |. Tim Moore, Tea|
0000c260  63 68 69 6e 67 20 43 6f  6d 70 61 6e 79 20 41 73  |ching Company As|
0000c270  73 6f 63 69 61 74 65 2c  0d 20 52 69 67 69 62 6f  |sociate,. Rigibo|
0000c280  72 65 20 54 6f 6f 6c 69  6e 67 20 53 79 73 74 65  |re Tooling Syste|
0000c290  6d 73 2c 20 52 69 67 69  62 6f 72 65 20 4c 74 64  |ms, Rigibore Ltd|
0000c2a0  2c 20 48 61 79 6c 65 2c  20 55 4b 0d 20 45 6d 61  |, Hayle, UK. Ema|
0000c2b0  69 6c 3a 20 74 69 6d 40  72 69 67 69 62 6f 72 65  |il: tim@rigibore|
0000c2c0  2e 64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63  6f 2e 75 6b 0d 0d 20 20  |.demon.co.uk..  |
0000c2d0  20 41 6e 79 20 76 69 65  77 73 20 65 78 70 72 65  | Any views expre|
0000c2e0  73 73 65 64 20 68 65 72  65 20 64 6f 20 6e 6f 74  |ssed here do not|
0000c2f0  20 72 65 70 72 65 73 65  6e 74 20 74 68 65 20 76  | represent the v|
0000c300  69 65 77 73 20 6f 66 0d  20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20  |iews of.        |
0000c310  20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20  20 20 20 20 20 20 20 52  |               R|
0000c320  69 67 69 62 6f 72 65 20  4c 74 64 2e 0d 0d 50 61  |igibore Ltd...Pa|
0000c330  74 68 3a 20 6e 65 77 73  2e 64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63  |th: news.demon.c|
0000c340  6f 2e 75 6b 21 64 65 6d  6f 6e 21 74 61 6e 6b 2e  |o.uk!demon!tank.|
0000c350  6e 65 77 73 2e 70 69 70  65 78 2e 6e 65 74 21 70  |news.pipex.net!p|
0000c360  69 70 65 78 21 68 6f 77  6c 61 6e 64 2e 72 65 73  |ipex!howland.res|
0000c370  74 6f 6e 2e 61 6e 73 2e  6e 65 74 21 6e 65 77 73  |ton.ans.net!news|
0000c380  66 65 65 64 2e 69 6e 74  65 72 6e 65 74 6d 63 69  |feed.internetmci|
0000c390  2e 63 6f 6d 21 62 6c 6f  6f 6d 2d 62 65 61 63 6f  |.com!bloom-beaco|
0000c3a0  6e 2e 6d 69 74 2e 65 64  75 21 79 61 6d 61 2e 6d  |n.mit.edu!yama.m|
0000c3b0  63 63 2e 61 63 2e 75 6b  21 77 61 72 77 69 63 6b  |cc.ac.uk!warwick|
0000c3c0  21 6e 65 77 73 2e 6e 63  6c 2e 61 63 2e 75 6b 21  |!news.ncl.ac.uk!|
0000c3d0  75 73 65 6e 65 74 0a 46  72 6f 6d 3a 20 4d 61 72  |usenet.From: Mar|
0000c3e0  74 69 6e 20 48 65 73 6b  65 74 68 20 3c 4d 61 72  |tin Hesketh <Mar|
0000c3f0  74 69 6e 2e 48 65 73 6b  65 74 68 40 6e 63 6c 2e  |tin.Hesketh@ncl.|
0000c400  61 63 2e 75 6b 3e 0a 4e  65 77 73 67 72 6f 75 70  |ac.uk>.Newsgroup|
0000c410  73 3a 20 75 6b 2e 63 6f  6d 70 2e 6d 69 73 63 2c  |s: uk.comp.misc,|
0000c420  63 6f 6d 70 2e 73 79 73  2e 61 63 6f 72 6e 2e 6d  |comp.sys.acorn.m|
0000c430  69 73 63 0a 53 75 62 6a  65 63 74 3a 20 52 65 3a  |isc.Subject: Re:|
0000c440  20 53 6f 66 74 77 61 72  65 20 66 6f 72 20 74 65  | Software for te|
0000c450  6c 65 74 65 78 74 20 64  65 63 6f 64 65 72 0a 44  |letext decoder.D|
0000c460  61 74 65 3a 20 36 20 44  65 63 20 31 39 39 35 20  |ate: 6 Dec 1995 |
0000c470  31 31 3a 35 31 3a 33 38  20 47 4d 54 0a 4f 72 67  |11:51:38 GMT.Org|
0000c480  61 6e 69 7a 61 74 69 6f  6e 3a 20 55 6e 69 76 65  |anization: Unive|
0000c490  72 73 69 74 79 20 6f 66  20 4e 65 77 63 61 73 74  |rsity of Newcast|
0000c4a0  6c 65 20 75 70 6f 6e 20  54 79 6e 65 0a 4c 69 6e  |le upon Tyne.Lin|
0000c4b0  65 73 3a 20 33 31 0a 44  69 73 74 72 69 62 75 74  |es: 31.Distribut|
0000c4c0  69 6f 6e 3a 20 75 6b 0a  4d 65 73 73 61 67 65 2d  |ion: uk.Message-|
0000c4d0  49 44 3a 20 3c 34 61 34  30 34 61 24 62 32 40 77  |ID: <4a404a$b2@w|
0000c4e0  68 69 74 62 65 63 6b 2e  6e 63 6c 2e 61 63 2e 75  |hitbeck.ncl.ac.u|
0000c4f0  6b 3e 0a 52 65 66 65 72  65 6e 63 65 73 3a 20 3c  |k>.References: <|
0000c500  38 31 38 31 38 30 38 36  33 2e 31 37 39 34 35 40  |818180863.17945@|
0000c510  6b 6c 61 61 74 75 2e 64  65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e  |klaatu.demon.co.|
0000c520  75 6b 3e 0a 4e 4e 54 50  2d 50 6f 73 74 69 6e 67  |uk>.NNTP-Posting|
0000c530  2d 48 6f 73 74 3a 20 73  75 6e 69 6c 61 77 73 2e  |-Host: sunilaws.|
0000c540  6e 63 6c 2e 61 63 2e 75  6b 0a 58 72 65 66 3a 20  |ncl.ac.uk.Xref: |
0000c550  6e 65 77 73 2e 64 65 6d  6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b  |news.demon.co.uk|
0000c560  20 75 6b 2e 63 6f 6d 70  2e 6d 69 73 63 3a 31 31  | uk.comp.misc:11|
0000c570  38 37 20 63 6f 6d 70 2e  73 79 73 2e 61 63 6f 72  |87 comp.sys.acor|
0000c580  6e 2e 6d 69 73 63 3a 31  33 37 35 37 0a 49 6e 20  |n.misc:13757.In |
0000c590  61 72 74 69 63 6c 65 20  3c 38 31 38 31 38 30 38  |article <8181808|
0000c5a0  36 33 2e 31 37 39 34 35  40 6b 6c 61 61 74 75 2e  |63.17945@klaatu.|
0000c5b0  64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f  2e 75 6b 3e 2c 20 73 74  |demon.co.uk>, st|
0000c5c0  65 76 65 40 6b 6c 61 61  74 75 2e 64 65 6d 6f 6e  |eve@klaatu.demon|
0000c5d0  2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b 20 28  53 74 65 76 65 20 4c 6f  |.co.uk (Steve Lo|
0000c5e0  66 74 29 20 77 72 69 74  65 73 3a 0d 7c 3e 20 54  |ft) writes:.|> T|
0000c5f0  68 65 20 64 65 63 6f 64  65 72 20 64 6f 65 73 6e  |he decoder doesn|
0000c600  27 74 20 6d 65 6e 74 69  6f 6e 20 47 72 6f 75 6e  |'t mention Groun|
0000c610  64 20 43 6f 6e 74 72 6f  6c 2c 20 6f 72 20 41 63  |d Control, or Ac|
0000c620  6f 72 6e 2c 20 69 74 20  73 69 6d 70 6c 79 20 73  |orn, it simply s|
0000c630  61 79 73 0d 7c 3e 20 22  55 6e 69 76 65 72 73 61  |ays.|> "Universa|
0000c640  6c 20 54 65 6c 65 74 65  78 74 20 41 64 61 70 74  |l Teletext Adapt|
0000c650  6f 72 22 2c 20 61 6e 64  20 22 4d 6f 64 65 6c 20  |or", and "Model |
0000c660  55 54 41 2d 31 22 2e 20  20 54 68 65 20 6f 75 74  |UTA-1".  The out|
0000c670  70 75 74 20 69 73 20 76  69 61 20 61 0d 7c 3e 20  |put is via a.|> |
0000c680  35 2d 70 69 6e 20 44 49  4e 20 70 6c 75 67 2c 20  |5-pin DIN plug, |
0000c690  61 6e 64 20 69 74 20 75  73 65 73 20 61 20 50 68  |and it uses a Ph|
0000c6a0  69 6c 69 70 73 20 53 41  41 35 32 34 30 50 2f 41  |ilips SAA5240P/A|
0000c6b0  20 63 68 69 70 2c 20 77  68 69 63 68 20 49 20 61  | chip, which I a|
0000c6c0  73 73 75 6d 65 0d 7c 3e  20 69 73 20 74 68 65 20  |ssume.|> is the |
0000c6d0  74 65 6c 65 74 65 78 74  20 64 65 63 6f 64 65 72  |teletext decoder|
0000c6e0  2e 20 20 50 65 72 68 61  70 73 20 74 68 69 73 20  |.  Perhaps this |
0000c6f0  62 6f 78 20 77 61 73 20  61 6c 73 6f 20 73 6f 6c  |box was also sol|
0000c700  64 20 66 6f 72 20 75 73  65 20 77 69 74 68 0d 7c  |d for use with.||
0000c710  3e 20 61 20 50 43 2c 20  61 6e 64 20 73 6f 6d 65  |> a PC, and some|
0000c720  6f 6e 65 20 6b 6e 6f 77  73 20 77 68 65 72 65 20  |one knows where |
0000c730  49 20 63 61 6e 20 67 65  74 20 74 68 65 20 73 6f  |I can get the so|
0000c740  66 74 77 61 72 65 3f 20  20 50 65 72 68 61 70 73  |ftware?  Perhaps|
0000c750  20 49 20 63 6f 75 6c 64  0d 7c 3e 20 77 72 69 74  | I could.|> writ|
0000c760  65 20 6d 79 20 6f 77 6e  20 73 6f 66 74 77 61 72  |e my own softwar|
0000c770  65 3f 20 20 49 20 64 6f  6e 27 74 20 6b 6e 6f 77  |e?  I don't know|
0000c780  20 74 68 65 20 73 70 65  63 20 6f 66 20 74 68 65  | the spec of the|
0000c790  20 35 2d 70 69 6e 20 6f  75 74 70 75 74 2c 20 49  | 5-pin output, I|
0000c7a0  0d 7c 3e 20 63 61 6e 27  74 20 66 69 6e 64 20 74  |.|> can't find t|
0000c7b0  68 65 20 64 6f 63 73 20  61 74 20 74 68 65 20 6d  |he docs at the m|
0000c7c0  6f 6d 65 6e 74 2c 20 62  75 74 20 49 20 64 6f 6e  |oment, but I don|
0000c7d0  27 74 20 74 68 69 6e 6b  20 69 74 20 67 61 76 65  |'t think it gave|
0000c7e0  20 74 68 65 20 73 70 65  63 0d 7c 3e 20 61 6e 79  | the spec.|> any|
0000c7f0  77 61 79 2e 20 20 49 20  73 75 70 70 6f 73 65 20  |way.  I suppose |
0000c800  49 20 63 6f 75 6c 64 20  72 65 76 65 72 73 65 20  |I could reverse |
0000c810  65 6e 67 69 6e 65 65 72  20 74 68 65 20 41 72 63  |engineer the Arc|
0000c820  68 69 6d 65 64 65 73 20  73 6f 66 74 77 61 72 65  |himedes software|
0000c830  20 69 66 0d 7c 3e 20 49  20 68 61 64 20 74 6f 2c  | if.|> I had to,|
0000c840  20 62 75 74 20 49 20 64  6f 6e 27 74 20 66 61 6e  | but I don't fan|
0000c850  63 79 20 74 68 65 20 70  72 6f 73 70 65 63 74 2e  |cy the prospect.|
0000c860  20 20 41 6e 79 20 62 72  69 67 68 74 20 69 64 65  |  Any bright ide|
0000c870  61 73 3f 0d 7c 3e 20 2d  2d 20 0d 7c 3e 20 53 74  |as?.|> -- .|> St|
0000c880  65 76 65 20 4c 6f 66 74  2c 20 44 6f 6e 63 61 73  |eve Loft, Doncas|
0000c890  74 65 72 2c 20 55 4b 2e  0d 0d 49 20 68 61 76 65  |ter, UK...I have|
0000c8a0  20 74 68 65 20 73 61 6d  65 20 74 65 6c 65 74 65  | the same telete|
0000c8b0  78 74 20 61 64 61 70 74  6f 72 20 63 6f 6e 6e 65  |xt adaptor conne|
0000c8c0  63 74 65 64 20 74 6f 20  74 68 65 20 49 2f 4f 20  |cted to the I/O |
0000c8d0  70 6f 72 74 20 6f 66 20  42 42 43 20 4d 61 73 74  |port of BBC Mast|
0000c8e0  65 72 2e 0d 49 20 72 65  6d 65 6d 62 65 72 20 73  |er..I remember s|
0000c8f0  65 65 69 6e 67 20 74 68  65 20 73 61 6d 65 20 74  |eeing the same t|
0000c900  65 6c 65 74 65 78 74 20  61 64 61 70 74 6f 72 20  |eletext adaptor |
0000c910  61 64 76 65 72 74 69 73  65 64 20 66 6f 72 20 75  |advertised for u|
0000c920  73 65 20 77 69 74 68 20  61 0d 50 43 2c 20 73 6f  |se with a.PC, so|
0000c930  20 74 68 65 72 65 20 6d  75 73 74 20 62 65 20 73  | there must be s|
0000c940  6f 6d 65 20 73 6f 66 74  77 61 72 65 20 6f 75 74  |ome software out|
0000c950  20 74 68 65 72 65 20 73  6f 6d 65 77 68 65 72 65  | there somewhere|
0000c960  2e 20 50 72 6f 62 61 62  6c 79 20 61 62 6f 75 74  |. Probably about|
0000c970  20 66 69 76 65 20 79 65  61 72 73 0d 61 67 6f 2c  | five years.ago,|
0000c980  20 49 20 68 61 64 20 61  20 6c 6f 6f 6b 20 61 74  | I had a look at|
0000c990  20 74 68 65 20 73 6f 66  74 77 61 72 65 20 28 52  | the software (R|
0000c9a0  4f 4d 20 69 6d 61 67 65  20 66 6f 72 20 42 42 43  |OM image for BBC|
0000c9b0  29 2c 20 61 6e 64 20 6d  61 6e 61 67 65 64 20 74  |), and managed t|
0000c9c0  6f 20 72 65 76 65 72 73  65 0d 65 6e 67 69 6e 65  |o reverse.engine|
0000c9d0  65 72 20 69 74 20 61 73  20 66 61 72 20 61 73 20  |er it as far as |
0000c9e0  67 65 74 74 69 6e 67 20  74 68 65 20 61 64 61 70  |getting the adap|
0000c9f0  74 6f 72 20 74 6f 20 74  75 6e 65 20 74 6f 20 61  |tor to tune to a|
0000ca00  20 70 61 72 74 69 63 75  6c 61 72 20 63 68 61 6e  | particular chan|
0000ca10  6e 65 6c 2e 0d 49 20 63  61 6e 20 64 69 67 20 75  |nel..I can dig u|
0000ca20  70 20 74 68 61 74 20 70  72 6f 67 72 61 6d 20 66  |p that program f|
0000ca30  6f 72 20 79 6f 75 20 69  66 20 79 6f 75 20 77 69  |or you if you wi|
0000ca40  73 68 2e 20 49 66 20 49  20 72 65 6d 65 6d 62 65  |sh. If I remembe|
0000ca50  72 20 63 6f 72 72 65 63  74 6c 79 2c 20 69 74 0d  |r correctly, it.|
0000ca60  69 6e 6f 6c 76 65 64 20  73 65 6e 64 69 6e 67 20  |inolved sending |
0000ca70  61 20 66 65 77 20 62 79  74 65 73 20 73 65 74 75  |a few bytes setu|
0000ca80  70 20 69 6e 66 6f 72 6d  61 74 69 6f 6e 20 28 6f  |p information (o|
0000ca90  6e 65 20 62 69 74 20 61  74 20 61 20 74 69 6d 65  |ne bit at a time|
0000caa0  29 2c 20 74 68 65 6e 20  61 20 6f 6e 65 20 0d 62  |), then a one .b|
0000cab0  79 74 65 20 63 6f 6e 74  72 6f 6c 20 63 6f 64 65  |yte control code|
0000cac0  20 66 6f 6c 6c 6f 77 65  64 20 62 79 20 74 77 6f  | followed by two|
0000cad0  20 62 79 74 65 73 20 63  6f 6e 74 61 69 6e 69 6e  | bytes containin|
0000cae0  67 20 61 6e 20 65 6e 63  6f 64 69 6e 67 20 6f 66  |g an encoding of|
0000caf0  20 74 68 65 20 66 72 65  71 75 65 6e 63 79 20 0d  | the frequency .|
0000cb00  74 6f 20 74 75 6e 65 20  74 68 65 20 72 65 63 65  |to tune the rece|
0000cb10  69 76 65 72 20 74 6f 2e  0d 0d 49 66 20 79 6f 75  |iver to...If you|
0000cb20  20 6d 61 6e 61 67 65 20  74 6f 20 74 72 61 63 6b  | manage to track|
0000cb30  20 64 6f 77 6e 20 73 6f  6d 65 20 73 6f 66 74 77  | down some softw|
0000cb40  61 72 65 2c 20 49 20 77  6f 75 6c 64 20 61 6c 73  |are, I would als|
0000cb50  6f 20 62 65 20 69 6e 74  65 72 65 73 74 65 64 2e  |o be interested.|
0000cb60  0d 0d 4d 61 72 74 69 6e  2e 0d 0d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d  |..Martin...-----|
0000cb70  2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d  2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d  |----------------|
0000cbb0  2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d  2d 20 0d 44 65 70 61 72  |--------- .Depar|
0000cbc0  74 6d 65 6e 74 20 6f 66  20 43 6f 6d 70 75 74 69  |tment of Computi|
0000cbd0  6e 67 20 53 63 69 65 6e  63 65 2c 20 20 20 20 20  |ng Science,     |
0000cbe0  20 20 20 20 45 6d 61 69  6c 3a 20 4d 61 72 74 69  |    Email: Marti|
0000cbf0  6e 2e 48 65 73 6b 65 74  68 40 6e 65 77 63 61 73  |n.Hesketh@newcas|
0000cc00  74 6c 65 2e 61 63 2e 75  6b 0d 55 6e 69 76 65 72  |tle.ac.uk.Univer|
0000cc10  73 69 74 79 20 6f 66 20  4e 65 77 63 61 73 74 6c  |sity of Newcastl|
0000cc20  65 20 20 20 20 20 20 20  20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20  |e               |
0000cc30  20 20 20 50 68 6f 6e 65  3a 20 28 30 31 39 31 29  |   Phone: (0191)|
0000cc40  20 32 32 32 20 36 30 35  33 0d 4e 65 77 63 61 73  | 222 6053.Newcas|
0000cc50  74 6c 65 20 75 70 6f 6e  20 54 79 6e 65 2c 20 4e  |tle upon Tyne, N|
0000cc60  45 31 20 37 52 55 2e 20  20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20  |E1 7RU.         |
0000cc70  20 20 20 20 20 46 61 78  3a 20 28 30 31 39 31 29  |     Fax: (0191)|
0000cc80  20 32 32 32 20 38 32 33  32 0d 50 61 74 68 3a 20  | 222 8232.Path: |
0000cc90  6e 65 77 73 2e 64 65 6d  6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b  |news.demon.co.uk|
0000cca0  21 64 65 6d 6f 6e 21 74  61 6e 6b 2e 6e 65 77 73  |!demon!tank.news|
0000ccb0  2e 70 69 70 65 78 2e 6e  65 74 21 70 69 70 65 78  |.pipex.net!pipex|
0000ccc0  21 73 6f 61 70 2e 6e 65  77 73 2e 70 69 70 65 78  |!soap.news.pipex|
0000ccd0  2e 6e 65 74 21 70 69 70  65 78 21 64 69 73 68 2e  |.net!pipex!dish.|
0000cce0  6e 65 77 73 2e 70 69 70  65 78 2e 6e 65 74 21 70  |news.pipex.net!p|
0000ccf0  69 70 65 78 21 61 72 6d  6c 74 64 2e 63 6f 2e 75  |ipex!armltd.co.u|
0000cd00  6b 21 63 6a 6f 6e 65 73  0a 46 72 6f 6d 3a 20 43  |k!cjones.From: C|
0000cd10  6c 69 76 65 2e 4a 6f 6e  65 73 40 61 72 6d 6c 74  |live.Jones@armlt|
0000cd20  64 2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b 0a  4e 65 77 73 67 72 6f 75  |d.co.uk.Newsgrou|
0000cd30  70 73 3a 20 63 6f 6d 70  2e 73 79 73 2e 61 63 6f  |ps: comp.sys.aco|
0000cd40  72 6e 2e 6d 69 73 63 0a  53 75 62 6a 65 63 74 3a  |rn.misc.Subject:|
0000cd50  20 52 65 3a 20 46 6f 72  20 73 61 6c 65 20 34 38  | Re: For sale 48|
0000cd60  36 20 63 61 72 64 20 a3  35 30 0a 44 61 74 65 3a  |6 card .50.Date:|
0000cd70  20 36 20 44 65 63 20 31  39 39 35 20 31 31 3a 34  | 6 Dec 1995 11:4|
0000cd80  38 3a 34 38 20 47 4d 54  0a 4f 72 67 61 6e 69 7a  |8:48 GMT.Organiz|
0000cd90  61 74 69 6f 6e 3a 20 41  64 76 61 6e 63 65 64 20  |ation: Advanced |
0000cda0  52 49 53 43 20 4d 61 63  68 69 6e 65 73 20 4c 69  |RISC Machines Li|
0000cdb0  6d 69 74 65 64 0a 4c 69  6e 65 73 3a 20 31 32 0a  |mited.Lines: 12.|
0000cdc0  44 69 73 74 72 69 62 75  74 69 6f 6e 3a 20 77 6f  |Distribution: wo|
0000cdd0  72 6c 64 0a 4d 65 73 73  61 67 65 2d 49 44 3a 20  |rld.Message-ID: |
0000cde0  3c 34 61 33 76 76 30 24  66 63 36 40 64 6f 63 2e  |<4a3vv0$fc6@doc.|
0000cdf0  61 72 6d 6c 74 64 2e 63  6f 2e 75 6b 3e 0a 52 65  |armltd.co.uk>.Re|
0000ce00  66 65 72 65 6e 63 65 73  3a 20 3c 61 6e 74 33 30  |ferences: <ant30|
0000ce10  32 30 34 36 66 37 66 6d  33 45 44 40 6a 75 6e 69  |2046f7fm3ED@juni|
0000ce20  70 65 72 66 2e 64 65 6d  6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b  |perf.demon.co.uk|
0000ce30  3e 20 3c 69 6e 74 65 72  6e 65 77 73 34 36 37 39  |> <internews4679|
0000ce40  45 37 34 35 37 44 40 61  72 67 6f 6e 65 74 2e 63  |E7457D@argonet.c|
0000ce50  6f 2e 75 6b 3e 20 3c 61  6e 74 30 33 31 34 30 34  |o.uk> <ant031404|
0000ce60  62 34 39 6b 69 33 69 40  6a 75 6e 69 70 65 72 66  |b49ki3i@juniperf|
0000ce70  2e 64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63  6f 2e 75 6b 3e 20 3c 34  |.demon.co.uk> <4|
0000ce80  61 31 63 6b 62 24 72 6f  70 40 6d 61 63 6f 6e 64  |a1ckb$rop@macond|
0000ce90  6f 2e 64 6d 75 2e 61 63  2e 75 6b 3e 0a 4e 4e 54  |o.dmu.ac.uk>.NNT|
0000cea0  50 2d 50 6f 73 74 69 6e  67 2d 48 6f 73 74 3a 20  |P-Posting-Host: |
0000ceb0  73 75 6e 36 2e 61 72 6d  6c 74 64 2e 63 6f 2e 75  |sun6.armltd.co.u|
0000cec0  6b 0a 58 2d 41 64 64 72  65 73 73 3a 20 41 52 4d  |k.X-Address: ARM|
0000ced0  20 4c 74 64 2e 2c 20 46  75 6c 62 6f 75 72 6e 20  | Ltd., Fulbourn |
0000cee0  52 6f 61 64 2c 20 43 68  65 72 72 79 20 48 69 6e  |Road, Cherry Hin|
0000cef0  74 6f 6e 2c 20 43 61 6d  62 72 69 64 67 65 20 43  |ton, Cambridge C|
0000cf00  42 31 20 34 4a 4e 2e 0a  58 2d 54 65 6c 65 70 68  |B1 4JN..X-Teleph|
0000cf10  6f 6e 65 3a 20 2b 34 34  20 31 32 32 33 20 34 30  |one: +44 1223 40|
0000cf20  30 34 35 39 20 28 64 69  72 65 63 74 20 64 69 61  |0459 (direct dia|
0000cf30  6c 2b 76 2d 6d 61 69 6c  29 2c 20 2b 34 34 20 31  |l+v-mail), +44 1|
0000cf40  32 32 33 20 34 30 30 34  30 30 20 28 73 77 69 74  |223 400400 (swit|
0000cf50  63 68 62 64 29 0a 58 2d  46 61 78 3a 20 2b 34 34  |chbd).X-Fax: +44|
0000cf60  20 31 32 32 33 20 34 30  30 34 31 30 0a 4f 72 69  | 1223 400410.Ori|
0000cf70  67 69 6e 61 74 6f 72 3a  20 63 6a 6f 6e 65 73 40  |ginator: cjones@|
0000cf80  73 75 6e 36 0a 49 6e 20  61 72 74 69 63 6c 65 20  |sun6.In article |
0000cf90  3c 34 61 31 63 6b 62 24  72 6f 70 40 6d 61 63 6f  |<4a1ckb$rop@maco|
0000cfa0  6e 64 6f 2e 64 6d 75 2e  61 63 2e 75 6b 3e 2c 20  |ndo.dmu.ac.uk>, |
0000cfb0  4a 61 6d 65 73 20 48 75  6e 74 65 72 20 20 3c 73  |James Hunter  <s|
0000cfc0  65 32 6a 68 31 3e 20 77  72 6f 74 65 3a 0d 3e 4e  |e2jh1> wrote:.>N|
0000cfd0  6f 70 65 20 2d 20 74 68  65 20 73 69 6d 74 65 63  |ope - the simtec|
0000cfe0  20 63 61 72 64 20 74 61  6b 65 73 20 6f 6e 65 20  | card takes one |
0000cff0  50 43 20 63 61 72 64 20  61 6e 64 20 74 68 65 20  |PC card and the |
0000d000  72 65 73 74 20 61 72 65  20 61 72 6d 20 70 72 6f  |rest are arm pro|
0000d010  63 65 73 73 6f 72 20 63  61 72 64 73 0d 3e 6f 72  |cessor cards.>or|
0000d020  20 61 74 20 6c 65 61 73  74 20 63 61 72 64 73 20  | at least cards |
0000d030  77 68 69 63 68 20 61 63  74 20 61 73 20 69 66 20  |which act as if |
0000d040  74 68 65 79 20 61 72 65  20 61 72 6d 73 20 2d 20  |they are arms - |
0000d050  74 68 65 20 34 38 36 20  6f 6e 65 73 20 64 6f 6e  |the 486 ones don|
0000d060  74 21 0d 0d 49 20 74 68  69 6e 6b 20 74 68 65 20  |t!..I think the |
0000d070  69 6d 70 6f 72 74 61 6e  74 20 64 69 73 74 69 6e  |important distin|
0000d080  63 74 69 6f 6e 20 69 73  20 74 68 61 74 20 74 68  |ction is that th|
0000d090  65 20 63 61 72 64 73 20  6f 63 63 75 70 79 69 6e  |e cards occupyin|
0000d0a0  67 20 74 68 65 20 66 6f  75 72 0d 65 78 74 72 61  |g the four.extra|
0000d0b0  20 73 6c 6f 74 73 20 6f  6e 20 74 68 65 20 53 69  | slots on the Si|
0000d0c0  6d 74 65 63 20 62 6f 61  72 64 20 68 61 76 65 20  |mtec board have |
0000d0d0  74 6f 20 62 65 20 70 72  69 6d 61 72 79 20 70 72  |to be primary pr|
0000d0e0  6f 63 65 73 73 6f 72 20  63 61 72 64 73 2e 0d 54  |ocessor cards..T|
0000d0f0  68 65 72 65 20 69 73 20  61 6c 73 6f 20 6f 6e 65  |here is also one|
0000d100  20 73 6c 6f 74 20 66 6f  72 20 61 20 73 65 63 6f  | slot for a seco|
0000d110  6e 64 61 72 79 20 70 72  6f 63 65 73 73 6f 72 20  |ndary processor |
0000d120  63 61 72 64 2c 20 61 6e  64 20 6f 6e 65 20 73 6c  |card, and one sl|
0000d130  6f 74 0d 66 6f 72 20 74  68 65 20 2a 72 65 61 6c  |ot.for the *real|
0000d140  2a 20 70 72 69 6d 61 72  79 20 70 72 6f 63 65 73  |* primary proces|
0000d150  73 6f 72 20 63 61 72 64  20 2d 20 74 68 65 20 6f  |sor card - the o|
0000d160  6e 65 20 52 49 53 43 20  4f 53 20 61 63 74 75 61  |ne RISC OS actua|
0000d170  6c 6c 79 20 62 6f 6f 74  73 0d 75 70 20 6f 6e 2e  |lly boots.up on.|
0000d180  0d 0d 2d 2d 43 6c 69 76  65 2e 0d 20 20 20 20 20  |..--Clive..     |
0000d190  20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20  20 20 28 44 69 73 63 6c  |          (Discl|
0000d1a0  61 69 6d 65 72 3a 20 49  20 77 6f 75 6c 64 6e 27  |aimer: I wouldn'|
0000d1b0  74 20 62 65 6c 69 65 76  65 20 61 20 77 6f 72 64  |t believe a word|
0000d1c0  20 6f 66 20 74 68 69 73  20 69 66 20 49 20 77 65  | of this if I we|
0000d1d0  72 65 20 79 6f 75 2e 2e  2e 29 0d 50 61 74 68 3a  |re you...).Path:|
0000d1e0  20 6e 65 77 73 2e 64 65  6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75  | news.demon.co.u|
0000d1f0  6b 21 64 65 6d 6f 6e 21  74 61 6e 6b 2e 6e 65 77  |k!demon!tank.new|
0000d200  73 2e 70 69 70 65 78 2e  6e 65 74 21 70 69 70 65  |s.pipex.net!pipe|
0000d210  78 21 73 6f 61 70 2e 6e  65 77 73 2e 70 69 70 65  |x!soap.news.pipe|
0000d220  78 2e 6e 65 74 21 70 69  70 65 78 21 64 69 73 68  |x.net!pipex!dish|
0000d230  2e 6e 65 77 73 2e 70 69  70 65 78 2e 6e 65 74 21  |.news.pipex.net!|
0000d240  70 69 70 65 78 21 61 72  6d 6c 74 64 2e 63 6f 2e  |pipex!armltd.co.|
0000d250  75 6b 21 6d 77 69 6c 6c  69 61 6d 0a 46 72 6f 6d  |uk!mwilliam.From|
0000d260  3a 20 6d 69 63 68 61 65  6c 2e 77 69 6c 6c 69 61  |: michael.willia|
0000d270  6d 73 40 61 72 6d 6c 74  64 2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b 20  |ms@armltd.co.uk |
0000d280  28 4d 69 63 68 61 65 6c  20 57 69 6c 6c 69 61 6d  |(Michael William|
0000d290  73 29 0a 4e 65 77 73 67  72 6f 75 70 73 3a 20 63  |s).Newsgroups: c|
0000d2a0  6f 6d 70 2e 73 79 73 2e  61 63 6f 72 6e 2e 6d 69  |omp.sys.acorn.mi|
0000d2b0  73 63 0a 53 75 62 6a 65  63 74 3a 20 52 65 3a 20  |sc.Subject: Re: |
0000d2c0  4c 65 74 73 20 48 61 76  65 20 61 20 67 6f 20 61  |Lets Have a go a|
0000d2d0  74 20 47 6c 6f 62 65 4d  61 69 6c 28 21 29 20 28  |t GlobeMail(!) (|
0000d2e0  77 61 73 20 52 65 3a 20  41 63 6f 72 6e 20 43 6f  |was Re: Acorn Co|
0000d2f0  6d 70 75 74 65 72 73 20  4c 74 64 29 0a 44 61 74  |mputers Ltd).Dat|
0000d300  65 3a 20 36 20 44 65 63  20 31 39 39 35 20 31 32  |e: 6 Dec 1995 12|
0000d310  3a 31 31 3a 32 39 20 47  4d 54 0a 4f 72 67 61 6e  |:11:29 GMT.Organ|
0000d320  69 7a 61 74 69 6f 6e 3a  20 41 64 76 61 6e 63 65  |ization: Advance|
0000d330  64 20 52 49 53 43 20 4d  61 63 68 69 6e 65 73 20  |d RISC Machines |
0000d340  4c 74 64 0a 4c 69 6e 65  73 3a 20 31 39 0a 4d 65  |Ltd.Lines: 19.Me|
0000d350  73 73 61 67 65 2d 49 44  3a 20 3c 34 61 34 31 39  |ssage-ID: <4a419|
0000d360  68 24 66 70 6c 40 64 6f  63 2e 61 72 6d 6c 74 64  |h$fpl@doc.armltd|
0000d370  2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b 3e 0a  52 65 66 65 72 65 6e 63  |.co.uk>.Referenc|
0000d380  65 73 3a 20 3c 37 42 41  37 32 44 43 46 2e 49 54  |es: <7BA72DCF.IT|
0000d390  53 2e 41 2e 4a 4f 4b 45  2e 4f 4b 3f 40 6b 65 63  |S.A.JOKE.OK?@kec|
0000d3a0  68 62 2e 64 65 6d 6f 6e  2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b 3e 20  |hb.demon.co.uk> |
0000d3b0  3c 34 61 31 6c 74 37 24  6d 37 62 40 64 6f 63 2e  |<4a1lt7$m7b@doc.|
0000d3c0  61 72 6d 6c 74 64 2e 63  6f 2e 75 6b 3e 20 3c 31  |armltd.co.uk> <1|
0000d3d0  39 39 35 31 32 30 36 31  30 34 31 34 30 2e 6f 6c  |9951206104140.ol|
0000d3e0  6c 79 40 6d 61 6e 74 69  73 2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b 3e  |ly@mantis.co.uk>|
0000d3f0  0a 52 65 70 6c 79 2d 54  6f 3a 20 6d 69 6b 65 40  |.Reply-To: mike@|
0000d400  6e 73 69 63 74 2e 6f 72  67 0a 4e 4e 54 50 2d 50  |nsict.org.NNTP-P|
0000d410  6f 73 74 69 6e 67 2d 48  6f 73 74 3a 20 73 75 6e  |osting-Host: sun|
0000d420  37 2e 61 72 6d 6c 74 64  2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b 0a 58  |7.armltd.co.uk.X|
0000d430  2d 41 64 64 72 65 73 73  3a 20 46 75 6c 62 6f 75  |-Address: Fulbou|
0000d440  72 6e 20 52 6f 61 64 2c  20 43 68 65 72 72 79 20  |rn Road, Cherry |
0000d450  48 69 6e 74 6f 6e 2c 20  43 61 6d 62 72 69 64 67  |Hinton, Cambridg|
0000d460  65 2c 20 43 42 31 20 34  4a 4e 2c 20 55 4b 0a 4f  |e, CB1 4JN, UK.O|
0000d470  72 69 67 69 6e 61 74 6f  72 3a 20 6d 77 69 6c 6c  |riginator: mwill|
0000d480  69 61 6d 40 73 75 6e 37  0a 49 6e 20 61 72 74 69  |iam@sun7.In arti|
0000d490  63 6c 65 20 3c 31 39 39  35 31 32 30 36 31 30 34  |cle <19951206104|
0000d4a0  31 34 30 2e 6f 6c 6c 79  40 6d 61 6e 74 69 73 2e  |140.olly@mantis.|
0000d4b0  63 6f 2e 75 6b 3e 2c 0d  4f 6c 6c 79 20 42 65 74  |co.uk>,.Olly Bet|
0000d4c0  74 73 20 3c 6f 6c 6c 79  40 6d 61 6e 74 69 73 2e  |ts <olly@mantis.|
0000d4d0  63 6f 2e 75 6b 3e 20 77  72 6f 74 65 3a 0d 3e 49  |co.uk> wrote:.>I|
0000d4e0  6e 20 61 72 74 69 63 6c  65 20 3c 34 61 31 6c 74  |n article <4a1lt|
0000d4f0  37 24 6d 37 62 40 64 6f  63 2e 61 72 6d 6c 74 64  |7$m7b@doc.armltd|
0000d500  2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b 3e 2c  0d 3e 4d 69 63 68 61 65  |.co.uk>,.>Michae|
0000d510  6c 20 57 69 6c 6c 69 61  6d 73 20 3c 6d 69 6b 65  |l Williams <mike|
0000d520  40 6e 73 69 63 74 2e 6f  72 67 3e 20 77 72 6f 74  |@nsict.org> wrot|
0000d530  65 3a 0d 3e 3e 72 6e 2f  74 72 6e 2f 73 74 72 6e  |e:.>>rn/trn/strn|
0000d540  20 2d 20 53 68 6f 77 20  61 20 73 65 6c 65 63 74  | - Show a select|
0000d550  69 6f 6e 20 6f 66 20 75  73 65 66 75 6c 20 68 65  |ion of useful he|
0000d560  61 64 65 72 73 2c 20 73  68 6f 77 20 74 68 65 20  |aders, show the |
0000d570  72 65 73 74 20 69 66 20  79 6f 75 20 70 72 65 73  |rest if you pres|
0000d580  73 0d 3e 3e 27 74 27 20  28 66 6f 72 20 74 6f 67  |s.>>'t' (for tog|
0000d590  67 6c 65 29 2e 0d 3e 0d  3e 4f 64 64 2c 20 69 74  |gle)..>.>Odd, it|
0000d5a0  27 73 20 27 76 27 20 6f  6e 20 74 68 69 73 20 63  |'s 'v' on this c|
0000d5b0  6f 70 79 20 6f 66 20 73  74 72 6e 20 28 27 74 27  |opy of strn ('t'|
0000d5c0  20 73 68 6f 77 73 20 61  20 66 75 6c 6c 20 74 72  | shows a full tr|
0000d5d0  65 65 20 66 6f 72 20 74  68 65 20 63 75 72 72 65  |ee for the curre|
0000d5e0  6e 74 0d 3e 74 68 72 65  61 64 29 2c 20 61 6e 64  |nt.>thread), and|
0000d5f0  20 49 27 76 65 20 6e 6f  74 20 6d 61 63 72 6f 65  | I've not macroe|
0000d600  64 20 69 74 2e 20 20 49  6e 20 66 61 63 74 20 74  |d it.  In fact t|
0000d610  68 65 20 6d 61 6e 20 70  61 67 65 20 66 6f 72 20  |he man page for |
0000d620  74 72 6e 20 61 67 72 65  65 73 2e 0d 3e 4d 61 79  |trn agrees..>May|
0000d630  62 65 20 27 74 27 20 69  73 20 61 6e 20 72 6e 2d  |be 't' is an rn-|
0000d640  69 73 6d 2e 0d 0d 59 6f  75 27 72 65 20 72 69 67  |ism...You're rig|
0000d650  68 74 20 2d 20 69 74 20  69 73 20 27 76 27 20 66  |ht - it is 'v' f|
0000d660  6f 72 20 27 76 65 72 62  6f 73 65 27 2e 20 27 74  |or 'verbose'. 't|
0000d670  27 20 66 6f 72 20 27 74  6f 67 67 6c 65 27 20 69  |' for 'toggle' i|
0000d680  73 20 74 68 65 20 6b 65  79 20 74 6f 0d 64 6f 20  |s the key to.do |
0000d690  74 68 65 20 73 61 6d 65  20 74 68 69 6e 67 20 69  |the same thing i|
0000d6a0  6e 20 45 6d 61 63 73 20  52 4d 41 49 4c 20 6d 6f  |n Emacs RMAIL mo|
0000d6b0  64 65 2e 20 38 2d 29 0d  0d 4d 69 6b 65 2e 0d 20  |de. 8-)..Mike.. |
0000d6c0  20 20 20 20 20 20 5f 5f  5f 5f 5f 5f 5f 5f 5f 5f  |      __________|
0000d6d0  5f 5f 5f 5f 5f 5f 5f 5f  5f 5f 5f 5f 5f 5f 5f 5f  |________________|
0000d700  5f 5f 5f 5f 5f 5f 5f 5f  5f 5f 5f 0d 5c 20 20 78  |___________.\  x|
0000d710  20 20 2f 20 4d 69 63 68  61 65 6c 20 57 69 6c 6c  |  / Michael Will|
0000d720  69 61 6d 73 20 20 20 20  20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20  |iams            |
0000d730  20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20  20 20 41 64 76 61 6e 63  |          Advanc|
0000d740  65 64 20 52 49 53 43 20  4d 61 63 68 69 6e 65 73  |ed RISC Machines|
0000d750  20 4c 69 6d 69 74 65 64  0d 7c 5c 2f 7c 5c 2f 5c  | Limited.|\/|\/\|
0000d760  20 6d 69 63 68 61 65 6c  2e 77 69 6c 6c 69 61 6d  | michael.william|
0000d770  73 40 61 72 6d 6c 74 64  2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b 20 20  |s@armltd.co.uk  |
0000d780  46 75 6c 62 6f 75 72 6e  20 52 6f 61 64 2c 20 43  |Fulbourn Road, C|
0000d790  61 6d 62 72 69 64 67 65  2c 20 43 42 31 20 34 4a  |ambridge, CB1 4J|
0000d7a0  4e 2c 20 55 4b 0d 7c 20  20 7c 2e 5f 5f 29 22 49  |N, UK.|  |.__)"I|
0000d7b0  20 6d 69 67 68 74 20 77  65 6c 6c 20 74 68 69 6e  | might well thin|
0000d7c0  6b 20 74 68 61 74 20 4d  61 74 74 69 2c 20 41 52  |k that Matti, AR|
0000d7d0  4d 20 4c 74 64 2e 20 63  6f 75 6c 64 6e 27 74 20  |M Ltd. couldn't |
0000d7e0  70 6f 73 73 69 62 6c 79  20 63 6f 6d 6d 65 6e 74  |possibly comment|
0000d7f0  2e 22 0d 50 61 74 68 3a  20 6e 65 77 73 2e 64 65  |.".Path: news.de|
0000d800  6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75  6b 21 64 65 6d 6f 6e 21  |mon.co.uk!demon!|
0000d810  74 61 6e 6b 2e 6e 65 77  73 2e 70 69 70 65 78 2e  |tank.news.pipex.|
0000d820  6e 65 74 21 70 69 70 65  78 21 73 6f 61 70 2e 6e  |net!pipex!soap.n|
0000d830  65 77 73 2e 70 69 70 65  78 2e 6e 65 74 21 70 69  |ews.pipex.net!pi|
0000d840  70 65 78 21 64 69 73 68  2e 6e 65 77 73 2e 70 69  |pex!dish.news.pi|
0000d850  70 65 78 2e 6e 65 74 21  70 69 70 65 78 21 61 72  |pex.net!pipex!ar|
0000d860  6d 6c 74 64 2e 63 6f 2e  75 6b 21 6d 77 69 6c 6c  |mltd.co.uk!mwill|
0000d870  69 61 6d 0a 46 72 6f 6d  3a 20 6d 69 63 68 61 65  |iam.From: michae|
0000d880  6c 2e 77 69 6c 6c 69 61  6d 73 40 61 72 6d 6c 74  |l.williams@armlt|
0000d890  64 2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b 20  28 4d 69 63 68 61 65 6c  |d.co.uk (Michael|
0000d8a0  20 57 69 6c 6c 69 61 6d  73 29 0a 4e 65 77 73 67  | Williams).Newsg|
0000d8b0  72 6f 75 70 73 3a 20 63  6f 6d 70 2e 73 79 73 2e  |roups: comp.sys.|
0000d8c0  61 63 6f 72 6e 2e 6d 69  73 63 0a 53 75 62 6a 65  |acorn.misc.Subje|
0000d8d0  63 74 3a 20 52 65 3a 20  4c 65 74 73 20 48 61 76  |ct: Re: Lets Hav|
0000d8e0  65 20 61 20 67 6f 20 61  74 20 47 6c 6f 62 65 4d  |e a go at GlobeM|
0000d8f0  61 69 6c 28 21 29 20 28  77 61 73 20 52 65 3a 20  |ail(!) (was Re: |
0000d900  41 63 6f 72 6e 20 43 6f  6d 70 75 74 65 72 73 20  |Acorn Computers |
0000d910  4c 74 64 29 0a 44 61 74  65 3a 20 36 20 44 65 63  |Ltd).Date: 6 Dec|
0000d920  20 31 39 39 35 20 31 32  3a 30 39 3a 35 36 20 47  | 1995 12:09:56 G|
0000d930  4d 54 0a 4f 72 67 61 6e  69 7a 61 74 69 6f 6e 3a  |MT.Organization:|
0000d940  20 41 64 76 61 6e 63 65  64 20 52 49 53 43 20 4d  | Advanced RISC M|
0000d950  61 63 68 69 6e 65 73 20  4c 74 64 0a 4c 69 6e 65  |achines Ltd.Line|
0000d960  73 3a 20 32 32 0a 4d 65  73 73 61 67 65 2d 49 44  |s: 22.Message-ID|
0000d970  3a 20 3c 34 61 34 31 36  6b 24 66 6f 73 40 64 6f  |: <4a416k$fos@do|
0000d980  63 2e 61 72 6d 6c 74 64  2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b 3e 0a  |c.armltd.co.uk>.|
0000d990  52 65 66 65 72 65 6e 63  65 73 3a 20 3c 42 32 46  |References: <B2F|
0000d9a0  42 38 35 30 2e 49 54 53  2e 41 2e 4a 4f 4b 45 2e  |B850.ITS.A.JOKE.|
0000d9b0  4f 4b 3f 40 6b 65 63 68  62 2e 64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e  |OK?@kechb.demon.|
0000d9c0  63 6f 2e 75 6b 3e 0a 52  65 70 6c 79 2d 54 6f 3a  |co.uk>.Reply-To:|
0000d9d0  20 6d 69 6b 65 40 6e 73  69 63 74 2e 6f 72 67 0a  | mike@nsict.org.|
0000d9e0  4e 4e 54 50 2d 50 6f 73  74 69 6e 67 2d 48 6f 73  |NNTP-Posting-Hos|
0000d9f0  74 3a 20 73 75 6e 37 2e  61 72 6d 6c 74 64 2e 63  |t: sun7.armltd.c|
0000da00  6f 2e 75 6b 0a 58 2d 41  64 64 72 65 73 73 3a 20  |o.uk.X-Address: |
0000da10  46 75 6c 62 6f 75 72 6e  20 52 6f 61 64 2c 20 43  |Fulbourn Road, C|
0000da20  68 65 72 72 79 20 48 69  6e 74 6f 6e 2c 20 43 61  |herry Hinton, Ca|
0000da30  6d 62 72 69 64 67 65 2c  20 43 42 31 20 34 4a 4e  |mbridge, CB1 4JN|
0000da40  2c 20 55 4b 0a 4f 72 69  67 69 6e 61 74 6f 72 3a  |, UK.Originator:|
0000da50  20 6d 77 69 6c 6c 69 61  6d 40 73 75 6e 37 0a 49  | mwilliam@sun7.I|
0000da60  6e 20 61 72 74 69 63 6c  65 20 3c 42 32 46 42 38  |n article <B2FB8|
0000da70  35 30 2e 49 54 53 2e 41  2e 4a 4f 4b 45 2e 4f 4b  |50.ITS.A.JOKE.OK|
0000da80  3f 40 6b 65 63 68 62 2e  64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f  |?@kechb.demon.co|
0000da90  2e 75 6b 3e 2c 0d 44 61  76 65 20 20 3c 44 61 76  |.uk>,.Dave  <Dav|
0000daa0  65 40 6b 65 63 68 62 2e  64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f  |e@kechb.demon.co|
0000dab0  2e 75 6b 3e 20 77 72 6f  74 65 3a 0d 3e 53 75 72  |.uk> wrote:.>Sur|
0000dac0  65 6c 79 20 69 74 20 73  74 72 69 70 73 20 6f 75  |ely it strips ou|
0000dad0  74 20 74 68 65 20 22 58  2d 2e 2e 2e 22 20 68 65  |t the "X-..." he|
0000dae0  61 64 65 72 73 20 61 73  20 77 65 6c 6c 3f 20 49  |aders as well? I|
0000daf0  20 74 68 6f 75 67 68 74  20 74 68 65 79 20 77 65  | thought they we|
0000db00  72 65 0d 3e 64 65 73 69  67 6e 65 64 20 66 6f 72  |re.>designed for|
0000db10  20 6c 65 73 73 20 75 73  65 66 75 6c 20 69 6e 66  | less useful inf|
0000db20  6f 72 6d 61 74 69 6f 6e  20 28 73 75 63 68 20 61  |ormation (such a|
0000db30  73 20 68 75 6d 61 6e 2d  72 65 61 64 61 62 6c 65  |s human-readable|
0000db40  20 73 74 75 66 66 29 20  73 6f 0d 3e 74 68 65 79  | stuff) so.>they|
0000db50  20 73 68 6f 75 6c 64 6e  27 74 20 62 65 20 69 6e  | shouldn't be in|
0000db60  63 6c 75 64 65 64 20 62  79 20 74 72 6e 3f 0d 0d  |cluded by trn?..|
0000db70  49 27 6c 6c 20 73 61 79  20 77 68 61 74 20 49 20  |I'll say what I |
0000db80  73 61 69 64 20 61 67 61  69 6e 2e 20 49 74 20 73  |said again. It s|
0000db90  74 72 69 70 73 20 6f 75  74 20 74 68 6f 73 65 20  |trips out those |
0000dba0  68 65 61 64 65 72 73 20  74 68 61 74 20 69 74 0d  |headers that it.|
0000dbb0  2a 6b 6e 6f 77 73 2a 20  74 6f 20 62 65 20 6e 6f  |*knows* to be no|
0000dbc0  74 20 75 73 65 66 75 6c  20 74 6f 20 74 68 65 20  |t useful to the |
0000dbd0  72 65 61 64 65 72 2e 20  54 68 6f 73 65 20 61 72  |reader. Those ar|
0000dbe0  65 20 74 68 69 6e 67 73  20 6c 69 6b 65 20 70 61  |e things like pa|
0000dbf0  74 68 2c 0d 72 65 66 65  72 65 6e 63 65 73 2c 20  |th,.references, |
0000dc00  65 74 63 2e 2c 20 77 68  69 63 68 20 61 72 65 20  |etc., which are |
0000dc10  6f 6e 6c 79 20 74 68 65  72 65 20 72 65 61 6c 6c  |only there reall|
0000dc20  79 20 74 68 65 72 65 20  66 6f 72 20 74 68 65 0d  |y there for the.|
0000dc30  69 6e 66 6f 72 6d 61 74  69 6f 6e 20 6f 66 20 74  |information of t|
0000dc40  68 65 20 6e 65 77 73 20  74 72 61 6e 73 70 6f 72  |he news transpor|
0000dc50  74 20 28 74 68 65 20 70  61 74 68 29 20 61 6e 64  |t (the path) and|
0000dc60  20 74 68 65 20 6e 65 77  73 72 65 61 64 65 72 20  | the newsreader |
0000dc70  28 74 68 65 0d 72 65 66  65 72 65 6e 63 65 73 29  |(the.references)|
0000dc80  20 61 6e 64 20 6e 6f 74  20 74 68 65 20 75 73 65  | and not the use|
0000dc90  72 2e 20 49 66 20 73 6f  6d 65 6f 6e 65 20 68 61  |r. If someone ha|
0000dca0  73 20 61 64 64 65 64 20  6e 6f 6e 2d 73 74 61 6e  |s added non-stan|
0000dcb0  64 61 72 64 20 22 58 2d  22 0d 68 65 61 64 65 72  |dard "X-".header|
0000dcc0  73 20 74 6f 20 74 68 65  20 6d 65 73 73 61 67 65  |s to the message|
0000dcd0  20 74 68 65 79 20 6f 62  76 69 6f 75 73 6c 79 20  | they obviously |
0000dce0  77 65 72 65 6e 27 74 20  69 6e 74 65 6e 64 65 64  |weren't intended|
0000dcf0  20 66 6f 72 20 74 68 65  0d 73 6f 66 74 77 61 72  | for the.softwar|
0000dd00  65 20 74 6f 20 69 6e 74  65 72 70 72 65 74 2c 20  |e to interpret, |
0000dd10  73 6f 20 74 68 65 79 20  6d 75 73 74 20 66 6f 72  |so they must for|
0000dd20  6d 20 70 61 72 74 20 6f  66 20 74 68 65 20 6d 65  |m part of the me|
0000dd30  73 73 61 67 65 20 61 6e  64 20 73 6f 0d 61 72 65  |ssage and so.are|
0000dd40  20 64 69 73 70 6c 61 79  65 64 2e 0d 0d 54 68 61  | displayed...Tha|
0000dd50  74 20 73 65 65 6d 73 20  6c 69 6b 65 20 61 20 70  |t seems like a p|
0000dd60  65 72 66 65 63 74 6c 79  20 67 6f 6f 64 20 73 74  |erfectly good st|
0000dd70  72 61 74 65 67 79 20 74  6f 20 6d 65 2e 0d 0d 4d  |rategy to me...M|
0000dd80  69 6b 65 2e 0d 20 20 20  20 20 20 20 5f 5f 5f 5f  |ike..       ____|
0000dd90  5f 5f 5f 5f 5f 5f 5f 5f  5f 5f 5f 5f 5f 5f 5f 5f  |________________|
0000ddd0  5f 0d 5c 20 20 78 20 20  2f 20 4d 69 63 68 61 65  |_.\  x  / Michae|
0000dde0  6c 20 57 69 6c 6c 69 61  6d 73 20 20 20 20 20 20  |l Williams      |
0000ddf0  20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20  20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20  |                |
0000de00  41 64 76 61 6e 63 65 64  20 52 49 53 43 20 4d 61  |Advanced RISC Ma|
0000de10  63 68 69 6e 65 73 20 4c  69 6d 69 74 65 64 0d 7c  |chines Limited.||
0000de20  5c 2f 7c 5c 2f 5c 20 6d  69 63 68 61 65 6c 2e 77  |\/|\/\ michael.w|
0000de30  69 6c 6c 69 61 6d 73 40  61 72 6d 6c 74 64 2e 63  |illiams@armltd.c|
0000de40  6f 2e 75 6b 20 20 46 75  6c 62 6f 75 72 6e 20 52  |o.uk  Fulbourn R|
0000de50  6f 61 64 2c 20 43 61 6d  62 72 69 64 67 65 2c 20  |oad, Cambridge, |
0000de60  43 42 31 20 34 4a 4e 2c  20 55 4b 0d 7c 20 20 7c  |CB1 4JN, UK.|  ||
0000de70  2e 5f 5f 29 22 49 20 6d  69 67 68 74 20 77 65 6c  |.__)"I might wel|
0000de80  6c 20 74 68 69 6e 6b 20  74 68 61 74 20 4d 61 74  |l think that Mat|
0000de90  74 69 2c 20 41 52 4d 20  4c 74 64 2e 20 63 6f 75  |ti, ARM Ltd. cou|
0000dea0  6c 64 6e 27 74 20 70 6f  73 73 69 62 6c 79 20 63  |ldn't possibly c|
0000deb0  6f 6d 6d 65 6e 74 2e 22  0d 50 61 74 68 3a 20 6e  |omment.".Path: n|
0000dec0  65 77 73 2e 64 65 6d 6f  6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b 21  |ews.demon.co.uk!|
0000ded0  64 65 6d 6f 6e 21 74 61  6e 6b 2e 6e 65 77 73 2e  |demon!tank.news.|
0000dee0  70 69 70 65 78 2e 6e 65  74 21 70 69 70 65 78 21  |pipex.net!pipex!|
0000def0  73 6f 61 70 2e 6e 65 77  73 2e 70 69 70 65 78 2e  |soap.news.pipex.|
0000df00  6e 65 74 21 70 69 70 65  78 21 64 69 73 68 2e 6e  |net!pipex!dish.n|
0000df10  65 77 73 2e 70 69 70 65  78 2e 6e 65 74 21 70 69  |ews.pipex.net!pi|
0000df20  70 65 78 21 61 72 6d 6c  74 64 2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b  |pex!armltd.co.uk|
0000df30  21 6d 77 69 6c 6c 69 61  6d 0a 46 72 6f 6d 3a 20  |!mwilliam.From: |
0000df40  6d 69 63 68 61 65 6c 2e  77 69 6c 6c 69 61 6d 73  |michael.williams|
0000df50  40 61 72 6d 6c 74 64 2e  63 6f 2e 75 6b 20 28 4d  |@armltd.co.uk (M|
0000df60  69 63 68 61 65 6c 20 57  69 6c 6c 69 61 6d 73 29  |ichael Williams)|
0000df70  0a 4e 65 77 73 67 72 6f  75 70 73 3a 20 63 6f 6d  |.Newsgroups: com|
0000df80  70 2e 73 79 73 2e 61 63  6f 72 6e 2e 6d 69 73 63  |p.sys.acorn.misc|
0000df90  0a 53 75 62 6a 65 63 74  3a 20 52 65 3a 20 52 69  |.Subject: Re: Ri|
0000dfa0  73 63 20 50 43 20 61 64  76 65 72 74 20 73 70 6f  |sc PC advert spo|
0000dfb0  74 74 65 64 21 0a 44 61  74 65 3a 20 36 20 44 65  |tted!.Date: 6 De|
0000dfc0  63 20 31 39 39 35 20 31  31 3a 31 35 3a 35 30 20  |c 1995 11:15:50 |
0000dfd0  47 4d 54 0a 4f 72 67 61  6e 69 7a 61 74 69 6f 6e  |GMT.Organization|
0000dfe0  3a 20 41 64 76 61 6e 63  65 64 20 52 49 53 43 20  |: Advanced RISC |
0000dff0  4d 61 63 68 69 6e 65 73  20 4c 74 64 0a 4c 69 6e  |Machines Ltd.Lin|
0000e000  65 73 3a 20 32 37 0a 44  69 73 74 72 69 62 75 74  |es: 27.Distribut|
0000e010  69 6f 6e 3a 20 77 6f 72  6c 64 0a 4d 65 73 73 61  |ion: world.Messa|
0000e020  67 65 2d 49 44 3a 20 3c  34 61 33 75 31 36 24 65  |ge-ID: <4a3u16$e|
0000e030  71 30 40 64 6f 63 2e 61  72 6d 6c 74 64 2e 63 6f  |q0@doc.armltd.co|
0000e040  2e 75 6b 3e 0a 52 65 66  65 72 65 6e 63 65 73 3a  |.uk>.References:|
0000e050  20 3c 31 39 39 35 31 32  30 34 2e 31 38 32 31 34  | <19951204.18214|
0000e060  35 2e 34 39 40 68 61 73  6c 65 2e 6f 73 6c 6f 6e  |5.49@hasle.oslon|
0000e070  65 74 74 2e 6e 6f 3e 20  3c 69 6e 74 65 72 6e 65  |ett.no> <interne|
0000e080  77 73 34 36 37 42 36 43  34 35 39 44 40 61 72 67  |ws467B6C459D@arg|
0000e090  6f 6e 65 74 2e 63 6f 2e  75 6b 3e 0a 52 65 70 6c  |onet.co.uk>.Repl|
0000e0a0  79 2d 54 6f 3a 20 6d 69  6b 65 40 6e 73 69 63 74  |y-To: mike@nsict|
0000e0b0  2e 6f 72 67 0a 4e 4e 54  50 2d 50 6f 73 74 69 6e  |.org.NNTP-Postin|
0000e0c0  67 2d 48 6f 73 74 3a 20  73 75 6e 37 2e 61 72 6d  |g-Host: sun7.arm|
0000e0d0  6c 74 64 2e 63 6f 2e 75  6b 0a 58 2d 41 64 64 72  |ltd.co.uk.X-Addr|
0000e0e0  65 73 73 3a 20 46 75 6c  62 6f 75 72 6e 20 52 6f  |ess: Fulbourn Ro|
0000e0f0  61 64 2c 20 43 68 65 72  72 79 20 48 69 6e 74 6f  |ad, Cherry Hinto|
0000e100  6e 2c 20 43 61 6d 62 72  69 64 67 65 2c 20 43 42  |n, Cambridge, CB|
0000e110  31 20 34 4a 4e 2c 20 55  4b 0a 4f 72 69 67 69 6e  |1 4JN, UK.Origin|
0000e120  61 74 6f 72 3a 20 6d 77  69 6c 6c 69 61 6d 40 73  |ator: mwilliam@s|
0000e130  75 6e 37 0a 49 6e 20 61  72 74 69 63 6c 65 20 3c  |un7.In article <|
0000e140  69 6e 74 65 72 6e 65 77  73 34 36 37 42 36 43 34  |internews467B6C4|
0000e150  35 39 44 40 61 72 67 6f  6e 65 74 2e 63 6f 2e 75  |59D@argonet.co.u|
0000e160  6b 3e 2c 20 20 3c 6b 72  61 69 73 65 65 40 61 72  |k>,  <kraisee@ar|
0000e170  67 6f 6e 65 74 2e 63 6f  2e 75 6b 3e 20 77 72 6f  |gonet.co.uk> wro|
0000e180  74 65 3a 0d 3e 53 76 65  69 6e 75 6e 67 20 57 2e  |te:.>Sveinung W.|
0000e190  20 54 65 67 65 6c 73 65  6e 20 28 50 69 78 65 6c  | Tegelsen (Pixel|
0000e1a0  65 79 65 40 6f 73 6c 6f  6e 65 74 2e 6e 6f 29 20  |eye@oslonet.no) |
0000e1b0  77 72 6f 74 65 3a 0d 3e  20 20 20 20 20 20 5b 53  |wrote:.>      [S|
0000e1c0  6e 69 70 5d 0d 3e 20 20  3e 4e 6f 2e 20 41 63 6f  |nip].>  >No. Aco|
0000e1d0  72 6e 20 73 68 6f 75 6c  64 20 6d 61 6b 65 20 41  |rn should make A|
0000e1e0  70 70 6c 65 20 6f 62 73  65 72 76 65 20 74 68 65  |pple observe the|
0000e1f0  20 66 61 63 74 20 74 68  61 74 20 52 69 73 63 20  | fact that Risc |
0000e200  50 43 20 69 73 20 41 63  6f 72 6e 27 73 20 54 4d  |PC is Acorn's TM|
0000e210  2e 0d 3e 0d 3e 57 68 61  74 65 76 65 72 20 68 61  |..>.>Whatever ha|
0000e220  70 70 65 6e 73 20 41 63  6f 72 6e 20 63 61 6e 20  |ppens Acorn can |
0000e230  6e 6f 74 20 6c 65 74 20  74 68 69 73 20 63 61 72  |not let this car|
0000e240  72 79 20 6f 6e 2e 20 41  6e 79 62 6f 64 79 20 6c  |ry on. Anybody l|
0000e250  69 73 74 65 6e 69 6e 67  20 69 6e 0d 3e 43 61 6d  |istening in.>Cam|
0000e260  62 72 69 64 67 65 3f 20  28 49 20 64 6f 75 62 74  |bridge? (I doubt|
0000e270  20 69 74 29 2e 0d 0d 5b  73 6e 69 70 5d 0d 0d 54  | it)...[snip]..T|
0000e280  68 65 20 74 65 72 6d 20  52 49 53 43 20 50 43 20  |he term RISC PC |
0000e290  68 61 73 20 62 65 65 6e  20 69 6e 20 63 6f 6d 6d  |has been in comm|
0000e2a0  6f 6e 20 75 73 65 20 69  6e 73 69 64 65 20 74 68  |on use inside th|
0000e2b0  65 20 69 6e 64 75 73 74  72 79 20 66 6f 72 20 71  |e industry for q|
0000e2c0  75 69 74 65 0d 73 6f 6d  65 20 74 69 6d 65 20 74  |uite.some time t|
0000e2d0  6f 20 64 65 73 63 72 69  62 65 20 2a 61 6e 79 2a  |o describe *any*|
0000e2e0  20 52 49 53 43 2d 62 61  73 65 64 20 70 65 72 73  | RISC-based pers|
0000e2f0  6f 6e 61 6c 20 63 6f 6d  70 75 74 65 72 2e 20 54  |onal computer. T|
0000e300  72 79 20 72 65 61 64 69  6e 67 0d 61 6e 79 20 63  |ry reading.any c|
0000e310  6f 70 79 20 6f 66 20 42  79 74 65 2c 20 65 74 63  |opy of Byte, etc|
0000e320  2e 2c 20 61 6e 64 20 74  68 65 20 70 68 72 61 73  |., and the phras|
0000e330  65 20 69 73 20 75 73 65  64 20 65 78 74 65 6e 73  |e is used extens|
0000e340  69 76 65 6c 79 2c 20 64  65 73 63 72 69 62 69 6e  |ively, describin|
0000e350  67 0d 65 76 65 72 79 74  68 69 6e 67 20 66 72 6f  |g.everything fro|
0000e360  6d 20 50 6f 77 65 72 4d  61 63 73 20 74 6f 20 44  |m PowerMacs to D|
0000e370  45 43 20 41 6c 70 68 61  73 2e 20 54 68 75 73 20  |EC Alphas. Thus |
0000e380  41 70 70 6c 65 20 70 72  6f 62 61 62 6c 79 20 68  |Apple probably h|
0000e390  61 76 65 20 61 73 0d 6d  75 63 68 20 72 69 67 68  |ave as.much righ|
0000e3a0  74 20 74 6f 20 63 61 6c  6c 20 74 68 65 20 50 6f  |t to call the Po|
0000e3b0  77 65 72 4d 61 63 20 61  20 22 52 49 53 43 20 50  |werMac a "RISC P|
0000e3c0  43 22 20 61 73 20 74 68  65 79 20 68 61 76 65 20  |C" as they have |
0000e3d0  69 6e 20 63 61 6c 6c 69  6e 67 20 61 0d 6e 6f 72  |in calling a.nor|
0000e3e0  6d 61 6c 20 4d 61 63 20  61 20 22 50 43 22 2c 20  |mal Mac a "PC", |
0000e3f0  77 68 69 63 68 20 69 74  20 6d 6f 73 74 20 63 65  |which it most ce|
0000e400  72 74 61 69 6e 6c 79 20  69 73 2e 0d 0d 57 68 61  |rtainly is...Wha|
0000e410  74 20 41 63 6f 72 6e 20  73 65 6c 6c 20 69 73 20  |t Acorn sell is |
0000e420  74 68 65 20 22 52 69 73  63 20 50 43 22 20 2d 20  |the "Risc PC" - |
