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Filename: | W.KEYBD |
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- Personal collection » Acorn DFS disks » dfs_box03_disk01_utilities_disk.scp » W.KEYBD
- Personal collection » Acorn DFS disks » dfs_box03_disk02_format_some_games.scp » W.KEYBD
- Personal collection » Acorn DFS disks » dfs_box03_disk01b_utilities_disk.scp » W.KEYBD
- Personal collection » Acorn DFS disks » dfs_box03_disk02b_format_some_games.scp » W.KEYBD
File contents
10 REM KBD/Keyboard Familiarisation 12 REM Program by Andrew Chapman & Rod Mulvey (NETHERHALL SCHOOL) & Richard G Warner 13 REM Version 5 - October 1981 14 REM For BBC Model A Microcomputer 16K Minimum 40 ON ERROR GOTO50 50 MODE7 80 CLS:PART=0:ON ERROR GOTO 800 100 PROCTITLEPAGE 105 DIM LED(3,5):REMSTATUS OF LEDS IN EACH PROG PART 110 FOR X=1 TO 5:READ LED(1,X),LED(2,X),LED(3,X):NEXT 120 DATA 0,0,1,0,0,1,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0 140 FL$=CHR$(&88):ST$=CHR$(&89):R$=CHR$(&81):W$=CHR$(&87) 150 C$=CHR$(&83):G$=CHR$(&93) 160 CL$=C$+"CAPS LOCK"+W$ 170 SL$=C$+"SHIFT LOCK"+W$ 180 SH$=C$+"SHIFT"+W$ 189 PART=1 200 DIMK(9),T(9),D(9) 210 FOR X=1 TO 9:READ K(X),T(X),D(X):NEXT 211 REM THESE ARRAYS ARE USED TO DECIDE KEY TYPES (K & T) 212 REM & WHETHER ERRORS COULD BE CAUSED BY SHIFT CONFUSION 220 DATA 44,4,16 230 DATA 48,3,16 240 DATA 60,3,-16 250 DATA 64,4,-16 260 DATA 65,3,0 270 DATA 91,2,32 280 DATA 95,3,1 290 DATA 96,4,1 295 DATA 123,1,-32 300 CLS:PRINT''' 310 PRINT"This program helps you to find your" 320 PRINT"way around the keyboard and to use" 330 PRINT"the"CL$","SL$"and"SH$'"keys."' 340 PRINT"You will be shown a character which" 350 PRINT"you will have to find and press on"'"the keyboard."' 360 PRINT"The computer will time you and display" 370 PRINT"your score along with the average time" 380 PRINT"that you take to find each key.":PROCSPACE 400 PART=0:PROCKBD:PROCESC 410 PRINTTAB(0,14)"This represents the keyboard."' 420 PRINT"Pressing the";FL$;"ESCAPE";ST$;"key will take" 430 PRINT"you to the end of the program." 440 PROCSPACE:PART=1:GOTO1000 500 CLS:PRINT'''"You now have a choice of :" 510 FOR I=1 TO 5 520 PRINTTAB(3,2*I+3);I;" - Repeat part ";I 530 NEXT 540 PRINTTAB(11,15)"or" 550 PRINT'"press the ESCAPE key if you want" 560 PRINT"to move on to the next program." 570 PART=0:SEL=0:PROCON 600 PRINTTAB(0,20)"Your choice (1-5)? "; 610 A$=GET$:IF ASC(A$)=13 THEN 680 620 A=ASC(A$)-48:IF A<0 THEN A=A+16 630 IF A<1 OR A>5 THEN 600 640 PRINTCHR$(A+48) 650 IF SEL>0 THENPRINTTAB(2,2*SEL+3);ST$ 660 PRINTTAB(2,2*A+3);FL$;A;ST$ 670 SEL=A:GOTO600 680 IF SEL=0 THEN 600 690 PART=SEL:PROCOFF:GOTO1000 800 CLS:IF ERR<>17 THEN REPORT:PRINT" in line ";ERL:END 810 IF PART>0 THEN 500 900 CLS 910 PRINTTAB(5,9); 920 PRINT"Do you want to go on to" 930 PRINT" the next program (Y/N)? "; 940 PROCYESORNO:IF Y%<0 THEN 910 950 IF Y%=0 THEN CLEAR:GOTO100 970 CHAIN "SKETCH" 1000 PROCKBD:TESTS=0:TTIM=0:RIGHT=0 1010 ON PART GOTO 1100,1200,1300,1400,1500 1100 REM PART 1 1120 PRINT"Check the red indicator lights" 1130 PRINT"are lit correctly. They should" 1140 PRINT"be as shown above." 1150 PRINT'"If they are not, press the"FL$;SL$ 1160 PRINT"key and check the display again." 1170 PROCSL:GOTO1900 1200 REM PART 2 1210 PRINT"The red indicator lights should" 1220 PRINT"be as shown above. This is the" 1230 PRINT"same as part 1. If not press the"'FL$;SL$;ST$"key." 1240 PROCSL:PROCSPACE:PROCCLEAR 1250 PRINT'"When you play the game this time," 1260 PRINT"the symbols on top of the keys will" 1270 PRINT"also be tested.":GOTO1900 1300 REM PART3 1310 PRINT"This part will examine the symbols" 1320 PRINT"on the bottom of the keys, along" 1330 PRINT"with the capital letters."' 1340 PRINT"Release"SL$"by pressing the"'FL$;CL$;ST$;"key." 1350 PROCCL:PROCSPACE:PROCCLEAR 1360 PRINT"Check that the lights are correctly"'"lit." 1370 PRINT'"Symbols on top of the keys cannot" 1380 PRINT"be obtained now." 1390 GOTO1900 1400 REM PART 4 1410 PRINT"Ensure that"CL$"is still" 1420 PRINT"active by checking the red lights." 1430 PRINT'"If the display is wrong, press the"'CL$"key." 1440 PROCSPACE:PROCCLEAR 1450 PRINT"This time, capital letters and all" 1460 PRINT"the symbols will be used. To obtain" 1470 PRINT"a symbol on the top of a key, press" 1480 PRINT"the key and";FL$;SH$;ST$;"key together." 1490 PRINT"For example, to obtain ""$"", press"'FL$;SH$;ST$;"and ""4""." 1495 PROCSH:GOTO1900 1500 REM PART5 1510 PRINT"Press the"CL$"key. The lights" 1520 PRINT"should all be off now." 1530 PRINT"You are no longer locked into capital"'"letters." 1540 PROCSPACE:PROCCLEAR 1550 PRINT"Small letters are now available." 1560 PRINT'"Capital letters are produced when" 1570 PRINT"you press a letter key and"SH$'"together." 1580 PRINT'"For example, to get";C$;"h";W$;"press H." 1590 PRINT"To get";C$;"H";W$;"press"FL$;SH$;ST$;"and H." 1595 PROCSH 1900 PROCSPACE:PROCCLEAR 1910 PROCDBL("To begin the test ....",10,15) 1920 PROCSPACE 2000 REM PLAY GAME 2010 FOR CHAR=1 TO 10 2020 CLS:PROCPUTSCORE 2060 PRINTTAB(5,5)"Part ";PART;" Question Number ";CHAR 2070 PROCDBL("Find",12,8):E$=CHR$(FNGENE):PROCWAIT(.7) 2080 PROCKCL:PROCDBL(E$,17,8):STIM=TIME 2100 I$=INKEY$(0):IF I$="" THEN 2100 2110 ETIM=TIME:IA=ASC(I$):IF IA<33 THEN2100 2120 IF IA>122 OR (IA>90 AND IA<95) THEN 2100 2130 TIM=ETIM-STIM:TTIM=TTIM+TIM:TESTS=TESTS+1 2140 PROCCOMPARE 2150 NEXTCHAR:PROCWAIT(1) 2160 CLS:PROCPUTSCORE 2200 PRINTTAB(10,10);"End of Part ";PART' 2210 PRINT"Press ""A"" to try this test again."' 2220 IF PART=5 THEN PRINT"Otherwise";:GOTO2240 2230 PRINT"If you want to move on to the next"'"part,"; 2240 PRINT" press the RETURN key." 2250 X$=GET$:IF X$="A" OR X$="a" THEN 1000 2260 IF X$<> CHR$(13) THEN 2250 2270 PART=PART+1:IF PART<6 THEN1000 2280 GOTO500 3000 DEFPROCCOMPARE 3010 REM COMPARE USER INPUT (I$) WITH EXPECTED INPUT(E$) 3020 PROCDBL("You typed "+I$,9,11) 3030 IF E$=I$ THEN RIGHT=RIGHT+1: 3040 PROCPUTSCORE 3050 IF E$<>I$ THEN 3100 3060 PRINTTAB(7,15)"THAT IS CORRECT" 3070 PRINTTAB(6,17)"You took ";TIM/100;" seconds." 