Home » Recent acquisitions » Acorn ADFS disks » adfs_AcornUser_199512_2.adf » !Regulars (59 files; 558.94 kB)

!Regulars (59 files; 558.94 kB)

This website contains an archive of files for the Acorn Electron, BBC Micro, Acorn Archimedes, Commodore 16 and Commodore 64 computers, which Dominic Ford has rescued from his private collection of floppy disks and cassettes.

Some of these files were originally commercial releases in the 1980s and 1990s, but they are now widely available online. I assume that copyright over them is no longer being asserted. If you own the copyright and would like files to be removed, please contact me.

These files have been digitised from original 3.5-inch ADFS disks by Dominic Ford in 2022-4. They are exact replicas of the original disk media from the author's private collection.
The files below are intended to run on: Acorn Archimedes.
Filename Status File
Timestamp File hash Duplicates
icon !Help 0211 Text (FFF) 14 Nov 1995 11:13 555b1573 0
icon !Run 00D5 Obey (FEB) 19 Jul 1995 10:07 009ce11a 0
icon !Sprites 0374 Sprite (FF9) 14 Nov 1995 11:13 2e691bce 0
icon Regulars
icon Regulars/Free
77C6 Text (FFF) 27 Jul 2024 23:41 b3878a4c 0
icon Regulars/RuntheRisc
icon Regulars/RuntheRisc/AKA12tst
0348 BASIC (FFB) 25 Oct 1995 22:25 50ffab45 0
icon Regulars/RuntheRisc/Riff
icon Regulars/RuntheRisc/Riff/ReadMe
0641 Text (FFF) 25 Oct 1995 22:25 97e959a1 1
icon Regulars/RuntheRisc/Riff/!Riff
icon Regulars/RuntheRisc/Riff/!Riff/!Help
0641 Text (FFF) 25 Oct 1995 22:18 97e959a1 1
icon Regulars/RuntheRisc/Riff/!Riff/!Run
011A Obey (FEB) 25 Oct 1995 22:18 3a539e1f 0
icon Regulars/RuntheRisc/Riff/!Riff/!RunImage
1DF1 BASIC (FFB) 20 Dec 1994 22:23 7542fc2d 0
icon Regulars/RuntheRisc/Riff/!Riff/!Sprites
02E0 Sprite (FF9) 25 Oct 1995 22:18 7ecd7863 0
icon Regulars/StarInfo/Fernando
icon Regulars/StarInfo/Fernando/IronFile2
1372 BASIC (FFB) 18 Jul 1991 13:09 ae02c2c1 0
icon Regulars/StarInfo/Fernando/IronFile3
12E3 BASIC (FFB) 18 Jul 1991 13:10 4a0179ec 0
icon Regulars/StarInfo/Miskin/!Today
icon Regulars/StarInfo/Miskin/!Today/!Boot
0097 Obey (FEB) 19 Aug 1994 19:20 cd0c9740 0
icon Regulars/StarInfo/Miskin/!Today/!Help
21AE Text (FFF) 13 Apr 1995 12:02 f02677dd 0
icon Regulars/StarInfo/Miskin/!Today/!Run
0095 Obey (FEB) 21 Aug 1994 17:23 f14ee293 0
icon Regulars/StarInfo/Miskin/!Today/!RunImage
4FF8 Absolute (FF8) 27 Jul 2024 23:41 01592da4 0
icon Regulars/StarInfo/Miskin/!Today/!Sprites
030C Sprite (FF9) 25 May 1992 22:51 7eebf5ff 0
icon Regulars/StarInfo/Miskin/!Today/Docs
icon Regulars/StarInfo/Miskin/!Today/Docs/PC
1574 Text (FFF) 9 Jun 1991 17:53 f27b295e 0
icon Regulars/StarInfo/Miskin/!Today/Docs/RISCOS-V1
05B1 Text (FFF) 30 Aug 1990 19:28 c5d1c866 0
icon Regulars/StarInfo/Miskin/!Today/TodayData
icon Regulars/StarInfo/Miskin/!Today/TodayData/apr
4D88 Text (FFF) 27 Jul 2024 23:41 126c857c 0
icon Regulars/StarInfo/Miskin/!Today/TodayData/aug
2910 Text (FFF) 15 Aug 1994 13:23 919573ea 0
icon Regulars/StarInfo/Miskin/!Today/TodayData/dec
1FA0 Text (FFF) 28 Jun 1991 13:41 b925d0e9 0
icon Regulars/StarInfo/Miskin/!Today/TodayData/feb
81C3 Text (FFF) 27 Jul 2024 23:41 06f96756 0
icon Regulars/StarInfo/Miskin/!Today/TodayData/jan
67A9 Text (FFF) 27 Jul 2024 23:41 07bd0063 0
