Home » Personal collection » Commodore disks » disk26a_geos_backup.d64 (12 files; 126.38 kB / 170.00 kB)

disk26a_geos_backup.d64 (12 files; 126.38 kB / 170.00 kB)

This website contains an archive of files for the Acorn Electron, BBC Micro, Acorn Archimedes, Commodore 16 and Commodore 64 computers, which Dominic Ford has rescued from his private collection of floppy disks and cassettes.

Some of these files were originally commercial releases in the 1980s and 1990s, but they are now widely available online. I assume that copyright over them is no longer being asserted. If you own the copyright and would like files to be removed, please contact me.

These files have been digitised from original 1541 disks by Dominic Ford in 2022-3. They are exact replicas of the original disk media from the author's private collection.
The files below are intended to run on: Commodore 64 / Commodore 16.

Disk images

Original media images
Media scan

Filename Status File
File hash Duplicates
CALCULATOR 0FBC 69290517 1
NOTE PAD 1394 7d626bbe 1
PHOTO MANAGER 28D5 12b45946 1
cALIFORNIA 02FA 25d14489 2
cOMMODORE 02FA 2145f3bf 2
cORY 02FA aa578e13 2
dWINELLE 02FA b6181654 2
desk top 7780 91e98065 5
geopaint 9767 e27093f8 2
geowrite 8C98 5d8e5a50 2
rOMA 02FA 7c6bed8b 2
uNIVERSITY 02FA 3895bdde 2

Directory listing
0 "aPPLICATIONS    " jd 2a
120   "desk top"          usr 
141   "geowrite"          usr 
152   "geopaint"          usr 
41    "PHOTO MANAGER"     usr 
15    "CALCULATOR"        usr 
19    "NOTE PAD"          usr 
40    "uNIVERSITY"        usr 
7     "cOMMODORE"         usr 
23    "cORY"              usr 
34    "rOMA"              usr 
13    "dWINELLE"          usr 
26    "cALIFORNIA"        usr 
31 blocks free.

D64 image MD5 hash: 99ae2b596d78416089e45e143cf0b954

                111111 11112
     01234567 89012345 67890
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