3080 PROCWAIT(1.5):ENDPROC 3100 REM** USER MADE AN ERROR 3110 IA=ASC(I$):EA=ASC(E$) 3120 IF NOT(((E$="O"ORE$="o")ANDI$="0")OR(E$="0"AND(I$="O"ORI$="o"))) THEN 3200 3130 REMCONFUSED 0 WITH O OR o 3140 PROCWAIT(2):PROCKBD 3150 IF E$="0" THEN E$=I$ 3160 PRINTTAB(0,18)"You have confused the letter """E$""" with" 3170 PRINT"the digit zero, ""0""." 3180 PROCFL0:PROCFLO:PROCSPACE:ENDPROC 3200 IF NOT ((E$="1"ANDI$="l")OR(E$="l"ANDI$="1")) THEN 3300 3210 PROCWAIT(2):PROCKBD 3220 PRINTTAB(0,15)"You have confused lower case ""L"" with" 3230 PRINT"the digit ""1""." 3240 PROCFL1:PROCFLL:PROCSPACE:ENDPROC 3300 IF NOT ((E$="I"ANDI$="1")OR(E$="1"ANDI$="I")) THEN 3350 3310 PROCWAIT(2):PROCKBD 3320 PRINTTAB(0,18)"You have confused the letter ""I"" with" 3330 PRINT"the digit" """1""." 3340 PROCFL1:PROCFLI:PROCSPACE:ENDPROC 3350 IF NOT ((E$="_"ANDI$="-")OR(E$="-"ANDI$="_")) THEN 3400 3355 PROCWAIT(2):PROCKBD 3360 PRINTTAB(0,18)"You have confused the minus sign" 3370 PRINT"(below =), with the underscore symbol" 3380 PRINT"(below `)." 3390 PRINTTAB(29,4);FL$;"_";ST$;TAB(24,3);FL$;"-";ST$:PROCSPACE:ENDPROC 3400 X=1 3410 IF IA>=K(X) THEN X=X+1:GOTO3410 3420 SHCON=(EA-IA=D(X)) 3430 TYPE=T(X) 3500 REM "PART" SPECIFIC CHECKS 3510 ON PART GOTO 3520,3550,3600,3650,3720 3520 IF TYPE=2 THEN 3900:REM WRONG LETTER 3530 PRINTTAB(0,15)"That is not a capital letter.":GOTO3800 3550 REM PART 2 3560 IF TYPE=2 OR TYPE=4 THEN3900:REM WRONG LETTER 3570 PRINTTAB(0,15)"That is not an upper case character.":GOTO3800 3600 REM** PART 3 3610 IF TYPE=2 OR TYPE=3 THEN 3900 3620 PRINTTAB(0,15)"That is not a capital letter or"'"lower case symbol." 3630 GOTO3800 3650 REM** PART 4:CHECK FOR CASE CONFUSION 3660 IF TYPE=1 THEN 3530 3670 IF SHCON=0 THEN 3900 3680 IF TYPE=4 THEN 3750 3690 PRINTTAB(0,15)"You confused upper and lower case." 3700 PRINT"Use"SH$"to obtain the top set" 3710 PRINT"of symbols.":GOTO3800 3720 REM** PART 5:CHECK CASE CONFUSION 3730 IF SHCON=0 THEN 3900 3750 PRINTTAB(0,15)"You have not selected the correct case" 3760 PRINT"for your response. The top symbols and" 3770 PRINT"capital letters are produced when you"'"use"SH$"." 3800 IF PART=5 THENPRINT"Check that the red lights are"'"all off.":GOTO3850 3810 PRINT'"Make sure that the red lights"'"are "; 3820 FOR X=1 TO 3:IF LED(X,PART)=1 THEN PRINT"ON" ; ELSE PRINT"OFF"; 3830 IF X<3 THEN PRINT","; 3840 NEXTX:PRINT"." 3850 PROCSPACE:ENDPROC 3900 PRINTTAB(6,15)"THAT IS INCORRECT":PROCSPACE:ENDPROC 5000 DEFPROCKBD 5010 LOCALI,K$,L$,B$,X$,Y$ 5020 K$=CHR$(&FC):L$=K$+K$:B$=CHR$(&FF):Y$=CHR$(&95)+K$:X$=CHR$(&85)+B$ 5030 CLS:PRINTTAB(7,2); 5040 FOR I=0 TO 9:PRINTR$;B$;:NEXT 5050 PRINTC$;B$;TAB(2,3);C$;B$; 5060 FOR I=1 TO 9:PRINTST$;I;:NEXT 5070 PRINT" 0 - ";B$;" ";B$;X$;X$ 5080 PRINT" ";G$;L$;C$; 5090 PRINT"Q W E R T Y U I O P @ ";B$;" _"; 5100 PRINTX$;X$ 5110 PRINTG$;" ";K$;ST$;K$;C$;"A S D F G H J K L ; : ";B$; 5120 PRINTY$;K$ 5130 PRINTG$;" ";K$;ST$;L$;ST$;"Z";C$; 5140 PRINT"X C V B N M , . /"; 5150 PRINTG$;L$;G$;K$;Y$ 5160 PRINT" ";C$;CHR$(&9D);CHR$(&83);" Space Bar ";CHR$(&9C) 5200 IF PART=0 THEN 5299 5210 PRINT" ";:FOR I=1 TO 3 5220 IF LED(I,PART)=1 THEN PRINTR$; ELSE PRINTW$; 5230 PRINT"o";:NEXT:PRINTW$ 5240 PRINT'" ^ ^ ^ - Lights: o = OFF" 5250 PRINTTAB(17);R$;"o";W$;"= ON" 5260 PRINTTAB(15,13);"PART ";PART' 5299 ENDPROC 5300 DEFPROCFL0 5310 PRINTTAB(22,3);FL$"0"ST$;:ENDPROC 5320 DEFPROCFL1 5330 PRINTTAB(4,3);FL$"1"ST$;:ENDPROC 5340 DEFPROCFLO 5350 PRINTTAB(21,4);FL$"O"ST$;:ENDPROC 5360 DEFPROCFLL 5370 PRINTTAB(22,5);FL$"L"ST$;:ENDPROC 5380 DEFPROCFLI 5390 PRINTTAB(19,4);FL$"I"ST$;:ENDPROC 5500 DEFPROCCL:REM CAPS LOCK 5510 PRINTTAB(1,5);FL$ 5599 ENDPROC 5600 DEFPROCSL:REM SHIFT LOCK 5610 PRINTTAB(1,6);FL$; 5699 ENDPROC 5700 DEFPROCSH:REM SHIFT 5710 PRINTTAB(4,6);FL$; 5799 ENDPROC 5800 DEFPROCESC:REM ESCAPE 5810 PRINTTAB(1,3);FL$ 5899 ENDPROC 7000 DEFPROCCLEAR 7010 LOCALK 7020 FOR K=13 TO 22:PRINTTAB(0,K);SPC(40):NEXT 7030 PRINTTAB(0,13); 7099 ENDPROC 7100 DEFPROCPUTSCORE 7110 PRINTTAB(5,1)"Score so far: ";RIGHT;" out of ";TESTS 7120 PRINTTAB(3,3)"Average time taken: "; 7130 IF TESTS=0 THEN PRINT;0; ELSE PRINT;INT(TTIM/TESTS)/100; 7140 PRINT" seconds " 7199 ENDPROC 7200 DEFFNGENE:REM CHARACTER GENERATOR 7210 ON PART GOTO 7230,7260,7310,7360,7390 7220 REM** PART 1 - U/C LETTERS 7230 =RND(26)+64 7240 REM** PART 2 - U/C LETTERS + U/C SYMBOLS 7260 R=RND(16):IF R=16 THEN =96 7270 IF R<12 THEN =R+32 7280 =RND(4)+59 7300 REM** PART 3 - U/C LETTERS,L/C SYMBOLS 7310 IF CHAR=2 THEN=45:FORCE - 7315 IF RND(3)=1 THEN 7230 7320 R=RND(18):IF R=18 THEN =64 7330 IF R=17 THEN =95 7340 =R+43 7350 REM** PART 4 - U/C LETTERS + ANY SYMBOLS 7360 IF CHAR=4 THEN =79:REM FORCE O 7370 ON RND(3) GOTO 7230,7260,7320 7380 REMT** PART 5 - FULL KBD 7390 IF CHAR=7 THEN =108:REMFORCE l 7400 IF RND(3)>1 THEN 7370 7410 =96+RND(26) 7499 REM END OF FNGENE 8000 DEFPROCDBL(X$,X,Y) 8010 PRINTTAB(X-1,Y);CHR$(141);X$ 8020 PRINTTAB(X-1,Y+1);CHR$(141);X$ 8099 ENDPROC 8100 DEFPROCWAIT(X) 8110 LOCAL Z 8120 Z=TIME 8130 REPEAT UNTIL TIME-Z>X*100 8199 ENDPROC 8200 DEFPROCSPACE 8220 PRINTTAB(3,22);"Press the SPACE BAR to continue";:PROCKCL 8240 REPEAT UNTIL GET$=" " 8299 ENDPROC 8300 DEFPROCTITLEPAGE 8310 CLS:PROCDBL("KEYBOARD",14,8):PROCDBL("FAMILIARITY",13,11) 8320 PROCOFF:N%=INKEY(500) 8399 ENDPROC 8800 DEFPROCKCL 8810 REPEAT UNTIL INKEY(0)=-1 8899 ENDPROC 8900 DEFPROCOFF 8910 VDU23;8202;0;0;0;:ENDPROC 8950 DEFPROCON 8960 VDU23;29194;0;0;0;:ENDPROC 9000 DEFPROCGPI(F2,ML):REM General Purpose Input Routine 9010 LOCALB,B$ 9020 A$="" 9030 PRINTSTRING$(ML," ");STRING$(ML+1,CHR$(8));CHR$(&87);:PROCON:PROCKCL 9040 B$=GET$:B=ASC(B$):IF B=13 THEN 9190 9050 IF B=127 AND A$="" THEN 9040 9060 IF B=127 THEN A$=LEFT$(A$,LEN(A$)-1):PRINTB$;:GOTO9040 9070 IF LEN(A$)=ML OR B<32 OR B>126 THEN 9170 9080 IF F2=0 OR B=32 OR (B>=48 AND B<=57) THEN 9180 9170 VDU7:GOTO9040 9180 PRINTB$;:A$=A$+B$:GOTO9040 9190 PROCOFF 9199 ENDPROC 9200 DEFPROCYESORNO 9210 LOCALB$ 9220 PROCGPI(0,3) 9230 B$=LEFT$(A$,1) 9240 Y%=-1 9250 IF B$="Y" OR B$="y" THEN Y%=1 9260 IF B$="N" OR B$="n" THEN Y%=0 9299 ENDPROC
