Home » Personal collection » Commodore disks » disk60a2_geos_disk_1.d64 (47 files; 142.39 kB / 170.00 kB)

disk60a2_geos_disk_1.d64 (47 files; 142.39 kB / 170.00 kB)

This website contains an archive of files for the Acorn Electron, BBC Micro, Acorn Archimedes, Commodore 16 and Commodore 64 computers, which Dominic Ford has rescued from his private collection of floppy disks and cassettes.

Some of these files were originally commercial releases in the 1980s and 1990s, but they are now widely available online. I assume that copyright over them is no longer being asserted. If you own the copyright and would like files to be removed, please contact me.

These files have been digitised from original 1541 disks by Dominic Ford in 2022-3. They are exact replicas of the original disk media from the author's private collection.
The files below are intended to run on: Commodore 64 / Commodore 16.

Disk images

Original media images
Media scan

Filename Status File
File hash Duplicates
1526 0494 66b9dd75 4
ALARM CLOCK 0DD4 c2bb14a6 4
PAD COLOR MGR 1631 4d8a3701 1
PREFERENCE MGR 16C4 2a9adf9d 4
bLUEcHIP m120 044E a6ae2110 4
c.iTOH 8510 0498 6a24062b 4
c.iTOH 8510a 04B2 9518b087 1
cOMM. cOMPAT. 04CF dedb4ee5 4
comm 1351 0302 3201818b 4
comm 1351(A) 034A c02cc2c2 4
configure 4D72 fef4c4ee 4
desk top 7780 ef0334da 4
disk copy 12EB 00000801 33c3518d 4
ePSON fx-80 044D bd5bfdc2 4
ePSON jx-80 0594 455032e4 1
ePSON mx-80 0459 c35d9920 4
gEMINI 10X 046E beef4964 4
geos 02FA 00000110 cbf94d8b 4
geos boot 06A7 00006000 3c4d4f08 4
geos kernal 575B 489af215 1
hp lASERJET 0793 4a0a23f6 4
iMAGEwRITER 06F8 86543161 1
iMAGEwRITER ii 0839 b48505f7 1
ibm 5152+ 046D 8ad6d1dc 4
inkwell 035F 2e7b3866 4
joystick 0376 6a87d58d 4
koala pad 0364 f3af3725 4
lASERwRITER 2.1 0580 bac677f5 1
mps 1200 0449 abe59aef 4
mps-1000 053E 84a6645e 4
mps-801 04F5 191834f0 4
nx-1000 rAINBOW 0591 fddc5d14 4
oKI 120 0501 20fb0a84 1
oKI 120 nlq 0503 59c38ef0 1
oKI ml-92_93 04A5 b91d39e8 4
oKIMATE 10 06A2 98b9b0d9 1
oKIMATE 20 05C5 388d188c 4
oLIVETTI pr2300 049D 0b391f34 4
paint drivers 1276 4511ba24 2
rITEMAN c+ 0445 4c7742ab 4
rboot 02FA 00000110 cc1e7846 4
sCRIBE 07F4 494f7328 4
sTAR nb-15 0470 dd3db05a 4
sTAR nl-10(COM) 0463 16632cfb 4
sTAR nx-10 044B 55f2de33 4
sTAR nx-10c 0449 3c66712d 4
sTAR sg-10_15 044E 45c8e97f 4

Directory listing
0 "sYSTEM          " lj 2a
2     "geos"              prg<
6     "geos boot"         prg<
91    "geos kernal"       usr<
120   "desk top"          usr 
3     "joystick"          usr 
4     "cOMM. cOMPAT."     usr 
78    "configure"         usr 
22    "PREFERENCE MGR"    usr 
22    "PAD COLOR MGR"     usr 
13    "ALARM CLOCK"       usr 
18    "paint drivers"     usr 
2     "rboot"             prg 
19    "disk copy"         prg 
4     "bLUEcHIP m120"     usr 
4     "c.iTOH 8510"       usr 
4     "c.iTOH 8510a"      usr 
4     "ePSON fx-80"       usr 
5     "ePSON jx-80"       usr 
4     "ePSON mx-80"       usr 
4     "gEMINI 10X"        usr 
7     "hp lASERJET"       usr 
4     "ibm 5152+"         usr 
7     "iMAGEwRITER"       usr 
8     "iMAGEwRITER ii"    usr 
4     "mps-801"           usr 
5     "mps-1000"          usr 
4     "mps 1200"          usr 
5     "oKI 120"           usr 
5     "oKI 120 nlq"       usr 
4     "oKI ml-92/93"      usr 
6     "oKIMATE 10"        usr 
5     "oKIMATE 20"        usr 
4     "oLIVETTI pr2300"   usr 
4     "rITEMAN c+"        usr 
8     "sCRIBE"            usr 
4     "sTAR nb-15"        usr 
4     "sTAR nl-10(COM)"   usr 
4     "sTAR nx-10"        usr 
4     "sTAR nx-10c"       usr 
5     "nx-1000 rAINBOW"   usr 
4     "sTAR sg-10/15"     usr 
4     "1526"              usr 
5     "lASERwRITER 2.1"   usr 
3     "comm 1351(A)"      usr 
3     "koala pad"         usr 
3     "inkwell"           usr 
3     "comm 1351"         usr 
108 blocks free.

D64 image MD5 hash: b8b2551b12f5e46262e09275e4ab3266

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