Home » Personal collection » Commodore disks » disk23a_geos_printer_drivers.d64 (96 files; 135.53 kB / 170.00 kB)

disk23a_geos_printer_drivers.d64 (96 files; 135.53 kB / 170.00 kB)

This website contains an archive of files for the Acorn Electron, BBC Micro, Acorn Archimedes, Commodore 16 and Commodore 64 computers, which Dominic Ford has rescued from his private collection of floppy disks and cassettes.

Some of these files were originally commercial releases in the 1980s and 1990s, but they are now widely available online. I assume that copyright over them is no longer being asserted. If you own the copyright and would like files to be removed, please contact me.

These files have been digitised from original 1541 disks by Dominic Ford in 2022-3. They are exact replicas of the original disk media from the author's private collection.
The files below are intended to run on: Commodore 64 / Commodore 16.

Disk images

Original media images
Media scan

Filename Status File
File hash Duplicates
1526 0494 3f95aacd 0
8510a (gc) 04CE 67740598 0
ascii oNLY 0306 6be3eaab 0
bLUEcHIP (gc) 045E 81ded6ec 0
bLUEcHIP m120 044E db6e8b53 0
c.iTOH 8510 0498 0e83ecc5 0
c.iTOH 8510 (gc) 04AD 28f72267 0
c.iTOH 8510 d.s. 04B7 f8007beb 0
c.iTOH 8510 q.s. 04DC 8c9d03c1 0
c.iTOH 8510a 04B2 0b9a32ec 0
c.iTOH d.s. (gc) 04CA 013029c1 0
c.iTOH q.s. (gc) 04EF 1decb621 0
c.iTOH red. 0566 ffae4627 0
c.iTOH red.(gc) 0589 c4617bdf 0
cOMM. cOMPAT. 04CF 8b478dc0 0
ePSON fx-80 044D 8033557b 0
ePSON fx-80 (gc) 045E cf82714b 0
ePSON fx-80 ds 0471 91220986 0
ePSON fx-80 qs 0485 f5d289ae 0
ePSON jx-80 0594 268ad0e4 0
ePSON jx-80 (gc) 05A9 8289b398 0
ePSON lq (gc) 04ED deee0628 0
ePSON lq-1500 04C9 ef979a94 0
ePSON lx-80 0468 2ed25427 0
ePSON mx-80 0459 2eeb1f7a 0
ePSON mx-80 (gc) 046E 0bb614be 0
ePSON red. 050F e0edaf1e 0
ePSON red.(gc) 0532 1e700240 0
fx-80 ds (gc) 0491 0bfce6ff 0
fx-80 qs (gc) 04A5 03dad156 0
gEMINI 10X 046E 45a9f8b2 0
gEMINI 10X (gc) 0483 0fd92d45 0
gEMINI ds 0475 fd79f4d1 0
gEMINI ds (gc) 04A5 754dffa1 0
gEMINI qs 0486 b8396bd2 0
gEMINI qs (gc) 04B6 aacaf514 0
iMAGEwRITER 06F8 754bd723 0
iMAGEwRITER ii 0839 87b9e112 0
iMAGEwRITERds 071B d8ab3377 0
iMAGEwRITERqs 0740 b0df4d22 0
iMwRTR ii ds 072F 3657c49d 0
iMwRTR ii qs 0754 08b5d408 0
ibm 5152+ 046D e183d000 0
ibm 5152+ (gc) 0481 499e5080 0
ibm 5152+ ds 047A 95c08596 0
ibm 5152+ qs 0489 18050b64 0
ibm ds (gc) 04A4 27c87973 0
ibm qs (gc) 04B3 422f849c 0
lASERjET (gc) 0687 578a5769 0
lASERjET par. 065E 6a409b12 0
lASERjET ser. 07E7 f0f6583d 0
lASERwRITER 2.1 0591 3140d0ba 0
lw_bACON 02FA be8cd230 0
lw_gIANNINI 02FA fb73fe70 0
lw_hAVILAND 02FA 8b9f28aa 0
lw_pIEDMONT 02FA 282177f0 0
mps 1200 0449 c44b61c7 0
mps 1200 qs 0488 4d4062a0 0
mps-1000 053E d3a71bd8 0
mps-1200 ds 0479 f80e55bf 0
mps-801 04F5 449ae217 0
mps-803 052D 27a6deb0 0
nx-10 ds (gc) 0497 73f60529 0
nx-10 qs (gc) 04AB efbddb86 0
nx-1000 rAINBOW 0591 b5eb5552 0
oKI 120 0501 8e690e53 0
oKI 120 nlq 0503 8e0c8a2a 0
oKI ml-92_93 04A5 853b08f5 0
oKI ml-92_93 (gc 04BA 240c2534 0
oKIMATE 10 06A2 2a79b939 0
oKIMATE 20 05C5 604c9d05 0
oLIVETTI pr2300 049D 9da17e1c 0
p351sx (gc) 05DD 651df829 0
pal iMGwRTR 06FD efb7812b 0
pal iMGwRTR ii 0809 6b39a0ed 0
pal iMGwRTRds 071B 29bbb2b1 0
pal iMGwRTRqs 0740 52198a7b 0
pal iMwRTRiids 0731 e0df0b19 0
pal iMwRTRiiqs 0756 9e87e2df 0
pal lASERwRITER 0591 d9996fd3 0
pal lSRjT ser 07E7 fbead75d 0
pr2300 (gc) 04B7 6f2579cc 0
rITEMAN c+ 0445 5b27501c 0
read me 35F1 1fbcae1a 0
sCRIBE 0826 28e7e4d1 0
sTAR nb-15 0470 b07fe7f2 0
sTAR nb-15 (gc) 0486 1e2da8fe 0
sTAR nl-10(COM) 0463 e0676a10 0
sTAR nx-10 044B 1a41a04a 0
sTAR nx-10 (gc) 0460 d1f38b43 0
sTAR nx-10 ds 0476 267e63e0 0
sTAR nx-10 qs 048A f5049cd6 0
sTAR nx-10c 0449 3b6131ed 0
sTAR sg-10 (gc) 0460 86a87117 0
sTAR sg-10_15 044E 9c8d33ab 0
tOSHIBA p351sx 05BB 664cf5a4 0