# � KBD/Keyboard Familiarisation T � Program by Andrew Chapman & Rod Mulvey (NETHERHALL SCHOOL) & Richard G Warner � Version 5 - October 1981 0 � For BBC Model A Microcomputer 16K Minimum ( � � �Tr@ 2 �7 P �:PART=0:� � � �T`C d �TITLEPAGE i1 � LED(3,5):�STATUS OF LEDS IN EACH PROG PART n- � X=1 � 5:� LED(1,X),LED(2,X),LED(3,X):� x$ � 0,0,1,0,0,1,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0 �. FL$=�(&88):ST$=�(&89):R$=�(&81):W$=�(&87) � C$=�(&83):G$=�(&93) � CL$=C$+"CAPS LOCK"+W$ � SL$=C$+"SHIFT LOCK"+W$ � SH$=C$+"SHIFT"+W$ � PART=1 � �K(9),T(9),D(9) �! � X=1 � 9:� K(X),T(X),D(X):� �8 � THESE ARRAYS ARE USED TO DECIDE KEY TYPES (K & T) �: � & WHETHER ERRORS COULD BE CAUSED BY SHIFT CONFUSION � � 44,4,16 � � 48,3,16 � � 60,3,-16 � � 64,4,-16 � 65,3,0 � 91,2,32 � 95,3,1 " � 96,4,1 ' � 123,1,-32 , �:�''' 6+ �"This program helps you to find your" @* �"way around the keyboard and to use" J% �"the"CL$","SL$"and"SH$'"keys."' T+ �"You will be shown a character which" ^; �"you will have to find and press on"'"the keyboard."' h. �"The computer will time you and display" r. �"your score along with the average time" |. �"that you take to find each key.":�SPACE � PART=0:�KBD:�ESC �, �0,14)"This represents the keyboard."' �5 �"Pressing the";FL$;"ESCAPE";ST$;"key will take" �& �"you to the end of the program." � �SPACE:PART=1:�dhC �' �:�'''"You now have a choice of :" � � I=1 � 5 % �3,2*I+3);I;" - Repeat part ";I � �11,15)"or" &) �'"press the ESCAPE key if you want" 0' �"to move on to the next program." : PART=0:SEL=0:�ON X" �0,20)"Your choice (1-5)? "; b A$=�:� �(A$)=13 � �thB l A=�(A$)-48:� A<0 � A=A+16 v � A<1 � A>5 � �DXB � �(A+48) � � SEL>0 ��2,2*SEL+3);ST$ � �2,2*A+3);FL$;A;ST$ � SEL=A:�DXB � � SEL=0 � �DXB � PART=SEL:�OFF:�dhC # �:� �<>17 � �:�" in line ";�:� * � PART>0 � �dtA � � � �5,9); � �"Do you want to go on to" �& �" the next program (Y/N)? "; � �YESORNO:� Y%<0 � �tNC � � Y%=0 � �:�Dd@ � � "SKETCH" � �KBD:TESTS=0:TTIM=0:RIGHT=0 �& � PART � �DLD,�tpD,�TTE,�DxE,�d\E L � PART 1 `& �"Check the red indicator lights" j& �"are lit correctly. They should" t �"be as shown above." ~* �'"If they are not, press the"FL$;SL$ �( �"key and check the display again." � �SL:�DlG � � PART 2 �' �"The red indicator lights should" �& �"be as shown above. This is the" �: �"same as part 1. If not press the"'FL$;SL$;ST$"key." � �SL:�SPACE:�CLEAR �* �'"When you play the game this time," �+ �"the symbols on top of the keys will" � �"also be tested.":�DlG � PART3 * �"This part will examine the symbols" (( �"on the bottom of the keys, along" 2" �"with the capital letters."' <6 �"Release"SL$"by pressing the"'FL$;CL$;ST$;"key." F �CL:�SPACE:�CLEAR P2 �"Check that the lights are correctly"'"lit." Z* �'"Symbols on top of the keys cannot" d �"be obtained now." n �DlG x � PART 4 � �"Ensure that"CL$"is still" �* �"active by checking the red lights." �5 �'"If the display is wrong, press the"'CL$"key." � �SPACE:�CLEAR �* �"This time, capital letters and all" �+ �"the symbols will be used. To obtain" �+ �"a symbol on the top of a key, press" �/ �"the key and";FL$;SH$;ST$;"key together." �D �"For example, to obtain ""$"", press"'FL$;SH$;ST$;"and ""4""." � �SH:�DlG � � PART5 �% �"Press the"CL$"key. The lights" � �"should all be off now." �8 �"You are no longer locked into capital"'"letters." �SPACE:�CLEAR ) �"Small letters are now available." * �'"Capital letters are produced when" "1 �"you press a letter key and"SH$'"together." ,1 �'"For example, to get";C$;"h";W$;"press H." 64 �"To get";C$;"H";W$;"press"FL$;SH$;ST$;"and H." ; �SH l �SPACE:�CLEAR v) �DBL("To begin the test ....",10,15) � �SPACE � � PLAY GAME � � CHAR=1 � 10 � �:�PUTSCORE 4 �5,5)"Part ";PART;" Question Number ";CHAR , �DBL("Find",12,8):E$=�(�GENE):�WAIT(.7) �KCL:�DBL(E$,17,8):STIM=� 4 I$=�(0):� I$="" � �TtH >" ETIM=�:IA=�(I$):� IA<33 ��TtH H& � IA>122 � (IA>90 � IA<95) � �TtH R. TIM=ETIM-STIM:TTIM=TTIM+TIM:TESTS=TESTS+1 \ �COMPARE f �CHAR:�WAIT(1) p �:�PUTSCORE �" �10,10);"End of Part ";PART' �, �"Press ""A"" to try this test again."' �# � PART=5 � �"Otherwise";:�d@H �3 �"If you want to move on to the next"'"part,"; � �" press the RETURN key." �" X$=�:� X$="A" � X$="a" � �dhC � � X$<> �(13) � �dJH � PART=PART+1:� PART<6 ��dhC � �dtA � ��COMPARE �6 � COMPARE USER INPUT (I$) WITH EXPECTED INPUT(E$) � �DBL("You typed "+I$,9,11) � � E$=I$ � RIGHT=RIGHT+1: � �PUTSCORE � � E$<>I$ � �T\L � �7,15)"THAT IS CORRECT" �+ �6,17)"You took ";TIM/100;" seconds." �WAIT(1.5):� �** USER MADE AN ERROR & IA=�(I$):EA=�(E$) 0B � �(((E$="O"�E$="o")�I$="0")�(E$="0"�(I$="O"�I$="o"))) � �t@L : �CONFUSED 0 WITH O OR o D �WAIT(2):�KBD N � E$="0" � E$=I$ X8 �0,18)"You have confused the letter """E$""" with" b �"the digit zero, ""0""." l �FL0:�FLO:�SPACE:� �1 � � ((E$="1"�I$="l")�(E$="l"�I$="1")) � �ddL � �WAIT(2):�KBD �5 �0,15)"You have confused lower case ""L"" with" � �"the digit ""1""." � �FL1:�FLL:�SPACE:� �1 � � ((E$="I"�I$="1")�(E$="1"�I$="I")) � �TVM � �WAIT(2):�KBD �5 �0,18)"You have confused the letter ""I"" with" �"the digit" """1""." �FL1:�FLI:�SPACE:� 1 � � ((E$="_"�I$="-")�(E$="-"�I$="_")) � �DHM �WAIT(2):�KBD . �0,18)"You have confused the minus sign" *- �"(below =), with the underscore symbol" 4 �"(below `)." >4 �29,4);FL$;"_";ST$;�24,3);FL$;"-";ST$:�SPACE:� H X=1 R � IA>=K(X) � X=X+1:�DRM \ SHCON=(EA-IA=D(X)) f TYPE=T(X) � � "PART" SPECIFIC CHECKS �& � PART � �d@M,�d^M,�TPN,�DBN,�tHN �# � TYPE=2 � �T|O:� WRONG LETTER �1 �0,15)"That is not a capital letter.":�dXN � � PART 2 �+ � TYPE=2 � TYPE=4 ��T|O:� WRONG LETTER �8 �0,15)"That is not an upper case character.":�dXN �** PART 3 � TYPE=2 � TYPE=3 � �T|O $B �0,15)"That is not a capital letter or"'"lower case symbol." . �dXN B( �** PART 4:CHECK FOR CASE CONFUSION L � TYPE=1 � �dJM V � SHCON=0 � �T|O ` � TYPE=4 � �tfN j0 �0,15)"You confused upper and lower case." t% �"Use"SH$"to obtain the top set" ~ �"of symbols.":�dXN �$ �** PART 5:CHECK CASE CONFUSION � � SHCON=0 � �T|O �4 �0,15)"You have not selected the correct