0000e430  49 20 73 75 73 70 65 63  74 20 74 68 61 74 20 61  |I suspect that a|
0000e440  73 20 66 61 72 20 61 73  20 74 72 61 64 65 6d 61  |s far as tradema|
0000e450  72 6b 20 6c 61 77 20 67  6f 65 73 0d 74 68 65 20  |rk law goes.the |
0000e460  63 61 70 69 74 61 6c 69  73 61 74 69 6f 6e 20 69  |capitalisation i|
0000e470  73 20 61 6c 6c 20 69 6d  70 6f 72 74 61 6e 74 2e  |s all important.|
0000e480  0d 0d 4e 6f 74 20 73 70  65 61 6b 69 6e 67 20 6f  |..Not speaking o|
0000e490  6e 20 62 65 68 61 6c 66  20 6f 66 20 6d 79 20 63  |n behalf of my c|
0000e4a0  6f 6d 70 61 6e 79 2c 0d  0d 4d 69 6b 65 2e 0d 20  |ompany,..Mike.. |
0000e4b0  20 20 20 20 20 20 5f 5f  5f 5f 5f 5f 5f 5f 5f 5f  |      __________|
0000e4c0  5f 5f 5f 5f 5f 5f 5f 5f  5f 5f 5f 5f 5f 5f 5f 5f  |________________|
0000e4f0  5f 5f 5f 5f 5f 5f 5f 5f  5f 5f 5f 0d 5c 20 20 78  |___________.\  x|
0000e500  20 20 2f 20 4d 69 63 68  61 65 6c 20 57 69 6c 6c  |  / Michael Will|
0000e510  69 61 6d 73 20 20 20 20  20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20  |iams            |
0000e520  20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20  20 20 41 64 76 61 6e 63  |          Advanc|
0000e530  65 64 20 52 49 53 43 20  4d 61 63 68 69 6e 65 73  |ed RISC Machines|
0000e540  20 4c 69 6d 69 74 65 64  0d 7c 5c 2f 7c 5c 2f 5c  | Limited.|\/|\/\|
0000e550  20 6d 69 63 68 61 65 6c  2e 77 69 6c 6c 69 61 6d  | michael.william|
0000e560  73 40 61 72 6d 6c 74 64  2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b 20 20  |s@armltd.co.uk  |
0000e570  46 75 6c 62 6f 75 72 6e  20 52 6f 61 64 2c 20 43  |Fulbourn Road, C|
0000e580  61 6d 62 72 69 64 67 65  2c 20 43 42 31 20 34 4a  |ambridge, CB1 4J|
0000e590  4e 2c 20 55 4b 0d 7c 20  20 7c 2e 5f 5f 29 22 49  |N, UK.|  |.__)"I|
0000e5a0  20 6d 69 67 68 74 20 77  65 6c 6c 20 74 68 69 6e  | might well thin|
0000e5b0  6b 20 74 68 61 74 20 4d  61 74 74 69 2c 20 41 52  |k that Matti, AR|
0000e5c0  4d 20 4c 74 64 2e 20 63  6f 75 6c 64 6e 27 74 20  |M Ltd. couldn't |
0000e5d0  70 6f 73 73 69 62 6c 79  20 63 6f 6d 6d 65 6e 74  |possibly comment|
0000e5e0  2e 22 0d 50 61 74 68 3a  20 6e 65 77 73 2e 64 65  |.".Path: news.de|
0000e5f0  6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75  6b 21 64 65 6d 6f 6e 21  |mon.co.uk!demon!|
0000e600  74 61 6e 6b 2e 6e 65 77  73 2e 70 69 70 65 78 2e  |tank.news.pipex.|
0000e610  6e 65 74 21 70 69 70 65  78 21 73 6f 61 70 2e 6e  |net!pipex!soap.n|
0000e620  65 77 73 2e 70 69 70 65  78 2e 6e 65 74 21 70 69  |ews.pipex.net!pi|
0000e630  70 65 78 21 64 69 73 68  2e 6e 65 77 73 2e 70 69  |pex!dish.news.pi|
0000e640  70 65 78 2e 6e 65 74 21  70 69 70 65 78 21 61 72  |pex.net!pipex!ar|
0000e650  6d 6c 74 64 2e 63 6f 2e  75 6b 21 63 6a 6f 6e 65  |mltd.co.uk!cjone|
0000e660  73 0a 46 72 6f 6d 3a 20  43 6c 69 76 65 2e 4a 6f  |s.From: Clive.Jo|
0000e670  6e 65 73 40 61 72 6d 6c  74 64 2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b  |nes@armltd.co.uk|
0000e680  0a 4e 65 77 73 67 72 6f  75 70 73 3a 20 63 6f 6d  |.Newsgroups: com|
0000e690  70 2e 73 79 73 2e 61 63  6f 72 6e 2e 6d 69 73 63  |p.sys.acorn.misc|
0000e6a0  0a 53 75 62 6a 65 63 74  3a 20 52 65 3a 20 4c 65  |.Subject: Re: Le|
0000e6b0  74 73 20 48 61 76 65 20  61 20 67 6f 20 61 74 20  |ts Have a go at |
0000e6c0  47 6c 6f 62 65 4d 61 69  6c 28 21 29 20 28 77 61  |GlobeMail(!) (wa|
0000e6d0  73 20 52 65 3a 20 41 63  6f 72 6e 20 43 6f 6d 70  |s Re: Acorn Comp|
0000e6e0  75 74 65 72 73 20 4c 74  64 29 0a 44 61 74 65 3a  |uters Ltd).Date:|
0000e6f0  20 36 20 44 65 63 20 31  39 39 35 20 31 31 3a 34  | 6 Dec 1995 11:4|
0000e700  34 3a 35 30 20 47 4d 54  0a 4f 72 67 61 6e 69 7a  |4:50 GMT.Organiz|
0000e710  61 74 69 6f 6e 3a 20 41  64 76 61 6e 63 65 64 20  |ation: Advanced |
0000e720  52 49 53 43 20 4d 61 63  68 69 6e 65 73 20 4c 69  |RISC Machines Li|
0000e730  6d 69 74 65 64 0a 4c 69  6e 65 73 3a 20 32 31 0a  |mited.Lines: 21.|
0000e740  4d 65 73 73 61 67 65 2d  49 44 3a 20 3c 34 61 33  |Message-ID: <4a3|
0000e750  76 6e 69 24 66 61 61 40  64 6f 63 2e 61 72 6d 6c  |vni$faa@doc.arml|
0000e760  74 64 2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b  3e 0a 52 65 66 65 72 65  |td.co.uk>.Refere|
0000e770  6e 63 65 73 3a 20 3c 42  32 46 42 38 35 30 2e 49  |nces: <B2FB850.I|
0000e780  54 53 2e 41 2e 4a 4f 4b  45 2e 4f 4b 3f 40 6b 65  |TS.A.JOKE.OK?@ke|
0000e790  63 68 62 2e 64 65 6d 6f  6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b 3e  |chb.demon.co.uk>|
0000e7a0  0a 4e 4e 54 50 2d 50 6f  73 74 69 6e 67 2d 48 6f  |.NNTP-Posting-Ho|
0000e7b0  73 74 3a 20 73 75 6e 36  2e 61 72 6d 6c 74 64 2e  |st: sun6.armltd.|
0000e7c0  63 6f 2e 75 6b 0a 58 2d  41 64 64 72 65 73 73 3a  |co.uk.X-Address:|
0000e7d0  20 41 52 4d 20 4c 74 64  2e 2c 20 46 75 6c 62 6f  | ARM Ltd., Fulbo|
0000e7e0  75 72 6e 20 52 6f 61 64  2c 20 43 68 65 72 72 79  |urn Road, Cherry|
0000e7f0  20 48 69 6e 74 6f 6e 2c  20 43 61 6d 62 72 69 64  | Hinton, Cambrid|
0000e800  67 65 20 43 42 31 20 34  4a 4e 2e 0a 58 2d 54 65  |ge CB1 4JN..X-Te|
0000e810  6c 65 70 68 6f 6e 65 3a  20 2b 34 34 20 31 32 32  |lephone: +44 122|
0000e820  33 20 34 30 30 34 35 39  20 28 64 69 72 65 63 74  |3 400459 (direct|
0000e830  20 64 69 61 6c 2b 76 2d  6d 61 69 6c 29 2c 20 2b  | dial+v-mail), +|
0000e840  34 34 20 31 32 32 33 20  34 30 30 34 30 30 20 28  |44 1223 400400 (|
0000e850  73 77 69 74 63 68 62 64  29 0a 58 2d 46 61 78 3a  |switchbd).X-Fax:|
0000e860  20 2b 34 34 20 31 32 32  33 20 34 30 30 34 31 30  | +44 1223 400410|
0000e870  0a 4f 72 69 67 69 6e 61  74 6f 72 3a 20 63 6a 6f  |.Originator: cjo|
0000e880  6e 65 73 40 73 75 6e 36  0a 49 6e 20 61 72 74 69  |nes@sun6.In arti|
0000e890  63 6c 65 20 3c 42 32 46  42 38 35 30 2e 49 54 53  |cle <B2FB850.ITS|
0000e8a0  2e 41 2e 4a 4f 4b 45 2e  4f 4b 3f 40 6b 65 63 68  |.A.JOKE.OK?@kech|
0000e8b0  62 2e 64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e  63 6f 2e 75 6b 3e 2c 0d  |b.demon.co.uk>,.|
0000e8c0  44 61 76 65 20 20 3c 44  61 76 65 40 6b 65 63 68  |Dave  <Dave@kech|
0000e8d0  62 2e 64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e  63 6f 2e 75 6b 3e 20 77  |b.demon.co.uk> w|
0000e8e0  72 6f 74 65 3a 0d 3e 53  75 72 65 6c 79 20 69 74  |rote:.>Surely it|
0000e8f0  20 73 74 72 69 70 73 20  6f 75 74 20 74 68 65 20  | strips out the |
0000e900  22 58 2d 2e 2e 2e 22 20  68 65 61 64 65 72 73 20  |"X-..." headers |
0000e910  61 73 20 77 65 6c 6c 3f  20 49 20 74 68 6f 75 67  |as well? I thoug|
0000e920  68 74 20 74 68 65 79 20  77 65 72 65 0d 3e 64 65  |ht they were.>de|
0000e930  73 69 67 6e 65 64 20 66  6f 72 20 6c 65 73 73 20  |signed for less |
0000e940  75 73 65 66 75 6c 20 69  6e 66 6f 72 6d 61 74 69  |useful informati|
0000e950  6f 6e 20 28 73 75 63 68  20 61 73 20 68 75 6d 61  |on (such as huma|
0000e960  6e 2d 72 65 61 64 61 62  6c 65 20 73 74 75 66 66  |n-readable stuff|
0000e970  29 20 73 6f 0d 3e 74 68  65 79 20 73 68 6f 75 6c  |) so.>they shoul|
0000e980  64 6e 27 74 20 62 65 20  69 6e 63 6c 75 64 65 64  |dn't be included|
0000e990  20 62 79 20 74 72 6e 3f  0d 0d 45 72 2e 2e 2e 20  | by trn?..Er... |
0000e9a0  68 75 6d 61 6e 2d 72 65  61 64 61 62 6c 65 20 68  |human-readable h|
0000e9b0  65 61 64 65 72 20 66 69  65 6c 64 73 20 61 72 65  |eader fields are|
0000e9c0  20 65 78 61 63 74 6c 79  20 74 68 65 20 6f 6e 65  | exactly the one|
0000e9d0  73 20 79 6f 75 20 73 68  6f 75 6c 64 20 62 65 0d  |s you should be.|
0000e9e0  6c 65 61 76 69 6e 67 20  69 6e 20 77 68 65 6e 20  |leaving in when |
0000e9f0  70 72 65 73 65 6e 74 69  6e 67 20 61 6e 20 61 72  |presenting an ar|
0000ea00  74 69 63 6c 65 20 74 6f  20 61 20 68 75 6d 61 6e  |ticle to a human|
0000ea10  20 74 6f 20 72 65 61 64  21 20 54 68 65 20 6f 6e  | to read! The on|
0000ea20  65 73 0d 74 68 61 74 20  73 68 6f 75 6c 64 20 62  |es.that should b|
0000ea30  65 20 68 69 64 64 65 6e  20 61 72 65 20 61 6c 6c  |e hidden are all|
0000ea40  20 74 68 65 20 6d 65 73  73 61 67 65 2d 49 44 73  | the message-IDs|
0000ea50  2c 20 72 65 66 65 72 65  6e 63 65 73 2c 20 65 74  |, references, et|
0000ea60  63 2e 20 74 68 61 74 0d  64 6f 6e 27 74 20 6e 6f  |c. that.don't no|
0000ea70  72 6d 61 6c 6c 79 20 6d  65 61 6e 20 61 6e 79 74  |rmally mean anyt|
0000ea80  68 69 6e 67 20 74 6f 20  61 20 68 75 6d 61 6e 2e  |hing to a human.|
0000ea90  0d 0d 49 66 20 61 20 66  69 65 6c 64 20 69 73 20  |..If a field is |
0000eaa0  68 75 6d 61 6e 2d 72 65  61 64 61 62 6c 65 2c 20  |human-readable, |
0000eab0  61 6e 64 20 69 73 6e 27  74 20 6d 61 63 68 69 6e  |and isn't machin|
0000eac0  65 2d 72 65 61 64 61 62  6c 65 20 28 65 2e 67 2e  |e-readable (e.g.|
0000ead0  20 74 68 65 0d 66 69 65  6c 64 20 6e 61 6d 65 20  | the.field name |
0000eae0  73 74 61 72 74 73 20 77  69 74 68 20 22 58 2d 22  |starts with "X-"|
0000eaf0  20 73 6f 20 69 74 27 73  20 6e 6f 74 20 61 20 73  | so it's not a s|
0000eb00  74 61 6e 64 61 72 64 20  68 65 61 64 65 72 29 2c  |tandard header),|
0000eb10  20 61 6e 64 20 6e 6f 62  6f 64 79 0d 77 61 6e 74  | and nobody.want|
0000eb20  73 20 74 6f 20 72 65 61  64 20 69 74 2c 20 74 68  |s to read it, th|
0000eb30  65 6e 20 74 68 65 20 6f  62 76 69 6f 75 73 20 74  |en the obvious t|
0000eb40  68 69 6e 67 20 74 6f 20  64 6f 20 69 73 20 74 6f  |hing to do is to|
0000eb50  20 73 74 6f 70 20 69 6e  73 65 72 74 69 6e 67 20  | stop inserting |
0000eb60  69 74 0d 69 6e 20 74 68  65 20 68 65 61 64 65 72  |it.in the header|
0000eb70  2e 0d 0d 50 6f 73 74 69  6e 67 20 73 6f 6d 65 74  |...Posting somet|
0000eb80  68 69 6e 67 20 6e 6f 62  6f 64 79 20 77 61 6e 74  |hing nobody want|
0000eb90  73 20 74 6f 20 72 65 61  64 2c 20 74 68 65 6e 20  |s to read, then |
0000eba0  62 6c 61 6d 69 6e 67 20  65 76 65 72 79 6f 6e 65  |blaming everyone|
0000ebb0  20 65 6c 73 65 27 73 0d  73 6f 66 74 77 61 72 65  | else's.software|
0000ebc0  20 66 6f 72 20 6e 6f 74  20 66 69 6c 74 65 72 69  | for not filteri|
0000ebd0  6e 67 20 69 74 20 6f 75  74 20 69 73 20 61 20 74  |ng it out is a t|
0000ebe0  72 69 66 6c 65 20 73 74  75 70 69 64 2e 0d 0d 2d  |rifle stupid...-|
0000ebf0  2d 43 6c 69 76 65 2e 0d  20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20  |-Clive..        |
0000ec00  20 20 20 20 20 20 20 28  44 69 73 63 6c 61 69 6d  |       (Disclaim|
0000ec10  65 72 3a 20 49 20 77 6f  75 6c 64 6e 27 74 20 62  |er: I wouldn't b|
0000ec20  65 6c 69 65 76 65 20 61  20 77 6f 72 64 20 6f 66  |elieve a word of|
0000ec30  20 74 68 69 73 20 69 66  20 49 20 77 65 72 65 20  | this if I were |
0000ec40  79 6f 75 2e 2e 2e 29 0d  50 61 74 68 3a 20 6e 65  |you...).Path: ne|
0000ec50  77 73 2e 64 65 6d 6f 6e  2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b 21 64  |ws.demon.co.uk!d|
0000ec60  65 6d 6f 6e 21 64 61 62  62 6c 65 72 2e 64 65 6d  |emon!dabbler.dem|
0000ec70  6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b  21 52 6f 79 0a 46 72 6f  |on.co.uk!Roy.Fro|
0000ec80  6d 3a 20 52 6f 79 40 64  61 62 62 6c 65 72 2e 64  |m: Roy@dabbler.d|
0000ec90  65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e  75 6b 20 28 52 6f 79 20  |emon.co.uk (Roy |
0000eca0  47 69 6c 6c 65 74 74 29  0a 4e 65 77 73 67 72 6f  |Gillett).Newsgro|
0000ecb0  75 70 73 3a 20 63 6f 6d  70 2e 73 79 73 2e 61 63  |ups: comp.sys.ac|
0000ecc0  6f 72 6e 2e 6d 69 73 63  0a 53 75 62 6a 65 63 74  |orn.misc.Subject|
0000ecd0  3a 20 52 65 3a 20 41 63  6f 72 6e 20 61 72 74 69  |: Re: Acorn arti|
0000ece0  63 6c 65 20 69 6e 20 55  4b 20 4e 65 77 73 70 61  |cle in UK Newspa|
0000ecf0  70 65 72 0a 44 61 74 65  3a 20 57 65 64 2c 20 30  |per.Date: Wed, 0|
0000ed00  36 20 44 65 63 20 31 39  39 35 20 31 32 3a 31 39  |6 Dec 1995 12:19|
0000ed10  3a 35 36 20 2b 30 31 30  30 0a 4c 69 6e 65 73 3a  |:56 +0100.Lines:|
0000ed20  20 31 34 0a 44 69 73 74  72 69 62 75 74 69 6f 6e  | 14.Distribution|
0000ed30  3a 20 77 6f 72 6c 64 0a  4d 65 73 73 61 67 65 2d  |: world.Message-|
0000ed40  49 44 3a 20 3c 31 39 39  35 31 32 30 36 2e 31 32  |ID: <19951206.12|
0000ed50  31 39 35 36 2e 36 37 40  64 61 62 62 6c 65 72 2e  |1956.67@dabbler.|
0000ed60  64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f  2e 75 6b 3e 0a 52 65 66  |demon.co.uk>.Ref|
0000ed70  65 72 65 6e 63 65 73 3a  20 3c 44 4a 34 49 4d 37  |erences: <DJ4IM7|
0000ed80  2e 41 4a 40 6d 61 64 67  65 31 2e 6d 61 64 67 65  |.AJ@madge1.madge|
0000ed90  2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b 3e 20  3c 39 35 31 32 30 35 31  |.co.uk> <9512051|
0000eda0  30 31 35 2e 41 41 30 32  32 30 32 40 73 6e 6f 77  |015.AA02202@snow|
0000edb0  2d 77 68 69 74 65 2e 6c  75 74 6f 6e 2e 61 63 2e  |-white.luton.ac.|
0000edc0  75 6b 3e 20 3c 69 6e 74  65 72 6e 65 77 73 34 36  |uk> <internews46|
0000edd0  37 42 36 42 45 45 38 39  40 61 72 67 6f 6e 65 74  |7B6BEE89@argonet|
0000ede0  2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b 3e 20  3c 34 61 33 73 67 72 24  |.co.uk> <4a3sgr$|
0000edf0  33 61 62 40 6e 65 77 73  67 61 74 65 2e 64 69 72  |3ab@newsgate.dir|
0000ee00  63 6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75  6b 3e 0a 52 65 70 6c 79  |con.co.uk>.Reply|
0000ee10  2d 54 6f 3a 20 52 6f 79  40 64 61 62 62 6c 65 72  |-To: Roy@dabbler|
0000ee20  2e 64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63  6f 2e 75 6b 0a 4e 4e 54  |.demon.co.uk.NNT|
0000ee30  50 2d 50 6f 73 74 69 6e  67 2d 48 6f 73 74 3a 20  |P-Posting-Host: |
0000ee40  64 61 62 62 6c 65 72 2e  64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f  |dabbler.demon.co|
0000ee50  2e 75 6b 0a 58 2d 4e 4e  54 50 2d 50 6f 73 74 69  |.uk.X-NNTP-Posti|
0000ee60  6e 67 2d 48 6f 73 74 3a  20 64 61 62 62 6c 65 72  |ng-Host: dabbler|
0000ee70  2e 64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63  6f 2e 75 6b 0a 58 2d 4e  |.demon.co.uk.X-N|
0000ee80  65 77 73 72 65 61 64 65  72 3a 20 41 72 63 68 69  |ewsreader: Archi|
0000ee90  6d 65 64 65 73 20 54 54  46 4e 20 56 65 72 73 69  |medes TTFN Versi|
0000eea0  6f 6e 20 30 2e 33 36 0a  49 6e 20 6d 65 73 73 61  |on 0.36.In messa|
0000eeb0  67 65 20 3c 34 61 33 73  67 72 24 33 61 62 40 6e  |ge <4a3sgr$3ab@n|
0000eec0  65 77 73 67 61 74 65 2e  64 69 72 63 6f 6e 2e 63  |ewsgate.dircon.c|
0000eed0  6f 2e 75 6b 3e 20 4c 65  65 20 4d 63 47 69 6e 74  |o.uk> Lee McGint|
0000eee0  79 20 77 72 6f 74 65 3a  0d 0d 0d 3e 20 0d 3e 20  |y wrote:...> .> |
0000eef0  59 6f 75 20 63 6f 75 6c  64 2c 20 62 79 20 67 65  |You could, by ge|
0000ef00  74 74 69 6e 67 20 69 6e  20 74 6f 75 63 68 20 77  |tting in touch w|
0000ef10  69 74 68 20 61 20 64 61  74 61 20 76 65 6e 64 6f  |ith a data vendo|
0000ef20  72 20 6c 69 6b 65 20 52  65 75 74 65 72 73 20 6f  |r like Reuters o|
0000ef30  72 0d 3e 20 42 6c 6f 6f  6d 62 65 72 67 20 61 6e  |r.> Bloomberg an|
0000ef40  64 20 67 65 74 74 69 6e  67 20 6c 6f 61 64 73 20  |d getting loads |
0000ef50  6f 66 20 68 61 72 64 77  61 72 65 20 61 6e 64 20  |of hardware and |
0000ef60  49 53 44 4e 20 6c 69 6e  65 73 20 63 6f 6e 6e 65  |ISDN lines conne|
0000ef70  63 74 65 64 20 61 6e 64  0d 3e 20 74 68 65 6e 20  |cted and.> then |
0000ef80  70 61 79 69 6e 67 20 6c  6f 74 73 20 28 61 6e 64  |paying lots (and|
0000ef90  20 6c 6f 74 73 29 20 6f  66 20 6d 6f 6e 65 79 20  | lots) of money |
0000efa0  65 61 63 68 20 6d 6f 6e  74 68 2e 0d 0d 57 65 6c  |each month...Wel|
0000efb0  6c 2c 20 79 6f 75 20 64  6f 6e 27 74 20 68 61 76  |l, you don't hav|
0000efc0  65 20 74 6f 20 67 6f 20  71 75 69 74 65 20 74 68  |e to go quite th|
0000efd0  61 74 20 66 61 72 2e 20  49 20 63 61 6e 20 67 65  |at far. I can ge|
0000efe0  74 20 73 68 61 72 65 20  20 70 72 69 63 65 73 20  |t share  prices |
0000eff0  20 76 69 61 0d 43 6f 6d  70 75 73 65 72 76 65 2e  | via.Compuserve.|
0000f000  20 49 74 27 20 64 6f 65  73 20 63 6f 73 74 2c 20  | It' does cost, |
0000f010  62 75 74 20 6e 6f 74 20  61 73 20 6d 75 63 68 20  |but not as much |
0000f020  61 73 20 61 6c 6c 20 74  68 61 74 2e 0d 0d 52 0d  |as all that...R.|
0000f030  0d 50 61 74 68 3a 20 6e  65 77 73 2e 64 65 6d 6f  |.Path: news.demo|
0000f040  6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b 21  64 65 6d 6f 6e 21 74 61  |n.co.uk!demon!ta|
0000f050  6e 6b 2e 6e 65 77 73 2e  70 69 70 65 78 2e 6e 65  |nk.news.pipex.ne|
0000f060  74 21 70 69 70 65 78 21  70 65 65 72 2d 6e 65 77  |t!pipex!peer-new|
0000f070  73 2e 62 72 69 74 61 69  6e 2e 65 75 2e 6e 65 74  |s.britain.eu.net|
0000f080  21 6c 79 72 61 2e 63 73  78 2e 63 61 6d 2e 61 63  |!lyra.csx.cam.ac|
0000f090  2e 75 6b 21 73 6a 62 34  32 0a 46 72 6f 6d 3a 20  |.uk!sjb42.From: |
0000f0a0  73 6a 62 34 32 40 63 75  73 2e 63 61 6d 2e 61 63  |sjb42@cus.cam.ac|
0000f0b0  2e 75 6b 20 28 53 2e 4a  2e 20 42 6f 72 72 69 6c  |.uk (S.J. Borril|
0000f0c0  6c 29 0a 4e 65 77 73 67  72 6f 75 70 73 3a 20 63  |l).Newsgroups: c|
0000f0d0  6f 6d 70 2e 73 79 73 2e  61 63 6f 72 6e 2e 6d 69  |omp.sys.acorn.mi|
0000f0e0  73 63 0a 53 75 62 6a 65  63 74 3a 20 52 65 3a 20  |sc.Subject: Re: |
0000f0f0  66 74 70 20 66 69 6c 65  6e 61 6d 65 73 3a 31 73  |ftp filenames:1s|
0000f100  74 20 31 30 20 63 68 61  72 73 20 64 69 66 66 65  |t 10 chars diffe|
0000f110  72 65 6e 74 20 70 6c 65  61 73 65 0a 44 61 74 65  |rent please.Date|
0000f120  3a 20 36 20 44 65 63 20  31 39 39 35 20 31 31 3a  |: 6 Dec 1995 11:|
0000f130  30 31 3a 34 33 20 47 4d  54 0a 4f 72 67 61 6e 69  |01:43 GMT.Organi|
0000f140  7a 61 74 69 6f 6e 3a 20  55 6e 69 76 65 72 73 69  |zation: Universi|
0000f150  74 79 20 6f 66 20 43 61  6d 62 72 69 64 67 65 2c  |ty of Cambridge,|
0000f160  20 45 6e 67 6c 61 6e 64  0a 4c 69 6e 65 73 3a 20  | England.Lines: |
0000f170  31 31 0a 44 69 73 74 72  69 62 75 74 69 6f 6e 3a  |11.Distribution:|
0000f180  20 77 6f 72 6c 64 0a 4d  65 73 73 61 67 65 2d 49  | world.Message-I|
0000f190  44 3a 20 3c 34 61 33 74  36 6e 24 6b 32 61 40 6c  |D: <4a3t6n$k2a@l|
0000f1a0  79 72 61 2e 63 73 78 2e  63 61 6d 2e 61 63 2e 75  |yra.csx.cam.ac.u|
0000f1b0  6b 3e 0a 52 65 66 65 72  65 6e 63 65 73 3a 20 3c  |k>.References: <|
0000f1c0  31 39 39 35 31 32 30 34  2e 32 33 32 36 35 30 2e  |19951204.232650.|
0000f1d0  31 33 40 73 6c 75 67 67  65 72 2e 69 61 65 68 76  |13@slugger.iaehv|
0000f1e0  2e 6e 6c 3e 20 3c 31 39  39 35 31 32 30 35 2e 31  |.nl> <19951205.1|
0000f1f0  30 35 37 30 31 2e 38 36  40 67 75 32 32 38 75 71  |05701.86@gu228uq|
0000f200  2e 64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63  6f 2e 75 6b 3e 0a 4e 4e  |.demon.co.uk>.NN|
0000f210  54 50 2d 50 6f 73 74 69  6e 67 2d 48 6f 73 74 3a  |TP-Posting-Host:|
0000f220  20 61 70 75 73 2e 63 75  73 2e 63 61 6d 2e 61 63  | apus.cus.cam.ac|
0000f230  2e 75 6b 0a 58 2d 4e 65  77 73 72 65 61 64 65 72  |.uk.X-Newsreader|
0000f240  3a 20 54 49 4e 20 5b 76  65 72 73 69 6f 6e 20 31  |: TIN [version 1|
0000f250  2e 32 20 50 4c 32 5d 0a  50 68 69 6c 6c 69 70 20  |.2 PL2].Phillip |
0000f260  54 65 6d 70 6c 65 20 28  68 6f 72 7a 61 40 67 75  |Temple (horza@gu|
0000f270  32 32 38 75 71 2e 64 65  6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75  |228uq.demon.co.u|
0000f280  6b 29 20 77 72 6f 74 65  3a 0d 3a 20 57 68 79 20  |k) wrote:.: Why |
0000f290  6e 6f 74 20 6a 75 73 74  20 75 73 65 20 4c 6f 6e  |not just use Lon|
0000f2a0  67 66 69 6c 65 73 3f 0d  0d 43 6f 72 72 65 63 74  |gfiles?..Correct|
0000f2b0  20 6d 65 20 69 66 20 49  27 6d 20 77 72 6f 6e 67  | me if I'm wrong|
0000f2c0  2c 20 62 75 74 20 64 6f  65 73 6e 27 74 20 74 68  |, but doesn't th|
0000f2d0  65 20 46 54 50 20 63 6c  69 65 6e 74 20 77 69 74  |e FTP client wit|
0000f2e0  68 20 74 68 65 20 46 53  50 20 74 72 75 6e 63 61  |h the FSP trunca|
0000f2f0  74 65 0d 74 6f 20 31 30  20 63 68 61 72 73 20 65  |te.to 10 chars e|
0000f300  76 65 6e 20 69 66 20 79  6f 75 20 75 73 65 20 4c  |ven if you use L|
0000f310  6f 6e 67 66 69 6c 65 73  3f 0d 0d 53 74 65 70 68  |ongfiles?..Steph|
0000f320  65 6e 20 42 6f 72 72 69  6c 6c 0d 0d 50 2e 53 2e  |en Borrill..P.S.|
0000f330  20 41 63 74 75 61 6c 6c  79 2c 20 64 6f 6e 27 74  | Actually, don't|
0000f340  20 62 6f 74 68 65 72 20  63 6f 72 72 65 63 74 69  | bother correcti|
0000f350  6e 67 20 6d 65 2c 20 49  27 6c 6c 20 74 72 79 20  |ng me, I'll try |
0000f360  69 74 20 6f 75 74 20 6d  79 73 65 6c 66 2e 20 49  |it out myself. I|
0000f370  74 27 73 20 6a 75 73 74  0d 61 6e 20 49 53 54 52  |t's just.an ISTR|
0000f380  2e 0d 0d 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  |................|
0000f390  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  |................|
0000f550  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 50 61 74  |.............Pat|
0000f560  68 3a 20 6e 65 77 73 2e  64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f  |h: news.demon.co|
0000f570  2e 75 6b 21 64 65 6d 6f  6e 21 74 61 6e 6b 2e 6e  |.uk!demon!tank.n|
0000f580  65 77 73 2e 70 69 70 65  78 2e 6e 65 74 21 70 69  |ews.pipex.net!pi|
0000f590  70 65 78 21 6e 65 77 73  2e 6d 61 74 68 77 6f 72  |pex!news.mathwor|
0000f5a0  6b 73 2e 63 6f 6d 21 6e  65 77 73 66 65 65 64 2e  |ks.com!newsfeed.|
0000f5b0  69 6e 74 65 72 6e 65 74  6d 63 69 2e 63 6f 6d 21  |internetmci.com!|
0000f5c0  76 69 78 65 6e 2e 63 73  6f 2e 75 69 75 63 2e 65  |vixen.cso.uiuc.e|
0000f5d0  64 75 21 68 6f 77 6c 61  6e 64 2e 72 65 73 74 6f  |du!howland.resto|
0000f5e0  6e 2e 61 6e 73 2e 6e 65  74 21 47 65 72 6d 61 6e  |n.ans.net!German|
0000f5f0  79 2e 45 55 2e 6e 65 74  21 44 6f 72 74 6d 75 6e  |y.EU.net!Dortmun|
0000f600  64 2e 47 65 72 6d 61 6e  79 2e 45 55 2e 6e 65 74  |d.Germany.EU.net|
0000f610  21 6e 6e 74 70 2e 67 6d  64 2e 64 65 21 6e 65 77  |!nntp.gmd.de!new|
0000f620  73 2e 72 77 74 68 2d 61  61 63 68 65 6e 2e 64 65  |s.rwth-aachen.de|
0000f630  21 6e 65 77 73 0a 46 72  6f 6d 3a 20 43 61 72 64  |!news.From: Card|
0000f640  69 6e 61 6c 20 46 61 6e  67 20 3c 61 6a 72 70 40  |inal Fang <ajrp@|
0000f650  50 6f 6f 6c 2e 49 6e 66  6f 72 6d 61 74 69 6b 2e  |Pool.Informatik.|
0000f660  52 57 54 48 2d 41 61 63  68 65 6e 2e 64 65 3e 0a  |RWTH-Aachen.de>.|
0000f670  4e 65 77 73 67 72 6f 75  70 73 3a 20 63 6f 6d 70  |Newsgroups: comp|
0000f680  2e 73 79 73 2e 61 63 6f  72 6e 2e 6d 69 73 63 0a  |.sys.acorn.misc.|
0000f690  53 75 62 6a 65 63 74 3a  20 52 65 3a 20 53 6f 66  |Subject: Re: Sof|
0000f6a0  74 6c 6f 61 64 69 6e 67  20 52 69 73 63 4f 53 33  |tloading RiscOS3|
0000f6b0  2e 36 20 6f 6e 74 6f 20  33 2e 35 20 6d 61 63 68  |.6 onto 3.5 mach|
0000f6c0  69 6e 65 73 0a 44 61 74  65 3a 20 57 65 64 2c 20  |ines.Date: Wed, |
0000f6d0  36 20 44 65 63 20 31 39  39 35 20 31 32 3a 31 33  |6 Dec 1995 12:13|
0000f6e0  3a 30 37 20 2b 30 31 30  30 20 28 4d 45 5a 29 0a  |:07 +0100 (MEZ).|
0000f6f0  4f 72 67 61 6e 69 7a 61  74 69 6f 6e 3a 20 52 57  |Organization: RW|
0000f700  54 48 20 2d 41 61 63 68  65 6e 20 2f 20 52 65 63  |TH -Aachen / Rec|
0000f710  68 6e 65 72 62 65 74 72  69 65 62 20 49 6e 66 6f  |hnerbetrieb Info|
0000f720  72 6d 61 74 69 6b 0a 4c  69 6e 65 73 3a 20 37 0a  |rmatik.Lines: 7.|
0000f730  4d 65 73 73 61 67 65 2d  49 44 3a 20 3c 50 69 6e  |Message-ID: <Pin|
0000f740  65 2e 48 50 50 2e 33 2e  39 30 2e 39 35 31 32 30  |e.HPP.3.90.95120|
0000f750  36 31 32 31 31 35 31 2e  31 33 37 31 43 2d 31 30  |6121151.1371C-10|
0000f760  30 30 30 30 40 73 6b 79  72 65 73 68 2e 69 6e 66  |0000@skyresh.inf|
0000f770  6f 72 6d 61 74 69 6b 2e  72 77 74 68 2d 61 61 63  |ormatik.rwth-aac|
0000f780  68 65 6e 2e 64 65 3e 0a  52 65 66 65 72 65 6e 63  |hen.de>.Referenc|
0000f790  65 73 3a 20 3c 49 61 69  6e 40 6b 65 63 68 62 2e  |es: <Iain@kechb.|
0000f7a0  64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f  2e 75 6b 3e 20 3c 39 35  |demon.co.uk> <95|
0000f7b0  31 32 30 33 30 33 35 31  32 31 40 61 72 63 61 64  |1203035121@arcad|
0000f7c0  65 2e 64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e  63 6f 2e 75 6b 3e 0a 4e  |e.demon.co.uk>.N|
0000f7d0  4e 54 50 2d 50 6f 73 74  69 6e 67 2d 48 6f 73 74  |NTP-Posting-Host|
0000f7e0  3a 20 73 6b 79 72 65 73  68 2e 69 6e 66 6f 72 6d  |: skyresh.inform|
0000f7f0  61 74 69 6b 2e 72 77 74  68 2d 61 61 63 68 65 6e  |atik.rwth-aachen|
0000f800  2e 64 65 0a 4d 69 6d 65  2d 56 65 72 73 69 6f 6e  |.de.Mime-Version|
0000f810  3a 20 31 2e 30 0a 43 6f  6e 74 65 6e 74 2d 54 79  |: 1.0.Content-Ty|
0000f820  70 65 3a 20 54 45 58 54  2f 50 4c 41 49 4e 3b 20  |pe: TEXT/PLAIN; |
0000f830  63 68 61 72 73 65 74 3d  55 53 2d 41 53 43 49 49  |charset=US-ASCII|
0000f840  0a 58 2d 53 65 6e 64 65  72 3a 20 61 6a 72 70 40  |.X-Sender: ajrp@|
0000f850  73 6b 79 72 65 73 68 2e  69 6e 66 6f 72 6d 61 74  |skyresh.informat|
0000f860  69 6b 2e 72 77 74 68 2d  61 61 63 68 65 6e 2e 64  |ik.rwth-aachen.d|
0000f870  65 0a 49 6e 2d 52 65 70  6c 79 2d 54 6f 3a 20 3c  |e.In-Reply-To: <|
0000f880  39 35 31 32 30 33 30 33  35 31 32 31 40 61 72 63  |951203035121@arc|
0000f890  61 64 65 2e 64 65 6d 6f  6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b 3e  |ade.demon.co.uk>|
0000f8a0  20 0a 4f 6e 20 32 20 44  65 63 20 31 39 39 35 2c  | .On 2 Dec 1995,|
0000f8b0  20 52 69 63 68 61 72 64  20 4d 75 72 72 61 79 20  | Richard Murray |
0000f8c0  77 72 6f 74 65 3a 0a 3e  20 0a 3e 20 42 54 57 2c  |wrote:.> .> BTW,|
0000f8d0  20 68 6f 77 20 63 61 6e  20 79 6f 75 20 73 69 67  | how can you sig|
0000f8e0  6e 20 61 6e 20 75 6e 77  72 69 74 74 65 6e 20 63  |n an unwritten c|
0000f8f0  6f 6e 74 72 61 63 74 3f  20 3a 2d 29 0a 0a 41 68  |ontract? :-)..Ah|
0000f900  68 68 2c 20 62 75 74 20  79 6f 75 20 64 6f 6e 27  |hh, but you don'|
0000f910  74 20 68 61 76 65 20 74  6f 20 73 69 67 6e 20 61  |t have to sign a|
0000f920  20 63 6f 6e 74 72 61 63  74 20 66 6f 72 20 69 74  | contract for it|
0000f930  20 74 6f 20 62 65 20 62  69 6e 64 69 6e 67 20 33  | to be binding 3|
0000f940  3a 2a 29 0a 0a 41 6e 64  72 65 77 0a 50 61 74 68  |:*)..Andrew.Path|
0000f950  3a 20 6e 65 77 73 2e 64  65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e  |: news.demon.co.|
0000f960  75 6b 21 64 65 6d 6f 6e  21 74 61 6e 6b 2e 6e 65  |uk!demon!tank.ne|
0000f970  77 73 2e 70 69 70 65 78  2e 6e 65 74 21 70 69 70  |ws.pipex.net!pip|
0000f980  65 78 21 75 73 65 6e 65  74 2e 65 65 6c 2e 75 66  |ex!usenet.eel.uf|
0000f990  6c 2e 65 64 75 21 6e 65  77 73 66 65 65 64 2e 69  |l.edu!newsfeed.i|
0000f9a0  6e 74 65 72 6e 65 74 6d  63 69 2e 63 6f 6d 21 45  |nternetmci.com!E|
0000f9b0  55 2e 6e 65 74 21 70 65  65 72 2d 6e 65 77 73 2e  |U.net!peer-news.|
0000f9c0  62 72 69 74 61 69 6e 2e  65 75 2e 6e 65 74 21 6b  |britain.eu.net!k|
0000f9d0  65 65 6c 65 21 70 6f 74  74 65 72 2e 63 63 2e 6b  |eele!potter.cc.k|
0000f9e0  65 65 6c 65 2e 61 63 2e  75 6b 21 75 34 66 31 38  |eele.ac.uk!u4f18|
0000f9f0  0a 46 72 6f 6d 3a 20 75  34 66 31 38 40 63 63 2e  |.From: u4f18@cc.|
0000fa00  6b 65 65 6c 65 2e 61 63  2e 75 6b 20 28 52 4a 20  |keele.ac.uk (RJ |
0000fa10  53 75 6d 6d 65 72 73 29  0a 4e 65 77 73 67 72 6f  |Summers).Newsgro|
0000fa20  75 70 73 3a 20 63 6f 6d  70 2e 73 79 73 2e 61 63  |ups: comp.sys.ac|
0000fa30  6f 72 6e 2e 6d 69 73 63  0a 53 75 62 6a 65 63 74  |orn.misc.Subject|
0000fa40  3a 20 52 65 3a 20 43 68  72 69 73 74 6d 61 73 0a  |: Re: Christmas.|
0000fa50  44 61 74 65 3a 20 36 20  44 65 63 20 31 39 39 35  |Date: 6 Dec 1995|
0000fa60  20 31 33 3a 30 39 3a 35  35 20 47 4d 54 0a 4c 69  | 13:09:55 GMT.Li|
0000fa70  6e 65 73 3a 20 31 31 0a  44 69 73 74 72 69 62 75  |nes: 11.Distribu|
0000fa80  74 69 6f 6e 3a 20 77 6f  72 6c 64 0a 4d 65 73 73  |tion: world.Mess|
0000fa90  61 67 65 2d 49 44 3a 20  3c 34 61 34 34 6e 33 24  |age-ID: <4a44n3$|
0000faa0  32 6f 31 40 67 65 72 72  79 2e 63 63 2e 6b 65 65  |2o1@gerry.cc.kee|
0000fab0  6c 65 2e 61 63 2e 75 6b  3e 0a 52 65 66 65 72 65  |le.ac.uk>.Refere|
0000fac0  6e 63 65 73 3a 20 3c 44  4a 35 78 48 43 2e 45 48  |nces: <DJ5xHC.EH|
0000fad0  44 40 63 65 65 2e 68 77  2e 61 63 2e 75 6b 3e 0a  |D@cee.hw.ac.uk>.|
0000fae0  4e 4e 54 50 2d 50 6f 73  74 69 6e 67 2d 48 6f 73  |NNTP-Posting-Hos|
0000faf0  74 3a 20 70 6f 74 74 65  72 2e 63 63 2e 6b 65 65  |t: potter.cc.kee|
0000fb00  6c 65 2e 61 63 2e 75 6b  0a 58 2d 4e 65 77 73 72  |le.ac.uk.X-Newsr|
0000fb10  65 61 64 65 72 3a 20 54  49 4e 20 5b 76 65 72 73  |eader: TIN [vers|
0000fb20  69 6f 6e 20 31 2e 32 20  50 4c 32 5d 0a 47 72 65  |ion 1.2 PL2].Gre|
0000fb30  67 6f 72 20 53 70 77 61  72 74 20 28 63 65 65 67  |gor Spwart (ceeg|
0000fb40  6a 73 31 40 63 65 65 2e  68 77 2e 61 63 2e 75 6b  |js1@cee.hw.ac.uk|
0000fb50  29 20 77 72 6f 74 65 3a  0d 3a 20 4d 45 52 52 59  |) wrote:.: MERRY|
0000fb60  20 43 48 52 49 53 54 4d  41 53 20 74 6f 20 74 68  | CHRISTMAS to th|
0000fb70  65 20 77 68 6f 6c 65 20  72 61 62 62 6c 65 20 6f  |e whole rabble o|
0000fb80  66 20 70 65 6f 70 6c 65  20 77 68 6f 20 72 65 61  |f people who rea|
0000fb90  64 20 74 68 69 73 2e 0d  0d 41 6e 64 20 61 20 52  |d this...And a R|
0000fba0  49 53 43 79 20 63 68 72  69 73 74 6d 61 73 20 74  |ISCy christmas t|
0000fbb0  6f 6f 2e 21 0d 0d 0d 20  20 5f 20 20 20 20 20 20  |oo.!...  _      |
0000fbc0  20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20  20 5f 20 20 20 20 20 20  |         _      |
0000fbd0  20 20 20 20 20 20 0d 20  7c 5f 20 20 5f 20 20 5f  |      . |_  _  _|
0000fbe0  20 20 5f 20 5f 20 20 20  7c 5f 7c 20 5f 20 7c 5f  |  _ _   |_| _ |_|
0000fbf0  20 20 20 20 0d 20 7c 20  20 7c 20 20 7c 5f 7c 7c  |    . |  |  |_|||
0000fc00  20 7c 20 7c 20 20 7c 5c  20 7c 5f 7c 7c 5f 7c 20  | | |  |\ |_||_| |
0000fc10  20 20 0d 20 75 34 66 31  38 40 70 6f 74 74 65 72  |  . u4f18@potter|
0000fc20  2e 63 63 2e 6b 65 65 6c  65 2e 61 63 2e 75 6b 20  |.cc.keele.ac.uk |
0000fc30  0d 20 20 20 20 20 20 20  20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20  |.               |
0000fc40  20 20 0d 50 61 74 68 3a  20 6e 65 77 73 2e 64 65  |  .Path: news.de|
0000fc50  6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75  6b 21 64 65 6d 6f 6e 21  |mon.co.uk!demon!|
0000fc60  6b 6c 61 61 74 75 2e 64  65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e  |klaatu.demon.co.|
0000fc70  75 6b 0a 46 72 6f 6d 3a  20 73 74 65 76 65 40 6b  |uk.From: steve@k|
0000fc80  6c 61 61 74 75 2e 64 65  6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75  |laatu.demon.co.u|
0000fc90  6b 20 28 53 74 65 76 65  20 4c 6f 66 74 29 0a 4e  |k (Steve Loft).N|
0000fca0  65 77 73 67 72 6f 75 70  73 3a 20 75 6b 2e 63 6f  |ewsgroups: uk.co|
0000fcb0  6d 70 2e 6d 69 73 63 2c  63 6f 6d 70 2e 73 79 73  |mp.misc,comp.sys|
0000fcc0  2e 61 63 6f 72 6e 2e 6d  69 73 63 0a 53 75 62 6a  |.acorn.misc.Subj|
0000fcd0  65 63 74 3a 20 52 65 3a  20 53 6f 66 74 77 61 72  |ect: Re: Softwar|
0000fce0  65 20 66 6f 72 20 74 65  6c 65 74 65 78 74 20 64  |e for teletext d|
0000fcf0  65 63 6f 64 65 72 0a 44  61 74 65 3a 20 57 65 64  |ecoder.Date: Wed|
0000fd00  2c 20 30 36 20 44 65 63  20 31 39 39 35 20 31 33  |, 06 Dec 1995 13|
0000fd10  3a 33 39 3a 33 32 20 47  4d 54 0a 4f 72 67 61 6e  |:39:32 GMT.Organ|
0000fd20  69 7a 61 74 69 6f 6e 3a  20 6e 75 6d 62 65 72 20  |ization: number |
0000fd30  74 68 69 72 74 79 0a 4c  69 6e 65 73 3a 20 32 32  |thirty.Lines: 22|
0000fd40  0a 4d 65 73 73 61 67 65  2d 49 44 3a 20 3c 38 31  |.Message-ID: <81|
0000fd50  38 32 35 37 32 31 36 2e  32 38 30 32 35 40 6b 6c  |8257216.28025@kl|
0000fd60  61 61 74 75 2e 64 65 6d  6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b  |aatu.demon.co.uk|
0000fd70  3e 0a 52 65 66 65 72 65  6e 63 65 73 3a 20 3c 38  |>.References: <8|
0000fd80  31 38 31 38 30 38 36 33  2e 31 37 39 34 35 40 6b  |18180863.17945@k|
0000fd90  6c 61 61 74 75 2e 64 65  6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75  |laatu.demon.co.u|
0000fda0  6b 3e 20 3c 34 61 32 61  63 66 24 63 67 37 40 68  |k> <4a2acf$cg7@h|
0000fdb0  6f 6c 6c 79 2e 63 73 76  2e 77 61 72 77 69 63 6b  |olly.csv.warwick|
0000fdc0  2e 61 63 2e 75 6b 3e 0a  4e 4e 54 50 2d 50 6f 73  |.ac.uk>.NNTP-Pos|
0000fdd0  74 69 6e 67 2d 48 6f 73  74 3a 20 6b 6c 61 61 74  |ting-Host: klaat|
0000fde0  75 2e 64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e  63 6f 2e 75 6b 0a 58 2d  |u.demon.co.uk.X-|
0000fdf0  4e 4e 54 50 2d 50 6f 73  74 69 6e 67 2d 48 6f 73  |NNTP-Posting-Hos|
0000fe00  74 3a 20 6b 6c 61 61 74  75 2e 64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e  |t: klaatu.demon.|
0000fe10  63 6f 2e 75 6b 0a 58 2d  4e 65 77 73 72 65 61 64  |co.uk.X-Newsread|
0000fe20  65 72 3a 20 49 20 4d 61  64 65 20 54 68 69 73 20  |er: I Made This |
0000fe30  28 76 30 2e 34 37 39 29  20 20 20 0a 58 72 65 66  |(v0.479)   .Xref|
0000fe40  3a 20 6e 65 77 73 2e 64  65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e  |: news.demon.co.|
0000fe50  75 6b 20 75 6b 2e 63 6f  6d 70 2e 6d 69 73 63 3a  |uk uk.comp.misc:|
0000fe60  31 31 38 38 20 63 6f 6d  70 2e 73 79 73 2e 61 63  |1188 comp.sys.ac|
0000fe70  6f 72 6e 2e 6d 69 73 63  3a 31 33 37 36 38 0a 65  |orn.misc:13768.e|
0000fe80  73 75 71 67 40 63 73 76  2e 77 61 72 77 69 63 6b  |suqg@csv.warwick|
0000fe90  2e 61 63 2e 75 6b 20 28  48 75 67 6f 20 46 69 65  |.ac.uk (Hugo Fie|
0000fea0  6e 6e 65 73 29 20 77 72  6f 74 65 3a 0d 0d 3e 4d  |nnes) wrote:..>M|
0000feb0  6f 73 74 20 6f 66 20 74  68 65 20 70 68 69 6c 69  |ost of the phili|
0000fec0  70 73 20 74 65 6c 65 74  65 78 74 20 63 68 69 70  |ps teletext chip|
0000fed0  73 20 68 61 76 65 20 61  6e 20 49 49 43 20 28 49  |s have an IIC (I|
0000fee0  2d 73 71 75 61 72 65 64  2d 43 29 20 69 6e 74 65  |-squared-C) inte|
0000fef0  72 66 61 63 65 2c 20 77  68 69 63 68 0d 3e 69 6e  |rface, which.>in|
0000ff00  20 74 68 65 20 63 61 73  65 20 6f 66 20 74 68 65  | the case of the|
0000ff10  20 67 72 6f 75 6e 64 20  63 6f 6e 74 72 6f 6c 20  | ground control |
0000ff20  61 64 70 61 74 65 72 2c  20 70 72 6f 62 61 62 6c  |adpater, probabl|
0000ff30  79 20 6a 75 73 74 20 63  6f 6e 6e 65 63 74 65 64  |y just connected|
0000ff40  20 74 6f 20 74 68 65 20  49 49 43 0d 3e 69 6e 74  | to the IIC.>int|
0000ff50  65 72 66 61 63 65 20 6f  6e 20 74 68 65 20 70 6f  |erface on the po|
0000ff60  64 75 6c 65 20 62 61 63  6b 70 6c 61 6e 65 2e 20  |dule backplane. |
0000ff70  49 74 27 73 20 71 75 69  74 65 20 70 6f 73 73 69  |It's quite possi|
0000ff80  62 6c 65 20 74 6f 20 67  65 74 20 74 68 69 73 20  |ble to get this |
0000ff90  63 6f 6e 6e 65 63 74 65  64 0d 3e 76 69 61 20 61  |connected.>via a|
0000ffa0  20 50 43 20 70 61 72 61  6c 6c 65 6c 20 70 6f 72  | PC parallel por|
0000ffb0  74 2c 20 77 69 74 68 20  6e 6f 20 68 61 72 64 77  |t, with no hardw|
0000ffc0  61 72 65 20 28 49 20 74  68 69 6e 6b 20 79 6f 75  |are (I think you|
0000ffd0  20 6e 65 65 64 20 61 20  63 6c 6f 63 6b 0d 3e 6c  | need a clock.>l|
0000ffe0  69 6e 65 20 61 6e 64 20  61 20 62 69 64 69 72 65  |ine and a bidire|
0000fff0  63 74 69 6f 6e 61 6c 20  64 61 74 61 20 6c 69 6e  |ctional data lin|
00010000  65 2c 20 73 6f 20 79 6f  75 20 63 6f 75 6c 64 20  |e, so you could |
00010010  74 75 72 6e 20 61 72 6f  75 6e 64 20 61 6c 6c 20  |turn around all |
00010020  38 20 64 61 74 61 0d 3e  6c 69 6e 65 73 20 77 68  |8 data.>lines wh|
00010030  65 6e 20 79 6f 75 20 6e  65 65 64 65 64 20 74 6f  |en you needed to|
00010040  20 74 78 2f 72 78 2c 20  61 6e 64 20 75 73 65 20  | tx/rx, and use |
00010050  61 20 63 6f 6e 74 72 6f  6c 20 70 69 6e 20 66 6f  |a control pin fo|
00010060  72 20 63 6c 6f 63 6b 29  2e 20 54 68 65 0d 3e 64  |r clock). The.>d|
00010070  61 74 61 20 6f 6e 20 74  68 65 20 63 68 69 70 20  |ata on the chip |
00010080  73 68 6f 75 6c 64 20 62  65 20 61 76 61 69 6c 61  |should be availa|
00010090  62 6c 65 20 66 72 6f 6d  20 70 68 69 6c 69 70 73  |ble from philips|
000100a0  2c 20 61 73 20 73 68 6f  75 6c 64 20 74 65 63 68  |, as should tech|
000100b0  69 65 20 69 6e 66 6f 0d  3e 6f 6e 20 49 32 43 2e  |ie info.>on I2C.|
000100c0  0d 0d 57 68 65 6e 20 49  20 66 69 72 73 74 20 62  |..When I first b|
000100d0  6f 75 67 68 74 20 69 74  2c 20 69 74 20 63 61 6d  |ought it, it cam|
000100e0  65 20 77 69 74 68 20 73  6f 66 74 77 61 72 65 20  |e with software |
000100f0  61 6e 64 20 63 61 62 6c  65 20 74 6f 20 63 6f 6e  |and cable to con|
00010100  6e 65 63 74 20 69 74 0d  74 6f 20 74 68 65 20 41  |nect it.to the A|
00010110  72 63 20 70 61 72 61 6c  6c 65 6c 20 70 6f 72 74  |rc parallel port|
00010120  2e 20 20 54 68 65 20 63  61 62 6c 65 20 68 61 73  |.  The cable has|
00010130  20 6f 6e 6c 79 20 66 6f  75 72 20 77 69 72 65 73  | only four wires|
00010140  20 2d 20 62 75 74 20 49  27 6d 20 6e 6f 74 0d 73  | - but I'm not.s|
00010150  75 72 65 20 68 6f 77 20  69 74 20 69 73 20 77 69  |ure how it is wi|
00010160  72 65 64 20 61 73 20 74  68 65 20 77 69 72 65 73  |red as the wires|
00010170  20 68 61 76 65 20 62 72  6f 6b 65 6e 20 6f 66 66  | have broken off|
00010180  20 74 68 65 20 70 61 72  61 6c 6c 65 6c 20 70 6f  | the parallel po|
00010190  72 74 0d 65 6e 64 2e 20  20 57 68 65 6e 20 49 20  |rt.end.  When I |
000101a0  75 70 67 72 61 64 65 64  20 74 6f 20 61 6e 20 41  |upgraded to an A|
000101b0  72 6d 20 33 2c 20 74 68  65 72 65 20 77 61 73 20  |rm 3, there was |
000101c0  61 20 70 72 6f 62 6c 65  6d 20 77 69 74 68 20 6e  |a problem with n|
000101d0  6f 74 20 62 65 69 6e 67  0d 61 62 6c 65 20 74 6f  |ot being.able to|
000101e0  20 75 73 65 20 74 68 65  20 64 65 63 6f 64 65 72  | use the decoder|
000101f0  20 77 68 69 6c 65 20 74  68 65 20 63 61 63 68 65  | while the cache|
00010200  20 77 61 73 20 65 6e 61  62 6c 65 64 2e 20 20 49  | was enabled.  I|
00010210  20 74 68 65 6e 20 68 61  64 20 74 6f 0d 62 75 79  | then had to.buy|
00010220  20 61 6e 20 75 70 67 72  61 64 65 20 63 6f 6e 73  | an upgrade cons|
00010230  69 73 74 69 6e 67 20 6f  66 20 6e 65 77 20 73 6f  |isting of new so|
00010240  66 74 77 61 72 65 20 61  6e 64 20 61 20 63 61 62  |ftware and a cab|
00010250  6c 65 20 74 6f 20 63 6f  6e 6e 65 63 74 20 74 6f  |le to connect to|
00010260  0d 74 68 65 20 70 6f 64  75 6c 65 20 62 61 63 6b  |.the podule back|
00010270  70 6c 61 6e 65 2e 0d 2d  2d 20 0d 53 74 65 76 65  |plane..-- .Steve|
00010280  20 4c 6f 66 74 2c 20 44  6f 6e 63 61 73 74 65 72  | Loft, Doncaster|
00010290  2c 20 55 4b 2e 0d 0d 50  61 74 68 3a 20 6e 65 77  |, UK...Path: new|
000102a0  73 2e 64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e  63 6f 2e 75 6b 21 64 65  |s.demon.co.uk!de|
000102b0  6d 6f 6e 21 6b 6c 61 61  74 75 2e 64 65 6d 6f 6e  |mon!klaatu.demon|
000102c0  2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b 0a 46  72 6f 6d 3a 20 73 74 65  |.co.uk.From: ste|
000102d0  76 65 40 6b 6c 61 61 74  75 2e 64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e  |ve@klaatu.demon.|
000102e0  63 6f 2e 75 6b 20 28 53  74 65 76 65 20 4c 6f 66  |co.uk (Steve Lof|
000102f0  74 29 0a 4e 65 77 73 67  72 6f 75 70 73 3a 20 75  |t).Newsgroups: u|
00010300  6b 2e 63 6f 6d 70 2e 6d  69 73 63 2c 63 6f 6d 70  |k.comp.misc,comp|
00010310  2e 73 79 73 2e 61 63 6f  72 6e 2e 6d 69 73 63 0a  |.sys.acorn.misc.|
00010320  53 75 62 6a 65 63 74 3a  20 52 65 3a 20 53 6f 66  |Subject: Re: Sof|
00010330  74 77 61 72 65 20 66 6f  72 20 74 65 6c 65 74 65  |tware for telete|
00010340  78 74 20 64 65 63 6f 64  65 72 0a 44 61 74 65 3a  |xt decoder.Date:|
00010350  20 57 65 64 2c 20 30 36  20 44 65 63 20 31 39 39  | Wed, 06 Dec 199|
00010360  35 20 31 33 3a 34 33 3a  31 38 20 47 4d 54 0a 4f  |5 13:43:18 GMT.O|
00010370  72 67 61 6e 69 7a 61 74  69 6f 6e 3a 20 6e 75 6d  |rganization: num|
00010380  62 65 72 20 74 68 69 72  74 79 0a 4c 69 6e 65 73  |ber thirty.Lines|
00010390  3a 20 32 32 0a 4d 65 73  73 61 67 65 2d 49 44 3a  |: 22.Message-ID:|
000103a0  20 3c 38 31 38 32 35 37  34 34 31 2e 32 38 30 38  | <818257441.2808|
000103b0  30 40 6b 6c 61 61 74 75  2e 64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63  |0@klaatu.demon.c|
000103c0  6f 2e 75 6b 3e 0a 52 65  66 65 72 65 6e 63 65 73  |o.uk>.References|
000103d0  3a 20 3c 38 31 38 31 38  30 38 36 33 2e 31 37 39  |: <818180863.179|
000103e0  34 35 40 6b 6c 61 61 74  75 2e 64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e  |45@klaatu.demon.|
000103f0  63 6f 2e 75 6b 3e 20 3c  34 61 34 30 34 61 24 62  |co.uk> <4a404a$b|
00010400  32 40 77 68 69 74 62 65  63 6b 2e 6e 63 6c 2e 61  |2@whitbeck.ncl.a|
00010410  63 2e 75 6b 3e 0a 4e 4e  54 50 2d 50 6f 73 74 69  |c.uk>.NNTP-Posti|
00010420  6e 67 2d 48 6f 73 74 3a  20 6b 6c 61 61 74 75 2e  |ng-Host: klaatu.|
00010430  64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f  2e 75 6b 0a 58 2d 4e 4e  |demon.co.uk.X-NN|
00010440  54 50 2d 50 6f 73 74 69  6e 67 2d 48 6f 73 74 3a  |TP-Posting-Host:|
00010450  20 6b 6c 61 61 74 75 2e  64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f  | klaatu.demon.co|
00010460  2e 75 6b 0a 58 2d 4e 65  77 73 72 65 61 64 65 72  |.uk.X-Newsreader|
00010470  3a 20 49 20 4d 61 64 65  20 54 68 69 73 20 28 76  |: I Made This (v|
00010480  30 2e 34 37 39 29 20 20  20 0a 58 72 65 66 3a 20  |0.479)   .Xref: |
00010490  6e 65 77 73 2e 64 65 6d  6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b  |news.demon.co.uk|
000104a0  20 75 6b 2e 63 6f 6d 70  2e 6d 69 73 63 3a 31 31  | uk.comp.misc:11|
000104b0  38 39 20 63 6f 6d 70 2e  73 79 73 2e 61 63 6f 72  |89 comp.sys.acor|
000104c0  6e 2e 6d 69 73 63 3a 31  33 37 36 39 0a 4d 61 72  |n.misc:13769.Mar|
000104d0  74 69 6e 20 48 65 73 6b  65 74 68 20 3c 4d 61 72  |tin Hesketh <Mar|
000104e0  74 69 6e 2e 48 65 73 6b  65 74 68 40 6e 63 6c 2e  |tin.Hesketh@ncl.|
000104f0  61 63 2e 75 6b 3e 20 77  72 6f 74 65 3a 0d 0d 3e  |ac.uk> wrote:..>|
00010500  49 20 72 65 6d 65 6d 62  65 72 20 73 65 65 69 6e  |I remember seein|
00010510  67 20 74 68 65 20 73 61  6d 65 20 74 65 6c 65 74  |g the same telet|
00010520  65 78 74 20 61 64 61 70  74 6f 72 20 61 64 76 65  |ext adaptor adve|
00010530  72 74 69 73 65 64 20 66  6f 72 20 75 73 65 20 77  |rtised for use w|
00010540  69 74 68 20 61 0d 3e 50  43 2c 20 73 6f 20 74 68  |ith a.>PC, so th|
00010550  65 72 65 20 6d 75 73 74  20 62 65 20 73 6f 6d 65  |ere must be some|
00010560  20 73 6f 66 74 77 61 72  65 20 6f 75 74 20 74 68  | software out th|
00010570  65 72 65 20 73 6f 6d 65  77 68 65 72 65 2e 20 0d  |ere somewhere. .|
00010580  0d 54 68 61 74 27 73 20  76 65 72 79 20 65 6e 63  |.That's very enc|
00010590  6f 75 72 61 67 69 6e 67  20 3a 2d 29 20 20 49 20  |ouraging :-)  I |
000105a0  77 6f 6e 64 65 72 20 69  66 20 69 74 20 77 61 73  |wonder if it was|
000105b0  20 47 72 6f 75 6e 64 20  43 6f 6e 74 72 6f 6c 20  | Ground Control |
000105c0  77 68 6f 0d 73 75 70 70  6c 69 65 64 20 69 74 2e  |who.supplied it.|
000105d0  20 20 54 68 65 72 65 27  73 20 6e 6f 74 68 69 6e  |  There's nothin|
000105e0  67 20 6f 6e 20 74 68 65  20 62 6f 78 20 28 6f 72  |g on the box (or|
000105f0  20 69 6e 73 69 64 65 29  20 74 6f 20 73 75 67 67  | inside) to sugg|
00010600  65 73 74 20 74 68 61 74  0d 69 74 20 77 61 73 20  |est that.it was |
00010610  6d 61 64 65 20 62 79 20  74 68 65 6d 2c 20 64 69  |made by them, di|
00010620  64 20 74 68 65 79 20 70  65 72 68 61 70 73 20 6a  |d they perhaps j|
00010630  75 73 74 20 77 72 69 74  65 20 74 68 65 20 73 6f  |ust write the so|
00010640  66 74 77 61 72 65 20 66  6f 72 20 74 68 65 0d 41  |ftware for the.A|
00010650  72 63 3f 0d 0d 3e 61 67  6f 2c 20 49 20 68 61 64  |rc?..>ago, I had|
00010660  20 61 20 6c 6f 6f 6b 20  61 74 20 74 68 65 20 73  | a look at the s|
00010670  6f 66 74 77 61 72 65 20  28 52 4f 4d 20 69 6d 61  |oftware (ROM ima|
00010680  67 65 20 66 6f 72 20 42  42 43 29 2c 20 61 6e 64  |ge for BBC), and|
00010690  20 6d 61 6e 61 67 65 64  20 74 6f 20 72 65 76 65  | managed to reve|
000106a0  72 73 65 0d 3e 65 6e 67  69 6e 65 65 72 20 69 74  |rse.>engineer it|
000106b0  20 61 73 20 66 61 72 20  61 73 20 67 65 74 74 69  | as far as getti|
000106c0  6e 67 20 74 68 65 20 61  64 61 70 74 6f 72 20 74  |ng the adaptor t|
000106d0  6f 20 74 75 6e 65 20 74  6f 20 61 20 70 61 72 74  |o tune to a part|
000106e0  69 63 75 6c 61 72 20 63  68 61 6e 6e 65 6c 2e 0d  |icular channel..|
000106f0  3e 49 20 63 61 6e 20 64  69 67 20 75 70 20 74 68  |>I can dig up th|
00010700  61 74 20 70 72 6f 67 72  61 6d 20 66 6f 72 20 79  |at program for y|
00010710  6f 75 20 69 66 20 79 6f  75 20 77 69 73 68 2e 20  |ou if you wish. |
