Home » Personal collection » Commodore disks » disk30a2_loadstar_131.d64 (38 files; 155.85 kB / 170.00 kB)

disk30a2_loadstar_131.d64 (38 files; 155.85 kB / 170.00 kB)

This website contains an archive of files for the Acorn Electron, BBC Micro, Acorn Archimedes, Commodore 16 and Commodore 64 computers, which Dominic Ford has rescued from his private collection of floppy disks and cassettes.

Some of these files were originally commercial releases in the 1980s and 1990s, but they are now widely available online. I assume that copyright over them is no longer being asserted. If you own the copyright and would like files to be removed, please contact me.

These files have been digitised from original 1541 disks by Dominic Ford in 2022-3. They are exact replicas of the original disk media from the author's private collection.
The files below are intended to run on: Commodore 64 / Commodore 16.

Disk images

Original media images
Media scan
Media scan

Filename Status File
File hash Duplicates
! 0145 00000100 6ace347f 155
all sprites 0900 00003700 66b1f66a 3
b.hires skeleton 030A 00000801 82847907 0
c_d printer 1474 3364bf49 0
copier 1305 00000801 f32d301e 9
driver 0034 00003020 d57c8102 0
duo.opts 0030 00003120 238a2cde 0
features 074C 00008000 a01023a6 4
files on side 1 008A 655cbe14 0
hello connect 0276 00000801 93e53f07 7
hires c000-ca48 0A49 0000C000 9c1188ba 0
hires font 0800 00007000 6c8acde7 0
hires skeleton 0BD6 00001001 fa4533ca 0
hires.shp 0913 00004000 5a880329 3
intro.shp 0EAF 00004000 9e487f1a 0
loadstar reader 0E3E 00000801 e0300eaf 4
ls briefs 3F06 00000801 34266d9c 0
ls settings 0015 00000000 30c60df6 4
machine 2FCB 00000801 494c0348 0
menubox c000 0F52 0000C000 5bf8cc10 1
music 052F 000006B2 1b12f987 4
p.ars magna 05A2 00008000 2d46838a 0
p.credits_war 0E13 2184c01b 0
p.diskovery 131 1FEA 00008000 cf9a9357 0
p.forum 131 2747 00008000 9afd39c2 0
p.hires skeleton 2762 00008000 ddcfed5f 0
p.ls briefs 0F7B 00008000 cd41075e 0
p.menu toolbox 1 1F6D 00008000 a5abf2c0 0
p.menu toolbox 2 1489 00008000 5d5af617 0
p.naniskad 131 0F1B 00008000 f12d6a90 0
p.soapbox 131 04DE 00008000 e11a95f4 0
p.tokens 1740 00008000 ec27d824 0
presenter 4B8E 00000801 5559a358 4
run me for help 0192 00000801 b8a60549 0
star 025A 00000801 14de69a0 0
t.contents 131 0CA0 00008000 0e7d1dac 0
text printer 1A13 00000801 7dd6f0ff 0
unpacker.89 0147 0000C900 d7d234b3 68

Directory listing
0 "loadstar 131 s-1" s1 2a
2     "!"                 prg 
3     "star"              prg 
3     "hello connect"     prg 
2     "run me for help"   prg 
77    "presenter"         prg 
8     "features"          prg 
1     "ls settings"       prg 
2     "unpacker.89"       prg 
6     "music"             prg 
15    "intro.shp"         prg 
20    "copier"            prg 
15    "loadstar reader"   prg 
1     "files on side 1"   seq 
1     "................"  prg 
13    "t.contents 131"    prg 
33    "p.diskovery 131"   prg 
5     "p.soapbox 131"     prg 
40    "p.forum 131"       prg 
15    "p.credits/war"     prg 
64    "ls briefs"         prg 
49    "machine"           prg 
27    "text printer"      prg 
21    "c/d printer"       prg 
1     "driver"            prg 
16    "p.ls briefs"       prg 
1     "................"  prg 
24    "p.tokens"          prg 
1     "................"  prg 
4     "b.hires skeleton"  prg 
12    "hires skeleton"    prg 
11    "hires c000-ca48"   prg 
10    "hires.shp"         prg 
9     "hires font"        prg 
10    "all sprites"       prg 
40    "p.hires skeleton"  prg 
1     "................"  prg 
16    "menubox c000"      prg 
32    "p.menu toolbox 1"  prg 
21    "p.menu toolbox 2"  prg 
1     "................"  prg 
6     "p.ars magna"       prg 
16    "p.naniskad 131"    prg 
1     "duo.opts"          prg 
13 blocks free.

D64 image MD5 hash: aa121ce5a5df491aa8979232243ac461

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