Directory listing
0 "bsw pRINTdRIVERS" ck 2a
54    "read me"           usr 
4     "1526"              usr 
3     "ascii oNLY"        usr 
4     "bLUEcHIP m120"     usr 
4     "c.iTOH 8510"       usr 
4     "c.iTOH 8510 d.s."  usr 
4     "c.iTOH 8510 q.s."  usr 
4     "c.iTOH 8510a"      usr 
5     "c.iTOH red."       usr 
4     "cOMM. cOMPAT."     usr 
4     "ePSON fx-80"       usr 
4     "ePSON fx-80 ds"    usr 
4     "ePSON fx-80 qs"    usr 
5     "ePSON jx-80"       usr 
4     "ePSON lq-1500"     usr 
4     "ePSON lx-80"       usr 
4     "ePSON mx-80"       usr 
5     "ePSON red."        usr 
4     "gEMINI 10X"        usr 
4     "gEMINI ds"         usr 
4     "gEMINI qs"         usr 
4     "ibm 5152+"         usr 
4     "ibm 5152+ ds"      usr 
4     "ibm 5152+ qs"      usr 
7     "iMAGEwRITER"       usr 
7     "iMAGEwRITERds"     usr 
7     "iMAGEwRITERqs"     usr 
8     "iMAGEwRITER ii"    usr 
7     "iMwRTR ii ds"      usr 
7     "iMwRTR ii qs"      usr 
6     "lASERjET par."     usr 
7     "lASERjET ser."     usr 
5     "lASERwRITER 2.1"   usr 
4     "mps-801"           usr 
5     "mps-803"           usr 
5     "mps-1000"          usr 
4     "mps 1200"          usr 
4     "mps-1200 ds"       usr 
4     "mps 1200 qs"       usr 
5     "nx-1000 rAINBOW"   usr 
5     "oKI 120"           usr 
5     "oKI 120 nlq"       usr 
4     "oKI ml-92/93"      usr 
6     "oKIMATE 10"        usr 
5     "oKIMATE 20"        usr 
4     "oLIVETTI pr2300"   usr 
4     "rITEMAN c+"        usr 
8     "sCRIBE"            usr 
4     "sTAR nb-15"        usr 
4     "sTAR nl-10(COM)"   usr 
4     "sTAR nx-10"        usr 
4     "sTAR nx-10 ds"     usr 
4     "sTAR nx-10 qs"     usr 
4     "sTAR nx-10c"       usr 
4     "sTAR sg-10/15"     usr 
5     "tOSHIBA p351sx"    usr 
4     "bLUEcHIP (gc)"     usr 
4     "c.iTOH 8510 (gc)"  usr 
4     "c.iTOH d.s. (gc)"  usr 
4     "c.iTOH q.s. (gc)"  usr 
4     "8510a (gc)"        usr 
5     "c.iTOH red.(gc)"   usr 
4     "ePSON fx-80 (gc)"  usr 
4     "fx-80 ds (gc)"     usr 
4     "fx-80 qs (gc)"     usr 
5     "ePSON jx-80 (gc)"  usr 
4     "ePSON lq (gc)"     usr 
4     "ePSON mx-80 (gc)"  usr 
5     "ePSON red.(gc)"    usr 
4     "gEMINI 10X (gc)"   usr 
4     "gEMINI ds (gc)"    usr 
4     "gEMINI qs (gc)"    usr 
4     "ibm 5152+ (gc)"    usr 
4     "ibm ds (gc)"       usr 
4     "ibm qs (gc)"       usr 
6     "lASERjET (gc)"     usr 
4     "nx-10 ds (gc)"     usr 
4     "nx-10 qs (gc)"     usr 
4     "oKI ml-92/93 (gc"  usr 
5     "p351sx (gc)"       usr 
4     "pr2300 (gc)"       usr 
4     "sTAR nb-15 (gc)"   usr 
4     "sTAR nx-10 (gc)"   usr 
4     "sTAR sg-10 (gc)"   usr 
7     "pal iMGwRTR"       usr 
7     "pal iMGwRTRds"     usr 
7     "pal iMGwRTRqs"     usr 
8     "pal iMGwRTR ii"    usr 
7     "pal iMwRTRiids"    usr 
7     "pal iMwRTRiiqs"    usr 
5     "pal lASERwRITER"   usr 
7     "pal lSRjT ser"     usr 
35    "lw_hAVILAND"       usr 
45    "lw_bACON"          usr 
43    "lw_gIANNINI"       usr 
45    "lw_pIEDMONT"       usr 
8 blocks free.

D64 image MD5 hash: f3699a97759a43bd07241e5246f0f3fa

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