00010720  49 66 20 49 20 72 65 6d  65 6d 62 65 72 20 63 6f  |If I remember co|
00010730  72 72 65 63 74 6c 79 2c  20 69 74 0d 3e 69 6e 6f  |rrectly, it.>ino|
00010740  6c 76 65 64 20 73 65 6e  64 69 6e 67 20 61 20 66  |lved sending a f|
00010750  65 77 20 62 79 74 65 73  20 73 65 74 75 70 20 69  |ew bytes setup i|
00010760  6e 66 6f 72 6d 61 74 69  6f 6e 20 28 6f 6e 65 20  |nformation (one |
00010770  62 69 74 20 61 74 20 61  20 74 69 6d 65 29 2c 20  |bit at a time), |
00010780  74 68 65 6e 20 61 20 6f  6e 65 20 0d 3e 62 79 74  |then a one .>byt|
00010790  65 20 63 6f 6e 74 72 6f  6c 20 63 6f 64 65 20 66  |e control code f|
000107a0  6f 6c 6c 6f 77 65 64 20  62 79 20 74 77 6f 20 62  |ollowed by two b|
000107b0  79 74 65 73 20 63 6f 6e  74 61 69 6e 69 6e 67 20  |ytes containing |
000107c0  61 6e 20 65 6e 63 6f 64  69 6e 67 20 6f 66 20 74  |an encoding of t|
000107d0  68 65 20 66 72 65 71 75  65 6e 63 79 20 0d 3e 74  |he frequency .>t|
000107e0  6f 20 74 75 6e 65 20 74  68 65 20 72 65 63 65 69  |o tune the recei|
000107f0  76 65 72 20 74 6f 2e 0d  0d 59 65 73 2c 20 49 27  |ver to...Yes, I'|
00010800  64 20 62 65 20 69 6e 74  65 72 65 73 74 65 64 20  |d be interested |
00010810  69 6e 20 73 65 65 69 6e  67 20 74 68 61 74 20 70  |in seeing that p|
00010820  72 6f 67 72 61 6d 2c 20  74 68 61 6e 6b 73 2e 0d  |rogram, thanks..|
00010830  2d 2d 20 0d 53 74 65 76  65 20 4c 6f 66 74 2c 20  |-- .Steve Loft, |
00010840  44 6f 6e 63 61 73 74 65  72 2c 20 55 4b 2e 0d 0d  |Doncaster, UK...|
00010850  50 61 74 68 3a 20 6e 65  77 73 2e 64 65 6d 6f 6e  |Path: news.demon|
00010860  2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b 21 64  65 6d 6f 6e 21 74 61 6e  |.co.uk!demon!tan|
00010870  6b 2e 6e 65 77 73 2e 70  69 70 65 78 2e 6e 65 74  |k.news.pipex.net|
00010880  21 70 69 70 65 78 21 75  73 65 6e 65 74 2e 65 65  |!pipex!usenet.ee|
00010890  6c 2e 75 66 6c 2e 65 64  75 21 67 61 74 65 63 68  |l.ufl.edu!gatech|
000108a0  21 6e 65 77 73 66 65 65  64 2e 69 6e 74 65 72 6e  |!newsfeed.intern|
000108b0  65 74 6d 63 69 2e 63 6f  6d 21 45 55 2e 6e 65 74  |etmci.com!EU.net|
000108c0  21 70 65 65 72 2d 6e 65  77 73 2e 62 72 69 74 61  |!peer-news.brita|
000108d0  69 6e 2e 65 75 2e 6e 65  74 21 6c 79 72 61 2e 63  |in.eu.net!lyra.c|
000108e0  73 78 2e 63 61 6d 2e 61  63 2e 75 6b 21 6d 6f 6c  |sx.cam.ac.uk!mol|
000108f0  65 2e 62 69 6f 2e 63 61  6d 2e 61 63 2e 75 6b 21  |e.bio.cam.ac.uk!|
00010900  6a 72 70 32 32 0a 46 72  6f 6d 3a 20 6a 72 70 32  |jrp22.From: jrp2|
00010910  32 40 6d 6f 6c 65 2e 62  69 6f 2e 63 61 6d 2e 61  |2@mole.bio.cam.a|
00010920  63 2e 75 6b 20 28 4a 6f  68 6e 20 50 65 74 74 69  |c.uk (John Petti|
00010930  67 72 65 77 20 28 50 6c  61 6e 74 20 53 63 69 65  |grew (Plant Scie|
00010940  6e 63 65 73 29 29 0a 4e  65 77 73 67 72 6f 75 70  |nces)).Newsgroup|
00010950  73 3a 20 63 6f 6d 70 2e  73 79 73 2e 61 63 6f 72  |s: comp.sys.acor|
00010960  6e 2e 6d 69 73 63 0a 53  75 62 6a 65 63 74 3a 20  |n.misc.Subject: |
00010970  52 65 3a 20 4c 65 74 73  20 48 61 76 65 20 61 20  |Re: Lets Have a |
00010980  67 6f 20 61 74 20 47 6c  6f 62 65 4d 61 69 6c 28  |go at GlobeMail(|
00010990  21 29 20 28 77 61 73 20  52 65 3a 20 41 63 6f 72  |!) (was Re: Acor|
000109a0  6e 20 43 6f 6d 70 75 74  65 72 73 20 4c 74 64 29  |n Computers Ltd)|
000109b0  0a 44 61 74 65 3a 20 36  20 44 65 63 20 31 39 39  |.Date: 6 Dec 199|
000109c0  35 20 31 32 3a 31 36 3a  30 32 20 47 4d 54 0a 4f  |5 12:16:02 GMT.O|
000109d0  72 67 61 6e 69 7a 61 74  69 6f 6e 3a 20 55 2e 20  |rganization: U. |
000109e0  6f 66 20 43 61 6d 62 72  69 64 67 65 2c 20 45 6e  |of Cambridge, En|
000109f0  67 6c 61 6e 64 0a 4c 69  6e 65 73 3a 20 31 39 0a  |gland.Lines: 19.|
00010a00  4d 65 73 73 61 67 65 2d  49 44 3a 20 3c 34 61 34  |Message-ID: <4a4|
00010a10  31 69 32 24 6d 66 62 40  6c 79 72 61 2e 63 73 78  |1i2$mfb@lyra.csx|
00010a20  2e 63 61 6d 2e 61 63 2e  75 6b 3e 0a 52 65 66 65  |.cam.ac.uk>.Refe|
00010a30  72 65 6e 63 65 73 3a 20  3c 42 32 46 42 38 35 30  |rences: <B2FB850|
00010a40  2e 49 54 53 2e 41 2e 4a  4f 4b 45 2e 4f 4b 3f 40  |.ITS.A.JOKE.OK?@|
00010a50  6b 65 63 68 62 2e 64 65  6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75  |kechb.demon.co.u|
00010a60  6b 3e 0a 4e 4e 54 50 2d  50 6f 73 74 69 6e 67 2d  |k>.NNTP-Posting-|
00010a70  48 6f 73 74 3a 20 6d 6f  6c 65 2e 62 69 6f 2e 63  |Host: mole.bio.c|
00010a80  61 6d 2e 61 63 2e 75 6b  0a 49 6e 20 61 72 74 69  |am.ac.uk.In arti|
00010a90  63 6c 65 20 3c 42 32 46  42 38 35 30 2e 49 54 53  |cle <B2FB850.ITS|
00010aa0  2e 41 2e 4a 4f 4b 45 2e  4f 4b 3f 40 6b 65 63 68  |.A.JOKE.OK?@kech|
00010ab0  62 2e 64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e  63 6f 2e 75 6b 3e 20 44  |b.demon.co.uk> D|
00010ac0  61 76 65 20 3c 44 61 76  65 40 6b 65 63 68 62 2e  |ave <Dave@kechb.|
00010ad0  64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f  2e 75 6b 3e 20 77 72 69  |demon.co.uk> wri|
00010ae0  74 65 73 3a 0d 3e 0d 3e  3e 20 49 6e 20 66 61 63  |tes:.>.>> In fac|
00010af0  74 20 22 61 20 73 65 6c  65 63 74 69 6f 6e 20 6f  |t "a selection o|
00010b00  66 20 75 73 65 66 75 6c  20 68 65 61 64 65 72 73  |f useful headers|
00010b10  22 20 6d 65 61 6e 73 20  22 61 6c 6c 20 68 65 61  |" means "all hea|
00010b20  64 65 72 73 20 65 78 63  65 70 74 20 74 68 6f 73  |ders except thos|
00010b30  65 20 74 68 61 74 0d 3e  3e 20 49 20 6b 6e 6f 77  |e that.>> I know|
00010b40  20 61 72 65 6e 27 74 20  74 65 72 72 69 62 6c 79  | aren't terribly|
00010b50  20 75 73 65 66 75 6c 2c  20 6c 69 6b 65 20 50 61  | useful, like Pa|
00010b60  74 68 20 61 6e 64 20 52  65 66 65 72 65 6e 63 65  |th and Reference|
00010b70  73 22 20 2d 20 73 6f 20  74 68 61 74 20 69 6e 63  |s" - so that inc|
00010b80  6c 75 64 65 73 20 0d 3e  3e 20 61 6c 6c 20 74 68  |ludes .>> all th|
00010b90  65 20 70 6f 69 6e 74 6c  65 73 73 20 47 6c 6f 62  |e pointless Glob|
00010ba0  65 4d 61 69 6c 20 68 65  61 64 65 72 73 2c 20 73  |eMail headers, s|
00010bb0  69 6e 63 65 20 74 72 6e  20 63 61 6e 27 74 20 74  |ince trn can't t|
00010bc0  65 6c 6c 20 74 68 61 74  20 74 68 65 79 27 72 65  |ell that they're|
00010bd0  20 6e 6f 74 0d 3e 3e 20  75 73 65 66 75 6c 2e 0d  | not.>> useful..|
00010be0  3e 0d 3e 53 75 72 65 6c  79 20 69 74 20 73 74 72  |>.>Surely it str|
00010bf0  69 70 73 20 6f 75 74 20  74 68 65 20 22 58 2d 2e  |ips out the "X-.|
00010c00  2e 2e 22 20 68 65 61 64  65 72 73 20 61 73 20 77  |.." headers as w|
00010c10  65 6c 6c 3f 20 49 20 74  68 6f 75 67 68 74 20 74  |ell? I thought t|
00010c20  68 65 79 20 77 65 72 65  0d 3e 64 65 73 69 67 6e  |hey were.>design|
00010c30  65 64 20 66 6f 72 20 6c  65 73 73 20 75 73 65 66  |ed for less usef|
00010c40  75 6c 20 69 6e 66 6f 72  6d 61 74 69 6f 6e 20 28  |ul information (|
00010c50  73 75 63 68 20 61 73 20  68 75 6d 61 6e 2d 72 65  |such as human-re|
00010c60  61 64 61 62 6c 65 20 73  74 75 66 66 29 20 73 6f  |adable stuff) so|
00010c70  0d 3e 74 68 65 79 20 73  68 6f 75 6c 64 6e 27 74  |.>they shouldn't|
00010c80  20 62 65 20 69 6e 63 6c  75 64 65 64 20 62 79 20  | be included by |
00010c90  74 72 6e 3f 0d 0d 55 6e  66 6f 72 74 75 6e 61 74  |trn?..Unfortunat|
00010ca0  65 6c 79 20 6e 6f 74 2e  20 54 68 65 79 20 5f 64  |ely not. They _d|
00010cb0  6f 5f 20 61 70 70 65 61  72 2e 0d 0d 4a 6f 68 6e  |o_ appear...John|
00010cc0  0d 2d 2d 20 0d 4a 20 50  65 74 74 69 67 72 65 77  |.-- .J Pettigrew|
00010cd0  20 3c 6a 72 70 32 32 40  6d 6f 6c 65 2e 62 69 6f  | <jrp22@mole.bio|
00010ce0  2e 63 61 6d 2e 61 63 2e  75 6b 3e 7c 22 59 6f 75  |.cam.ac.uk>|"You|
00010cf0  20 77 61 6e 74 20 74 6f  20 67 6f 20 6f 6e 20 61  | want to go on a|
00010d00  20 66 6c 79 69 6e 67 20  63 61 72 70 65 74 0d 44  | flying carpet.D|
00010d10  65 70 61 72 74 6d 65 6e  74 20 6f 66 20 50 6c 61  |epartment of Pla|
00010d20  6e 74 20 53 63 69 65 6e  63 65 73 2c 20 20 20 20  |nt Sciences,    |
00010d30  20 20 20 20 20 7c 74 6f  20 76 69 73 69 74 20 74  |     |to visit t|
00010d40  68 65 20 4b 69 6e 67 20  6f 66 20 74 68 65 20 50  |he King of the P|
00010d50  6f 74 61 74 6f 20 50 65  6f 70 6c 65 0d 54 65 6e  |otato People.Ten|
00010d60  6e 69 73 20 43 6f 75 72  74 20 52 6f 61 64 2c 20  |nis Court Road, |
00010d70  20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20  20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20  |                |
00010d80  20 20 20 7c 61 6e 64 20  79 6f 75 20 77 61 6e 74  |   |and you want|
00010d90  20 6d 65 20 74 6f 20 62  65 6c 69 65 76 65 20 79  | me to believe y|
00010da0  6f 75 27 72 65 0d 43 61  6d 62 72 69 64 67 65 20  |ou're.Cambridge |
00010db0  20 20 43 42 32 20 33 45  41 20 20 20 45 4e 47 4c  |  CB2 3EA   ENGL|
00010dc0  41 4e 44 20 20 20 20 20  20 20 20 20 7c 63 6f 6d  |AND         |com|
00010dd0  70 6c 65 74 65 6c 79 20  73 61 6e 65 3f 22 0d 50  |pletely sane?".P|
00010de0  61 74 68 3a 20 6e 65 77  73 2e 64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e  |ath: news.demon.|
00010df0  63 6f 2e 75 6b 21 64 65  6d 6f 6e 21 72 69 67 69  |co.uk!demon!rigi|
00010e00  62 6f 72 65 2e 64 65 6d  6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b  |bore.demon.co.uk|
00010e10  0a 46 72 6f 6d 3a 20 74  69 6d 40 72 69 67 69 62  |.From: tim@rigib|
00010e20  6f 72 65 2e 64 65 6d 6f  6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b 20  |ore.demon.co.uk |
00010e30  28 54 69 6d 20 4d 6f 6f  72 65 29 0a 4e 65 77 73  |(Tim Moore).News|
00010e40  67 72 6f 75 70 73 3a 20  63 6f 6d 70 2e 73 79 73  |groups: comp.sys|
00010e50  2e 61 63 6f 72 6e 2e 6d  69 73 63 0a 53 75 62 6a  |.acorn.misc.Subj|
00010e60  65 63 74 3a 20 52 65 3a  20 52 49 53 43 20 4f 53  |ect: Re: RISC OS|
00010e70  20 43 6c 61 73 73 20 4c  69 62 72 61 72 79 20 52  | Class Library R|
00010e80  65 71 75 69 72 65 64 20  2b 20 52 61 6e 74 0a 44  |equired + Rant.D|
00010e90  61 74 65 3a 20 57 65 64  2c 20 30 36 20 44 65 63  |ate: Wed, 06 Dec|
00010ea0  20 31 39 39 35 20 31 33  3a 35 38 3a 35 38 20 47  | 1995 13:58:58 G|
00010eb0  4d 54 0a 4f 72 67 61 6e  69 7a 61 74 69 6f 6e 3a  |MT.Organization:|
00010ec0  20 52 69 67 69 62 6f 72  65 20 54 6f 6f 6c 69 6e  | Rigibore Toolin|
00010ed0  67 20 53 79 73 74 65 6d  73 2c 20 52 69 67 69 62  |g Systems, Rigib|
00010ee0  6f 72 65 20 4c 74 64 2e  0a 4c 69 6e 65 73 3a 20  |ore Ltd..Lines: |
00010ef0  31 34 34 0a 4d 65 73 73  61 67 65 2d 49 44 3a 20  |144.Message-ID: |
00010f00  3c 38 31 38 32 35 38 33  34 34 2e 37 32 39 40 72  |<818258344.729@r|
00010f10  69 67 69 62 6f 72 65 2e  64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f  |igibore.demon.co|
00010f20  2e 75 6b 3e 0a 52 65 66  65 72 65 6e 63 65 73 3a  |.uk>.References:|
00010f30  20 3c 38 31 38 31 37 39  34 30 39 2e 31 32 36 38  | <818179409.1268|
00010f40  33 40 72 69 67 69 62 6f  72 65 2e 64 65 6d 6f 6e  |3@rigibore.demon|
00010f50  2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b 3e 20  3c 44 4a 34 4c 75 7a 2e  |.co.uk> <DJ4Luz.|
00010f60  35 71 4d 40 6d 61 64 67  65 31 2e 6d 61 64 67 65  |5qM@madge1.madge|
00010f70  2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b 3e 0a  4e 4e 54 50 2d 50 6f 73  |.co.uk>.NNTP-Pos|
00010f80  74 69 6e 67 2d 48 6f 73  74 3a 20 72 69 67 69 62  |ting-Host: rigib|
00010f90  6f 72 65 2e 64 65 6d 6f  6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b 0a  |ore.demon.co.uk.|
00010fa0  58 2d 4e 4e 54 50 2d 50  6f 73 74 69 6e 67 2d 48  |X-NNTP-Posting-H|
00010fb0  6f 73 74 3a 20 72 69 67  69 62 6f 72 65 2e 64 65  |ost: rigibore.de|
00010fc0  6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75  6b 0a 58 2d 4e 65 77 73  |mon.co.uk.X-News|
00010fd0  72 65 61 64 65 72 3a 20  46 6f 72 74 65 20 46 72  |reader: Forte Fr|
00010fe0  65 65 20 41 67 65 6e 74  20 31 2e 30 2e 38 32 0a  |ee Agent 1.0.82.|
00010ff0  6a 6f 62 72 6f 69 6e 40  6d 61 64 67 65 31 2e 6d  |jobroin@madge1.m|
00011000  61 64 67 65 2e 63 6f 2e  75 6b 20 28 4a 61 73 6f  |adge.co.uk (Jaso|
00011010  6e 20 4f 27 42 72 6f 69  6e 29 20 77 72 6f 74 65  |n O'Broin) wrote|
00011020  3a 0d 0d 3e 54 69 6d 20  4d 6f 6f 72 65 20 28 74  |:..>Tim Moore (t|
00011030  69 6d 40 72 69 67 69 62  6f 72 65 2e 64 65 6d 6f  |im@rigibore.demo|
00011040  6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b 29  20 77 72 6f 74 65 3a 0d  |n.co.uk) wrote:.|
00011050  0d 3e 3a 20 59 65 73 20  69 74 20 74 61 6b 65 73  |.>: Yes it takes|
00011060  20 73 74 75 70 69 64 6c  79 20 70 6f 77 65 72 66  | stupidly powerf|
00011070  75 6c 20 70 72 6f 63 65  73 73 6f 72 73 20 74 6f  |ul processors to|
00011080  20 72 75 6e 20 57 69 6e  64 6f 77 73 20 39 35 20  | run Windows 95 |
00011090  28 4e 6f 74 20 6d 75 63  68 0d 3e 3a 20 64 69 66  |(Not much.>: dif|
000110a0  66 65 72 65 6e 63 65 20  62 65 74 77 65 65 6e 20  |ference between |
000110b0  74 6f 70 20 34 38 36 73  20 61 6e 64 20 50 65 6e  |top 486s and Pen|
000110c0  74 69 75 6d 73 20 74 68  6f 75 67 68 29 2c 20 62  |tiums though), b|
000110d0  75 74 20 63 6f 6d 65 20  6f 6e 2e 2e 2e 20 79 6f  |ut come on... yo|
000110e0  75 0d 3e 3a 20 63 61 6e  20 67 65 74 20 61 20 62  |u.>: can get a b|
000110f0  6c 6f 6f 64 79 20 63 6f  6f 6c 20 6d 75 6c 74 69  |loody cool multi|
00011100  2d 6d 65 64 69 61 20 73  65 74 75 70 20 66 61 72  |-media setup far|
00011110  20 69 6e 20 65 78 63 65  73 73 20 6f 66 20 41 63  | in excess of Ac|
00011120  6f 72 6e 20 73 74 75 66  66 0d 3e 3a 20 66 6f 72  |orn stuff.>: for|
00011130  20 61 62 6f 75 74 20 31  2c 30 30 30 20 70 6f 75  | about 1,000 pou|
00011140  6e 64 73 21 21 21 21 21  20 48 41 4c 46 20 54 48  |nds!!!!! HALF TH|
00011150  45 20 50 52 49 43 45 20  41 54 20 4c 45 41 53 54  |E PRICE AT LEAST|
00011160  2e 0d 0d 3e 4e 6f 20 79  6f 75 20 63 61 6e 27 74  |...>No you can't|
00011170  2e 0d 0d 3e 57 65 27 76  65 20 64 6f 6e 65 20 74  |...>We've done t|
00011180  68 69 73 20 6f 6e 65 20  62 65 66 6f 72 65 2e 20  |his one before. |
00011190  49 66 20 79 6f 75 20 61  63 74 75 61 6c 6c 79 20  |If you actually |
000111a0  74 72 79 20 74 6f 20 62  75 79 20 61 20 6d 61 63  |try to buy a mac|
000111b0  68 69 6e 65 20 6f 66 20  61 20 73 69 6d 69 6c 61  |hine of a simila|
000111c0  72 0d 3e 73 70 65 63 20  74 6f 20 61 20 52 49 53  |r.>spec to a RIS|
000111d0  43 20 50 43 37 30 30 20  28 65 67 2e 20 31 37 22  |C PC700 (eg. 17"|
000111e0  20 6d 6f 6e 69 74 6f 72  2c 20 31 36 20 62 69 74  | monitor, 16 bit|
000111f0  20 73 6f 75 6e 64 2c 20  32 4d 42 20 67 72 61 70  | sound, 2MB grap|
00011200  68 69 63 73 20 63 61 72  64 2c 20 0d 3e 73 75 69  |hics card, .>sui|
00011210  74 61 62 6c 65 20 61 6d  6f 75 6e 74 73 20 6f 66  |table amounts of|
00011220  20 6d 65 6d 6f 72 79 2c  20 44 4f 53 2c 20 57 69  | memory, DOS, Wi|
00011230  6e 64 6f 77 73 2c 20 6b  65 79 62 6f 61 72 64 2c  |ndows, keyboard,|
00011240  20 6d 6f 75 73 65 20 2c  20 63 61 63 68 65 20 28  | mouse , cache (|
00011250  21 29 20 65 74 63 29 2e  0d 3e 61 6e 64 20 61 64  |!) etc)..>and ad|
00011260  64 20 6f 6e 20 56 41 54  2c 20 79 6f 75 20 77 69  |d on VAT, you wi|
00011270  6c 6c 20 73 70 65 6e 64  20 61 20 6c 69 74 74 6c  |ll spend a littl|
00011280  65 20 73 68 6f 72 74 20  6f 66 20 32 2c 30 30 30  |e short of 2,000|
00011290  20 70 6f 75 6e 64 73 20  28 20 49 20 73 65 65 6d  | pounds ( I seem|
000112a0  20 74 6f 0d 3e 72 65 6d  65 6d 62 65 72 20 77 65  | to.>remember we|
000112b0  20 65 6e 64 65 64 20 75  70 20 77 69 74 68 20 61  | ended up with a|
000112c0  20 70 72 69 63 65 20 6f  66 20 61 62 6f 75 74 20  | price of about |
000112d0  31 2c 38 35 30 2c 20 61  6e 64 20 74 68 61 74 20  |1,850, and that |
000112e0  77 61 73 20 62 75 69 6c  64 69 6e 67 20 69 74 0d  |was building it.|
000112f0  3e 6f 75 72 73 65 6c 76  65 73 29 2e 20 41 6e 20  |>ourselves). An |
00011300  52 49 53 43 20 50 43 37  30 30 20 2a 69 73 2a 20  |RISC PC700 *is* |
00011310  6d 6f 72 65 20 65 78 70  65 6e 73 69 76 65 20 28  |more expensive (|
00011320  69 74 27 73 20 61 62 6f  75 74 20 32 2c 35 30 30  |it's about 2,500|
00011330  20 61 66 74 65 72 20 56  41 54 29 2e 20 0d 3e 49  | after VAT). .>I|
00011340  74 27 73 20 6e 6f 74 20  74 77 69 63 65 20 74 68  |t's not twice th|
00011350  65 20 70 72 69 63 65 2e  20 49 66 20 79 6f 75 20  |e price. If you |
00011360  62 75 79 20 61 20 67 6f  6f 64 20 62 72 61 6e 64  |buy a good brand|
00011370  20 50 43 20 28 65 67 2e  20 44 65 6c 6c 2c 20 43  | PC (eg. Dell, C|
00011380  6f 6d 70 61 71 29 2c 20  74 68 65 6e 0d 3e 49 20  |ompaq), then.>I |
00011390  65 78 70 65 63 74 20 74  68 65 20 70 72 69 63 65  |expect the price|
000113a0  20 64 69 66 66 65 72 65  6e 74 69 61 6c 20 77 69  | differential wi|
000113b0  6c 6c 20 62 65 20 65 72  6f 64 65 64 20 73 69 67  |ll be eroded sig|
000113c0  6e 69 66 69 63 61 6e 74  6c 79 2e 0d 0d 54 68 65  |nificantly...The|
000113d0  20 62 72 61 6e 64 2c 20  6d 61 6b 65 73 20 6e 6f  | brand, makes no|
000113e0  20 64 69 66 66 65 72 65  6e 63 65 20 74 68 65 73  | difference thes|
000113f0  65 20 64 61 79 73 2e 20  42 69 67 20 62 72 61 6e  |e days. Big bran|
00011400  64 73 20 6c 69 6b 65 20  43 6f 6d 70 61 71 20 61  |ds like Compaq a|
00011410  72 65 0d 61 20 72 69 70  20 6f 66 66 20 61 73 20  |re.a rip off as |
00011420  74 68 65 79 20 6f 76 65  72 20 63 68 61 72 67 65  |they over charge|
00011430  20 61 6e 64 20 64 6f 6e  27 74 20 65 76 65 6e 20  | and don't even |
00011440  67 69 76 65 20 79 6f 75  20 61 20 6d 6f 6e 69 74  |give you a monit|
00011450  6f 72 2e 0d 0d 49 20 64  6f 6e 27 74 20 6e 65 65  |or...I don't nee|
00011460  64 20 31 37 22 20 6d 6f  6e 69 74 6f 72 73 20 61  |d 17" monitors a|
00011470  6e 64 20 6f 6e 6c 79 20  72 65 71 75 69 72 65 20  |nd only require |
00011480  31 4d 42 20 6f 66 20 56  52 41 4d 2c 20 73 6f 20  |1MB of VRAM, so |
00011490  74 68 65 20 70 72 69 63  65 0d 63 6f 6d 65 73 20  |the price.comes |
000114a0  64 6f 77 6e 20 61 20 6c  6f 74 2e 0d 0d 59 6f 75  |down a lot...You|
000114b0  72 20 70 72 69 63 69 6e  67 20 69 73 20 62 61 73  |r pricing is bas|
000114c0  65 64 20 6f 6e 20 73 6f  6d 65 74 68 69 6e 67 20  |ed on something |
000114d0  6f 76 65 72 20 61 6e 64  20 61 62 6f 76 65 20 74  |over and above t|
000114e0  68 65 20 61 76 65 72 61  67 65 20 6f 66 66 65 72  |he average offer|
000114f0  0d 77 69 74 68 20 50 43  73 2e 0d 0d 54 61 6b 65  |.with PCs...Take|
00011500  20 61 6e 20 45 73 63 6f  6d 20 50 37 35 20 50 43  | an Escom P75 PC|
00011510  49 20 6d 69 6e 69 20 74  6f 77 65 72 20 61 73 20  |I mini tower as |
00011520  61 6e 20 65 78 61 6d 70  6c 65 20 2e 2e 2e 0d 0d  |an example .....|
00011530  20 20 20 49 6e 74 65 6c  20 37 35 4d 68 7a 20 50  |   Intel 75Mhz P|
00011540  65 6e 74 69 75 6d 0d 20  20 20 38 35 30 4d 62 20  |entium.   850Mb |
00011550  68 61 72 64 20 64 69 73  63 0d 20 20 20 38 4d 62  |hard disc.   8Mb|
00011560  20 52 41 4d 0d 20 20 20  31 4d 42 20 56 52 41 4d  | RAM.   1MB VRAM|
00011570  20 28 50 43 49 20 73 76  67 61 20 67 72 61 70 68  | (PCI svga graph|
00011580  69 63 73 29 0d 20 20 20  31 34 22 20 53 56 47 41  |ics).   14" SVGA|
00011590  20 4d 6f 6e 69 74 6f 72  0d 20 20 20 57 69 6e 64  | Monitor.   Wind|
000115a0  6f 77 73 20 39 35 20 6f  72 20 4f 53 2f 32 2c 20  |ows 95 or OS/2, |
000115b0  43 6f 72 65 6c 44 72 61  77 20 34 2c 20 4d 53 20  |CorelDraw 4, MS |
000115c0  57 6f 72 6b 73 20 65 74  63 2e 0d 20 20 20 50 6c  |Works etc..   Pl|
000115d0  75 73 20 69 74 27 73 20  4d 69 63 72 6f 73 6f 66  |us it's Microsof|
000115e0  74 20 63 6f 6d 70 61 74  69 62 6c 65 20 2e 2e 2e  |t compatible ...|
000115f0  20 3a 2d 29 0d 0d 20 20  20 31 30 35 36 2e 33 33  | :-)..   1056.33|
00011600  20 28 69 6e 63 2e 20 56  41 54 29 0d 0d 20 20 20  | (inc. VAT)..   |
00011610  2b 20 4d 75 6c 74 69 2d  6d 65 64 69 61 20 6b 69  |+ Multi-media ki|
00011620  74 20 2e 2e 2e 0d 20 20  20 51 75 61 64 20 73 70  |t ....   Quad sp|
00011630  65 65 64 20 43 44 20 52  4f 4d 0d 20 20 20 31 36  |eed CD ROM.   16|
00011640  20 62 69 74 20 73 6f 75  6e 64 63 61 72 64 0d 20  | bit soundcard. |
00011650  20 20 53 70 65 61 6b 65  72 73 0d 0d 20 20 20 65  |  Speakers..   e|
00011660  78 74 72 61 20 31 37 35  2e 30 38 20 28 69 6e 63  |xtra 175.08 (inc|
00011670  2e 20 56 41 54 29 0d 0d  20 20 20 54 6f 74 61 6c  |. VAT)..   Total|
00011680  3a 20 31 32 33 31 2e 34  31 20 28 69 6e 63 2e 20  |: 1231.41 (inc. |
00011690  56 41 54 29 20 61 6e 64  20 79 6f 75 20 63 61 6e  |VAT) and you can|
000116a0  20 70 69 63 6b 20 69 74  20 75 70 20 69 6e 20 74  | pick it up in t|
000116b0  68 65 20 68 69 67 68 20  73 74 72 65 65 74 0d 0d  |he high street..|
000116c0  20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20  20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20  |                |
000116e0  20 20 20 20 20 20 20 28  6d 61 79 62 65 20 61 74  |       (maybe at|
000116f0  20 61 20 64 69 73 63 6f  75 6e 74 20 61 73 20 77  | a discount as w|
00011700  65 6c 6c 29 2e 0d 0d 0d  20 20 20 41 64 64 20 61  |ell)....   Add a|
00011710  6e 6f 74 68 65 72 20 31  30 30 20 74 6f 20 62 72  |nother 100 to br|
00011720  69 6e 67 20 74 68 65 20  68 61 72 64 20 64 69 73  |ing the hard dis|
00011730  63 20 6f 76 65 72 20 31  47 42 2e 0d 20 20 20 4d  |c over 1GB..   M|
00011740  6f 73 74 20 41 63 6f 72  6e 20 64 65 61 6c 65 72  |ost Acorn dealer|
00011750  73 20 68 61 76 65 6e 27  74 20 63 61 75 67 68 74  |s haven't caught|
00011760  20 6f 6e 20 74 6f 20 74  68 65 20 63 68 65 61 70  | on to the cheap|
00011770  20 63 6f 73 74 73 20 6f  66 20 68 61 72 64 20 20  | costs of hard  |
00011780  0d 20 20 20 64 69 73 63  73 20 65 69 74 68 65 72  |.   discs either|
00011790  2e 0d 20 20 20 4f 68 2c  20 61 6e 64 20 79 6f 75  |..   Oh, and you|
000117a0  20 63 6f 75 6c 64 20 61  6c 73 6f 20 61 64 64 20  | could also add |
000117b0  31 35 30 20 2b 76 61 74  20 66 6f 72 20 63 6f 6d  |150 +vat for com|
000117c0  70 6c 65 74 65 20 69 6e  74 65 72 6e 65 74 20 6b  |plete internet k|
000117d0  69 74 20 77 69 74 68 0d  20 20 20 32 38 2c 38 30  |it with.   28,80|
000117e0  30 20 6d 6f 64 65 6d 20  2b 20 73 6f 66 74 77 61  |0 modem + softwa|
000117f0  72 65 20 28 6f 62 76 69  6f 75 73 6c 79 20 74 68  |re (obviously th|
00011800  65 20 69 6e 74 65 72 6e  65 74 20 73 75 62 73 63  |e internet subsc|
00011810  72 69 70 74 69 6f 6e 20  69 73 0d 20 20 20 65 78  |ription is.   ex|
00011820  74 72 61 29 2e 20 54 68  65 20 41 63 6f 72 6e 20  |tra). The Acorn |
00011830  6d 61 67 73 20 61 72 65  20 61 64 76 65 72 74 69  |mags are adverti|
00011840  73 69 6e 67 20 74 68 65  20 73 61 6d 65 20 70 61  |sing the same pa|
00011850  63 6b 73 20 74 68 61 74  20 68 61 76 65 0d 20 20  |cks that have.  |
00011860  20 62 65 65 6e 20 6d 6f  64 69 66 69 65 64 20 66  | been modified f|
00011870  6f 72 20 41 63 6f 72 6e  20 66 6f 72 20 77 65 6c  |or Acorn for wel|
00011880  6c 20 6f 76 65 72 20 32  30 30 20 2b 76 61 74 2e  |l over 200 +vat.|
00011890  0d 0d 20 20 20 44 6f 6e  27 74 20 66 6f 72 67 65  |..   Don't forge|
000118a0  74 20 74 68 61 74 20 61  6c 6c 20 74 68 69 73 20  |t that all this |
000118b0  69 6e 63 6c 75 64 65 73  20 6f 6e 2d 73 69 74 65  |includes on-site|
000118c0  20 77 61 72 72 61 6e 74  79 20 61 6e 64 20 73 75  | warranty and su|
000118d0  70 70 6f 72 74 0d 20 20  20 62 65 66 6f 72 65 20  |pport.   before |
000118e0  74 68 65 79 20 74 72 79  20 74 6f 20 73 65 6c 6c  |they try to sell|
000118f0  20 79 6f 75 20 65 78 74  72 61 20 63 6f 76 65 72  | you extra cover|
00011900  2e 0d 0d 53 75 72 65 2c  20 69 66 20 79 6f 75 20  |...Sure, if you |
00011910  62 75 79 20 66 72 6f 6d  20 43 6f 6d 70 61 71 2c  |buy from Compaq,|
00011920  20 74 68 65 6e 20 61 64  64 20 31 2c 30 30 30 20  | then add 1,000 |
00011930  74 6f 20 74 68 65 20 63  6f 73 74 2e 0d 0d 3e 54  |to the cost...>T|
00011940  68 65 20 6f 74 68 65 72  20 73 69 64 65 20 6f 66  |he other side of|
00011950  20 74 68 65 20 63 6f 69  6e 20 69 73 20 73 6f 66  | the coin is sof|
00011960  74 77 61 72 65 20 63 6f  73 74 73 2e 0d 0d 3e 41  |tware costs...>A|
00011970  73 20 61 6e 20 65 78 61  6d 70 6c 65 2c 20 49 20  |s an example, I |
00011980  6c 6f 6f 6b 65 64 20 69  6e 74 6f 20 74 68 65 20  |looked into the |
00011990  63 6f 73 74 20 6f 66 20  74 68 65 20 6e 65 77 20  |cost of the new |
000119a0  56 69 73 75 61 6c 20 43  2b 2b 20 34 2e 30 20 70  |Visual C++ 4.0 p|
000119b0  61 63 6b 61 67 65 2e 20  49 0d 3e 77 61 73 20 71  |ackage. I.>was q|
000119c0  75 6f 74 65 64 20 33 35  39 20 2b 20 56 41 54 20  |uoted 359 + VAT |
000119d0  28 61 6e 64 20 31 31 30  20 2b 20 56 41 54 20 66  |(and 110 + VAT f|
000119e0  6f 72 20 4d 61 73 6d 29  2e 20 54 68 61 74 27 73  |or Masm). That's|
000119f0  20 61 6e 6f 74 68 65 72  20 34 37 30 20 2b 20 56  | another 470 + V|
00011a00  41 54 20 6a 75 73 74 0d  3e 66 6f 72 20 79 6f 75  |AT just.>for you|
00011a10  72 20 63 6f 6d 70 69 6c  65 72 20 65 6e 76 69 72  |r compiler envir|
00011a20  6f 6e 6d 65 6e 74 2e 20  46 61 69 72 20 64 75 65  |onment. Fair due|
00011a30  73 2c 20 41 63 6f 72 6e  20 43 2b 2b 20 6d 61 79  |s, Acorn C++ may|
00011a40  20 6e 6f 74 20 62 65 20  61 73 20 67 6f 6f 64 20  | not be as good |
00011a50  61 73 0d 3e 74 68 65 20  4d 69 63 72 6f 73 6f 66  |as.>the Microsof|
00011a60  74 20 65 6e 76 69 72 6f  6e 6d 65 6e 74 2c 20 62  |t environment, b|
00011a70  75 74 20 79 6f 75 20 64  6f 20 67 65 74 20 61 6e  |ut you do get an|
00011a80  20 61 73 73 65 6d 62 6c  65 72 2c 20 61 6e 64 20  | assembler, and |
00011a90  69 74 20 6f 6e 6c 79 20  63 6f 73 74 73 0d 3e 32  |it only costs.>2|
00011aa0  30 30 20 6f 64 64 20 71  75 69 64 20 28 49 20 66  |00 odd quid (I f|
00011ab0  6f 72 67 65 74 20 69 66  20 74 68 61 74 20 69 6e  |orget if that in|
00011ac0  63 6c 75 64 65 73 20 56  41 54 20 6f 72 20 6e 6f  |cludes VAT or no|
00011ad0  74 29 2e 20 0d 0d 56 43  20 34 20 69 73 20 6e 6f  |t). ..VC 4 is no|
00011ae0  74 20 6e 65 63 65 73 73  61 72 79 20 61 74 20 74  |t necessary at t|
00011af0  68 65 20 6d 6f 6d 65 6e  74 20 61 6e 64 20 77 69  |he moment and wi|
00011b00  6c 6c 20 6f 62 76 69 6f  75 73 6c 79 20 63 6f 6d  |ll obviously com|
00011b10  65 20 64 6f 77 6e 20 69  6e 0d 70 72 69 63 65 2e  |e down in.price.|
00011b20  20 4d 6f 73 74 20 70 65  6f 70 6c 65 2c 20 65 78  | Most people, ex|
00011b30  63 65 70 74 20 67 61 6d  65 73 20 64 65 76 65 6c  |cept games devel|
00011b40  6f 70 65 72 73 2c 20 64  65 76 65 6c 6f 70 20 77  |opers, develop w|
00011b50  69 74 68 20 68 69 67 68  20 6c 65 76 65 6c 0d 6c  |ith high level.l|
00011b60  61 6e 67 75 61 67 65 73  20 61 6e 64 20 79 6f 75  |anguages and you|
00011b70  20 63 6f 75 6c 64 20 70  69 63 6b 20 75 70 20 61  | could pick up a|
00011b80  20 66 72 65 65 20 63 6f  6d 6d 61 6e 64 20 6c 69  | free command li|
00011b90  6e 65 20 61 73 73 65 6d  62 6c 65 72 0d 73 6f 6d  |ne assembler.som|
00011ba0  65 77 68 65 72 65 20 69  66 20 79 6f 75 20 77 61  |ewhere if you wa|
00011bb0  6e 74 65 64 20 77 68 69  63 68 20 63 61 6e 20 62  |nted which can b|
00011bc0  65 20 70 75 74 20 69 6e  74 6f 20 74 68 65 20 76  |e put into the v|
00011bd0  65 72 79 20 63 6f 6e 66  69 67 75 72 61 62 6c 65  |ery configurable|
00011be0  0d 56 43 2b 2b 20 73 79  73 74 65 6d 2e 0d 50 53  |.VC++ system..PS|
00011bf0  2e 20 69 66 20 79 6f 75  20 77 65 72 65 20 71 75  |. if you were qu|
00011c00  6f 74 65 64 20 33 35 39  20 2b 20 56 41 54 20 74  |oted 359 + VAT t|
00011c10  68 65 6e 20 69 74 20 77  61 73 20 70 72 6f 62 61  |hen it was proba|
00011c20  62 6c 79 20 74 68 65 20  73 75 62 73 63 72 69 70  |bly the subscrip|
00011c30  74 69 6f 6e 0d 70 61 63  6b 20 28 6f 6e 20 43 44  |tion.pack (on CD|
00011c40  20 62 74 77 29 20 77 68  69 63 68 20 6d 65 61 6e  | btw) which mean|
00011c50  73 20 65 61 63 68 20 6e  65 77 20 72 65 6c 65 61  |s each new relea|
00011c60  73 65 20 79 6f 75 27 6c  6c 20 67 65 74 20 69 6e  |se you'll get in|
00011c70  20 74 68 65 20 70 6f 73  74 0d 61 74 20 6e 6f 20  | the post.at no |
00011c80  65 78 74 72 61 20 63 6f  73 74 20 21 20 57 69 74  |extra cost ! Wit|
00011c90  68 6f 75 74 20 73 75 62  73 63 72 69 70 74 69 6f  |hout subscriptio|
00011ca0  6e 20 56 43 2b 2b 20 34  20 69 73 20 31 37 35 20  |n VC++ 4 is 175 |
00011cb0  2b 56 41 54 20 21 0d 0d  46 61 63 65 20 69 74 2c  |+VAT !..Face it,|
00011cc0  20 74 68 65 20 4d 69 63  72 6f 73 6f 66 74 20 64  | the Microsoft d|
00011cd0  65 76 65 6c 6f 70 6d 65  6e 74 20 73 74 75 66 66  |evelopment stuff|
00011ce0  20 69 73 20 76 61 73 74  6c 79 20 73 75 70 65 72  | is vastly super|
00011cf0  69 6f 72 2c 20 68 65 6e  63 65 20 74 68 65 0d 70  |ior, hence the.p|
00011d00  72 69 63 65 2e 20 59 6f  75 20 64 6f 6e 27 74 20  |rice. You don't |
00011d10  6a 75 73 74 20 67 65 74  20 73 6f 66 74 77 61 72  |just get softwar|
00011d20  65 20 62 75 74 20 73 75  70 70 6f 72 74 20 61 73  |e but support as|
00011d30  20 77 65 6c 6c 2e 20 53  6f 6d 65 74 68 69 6e 67  | well. Something|
00011d40  20 6c 69 6b 65 0d 74 68  65 20 44 65 76 65 6c 6f  | like.the Develo|
00011d50  70 65 72 73 20 4e 65 74  77 6f 72 6b 2c 20 67 69  |pers Network, gi|
00011d60  76 65 73 20 79 6f 75 20  61 6c 6c 20 74 68 65 20  |ves you all the |
00011d70  6f 70 65 72 61 74 69 6e  67 20 73 79 73 74 65 6d  |operating system|
00011d80  73 20 61 6e 64 20 53 44  4b 73 0d 6f 6e 20 75 70  |s and SDKs.on up|
00011d90  64 61 74 65 73 20 73 61  76 69 6e 67 20 6c 6f 61  |dates saving loa|
00011da0  64 73 20 6f 66 20 6d 6f  6e 65 79 20 6f 6e 20 75  |ds of money on u|
00011db0  70 67 72 61 64 65 73 2e  20 49 6e 63 6c 75 64 69  |pgrades. Includi|
00011dc0  6e 67 20 4e 54 20 61 6e  64 20 39 35 20 21 0d 56  |ng NT and 95 !.V|
00011dd0  69 73 75 61 6c 20 43 2b  2b 20 69 73 20 61 6c 73  |isual C++ is als|
00011de0  6f 20 61 76 61 69 6c 61  62 6c 65 20 6f 6e 20 73  |o available on s|
00011df0  75 62 73 63 72 69 70 74  69 6f 6e 20 2d 20 6d 6f  |ubscription - mo|
00011e00  72 65 20 73 61 76 69 6e  67 73 2e 0d 0d 3e 59 6f  |re savings...>Yo|
00011e10  75 20 63 61 6e 20 67 65  74 20 61 20 67 6f 6f 64  |u can get a good|
00011e20  20 57 50 20 70 61 63 6b  61 67 65 20 28 53 74 79  | WP package (Sty|
00011e30  6c 65 2c 20 45 61 73 69  77 72 69 74 65 72 29 20  |le, Easiwriter) |
00011e40  66 6f 72 20 61 62 6f 75  74 20 31 30 30 20 71 75  |for about 100 qu|
00011e50  69 64 20 28 49 20 73 65  65 6d 0d 3e 74 6f 20 72  |id (I seem.>to r|
00011e60  65 6d 65 6d 62 65 72 20  70 69 63 6b 69 6e 67 20  |emember picking |
00011e70  75 70 20 53 74 79 6c 65  20 66 6f 72 20 39 30 20  |up Style for 90 |
00011e80  71 75 69 64 20 6c 61 73  74 20 79 65 61 72 2e 20  |quid last year. |
00011e90  4e 6f 74 20 62 61 64 20  76 61 6c 75 65 29 2e 20  |Not bad value). |
00011ea0  57 68 61 74 20 61 72 65  0d 3e 74 68 65 20 63 6f  |What are.>the co|
00011eb0  73 74 73 20 6f 66 20 61  20 63 6f 6d 70 61 72 61  |sts of a compara|
00011ec0  62 6c 65 20 57 50 20 70  61 63 6b 61 67 65 20 66  |ble WP package f|
00011ed0  6f 72 20 74 68 65 20 50  43 2e 20 4d 53 20 57 6f  |or the PC. MS Wo|
00011ee0  72 64 20 69 73 20 61 72  6f 75 6e 64 20 32 30 30  |rd is around 200|
00011ef0  20 2b 20 56 41 54 0d 3e  28 66 72 6f 6d 20 61 20  | + VAT.>(from a |
00011f00  72 65 63 65 6e 74 20 50  43 57 29 2c 20 4d 53 20  |recent PCW), MS |
00011f10  4f 66 66 69 63 65 20 69  73 20 61 72 6f 75 6e 64  |Office is around|
00011f20  20 33 35 30 20 2b 20 56  41 54 0d 0d 59 65 61 68  | 350 + VAT..Yeah|
00011f30  2c 20 62 75 74 20 6e 6f  20 6f 6e 65 20 63 61 6e  |, but no one can|
00011f40  20 64 6f 20 73 6f 6d 65  74 68 69 6e 67 20 6c 69  | do something li|
00011f50  6b 65 20 4f 66 66 69 63  65 20 6f 6e 20 41 63 6f  |ke Office on Aco|
00011f60  72 6e 2c 20 64 65 73 70  69 74 65 20 77 68 61 74  |rn, despite what|
00011f70  0d 70 65 6f 70 6c 65 20  74 68 69 6e 6b 20 6f 66  |.people think of|
00011f80  20 4d 69 63 72 6f 73 6f  66 74 2e 20 4d 6f 73 74  | Microsoft. Most|
00011f90  20 41 63 6f 72 6e 20 57  50 73 20 66 65 65 6c 20  | Acorn WPs feel |
00011fa0  6c 69 6b 65 20 65 64 75  63 61 74 69 6f 6e 61 6c  |like educational|
00011fb0  0d 73 6f 66 74 77 61 72  65 20 28 70 72 6f 62 61  |.software (proba|
00011fc0  62 6c 79 20 61 72 65 20  74 68 61 74 27 73 20 77  |bly are that's w|
00011fd0  68 79 29 2e 0d 0d 3e 4f  66 20 63 6f 75 72 73 65  |hy)...>Of course|
00011fe0  2c 20 74 68 65 72 65 20  6d 61 79 20 62 65 20 76  |, there may be v|
00011ff0  61 72 69 6f 75 73 20 64  65 61 6c 73 20 61 72 6f  |arious deals aro|
00012000  75 6e 64 20 28 41 63 6f  72 6e 20 68 61 73 20 74  |und (Acorn has t|
00012010  68 65 20 43 2b 2b 20 26  20 50 52 4d 73 20 69 6e  |he C++ & PRMs in|
00012020  73 74 65 61 64 0d 3e 6f  66 20 74 68 65 20 31 35  |stead.>of the 15|
00012030  30 20 71 75 69 64 20 63  61 73 68 62 61 63 6b 20  |0 quid cashback |
00012040  66 6f 72 20 65 78 61 6d  70 6c 65 29 2e 20 54 68  |for example). Th|
00012050  65 72 65 20 61 72 65 20  73 69 6d 69 6c 61 72 20  |ere are similar |
00012060  64 65 61 6c 73 20 77 69  74 68 20 4d 69 63 72 6f  |deals with Micro|
00012070  73 6f 66 74 0d 3e 4f 66  66 69 63 65 20 49 20 62  |soft.>Office I b|
00012080  65 6c 69 65 76 65 2e 0d  0d 3e 49 74 20 69 73 20  |elieve...>It is |
00012090  2a 56 45 52 59 2a 20 69  6d 70 6f 72 74 61 6e 74  |*VERY* important|
000120a0  20 74 6f 20 6c 6f 6f 6b  20 61 74 20 77 68 61 74  | to look at what|
000120b0  20 79 6f 75 20 67 65 74  20 77 69 74 68 20 73 6f  | you get with so|
000120c0  6d 65 20 6f 66 20 74 68  65 73 65 20 63 68 65 61  |me of these chea|
000120d0  70 20 64 65 61 6c 73 0d  3e 28 65 67 2e 20 74 68  |p deals.>(eg. th|
000120e0  65 20 6f 6e 65 73 20 63  6c 6f 73 65 20 74 6f 20  |e ones close to |
000120f0  74 68 65 20 31 2c 30 30  30 20 6d 61 72 6b 29 2e  |the 1,000 mark).|
00012100  20 54 68 65 79 20 74 79  70 69 63 61 6c 6c 79 20  | They typically |
00012110  64 6f 20 4e 4f 54 20 69  6e 63 6c 75 64 65 20 56  |do NOT include V|
00012120  41 54 2c 0d 3e 6f 6e 6c  79 20 68 61 76 65 20 61  |AT,.>only have a|
00012130  20 31 34 2f 31 35 22 20  6d 6f 6e 69 74 6f 72 2c  | 14/15" monitor,|
00012140  20 6f 66 74 65 6e 20 64  6f 6e 27 74 20 68 61 76  | often don't hav|
00012150  65 20 4c 32 20 63 61 63  68 65 20 28 77 68 69 63  |e L2 cache (whic|
00012160  68 20 77 69 6c 6c 20 73  65 72 69 6f 75 73 6c 79  |h will seriously|
00012170  20 0d 3e 65 66 66 65 63  74 20 34 38 36 2f 50 65  | .>effect 486/Pe|
00012180  6e 74 69 75 6d 20 70 65  72 66 6f 72 6d 61 6e 63  |ntium performanc|
00012190  65 29 2c 20 61 6e 64 20  6f 66 74 65 6e 20 64 6f  |e), and often do|
000121a0  6e 27 74 20 69 6e 63 6c  75 64 65 20 44 4f 53 20  |n't include DOS |
000121b0  61 6e 64 20 57 69 6e 64  6f 77 73 0d 3e 28 77 68  |and Windows.>(wh|
000121c0  69 63 68 20 77 69 6c 6c  20 70 75 74 20 79 6f 75  |ich will put you|
000121d0  20 62 61 63 6b 20 61 20  31 30 30 20 71 75 69 64  | back a 100 quid|
000121e0  20 6f 72 20 73 6f 20 70  72 65 73 75 6d 69 6e 67  | or so presuming|
000121f0  20 79 6f 75 20 64 6f 6e  27 74 20 72 69 70 20 69  | you don't rip i|
00012200  74 20 6f 66 66 20 66 72  6f 6d 0d 3e 77 6f 72 6b  |t off from.>work|
00012210  20 28 77 68 69 63 68 20  69 73 20 6f 66 20 63 6f  | (which is of co|
00012220  75 72 73 65 2c 20 69 6c  6c 65 67 61 6c 29 29 2e  |urse, illegal)).|
00012230  0d 0d 41 6c 6d 6f 73 74  20 65 76 65 72 79 74 68  |..Almost everyth|
00012240  69 6e 67 20 64 6f 65 73  6e 27 74 20 69 6e 63 6c  |ing doesn't incl|
00012250  75 64 65 20 56 41 54 2c  20 62 75 74 20 69 74 27  |ude VAT, but it'|
00012260  73 20 65 61 73 79 20 74  6f 20 61 64 64 2e 0d 55  |s easy to add..U|
00012270  6e 6c 65 73 73 20 79 6f  75 27 72 65 20 67 6f 69  |nless you're goi|
00012280  6e 67 20 74 6f 20 64 6f  20 44 54 50 2c 20 79 6f  |ng to do DTP, yo|
00012290  75 20 64 6f 6e 27 74 20  6e 65 65 64 20 61 20 31  |u don't need a 1|
000122a0  37 22 20 6d 6f 6e 69 74  6f 72 2e 20 41 64 6d 69  |7" monitor. Admi|
000122b0  74 69 64 6c 79 0d 41 63  6f 72 6e 20 69 73 20 63  |tidly.Acorn is c|
000122c0  68 65 61 70 65 72 20 66  6f 72 20 44 54 50 2c 20  |heaper for DTP, |
000122d0  64 75 65 20 74 6f 20 63  6f 73 74 73 20 6f 66 20  |due to costs of |
000122e0  50 43 20 61 6e 64 20 4d  61 63 20 44 54 50 20 70  |PC and Mac DTP p|
000122f0  61 63 6b 61 67 65 73 2e  0d 0d 3e 50 6c 65 61 73  |ackages...>Pleas|
00012300  65 20 64 6f 20 79 6f 75  72 20 73 75 6d 73 20 63  |e do your sums c|
00012310  61 72 65 66 75 6c 6c 79  2e 20 49 20 73 75 73 70  |arefully. I susp|
00012320  65 63 74 20 79 6f 75 20  77 69 6c 6c 20 67 65 74  |ect you will get|
00012330  20 61 20 63 68 65 61 70  65 72 20 64 65 61 6c 20  | a cheaper deal |
00012340  77 69 74 68 20 50 43 73  2c 0d 3e 62 75 74 20 49  |with PCs,.>but I|
00012350  20 64 6f 75 62 74 20 69  74 20 77 69 6c 6c 20 62  | doubt it will b|
00012360  65 20 61 74 20 74 68 65  20 6c 65 76 65 6c 20 79  |e at the level y|
00012370  6f 75 20 73 75 67 67 65  73 74 20 61 62 6f 76 65  |ou suggest above|
00012380  20 28 70 61 72 74 69 63  75 6c 61 72 20 61 66 74  | (particular aft|
00012390  65 72 20 79 6f 75 0d 3e  66 61 63 74 6f 72 20 74  |er you.>factor t|
000123a0  68 65 20 63 6f 73 74 20  6f 66 20 62 75 79 69 6e  |he cost of buyin|
000123b0  67 20 6c 65 67 61 6c 20  76 65 72 73 69 6f 6e 73  |g legal versions|
000123c0  20 6f 66 20 73 6f 66 74  77 61 72 65 29 2e 0d 0d  | of software)...|
000123d0  41 6c 6c 20 6c 65 67 61  6c 20 73 6f 66 74 77 61  |All legal softwa|
000123e0  72 65 20 69 6e 63 6c 75  64 65 64 2c 20 61 6e 64  |re included, and|
000123f0  20 49 20 74 68 69 6e 6b  20 70 65 6f 70 6c 65 20  | I think people |
00012400  61 72 65 20 6f 76 65 72  20 71 75 6f 74 69 6e 67  |are over quoting|
00012410  20 79 6f 75 0d 3a 2d 29  0d 0d 3e 59 6f 75 20 61  | you.:-)..>You a|
00012420  6c 73 6f 20 6d 69 67 68  74 20 6c 69 6b 65 20 74  |lso might like t|
00012430  6f 20 63 6f 6d 70 61 72  65 20 73 6f 6d 65 20 6f  |o compare some o|
00012440  66 20 74 68 65 20 6d 69  64 20 72 61 6e 67 65 20  |f the mid range |
00012450  50 43 73 20 28 74 68 65  20 31 2c 30 30 30 20 62  |PCs (the 1,000 b|
00012460  75 6e 63 68 29 0d 3e 77  69 74 68 20 74 68 65 20  |unch).>with the |
00012470  41 37 30 30 30 2e 20 54  68 69 73 20 6d 69 67 68  |A7000. This migh|
00012480  74 20 62 65 20 6d 6f 72  65 20 77 69 74 68 69 6e  |t be more within|
00012490  20 79 6f 75 72 20 70 72  69 63 65 20 72 61 6e 67  | your price rang|
000124a0  65 20 61 6e 64 20 70 72  6f 76 69 64 65 20 0d 3e  |e and provide .>|
000124b0  63 6f 6d 70 61 72 61 62  6c 65 20 70 65 72 66 6f  |comparable perfo|
000124c0  72 6d 61 6e 63 65 20 61  6e 64 20 66 65 61 74 75  |rmance and featu|
000124d0  72 65 73 2e 20 0d 0d 54  6f 70 20 6f 66 20 74 68  |res. ..Top of th|
000124e0  65 20 72 61 6e 67 65 20  34 38 36 73 20 28 77 68  |e range 486s (wh|
000124f0  69 63 68 20 61 72 65 20  65 6e 74 72 79 20 6c 65  |ich are entry le|
00012500  76 65 6c 20 50 43 73 20  6e 6f 77 29 20 61 72 65  |vel PCs now) are|
00012510  20 77 65 6c 6c 20 75 6e  64 65 72 0d 31 2c 30 30  | well under.1,00|
00012520  30 2e 0d 0d 3e 49 20 68  6f 70 65 20 79 6f 75 20  |0...>I hope you |
00012530  65 6e 6a 6f 79 20 79 6f  75 72 20 43 68 72 69 73  |enjoy your Chris|
00012540  74 6d 61 73 20 73 68 6f  70 70 69 6e 67 20 3a 2d  |tmas shopping :-|
00012550  29 0d 0d 41 20 52 69 73  63 50 43 20 69 73 20 6e  |)..A RiscPC is n|
00012560  6f 74 20 6f 6e 20 6d 79  20 6c 69 73 74 2e 20 49  |ot on my list. I|
00012570  20 73 74 69 6c 6c 20 6c  69 6b 65 20 69 74 2c 20  | still like it, |
00012580  62 75 74 20 49 20 63 61  6e 27 74 20 6a 75 73 74  |but I can't just|
00012590  69 66 79 20 74 68 65 0d  63 6f 73 74 73 20 6f 72  |ify the.costs or|
000125a0  20 73 65 65 20 6d 75 63  68 20 62 65 6e 65 66 69  | see much benefi|
000125b0  74 20 66 6f 72 20 74 68  65 20 63 6f 73 74 2e 0d  |t for the cost..|
000125c0  0d 3e 4a 61 73 6f 6e 0d  0d 0d 2d 2d 0d 20 54 69  |.>Jason...--. Ti|
000125d0  6d 20 4d 6f 6f 72 65 2c  20 54 65 61 63 68 69 6e  |m Moore, Teachin|
000125e0  67 20 43 6f 6d 70 61 6e  79 20 41 73 73 6f 63 69  |g Company Associ|
000125f0  61 74 65 2c 0d 20 52 69  67 69 62 6f 72 65 20 54  |ate,. Rigibore T|
00012600  6f 6f 6c 69 6e 67 20 53  79 73 74 65 6d 73 2c 20  |ooling Systems, |
00012610  52 69 67 69 62 6f 72 65  20 4c 74 64 2c 20 48 61  |Rigibore Ltd, Ha|
00012620  79 6c 65 2c 20 55 4b 0d  20 45 6d 61 69 6c 3a 20  |yle, UK. Email: |
00012630  74 69 6d 40 72 69 67 69  62 6f 72 65 2e 64 65 6d  |tim@rigibore.dem|
00012640  6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b  0d 0d 20 20 20 41 6e 79  |on.co.uk..   Any|
00012650  20 76 69 65 77 73 20 65  78 70 72 65 73 73 65 64  | views expressed|
00012660  20 68 65 72 65 20 64 6f  20 6e 6f 74 20 72 65 70  | here do not rep|
00012670  72 65 73 65 6e 74 20 74  68 65 20 76 69 65 77 73  |resent the views|
00012680  20 6f 66 0d 20 20 20 20  20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20  | of.            |
00012690  20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20  20 20 20 52 69 67 69 62  |           Rigib|
000126a0  6f 72 65 20 4c 74 64 2e  0d 0d 4e 65 77 73 67 72  |ore Ltd...Newsgr|
000126b0  6f 75 70 73 3a 20 63 6f  6d 70 2e 73 79 73 2e 61  |oups: comp.sys.a|
000126c0  63 6f 72 6e 2e 6d 69 73  63 0a 50 61 74 68 3a 20  |corn.misc.Path: |
000126d0  6e 65 77 73 2e 64 65 6d  6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b  |news.demon.co.uk|
000126e0  21 64 65 6d 6f 6e 21 74  61 6e 6b 2e 6e 65 77 73  |!demon!tank.news|
000126f0  2e 70 69 70 65 78 2e 6e  65 74 21 70 69 70 65 78  |.pipex.net!pipex|
00012700  21 75 73 65 6e 65 74 2e  65 65 6c 2e 75 66 6c 2e  |!usenet.eel.ufl.|
00012710  65 64 75 21 62 72 75 74  75 73 2e 62 72 69 67 68  |edu!brutus.brigh|
00012720  74 2e 6e 65 74 21 63 68  69 2d 6e 65 77 73 2e 63  |t.net!chi-news.c|
00012730  69 63 2e 6e 65 74 21 6e  65 77 73 66 65 65 64 2e  |ic.net!newsfeed.|
00012740  69 6e 74 65 72 6e 65 74  6d 63 69 2e 63 6f 6d 21  |internetmci.com!|
00012750  45 55 2e 6e 65 74 21 70  65 65 72 2d 6e 65 77 73  |EU.net!peer-news|
00012760  2e 62 72 69 74 61 69 6e  2e 65 75 2e 6e 65 74 21  |.britain.eu.net!|
00012770  6e 65 77 73 66 65 65 64  2e 65 64 2e 61 63 2e 75  |newsfeed.ed.ac.u|
00012780  6b 21 68 77 63 65 65 21  63 65 65 6d 61 68 0a 46  |k!hwcee!ceemah.F|
00012790  72 6f 6d 3a 20 63 65 65  6d 61 68 40 63 65 65 2e  |rom: ceemah@cee.|
000127a0  68 77 2e 61 63 2e 75 6b  20 28 4d 61 74 74 68 65  |hw.ac.uk (Matthe|
000127b0  77 20 48 61 6d 62 6c 65  79 29 0a 53 75 62 6a 65  |w Hambley).Subje|
000127c0  63 74 3a 20 52 65 3a 20  43 68 72 69 73 74 6d 61  |ct: Re: Christma|
000127d0  73 0a 4d 65 73 73 61 67  65 2d 49 44 3a 20 3c 44  |s.Message-ID: <D|
000127e0  4a 36 33 71 48 2e 47 49  70 40 63 65 65 2e 68 77  |J63qH.GIp@cee.hw|
000127f0  2e 61 63 2e 75 6b 3e 0a  4c 69 6e 65 73 3a 20 31  |.ac.uk>.Lines: 1|
00012800  31 0a 53 65 6e 64 65 72  3a 20 6e 65 77 73 40 63  |1.Sender: news@c|
00012810  65 65 2e 68 77 2e 61 63  2e 75 6b 20 28 4e 65 77  |ee.hw.ac.uk (New|
00012820  73 20 41 64 6d 69 6e 69  73 74 72 61 74 6f 72 29  |s Administrator)|
00012830  0a 52 65 70 6c 79 2d 54  6f 3a 20 63 65 65 6d 61  |.Reply-To: ceema|
00012840  68 40 63 65 65 2e 68 77  2e 61 63 2e 75 6b 20 28  |h@cee.hw.ac.uk (|
00012850  4d 61 74 74 68 65 77 20  48 61 6d 62 6c 65 79 29  |Matthew Hambley)|
00012860  0a 4f 72 67 61 6e 69 7a  61 74 69 6f 6e 3a 20 44  |.Organization: D|
00012870  65 70 74 20 6f 66 20 43  6f 6d 70 75 74 69 6e 67  |ept of Computing|
00012880  20 26 20 45 6c 65 63 74  72 69 63 61 6c 20 45 6e  | & Electrical En|
00012890  67 69 6e 65 65 72 69 6e  67 2c 20 48 65 72 69 6f  |gineering, Herio|
000128a0  74 2d 57 61 74 74 20 55  6e 69 76 65 72 73 69 74  |t-Watt Universit|
000128b0  79 2c 20 53 63 6f 74 6c  61 6e 64 0a 52 65 66 65  |y, Scotland.Refe|
000128c0  72 65 6e 63 65 73 3a 20  20 3c 44 4a 35 78 48 43  |rences:  <DJ5xHC|
000128d0  2e 45 48 44 40 63 65 65  2e 68 77 2e 61 63 2e 75  |.EHD@cee.hw.ac.u|
000128e0  6b 3e 0a 44 61 74 65 3a  20 57 65 64 2c 20 36 20  |k>.Date: Wed, 6 |
000128f0  44 65 63 20 31 39 39 35  20 31 33 3a 34 39 3a 32  |Dec 1995 13:49:2|
00012900  38 20 47 4d 54 0a 49 6e  20 61 72 74 69 63 6c 65  |8 GMT.In article|