case" �. �"for your response. The top symbols and" �9 �"capital letters are produced when you"'"use"SH$"." �@ � PART=5 ��"Check that the red lights are"'"all off.":�TJO �. �'"Make sure that the red lights"'"are "; �2 � X=1 � 3:� LED(X,PART)=1 � �"ON" ; � �"OFF"; � � X<3 � �","; �X:�"." �SPACE:� <( �6,15)"THAT IS INCORRECT":�SPACE:� � ��KBD � �I,K$,L$,B$,X$,Y$ �; K$=�(&FC):L$=K$+K$:B$=�(&FF):Y$=�(&95)+K$:X$=�(&85)+B$ � �:�7,2); � � I=0 � 9:�R$;B$;:� � �C$;B$;�2,3);C$;B$; � � I=1 � 9:�ST$;I;:� � �" 0 - ";B$;" ";B$;X$;X$ � �" ";G$;L$;C$; �' �"Q W E R T Y U I O P @ ";B$;" _"; � �X$;X$ �7 �G$;" ";K$;ST$;K$;C$;"A S D F G H J K L ; : ";B$; �Y$;K$ # �G$;" ";K$;ST$;L$;ST$;"Z";C$; �"X C V B N M , . /"; �G$;L$;G$;K$;Y$ (8 �" ";C$;�(&9D);�(&83);" Space Bar ";�(&9C) P � PART=0 � �tsT Z �" ";:� I=1 � 3 d" � LED(I,PART)=1 � �R$; � �W$; n �"o";:�:�W$ x" �'" ^ ^ ^ - Lights: o = OFF" � �17);R$;"o";W$;"= ON" � �15,13);"PART ";PART' � � � ��FL0 � �22,3);FL$"0"ST$;:� � ��FL1 � �4,3);FL$"1"ST$;:� � ��FLO � �21,4);FL$"O"ST$;:� � ��FLL � �22,5);FL$"L"ST$;:� ��FLI �19,4);FL$"I"ST$;:� | ��CL:� CAPS LOCK � �1,5);FL$ � � � ��SL:� SHIFT LOCK � �1,6);FL$; C � D ��SH:� SHIFT N �4,6);FL$; � � � ��ESC:� ESCAPE � �1,3);FL$ � X ��CLEAR b �K l � K=13 � 22:�0,K);�(40):� v �0,13); � � � ��PUTSCORE �2 �5,1)"Score so far: ";RIGHT;" out of ";TESTS �" �3,3)"Average time taken: "; �, � TESTS=0 � �;0; � �;�(TTIM/TESTS)/100; � �" seconds " � ! ݤGENE:� CHARACTER GENERATOR *' � PART � �T~\,�D\\,�tN\,�d@\,�d^\ 4 �** PART 1 - U/C LETTERS > =�(26)+64 H+ �** PART 2 - U/C LETTERS + U/C SYMBOLS \ R=�(16):� R=16 � =96 f � R<12 � =R+32 p =�(4)+59 �) �** PART 3 - U/C LETTERS,L/C SYMBOLS � � CHAR=2 �=45:�CE - � � �(3)=1 � �T~\ � R=�(18):� R=18 � =64 � � R=17 � =95 � =R+43 �+ �** PART 4 - U/C LETTERS + ANY SYMBOLS � � CHAR=4 � =79:� FORCE O � � �(3) � �T~\,�D\\,�tX\ � �T** PART 5 - FULL KBD � � CHAR=7 � =108:�FORCE l � � �(3)>1 � �dJ\ � =96+�(26) K � END OF FNGENE @ ��DBL(X$,X,Y) J �X-1,Y);�(141);X$ T �X-1,Y+1);�(141);X$ � � � ��WAIT(X) � � Z � Z=� � � � �-Z>X*100 � ��SPACE 4 �3,22);"Press the SPACE BAR to continue";:�KCL 0 � � �=" " k � l ��TITLEPAGE v6 �:�DBL("KEYBOARD",14,8):�DBL("FAMILIARITY",13,11) � �OFF:N%=�(500) � � "` ��KCL "j � � �(0)=-1 "� � "� ��OFF "� �23;8202;0;0;0;:� "� ��ON # �23;29194;0;0;0;:� #(1 ��GPI(F2,ML):� General Purpose Input Routine #2 �B,B$ #< A$="" #F+ ��ML," ");�ML+1,�(8));�(&87);:�ON:�KCL #P B$=�:B=�(B$):� B=13 � �dfc #Z � B=127 � A$="" � �DPc #d* � B=127 � A$=�A$,�(A$)-1):�B$;:�DPc #n% � �(A$)=ML � B<32 � B>126 � �dRc #x+ � F2=0 � B=32 � (B>=48 � B<=57) � �d\c #� �7:�DPc #� �B$;:A$=A$+B$:�DPc #� �OFF #� � #� ��YESORNO #� �B$ $ �GPI(0,3) $ B$=�A$,1) $ Y%=-1 $" � B$="Y" � B$="y" � Y%=1 $, � B$="N" � B$="n" � Y%=0 $S � �
00000000 0d 00 0a 23 20 f4 20 4b 42 44 2f 4b 65 79 62 6f |...# . KBD/Keybo| 00000010 61 72 64 20 46 61 6d 69 6c 69 61 72 69 73 61 74 |ard Familiarisat| 00000020 69 6f 6e 0d 00 0c 54 20 f4 20 50 72 6f 67 72 61 |ion...T . Progra| 00000030 6d 20 62 79 20 41 6e 64 72 65 77 20 43 68 61 70 |m by Andrew Chap| 00000040 6d 61 6e 20 26 20 52 6f 64 20 4d 75 6c 76 65 79 |man & Rod Mulvey| 00000050 20 28 4e 45 54 48 45 52 48 41 4c 4c 20 53 43 48 | (NETHERHALL SCH| 00000060 4f 4f 4c 29 20 26 20 52 69 63 68 61 72 64 20 47 |OOL) & Richard G| 00000070 20 57 61 72 6e 65 72 0d 00 0d 1f 20 f4 20 56 65 | Warner.... . Ve| 00000080 72 73 69 6f 6e 20 35 20 2d 20 4f 63 74 6f 62 65 |rsion 5 - Octobe| 00000090 72 20 31 39 38 31 0d 00 0e 30 20 f4 20 46 6f 72 |r 1981...0 . For| 000000a0 20 42 42 43 20 4d 6f 64 65 6c 20 41 20 4d 69 63 | BBC Model A Mic| 000000b0 72 6f 63 6f 6d 70 75 74 65 72 20 31 36 4b 20 4d |rocomputer 16K M| 000000c0 69 6e 69 6d 75 6d 0d 00 28 0e 20 ee 20 85 20 e5 |inimum..(. . . .| 000000d0 8d 54 72 40 0d 00 32 07 20 eb 37 0d 00 50 18 20 |.Tr@..2. .7..P. | 000000e0 db 3a 50 41 52 54 3d 30 3a ee 20 85 20 e5 20 8d |.:PART=0:. . . .| 000000f0 54 60 43 0d 00 64 0f 20 f2 54 49 54 4c 45 50 41 |T`C..d. .TITLEPA| 00000100 47 45 0d 00 69 31 20 de 20 4c 45 44 28 33 2c 35 |GE..i1 . LED(3,5| 00000110 29 3a f4 53 54 41 54 55 53 20 4f 46 20 4c 45 44 |):.STATUS OF LED| 00000120 53 20 49 4e 20 45 41 43 48 20 50 52 4f 47 20 50 |S IN EACH PROG P| 00000130 41 52 54 0d 00 6e 2d 20 e3 20 58 3d 31 20 b8 20 |ART..n- . X=1 . | 00000140 35 3a f3 20 4c 45 44 28 31 2c 58 29 2c 4c 45 44 |5:. LED(1,X),LED| 00000150 28 32 2c 58 29 2c 4c 45 44 28 33 2c 58 29 3a ed |(2,X),LED(3,X):.| 00000160 0d 00 78 24 20 dc 20 30 2c 30 2c 31 2c 30 2c 30 |..x$ . 0,0,1,0,0| 00000170 2c 31 2c 30 2c 31 2c 30 2c 30 2c 31 2c 30 2c 30 |,1,0,1,0,0,1,0,0| 00000180 2c 30 2c 30 0d 00 8c 2e 20 46 4c 24 3d bd 28 26 |,0,0.... FL$=.(&| 00000190 38 38 29 3a 53 54 24 3d bd 28 26 38 39 29 3a 52 |88):ST$=.(&89):R| 000001a0 24 3d bd 28 26 38 31 29 3a 57 24 3d bd 28 26 38 |$=.(&81):W$=.(&8| 000001b0 37 29 0d 00 96 18 20 43 24 3d bd 28 26 38 33 29 |7).... C$=.(&83)| 000001c0 3a 47 24 3d bd 28 26 39 33 29 0d 00 a0 1a 20 43 |:G$=.(&93).... C| 000001d0 4c 24 3d 43 24 2b 22 43 41 50 53 20 4c 4f 43 4b |L$=C$+"CAPS LOCK| 000001e0 22 2b 57 24 0d 00 aa 1b 20 53 4c 24 3d 43 24 2b |"+W$.... SL$=C$+| 000001f0 22 53 48 49 46 54 20 4c 4f 43 4b 22 2b 57 24 0d |"SHIFT LOCK"+W$.| 00000200 00 b4 16 20 53 48 24 3d 43 24 2b 22 53 48 49 46 |... SH$=C$+"SHIF| 00000210 54 22 2b 57 24 0d 00 bd 0b 20 50 41 52 54 3d 31 |T"+W$.... PART=1| 00000220 0d 00 c8 14 20 de 4b 28 39 29 2c 54 28 39 29 2c |.... .K(9),T(9),| 00000230 44 28 39 29 0d 00 d2 21 20 e3 20 58 3d 31 20 b8 |D(9)...! . X=1 .| 00000240 20 39 3a f3 20 4b 28 58 29 2c 54 28 58 29 2c 44 | 9:. K(X),T(X),D| 00000250 28 58 29 3a ed 0d 00 d3 38 20 f4 20 54 48 45 53 |(X):....8 . THES| 00000260 45 20 41 52 52 41 59 53 20 41 52 45 20 55 53 45 |E ARRAYS ARE USE| 00000270 44 20 54 4f 20 44 45 43 49 44 45 20 4b 45 59 20 |D TO DECIDE KEY | 00000280 54 59 50 45 53 20 28 4b 20 26 20 54 29 0d 00 d4 |TYPES (K & T)...| 00000290 3a 20 f4 20 26 20 57 48 45 54 48 45 52 20 45 52 |: . & WHETHER ER| 000002a0 52 4f 52 53 20 43 4f 55 4c 44 20 42 45 20 43 41 |RORS COULD BE CA| 000002b0 55 53 45 44 20 42 59 20 53 48 49 46 54 20 43 4f |USED BY SHIFT CO| 000002c0 4e 46 55 53 49 4f 4e 0d 00 dc 0e 20 dc 20 34 34 |NFUSION.... . 