icon Regulars/StarInfo/Miskin/!Today/TodayData/jul
2C90 Text (FFF) 1 Jul 1991 16:19 c5992859 0
icon Regulars/StarInfo/Miskin/!Today/TodayData/jun
24BE Text (FFF) 30 Jun 1991 21:34 fe92a0c1 0
icon Regulars/StarInfo/Miskin/!Today/TodayData/mar
96EF Text (FFF) 27 Jul 2024 23:41 5631ec10 0
icon Regulars/StarInfo/Miskin/!Today/TodayData/may
2B78 Text (FFF) 26 May 1992 09:40 6e4fc7f1 0
icon Regulars/StarInfo/Miskin/!Today/TodayData/nov
2931 Text (FFF) 9 Jun 1991 17:35 0ff8eac4 0
icon Regulars/StarInfo/Miskin/!Today/TodayData/oct
18D5 Text (FFF) 13 Aug 1994 09:28 627e4f8a 0
icon Regulars/StarInfo/Miskin/!Today/TodayData/own
0352 Text (FFF) 18 Jul 1995 14:30 82b84c89 0
icon Regulars/StarInfo/Miskin/!Today/TodayData/sep
A5A8 Text (FFF) 27 Jul 2024 23:41 e8404dff 0
icon Regulars/StarInfo/Music/Adamson
icon Regulars/StarInfo/Music/Adamson/SANSDAY_MI
096F MIDI (FD4) 7 Jun 2101 07:10 70271e37 0
icon Regulars/StarInfo/Music/Adamson/SEEAMID_MI
145E MIDI (FD4) 1 Jan 2028 02:16 d5ad70b0 0
icon Regulars/StarInfo/Music/Adamson/SILENTNT_M
0F28 MIDI (FD4) 8 Jun 1994 20:24 5af1844e 0
icon Regulars/StarInfo/Music/Adamson/SUSSEX_MID
0DCD MIDI (FD4) 1 Jan 2028 05:05 e0453537 0
icon Regulars/StarInfo/Music/Adamson/UNTOUS_MID
0948 MIDI (FD4) 1 Jan 2028 01:45 ea5430ac 0
icon Regulars/StarInfo/Music/Adamson/WE3KING2_M
12CE MIDI (FD4) 1 Jan 2028 02:02 1be7aa74 0
icon Regulars/StarInfo/Music/Adamson/WHILSHEP_M
057E MIDI (FD4) 8 Jun 1994 20:27 0048b455 0
icon Regulars/StarInfo/Music/Rowe
17340 10B 29 May 1994 19:35 fb96f537 0
icon Regulars/StarInfo/Music/Rowe/PDdiscs
00B5 Text (FFF) 30 Oct 1995 18:53 29961298 0
icon Regulars/StarInfo/Seery
04A8 Make (FE1) 28 May 1995 16:46 a2ea3986 0
icon Regulars/StarInfo/Seery/fittapes
418F Absolute (FF8) 26 Oct 1995 20:09 96d568af 0
icon Regulars/StarInfo/Seery/testdata
02CB Text (FFF) 28 May 1995 16:22 56833c10 0
icon Regulars/StarInfo/Seery/c
icon Regulars/StarInfo/Seery/c/core
1B75 Text (FFF) 26 May 1995 21:11 0295d2f4 0
icon Regulars/StarInfo/Seery/c/fit
2826 Text (FFF) 28 May 1995 16:46 33ec2b51 0
icon Regulars/StarInfo/Seery/c/lex
15BE Text (FFF) 28 May 1995 15:39 cd2b02d3 0
icon Regulars/StarInfo/Seery/c/parser
2304 Text (FFF) 28 May 1995 15:39 7b70455d 0
icon Regulars/StarInfo/Seery/c/phrase
B678 Text (FFF) 28 May 1995 15:30 12e91581 0
icon Regulars/StarInfo/Seery/grammar
icon Regulars/StarInfo/Seery/grammar/desc
06E7 Text (FFF) 28 May 1995 15:30 269e827d 0
icon Regulars/StarInfo/Seery/grammar/phrase
0DDA Text (FFF) 28 May 1995 15:29 e0739383 0
icon Regulars/StarInfo/Seery/h
icon Regulars/StarInfo/Seery/h/fittapes
0AD2 Text (FFF) 28 May 1995 15:28 5a4ddc5d 0
icon Regulars/StarInfo/Seery/h/parser
0348 Text (FFF) 26 May 1995 14:40 765ccf52 0
icon Regulars/StarInfo/Vibe
icon Regulars/StarInfo/Vibe/BLACKHOLE
0440 BASIC (FFB) 13 Mar 1995 19:43 9739fbdb 0
icon Regulars/StarInfo/Vibe/GATE
0249 BASIC (FFB) 6 Mar 1995 23:02 abef4fa7 0
icon Regulars/StarInfo/Vibe/PLANT
03D5 BASIC (FFB) 6 Mar 1995 20:26 83c409ec 0
icon Regulars/StarInfo/Vlietinck
icon Regulars/StarInfo/Vlietinck/3DSwarm
40C2 BASIC (FFB) 11 Mar 1995 11:56 16e384d1 0
icon Regulars/StarInfo/Vlietinck/AntiAlias
0D3E BASIC (FFB) 12 Mar 1995 17:10 a1e21d83 0
icon Regulars/StarInfo/Vlietinck/Hyperline
0EE4 BASIC (FFB) 11 Mar 1995 12:21 cfaccd17 0