00012910  20 3c 44 4a 35 78 48 43  2e 45 48 44 40 63 65 65  | <DJ5xHC.EHD@cee|
00012920  2e 68 77 2e 61 63 2e 75  6b 3e 2c 20 63 65 65 67  |.hw.ac.uk>, ceeg|
00012930  6a 73 31 40 63 65 65 2e  68 77 2e 61 63 2e 75 6b  |js1@cee.hw.ac.uk|
00012940  20 28 47 72 65 67 6f 72  20 53 70 77 61 72 74 29  | (Gregor Spwart)|
00012950  20 77 72 69 74 65 73 3a  0d 7c 3e 20 4d 45 52 52  | writes:.|> MERR|
00012960  59 20 43 48 52 49 53 54  4d 41 53 20 74 6f 20 74  |Y CHRISTMAS to t|
00012970  68 65 20 77 68 6f 6c 65  20 72 61 62 62 6c 65 20  |he whole rabble |
00012980  6f 66 20 70 65 6f 70 6c  65 20 77 68 6f 20 72 65  |of people who re|
00012990  61 64 20 74 68 69 73 2e  0d 0d 09 41 6e 64 20 61  |ad this....And a|
000129a0  20 70 72 6f 73 70 65 72  6f 75 73 20 6e 65 77 20  | prosperous new |
000129b0  79 65 61 72 20 74 6f 20  79 6f 75 20 74 6f 6f 2e  |year to you too.|
000129c0  0d 2d 2d 0d 28 5c 2f 29  61 74 74 68 65 77 20 48  |.--.(\/)atthew H|
000129d0  61 6d 62 6c 79 2c 20 6e  75 74 74 65 72 20 62 79  |ambly, nutter by|
000129e0  20 52 6f 79 61 6c 20 41  70 70 6f 69 6e 74 6d 65  | Royal Appointme|
000129f0  6e 74 0d 54 65 72 6d 20  74 69 6d 65 20 20 20 63  |nt.Term time   c|
00012a00  65 65 6d 61 68 40 63 65  65 2e 68 77 2e 61 63 2e  |eemah@cee.hw.ac.|
00012a10  75 6b 20 20 20 20 20 20  20 20 20 20 20 20 20 7c  |uk             ||
00012a20  22 49 74 20 64 6f 65 73  6e 27 74 20 6d 61 74 74  |"It doesn't matt|
00012a30  65 72 20 69 66 20 74 68  65 20 63 61 74 20 69 73  |er if the cat is|
00012a40  0d 4f 74 68 65 72 20 74  69 6d 65 73 20 6d 68 61  |.Other times mha|
00012a50  6d 62 6c 65 79 40 61 72  63 61 64 65 2e 64 65 6d  |mbley@arcade.dem|
00012a60  6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b  20 20 20 20 20 7c 20 62  |on.co.uk     | b|
00012a70  6c 61 63 6b 20 6f 72 20  77 68 69 74 65 20 61 73  |lack or white as|
00012a80  20 6c 6f 6e 67 20 61 73  20 69 74 27 73 0d 57 57  | long as it's.WW|
00012a90  57 20 70 61 67 65 73 20  20 20 68 74 74 70 3a 2f  |W pages   http:/|
00012aa0  2f 77 77 77 2e 63 65 65  2e 68 77 2e 61 63 2e 75  |/www.cee.hw.ac.u|
00012ab0  6b 2f 7e 63 65 65 6d 61  68 20 7c 20 62 65 65 6e  |k/~ceemah | been|
00012ac0  20 63 6f 6f 6b 65 64 20  69 6e 20 61 20 57 6f 6b  | cooked in a Wok|
00012ad0  2e 22 2d 4b 2e 54 68 6f  6d 61 73 0d 50 61 74 68  |."-K.Thomas.Path|
00012ae0  3a 20 6e 65 77 73 2e 64  65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e  |: news.demon.co.|
00012af0  75 6b 21 64 65 6d 6f 6e  21 63 6a 63 32 2e 64 65  |uk!demon!cjc2.de|
00012b00  6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75  6b 21 4e 65 75 72 61 6c  |mon.co.uk!Neural|
00012b10  0a 46 72 6f 6d 3a 20 4e  65 75 72 61 6c 40 63 6a  |.From: Neural@cj|
00012b20  63 32 2e 64 65 6d 6f 6e  2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b 20 28  |c2.demon.co.uk (|
00012b30  4a 61 6d 65 73 29 0a 4e  65 77 73 67 72 6f 75 70  |James).Newsgroup|
00012b40  73 3a 20 63 6f 6d 70 2e  73 79 73 2e 61 63 6f 72  |s: comp.sys.acor|
00012b50  6e 2e 6d 69 73 63 0a 53  75 62 6a 65 63 74 3a 20  |n.misc.Subject: |
00012b60  4e 65 77 20 41 72 74 77  6f 72 6b 73 20 54 6f 6f  |New Artworks Too|
00012b70  6c 20 26 20 69 46 53 0a  44 61 74 65 3a 20 57 65  |l & iFS.Date: We|
00012b80  64 2c 20 30 36 20 44 65  63 20 31 39 39 35 20 31  |d, 06 Dec 1995 1|
00012b90  35 3a 30 30 3a 32 32 20  47 4d 54 0a 4f 72 67 61  |5:00:22 GMT.Orga|
00012ba0  6e 69 7a 61 74 69 6f 6e  3a 20 4e 65 75 72 61 6c  |nization: Neural|
00012bb0  20 4e 65 74 20 44 65 73  69 67 6e 0a 4c 69 6e 65  | Net Design.Line|
00012bc0  73 3a 20 32 33 0a 44 69  73 74 72 69 62 75 74 69  |s: 23.Distributi|
00012bd0  6f 6e 3a 20 77 6f 72 6c  64 0a 4d 65 73 73 61 67  |on: world.Messag|
00012be0  65 2d 49 44 3a 20 3c 31  39 39 35 31 32 30 36 2e  |e-ID: <19951206.|
00012bf0  31 35 30 30 32 32 2e 34  33 40 63 6a 63 32 2e 64  |150022.43@cjc2.d|
00012c00  65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e  75 6b 3e 0a 52 65 70 6c  |emon.co.uk>.Repl|
00012c10  79 2d 54 6f 3a 20 4e 65  75 72 61 6c 40 63 6a 63  |y-To: Neural@cjc|
00012c20  32 2e 64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e  63 6f 2e 75 6b 0a 4e 4e  |2.demon.co.uk.NN|
00012c30  54 50 2d 50 6f 73 74 69  6e 67 2d 48 6f 73 74 3a  |TP-Posting-Host:|
00012c40  20 63 6a 63 32 2e 64 65  6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75  | cjc2.demon.co.u|
00012c50  6b 0a 58 2d 4e 4e 54 50  2d 50 6f 73 74 69 6e 67  |k.X-NNTP-Posting|
00012c60  2d 48 6f 73 74 3a 20 63  6a 63 32 2e 64 65 6d 6f  |-Host: cjc2.demo|
00012c70  6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b 0a  58 2d 4e 65 77 73 72 65  |n.co.uk.X-Newsre|
00012c80  61 64 65 72 3a 20 54 46  4e 20 66 6f 72 20 49 6e  |ader: TFN for In|
00012c90  4e 65 74 20 76 65 72 73  69 6f 6e 20 30 2e 31 36  |Net version 0.16|
00012ca0  0a 57 65 27 72 65 20 6c  6f 6f 6b 69 6e 67 20 74  |.We're looking t|
00012cb0  6f 20 73 65 65 20 74 68  65 20 69 6e 74 65 72 65  |o see the intere|
00012cc0  73 74 20 69 6e 20 61 20  6e 65 77 20 61 72 74 77  |st in a new artw|
00012cd0  6f 72 6b 73 20 74 6f 6f  6c 3b 20 61 20 73 70 72  |orks tool; a spr|
00012ce0  69 74 65 2f 64 72 61 77  20 74 72 61 63 65 72 2e  |ite/draw tracer.|
00012cf0  0d 57 65 27 76 65 20 67  6f 74 20 62 61 73 69 63  |.We've got basic|
00012d00  20 63 6f 64 65 20 61 6e  64 20 77 6f 75 6c 64 20  | code and would |
00012d10  6c 69 6b 65 20 74 6f 20  73 65 65 20 74 68 65 20  |like to see the |
00012d20  61 6d 6f 75 6e 74 20 6f  66 20 69 6e 74 65 72 65  |amount of intere|
00012d30  73 74 20 62 65 66 6f 72  65 0d 63 6f 6e 74 69 6e  |st before.contin|
00012d40  75 69 6e 67 2e 2e 2e 2e  2e 2e 2e 2e 2e 0d 53 75  |uing..........Su|
00012d50  63 68 20 61 20 74 6f 6f  6c 20 77 6f 75 6c 64 20  |ch a tool would |
00012d60  61 6c 6c 6f 77 20 74 68  65 20 63 6f 6e 76 65 72  |allow the conver|
00012d70  73 69 6f 6e 20 6f 66 20  73 70 72 69 74 65 73 20  |sion of sprites |
00012d80  69 6e 74 6f 20 76 65 63  74 6f 72 20 66 69 6c 65  |into vector file|
00012d90  73 20 77 69 74 68 69 6e  0d 41 72 74 77 6f 72 6b  |s within.Artwork|
00012da0  73 2e 20 41 73 20 74 68  69 73 20 69 73 20 61 20  |s. As this is a |
00012db0  52 46 43 20 70 6c 65 61  73 65 20 73 65 6e 64 20  |RFC please send |
00012dc0  61 6e 79 20 63 6f 6d 6d  65 6e 74 73 20 6f 72 20  |any comments or |
00012dd0  6e 6f 74 69 66 69 63 61  74 69 6f 6e 20 6f 66 20  |notification of |
00012de0  69 6e 74 65 72 65 73 74  0d 74 6f 20 4e 65 75 72  |interest.to Neur|
00012df0  61 6c 40 63 6a 63 32 2e  64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f  |al@cjc2.demon.co|
00012e00  2e 75 6b 0d 0d 46 6f 72  20 74 68 6f 73 65 20 6f  |.uk..For those o|
00012e10  66 20 79 6f 75 72 20 77  68 6f 20 72 65 71 75 65  |f your who reque|
00012e20  73 74 65 64 20 69 46 53  20 26 20 64 69 64 6e 27  |sted iFS & didn'|
00012e30  74 20 72 65 63 69 65 76  65 20 69 74 2c 20 61 70  |t recieve it, ap|
00012e40  6f 6c 6f 67 69 65 73 2d  20 61 20 6d 61 69 6c 0d  |ologies- a mail.|
00012e50  70 72 6f 62 6c 65 6d 20  72 65 73 75 6c 74 65 64  |problem resulted|
00012e60  20 69 6e 20 74 68 65 20  61 70 70 61 72 65 6e 74  | in the apparent|
00012e70  20 6c 6f 73 73 20 6f 66  20 61 20 64 61 79 73 20  | loss of a days |
00012e80  6d 61 69 6c 2e 20 4d 6f  73 74 20 6f 74 68 65 72  |mail. Most other|
00012e90  20 72 65 71 75 65 73 74  73 0d 68 61 76 65 20 62  | requests.have b|
00012ea0  65 65 6e 20 66 69 6c 6c  65 64 20 77 69 74 68 20  |een filled with |
00012eb0  69 46 53 31 2e 20 20 20  20 48 6f 70 65 66 75 6c  |iFS1.    Hopeful|
00012ec0  6c 79 20 74 68 65 20 66  75 6c 6c 20 69 46 53 32  |ly the full iFS2|
00012ed0  20 69 6d 61 67 65 20 66  69 6c 69 6e 67 20 73 79  | image filing sy|
00012ee0  73 74 65 6d 0d 77 69 6c  6c 20 62 65 20 68 65 72  |stem.will be her|
00012ef0  65 20 61 72 6f 75 6e 64  20 74 68 65 20 31 34 74  |e around the 14t|
00012f00  68 20 44 65 63 65 6d 62  65 72 20 61 6e 64 20 61  |h December and a|
00012f10  6c 6c 20 74 68 6f 73 65  20 77 68 6f 20 72 65 71  |ll those who req|
00012f20  75 65 73 74 65 64 20 69  46 53 20 61 6e 64 0d 68  |uested iFS and.h|
00012f30  61 76 65 20 72 65 63 69  65 76 65 64 20 69 46 53  |ave recieved iFS|
00012f40  31 20 77 69 6c 6c 20 72  65 63 69 65 76 65 20 61  |1 will recieve a|
00012f50  20 63 6f 70 79 20 61 75  74 6f 6d 61 74 69 63 61  | copy automatica|
00012f60  6c 6c 79 2e 0d 49 66 20  79 6f 75 20 77 61 6e 74  |lly..If you want|
00012f70  20 74 6f 20 61 64 64 20  79 6f 75 72 20 6e 61 6d  | to add your nam|
00012f80  65 20 74 6f 20 74 68 65  20 6d 61 69 6c 69 6e 67  |e to the mailing|
00012f90  20 6c 69 73 74 20 6d 61  69 6c 20 27 49 4e 53 40  | list mail 'INS@|
00012fa0  63 6a 63 32 2e 64 65 6d  6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b  |cjc2.demon.co.uk|
00012fb0  27 0d 0d 52 65 67 61 72  64 73 2c 0d 4f 27 42 72  |'..Regards,.O'Br|
00012fc0  69 65 6e 20 61 74 20 4e  4e 44 0d 0d 2d 2d 20 0d  |ien at NND..-- .|
00012fd0  22 42 6f 74 68 65 72 22  2c 20 73 61 69 64 20 50  |"Bother", said P|
00012fe0  6f 6f 68 20 61 73 20 68  65 20 67 6f 74 20 22 46  |ooh as he got "F|
00012ff0  69 6c 65 63 6f 72 65 20  69 6e 20 55 73 65 22 0d  |ilecore in Use".|
00013000  46 72 6f 6d 20 4e 65 75  72 61 6c 20 4e 65 74 20  |From Neural Net |
00013010  44 65 73 69 67 6e 2e 20  52 65 70 6c 79 20 74 6f  |Design. Reply to|
00013020  0d 4e 65 75 72 61 6c 40  63 6a 63 32 2e 64 65 6d  |.Neural@cjc2.dem|
00013030  6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b  20 4f 52 20 4e 65 75 72  |on.co.uk OR Neur|
00013040  61 6c 40 61 72 63 61 64  65 2e 64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e  |al@arcade.demon.|
00013050  63 6f 2e 75 6b 0d 50 61  74 68 3a 20 6e 65 77 73  |co.uk.Path: news|
00013060  2e 64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63  6f 2e 75 6b 21 64 65 6d  |.demon.co.uk!dem|
00013070  6f 6e 21 67 75 32 32 38  75 71 2e 64 65 6d 6f 6e  |on!gu228uq.demon|
00013080  2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b 21 68  6f 72 7a 61 0a 46 72 6f  |.co.uk!horza.Fro|
00013090  6d 3a 20 68 6f 72 7a 61  40 67 75 32 32 38 75 71  |m: horza@gu228uq|
000130a0  2e 64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63  6f 2e 75 6b 20 28 50 68  |.demon.co.uk (Ph|
000130b0  69 6c 6c 69 70 20 54 65  6d 70 6c 65 29 0a 4e 65  |illip Temple).Ne|
000130c0  77 73 67 72 6f 75 70 73  3a 20 63 6f 6d 70 2e 73  |wsgroups: comp.s|
000130d0  79 73 2e 61 63 6f 72 6e  2e 6d 69 73 63 0a 53 75  |ys.acorn.misc.Su|
000130e0  62 6a 65 63 74 3a 20 52  65 3a 20 4e 65 74 69 71  |bject: Re: Netiq|
000130f0  75 65 74 74 65 20 28 77  61 73 20 56 6f 79 61 67  |uette (was Voyag|
00013100  65 72 20 53 6f 66 74 77  61 72 65 20 42 75 67 73  |er Software Bugs|
00013110  29 0a 44 61 74 65 3a 20  57 65 64 2c 20 30 36 20  |).Date: Wed, 06 |
00013120  44 65 63 20 31 39 39 35  20 30 30 3a 31 35 3a 34  |Dec 1995 00:15:4|
00013130  38 20 47 4d 54 0a 4f 72  67 61 6e 69 7a 61 74 69  |8 GMT.Organizati|
00013140  6f 6e 3a 20 50 47 20 47  72 61 70 68 69 63 20 44  |on: PG Graphic D|
00013150  65 73 69 67 6e 0a 4c 69  6e 65 73 3a 20 34 33 0a  |esign.Lines: 43.|
00013160  44 69 73 74 72 69 62 75  74 69 6f 6e 3a 20 77 6f  |Distribution: wo|
00013170  72 6c 64 0a 4d 65 73 73  61 67 65 2d 49 44 3a 20  |rld.Message-ID: |
00013180  3c 31 39 39 35 31 32 30  36 2e 30 30 31 35 34 38  |<19951206.001548|
00013190  2e 32 38 40 67 75 32 32  38 75 71 2e 64 65 6d 6f  |.28@gu228uq.demo|
000131a0  6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b 3e  0a 52 65 66 65 72 65 6e  |n.co.uk>.Referen|
000131b0  63 65 73 3a 20 3c 31 39  39 35 31 32 30 31 2e 32  |ces: <19951201.2|
000131c0  31 34 31 32 31 2e 34 33  40 67 75 32 32 38 75 71  |14121.43@gu228uq|
000131d0  2e 64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63  6f 2e 75 6b 3e 20 3c 61  |.demon.co.uk> <a|
000131e0  58 64 6b 43 41 6a 30 33  30 6e 40 73 6b 74 62 2e  |XdkCAj030n@sktb.|
000131f0  64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f  2e 75 6b 3e 20 3c 31 39  |demon.co.uk> <19|
00013200  39 35 31 32 30 34 2e 30  30 31 31 34 33 2e 32 35  |951204.001143.25|
00013210  40 67 75 32 32 38 75 71  2e 64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63  |@gu228uq.demon.c|
00013220  6f 2e 75 6b 3e 20 3c 61  78 48 6d 72 55 6a 30 33  |o.uk> <axHmrUj03|
00013230  30 6e 40 73 6b 74 62 2e  64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f  |0n@sktb.demon.co|
00013240  2e 75 6b 3e 0a 52 65 70  6c 79 2d 54 6f 3a 20 68  |.uk>.Reply-To: h|
00013250  6f 72 7a 61 40 67 75 32  32 38 75 71 2e 64 65 6d  |orza@gu228uq.dem|
00013260  6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b  0a 4e 4e 54 50 2d 50 6f  |on.co.uk.NNTP-Po|
00013270  73 74 69 6e 67 2d 48 6f  73 74 3a 20 67 75 32 32  |sting-Host: gu22|
00013280  38 75 71 2e 64 65 6d 6f  6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b 0a  |8uq.demon.co.uk.|
00013290  58 2d 4e 4e 54 50 2d 50  6f 73 74 69 6e 67 2d 48  |X-NNTP-Posting-H|
000132a0  6f 73 74 3a 20 67 75 32  32 38 75 71 2e 64 65 6d  |ost: gu228uq.dem|
000132b0  6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b  0a 58 2d 4e 65 77 73 72  |on.co.uk.X-Newsr|
000132c0  65 61 64 65 72 3a 20 41  72 63 68 69 6d 65 64 65  |eader: Archimede|
000132d0  73 20 54 54 46 4e 20 56  65 72 73 69 6f 6e 20 30  |s TTFN Version 0|
000132e0  2e 33 36 0a 49 6e 20 6d  65 73 73 61 67 65 20 3c  |.36.In message <|
000132f0  61 78 48 6d 72 55 6a 30  33 30 6e 40 73 6b 74 62  |axHmrUj030n@sktb|
00013300  2e 64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63  6f 2e 75 6b 3e 20 22 50  |.demon.co.uk> "P|
00013310  61 75 6c 20 4c 2e 20 41  6c 6c 65 6e 22 20 77 72  |aul L. Allen" wr|
00013320  6f 74 65 3a 0d 0d 3e 20  49 6e 20 61 72 74 69 63  |ote:..> In artic|
00013330  6c 65 20 3c 31 39 39 35  31 32 30 34 2e 30 30 31  |le <19951204.001|
00013340  31 34 33 2e 32 35 40 67  75 32 32 38 75 71 2e 64  |143.25@gu228uq.d|
00013350  65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e  75 6b 3e 0d 3e 20 20 20  |emon.co.uk>.>   |
00013360  20 20 68 6f 72 7a 61 40  67 75 32 32 38 75 71 2e  |  horza@gu228uq.|
00013370  64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f  2e 75 6b 20 28 50 68 69  |demon.co.uk (Phi|
00013380  6c 6c 69 70 20 54 65 6d  70 6c 65 29 20 77 72 69  |llip Temple) wri|
00013390  74 65 73 3a 0d 3e 20 0d  3e 20 3e 20 59 65 73 2e  |tes:.> .> > Yes.|
000133a0  20 49 20 72 65 61 64 20  65 76 65 72 79 74 68 69  | I read everythi|
000133b0  6e 67 20 6f 6e 20 64 65  6d 6f 6e 2e 61 6e 6e 6f  |ng on demon.anno|
000133c0  75 6e 63 65 2c 20 65 76  65 6e 20 74 68 6f 75 67  |unce, even thoug|
000133d0  68 20 6e 6f 6e 65 20 6f  66 20 69 74 20 65 76 65  |h none of it eve|
000133e0  72 0d 3e 20 3e 20 61 70  70 6c 69 65 73 20 74 6f  |r.> > applies to|
000133f0  20 6d 65 2e 0d 3e 20 0d  3e 20 53 74 72 61 6e 67  | me..> .> Strang|
00013400  65 20 74 68 61 74 20 79  6f 75 20 64 6f 6e 27 74  |e that you don't|
00013410  20 68 61 76 65 20 61 20  63 6c 75 65 20 74 68 65  | have a clue the|
00013420  6e 2e 0d 0d 4e 6f 74 20  72 65 61 6c 6c 79 2e 20  |n...Not really. |
00013430  4d 6f 73 74 20 6f 66 20  74 68 65 20 73 74 75 66  |Most of the stuf|
00013440  66 20 69 73 20 73 6f 20  6d 69 6e 64 2d 6e 75 6d  |f is so mind-num|
00013450  62 6c 79 20 62 6f 72 69  6e 67 20 69 74 27 73 20  |bly boring it's |
00013460  68 61 72 64 6c 79 0d 73  75 72 70 72 69 73 69 6e  |hardly.surprisin|
00013470  67 20 6d 79 20 62 72 61  69 6e 20 73 77 69 74 63  |g my brain switc|
00013480  68 65 73 20 6f 66 66 20  77 68 65 6e 20 72 65 61  |hes off when rea|
00013490  64 69 6e 67 20 69 74 2e  0d 0d 3e 20 3e 20 54 68  |ding it...> > Th|
000134a0  61 74 27 73 20 65 78 61  63 74 6c 79 20 77 68 61  |at's exactly wha|
000134b0  74 20 49 20 73 61 69 64  2e 20 54 6f 20 6d 65 2c  |t I said. To me,|
000134c0  20 35 70 20 66 6f 72 20  61 20 70 68 6f 6e 65 20  | 5p for a phone |
000134d0  63 61 6c 6c 20 6f 66 20  75 6e 6c 69 6d 69 74 65  |call of unlimite|
000134e0  64 0d 3e 20 3e 20 6c 65  6e 67 74 68 20 69 73 20  |d.> > length is |
000134f0  61 73 20 67 6f 6f 64 20  61 73 20 66 72 65 65 21  |as good as free!|
00013500  0d 3e 20 0d 3e 20 4e 6f  70 65 2c 20 74 68 65 72  |.> .> Nope, ther|
00013510  65 27 73 20 61 20 2a 62  69 67 2a 20 64 69 66 66  |e's a *big* diff|
00013520  65 72 65 6e 63 65 2e 20  20 57 69 74 68 20 35 70  |erence.  With 5p|
00013530  20 67 6f 6e 65 20 65 61  63 68 20 74 69 6d 65 20  | gone each time |
00013540  79 6f 75 20 63 61 6c 6c  2c 20 74 68 65 72 65 27  |you call, there'|
00013550  73 0d 3e 20 61 20 76 65  72 79 20 73 74 72 6f 6e  |s.> a very stron|
00013560  67 20 69 6e 63 65 6e 74  69 76 65 20 74 6f 20 73  |g incentive to s|
00013570  74 61 79 20 6f 6e 20 61  6c 6c 20 6e 69 67 68 74  |tay on all night|
00013580  20 69 6e 73 74 65 61 64  20 6f 66 20 68 61 6e 67  | instead of hang|
00013590  69 6e 67 20 75 70 20 77  68 65 6e 0d 3e 20 79 6f  |ing up when.> yo|
000135a0  75 27 76 65 20 66 69 6e  69 73 68 65 64 20 77 68  |u've finished wh|
000135b0  61 74 20 79 6f 75 20 77  65 72 65 20 64 6f 69 6e  |at you were doin|
000135c0  67 20 61 6e 64 20 63 61  6c 6c 69 6e 67 20 6c 61  |g and calling la|
000135d0  74 65 72 2e 0d 0d 52 75  62 62 69 73 68 2e 20 4e  |ter...Rubbish. N|
000135e0  6f 2d 62 6f 64 79 20 63  61 72 65 73 20 74 68 61  |o-body cares tha|
000135f0  74 20 6d 75 63 68 20 61  62 6f 75 74 20 35 70 20  |t much about 5p |
00013600  68 65 72 65 20 61 6e 64  20 74 68 65 72 65 2e 20  |here and there. |
00013610  54 68 65 79 27 64 0d 70  72 6f 62 61 62 6c 79 20  |They'd.probably |
00013620  73 70 65 6e 64 20 74 68  61 74 20 6d 75 63 68 20  |spend that much |
00013630  69 6e 20 65 6c 65 63 74  72 69 63 69 74 79 20 74  |in electricity t|
00013640  6f 20 6b 65 65 70 20 74  68 65 20 63 6f 6d 70 75  |o keep the compu|
00013650  74 65 72 20 6f 6e 0d 61  6e 64 20 63 6f 6e 6e 65  |ter on.and conne|
00013660  63 74 65 64 20 77 68 65  6e 20 6e 6f 74 20 64 6f  |cted when not do|
00013670  69 6e 67 20 61 6e 79 74  68 69 6e 67 2e 20 41 6e  |ing anything. An|
00013680  64 20 73 61 76 69 6e 67  20 35 70 20 61 74 20 74  |d saving 5p at t|
00013690  68 65 20 65 78 70 65 6e  73 65 0d 6f 66 20 74 79  |he expense.of ty|
000136a0  69 6e 67 20 75 70 20 74  68 65 69 72 20 70 68 6f  |ing up their pho|
000136b0  6e 65 20 6c 69 6e 65 20  61 6c 6c 20 65 76 65 6e  |ne line all even|
000136c0  69 6e 67 20 73 6f 20 74  68 65 79 20 63 61 6e 27  |ing so they can'|
000136d0  74 20 72 65 63 65 69 76  65 20 61 6e 79 0d 69 6e  |t receive any.in|
000136e0  63 6f 6d 69 6e 67 20 63  61 6c 6c 73 3f 20 49 20  |coming calls? I |
000136f0  64 6f 6e 27 74 20 74 68  69 6e 6b 20 73 6f 2e 0d  |don't think so..|
00013700  0d 3e 20 3e 20 53 6f 20  49 20 64 69 64 6e 27 74  |.> > So I didn't|
00013710  20 6b 65 65 70 20 75 70  20 77 69 74 68 20 74 68  | keep up with th|
00013720  65 20 48 75 6c 6c 20 73  61 67 61 2e 20 46 75 6e  |e Hull saga. Fun|
00013730  6e 79 20 74 68 61 74 2c  20 6c 69 76 69 6e 67 20  |ny that, living |
00013740  69 6e 20 53 77 61 6e 73  65 61 2e 0d 3e 20 3e 20  |in Swansea..> > |
00013750  49 20 73 74 61 6e 64 20  63 6f 72 72 65 63 74 65  |I stand correcte|
00013760  64 2e 0d 3e 20 0d 3e 20  49 66 20 79 6f 75 20 64  |d..> .> If you d|
00013770  69 64 6e 27 74 20 6b 65  65 70 20 75 70 20 77 69  |idn't keep up wi|
00013780  74 68 20 69 74 2c 20 77  68 79 20 64 69 64 20 79  |th it, why did y|
00013790  6f 75 20 66 65 65 6c 20  74 68 65 20 6e 65 65 64  |ou feel the need|
000137a0  20 74 6f 20 70 6f 6e 74  69 66 69 63 61 74 65 0d  | to pontificate.|
000137b0  3e 20 61 6e 64 20 70 72  6f 76 69 64 65 20 66 61  |> and provide fa|
000137c0  6c 73 65 20 69 6e 66 6f  72 6d 61 74 69 6f 6e 3f  |lse information?|
000137d0  0d 0d 41 74 20 32 20 6c  69 6e 65 73 20 6c 6f 6e  |..At 2 lines lon|
000137e0  67 20 28 6d 79 20 65 6e  74 69 72 65 20 70 6f 73  |g (my entire pos|
000137f0  74 29 2c 20 69 74 20 6d  75 73 74 20 68 61 76 65  |t), it must have|
00013800  20 62 65 65 6e 20 6f 6e  65 20 6f 66 20 6d 79 20  | been one of my |
00013810  73 68 6f 72 74 65 73 74  0d 70 6f 6e 74 69 66 69  |shortest.pontifi|
00013820  63 61 74 69 6f 6e 73 20  65 76 65 72 2e 20 41 6e  |cations ever. An|
00013830  64 20 74 68 65 20 69 6e  66 6f 72 6d 61 74 69 6f  |d the informatio|
00013840  6e 20 77 61 73 6e 27 74  20 66 61 6c 73 65 2e 20  |n wasn't false. |
00013850  49 74 20 77 61 73 20 31  30 30 25 0d 74 72 75 65  |It was 100%.true|
00013860  2c 20 6a 75 73 74 20 6f  75 74 64 61 74 65 64 2e  |, just outdated.|
00013870  20 43 6f 6d 70 6c 65 74  65 6c 79 20 75 6e 6e 65  | Completely unne|
00013880  63 65 73 73 61 72 79 20  73 65 74 20 6f 66 20 66  |cessary set of f|
00013890  6c 61 6d 65 73 20 49 4d  48 4f 2e 0d 0d 2d 2d 20  |lames IMHO...-- |
000138a0  0d 20 5f 5f 5f 5f 5f 5f  5f 5f 5f 5f 5f 5f 5f 5f  |. ______________|
000138b0  5f 5f 5f 5f 5f 5f 5f 5f  5f 5f 5f 0d 7c 20 20 20  |___________.|   |
000138c0  50 68 69 6c 6c 69 70 20  54 65 6d 70 6c 65 20 20  |Phillip Temple  |
000138d0  20 20 20 20 20 20 7c 20  68 74 74 70 3a 2f 2f 73  |      | http://s|
000138e0  75 6e 61 63 6d 2e 73 77  61 6e 2e 61 63 2e 75 6b  |unacm.swan.ac.uk|
000138f0  2f 7e 68 6f 72 7a 61 2f  61 63 6f 72 6e 2e 68 74  |/~horza/acorn.ht|
00013900  6d 6c 0d 7c 68 6f 72 7a  61 40 67 75 32 32 38 75  |ml.|horza@gu228u|
00013910  71 2e 64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e  63 6f 2e 75 6b 7c 20 46  |q.demon.co.uk| F|
00013920  72 65 65 4e 65 74 20 53  74 61 72 74 65 72 20 50  |reeNet Starter P|
00013930  61 63 6b 20 66 6f 72 20  77 65 62 20 62 72 6f 77  |ack for web brow|
00013940  73 69 6e 67 2c 20 66 74  70 3a 0d 7c 5f 5f 5f 5f  |sing, ftp:.|____|
00013950  5f 5f 5f 5f 5f 5f 5f 5f  5f 5f 5f 5f 5f 5f 5f 5f  |________________|
00013960  5f 5f 5f 5f 5f 7c 20 66  72 65 65 6e 65 74 5f 73  |_____| freenet_s|
00013970  74 61 72 74 65 72 5f 70  61 63 6b 30 2e 30 35 62  |tarter_pack0.05b|
00013980  2e 73 70 6b 20 20 20 20  20 20 20 20 20 66 72 6f  |.spk         fro|
00013990  6d 3a 0d 20 6f 6e 20 68  69 73 20 52 69 73 63 50  |m:. on his RiscP|
000139a0  43 20 20 20 20 20 20 20  20 63 73 6c 69 62 2e 65  |C        cslib.e|
000139b0  63 73 2e 73 6f 74 6f 6e  2e 61 63 2e 75 6b 2f 70  |cs.soton.ac.uk/p|
000139c0  75 62 2f 41 63 6f 72 6e  2f 66 72 65 65 6e 65 74  |ub/Acorn/freenet|
000139d0  2f 70 2e 74 65 6d 70 6c  65 0d 50 61 74 68 3a 20  |/p.temple.Path: |
000139e0  6e 65 77 73 2e 64 65 6d  6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b  |news.demon.co.uk|
000139f0  21 64 65 6d 6f 6e 21 70  65 65 72 2d 6e 65 77 73  |!demon!peer-news|
00013a00  2e 62 72 69 74 61 69 6e  2e 65 75 2e 6e 65 74 21  |.britain.eu.net!|
00013a10  73 74 72 61 74 68 2d 63  73 21 6c 6f 72 6e 65 2e  |strath-cs!lorne.|
00013a20  73 74 69 72 2e 61 63 2e  75 6b 21 72 68 68 0a 46  |stir.ac.uk!rhh.F|
00013a30  72 6f 6d 3a 20 72 68 68  40 63 73 2e 73 74 69 72  |rom: rhh@cs.stir|
00013a40  2e 61 63 2e 75 6b 20 28  52 75 73 73 65 6c 6c 20  |.ac.uk (Russell |
00013a50  48 20 48 6f 72 6e 20 28  55 47 33 29 29 0a 4e 65  |H Horn (UG3)).Ne|
00013a60  77 73 67 72 6f 75 70 73  3a 20 63 6f 6d 70 2e 73  |wsgroups: comp.s|
00013a70  79 73 2e 61 63 6f 72 6e  2e 6d 69 73 63 0a 53 75  |ys.acorn.misc.Su|
00013a80  62 6a 65 63 74 3a 20 57  68 6f 27 73 20 4e 65 78  |bject: Who's Nex|
00013a90  74 20 70 69 63 74 75 72  65 2e 0a 44 61 74 65 3a  |t picture..Date:|
00013aa0  20 36 20 44 65 63 20 31  39 39 35 20 31 37 3a 35  | 6 Dec 1995 17:5|
00013ab0  32 3a 34 34 20 47 4d 54  0a 4f 72 67 61 6e 69 7a  |2:44 GMT.Organiz|
00013ac0  61 74 69 6f 6e 3a 20 43  6f 6d 70 75 74 69 6e 67  |ation: Computing|
00013ad0  20 53 63 69 65 6e 63 65  20 61 6e 64 20 4d 61 74  | Science and Mat|
00013ae0  68 65 6d 61 74 69 63 73  2c 20 53 74 69 72 6c 69  |hematics, Stirli|
00013af0  6e 67 20 55 6e 69 76 65  72 73 69 74 79 0a 4c 69  |ng University.Li|
00013b00  6e 65 73 3a 20 31 30 0a  4d 65 73 73 61 67 65 2d  |nes: 10.Message-|
00013b10  49 44 3a 20 3c 34 61 34  6c 39 63 24 65 61 75 40  |ID: <4a4l9c$eau@|
00013b20  6c 6f 72 6e 65 2e 73 74  69 72 2e 61 63 2e 75 6b  |lorne.stir.ac.uk|
00013b30  3e 0a 4e 4e 54 50 2d 50  6f 73 74 69 6e 67 2d 48  |>.NNTP-Posting-H|
00013b40  6f 73 74 3a 20 72 68 68  40 62 61 6c 62 6f 61 2e  |ost: rhh@balboa.|
00013b50  63 73 2e 73 74 69 72 2e  61 63 2e 75 6b 0a 58 2d  |cs.stir.ac.uk.X-|
00013b60  4e 65 77 73 72 65 61 64  65 72 3a 20 54 49 4e 20  |Newsreader: TIN |
00013b70  5b 76 65 72 73 69 6f 6e  20 31 2e 32 20 50 4c 32  |[version 1.2 PL2|
00013b80  5d 0a 53 6f 6d 65 20 74  69 6d 65 20 61 67 6f 2c  |].Some time ago,|
00013b90  20 74 68 65 72 65 20 77  61 73 20 61 20 70 69 63  | there was a pic|
00013ba0  74 75 72 65 20 61 76 61  6c 69 61 62 6c 65 20 6f  |ture avaliable o|
00013bb0  6e 20 74 68 65 20 6e 65  74 2c 20 64 65 70 69 63  |n the net, depic|
00013bc0  74 69 6e 67 20 61 6e 0d  41 63 6f 72 6e 2c 20 66  |ting an.Acorn, f|
00013bd0  69 72 69 6e 67 20 61 6e  20 61 72 72 6f 77 20 74  |iring an arrow t|
00013be0  68 72 6f 75 67 68 20 61  6e 20 61 70 70 6c 65 20  |hrough an apple |
00013bf0  77 69 74 68 20 74 68 65  20 73 6c 6f 67 61 6e 20  |with the slogan |
00013c00  22 77 68 6f 27 73 20 6e  65 78 74 22 2e 0d 0d 44  |"who's next"...D|
00013c10  6f 65 73 20 61 6e 79 6f  6e 65 20 6b 6e 6f 77 20  |oes anyone know |
00013c20  77 68 65 72 65 20 74 68  69 73 20 70 69 63 74 75  |where this pictu|
00013c30  72 65 20 63 61 6e 20 62  65 20 66 6f 75 6e 64 20  |re can be found |
00013c40  2d 20 49 20 62 65 6c 69  65 76 65 20 69 74 20 77  |- I believe it w|
00013c50  61 73 20 61 6e 0d 61 72  74 77 6f 72 6b 73 20 66  |as an.artworks f|
00013c60  69 6c 65 2e 0d 0d 54 68  61 6e 6b 73 20 69 6e 20  |ile...Thanks in |
00013c70  61 64 76 61 6e 63 65 2c  0d 0d 52 75 73 73 65 6c  |advance,..Russel|
00013c80  6c 2e 0d 0d 50 61 74 68  3a 20 6e 65 77 73 2e 64  |l...Path: news.d|
00013c90  65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e  75 6b 21 64 65 6d 6f 6e  |emon.co.uk!demon|
00013ca0  21 78 61 72 67 6c 65 2e  64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f  |!xargle.demon.co|
00013cb0  2e 75 6b 21 74 68 6f 77  61 74 0a 46 72 6f 6d 3a  |.uk!thowat.From:|
00013cc0  20 74 68 6f 77 61 74 40  78 61 72 67 6c 65 2e 64  | thowat@xargle.d|
00013cd0  65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e  75 6b 20 28 54 6f 6e 79  |emon.co.uk (Tony|
00013ce0  20 48 6f 77 61 74 29 0a  4e 65 77 73 67 72 6f 75  | Howat).Newsgrou|
00013cf0  70 73 3a 20 63 6f 6d 70  2e 73 79 73 2e 61 63 6f  |ps: comp.sys.aco|
00013d00  72 6e 2e 6d 69 73 63 0a  53 75 62 6a 65 63 74 3a  |rn.misc.Subject:|
00013d10  20 52 65 3a 20 41 63 6f  72 6e 20 61 72 74 69 63  | Re: Acorn artic|
00013d20  6c 65 20 69 6e 20 55 4b  20 4e 65 77 73 70 61 70  |le in UK Newspap|
00013d30  65 72 0a 44 61 74 65 3a  20 54 75 65 2c 20 30 35  |er.Date: Tue, 05|
00013d40  20 44 65 63 20 31 39 39  35 20 31 38 3a 35 36 3a  | Dec 1995 18:56:|
00013d50  30 32 20 47 4d 54 0a 4c  69 6e 65 73 3a 20 31 38  |02 GMT.Lines: 18|
00013d60  0a 4d 65 73 73 61 67 65  2d 49 44 3a 20 3c 31 39  |.Message-ID: <19|
00013d70  39 35 31 32 30 35 2e 31  38 35 36 30 32 2e 32 37  |951205.185602.27|
00013d80  40 78 61 72 67 6c 65 2e  64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f  |@xargle.demon.co|
00013d90  2e 75 6b 3e 0a 52 65 66  65 72 65 6e 63 65 73 3a  |.uk>.References:|
00013da0  20 3c 39 35 31 32 30 35  31 30 31 35 2e 41 41 30  | <9512051015.AA0|
00013db0  32 32 30 32 40 73 6e 6f  77 2d 77 68 69 74 65 2e  |2202@snow-white.|
00013dc0  6c 75 74 6f 6e 2e 61 63  2e 75 6b 3e 0a 52 65 70  |luton.ac.uk>.Rep|
00013dd0  6c 79 2d 54 6f 3a 20 74  68 6f 77 61 74 40 78 61  |ly-To: thowat@xa|
00013de0  72 67 6c 65 2e 64 65 6d  6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b  |rgle.demon.co.uk|
00013df0  0a 4e 4e 54 50 2d 50 6f  73 74 69 6e 67 2d 48 6f  |.NNTP-Posting-Ho|
00013e00  73 74 3a 20 78 61 72 67  6c 65 2e 64 65 6d 6f 6e  |st: xargle.demon|
00013e10  2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b 0a 58  2d 4e 4e 54 50 2d 50 6f  |.co.uk.X-NNTP-Po|
00013e20  73 74 69 6e 67 2d 48 6f  73 74 3a 20 78 61 72 67  |sting-Host: xarg|
00013e30  6c 65 2e 64 65 6d 6f 6e  2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b 0a 58  |le.demon.co.uk.X|
00013e40  2d 4e 65 77 73 72 65 61  64 65 72 3a 20 41 72 63  |-Newsreader: Arc|
00013e50  68 69 6d 65 64 65 73 20  54 54 46 4e 20 56 65 72  |himedes TTFN Ver|
00013e60  73 69 6f 6e 20 30 2e 33  36 0a 58 2d 50 6f 73 74  |sion 0.36.X-Post|
00013e70  69 6e 67 2d 41 67 65 6e  74 3a 20 4e 65 77 73 62  |ing-Agent: Newsb|
00013e80  61 73 65 20 30 2e 35 35  2d 70 72 65 2d 33 0a 49  |ase 0.55-pre-3.I|
00013e90  6e 20 61 72 74 69 63 6c  65 20 3c 39 35 31 32 30  |n article <95120|
00013ea0  35 31 30 31 35 2e 41 41  30 32 32 30 32 40 73 6e  |51015.AA02202@sn|
00013eb0  6f 77 2d 77 68 69 74 65  2e 6c 75 74 6f 6e 2e 61  |ow-white.luton.a|
00013ec0  63 2e 75 6b 3e 2c 20 22  4a 61 73 6f 6e 20 42 61  |c.uk>, "Jason Ba|
00013ed0  6e 68 61 6d 20 28 53 79  73 22 20 77 72 6f 74 65  |nham (Sys" wrote|
00013ee0  3a 0d 0d 5b 61 63 6f 72  6e 20 61 6e 64 20 6f 72  |:..[acorn and or|
00013ef0  61 63 6c 65 5d 0d 0d 49  27 76 65 20 72 65 61 64  |acle]..I've read|
00013f00  20 69 6e 20 73 65 76 65  72 61 6c 20 6a 6f 75 72  | in several jour|
00013f10  6e 61 6c 73 20 74 68 61  74 20 2a 41 70 70 6c 65  |nals that *Apple|
00013f20  2a 20 61 72 65 20 64 6f  69 6e 67 20 74 68 65 20  |* are doing the |
00013f30  68 61 72 64 77 61 72 65  20 66 6f 72 0d 4f 72 61  |hardware for.Ora|
00013f40  63 6c 65 2e 20 57 68 61  74 27 73 20 74 68 65 20  |cle. What's the |
00013f50  64 65 61 6c 3f 0d 0d 2d  2d 0d 54 6f 6e 79 0d 0d  |deal?..--.Tony..|
00013f60  2d 5c 20 54 6f 6e 79 20  48 6f 77 61 74 20 2d 20  |-\ Tony Howat - |
00013f70  74 68 6f 77 61 74 40 78  61 72 67 6c 65 2e 64 65  |thowat@xargle.de|
00013f80  6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75  6b 20 2d 20 53 6f 75 74  |mon.co.uk - Sout|
00013f90  68 70 6f 72 74 2c 20 4d  65 72 73 65 79 73 69 64  |hport, Merseysid|
00013fa0  65 2c 20 55 2e 4b 2e 20  2f 2d 0d 20 20 2d 2d 2d  |e, U.K. /-.  ---|
00013fb0  2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d  2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d  |----------------|
00013ff0  2d 2d 2d 0d 20 20 20 20  49 74 20 68 61 73 20 62  |---.    It has b|
00014000  65 65 6e 20 73 61 69 64  20 5b 62 79 20 41 6e 61  |een said [by Ana|
00014010  74 6f 6c 65 20 46 72 61  6e 63 65 5d 2c 20 22 69  |tole France], "i|
00014020  74 20 69 73 20 6e 6f 74  20 62 79 20 61 6d 75 73  |t is not by amus|
00014030  69 6e 67 20 6f 6e 65 73  65 6c 66 0d 20 20 74 68  |ing oneself.  th|
00014040  61 74 20 6f 6e 65 20 6c  65 61 72 6e 73 2c 22 20  |at one learns," |
00014050  61 6e 64 2c 20 69 6e 20  72 65 70 6c 79 3a 20 22  |and, in reply: "|
00014060  69 74 20 69 73 20 2a 6f  6e 6c 79 2a 20 62 79 20  |it is *only* by |
00014070  61 6d 75 73 69 6e 67 20  6f 6e 65 73 65 6c 66 20  |amusing oneself |
00014080  74 68 61 74 0d 20 20 20  20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20  |that.           |
00014090  20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20  20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20  |                |
000140a0  20 20 20 6f 6e 65 20 63  61 6e 20 6c 65 61 72 6e  |   one can learn|
000140b0  2e 22 0d 20 20 20 20 20  20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20  |.".             |
000140c0  20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20  2d 2d 20 45 64 77 61 72  |        -- Edwar|
000140d0  64 20 4b 61 73 6e 65 72  20 61 6e 64 20 4a 61 6d  |d Kasner and Jam|
000140e0  65 73 20 52 2e 20 4e 65  77 6d 61 6e 0d 20 20 2d  |es R. Newman.  -|
000140f0  2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d  2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d  |----------------|
00014130  2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 0d 50 61  74 68 3a 20 6e 65 77 73  |-----.Path: news|
00014140  2e 64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63  6f 2e 75 6b 21 64 65 6d  |.demon.co.uk!dem|
00014150  6f 6e 21 78 61 72 67 6c  65 2e 64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e  |on!xargle.demon.|
00014160  63 6f 2e 75 6b 21 74 68  6f 77 61 74 0a 46 72 6f  |co.uk!thowat.Fro|
00014170  6d 3a 20 74 68 6f 77 61  74 40 78 61 72 67 6c 65  |m: thowat@xargle|
00014180  2e 64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63  6f 2e 75 6b 20 28 54 6f  |.demon.co.uk (To|
00014190  6e 79 20 48 6f 77 61 74  29 0a 4e 65 77 73 67 72  |ny Howat).Newsgr|
000141a0  6f 75 70 73 3a 20 63 6f  6d 70 2e 73 79 73 2e 61  |oups: comp.sys.a|
000141b0  63 6f 72 6e 2e 6d 69 73  63 0a 53 75 62 6a 65 63  |corn.misc.Subjec|
000141c0  74 3a 20 52 65 3a 20 49  61 69 6e 27 73 20 48 65  |t: Re: Iain's He|
000141d0  61 64 65 72 73 20 28 61  67 61 69 6e 29 20 28 77  |aders (again) (w|
000141e0  61 73 20 52 65 3a 20 43  6f 6e 6e 6f 72 20 61 72  |as Re: Connor ar|
000141f0  65 20 75 73 65 6c 65 73  73 29 0a 44 61 74 65 3a  |e useless).Date:|
00014200  20 54 75 65 2c 20 30 35  20 44 65 63 20 31 39 39  | Tue, 05 Dec 199|
00014210  35 20 31 38 3a 33 31 3a  30 35 20 47 4d 54 0a 4c  |5 18:31:05 GMT.L|
00014220  69 6e 65 73 3a 20 38 38  0a 4d 65 73 73 61 67 65  |ines: 88.Message|
00014230  2d 49 44 3a 20 3c 31 39  39 35 31 32 30 35 2e 31  |-ID: <19951205.1|
00014240  38 33 31 30 35 2e 35 33  40 78 61 72 67 6c 65 2e  |83105.53@xargle.|
00014250  64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f  2e 75 6b 3e 0a 52 65 66  |demon.co.uk>.Ref|
00014260  65 72 65 6e 63 65 73 3a  20 3c 37 33 41 35 46 32  |erences: <73A5F2|
00014270  45 38 2e 49 54 53 2e 41  2e 4a 4f 4b 45 2e 4f 4b  |E8.ITS.A.JOKE.OK|
00014280  3f 40 6b 65 63 68 62 2e  64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f  |?@kechb.demon.co|
00014290  2e 75 6b 3e 0a 52 65 70  6c 79 2d 54 6f 3a 20 74  |.uk>.Reply-To: t|
000142a0  68 6f 77 61 74 40 78 61  72 67 6c 65 2e 64 65 6d  |howat@xargle.dem|
000142b0  6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b  0a 4e 4e 54 50 2d 50 6f  |on.co.uk.NNTP-Po|
000142c0  73 74 69 6e 67 2d 48 6f  73 74 3a 20 78 61 72 67  |sting-Host: xarg|
000142d0  6c 65 2e 64 65 6d 6f 6e  2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b 0a 58  |le.demon.co.uk.X|
000142e0  2d 4e 4e 54 50 2d 50 6f  73 74 69 6e 67 2d 48 6f  |-NNTP-Posting-Ho|
000142f0  73 74 3a 20 78 61 72 67  6c 65 2e 64 65 6d 6f 6e  |st: xargle.demon|
00014300  2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b 0a 58  2d 4e 65 77 73 72 65 61  |.co.uk.X-Newsrea|
00014310  64 65 72 3a 20 41 72 63  68 69 6d 65 64 65 73 20  |der: Archimedes |
00014320  54 54 46 4e 20 56 65 72  73 69 6f 6e 20 30 2e 33  |TTFN Version 0.3|
00014330  36 0a 58 2d 50 6f 73 74  69 6e 67 2d 41 67 65 6e  |6.X-Posting-Agen|
00014340  74 3a 20 4e 65 77 73 62  61 73 65 20 30 2e 35 35  |t: Newsbase 0.55|
00014350  2d 70 72 65 2d 33 0a 49  6e 20 61 72 74 69 63 6c  |-pre-3.In articl|
00014360  65 20 3c 37 33 41 35 46  32 45 38 2e 49 54 53 2e  |e <73A5F2E8.ITS.|
00014370  41 2e 4a 4f 4b 45 2e 4f  4b 3f 40 6b 65 63 68 62  |A.JOKE.OK?@kechb|
00014380  2e 64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63  6f 2e 75 6b 3e 2c 20 49  |.demon.co.uk>, I|
00014390  61 69 6e 20 77 72 6f 74  65 3a 0d 0d 3e 20 54 68  |ain wrote:..> Th|
000143a0  69 73 20 61 72 74 69 63  6c 65 20 63 6f 6e 76 65  |is article conve|
000143b0  72 74 65 64 20 62 79 20  4e 65 77 73 32 4d 61 69  |rted by News2Mai|
000143c0  6c 20 31 2e 30 32 20 28  63 29 20 49 61 69 6e 20  |l 1.02 (c) Iain |
000143d0  50 72 69 63 65 20 66 6f  72 20 74 68 65 20 41 72  |Price for the Ar|
000143e0  63 68 69 6d 65 64 65 73  0d 3e 20 49 6e 20 74 68  |chimedes.> In th|
000143f0  69 73 20 61 72 74 69 63  6c 65 2c 20 3c 74 68 6f  |is article, <tho|
00014400  77 61 74 40 78 61 72 67  6c 65 2e 64 65 6d 6f 6e  |wat@xargle.demon|
00014410  2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b 3e 20  65 78 63 6c 61 69 6d 65  |.co.uk> exclaime|
00014420  64 3a 0d 3e 20 0d 3e 20  4f 68 20 67 6f 64 2c 20  |d:.> .> Oh god, |
00014430  69 74 27 73 20 79 6f 75  2e 0d 0d 4e 69 63 65 20  |it's you...Nice |
00014440  74 6f 20 73 65 65 20 49  27 6d 20 77 65 6c 63 6f  |to see I'm welco|
00014450  6d 65 64 2e 2e 2e 0d 0d  5b 73 6e 69 70 5d 0d 0d  |med.....[snip]..|
00014460  3e 20 3e 20 54 68 65 20  6c 69 6e 65 73 20 49 20  |> > The lines I |
00014470  6f 62 6a 65 63 74 20 74  6f 20 3a 0d 3e 20 3e 20  |object to :.> > |
00014480  0d 3e 20 3e 20 58 2d 4c  65 6e 67 74 68 3a 20 39  |.> > X-Length: 9|
00014490  38 32 0d 3e 20 0d 3e 20  49 20 70 6c 61 6e 20 74  |82.> .> I plan t|
000144a0  6f 20 6c 65 61 76 65 20  74 68 61 74 20 69 6e 2e  |o leave that in.|
000144b0  0d 0d 48 6f 77 20 61 62  6f 75 74 20 63 68 61 6e  |..How about chan|
000144c0  67 69 6e 67 20 69 74 20  74 6f 20 63 6f 6e 74 65  |ging it to conte|
000144d0  6e 74 20 6c 65 6e 67 74  68 3f 0d 0d 3e 20 3e 20  |nt length?..> > |
000144e0  58 2d 4e 65 77 73 72 65  61 64 65 72 3a 20 41 72  |X-Newsreader: Ar|
000144f0  63 68 69 6d 65 64 65 73  20 47 6c 6f 62 65 4d 61  |chimedes GlobeMa|
00014500  69 6c 20 76 65 72 73 69  6f 6e 20 31 2e 33 33 0d  |il version 1.33.|
00014510  3e 20 3e 20 58 2d 54 72  61 6e 73 70 6f 72 74 65  |> > X-Transporte|
00014520  72 3a 20 44 6f 67 67 79  73 6f 66 74 27 73 20 54  |r: Doggysoft's T|
00014530  65 72 6d 69 74 65 20 49  6e 74 65 72 6e 65 74 0d  |ermite Internet.|
00014540  3e 20 0d 3e 20 54 68 6f  73 65 20 74 77 6f 20 77  |> .> Those two w|
00014550  69 6c 6c 20 6d 65 72 67  65 0d 0d 47 6f 6f 64 2e  |ill merge..Good.|
00014560  0d 20 0d 3e 20 3e 20 58  2d 4e 65 77 73 72 65 61  |. .> > X-Newsrea|
00014570  64 65 72 2d 57 72 69 74  65 72 3a 20 69 61 69 6e  |der-Writer: iain|
00014580  40 6b 65 63 68 62 2e 64  65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e  |@kechb.demon.co.|
00014590  75 6b 0d 3e 20 3e 20 58  2d 48 65 61 64 65 72 2d  |uk.> > X-Header-|
000145a0  50 72 6f 62 6c 65 6d 73  3a 20 50 6c 65 61 73 65  |Problems: Please|
000145b0  20 6d 61 69 6c 20 61 6e  79 20 68 65 61 64 65 72  | mail any header|
000145c0  20 70 72 6f 62 6c 65 6d  73 20 74 6f 20 69 61 69  | problems to iai|
000145d0  6e 40 6b 65 63 68 62 2e  64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f  |n@kechb.demon.co|
000145e0  2e 75 6b 0d 3e 20 0d 3e  20 52 65 6d 6f 76 65 64  |.uk.> .> Removed|
000145f0  0d 0d 48 75 72 72 61 68  2e 0d 20 0d 3e 20 3e 20  |..Hurrah.. .> > |
00014600  4d 65 73 73 61 67 65 2d  49 44 3a 20 3c 78 78 78  |Message-ID: <xxx|
00014610  78 78 78 2e 47 6c 6f 62  65 4d 61 69 6c 2e 49 73  |xxx.GlobeMail.Is|
00014620  2e 54 68 65 2e 42 65 73  74 2e 4d 61 69 6c 65 72  |.The.Best.Mailer|
00014630  40 6b 65 63 68 62 2e 64  65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e  |@kechb.demon.co.|
00014640  75 6b 3e 0d 3e 20 0d 3e  20 54 72 75 6e 63 61 74  |uk>.> .> Truncat|
00014650  65 64 20 74 6f 20 3c 47  6c 6f 62 65 4d 61 69 6c  |ed to <GlobeMail|
00014660  2e 78 78 78 78 78 2e 78  78 40 2e 2e 2e 3e 0d 0d  |.xxxxx.xx@...>..|
00014670  52 65 61 73 6f 6e 61 62  6c 65 2e 0d 20 0d 3e 20  |Reasonable.. .> |
00014680  3e 20 54 68 69 73 20 61  72 74 69 63 6c 65 20 63  |> This article c|
00014690  6f 6e 76 65 72 74 65 64  20 62 79 20 4e 65 77 73  |onverted by News|
000146a0  32 4d 61 69 6c 20 31 2e  30 32 20 28 63 29 20 49  |2Mail 1.02 (c) I|
000146b0  61 69 6e 20 50 72 69 63  65 20 66 6f 72 20 74 68  |ain Price for th|
000146c0  65 20 41 72 63 68 69 6d  65 64 65 73 0d 3e 20 0d  |e Archimedes.> .|
000146d0  3e 20 52 65 6d 6f 76 65  64 0d 0d 4e 6f 74 20 79  |> Removed..Not y|
000146e0  65 74 20 79 6f 75 20 68  61 76 65 6e 27 74 2e 20  |et you haven't. |
000146f0  49 27 6c 6c 20 6c 6f 6f  6b 20 66 6f 72 77 61 72  |I'll look forwar|
00014700  64 20 74 6f 20 69 74 2e  0d 20 0d 3e 20 3e 20 49  |d to it.. .> > I|
00014710  6e 20 74 68 69 73 20 61  72 74 69 63 6c 65 2c 20  |n this article, |
00014720  3c 66 6f 6f 3e 20 73 61  69 64 3a 0d 3e 20 0d 3e  |<foo> said:.> .>|
00014730  20 57 68 61 74 73 20 77  72 6f 6e 67 20 77 69 74  | Whats wrong wit|
00014740  68 20 74 68 69 73 3f 0d  0d 4c 61 63 6b 20 6f 66  |h this?..Lack of|
00014750  20 6d 65 73 73 61 67 65  20 69 64 2e 0d 20 0d 3e  | message id.. .>|
00014760  20 3e 20 59 6f 75 20 61  73 6b 65 64 20 66 6f 72  | > You asked for|
00014770  20 68 65 61 64 65 72 20  70 72 6f 62 6c 65 6d 73  | header problems|
00014780  20 74 6f 20 62 65 20 72  65 70 6f 72 74 65 64 2e  | to be reported.|
00014790  20 59 6f 75 20 72 65 73  70 6f 6e 64 20 62 79 20  | You respond by |
000147a0  74 65 6c 6c 69 6e 67 20  70 65 6f 70 6c 65 0d 3e  |telling people.>|
000147b0  20 3e 20 74 68 65 79 27  72 65 20 73 61 64 20 66  | > they're sad f|
000147c0  6f 72 20 72 65 61 64 69  6e 67 20 68 65 61 64 65  |or reading heade|
000147d0  72 73 2c 20 61 6e 64 20  74 68 61 74 20 74 68 65  |rs, and that the|
000147e0  79 20 73 68 6f 75 6c 64  20 67 65 74 20 5f 74 68  |y should get _th|
000147f0  65 69 72 5f 0d 3e 20 3e  20 6e 65 77 73 72 65 61  |eir_.> > newsrea|
00014800  64 65 72 20 66 69 78 65  64 2e 0d 3e 20 0d 3e 20  |der fixed..> .> |
00014810  54 77 61 73 20 79 6f 75  72 20 61 74 74 69 74 75  |Twas your attitu|
00014820  64 65 20 74 68 61 74 20  70 72 6f 6d 70 74 65 64  |de that prompted|
00014830  20 74 68 61 74 0d 0d 57  68 61 74 2c 20 6d 79 20  | that..What, my |
00014840  61 74 74 69 74 75 64 65  20 74 68 61 74 20 63 61  |attitude that ca|
00014850  75 73 65 64 20 79 6f 75  20 74 6f 20 73 75 67 67  |used you to sugg|
00014860  65 73 74 20 70 69 6e 65  2c 20 74 69 6e 20 61 6e  |est pine, tin an|
00014870  64 20 6d 61 6e 79 20 6f  74 68 65 72 20 6d 61 69  |d many other mai|
00014880  6c 65 72 73 0d 77 65 72  65 20 62 72 6f 6b 65 6e  |lers.were broken|
00014890  3f 20 49 6e 74 65 72 65  73 74 69 6e 67 2e 2e 2e  |? Interesting...|
000148a0  0d 20 0d 3e 20 3e 20 4d  61 79 62 65 20 49 20 63  |. .> > Maybe I c|
000148b0  6f 75 6c 64 20 64 65 61  6c 20 77 69 74 68 20 61  |ould deal with a|
000148c0  20 66 65 77 20 6f 66 20  74 68 6f 73 65 20 6c 69  | few of those li|
000148d0  6e 65 73 2c 20 69 66 20  74 68 65 72 65 0d 3e 20  |nes, if there.> |
000148e0  3e 20 77 61 73 6e 27 74  20 73 75 63 68 20 61 20  |> wasn't such a |
000148f0  70 72 65 63 6f 63 69 6f  75 73 20 67 69 74 20 64  |precocious git d|
00014900  65 73 70 65 72 61 74 65  6c 79 20 64 65 66 65 6e  |esperately defen|
00014910  64 69 6e 67 20 74 68 65  6d 2e 0d 3e 20 0d 3e 20  |ding them..> .> |
00014920  53 65 65 3f 0d 0d 4e 6f  74 20 72 65 61 6c 6c 79  |See?..Not really|
00014930  2e 0d 20 0d 3e 20 3e 20  45 74 69 61 6d 20 6d 61  |.. .> > Etiam ma|
00014940  73 74 75 72 62 61 6e 73  2c 20 73 65 6d 70 65 72  |sturbans, semper|
00014950  20 6d 61 73 74 75 72 62  61 6e 73 2e 0d 3e 20 0d  | masturbans..> .|
00014960  3e 20 53 70 65 61 6b 20  65 6e 67 6c 69 73 68 2f  |> Speak english/|
00014970  61 6d 65 72 69 63 61 6e  20 6c 69 6b 65 20 65 76  |american like ev|
00014980  65 72 79 6f 6e 65 20 65  6c 73 65 20 68 65 72 65  |eryone else here|
00014990  2e 0d 0d 43 68 75 63 6b  6c 65 2e 2e 2e 20 3a 29  |...Chuckle... :)|
000149a0  0d 0d 54 68 61 6e 6b 66  75 6c 6c 79 2c 20 69 74  |..Thankfully, it|
000149b0  20 77 6f 75 6c 64 20 73  65 65 6d 20 77 65 20 68  | would seem we h|
000149c0  61 76 65 20 61 20 72 65  73 75 6c 74 2e 20 49 74  |ave a result. It|
000149d0  20 77 6f 75 6c 64 27 76  65 20 62 65 65 6e 20 6e  | would've been n|
000149e0  69 63 65 20 69 66 20 79  6f 75 27 64 0d 73 68 6f  |ice if you'd.sho|
000149f0  77 6e 20 74 68 69 73 20  73 6f 72 74 20 6f 66 20  |wn this sort of |
00014a00  72 65 61 73 6f 6e 61 62  6c 65 20 61 74 74 69 74  |reasonable attit|
00014a10  75 64 65 20 74 6f 20 73  74 61 72 74 20 77 69 74  |ude to start wit|
00014a20  68 2c 20 61 76 6f 69 64  69 6e 67 20 74 68 65 20  |h, avoiding the |
00014a30  73 6c 61 6e 67 69 6e 67  0d 6d 61 74 63 68 20 74  |slanging.match t|