44| 000002d0 2c 34 2c 31 36 0d 00 e6 0e 20 dc 20 34 38 2c 33 |,4,16.... . 48,3| 000002e0 2c 31 36 0d 00 f0 0f 20 dc 20 36 30 2c 33 2c 2d |,16.... . 60,3,-| 000002f0 31 36 0d 00 fa 0f 20 dc 20 36 34 2c 34 2c 2d 31 |16.... . 64,4,-1| 00000300 36 0d 01 04 0d 20 dc 20 36 35 2c 33 2c 30 0d 01 |6.... . 65,3,0..| 00000310 0e 0e 20 dc 20 39 31 2c 32 2c 33 32 0d 01 18 0d |.. . 91,2,32....| 00000320 20 dc 20 39 35 2c 33 2c 31 0d 01 22 0d 20 dc 20 | . 95,3,1..". . | 00000330 39 36 2c 34 2c 31 0d 01 27 10 20 dc 20 31 32 33 |96,4,1..'. . 123| 00000340 2c 31 2c 2d 33 32 0d 01 2c 0b 20 db 3a f1 27 27 |,1,-32..,. .:.''| 00000350 27 0d 01 36 2b 20 f1 22 54 68 69 73 20 70 72 6f |'..6+ ."This pro| 00000360 67 72 61 6d 20 68 65 6c 70 73 20 79 6f 75 20 74 |gram helps you t| 00000370 6f 20 66 69 6e 64 20 79 6f 75 72 22 0d 01 40 2a |o find your"..@*| 00000380 20 f1 22 77 61 79 20 61 72 6f 75 6e 64 20 74 68 | ."way around th| 00000390 65 20 6b 65 79 62 6f 61 72 64 20 61 6e 64 20 74 |e keyboard and t| 000003a0 6f 20 75 73 65 22 0d 01 4a 25 20 f1 22 74 68 65 |o use"..J% ."the| 000003b0 22 43 4c 24 22 2c 22 53 4c 24 22 61 6e 64 22 53 |"CL$","SL$"and"S| 000003c0 48 24 27 22 6b 65 79 73 2e 22 27 0d 01 54 2b 20 |H$'"keys."'..T+ | 000003d0 f1 22 59 6f 75 20 77 69 6c 6c 20 62 65 20 73 68 |."You will be sh| 000003e0 6f 77 6e 20 61 20 63 68 61 72 61 63 74 65 72 20 |own a character | 000003f0 77 68 69 63 68 22 0d 01 5e 3b 20 f1 22 79 6f 75 |which"..^; ."you| 00000400 20 77 69 6c 6c 20 68 61 76 65 20 74 6f 20 66 69 | will have to fi| 00000410 6e 64 20 61 6e 64 20 70 72 65 73 73 20 6f 6e 22 |nd and press on"| 00000420 27 22 74 68 65 20 6b 65 79 62 6f 61 72 64 2e 22 |'"the keyboard."| 00000430 27 0d 01 68 2e 20 f1 22 54 68 65 20 63 6f 6d 70 |'..h. ."The comp| 00000440 75 74 65 72 20 77 69 6c 6c 20 74 69 6d 65 20 79 |uter will time y| 00000450 6f 75 20 61 6e 64 20 64 69 73 70 6c 61 79 22 0d |ou and display".| 00000460 01 72 2e 20 f1 22 79 6f 75 72 20 73 63 6f 72 65 |.r. ."your score| 00000470 20 61 6c 6f 6e 67 20 77 69 74 68 20 74 68 65 20 | along with the | 00000480 61 76 65 72 61 67 65 20 74 69 6d 65 22 0d 01 7c |average time"..|| 00000490 2e 20 f1 22 74 68 61 74 20 79 6f 75 20 74 61 6b |. ."that you tak| 000004a0 65 20 74 6f 20 66 69 6e 64 20 65 61 63 68 20 6b |e to find each k| 000004b0 65 79 2e 22 3a f2 53 50 41 43 45 0d 01 90 15 20 |ey.":.SPACE.... | 000004c0 50 41 52 54 3d 30 3a f2 4b 42 44 3a f2 45 53 43 |PART=0:.KBD:.ESC| 000004d0 0d 01 9a 2c 20 f1 8a 30 2c 31 34 29 22 54 68 69 |..., ..0,14)"Thi| 000004e0 73 20 72 65 70 72 65 73 65 6e 74 73 20 74 68 65 |s represents the| 000004f0 20 6b 65 79 62 6f 61 72 64 2e 22 27 0d 01 a4 35 | keyboard."'...5| 00000500 20 f1 22 50 72 65 73 73 69 6e 67 20 74 68 65 22 | ."Pressing the"| 00000510 3b 46 4c 24 3b 22 45 53 43 41 50 45 22 3b 53 54 |;FL$;"ESCAPE";ST| 00000520 24 3b 22 6b 65 79 20 77 69 6c 6c 20 74 61 6b 65 |$;"key will take| 00000530 22 0d 01 ae 26 20 f1 22 79 6f 75 20 74 6f 20 74 |"...& ."you to t| 00000540 68 65 20 65 6e 64 20 6f 66 20 74 68 65 20 70 72 |he end of the pr| 00000550 6f 67 72 61 6d 2e 22 0d 01 b8 18 20 f2 53 50 41 |ogram.".... .SPA| 00000560 43 45 3a 50 41 52 54 3d 31 3a e5 8d 64 68 43 0d |CE:PART=1:..dhC.| 00000570 01 f4 27 20 db 3a f1 27 27 27 22 59 6f 75 20 6e |..' .:.'''"You n| 00000580 6f 77 20 68 61 76 65 20 61 20 63 68 6f 69 63 65 |ow have a choice| 00000590 20 6f 66 20 3a 22 0d 01 fe 0e 20 e3 20 49 3d 31 | of :".... . I=1| 000005a0 20 b8 20 35 0d 02 08 25 20 f1 8a 33 2c 32 2a 49 | . 5...% ..3,2*I| 000005b0 2b 33 29 3b 49 3b 22 20 2d 20 52 65 70 65 61 74 |+3);I;" - Repeat| 000005c0 20 70 61 72 74 20 22 3b 49 0d 02 12 06 20 ed 0d | part ";I.... ..| 000005d0 02 1c 11 20 f1 8a 31 31 2c 31 35 29 22 6f 72 22 |... ..11,15)"or"| 000005e0 0d 02 26 29 20 f1 27 22 70 72 65 73 73 20 74 68 |..&) .'"press th| 000005f0 65 20 45 53 43 41 50 45 20 6b 65 79 20 69 66 20 |e ESCAPE key if | 00000600 79 6f 75 20 77 61 6e 74 22 0d 02 30 27 20 f1 22 |you want"..0' ."| 00000610 74 6f 20 6d 6f 76 65 20 6f 6e 20 74 6f 20 74 68 |to move on to th| 00000620 65 20 6e 65 78 74 20 70 72 6f 67 72 61 6d 2e 22 |e next program."| 00000630 0d 02 3a 15 20 50 41 52 54 3d 30 3a 53 45 4c 3d |..:. PART=0:SEL=| 00000640 30 3a f2 4f 4e 0d 02 58 22 20 f1 8a 30 2c 32 30 |0:.ON..X" ..0,20| 00000650 29 22 59 6f 75 72 20 63 68 6f 69 63 65 20 28 31 |)"Your choice (1| 00000660 2d 35 29 3f 20 22 3b 0d 02 62 1b 20 41 24 3d be |-5)? ";..b. A$=.| 00000670 3a e7 20 97 28 41 24 29 3d 31 33 20 8c 20 8d 74 |:. .(A$)=13 . .t| 00000680 68 42 0d 02 6c 1e 20 41 3d 97 28 41 24 29 2d 34 |hB..l. A=.(A$)-4| 00000690 38 3a e7 20 41 3c 30 20 8c 20 41 3d 41 2b 31 36 |8:. A<0 . A=A+16| 000006a0 0d 02 76 17 20 e7 20 41 3c 31 20 84 20 41 3e 35 |..v. . A<1 . A>5| 000006b0 20 8c 20 8d 44 58 42 0d 02 80 0d 20 f1 bd 28 41 | . .DXB.... ..(A| 000006c0 2b 34 38 29 0d 02 8a 1e 20 e7 20 53 45 4c 3e 30 |+48).... . SEL>0| 000006d0 20 8c f1 8a 32 2c 32 2a 53 45 4c 2b 33 29 3b 53 | ...2,2*SEL+3);S| 000006e0 54 24 0d 02 94 19 20 f1 8a 32 2c 32 2a 41 2b 33 |T$.... ..2,2*A+3| 000006f0 29 3b 46 4c 24 3b 41 3b 53 54 24 0d 02 9e 10 20 |);FL$;A;ST$.... | 00000700 53 45 4c 3d 41 3a e5 8d 44 58 42 0d 02 a8 13 20 |SEL=A:..DXB.... | 00000710 e7 20 53 45 4c 3d 30 20 8c 20 8d 44 58 42 0d 02 |. SEL=0 . .DXB..| 00000720 b2 18 20 50 41 52 54 3d 53 45 4c 3a f2 4f 46 46 |.. PART=SEL:.OFF| 00000730 3a e5 8d 64 68 43 0d 03 20 23 20 db 3a e7 20 9f |:..dhC.. # .:. .| 00000740 3c 3e 31 37 20 8c 20 f6 3a f1 22 20 69 6e 20 6c |<>17 . .:." in l| 00000750 69 6e 65 20 22 3b 9e 3a e0 0d 03 2a 14 20 e7 20 |ine ";.:...*. . | 00000760 50 41 52 54 3e 30 20 8c 20 8d 64 74 41 0d 03 84 |PART>0 . .dtA...| 00000770 06 20 db 0d 03 8e 0c 20 f1 8a 35 2c 39 29 3b 0d |. ..... ..5,9);.| 00000780 03 98 1f 20 f1 22 44 6f 20 79 6f 75 20 77 61 6e |... ."Do you wan| 00000790 74 20 74 6f 20 67 6f 20 6f 6e 20 74 6f 22 0d 03 |t to go on to"..| 000007a0 a2 26 20 f1 22 20 20 20 20 20 74 68 65 20 6e 65 |.