Home » Personal collection » Commodore disks » disk32a_commodore_disk_user_3_7.d64 » n.save-rel
This website contains an archive of files for the Acorn Electron, BBC Micro, Acorn Archimedes, Commodore 16 and Commodore 64 computers, which Dominic Ford has rescued from his private collection of floppy disks and cassettes.
Some of these files were originally commercial releases in the 1980s and 1990s, but they are now widely available online. I assume that copyright over them is no longer being asserted. If you own the copyright and would like files to be removed, please contact me.
Tape/disk: | Home » Personal collection » Commodore disks » disk32a_commodore_disk_user_3_7.d64 |
Filename: | n.save-rel |
Read OK: | ✔ |
File size: | 0AA7 bytes |
Load address: | 0801 |
Exec address: | 0000 |
There is 1 duplicate copy of this file in the archive:
- Arnold website » magazines_cdu » magazines_cdu_cdu307_cdu307.d64 » n.save-rel
- Personal collection » Commodore disks » disk32a_commodore_disk_user_3_7.d64 » n.save-rel
File contents
1 REM "NUDGE" RELOCATER (C)1990 2 REM 3 REM 4 REM PROGRAMMING AND 5 REM DESIGN... JASON FINCH 6 : 7 : 8 : 9 A=A+1:IFA=2THEN12 10 POKE53280,0:POKE53281,0:POKE53265,22:PRINT"<clr><white><shift disable><text mode><cursor down><cursor down><cursor down> ╱╭🭷🭱🭶 🭻🭶🭼🭽🭸♠🭰🭽🭻 - 🭲Y ╰ASON 🭺INCH" 11 PRINT,"<cursor down><cursor down><cursor down><cursor down><cursor left><cursor left>🭾LEASE WAIT: 🭼OADING...":LOAD"N.CODE",8,1 12 PRINT"<clr><cursor down><yellow>":POKE53280,5:POKE53281,11:N=49330 13 SYSN+6,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,7,0,0,5,0,0,0,2,0,0,0,1,1,1:SYSN,1,1 14 PRINT" <reverse on> <rev off>▖ <reverse on> <cursor right> <cursor right><cursor right>▌ <rev off>▌<reverse on>▌ <rev off>▖ ▗<reverse on> <cursor right>▌ <cursor right><cursor right> <rev off>▖ <reverse on> <cursor right> <cursor right><cursor right>▌ <rev off>▌<reverse on>"; 15 PRINT"▌ ▗▄▖ <cursor right> ▗▄▄▄<cursor right>▌ ▗▄▄▄▄<cursor right><cursor right> <rev off>▖ <reverse on> <cursor right> <cursor right><cursor right>▌ <rev off>▌<reverse on>▌ <rev off>▌ <reverse on> <cursor right> <cursor right><cursor right><cursor right><cursor right><cursor right>▌ <rev off>▌" 16 PRINT"<reverse on><cursor right> <rev off>▝<reverse on> <rev off>▖<reverse on> <cursor right> <cursor right><cursor right>▌ <rev off>▌<reverse on>▌ <rev off>▌ <reverse on> <cursor right> <cursor right><cursor right><cursor right><cursor right><cursor right>▌ ▝<rev off>▄▄▄ <reverse on> <rev off> ▝<reverse on> <cursor right> <cursor right><cursor right>▌"; 17 PRINT" <rev off>▌<reverse on>▌ <rev off>▌ <reverse on> <cursor right> <cursor right>▌ <rev off>▌<reverse on>▌ <cursor right><cursor right><cursor right> <rev off> ▝<reverse on> <cursor right> <cursor right><cursor right>▌ <rev off>▌<reverse on>▌ <rev off>▌ <reverse on> <cursor right> <cursor right><rev off>▝<reverse on>"; 18 PRINT"▖ <rev off>▌<reverse on>▌ <rev off>▌"," <reverse on> <cursor right><cursor right><cursor right><rev off>▝<reverse on> <cursor right> <rev off>▖ <reverse on>▘ <rev off>▌<reverse on>▌ <rev off>▌ ▗<reverse on> <cursor right> <rev off>▖ <reverse on>▘ <rev off>▌<reverse on>▌ <rev off>▌" 19 PRINT" <reverse on> <cursor right><cursor right><cursor right><cursor right> <cursor right>▖ <rev off>▘<reverse on>▌ ▗<cursor right>▖ <rev off>▘<reverse on>▌ <cursor right><cursor right>▄▄<cursor right><cursor right><cursor right><cursor right>▄▄<cursor right><cursor right>▄▄▄▄<rev off>▘ ▝<reverse on>▄▄▄"; 20 PRINT"▄▄<cursor right><cursor right><cursor right>▄▄▄▄<rev off>▘ ▝<reverse on>▄▄▄▄▄▄","<cursor down><cursor down><cursor down><pink><rev off> ♠N ADAPTATION OF ♥CREEN ♥LIDER" 21 PRINT" PUBLISHED BY 🭸🭷╭ IN ╲ARCH 1990","<cursor down><cursor down><cursor down><white> 🭾ROGRAMMING AND 🭷ESIGN BY"; 22 PRINT" ╰ASON 🭺INCH<cursor down><cursor down><cursor down>",,"<light blue> 🭸OPYRIGHT 🭸🭷╭ 1990<cursor up><cursor up><cursor up><cursor up><cursor up><cursor up><cursor up><cursor up><cursor up><cursor up><cursor up><cursor up><cursor up>" 23 PRINT,"<reverse on><light green><cursor left><cursor left><cursor left> ♥♠╳🭶🭻/🭻🭶🭼🭽🭸♠🭰🭽🭻 🭾🭻🭽🭱🭻♠╲ ":SYSN+3,1:FORT=1TO2500:NEXT:SYSN+6,255 24 SYSN+3,9:PRINT"<clr>":SYSN,0,0 25 PRINT"<clr><yellow><cursor down><cursor right>╱╭🭷🭱🭶 ♥♠╳🭶🭻/🭻🭶🭼🭽🭸♠🭰🭽🭻",," 🭲Y ╰ASON 🭺INCH<cursor down><cursor down><cursor down><cursor down>" 26 PRINT"<light blue> 🭶NTER START ADDRESS OR PAGE NUMBER"," (╭SE '$' PREFIX FOR HEXADECIMAL)" 27 PRINT"<cursor down><cyan> :";:OPEN1,0:INPUT#1,A$:CLOSE1:PRINT:A=VAL(A$):IFLEFT$(A$,1)<>"$"THEN30 28 A$=MID$(A$,2):A=0:IFA$=""THEN26 29 FORI=1TOLEN(A$):Z=ASC(MID$(A$,I,2))-48:A=A*16+Z+(Z>9)*7:NEXT 30 IFA<256THENA=A*256:GOTO35 31 IF(A>2047ANDA<39937)OR(A>49151ANDA<52225)THEN33 32 PRINT"<cursor down><cursor down><cursor down><pink> ** ╳ALUE OUT OF DESIGNATED RANGES **":FORT=1TO1500:NEXT:GOTO25 33 IFA/256=INT(A/256)THEN35 34 PRINT"<cursor down><cursor down><cursor down><pink> ** ╳ALUE NOT DIVISIBLE BY 256 **":FORT=1TO1500:NEXT:GOTO25 35 PRINT"<cursor down><cursor down><cursor down><white> ♥TART ADDRESS:<light gray>"A:PRINT"<cursor down><white> 🭸ALL ADDRESS: <light gray>"A+178 36 PRINT"<cursor down><white> 🭾AGE NUMBER: <light gray>"A/256:PRINT"<cursor down><cursor down><cursor down><pink> ♠LL 🭽╯? [🭵/╱]":POKE198,0 37 GETA$:IFA$="N"THEN25 38 IFA$<>"Y"THEN37 39 PRINT"<cursor up><orange> 🭾LEASE WAIT... 🭻ELOCATING CODE":PG=A/256:GOSUB48 40 F$=MID$(STR$(A+178),2):PRINT" ♥AVING CODE AS "CHR$(34)"╱╭🭷🭱🭶"F$CHR$(34) 41 OPEN15,8,15,"I":INPUT#15,A,A$,B,C:CLOSE15:IFA>0THEN45 42 OPEN2,8,1,"NUDGE"+F$+",P,W":PRINT#2,CHR$(0)CHR$(PG);:FORI=0TO855 43 PRINT#2,CHR$(PEEK(49152+I));:NEXT:CLOSE2:PG=192:GOSUB48 44 OPEN15,8,15:INPUT#15,A,A$,B,C:CLOSE15:IFA=0THEN25 45 PRINT"<cursor up><cursor up><pink> ** 🭷╮♥╯ 🭶🭻🭻🭽🭻 ╱O."MID$(STR$(A),2)" ** " 46 PRINT" <cursor up><cursor right><cursor right>"A$" @"B"<cursor left>,"C 47 FORT=1TO1500:NEXT:PG=192:GOSUB48:GOTO25 48 RESTORE:FORI=0TO90:READN:POKE49152+INT(N/4),PG+(NAND3):NEXT:RETURN 49 DATA721,733,744,820,856,868,932,952,964,1044,1093,1112,1136,1219,1228,1265 50 DATA1276,1329,1361,1373,1385,1397,1433,1445,1457,1471,1480,1517,1553,1573 51 DATA1585,1597,1624,1647,1657,1676,1688,1723,1741,1760,1788,1817,1929,1945 52 DATA1962,2056,2113,2192,2254,2264,2298,2310,2342,2409,2426,2514,2526,2537 53 DATA2564,2608,2621,2632,2660,2688,2724,2736,2752,2764,2812,2824,2860,2913 54 DATA2945,2964,2976,3011,3024,3037,3048,3060,3080,3092,3106,3117,3145,3321 55 DATA3341,3361,3393,3405,3417
' � "NUDGE" RELOCATER (C)1990 - � 3 � J � PROGRAMMING AND p � DESIGN... JASON FINCH v : | : � : � A�A�1:�A�2�12 � �53280,0:�53281,0:�53265,22:�"� ����� �������� - �Y �ASON �INCH"