00014a40  68 61 74 20 77 65 20 65  6e 64 65 64 20 75 70 20  |hat we ended up |
00014a50  77 69 74 68 2e 0d 0d 2d  2d 0d 54 6f 6e 79 0d 0d  |with...--.Tony..|
00014a60  2d 5c 20 54 6f 6e 79 20  48 6f 77 61 74 20 2d 20  |-\ Tony Howat - |
00014a70  74 68 6f 77 61 74 40 78  61 72 67 6c 65 2e 64 65  |thowat@xargle.de|
00014a80  6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75  6b 20 2d 20 53 6f 75 74  |mon.co.uk - Sout|
00014a90  68 70 6f 72 74 2c 20 4d  65 72 73 65 79 73 69 64  |hport, Merseysid|
00014aa0  65 2c 20 55 2e 4b 2e 20  2f 2d 0d 20 20 2d 2d 2d  |e, U.K. /-.  ---|
00014ab0  2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d  2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d  |----------------|
00014af0  2d 2d 2d 0d 22 41 74 68  65 6e 73 20 62 75 69 6c  |---."Athens buil|
00014b00  74 20 74 68 65 20 41 63  72 6f 70 6f 6c 69 73 2e  |t the Acropolis.|
00014b10  20 20 43 6f 72 69 6e 74  68 20 77 61 73 20 61 20  |  Corinth was a |
00014b20  63 6f 6d 6d 65 72 63 69  61 6c 20 63 69 74 79 2c  |commercial city,|
00014b30  20 69 6e 74 65 72 65 73  74 65 64 20 69 6e 0d 70  | interested in.p|
00014b40  75 72 65 6c 79 20 6d 61  74 65 72 69 61 6c 69 73  |urely materialis|
00014b50  74 69 63 20 74 68 69 6e  67 73 2e 20 20 54 6f 64  |tic things.  Tod|
00014b60  61 79 20 77 65 20 61 64  6d 69 72 65 20 41 74 68  |ay we admire Ath|
00014b70  65 6e 73 2c 20 76 69 73  69 74 20 69 74 2c 20 70  |ens, visit it, p|
00014b80  72 65 73 65 72 76 65 20  74 68 65 0d 20 20 20 20  |reserve the.    |
00014b90  20 20 20 20 20 20 20 6f  6c 64 20 74 65 6d 70 6c  |       old templ|
00014ba0  65 73 2c 20 79 65 74 20  77 65 20 68 61 72 64 6c  |es, yet we hardl|
00014bb0  79 20 65 76 65 72 20 73  65 74 20 66 6f 6f 74 20  |y ever set foot |
00014bc0  69 6e 20 43 6f 72 69 6e  74 68 2e 22 0d 20 20 20  |in Corinth.".   |
00014bd0  20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20  20 20 20 20 2d 20 44 72  |            - Dr|
00014be0  2e 20 48 61 72 6f 6c 64  20 55 72 65 79 2c 20 4e  |. Harold Urey, N|
00014bf0  6f 62 65 6c 20 4c 61 75  72 65 61 74 65 20 69 6e  |obel Laureate in|
00014c00  20 63 68 65 6d 69 73 74  72 79 0d 20 20 2d 2d 2d  | chemistry.  ---|
00014c10  2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d  2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d  |----------------|
00014c50  2d 2d 2d 0d 50 61 74 68  3a 20 6e 65 77 73 2e 64  |---.Path: news.d|
00014c60  65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e  75 6b 21 64 65 6d 6f 6e  |emon.co.uk!demon|
00014c70  21 6e 65 77 73 2e 65 61  73 79 6e 65 74 2e 63 6f  |!news.easynet.co|
00014c80  2e 75 6b 21 62 74 6e 65  74 21 74 61 6e 6b 2e 6e  |.uk!btnet!tank.n|
00014c90  65 77 73 2e 70 69 70 65  78 2e 6e 65 74 21 70 69  |ews.pipex.net!pi|
00014ca0  70 65 78 21 74 75 62 65  2e 6e 65 77 73 2e 70 69  |pex!tube.news.pi|
00014cb0  70 65 78 2e 6e 65 74 21  70 69 70 65 78 21 64 69  |pex.net!pipex!di|
00014cc0  73 68 2e 6e 65 77 73 2e  70 69 70 65 78 2e 6e 65  |sh.news.pipex.ne|
00014cd0  74 21 70 69 70 65 78 21  73 6f 61 70 2e 6e 65 77  |t!pipex!soap.new|
00014ce0  73 2e 70 69 70 65 78 2e  6e 65 74 21 70 69 70 65  |s.pipex.net!pipe|
00014cf0  78 21 61 72 67 6f 6e 65  74 2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b 21  |x!argonet.co.uk!|
00014d00  61 72 67 62 63 38 36 0a  46 72 6f 6d 3a 20 61 6c  |argbc86.From: al|
00014d10  61 6e 2e 67 72 61 79 40  61 72 67 6f 6e 65 74 2e  |an.gray@argonet.|
00014d20  63 6f 2e 75 6b 0a 4e 65  77 73 67 72 6f 75 70 73  |co.uk.Newsgroups|
00014d30  3a 20 63 6f 6d 70 2e 73  79 73 2e 61 63 6f 72 6e  |: comp.sys.acorn|
00014d40  2e 6d 69 73 63 0a 53 75  62 6a 65 63 74 3a 20 52  |.misc.Subject: R|
00014d50  65 3a 20 52 69 73 63 50  43 20 72 65 6c 69 61 62  |e: RiscPC reliab|
00014d60  69 6c 69 74 79 0a 44 61  74 65 3a 20 57 65 64 2c  |ility.Date: Wed,|
00014d70  20 30 36 20 44 65 63 20  31 39 39 35 20 30 36 3a  | 06 Dec 1995 06:|
00014d80  31 35 3a 32 36 0a 4f 72  67 61 6e 69 7a 61 74 69  |15:26.Organizati|
00014d90  6f 6e 3a 20 55 6e 69 70  61 6c 6d 50 49 50 45 58  |on: UnipalmPIPEX|
00014da0  20 73 65 72 76 65 72 20  28 70 6f 73 74 20 64 6f  | server (post do|
00014db0  65 73 6e 27 74 20 72 65  66 6c 65 63 74 20 76 69  |esn't reflect vi|
00014dc0  65 77 73 20 6f 66 20 55  6e 69 70 61 6c 6d 50 49  |ews of UnipalmPI|
00014dd0  50 45 58 29 0a 4c 69 6e  65 73 3a 20 32 31 0a 44  |PEX).Lines: 21.D|
00014de0  69 73 74 72 69 62 75 74  69 6f 6e 3a 20 77 6f 72  |istribution: wor|
00014df0  6c 64 0a 4d 65 73 73 61  67 65 2d 49 44 3a 20 3c  |ld.Message-ID: <|
00014e00  69 6e 74 65 72 6e 65 77  73 34 36 37 42 41 32 38  |internews467BA28|
00014e10  46 34 43 40 61 72 67 6f  6e 65 74 2e 63 6f 2e 75  |F4C@argonet.co.u|
00014e20  6b 3e 0a 52 65 66 65 72  65 6e 63 65 73 3a 20 3c  |k>.References: <|
00014e30  31 39 39 35 31 32 30 33  2e 32 32 30 31 30 35 2e  |19951203.220105.|
00014e40  34 34 40 68 65 62 62 72  6f 6e 2e 64 65 6d 6f 6e  |44@hebbron.demon|
00014e50  2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b 3e 20  3c 31 39 39 35 31 32 30  |.co.uk> <1995120|
00014e60  35 2e 31 32 30 30 30 39  2e 34 30 40 69 6e 6e 61  |5.120009.40@inna|
00014e70  67 65 2e 64 65 6d 6f 6e  2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b 3e 20  |ge.demon.co.uk> |
00014e80  3c 69 6e 74 65 72 6e 65  77 73 34 36 37 41 46 44  |<internews467AFD|
00014e90  30 38 37 35 40 61 72 67  6f 6e 65 74 2e 63 6f 2e  |0875@argonet.co.|
00014ea0  75 6b 3e 0a 52 65 70 6c  79 2d 54 6f 3a 20 61 6c  |uk>.Reply-To: al|
00014eb0  61 6e 2e 67 72 61 79 40  61 72 67 6f 6e 65 74 2e  |an.gray@argonet.|
00014ec0  63 6f 2e 75 6b 0a 4e 4e  54 50 2d 50 6f 73 74 69  |co.uk.NNTP-Posti|
00014ed0  6e 67 2d 48 6f 73 74 3a  20 61 69 31 30 37 2e 64  |ng-Host: ai107.d|
00014ee0  75 2e 70 69 70 65 78 2e  63 6f 6d 0a 58 2d 4e 65  |u.pipex.com.X-Ne|
00014ef0  77 73 72 65 61 64 65 72  3a 20 56 54 69 20 56 6f  |wsreader: VTi Vo|
00014f00  79 61 67 65 72 20 49 6e  74 65 72 4e 65 77 73 20  |yager InterNews |
00014f10  30 2e 30 37 20 66 6f 72  20 41 63 6f 72 6e 20 52  |0.07 for Acorn R|
00014f20  49 53 43 20 4f 53 0a 54  6f 6d 20 48 65 62 62 72  |ISC OS.Tom Hebbr|
00014f30  6f 6e 20 77 72 69 74 65  73 3a 0d 0d 3e 20 49 20  |on writes:..> I |
00014f40  64 6f 6e 27 74 20 6b 6e  6f 77 20 77 68 61 74 20  |don't know what |
00014f50  74 68 65 20 70 72 6f 62  6c 65 6d 20 69 73 20 77  |the problem is w|
00014f60  69 74 68 20 61 6c 6c 20  74 68 65 73 65 20 6f 74  |ith all these ot|
00014f70  68 65 72 20 36 30 30 27  73 2c 20 61 73 20 49 27  |her 600's, as I'|
00014f80  76 65 20 68 61 64 20 6d  69 6e 65 0d 3e 20 31 35  |ve had mine.> 15|
00014f90  20 6d 6f 6e 74 68 73 2c  20 73 77 69 74 63 68 65  | months, switche|
00014fa0  64 20 6f 6e 20 32 34 20  68 6f 75 72 73 20 61 20  |d on 24 hours a |
00014fb0  64 61 79 2c 0d 0d 53 69  6d 69 6c 61 72 6c 79 2c  |day,..Similarly,|
00014fc0  20 49 27 76 65 20 68 61  64 20 6d 69 6e 65 20 66  | I've had mine f|
00014fd0  6f 72 20 31 38 20 6d 6f  6e 74 68 73 2c 20 75 73  |or 18 months, us|
00014fe0  65 64 20 66 6f 72 20 36  20 68 6f 75 72 73 20 61  |ed for 6 hours a|
00014ff0  20 64 61 79 2e 20 49 20  77 61 73 20 6a 75 73 74  | day. I was just|
00015000  20 67 6f 69 6e 67 0d 74  6f 20 65 78 74 6f 6c 20  | going.to extol |
00015010  69 74 73 20 76 69 72 74  75 65 73 20 69 6e 20 74  |its virtues in t|
00015020  68 69 73 20 74 68 72 65  61 64 20 79 65 73 74 65  |his thread yeste|
00015030  72 64 61 79 20 77 68 65  6e 20 2d 20 63 72 61 73  |rday when - cras|
00015040  68 20 2d 20 61 6e 64 20  77 68 65 6e 20 49 20 72  |h - and when I r|
00015050  65 73 65 74 2c 0d 74 68  65 20 43 4d 4f 53 20 61  |eset,.the CMOS a|
00015060  70 70 65 61 72 73 20 74  6f 20 62 65 20 65 72 72  |ppears to be err|
00015070  61 74 69 63 20 2d 20 69  74 20 66 6f 72 67 65 74  |atic - it forget|
00015080  73 20 74 68 65 20 73 63  72 65 65 6e 20 66 6f 6e  |s the screen fon|
00015090  74 2c 20 74 68 65 20 6d  6f 6e 69 74 6f 72 2d 74  |t, the monitor-t|
000150a0  79 70 65 0d 61 6e 64 20  73 63 72 65 65 6e 20 72  |ype.and screen r|
000150b0  65 73 6f 6c 75 74 69 6f  6e 20 65 74 63 2e 20 57  |esolution etc. W|
000150c0  68 65 6e 20 72 75 6e 6e  69 6e 67 20 63 6f 6e 66  |hen running conf|
000150d0  69 67 75 72 65 20 74 6f  20 67 65 74 20 74 68 69  |igure to get thi|
000150e0  6e 67 73 20 62 61 63 6b  20 74 6f 20 6e 6f 72 6d  |ngs back to norm|
000150f0  61 6c 20 49 0d 6b 65 65  70 20 67 65 74 74 69 6e  |al I.keep gettin|
00015100  67 20 22 42 61 64 20 52  65 6e 61 6d 65 22 20 65  |g "Bad Rename" e|
00015110  72 72 6f 72 73 2e 0d 0d  41 6e 79 6f 6e 65 20 73  |rrors...Anyone s|
00015120  65 65 6e 20 74 68 69 73  20 6f 6e 65 20 62 65 66  |een this one bef|
00015130  6f 72 65 3f 20 41 6e 64  20 49 20 74 68 6f 75 67  |ore? And I thoug|
00015140  68 74 20 74 68 65 20 72  65 63 68 61 72 67 61 62  |ht the rechargab|
00015150  6c 65 20 62 61 74 74 65  72 79 20 73 68 6f 75 6c  |le battery shoul|
00015160  64 20 6c 61 73 74 0d 66  6f 72 20 79 65 61 72 73  |d last.for years|
00015170  2e 2e 2e 20 49 20 5f 73  75 70 70 6f 73 65 5f 20  |... I _suppose_ |
00015180  74 68 69 73 20 69 73 20  77 68 61 74 20 69 74 20  |this is what it |
00015190  69 73 2e 20 41 6e 79 20  63 6f 6d 6d 65 6e 74 73  |is. Any comments|
000151a0  20 61 6e 79 6f 6e 65 3f  0d 0d 43 68 65 65 72 73  | anyone?..Cheers|
000151b0  2c 0d 0d 2d 2d 20 0d 41  6c 61 6e 2e 47 72 61 79  |,..-- .Alan.Gray|
000151c0  40 61 72 67 6f 6e 65 74  2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b 20 20  |@argonet.co.uk  |
000151d0  20 3a 20 44 72 20 41 2e  47 2e 47 72 61 79 2c 20  | : Dr A.G.Gray, |
000151e0  43 68 75 72 63 68 20 4c  61 6e 65 2c 20 47 72 65  |Church Lane, Gre|
000151f0  61 74 20 57 61 72 6c 65  79 2c 20 45 73 73 65 78  |at Warley, Essex|
00015200  2e 20 55 4b 0d 0d 4e 20  35 31 20 33 33 27 20 35  |. UK..N 51 33' 5|
00015210  38 22 20 45 20 30 30 20  31 37 27 20 33 35 22 20  |8" E 00 17' 35" |
00015220  3a 20 47 33 58 51 55 20  20 28 44 58 43 43 3d 33  |: G3XQU  (DXCC=3|
00015230  32 33 63 29 20 20 41 63  6f 72 6e 20 52 69 73 63  |23c)  Acorn Risc|
00015240  50 43 20 20 4d 61 64 65  20 69 6e 20 45 6e 67 6c  |PC  Made in Engl|
00015250  61 6e 64 0d 0d 50 61 74  68 3a 20 6e 65 77 73 2e  |and..Path: news.|
00015260  64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f  2e 75 6b 21 64 65 6d 6f  |demon.co.uk!demo|
00015270  6e 21 73 75 6e 73 69 74  65 2e 64 6f 63 2e 69 63  |n!sunsite.doc.ic|
00015280  2e 61 63 2e 75 6b 21 79  61 6d 61 2e 6d 63 63 2e  |.ac.uk!yama.mcc.|
00015290  61 63 2e 75 6b 21 75 73  65 6e 65 74 0a 46 72 6f  |ac.uk!usenet.Fro|
000152a0  6d 3a 20 52 6f 62 65 72  74 20 54 65 6d 70 6c 65  |m: Robert Temple|
000152b0  6d 61 6e 20 3c 6d 62 63  61 70 72 74 40 6d 70 68  |man <mbcaprt@mph|
000152c0  68 70 64 2e 70 68 2e 6d  61 6e 2e 61 63 2e 75 6b  |hpd.ph.man.ac.uk|
000152d0  3e 0a 4e 65 77 73 67 72  6f 75 70 73 3a 20 63 6f  |>.Newsgroups: co|
000152e0  6d 70 2e 73 79 73 2e 61  63 6f 72 6e 2e 6d 69 73  |mp.sys.acorn.mis|
000152f0  63 0a 53 75 62 6a 65 63  74 3a 20 52 65 3a 20 41  |c.Subject: Re: A|
00015300  52 4d 38 31 30 20 41 6e  6e 6f 75 6e 63 65 6d 65  |RM810 Announceme|
00015310  6e 74 0a 44 61 74 65 3a  20 36 20 44 65 63 20 31  |nt.Date: 6 Dec 1|
00015320  39 39 35 20 31 35 3a 32  31 3a 31 36 20 47 4d 54  |995 15:21:16 GMT|
00015330  0a 4f 72 67 61 6e 69 7a  61 74 69 6f 6e 3a 20 68  |.Organization: h|
00015340  6f 6d 65 20 77 61 74 63  68 69 6e 67 20 54 56 0a  |ome watching TV.|
00015350  4c 69 6e 65 73 3a 20 32  33 0a 4d 65 73 73 61 67  |Lines: 23.Messag|
00015360  65 2d 49 44 3a 20 3c 34  61 34 63 64 63 24 64 69  |e-ID: <4a4cdc$di|
00015370  33 40 79 61 6d 61 2e 6d  63 63 2e 61 63 2e 75 6b  |3@yama.mcc.ac.uk|
00015380  3e 0a 52 65 66 65 72 65  6e 63 65 73 3a 20 3c 31  |>.References: <1|
00015390  39 39 35 31 32 30 31 2e  30 30 31 30 30 36 2e 32  |9951201.001006.2|
000153a0  39 40 73 68 65 72 77 6f  6f 64 2e 64 65 6d 6f 6e  |9@sherwood.demon|
000153b0  2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b 3e 0a  4e 4e 54 50 2d 50 6f 73  |.co.uk>.NNTP-Pos|
000153c0  74 69 6e 67 2d 48 6f 73  74 3a 20 68 65 72 6f 2e  |ting-Host: hero.|
000153d0  6d 63 63 2e 61 63 2e 75  6b 0a 4d 69 6d 65 2d 56  |mcc.ac.uk.Mime-V|
000153e0  65 72 73 69 6f 6e 3a 20  31 2e 30 0a 43 6f 6e 74  |ersion: 1.0.Cont|
000153f0  65 6e 74 2d 54 79 70 65  3a 20 74 65 78 74 2f 70  |ent-Type: text/p|
00015400  6c 61 69 6e 3b 20 63 68  61 72 73 65 74 3d 75 73  |lain; charset=us|
00015410  2d 61 73 63 69 69 0a 43  6f 6e 74 65 6e 74 2d 54  |-ascii.Content-T|
00015420  72 61 6e 73 66 65 72 2d  45 6e 63 6f 64 69 6e 67  |ransfer-Encoding|
00015430  3a 20 37 62 69 74 0a 58  2d 4d 61 69 6c 65 72 3a  |: 7bit.X-Mailer:|
00015440  20 4d 6f 7a 69 6c 6c 61  20 31 2e 31 4e 20 28 58  | Mozilla 1.1N (X|
00015450  31 31 3b 20 49 3b 20 48  50 2d 55 58 20 41 2e 30  |11; I; HP-UX A.0|
00015460  39 2e 30 33 20 39 30 30  30 2f 37 33 35 29 0a 58  |9.03 9000/735).X|
00015470  2d 55 52 4c 3a 20 6e 65  77 73 3a 31 39 39 35 31  |-URL: news:19951|
00015480  32 30 31 2e 30 30 31 30  30 36 2e 32 39 40 73 68  |201.001006.29@sh|
00015490  65 72 77 6f 6f 64 2e 64  65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e  |erwood.demon.co.|
000154a0  75 6b 0a 74 72 69 6d 73  40 73 68 65 72 77 6f 6f  |uk.trims@sherwoo|
000154b0  64 2e 64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e  63 6f 2e 75 6b 20 28 49  |d.demon.co.uk (I|
000154c0  61 6e 20 54 72 69 6d 62  6c 65 29 20 77 72 6f 74  |an Trimble) wrot|
000154d0  65 3a 0a 3e 0a 3e 0a 3e  41 52 4d 20 54 4f 20 45  |e:.>.>.>ARM TO E|
000154e0  58 54 45 4e 44 20 46 41  4d 49 4c 59 20 57 49 54  |XTEND FAMILY WIT|
000154f0  48 20 41 52 4d 38 20 48  49 47 48 20 50 45 52 46  |H ARM8 HIGH PERF|
00015500  4f 52 4d 41 4e 43 45 20  41 52 43 48 49 54 45 43  |ORMANCE ARCHITEC|
00015510  54 55 52 45 0a 3e 0a 3e  0a 3e 54 68 69 73 20 77  |TURE.>.>.>This w|
00015520  61 73 20 66 69 72 73 74  20 70 6f 73 74 65 64 20  |as first posted |
00015530  66 6f 75 72 20 64 61 79  73 20 61 67 6f 20 74 6f  |four days ago to|
00015540  20 63 6f 6d 70 2e 73 79  73 2e 61 72 6d 2e 20 20  | comp.sys.arm.  |
00015550  49 27 6d 20 61 6d 61 7a  65 64 20 61 74 20 74 68  |I'm amazed at th|
00015560  65 0a 3e 6c 61 63 6b 20  6f 66 20 63 6f 6d 6d 65  |e.>lack of comme|
00015570  6e 74 20 74 6f 20 64 61  74 65 2e 20 20 57 6f 75  |nt to date.  Wou|
00015580  6c 64 20 74 68 65 20 74  65 63 68 69 65 73 20 63  |ld the techies c|
00015590  61 72 65 20 74 6f 20 63  6f 6d 6d 65 6e 74 3f 0a  |are to comment?.|
000155a0  3e 0a 0a 49 20 74 68 69  6e 6b 20 74 68 65 20 70  |>..I think the p|
000155b0  6f 73 74 65 72 20 61 70  61 74 68 79 20 69 73 20  |oster apathy is |
000155c0  69 6e 64 69 63 69 74 69  76 65 20 6f 66 20 70 65  |indicitive of pe|
000155d0  6f 70 6c 65 73 20 62 65  6c 69 65 66 20 69 6e 20  |oples belief in |
000155e0  61 6e 79 74 68 69 6e 67  0a 68 69 67 68 28 65 72  |anything.high(er|
000155f0  29 2d 70 65 72 66 6f 72  6d 61 6e 63 65 20 61 6e  |)-performance an|
00015600  64 20 41 63 6f 72 6e 2e  0a 20 20 41 6c 73 6f 20  |d Acorn..  Also |
00015610  74 68 65 20 41 52 4d 38  31 30 20 69 6e 20 74 69  |the ARM810 in ti|
00015620  6d 65 2d 68 6f 6e 6f 75  72 65 64 20 74 72 61 64  |me-honoured trad|
00015630  69 74 69 6f 6e 20 69 73  20 6e 6f 74 20 72 65 61  |ition is not rea|
00015640  6c 6c 79 20 61 20 70 65  72 66 6f 72 6d 61 6e 63  |lly a performanc|
00015650  65 0a 6f 72 69 65 6e 74  61 74 65 64 20 70 72 6f  |e.orientated pro|
00015660  64 75 63 74 2c 20 69 20  6d 65 61 6e 20 38 30 20  |duct, i mean 80 |
00015670  4d 49 50 53 2c 20 74 68  61 74 20 77 6f 75 6c 64  |MIPS, that would|
00015680  20 62 65 20 64 6f 77 6e  72 69 67 68 74 20 6f 66  | be downright of|
00015690  66 65 6e 73 69 76 65 20  61 20 79 65 61 72 0a 61  |fensive a year.a|
000156a0  67 6f 2c 20 68 65 68 65  2e 20 20 57 69 74 68 20  |go, hehe.  With |
000156b0  74 68 65 20 53 74 72 6f  6e 67 41 52 4d 20 4e 4f  |the StrongARM NO|
000156c0  54 20 62 65 69 6e 67 20  64 65 76 65 6c 6f 70 65  |T being develope|
000156d0  64 20 62 79 20 41 52 4d  20 61 6e 64 20 61 20 64  |d by ARM and a d|
000156e0  61 6d 6e 20 73 69 67 68  74 0a 66 61 73 74 65 72  |amn sight.faster|
000156f0  20 70 65 6f 70 6c 65 20  6a 75 73 74 20 64 6f 6e  | people just don|
00015700  74 20 63 61 72 65 20 66  6f 72 20 61 6e 6e 6f 75  |t care for annou|
00015710  6e 63 65 6d 65 6e 74 73  20 61 62 6f 75 74 20 73  |ncements about s|
00015720  6c 6f 77 65 72 20 70 72  6f 63 65 73 73 6f 72 73  |lower processors|
00015730  2e 0a 42 65 73 69 64 65  73 20 69 74 27 6c 6c 20  |..Besides it'll |
00015740  70 72 6f 62 61 62 6c 79  20 74 61 6b 65 20 41 63  |probably take Ac|
00015750  6f 72 6e 20 61 20 79 65  61 72 20 74 6f 20 67 65  |orn a year to ge|
00015760  74 20 74 68 65 20 41 52  4d 38 31 30 20 6f 6e 20  |t the ARM810 on |
00015770  61 20 63 61 72 64 20 66  6f 72 20 61 20 52 50 43  |a card for a RPC|
00015780  0a 61 6e 79 77 61 79 2e  20 20 4c 6f 6f 6b 20 68  |.anyway.  Look h|
00015790  6f 77 20 6c 6f 6e 67 20  69 74 20 74 6f 6f 6b 20  |ow long it took |
000157a0  66 6f 72 20 74 68 65 20  41 52 4d 37 31 30 21 0a  |for the ARM710!.|
000157b0  20 20 49 20 6a 75 73 74  20 68 6f 70 65 20 74 68  |  I just hope th|
000157c0  61 74 20 77 68 65 6e 20  44 45 43 20 64 6f 20 73  |at when DEC do s|
000157d0  68 69 70 20 53 41 27 73  20 65 69 74 68 65 72 20  |hip SA's either |
000157e0  41 52 54 20 6f 72 20 61  20 74 68 69 72 64 20 70  |ART or a third p|
000157f0  61 72 74 79 20 77 69 6c  6c 0a 71 75 69 63 6b 6c  |arty will.quickl|
00015800  79 20 73 74 75 66 66 20  6f 6e 65 20 28 63 61 63  |y stuff one (cac|
00015810  68 65 6c 65 73 73 2c 20  69 20 64 6f 6e 74 20 63  |heless, i dont c|
00015820  61 72 65 29 20 6f 6e 20  61 20 63 61 72 64 20 66  |are) on a card f|
00015830  6f 72 20 74 68 65 20 52  50 43 2c 20 61 74 20 6c  |or the RPC, at l|
00015840  65 61 73 74 20 74 68 65  6e 0a 77 65 27 6c 6c 20  |east then.we'll |
00015850  62 65 20 61 62 6c 65 20  74 6f 20 70 6c 61 79 20  |be able to play |
00015860  67 61 6d 65 73 20 6c 69  6b 65 20 50 43 20 6f 77  |games like PC ow|
00015870  6e 65 72 73 20 28 63 6f  73 20 6c 65 74 73 20 66  |ners (cos lets f|
00015880  61 63 65 20 69 74 20 77  69 74 68 20 6e 6f 20 46  |ace it with no F|
00015890  50 0a 70 72 6f 73 70 65  63 74 73 20 74 68 65 72  |P.prospects ther|
000158a0  65 73 20 6e 6f 74 68 69  6e 67 20 65 6c 73 65 20  |es nothing else |
000158b0  74 6f 20 64 6f 20 77 69  74 68 20 74 68 65 20 70  |to do with the p|
000158c0  72 6f 63 65 73 73 69 6e  67 20 70 6f 77 65 72 21  |rocessing power!|
000158d0  29 0a 0a 50 61 74 68 3a  20 6e 65 77 73 2e 64 65  |)..Path: news.de|
000158e0  6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75  6b 21 64 65 6d 6f 6e 21  |mon.co.uk!demon!|
000158f0  73 75 6e 73 69 74 65 2e  64 6f 63 2e 69 63 2e 61  |sunsite.doc.ic.a|
00015900  63 2e 75 6b 21 63 70 63  61 33 2e 75 65 61 2e 61  |c.uk!cpca3.uea.a|
00015910  63 2e 75 6b 21 6e 65 77  73 0a 46 72 6f 6d 3a 20  |c.uk!news.From: |
00015920  4d 61 72 6b 20 52 61 79  20 3c 4d 2e 52 61 79 40  |Mark Ray <M.Ray@|
00015930  55 45 41 2e 61 63 2e 75  6b 3e 0a 4e 65 77 73 67  |UEA.ac.uk>.Newsg|
00015940  72 6f 75 70 73 3a 20 63  6f 6d 70 2e 73 79 73 2e  |roups: comp.sys.|
00015950  61 63 6f 72 6e 2e 6d 69  73 63 0a 53 75 62 6a 65  |acorn.misc.Subje|
00015960  63 74 3a 20 52 65 3a 20  54 68 65 20 67 6f 6c 64  |ct: Re: The gold|
00015970  65 6e 20 62 65 65 62 20  61 6e 64 20 6f 74 68 65  |en beeb and othe|
00015980  72 20 6e 6f 73 74 61 6c  67 69 61 0a 44 61 74 65  |r nostalgia.Date|
00015990  3a 20 36 20 44 65 63 20  31 39 39 35 20 31 36 3a  |: 6 Dec 1995 16:|
000159a0  31 32 3a 30 38 20 47 4d  54 0a 4f 72 67 61 6e 69  |12:08 GMT.Organi|
000159b0  7a 61 74 69 6f 6e 3a 20  4d 54 48 20 55 45 41 20  |zation: MTH UEA |
000159c0  4e 6f 72 77 69 63 68 20  45 6e 67 6c 61 6e 64 0a  |Norwich England.|
000159d0  4c 69 6e 65 73 3a 20 31  30 0a 4d 65 73 73 61 67  |Lines: 10.Messag|
000159e0  65 2d 49 44 3a 20 3c 34  61 34 66 63 6f 24 6e 72  |e-ID: <4a4fco$nr|
000159f0  6c 40 63 70 63 61 33 2e  75 65 61 2e 61 63 2e 75  |l@cpca3.uea.ac.u|
00015a00  6b 3e 0a 52 65 66 65 72  65 6e 63 65 73 3a 20 3c  |k>.References: <|
00015a10  34 44 45 36 44 35 34 41  2e 49 54 53 2e 41 2e 4a  |4DE6D54A.ITS.A.J|
00015a20  4f 4b 45 2e 4f 4b 3f 40  6b 65 63 68 62 2e 64 65  |OKE.OK?@kechb.de|
00015a30  6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75  6b 3e 0a 4e 4e 54 50 2d  |mon.co.uk>.NNTP-|
00015a40  50 6f 73 74 69 6e 67 2d  48 6f 73 74 3a 20 63 70  |Posting-Host: cp|
00015a50  63 31 39 37 2e 63 70 63  2e 75 65 61 2e 61 63 2e  |c197.cpc.uea.ac.|
00015a60  75 6b 0a 4d 69 6d 65 2d  56 65 72 73 69 6f 6e 3a  |uk.Mime-Version:|
00015a70  20 31 2e 30 0a 43 6f 6e  74 65 6e 74 2d 54 79 70  | 1.0.Content-Typ|
00015a80  65 3a 20 74 65 78 74 2f  70 6c 61 69 6e 3b 20 63  |e: text/plain; c|
00015a90  68 61 72 73 65 74 3d 75  73 2d 61 73 63 69 69 0a  |harset=us-ascii.|
00015aa0  43 6f 6e 74 65 6e 74 2d  54 72 61 6e 73 66 65 72  |Content-Transfer|
00015ab0  2d 45 6e 63 6f 64 69 6e  67 3a 20 37 62 69 74 0a  |-Encoding: 7bit.|
00015ac0  58 2d 4d 61 69 6c 65 72  3a 20 4d 6f 7a 69 6c 6c  |X-Mailer: Mozill|
00015ad0  61 20 31 2e 32 32 20 28  57 69 6e 64 6f 77 73 3b  |a 1.22 (Windows;|
00015ae0  20 49 3b 20 31 36 62 69  74 29 0a 44 61 76 65 20  | I; 16bit).Dave |
00015af0  3c 44 61 76 65 40 6b 65  63 68 62 2e 64 65 6d 6f  |<Dave@kechb.demo|
00015b00  6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b 3e  20 77 72 6f 74 65 3a 0a  |n.co.uk> wrote:.|
00015b10  0a 3e 49 20 72 65 6d 65  6d 62 65 72 20 69 6e 20  |.>I remember in |
00015b20  45 6c 65 63 74 72 6f 6e  20 55 73 65 72 20 61 20  |Electron User a |
00015b30  70 72 6f 67 72 61 6d 20  66 72 6f 6d 20 22 4c 69  |program from "Li|
00015b40  72 70 61 20 4c 6f 6f 66  2c 20 49 6e 64 69 61 22  |rpa Loof, India"|
00015b50  0a 0a 49 20 72 65 6d 65  62 65 72 20 72 75 6e 6e  |..I remeber runn|
00015b60  69 6e 67 20 74 68 69 73  20 6f 6e 65 2c 20 77 68  |ing this one, wh|
00015b70  65 6e 20 49 20 77 61 73  20 61 20 37 20 79 65 61  |en I was a 7 yea|
00015b80  72 20 6f 6c 64 2e 2e 2e  20 49 20 73 65 65 6d 20  |r old... I seem |
00015b90  74 6f 20 72 65 6d 65 6d  62 65 72 20 0a 74 68 61  |to remember .tha|
00015ba0  74 20 74 68 65 79 20 70  75 74 20 69 74 20 69 6e  |t they put it in|
00015bb0  20 74 68 65 20 4d 61 79  20 69 73 73 75 65 28 21  | the May issue(!|
00015bc0  29 0a 0a 4d 61 72 6b 0a  0a 0a 50 61 74 68 3a 20  |)..Mark...Path: |
00015bd0  6e 65 77 73 2e 64 65 6d  6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b  |news.demon.co.uk|
00015be0  21 64 65 6d 6f 6e 21 6d  61 69 6c 32 6e 65 77 73  |!demon!mail2news|
00015bf0  2e 64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63  6f 2e 75 6b 21 73 6f 75  |.demon.co.uk!sou|
00015c00  73 75 6e 2e 70 68 79 73  2e 73 6f 74 6f 6e 2e 61  |sun.phys.soton.a|
00015c10  63 2e 75 6b 0a 46 72 6f  6d 3a 20 4d 61 78 20 50  |c.uk.From: Max P|
00015c20  61 6c 6d 65 72 20 3c 6d  6a 70 40 70 68 61 73 74  |almer <mjp@phast|
00015c30  72 2e 73 6f 74 6f 6e 2e  61 63 2e 75 6b 3e 0a 4e  |r.soton.ac.uk>.N|
00015c40  65 77 73 67 72 6f 75 70  73 3a 20 63 6f 6d 70 2e  |ewsgroups: comp.|
00015c50  73 79 73 2e 61 63 6f 72  6e 2e 6d 69 73 63 0a 53  |sys.acorn.misc.S|
00015c60  75 62 6a 65 63 74 3a 20  57 61 6e 74 65 64 20 3a  |ubject: Wanted :|
00015c70  20 32 6e 64 20 68 61 6e  64 20 63 6f 70 79 20 6f  | 2nd hand copy o|
00015c80  66 20 41 72 74 77 6f 72  6b 73 2e 0a 44 61 74 65  |f Artworks..Date|
00015c90  3a 20 57 65 64 2c 20 36  20 44 65 63 20 31 39 39  |: Wed, 6 Dec 199|
00015ca0  35 20 31 37 3a 32 39 3a  31 39 20 2b 30 30 30 30  |5 17:29:19 +0000|
00015cb0  20 28 47 4d 54 29 0a 4c  69 6e 65 73 3a 20 32 31  | (GMT).Lines: 21|
00015cc0  0a 4d 65 73 73 61 67 65  2d 49 44 3a 20 3c 50 69  |.Message-ID: <Pi|
00015cd0  6e 65 2e 53 4f 4c 2e 33  2e 39 31 2e 39 35 31 32  |ne.SOL.3.91.9512|
00015ce0  30 36 31 37 32 31 35 34  2e 36 39 35 30 43 2d 31  |06172154.6950C-1|
00015cf0  30 30 30 30 30 40 73 6f  75 73 75 6e 2e 70 68 79  |00000@sousun.phy|
00015d00  73 2e 73 6f 74 6f 6e 2e  61 63 2e 75 6b 3e 0a 58  |s.soton.ac.uk>.X|
00015d10  2d 4e 4e 54 50 2d 50 6f  73 74 69 6e 67 2d 48 6f  |-NNTP-Posting-Ho|
00015d20  73 74 3a 20 73 6f 75 73  75 6e 2e 70 68 79 73 2e  |st: sousun.phys.|
00015d30  73 6f 74 6f 6e 2e 61 63  2e 75 6b 0a 4d 69 6d 65  |soton.ac.uk.Mime|
00015d40  2d 56 65 72 73 69 6f 6e  3a 20 31 2e 30 0a 43 6f  |-Version: 1.0.Co|
00015d50  6e 74 65 6e 74 2d 54 79  70 65 3a 20 54 45 58 54  |ntent-Type: TEXT|
00015d60  2f 50 4c 41 49 4e 3b 20  63 68 61 72 73 65 74 3d  |/PLAIN; charset=|
00015d70  55 53 2d 41 53 43 49 49  0a 58 2d 53 4d 54 50 2d  |US-ASCII.X-SMTP-|
00015d80  50 6f 73 74 69 6e 67 2d  48 6f 73 74 3a 20 73 6f  |Posting-Host: so|
00015d90  75 73 75 6e 2e 70 68 79  73 2e 73 6f 74 6f 6e 2e  |usun.phys.soton.|
00015da0  61 63 2e 75 6b 20 5b 57  65 64 2c 20 36 20 44 65  |ac.uk [Wed, 6 De|
00015db0  63 20 39 35 20 31 37 3a  33 34 3a 34 30 20 47 4d  |c 95 17:34:40 GM|
00015dc0  54 5d 0a 58 2d 53 4d 54  50 2d 50 6f 73 74 69 6e  |T].X-SMTP-Postin|
00015dd0  67 2d 48 6f 73 74 3a 20  72 65 6c 61 79 2d 31 2e  |g-Host: relay-1.|
00015de0  6d 61 69 6c 2e 64 65 6d  6f 6e 2e 6e 65 74 20 5b  |mail.demon.net [|
00015df0  57 65 64 2c 20 36 20 44  65 63 20 39 35 20 31 37  |Wed, 6 Dec 95 17|
00015e00  3a 33 36 3a 35 36 20 47  4d 54 5d 0a 58 2d 53 4d  |:36:56 GMT].X-SM|
00015e10  54 50 2d 50 6f 73 74 69  6e 67 2d 48 6f 73 74 3a  |TP-Posting-Host:|
00015e20  20 70 6f 73 74 2e 64 65  6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75  | post.demon.co.u|
00015e30  6b 20 5b 57 65 64 2c 20  36 20 44 65 63 20 39 35  |k [Wed, 6 Dec 95|
00015e40  20 31 37 3a 33 38 3a 34  36 20 47 4d 54 5d 0a 58  | 17:38:46 GMT].X|
00015e50  2d 53 4d 54 50 2d 50 6f  73 74 69 6e 67 2d 48 6f  |-SMTP-Posting-Ho|
00015e60  73 74 3a 20 72 65 6c 61  79 2d 34 2e 6d 61 69 6c  |st: relay-4.mail|
00015e70  2e 64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e 6e  65 74 20 5b 57 65 64 2c  |.demon.net [Wed,|
00015e80  20 36 20 44 65 63 20 39  35 20 31 37 3a 34 34 3a  | 6 Dec 95 17:44:|
00015e90  30 32 20 47 4d 54 5d 0a  58 2d 53 4d 54 50 2d 50  |02 GMT].X-SMTP-P|
00015ea0  6f 73 74 69 6e 67 2d 48  6f 73 74 3a 20 70 6f 73  |osting-Host: pos|
00015eb0  74 2e 64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e  63 6f 2e 75 6b 20 5b 57  |t.demon.co.uk [W|
00015ec0  65 64 2c 20 36 20 44 65  63 20 39 35 20 31 37 3a  |ed, 6 Dec 95 17:|
00015ed0  34 34 3a 35 32 20 47 4d  54 5d 0a 58 2d 53 4d 54  |44:52 GMT].X-SMT|
00015ee0  50 2d 50 6f 73 74 69 6e  67 2d 48 6f 73 74 3a 20  |P-Posting-Host: |
00015ef0  72 65 6c 61 79 2d 34 2e  6d 61 69 6c 2e 64 65 6d  |relay-4.mail.dem|
00015f00  6f 6e 2e 6e 65 74 20 5b  57 65 64 2c 20 36 20 44  |on.net [Wed, 6 D|
00015f10  65 63 20 39 35 20 31 38  3a 30 37 3a 31 35 20 47  |ec 95 18:07:15 G|
00015f20  4d 54 5d 0a 58 2d 53 4d  54 50 2d 50 6f 73 74 69  |MT].X-SMTP-Posti|
00015f30  6e 67 2d 48 6f 73 74 3a  20 70 6f 73 74 2e 64 65  |ng-Host: post.de|
00015f40  6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75  6b 20 5b 57 65 64 2c 20  |mon.co.uk [Wed, |
00015f50  36 20 44 65 63 20 39 35  20 31 38 3a 30 39 3a 34  |6 Dec 95 18:09:4|
00015f60  37 20 47 4d 54 5d 0a 48  69 2c 20 61 70 6f 6c 6f  |7 GMT].Hi, apolo|
00015f70  67 69 65 73 20 66 6f 72  20 70 6f 73 74 69 6e 67  |gies for posting|
00015f80  20 68 65 72 65 20 62 75  74 20 65 76 65 72 79 77  | here but everyw|
00015f90  68 65 72 65 20 65 6c 73  65 20 73 65 65 6d 73 20  |here else seems |
00015fa0  65 76 65 6e 20 6c 65 73  73 20 0a 61 70 70 72 6f  |even less .appro|
00015fb0  70 72 69 61 74 65 20 28  73 61 76 65 20 63 2e 73  |priate (save c.s|
00015fc0  2e 61 2e 61 70 70 73 29  2e 0a 0a 41 6e 79 77 61  |.a.apps)...Anywa|
00015fd0  79 2c 20 74 68 65 20 73  75 62 6a 65 63 74 20 73  |y, the subject s|
00015fe0  61 79 73 20 69 74 20 61  6c 6c 20 72 65 61 6c 6c  |ays it all reall|
00015ff0  79 2e 20 49 66 20 61 6e  79 6f 6e 65 20 68 61 73  |y. If anyone has|
00016000  20 61 20 63 6f 70 79 20  6f 66 20 41 72 74 77 6f  | a copy of Artwo|
00016010  72 6b 73 0a 74 68 61 74  20 74 68 65 79 27 72 65  |rks.that they're|
00016020  20 6e 6f 74 20 72 65 61  6c 6c 79 20 75 73 69 6e  | not really usin|
00016030  67 20 2f 20 73 65 6c 6c  69 6e 67 20 6f 66 66 20  |g / selling off |
00016040  61 73 20 70 61 72 74 20  6f 66 20 61 20 6c 61 72  |as part of a lar|
00016050  67 65 72 20 62 75 6e 64  6c 65 20 61 6e 64 0a 74  |ger bundle and.t|
00016060  68 65 79 20 66 61 6e 63  79 20 67 65 74 74 69 6e  |hey fancy gettin|
00016070  67 20 72 69 64 20 6f 66  20 69 74 20 65 61 73 69  |g rid of it easi|
00016080  6c 79 20 74 68 65 6e 20  63 61 6e 20 79 6f 75 20  |ly then can you |
00016090  6c 65 74 20 6d 65 20 6b  6e 6f 77 20 3f 20 45 6d  |let me know ? Em|
000160a0  61 69 6c 20 6d 65 0a 77  69 74 68 20 61 20 70 72  |ail me.with a pr|
000160b0  69 63 65 20 61 6e 64 20  74 68 65 6e 20 77 65 27  |ice and then we'|
000160c0  6c 6c 20 68 61 67 67 6c  65 20 3b 2d 29 20 0a 0a  |ll haggle ;-) ..|
000160d0  28 46 59 49 20 49 27 6d  20 77 69 6c 6c 69 6e 67  |(FYI I'm willing|
000160e0  20 74 6f 20 70 61 79 20  75 70 20 74 6f 20 61 62  | to pay up to ab|
000160f0  6f 75 74 20 35 30 25 20  6f 66 20 74 68 65 20 63  |out 50% of the c|
00016100  68 65 61 70 65 73 74 20  72 65 74 61 69 6c 20 70  |heapest retail p|
00016110  72 69 63 65 20 49 27 76  65 20 0a 66 6f 75 6e 64  |rice I've .found|
00016120  29 0a 0a 43 68 65 65 72  73 2c 0a 0a 4d 61 78 0a  |)..Cheers,..Max.|
00016130  0a 2d 2d 0a 3d 3d 3d 3d  3d 3d 3d 3d 3d 3d 3d 3d  |.--.============|
00016140  3d 3d 3d 3d 3d 3d 3d 3d  3d 3d 3d 3d 3d 3d 3d 3d  |================|
00016170  3d 3d 3d 3d 3d 3d 3d 3d  3d 3d 3d 3d 3d 3d 0a 4d  |==============.M|
00016180  61 78 20 50 61 6c 6d 65  72 2c 20 50 68 44 20 53  |ax Palmer, PhD S|
00016190  74 75 64 65 6e 74 2c 20  55 6e 69 76 65 72 73 69  |tudent, Universi|
000161a0  74 79 20 6f 66 20 53 6f  75 74 68 61 6d 70 74 6f  |ty of Southampto|
000161b0  6e 2c 20 53 6f 75 74 68  61 6d 70 74 6f 6e 2c 20  |n, Southampton, |
000161c0  55 2e 4b 0a 65 6d 61 69  6c 20 2d 2d 2d 3d 3d 3d  |U.K.email ---===|
000161d0  3e 20 6d 6a 70 40 70 68  61 73 74 72 2e 73 6f 74  |> mjp@phastr.sot|
000161e0  6f 6e 2e 61 63 2e 75 6b  0a 3d 3d 3d 3d 3d 3d 3d  |on.ac.uk.=======|
000161f0  3d 3d 3d 3d 3d 3d 3d 3d  3d 3d 3d 3d 3d 3d 3d 3d  |================|
00016230  3d 3d 3d 0a 0a 50 61 74  68 3a 20 6e 65 77 73 2e  |===..Path: news.|
00016240  64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f  2e 75 6b 21 64 65 6d 6f  |demon.co.uk!demo|
00016250  6e 21 62 74 6e 65 74 21  74 61 6e 6b 2e 6e 65 77  |n!btnet!tank.new|
00016260  73 2e 70 69 70 65 78 2e  6e 65 74 21 70 69 70 65  |s.pipex.net!pipe|
00016270  78 21 6e 65 77 73 2e 6d  61 74 68 77 6f 72 6b 73  |x!news.mathworks|
00016280  2e 63 6f 6d 21 6e 65 77  73 66 65 65 64 2e 69 6e  |.com!newsfeed.in|
00016290  74 65 72 6e 65 74 6d 63  69 2e 63 6f 6d 21 68 6f  |ternetmci.com!ho|
000162a0  77 6c 61 6e 64 2e 72 65  73 74 6f 6e 2e 61 6e 73  |wland.reston.ans|
000162b0  2e 6e 65 74 21 45 55 2e  6e 65 74 21 70 65 65 72  |.net!EU.net!peer|
000162c0  2d 6e 65 77 73 2e 62 72  69 74 61 69 6e 2e 65 75  |-news.britain.eu|
000162d0  2e 6e 65 74 21 77 61 72  77 69 63 6b 21 62 68 61  |.net!warwick!bha|
000162e0  6d 21 62 68 61 6d 63 73  21 6e 65 77 73 2e 6f 78  |m!bhamcs!news.ox|
000162f0  2e 61 63 2e 75 6b 21 73  61 62 6c 65 2e 6f 78 2e  |.ac.uk!sable.ox.|
00016300  61 63 2e 75 6b 21 6a 6f  39 35 30 30 35 0a 46 72  |ac.uk!jo95005.Fr|
00016310  6f 6d 3a 20 41 69 64 61  6e 2e 43 6f 72 65 79 40  |om: Aidan.Corey@|
00016320  73 6a 63 2e 6f 78 2e 61  63 2e 75 6b 20 28 41 69  |sjc.ox.ac.uk (Ai|
00016330  64 61 6e 20 43 6f 72 65  79 29 0a 4e 65 77 73 67  |dan Corey).Newsg|
00016340  72 6f 75 70 73 3a 20 63  6f 6d 70 2e 73 79 73 2e  |roups: comp.sys.|
00016350  61 63 6f 72 6e 2e 70 72  6f 67 72 61 6d 6d 65 72  |acorn.programmer|
00016360  0a 53 75 62 6a 65 63 74  3a 20 52 65 3a 20 43 61  |.Subject: Re: Ca|
00016370  6c 6c 69 6e 67 20 43 68  61 6e 67 65 46 53 49 20  |lling ChangeFSI |
00016380  66 72 6f 6d 20 61 73 73  65 6d 62 6c 65 72 0a 44  |from assembler.D|
00016390  61 74 65 3a 20 35 20 44  65 63 20 31 39 39 35 20  |ate: 5 Dec 1995 |
000163a0  30 33 3a 32 38 3a 30 35  20 47 4d 54 0a 4f 72 67  |03:28:05 GMT.Org|
000163b0  61 6e 69 7a 61 74 69 6f  6e 3a 20 4f 78 66 6f 72  |anization: Oxfor|
000163c0  64 20 55 6e 69 76 65 72  73 69 74 79 0a 4c 69 6e  |d University.Lin|
000163d0  65 73 3a 20 31 31 0a 53  65 6e 64 65 72 3a 20 41  |es: 11.Sender: A|
000163e0  69 64 61 6e 2e 43 6f 72  65 79 40 73 6a 63 2e 6f  |idan.Corey@sjc.o|
000163f0  78 2e 61 63 2e 75 6b 0a  4d 65 73 73 61 67 65 2d  |x.ac.uk.Message-|
00016400  49 44 3a 20 3c 34 61 30  65 38 35 24 34 6b 69 40  |ID: <4a0e85$4ki@|
00016410  6e 65 77 73 2e 6f 78 2e  61 63 2e 75 6b 3e 0a 52  |news.ox.ac.uk>.R|
00016420  65 66 65 72 65 6e 63 65  73 3a 20 3c 34 39 71 61  |eferences: <49qa|
00016430  39 37 24 74 30 66 40 63  72 69 2e 65 6e 73 2d 6c  |97$t0f@cri.ens-l|
00016440  79 6f 6e 2e 66 72 3e 20  3c 34 39 75 73 36 63 24  |yon.fr> <49us6c$|
00016450  62 65 40 62 72 69 67 68  74 2e 65 63 73 2e 73 6f  |be@bright.ecs.so|
00016460  74 6f 6e 2e 61 63 2e 75  6b 3e 20 3c 34 39 76 66  |ton.ac.uk> <49vf|
00016470  61 37 24 63 36 40 63 72  69 2e 65 6e 73 2d 6c 79  |a7$c6@cri.ens-ly|
00016480  6f 6e 2e 66 72 3e 0a 4e  4e 54 50 2d 50 6f 73 74  |on.fr>.NNTP-Post|
00016490  69 6e 67 2d 48 6f 73 74  3a 20 73 61 62 6c 65 2e  |ing-Host: sable.|
000164a0  6f 78 2e 61 63 2e 75 6b  0a 4f 72 69 67 69 6e 61  |ox.ac.uk.Origina|
000164b0  74 6f 72 3a 20 6a 6f 39  35 30 30 35 40 73 61 62  |tor: jo95005@sab|
000164c0  6c 65 2e 6f 78 2e 61 63  2e 75 6b 0a 56 69 6e 63  |le.ox.ac.uk.Vinc|
000164d0  65 6e 74 20 4c 65 66 65  76 72 65 20 3c 76 6c 65  |ent Lefevre <vle|
000164e0  66 65 76 72 65 40 65 6e  73 2e 65 6e 73 2d 6c 79  |fevre@ens.ens-ly|
000164f0  6f 6e 2e 66 72 3e 20 77  72 6f 74 65 3a 0d 3e 49  |on.fr> wrote:.>I|
00016500  27 64 20 61 6c 73 6f 20  6c 69 6b 65 20 74 6f 20  |'d also like to |
00016510  6b 6e 6f 77 20 77 68 79  20 21 43 68 61 6e 67 65  |know why !Change|
00016520  46 53 49 20 63 68 61 6e  67 65 73 20 74 6f 20 6d  |FSI changes to m|
00016530  6f 64 65 20 30 20 62 79  20 64 65 66 61 75 6c 74  |ode 0 by default|
00016540  0d 3e 77 68 65 6e 20 74  68 65 72 65 20 69 73 20  |.>when there is |
00016550  56 52 41 4d 2e 0d 0d 4f  6e 20 61 20 6d 61 63 68  |VRAM...On a mach|
00016560  69 6e 65 20 77 69 74 68  20 6e 6f 20 56 52 41 4d  |ine with no VRAM|
00016570  20 74 68 65 20 56 49 44  43 20 61 63 63 65 73 73  | the VIDC access|
00016580  65 73 20 73 63 72 65 65  6e 20 6d 65 6d 6f 72 79  |es screen memory|
00016590  20 76 69 61 20 74 68 65  20 6d 61 69 6e 0d 62 75  | via the main.bu|
000165a0  73 2c 20 68 61 6c 74 69  6e 67 20 74 68 65 20 70  |s, halting the p|
000165b0  72 6f 63 65 73 73 6f 72  2e 20 20 4d 6f 64 65 20  |rocessor.  Mode |
000165c0  30 20 72 65 71 75 69 72  65 73 20 6c 65 73 73 20  |0 requires less |
000165d0  73 63 72 65 65 6e 20 6d  65 6d 6f 72 79 20 74 68  |screen memory th|
000165e0  61 6e 0d 6d 6f 73 74 20  6d 6f 64 65 73 2c 20 73  |an.most modes, s|
000165f0  6f 20 74 68 65 20 70 72  6f 63 65 73 73 6f 72 20  |o the processor |
00016600  69 73 20 68 61 6c 74 65  64 20 6c 65 73 73 20 6f  |is halted less o|
00016610  66 74 65 6e 20 61 6e 64  20 43 68 61 6e 67 65 46  |ften and ChangeF|
00016620  53 49 20 72 75 6e 73 0d  66 61 73 74 65 72 2e 0d  |SI runs.faster..|
00016630  0d 2d 2d 20 0d 41 69 64  61 6e 0d 50 61 74 68 3a  |.-- .Aidan.Path:|
00016640  20 6e 65 77 73 2e 64 65  6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75  | news.demon.co.u|
00016650  6b 21 64 65 6d 6f 6e 21  62 74 6e 65 74 21 6e 65  |k!demon!btnet!ne|
00016660  77 73 66 65 65 64 2e 69  6e 74 65 72 6e 65 74 6d  |wsfeed.internetm|
00016670  63 69 2e 63 6f 6d 21 69  6e 31 2e 75 75 2e 6e 65  |ci.com!in1.uu.ne|
00016680  74 21 45 55 2e 6e 65 74  21 70 65 65 72 2d 6e 65  |t!EU.net!peer-ne|
00016690  77 73 2e 62 72 69 74 61  69 6e 2e 65 75 2e 6e 65  |ws.britain.eu.ne|
000166a0  74 21 77 61 72 77 69 63  6b 21 6e 69 73 73 21 62  |t!warwick!niss!b|
000166b0  61 74 68 2e 61 63 2e 75  6b 21 61 62 65 72 21 6e  |ath.ac.uk!aber!n|
000166c0  6f 74 2d 66 6f 72 2d 6d  61 69 6c 0a 46 72 6f 6d  |ot-for-mail.From|
000166d0  3a 20 61 75 6a 40 61 62  65 72 2e 61 63 2e 75 6b  |: auj@aber.ac.uk|
000166e0  20 28 41 6c 75 6e 20 22  44 61 20 50 65 6e 67 75  | (Alun "Da Pengu|
000166f0  69 6e 22 20 4a 6f 6e 65  73 29 0a 4e 65 77 73 67  |in" Jones).Newsg|
00016700  72 6f 75 70 73 3a 20 63  6f 6d 70 2e 73 79 73 2e  |roups: comp.sys.|
00016710  61 63 6f 72 6e 2e 70 72  6f 67 72 61 6d 6d 65 72  |acorn.programmer|
00016720  0a 53 75 62 6a 65 63 74  3a 20 52 65 3a 20 4d 65  |.Subject: Re: Me|
00016730  6d 6f 72 79 20 70 72 6f  74 65 63 74 69 6f 6e 0a  |mory protection.|
00016740  44 61 74 65 3a 20 35 20  44 65 63 20 31 39 39 35  |Date: 5 Dec 1995|
00016750  20 31 37 3a 30 35 3a 34  33 20 2d 30 30 30 30 0a  | 17:05:43 -0000.|
00016760  4f 72 67 61 6e 69 7a 61  74 69 6f 6e 3a 20 50 72  |Organization: Pr|
00016770  69 66 79 73 67 6f 6c 20  43 79 6d 72 75 20 28 55  |ifysgol Cymru (U|
00016780  6e 69 76 65 72 73 69 74  79 20 6f 66 20 57 61 6c  |niversity of Wal|
00016790  65 73 29 20 41 62 65 72  79 73 74 77 79 74 68 0a  |es) Aberystwyth.|
000167a0  4c 69 6e 65 73 3a 20 33  32 0a 4d 65 73 73 61 67  |Lines: 32.Messag|
000167b0  65 2d 49 44 3a 20 3c 34  61 31 75 35 37 24 61 74  |e-ID: <4a1u57$at|
000167c0  6c 40 6f 73 66 61 2e 61  62 65 72 2e 61 63 2e 75  |l@osfa.aber.ac.u|
000167d0  6b 3e 0a 52 65 66 65 72  65 6e 63 65 73 3a 20 3c  |k>.References: <|
000167e0  31 39 39 35 31 32 30 33  2e 30 39 33 38 32 35 2e  |19951203.093825.|
000167f0  39 31 40 74 75 72 6e 62  75 6c 6c 2e 63 6f 6d 70  |91@turnbull.comp|
00016800  75 6c 69 6e 6b 2e 63 6f  2e 75 6b 3e 0a 4e 4e 54  |ulink.co.uk>.NNT|
00016810  50 2d 50 6f 73 74 69 6e  67 2d 48 6f 73 74 3a 20  |P-Posting-Host: |
00016820  6f 73 66 61 2e 61 62 65  72 2e 61 63 2e 75 6b 0a  |osfa.aber.ac.uk.|
00016830  46 75 72 74 68 65 72 20  75 70 20 74 68 65 20 73  |Further up the s|
00016840  63 72 65 65 6e 20 73 74  65 76 65 40 74 75 72 6e  |creen steve@turn|
00016850  62 75 6c 6c 2e 63 6f 6d  70 75 6c 69 6e 6b 2e 63  |bull.compulink.c|
00016860  6f 2e 75 6b 20 77 72 6f  74 65 3a 0d 3e 20 20 6d  |o.uk wrote:.>  m|
00016870  61 69 6e 28 29 20 7b 20  69 6e 74 20 2a 70 20 3b  |ain() { int *p ;|
00016880  20 70 20 3d 20 6d 61 6c  6c 6f 63 28 73 69 7a 65  | p = malloc(size|
00016890  6f 66 28 69 6e 74 29 29  20 3b 20 2a 70 20 3d 20  |of(int)) ; *p = |
000168a0  33 20 3b 20 66 72 65 65  28 70 29 20 3b 20 2a 70  |3 ; free(p) ; *p|
000168b0  20 3d 20 34 20 3b 20 20  7d 0d 3e 0d 3e 54 68 69  | = 4 ;  }.>.>Thi|
000168c0  73 20 73 65 65 6d 65 64  20 63 72 61 7a 79 20 74  |s seemed crazy t|
000168d0  6f 20 6d 65 2c 20 61 66  74 65 72 20 61 6c 6c 20  |o me, after all |
000168e0  43 20 69 73 20 64 65 73  69 67 6e 65 64 20 74 6f  |C is designed to|
000168f0  20 64 6f 20 6c 6f 77 20  6c 65 76 65 6c 20 74 68  | do low level th|
00016900  69 6e 67 73 0d 3e 61 6e  64 20 6d 65 6d 6f 72 79  |ings.>and memory|
00016910  20 70 72 6f 74 65 63 74  69 6f 6e 20 77 6f 75 6c  | protection woul|
00016920  64 20 64 65 66 65 61 74  20 69 74 2e 0d 0d 49 66  |d defeat it...If|
00016930  20 79 6f 75 20 77 69 73  68 20 74 6f 20 64 65 66  | you wish to def|
00016940  65 61 74 20 6d 65 6d 6f  72 79 20 70 72 6f 74 65  |eat memory prote|
00016950  63 74 69 6f 6e 20 74 68  65 6e 20 64 6f 6e 27 74  |ction then don't|
00016960  20 75 73 65 20 6d 61 6c  6c 6f 63 2e 20 43 20 69  | use malloc. C i|
00016970  73 20 6e 6f 74 0d 61 62  6c 65 20 74 6f 20 73 75  |s not.able to su|
00016980  62 76 65 72 74 20 74 68  65 20 72 65 73 74 72 69  |bvert the restri|
00016990  63 74 69 6f 6e 73 20 70  6c 61 63 65 64 20 75 70  |ctions placed up|
000169a0  6f 6e 20 69 74 20 62 79  20 74 68 65 20 4f 53 2e  |on it by the OS.|
000169b0  20 49 6e 20 66 61 63 74  2c 20 6e 6f 0d 75 73 65  | In fact, no.use|
000169c0  72 20 70 72 6f 67 72 61  6d 20 69 73 2e 20 54 68  |r program is. Th|
000169d0  65 20 65 78 61 6d 70 6c  65 20 61 62 6f 76 65 20  |e example above |
000169e0  69 73 20 69 6c 6c 65 67  61 6c 20 75 6e 64 65 72  |is illegal under|
000169f0  20 41 4e 53 49 2f 49 53  4f 20 43 2c 20 62 75 74  | ANSI/ISO C, but|
00016a00  20 74 68 61 74 0d 64 6f  65 73 6e 27 74 20 67 75  | that.doesn't gu|
00016a10  61 72 61 6e 74 65 65 20  69 74 20 77 6f 6e 27 74  |arantee it won't|
00016a20  20 77 6f 72 6b 20 6f 6e  20 61 6c 6c 20 73 79 73  | work on all sys|
00016a30  74 65 6d 73 2e 20 0d 0d  49 6e 20 66 61 63 74 2c  |tems. ..In fact,|
00016a40  20 74 68 65 20 62 69 74  20 71 75 6f 74 65 64 20  | the bit quoted |
00016a50  61 62 6f 76 65 20 69 73  20 6d 6f 72 65 20 61 20  |above is more a |
00016a60  70 69 65 63 65 20 6f 66  20 6c 75 63 6b 20 77 69  |piece of luck wi|
00016a70  74 68 20 74 68 65 20 77  61 79 20 66 72 65 65 0d  |th the way free.|
00016a80  69 73 20 69 6d 70 6c 65  6d 65 6e 74 65 64 20 69  |is implemented i|
00016a90  6e 20 77 68 61 74 65 76  65 72 20 6c 69 62 72 61  |n whatever libra|
00016aa0  72 79 20 79 6f 75 20 68  61 70 70 65 6e 20 74 6f  |ry you happen to|
00016ab0  20 62 65 20 75 73 69 6e  67 20 74 68 61 6e 20 61  | be using than a|
00016ac0  6e 79 74 68 69 6e 67 2e  0d 49 20 63 61 6e 20 74  |nything..I can t|
00016ad0  68 69 6e 6b 20 6f 66 20  73 65 76 65 72 61 6c 20  |hink of several |
00016ae0  77 61 79 73 20 69 74 20  63 6f 75 6c 64 20 66 61  |ways it could fa|
00016af0  69 6c 20 65 76 65 6e 20  75 6e 64 65 72 20 41 63  |il even under Ac|
00016b00  6f 72 6e 20 43 3a 0d 31  29 20 41 20 63 6c 65 76  |orn C:.1) A clev|
00016b10  65 72 20 6d 61 6c 6c 6f  63 28 29 20 6c 69 62 72  |er malloc() libr|
00016b20  61 72 79 20 77 68 69 63  68 20 6d 65 73 73 65 73  |ary which messes|
00016b30  20 77 69 74 68 20 57 69  6d 70 73 6c 6f 74 73 20  | with Wimpslots |
00016b40  74 6f 20 67 72 61 62 20  61 6e 64 0d 20 20 20 66  |to grab and.   f|
00016b50  72 65 65 20 6d 65 6d 6f  72 79 2e 20 41 66 74 65  |ree memory. Afte|
00016b60  72 20 66 72 65 65 28 29  20 74 68 65 72 65 20 69  |r free() there i|
00016b70  73 20 6e 6f 20 67 75 61  72 61 6e 74 65 65 20 74  |s no guarantee t|
00016b80  68 61 74 20 74 68 65 20  61 64 64 72 65 73 73 20  |hat the address |
00016b90  6f 66 20 70 0d 20 20 20  69 73 20 65 76 65 6e 20  |of p.   is even |
00016ba0  6d 61 70 70 65 64 20 69  6e 74 6f 20 74 68 65 20  |mapped into the |
00016bb0  6d 65 6d 6f 72 79 20 73  70 61 63 65 20 6f 66 20  |memory space of |
00016bc0  79 6f 75 72 20 70 72 6f  63 65 73 73 2e 20 54 68  |your process. Th|
00016bd0  69 73 20 69 73 20 74 68  65 20 77 61 79 0d 20 20  |is is the way.  |
00016be0  20 74 68 61 74 20 55 6e  69 78 20 73 79 73 74 65  | that Unix syste|
00016bf0  6d 73 20 74 65 6e 64 20  74 6f 20 64 6f 20 69 74  |ms tend to do it|
00016c00  2c 20 74 68 6f 75 67 68  20 74 68 65 20 62 6c 6f  |, though the blo|
00016c10  63 6b 73 20 61 72 65 20  6f 66 74 65 6e 20 6d 61  |cks are often ma|
00016c20  70 70 65 64 0d 20 20 20  69 6e 2f 6f 75 74 20 69  |pped.   in/out i|
00016c30  6e 20 70 61 67 65 20 73  69 7a 65 64 20 63 68 75  |n page sized chu|
00016c40  6e 6b 73 2c 20 73 6f 20  69 74 20 63 6f 75 6c 64  |nks, so it could|
00016c50  20 73 74 69 6c 6c 20 77  6f 72 6b 20 6f 6e 20 55  | still work on U|
00016c60  6e 69 78 2e 0d 20 20 20  28 49 6e 20 66 61 63 74  |nix..   (In fact|
00016c70  20 69 74 20 64 6f 65 73  20 77 69 74 68 20 44 45  | it does with DE|
00016c80  43 20 63 63 20 6f 6e 20  4f 53 46 20 75 73 69 6e  |C cc on OSF usin|
00016c90  67 20 74 68 65 20 73 74  61 6e 64 61 72 64 20 6c  |g the standard l|
00016ca0  69 62 72 61 72 69 65 73  20 2d 0d 20 20 20 6a 75  |ibraries -.   ju|