& ." the ne| 000007b0 78 74 20 70 72 6f 67 72 61 6d 20 28 59 2f 4e 29 |xt program (Y/N)| 000007c0 3f 20 22 3b 0d 03 ac 1b 20 f2 59 45 53 4f 52 4e |? ";.... .YESORN| 000007d0 4f 3a e7 20 59 25 3c 30 20 8c 20 8d 74 4e 43 0d |O:. Y%<0 . .tNC.| 000007e0 03 b6 15 20 e7 20 59 25 3d 30 20 8c 20 d8 3a e5 |... . Y%=0 . .:.| 000007f0 8d 44 64 40 0d 03 ca 0f 20 d7 20 22 53 4b 45 54 |.Dd@.... . "SKET| 00000800 43 48 22 0d 03 e8 20 20 f2 4b 42 44 3a 54 45 53 |CH"... .KBD:TES| 00000810 54 53 3d 30 3a 54 54 49 4d 3d 30 3a 52 49 47 48 |TS=0:TTIM=0:RIGH| 00000820 54 3d 30 0d 03 f2 26 20 ee 20 50 41 52 54 20 e5 |T=0...& . PART .| 00000830 20 8d 44 4c 44 2c 8d 74 70 44 2c 8d 54 54 45 2c | .DLD,.tpD,.TTE,| 00000840 8d 44 78 45 2c 8d 64 5c 45 0d 04 4c 0d 20 f4 20 |.DxE,.d\E..L. . | 00000850 50 41 52 54 20 31 0d 04 60 26 20 f1 22 43 68 65 |PART 1..`& ."Che| 00000860 63 6b 20 74 68 65 20 72 65 64 20 69 6e 64 69 63 |ck the red indic| 00000870 61 74 6f 72 20 6c 69 67 68 74 73 22 0d 04 6a 26 |ator lights"..j&| 00000880 20 f1 22 61 72 65 20 6c 69 74 20 63 6f 72 72 65 | ."are lit corre| 00000890 63 74 6c 79 2e 20 54 68 65 79 20 73 68 6f 75 6c |ctly. They shoul| 000008a0 64 22 0d 04 74 1a 20 f1 22 62 65 20 61 73 20 73 |d"..t. ."be as s| 000008b0 68 6f 77 6e 20 61 62 6f 76 65 2e 22 0d 04 7e 2a |hown above."..~*| 000008c0 20 f1 27 22 49 66 20 74 68 65 79 20 61 72 65 20 | .'"If they are | 000008d0 6e 6f 74 2c 20 70 72 65 73 73 20 74 68 65 22 46 |not, press the"F| 000008e0 4c 24 3b 53 4c 24 0d 04 88 28 20 f1 22 6b 65 79 |L$;SL$...( ."key| 000008f0 20 61 6e 64 20 63 68 65 63 6b 20 74 68 65 20 64 | and check the d| 00000900 69 73 70 6c 61 79 20 61 67 61 69 6e 2e 22 0d 04 |isplay again."..| 00000910 92 0e 20 f2 53 4c 3a e5 8d 44 6c 47 0d 04 b0 0d |.. .SL:..DlG....| 00000920 20 f4 20 50 41 52 54 20 32 0d 04 ba 27 20 f1 22 | . PART 2...' ."| 00000930 54 68 65 20 72 65 64 20 69 6e 64 69 63 61 74 6f |The red indicato| 00000940 72 20 6c 69 67 68 74 73 20 73 68 6f 75 6c 64 22 |r lights should"| 00000950 0d 04 c4 26 20 f1 22 62 65 20 61 73 20 73 68 6f |...& ."be as sho| 00000960 77 6e 20 61 62 6f 76 65 2e 20 54 68 69 73 20 69 |wn above. This i| 00000970 73 20 74 68 65 22 0d 04 ce 3a 20 f1 22 73 61 6d |s the"...: ."sam| 00000980 65 20 61 73 20 70 61 72 74 20 31 2e 20 49 66 20 |e as part 1. If | 00000990 6e 6f 74 20 70 72 65 73 73 20 74 68 65 22 27 46 |not press the"'F| 000009a0 4c 24 3b 53 4c 24 3b 53 54 24 22 6b 65 79 2e 22 |L$;SL$;ST$"key."| 000009b0 0d 04 d8 16 20 f2 53 4c 3a f2 53 50 41 43 45 3a |.... .SL:.SPACE:| 000009c0 f2 43 4c 45 41 52 0d 04 e2 2a 20 f1 27 22 57 68 |.CLEAR...* .'"Wh| 000009d0 65 6e 20 79 6f 75 20 70 6c 61 79 20 74 68 65 20 |en you play the | 000009e0 67 61 6d 65 20 74 68 69 73 20 74 69 6d 65 2c 22 |game this time,"| 000009f0 0d 04 ec 2b 20 f1 22 74 68 65 20 73 79 6d 62 6f |...+ ."the symbo| 00000a00 6c 73 20 6f 6e 20 74 6f 70 20 6f 66 20 74 68 65 |ls on top of the| 00000a10 20 6b 65 79 73 20 77 69 6c 6c 22 0d 04 f6 1d 20 | keys will".... | 00000a20 f1 22 61 6c 73 6f 20 62 65 20 74 65 73 74 65 64 |."also be tested| 00000a30 2e 22 3a e5 8d 44 6c 47 0d 05 14 0c 20 f4 20 50 |.":..DlG.... . P| 00000a40 41 52 54 33 0d 05 1e 2a 20 f1 22 54 68 69 73 20 |ART3...* ."This | 00000a50 70 61 72 74 20 77 69 6c 6c 20 65 78 61 6d 69 6e |part will examin| 00000a60 65 20 74 68 65 20 73 79 6d 62 6f 6c 73 22 0d 05 |e the symbols"..| 00000a70 28 28 20 f1 22 6f 6e 20 74 68 65 20 62 6f 74 74 |(( ."on the bott| 00000a80 6f 6d 20 6f 66 20 74 68 65 20 6b 65 79 73 2c 20 |om of the keys, | 00000a90 61 6c 6f 6e 67 22 0d 05 32 22 20 f1 22 77 69 74 |along"..2" ."wit| 00000aa0 68 20 74 68 65 20 63 61 70 69 74 61 6c 20 6c 65 |h the capital le| 00000ab0 74 74 65 72 73 2e 22 27 0d 05 3c 36 20 f1 22 52 |tters."'..<6 ."R| 00000ac0 65 6c 65 61 73 65 22 53 4c 24 22 62 79 20 70 72 |elease"SL$"by pr| 00000ad0 65 73 73 69 6e 67 20 74 68 65 22 27 46 4c 24 3b |essing the"'FL$;| 00000ae0 43 4c 24 3b 53 54 24 3b 22 6b 65 79 2e 22 0d 05 |CL$;ST$;"key."..| 00000af0 46 16 20 f2 43 4c 3a f2 53 50 41 43 45 3a f2 43 |F. .CL:.SPACE:.C| 00000b00 4c 45 41 52 0d 05 50 32 20 f1 22 43 68 65 63 6b |LEAR..P2 ."Check| 00000b10 20 74 68 61 74 20 74 68 65 20 6c 69 67 68 74 73 | that the lights| 00000b20 20 61 72 65 20 63 6f 72 72 65 63 74 6c 79 22 27 | are correctly"'| 00000b30 22 6c 69 74 2e 22 0d 05 5a 2a 20 f1 27 22 53 79 |"lit."..Z* .'"Sy| 00000b40 6d 62 6f 6c 73 20 6f 6e 20 74 6f 70 20 6f 66 20 |mbols on top of | 00000b50 74 68 65 20 6b 65 79 73 20 63 61 6e 6e 6f 74 22 |the keys cannot"| 00000b60 0d 05 64 18 20 f1 22 62 65 20 6f 62 74 61 69 6e |..d. ."be obtain| 00000b70 65 64 20 6e 6f 77 2e 22 0d 05 6e 0a 20 e5 8d 44 |ed now."..n. ..D| 00000b80 6c 47 0d 05 78 0d 20 f4 20 50 41 52 54 20 34 0d |lG..x. . PART 4.| 00000b90 05 82 20 20 f1 22 45 6e 73 75 72 65 20 74 68 61 |.. ."Ensure tha| 00000ba0 74 22 43 4c 24 22 69 73 20 73 74 69 6c 6c 22 0d |t"CL$"is still".| 00000bb0 05 8c 2a 20 f1 22 61 63 74 69 76 65 20 62 79 20 |..* ."active by | 00000bc0 63 68 65 63 6b 69 6e 67 20 74 68 65 20 72 65 64 |checking the red| 00000bd0 20 6c 69 67 68 74 73 2e 22 0d 05 96 35 20 f1 27 | lights."...5 .'| 00000be0 22 49 66 20 74 68 65 20 64 69 73 70 6c 61 79 20 |"If the display | 00000bf0 69 73 20 77 72 6f 6e 67 2c 20 70 72 65 73 73 20 |is wrong, press | 00000c00 74 68 65 22 27 43 4c 24 22 6b 65 79 2e 22 0d 05 |the"'CL$"key."..| 00000c10 a0 12 20 f2 53 50 41 43 45 3a f2 43 4c 45 41 52 |.. .SPACE:.CLEAR| 00000c20 0d 05 aa 2a 20 f1 22 54 68 69 73 20 74 69 6d 65 |...* ."This time| 00000c30 2c 20 63 61 70 69 74 61 6c 20 6c 65 74 74 65 72 |, capital letter| 00000c40 73 20 61 6e 64 20 61 6c 6c 22 0d 05 b4 2b 20 f1 |s and all"...+ .| 00000c50 22 74 68 65 20 73 79 6d 62 6f 6c 73 20 77 69 6c |"the symbols wil| 00000c60 6c 20 62 65 20 75 73 65 64 2e 20 54 6f 20 6f 62 |l be used. To ob| 00000c70 74 61 69 6e 22 0d 05 be 2b 20 f1 22 61 20 73 79 |tain"...