Home » Personal collection » Commodore disks » disk32a_commodore_disk_user_3_7.d64 (51 files; 149.68 kB / 170.00 kB)

disk32a_commodore_disk_user_3_7.d64 (51 files; 149.68 kB / 170.00 kB)

This website contains an archive of files for the Acorn Electron, BBC Micro, Acorn Archimedes, Commodore 16 and Commodore 64 computers, which Dominic Ford has rescued from his private collection of floppy disks and cassettes.

Some of these files were originally commercial releases in the 1980s and 1990s, but they are now widely available online. I assume that copyright over them is no longer being asserted. If you own the copyright and would like files to be removed, please contact me.

These files have been digitised from original 1541 disks by Dominic Ford in 2022-3. They are exact replicas of the original disk media from the author's private collection.
The files below are intended to run on: Commodore 64 / Commodore 16.

Disk images

Original media images
Media scan
Media scan

Filename Status File
File hash Duplicates
00FE 58e9a18f 432
* * 00FE 58e9a18f 432
**************** 00FE 58e9a18f 432
*64 owners type* 00FE 58e9a18f 432
*cdu - may 1990* 00FE 58e9a18f 432
*vol 3 number 7* 00FE 58e9a18f 432
animate.mc 0E00 0000C000 e11ed0c2 1
charex_high 0703 0f4e745e 1
charex_low 0703 13140ecb 1
chars 00A8 00003A08 08665917 1
compression 1C69 00000801 4d35a38a 1
crunch_decr.mc 0492 0f63e9f8 1
decrunch.mc 01D0 0000CD00 fac6b13f 1
designer offsets 1ABF 00000801 5d884097 1
file copier 04E0 0000CB20 d48beaaa 17
getchar.mc 061A 0000C600 c28f144b 1
hires animator 0ECE 00000801 a8f39103 1
maze generator 1004 00000801 733e95b7 1
maze.basic 098F 00000801 8939b288 1
maze.mc 0267 0000CD78 9c25c35e 1
maze.memorychk 0260 00000801 7b97fef7 1
menu 0AB9 00000801 3bf57f9b 1
n.code 0358 0000C000 b17b275a 1
n.graphics 2A89 00009577 64bc6322 1
n.save-rel 0AA7 00000801 b4aa45c3 1
nudge 0FC5 00000801 cd2c3e5a 1
p.code 035D 0000C000 186a0852 1
plat.bas 1740 00000801 1088e5f6 1
plat.mc 0F9D 00008000 f524c8a7 1
pointers 139F 00000801 0e053ae9 1
prob1 06D1 00000801 cb513d1e 1
prob2 0154 0000C000 101352b5 1
prob2.1 14A2 00000801 dac48914 1
rotatron 4A44 00000801 81a9d336 1
screen 5 087B 00004000 25b7b70c 1
screen designer 192E 00000801 241cd10a 1
screens 0056 00000801 aebf2f51 1
screens mc 0400 0000C7D0 1edf2ff0 1
spdriver.bas 21F6 00000801 c3213c58 1
spdriver.mc 099D 0000C000 9892a8ca 1
sprite driver 00D8 00000801 fa182e5e 1
sprite file 1 0540 00004000 a2fbbcab 1
sprites 1780 00001FC0 7b5d6918 1
techno tip 0064 0000C000 196e69ef 1
test1 .anm 4008 00008000 336192dc 1
text compression 012F 00000801 076590d8 1
window wiper 06EA 00000801 1ab449cf 1
wiper chrs 0200 00003800 3452b929 1
wiper mc 04FF 0000C000 b29e487d 1
wiper win1 03E8 00004000 bd49d6ac 1
wiper win2 03E8 00004000 1bed68f3 1

Directory listing
0 "cdu-vol3-no7-may" 90 2a
11    "menu"              prg 
0     "                "  usr 
0     "****************"  usr 
0     "*              *"  usr 
0     "*cdu - may 1990*"  usr 
0     "*vol 3 number 7*"  usr 
0     "*              *"  usr 
0     "****************"  usr 
0     "                "  usr 
0     "****************"  usr 
0     "*              *"  usr 
0     "*64 owners type*"  usr 
0     "*load'menu',8,1*"  usr 
0     "*              *"  usr 
0     "****************"  usr 
0     "                "  usr 
0     "                "  usr 
1     "sprite driver"     prg 
26    "screen designer"   prg 
35    "spdriver.bas"      prg 
24    "plat.bas"          prg 
1     "chars"             prg 
16    "plat.mc"           prg 
5     "crunch/decr.mc"    prg 
10    "spdriver.mc"       prg 
2     "decrunch.mc"       prg 
24    "sprites"           prg 
7     "getchar.mc"        prg 
9     "screen 5"          prg 
0     "                "  usr 
8     "charex/low"        prg 
8     "charex/high"       prg 
0     "                "  usr 
75    "rotatron"          prg 
0     "                "  usr 
2     "text compression"  prg 
29    "compression"       prg 
0     "                "  usr 
1     "screens"           prg 
5     "screens mc"        prg 
0     "                "  usr 
7     "window wiper"      prg 
6     "wiper mc"          prg 
3     "wiper chrs"        prg 
4     "wiper win1"        prg 
4     "wiper win2"        prg 
0     "                "  usr 
17    "maze generator"    prg 
10    "maze.basic"        prg 
3     "maze.mc"           prg 
3     "maze.memorychk"    prg 
0     "                "  usr 
16    "nudge"             prg 
11    "n.save-rel"        prg 
4     "n.code"            prg 
43    "n.graphics"        prg 
0     "                "  usr 
20    "pointers"          prg 
4     "p.code"            prg 
0     "                "  usr 
0     "                "  usr 
15    "hires animator"    prg 
27    "designer offsets"  prg 
15    "animate.mc"        prg 
6     "sprite file 1"     prg 
65    "test1      .anm"   prg 
0     "                "  usr 
5     "file copier"       prg 
0     "                "  usr 
7     "prob1"             prg 
2     "prob2"             prg 
21    "prob2.1"           prg 
1     "techno tip"        prg 
46 blocks free.

D64 image MD5 hash: 03d5c230cc23a53a9e491f12345b1e80

                111111 11112
     01234567 89012345 67890
  1  .******. ...***** *....
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