00016cb0  73 74 20 63 68 65 63 6b  65 64 29 0d 32 29 20 54  |st checked).2) T|
00016cc0  68 65 20 6d 61 6c 6c 6f  63 28 29 20 6c 69 62 72  |he malloc() libr|
00016cd0  61 72 79 20 75 73 69 6e  67 20 61 20 6c 69 6e 6b  |ary using a link|
00016ce0  65 64 20 6c 69 73 74 20  77 69 74 68 20 61 20 74  |ed list with a t|
00016cf0  65 72 6d 69 6e 61 74 69  6e 67 20 6f 62 6a 65 63  |erminating objec|
00016d00  74 20 74 6f 0d 20 20 20  6d 61 6e 61 67 65 20 69  |t to.   manage i|
00016d10  74 73 20 6d 65 6d 6f 72  79 20 63 68 75 6e 6b 73  |ts memory chunks|
00016d20  2e 20 57 68 69 6c 65 20  2a 70 3d 34 20 77 6f 75  |. While *p=4 wou|
00016d30  6c 64 20 70 72 6f 62 61  62 6c 79 20 77 6f 72 6b  |ld probably work|
00016d40  2c 20 74 68 65 20 63 68  61 6e 63 65 73 0d 20 20  |, the chances.  |
00016d50  20 61 72 65 20 74 68 61  74 20 69 74 20 77 6f 75  | are that it wou|
00016d60  6c 64 20 63 6f 72 72 75  70 74 20 74 68 65 20 61  |ld corrupt the a|
00016d70  72 65 6e 61 20 66 6f 72  20 73 75 62 73 65 71 75  |rena for subsequ|
00016d80  65 6e 74 20 6d 61 6c 6c  6f 63 73 20 74 6f 20 64  |ent mallocs to d|
00016d90  69 65 20 6f 6e 2e 0d 0d  43 68 65 65 72 73 2c 0d  |ie on...Cheers,.|
00016da0  41 6c 75 6e 2e 0d 2d 2d  20 0d 24 5f 3d 27 5c 3d  |Alun..-- .$_='\=|
00016db0  2a 53 78 77 21 6a 64 73  40 6a 24 2e 6a 6c 2e 64  |*Sxw!jds@j$.jl.d|
00016dc0  74 23 52 77 25 5e 64 63  6e 22 4b 31 78 28 3d 42  |t#Rw%^dcn"K1x(=B|
00016dd0  6c 31 6e 77 6c 21 5c 2a  31 65 6e 61 62 5e 68 22  |l1nwl!\*1enab^h"|
00016de0  46 3d 21 4a 24 68 25 66  68 63 71 27 2c 0d 74 72  |F=!J$h%fhcq',.tr|
00016df0  26 4a 2d 5a 41 2d 49 6a  2d 7a 61 2d 69 26 41 2d  |&J-ZA-Ij-za-i&A-|
00016e00  5a 61 2d 7a 26 26 73 26  5c 28 26 6c 6f 67 69 63  |Za-z&&s&\(&logic|
00016e10  26 26 26 73 26 5c 2a 26  75 6e 26 67 26 73 26 3d  |&&&s&\*&un&g&s&=|
00016e20  26 61 6c 26 67 26 73 26  5c 5e 26 69 74 26 67 26  |&al&g&s&\^&it&g&|
00016e30  26 0d 73 26 25 26 73 74  26 67 26 26 73 26 5c 24  |&.s&%&st&g&&s&\$|
00016e40  26 62 65 72 26 67 26 73  26 5c 23 26 5c 6e 26 26  |&ber&g&s&\#&\n&&|
00016e50  73 26 22 26 20 6f 66 26  67 2c 73 26 28 5b 41 2d  |s&"& of&g,s&([A-|
00016e60  5a 5d 29 26 20 24 31 26  67 26 26 73 26 5c 5c 75  |Z])& $1&g&&s&\\u|
00016e70  26 55 26 26 26 0d 73 26  21 26 65 73 2c 20 26 67  |&U&&&.s&!&es, &g|
00016e80  26 73 26 5c 5c 61 26 41  26 26 73 26 31 26 69 26  |&s&\\a&A&&s&1&i&|
00016e90  67 26 26 70 72 69 6e 74  22 20 24 5f 5c 6e 22 3b  |g&&print" $_\n";|
00016ea0  73 75 62 20 6c 69 6d 69  6e 61 6c 7b 22 75 73 65  |sub liminal{"use|
00016eb0  20 70 65 72 6c 21 22 3b  7d 0d 50 61 74 68 3a 20  | perl!";}.Path: |
00016ec0  6e 65 77 73 2e 64 65 6d  6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b  |news.demon.co.uk|
00016ed0  21 64 65 6d 6f 6e 21 63  63 73 77 61 72 65 2e 64  |!demon!ccsware.d|
00016ee0  65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e  75 6b 0a 46 72 6f 6d 3a  |emon.co.uk.From:|
00016ef0  20 6e 65 69 6c 40 63 63  73 77 61 72 65 2e 64 65  | neil@ccsware.de|
00016f00  6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75  6b 20 28 4e 65 69 6c 20  |mon.co.uk (Neil |
00016f10  43 6f 66 66 65 79 29 0a  4e 65 77 73 67 72 6f 75  |Coffey).Newsgrou|
00016f20  70 73 3a 20 63 6f 6d 70  2e 73 79 73 2e 61 63 6f  |ps: comp.sys.aco|
00016f30  72 6e 2e 70 72 6f 67 72  61 6d 6d 65 72 0a 53 75  |rn.programmer.Su|
00016f40  62 6a 65 63 74 3a 20 57  68 79 20 70 72 6f 67 72  |bject: Why progr|
00016f50  61 6d 20 66 6f 72 20 74  68 65 20 41 72 63 3f 2e  |am for the Arc?.|
00016f60  2e 2e 2e 0a 44 61 74 65  3a 20 30 36 20 44 65 63  |....Date: 06 Dec|
00016f70  20 31 39 39 35 20 30 31  3a 30 33 3a 30 35 20 47  | 1995 01:03:05 G|
00016f80  4d 54 0a 4f 72 67 61 6e  69 7a 61 74 69 6f 6e 3a  |MT.Organization:|
00016f90  20 63 63 73 77 61 72 65  0a 4c 69 6e 65 73 3a 20  | ccsware.Lines: |
00016fa0  31 30 0a 4d 65 73 73 61  67 65 2d 49 44 3a 20 3c  |10.Message-ID: <|
00016fb0  38 31 38 32 31 36 33 39  39 2e 31 31 36 36 30 40  |818216399.11660@|
00016fc0  63 63 73 77 61 72 65 2e  64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f  |ccsware.demon.co|
00016fd0  2e 75 6b 3e 0a 4e 4e 54  50 2d 50 6f 73 74 69 6e  |.uk>.NNTP-Postin|
00016fe0  67 2d 48 6f 73 74 3a 20  63 63 73 77 61 72 65 2e  |g-Host: ccsware.|
00016ff0  64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f  2e 75 6b 0a 58 2d 4e 4e  |demon.co.uk.X-NN|
00017000  54 50 2d 50 6f 73 74 69  6e 67 2d 48 6f 73 74 3a  |TP-Posting-Host:|
00017010  20 63 63 73 77 61 72 65  2e 64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63  | ccsware.demon.c|
00017020  6f 2e 75 6b 0a 58 2d 4e  65 77 73 72 65 61 64 65  |o.uk.X-Newsreade|
00017030  72 3a 20 49 6e 74 65 72  54 61 6c 6b 0a 3e 42 75  |r: InterTalk.>Bu|
00017040  74 20 74 68 65 72 65 20  61 72 65 20 70 72 6f 62  |t there are prob|
00017050  61 62 6c 79 20 61 20 74  68 6f 75 73 61 6e 64 20  |ably a thousand |
00017060  74 69 6d 65 73 20 61 73  20 6d 61 6e 79 20 70 72  |times as many pr|
00017070  6f 67 72 61 6d 6d 65 72  73 20 63 6f 6d 70 65 74  |ogrammers compet|
00017080  69 6e 67 20 77 69 74 68  0d 3e 79 6f 75 2e 20 55  |ing with.>you. U|
00017090  6e 6c 65 73 73 20 79 6f  75 72 20 70 72 6f 67 72  |nless your progr|
000170a0  61 6d 73 20 61 72 65 20  76 65 72 79 20 67 6f 6f  |ams are very goo|
000170b0  64 20 79 6f 75 20 77 6f  6e 27 74 20 73 65 6c 6c  |d you won't sell|
000170c0  20 74 6f 20 61 6e 79 74  68 69 6e 67 20 6c 69 6b  | to anything lik|
000170d0  65 20 74 68 65 0d 3e 73  61 6d 65 20 66 72 61 63  |e the.>same frac|
000170e0  74 69 6f 6e 20 6f 66 20  6f 77 6e 65 72 73 2e 20  |tion of owners. |
000170f0  54 68 65 72 65 20 61 72  65 20 73 74 69 6c 6c 20  |There are still |
00017100  61 72 65 61 73 20 6f 6e  20 41 63 6f 72 6e 20 6d  |areas on Acorn m|
00017110  61 63 68 69 6e 65 73 20  77 68 69 63 68 20 61 72  |achines which ar|
00017120  65 0d 3e 68 61 72 64 6c  79 20 74 6f 75 63 68 65  |e.>hardly touche|
00017130  64 20 61 74 20 74 68 65  20 6d 6f 6d 65 6e 74 2c  |d at the moment,|
00017140  20 61 6e 64 20 77 68 65  72 65 20 79 6f 75 20 63  | and where you c|
00017150  6f 75 6c 64 20 73 65 6c  6c 20 61 20 70 72 6f 67  |ould sell a prog|
00017160  72 61 6d 20 6a 75 73 74  0d 3e 62 65 63 61 75 73  |ram just.>becaus|
00017170  65 20 69 74 27 73 20 74  68 65 20 6f 6e 6c 79 20  |e it's the only |
00017180  6f 6e 65 2e 20 49 20 64  6f 75 62 74 20 74 68 61  |one. I doubt tha|
00017190  74 20 61 70 70 6c 69 65  73 20 74 6f 20 61 6e 79  |t applies to any|
000171a0  74 68 69 6e 67 20 69 6e  20 74 68 65 20 50 43 0d  |thing in the PC.|
000171b0  3e 77 6f 72 6c 64 2e 0d  0d 57 65 6c 6c 2c 20 74  |>world...Well, t|
000171c0  68 65 79 20 64 6f 6e 27  74 20 68 61 76 65 20 61  |hey don't have a|
000171d0  6e 20 41 72 63 20 65 6d  75 6c 61 74 6f 72 20 79  |n Arc emulator y|
000171e0  65 74 20 3a 2d 29 0d 0d  50 61 74 68 3a 20 6e 65  |et :-)..Path: ne|
000171f0  77 73 2e 64 65 6d 6f 6e  2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b 21 64  |ws.demon.co.uk!d|
00017200  65 6d 6f 6e 21 63 63 73  77 61 72 65 2e 64 65 6d  |emon!ccsware.dem|
00017210  6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b  0a 46 72 6f 6d 3a 20 6e  |on.co.uk.From: n|
00017220  65 69 6c 40 63 63 73 77  61 72 65 2e 64 65 6d 6f  |eil@ccsware.demo|
00017230  6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b 20  28 4e 65 69 6c 20 43 6f  |n.co.uk (Neil Co|
00017240  66 66 65 79 29 0a 4e 65  77 73 67 72 6f 75 70 73  |ffey).Newsgroups|
00017250  3a 20 63 6f 6d 70 2e 73  79 73 2e 61 63 6f 72 6e  |: comp.sys.acorn|
00017260  2e 70 72 6f 67 72 61 6d  6d 65 72 0a 53 75 62 6a  |.programmer.Subj|
00017270  65 63 74 3a 20 4d 65 6d  6f 72 79 20 70 72 6f 74  |ect: Memory prot|
00017280  65 63 74 69 6f 6e 0a 44  61 74 65 3a 20 30 36 20  |ection.Date: 06 |
00017290  44 65 63 20 31 39 39 35  20 30 30 3a 35 32 3a 30  |Dec 1995 00:52:0|
000172a0  32 20 47 4d 54 0a 4f 72  67 61 6e 69 7a 61 74 69  |2 GMT.Organizati|
000172b0  6f 6e 3a 20 63 63 73 77  61 72 65 0a 4c 69 6e 65  |on: ccsware.Line|
000172c0  73 3a 20 32 31 0a 4d 65  73 73 61 67 65 2d 49 44  |s: 21.Message-ID|
000172d0  3a 20 3c 38 31 38 32 31  36 34 30 31 2e 31 31 36  |: <818216401.116|
000172e0  36 30 40 63 63 73 77 61  72 65 2e 64 65 6d 6f 6e  |60@ccsware.demon|
000172f0  2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b 3e 0a  4e 4e 54 50 2d 50 6f 73  |.co.uk>.NNTP-Pos|
00017300  74 69 6e 67 2d 48 6f 73  74 3a 20 63 63 73 77 61  |ting-Host: ccswa|
00017310  72 65 2e 64 65 6d 6f 6e  2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b 0a 58  |re.demon.co.uk.X|
00017320  2d 4e 4e 54 50 2d 50 6f  73 74 69 6e 67 2d 48 6f  |-NNTP-Posting-Ho|
00017330  73 74 3a 20 63 63 73 77  61 72 65 2e 64 65 6d 6f  |st: ccsware.demo|
00017340  6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b 0a  58 2d 4e 65 77 73 72 65  |n.co.uk.X-Newsre|
00017350  61 64 65 72 3a 20 49 6e  74 65 72 54 61 6c 6b 0a  |ader: InterTalk.|
00017360  5b 70 72 6f 67 72 61 6d  20 74 68 61 74 20 64 6f  |[program that do|
00017370  65 73 20 73 6f 6d 65 74  68 69 6e 67 20 65 78 74  |es something ext|
00017380  72 65 6d 65 6c 79 20 73  74 75 70 69 64 20 61 6e  |remely stupid an|
00017390  64 20 75 6e 75 73 65 66  75 6c 20 73 6e 69 70 70  |d unuseful snipp|
000173a0  65 64 5d 0d 0d 3e 54 68  69 73 20 73 68 6f 75 6c  |ed]..>This shoul|
000173b0  64 20 6e 6f 74 20 62 65  20 61 20 70 72 6f 62 6c  |d not be a probl|
000173c0  65 6d 20 6f 6e 20 74 68  65 20 41 72 63 20 2d 20  |em on the Arc - |
000173d0  62 75 74 20 61 6c 6d 6f  73 74 20 67 75 61 72 61  |but almost guara|
000173e0  6e 74 65 65 64 20 74 6f  20 73 63 72 65 77 20 0d  |nteed to screw .|
000173f0  3e 75 70 20 6f 6e 20 61  20 55 4e 49 58 20 73 79  |>up on a UNIX sy|
00017400  73 74 65 6d 20 65 76 65  6e 74 75 61 6c 6c 79 2e  |stem eventually.|
00017410  2e 2e 0d 3e 0d 3e 49 20  74 68 6f 75 67 68 74 20  |...>.>I thought |
00017420  43 20 77 61 73 20 6d 65  61 6e 74 20 74 6f 20 62  |C was meant to b|
00017430  65 20 70 6f 72 74 61 62  6c 65 20 2d 20 6f 72 20  |e portable - or |
00017440  69 73 20 69 74 20 6a 75  73 74 20 77 65 6c 6c 20  |is it just well |
00017450  77 72 69 74 74 65 6e 20  63 6f 64 65 20 0d 3e 74  |written code .>t|
00017460  68 61 6e 20 63 61 6e 20  62 65 20 70 6f 72 74 65  |han can be porte|
00017470  64 2e 2e 2e 2e 2e 21 0d  0d 49 74 27 73 20 70 6f  |d.....!..It's po|
00017480  72 74 61 62 6c 65 20 69  66 20 79 6f 75 20 75 73  |rtable if you us|
00017490  65 20 73 74 61 6e 64 61  72 64 20 6c 69 62 72 61  |e standard libra|
000174a0  72 69 65 73 20 74 68 61  74 20 65 78 69 73 74 20  |ries that exist |
000174b0  61 63 72 6f 73 73 20 70  6c 61 74 66 6f 72 6d 73  |across platforms|
000174c0  2e 0d 49 20 73 68 6f 75  6c 64 20 69 6d 61 67 69  |..I should imagi|
000174d0  6e 65 20 6d 6f 73 74 20  70 72 6f 67 72 61 6d 73  |ne most programs|
000174e0  20 77 72 69 74 74 65 6e  20 6f 6e 20 74 68 65 20  | written on the |
000174f0  41 72 63 20 77 6f 75 6c  64 20 72 65 71 75 69 72  |Arc would requir|
00017500  65 20 61 6c 6d 6f 73 74  0d 61 20 63 6f 6d 70 6c  |e almost.a compl|
00017510  65 74 65 20 72 65 2d 77  72 69 74 65 2e 20 46 6f  |ete re-write. Fo|
00017520  72 20 69 6e 73 74 61 6e  63 65 2c 20 49 27 6d 20  |r instance, I'm |
00017530  63 75 72 72 65 6e 74 6c  79 20 70 6f 72 74 69 6e  |currently portin|
00017540  67 20 6f 6e 65 20 6f 66  20 6d 79 20 6f 77 6e 0d  |g one of my own.|
00017550  70 72 6f 67 72 61 6d 73  20 28 75 73 65 73 20 74  |programs (uses t|
00017560  68 65 20 74 6f 6f 6c 62  6f 78 29 20 66 72 6f 6d  |he toolbox) from|
00017570  20 52 49 53 43 20 4f 53  20 74 6f 20 57 69 6e 64  | RISC OS to Wind|
00017580  6f 77 73 20 28 62 6f 6f  20 68 69 73 73 73 73 20  |ows (boo hissss |
00017590  49 20 6b 6e 6f 77 2c 0d  62 75 74 20 74 68 65 72  |I know,.but ther|
000175a0  65 27 73 20 61 20 6d 61  72 6b 65 74 20 74 68 65  |e's a market the|
000175b0  72 65 29 2e 20 57 68 69  6c 73 74 20 61 20 6c 61  |re). Whilst a la|
000175c0  72 67 65 20 61 6d 6f 75  6e 74 20 6f 66 20 74 68  |rge amount of th|
000175d0  65 20 63 6f 64 65 20 63  6f 6d 70 69 6c 65 73 0d  |e code compiles.|
000175e0  77 69 74 68 20 42 6f 72  6c 61 6e 64 20 43 2f 43  |with Borland C/C|
000175f0  2b 2b 20 77 69 74 68 6f  75 74 20 6d 75 63 68 20  |++ without much |
00017600  63 68 61 6e 67 65 2c 20  74 68 65 20 66 72 6f 6e  |change, the fron|
00017610  74 20 65 6e 64 20 69 73  20 68 61 76 69 6e 67 20  |t end is having |
00017620  74 6f 20 62 65 0d 72 65  2d 77 72 69 74 74 65 6e  |to be.re-written|
00017630  20 76 69 72 74 75 61 6c  6c 79 20 66 72 6f 6d 20  | virtually from |
00017640  73 63 72 61 74 63 68 2e  0d 0d 42 75 74 20 70 6f  |scratch...But po|
00017650  72 74 61 62 69 6c 69 74  79 20 73 74 6f 70 73 20  |rtability stops |
00017660  62 65 69 6e 67 20 61 6e  20 69 73 73 75 65 20 77  |being an issue w|
00017670  68 65 6e 20 79 6f 75 20  73 74 61 72 74 20 64 6f  |hen you start do|
00017680  69 6e 67 20 73 74 75 70  69 64 20 74 68 69 6e 67  |ing stupid thing|
00017690  73 0d 6c 69 6b 65 20 62  61 73 68 69 6e 67 20 62  |s.like bashing b|
000176a0  79 74 65 73 20 69 6e 74  6f 20 6d 65 6d 6f 72 79  |ytes into memory|
000176b0  20 74 68 61 74 20 68 61  73 20 6e 6f 74 68 69 6e  | that has nothin|
000176c0  67 20 74 6f 20 64 6f 20  77 69 74 68 20 79 6f 75  |g to do with you|
000176d0  72 0d 70 72 6f 67 72 61  6d 20 77 68 61 74 73 6f  |r.program whatso|
000176e0  65 76 65 72 2e 0d 0d 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  |ever............|
000176f0  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  |................|
00017a30  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 4e 65 77  |.............New|
00017a40  73 67 72 6f 75 70 73 3a  20 63 6f 6d 70 2e 73 79  |sgroups: comp.sy|
00017a50  73 2e 61 63 6f 72 6e 2e  70 72 6f 67 72 61 6d 6d  |s.acorn.programm|
00017a60  65 72 0a 50 61 74 68 3a  20 6e 65 77 73 2e 64 65  |er.Path: news.de|
00017a70  6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75  6b 21 64 65 6d 6f 6e 21  |mon.co.uk!demon!|
00017a80  74 61 6e 6b 2e 6e 65 77  73 2e 70 69 70 65 78 2e  |tank.news.pipex.|
00017a90  6e 65 74 21 70 69 70 65  78 21 6e 65 77 73 2e 6d  |net!pipex!news.m|
00017aa0  61 74 68 77 6f 72 6b 73  2e 63 6f 6d 21 6e 65 77  |athworks.com!new|
00017ab0  73 66 65 65 64 2e 69 6e  74 65 72 6e 65 74 6d 63  |sfeed.internetmc|
00017ac0  69 2e 63 6f 6d 21 75 73  65 6e 65 74 2e 65 65 6c  |i.com!usenet.eel|
00017ad0  2e 75 66 6c 2e 65 64 75  21 77 61 72 77 69 63 6b  |.ufl.edu!warwick|
00017ae0  21 73 70 75 64 64 79 21  73 70 75 64 64 79 2e 6d  |!spuddy!spuddy.m|
00017af0  65 77 2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b  21 61 72 63 73 61 6c 74  |ew.co.uk!arcsalt|
00017b00  0a 46 72 6f 6d 3a 20 61  72 63 73 61 6c 74 40 73  |.From: arcsalt@s|
00017b10  70 75 64 64 79 2e 6d 65  77 2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b 20  |puddy.mew.co.uk |
00017b20  28 44 61 72 72 65 6e 20  53 61 6c 74 29 0a 53 75  |(Darren Salt).Su|
00017b30  62 6a 65 63 74 3a 20 52  65 3a 20 44 69 73 61 6c  |bject: Re: Disal|
00017b40  6c 6f 77 69 6e 67 20 53  57 49 73 0a 4d 65 73 73  |lowing SWIs.Mess|
00017b50  61 67 65 2d 49 44 3a 20  3c 34 36 37 42 30 41 39  |age-ID: <467B0A9|
00017b60  45 35 35 2e 44 43 39 30  40 73 70 75 64 64 79 2e  |E55.DC90@spuddy.|
00017b70  6d 65 77 2e 63 6f 2e 75  6b 3e 0a 53 65 6e 64 65  |mew.co.uk>.Sende|
00017b80  72 3a 20 61 72 63 73 61  6c 74 40 73 70 75 64 64  |r: arcsalt@spudd|
00017b90  79 2e 6d 65 77 2e 63 6f  2e 75 6b 20 28 44 61 72  |y.mew.co.uk (Dar|
00017ba0  72 65 6e 20 53 61 6c 74  29 0a 52 65 70 6c 79 2d  |ren Salt).Reply-|
00017bb0  54 6f 3a 20 61 72 63 73  61 6c 74 40 73 70 75 64  |To: arcsalt@spud|
00017bc0  64 79 2e 6d 65 77 2e 63  6f 2e 75 6b 0a 4f 72 67  |dy.mew.co.uk.Org|
00017bd0  61 6e 69 7a 61 74 69 6f  6e 3a 20 53 70 75 64 27  |anization: Spud'|
00017be0  73 20 50 75 62 6c 69 63  20 55 73 65 6e 65 74 20  |s Public Usenet |
00017bf0  44 6f 6d 61 69 6e 0a 58  2d 4e 65 77 73 72 65 61  |Domain.X-Newsrea|
00017c00  64 65 72 3a 20 41 72 63  68 69 6d 65 64 65 73 20  |der: Archimedes |
00017c10  54 54 46 4e 20 56 65 72  73 69 6f 6e 20 30 2e 33  |TTFN Version 0.3|
00017c20  36 0a 52 65 66 65 72 65  6e 63 65 73 3a 20 3c 44  |6.References: <D|
00017c30  49 70 6f 75 32 2e 36 46  6e 40 63 66 61 6e 65 77  |Ipou2.6Fn@cfanew|
00017c40  73 2e 68 61 72 76 61 72  64 2e 65 64 75 3e 20 3c  |s.harvard.edu> <|
00017c50  31 39 39 35 31 31 32 37  2e 32 31 32 30 34 38 2e  |19951127.212048.|
00017c60  32 36 40 63 68 65 65 70  6e 69 73 2e 64 65 6d 6f  |26@cheepnis.demo|
00017c70  6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b 3e  20 3c 34 39 6a 76 71 32  |n.co.uk> <49jvq2|
00017c80  24 6b 6b 38 40 64 6f 64  67 65 72 2e 63 73 76 2e  |$kk8@dodger.csv.|
00017c90  77 61 72 77 69 63 6b 2e  61 63 2e 75 6b 3e 0a 44  |warwick.ac.uk>.D|
00017ca0  61 74 65 3a 20 54 75 65  2c 20 35 20 44 65 63 20  |ate: Tue, 5 Dec |
00017cb0  31 39 39 35 20 30 32 3a  34 30 3a 34 31 20 47 4d  |1995 02:40:41 GM|
00017cc0  54 0a 4c 69 6e 65 73 3a  20 33 33 0a 4d 61 72 6b  |T.Lines: 33.Mark|
00017cd0  20 57 6f 6f 64 69 6e 67  20 28 63 73 75 6f 76 40  | Wooding (csuov@|
00017ce0  63 73 76 2e 77 61 72 77  69 63 6b 2e 61 63 2e 75  |csv.warwick.ac.u|
00017cf0  6b 29 20 77 72 6f 74 65  20 28 69 6e 20 61 72 74  |k) wrote (in art|
00017d00  69 63 6c 65 0d 3c 34 39  6a 76 71 32 24 6b 6b 38  |icle.<49jvq2$kk8|
00017d10  40 64 6f 64 67 65 72 2e  63 73 76 2e 77 61 72 77  |@dodger.csv.warw|
00017d20  69 63 6b 2e 61 63 2e 75  6b 3e 29 3a 0d 0d 3e 20  |ick.ac.uk>):..> |
00017d30  54 68 65 20 62 65 68 61  76 69 6f 75 72 20 77 68  |The behaviour wh|
00017d40  69 63 68 20 69 73 20 2f  6e 6f 74 2f 20 74 6f 20  |ich is /not/ to |
00017d50  62 65 20 72 65 6c 69 65  64 20 75 70 6f 6e 20 69  |be relied upon i|
00017d60  73 20 74 68 65 20 73 74  72 61 6e 67 65 20 50 43  |s the strange PC|
00017d70  20 62 65 69 6e 67 0d 3e  20 50 43 2b 31 32 20 69  | being.> PC+12 i|
00017d80  6e 20 73 75 62 73 65 71  75 65 6e 74 20 63 79 63  |n subsequent cyc|
00017d90  6c 65 73 20 6f 66 20 61  6e 20 69 6e 73 74 72 75  |les of an instru|
00017da0  63 74 69 6f 6e 2e 20 20  54 68 69 73 20 69 73 20  |ction.  This is |
00017db0  75 73 65 64 20 69 6e 20  74 68 65 20 50 52 4d 0d  |used in the PRM.|
00017dc0  3e 20 65 78 61 6d 70 6c  65 20 66 6f 72 20 76 65  |> example for ve|
00017dd0  63 74 6f 72 2d 70 6f 73  74 70 72 6f 63 65 73 73  |ctor-postprocess|
00017de0  69 6e 67 3a 0d 0d 5b 73  6e 69 70 5d 0d 0d 3e 20  |ing:..[snip]..> |
00017df0  54 68 65 20 53 54 4d 46  44 20 52 31 33 21 2c 7b  |The STMFD R13!,{|
00017e00  50 43 7d 20 73 74 6f 72  65 73 20 74 68 65 20 50  |PC} stores the P|
00017e10  43 20 61 6e 64 20 50 53  52 20 31 32 20 62 79 74  |C and PSR 12 byt|
00017e20  65 73 20 61 68 65 61 64  20 6f 66 20 74 68 65 20  |es ahead of the |
00017e30  63 75 72 72 65 6e 74 0d  3e 20 69 6e 73 74 72 75  |current.> instru|
00017e40  63 74 69 6f 6e 2c 20 77  68 69 63 68 20 69 73 20  |ction, which is |
00017e50  74 68 65 20 62 69 74 20  6f 66 20 63 6f 64 65 20  |the bit of code |
00017e60  77 65 20 77 61 6e 74 20  74 6f 20 64 6f 20 74 68  |we want to do th|
00017e70  65 20 70 6f 73 74 70 72  6f 63 65 73 73 69 6e 67  |e postprocessing|
00017e80  2e 0d 3e 20 54 68 69 73  20 69 73 20 74 68 65 20  |..> This is the |
00017e90  62 65 68 61 76 69 6f 75  72 20 77 68 69 63 68 20  |behaviour which |
00017ea0  69 73 20 6e 6f 20 6c 6f  6e 67 65 72 20 67 75 61  |is no longer gua|
00017eb0  72 61 6e 74 65 65 64 2e  0d 0d 53 6f 20 77 68 61  |ranteed...So wha|
00017ec0  74 20 77 6f 75 6c 64 20  62 65 20 64 6f 6e 65 20  |t would be done |
00017ed0  69 6e 73 74 65 61 64 3f  20 49 20 74 68 69 6e 6b  |instead? I think|
00017ee0  20 74 68 69 73 3a 0d 0d  09 53 54 4d 46 44 09 52  | this:...STMFD.R|
00017ef0  31 33 21 2c 7b 52 30 2c  52 31 30 2d 52 31 32 2c  |13!,{R0,R10-R12,|
00017f00  52 31 34 7d 0d 09 3b 20  2e 2e 2e 0d 09 41 44 52  |R14}..; .....ADR|
00017f10  09 52 31 34 2c 72 65 74  75 72 6e 0d 09 53 54 4d  |.R14,return..STM|
00017f20  46 44 09 52 31 33 21 2c  7b 52 31 34 7d 09 3b 20  |FD.R13!,{R14}.; |
00017f30  53 70 6f 74 20 74 68 65  20 64 69 66 66 65 72 65  |Spot the differe|
00017f40  6e 63 65 0d 09 41 44 44  09 52 31 32 2c 52 31 33  |nce..ADD.R12,R13|
00017f50  2c 23 38 0d 09 4c 44 4d  49 41 09 52 31 32 2c 7b  |,#8..LDMIA.R12,{|
00017f60  52 31 30 2d 52 31 32 2c  50 43 7d 5e 0d 72 65 74  |R10-R12,PC}^.ret|
00017f70  75 72 6e 09 3b 20 2d 2d  2d 20 43 61 6c 6c 65 64  |urn.; --- Called|
00017f80  20 77 68 65 6e 20 76 65  63 74 6f 72 20 66 69 6e  | when vector fin|
00017f90  69 73 68 65 73 20 2d 2d  2d 0d 09 3b 20 2e 2e 2e  |ishes ---..; ...|
00017fa0  0d 09 41 44 44 09 52 31  33 2c 52 31 33 2c 23 34  |..ADD.R13,R13,#4|
00017fb0  0d 09 4c 44 4d 46 44 09  52 31 33 21 2c 7b 52 31  |..LDMFD.R13!,{R1|
00017fc0  30 2d 52 31 32 2c 52 31  34 2c 50 43 7d 5e 0d 0d  |0-R12,R14,PC}^..|
00017fd0  2d 2d 0d 2b 2d 2d 2d 2d  2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d  |--.+------------|
00017fe0  2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d  2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d  |----------------|
00018010  2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d  2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2b 0d  |--------------+.|
00018020  7c 20 44 61 72 72 65 6e  20 53 61 6c 74 20 2d 2d  || Darren Salt --|
00018030  20 61 72 63 73 61 6c 74  40 73 70 75 64 64 79 2e  | arcsalt@spuddy.|
00018040  6d 65 77 2e 63 6f 2e 75  6b 20 2d 2d 20 54 6f 6f  |mew.co.uk -- Too|
00018050  6e 20 61 74 20 74 68 65  20 74 6f 70 21 20 2d 2d  |n at the top! --|
00018060  20 41 63 6f 72 6e 20 6e  75 74 20 7c 0d 7c 20 41  | Acorn nut |.| A|
00018070  6c 73 6f 20 6b 6e 6f 77  6e 20 61 73 20 64 61 72  |lso known as dar|
00018080  72 65 6e 2e 73 61 6c 74  40 75 6e 6e 2e 61 63 2e  |ren.salt@unn.ac.|
00018090  75 6b 20 6f 6e 20 54 75  65 73 64 61 79 73 20 61  |uk on Tuesdays a|
000180a0  6e 64 20 54 68 75 72 73  64 61 79 73 2c 20 74 65  |nd Thursdays, te|
000180b0  72 6d 20 74 69 6d 65 20  7c 0d 2b 2d 2d 2d 30 31  |rm time |.+---01|
000180c0  32 36 38 2d 35 31 35 34  34 31 2d 66 6f 72 2d 66  |268-515441-for-f|
000180d0  72 65 65 2d 65 6d 61 69  6c 2d 26 2d 55 73 65 6e  |ree-email-&-Usen|
000180e0  65 74 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 6e  6f 77 2d 61 77 61 69 74  |et-----now-await|
000180f0  69 6e 67 2d 6e 6f 72 6d  61 6c 2d 73 65 72 76 69  |ing-normal-servi|
00018100  63 65 2d 2d 2d 2b 0d 0d  54 68 69 73 20 6d 65 73  |ce---+..This mes|
00018110  73 61 67 65 20 77 61 73  20 62 72 6f 75 67 68 74  |sage was brought|
00018120  20 74 6f 20 79 6f 75 20  75 73 69 6e 67 20 6f 6e  | to you using on|
00018130  6c 79 20 31 30 30 25 20  72 65 63 79 63 6c 65 64  |ly 100% recycled|
00018140  20 65 6c 65 63 74 72 6f  6e 73 2e 0d 4e 65 77 73  | electrons..News|
00018150  67 72 6f 75 70 73 3a 20  63 6f 6d 70 2e 73 79 73  |groups: comp.sys|
00018160  2e 61 63 6f 72 6e 2e 70  72 6f 67 72 61 6d 6d 65  |.acorn.programme|
00018170  72 0a 50 61 74 68 3a 20  6e 65 77 73 2e 64 65 6d  |r.Path: news.dem|
00018180  6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b  21 64 65 6d 6f 6e 21 62  |on.co.uk!demon!b|
00018190  74 6e 65 74 21 6e 65 77  73 66 65 65 64 2e 69 6e  |tnet!newsfeed.in|
000181a0  74 65 72 6e 65 74 6d 63  69 2e 63 6f 6d 21 75 73  |ternetmci.com!us|
000181b0  65 6e 65 74 2e 65 65 6c  2e 75 66 6c 2e 65 64 75  |enet.eel.ufl.edu|
000181c0  21 77 61 72 77 69 63 6b  21 73 70 75 64 64 79 21  |!warwick!spuddy!|
000181d0  73 70 75 64 64 79 2e 6d  65 77 2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b  |spuddy.mew.co.uk|
000181e0  21 61 72 63 73 61 6c 74  0a 46 72 6f 6d 3a 20 61  |!arcsalt.From: a|
000181f0  72 63 73 61 6c 74 40 73  70 75 64 64 79 2e 6d 65  |rcsalt@spuddy.me|
00018200  77 2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b 20  28 44 61 72 72 65 6e 20  |w.co.uk (Darren |
00018210  53 61 6c 74 29 0a 53 75  62 6a 65 63 74 3a 20 52  |Salt).Subject: R|
00018220  65 3a 20 48 45 4c 50 21  20 49 27 4d 20 49 4e 20  |e: HELP! I'M IN |
00018230  5f 42 49 47 5f 20 54 52  4f 55 42 4c 45 21 21 0a  |_BIG_ TROUBLE!!.|
00018240  4d 65 73 73 61 67 65 2d  49 44 3a 20 3c 34 36 37  |Message-ID: <467|
00018250  42 38 38 41 38 38 36 2e  44 43 39 30 40 73 70 75  |B88A886.DC90@spu|
00018260  64 64 79 2e 6d 65 77 2e  63 6f 2e 75 6b 3e 0a 53  |ddy.mew.co.uk>.S|
00018270  65 6e 64 65 72 3a 20 61  72 63 73 61 6c 74 40 73  |ender: arcsalt@s|
00018280  70 75 64 64 79 2e 6d 65  77 2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b 20  |puddy.mew.co.uk |
00018290  28 44 61 72 72 65 6e 20  53 61 6c 74 29 0a 52 65  |(Darren Salt).Re|
000182a0  70 6c 79 2d 54 6f 3a 20  61 72 63 73 61 6c 74 40  |ply-To: arcsalt@|
000182b0  73 70 75 64 64 79 2e 6d  65 77 2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b  |spuddy.mew.co.uk|
000182c0  0a 4f 72 67 61 6e 69 7a  61 74 69 6f 6e 3a 20 53  |.Organization: S|
000182d0  70 75 64 27 73 20 50 75  62 6c 69 63 20 55 73 65  |pud's Public Use|
000182e0  6e 65 74 20 44 6f 6d 61  69 6e 0a 58 2d 4e 65 77  |net Domain.X-New|
000182f0  73 72 65 61 64 65 72 3a  20 41 72 63 68 69 6d 65  |sreader: Archime|
00018300  64 65 73 20 54 54 46 4e  20 56 65 72 73 69 6f 6e  |des TTFN Version|
00018310  20 30 2e 33 36 0a 52 65  66 65 72 65 6e 63 65 73  | 0.36.References|
00018320  3a 20 3c 36 45 38 44 46  34 34 41 2e 49 54 53 2e  |: <6E8DF44A.ITS.|
00018330  41 2e 4a 4f 4b 45 2e 4f  4b 3f 40 6b 65 63 68 62  |A.JOKE.OK?@kechb|
00018340  2e 64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63  6f 2e 75 6b 3e 0a 44 61  |.demon.co.uk>.Da|
00018350  74 65 3a 20 57 65 64 2c  20 36 20 44 65 63 20 31  |te: Wed, 6 Dec 1|
00018360  39 39 35 20 30 31 3a 33  37 3a 32 33 20 47 4d 54  |995 01:37:23 GMT|
00018370  0a 4c 69 6e 65 73 3a 20  32 34 0a 49 61 69 6e 20  |.Lines: 24.Iain |
00018380  28 49 61 69 6e 40 6b 65  63 68 62 2e 64 65 6d 6f  |(Iain@kechb.demo|
00018390  6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b 29  20 77 72 6f 74 65 20 28  |n.co.uk) wrote (|
000183a0  69 6e 20 61 72 74 69 63  6c 65 20 3c 36 45 38 44  |in article <6E8D|
000183b0  46 34 34 41 2e 49 54 53  2e 41 2e 4a 4f 4b 45 2e  |F44A.ITS.A.JOKE.|
000183c0  4f 4b 3f 40 6b 65 63 68  62 2e 64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e  |OK?@kechb.demon.|
000183d0  63 6f 2e 75 6b 3e 29 3a  0d 0d 5b 63 61 6d 20 6d  |co.uk>):..[cam m|
000183e0  61 70 20 63 6f 72 72 75  70 74 20 65 72 72 6f 72  |ap corrupt error|
000183f0  5d 0d 0d 3e 20 54 68 65  20 63 61 6d 20 6d 61 70  |]..> The cam map|
00018400  20 28 43 6f 6e 73 74 61  6e 74 20 41 64 64 72 65  | (Constant Addre|
00018410  73 73 61 62 6c 65 20 4d  65 6d 6f 72 79 29 20 49  |ssable Memory) I|
00018420  20 74 68 69 6e 6b 20 70  65 72 66 6f 72 6d 73 20  | think performs |
00018430  74 68 65 20 6d 61 70 70  69 6e 67 0d 3e 20 66 72  |the mapping.> fr|
00018440  6f 6d 20 70 68 79 73 69  63 61 6c 20 72 61 6d 20  |om physical ram |
00018450  74 6f 20 6c 6f 67 69 63  61 6c 20 72 61 6d 20 69  |to logical ram i|
00018460  6e 20 74 68 65 20 4d 45  4d 43 2e 20 57 68 65 6e  |n the MEMC. When|
00018470  20 63 6f 72 72 75 70 74  2c 20 73 6f 6d 65 20 70  | corrupt, some p|
00018480  61 67 65 73 0d 3e 20 61  72 65 20 6a 75 73 74 20  |ages.> are just |
00018490  27 6c 6f 73 74 27 2c 20  74 68 75 73 20 67 69 76  |'lost', thus giv|
000184a0  69 6e 67 20 79 6f 75 20  74 68 65 20 69 6e 63 6f  |ing you the inco|
000184b0  72 72 65 63 74 20 73 75  6d 73 2e 0d 0d 3e 20 59  |rrect sums...> Y|
000184c0  6f 75 20 63 61 6e 20 6d  61 6b 65 20 6f 6e 65 20  |ou can make one |
000184d0  62 79 20 73 6f 64 64 69  6e 67 20 61 72 6f 75 6e  |by sodding aroun|
000184e0  64 20 69 6e 20 74 68 65  20 73 79 73 74 65 6d 20  |d in the system |
000184f0  77 6f 72 6b 73 70 61 63  65 20 62 65 74 77 65 65  |workspace betwee|
00018500  6e 20 26 31 30 30 0d 3e  20 61 6e 64 20 26 31 66  |n &100.> and &1f|
00018510  66 20 28 6e 6f 74 20 73  75 72 65 29 0d 0d 54 68  |f (not sure)..Th|
00018520  65 20 73 74 61 72 74 20  61 64 64 72 65 73 73 20  |e start address |
00018530  61 70 70 65 61 72 73 20  74 6f 20 62 65 20 26 31  |appears to be &1|
00018540  36 43 2c 20 77 69 74 68  20 26 32 30 30 20 62 79  |6C, with &200 by|
00018550  74 65 73 20 70 65 72 20  31 32 38 20 70 61 67 65  |tes per 128 page|
00018560  73 2c 20 67 69 76 69 6e  67 20 61 0d 74 6f 74 61  |s, giving a.tota|
00018570  6c 20 61 6c 6c 6f 63 61  74 69 6f 6e 20 6f 66 20  |l allocation of |
00018580  26 38 30 30 20 62 79 74  65 73 20 66 6f 72 20 61  |&800 bytes for a|
00018590  20 31 36 4d 42 20 6d 61  63 68 69 6e 65 20 28 34  | 16MB machine (4|
000185a0  20 4d 45 4d 43 73 2c 20  65 61 63 68 20 68 61 6e  | MEMCs, each han|
000185b0  64 6c 69 6e 67 20 31 32  38 0d 70 61 67 65 73 20  |dling 128.pages |
000185c0  6f 66 20 33 32 4b 20 65  61 63 68 29 2e 0d 0d 4f  |of 32K each)...O|
000185d0  66 20 63 6f 75 72 73 65  20 69 74 27 73 20 63 6f  |f course it's co|
000185e0  6d 70 6c 65 74 65 6c 79  20 64 69 66 66 65 72 65  |mpletely differe|
000185f0  6e 74 20 66 6f 72 20 74  68 65 20 4d 4d 55 20 61  |nt for the MMU a|
00018600  73 20 66 6f 75 6e 64 20  69 6e 20 41 52 4d 36 20  |s found in ARM6 |
00018610  61 6e 64 20 6c 61 74 65  72 2e 0d 0d 2d 2d 0d 2b  |and later...--.+|
00018620  2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d  2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d  |----------------|
00018660  2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d  2d 2d 2b 0d 7c 20 44 61  |----------+.| Da|
00018670  72 72 65 6e 20 53 61 6c  74 20 2d 2d 20 61 72 63  |rren Salt -- arc|
00018680  73 61 6c 74 40 73 70 75  64 64 79 2e 6d 65 77 2e  |salt@spuddy.mew.|
00018690  63 6f 2e 75 6b 20 2d 2d  20 54 6f 6f 6e 20 61 74  |co.uk -- Toon at|
000186a0  20 74 68 65 20 74 6f 70  21 20 2d 2d 20 41 63 6f  | the top! -- Aco|
000186b0  72 6e 20 6e 75 74 20 7c  0d 7c 20 41 6c 73 6f 20  |rn nut |.| Also |
000186c0  6b 6e 6f 77 6e 20 61 73  20 64 61 72 72 65 6e 2e  |known as darren.|
000186d0  73 61 6c 74 40 75 6e 6e  2e 61 63 2e 75 6b 20 6f  |salt@unn.ac.uk o|
000186e0  6e 20 54 75 65 73 64 61  79 73 20 61 6e 64 20 54  |n Tuesdays and T|
000186f0  68 75 72 73 64 61 79 73  2c 20 74 65 72 6d 20 74  |hursdays, term t|
00018700  69 6d 65 20 7c 0d 2b 2d  2d 2d 30 31 32 36 38 2d  |ime |.+---01268-|
00018710  35 31 35 34 34 31 2d 66  6f 72 2d 66 72 65 65 2d  |515441-for-free-|
00018720  65 6d 61 69 6c 2d 26 2d  55 73 65 6e 65 74 2d 2d  |email-&-Usenet--|
00018730  2d 2d 2d 6e 6f 77 2d 61  77 61 69 74 69 6e 67 2d  |---now-awaiting-|
00018740  6e 6f 72 6d 61 6c 2d 73  65 72 76 69 63 65 2d 2d  |normal-service--|
00018750  2d 2b 0d 0d 49 66 20 49  20 73 65 6e 64 20 74 68  |-+..If I send th|
00018760  69 73 2c 20 64 6f 65 73  20 74 68 61 74 20 6d 65  |is, does that me|
00018770  61 6e 20 74 68 61 74 20  79 6f 75 27 6c 6c 20 72  |an that you'll r|
00018780  65 61 64 20 69 74 3f 0d  50 61 74 68 3a 20 6e 65  |ead it?.Path: ne|
00018790  77 73 2e 64 65 6d 6f 6e  2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b 21 64  |ws.demon.co.uk!d|
000187a0  65 6d 6f 6e 21 6d 61 69  6c 32 6e 65 77 73 2e 64  |emon!mail2news.d|
000187b0  65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e  75 6b 21 6b 65 63 68 62  |emon.co.uk!kechb|
000187c0  2e 64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63  6f 2e 75 6b 0a 46 72 6f  |.demon.co.uk.Fro|
000187d0  6d 3a 20 44 61 76 65 20  3c 44 61 76 65 40 6b 65  |m: Dave <Dave@ke|
000187e0  63 68 62 2e 64 65 6d 6f  6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b 3e  |chb.demon.co.uk>|
000187f0  0a 4e 65 77 73 67 72 6f  75 70 73 3a 20 63 6f 6d  |.Newsgroups: com|
00018800  70 2e 73 79 73 2e 61 63  6f 72 6e 2e 70 72 6f 67  |p.sys.acorn.prog|
00018810  72 61 6d 6d 65 72 0a 53  75 62 6a 65 63 74 3a 20  |rammer.Subject: |
00018820  52 65 3a 20 4f 53 5f 43  61 6c 6c 41 66 74 65 72  |Re: OS_CallAfter|
00018830  20 74 6f 20 43 20 6d 6f  64 75 6c 65 20 63 6f 64  | to C module cod|
00018840  65 0a 44 61 74 65 3a 20  57 65 64 2c 20 30 36 20  |e.Date: Wed, 06 |
00018850  44 65 63 20 31 39 39 35  20 30 39 3a 34 32 3a 30  |Dec 1995 09:42:0|
00018860  34 20 47 4d 54 0a 4c 69  6e 65 73 3a 20 34 32 0a  |4 GMT.Lines: 42.|
00018870  4d 65 73 73 61 67 65 2d  49 44 3a 20 3c 35 36 34  |Message-ID: <564|
00018880  46 30 36 33 36 2e 49 54  53 2e 41 2e 4a 4f 4b 45  |F0636.ITS.A.JOKE|
00018890  2e 4f 4b 3f 40 6b 65 63  68 62 2e 64 65 6d 6f 6e  |.OK?@kechb.demon|
000188a0  2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b 3e 0a  58 2d 4e 4e 54 50 2d 50  |.co.uk>.X-NNTP-P|
000188b0  6f 73 74 69 6e 67 2d 48  6f 73 74 3a 20 6b 65 63  |osting-Host: kec|
000188c0  68 62 2e 64 65 6d 6f 6e  2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b 0a 58  |hb.demon.co.uk.X|
000188d0  2d 4c 65 6e 67 74 68 3a  20 31 35 39 31 0a 58 2d  |-Length: 1591.X-|
000188e0  4e 65 77 73 72 65 61 64  65 72 3a 20 41 72 63 68  |Newsreader: Arch|
000188f0  69 6d 65 64 65 73 20 47  6c 6f 62 65 4d 61 69 6c  |imedes GlobeMail|
00018900  20 76 65 72 73 69 6f 6e  20 31 2e 33 33 0a 58 2d  | version 1.33.X-|
00018910  54 72 61 6e 73 70 6f 72  74 65 72 3a 20 44 6f 67  |Transporter: Dog|
00018920  67 79 73 6f 66 74 27 73  20 54 65 72 6d 69 74 65  |gysoft's Termite|
00018930  20 49 6e 74 65 72 6e 65  74 0a 58 2d 4e 65 77 73  | Internet.X-News|
00018940  72 65 61 64 65 72 2d 57  72 69 74 65 72 3a 20 69  |reader-Writer: i|
00018950  61 69 6e 40 6b 65 63 68  62 2e 64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e  |ain@kechb.demon.|
00018960  63 6f 2e 75 6b 0a 58 2d  48 65 61 64 65 72 2d 50  |co.uk.X-Header-P|
00018970  72 6f 62 6c 65 6d 73 3a  20 50 6c 65 61 73 65 20  |roblems: Please |
00018980  6d 61 69 6c 20 61 6e 79  20 68 65 61 64 65 72 20  |mail any header |
00018990  70 72 6f 62 6c 65 6d 73  20 74 6f 20 69 61 69 6e  |problems to iain|
000189a0  40 6b 65 63 68 62 2e 64  65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e  |@kechb.demon.co.|
000189b0  75 6b 0a 58 2d 53 4d 54  50 2d 50 6f 73 74 69 6e  |uk.X-SMTP-Postin|
000189c0  67 2d 48 6f 73 74 3a 20  6b 65 63 68 62 2e 64 65  |g-Host: kechb.de|
000189d0  6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75  6b 20 5b 57 65 64 2c 20  |mon.co.uk [Wed, |
000189e0  36 20 44 65 63 20 39 35  20 39 3a 34 34 3a 32 38  |6 Dec 95 9:44:28|
000189f0  20 47 4d 54 5d 0a 58 2d  53 4d 54 50 2d 50 6f 73  | GMT].X-SMTP-Pos|
00018a00  74 69 6e 67 2d 48 6f 73  74 3a 20 70 6f 73 74 2e  |ting-Host: post.|
00018a10  64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f  2e 75 6b 20 5b 57 65 64  |demon.co.uk [Wed|
00018a20  2c 20 36 20 44 65 63 20  39 35 20 39 3a 34 35 3a  |, 6 Dec 95 9:45:|
00018a30  35 33 20 47 4d 54 5d 0a  3e 20 49 6e 74 65 72 6e  |53 GMT].> Intern|
00018a40  61 6c 20 65 72 72 6f 72  3a 20 61 62 6f 72 74 20  |al error: abort |
00018a50  6f 6e 20 64 61 74 61 20  74 72 61 6e 73 66 65 72  |on data transfer|
00018a60  20 61 74 20 26 30 33 38  31 31 37 44 38 0d 3e 20  | at &038117D8.> |
00018a70  0d 3e 20 49 73 20 77 68  61 74 20 49 20 61 6d 20  |.> Is what I am |
00018a80  74 72 79 69 6e 67 20 70  6f 73 73 69 62 6c 65 20  |trying possible |
00018a90  3f 20 20 48 65 72 65 27  73 20 73 6f 6d 65 20 63  |?  Here's some c|
00018aa0  6f 64 65 2e 0d 0d 3c 73  6e 69 70 3e 0d 0d 3e 20  |ode...<snip>..> |
00018ab0  5f 6b 65 72 6e 65 6c 5f  6f 73 65 72 72 6f 72 20  |_kernel_oserror |
00018ac0  2a 70 72 6f 63 65 73 73  28 69 6e 74 20 68 61 6e  |*process(int han|
00018ad0  64 6c 65 29 0d 3e 20 7b  0d 3e 20 20 20 70 72 69  |dle).> {.>   pri|
00018ae0  6e 74 66 28 22 50 72 6f  63 65 73 73 69 6e 67 2e  |ntf("Processing.|
00018af0  2e 2e 5c 6e 22 29 3b 0d  3e 20 20 20 72 65 74 75  |..\n");.>   retu|
00018b00  72 6e 20 30 3b 0d 3e 20  7d 0d 0d 49 6e 20 70 72  |rn 0;.> }..In pr|
00018b10  6f 63 65 73 73 28 29 20  79 6f 75 20 6e 65 65 64  |ocess() you need|
00018b20  20 61 6e 6f 74 68 65 72  20 62 69 74 20 6f 66 20  | another bit of |
00018b30  63 6f 64 65 20 74 6f 20  4f 53 5f 41 64 64 43 61  |code to OS_AddCa|
00018b40  6c 6c 42 61 63 6b 20 61  0d 63 61 6c 6c 62 61 63  |llBack a.callbac|
00018b50  6b 20 74 6f 20 2a 61 6e  6f 74 68 65 72 2a 20 72  |k to *another* r|
00018b60  6f 75 74 69 6e 65 20 77  68 69 63 68 20 64 6f 65  |outine which doe|
00018b70  73 20 74 68 65 20 70 72  69 6e 74 66 2e 20 59 6f  |s the printf. Yo|
00018b80  75 20 63 61 6e 27 74 0d  63 61 6c 6c 20 6d 6f 73  |u can't.call mos|
00018b90  74 20 74 68 69 6e 67 73  20 66 72 6f 6d 20 49 52  |t things from IR|
00018ba0  51 20 6d 6f 64 65 20 28  77 68 69 63 68 20 79 6f  |Q mode (which yo|
00018bb0  75 27 6c 6c 20 62 65 20  69 6e 20 64 75 72 69 6e  |u'll be in durin|
00018bc0  67 0d 70 72 6f 63 65 73  73 28 29 20 29 2c 20 61  |g.process() ), a|
00018bd0  73 20 61 6c 6c 20 73 6f  72 74 73 20 6f 66 20 72  |s all sorts of r|
00018be0  65 2d 65 6e 74 72 61 6e  63 79 20 70 72 6f 62 6c  |e-entrancy probl|
00018bf0  65 6d 73 20 6f 63 63 75  72 2e 0d 4f 53 5f 57 72  |ems occur..OS_Wr|
00018c00  69 74 65 30 20 70 72 6f  62 61 62 6c 79 20 69 73  |ite0 probably is|
00018c10  6e 27 74 20 61 6c 6c 6f  77 65 64 2c 20 61 6e 64  |n't allowed, and|
00018c20  20 61 6e 79 74 68 69 6e  67 20 65 6c 73 65 20 43  | anything else C|
00018c30  20 64 6f 65 73 0d 6f 6e  20 74 68 65 20 77 61 79  | does.on the way|
00018c40  20 6d 69 67 68 74 20 6e  6f 74 20 62 65 2e 20 43  | might not be. C|
00018c50  61 6c 6c 62 61 63 6b 73  20 63 61 6c 6c 20 74 68  |allbacks call th|
00018c60  65 20 72 6f 75 74 69 6e  65 20 77 68 65 6e 20 74  |e routine when t|
00018c70  68 65 0d 70 72 6f 63 65  73 73 6f 72 27 73 20 6e  |he.processor's n|
00018c80  65 78 74 20 69 64 6c 69  6e 67 2c 20 61 6e 64 20  |ext idling, and |
00018c90  69 74 27 73 20 65 6e 74  65 72 65 64 20 69 6e 20  |it's entered in |
00018ca0  55 53 52 20 6d 6f 64 65  20 73 6f 20 79 6f 75 0d  |USR mode so you.|
00018cb0  63 61 6e 20 63 61 6c 6c  20 61 6e 79 74 68 69 6e  |can call anythin|
00018cc0  67 2e 0d 0d 49 66 20 79  6f 75 20 77 61 6e 74 20  |g...If you want |
00018cd0  74 6f 20 63 68 65 63 6b  20 69 66 20 61 20 53 57  |to check if a SW|
00018ce0  49 20 63 61 6e 20 62 65  20 63 61 6c 6c 65 64 20  |I can be called |
00018cf0  66 72 6f 6d 20 61 20 43  61 6c 6c 41 66 74 65 72  |from a CallAfter|
00018d00  0d 6f 72 20 77 68 61 74  65 76 65 72 2c 20 73 65  |.or whatever, se|
00018d10  65 20 74 68 65 20 52 65  2d 65 6e 74 72 61 6e 63  |e the Re-entranc|
00018d20  79 20 73 65 63 74 69 6f  6e 20 75 6e 64 65 72 20  |y section under |
00018d30  74 68 61 74 20 70 61 72  74 69 63 75 6c 61 72 0d  |that particular.|
00018d40  53 57 49 20 69 6e 20 74  68 65 20 50 52 4d 20 2d  |SWI in the PRM -|
00018d50  20 74 68 61 74 27 73 20  77 68 61 74 20 74 68 61  | that's what tha|
00018d60  74 20 73 65 63 74 69 6f  6e 20 6d 65 61 6e 73 2e  |t section means.|
00018d70  20 4e 6f 6e 2d 72 65 2d  65 6e 74 72 61 6e 74 0d  | Non-re-entrant.|
00018d80  6d 65 61 6e 73 20 79 6f  75 20 63 61 6e 27 74 20  |means you can't |
00018d90  63 61 6c 6c 20 69 74 20  66 72 6f 6d 20 61 20 43  |call it from a C|
00018da0  61 6c 6c 41 66 74 65 72  2c 20 61 73 20 69 74 20  |allAfter, as it |
00018db0  6d 69 67 68 74 20 62 65  20 69 6e 20 74 68 65 0d  |might be in the.|
00018dc0  6d 69 64 64 6c 65 20 6f  66 20 62 65 69 6e 67 20  |middle of being |
00018dd0  63 61 6c 6c 65 64 20 61  6c 72 65 61 64 79 20 2d  |called already -|
00018de0  20 73 61 79 20 69 66 20  79 6f 75 27 72 65 20 64  | say if you're d|
00018df0  6f 69 6e 67 20 61 20 6c  6f 6e 67 0d 4f 53 5f 57  |oing a long.OS_W|
00018e00  72 69 74 65 30 20 6f 66  20 31 30 30 30 20 63 68  |rite0 of 1000 ch|
00018e10  61 72 61 63 74 65 72 73  20 6f 72 20 73 6f 6d 65  |aracters or some|
00018e20  74 68 69 6e 67 2c 20 61  6e 64 20 74 68 65 20 43  |thing, and the C|
00018e30  61 6c 6c 41 66 74 65 72  0d 74 69 6d 65 73 20 6f  |allAfter.times o|
00018e40  75 74 3a 20 74 68 65 20  6e 65 78 74 20 4f 53 5f  |ut: the next OS_|
00018e50  57 72 69 74 65 30 20 69  73 20 64 6f 6e 65 20 70  |Write0 is done p|
00018e60  65 72 66 65 63 74 6c 79  2c 20 74 68 65 6e 20 62  |erfectly, then b|
00018e70  61 63 6b 20 74 6f 0d 77  68 61 74 20 77 65 20 77  |ack to.what we w|
00018e80  65 72 65 20 64 6f 69 6e  67 20 62 65 66 6f 72 65  |ere doing before|
00018e90  3a 20 6f 6f 70 73 2c 20  52 69 73 63 20 4f 53 20  |: oops, Risc OS |
00018ea0  66 6f 72 67 65 74 73 20  77 68 61 74 20 77 65 20  |forgets what we |
00018eb0  77 65 72 65 0d 64 6f 69  6e 67 20 62 65 66 6f 72  |were.doing befor|
00018ec0  65 20 61 6e 64 20 67 65  74 73 20 63 6f 6e 66 75  |e and gets confu|
00018ed0  73 65 64 2e 20 54 68 61  74 27 73 20 77 68 79 20  |sed. That's why |
00018ee0  74 68 65 20 61 64 64 72  65 73 73 20 65 78 63 65  |the address exce|
00018ef0  70 74 69 6f 6e 0d 6f 63  63 75 72 73 20 2a 61 66  |ption.occurs *af|
00018f00  74 65 72 2a 20 74 68 65  20 22 50 72 6f 63 65 73  |ter* the "Proces|
00018f10  73 69 6e 67 2e 2e 2e 22  20 62 69 74 20 69 73 20  |sing..." bit is |
00018f20  70 72 69 6e 74 65 64 2e  0d 0d 53 6f 72 72 79 20  |printed...Sorry |
00018f30  69 66 20 49 27 76 65 20  65 78 70 6c 61 69 6e 65  |if I've explaine|
00018f40  64 20 74 68 65 20 6f 62  76 69 6f 75 73 20 6f 72  |d the obvious or|
00018f50  20 67 6f 6e 65 20 6f 6e  20 66 6f 72 20 66 61 72  | gone on for far|
00018f60  20 74 6f 6f 20 6c 6f 6e  67 3b 0d 49 27 6d 20 6a  | too long;.I'm j|
00018f70  75 73 74 20 74 72 79 69  6e 67 20 74 6f 20 62 65  |ust trying to be|
00018f80  20 75 73 65 66 75 6c 20  61 72 6f 75 6e 64 20 68  | useful around h|
00018f90  65 72 65 20 3a 2d 29 0d  0d 0d 2d 2d 0d 44 61 76  |ere :-)...--.Dav|
00018fa0  69 64 20 4c 6f 6e 67 20  20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20  |id Long         |
00018fb0  64 61 76 65 40 6b 65 63  68 62 2e 64 65 6d 6f 6e  |dave@kechb.demon|
00018fc0  2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b 0d 68  74 74 70 3a 2f 2f 77 77  |.co.uk.http://ww|
00018fd0  77 2e 69 63 61 66 65 2e  63 6f 2e 7a 61 2f 6d 69  |w.icafe.co.za/mi|
00018fe0  72 61 67 65 2f 6b 65 63  68 62 2f 64 61 76 65 2f  |rage/kechb/dave/|
00018ff0  0d 0d 2e 2e 2e 20 44 6f  20 62 72 61 69 6e 73 20  |..... Do brains |
00019000  63 6f 6d 65 20 77 69 74  68 20 61 20 67 75 61 72  |come with a guar|
00019010  61 6e 74 65 65 3f 0d 4e  65 77 73 67 72 6f 75 70  |antee?.Newsgroup|
00019020  73 3a 20 63 6f 6d 70 2e  73 79 73 2e 61 63 6f 72  |s: comp.sys.acor|
00019030  6e 2e 70 72 6f 67 72 61  6d 6d 65 72 0a 50 61 74  |n.programmer.Pat|
00019040  68 3a 20 6e 65 77 73 2e  64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f  |h: news.demon.co|
00019050  2e 75 6b 21 64 65 6d 6f  6e 21 62 74 6e 65 74 21  |.uk!demon!btnet!|
00019060  62 74 21 62 66 73 65 63  21 64 61 6c 6c 69 73 6f  |bt!bfsec!dalliso|
00019070  6e 0a 46 72 6f 6d 3a 20  64 61 6c 6c 69 73 6f 6e  |n.From: dallison|
00019080  40 62 66 73 65 63 2e 62  74 2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b 20  |@bfsec.bt.co.uk |
00019090  28 44 61 76 65 20 41 6c  6c 69 73 6f 6e 29 0a 53  |(Dave Allison).S|
000190a0  75 62 6a 65 63 74 3a 20  52 65 3a 20 44 69 73 61  |ubject: Re: Disa|
000190b0  62 6c 69 6e 67 20 73 74  61 63 6b 20 63 68 65 63  |bling stack chec|
000190c0  6b 69 6e 67 20 69 6e 20  45 61 73 79 43 2f 43 2b  |king in EasyC/C+|
000190d0  2b 0a 4d 65 73 73 61 67  65 2d 49 44 3a 20 3c 44  |+.Message-ID: <D|
000190e0  4a 35 71 77 34 2e 33 76  4c 40 62 66 73 65 63 2e  |J5qw4.3vL@bfsec.|
000190f0  62 74 2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b  3e 0a 53 65 6e 64 65 72  |bt.co.uk>.Sender|
00019100  3a 20 62 62 40 62 66 73  65 63 2e 62 74 2e 63 6f  |: bb@bfsec.bt.co|
00019110  2e 75 6b 20 28 42 75 6c  6c 65 74 69 6e 5f 62 6f  |.uk (Bulletin_bo|
00019120  61 72 64 73 29 0a 4f 72  67 61 6e 69 7a 61 74 69  |ards).Organizati|
00019130  6f 6e 3a 20 42 54 20 42  65 6c 66 61 73 74 20 45  |on: BT Belfast E|