+ ."a sy| 00000c80 6d 62 6f 6c 20 6f 6e 20 74 68 65 20 74 6f 70 20 |mbol on the top | 00000c90 6f 66 20 61 20 6b 65 79 2c 20 70 72 65 73 73 22 |of a key, press"| 00000ca0 0d 05 c8 2f 20 f1 22 74 68 65 20 6b 65 79 20 61 |.../ ."the key a| 00000cb0 6e 64 22 3b 46 4c 24 3b 53 48 24 3b 53 54 24 3b |nd";FL$;SH$;ST$;| 00000cc0 22 6b 65 79 20 74 6f 67 65 74 68 65 72 2e 22 0d |"key together.".| 00000cd0 05 d2 44 20 f1 22 46 6f 72 20 65 78 61 6d 70 6c |..D ."For exampl| 00000ce0 65 2c 20 74 6f 20 6f 62 74 61 69 6e 20 22 22 24 |e, to obtain ""$| 00000cf0 22 22 2c 20 70 72 65 73 73 22 27 46 4c 24 3b 53 |"", press"'FL$;S| 00000d00 48 24 3b 53 54 24 3b 22 61 6e 64 20 22 22 34 22 |H$;ST$;"and ""4"| 00000d10 22 2e 22 0d 05 d7 0e 20 f2 53 48 3a e5 8d 44 6c |".".... .SH:..Dl| 00000d20 47 0d 05 dc 0c 20 f4 20 50 41 52 54 35 0d 05 e6 |G.... . PART5...| 00000d30 25 20 f1 22 50 72 65 73 73 20 74 68 65 22 43 4c |% ."Press the"CL| 00000d40 24 22 6b 65 79 2e 20 54 68 65 20 6c 69 67 68 74 |$"key. The light| 00000d50 73 22 0d 05 f0 1e 20 f1 22 73 68 6f 75 6c 64 20 |s".... ."should | 00000d60 61 6c 6c 20 62 65 20 6f 66 66 20 6e 6f 77 2e 22 |all be off now."| 00000d70 0d 05 fa 38 20 f1 22 59 6f 75 20 61 72 65 20 6e |...8 ."You are n| 00000d80 6f 20 6c 6f 6e 67 65 72 20 6c 6f 63 6b 65 64 20 |o longer locked | 00000d90 69 6e 74 6f 20 63 61 70 69 74 61 6c 22 27 22 6c |into capital"'"l| 00000da0 65 74 74 65 72 73 2e 22 0d 06 04 12 20 f2 53 50 |etters.".... .SP| 00000db0 41 43 45 3a f2 43 4c 45 41 52 0d 06 0e 29 20 f1 |ACE:.CLEAR...) .| 00000dc0 22 53 6d 61 6c 6c 20 6c 65 74 74 65 72 73 20 61 |"Small letters a| 00000dd0 72 65 20 6e 6f 77 20 61 76 61 69 6c 61 62 6c 65 |re now available| 00000de0 2e 22 20 0d 06 18 2a 20 f1 27 22 43 61 70 69 74 |." ...* .'"Capit| 00000df0 61 6c 20 6c 65 74 74 65 72 73 20 61 72 65 20 70 |al letters are p| 00000e00 72 6f 64 75 63 65 64 20 77 68 65 6e 22 0d 06 22 |roduced when".."| 00000e10 31 20 f1 22 79 6f 75 20 70 72 65 73 73 20 61 20 |1 ."you press a | 00000e20 6c 65 74 74 65 72 20 6b 65 79 20 61 6e 64 22 53 |letter key and"S| 00000e30 48 24 27 22 74 6f 67 65 74 68 65 72 2e 22 0d 06 |H$'"together."..| 00000e40 2c 31 20 f1 27 22 46 6f 72 20 65 78 61 6d 70 6c |,1 .'"For exampl| 00000e50 65 2c 20 74 6f 20 67 65 74 22 3b 43 24 3b 22 68 |e, to get";C$;"h| 00000e60 22 3b 57 24 3b 22 70 72 65 73 73 20 48 2e 22 0d |";W$;"press H.".| 00000e70 06 36 34 20 f1 22 54 6f 20 67 65 74 22 3b 43 24 |.64 ."To get";C$| 00000e80 3b 22 48 22 3b 57 24 3b 22 70 72 65 73 73 22 46 |;"H";W$;"press"F| 00000e90 4c 24 3b 53 48 24 3b 53 54 24 3b 22 61 6e 64 20 |L$;SH$;ST$;"and | 00000ea0 48 2e 22 0d 06 3b 08 20 f2 53 48 0d 07 6c 12 20 |H."..;. .SH..l. | 00000eb0 f2 53 50 41 43 45 3a f2 43 4c 45 41 52 0d 07 76 |.SPACE:.CLEAR..v| 00000ec0 29 20 f2 44 42 4c 28 22 54 6f 20 62 65 67 69 6e |) .DBL("To begin| 00000ed0 20 74 68 65 20 74 65 73 74 20 2e 2e 2e 2e 22 2c | the test ....",| 00000ee0 31 30 2c 31 35 29 0d 07 80 0b 20 f2 53 50 41 43 |10,15).... .SPAC| 00000ef0 45 0d 07 d0 10 20 f4 20 50 4c 41 59 20 47 41 4d |E.... . PLAY GAM| 00000f00 45 0d 07 da 12 20 e3 20 43 48 41 52 3d 31 20 b8 |E.... . CHAR=1 .| 00000f10 20 31 30 0d 07 e4 10 20 db 3a f2 50 55 54 53 43 | 10.... .:.PUTSC| 00000f20 4f 52 45 0d 08 0c 34 20 f1 8a 35 2c 35 29 22 50 |ORE...4 ..5,5)"P| 00000f30 61 72 74 20 22 3b 50 41 52 54 3b 22 20 20 20 20 |art ";PART;" | 00000f40 20 51 75 65 73 74 69 6f 6e 20 4e 75 6d 62 65 72 | Question Number| 00000f50 20 22 3b 43 48 41 52 0d 08 16 2c 20 f2 44 42 4c | ";CHAR..., .DBL| 00000f60 28 22 46 69 6e 64 22 2c 31 32 2c 38 29 3a 45 24 |("Find",12,8):E$| 00000f70 3d bd 28 a4 47 45 4e 45 29 3a f2 57 41 49 54 28 |=.(.GENE):.WAIT(| 00000f80 2e 37 29 0d 08 20 1e 20 f2 4b 43 4c 3a f2 44 42 |.7).. . .KCL:.DB| 00000f90 4c 28 45 24 2c 31 37 2c 38 29 3a 53 54 49 4d 3d |L(E$,17,8):STIM=| 00000fa0 91 0d 08 34 1b 20 49 24 3d bf 28 30 29 3a e7 20 |...4. I$=.(0):. | 00000fb0 49 24 3d 22 22 20 8c 20 8d 54 74 48 0d 08 3e 22 |I$="" . .TtH..>"| 00000fc0 20 45 54 49 4d 3d 91 3a 49 41 3d 97 28 49 24 29 | ETIM=.:IA=.(I$)| 00000fd0 3a e7 20 49 41 3c 33 33 20 8c 8d 54 74 48 0d 08 |:. IA<33 ..TtH..| 00000fe0 48 26 20 e7 20 49 41 3e 31 32 32 20 84 20 28 49 |H& . IA>122 . (I| 00000ff0 41 3e 39 30 20 80 20 49 41 3c 39 35 29 20 8c 20 |A>90 . IA<95) . | 00001000 8d 54 74 48 0d 08 52 2e 20 54 49 4d 3d 45 54 49 |.TtH..R. TIM=ETI| 00001010 4d 2d 53 54 49 4d 3a 54 54 49 4d 3d 54 54 49 4d |M-STIM:TTIM=TTIM| 00001020 2b 54 49 4d 3a 54 45 53 54 53 3d 54 45 53 54 53 |+TIM:TESTS=TESTS| 00001030 2b 31 0d 08 5c 0d 20 f2 43 4f 4d 50 41 52 45 0d |+1..\. .COMPARE.| 00001040 08 66 13 20 ed 43 48 41 52 3a f2 57 41 49 54 28 |.f. .CHAR:.WAIT(| 00001050 31 29 0d 08 70 10 20 db 3a f2 50 55 54 53 43 4f |1)..p. .:.PUTSCO| 00001060 52 45 0d 08 98 22 20 f1 8a 31 30 2c 31 30 29 3b |RE..." ..10,10);| 00001070 22 45 6e 64 20 6f 66 20 50 61 72 74 20 22 3b 50 |"End of Part ";P| 00001080 41 52 54 27 0d 08 a2 2c 20 f1 22 50 72 65 73 73 |ART'..., ."Press| 00001090 20 22 22 41 22 22 20 74 6f 20 74 72 79 20 74 68 | ""A"" to try th| 000010a0 69 73 20 74 65 73 74 20 61 67 61 69 6e 2e 22 27 |is test again."'| 000010b0 0d 08 ac 23 20 e7 20 50 41 52 54 3d 35 20 8c 20 |...# . PART=5 . | 000010c0 f1 22 4f 74 68 65 72 77 69 73 65 22 3b 3a e5 8d |."Otherwise";:..| 000010d0 64 40 48 0d 08 b6 33 20 f1 22 49 66 20 79 6f 75 |d@H...3 ."If you| 000010e0 20 77 61 6e 74 20 74 6f 20 6d 6f 76 65 20 6f 6e | want to move on| 000010f0 20 74 6f 20 74 68 65 20 6e 65 78 74 22 27 22 70 | to the next"'"p| 00001100 61 72 74 2c 22 3b 0d 08 c0 1e 20 f1 22 20 70 72 |art,";.... ." pr| 00001110 65 73 73 20 74 68 65 20 52 45 54 55 52 4e 20 6b |ess the RETURN k| 00001120 65 79 2e 22 0d 08 ca 22 20 58 24 3d be 3a e7 20 |ey."..." X$=.:. | 00001130 58 24 3d 22 41 22 20 84 20 58 24 3d 22 61 22 20 |X$="A" . X$="a" | 00001140 8c 20 8d 64 68 43 0d 08 d4 18 20 e7 20 58 24 3c |. .dhC.... . X$<| 00001150 3e 20 bd 28 31 33 29 20 8c 20 8d 64 4a 48 0d 08 |> .(13) . .dJH..| 00001160 de 1f 20 50 41 52 54 3d 50 41 52 54 2b 31 3a e7 |.. PART=PART+1:.| 00001170 20 50 41 52 54 3c 36 20 8c 8d 64 68 43 0d 08 e8 | PART<6 ..dhC...