Home » Personal collection » Commodore disks » disk34b_commodore_world_7.d64 (32 files; 158.46 kB / 170.00 kB)

disk34b_commodore_world_7.d64 (32 files; 158.46 kB / 170.00 kB)

This website contains an archive of files for the Acorn Electron, BBC Micro, Acorn Archimedes, Commodore 16 and Commodore 64 computers, which Dominic Ford has rescued from his private collection of floppy disks and cassettes.

Some of these files were originally commercial releases in the 1980s and 1990s, but they are now widely available online. I assume that copyright over them is no longer being asserted. If you own the copyright and would like files to be removed, please contact me.

These files have been digitised from original 1541 disks by Dominic Ford in 2022-3. They are exact replicas of the original disk media from the author's private collection.
The files below are intended to run on: Commodore 64 / Commodore 16.

Disk images

Original media images
Media scan
Media scan

Filename Status File
File hash Duplicates
1aa 21FC 0000E707 838c283c 0
1ab 1D96 00000303 b277acfd 0
1ac 5B1A 00009123 65de3b44 0
1ad 109D 00004607 bc0fe056 0
1ca 00B4 00003200 85e97c8a 0
1cb 00AE 00002700 f92a2a8b 0
1cc 00B4 00003200 bdde1bc2 0
1cd 013E 00002D00 ac606f4e 0
1ce 0056 00003400 742ff254 0
1cf 0147 00004400 ca84ccaf 0
1cg 007D 00002700 d2dab02c 0
1ch 00B8 00003700 bc77fbbd 0
1ci 0500 00001000 c4aeed73 0
1cx 01C0 0000BD01 3ecbd8f0 0
1cz 0069 00006600 657623b2 0
1ge 07BC 00005806 bac4af5a 0
1gj 00B1 00005000 3f324c45 0
1gl 00BA 00003B00 7f6f72af 0
1gr 0A36 0000AC08 9c62c6db 0
1xa 0D42 00003F0D 9cfdfc3d 0
1xb 1331 00002E13 fb351e03 0
1xc 1536 00003315 8937fa2b 0
1xd 145B 00005814 194c3826 0
1xe 1778 00007517 fe1acd2b 0
1xf 19F6 0000F319 09dc79e4 0
1xg 1496 00009314 ae0fcb8d 0
1xh 19AD 0000AA19 930ef1e1 0
domino bros pt2 5A43 00000801 9f356472 0
faxdemodocs 1D80 608d20e8 0
geofaxdemo 2EC0 f9468a34 0
sword of honour- 073F 00000801 780360b2 0
walkerz preview 566D 00000801 0e30a6dc 0

Directory listing
0 "commodore world!" 00007
46    "geofaxdemo"        usr<
29    "faxdemodocs"       usr<
0     "................"  del<
8     "sword of honour-"  prg<
0     "................"  del<
88    "walkerz preview "  prg<
0     "................"  del<
91    "domino bros pt2 "  prg<
0     "................"  del<
1     "1ca"               prg<
1     "1cb"               prg<
1     "1cc"               prg<
2     "1cd"               prg<
1     "1ce"               prg<
2     "1cf"               prg<
1     "1cg"               prg<
1     "1ch"               prg<
2     "1cx"               prg<
1     "1cz"               prg<
8     "1ge"               prg<
1     "1gj"               prg<
1     "1gl"               prg<
11    "1gr"               prg<
14    "1xa"               prg<
20    "1xb"               prg<
22    "1xc"               prg<
21    "1xd"               prg<
24    "1xe"               prg<
27    "1xf"               prg<
21    "1xg"               prg<
26    "1xh"               prg<
6     "1ci"               prg<
35    "1aa"               prg<
30    "1ab"               prg<
17    "1ad"               prg<
92    "1ac"               prg<
11 blocks free.

D64 image MD5 hash: 9d34a8fa5c7fc4b0e11dd4570c7098cd

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