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?lite (58 files; 418.13 kB)

This website contains an archive of files for the Acorn Electron, BBC Micro, Acorn Archimedes, Commodore 16 and Commodore 64 computers, which Dominic Ford has rescued from his private collection of floppy disks and cassettes.

Some of these files were originally commercial releases in the 1980s and 1990s, but they are now widely available online. I assume that copyright over them is no longer being asserted. If you own the copyright and would like files to be removed, please contact me.

These files have been digitised from an original 80MB Acorn Archimedes ADFS hard disk by Dominic Ford in 2022-3. They are exact replicas of files in the author's private collection.
The files below are intended to run on: Acorn Archimedes.

Disk images

Filename Status File
Timestamp File hash Duplicates
icon Gisburne 011C Type C87 (C87) 26 May 1995 06:35 fcd0129e 1
icon Gisburne2 011C Type C87 (C87) 24 Sep 1996 07:28 af66ee75 0
icon Jameson 011C Type C87 (C87) 19 Nov 1991 13:06 1ce8958e 1
icon Keystrip 1920 DrawFile (AFF) 22 Jun 1995 10:24 864bcc45 1
icon !?lite
icon !?lite/!Boot
0181 Obey (FEB) 25 Dec 1994 11:51 f61018ce 0
icon !?lite/!Run
059A Obey (FEB) 31 May 1995 09:08 c8d3ad3f 1
icon !?lite/!Sprites
0F28 Sprite (FF9) 13 Sep 1991 15:43 1f43f75b 1
icon !?lite/CLockUtils
0238 Module (FFA) 22 May 1995 12:25 cf1c390f 1
icon !?lite/Choices
0014 Data (FFD) 6 Mar 1997 08:27 8497a40a 0
icon !?lite/Messages
09FA Text (FFF) 31 May 1995 11:43 01e1fe8e 1
icon !?lite/Sprites
0B54 Sprite (FF9) 4 Oct 1991 01:46 d42f0db1 1
icon !?lite/Templates
0879 Template (FEC) 8 Oct 1991 20:02 8dfab8bd 1
icon !?lite/?lite
37EA0 Absolute (FF8) 31 May 1995 12:01 f926856a 1
icon !?lite/Sounds
icon !?lite/Sounds/ELexplode
3470 Module (FFA) 25 Aug 1991 22:57 c1983fb5 1
icon !?lite/Sounds/ELlaser
15A5 Module (FFA) 26 Sep 1991 11:08 89380798 1
icon !?lite/Sounds/ELmystic
0F1A Module (FFA) 26 Sep 1991 11:06 83d470f0 1
icon !?lite/Sounds/ELsiren
1800 Module (FFA) 25 Aug 1991 22:59 7e19dcf4 1
icon !?lite/Sounds/ELwoosh
1ECD Module (FFA) 13 Sep 1991 16:17 0379e310 1
icon !?lite/Sounds/LoadSounds
019F Obey (FEB) 9 Oct 1991 03:11 e231650c 1
icon Manual
icon Manual/0?Index
03E4 Text (FFF) 23 May 1995 06:30 baf2d2e8 1
icon Manual/1?Loading
185A Text (FFF) 23 May 1995 06:19 7d499011 1
icon Manual/2?Intro
033D Text (FFF) 23 May 1995 05:40 de483682 1
icon Manual/3?CobraIII
2C65 Text (FFF) 23 May 1995 05:45 375e6e61 1
icon Manual/4?Flying
0EEB Text (FFF) 23 May 1995 06:02 76e43ecf 1
icon Manual/5?Combat
1672 Text (FFF) 23 May 1995 06:08 e720d5fd 1
icon Manual/6?Stations
0C71 Text (FFF) 23 May 1995 06:32 46bbdd55 1
icon Manual/7?Trading
0ECD Text (FFF) 23 May 1995 06:13 aa6d04f8 1
icon Manual/8?Environs
0B6F Text (FFF) 23 May 1995 06:15 8dabe13b 1
icon Manual/9?Others
199C Text (FFF) 23 May 1995 06:18 7d328cbb 1