| 00001180 0a 20 e5 8d 64 74 41 0d 0b b8 0e 20 dd f2 43 4f |. ..dtA.... ..CO| 00001190 4d 50 41 52 45 0d 0b c2 36 20 f4 20 43 4f 4d 50 |MPARE...6 . COMP| 000011a0 41 52 45 20 55 53 45 52 20 49 4e 50 55 54 20 28 |ARE USER INPUT (| 000011b0 49 24 29 20 57 49 54 48 20 45 58 50 45 43 54 45 |I$) WITH EXPECTE| 000011c0 44 20 49 4e 50 55 54 28 45 24 29 0d 0b cc 1f 20 |D INPUT(E$).... | 000011d0 f2 44 42 4c 28 22 59 6f 75 20 74 79 70 65 64 20 |.DBL("You typed | 000011e0 22 2b 49 24 2c 39 2c 31 31 29 0d 0b d6 1d 20 e7 |"+I$,9,11).... .| 000011f0 20 45 24 3d 49 24 20 8c 20 52 49 47 48 54 3d 52 | E$=I$ . RIGHT=R| 00001200 49 47 48 54 2b 31 3a 0d 0b e0 0e 20 f2 50 55 54 |IGHT+1:.... .PUT| 00001210 53 43 4f 52 45 0d 0b ea 14 20 e7 20 45 24 3c 3e |SCORE.... . E$<>| 00001220 49 24 20 8c 20 8d 54 5c 4c 0d 0b f4 1d 20 f1 8a |I$ . .T\L.... ..| 00001230 37 2c 31 35 29 22 54 48 41 54 20 49 53 20 43 4f |7,15)"THAT IS CO| 00001240 52 52 45 43 54 22 0d 0b fe 2b 20 f1 8a 36 2c 31 |RRECT"...+ ..6,1| 00001250 37 29 22 59 6f 75 20 74 6f 6f 6b 20 22 3b 54 49 |7)"You took ";TI| 00001260 4d 2f 31 30 30 3b 22 20 73 65 63 6f 6e 64 73 2e |M/100;" seconds.| 00001270 22 0d 0c 08 11 20 f2 57 41 49 54 28 31 2e 35 29 |".... .WAIT(1.5)| 00001280 3a e1 0d 0c 1c 1b 20 f4 2a 2a 20 55 53 45 52 20 |:..... .** USER | 00001290 4d 41 44 45 20 41 4e 20 45 52 52 4f 52 0d 0c 26 |MADE AN ERROR..&| 000012a0 16 20 49 41 3d 97 28 49 24 29 3a 45 41 3d 97 28 |. IA=.(I$):EA=.(| 000012b0 45 24 29 0d 0c 30 42 20 e7 20 ac 28 28 28 45 24 |E$)..0B . .(((E$| 000012c0 3d 22 4f 22 84 45 24 3d 22 6f 22 29 80 49 24 3d |="O".E$="o").I$=| 000012d0 22 30 22 29 84 28 45 24 3d 22 30 22 80 28 49 24 |"0").(E$="0".(I$| 000012e0 3d 22 4f 22 84 49 24 3d 22 6f 22 29 29 29 20 8c |="O".I$="o"))) .| 000012f0 20 8d 74 40 4c 0d 0c 3a 1c 20 f4 43 4f 4e 46 55 | .t@L..:. .CONFU| 00001300 53 45 44 20 30 20 57 49 54 48 20 4f 20 4f 52 20 |SED 0 WITH O OR | 00001310 6f 0d 0c 44 12 20 f2 57 41 49 54 28 32 29 3a f2 |o..D. .WAIT(2):.| 00001320 4b 42 44 0d 0c 4e 15 20 e7 20 45 24 3d 22 30 22 |KBD..N. . E$="0"| 00001330 20 8c 20 45 24 3d 49 24 0d 0c 58 38 20 f1 8a 30 | . E$=I$..X8 ..0| 00001340 2c 31 38 29 22 59 6f 75 20 68 61 76 65 20 63 6f |,18)"You have co| 00001350 6e 66 75 73 65 64 20 74 68 65 20 6c 65 74 74 65 |nfused the lette| 00001360 72 20 22 22 22 45 24 22 22 22 20 77 69 74 68 22 |r """E$""" with"| 00001370 0d 0c 62 1e 20 f1 22 74 68 65 20 64 69 67 69 74 |..b. ."the digit| 00001380 20 7a 65 72 6f 2c 20 22 22 30 22 22 2e 22 0d 0c | zero, ""0""."..| 00001390 6c 17 20 f2 46 4c 30 3a f2 46 4c 4f 3a f2 53 50 |l. .FL0:.FLO:.SP| 000013a0 41 43 45 3a e1 0d 0c 80 31 20 e7 20 ac 20 28 28 |ACE:....1 . . ((| 000013b0 45 24 3d 22 31 22 80 49 24 3d 22 6c 22 29 84 28 |E$="1".I$="l").(| 000013c0 45 24 3d 22 6c 22 80 49 24 3d 22 31 22 29 29 20 |E$="l".I$="1")) | 000013d0 8c 20 8d 64 64 4c 0d 0c 8a 12 20 f2 57 41 49 54 |. .ddL.... .WAIT| 000013e0 28 32 29 3a f2 4b 42 44 0d 0c 94 35 20 f1 8a 30 |(2):.KBD...5 ..0| 000013f0 2c 31 35 29 22 59 6f 75 20 68 61 76 65 20 63 6f |,15)"You have co| 00001400 6e 66 75 73 65 64 20 6c 6f 77 65 72 20 63 61 73 |nfused lower cas| 00001410 65 20 22 22 4c 22 22 20 77 69 74 68 22 0d 0c 9e |e ""L"" with"...| 00001420 18 20 f1 22 74 68 65 20 64 69 67 69 74 20 22 22 |. ."the digit ""| 00001430 31 22 22 2e 22 0d 0c a8 17 20 f2 46 4c 31 3a f2 |1"".".... .FL1:.| 00001440 46 4c 4c 3a f2 53 50 41 43 45 3a e1 0d 0c e4 31 |FLL:.SPACE:....1| 00001450 20 e7 20 ac 20 28 28 45 24 3d 22 49 22 80 49 24 | . . ((E$="I".I$| 00001460 3d 22 31 22 29 84 28 45 24 3d 22 31 22 80 49 24 |="1").(E$="1".I$| 00001470 3d 22 49 22 29 29 20 8c 20 8d 54 56 4d 0d 0c ee |="I")) . .TVM...| 00001480 12 20 f2 57 41 49 54 28 32 29 3a f2 4b 42 44 0d |. .WAIT(2):.KBD.| 00001490 0c f8 35 20 f1 8a 30 2c 31 38 29 22 59 6f 75 20 |..5 ..0,18)"You | 000014a0 68 61 76 65 20 63 6f 6e 66 75 73 65 64 20 74 68 |have confused th| 000014b0 65 20 6c 65 74 74 65 72 20 22 22 49 22 22 20 77 |e letter ""I"" w| 000014c0 69 74 68 22 0d 0d 02 1a 20 f1 22 74 68 65 20 64 |ith".... ."the d| 000014d0 69 67 69 74 22 20 22 22 22 31 22 22 2e 22 0d 0d |igit" """1""."..| 000014e0 0c 17 20 f2 46 4c 31 3a f2 46 4c 49 3a f2 53 50 |.. .FL1:.FLI:.SP| 000014f0 41 43 45 3a e1 0d 0d 16 31 20 e7 20 ac 20 28 28 |ACE:....1 . . ((| 00001500 45 24 3d 22 5f 22 80 49 24 3d 22 2d 22 29 84 28 |E$="_".I$="-").(| 00001510 45 24 3d 22 2d 22 80 49 24 3d 22 5f 22 29 29 20 |E$="-".I$="_")) | 00001520 8c 20 8d 44 48 4d 0d 0d 1b 12 20 f2 57 41 49 54 |. .DHM.... .WAIT| 00001530 28 32 29 3a f2 4b 42 44 0d 0d 20 2e 20 f1 8a 30 |(2):.KBD.. . ..0| 00001540 2c 31 38 29 22 59 6f 75 20 68 61 76 65 20 63 6f |,18)"You have co| 00001550 6e 66 75 73 65 64 20 74 68 65 20 6d 69 6e 75 73 |nfused the minus| 00001560 20 73 69 67 6e 22 0d 0d 2a 2d 20 f1 22 28 62 65 | sign"..*- ."(be| 00001570 6c 6f 77 20 3d 29 2c 20 77 69 74 68 20 74 68 65 |low =), with the| 00001580 20 75 6e 64 65 72 73 63 6f 72 65 20 73 79 6d 62 | underscore symb| 00001590 6f 6c 22 0d 0d 34 12 20 f1 22 28 62 65 6c 6f 77 |ol"..4. ."(below| 000015a0 20 60 29 2e 22 0d 0d 3e 34 20 f1 8a 32 39 2c 34 | `)."..>4 ..29,4| 000015b0 29 3b 46 4c 24 3b 22 5f 22 3b 53 54 24 3b 8a 32 |);FL$;"_";ST$;.2| 000015c0 34 2c 33 29 3b 46 4c 24 3b 22 2d 22 3b 53 54 24 |4,3);FL$;"-";ST$| 000015d0 3a f2 53 50 41 43 45 3a e1 0d 0d 48 08 20 58 3d |:.SPACE:...H. X=| 000015e0 31 0d 0d 52 1d 20 e7 20 49 41 3e 3d 4b 28 58 29 |1..R. . IA>=K(X)| 000015f0 20 8c 20 58 3d 58 2b 31 3a e5 8d 44 52 4d 0d 0d | . X=X+1:..DRM..| 00001600 5c 17 20 53 48 43 4f 4e 3d 28 45 41 2d 49 41 3d |\. SHCON=(EA-IA=| 00001610 44 28 58 29 29 0d 0d 66 0e 20 54 59 50 45 3d 54 |D(X))..f. TYPE=T| 00001620 28 58 29 0d 0d ac 1d 20 f4 20 22 50 41 52 54 22 |(X).... . "PART"| 00001630 20 53 50 45 43 49 46 49 43 20 43 48 45 43 4b 53 | SPECIFIC CHECKS| 00001640 0d 0d b6 26 20 ee 20 50 41 52 54 20 e5 20 8d 64 |...& . PART . .d| 00001650 40 4d 2c 8d 64 5e 4d 2c 8d 54 50 4e 2c 8d 44 42 |@M,.d^M,.TPN,.DB| 00001660 4e 2c 8d 74 48 4e 0d 0d c0 23 20 e7 20 54 59 50 |N,.tHN...# . TYP| 00001670 45 3d 32 20 8c 20 8d 54 7c 4f 3a f4 20 57 52 4f |E=2 . .T|O:. 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