00019140  6e 67 69 6e 65 65 72 69  6e 67 20 43 65 6e 74 72  |ngineering Centr|
00019150  65 0a 58 2d 4e 65 77 73  72 65 61 64 65 72 3a 20  |e.X-Newsreader: |
00019160  54 49 4e 20 5b 76 65 72  73 69 6f 6e 20 31 2e 32  |TIN [version 1.2|
00019170  20 50 4c 32 5d 0a 52 65  66 65 72 65 6e 63 65 73  | PL2].References|
00019180  3a 20 3c 31 39 39 35 31  32 30 34 2e 32 33 30 31  |: <19951204.2301|
00019190  33 34 2e 37 38 40 73 6f  66 74 65 64 67 65 2e 66  |34.78@softedge.f|
000191a0  74 65 63 68 2e 63 6f 2e  75 6b 3e 0a 44 61 74 65  |tech.co.uk>.Date|
000191b0  3a 20 57 65 64 2c 20 36  20 44 65 63 20 31 39 39  |: Wed, 6 Dec 199|
000191c0  35 20 30 39 3a 31 32 3a  30 34 20 47 4d 54 0a 4c  |5 09:12:04 GMT.L|
000191d0  69 6e 65 73 3a 20 32 38  0a 41 6a 69 74 68 20 50  |ines: 28.Ajith P|
000191e0  6f 6e 6e 61 6d 70 61 6c  61 76 61 6e 61 72 20 28  |onnampalavanar (|
000191f0  61 6a 69 74 68 40 73 6f  66 74 65 64 67 65 2e 66  |ajith@softedge.f|
00019200  74 65 63 68 2e 63 6f 2e  75 6b 29 20 77 72 6f 74  |tech.co.uk) wrot|
00019210  65 3a 0d 3a 20 48 69 2c  0d 0d 3a 20 49 73 20 74  |e:.: Hi,..: Is t|
00019220  68 65 72 65 20 61 20 77  61 79 20 6f 66 20 64 69  |here a way of di|
00019230  73 61 62 6c 69 6e 67 20  73 74 61 63 6b 20 63 68  |sabling stack ch|
00019240  65 63 6b 69 6e 67 20 66  6f 72 20 73 70 65 63 69  |ecking for speci|
00019250  66 69 63 20 43 20 66 75  6e 63 74 69 6f 6e 73 20  |fic C functions |
00019260  69 6e 0d 3a 20 45 61 73  79 43 2f 43 2b 2b 20 3f  |in.: EasyC/C++ ?|
00019270  20 49 20 6b 6e 6f 77 20  74 68 61 74 20 74 68 65  | I know that the|
00019280  20 41 63 6f 72 6e 20 43  2f 43 2b 2b 20 26 20 47  | Acorn C/C++ & G|
00019290  63 63 20 63 61 6e 20 64  6f 20 74 68 69 73 20 76  |cc can do this v|
000192a0  69 61 20 74 68 65 0d 3a  20 66 6f 6c 6c 6f 77 69  |ia the.: followi|
000192b0  6e 67 20 6d 65 74 68 6f  64 73 2c 20 62 75 74 20  |ng methods, but |
000192c0  69 73 20 74 68 65 72 65  20 61 20 77 61 79 20 6f  |is there a way o|
000192d0  66 20 64 6f 69 6e 67 20  74 68 69 73 20 75 6e 64  |f doing this und|
000192e0  65 72 20 45 61 73 79 43  2f 43 2b 2b 20 3f 0d 0d  |er EasyC/C++ ?..|
000192f0  3a 20 20 20 20 20 20 20  20 20 20 20 20 20 20 44  |:              D|
00019300  69 73 61 62 6c 65 20 53  74 61 63 6b 20 43 68 65  |isable Stack Che|
00019310  63 6b 69 6e 67 20 20 20  20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20  |cking           |
00019320  45 6e 61 62 6c 65 20 53  74 61 63 6b 20 43 68 65  |Enable Stack Che|
00019330  63 6b 69 6e 67 0d 3a 20  20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20  |cking.:         |
00019340  20 20 20 20 20 2d 2d 2d  2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d  |     -----------|
00019350  2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d  2d 2d 2d 20 20 20 20 20  |-----------     |
00019360  20 20 20 20 20 20 2d 2d  2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d  |      ----------|
00019370  2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d  2d 2d 2d 0d 0d 3a 20 41  |-----------..: A|
00019380  63 6f 72 6e 20 43 2f 43  2b 2b 20 20 20 20 20 23  |corn C/C++     #|
00019390  70 72 61 67 6d 61 20 2d  73 31 20 20 20 20 20 20  |pragma -s1      |
000193a0  20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20  20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20  |                |
000193b0  20 23 70 72 61 67 6d 61  20 2d 73 30 0d 3a 20 47  | #pragma -s0.: G|
000193c0  63 63 20 20 20 20 20 20  20 20 20 20 20 20 20 23  |cc             #|
000193d0  70 72 61 67 6d 61 20 6e  6f 5f 63 68 65 63 6b 5f  |pragma no_check_|
000193e0  73 74 61 63 6b 20 20 20  20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20  |stack           |
000193f0  20 23 70 72 61 67 6d 61  20 63 68 65 63 6b 5f 73  | #pragma check_s|
00019400  74 61 63 6b 0d 3a 20 45  61 73 79 43 2f 43 2b 2b  |tack.: EasyC/C++|
00019410  20 20 20 20 20 20 20 3f  3f 3f 3f 3f 20 20 20 20  |       ?????    |
00019420  20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20  20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20  |                |
00019430  20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20  20 3f 3f 3f 3f 3f 3f 0d  |         ??????.|
00019440  0d 4e 6f 74 20 69 6e 20  74 68 65 20 63 75 72 72  |.Not in the curr|
00019450  65 6e 74 20 72 65 6c 65  61 73 65 2e 20 20 49 27  |ent release.  I'|
00019460  6c 6c 20 70 75 74 20 69  74 20 69 6e 20 74 68 65  |ll put it in the|
00019470  20 6e 65 78 74 20 76 65  72 73 69 6f 6e 2e 20 20  | next version.  |
00019480  49 74 27 6c 6c 0d 62 65  20 61 20 23 70 72 61 67  |It'll.be a #prag|
00019490  6d 61 20 74 6f 6f 2e 20  20 0d 0d 54 68 65 20 6e  |ma too.  ..The n|
000194a0  65 78 74 20 76 65 72 73  69 6f 6e 20 77 69 6c 6c  |ext version will|
000194b0  20 62 65 20 61 76 61 69  6c 61 62 6c 65 20 73 6f  | be available so|
000194c0  6f 6e 2e 20 20 49 20 68  61 76 65 20 61 20 6e 75  |on.  I have a nu|
000194d0  6d 62 65 72 20 6f 66 20  72 65 70 6f 72 74 65 64  |mber of reported|
000194e0  0d 62 75 67 73 20 74 6f  20 6c 6f 6f 6b 20 61 74  |.bugs to look at|
000194f0  2e 0d 0d 44 61 76 65 0d  2d 2d 0d 44 61 76 65 20  |...Dave.--.Dave |
00019500  41 6c 6c 69 73 6f 6e 2c  20 53 65 6e 69 6f 72 20  |Allison, Senior |
00019510  53 6f 66 74 77 61 72 65  20 45 6e 67 69 6e 65 65  |Software Enginee|
00019520  72 0d 42 54 20 42 65 6c  66 61 73 74 20 45 6e 67  |r.BT Belfast Eng|
00019530  69 6e 65 65 72 69 6e 67  20 43 65 6e 74 72 65 0d  |ineering Centre.|
00019540  0d 54 68 69 73 20 69 73  20 61 20 70 65 72 73 6f  |.This is a perso|
00019550  6e 61 6c 20 6d 65 73 73  61 67 65 20 69 6e 20 77  |nal message in w|
00019560  68 69 63 68 20 49 20 61  6d 20 4e 4f 54 20 73 70  |hich I am NOT sp|
00019570  65 61 6b 69 6e 67 20 66  6f 72 0d 42 54 20 69 6e  |eaking for.BT in|
00019580  20 61 6e 79 20 77 61 79  2e 0d 0d 50 61 74 68 3a  | any way...Path:|
00019590  20 6e 65 77 73 2e 64 65  6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75  | news.demon.co.u|
000195a0  6b 21 64 65 6d 6f 6e 21  6d 69 63 72 6f 6c 69 62  |k!demon!microlib|
000195b0  2e 64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63  6f 2e 75 6b 0a 46 72 6f  |.demon.co.uk.Fro|
000195c0  6d 3a 20 73 69 6d 6f 6e  40 6d 69 63 72 6f 6c 69  |m: simon@microli|
000195d0  62 2e 64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e  63 6f 2e 75 6b 20 28 53  |b.demon.co.uk (S|
000195e0  69 6d 6f 6e 20 4f 27 43  6f 6e 6e 6f 72 29 0a 4e  |imon O'Connor).N|
000195f0  65 77 73 67 72 6f 75 70  73 3a 20 63 6f 6d 70 2e  |ewsgroups: comp.|
00019600  73 79 73 2e 61 63 6f 72  6e 2e 70 72 6f 67 72 61  |sys.acorn.progra|
00019610  6d 6d 65 72 0a 53 75 62  6a 65 63 74 3a 20 52 65  |mmer.Subject: Re|
00019620  3a 20 44 65 6d 6f 2f 47  61 6d 65 20 43 6f 64 69  |: Demo/Game Codi|
00019630  6e 67 20 2d 20 52 45 43  4f 4e 46 49 47 55 52 45  |ng - RECONFIGURE|
00019640  3f 21 0a 44 61 74 65 3a  20 54 75 65 2c 20 30 35  |?!.Date: Tue, 05|
00019650  20 44 65 63 20 31 39 39  35 20 31 33 3a 34 34 3a  | Dec 1995 13:44:|
00019660  34 39 20 47 4d 54 0a 4f  72 67 61 6e 69 7a 61 74  |49 GMT.Organizat|
00019670  69 6f 6e 3a 20 4d 69 63  72 6f 20 4c 69 62 72 61  |ion: Micro Libra|
00019680  72 69 61 6e 20 53 79 73  74 65 6d 73 0a 4c 69 6e  |rian Systems.Lin|
00019690  65 73 3a 20 32 32 0a 4d  65 73 73 61 67 65 2d 49  |es: 22.Message-I|
000196a0  44 3a 20 3c 6e 37 42 34  37 36 42 44 36 40 6d 69  |D: <n7B476BD6@mi|
000196b0  63 72 6f 6c 69 62 2e 64  65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e  |crolib.demon.co.|
000196c0  75 6b 3e 0a 52 65 66 65  72 65 6e 63 65 73 3a 20  |uk>.References: |
000196d0  3c 31 39 39 35 31 31 32  33 2e 31 34 35 30 33 31  |<19951123.145031|
000196e0  2e 38 35 40 67 75 32 32  38 75 71 2e 64 65 6d 6f  |.85@gu228uq.demo|
000196f0  6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b 3e  20 3c 31 39 39 35 31 31  |n.co.uk> <199511|
00019700  33 30 2e 32 30 34 39 30  33 2e 37 37 40 6d 73 6d  |30.204903.77@msm|
00019710  69 74 68 2e 7a 79 6e 65  74 2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b 3e  |ith.zynet.co.uk>|
00019720  20 3c 6e 37 39 34 39 33  39 33 35 40 6d 69 63 72  | <n79493935@micr|
00019730  6f 6c 69 62 2e 64 65 6d  6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b  |olib.demon.co.uk|
00019740  3e 20 3c 31 39 39 35 31  32 30 35 2e 30 39 31 37  |> <19951205.0917|
00019750  34 36 2e 39 30 40 77 6e  64 72 77 72 6b 73 2e 64  |46.90@wndrwrks.d|
00019760  65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e  75 6b 3e 0a 4e 4e 54 50  |emon.co.uk>.NNTP|
00019770  2d 50 6f 73 74 69 6e 67  2d 48 6f 73 74 3a 20 6d  |-Posting-Host: m|
00019780  69 63 72 6f 6c 69 62 2e  64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f  |icrolib.demon.co|
00019790  2e 75 6b 0a 58 2d 4e 4e  54 50 2d 50 6f 73 74 69  |.uk.X-NNTP-Posti|
000197a0  6e 67 2d 48 6f 73 74 3a  20 6d 69 63 72 6f 6c 69  |ng-Host: microli|
000197b0  62 2e 64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e  63 6f 2e 75 6b 0a 58 2d  |b.demon.co.uk.X-|
000197c0  4e 65 77 73 72 65 61 64  65 72 3a 20 4f 66 66 6c  |Newsreader: Offl|
000197d0  69 74 65 20 30 2e 30 39  20 2f 20 54 65 72 6d 69  |ite 0.09 / Termi|
000197e0  74 65 20 49 6e 74 65 72  6e 65 74 20 66 6f 72 20  |te Internet for |
000197f0  41 63 6f 72 6e 20 52 49  53 43 20 4f 53 0a 41 6e  |Acorn RISC OS.An|
00019800  64 79 40 77 6e 64 72 77  72 6b 73 2e 64 65 6d 6f  |dy@wndrwrks.demo|
00019810  6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b 20  28 41 6e 64 79 20 41 72  |n.co.uk (Andy Ar|
00019820  6d 73 74 72 6f 6e 67 29  20 77 72 6f 74 65 3a 0d  |mstrong) wrote:.|
00019830  0d 3e 20 45 78 70 6c 6f  72 65 72 20 69 73 20 77  |.> Explorer is w|
00019840  61 79 2c 20 77 61 79 20  62 65 74 74 65 72 20 74  |ay, way better t|
00019850  68 65 6e 20 74 68 65 20  52 49 53 43 20 4f 53 20  |hen the RISC OS |
00019860  66 69 6c 65 72 2e 20 49  20 6b 6e 6f 77 20 74 68  |filer. I know th|
00019870  65 72 65 27 73 20 6c 6f  74 73 0d 3e 20 6f 66 20  |ere's lots.> of |
00019880  6e 61 73 74 69 6e 65 73  73 20 75 6e 64 65 72 20  |nastiness under |
00019890  74 68 65 20 73 75 72 66  61 63 65 2c 20 62 75 74  |the surface, but|
000198a0  20 61 66 74 65 72 20 65  69 67 68 74 20 79 65 61  | after eight yea|
000198b0  72 73 20 6f 66 20 75 73  69 6e 67 0d 3e 20 41 72  |rs of using.> Ar|
000198c0  63 68 69 6d 65 64 65 73  20 49 20 68 61 76 65 20  |chimedes I have |
000198d0  74 6f 20 73 61 79 20 49  20 65 6e 6a 6f 79 20 74  |to say I enjoy t|
000198e0  68 65 20 57 69 6e 64 6f  77 73 20 39 35 20 69 6e  |he Windows 95 in|
000198f0  74 65 72 66 61 63 65 20  76 65 72 79 20 6d 75 63  |terface very muc|
00019900  68 2e 0d 0d 49 20 74 68  69 6e 6b 20 52 49 53 43  |h...I think RISC|
00019910  20 4f 53 20 6e 65 65 64  73 20 75 70 64 61 74 69  | OS needs updati|
00019920  6e 67 20 74 6f 20 62 72  69 6e 67 20 69 74 20 69  |ng to bring it i|
00019930  6e 74 6f 20 6c 69 6e 65  2c 20 74 68 65 72 65 20  |nto line, there |
00019940  61 72 65 20 73 74 69 6c  6c 20 61 20 66 65 77 0d  |are still a few.|
00019950  61 6e 6e 6f 79 69 6e 67  20 74 68 69 6e 67 73 20  |annoying things |
00019960  69 6e 20 74 68 65 72 65  20 28 73 75 63 68 20 61  |in there (such a|
00019970  73 20 74 68 65 20 73 61  76 65 2d 62 6f 78 20 69  |s the save-box i|
00019980  64 65 61 2c 20 61 6e 64  20 74 68 65 20 62 6f 78  |dea, and the box|
00019990  20 67 6f 65 73 20 61 77  61 79 0d 77 68 65 6e 20  | goes away.when |
000199a0  79 6f 75 20 63 6c 69 63  6b 20 61 6e 79 77 68 65  |you click anywhe|
000199b0  72 65 20 65 6c 73 65 20  2d 20 73 6f 20 79 6f 75  |re else - so you|
000199c0  20 68 61 76 65 20 74 6f  20 67 6f 20 72 6f 75 6e  | have to go roun|
000199d0  64 20 6f 70 65 6e 69 6e  67 20 77 69 6e 64 6f 77  |d opening window|
000199e0  73 20 74 6f 0d 66 69 6e  64 20 74 68 65 20 72 69  |s to.find the ri|
000199f0  67 68 74 20 64 69 72 20  2d 20 77 68 65 72 65 61  |ght dir - wherea|
00019a00  73 20 61 20 28 6c 65 73  73 20 75 73 65 72 20 66  |s a (less user f|
00019a10  72 69 65 6e 64 6c 79 20  74 68 6f 29 20 66 69 6c  |riendly tho) fil|
00019a20  65 20 6c 69 73 74 69 6e  67 20 69 73 20 6d 75 63  |e listing is muc|
00019a30  68 0d 6d 6f 72 65 20 66  6c 65 78 69 62 6c 65 20  |h.more flexible |
00019a40  66 6f 72 20 6d 6f 72 65  20 61 64 76 61 6e 63 65  |for more advance|
00019a50  64 20 75 73 65 72 73 29  0d 0d 61 6c 73 6f 20 61  |d users)..also a|
00019a60  6e 6f 74 68 65 72 20 74  68 69 6e 67 20 49 27 64  |nother thing I'd|
00019a70  20 6c 69 6b 65 20 74 6f  20 73 65 65 20 77 6f 75  | like to see wou|
00019a80  6c 64 20 62 65 20 61 6c  6c 6f 77 69 6e 67 20 74  |ld be allowing t|
00019a90  68 65 20 69 63 6f 6e 20  62 61 72 20 74 6f 20 62  |he icon bar to b|
00019aa0  65 0d 63 68 61 6e 67 65  64 2c 20 61 6e 64 20 74  |e.changed, and t|
00019ab0  6f 20 62 65 20 6d 6f 76  65 64 20 61 62 6f 75 74  |o be moved about|
00019ac0  20 28 69 74 20 77 6f 75  6c 64 6e 27 74 20 62 65  | (it wouldn't be|
00019ad0  20 74 68 61 74 20 68 61  72 64 20 49 20 72 65 63  | that hard I rec|
00019ae0  6b 6f 6e 20 73 69 6e 63  65 20 74 68 65 0d 69 63  |kon since the.ic|
00019af0  6f 6e 62 61 72 20 69 73  20 61 20 77 69 6e 64 6f  |onbar is a windo|
00019b00  77 20 61 6e 79 77 61 79  29 20 61 6e 64 20 72 65  |w anyway) and re|
00019b10  73 69 7a 65 64 2e 2e 2e  0d 0d 2d 2d 20 0d 20 20  |sized.....-- .  |
00019b20  20 20 20 20 20 20 20 2d  3e 20 20 20 4d 20 69 20  |       ->   M i |
00019b30  63 20 72 20 6f 20 20 20  20 4c 20 69 20 62 20 72  |c r o    L i b r|
00019b40  20 61 20 72 20 69 20 61  20 6e 20 20 20 20 53 20  | a r i a n    S |
00019b50  79 20 73 20 74 20 65 20  6d 20 73 20 20 20 3c 2d  |y s t e m s   <-|
00019b60  0d 20 20 20 20 20 20 20  20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20  |.               |
00019b70  20 53 6f 66 74 77 61 72  65 20 61 6e 64 20 73 75  | Software and su|
00019b80  70 70 6f 72 74 20 73 65  72 76 69 63 65 73 20 66  |pport services f|
00019b90  6f 72 20 4c 69 62 72 61  72 69 65 73 0d 0d 20 20  |or Libraries..  |
00019ba0  20 20 20 65 2d 6d 61 69  6c 3a 20 69 6e 66 6f 40  |   e-mail: info@|
00019bb0  6d 69 63 72 6f 6c 69 62  2e 64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63  |microlib.demon.c|
00019bc0  6f 2e 75 6b 20 20 20 20  54 65 6c 2f 46 41 58 3a  |o.uk    Tel/FAX:|
00019bd0  20 2b 34 34 20 28 30 29  31 36 31 20 34 34 39 20  | +44 (0)161 449 |
00019be0  39 33 35 37 0d 50 61 74  68 3a 20 6e 65 77 73 2e  |9357.Path: news.|
00019bf0  64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f  2e 75 6b 21 64 65 6d 6f  |demon.co.uk!demo|
00019c00  6e 21 6d 69 63 72 6f 6c  69 62 2e 64 65 6d 6f 6e  |n!microlib.demon|
00019c10  2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b 0a 46  72 6f 6d 3a 20 73 69 6d  |.co.uk.From: sim|
00019c20  6f 6e 40 6d 69 63 72 6f  6c 69 62 2e 64 65 6d 6f  |on@microlib.demo|
00019c30  6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b 20  28 53 69 6d 6f 6e 20 4f  |n.co.uk (Simon O|
00019c40  27 43 6f 6e 6e 6f 72 29  0a 4e 65 77 73 67 72 6f  |'Connor).Newsgro|
00019c50  75 70 73 3a 20 63 6f 6d  70 2e 73 79 73 2e 61 63  |ups: comp.sys.ac|
00019c60  6f 72 6e 2e 70 72 6f 67  72 61 6d 6d 65 72 0a 53  |orn.programmer.S|
00019c70  75 62 6a 65 63 74 3a 20  52 65 3a 20 44 65 6d 6f  |ubject: Re: Demo|
00019c80  2f 47 61 6d 65 20 43 6f  64 69 6e 67 20 2d 20 52  |/Game Coding - R|
00019c90  45 43 4f 4e 46 49 47 55  52 45 3f 21 0a 44 61 74  |ECONFIGURE?!.Dat|
00019ca0  65 3a 20 54 75 65 2c 20  30 35 20 44 65 63 20 31  |e: Tue, 05 Dec 1|
00019cb0  39 39 35 20 31 33 3a 35  32 3a 35 34 20 47 4d 54  |995 13:52:54 GMT|
00019cc0  0a 4f 72 67 61 6e 69 7a  61 74 69 6f 6e 3a 20 4d  |.Organization: M|
00019cd0  69 63 72 6f 20 4c 69 62  72 61 72 69 61 6e 20 53  |icro Librarian S|
00019ce0  79 73 74 65 6d 73 0a 4c  69 6e 65 73 3a 20 31 37  |ystems.Lines: 17|
00019cf0  0a 4d 65 73 73 61 67 65  2d 49 44 3a 20 3c 6e 37  |.Message-ID: <n7|
00019d00  42 34 38 32 39 31 38 40  6d 69 63 72 6f 6c 69 62  |B482918@microlib|
00019d10  2e 64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63  6f 2e 75 6b 3e 0a 52 65  |.demon.co.uk>.Re|
00019d20  66 65 72 65 6e 63 65 73  3a 20 3c 31 39 39 35 31  |ferences: <19951|
00019d30  31 32 33 2e 31 34 35 30  33 31 2e 38 35 40 67 75  |123.145031.85@gu|
00019d40  32 32 38 75 71 2e 64 65  6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75  |228uq.demon.co.u|
00019d50  6b 3e 20 3c 31 39 39 35  31 31 33 30 2e 32 30 34  |k> <19951130.204|
00019d60  39 30 33 2e 37 37 40 6d  73 6d 69 74 68 2e 7a 79  |903.77@msmith.zy|
00019d70  6e 65 74 2e 63 6f 2e 75  6b 3e 20 3c 6e 37 39 34  |net.co.uk> <n794|
00019d80  39 33 39 33 35 40 6d 69  63 72 6f 6c 69 62 2e 64  |93935@microlib.d|
00019d90  65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e  75 6b 3e 20 3c 34 39 76  |emon.co.uk> <49v|
00019da0  33 74 34 24 69 30 72 40  64 6f 63 2e 61 72 6d 6c  |3t4$i0r@doc.arml|
00019db0  74 64 2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b  3e 0a 4e 4e 54 50 2d 50  |td.co.uk>.NNTP-P|
00019dc0  6f 73 74 69 6e 67 2d 48  6f 73 74 3a 20 6d 69 63  |osting-Host: mic|
00019dd0  72 6f 6c 69 62 2e 64 65  6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75  |rolib.demon.co.u|
00019de0  6b 0a 58 2d 4e 4e 54 50  2d 50 6f 73 74 69 6e 67  |k.X-NNTP-Posting|
00019df0  2d 48 6f 73 74 3a 20 6d  69 63 72 6f 6c 69 62 2e  |-Host: microlib.|
00019e00  64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f  2e 75 6b 0a 58 2d 4e 65  |demon.co.uk.X-Ne|
00019e10  77 73 72 65 61 64 65 72  3a 20 4f 66 66 6c 69 74  |wsreader: Offlit|
00019e20  65 20 30 2e 30 39 20 2f  20 54 65 72 6d 69 74 65  |e 0.09 / Termite|
00019e30  20 49 6e 74 65 72 6e 65  74 20 66 6f 72 20 41 63  | Internet for Ac|
00019e40  6f 72 6e 20 52 49 53 43  20 4f 53 0a 6d 69 63 68  |orn RISC OS.mich|
00019e50  61 65 6c 2e 77 69 6c 6c  69 61 6d 73 40 61 72 6d  |ael.williams@arm|
00019e60  6c 74 64 2e 63 6f 2e 75  6b 20 28 4d 69 63 68 61  |ltd.co.uk (Micha|
00019e70  65 6c 20 57 69 6c 6c 69  61 6d 73 29 20 77 72 6f  |el Williams) wro|
00019e80  74 65 3a 0d 0d 3e 20 45  72 2c 20 6e 6f 74 20 74  |te:..> Er, not t|
00019e90  72 75 65 2e 20 58 65 72  6f 78 20 50 41 52 43 20  |rue. Xerox PARC |
00019ea0  64 65 76 65 6c 6f 70 65  64 20 74 68 65 20 57 49  |developed the WI|
00019eb0  4d 50 20 66 6f 72 20 58  65 72 6f 78 2e 20 41 70  |MP for Xerox. Ap|
00019ec0  70 6c 65 20 77 65 72 65  20 6a 75 73 74 0d 3e 20  |ple were just.> |
00019ed0  6f 6e 65 20 6f 66 20 74  68 65 20 66 69 72 73 74  |one of the first|
00019ee0  20 76 65 6e 64 6f 72 73  20 74 6f 20 63 6f 70 79  | vendors to copy|
00019ef0  20 69 74 2e 0d 0d 4f 6b  20 6e 6f 74 20 65 78 63  | it...Ok not exc|
00019f00  6c 75 73 69 76 65 6c 79  2c 20 62 75 74 20 69 74  |lusively, but it|
00019f10  20 73 74 69 6c 6c 20 77  61 73 20 6f 6e 65 20 6f  | still was one o|
00019f20  66 20 74 68 65 20 76 65  72 79 20 66 69 72 73 74  |f the very first|
00019f30  20 28 62 65 66 6f 72 65  20 74 68 65 20 4d 61 63  | (before the Mac|
00019f40  0d 28 74 68 65 20 49 49  20 3f 29 29 20 2d 20 74  |.(the II ?)) - t|
00019f50  68 65 20 72 65 73 74 20  6f 66 20 74 68 65 20 77  |he rest of the w|
00019f60  6f 72 6c 64 20 77 65 72  65 20 73 74 69 6c 6c 20  |orld were still |
00019f70  75 73 69 6e 67 20 43 4c  49 20 62 61 73 65 64 20  |using CLI based |
00019f80  4f 53 27 73 20 61 74 20  74 68 65 0d 74 69 6d 65  |OS's at the.time|
00019f90  20 74 68 6f 75 67 68 20  75 6e 74 69 6c 20 65 76  | though until ev|
00019fa0  65 72 79 6f 6e 65 20 65  6c 73 65 20 63 61 75 67  |eryone else caug|
00019fb0  68 74 20 6f 6e 20 74 6f  20 74 68 65 20 69 64 65  |ht on to the ide|
00019fc0  61 2e 0d 0d 0d 0d 2d 2d  20 0d 20 20 20 20 20 20  |a.....-- .      |
00019fd0  20 20 20 2d 3e 20 20 20  4d 20 69 20 63 20 72 20  |   ->   M i c r |
00019fe0  6f 20 20 20 20 4c 20 69  20 62 20 72 20 61 20 72  |o    L i b r a r|
00019ff0  20 69 20 61 20 6e 20 20  20 20 53 20 79 20 73 20  | i a n    S y s |
0001a000  74 20 65 20 6d 20 73 20  20 20 3c 2d 0d 20 20 20  |t e m s   <-.   |
0001a010  20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20  20 20 20 20 20 53 6f 66  |             Sof|
0001a020  74 77 61 72 65 20 61 6e  64 20 73 75 70 70 6f 72  |tware and suppor|
0001a030  74 20 73 65 72 76 69 63  65 73 20 66 6f 72 20 4c  |t services for L|
0001a040  69 62 72 61 72 69 65 73  0d 0d 20 20 20 20 20 65  |ibraries..     e|
0001a050  2d 6d 61 69 6c 3a 20 69  6e 66 6f 40 6d 69 63 72  |-mail: info@micr|
0001a060  6f 6c 69 62 2e 64 65 6d  6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b  |olib.demon.co.uk|
0001a070  20 20 20 20 54 65 6c 2f  46 41 58 3a 20 2b 34 34  |    Tel/FAX: +44|
0001a080  20 28 30 29 31 36 31 20  34 34 39 20 39 33 35 37  | (0)161 449 9357|
0001a090  0d 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  |................|
0001a0a0  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  |................|
000409e0  00 00 00 00 00 50 61 74  68 3a 20 6e 65 77 73 2e  |.....Path: news.|
000409f0  64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f  2e 75 6b 21 64 65 6d 6f  |demon.co.uk!demo|
00040a00  6e 21 73 75 6e 73 69 74  65 2e 64 6f 63 2e 69 63  |n!sunsite.doc.ic|
00040a10  2e 61 63 2e 75 6b 21 79  61 6d 61 2e 6d 63 63 2e  |.ac.uk!yama.mcc.|
00040a20  61 63 2e 75 6b 21 64 6d  75 21 75 73 65 6e 65 74  |ac.uk!dmu!usenet|
00040a30  0a 46 72 6f 6d 3a 20 4a  61 6d 65 73 20 48 75 6e  |.From: James Hun|
00040a40  74 65 72 20 3c 73 65 32  6a 68 31 3e 0a 4e 65 77  |ter <se2jh1>.New|
00040a50  73 67 72 6f 75 70 73 3a  20 63 6f 6d 70 2e 73 79  |sgroups: comp.sy|
00040a60  73 2e 61 63 6f 72 6e 2e  70 72 6f 67 72 61 6d 6d  |s.acorn.programm|
00040a70  65 72 0a 53 75 62 6a 65  63 74 3a 20 52 65 3a 20  |er.Subject: Re: |
00040a80  41 35 30 30 30 73 20 61  6e 64 20 61 6e 20 45 49  |A5000s and an EI|
00040a90  44 45 20 68 61 72 64 20  64 69 73 63 0a 44 61 74  |DE hard disc.Dat|
00040aa0  65 3a 20 31 34 20 4e 6f  76 20 31 39 39 35 20 31  |e: 14 Nov 1995 1|
00040ab0  31 3a 35 38 3a 34 32 20  47 4d 54 0a 4f 72 67 61  |1:58:42 GMT.Orga|
00040ac0  6e 69 7a 61 74 69 6f 6e  3a 20 53 4a 50 44 0a 4c  |nization: SJPD.L|
00040ad0  69 6e 65 73 3a 20 32 36  0a 44 69 73 74 72 69 62  |ines: 26.Distrib|
00040ae0  75 74 69 6f 6e 3a 20 77  6f 72 6c 64 0a 4d 65 73  |ution: world.Mes|
00040af0  73 61 67 65 2d 49 44 3a  20 3c 34 38 61 30 39 69  |sage-ID: <48a09i|
00040b00  24 68 6c 65 40 6d 61 63  6f 6e 64 6f 2e 64 6d 75  |$hle@macondo.dmu|
00040b10  2e 61 63 2e 75 6b 3e 0a  52 65 66 65 72 65 6e 63  |.ac.uk>.Referenc|
00040b20  65 73 3a 20 3c 6d 63 67  30 31 37 2e 34 32 2e 30  |es: <mcg017.42.0|
00040b30  40 6e 65 77 73 2e 73 61  6c 66 6f 72 64 2e 61 63  |@news.salford.ac|
00040b40  2e 75 6b 3e 0a 4e 4e 54  50 2d 50 6f 73 74 69 6e  |.uk>.NNTP-Postin|
00040b50  67 2d 48 6f 73 74 3a 20  64 65 64 65 6b 69 6e 64  |g-Host: dedekind|
00040b60  2e 63 6d 73 2e 64 6d 75  2e 61 63 2e 75 6b 0a 4d  |.cms.dmu.ac.uk.M|
00040b70  69 6d 65 2d 56 65 72 73  69 6f 6e 3a 20 31 2e 30  |ime-Version: 1.0|
00040b80  0a 43 6f 6e 74 65 6e 74  2d 54 79 70 65 3a 20 74  |.Content-Type: t|
00040b90  65 78 74 2f 70 6c 61 69  6e 3b 20 63 68 61 72 73  |ext/plain; chars|
00040ba0  65 74 3d 75 73 2d 61 73  63 69 69 0a 43 6f 6e 74  |et=us-ascii.Cont|
00040bb0  65 6e 74 2d 54 72 61 6e  73 66 65 72 2d 45 6e 63  |ent-Transfer-Enc|
00040bc0  6f 64 69 6e 67 3a 20 37  62 69 74 0a 58 2d 4d 61  |oding: 7bit.X-Ma|
00040bd0  69 6c 65 72 3a 20 4d 6f  7a 69 6c 6c 61 20 31 2e  |iler: Mozilla 1.|
00040be0  31 4e 20 28 58 31 31 3b  20 49 3b 20 48 50 2d 55  |1N (X11; I; HP-U|
00040bf0  58 20 41 2e 30 39 2e 30  35 20 39 30 30 30 2f 37  |X A.09.05 9000/7|
00040c00  31 35 29 0a 58 2d 55 52  4c 3a 20 6e 65 77 73 3a  |15).X-URL: news:|
00040c10  6d 63 67 30 31 37 2e 34  32 2e 30 40 6e 65 77 73  |mcg017.42.0@news|
00040c20  2e 73 61 6c 66 6f 72 64  2e 61 63 2e 75 6b 0a 6d  |.salford.ac.uk.m|
00040c30  63 67 30 31 37 40 6e 65  77 73 2e 73 61 6c 66 6f  |cg017@news.salfo|
00040c40  72 64 2e 61 63 2e 75 6b  20 28 4e 69 63 6b 20 42  |rd.ac.uk (Nick B|
00040c50  75 72 72 65 74 74 29 20  77 72 6f 74 65 3a 0a 3e  |urrett) wrote:.>|
00040c60  48 69 2c 0a 3e 0a 3e 49  73 20 69 74 20 77 61 73  |Hi,.>.>Is it was|
00040c70  20 70 6f 73 73 69 62 6c  65 20 74 6f 20 75 73 65  | possible to use|
00040c80  20 61 6e 20 45 2d 49 44  45 20 68 61 72 64 20 64  | an E-IDE hard d|
00040c90  69 73 63 20 77 69 74 68  20 74 68 65 20 0a 3e 73  |isc with the .>s|
00040ca0  74 61 6e 64 61 72 64 20  49 44 45 20 69 6e 74 65  |tandard IDE inte|
00040cb0  72 66 61 63 65 20 69 6e  20 74 68 65 20 41 35 30  |rface in the A50|
00040cc0  30 30 20 3f 0a 3e 0a 3e  4e 69 63 6b 2e 0a 3e 6e  |00 ?.>.>Nick..>n|
00040cd0  2e 61 2e 62 75 72 72 65  74 74 40 6d 63 73 2e 73  |.a.burrett@mcs.s|
00040ce0  61 6c 66 6f 72 64 2e 61  63 2e 75 6b 0a 3e 20 20  |alford.ac.uk.>  |
00040cf0  0a 0a 59 65 73 2e 0a 0a  45 49 44 45 20 64 72 69  |..Yes...EIDE dri|
00040d00  76 65 73 20 61 72 65 20  6d 75 63 68 20 66 61 73  |ves are much fas|
00040d10  74 65 72 20 77 68 65 6e  20 75 73 65 64 20 77 69  |ter when used wi|
00040d20  74 68 20 61 6e 20 45 49  44 45 20 69 6e 74 65 72  |th an EIDE inter|
00040d30  66 61 63 65 20 62 75 74  20 77 69 6c 6c 0a 66 75  |face but will.fu|
00040d40  6e 63 74 69 6f 6e 20 61  73 20 61 6e 20 49 44 45  |nction as an IDE|
00040d50  20 64 72 69 76 65 20 77  68 65 6e 20 63 6f 6e 6e  | drive when conn|
00040d60  65 63 74 65 64 20 74 6f  20 61 6e 20 49 44 45 20  |ected to an IDE |
00040d70  70 6f 72 74 2e 20 0a 0a  4d 6f 73 74 20 49 44 45  |port. ..Most IDE|
00040d80  20 68 61 72 64 20 64 72  69 76 65 73 20 6e 6f 77  | hard drives now|
00040d90  20 61 76 61 6c 69 61 62  6c 65 20 61 72 65 20 61  | avaliable are a|
00040da0  63 74 75 61 6c 6c 79 20  45 49 44 45 20 61 6e 79  |ctually EIDE any|
00040db0  77 61 79 2e 0a 0a 4a 61  6d 65 73 2e 0a 0a 2d 2d  |way...James...--|
00040dc0  20 0a 20 20 20 20 20 20  20 20 5f 20 20 20 20 20  | .        _     |
00040dd0  20 4a 65 6c 6c 79 20 2d  20 28 4a 61 6d 65 73 20  | Jelly - (James |
00040de0  48 75 6e 74 65 72 29 0a  20 20 20 20 20 5f 20 2f  |Hunter).     _ /|
00040df0  20 5c 20 5f 20 20 20 20  59 65 61 72 20 32 20 53  | \ _    Year 2 S|
00040e00  6f 66 74 77 61 72 65 20  45 6e 67 69 6e 65 65 72  |oftware Engineer|
00040e10  69 6e 67 20 2d 20 44 65  20 4d 6f 6e 74 66 6f 72  |ing - De Montfor|
00040e20  74 20 55 6e 69 76 65 72  73 69 74 79 2c 20 4c 65  |t University, Le|
00040e30  69 63 65 73 74 65 72 0a  20 20 5f 20 2f 20 5c 20  |icester.  _ / \ |
00040e40  20 20 2f 20 5c 20 5f 20  20 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d  |  / \ _  -------|
00040e50  2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d  2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d  |----------------|
00040e80  2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 0a  20 2f 20 5c 20 20 20 20  |-------. / \    |
00040e90  20 20 20 20 20 2f 20 5c  20 20 45 6c 65 63 74 72  |     / \  Electr|
00040ea0  6f 6e 69 63 20 4d 61 69  6c 3a 20 73 65 32 6a 68  |onic Mail: se2jh|
00040eb0  31 40 64 6d 75 2e 61 63  2e 75 6b 0a 2f 5f 5f 5f  |1@dmu.ac.uk./___|
00040ec0  5f 5f 5f 5f 5f 5f 5f 5f  5f 5f 5f 5f 5c 20 20 57  |____________\  W|
00040ed0  6f 72 6c 64 20 57 69 64  65 20 57 65 62 20 68 6f  |orld Wide Web ho|
00040ee0  6d 65 20 70 61 67 65 3a  20 68 74 74 70 3a 2f 2f  |me page: http://|
00040ef0  77 77 77 2e 63 6d 73 2e  64 6d 75 2e 61 63 2e 75  |www.cms.dmu.ac.u|
00040f00  6b 2f 7e 73 65 32 6a 68  31 2f 0a 0a 0a 0a 48 69  |k/~se2jh1/....Hi|
00040f10  2c 0d 0d 20 4a 75 73 74  20 74 6f 20 73 61 79 20  |,.. Just to say |
00040f20  77 65 6c 63 6f 6d 65 20  74 6f 20 74 68 65 20 41  |welcome to the A|
00040f30  72 63 68 69 62 6f 61 72  64 20 21 4e 65 74 4d 61  |rchiboard !NetMa|
00040f40  69 6c 20 64 65 6d 6f 21  0d 0d 20 49 66 20 79 6f  |il demo!.. If yo|
00040f50  75 20 68 61 76 65 20 61  6e 79 20 63 6f 6d 6d 65  |u have any comme|
00040f60  6e 74 73 2c 20 79 6f 75  20 63 61 6e 20 73 65 6e  |nts, you can sen|
00040f70  64 20 75 73 20 61 6e 20  65 6d 61 69 6c 20 6f 6e  |d us an email on|
00040f80  20 69 6e 66 6f 40 73 75  70 72 65 6d 65 2e 64 65  | info@supreme.de|
00040f90  6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75  6b 0d 0d 20 57 65 20 61  |mon.co.uk.. We a|
00040fa0  6c 73 6f 20 6e 6f 77 20  72 75 6e 20 6f 75 72 20  |lso now run our |
00040fb0  6f 77 6e 20 77 65 62 20  73 69 74 65 2c 20 70 6f  |own web site, po|
00040fc0  69 6e 74 20 79 6f 75 72  20 77 65 62 20 62 72 6f  |int your web bro|
00040fd0  77 73 65 72 20 61 74 20  68 74 74 70 3a 2f 2f 77  |wser at http://w|
00040fe0  77 77 2e 70 61 73 74 6f  6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b 2f  |ww.paston.co.uk/|
00040ff0  73 75 70 72 65 6d 65 0d  0d 0d 20 20 45 6e 6a 6f  |supreme...  Enjo|
00041000  79 20 74 68 65 20 64 65  6d 6f 21 0d 0d 20 20 20  |y the demo!..   |
00041010  20 4b 65 69 74 68 20 4d  61 72 6c 6f 77 2c 0d 20  | Keith Marlow,. |
00041020  20 20 20 20 53 75 70 72  65 6d 65 20 53 6f 66 74  |    Supreme Soft|
00041030  77 61 72 65 20 53 79 73  74 65 6d 73 20 4c 74 64  |ware Systems Ltd|
00041040  2e 0d 0d 20 20 20 54 65  6c 65 2f 46 61 78 20 30  |...   Tele/Fax 0|
00041050  31 36 30 33 20 37 34 35  30 37 37 20 20 20 20 42  |1603 745077    B|
00041060  42 53 20 30 31 36 30 33  20 37 34 34 32 33 31 50  |BS 01603 744231P|
00041070  61 74 68 3a 20 6e 65 77  73 2e 64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e  |ath: news.demon.|
00041080  63 6f 2e 75 6b 21 64 65  6d 6f 6e 21 63 73 6f 6c  |co.uk!demon!csol|
00041090  6f 6e 2e 64 65 6d 6f 6e  2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b 21 62  |on.demon.co.uk!b|
000410a0  72 79 61 6e 0a 46 72 6f  6d 3a 20 62 72 79 61 6e  |ryan.From: bryan|
000410b0  40 63 73 6f 6c 6f 6e 2e  64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f  |@csolon.demon.co|
000410c0  2e 75 6b 20 28 42 72 79  61 6e 20 48 6f 67 61 6e  |.uk (Bryan Hogan|
000410d0  29 0a 4e 65 77 73 67 72  6f 75 70 73 3a 20 63 6f  |).Newsgroups: co|
000410e0  6d 70 2e 73 79 73 2e 61  63 6f 72 6e 2e 6d 69 73  |mp.sys.acorn.mis|
000410f0  63 0a 53 75 62 6a 65 63  74 3a 20 52 65 3a 20 58  |c.Subject: Re: X|
00041100  61 72 61 20 73 74 75 64  69 6f 2e 2e 2e 0a 44 61  |ara studio....Da|
00041110  74 65 3a 20 54 75 65 2c  20 30 35 20 44 65 63 20  |te: Tue, 05 Dec |
00041120  31 39 39 35 20 30 31 3a  34 39 3a 35 32 20 47 4d  |1995 01:49:52 GM|
00041130  54 0a 4f 72 67 61 6e 69  7a 61 74 69 6f 6e 3a 20  |T.Organization: |
00041140  4d 79 20 41 63 6f 72 6e  20 52 69 73 63 20 50 43  |My Acorn Risc PC|
00041150  0a 4c 69 6e 65 73 3a 20  31 33 0a 44 69 73 74 72  |.Lines: 13.Distr|
00041160  69 62 75 74 69 6f 6e 3a  20 77 6f 72 6c 64 0a 4d  |ibution: world.M|
00041170  65 73 73 61 67 65 2d 49  44 3a 20 3c 31 39 39 35  |essage-ID: <1995|
00041180  31 32 30 35 2e 30 31 34  39 35 32 2e 36 32 40 63  |1205.014952.62@c|
00041190  73 6f 6c 6f 6e 2e 64 65  6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75  |solon.demon.co.u|
000411a0  6b 3e 0a 52 65 66 65 72  65 6e 63 65 73 3a 20 3c  |k>.References: <|
000411b0  44 49 7a 47 70 77 2e 4d  34 35 40 75 6e 73 2e 62  |DIzGpw.M45@uns.b|
000411c0  72 69 73 2e 61 63 2e 75  6b 3e 20 3c 31 39 39 35  |ris.ac.uk> <1995|
000411d0  31 32 30 33 2e 32 31 34  39 34 38 2e 30 35 40 68  |1203.214948.05@h|
000411e0  61 6c 6c 61 73 2e 64 65  6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75  |allas.demon.co.u|
000411f0  6b 3e 0a 52 65 70 6c 79  2d 54 6f 3a 20 62 72 79  |k>.Reply-To: bry|
00041200  61 6e 40 63 73 6f 6c 6f  6e 2e 64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e  |an@csolon.demon.|
00041210  63 6f 2e 75 6b 0a 4e 4e  54 50 2d 50 6f 73 74 69  |co.uk.NNTP-Posti|
00041220  6e 67 2d 48 6f 73 74 3a  20 63 73 6f 6c 6f 6e 2e  |ng-Host: csolon.|
00041230  64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f  2e 75 6b 0a 58 2d 4e 4e  |demon.co.uk.X-NN|
00041240  54 50 2d 50 6f 73 74 69  6e 67 2d 48 6f 73 74 3a  |TP-Posting-Host:|
00041250  20 63 73 6f 6c 6f 6e 2e  64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f  | csolon.demon.co|
00041260  2e 75 6b 0a 58 2d 4e 65  77 73 72 65 61 64 65 72  |.uk.X-Newsreader|
00041270  3a 20 41 72 63 68 69 6d  65 64 65 73 20 54 54 46  |: Archimedes TTF|
00041280  4e 20 56 65 72 73 69 6f  6e 20 30 2e 33 36 0a 49  |N Version 0.36.I|
00041290  6e 20 6d 65 73 73 61 67  65 20 3c 31 39 39 35 31  |n message <19951|
000412a0  32 30 33 2e 32 31 34 39  34 38 2e 30 35 40 68 61  |203.214948.05@ha|
000412b0  6c 6c 61 73 2e 64 65 6d  6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b  |llas.demon.co.uk|
000412c0  3e 20 52 69 63 68 61 72  64 20 47 2e 20 48 61 6c  |> Richard G. Hal|
000412d0  6c 61 73 20 77 72 6f 74  65 3a 0d 3e 20 0d 3e 20  |las wrote:.> .> |
000412e0  54 68 65 20 62 69 74 6d  61 70 20 74 72 61 63 65  |The bitmap trace|
000412f0  72 2c 20 66 6f 72 20 69  6e 73 74 61 6e 63 65 2c  |r, for instance,|
00041300  20 69 73 20 71 75 69 74  65 20 73 74 61 67 67 65  | is quite stagge|
00041310  72 69 6e 67 6c 79 20 67  6f 6f 64 2e 20 49 20 73  |ringly good. I s|
00041320  69 6d 70 6c 79 0d 3e 20  77 6f 75 6c 64 6e 27 74  |imply.> wouldn't|
00041330  20 68 61 76 65 20 62 65  6c 69 65 76 65 64 20 74  | have believed t|
00041340  68 61 74 20 61 20 32 34  2d 62 69 74 20 63 6f 6c  |hat a 24-bit col|
00041350  6f 75 72 20 70 68 6f 74  6f 20 63 6f 75 6c 64 20  |our photo could |
00041360  62 65 20 74 72 61 6e 73  6c 61 74 65 64 0d 3e 20  |be translated.> |
00041370  73 75 63 63 65 73 73 66  75 6c 6c 79 20 69 6e 74  |successfully int|
00041380  6f 20 61 20 76 65 63 74  6f 72 20 66 69 6c 65 20  |o a vector file |
00041390  28 77 68 69 63 68 20 6c  6f 6f 6b 65 64 20 76 69  |(which looked vi|
000413a0  72 74 75 61 6c 6c 79 20  69 64 65 6e 74 69 63 61  |rtually identica|
000413b0  6c 29 20 69 6e 0d 3e 20  61 20 6d 61 74 74 65 72  |l) in.> a matter|
000413c0  20 6f 66 20 61 20 63 6f  75 70 6c 65 20 6f 66 20  | of a couple of |
000413d0  73 65 63 6f 6e 64 73 20  69 66 20 49 20 68 61 64  |seconds if I had|
000413e0  6e 27 74 20 73 65 65 6e  20 69 74 20 77 69 74 68  |n't seen it with|
000413f0  20 6d 79 20 6f 77 6e 20  65 79 65 73 2e 0d 0d 4e  | my own eyes...N|
00041400  6f 77 20 74 68 61 74 20  69 73 20 73 6f 6d 65 74  |ow that is somet|
00041410  68 69 6e 67 20 74 68 61  74 20 43 43 20 63 6f 75  |hing that CC cou|
00041420  6c 64 20 63 6f 6e 76 65  72 74 20 62 61 63 6b 20  |ld convert back |
00041430  74 6f 20 52 49 53 43 20  4f 53 2c 20 61 73 20 69  |to RISC OS, as i|
00041440  74 20 69 73 0d 6d 6f 73  74 6c 79 20 70 72 6f 63  |t is.mostly proc|
00041450  65 73 73 69 6e 67 20 63  6f 64 65 20 6e 6f 74 20  |essing code not |
00041460  55 49 20 62 61 73 65 64  2e 20 4e 6f 6e 65 20 6f  |UI based. None o|
00041470  66 20 74 68 65 20 65 78  69 73 74 69 6e 67 20 74  |f the existing t|
00041480  72 61 63 65 72 73 20 73  65 65 6d 20 74 68 61 74  |racers seem that|
00041490  0d 67 6f 6f 64 20 28 41  46 41 49 4b 29 2e 0d 0d  |.good (AFAIK)...|
000414a0  42 72 79 61 6e 2e 0d 50  61 74 68 3a 20 6e 65 77  |Bryan..Path: new|
000414b0  73 2e 64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e  63 6f 2e 75 6b 21 64 65  |s.demon.co.uk!de|
000414c0  6d 6f 6e 21 74 61 6e 6b  2e 6e 65 77 73 2e 70 69  |mon!tank.news.pi|
000414d0  70 65 78 2e 6e 65 74 21  70 69 70 65 78 21 77 61  |pex.net!pipex!wa|
000414e0  76 65 2e 6e 65 77 73 2e  70 69 70 65 78 2e 6e 65  |ve.news.pipex.ne|
000414f0  74 21 70 69 70 65 78 21  64 69 73 68 2e 6e 65 77  |t!pipex!dish.new|
00041500  73 2e 70 69 70 65 78 2e  6e 65 74 21 70 69 70 65  |s.pipex.net!pipe|
00041510  78 21 73 6f 61 70 2e 6e  65 77 73 2e 70 69 70 65  |x!soap.news.pipe|
00041520  78 2e 6e 65 74 21 70 69  70 65 78 21 61 72 67 6f  |x.net!pipex!argo|
00041530  6e 65 74 2e 63 6f 2e 75  6b 21 61 72 67 62 61 31  |net.co.uk!argba1|
00041540  39 0a 46 72 6f 6d 3a 20  6b 72 61 69 73 65 65 40  |9.From: kraisee@|
00041550  61 72 67 6f 6e 65 74 2e  63 6f 2e 75 6b 0a 4e 65  |argonet.co.uk.Ne|
00041560  77 73 67 72 6f 75 70 73  3a 20 63 6f 6d 70 2e 73  |wsgroups: comp.s|
00041570  79 73 2e 61 63 6f 72 6e  2e 6d 69 73 63 0a 53 75  |ys.acorn.misc.Su|
00041580  62 6a 65 63 74 3a 20 52  65 3a 20 4e 65 77 6c 6f  |bject: Re: Newlo|
00041590  6f 6b 20 77 69 74 68 20  61 20 64 69 66 66 65 72  |ok with a differ|
000415a0  65 6e 63 65 3f 0a 44 61  74 65 3a 20 57 65 64 2c  |ence?.Date: Wed,|
000415b0  20 30 36 20 44 65 63 20  31 39 39 35 20 30 30 3a  | 06 Dec 1995 00:|
000415c0  32 34 3a 35 39 0a 4f 72  67 61 6e 69 7a 61 74 69  |24:59.Organizati|
000415d0  6f 6e 3a 20 55 6e 69 70  61 6c 6d 50 49 50 45 58  |on: UnipalmPIPEX|
000415e0  20 73 65 72 76 65 72 20  28 70 6f 73 74 20 64 6f  | server (post do|
000415f0  65 73 6e 27 74 20 72 65  66 6c 65 63 74 20 76 69  |esn't reflect vi|
00041600  65 77 73 20 6f 66 20 55  6e 69 70 61 6c 6d 50 49  |ews of UnipalmPI|
00041610  50 45 58 29 0a 4c 69 6e  65 73 3a 20 34 39 0a 44  |PEX).Lines: 49.D|
00041620  69 73 74 72 69 62 75 74  69 6f 6e 3a 20 77 6f 72  |istribution: wor|
00041630  6c 64 0a 4d 65 73 73 61  67 65 2d 49 44 3a 20 3c  |ld.Message-ID: <|
00041640  69 6e 74 65 72 6e 65 77  73 34 36 37 42 38 34 30  |internews467B840|
00041650  46 35 38 40 61 72 67 6f  6e 65 74 2e 63 6f 2e 75  |F58@argonet.co.u|
00041660  6b 3e 0a 52 65 66 65 72  65 6e 63 65 73 3a 20 3c  |k>.References: <|
00041670  69 6e 74 65 72 6e 65 77  73 34 36 37 42 32 41 31  |internews467B2A1|
00041680  35 33 45 40 61 72 67 6f  6e 65 74 2e 63 6f 2e 75  |53E@argonet.co.u|
00041690  6b 3e 20 3c 69 6e 74 65  72 6e 65 77 73 34 36 37  |k> <internews467|
000416a0  42 31 33 32 33 42 41 40  61 72 67 6f 6e 65 74 2e  |B1323BA@argonet.|
000416b0  63 6f 2e 75 6b 3e 20 3c  34 39 75 73 32 37 24 37  |co.uk> <49us27$7|
000416c0  6e 70 40 68 69 70 70 6f  2e 73 68 65 66 2e 61 63  |np@hippo.shef.ac|
000416d0  2e 75 6b 3e 20 3c 69 6e  74 65 72 6e 65 77 73 34  |.uk> <internews4|
000416e0  36 37 39 36 32 33 45 38  38 40 61 72 67 6f 6e 65  |679623E88@argone|
000416f0  74 2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b 3e  20 3c 61 6e 74 33 30 32  |t.co.uk> <ant302|
00041700  30 34 36 33 31 33 6d 33  45 44 40 6a 75 6e 69 70  |046313m3ED@junip|
00041710  65 72 66 2e 64 65 6d 6f  6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b 3e  |erf.demon.co.uk>|
00041720  20 3c 69 6e 74 65 72 6e  65 77 73 34 36 37 38 39  | <internews46789|
00041730  43 46 33 32 37 40 61 72  67 6f 6e 65 74 2e 63 6f  |CF327@argonet.co|
00041740  2e 75 6b 3e 20 3c 69 6e  74 65 72 6e 65 77 73 34  |.uk> <internews4|
00041750  36 37 38 37 45 35 30 41  30 40 61 72 67 6f 6e 65  |6787E50A0@argone|
00041760  74 2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b 3e  20 3c 69 6e 74 65 72 6e  |t.co.uk> <intern|
00041770  65 77 73 34 36 37 38 36  36 30 30 46 45 40 61 72  |ews46786600FE@ar|
00041780  67 6f 6e 65 74 2e 63 6f  2e 75 6b 3e 20 3c 69 6e  |gonet.co.uk> <in|
00041790  74 65 72 6e 65 77 73 34  36 37 38 35 31 34 36 34  |ternews467851464|
000417a0  34 40 61 72 67 6f 6e 65  74 2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b 3e  |4@argonet.co.uk>|
000417b0  20 3c 69 6e 74 65 72 6e  65 77 73 34 36 37 37 39  | <internews46779|
000417c0  36 44 46 32 30 40 61 72  67 6f 6e 65 74 2e 63 6f  |6DF20@argonet.co|
000417d0  2e 75 6b 3e 0a 52 65 70  6c 79 2d 54 6f 3a 20 6b  |.uk>.Reply-To: k|
000417e0  72 61 69 73 65 65 40 61  72 67 6f 6e 65 74 2e 63  |raisee@argonet.c|
000417f0  6f 2e 75 6b 0a 4e 4e 54  50 2d 50 6f 73 74 69 6e  |o.uk.NNTP-Postin|
00041800  67 2d 48 6f 73 74 3a 20  61 6d 32 30 31 2e 64 75  |g-Host: am201.du|
00041810  2e 70 69 70 65 78 2e 63  6f 6d 0a 58 2d 4e 65 77  |.pipex.com.X-New|
00041820  73 72 65 61 64 65 72 3a  20 56 54 69 20 56 6f 79  |sreader: VTi Voy|
00041830  61 67 65 72 20 49 6e 74  65 72 4e 65 77 73 20 30  |ager InterNews 0|
00041840  2e 30 37 20 66 6f 72 20  41 63 6f 72 6e 20 52 49  |.07 for Acorn RI|
00041850  53 43 20 4f 53 0a 52 69  63 68 61 72 64 20 47 6f  |SC OS.Richard Go|
00041860  6f 64 69 6e 67 20 28 6d  61 62 65 6c 40 61 72 67  |oding (mabel@arg|
00041870  6f 6e 65 74 2e 63 6f 2e  75 6b 29 20 77 72 6f 74  |onet.co.uk) wrot|
00041880  65 3a 0d 20 20 20 20 20  20 5b 53 6e 69 70 5d 0d  |e:.      [Snip].|
00041890  20 20 3e 54 68 74 61 27  73 20 66 75 6e 6e 79 20  |  >Thta's funny |
000418a0  2d 20 68 6f 77 20 64 69  64 20 79 6f 75 20 6b 6e  |- how did you kn|
000418b0  6f 77 20 49 20 77 61 73  20 75 73 69 6e 67 20 6f  |ow I was using o|
000418c0  70 65 6e 69 6e 67 20 61  6c 69 65 6e 20 65 67 67  |pening alien egg|
000418d0  73 20 61 73 20 6d 79 0d  20 20 3e 64 69 72 65 63  |s as my.  >direc|
000418e0  74 6f 72 79 20 69 63 6f  6e 73 3f 20 3a 29 0d 0d  |tory icons? :)..|
000418f0  4f 68 20 70 75 72 6c 65  65 65 65 73 65 21 20 3b  |Oh purleeeese! ;|
00041900  2d 29 0d 0d 20 20 20 20  20 20 5b 53 6e 69 70 5d  |-)..      [Snip]|
00041910  0d 20 20 3e 49 66 20 61  6e 79 6f 6e 65 20 68 61  |.  >If anyone ha|
00041920  73 20 61 6e 79 20 69 64  65 61 73 20 61 73 20 74  |s any ideas as t|
00041930  6f 20 77 68 61 74 20 73  68 6f 75 6c 64 20 67 6f  |o what should go|
00041940  20 77 68 65 72 65 2c 20  64 6f 6e 27 74 20 62 65  | where, don't be|
00041950  20 73 68 79 2c 20 6c 65  74 27 73 0d 20 20 3e 68  | shy, let's.  >h|
00041960  65 61 72 20 74 68 65 6d  21 0d 0d 48 6f 77 27 73  |ear them!..How's|
00041970  20 61 62 6f 75 74 3b 0d  0d 31 20 20 53 6c 69 64  | about;..1  Slid|
00041980  65 72 20 62 61 72 73 20  62 65 69 6e 67 20 66 69  |er bars being fi|
00041990  72 69 6e 67 20 61 75 74  6f 2d 67 75 6e 73 3f 0d  |ring auto-guns?.|
000419a0  32 20 20 53 6c 69 64 65  72 20 62 61 72 20 61 72  |2  Slider bar ar|
000419b0  72 6f 77 73 20 62 65 69  6e 67 20 73 6d 61 6c 6c  |rows being small|
000419c0  20 66 69 67 75 72 65 73  20 6f 66 20 4d 61 72 69  | figures of Mari|
000419d0  6e 65 73 20 61 6e 64 20  65 78 70 6c 6f 64 69 6e  |nes and explodin|
000419e0  67 20 61 6c 69 65 6e 73  3f 20 41 74 0d 20 20 20  |g aliens? At.   |
000419f0  74 68 65 20 63 6f 72 72  65 63 74 20 65 6e 64 73  |the correct ends|
00041a00  20 66 6f 72 20 74 68 65  20 66 69 72 69 6e 67 20  | for the firing |
00041a10  61 75 74 6f 2d 67 75 6e  73 20 6f 66 20 63 6f 75  |auto-guns of cou|
00041a20  72 73 65 2e 0d 33 20 20  53 61 76 65 20 42 6f 78  |rse..3  Save Box|
00041a30  65 73 20 68 61 76 69 6e  67 20 6c 69 74 74 6c 65  |es having little|
00041a40  20 28 53 41 56 5b 45 5d  69 6f 75 72 29 20 64 72  | (SAV[E]iour) dr|
00041a50  6f 70 2d 73 68 69 70 73  20 69 6e 20 74 68 65 6d  |op-ships in them|
00041a60  3f 20 50 6f 73 73 69 62  65 3f 0d 34 20 20 57 68  |? Possibe?.4  Wh|
00041a70  61 74 20 77 6f 75 6c 64  20 6c 6f 6f 6b 20 67 6f  |at would look go|
00041a80  6f 64 20 69 6e 73 74 65  61 64 20 6f 66 20 74 68  |od instead of th|
00041a90  65 20 54 61 73 6b 2d 4d  61 6e 61 67 65 72 3f 20  |e Task-Manager? |
00041aa0  49 64 65 61 73 3f 20 42  69 73 68 6f 70 3f 20 51  |Ideas? Bishop? Q|
00041ab0  75 65 65 6e 3f 0d 35 20  20 42 6f 6f 74 20 66 69  |ueen?.5  Boot fi|
00041ac0  6c 65 2f 64 69 72 65 63  74 6f 72 79 20 61 73 20  |le/directory as |
00041ad0  74 68 65 20 4e 61 72 63  69 73 75 73 0d 36 20 20  |the Narcisus.6  |
00041ae0  53 79 73 74 65 6d 20 61  73 20 74 68 65 20 53 75  |System as the Su|
00041af0  6c 61 63 6f 21 0d 37 20  20 53 63 72 61 70 20 61  |laco!.7  Scrap a|
00041b00  73 20 4e 6f 73 74 72 6f  6d 6f 3f 0d 38 20 20 41  |s Nostromo?.8  A|
00041b10  70 70 73 20 28 72 65 73  6f 75 72 63 65 20 69 63  |pps (resource ic|
00041b20  6f 6e 29 20 61 73 20 61  6e 20 41 50 43 20 28 43  |on) as an APC (C|
00041b30  6c 6f 73 65 20 65 6e 6f  75 67 68 20 73 70 65 65  |lose enough spee|
00041b40  6c 69 6e 67 29 21 0d 39  20 20 47 6f 64 64 61 20  |ling)!.9  Godda |
00041b50  68 61 76 65 20 61 20 61  6c 69 65 6e 2d 73 61 6c  |have a alien-sal|
00041b60  69 76 61 2d 66 69 6c 6c  65 64 2d 74 75 6e 6e 65  |iva-filled-tunne|