icon MoreBits/Commanders/Galaxys1-8
icon MoreBits/Commanders/Galaxys1-8/1Santaari
011C Type C87 (C87) 8 Oct 1991 03:03 1c7c30ff 0
icon MoreBits/Commanders/Galaxys1-8/2Colesque
011C Type C87 (C87) 8 Oct 1991 02:55 e4a1bd00 0
icon MoreBits/Commanders/Galaxys1-8/3Lara'tan
011C Type C87 (C87) 8 Oct 1991 02:56 a26c309e 0
icon MoreBits/Commanders/Galaxys1-8/4Angiana
011C Type C87 (C87) 8 Oct 1991 02:57 0b85c84a 0
icon MoreBits/Commanders/Galaxys1-8/5Proximus
011C Type C87 (C87) 8 Oct 1991 02:58 a9d88b11 0
icon MoreBits/Commanders/Galaxys1-8/6Sol
011C Type C87 (C87) 8 Oct 1991 03:00 39c2dee7 0
icon MoreBits/Commanders/Galaxys1-8/7Jaftra
011C Type C87 (C87) 8 Oct 1991 03:01 fc58fae5 0
icon MoreBits/Commanders/Galaxys1-8/7giles
011C Type C87 (C87) 5 Dec 1992 10:03 ab4586e8 0
icon MoreBits/Commanders/Galaxys1-8/8Xrata
011C Type C87 (C87) 8 Oct 1991 03:02 e8dcfc83 0
icon MoreBits/Commanders/Galaxys1-8/8martin
011C Type C87 (C87) 20 May 1997 05:19 9979a084 0
icon MoreBits/Commanders/Galaxys1-8/ROBIN
011C Type C87 (C87) 26 Nov 1996 09:29 4475e3bb 0
icon MoreBits/Commanders/Missions/Genesis
icon MoreBits/Commanders/Missions/Genesis/1Maxedeeso
011C Type C87 (C87) 8 Oct 1991 00:30 d0e88428 0
icon MoreBits/Commanders/Missions/Medicine
icon MoreBits/Commanders/Missions/Medicine/1Mateus
011C Type C87 (C87) 8 Oct 1991 00:32 08b96923 0
icon MoreBits/Commanders/Missions/Z_Pino
icon MoreBits/Commanders/Missions/Z_Pino/1Tiises
011C Type C87 (C87) 8 Oct 1991 00:32 6db07b6a 0
icon MoreBits/Commanders/Missions/Zartid
icon MoreBits/Commanders/Missions/Zartid/1Inines
011C Type C87 (C87) 8 Oct 1991 00:33 ab783935 0
icon MoreBits/Develop
icon MoreBits/Develop/SUPERB
BA94 Absolute (FF8) 29 Jan 1991 10:51 148240a8 0
icon MoreBits/Develop/!NewText
icon MoreBits/Develop/!NewText/!Run
0016 Obey (FEB) 19 Aug 1991 21:59 e9c0dcd7 0
icon MoreBits/Develop/!NewText/!RunImage
029A BASIC (FFB) 25 Aug 1991 19:15 232911ca 1
icon MoreBits/Develop/!NewText/!Sprites
0218 Sprite (FF9) 19 Aug 1991 21:58 8cf16e93 0
icon MoreBits/Develop/!NewText/DisplayTxt
029A BASIC (FFB) 25 Aug 1991 18:44 232911ca 1
icon MoreBits/Develop/!NewText/Letters
1510 Sprite (FF9) 25 Aug 1991 19:18 89f9baa0 0
icon MoreBits/Develop/!NewText/Letters8
15D0 Sprite (FF9) 25 Aug 1991 19:12 c55e40df 0
icon MoreBits/Notes
icon MoreBits/Notes/Ideas
23E2 Text (FFF) 28 Jun 1995 08:20 3c61b703 0
icon MoreBits/Notes/Module
300F Text (FFF) 1 Oct 1991 16:04 ddffd684 0
icon MoreBits/Notes/Patterns
0670 Text (FFF) 28 Jun 1995 08:21 b896dd83 0
icon MoreBits/Notes/Missions
icon MoreBits/Notes/Missions/Genesis
049C Text (FFF) 7 Oct 1991 06:49 4c897a38 0
icon MoreBits/Notes/Missions/Medicine
07E2 Text (FFF) 7 Oct 1991 07:08 cd9ad2fb 0
icon MoreBits/Notes/Missions/Pino
0A25 Text (FFF) 7 Oct 1991 20:24 ca059ce9 0
icon MoreBits/Notes/Missions/Zartid
057D Text (FFF) 7 Oct 1991 06:49 a5fc5ef3 0