00041b70  6c 2d 62 61 63 6b 67 72  6f 75 6e 64 20 66 6f 72  |l-background for|
00041b80  20 74 68 65 20 69 63 6f  6e 62 61 72 2e 20 48 61  | the iconbar. Ha|
00041b90  73 20 74 6f 0d 20 20 20  62 65 20 64 6f 6e 65 2e  |s to.   be done.|
00041ba0  2e 2e 0d 31 30 20 48 61  72 64 20 2f 20 66 6c 6f  |...10 Hard / flo|
00041bb0  70 70 79 2d 64 69 73 63  20 69 63 6f 6e 73 3f 0d  |ppy-disc icons?.|
00041bc0  31 31 20 46 6f 6e 74 73  3f 0d 31 32 20 50 72 69  |11 Fonts?.12 Pri|
00041bd0  6e 74 65 72 73 20 61 73  20 53 69 67 6e 61 6c 20  |nters as Signal |
00041be0  6c 6f 63 61 74 6f 72 73  3f 20 48 6d 6d 6d 20 61  |locators? Hmmm a|
00041bf0  6e 79 20 62 65 74 74 65  72 20 73 75 67 67 65 73  |ny better sugges|
00041c00  74 69 6f 6e 73 3f 0d 31  33 20 4f 50 54 20 61 6e  |tions?.13 OPT an|
00041c10  64 20 52 41 44 49 4f 20  69 63 6f 6e 73 20 61 73  |d RADIO icons as|
00041c20  20 28 64 69 66 66 65 72  69 6e 67 3f 29 20 43 68  | (differing?) Ch|
00041c30  65 73 74 62 75 72 73 74  65 72 27 73 20 69 6e 20  |estburster's in |
00041c40  61 6e 64 20 6f 75 74 20  6f 66 20 63 6f 75 72 73  |and out of cours|
00041c50  65 2e 2e 2e 0d 0d 20 20  20 20 20 20 5b 2e 2e 2e  |e.....      [...|
00041c60  2e 5d 0d 20 20 3e 49 27  76 65 20 65 64 69 74 65  |.].  >I've edite|
00041c70  64 20 74 68 65 20 74 65  6d 70 6c 61 74 65 73 20  |d the templates |
00041c80  66 6f 72 20 6d 6f 73 74  20 6f 66 20 74 68 65 20  |for most of the |
00041c90  64 65 73 6b 74 6f 70 20  74 6f 20 6d 61 6b 65 20  |desktop to make |
00041ca0  74 68 65 6d 20 62 6c 61  63 6b 3b 20 77 6f 75 6c  |them black; woul|
00041cb0  64 0d 20 20 3e 65 76 65  72 79 6f 6e 65 20 70 72  |d.  >everyone pr|
00041cc0  65 66 65 72 20 69 74 20  69 66 20 49 20 61 64 6a  |efer it if I adj|
00041cd0  75 73 74 65 64 20 74 68  69 6e 67 73 20 69 6e 20  |usted things in |
00041ce0  74 68 65 20 72 65 6c 65  61 73 65 20 76 65 72 73  |the release vers|
00041cf0  69 6f 6e 20 74 6f 20 77  6f 72 6b 20 6f 6e 20 74  |ion to work on t|
00041d00  68 65 0d 20 20 3e 73 74  61 6e 64 61 72 64 20 67  |he.  >standard g|
00041d10  72 65 79 20 64 65 73 6b  74 6f 70 3f 0d 0d 49 20  |rey desktop?..I |
00041d20  77 6f 75 6c 64 20 70 72  65 66 65 72 20 74 68 65  |would prefer the|
00041d30  20 62 6c 61 63 6b 2d 6d  6f 6f 64 79 20 64 65 73  | black-moody des|
00041d40  6b 74 6f 70 20 66 65 65  6c 20 74 6f 20 62 65 20  |ktop feel to be |
00041d50  74 68 6f 72 6f 75 67 68  21 20 49 74 27 6c 6c 20  |thorough! It'll |
00041d60  62 65 20 62 61 64 20 65  6e 6f 75 67 68 0d 68 61  |be bad enough.ha|
00041d70  76 69 6e 67 20 74 6f 20  70 75 74 20 75 70 20 77  |ving to put up w|
00041d80  69 74 68 20 6e 61 6d 62  79 2d 70 61 6d 62 79 20  |ith namby-pamby |
00041d90  69 63 6f 6e 73 20 66 72  6f 6d 20 73 75 70 70 6c  |icons from suppl|
00041da0  69 65 72 73 20 77 69 74  68 0d 27 73 63 72 69 70  |iers with.'scrip|
00041db0  74 65 64 2d 70 61 70 65  72 2d 27 6e 27 2d 71 75  |ted-paper-'n'-qu|
00041dc0  69 6c 6c 2d 70 65 6e 73  27 20 61 73 20 6c 6f 67  |ill-pens' as log|
00041dd0  6f 73 20 63 6c 6f 67 67  69 6e 67 20 75 70 20 74  |os clogging up t|
00041de0  68 65 20 64 65 73 6b 74  6f 70 20 3b 2d 29 0d 0d  |he desktop ;-)..|
00041df0  50 53 20 61 6e 79 62 6f  64 79 20 69 6e 74 65 72  |PS anybody inter|
00041e00  65 73 74 65 64 20 2d 20  49 20 72 65 63 6f 6d 6d  |ested - I recomm|
00041e10  65 6e 74 20 41 4c 4c 20  6f 66 20 74 68 65 20 6e  |ent ALL of the n|
00041e20  6f 76 65 6c 73 20 61 73  20 72 65 61 64 69 6e 67  |ovels as reading|
00041e30  20 6d 61 74 65 72 69 61  6c 21 0d 20 20 20 65 73  | material!.   es|
00041e40  70 65 63 69 61 6c 6c 79  20 53 74 65 76 65 20 50  |pecially Steve P|
00041e50  65 72 72 79 27 73 20 27  41 6c 69 65 6e 73 27 20  |erry's 'Aliens' |
00041e60  73 65 72 69 65 73 2e 20  42 72 69 6c 6c 69 61 6e  |series. Brillian|
00041e70  74 21 0d 0d 52 42 54 2e  0d 0d 2d 2d 20 0d 52 6f  |t!..RBT...-- .Ro|
00041e80  73 73 20 3a 20 55 2e 54  2e 47 20 45 6e 74 65 72  |ss : U.T.G Enter|
00041e90  70 72 69 73 65 73 20 3a  20 6b 72 61 69 73 65 65  |prises : kraisee|
00041ea0  40 61 72 67 6f 6e 65 74  2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b 20 3a  |@argonet.co.uk :|
00041eb0  20 2b 34 34 20 28 30 29  31 33 32 39 20 32 33 34  | +44 (0)1329 234|
00041ec0  30 37 36 0d 0d 49 20 61  6c 77 61 79 73 20 6b 65  |076..I always ke|
00041ed0  65 70 20 74 68 69 73 20  68 61 6e 64 79 2e 20 46  |ep this handy. F|
00041ee0  6f 72 20 63 6c 6f 73 65  20 65 6e 63 6f 75 6e 74  |or close encount|
00041ef0  65 72 73 2e 20 2d 48 69  63 6b 73 0d 49 20 68 65  |ers. -Hicks.I he|
00041f00  61 72 64 20 74 68 61 74  2e 2e 2e 20 20 20 20 20  |ard that...     |
00041f10  20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20  20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20  |                |
00041f20  20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20  20 20 20 20 2d 48 75 64  |            -Hud|
00041f30  73 6f 6e 0d 0d 50 61 74  68 3a 20 6e 65 77 73 2e  |son..Path: news.|
00041f40  64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f  2e 75 6b 21 64 65 6d 6f  |demon.co.uk!demo|
00041f50  6e 21 62 74 6e 65 74 21  74 61 6e 6b 2e 6e 65 77  |n!btnet!tank.new|
00041f60  73 2e 70 69 70 65 78 2e  6e 65 74 21 70 69 70 65  |s.pipex.net!pipe|
00041f70  78 21 6e 65 77 73 2e 6d  61 74 68 77 6f 72 6b 73  |x!news.mathworks|
00041f80  2e 63 6f 6d 21 6e 65 77  73 66 65 65 64 2e 69 6e  |.com!newsfeed.in|
00041f90  74 65 72 6e 65 74 6d 63  69 2e 63 6f 6d 21 45 55  |ternetmci.com!EU|
00041fa0  2e 6e 65 74 21 70 65 65  72 2d 6e 65 77 73 2e 62  |.net!peer-news.b|
00041fb0  72 69 74 61 69 6e 2e 65  75 2e 6e 65 74 21 77 61  |ritain.eu.net!wa|
00041fc0  72 77 69 63 6b 21 62 68  61 6d 21 62 68 61 6d 63  |rwick!bham!bhamc|
00041fd0  73 21 6e 65 77 73 2e 6f  78 2e 61 63 2e 75 6b 21  |s!news.ox.ac.uk!|
00041fe0  73 61 62 6c 65 2e 6f 78  2e 61 63 2e 75 6b 21 6a  |sable.ox.ac.uk!j|
00041ff0  6f 39 35 30 30 35 0a 46  72 6f 6d 3a 20 41 69 64  |o95005.From: Aid|
00042000  61 6e 2e 43 6f 72 65 79  40 73 6a 63 2e 6f 78 2e  |an.Corey@sjc.ox.|
00042010  61 63 2e 75 6b 20 28 41  69 64 61 6e 20 43 6f 72  |ac.uk (Aidan Cor|
00042020  65 79 29 0a 4e 65 77 73  67 72 6f 75 70 73 3a 20  |ey).Newsgroups: |
00042030  63 6f 6d 70 2e 73 79 73  2e 61 63 6f 72 6e 2e 6d  |comp.sys.acorn.m|
00042040  69 73 63 0a 53 75 62 6a  65 63 74 3a 20 52 65 3a  |isc.Subject: Re:|
00042050  20 41 53 43 49 49 20 63  68 61 72 61 63 74 65 72  | ASCII character|
00042060  73 0a 44 61 74 65 3a 20  35 20 44 65 63 20 31 39  |s.Date: 5 Dec 19|
00042070  39 35 20 30 31 3a 33 39  3a 34 30 20 47 4d 54 0a  |95 01:39:40 GMT.|
00042080  4f 72 67 61 6e 69 7a 61  74 69 6f 6e 3a 20 4f 78  |Organization: Ox|
00042090  66 6f 72 64 20 55 6e 69  76 65 72 73 69 74 79 0a  |ford University.|
000420a0  4c 69 6e 65 73 3a 20 39  0a 53 65 6e 64 65 72 3a  |Lines: 9.Sender:|
000420b0  20 41 69 64 61 6e 2e 43  6f 72 65 79 40 73 6a 63  | Aidan.Corey@sjc|
000420c0  2e 6f 78 2e 61 63 2e 75  6b 0a 4d 65 73 73 61 67  |.ox.ac.uk.Messag|
000420d0  65 2d 49 44 3a 20 3c 34  61 30 37 73 73 24 33 34  |e-ID: <4a07ss$34|
000420e0  35 40 6e 65 77 73 2e 6f  78 2e 61 63 2e 75 6b 3e  |5@news.ox.ac.uk>|
000420f0  0a 52 65 66 65 72 65 6e  63 65 73 3a 20 3c 69 6e  |.References: <in|
00042100  74 65 72 6e 65 77 73 34  36 37 37 41 44 36 30 37  |ternews4677AD607|
00042110  42 40 61 72 67 6f 6e 65  74 2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b 3e  |B@argonet.co.uk>|
00042120  20 3c 61 6e 74 32 39 31  30 30 39 64 30 37 49 4d  | <ant291009d07IM|
00042130  62 71 40 6c 69 6e 64 61  2e 61 6e 74 2e 63 6f 2e  |bq@linda.ant.co.|
00042140  75 6b 3e 0a 4e 4e 54 50  2d 50 6f 73 74 69 6e 67  |uk>.NNTP-Posting|
00042150  2d 48 6f 73 74 3a 20 73  61 62 6c 65 2e 6f 78 2e  |-Host: sable.ox.|
00042160  61 63 2e 75 6b 0a 4f 72  69 67 69 6e 61 74 6f 72  |ac.uk.Originator|
00042170  3a 20 6a 6f 39 35 30 30  35 40 73 61 62 6c 65 2e  |: jo95005@sable.|
00042180  6f 78 2e 61 63 2e 75 6b  0a 4e 69 63 6b 20 53 6d  |ox.ac.uk.Nick Sm|
00042190  69 74 68 20 20 3c 6e 61  73 40 61 6e 74 2e 63 6f  |ith  <nas@ant.co|
000421a0  2e 75 6b 3e 20 77 72 6f  74 65 3a 0d 3e 46 6f 72  |.uk> wrote:.>For|
000421b0  20 69 6e 73 74 61 6e 63  65 2c 20 4f 6d 6e 69 43  | instance, OmniC|
000421c0  6c 69 65 6e 74 3d 41 45  20 69 73 20 3d 41 39 20  |lient=AE is =A9 |
000421d0  41 4e 54 20 4c 69 6d 69  74 65 64 2c 20 31 39 39  |ANT Limited, 199|
000421e0  35 20 61 6e 64 20 63 6f  73 74 73 20 3d 41 33 20  |5 and costs =A3 |
000421f0  2e 2e 2e 20 77 65 6c 6c  3d 0d 3e 2c 20 79 6f 75  |... well=.>, you|
00042200  0d 3e 67 65 74 20 74 68  65 20 69 64 65 61 21 0d  |.>get the idea!.|
00042210  0d 55 6d 6d 2e 2e 2e 0d  0d 2d 2d 20 0d 41 69 64  |.Umm.....-- .Aid|
00042220  61 6e 0d 50 61 74 68 3a  20 6e 65 77 73 2e 64 65  |an.Path: news.de|
00042230  6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75  6b 21 64 65 6d 6f 6e 21  |mon.co.uk!demon!|
00042240  62 74 6e 65 74 21 74 61  6e 6b 2e 6e 65 77 73 2e  |btnet!tank.news.|
00042250  70 69 70 65 78 2e 6e 65  74 21 70 69 70 65 78 21  |pipex.net!pipex!|
00042260  6e 65 77 73 2e 6d 61 74  68 77 6f 72 6b 73 2e 63  |news.mathworks.c|
00042270  6f 6d 21 6e 65 77 73 66  65 65 64 2e 69 6e 74 65  |om!newsfeed.inte|
00042280  72 6e 65 74 6d 63 69 2e  63 6f 6d 21 69 6e 32 2e  |rnetmci.com!in2.|
00042290  75 75 2e 6e 65 74 21 45  55 2e 6e 65 74 21 70 65  |uu.net!EU.net!pe|
000422a0  65 72 2d 6e 65 77 73 2e  62 72 69 74 61 69 6e 2e  |er-news.britain.|
000422b0  65 75 2e 6e 65 74 21 77  61 72 77 69 63 6b 21 62  |eu.net!warwick!b|
000422c0  68 61 6d 21 62 68 61 6d  63 73 21 6e 65 77 73 2e  |ham!bhamcs!news.|
000422d0  6f 78 2e 61 63 2e 75 6b  21 73 61 62 6c 65 2e 6f  |ox.ac.uk!sable.o|
000422e0  78 2e 61 63 2e 75 6b 21  6a 6f 39 35 30 30 35 0a  |x.ac.uk!jo95005.|
000422f0  46 72 6f 6d 3a 20 41 69  64 61 6e 2e 43 6f 72 65  |From: Aidan.Core|
00042300  79 40 73 6a 63 2e 6f 78  2e 61 63 2e 75 6b 20 28  |y@sjc.ox.ac.uk (|
00042310  41 69 64 61 6e 20 43 6f  72 65 79 29 0a 4e 65 77  |Aidan Corey).New|
00042320  73 67 72 6f 75 70 73 3a  20 63 6f 6d 70 2e 73 79  |sgroups: comp.sy|
00042330  73 2e 61 63 6f 72 6e 2e  6d 69 73 63 0a 53 75 62  |s.acorn.misc.Sub|
00042340  6a 65 63 74 3a 20 52 65  3a 20 41 53 43 49 49 20  |ject: Re: ASCII |
00042350  63 68 61 72 61 63 74 65  72 73 0a 44 61 74 65 3a  |characters.Date:|
00042360  20 35 20 44 65 63 20 31  39 39 35 20 30 31 3a 33  | 5 Dec 1995 01:3|
00042370  36 3a 33 39 20 47 4d 54  0a 4f 72 67 61 6e 69 7a  |6:39 GMT.Organiz|
00042380  61 74 69 6f 6e 3a 20 4f  78 66 6f 72 64 20 55 6e  |ation: Oxford Un|
00042390  69 76 65 72 73 69 74 79  0a 4c 69 6e 65 73 3a 20  |iversity.Lines: |
000423a0  31 31 0a 53 65 6e 64 65  72 3a 20 41 69 64 61 6e  |11.Sender: Aidan|
000423b0  2e 43 6f 72 65 79 40 73  6a 63 2e 6f 78 2e 61 63  |.Corey@sjc.ox.ac|
000423c0  2e 75 6b 0a 4d 65 73 73  61 67 65 2d 49 44 3a 20  |.uk.Message-ID: |
000423d0  3c 34 61 30 37 6e 37 24  33 34 30 40 6e 65 77 73  |<4a07n7$340@news|
000423e0  2e 6f 78 2e 61 63 2e 75  6b 3e 0a 52 65 66 65 72  |.ox.ac.uk>.Refer|
000423f0  65 6e 63 65 73 3a 20 3c  34 39 66 37 6d 69 24 74  |ences: <49f7mi$t|
00042400  39 63 40 64 6f 63 2e 61  72 6d 6c 74 64 2e 63 6f  |9c@doc.armltd.co|
00042410  2e 75 6b 3e 20 3c 69 6e  74 65 72 6e 65 77 73 34  |.uk> <internews4|
00042420  36 37 37 44 37 36 42 32  35 40 61 72 67 6f 6e 65  |677D76B25@argone|
00042430  74 2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b 3e  20 3c 31 39 39 35 31 31  |t.co.uk> <199511|
00042440  32 38 2e 32 33 34 33 33  37 2e 30 34 40 63 6f 6d  |28.234337.04@com|
00042450  70 74 6f 6e 2e 64 65 6d  6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b  |pton.demon.co.uk|
00042460  3e 20 3c 31 39 39 35 31  31 32 39 2e 30 38 31 37  |> <19951129.0817|
00042470  32 35 2e 36 36 40 77 61  76 65 67 2e 64 65 6d 6f  |25.66@waveg.demo|
00042480  6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b 3e  0a 4e 4e 54 50 2d 50 6f  |n.co.uk>.NNTP-Po|
00042490  73 74 69 6e 67 2d 48 6f  73 74 3a 20 73 61 62 6c  |sting-Host: sabl|
000424a0  65 2e 6f 78 2e 61 63 2e  75 6b 0a 4f 72 69 67 69  |e.ox.ac.uk.Origi|
000424b0  6e 61 74 6f 72 3a 20 6a  6f 39 35 30 30 35 40 73  |nator: jo95005@s|
000424c0  61 62 6c 65 2e 6f 78 2e  61 63 2e 75 6b 0a 52 69  |able.ox.ac.uk.Ri|
000424d0  63 68 61 72 64 20 53 74  65 72 72 79 20 3c 72 69  |chard Sterry <ri|
000424e0  63 68 61 72 64 40 77 61  76 65 67 2e 64 65 6d 6f  |chard@waveg.demo|
000424f0  6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b 3e  20 77 72 6f 74 65 3a 0d  |n.co.uk> wrote:.|
00042500  3e 49 6e 20 6d 65 73 73  61 67 65 20 3c 31 39 39  |>In message <199|
00042510  35 31 31 32 38 2e 32 33  34 33 33 37 2e 30 34 40  |51128.234337.04@|
00042520  63 6f 6d 70 74 6f 6e 2e  64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f  |compton.demon.co|
00042530  2e 75 6b 3e 20 54 6f 6d  20 48 75 67 68 65 73 20  |.uk> Tom Hughes |
00042540  77 72 6f 74 65 3a 0d 3e  3e 20 55 73 75 61 6c 6c  |wrote:.>> Usuall|
00042550  79 20 23 20 6f 72 20 47  42 50 2e 0d 3e 0d 3e 6f  |y # or GBP..>.>o|
00042560  72 20 75 6b 70 21 20 49  20 73 65 65 20 75 6b 70  |r ukp! I see ukp|
00042570  20 6d 6f 72 65 20 6f 66  74 65 6e 20 74 68 61 6e  | more often than|
00042580  20 47 42 50 2e 0d 0d 54  68 65 20 64 69 66 66 65  | GBP...The diffe|
00042590  72 65 6e 63 65 20 69 73  20 74 68 61 74 20 47 42  |rence is that GB|
000425a0  50 20 69 73 20 74 68 65  20 49 53 4f 20 33 2d 6c  |P is the ISO 3-l|
000425b0  65 74 74 65 72 20 63 6f  64 65 20 66 6f 72 20 74  |etter code for t|
000425c0  68 65 20 55 4b 0d 63 75  72 72 65 6e 63 79 2c 20  |he UK.currency, |
000425d0  77 68 65 72 65 61 73 20  75 6b 70 20 69 73 6e 27  |whereas ukp isn'|
000425e0  74 2e 0d 0d 2d 2d 20 0d  41 69 64 61 6e 0d 50 61  |t...-- .Aidan.Pa|
000425f0  74 68 3a 20 6e 65 77 73  2e 64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63  |th: news.demon.c|
00042600  6f 2e 75 6b 21 64 65 6d  6f 6e 21 74 61 6e 6b 2e  |o.uk!demon!tank.|
00042610  6e 65 77 73 2e 70 69 70  65 78 2e 6e 65 74 21 70  |news.pipex.net!p|
00042620  69 70 65 78 21 6e 65 77  73 2e 6d 61 74 68 77 6f  |ipex!news.mathwo|
00042630  72 6b 73 2e 63 6f 6d 21  6e 65 77 73 66 65 65 64  |rks.com!newsfeed|
00042640  2e 69 6e 74 65 72 6e 65  74 6d 63 69 2e 63 6f 6d  |.internetmci.com|
00042650  21 45 55 2e 6e 65 74 21  70 65 65 72 2d 6e 65 77  |!EU.net!peer-new|
00042660  73 2e 62 72 69 74 61 69  6e 2e 65 75 2e 6e 65 74  |s.britain.eu.net|
00042670  21 77 61 72 77 69 63 6b  21 62 68 61 6d 21 62 68  |!warwick!bham!bh|
00042680  61 6d 63 73 21 6e 65 77  73 2e 6f 78 2e 61 63 2e  |amcs!news.ox.ac.|
00042690  75 6b 21 73 61 62 6c 65  2e 6f 78 2e 61 63 2e 75  |uk!sable.ox.ac.u|
000426a0  6b 21 6a 6f 39 35 30 30  35 0a 46 72 6f 6d 3a 20  |k!jo95005.From: |
000426b0  41 69 64 61 6e 2e 43 6f  72 65 79 40 73 6a 63 2e  |Aidan.Corey@sjc.|
000426c0  6f 78 2e 61 63 2e 75 6b  20 28 41 69 64 61 6e 20  |ox.ac.uk (Aidan |
000426d0  43 6f 72 65 79 29 0a 4e  65 77 73 67 72 6f 75 70  |Corey).Newsgroup|
000426e0  73 3a 20 63 6f 6d 70 2e  73 79 73 2e 61 63 6f 72  |s: comp.sys.acor|
000426f0  6e 2e 6d 69 73 63 0a 53  75 62 6a 65 63 74 3a 20  |n.misc.Subject: |
00042700  52 65 3a 20 54 56 2f 52  61 64 69 6f 20 6c 69 73  |Re: TV/Radio lis|
00042710  74 69 6e 67 73 0a 44 61  74 65 3a 20 35 20 44 65  |tings.Date: 5 De|
00042720  63 20 31 39 39 35 20 30  32 3a 34 33 3a 31 33 20  |c 1995 02:43:13 |
00042730  47 4d 54 0a 4f 72 67 61  6e 69 7a 61 74 69 6f 6e  |GMT.Organization|
00042740  3a 20 4f 78 66 6f 72 64  20 55 6e 69 76 65 72 73  |: Oxford Univers|
00042750  69 74 79 0a 4c 69 6e 65  73 3a 20 32 36 0a 53 65  |ity.Lines: 26.Se|
00042760  6e 64 65 72 3a 20 41 69  64 61 6e 2e 43 6f 72 65  |nder: Aidan.Core|
00042770  79 40 73 6a 63 2e 6f 78  2e 61 63 2e 75 6b 0a 4d  |y@sjc.ox.ac.uk.M|
00042780  65 73 73 61 67 65 2d 49  44 3a 20 3c 34 61 30 62  |essage-ID: <4a0b|
00042790  6b 31 24 34 36 64 40 6e  65 77 73 2e 6f 78 2e 61  |k1$46d@news.ox.a|
000427a0  63 2e 75 6b 3e 0a 52 65  66 65 72 65 6e 63 65 73  |c.uk>.References|
000427b0  3a 20 3c 69 6e 74 65 72  6e 65 77 73 34 36 37 38  |: <internews4678|
000427c0  33 34 41 36 30 39 40 61  72 67 6f 6e 65 74 2e 63  |34A609@argonet.c|
000427d0  6f 2e 75 6b 3e 0a 4e 4e  54 50 2d 50 6f 73 74 69  |o.uk>.NNTP-Posti|
000427e0  6e 67 2d 48 6f 73 74 3a  20 73 61 62 6c 65 2e 6f  |ng-Host: sable.o|
000427f0  78 2e 61 63 2e 75 6b 0a  4f 72 69 67 69 6e 61 74  |x.ac.uk.Originat|
00042800  6f 72 3a 20 6a 6f 39 35  30 30 35 40 73 61 62 6c  |or: jo95005@sabl|
00042810  65 2e 6f 78 2e 61 63 2e  75 6b 0a 49 6e 20 61 72  |e.ox.ac.uk.In ar|
00042820  74 69 63 6c 65 20 3c 69  6e 74 65 72 6e 65 77 73  |ticle <internews|
00042830  34 36 37 38 33 34 41 36  30 39 40 61 72 67 6f 6e  |467834A609@argon|
00042840  65 74 2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b  3e 2c 20 3c 73 72 61 6e  |et.co.uk>, <sran|
00042850  74 68 6f 6e 79 40 61 72  67 6f 6e 65 74 2e 63 6f  |thony@argonet.co|
00042860  2e 75 6b 3e 20 77 72 6f  74 65 3a 0d 3e 43 61 6e  |.uk> wrote:.>Can|
00042870  20 61 6e 79 6f 6e 65 20  68 65 6c 70 3f 20 49 20  | anyone help? I |
00042880  68 61 76 65 20 62 65 65  6e 20 74 72 79 69 6e 67  |have been trying|
00042890  20 74 6f 20 66 69 6e 64  20 61 20 67 6f 6f 64 20  | to find a good |
000428a0  54 56 20 6c 69 73 74 69  6e 67 73 20 70 61 67 65  |TV listings page|
000428b0  20 28 6f 72 20 74 77 6f  29 20 66 0d 3e 6f 72 0d  | (or two) f.>or.|
000428c0  3e 74 68 65 20 73 74 75  66 66 20 44 69 61 6d 6f  |>the stuff Diamo|
000428d0  6e 64 20 43 61 62 6c 65  20 73 65 6e 64 20 6f 75  |nd Cable send ou|
000428e0  74 20 66 72 6f 6d 20 73  61 74 65 6c 69 74 65 73  |t from satelites|
000428f0  20 73 75 63 68 20 61 73  20 41 53 54 52 41 2e 20  | such as ASTRA. |
00042900  49 20 64 6f 6e 27 74 20  77 61 6e 74 0d 3e 70 69  |I don't want.>pi|
00042910  63 74 75 72 65 20 6f 72  20 61 64 76 65 72 74 73  |cture or adverts|
00042920  20 6f 72 20 6d 75 6c 74  69 70 6c 79 20 6e 65 73  | or multiply nes|
00042930  74 65 64 20 6d 65 6e 75  73 2c 20 6a 75 73 74 20  |ted menus, just |
00042940  74 68 65 20 6c 69 73 74  69 6e 67 73 20 28 61 6e  |the listings (an|
00042950  64 20 70 65 72 68 61 70  73 20 61 0d 3e 62 69 74  |d perhaps a.>bit|
00042960  20 61 62 6f 75 74 20 77  68 61 74 20 69 73 20 6f  | about what is o|
00042970  6e 29 2e 20 49 20 61 6d  20 61 66 74 65 72 20 61  |n). I am after a|
00042980  20 6e 6f 6e 2d 70 61 70  65 72 20 76 65 72 73 69  | non-paper versi|
00042990  6f 6e 20 6f 66 20 52 61  64 69 6f 20 54 69 6d 65  |on of Radio Time|
000429a0  73 2e 20 0d 0d 49 20 67  65 74 20 6d 79 20 6c 69  |s. ..I get my li|
000429b0  73 74 69 6e 67 73 20 66  72 6f 6d 20 68 74 74 70  |stings from http|
000429c0  3a 2f 2f 77 77 77 2e 79  65 61 72 6c 69 6e 67 2e  |://www.yearling.|
000429d0  63 6f 6d 2f 20 2d 20 62  75 74 20 74 68 65 72 65  |com/ - but there|
000429e0  20 61 72 65 20 61 20 66  65 77 0d 73 6e 61 67 73  | are a few.snags|
000429f0  21 20 20 59 6f 75 20 63  61 6e 20 74 75 72 6e 20  |!  You can turn |
00042a00  6f 66 66 20 69 6d 61 67  65 20 6c 6f 61 64 69 6e  |off image loadin|
00042a10  67 2c 20 62 75 74 20 6d  6f 72 65 20 69 6d 70 6f  |g, but more impo|
00042a20  72 74 61 6e 74 6c 79 20  74 68 65 20 74 77 6f 0d  |rtantly the two.|
00042a30  52 49 53 43 20 4f 53 20  62 72 6f 77 73 65 72 73  |RISC OS browsers|
00042a40  20 49 27 76 65 20 74 72  69 65 64 20 64 6f 6e 27  | I've tried don'|
00042a50  74 20 73 75 70 70 6f 72  74 20 74 68 65 20 72 65  |t support the re|
00042a60  71 75 65 73 74 20 66 6f  72 6d 21 20 20 54 68 65  |quest form!  The|
00042a70  73 65 20 61 72 65 0d 41  72 63 57 65 62 20 61 6e  |se are.ArcWeb an|
00042a80  64 20 46 72 65 73 63 6f  2e 20 20 49 20 75 6e 64  |d Fresco.  I und|
00042a90  65 72 73 74 61 6e 64 20  74 68 65 20 56 6f 79 61  |erstand the Voya|
00042aa0  67 65 72 20 62 72 6f 77  73 65 72 20 69 73 20 62  |ger browser is b|
00042ab0  61 73 69 63 61 6c 6c 79  0d 41 72 63 57 65 62 20  |asically.ArcWeb |
00042ac0  72 65 6e 61 6d 65 64 2c  20 62 75 74 20 69 74 20  |renamed, but it |
00042ad0  6d 69 67 68 74 20 62 65  20 77 6f 72 74 68 20 74  |might be worth t|
00042ae0  72 79 69 6e 67 20 74 6f  20 73 65 65 20 69 66 20  |rying to see if |
00042af0  74 68 65 72 65 27 73 20  61 0d 64 69 66 66 65 72  |there's a.differ|
00042b00  65 6e 63 65 2e 0d 0d 4d  79 20 73 6f 6c 75 74 69  |ence...My soluti|
00042b10  6f 6e 73 20 61 72 65 20  74 6f 20 75 73 65 20 4e  |ons are to use N|
00042b20  65 74 53 63 61 70 65 20  6f 72 20 4d 6f 73 61 69  |etScape or Mosai|
00042b30  63 20 6f 6e 20 61 20 50  43 2c 20 6f 72 20 6d 6f  |c on a PC, or mo|
00042b40  72 65 20 75 73 75 61 6c  6c 79 20 74 6f 0d 74 65  |re usually to.te|
00042b50  6c 6e 65 74 20 74 6f 20  6f 6e 65 20 6f 66 20 6d  |lnet to one of m|
00042b60  79 20 75 6e 69 78 20 61  63 63 6f 75 6e 74 73 20  |y unix accounts |
00042b70  61 6e 64 20 75 73 65 20  6c 79 6e 78 2e 0d 0d 53  |and use lynx...S|
00042b80  6f 72 72 79 20 69 66 20  74 68 61 74 20 69 73 6e  |orry if that isn|
00042b90  27 74 20 76 65 72 79 20  68 65 6c 70 66 75 6c 2e  |'t very helpful.|
00042ba0  20 20 49 27 6d 20 68 6f  70 69 6e 67 20 74 68 61  |  I'm hoping tha|
00042bb0  74 20 28 77 69 74 68 20  61 20 6c 69 74 74 6c 65  |t (with a little|
00042bc0  0d 65 6e 63 6f 75 72 61  67 65 6d 65 6e 74 29 20  |.encouragement) |
00042bd0  41 4e 54 20 77 69 6c 6c  20 61 64 64 20 74 68 65  |ANT will add the|
00042be0  20 6e 65 63 65 73 73 61  72 79 20 73 75 70 70 6f  | necessary suppo|
00042bf0  72 74 20 74 6f 20 46 72  65 73 63 6f 2c 20 61 6e  |rt to Fresco, an|
00042c00  64 20 79 6f 75 0d 63 6f  75 6c 64 20 74 72 79 20  |d you.could try |
00042c10  61 73 6b 69 6e 67 20 41  72 67 6f 20 74 6f 20 64  |asking Argo to d|
00042c20  6f 20 74 68 65 20 73 61  6d 65 2e 20 20 55 6e 74  |o the same.  Unt|
00042c30  69 6c 20 74 68 65 20 52  49 53 43 20 4f 53 20 62  |il the RISC OS b|
00042c40  72 6f 77 73 65 72 73 0d  63 61 74 63 68 20 75 70  |rowsers.catch up|
00042c50  2c 20 69 66 20 65 6e 6f  75 67 68 20 70 65 6f 70  |, if enough peop|
00042c60  6c 65 20 65 6d 61 69 6c  20 74 68 65 20 59 65 61  |le email the Yea|
00042c70  72 6c 69 6e 67 20 70 65  6f 70 6c 65 20 74 68 65  |rling people the|
00042c80  79 20 6d 69 67 68 74 20  62 65 0d 70 65 72 73 75  |y might be.persu|
00042c90  61 64 65 64 20 74 6f 20  6f 66 66 65 72 20 61 6e  |aded to offer an|
00042ca0  20 61 6c 74 65 72 6e 61  74 69 76 65 20 66 6f 72  | alternative for|
00042cb0  6d 73 20 69 6e 74 65 72  66 61 63 65 2e 20 20 54  |ms interface.  T|
00042cc0  68 65 79 27 76 65 20 73  65 65 6d 65 64 0d 71 75  |hey've seemed.qu|
00042cd0  69 74 65 20 66 72 69 65  6e 64 6c 79 20 69 6e 20  |ite friendly in |
00042ce0  74 68 65 20 70 61 73 74  2e 0d 0d 2d 2d 20 0d 41  |the past...-- .A|
00042cf0  69 64 61 6e 0d 4e 65 77  73 67 72 6f 75 70 73 3a  |idan.Newsgroups:|
00042d00  20 63 6f 6d 70 2e 73 79  73 2e 61 63 6f 72 6e 2e  | comp.sys.acorn.|
00042d10  6d 69 73 63 0a 50 61 74  68 3a 20 6e 65 77 73 2e  |misc.Path: news.|
00042d20  64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63 6f  2e 75 6b 21 64 65 6d 6f  |demon.co.uk!demo|
00042d30  6e 21 74 61 6e 6b 2e 6e  65 77 73 2e 70 69 70 65  |n!tank.news.pipe|
00042d40  78 2e 6e 65 74 21 70 69  70 65 78 21 6e 65 77 73  |x.net!pipex!news|
00042d50  2e 6d 61 74 68 77 6f 72  6b 73 2e 63 6f 6d 21 6e  |.mathworks.com!n|
00042d60  65 77 73 66 65 65 64 2e  69 6e 74 65 72 6e 65 74  |ewsfeed.internet|
00042d70  6d 63 69 2e 63 6f 6d 21  69 6e 32 2e 75 75 2e 6e  |mci.com!in2.uu.n|
00042d80  65 74 21 45 55 2e 6e 65  74 21 70 65 65 72 2d 6e  |et!EU.net!peer-n|
00042d90  65 77 73 2e 62 72 69 74  61 69 6e 2e 65 75 2e 6e  |ews.britain.eu.n|
00042da0  65 74 21 6e 65 77 73 66  65 65 64 2e 65 64 2e 61  |et!newsfeed.ed.a|
00042db0  63 2e 75 6b 21 64 63 73  2e 65 64 2e 61 63 2e 75  |c.uk!dcs.ed.ac.u|
00042dc0  6b 21 63 6e 65 77 73 0a  46 72 6f 6d 3a 20 4a 6f  |k!cnews.From: Jo|
00042dd0  73 68 75 61 20 47 6f 6f  64 61 6c 6c 20 3c 6a 6a  |shua Goodall <jj|
00042de0  67 40 64 63 73 2e 65 64  2e 61 63 2e 75 6b 3e 0a  |g@dcs.ed.ac.uk>.|
00042df0  53 75 62 6a 65 63 74 3a  20 52 65 3a 20 48 45 4e  |Subject: Re: HEN|
00042e00  53 41 2f 6d 69 63 72 6f  73 20 44 6f 77 6e 74 69  |SA/micros Downti|
00042e10  6d 65 2d 41 52 0a 58 2d  4e 6e 74 70 2d 50 6f 73  |me-AR.X-Nntp-Pos|
00042e20  74 69 6e 67 2d 48 6f 73  74 3a 20 63 75 6d 62 72  |ting-Host: cumbr|
00042e30  61 65 2e 64 63 73 2e 65  64 2e 61 63 2e 75 6b 0a  |ae.dcs.ed.ac.uk.|
00042e40  43 6f 6e 74 65 6e 74 2d  54 79 70 65 3a 20 74 65  |Content-Type: te|
00042e50  78 74 2f 70 6c 61 69 6e  3b 20 63 68 61 72 73 65  |xt/plain; charse|
00042e60  74 3d 75 73 2d 61 73 63  69 69 0a 4d 65 73 73 61  |t=us-ascii.Messa|
00042e70  67 65 2d 49 44 3a 20 3c  44 4a 34 70 44 4b 2e 35  |ge-ID: <DJ4pDK.5|
00042e80  45 31 2e 30 2e 73 74 61  66 66 69 6e 2e 64 63 73  |E1.0.staffin.dcs|
00042e90  2e 65 64 2e 61 63 2e 75  6b 40 64 63 73 2e 65 64  |.ed.ac.uk@dcs.ed|
00042ea0  2e 61 63 2e 75 6b 3e 0a  53 65 6e 64 65 72 3a 20  |.ac.uk>.Sender: |
00042eb0  63 6e 65 77 73 40 64 63  73 2e 65 64 2e 61 63 2e  |cnews@dcs.ed.ac.|
00042ec0  75 6b 20 28 55 73 65 4e  65 74 20 4e 65 77 73 20  |uk (UseNet News |
00042ed0  41 64 6d 69 6e 29 0a 43  6f 6e 74 65 6e 74 2d 54  |Admin).Content-T|
00042ee0  72 61 6e 73 66 65 72 2d  45 6e 63 6f 64 69 6e 67  |ransfer-Encoding|
00042ef0  3a 20 37 62 69 74 0a 4f  72 67 61 6e 69 7a 61 74  |: 7bit.Organizat|
00042f00  69 6f 6e 3a 20 45 61 74  20 66 6c 61 6d 69 6e 67  |ion: Eat flaming|
00042f10  20 64 65 61 74 68 2c 20  55 6e 2a 78 20 57 65 65  | death, Un*x Wee|
00042f20  6e 69 65 73 21 0a 52 65  66 65 72 65 6e 63 65 73  |nies!.References|
00042f30  3a 20 3c 34 39 6a 74 39  76 24 6b 65 6f 40 61 63  |: <49jt9v$keo@ac|
00042f40  6f 72 6e 2e 61 63 6f 72  6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b 3e  |orn.acorn.co.uk>|
00042f50  20 3c 34 39 6b 37 76 68  24 6f 68 61 40 61 63 6f  | <49k7vh$oha@aco|
00042f60  72 6e 2e 61 63 6f 72 6e  2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b 3e 0a  |rn.acorn.co.uk>.|
00042f70  4d 69 6d 65 2d 56 65 72  73 69 6f 6e 3a 20 31 2e  |Mime-Version: 1.|
00042f80  30 0a 44 61 74 65 3a 20  54 75 65 2c 20 35 20 44  |0.Date: Tue, 5 D|
00042f90  65 63 20 31 39 39 35 20  31 39 3a 34 31 3a 34 32  |ec 1995 19:41:42|
00042fa0  20 47 4d 54 0a 58 2d 4d  61 69 6c 65 72 3a 20 4d  | GMT.X-Mailer: M|
00042fb0  6f 7a 69 6c 6c 61 20 31  2e 31 4e 20 28 58 31 31  |ozilla 1.1N (X11|
00042fc0  3b 20 49 3b 20 53 75 6e  4f 53 20 35 2e 34 20 73  |; I; SunOS 5.4 s|
00042fd0  75 6e 34 63 29 0a 58 2d  55 72 6c 3a 20 6e 65 77  |un4c).X-Url: new|
00042fe0  73 3a 34 39 6b 37 76 68  24 6f 68 61 40 61 63 6f  |s:49k7vh$oha@aco|
00042ff0  72 6e 2e 61 63 6f 72 6e  2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b 0a 4c  |rn.acorn.co.uk.L|
00043000  69 6e 65 73 3a 20 31 39  0a 50 68 69 6c 69 70 20  |ines: 19.Philip |
00043010  43 6f 6c 6d 65 72 20 3c  70 63 6f 6c 6d 65 72 40  |Colmer <pcolmer@|
00043020  61 63 6f 72 6e 2e 63 6f  2e 75 6b 3e 20 77 72 6f  |acorn.co.uk> wro|
00043030  74 65 3a 0a 3e 49 6e 20  61 72 74 69 63 6c 65 20  |te:.>In article |
00043040  3c 34 39 6a 74 39 76 24  6b 65 6f 40 61 63 6f 72  |<49jt9v$keo@acor|
00043050  6e 2e 61 63 6f 72 6e 2e  63 6f 2e 75 6b 3e 20 54  |n.acorn.co.uk> T|
00043060  68 65 20 48 69 67 68 65  72 20 45 64 75 63 61 74  |he Higher Educat|
00043070  69 6f 6e 20 4e 61 74 69  6f 6e 61 6c 20 53 6f 66  |ion National Sof|
00043080  74 77 61 72 65 20 41 72  63 68 69 76 65 20 3c 68  |tware Archive <h|
00043090  65 6e 73 61 40 6d 69 63  72 6f 73 2e 68 65 6e 73  |ensa@micros.hens|
000430a0  61 2e 61 63 2e 75 6b 3e  20 77 72 69 74 65 73 3a  |a.ac.uk> writes:|
000430b0  0a 3e 0a 3e 3e 57 65 20  77 69 6c 6c 20 62 65 20  |.>.>>We will be |
000430c0  72 65 70 6c 61 63 69 6e  67 20 74 68 65 20 65 78  |replacing the ex|
000430d0  69 73 74 69 6e 67 20 6f  70 65 72 61 74 69 6e 67  |isting operating|
000430e0  20 73 79 73 74 65 6d 2c  20 53 75 6e 4f 53 20 34  | system, SunOS 4|
000430f0  2e 31 2e 33 20 77 69 74  68 0a 3e 3e 53 6f 6c 61  |.1.3 with.>>Sola|
00043100  72 69 73 20 32 2e 34 2e  20 54 68 69 73 20 69 73  |ris 2.4. This is|
00043110  20 6d 61 69 6e 6c 79 20  74 6f 20 61 6c 6c 6f 77  | mainly to allow|
00043120  20 66 6f 72 20 66 75 74  75 72 65 20 68 61 72 64  | for future hard|
00043130  77 61 72 65 20 65 78 70  61 6e 73 69 6f 6e 2e 0a  |ware expansion..|
00043140  3e 0a 3e 20 53 68 61 6d  65 20 74 68 61 74 20 53  |>.> Shame that S|
00043150  75 6e 20 68 61 76 65 20  6a 75 73 74 20 72 65 6c  |un have just rel|
00043160  65 61 73 65 64 20 53 6f  6c 61 72 69 73 20 32 2e  |eased Solaris 2.|
00043170  35 20 2e 2e 2e 20 6e 6f  74 68 69 6e 67 20 6c 69  |5 ... nothing li|
00043180  6b 65 20 66 6f 72 77 61  72 64 0a 3e 70 6c 61 6e  |ke forward.>plan|
00043190  6e 69 6e 67 2c 20 65 68  3f 20 3a 2d 29 0a 0a 47  |ning, eh? :-)..G|
000431a0  69 76 65 6e 20 74 68 65  20 70 72 6f 62 6c 65 6d  |iven the problem|
000431b0  73 20 74 68 61 74 20 49  20 68 61 76 65 20 77 69  |s that I have wi|
000431c0  74 6e 65 73 73 65 64 20  68 65 72 65 20 69 6e 20  |tnessed here in |
000431d0  75 70 67 72 61 64 69 6e  67 20 61 20 4d 41 4e 20  |upgrading a MAN |
000431e0  66 72 6f 6d 0a 53 75 6e  4f 53 20 74 6f 20 53 6f  |from.SunOS to So|
000431f0  6c 61 72 69 73 20 74 68  65 79 20 77 6f 75 6c 64  |laris they would|
00043200  20 62 65 20 77 69 73 65  20 74 6f 20 75 70 67 72  | be wise to upgr|
00043210  61 64 65 20 69 6e 69 74  69 61 6c 6c 79 20 74 6f  |ade initially to|
00043220  20 61 20 76 65 72 73 69  6f 6e 0a 77 68 69 63 68  | a version.which|
00043230  2c 20 61 6c 74 68 6f 75  67 68 20 6e 6f 74 20 73  |, although not s|
00043240  74 61 62 6c 65 20 68 61  73 20 61 74 20 6c 65 61  |table has at lea|
00043250  73 74 20 61 20 6c 69 73  74 20 6f 66 20 6b 6e 6f  |st a list of kno|
00043260  77 6e 20 70 72 6f 62 6c  65 6d 73 20 61 6e 64 0a  |wn problems and.|
00043270  77 6f 72 6b 61 72 6f 75  6e 64 73 2e 0a 0a 2d 2d  |workarounds...--|
00043280  20 0a 4a 6f 73 68 75 61  20 47 6f 6f 64 61 6c 6c  | .Joshua Goodall|
00043290  20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20  20 20 20 20 0a 4d 61 74  |            .Mat|
000432a0  68 73 2b 43 53 20 53 74  75 64 65 6e 74 2f 52 49  |hs+CS Student/RI|
000432b0  53 43 4f 53 20 44 65 76  65 6c 6f 70 65 72 2f 53  |SCOS Developer/S|
000432c0  61 78 6f 70 68 6f 6e 69  73 74 20 20 6a 2e 6a 2e  |axophonist  j.j.|
000432d0  67 6f 6f 64 61 6c 6c 40  73 6d 73 2e 65 64 2e 61  |goodall@sms.ed.a|
000432e0  63 2e 75 6b 0a 23 69 6e  63 6c 75 64 65 20 22 73  |c.uk.#include "s|
000432f0  74 64 5f 64 69 73 63 6c  61 69 6d 65 72 2e 68 22  |td_disclaimer.h"|
00043300  20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20  20 20 20 6d 61 69 6c 74  |           mailt|
00043310  6f 3a 6a 6a 67 40 64 63  73 2e 65 64 2e 61 63 2e  |o:jjg@dcs.ed.ac.|
00043320  75 6b 20 70 72 65 66 65  72 72 65 64 0a 0a 50 61  |uk preferred..Pa|
00043330  74 68 3a 20 6e 65 77 73  2e 64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63  |th: news.demon.c|
00043340  6f 2e 75 6b 21 64 65 6d  6f 6e 21 74 61 6e 6b 2e  |o.uk!demon!tank.|
00043350  6e 65 77 73 2e 70 69 70  65 78 2e 6e 65 74 21 70  |news.pipex.net!p|
00043360  69 70 65 78 21 6e 65 77  73 2e 6d 61 74 68 77 6f  |ipex!news.mathwo|
00043370  72 6b 73 2e 63 6f 6d 21  6e 65 77 73 66 65 65 64  |rks.com!newsfeed|
00043380  2e 69 6e 74 65 72 6e 65  74 6d 63 69 2e 63 6f 6d  |.internetmci.com|
00043390  21 69 6e 31 2e 75 75 2e  6e 65 74 21 45 55 2e 6e  |!in1.uu.net!EU.n|
000433a0  65 74 21 70 65 65 72 2d  6e 65 77 73 2e 62 72 69  |et!peer-news.bri|
000433b0  74 61 69 6e 2e 65 75 2e  6e 65 74 21 73 74 72 61  |tain.eu.net!stra|
000433c0  74 68 2d 63 73 21 6c 6f  72 6e 65 2e 73 74 69 72  |th-cs!lorne.stir|
000433d0  2e 61 63 2e 75 6b 21 72  68 68 0a 46 72 6f 6d 3a  |.ac.uk!rhh.From:|
000433e0  20 72 68 68 40 63 73 2e  73 74 69 72 2e 61 63 2e  | rhh@cs.stir.ac.|
000433f0  75 6b 20 28 52 75 73 73  65 6c 6c 20 48 20 48 6f  |uk (Russell H Ho|
00043400  72 6e 20 28 55 47 33 29  29 0a 4e 65 77 73 67 72  |rn (UG3)).Newsgr|
00043410  6f 75 70 73 3a 20 63 6f  6d 70 2e 73 79 73 2e 61  |oups: comp.sys.a|
00043420  63 6f 72 6e 2e 6d 69 73  63 0a 53 75 62 6a 65 63  |corn.misc.Subjec|
00043430  74 3a 20 52 65 3a 20 57  69 6e 64 6f 77 73 20 61  |t: Re: Windows a|
00043440  6e 64 20 74 68 65 20 50  43 20 63 61 72 64 20 28  |nd the PC card (|
00043450  73 6f 72 72 79 20 2d 20  75 67 68 21 29 0a 44 61  |sorry - ugh!).Da|
00043460  74 65 3a 20 35 20 44 65  63 20 31 39 39 35 20 32  |te: 5 Dec 1995 2|
00043470  31 3a 31 38 3a 34 36 20  47 4d 54 0a 4f 72 67 61  |1:18:46 GMT.Orga|
00043480  6e 69 7a 61 74 69 6f 6e  3a 20 43 6f 6d 70 75 74  |nization: Comput|
00043490  69 6e 67 20 53 63 69 65  6e 63 65 20 61 6e 64 20  |ing Science and |
000434a0  4d 61 74 68 65 6d 61 74  69 63 73 2c 20 53 74 69  |Mathematics, Sti|
000434b0  72 6c 69 6e 67 20 55 6e  69 76 65 72 73 69 74 79  |rling University|
000434c0  0a 4c 69 6e 65 73 3a 20  32 36 0a 44 69 73 74 72  |.Lines: 26.Distr|
000434d0  69 62 75 74 69 6f 6e 3a  20 77 6f 72 6c 64 0a 4d  |ibution: world.M|
000434e0  65 73 73 61 67 65 2d 49  44 3a 20 3c 34 61 32 63  |essage-ID: <4a2c|
000434f0  76 6d 24 68 37 65 40 6c  6f 72 6e 65 2e 73 74 69  |vm$h7e@lorne.sti|
00043500  72 2e 61 63 2e 75 6b 3e  0a 52 65 66 65 72 65 6e  |r.ac.uk>.Referen|
00043510  63 65 73 3a 20 3c 31 39  39 35 31 31 32 35 2e 31  |ces: <19951125.1|
00043520  36 32 31 34 33 2e 38 34  40 68 6f 6c 73 6f 66 74  |62143.84@holsoft|
00043530  2e 64 65 6d 6f 6e 2e 63  6f 2e 75 6b 3e 20 3c 69  |.demon.co.uk> <i|
00043540  6e 74 65 72 6e 65 77 73  34 36 37 36 35 43 44 42  |nternews46765CDB|
00043550  35 39 40 61 72 67 6f 6e  65 74 2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b  |59@argonet.co.uk|
00043560  3e 0a 4e 4e 54 50 2d 50  6f 73 74 69 6e 67 2d 48  |>.NNTP-Posting-H|
00043570  6f 73 74 3a 20 72 68 68  40 62 61 6c 62 6f 61 2e  |ost: rhh@balboa.|
00043580  63 73 2e 73 74 69 72 2e  61 63 2e 75 6b 0a 58 2d  |cs.stir.ac.uk.X-|
00043590  4e 65 77 73 72 65 61 64  65 72 3a 20 54 49 4e 20  |Newsreader: TIN |
000435a0  5b 76 65 72 73 69 6f 6e  20 31 2e 32 20 50 4c 32  |[version 1.2 PL2|
000435b0  5d 0a 6d 64 61 76 69 65  73 40 61 72 67 6f 6e 65  |].mdavies@argone|
000435c0  74 2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b 20  77 72 6f 74 65 3a 0d 3e  |t.co.uk wrote:.>|
000435d0  20 53 74 65 76 65 20 48  6f 6c 72 6f 79 64 20 3c  | Steve Holroyd <|
000435e0  73 72 68 40 68 6f 6c 73  6f 66 74 2e 64 65 6d 6f  |srh@holsoft.demo|
000435f0  6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b 3e  20 77 72 6f 74 65 20 3a  |n.co.uk> wrote :|
00043600  0d 0d 3e 20 3e 20 49 6e  20 61 72 74 69 63 6c 65  |..> > In article|
00043610  20 3c 31 39 39 35 31 31  32 35 2e 31 34 32 34 31  | <19951125.14241|
00043620  39 2e 38 37 40 66 6a 75  6b 65 73 2e 64 65 6d 6f  |9.87@fjukes.demo|
00043630  6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b 3e  2c 0d 3e 20 3e 20 20 20  |n.co.uk>,.> >   |
00043640  20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20  66 72 61 6e 6b 40 66 6a  |        frank@fj|
00043650  75 6b 65 73 2e 64 65 6d  6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b  |ukes.demon.co.uk|
00043660  20 28 46 72 61 6e 6b 20  4a 75 6b 65 73 29 20 77  | (Frank Jukes) w|
00043670  72 6f 74 65 3a 0d 3e 20  3e 20 0d 3e 20 3e 20 3e  |rote:.> > .> > >|
00043680  20 49 27 76 65 20 52 54  46 4d 20 62 75 74 20 63  | I've RTFM but c|
00043690  61 6e 27 74 20 77 6f 72  6b 20 6f 75 74 20 68 6f  |an't work out ho|
000436a0  77 20 74 6f 20 73 74 61  72 74 20 74 68 65 20 50  |w to start the P|
000436b0  43 20 63 61 72 64 20 69  6e 20 57 69 6e 64 6f 77  |C card in Window|
000436c0  73 20 72 61 74 68 65 72  20 74 68 61 6e 0d 3e 20  |s rather than.> |
000436d0  3e 20 3e 20 74 68 65 20  49 42 4d 20 44 4f 53 20  |> > the IBM DOS |
000436e0  53 68 65 6c 6c 2e 0d 3e  20 3e 20 3e 20 0d 3e 20  |Shell..> > > .> |
000436f0  3e 20 3e 20 41 6e 79 6f  6e 65 20 61 62 6c 65 20  |> > Anyone able |
00043700  74 6f 20 68 65 6c 70 3f  0d 3e 20 3e 20 0d 3e 20  |to help?.> > .> |
00043710  3e 20 54 79 70 65 20 57  49 4e 20 61 74 20 74 68  |> Type WIN at th|
00043720  65 20 43 3a 20 70 72 6f  6d 70 74 2e 0d 0d 3e 20  |e C: prompt...> |
00043730  3a 20 2d 20 53 4e 49 50  50 45 44 0d 0d 41 73 20  |: - SNIPPED..As |
00043740  61 6e 20 61 6c 74 65 72  6e 61 74 69 76 65 20 79  |an alternative y|
00043750  6f 75 20 63 6f 75 6c 64  20 75 73 65 20 57 69 6e  |ou could use Win|
00043760  39 35 2e 20 41 73 20 74  68 69 73 20 72 65 70 6c  |95. As this repl|
00043770  61 63 65 73 20 44 6f 73  2c 20 69 74 20 6c 6f 61  |aces Dos, it loa|
00043780  64 73 0d 61 75 74 6f 6d  61 74 69 63 61 6c 79 2e  |ds.automaticaly.|
00043790  20 0d 0d 41 6c 6c 20 79  6f 75 20 6e 65 65 64 20  | ..All you need |
000437a0  69 73 20 61 20 31 34 4d  42 20 52 50 43 20 61 6e  |is a 14MB RPC an|
000437b0  64 20 69 74 20 77 6f 72  6b 73 20 66 69 6e 65 20  |d it works fine |
000437c0  3b 2d 29 0d 0d 3e 20 52  65 67 61 72 64 73 20 2d  |;-)..> Regards -|
000437d0  20 4d 61 6c 63 6f 6c 6d  2e 0d 0d 3e 20 2d 2d 20  | Malcolm...> -- |
000437e0  0d 0d 52 75 73 73 65 6c  6c 2e 0d 0d 00 00 00 00  |..Russell.......|
000437f0  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  |................|
00044820  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 50 61 74 68 3a 20  |..........Path: |
00044830  6e 65 77 73 2e 64 65 6d  6f 6e 2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b  |news.demon.co.uk|
00044840  21 64 65 6d 6f 6e 21 74  61 6e 6b 2e 6e 65 77 73  |!demon!tank.news|
00044850  2e 70 69 70 65 78 2e 6e  65 74 21 70 69 70 65 78  |.pipex.net!pipex|
00044860  21 6e 65 77 73 2e 6d 61  74 68 77 6f 72 6b 73 2e  |!news.mathworks.|
00044870  63 6f 6d 21 6e 65 77 73  2e 6b 65 69 2e 63 6f 6d  |com!news.kei.com|
00044880  21 6e 65 77 73 2e 65 63  65 2e 75 63 2e 65 64 75  |!news.ece.uc.edu|
00044890  21 62 61 62 62 61 67 65  2e 65 63 65 2e 75 63 2e  |!babbage.ece.uc.|
000448a0  65 64 75 21 6e 6f 72 63  6f 6e 6e 65 63 74 2e 6e  |edu!norconnect.n|
000448b0  6f 21 6e 65 77 73 2e 73  65 69 6e 66 2e 61 62 62  |o!news.seinf.abb|
000448c0  2e 73 65 21 6e 6f 6f 66  74 2e 61 62 62 2e 6e 6f  |.se!nooft.abb.no|
000448d0  21 4e 6f 72 77 61 79 2e  45 55 2e 6e 65 74 21 74  |!Norway.EU.net!t|
000448e0  65 6c 65 70 6f 73 74 2e  6e 6f 21 6f 73 6c 6f 6e  |elepost.no!oslon|
000448f0  65 74 74 2e 6e 6f 21 73  6e 2e 6e 6f 21 68 61 73  |ett.no!sn.no!has|
00044900  6c 65 2e 6f 73 6c 6f 6e  65 74 74 2e 6e 6f 21 6e  |le.oslonett.no!n|
00044910  6f 74 2d 66 6f 72 2d 6d  61 69 6c 0a 46 72 6f 6d  |ot-for-mail.From|
00044920  3a 20 61 72 65 6c 40 6f  73 6c 6f 6e 65 74 74 2e  |: arel@oslonett.|
00044930  6e 6f 20 28 41 72 65 20  4c 65 69 73 74 61 64 29  |no (Are Leistad)|
00044940  0a 4e 65 77 73 67 72 6f  75 70 73 3a 20 63 6f 6d  |.Newsgroups: com|
00044950  70 2e 73 79 73 2e 61 63  6f 72 6e 2e 6d 69 73 63  |p.sys.acorn.misc|
00044960  0a 53 75 62 6a 65 63 74  3a 20 52 65 3a 20 76 69  |.Subject: Re: vi|
00044970  64 65 6f 20 64 69 67 69  74 69 73 69 6e 67 3f 0a  |deo digitising?.|
00044980  44 61 74 65 3a 20 57 65  64 2c 20 30 36 20 44 65  |Date: Wed, 06 De|
00044990  63 20 31 39 39 35 20 30  35 3a 32 33 3a 33 39 20  |c 1995 05:23:39 |
000449a0  2b 30 31 30 30 0a 4f 72  67 61 6e 69 7a 61 74 69  |+0100.Organizati|
000449b0  6f 6e 3a 20 53 4e 20 49  6e 74 65 72 6e 65 74 74  |on: SN Internett|
000449c0  0a 4c 69 6e 65 73 3a 20  31 37 0a 4d 65 73 73 61  |.Lines: 17.Messa|
000449d0  67 65 2d 49 44 3a 20 3c  31 39 39 35 31 32 30 36  |ge-ID: <19951206|
000449e0  2e 30 35 32 33 33 39 2e  37 36 40 68 61 73 6c 65  |.052339.76@hasle|
000449f0  2e 6f 73 6c 6f 6e 65 74  74 2e 6e 6f 3e 0a 52 65  |.oslonett.no>.Re|
00044a00  70 6c 79 2d 54 6f 3a 20  61 72 65 6c 40 6f 73 6c  |ply-To: arel@osl|
00044a10  6f 6e 65 74 74 2e 6e 6f  0a 4e 4e 54 50 2d 50 6f  |onett.no.NNTP-Po|
00044a20  73 74 69 6e 67 2d 48 6f  73 74 3a 20 68 61 73 6c  |sting-Host: hasl|
00044a30  65 2e 73 6e 2e 6e 6f 0a  58 2d 4e 65 77 73 72 65  |e.sn.no.X-Newsre|
00044a40  61 64 65 72 3a 20 41 72  63 68 69 6d 65 64 65 73  |ader: Archimedes|
00044a50  20 54 54 46 4e 20 56 65  72 73 69 6f 6e 20 30 2e  | TTFN Version 0.|
00044a60  33 36 0a 49 6e 20 61 72  74 69 63 6c 65 20 3c 44  |36.In article <D|
00044a70  4a 32 47 78 71 2e 46 72  46 40 75 6e 73 2e 62 72  |J2Gxq.FrF@uns.br|
00044a80  69 73 2e 61 63 2e 75 6b  3e 2c 0d 20 20 20 20 20  |is.ac.uk>,.     |
00044a90  20 20 20 20 20 63 70 69  61 6e 40 6d 61 69 6c 2e  |     cpian@mail.|
00044aa0  62 72 69 73 2e 61 63 2e  75 6b 20 28 49 41 2e 20  |bris.ac.uk (IA. |
00044ab0  4e 69 63 68 6f 6c 73 29  20 77 72 6f 74 65 3a 0d  |Nichols) wrote:.|
00044ac0  0d 3e 20 53 74 75 61 72  74 20 48 61 6c 6c 69 64  |.> Stuart Hallid|
00044ad0  61 79 20 28 53 74 75 61  72 74 40 71 75 61 6e 74  |ay (Stuart@quant|
00044ae0  75 6d 73 6f 66 74 2e 63  6f 2e 75 6b 29 20 77 72  |umsoft.co.uk) wr|
00044af0  6f 74 65 3a 0d 3e 20 0d  3e 20 5b 6c 6f 74 73 20  |ote:.> .> [lots |
00044b00  6f 66 20 71 75 69 74 65  20 68 65 6c 70 66 75 6c  |of quite helpful|
00044b10  20 69 6e 66 6f 72 6d 61  74 69 6f 6e 2c 20 61 63  | information, ac|
00044b20  74 75 61 6c 6c 79 5d 0d  3e 20 0d 3e 20 2e 2e 2e  |tually].> .> ...|
00044b30  2e 62 75 74 20 2e 2e 2e  2e 20 47 69 76 65 6e 20  |.but .... Given |
00044b40  74 68 61 74 20 74 68 65  72 65 20 69 73 6e 27 74  |that there isn't|
00044b50  20 28 41 46 41 49 4b 29  20 61 20 64 69 67 69 74  | (AFAIK) a digit|
00044b60  69 73 65 72 20 61 76 61  69 6c 61 62 6c 65 20 66  |iser available f|
00044b70  6f 72 20 61 6e 0d 3e 20  41 63 6f 72 6e 20 74 68  |or an.> Acorn th|
00044b80  61 74 20 77 69 6c 6c 20  63 61 70 74 75 72 65 20  |at will capture |
00044b90  61 6c 6c 20 37 36 38 20  6c 69 6e 65 73 20 66 72  |all 768 lines fr|
00044ba0  6f 6d 20 6f 6e 65 20 66  72 61 6d 65 2c 20 61 6e  |om one frame, an|
00044bb0  64 20 67 69 76 65 6e 20  74 68 65 20 63 6f 73 74  |d given the cost|
00044bc0  0d 3e 20 6f 66 20 61 20  63 61 6d 65 72 61 20 63  |.> of a camera c|
00044bd0  61 70 61 62 6c 65 20 6f  66 20 72 65 70 72 6f 64  |apable of reprod|
00044be0  75 63 69 6e 67 20 6d 6f  72 65 20 74 68 61 6e 20  |ucing more than |
00044bf0  61 62 6f 75 74 20 33 30  30 2c 20 77 6f 75 6c 64  |about 300, would|
00044c00  6e 27 74 20 69 74 20 62  65 0d 3e 20 63 68 65 61  |n't it be.> chea|
00044c10  70 65 72 20 26 20 62 65  74 74 65 72 20 69 6e 20  |per & better in |
00044c20  74 68 65 20 6c 6f 6e 67  20 72 75 6e 20 74 6f 20  |the long run to |
00044c30  67 65 74 20 61 20 73 63  61 6e 6e 65 72 3f 20 20  |get a scanner?  |
00044c40  54 68 65 72 65 20 61 72  65 20 73 6f 6d 65 20 32  |There are some 2|
00044c50  6e 64 0d 3e 20 68 61 6e  64 20 6f 6e 65 73 20 61  |nd.> hand ones a|
00044c60  72 6f 75 6e 64 20 6e 6f  77 2e 0d 0d 48 6d 6d 6d  |round now...Hmmm|
00044c70  2c 20 74 68 65 20 49 72  6c 61 6d 20 32 34 69 31  |, the Irlam 24i1|
00044c80  36 20 73 65 65 6d 73 20  74 6f 20 67 72 61 62 20  |6 seems to grab |
00044c90  37 36 38 20 2a 20 35 37  36 20 69 6e 20 6f 6e 65  |768 * 576 in one|
00044ca0  20 66 72 61 6d 65 20 28  74 77 6f 20 66 69 65 6c  | frame (two fiel|
00044cb0  64 73 29 2e 0d 49 74 20  68 61 73 20 61 20 31 4d  |ds)..It has a 1M|
00044cc0  42 20 62 75 66 66 65 72  20 73 6f 20 61 74 20 31  |B buffer so at 1|
00044cd0  36 62 70 70 20 74 68 65  72 65 27 73 20 72 6f 6f  |6bpp there's roo|
00044ce0  6d 20 66 6f 72 20 69 74  2e 0d 0d 20 20 20 20 20  |m for it...     |
00044cf0  20 20 20 41 72 65 0d 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  |   Are..........|
00044d00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  |................|
000454a0  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  00                       |.........|